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This year will make it ten years being in the industry and I can honestly say only two women have offered me paid positions which I feel bothers me alot because I am always willing to put someone in a position to make money The jobs that I have gained where all because of me It’s emotionally draining most of the times because it makes me feel like my peers and even some of my mentors really didn’t want to see me get to the next level

What would you say your true splendor is in your life? My children without them I would not be the women I am today. lot of that to survive in entertainment. Would you like to describe a moment- where you felt like your life change for the better?


I believe it’s when I took the chance and left Georgia to come back to New York City my hometown to purse my dreams in fashion. If there’s one thing you wanted to tell your younger self that only your older self as large what would it be? Stop shopping and invest in a clothing store

What would your chains be in life and how did you break out of it? My family I thought I needed them to do things but I learn everything is instilled inside you. I am never afraid to start over. I will move to another city In a heartbeat.

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