Edition 11 July Aug 2015

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Bad Dog




Infinite Possibilities

Evolving Perception of Massage

Community Happenings





Bellingham Vol. 2 Edition #5



Inspiring the mind, body and spirit


July/August 2015

Blind Spots By Kerri Burnside

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” -Anaïs Nin I grew up playing in the sun. I was fortunate in that my mother took my siblings and me to either Lake Whatcom or Lake Padden what seemed like almost every nice day during the summer while I was growing up. We would spend all day swimming and playing on the beach. We all got very tan by the end of the summer. I frequently had other children ask me why my skin got so dark or what was I. I would shrug my shoulders and answer with a sophisticated “I dunno.” I noticed that my cousins, aunts and uncles also would have rather dark skin by the end of the summer. One day while visiting my grandmother I inquired about this subject. She told me a beautiful story about my great-great-great grandmother who was an Indian princess. I loved the story of my ancestry and also had an answer for why I got so much darker than other children . I re-told the story many times growing up. Years later while in high school, my mother over heard me telling the story to a friend who was complaining to me that it was unfair that I tanned so easily. My mom

laughed and said, “that’s not true.” I still remember the cascading emotions and confusion. I had grown up believing that my family had Native American ancestry. I never questioned this story. I took it as a fact. It was an implicit belief and had shaped part of my identity! This was my first recollection of a major paradigm shift. While technically a paradigm shift is used in science and defined as a change in the basic assumptions or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science by Thomas Kuhn in his book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The term paradigm shift has slipped into mainstream

and come to a higher or new level of understanding. My paradigm shift may not have been earth shattering with implications that changed the world, but the experience did shatter a belief system that I was not conscious that I had. It was one of those ‘aha moments’ that are difficult to adequately describe with words. I realized that I can’t believe everything that I think. I started questioning what am I blind to? This opened the door to exploring what my beliefs are and are those beliefs even real or were they just handed down to me Photo Art by Lissa Clear Zfrom my family or culture? How often have I taken on society. I really like this a belief or opinion because definition of a paradigm from the book, What the Bleep do We someone that I respected Know? by co-authors William shared the same sentiment? Arntz, Besty Chasse and Mark The deeper beauty was that it Vicente. “A paradigm is like open the door to my freedom. a theory, but a little different. I get to decide what is true for me.

“I realized that I can’t believe everything that I think.”

A theory is an idea that sets out to explain how something works, like Darwin’s theory of evolution . It is meant to be tested, proved or disproved, supported or challenged by experiment and reflection. A paradigm, on the other hand, is a set of implicit assumptions that are not meant to be tested; in fact they Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Chronic Pain are essentially unconscious. “Floating is Like Hitting They are part of our modus The Reset Button On Your Life” operandi as individuals, as scientists, or as a society.” A 360-224-7320 paradigm shift outside of the By Appointment Only www.afloattherapy.com scientific community is when we disprove an unconscious Mention this Ad for $10 off your next float at Afloat assumption or belief system

We can see paradigm shifts occurring currently with the Pope issuing his statements to take better care of the environment, legalization of cannabis in Washington and of same sex marriage in United States. While two of the three were not new ways of thinking for myself, I can see the wave of mixed reactions across our nation. Change can be uncomfortable and frightening. Everyone’s ability to deal with the inevitable reality of change varies from person to person. I implore you to be open to the possibility that your viewpoints might change over time. Unearth some of those hidden unconscious beliefs and test them to see if they really are true and, more importantly, are they true Continued on page 14


Letter From the Publishers

In This Issue...

“I am looking for a lot of men who receive weekly emails that will have infinite capacity to not know keep you inspired on a regular what can’t be done” ~Henry Ford basis. We came across this quote while researching paradigm shifts, which happens to be the theme for this edition. This quote sums up how we created the Bellingham Muse as two people with no professional journalistic experience or training. Completing our mission of uniting a wellness community and sharing that wealth of knowledge with the general public was more important to us than whether or not we had the technical knowhow. Here we are almost two years later, and we are happy to hear that the Muse is well received by our readers. We are still continuing to learn and grow, and we thank you for joining us on this journey. We love your feedback and only grow from your constructive criticisms. Email us your feedback at support@ bellinghammuse.com or come see us in person on July 25th at the Mind, Body, Spirit Fair at the Center for Spiritual Living (2224 Yew St Road). You can also visit us online at www.BellinghamMuse.com or on Facebook. We encourage you to sign up on our mailing list to Alana Simler is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Pilates Instructor. As well as owning and running a successful massage practice for 20 years, she has instructed massage therapy at Ashmead School of Massage and Whatcom Community College.

Speaking of our website... have you been on our B’Mused page? 1 Here you can listen to the 7 podcasts we’ve created and the ones we recommend. Check out 9 “Have you Heard” on page 9 to read the latest podcast review by 12 Joel Simler. ~Kerri and Alana

Bellingham Muse


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Blind Spots Meet the Beast Here Be Montsters *Have You Heard... Bad Dog Rewriting the Marriage Contract *If I Ran the Zoo

A big heart felt thank you to all our wonderful contributors and volunteers! Contributing Writers: Mel Damski, Eric Johnson, Sarah Murphy-Kangas, Maureen Kelly, Pete Johnson, Joel Simler, Alana Simler, Kerri Burnside, Dan Martin, Christine Sessler, Kevin Walder, Aurora, Travis Callendar, Sunshine Givens, Michelle Jefferson Editing: Ashlie Simmons, Joel Simler, Leslie Williams


Distribution: Toni and Wendell Simler, Ashlie Simmons, Mel Damski, Debbie Burnside, Heather Dalhberg, Leslie Williams, Gayle Salisbury, Michelle Whittaker, Diana Pepper, Pete Johnson, Chris Sessler, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Mystical Winds Events Graphic Artist/Web Design and Support: Lissa Clear, Kerri Burnside, Alana Simler, Pete Johnson Co-Publishers: Kerri Burnside and Alana Simler

Kerri Burnside is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy Instructor . Her background is in public speaking and teaching leadership courses in the corporate environment. She now teaches classes which focus on centering yourself in the present moment, and leading a stress free authentically empowered life. The Bellingham Muse is a free independent bi-monthly (every other month) wellness magazine and is locally owned by Kerri Burnside and Alana Simler. All of our articles present different ideas, thoughts and topics that you may or may not know about. We do not wish to tell you what to do or how to think. Instead our goal is to help you find the road to fulfillment and happiness that is right for you. We do not have preference for any particular way, but instead want to make it easy for our readers to find all the opportunities available in our beautiful community. Not all views expressed in the articles represent the opinions of the Bellingham Muse. All material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without consent from the publishers. We encourage readers to enjoy, take, share and recycle our papers. Back editions are available for $1 per copy. All articles including past editions can be found online at www.bellinghammuse.com. For questions please email support@bellinghammuse.com or call (360) 612-2277.

Spirit Plant Medicine *Sattvic Planet


Bug Off!


The Evolving Perception of Massage *Optimal You


Hidden Messages Within Your Voice - Finding Balance Through Sound

Contributing Photographers: Lissa Clear, Alana Simler, Sarah Murphy-Kangas, Kerri Burnside, Leslie Williams Cartoonist: Madison Tiller




Infinite Possibilities


Meditation is Activism

this and that


Letter From the Publishers


Inspiring the Muse


The Kitchen Muse


A’Mused (comic and puzzles)


Vedic Astrology


Consulting the Cards




Directory of Services *Regular Running Column

Visit our website at www. bellinghammuse.com to view all of the paper’s articles online. Podcasts including: guided meditations, interviews with authors, and more can all be found on the website. You can also find information on advertising with us here at the Muse.


Bellingham Muse

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Inspiring the Muse Noun: The spirit that is thought to inspire a poet or other artist; muse [myooz] source of genius or inspiration.

What Inspires the Creators of the Bellingham Muse? Our Amazing Community! A Personal Story From One of Our Readers

We asked these Hamsters, “Tell us about a significant paradigm shift that you had in your life?”

"If you can accept and appreciate who you enjoy being, you will enjoy being.” A. Sunshine Givens

Let Go and Be You have asked the question. I have worried for years, planned Why? You also feel discord and and begrudged decisions of the helplessness. past and people and businesses that had “done me wrong.” So You are needed but first you many times: “Why?” Because...I need to meet you, and not the had not learned to deal with my person people have taught you victimization. I no longer believe to be. Time to spend the hours, that I am a victim and deserve you veg watching TV, being to be treated in such a manner. silent, getting to know yourself, Time to breathe, time to be the wonderful being that is you. quiet. We waste oh so much time The one buried deep, hiding on wishing for a different past, under the idle chit chat of that has done just that, passed. consumerism. Jobs, activities, Losing sleep over tomorrow and clothes do not make a does not make the next day any human being. better. Time to dig deep. What has left the scar that everyone Let your mind relax. Do it in 15 sees but no one recognizes? We minute spurts at first (I started have all been carved into the box with only 7 minutes). If you are that we were told to fit in. Now comfortable, continue. If not, is the time to learn what makes get up do something for a few you glow, what fills you with minutes and then sit with your joy. My goal: helping others, eyes closed counting backwards mirroring their worth. from 99. If you don’t want to count just sit and breathe. Every If you can accept and appreciate in breath is zero and out breath who you enjoy being, you will is one. If you were counting enjoy being. seconds, each breath could take A thought shared by: around ten seconds. Now it is A. Sunshine Givens. time to quiet the mind and give the ego a vacation.




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Discovering that I don’t have to beat my body up to maintain the feeling of strength that gives me confidence and the tone I want to see in the mirror. I used to think that my workouts weren’t serving their purpose unless they were at least an hour and left me spent. Discovering barre3 has brought this area of my life into balance, which in turn has also balanced my eating habits. It seems simple but I had to test it before I believed it. I’m a believer now!

Jesse “I used to be terrified of roller coasters. I just didn’t like the idea of giving up total control of my body to flail aimlessly rolling 50mph down some track in a seat I was too big for. But now I welcome any coaster, they are totally radical!”

There is always more than one way to “see” a situation.


Botanical Therapy

Bug Off! by Michelle Jefferson

I fondly remember my younger days of playing outdoors for hours on end and running through the woods like a little maniac. A person could pretty accurately tell how long I’d been outside by the number of mosquito bites I came home with. What I don’t so fondly remember is my mom then dragging me to the bathroom and dotting me with pink Calamine lotion. To this day, I swear those dots were intended to do nothing more than rat me out.

stir in the witch hazel Mother Nature last I checked. As the temperatures continue • Pour the herbal water into a spray bottle to climb and the days of rain lessen, the air will be plentiful • Shake the bottle prior to applying. Avoid the with mosquitoes, flies, Noeyes, mouth and mucous See-Ums and others of their membranes ilk. In a pinch you can pick a few Rather than remedy a bug leaves of fresh peppermint, bite, try using a bug repellent lavender or rosemary and that can be whipped up in no rub it on your skin. The oils in these herbs will repel bugs time at all. just the same as the spray. But, your plant will probably prefer if you make the spray rather than stripping the plant bare over the course of the summer. Mom – I know you’re reading this. The pink stuff doesn’t work and I still don’t know what happened to the dots on my arms.

mosquito bites?” Mom: “I put lotion on your arms 15 minutes ago. What happened to it?” Me (glancing at my dotless arms while picking the pink flecks from under my fingernails): “I dunno.” After a quick scolding, it was back to the bathroom for another application. That lotion bottle was like a childproof lie detector. Worse yet, I hated pink. Fortunately, I’m old enough now that my mom no longer covers me in pink dots. Unfortunately, bug season has officially returned. I’m sure most of us would prefer that it didn’t, but we’re not in control of

Bug Off! Spray Recipe • 1/2 Cup distilled water • 1/2 Cup witch hazel • 1 Tablespoon of each of the following dried herbs: peppermint, lavender, lemongrass • Spray bottle Directions • Boil the distilled water and place in a bowl • Stir in the dried herbs and cover the bowl, letting it sit for 30 minutes • Strain the herbs, saving as much water as possible, and discard the herbs • To the bowl of herbal water,


Mom: “What happened to the Calamine lotion I put on your mosquito bites?” Me (mostly covered head to toe in pink dots): “What

Bellingham Muse


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Michelle Jefferson is the owner and CEO of Botanical Therapy; a company which provides 100% natural, wellness and personal care products Made for You. It is her passion to advocate for wellness using herbal and essential oil healing practices. www.BotanicalTherapy.com.


Y Best Western Plus Skagit Valley Inn Convention Center


Page 4

Saturday Aug 15th, 4pm





Summerwinds -

Grades 6-12

Aug 10th-14th 10am-4pm

Presented by Western’s College of Fine and Performing Arts (CFPA), Summerwinds is a chamber music day camp for woodwind (flute, oboe, clarinet and bassoon) players in grades 6-12 who have had at least two years of experience on their instruments. Visit the CFPA website to learn more about this program and the joy of playing chamber music.



Bellingham Muse


Sattvic Planet

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Spirit Plant Medicine By Eric Johnson

As I mentioned in my last article about Kambo poison frog medicine, I am currently visiting Peru for the primary purpose of improving my health. If you haven’t already heard, in recent years there have been increasing numbers of Americans traveling here in search of plant medicines that can’t be found in the US. Much of Peru is covered by the Amazon rainforest, regarded by many as the plant pharmacy of the world. Some Americans come here as a last option when they face a serious condition that Western medicine is unable to treat. A couple nights ago I watched the documentary Sacred Science which shows the results of bringing eight Westerners with various diseases to the rainforest in search of relief from their suffering. While some of the people did have life threatening diseases, I don’t think this is a requirement for coming to the rainforest seeking better health. In one way or another even the best among us have some sickness; it is nearly impossible not to in this society, and there is always room for improvement. In my case, my intention was to eliminate some challenging food allergies that had been bothering me recently. In addition, I wanted to work on some trauma that I accumulated during my military years. If you have heard about Americans visiting the Amazon in search of plant medicine then you probably know about Ayahuasca, a powerful psychoactive brew that is

opener that creates a great sense of connection with your surroundings. As somebody who spends too much time in my head and doesn’t make enough decisions from the heart, I was strongly attracted to the potential healing this plant offered. While it will take many more weeks to integrate the experiences I had here, I can at least say the Huachuma helped me make great progress in balancing my head and heart. I’m also happy to report an improvement in my allergic reactions. Traditional ayahuasca ceremonial malloca building Photos by Eric Johnson I must admit this is only a

attributed to improving a long list of physical, emotional and spiritual problems. What some people may not realize is that there is much more to the Amazon experience than the Ayahuasca alone. For example, people are often put on a strict diet prior to drinking the psychoactive beverage. While the rules and necessity of the diet are sometimes debated, one thing seems clear: initiating the diet provides immediate relief to the body from an American diet loaded with factory meat, sugar, artificial ingredients, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals. Another lesser known piece of the Amazon experience is that many other plants are consumed when people seek treatment here. Since these other medicinal plants are rarely psychoactive they receive less attention than the consciousness altering Ayahuasca brew. The plant medicines consumed varies depending on the condition

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being treated, and the shaman or healer will choose what they think is best for you. And finally, I think the renewed connection to nature is very helpful to many people. In the lush rainforest people are able to take a break from the noise, computers, traffic, pollution, and stress of big city living.

Giant huachuma cactus

Many people have heard of Ayahuasca, but fewer seem to know there is actually another very powerful psychoactive plant found in Peru used by many to treat a broad list of health concerns, the San Pedro cactus. As you can imagine San Pedro, or Huachuma as it is traditionally called, does not grow in the rainforest. Instead the cactus can be found growing at high altitudes in the drier Andes mountains. While Ayahuasca is known for purging the body of harmful toxins, traumas and behaviors, the Huachuma is thought to work on a different level. Purging on Huachuma is less common. Instead, many refer to the plant as a heart

fraction of the plant medicine story, and of my personal experience, but lucky for us, there is an abundance of information available online including sites such as reset. me and retreat.guru, films such as Aya Awakenings and Neurons to Nirvana, and research organizations like Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies and Hefter Research Institute. If you are considering this path, then definitely review the medical guidelines to determine if this medicine is safe for you. Also, only attend ceremonies at reputable retreats under the guidance of a trusted facilitator. While plants such as Ayahuasca and Huachuma have been used traditionally for centuries, consuming them is illegal in the US despite evidence of their effectiveness in treating modern lifestyle diseases. Fortunately the Peruvian government, and others in South America, have legally protected these sacred plants for indigenous peoples, and all others who seek natural remedies. Thanks to the internet, the paradigm is indeed shifting and as we’ve seen with Cannabis in Washington. Every day more and more people are deciding they don’t want the government telling them which plants they can and cannot consume. About: Eric travels around the world in search of natural alternatives to the American health system and shares his experiences at sattvicplanet.net and facebook. com/sattvicplanet


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Optimal You

The Evolving Perception of Massage by Alana Simler My



a wonderful nurse and inspired my aunt to become one as well. Both had amazing careers and helped many people. Growing up around these strong women inspired me to begin studying nursing early on, but at some point in my studies I made the switch to become a massage therapist. It suited me; the hands on (pun intended), directly helping people and ability to be independent with my business all attributed to been used as a front for my career path diversion. prostitution over the years. It Well, when my grandma seems for a good chunk of the heard about this she was mid-20th century this view of not so enthused. “So, you’re massage was prevalent in the going to work in a massage U.S. Massage therapists have parlor, huh?” was her way of had to band together, set letting me know just what training standards and form she thought of my choice and associations to legitimize our you know what she meant by profession. I don’t work in a “massage parlor.” I knew “massage parlor,” Grandma! there was no arguing my We have made headway. stance so I just said, “Yep.” Massage therapy has gained I also knew that she was respect not only in the eyes coming from a different of the general public, but in generation’s perspective on the medical community as the profession of massage. well. We receive referrals, Rather than trying to we bill insurance, and we persuade her to understand work in teams with different the validity of this career medical professionals to path and convince her of give our clients well rounded The the therapeutic benefits of treatment programs. paradigm is shifting. Once massage, I would just need to be patient and show her my grandma saw my office and experienced my work, over time. she became my biggest promoter.

“So, you’re going to work in a massage parlor, huh?” I could have argued that there are evidences of recorded therapeutic touch dated back to 15,000 B.C., and that there are incredible amounts of documentation all through history showing massage to be helpful with the body and widely used throughout the world’s varied cultures. Unfortunately, massage businesses have also

Another common perception regarding massage is that it is mainly used as a way to pamper yourself. I’ve done a decent job with my clients in coaching them in the benefits of regular massage and that is what my clientele mostly consists of… regulars. However, I was recently reminded that not everyone gets the concept of regular massage. During a conversation with another family member, I was suggesting the idea that massage would be very beneficial to her. She jumped on the suggestion and

experience and my regular clients, just making the commitment to habitually set aside time for yourself to rejuvenate is life changing. On the money side, well, most of us have a budget to work with so this may determine how often you are able to go in. A convenient aspect of knowing you’re going to repeat your business somewhere is the concept of a package discount. Most places offer some sort of multiple massage package excitedly agreed, “Yes! I need deal. Just another reason to a spa day!” Well, I believe a keep you going in. Bonus! spa day is wonderful and has its own benefits, but that was It’s nice to see that the general perception of massage in not what I was going for. today’s world consists of I was going for the idea a healthful and beneficial of making it a point to viewpoint. Now let’s see if consistently feed your mind, we can’t shift that opinion body and spirit. I feel that a little further into seeing receiving a regular massage it as a way to tell yourself, has a different scope of “I matter, I’m important.” benefits for a person. Mentally Dedicating time to focus on you get to look forward to yourself fills you up so that each appointment, relieve you have more to share with stress, and quiet the mind. the people you love in your For the body it feels amazing, life. If massage isn’t quite releases endorphins, soothes your cup of tea then choose more fitting tired/achy muscles, helps something your body communicate with for yourself such as yoga, itself, and quite honestly floating, biking, dancing or the list is too long for this whatever your heart desires. particular article. Finally, I highly recommend it. Are spiritually it gives you the you listening Aunt Chele? nurturing your soul needs, See Alana Simler’s bio on allows you to tap into your inner self and helps elevate page 2 in the Letter From the Publishers your mood. I’m speaking from experience from both a client perspective and a professional perspective. I receive a massage every other week. It’s amazing and I feel that it is something I simply won’t do without. I deserve it and so do you. As a practitioner I see the difference between clients who occasionally receive a massage versus my clients that make it a priority to come in regularly. Life can sometimes get in the way with schedules and the money thing, but sometimes those are not as real as we think. Between my own


Bellingham Muse

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Meet the Beast :

Godzilla or Curious George By Pete Johnson


“Everything is ok”

Prefrontal Cortex Limbic System Amygdala

Albert Einstein once said “The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.”

Twilight Zone episode #754: An unsuspecting shopper waits in the checkout line at the grocery store. Suddenly, they are blindsided by an act of pure evil as the person in front of them takes a call on their cell phone. Our story revolves around a single human being struggling with perhaps the greatest challenge in human history. Our persecuted protagonist purposefully repeats silently in their mind “I’m not going to let this bother me, I’m not going to let this bother me.” Yet the scene fades out as our shopper drifts into insanity, unable to perform the seemingly simple task of changing how they feel. One place where modern psychology and spirituality meet is this arena of controlling our daily thought patterns. What goes on in our mind seems to be both the cause and solution to most of our problems. However, what sounds like the simple task of changing what we choose to think about is actually very difficult. Our health, success, and relationships all revolve

around a more positive centered mode of thinking.

Reactive/ emotional “Help! I’m scared”

Part One: Meet the Beast Oddly enough, our mental beast is really in response to a literal beast. Much of the wiring in our brain was created specifically to best protect us from being eaten. The first problem we face due to this is that our rational brain is not really in control. We inherited the limbic system from birds and reptiles. This is referred to the “flight or fight” center and has huge survival benefit because it creates immediate and reflexive reactions. Also in this lower system is our amygdala which produces immediate emotional responses. Our logical brain (the prefrontal cortex) developed much later and actually does not even receive the information about what is going on until some time after the limbic system has kicked in. Consequently, most of our thoughts are reactive and emotional. It takes some amount of concerted effort and discipline to logically regulate them. My personal opinion is that our logical brain is mostly used to justify our emotional beliefs rather than challenge them.

for survival is that we evolved a bias towards negativity. Take the scenario where there is a large bush and the possibility that there may be a lion behind it. We were far more likely to survive if we expected the worst. If you think there is a lion behind a bush and you are wrong, your ego may take a hit but you still get to live. However, if you do not think there is a lion behind the bush and you happen to be wrong, then you will likely die. There was much less evolutionary advantage to happy thoughts as there was towards negative ones. Author and researcher Rick Hanson describes the brain as “velcro to the negative, and teflon to the positive.”

chronic state of low grade fight or flight. Just turn on the news, have a political discussion, or see any form of advertisement that infers you are at risk, or inadequate in some way. Long term flight or fight is very unhealthy because it pushes the blood to the larger muscle groups at the expense of our immune system and our brain. No harm done when you need to quickly run from a tiger, but when it becomes ongoing it actually makes us sicker and dumber. So there you have it. Our brain is literally wired to make us stubborn, pessimistic, morons, wired for emotional reaction. So what can we do about it? The answer can be found in Part Two: Happily Ever After and can be found on page 17 in the follow up article to this one. For a more robust and scientific explanation of the preceding material, I suggest you check out the work of Bruce Lipton and Rick Hanson. You can find free material from both of them on Youtube.

Additionally, our brains strengthen and deepen patterns through repetition. So without structured and intentional examination, our beliefs continually get entrenched deeper and stronger as we get older. Consequently we may feel that we are gaining wisdom and our certainty increases, but in reality we’re digging a deeper rut which makes it more and more difficult to challenge any Part Two: Taming the Beast Continued on Page 17 particular way of thinking. The second big disadvantage Finally, our culture today that was created by our need essentially trains us into a

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Infinite Possibilities By Aurora

“I believe in infinite possibilities.” Six years ago, I wrote that however all my greatest fears statement on a rectangular piece of wood during a spiritual weekend seminar in Las Vegas, NV. Our facilitator challenged us with the task of writing our strongest selfdefeating belief on the board, followed by recording our greatest liberating thought on the opposing side. After a brief instruction and a demonstration, we were to strike the board and split it in half with the self-depravating message facing us. I quickly identified my greatest false belief and wrote it down. There I stood, the haunting words I am worthless staring back at me. With that dreadful proclamation facing me, I marched towards my identified target and split my board in half with one blow. At the time, I was struggling to process it all, but felt a sense of accomplishment for bluntly identifying my self-imposed limitation and choosing to overcome it. I thought to myself, “surely things will get better from here.”

were realized. For a time, I wondered if I could survive it all. I felt heart-broken, victimized and hopeless.

Did they really? Over the next three years, I experienced more problems in my life than ever before. I made decisions that caused major upheavals and life changes, which I believed would bring me happiness and the joy that I craved. I tried with all I had to “make things work,”

Most of us have experienced historical trauma and abuses, which we would prefer to forget. We spend a lot of energy avoiding our problems and remaining bonded to our pain. By and large, we ultimately want to transcend suffering and live joyfully. Sounds wonderful….but,

In hindsight, I have come to recognize that I created precisely what I petitioned at that seminar in the best manner that made sense to me at the time. Ironically, I placed myself in a position where the only possibility was “making” change within me rather then in my environment. Healthy choices about our surroundings are vital, and can concurrently improve while we remedy our inner worlds. However, in this regard it had to begin with my personal will. I made the decision to move on, which has indeed opened a world of infinite possibilities that I could not have experienced before. My self-imposed difficulties reminds me of John Prine’s song “Angel from Montgomery,” sung by Ronnie Raitt, with the words “believe in this living is just a hard way to go.”

how can we create the shift to happy tomorrows when we remain committed to our distressing yesterdays? The concept of shifting paradigms has multiple scientific contexts, including and not limited to economics, physics, biology, marketing, and social sciences. All involve reworking points of view best appreciated in wide-ranging worldviews and associated implications. Relativity and oscillation between opposing perceptions is ongoing. I’ve heard of individuals experiencing the granddad of all paradigm shifts -quantum leaps - that involved dramatic altered sensory perceptions that were quite terrifying. I remain open to such phenomenon, however hope to never experience change that would leave me reeling and overwhelmed. One suggestion that got my attention came from Caroline Myss. She advised something to the effect of: “don’t worry about working on your problems; rather, just live in what is real right now.” If you want to work on your issues stemming from your history…fair enough. But, put them aside for a period of, say, six months, with this practice then reevaluate after that time to see what still exists and what has dissipated. My ego did a summersault in disbelief initially pondering that option. Could such an untortureous practice lead to shifts in paradigms? It just might work…. Self-discovery can be a lonely venture. We work on ourselves, and we have….our self.

Bellingham Muse


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I have to be transparent in that I observe many individuals promoting their spiritual growth who exist very detached from others, and with what appears to be unsavory outcomes. We truly are co-creators of our realities. Yes, realities (pl). We are not satellites floating in the universe; rather, interconnected energetic beings in the metaphysical sense. Although multiple universal laws and realities coexist, we all play a role in shaping one another’s existence in diverse realms. Having personal boundaries that draw distinction between self and others regarding our physical, emotional, mental, cultural and social worlds is healthy and necessary to address our mundane needs. However, I agree with those who suggest we spend too much time in our heads. Today, I truly believe in the power to shift consciousness and paradigms. It is a tangible, magical force that I know to exist only in the humanity and company of other co-creators. I dare say that without one another we don’t stand much of a chance otherwise.

“Self-discovery can be a lonely venture. We work on ourselves, and we have….our self.”


Bellingham Muse


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Have You Heard... Here Be Monsters By Joel Simler

Muse Tip - Podcasts are growing in popularity in both the listenership and production aspect. Here at the Muse, Joel is well versed in weeding thru the jungle of good and bad podcasts. His column can help point you toward something (CAUTION) you might become addicted to. For past reviews and general podcast information visit www.BellinghamMuse.com and select the ‘Have You Heard’ link under the ‘B’MUSED’ tab.

It’s that time of year again, when the sun wakes up early and goes to bed late. Being the sun-deprived PNW’ers that we are, we have little qualms fitting as many outdoor activities into that time as possible; for we know it won’t last but a handful of very short weeks. Luckily listening to podcasts can be enjoyed equally indoors, outdoors, rain or shine. Does anyone really want to watch television on a gorgeous sunny day out? Have you tried reading a book outside in a rain storm (I really hope not for the books sake)? With a podcast, you can easily listen to a show in any season. What’s more is that many podcasts are very educational and even motivational, making it feel like you are accomplishing more than watching reruns of Seinfeld. Listening to podcasts rarely feels like a chore, but instead can help you feel like you’re being mentally productive, while simultaneously freeing your hands and eyes to perform chores, or be outside soaking in the sun. Here Be Monsters (HBM) is a show about “the unknown”, our fears, and humanity. The body of the show is philosophical and spans topics from art, politics, and lifestyle, to science, fantasy, and spirituality. Thanks to a friend that introduced me to HBM, it has quickly become a staple in my listening habit. HBM was created and is hosted by one of our fellow Washingtonians, and graduate from Fairhaven College, Jeff Emtman. Jeff first created/debuted HBM back in the summer of 2012, and it is now impressively on its third season. Impressive because Jeff has created this show independently, and has a quality of show that

summer event The Gathering of the Juggalos. Much of media is devoted to ridiculing this group, but despite that the group continues existing and looks to have created a very strong culture around their beliefs which stem from the music of rap duo Insane Clown Posse.

Creator and host of Here Be Monsters - Jeff Emtman approaches that of better funded and more seasoned podcasts. However HBM was very recently picked up by the Radiotopia collective, which is good for everyone in keeping this show going. HBM will fit right in with the other shows hosted by Radiotopia (Strangers, 99PI), as Jeff Emtman is another host whose voice fully drives the emotions of the show. Jeff’s voice reminds me of the host for 99PI, Roman Mars, for you can hear the curiosity in their voices. The stories and people that Jeff chooses to put on the show are clearly interesting to him, which means he gets into the stories with a full curiosity that is infectious and entrancing. Because HBM is created independently and is not regulated by the FCC (as is true with most all podcasts), language can be strong (read as, there is swearing) and some subjects may be risqué for some listeners, particularly the young ones. My first foray into HBM began with an episode called “The Roman Slug Death Orgy”, and while you can start anywhere in the series, I found this episode to be particularly captivating. To sum it up, Jeff comes across a scene of slugs which is quickly

and poetically relatable to Rome during the rule of Caligula. Listeners take note, this episode contains descriptions of sex and death. The visual landscape created by Jeff for this episode is very engaging, and while somewhat disturbing, is also very poetic, thoughtful, and real. Some of you may be able to relate closely to this episode as it takes place in Bellingham! Another favorite episode of mine is “How I Learned to Love Rejection.” This episode is a story brought to us by the host, Jeff, and tells a tale many of us have thought of doing at some point or another, an American Daydream if you will. For several very relatable reasons Jeff decides to hit the open road and hitch hike across the U.S. It’s a story about overcoming fears, adventure and self-discovery. The format that HBM follows is pretty loose, and open to change depending on the subject matter. Since the other two recommendations were focused on Jeff’s stories, I implore you to check out the episode “10,000 Juggalos”. An interview with Sean Dunne, director of American Juggalo, reveals an honest look at Juggalos and their

For me it took but a few minutes to feel the pulse and rhythm of this show and instantly feel the desire to download the entire backlog of episodes. HBM covers a lot of ground in its three seasons, which made it a tough choice to choose only three episodes to recommend to you. While I’m sure there are people who would not enjoy this show, I’m betting most would come around if they gave a good listen to a couple episodes, which is often the case for myself listening to other podcasts. However with HBM the attraction was nearly instantaneous, and my hope is that you feel the same pull that I do to Jeff Emtman’s slow and thick voice that guides you easily and thoughtfully into another world. Happy listening readers, and the best of summers to you.

Born in Seattle, raised in Bellingham, Joel is a real cloud loving, tree climbing, North Westerner. He can be found living by a Troll in Seattle, often exploring a vast array of breweries, and music happenings. He works as an audio/video technician in Redmond giving him a perfect drive for listening to podcasts. He is also a professionally certified dance instructor, and produces his own local concerts in his spare time.


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The Kitchen Muse Make a Jar of Jam By Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Sarah is a Bellingham local and happens to have a wonderful food blog - In Praise of Leftovers. Her insights in the kitchen are sure to inspire you. “Snootiness seems to be rampant in the food world and I hope you don’t encounter that here. For me, the kitchen is more about being together than about making the perfect meal. It’s also about making do–seeing what’s around, rescuing ailing vegetables from the brink, taking advantage of simple things like dried beans or grains. And nothing makes me happier than finding a way to use all the random bits in my fridge.” Happy Scrounging! Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Photo By Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Hello friends!

jam. No canning equipment, around to send the perfect no all-day, sweat-soaked slog, note. Getting to church two times a month feeds my soul I have been loving my summer. no frantic rushing around. more than not getting there We haven’t done anything fun If there’s anything I’ve at all, and my 4 vegetable yet (though my kids sure have-sheesh) but I’m just enjoying earnestly wanted to learn in pots, though I let them lurch hiding out, taking a break the last decade, it’s this idea from drought to drought, from coordinating things, and that “Good enough is good are precious if I don’t look at the sound of the fan. We are enough.” Settling into myself, them and say, “I wish I had a having a real summer in the embracing what is instead of bigger garden.” I remember what could be. One quick jar Jack Kornfield, who says, “The Pacific Northwest. of jam provides just as much unawakened mind makes war And I’ve been rescuing soft flavor and pleasure as the 20 against what is.” fruit from the counter, making I could berate myself for not one-jar batches of apricot, producing. A timely text to a Making one jar of jam strawberry, and blueberry friend is better than waiting exemplifies perfectly this

spirit of making do. I don’t know if this happens in your house, but I’ll pick up a flat of berries or a bag of apricots and leave them on the counter. They are perfection at first, but then 2 days later, we’ve been gone a lot or forgotten about them, and they start to lose their luster. That’s the glory of jam. In the stewing, they become beautiful again, transformed and bright. Lots of metaphors there, I think.

Apricot Jam You’ll notice that I’ve pictured strawberry jam with Thai herbs. It’s from Lianna Krissoff’s Canning for a New Generation, which is a favorite book. But it’s the apricot jam that I’m really loving lately, and it gels up easier than strawberries, so I’m giving you that recipe in hopes you’ll try this!

but any more than that gets you into tricky territory with ratios of fruit and sugar. If you cook mixture down in a fairly wide saucepan, the large surface area helps the liquid evaporate quickly and you’ll have jam in less than 10 minutes!

For more inspiration, check out Marisa McClellean’s blog The reason to sterilize jars Food in Jars. and listen for the popping sound is if you’re going to put your jam in the pantry for a year. If you’re just making a small batch like this one, you’ll just keep it in the fridge for a few weeks until it’s gone, and the sugar and refrigeration preserve it just fine.

in a bowl and let sit for a through the mixture and the few minutes until sugar is jam doesn’t immediately rush in to fill the space--it “sticks” dissolved. a little bit, making a pathway Scrape mixture into a large, in the pan. low, heavy skillet. Bring to a boil and stir constantly until Scrape the finished jam into jam thickens, about 8 minutes. a small, heatproof jar and You’ll know it’s done when refrigerate. Or give away! You can easily double this, Combine apricots and sugar you can pull your spatula

1 lb. apricots, pitted and coarsely chopped 1/2 c. sugar


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BrainBashers Puzzles

BrainBashers Medium 5 x 5 Neighbours Puzzle ­ July 01


What do you see?


Look closely at the two images below. These optical illusions demonstrate the way in which a paradigm shift could cause one to see the same information in an entirely different way.


3 Neighbours Puzzle © Kevin Stone Objective / Rules

You have to complete the grid such that every row Complete the grid such that every row and column contains every number exactly once. and contains numbers 1 to 5 (each number The column symbols on thethe grid indicate neighbours (e.g. 1 >< 2, 3 >< 4, 2 >< 1). appears exactly once). Rule 1 ­ if there is a symbol the numbers are neighbours. • The symbols the is grid indicate neighbours (e.g. 1 >< 2,are NOT neighbours. Rule 2 ­ if on there NOT a symbol the numbers 3 >< 4, 2 >< 1). • Rule 1 -BrainBashers if there is a symbol the numbers are neighbors. Printed from [www.brainbashers.com] • Rule 2 - if there is NOT a symbol the numbers are NOT neighbors. © Kevin Stone

The Lion and the Unicorn Alice came across a lion and a unicorn in a forest of forgetfulness. Those two are strange beings. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth. Lion: Yesterday I was lying. Unicorn: So was I. On which day did they say that?

Math Games Question: How do you write 23 using only the number 2? 34 using only the number 3? 56 using only the number 5? 100 using only the number 9?

How’s this for a different point of view...

The answers to puzzles are posted on page 19

www.bellinghammuse.com own virtuousness, envy what others have, judge others, talk about subjects that promote ignorance, and generally talk about likes and dislikes. All of these things are the result of an untrained mind getting off leash.

Photo Art of Mr. Bryer, who was actually a very good dog!

Bad Dog By Dan Martin

With all the concerns in modern life, we expend immense amounts of energy on so many daily activities, work, relationships and hobbies. How many moments do we stop to analyze how we are using our own mind, where and how are we using our mental energies? For most of us, it is very difficult to even be aware of what our mind is doing; we simply need to take actions and get things done in our daily lives. Which is to say, that we are mostly working on autopilot or daydreaming most of our lives without seeing what our mind is actually doing moment-tomoment. The mind is like a bad dog, it needs to be trained, it needs to be on a short leash and made to heal constantly. Once we let the dog off the leash it runs around pooping in other people’s yards, biting and barking at others and sometimes worse. Dogs aren’t bad animals, but they need to be trained properly by their owners – just like minds. Dogs can perform many useful tasks like leading the blind, finding lost people, herding animals

and pulling sleds but they can’t do those things without training. A mind cannot be useful without training either, yet how many of us allow our minds to run around the mental landscape freely, doing as they please? How many people even believe that their mind needs training outside of their professional field and academics in general? Dogs do not tire easily of fetching balls, neither does the mind of subtlety drawing one into an explosion of ignorant thoughts. Thinking that seeks to understand the clear working of the mind and sense impressions, as well as how to be more compassionate, truthful and seek justice for others, are useful and good thoughts. Random thoughts arising and causing rumination are the source of ignorant actions. Dogs are pack animals and tend to run with other dogs, doing what the other dogs in the pack do, just like human minds. Without constant vigilant awareness the mind will join in with others to fault find, think up doubts, criticize others, boast of one’s

Mind, Body, Spirit Fair Explore and Celebrate Your Inner Self Saturday, July 25, 2015 • 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Featured Talk:

“Journey of the Heart” at 11a.m. with Dr. Andrea Asebedo

2224 Yew Street Road Bellingham, Washington www.csl-bellingham.org For more information or a vendor application, please call 360.734.4160 or visit our website at www.csl-bellingham.org.

$5 Admission

How do we keep the dog on leash, how do we train the mind? In reality, the world wisdom traditions came up with the solution a long time ago and have been saying the same thing over for millennia. However, when people hear the answer they generally agree, but when they attempt the solution (meditation) they find it difficult if not impossible and eventually give up. The dog doesn’t want to be put on leash, the dog wants to fetch random thoughts. The mind will twist, turn and roll around to avoid its training; this is why the beginning stages of formal meditation are so difficult. The mind is comfortable and addicted to being the way it has always

been, it is much like the process of withdrawal symptoms of an addict. The body becomes uncomfortable, even painful and the mind becomes extremely agitated searching for anything to think about, creating fantasies, reveries, thinking up suspicions and ideas for future exploration or memories to ruminate on. All of this should be an indicator to those beginning meditation that the mind is in need of deep training in order to get it under control. Random thoughts of the mind are leading one around at will, rather than the owner leading the mind around.

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If we ignore what we have learned in meditation, by giving up and saying meditation is too difficult then we are allowing unconscious forces that are out of control, like a bad dog, to run our life. In essence, if we ignore the situation we are agreeing to allow unseen and untrained mental forces to influence our life. Such that, a belligerent, out of control, childish, emotional rollercoaster-of-a-wild-animal gets to influence our most intimate life decisions.

The bad doggie needs to learn to sit.

Many people think that when they first start sitting to meditate that meditation is about some amazing experience they will have mentally/spiritually. Really, the amazing thing that begins to happen after meditating for some time is that one becomes so aware of each thought and physical condition in the body that not being mindful in regular life would almost be impossible. Seeing random thoughts, especially negative patterns (criticism, impatience, anger, sadness, jealousy and so on) derails these influences and keeps the dog off leash.

People love their dogs like children. Like children, it’s difficult to see when they are acting badly, but it’s always easy to see when someone else’s dog is being naughty. Before we can keep the dog in our own yard and out of other people’s business we need to recognize that we have a bad dog. Keeping our attention inside the house (meditation) can help us see what a mess our doggie is making. Dan Martin has a masters degree in psychology and runs Afloat floatation therapy in Bellingham WA: www. afloattherapy.com He also writes about consciousness, spirituality and society at:


Where in Bellingham?

This photo by Leslie Williams was taken somewhere in Bellingham. Do you know where? Go onto our website and enter your answer. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing for a free Muse T-shirt. Contest ends 08/31/2015



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Meditation is Activism by Travis Callender You are in a meditation hall with 1800 people. Your eyes are closed so you do not see them. Instead, you feel them. You feel like you are being powerfully pulled inward, drawn down the face of a large wave that rises inside you. You are alert, alive, thrumming with excitement. On the outside you do nothing. You merely sit comfortably in meditation. On the inside you are at the gate of an exhilarating inner adventure. Without thoughts, your mind is thrilled by how satisfying silence can be. Your heart opens, expanding bravely into the depletion and poisoning the infinite. of our air, water and earth, escalating climate chaos, the I had the fortune of this life war on terror, a dysfunctional transforming experience prison system, racism, the twice daily, every day, for 12 underfunding of education, years. That was when I lived the failure of healthcare in a community that formed to emphasize prevention, in Fairfield, Iowa for the obesity, anxiety, depression, purpose of group meditation. social isolation, increasing Fairfield is a town of 9500, poverty, homelessness, and a where meditators gathered federal government that only starting in 1974. Around accidentally represents the 4000 meditators have lived interests of the people (1). there since. The meditators live in homes throughout In my observation, the what is otherwise an ordinary underlying causative problems small town in Iowa. They are: work regular jobs. However, they start and end their 1. Excessive emphasis on the work day at the town’s two, male with the suppression conveniently located, large of the female principle group meditation halls. 2. Materialism with its push Think of two of Western’s to greed, violence and Carver Gymnasiums filled institutionalized economic with meditation mats and row disparity after row of, at any given time, 3. Our habit of responding to 1200-1800 people meditating. fear with violence. Since leaving Fairfield for career advancement, I have Communities are responding sought out group meditation to these problems. Many experiences. We live in activist groups work to create incredible, and perilous times: awareness about what is and humanity has more power and what is not in the interest of global interconnectivity than the people. The overwhelming ever, yet these have come with need of our time for activism

ideas, beliefs, and grow to experience yourself as something that includes and transcends these. 2. Uncover the riches of your inner consciousness, encouraging expansion beyond your egoistic possessions. 3. Find that violence starts in your own heart in the ways you treat yourself and your loved ones. 4. Experience that on a deep, subtle level, we are connected; we share a common, sacred core. Fairfeild Meditation Hall is one of the main reasons I believe now is the time for increasing numbers of people to meditate and participate in group meditation. Meditation—and other forms of yoga—are activism. When you meditate, you do not fight against anything. Instead, you are for everything, “everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes” (line from poem, “I Thank You God For Most This Amazing” by E.E. cummings). Meditation feels like activism because it so life affirming. It strongly brings you into harmony with yourself. Meditation puts you into a state in which you experience “Yatinam brahma bhavati sarathih” (Rik Ved, 1.158.8) – ‘For those established in the meditative state, the intelligence of the universe, inspires the actions with the greatest benefit to the whole.’ In the meditative state you experience, “Satyam eva jayate” (Manduka Upanishad, 3.1.6) – ‘that ultimately, truth alone triumphs’. In the meditative state you:

When you meditate in a group, in direct proportion to the size of the group, the clarity and power of the meditative experience is exponentially increased. Because of the power of 1800 people meditating together, when I lived in Fairfield, it felt almost as if I became a member of another species. A species filled with possibility, positivity and hope. A species with the creative potential to transform the human experience wholesale to the next level of human evolution. A level where air water, earth and life on earth are sacred, where ‘humanimals’ are sustainable, and our lives are filled with freedom, meaning and the magic, healing power of love. Travis Callender is a primary care Nurse Practitioner at Peacehealth. He has been meditating and practicing yoga since he was nine.

1) Gilens, Martin, and Benjamin I Page, “Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups and Average Citizens,” Perspectives on Politics, Vol 12, 1. Go beyond male, female, Issue 3, 9/2014, p 564-581.

Align With the Sun, Moon, Stars & Mother Earth Vigil

Our presence is required! Would you like to come and play?

90 day vigil - From June 21st to Sept. 21st, 2015!

Our planet will be part of a universal alignment that only happens To join this vigil visit: www.glshealing.com every 125,000 years or so. We are needed to channel the Divine or Universal Energy to the center of Mother Earth. She will then have motherearthhealingfoundation.com the right frequencies to make the shifts and changes in all of the regions that She needs to on Her body. We Human Beings, as the chosen guardians of our Planet, have a very significant and necessary role to play in this Transformation. Please join us and let yourself believe in, support and love Mother Earth and all of her inhabitants into OUR next phase of existence. To access the meditation details and join the vigil: www.glshealing.com or www.motherearthhealingfoundation.com

Also check out DNA Meditation for Creating Joy, Rainbow Healing Meditation, Expansion of Consciousness Meditation...


Bellingham Muse

If I Ran the Zoo


Page 14

Rewriting the Marriage Contract By Mel Damski The marriage contract, as we now know it, makes no sense in the 21st century. And the proof is in the incredibly high rate at which the contract is broken. Sure, when you were homesteading on the plains, it made perfect sense to pair up, huddle against the elements, have a bunch of kids, send Dad and Billy and little Alice out to do the farming while Mom prepares three square meals. If you wanted a sexual partner in those days, your choices were pretty much limited to a spouse or a professional. Many people went through life with only one sexual partner. But if two upwardly mobile working professionals decide to tie the knot in 2015, they are looking at

a very different economic, moral and sexual landscape. They are likely to have had several sexual partners. The female is more likely to be financially independent. Divorce, although still extremely painful, no longer carries the moral stigma that it once did. And the marriage contract should be ammended to reflect these changes.

marriage, they were all very open about their trepidation and fear of failure. They know that statistically the chance of their first marriage succeeding is about 50-50. Flip a coin!

But before you start crying “blasphemy” and blaming me for hammering the final nail in a coffin labeled “Here lies Romance!”, keep in mind I’m only talking about civil marriages here. If anyone wants to get married in a house of worship and vow fealty until only death parts you, go for it. It won ‘t have any legal standing in my world, but it might make your parents feel a lot better about attending (and perhaps even paying for) the great event.

but 70% of the applicants were straight couples who were presumably looking for an easy way out if the marriage didn’t last.

Remember when love was blind? You were in your early 20’s and that’s what you did when you met that certain someone. Oh, and your parents were still married… to each other, no less. Divorces were rare, and kids from “broken homes” were stigmatized. But growing up with so much divorce, and having more sexual In France, they introduced a outlets, marriage becomes a no-fault marriage contract very daunting risk/reward The divorce lawyers won’t that made it very simple prospect. like it, but it makes a lot of to walk away when and if sense. the magic disappeared. It Last weekend, I had was designed for same sex dinner with a couple of Originally published in the couples to make sure they 30-somethings. When the LaConner Weekly were given equal civil rights, conversation turned to

Blind Spots

Continued from the front page

• • •

Armed with the knowledge that I have filters that were formed by my experiences, I have realized that they block me from truly seeing and experiencing the world around me; similar to the blind spots in my vision. I know that I am still walking around with those filters obscuring my vision and I that I can’t always believe what I think, so I have made a personal amendment to the saying “stand up for what you believe in.” It is now… question, explore, seek to

So here’s my pitch. Have a big wedding if you wish, get married by a Priest or a Rabbi or an Elvis impersonator. Then go to Whatcom County Courthouse and sign a marriage contract that makes sense in the modern world with provisions for children, joint property taxes, and inheritance, including a nofault divorce. Five years, renewable. If it’s working, have a renewal of vows party and invite your friends. If it’s not, shake hands, each take what you came in with and what you contributed and go your separate ways. If you have children, the contract is extended until the youngest child turns 18, with separation and custody provisions pre-negotiated. You can’t remarry until the original contract runs its course. (Second and third marriages have a much higher rate of failure.)

understand, then once I am sure • that it is (or as sure as I can be) true and what I choose to believe • in, then I stand up for it.

What beliefs do you have about how you should or should not be or behave? What does “family” mean to you? Are popular magazines a paradigm? What about our laws and constitution? Is the Bible a paradigm?

Mel Damski The Producing-Director of the TV series “Psych” and winner of the Best General Interest Column by the Washinghton Newspaper Association.

I ask you how hard do you fight -Kerri Burnside is the Cofor what you believe in because Publisher of the Bellingham what if you discover as I did that Muse. She offers a weekly guided what you believe is not true? Let your mind grow and stretch a little. Ponder these questions… • What beliefs do you have about how men “should” be? • How “should” women be?

meditation that is open to the public (See events on page 18).

If Mel Ran the Zoo



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Hidden Messages Within Your Voice - Finding Balance Through Sound By Maureen Kelly

If there was a tool that could give you a snapshot of your overall health through a simple recording of your voice, would you be interested in knowing more?

Everything in the universe functions through sound vibration, including every organ, system and gland in our body. While each of these has its own independent job to do, they also work together as a team. When this communication is flowing seamlessly, we experience the benefit of good health. But should the communication break down or one system or organ undergo excessive or prolonged stress, an imbalance can develop. This dialogue between and among the various parts of the body is conducted through sound frequency. Enter VoiceBio™, a cuttingedge energetic assessment tool created by naturopath and health researcher, Dr. Kae Thompson-Liu. This non-invasive technology reveals frequency patterns in the body through a voice recording. Because our voices are made up of every note in the musical scale as well as being a composite of the frequencies of the human body, these patterns can reveal which tonal frequencies are “heavy”

(overworked or exhausted) as emotional status from an we feed the body with a feelor “low” (stagnant or not energetic standpoint and the good tone that it is actually working). relationship between the two. asking for! During a session, the practitioner will ask the client a series of three questions. This information (ignoring word content) is sorted and graphed to reveal frequency tones. From this recording, a graph will indicate the heavy and low areas found from physical as well as emotional perspectives. As an example, a heavy note of ‘F#’ could indicate an overworked sympathetic nervous system, possibly indicating mental stress, insomnia, and/or headaches. EMOTIONS AND SOUND Just as every organ and system in our bodies has a frequency, our emotions do as well. If emotions such as anger, resentment, anxiety or grief are allowed to escalate, not only will they have an effect on our physical health, but will prevent us from coming into an overall balanced flow of energy. VoiceBio™ will assess an individual’s physical as well

Jonathon Goldman, THIS As author and Sound Healing Practitioner so beautifully As both physical and shares, “When we are in a emotional energy patterns state of health, we’re like are assessed, for example an extraordinary orchestra which notes are present and that’s playing a wonderful which are missing, various symphony of the self. But holistic suggestions can be what happens if the second made to help regain balance. violin player loses her sheet The most profound and non- music? She begins to play out invasive of these suggestions of tune, and pretty soon the is sound itself. For instance entire string section sounds if a person’s VoiceBio™ bad. Pretty soon, in fact, the portrayed a low ‘B’ note, entire orchestra is off. This is this would correspond a metaphor for disease.” primarily to the colon and large intestine with possible Your voice has a lot to tell symptoms of constipation, you. cramps, and bloating. By toning (most healing) or listening to music in the Maureen Kelly of Sage note of ‘B’ along with other Butterfly is a certified lifestyle recommendations, Sound Healing Practitioner energy will be moved from and VoiceBio Therapist, more congested areas into Chakra Yoga Teacher and those with little or no energy. Acupressure Practitioner. This balancing helps to To learn more about the release stress and offer the services she offers, please body the means to heal itself. visit her website at www. Just like listening to one sagebutterfly.com. of your favorite songs that registers in every part of you, MAKING USE INFORMATION




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JUPITER THE GREAT BENEFIC Celestial Forecast for July and August 2015

by Christine Sessler Jupiter is highly revered in Eastern Astrology. Known as Brihaspati, Jupiter is powerful enough to subdue negative influences in a person’s chart if placed well and not poorly aspected by other malefic planets. It is a planet that creates expansion, wealth, prosperity, luck, fertility and children. It is an excellent indicator of higher education. Many people with a well placed Jupiter are interested in developing the higher aspects of human consciousness and will be interested in meditation, religion and philosophy. Interestingly enough, Jupiter is also considered to be the Great Protector in our solar system. This is fascinating considering Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Its tremendous gravitational pull has prevented asteroids and meteors from entering Earth’s orbit, saving us from planetary devastation, more than once, I am certain. On July14, 2015 Jupiter will move from Cancer into Leo (Sidereal). It takes Jupiter 11.86 months to complete a full orbit around the Sun. Depending upon retrogrades, Jupiter averages about one year in each sign.

Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) Fifth house – This is an excellent placement for Jupiter. An excellent time for strengthening relationships with your children. Good for business activities and actively engaging in higher spiritual or educational pursuits. This placement promotes optimism, so keeping a positive outlook will produce positive results. May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus) Fourth house – Blessings upon your home, renovations, remodels, new decor and landscaping. Harmonious relationships especially with mothers and mother in-laws will be welcomed. This will be perfect time for buying or selling a house or finding an apartment that suits your needs. Try some Feng Shui in your kitchen to attract prosperity. I do not use the word “abundance” as it could intimate “abundance of debt” or “abundance of annoying people”. Prosperity is the state of flourishing and thriving.

Bellingham Muse

deals with wealth, so if you are planning to update your financial portfolio or find a new broker, you can begin in MidJuly. All activities increasing your knowledge, in any area, will be enhanced at this time. Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) First house – This is one of the best placements for Jupiter. This blesses the entire chart! If you have been feeling out of sorts or battling illness, this could be a time of relief. The Vedas say you will be protected from suffering and harm. Because this house rules the body, beginning any type of health regime or physical activity such as Yoga, will be very beneficial to you. Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) Twelfth house – If you are searching to find inner peace and tranquility, then this is time to do it. This placement will support finding a spiritual teacher and assisting you on the path to enlightenment. Be careful with your money and do not overspend at this time. Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra) Eleventh house – This blesses all things related to success and fortunate opportunities. You will be in the right place at the right time. People who can help you climb the social or corporate ladder will come into your life. Goals involving spiritual activities such as meditation, and finding the truth within can be achieved during this time, especially when involved with like minded people. Group activities are highlighted. Nov 16 - Dec 15 (Scorpio) Tenth house – Looking for a new career, job opportunity or advancement? You’ve come to the right place. Your achievements will likely get noticed at this time. Any involvement with philosophy, law, government and religion relating to your profession will be auspicious during this transit.

Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini) Third house – This placement enhances relationships with younger siblings. If you are interested in getting noticed for your talents in writing, acting, singing or music, this is the In which area will Jupiter be time to let the world know more spreading its positive energy about you. Communications Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) in your life from July 14, 2015 are enhanced and negotiations Ninth house – This transit is about aligning yourself with until August 12, 2016? will tend to go in your favor. your Divine nature. The 9th Sun Signs. Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) house is a house of Dharma Second house- The truth will be or purpose. Timing can be Remember this is based on the of utmost importance as your everything and luck will be Good sidereal system and is different words will carry great weight on your side here. with father than Western Astrology. at this time. The second house relationships figures are highlighted. Travel and long journeys to foreign lands can be very Reiki + Chakra and Aura Healing for people and animals. beneficial to your overall Saralee Sky, M.A. outlook on life. Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Animal Communicator

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Mention this ad and receive a 50% discount on your 1st session! CALL TODAY  360.319.2790


Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) Eighth house – The 8th house is all about other people’s money such as wills, legacies, insurance policies, partner’s


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finances, life, death and taxes! While Jupiter is here it is wise to update any legal documents, protecting you from any issues later on down the road. Intuition can be quite strong during this transit, so paying attention to signs and symbols are very important. Follow up on hunches and change your passwords to prevent credit card or identity theft. Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) Seventh house – Jupiter indicates a spouse or partner in a woman’s chart. This could be your year if you are single and looking to get hooked up with the right partner. Jupiter blesses this house with harmonious married life, great sex and pleasant travels in foreign countries. It also brings people into your life who can be of assistance to you in times of need. Networking is key. Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces) Sixth house – Watching what you eat is certainly good advice during this transit. Jupiter brings in an expansive energy and your waistline is no exception! Feeding yourself and others will be an enjoyable experience. If you have competitors or enemies Jupiter will help you to overcome adversity in business and in your personal affairs. Jupiter will be in the Nakshatra of Magha from 7/14/2015 to 9/14/2015, approximately. Magha is represented by Regulus a regal star in the constellation of Leo. This is a star of leadership. People born with their moon here are natural leaders and always in command. The house in which Jupiter will reside from July to September is an area of your life where you might take a lead role. Maybe it is a time for you to ask that special person out for drinks instead of waiting for them to ask. Take on that new exercise program or look for another job. Whatever you decide, Jupiter, the great benefic, will help support your efforts. If you are uncertain what sign your Ascendant is in, you can use the free chart calculator on my website: www.vedicmoonastrology. com Please remember, major decisions should be based on a full chart analysis and not on the placement of just one planet. Good fortune to all! Christine Sessler is a Vedic Astrologer in Bellingham. For more information on Vedic Astrology www.vedicmoonastrology.com


Bellingham Muse

Page 17


Consulting The Cards Andrea asks:

by Kevin Walder

Hi Kevin: I am finally getting my life back together after a messy breakup. Is the person I am currently dating “the one”? Dear Andrea:

Before I ever drew the first card for your question I had a strong feeling that it is still too early to tell what the long term outcome might be for this relationship. When reading for a question like this one I most often find that the strongest indicators are about your own impressions of the situation.

Of Coins as this is the role you are now playing in your own life. You are no longer in a cooperative position where you can count on someone else to pick up the slack in challenging times. You have taken on the complete responsibility for your life and providing for your own wellbeing. This is a strong position and indicates a determination to take care of business on your part. The Queens in the deck are nurturing and kind while fiercely independent and a the situation carefully, which force to be reckoned with in is a good sign. This card is times of challenge. saying rather forcefully that it is still too early to tell if this is The next card to attract my “the one” but if you continue attention is the Ace Of Wands. to take yourself seriously This Ace says that your recent and refuse to compromise on experience has caused you to the qualities you find most reinvent yourself. You have important in a partner you will just begun to learn how to not go wrong. put yourself first and it feels exhilarating as you rediscover The Chariot was drawn to your voice. You are just now clarify the Two Of Swords and realizing that you will never indicates the need to maintain fit comfortably in that old balance as you continue to mold again, and this too can grow and move with the new be a challenge for the wrong energy you are feeling right person. now.

Kevin Walder

long term plans. You have just begun to learn about your new identity which needs a lot more definition as you recover from your messy breakup so give yourself some time to just enjoy the attention without being in a hurry to read more into the situation. All relationships are learning experiences so there is no need to rush into a decision right now. Be patient with yourself because you are just learning to appreciate your own power and you will never give it away again.

I drew three cards to begin your reading and they are: The Two Of Swords, The Queen Of Coins, and The Ace Of Wands. By way of clarification I drew a fourth card which was The Chariot. The first thing I notice is the lack of Cups cards in the reading which indicates that the real question is less about the emotional question and more about the other aspects For Your Own Personal Reading of life. Lastly I am drawn to the Two Of Contact Kevin at: In summary, you both have a Swords which indicates to me kevin_walder@me.com or www. lot to learn about each other I was first drawn to the Queen that both of you are weighing kevinwalder.com before making any kind of

Meet the Beast Continued from page7

Part Two: Taming the Beast

Treat your brain like you would your body. Think of it as diet and exercise. Stay away from junk food. The news and much of what we see in social media are geared towards strong emotional reaction. If you are interested in social justice then do something specific. But if all the subject does is cause you to ruminate and dwell in a negative space, then you are doing nobody any good. Be wary of the low grade flight or fight response. Most of Facebook is begging for a fight. Next, look to feed yourself good food. Make a

concerted daily effort to list “good things” no matter how small they may be. Consciously spend time celebrating them and wallowing in the feeling. If you got to work on time, then take note. If you did the dishes give yourself some kudos for the accomplishment. It may sound condescending, but what you are doing is training the brain to spend more time feeling good. Don’t get caught up in the idea that something needs to be significant enough to warrant a good feeling. The next piece is exercise. Adopt a mindfulness practice. Meditation, yoga, tai chi etc... anything that trains your brain to focus is helpful. There have been studies that show meditation actually improves the ability of the prefrontal cortex to mitigate the limbic reactions. The purpose of mindfulness training is to take time to slow or even stop

the “monkey mind”. Once you have gained experience slowing or stopping the chatter you can then try to introduce the essence of positive feelings. The ultimate goal is the feeling. Simply trying to push out negative thoughts by repeating positive affirmations can actually have the opposite effect if you don’t truly believe them. You cannot lie to your own brain. Between the diet and exercise these practices will help slow down the monkey mind. They help

us spend less time ruminating on imaginary conversations. They free up our mind to be rational and for the spiritual folks, it helps quiet the noise which interferes with our intuition. By Pete Johnson Pete spent 20 years in corporate America with a great deal of experience in leadership and management. A fan of eastern philosophy he was able to imbue his leadership style with some of the more subtle elements of group dynamics and personal growth.

Be Stress Free! Stress Reduction Techniques Private Sessions, Workshops & Retreats

Weekly guided meditation for stress reduction. Sundays 10am. See Events (page 18) for details. Kerri Burnside, Cht, Kerri@BellinghamMuse.com www.BellinghamMuse.com



Bellingham Muse


Page 18

See our website www.bellinghammuse.com for a current calendar of events or to list your own event. Event


Be Stress Free! Guided Meditation by Kerri Burnside. -By donation

3670 Haggin Rd.

Authentic Self Course

Center for Spiritual Living 4th Sun. 2224 Yew Street Rd of each month 1:005:00pm

5 Rhythms®

Presence Studio, 1412 Cornwall Avenue.

10:30 am $10 dropin.

Dances of Universal Peace

Center for Spiritual Living, 1508 N. 18th Street, Mount Vernon.

1st Sunday of the month 6pm-8pm

Aikido of Bellingham Adult General Class 360-671-6858 info@aikidobellingham.com www.aikidobellingham.com Meditation Class

1101 North State Street - Suite 200

Unity Church of Bellingham 1095 Telegraph Rd Tslagi Moving Meditation Center for Spiritual Living (The Cherokee Dance Of 2224 Yew Street Rd Life) Dances of Universal Center for Spiritual Living Peace 2224 Yew Street Rd No experience necessary, all abilities welcome. By donation. Bellingham Pride

Saturday, July 11th Pride Family Picnic



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


Saturday Special Global Meditation July 11th 9am

Jenny Macke 7:15-9:15 pm with $12 at the door.

Scotty Lewis 7:30-9:30 pm, $12 at the door.





2-3pm 7:00am 3rd Friday of the month 7-9pm

Special Events Special Events

Noon, Bloedel Donovan Park, 2214 Electric Ave, Bellingham, Washington. Come enjoy a picnic in the park with the entire Bellingham Pride family (that includes you)! Donations gratefully accepted to cover the cost of food

Sunday, July 12th Pride Parade

Noon (12pm), Along Cornwall Avenue. Starts at intersection of Ohio & Cornwall, Ends at Depot Market Square.

Pride Festival

‘til 4:00pm, Depot Market Square, 1100 Railroad Avenue. Features various vendors, childrens activities, appearances by local and state dignitaries. Come join the fun!

Mind, Body, Spirit Fair

Center for Spiritual Living See ad on page 12 for more details. 2224 Yew Street Rd

July 25th 10am-4pm

Co-Creating Flower Essences Contact: (360)758-7260 www.treefrogfarms.com

Tree Frog Farms 3679 Sunrise Rd Lummi Island

See ad on page 7 for more details.

July 25th or Aug 16th. Help

Mystical Winds Holistic Fair

Best Western Plus Skagit Valley Inn Convention Center 2300 Market St Mt Vernon

See ad on page 4 for more details.

choose the date. 10am-5pm

Aug 24th 10am-5pm

Join the the Bellingham Muse as we host a group meditation in honor of Deepak Chopra’s Global Meditation for Compassion. Go to www. bellinghammuse.com to sign up. (Free!)


Bellingham Muse


Page 19

Directory of Services AD


The listings below represent many of YOUR our reputable professionals located in Bellingham GOES What could you use help with?

Budget friendly pricing/packages available

H E R E you’re awesome. let’s talk.

Graphic Designer | 360.420.4950 lclissalou@gmail.com

Call Kerri (360) 612-2277 or Alana (360) 738-9557

Healing Arts

Artists and Design Work lissa clear

Would you like to have a listing? Expand your business

Relieve Stress & Anxiety Relieve Chronic Pain

Internal Harmony

Shannon Wallace 360-734-1099 Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Detox Specialist & Health Coach Colon Hydrotherapy - Far Infrared Sauna - Ionic Foot Bath





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Save 50% on packages of 4 session or more. CALL TODAY! (360) 612-2277

A Directory ad are a simple/affordable way to highlight your business and let people know what you have to offer.


Learn More at bellinghammuse.com

Mention: Bellingham15 offer expires 9/1/2015

Jenny can help (360) 643-1712 | www.JennyClairvoyant.com

Kristi’s Homegrown Soaps & Things

New Product Earns Magical Commissions!

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What do you see?






1. The old woman’s nose is in the young womans chin.






2. A duck is looking to the left and a rabbit is looking to the right.
















Math Games

© Kevin Stone

Answer: By using fractions. 22+2/2=23, 33+3/3=34, 55+5/5=56, 99+9/9=100

Mad scientist thinking, with love & creativity in each bar. Locally made all natural


from page 11


Kerri @ 360-612-2277 | Alana @ 360-738-9557

First 15 minutes free when you pay for a 45 or 60 minute psychic reading

Answers to A’Mused Puzzles Neighbors Puzzle

Call now to be listed in the next edition!

Time for a fresh perspective on life?

Simler Massage and Pilates

Alana M. Simler, LMP ~ MA00008372



360-224-7320 112 Ohio Street Suite 111 Bellingham


The Lion and the Unicorn As there is no day when both of the beings would be lying, at least one of them must have spoken the truth. They both speak the truth only on Sunday. However, the Lion would then be lying in his statement, so it couldn't be said on Sunday. So exactly one of them lied. If the Unicorn was honest, then it would have to be Sunday - but previously we proved this wrong. Thus only the Lion spoke the truth when he met Alice on Thursday and spoke with the Unicorn about Wednesday.

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Page 20

New Product

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