1 minute read
The world of taking your camera with you
The importance of the 50mm lens
So when I was starting out, I heard of this thing called the nifty 50 challenge. It’s where you basically get your DSLR camera and buy a 50 mm lens. From there, you take your camera out for 50 days only using a 50 mm lens and take photos of people, places, and things that peek your interest. Now in this challenge, you could actually do it in black-and-white or color. It really doesn’t matter. However, the ideal is to get used to using a lens that requires you to either move, close or far away due to the fact that you cannot zoom. It is also designed to open up your mind to the world around you. The ideal of being creative enough to look for something that most people do not see or take for granted in an ordinary day in this world. The 50 mm lens is known for its sharpness, and great abilities to do portraitures. The greatness of this lens comes from the fact that the front glass is not that far away from the processor, which makes some of the most clearest shots you can take.
In this challenge it will force you to work o on wide angle, panoramic view shots, as well as close-ups. In the beginning of my photography career, this was great because I had issues with taking creative wide angle shots. While walking around I set my camera to raw and concentrated on high contrast, black and white shots. Which meant that I had to look for the appropriate light. Here are some of the shots that I have taken.