LEAP Magazine Volume 2 issue 2

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When I was taking photos it felt a bit difficult. For example, the bees photos. The bees photos were a bit hard to take since the bees kept flying around. It was fun taking the photos of flowers and bees. I tried taking photos of butterflies on plants but they were moving to quickly.

My experience at Wave Hill was fantastic. There were so many beautiful plants. I also got to see bumblebees and butterflies flying around. Mr.Bailey wanted me to pet a bumblebee but I said no. Not only is it beautiful but its also a peacful environment. - Emily Luna

When I was taking photos I felt like it was fun and when you take pictures of like butterflies or bees it can be difficult to capture them in the photo because they move a lot. I liked taking pictures in the park because you can take photos of almost anything.

When I was taking photos it felt a bit difficult. For example, the bees photos. The bees photos were a bit hard to take since the bees kept flying around. It was fun taking the photos of flowers and bees. I tried taking photos of butterflies on plants but they were moving to quickly.

When I was taking photos it felt a bit difficult. For example, the bees photos. The bees photos were a bit hard to take since the bees kept flying around. It was fun taking the photos of flowers and bees. I tried taking photos of butterflies on plants but they were moving to quickly. Sarah

I thought it was fun taking these photos. It was fun because the environment was really pretty and especially the desert plants. I thought they were pretty cool, but the tropical plants were too. I think all the plants we saw today were really pretty so it was fun. I also learned a little bit more on how to use the multi selector button to focus on the plants/flowers. Isabella

My experience of taking photos of plants is pretty hard because you have to get the perfect angle so that the pictures can look good.The plants were very beautiful and they were all unique. Using the multi selector button made it easier to take photos of the plants. Lissie

My photos are similar to Gordon Parks because their capturing a moment .Also their black and white and they have a back story .It’s also capturing something that might never happen . Also really good to take photos like this to look back to. Thats why our work looks similar. Felix

The similarities between taking close up shots of faces and still lifes is that your taking a picture of someone or something. The difference of taking close up shots of faces and still lifes is that your taking a photo of a person and is not faking any poses and is acting or being natural in the photo-Lissie

The difference between taking close up shots of still lifes and close up shots of faces is that when you have a still life, the still life doesnt move so you can do different angles and its easier to focus. My favorite photo that I took for todays class is the third photo.(the biggest one)

The difference between taking close up shots of still lifes and close up shots of faces is that when you have a still life, the still life doesnt move so you can do different angles and its easier to focus.

The difference between taking close up shots of faces and still lifes is that still lifes are still. They do not move but faces/ bodies do. The similarities may be that when you are taking the photos, it isnt moving. Not like a video. The still life doesnt move when you look in the photo nor does the person. My favorite shot is the middle one because i think it looks really good because you can see her head and up to her ribcage and I like her face expression even though you cant exactly see it because of the mask but her eyes makes it really nice.

The only thing you have to worry about is taking a good shot. The difference of taking a picture of a close up shot of a face is that the target could move or blink. The simularities are that you have to take a picture of both and decide how to do it.

Working with the understanding of Steve McCurry’s exposure helped with my photos because it helped what kind of lighting I should try to do and how much headspace I should leave and where I should cut off the photo.

The exposure helped know when the my lighting was too bright or when it was too dark. A long with that I had forgotten my left to right and my other photos came out too dark which pains me oh so much.


Scholars were challenged to create their own three page magazine. The skills that the scholars had to obtain it in order to do this project was to learn how to create content matter, take photos, work on page layouts and to finish their creations in Canva.

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