Leap Magazine Volume 1 Issue 5 December 2019

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Set the mood

with lighting

Today we worked on mood lighting. My favorite part was being in Ms. Torres room because there were more opportunities and options for great lighting. I took the shot of Patrick. The hardest part was you moving (focusing point) it to one side it would automatically go to the other side of your viewfinder. These were things that were fun and difficult about working with the multi-selector button. Yeiliris Martinez

Yeiliris Martinez

Kayla Robinson

“Moving my multi-selector button. It was the difficult part because when I moved the focusing point to far left, it moved to the far right. Or when it was in the middle it goes in all directions. But everything else was simple. This was my experience with working with the Canon.� Brayan Bravo

Brayan Bravo

“In most things like phones and other devises that can record photos, it was easier to take certain photos. That’s why it was harder to get the lighting right on some of the photos. I wasn’t use to having to half-click on the shutter button to get it right. One work-around I found was to switch from auto lighting, to manual lighting to help with that. Regardless, it was still a little tough.” Nicholas Ortega

“Each photo does convey a clear message, which is the emotion of sad. Because in each photo it has some dark mood lighting. And the person in the photo looks sad and depressed. My favorite part is taking photos of different people. My least favorite part was when I was moving the focusing point because it was hard to put it on the lightest part to get dark lighting from the photo. “Janelle Asare


I think the photos got better from last time. The reason is because I used my f stops and the shutter speed more than I did on Monday. Also, I put my model in an area where I can get the most Depth of Field. The top photo is better than the bottom because of the light factor.

“When you use a shallow depth of field, your subject can stand out from the background. This happens when your subject in extremely sharp, and the background gets blurry. This shows how using depth of field gives you a better shot.� Sophia Rodriguez



“The shadows unbalance the photo. I got rid of it by using a device called a reflector and diffuser. The diffuser takes some of light away evening out the shadows and light. The reflector filled in the light to the shadow areas. The shadows don’t show in the photo after we used the reflector.” Leilani Adorno Photo by Joshua Santigo



ISO helps with controlling how the photo is either pixelated, noisy, or blurry. It also controls the light sensitivity in the environment you are shooting in. You can control the ISO using the main control dial. In a case where over using ISO a few things can go wrong. One, It can make your photo appear to be noisy/ pixelated When under using your ISO, your photo comes out blurry. Nicholas Ortega






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