Bellingham Muse Edition # 10 (May/June 2015)

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Failure to Launch




What is Past Life Regression Therapy?

Kambo Poison Frog Medicine

Community Happenings





Vol. 2 Edition #4



Inspiring the mind, body and spirit




May/June 2015

Bellingham’s Hidden Music Scene By Nick Damski Bellingham is known as a music town. From bluegrass at the Green Frog to hip-hop at the Glow there’s a sound for every ear. Less well trod perhaps than the streets of downtown, up the hill at WWU, the Music Department offers a variety of performances that complement the scene and offer the community a way to expand its musical palate. On April 23rd, in Western’s Performing Arts Center, an audience of all ages took in the department’s Faculty Showcase. Featuring diverse pieces — from cello professor John Friesen’s solo performance of a Bach suite to a vibraphone rendition of And I Love Her by percussion area coordinator Patrick Roulet — the show not only was a display of the talent walking the halls of the PAC, but also it didn’t cost a dime. In fact, at WWU, most of the concerts are free. April alone has featured 12 such shows. According to Dr. Bertil Van Boer, a professor of theory at Western’s Collegium Musicum, “as a state public college, Western has viewed free admission concerts as a public service and has since kept the doors

attracts all sorts of people — at the WWU concerts families come to see their sons or daughters, students come to see their friends, children are brought and are thus introduced to whatever music is playing, and regular Bellingham community members come to see what younger generations are listening to.”

of the Performing Arts Center open to the public for their enjoyment.” And enjoy they have. Van Boer continues, “there is an overall shared excitement for performances in the PAC and translates into all sorts of people coming to attend.” 49-year-old Tenzing Kernan, a web developer and longtime Bellingham resident has been attending the free shows ever since he came across them two years ago and realized he could walk the Arboretum trail to the PAC. “These guys put on a great show,” Kernan raves, “I’m just so impressed by the talent and to see the students kicking butt.” But there’s another reason he keeps coming back, his daughters, Kelly and McKenna, 8 and 10 respectively. “Since my children have been going,”

he says, “they’ve been way more excited about learning music and playing the piano.” They were a little intimidated at first, he admitted, but “the more shows we went to the more their excitement kept them planted in their seats with their eyes wide.”

The girls took a break from building a treehouse to talk about the music. McKenna loves the way it “flows along and there’s some crazy parts and there’s some parts that are calm and peaceful” while her sister says “it’s really nice to listen to, it’s pretty, and it’s really fun to go to [the performances].” The youngsters also like the length of the shows — “It’s not too long” McKenna said, and Kelly’s 8-year-old attention span appreciates the intermissions. Asked if she would recommend it to her friends McKenna said “I would tell my friends there’s a Relieve Stress, Anxiety and Chronic Pain show at the PAC and it’s really cool, so you should go there.” “Floating is Like Hitting The Reset Button On Your Life” 360-224-7320 By Appointment Only Mention this Ad for $10 off your next float at Afloat

From Symphony Orchestra to Jazz Ensemble to Stream of Life, a performance combining piano and dance, variety plays an important part in putting together the events. As Van Boer explains, “a year in advance the ensemble directors pick the repertoire and base their decisions on their public appeal” which means “whether they have classical elements or include contemporary works” there’s a home at WWU. Beyond exposing the community of Bellingham to diverse music, Van Boer adds “the directors are also making these decisions to educate WWU students, to expose them to the grand variety music has to offer” and to “introduce them to the new communities who share those same interests.” Says Kernan, who looks forward to a summer slate full of concerts, “this is an incredible community resource available for free, and everyone should take advantage of it whether it’s a on a date or with your family.”

That the shows attract fans Nick works as a writer/producer of all ages shouldn’t come in Los Angeles and now calls as much of a surprise. “Due Bellingham home. to the universal nature of See WWU’s calendar of performance on back page. music,” says Van Boer, “it

Letter From the Publishers With the Fire element rounding out our classical elements theme, we have noticed that we are really drawing on the qualities of fire here at the Muse. Fire is the element we pull from to begin new adventures and have energy and excitement within us. We are using that spark to fuel our growth and expand.

A big heart felt thank you to all our wonderful contributors and In the true fashion of reduce, reuse, volunteers! recycle – we took old newsstands that were going to be scrapped and put a fresh coat of paint and our Muse paraphernalia on them. They’re beautiful! Check out page 16 to see them and discover new locations where you can grab your next copy of the Muse.

In This Issue...

Holistic Fair in Bellingham on May 16th from 10am – 5pm at Bloedel Donovan Park. We love to say hi to our readers! ~Kerri and Alana

Contributing Writers: Mel Damski, Eric Johnson, Sarah Murphy-Kangas, Jeni Miller, Pete Johnson, Joel Simler, Alana Simler, Kerri Burnside, Dan Martin, Christine Sessler, Jane Macdougall, Saralee Sky, Nick Damski, Michelle Whittaker

If you have a business and would like to have copies of the Muse available for your customers please contact us to be added to our distribution list. We would be happy to have you! Email or

Editing: Ashlie Simmons, Joel Simler, Pete Johnson

With all this growing, we could use a little help. If you would like to be part of the Muse team and volunteer, we have lots of inspiring opportunities. Go onto our website and at the bottom follow the link to our volunteer opportunities.

Distribution: Toni and Wendell Simler, Ashlie Simmons, Mel Damski, Debbie Burnside, Heather Dalhberg, Leslie Williams, Gayle Salisbury, Jocelyn Lindsay, Michelle Whittaker, Diana Pepper, Pete Johnson, Chris Sessler, Elizabeth Gonzalez


Bellingham’s Hidden Music Scene


What’s So Wrong With Dry Cleaning?




Failure to Launch *If I Ran the Zoo



Help Your Posture Help Your Body Smile *Optimal You


Cartoonist: Madison Tiller


available for you to read or share as well as podcasts to listen to and a Awesome Helpers: Leslie Williams, Loni Wiebe, Pete Johnson Muse Store to shop at.


*Have You Heard...

Contributing Photographers: Lissa Clear, Alana Simler, Sarah Murphy-Kangas, Kerri Burnside

Graphic Artist/Web Design and Speaking of our website… we have Support: Lissa Clear, Kerri Burnside, all of our current and past articles Alana Simler, Pete Johnson

Bellingham Muse


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Kambo - Poison Frog Medicine *Sattvic Planet Which Wolf Do You Feed? *Creating A Joyful Life





Amusement Park


What is Past Life Regression Therapy?


Dragon’s Breath

Come see us at the Mystical Winds Co-Publishers: Kerri Burnside and Alana Simler

Alana Simler is a Licensed Massage Therapist and Pilates Instructor. As well as owning and running a successful massage practice for 19 years, she has instructed massage therapy at Ashmead School of Massage and Whatcom Community College. Kerri Burnside is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapy Instructor . Her background is in public speaking and teaching leadership courses in the corporate environment. She now teaches classes which focus on centering yourself in the present moment, and leading an stress free authentically empowered life.

The four classical elements: Earth, Air, Fire and Water

The Bellingham Muse is a free independent bi-monthly (every other month) wellness magazine and is locally owned by Kerri Burnside and Alana Simler. All of our articles present different ideas, thoughts and topics that you may or may not know about. We do not wish to tell you what to do or how to think. Instead our goal is to help you find the road to fulfillment and happiness that is right for you. We do not have preference for any particular way, but instead want to make it easy for our readers to find all the opportunities available in our beautiful community. Not all views expressed in the articles represent the opinions of the Bellingham Muse. All material is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without consent from the publishers. We encourage readers to enjoy, take, share and recycle our papers. Back editions are available for $1 per copy. All articles including past editions can be found online at For questions please email or call (360) 612-2277.

this and that


Letter From the Publishers


Inspiring the Muse


The Kitchen Muse


A’Mused (comic and puzzles)


Vedic Astrology




Directory of Services *Regular Running Column

Visit our website at www. to view all of the paper’s articles online. Podcasts including: guided meditations, interviews with authors, and more can all be found on the website. You can also find information on advertising with us here at the Muse.


Bellingham Muse

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Inspiring the Muse Noun: The spirit that is thought to inspire a poet or other artist; muse [myooz] source of genius or inspiration.

What Inspires the Creators of the Bellingham Muse? Our Amazing Community! A Personal Story From One of Our Readers

We asked these Hamsters, “What fuels your fire?”

My Journey Into the Fire Firewalking on hot coals. Is it possible? I was wondering that exact same thing 22 years ago, when a group of friends hired a firewalking instructor from Seattle to come to Bellingham. This was the fourth time they gathered for a day and evening of firewalking. I’m not sure why agreed this time to partake in the festivities. I thought they were all crazy, but apparently it was just the kind of crazy that I was looking for. The day began early by preparing the fire. As I looked at the huge pile of firewood I thought to myself, holy @#%! , this is going to be a real fire! No turning back now. We worked as a team carrying the wood and building the fire. This was the beginning of a long day of trust building to prepare us for our journey across the hot coals. There were many exercises we did to prepare. We started with breaking a brick in half our hand. Well, some of us did. The friend that I had brought with me tried until her hand was bloody and sore, but was unable to break the brick. I was able to break the brick and this was a great example of mind over matter, but I wasn’t convinced of my ability to do the firewalking yet. For the next exercise we climbed up onto a platform and fell backwards into everyone’s arms. This exercise was a little easier for everyone than breaking the brick, but it still was a great exercise in pushing through the fear, trusting and letting go. Next, we did a journey through the woods, blindfolded and holding onto a single rope. We were supposed to walk in silence but I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and being disruptive. The fire was raging away and I couldn’t put away the thought when is this going to happen. I wasn’t at the time making the connection that everything that we were doing was in preparation for the firewalking. All the exercises were meant to

strengthen the belief in myself and that there is a power greater than myself. Lastly we had to bend rebars. Those steal things used to reinforce concrete. I am guessing they were ½ inch in diameter and 15-20 feet long. That’s how I remember it anyway. We got into pairs and placed the end of the rebar above the collar bone in the middle in that soft part. We started walking towards each other and right when it felt like it was going to puncture through my throat with the pressure, I took another step and it bent. We walked faster until we met and the rebar was bent in a u shape and we were able to hug. After that I was ready for anything. Even firewalking, that feeling passed quickly as we raked the red hot coals into a rectangle about 20-30 feet long. Looking at the fire I was scared, exhilarated and confused at the same time. The instructor told us not to think about it being hot. Just standing there you could feel the immense heat coming from the burning coals. I watched in amazement as each person in front of me did it. When it was my turn, I stood in front of what seemed like an endless amount of coals. Sparks were flying all around. I took my shoes and socks off and decided to believe. As I walked across the coals it did not feel hot, it felt like soft sandy rocks. As each person before me walked across the coals, they said a word out loud. As I did the same, the word that came to me was unity and I felt it to my core. I made it to the other side and stepped onto the grass. I was so relieved and surprised I had done it. It was a highlight in my life and what I learned is that when I am most afraid if I face the fear, believe in myself and let go of my small thinking, I can do anything. -Michelle Whittaker

Liz “Living close to the water fuels my fire. I like knowing that I can get to it any time I want to; whether that is taking a walk by the shore or going out in the boat.”

Anna, Dani & Abbey “Quality time with friends fuels our fire.”

Mel “Curiosity combined with my own internal combustion engine fuels my fire.” that looking back 10 years I really have no idea who that guy was looking back at me in the mirror, and quite honestly I’m grateful that I feel like a completely different person now. If you want growth and change, you must always be willing to let go of who you are. Otherwise you are merely clinging to the status-quo.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ― Viktor E. Frankl

Phoenix by Pete Johnson The Phoenix is a mythological creature often portrayed as a massive and glorious monster bird so big and powerful it could easily defeat Godzilla. There are variations of this myth, but typically the Phoenix will rise from the ashes of its predecessor who was consumed by fire. This myth does carry some potent symbolism applicable to our own lives. However, while this imagery offers great potential for an over the top special effects Hollywood blockbuster, the real benefit may be somewhat more subtle. As Americans we’ve grown accustomed to stories where the protagonist is beat down to rock bottom, then undergoes a miraculous transformation, and with superhuman abilities suddenly conquers all of

their enemies and setbacks in a blaze of glory. Think of Popeye. Just as Brutus is about to send Popeye to his ultimate demise and escape with his heroine chic trophy girl, a can of spinach appears and the forces of evil are violently vanquished. Or when Rocky is thrashed to within an inch of his life, he suddenly finds the inner strength to dominate whomever had, up to that point, been beating the snot out of him. I would like to offer something that is more practical to our own life journeys. First off, the concept of being perpetually reborn is invaluable. Culturally we’ve become so entrenched in a game of socio-political gotcha, that we’ve become afraid to admit any form of fault. I think it is good for the soul to occasionally admit

MYSTICAL WINDS EVENTS Anacortes ~ Everett ~ Bellingham (Spring/Fall)

Crystals ~ Aromatherapy ~ Mediums Jewelry ~ Tarot Reading ~ Healing Chakra Balancing & More…

Sometimes these changes can be brought about by conscious intention, but quite often they are mercilessly induced by outside circumstances. Which brings me to my second point; the slow rebirth. As I write this article I am a couple weeks away from the third anniversary of what can only be described as a total emotional breakdown. For a period of months leading up to this, I found I was developing tinnitus. I had a chronic ringing in my ears 24 hours a day which could only be drowned out by sitting next to a water fall, or turning up the car stereo. Then one afternoon, I curled up in a fetal position feeling that life had now become intolerable. Concepts like a quiet afternoon nap, or a peaceful row on a lake at dawn were actually terrifying. Not to mention the shear horror of having to climb into bed each night with nothing but the noise in my head and my own thoughts. It was quite literally driving me insane. At the time I viscerally understood what “one day at a time” literally meant. Thinking about tomorrow, next month, or five years down the road was just too overwhelming. The maddening effect seemed



Sat, May 16, 2015

A group of gifted individuals working together to create something amazing!


Be a participant in these amazing events or just come visit, and receive the blessings and miracles we create at each event.

(425) 582-1711 / (877) 596-5882

1 am to 5pm

Multi-Purpose Room 2214 Electric Ave Bellingham, WA 98226

Presented by:

Universal Life & Light 425-582-1711 / 877-596-5882

Background by Norma Jean Campanaro at Magic Earth Art

it would only intensify and I would have certainly killed myself by then. There was no can of spinach. There was no “Yo Adrian!” in the audience to elicit a miraculous turn around. What did exist, was merely a day by day focus and an intention not to lose this battle. I started a daily routine including reading, journaling and online video. I immersed myself in anything that was uplifting and empowering. And slowly the Phoenix did start to rise. Not a bold and powerful creature flying up to the heavens, but at first it was more a limping penguin waddling around wearing a special needs helmet . It took over two years before I no longer felt “broken” by my condition. This was the most difficult time of my life by a factor of 10. Today I wear that survival as a badge of honor, and welcome the growth it created.

“We want the miracle pill. We want to be fixed right now.” We want the miracle pill. We want to be fixed right now. We want whatever we wish were different to be gone, so we can get on with our lives. But I would encourage you to embrace a lifetime of constant rebirth. Do not seek to be “done” with growth. Embrace your imperfection and respectfully appreciate your challenges. Most of all, if you find yourself in a pile of ashes, just walk daily with patience and grace towards your own divine growth.

Pete spent 20 years in corporate America with a great deal of experience in leadership and management. A fan of eastern philosophy he was able to imbue his leadership style with some of the more subtle elements of group dynamics and personal growth.




Holistic Fairs with the vision to change the world and give people what they need at that time to continue on their spiritual path!

Bellingham Muse


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Go to or contact Kerri (360) 612-2277 or Alana (360) 733-9557 for more information.


Bellingham Muse

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The Amusement Park By Dan Martin In modern Western culture everything teaches us to fulfill ourselves with some type of enjoyment in order to “be happy.” In fact, enjoyment is the primary collective cultural imperative. Psychologically, to enjoy oneself in our culture is much more common of an individual mental narrative than say, the social imperative to sacrifice for the whole (as one among many possible narratives). Nearly everything we can see outside the world of work, and many times within the work world, is an amusement of some kind. These amusements are ways of enjoying ourselves outside of work whether they are hobbies, entertainment, sports, arts, games, social pursuits and so on. The goal in our culture is to earn enough money in order to buy all the forms of entertainment one desires in the amusement park of our society. These forms of amusement serve to cloak the truth about our lives, the work we do, the direction of our society and the horrors that are currently underway throughout the world.

internal energy to awaken. Yet, even in our daily life waking up means being mindful; mindful of the state of affairs we are in. If we aren’t mindful it is very difficult to have a true mission in life. A mission gives life a deeper meaning than just a way to fulfill one’s hedonistic desires.

“Dreaming is for those who are asleep, experiencing reality is for those who are awake .” if everyone in our society is collectively dreaming all the time. We are dreaming of where we would rather be when at work, or dreaming of the next entertainment even while still pursuing the current one.

If you are dreaming, you are asleep. Almost everything in our society attempts to keep you asleep. One might counter by saying, “well I enjoy my dream, what’s wrong with it?” Such a statement is similar to saying ignorance is bliss; usually it is blissful until something bites you in the We live in a world that attempts rear end and you have to wake to keep us in a daydream, not up. The question is how do we only through overtly escapist wake up? entertainment but through the pursuit of careers, sex, If you are dreaming it’s usually family life (as an ambition), because you are too tired to ambitious goal setting, new wake up. In order to wake up electronics, shopping, fashion, you have to generate enough watered down religion and of energy, once you are energetic course drugs. This fixation enough nothing will stop you on enjoyable pursuits focuses from awakening. You can’t the mind upon the next build enough energy to awaken thing, situation or goal that if you drain all your energy can maintain the dream of on various amusements (our personal happiness. It is as collective social goal). Career,

relationships, sex, fitness, powerful emotions and so on, can steal your energy even to the point of harming your health (think fatigue, stress, rumination on negative thoughts and emotions etcetera). We must leave the amusement park of emotions and awaken to reality – the reality as experienced within the body from moment-to-moment. In order to do so we must shift our consciousness away from daydreaming to reality as it is; usually this is painful for people in our society so they would rather keep on dreaming. If we can do this, we can wake up in dreams (lucid dreaming) and daydreams which keep us from seeing reality clearly. Why awaken? Certainly many of the world’s wisdom traditions speak of the awareness of higher realms of consciousness that are only obtainable when one has done the work of building enough

How do we save the energy that we already have in order to stop wasting it on dreaming and learn to wake up? We focus on activities that balance emotions that have gotten out of control in our amusement park world. Emotions like fear, anger, excitement, worry and sadness. Each of these emotions and others consume huge amounts of energy that can be used to awaken. Many times these emotions arise when the daydream of our amusements are thwarted. Baring the awakening to higher realms of consciousness, awakening is for the change and improvement of our world in the here and now. Simply by being fully present in any given moment you harness energy wasted on frivolous amusements and bring it to serve the needs of reality rather than daydreams. Dreaming is for those who are asleep, experiencing reality is for those who are awake . Dan Martin has a masters degree in psychology and runs Afloat floatation therapy in Bellingham WA: www. He also writes about consciousness, spirituality and society at:

Have you heard?! One of the best kept secrets in town. WWU’s Music Department’s performances are open to the public!

Most of them are free! Go see a concert and spread the good news. See the calendar on the back page.

Bellingham Muse

Optimal You


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reminder that we need to pay attention and check in with ourselves.

pick a couple) within your part of your morning routine you may improve routine, during lunch how you feel and become or at the end of the day This visual illustrates how slouching forward effects more aware of when your before bed) to perform a our body more than you may realize. The further forward our head rests the heavier the load becomes body needs you to adjust. couple simple stretches. for our spine and muscles to carry. The number one You have the power and It doesn’t take long and You know those times when complaint in my practice that control to improve yourself! your body will smile. I you find yourself frozen in I hear about has to be neck have listed two for you to one position, staring at the pain and a sore upper back. Tips for improving your try. Don’t worry, they are computer screen or even This complaint comes from a body’s well-being: pretty relaxing ones. the road if you are driving variety of people performing • Take Mini Breaks - The • Exercise – Strengthening and then “returned to the different jobs – office workers, body likes motion vs being your upper back muscles present” and thought to medical/dental staff, hair stagnant. Move your head and opening up the chest yourself, “Holy cow, how dressers, construction around, do some shoulder muscles can help your long have I been sitting like workers… the list goes on. circles and swing your posture and make it more that!” You bring your head You might wonder why, with arms. This will get your natural to hold good back to place over your torso such a diversity of work out blood flowing again. posture throughout the instead of your lap, drop there, they have this area • Think Tall - Frequently day. May I suggest Yoga your shoulders and wonder in common for pain. The or Pilates to add to your remind yourself to be tall. why they are glued to your best general answer for this repertoire? This thought will trigger ears? I’ve even looked question is that we all work your body to adjust around at the other cars and in front of ourselves. I realize upright and bring itself I think you will be surprised wondered if anyone saw me that sounds silly, but we into alignment. Pull your by how much you will feel the hunched over, shrunken into do. We don’t reach behind, chin back and open your stretches and then how good myself and how funny I must sometimes we work overhead, your body feels afterwards. chest. have looked. but we almost always are • Stretch - Pick a regular You will smile from the inside reaching forward and forget time in the day (maybe out. My friend/fellow massage about good posture. It’s like therapist and I do a massage we get lost in our minds or TIPS FOR HELPING YOUR POSTURE trade regularly. In the super focused on the task summer we go out on my and completely forget about You will need 3 1 deck and there is a window our bodies. a foam roller that reflects perfectly. I or take 2 bath towels folded caught myself very intensely However you look at it our in thirds working with what I would call posture becomes rounded length wise “horrific” body mechanics, forward in the shoulders and rolled. and I used to teach body and our head juts forward at You will also mechanics! We have often awkward angles that cause need a pillow as the towels joked about catching our muscles to hang on for 2 4 will not be ourselves in awkward dear life to hold up that heavy long enough to support your head. postures while massaging. noggin. The chest muscles It was quite surprising at become shortened and tight, 2 first and definitely a good and the back muscles become 1 overstretched and weak. No wonder the body is yelling at us. It is calling for attention Lay on the roller/towel with your to fix this repetitive behavior. Over time these bad posture habits can lead to chronic pain problems, damaged tissues, headaches and changes in the spine.


I’m here to give you some tips on improving your 1. Standing with your arms dangling, roll your palms open posture and the way your and pull your shoulder blades body feels. I’ve tried to keep together in the back (try not to them simple and easy to do. arch your back). These tips are meant to be 2. Holding the arm position, tuck your chin lifting through the incorporated into your life back of the head. Hold ~1 min. and not just performed once. 3. Turn your head to look at each By integrating them (or even shoulder holding on each side.

head supported. Steady yourself with flat feet and knees evenly apart. Give a little tuck to your pelvis to support your low back.

1. Place your arms by your sides palms down. Inhale deep breaths and relax into the position noting where you may feel any pulling or tightness. Don’t resist, instead try to let the tissue lengthen. Rest in this position ~1 minute. 2. Roll your palms open and move your arms up. Repeat breathing and resting. 3-4. In stages of resting, continue to progressively move your arms up to change the fibers that are being lengthened.


Bellingham Muse

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WHAT’S SO WRONG WITH DRY CLEANING? By Jane Macdougall It’s spring. Well, at least it is here in Vancouver. Time to bring out my doublefaced cashmere Polo coat the color of Cream of Wheat. It’s beyond beautiful: Valentino couture; trapeze like at the hem, it cinches at the waist , with an enveloping portrait collar that says, ”I’m ready for my close up.” The fabric, I’m sure, is what spawned frotteurism. You know, lewd acts of “accidental” rubbing that take place in a crush of people. It just goes with the territory: after all, it has what fashionistas call “fabulous hand.” The coat’s pale loveliness speaks of a type of insolence that we associate with celebrity, you know: the rules don’t apply. Moi? I taunt the gods. It also speaks of sheer idiocy. Whatever this stunner cost me, I’ve paid out a bajillion times in dry cleaning costs. Buying a damn-near white coat is just asking for trouble. Inexplicably, gleeful, muddy labradors love this coat. Migrating birds, returning home from the south, instinctively home in on it. Waiters sabotage it with dripping coffee pots and the pale luxury fabric makes a most excellent pairing with red wine . Yes, it’s an affront to Mother Nature. It’s also been an affront to my savings account. Let’s do the math. First off, let’s pretend I paid $1,000 for the coat. This will not only keep the math simple, it will make me feel less like I was a drunken sailor on shore leave. Now say that dry cleaning it runs about $40. It has linen

wnsquared Waste Not. Want Not.

Live better; use less. Reduce, REIMAGINE!, recycle


brocade trim so, naturally, ipso, ergo, and thusly, that adds to the cost. So if I dry clean the coat fifteen times, I’ve dropped 60% of the cost of the coat on top of the purchase price. And being the stain beacon that it is, the coat has a track record of visiting the dry cleaner following each outing . (I’m typing with my elbows while covering my ears and humming as I write so that I don’t have to hear myself admit this .)

“The benefit of a past-life regression session is to explore the karmic influence of past-life experiences on current issues.” Jane Macdougall Waste Not, Want Not (WN2) than water, it has the ability to make a mess of aquifers. Perc can be reused but it must be changed regularly and it’s critical that it be decommissioned properly. This is not something every Mom and Pop dry cleaning operation can guarantee. On another level, high levels of even brief exposure can cause nausea, membrane irritation, fatigue, dizziness and confusion. Confusion! Perhaps my ivory coat saga is part of a perc-induced delusion!

wet cleaning is akin to this. Not all garments can be wetprocessed, but the finished result when professionally pressed is identical to the perc process except that it won’t kill you or future generations.

An interesting parallel is early cosmetics which used lead or even arsenic in face powders. It turned out to be not such a hot idea. A top dollar beauty offensive that yields a beautiful, but untimely, corpse begs a little more thinking. So, a lovely blouse, deeply discounted, can be disqualified from being a true bargain if it requires constant dry cleaning. Even the environmentally sound cleaning choice is going to set you back about $10 and two round-trips. If the item in question needs care, feeding and attention, it may as well be a child or a husband. They, too, are a lot of work but they can at least be expected to take the garbage out… theoretically. And the good ones won’t try to kill you…on purpose.

Now, let’s factor in 30 round trips – yes, drop off and pick up – to the dry cleaner. Do you want to assign a value to your time? How ’bout to your monthly fuel bill? Shall we calculate the eco-cost of dry cleaning chemicals, carbon emissions and other attendant the early ’90s nasty factors in the equation? Since environmental agencies have Let’s! wrung their hands about perc Yes, the ivory coat is an Enemy but it remains the primary of the People. Not only is it professional cleaning method. responsible for propagating The Great Green Hope in this all sorts of toxins, it’s my issue is something called immediate nemesis. Its come- multi-process wet cleaning, a controlled hither creaminess is undoing essentially my careful efforts to be a application of – you may have poster girl for RRSPs and heard of this – soap and water. responsible citizenship. I’m not going to get rid of it – it’s Years ago, a furrier told me just so damned fetching! – but of a process I recall being I can tell you what I now do called “luring”. I thought it when I’m beguiled by an item had something to do with the while shopping. I do the math commodity exchange that furs you saw above, and I do a little represented to women and Read more by Jane Macdougall: the men that offered them. science., But no, it was a method of national, Dry cleaning is essentially cleaning a fur coat by simply @Janemactweet,, wiping down the surface with @ped_viz a process where clothes are cleaned with chemicals, a wetted cloth. Multi-process chiefly perchloroethylene, CFPA.WWU.EDU/MUSIC commonly called perc. Perc is a clear, colorless liquid, All concerts will be held on WWU campus in the Performing Arts Center. Most Concerts are Free! *Except where noted kind of like vodka. Only perc FOR ASSISTANCE WITH PARKING OR DISABILITY PLEASE CALL (360)650-7640 is not a social solvent; perc ACCOMMODATIONS November is a toxic chemical solvent. Mizrahi Recital – 8:00 PM 1st Michael 17th WWU Orchestra Performance – 8 PM (Master Class at 11 AM – 1 PM) This chemical is added to Faculty Chamber Recital – 7:30 PM your clothes and agitated in a 21th With Jennifer Weeks, Lisa McCarthy, Judith 5th Mike Allen Quartet Monthly Jazz Series Widrig and Friends Performance – 8 PM manner similar to your own inMolly Semon Senior Voice Recital – 10 * BAAY theater, 1059 N State St., tickets are $10 and free for home laundry process. Your AM students clothes are then dried, pressed Recital – 12 PM (in the Choir 22nd *MTNA 12th Concert Choir 2014 Performance - 8 PM room PAC 016) back into shape, and bagged Sam Day Sr. Voice Recital – 4 PM in polyethylene thereby 13th Leif Mitchell Junior Recital - 5 PM Hoogkamer Saxophone Senior 23rd David ensuring that the toxins are Wind Symphony Performance - 8 PM Recital Performance – 8 PM Faculty Recital – Gustavo Camacho and efficiently transported to your Rachel Wulff Senior Voice Recital - 12 PM Friends Concert – 4 PM 15th JOIN US FOR A FREE home environment. Mariah O’Bryant Senior Recital - 4 PM of Western (C.O.W) 24th Composers PERFORMANCE. Performance – 8 PM


Now, the thing about perc is that it degrades to a potent carcinogen, and being heavier


CALENDAR ON BACK PAGE. UniversitySEE Choir Performance - 3 PM


McKenzie Clark Voice and Trumpet Recital-8PM FOLLOW WWU MUSIC

Bellingham Muse


Page 8

Have You Heard... StartUp By Joel Simler

Muse Tip - The following is a podcast review/suggestion. For more information on what a podcast is or how to access them, go to our website and select the ‘Have You Heard’ link under the ‘B’MUSED’ tab. The amount of business startups today is impressive, and the rate of new startups is staggering. You know what else is gaining steam in the world? Podcasts! Having remained fairly obscure since their birth 10-15 years ago (or 100, depending on who you ask), people have become ravenous for them, and demand is growing. Culture is craving something that can easily, cheaply, and instantly be found; as well as provide us a means of entertainment Gimlet Media Co-Founders Alex that makes us at least feel like we are learning or growing our minds in some way. The most popular podcasts tend to be human stories, in conjunction with good journalism, and often produced to capture more emotion than a typical news getting into. This is a story piece. driven idea, where you are We’re at a point now where stepping alongside host/ there are enough good creator Alex Blumberg (This podcasts that many are American Life, Planet Money), banding together to create as he quits his job in public their own networks. Some radio to venture off with his I have mentioned here, e.g. business partner Matt Lieber, National Public Radio and all while trying to maintain Radiotopia. More are out his status as husband and there, and more networks a new father. The show is a are popping up like prairie very honest look at what it’s dogs. One which recently like to try your own startup. popped up is Gimlet Media. If you are considering your There is not much I can say own startup company, this about Gimlet Media that they would be a very good show themselves haven’t already to listen to. For those of us told listeners in their debut that aren’t attempting a startup, it’s an entertaining podcast, Startup. look at someone that is crazy Let’s sum up this meta enough to risk so much in worm-hole, this is a startup life doing something that he podcast company, that has a is passionate about, despite podcast called Startup about the amazingly low chance of its own foray as a startup. success. This podcast is not one of those “how to…” shows, So far, the series is only one which I have a hard time season long, which means that now is the time to catch up before Season 2! This first season appears to be unique, in that all 14 episodes are documenting Gimlet Media’s rise from the ground up. Future seasons/episodes look like they’re going to

hilarious. Our pity rises as we listen to the event unfold and really feel the awkwardness of the situation. Shortly into the season, we find Alex Blumberg looking for a business partner. What I like about Startup, is you get to hear everyone’s side to a story, such as when he negotiates the terms of his professional partnership with Matt Lieber. We also hear conversations with his wife Blumberg and Matthew Lieber Nazanin, who is more than arguably the sanest person on the show. We often hear her coaching Alex away from misguided ideas.

focus less on an individual startup, and instead interview many different startups. But, it hasn’t happened yet so we are waiting patiently. Since this is a series that will make the most sense listened to in order, I suggest starting at Episode 1. I will highlight some good parts to listen for though. The point of any media is to grab your attention right away. Startup begins by immediately making you laugh and cringe for the hero of our series, Alex. Episode 1, aptly titled “How Not To Pitch A Billionaire”, Alex gets the opportunity to talk to Silicon Valley billionaire, Chris Sacca. What ensues must be the most laughable pitch ever heard. Ok, I haven’t heard many (or maybe any) pitches to billionaire investors, but clearly neither has Alex Blumberg. It is a pitch worth hearing, and I’m sure those of you in the same position as Alex will easily pull away lessons from the debacle. For those of us not looking to pull away lessons from this, which you likely will anyways, the segment is truly

While Startup is not designed to coach people in starting their own business, it is not a bad idea to jot down some notes. The show is very entertaining in every element, and has lots of emotions to share along the way. The people in the show are likable and compelling. Alex’s producer, Kaitlin Roberts, is quoted in the show saying “…you spend that much time listening to someone argue about a name or a pitch, it’s hard not to feel like you’re really invested in it.” Being the producer, Kaitlin listened to hours of interviews done by Startup founders, and helped bring it into one cohesive piece so that in the end, we can all share in that same invested feeling she has. Born in Seattle, raised in Bellingham, Joel is a real cloud loving, tree climbing, North Westerner. He can be found living by a Troll in Seattle, often exploring a vast array of breweries, and music happenings. He works as an audio/video technician in Redmond giving him a perfect drive for listening to podcasts. He is also a professionally certified dance instructor, and produces his own local concerts in his spare time.


Bellingham Muse

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What is Past Life Regression Therapy? By Jeni Miller, CHt As a child I believed in before, I just know it!” reincarnation. Growing up it wasn’t something I was taught by my family or through religious, spiritual or philosophical influences. It is a concept that I never questioned. I recall that day my mom and I went to the movies to see the latest Barbara Streisand film, “On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.” I was totally riveted to the story of a woman who goes to see a psychiatrist to get help breaking her smoking habit. The therapist uses hypnosis to assist Barbara’s character in becoming smokefree and during their sessions together, they discover she is the reincarnation of an eighteenth century lady. While only a story on film, this movie made a tremendous impact on me. It not only supported my inner knowing that reincarnation and past lives were real for me, the movie planted a seed for the work I would be doing as an adult. It was many years later while traveling in Europe with a friend that I actually had my first encounter with “remembering” a place I hadn’t visited before. It was nighttime and we were walking to a restaurant for dinner. Suddenly, my whole body froze, I turned in the direction of a lighted building that I could barely make out in the distance, and a shiver ran through me. Because my friend had travelled through Vienna numerous times before, he was able to tell me the building I was interested in and reacting to was the Staatsoper (Opera House). Curious about the physical response and haunted by a deep stirring within, I made plans to visit the Opera House for further investigation. While on a tour of the building, I began to shake and cry uncontrollably and all I could think was, “I’ve been here

Upon my return from Austria, I scheduled a past-life regression session to find out why I had such a strong visceral reaction to the Opera House. In my session, I learned I had lived in Vienna during the 1800s and was a regular patron of the opera. My intense and surprising physical reactions, as well as my immense love of Mozart’s music were suddenly explained.

“I’ve been here before, I just know it!” Today, I have the good fortune of working with clients in my hypnotherapy practice who are interested in past-life regression therapy as a means of personal and spiritual growth. A substantial portion of the world’s population believes in reincarnation. Many spiritual and religious traditions teach the notion that there is an immortal part of us (the soul). In its drive toward wholeness the soul evolves through opportunities for growth in consciousness or “lessons” or “karma” experienced through various lifetimes. Past-life regression often resolves issues that do not seem to have current life causes and issues that have not met resolution through other therapeutic means. The benefit of a past-life regression session is to explore the karmic influence of past-life experiences on current issues. Hypnosis is the method I use to assist clients to recover the past life that is impacting the current situation and glean insight from that exploration. Hypnosis creates deep relaxation and allows access to the subconscious

“The benefit of a past-life regression session is to explore the karmic influence of past-life experiences on current issues.” mind, a large data bank that contains thoughts, beliefs, behavior patterns, emotions and memories; as well as opens communication with the superconscious mind, that part of you that is allknowing and possesses deep wisdom that provides creative solutions to problems that are uncovered and reinforces the truth about you. Past-life regression used in a therapeutic manner can assist you to discover: • the root of a “seemingly irrational” fear or phobia • the source of a recurring pattern, issue or health challenge • a resource that would be helpful in your life today • the source of a special skill, talent or ability • your life purpose and major life themes • your vast consciousness and connection to your divine nature Past-life regression therapy is amazingly healing. I’ve witnessed clients emerge from sessions with a greater sense of peace, a deeper insight into who they are, and freedom from a previously troubling issue. As a therapy,

past-life regression enables the client to make conscious the unconscious. Through this process, talents, relationships, and affinities can be understood. Also, the origin of patterns and limiting core beliefs can be identified and transformed in order to restore choice.

From the place of choice you are able to take responsibility for the experience, the life, and the world you are creating— you become a conscious creator. Additionally, pastlife regression can empower and embolden you through expanded awareness of Self and life, generate greater appreciation and acceptance of yourself and others, and provide a profound understanding of mind-bodyspirit integration. Jeni Miller is a Medical Support Clinical Hypnotherapist and childbirth hypnosis educator. Her clients achieve radiant, vibrant health through mind, body, Spirit integration. Her approach is compassionate, intuitive, grounded and practical. Call her at 360-647-3726. Visit www. HeartHarmonicsHypnotherapy. com to receive a free Relaxation MP3 or Joyful Pregnancy MP3.

Bellingham Muse


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The Kitchen Muse Curried Basmati Rice Salad By Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Sarah is a Bellingham local and happens to have a wonderful food blog - In Praise of Leftovers. Her insights in the kitchen are sure to inspire you. “Snootiness seems to be rampant in the food world and I hope you don’t encounter that here. For me, the kitchen is more about being together than about making the perfect meal. It’s also about making do–seeing what’s around, rescuing ailing vegetables from the brink, taking advantage of simple things like dried beans or grains. And nothing makes me happier than finding a way to use all the random bits in my fridge.” Happy Scrounging! Sarah Murphy-Kangas

Photo By Sarah Murphy-Kangas

If I had t-shirts with all my slogans on them, we’d have to rent a storage unit. This week’s t-shirt would say, “Put it all in one bowl!” I’m a fan of cramming as many colorful and crunchy things as possible into a bowl and then eating off it for as long as possible. You could add so many other things to this--chopped raw or roasted broccoli or cauliflower, shaved carrots, currants instead of raisins, Asian basil, diced red onions or chopped green onions. 4 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1

Tb. butter or coconut oil c. finely chopped onion minced garlic cloves Tb. finely minced fresh ginger Tb. curry powder c. basmati rice, rinsed c. raisins Tb. sugar English cucumber, diced

1 bunch cilantro, washed and coarsely chopped handful fresh mint, coarsely chopped 1 red jalapeno, seeded and diced 1 c. toasted unsweetened coconut flakes 2 c. toasted slivered or sliced almonds 1/4 c. chopped candied ginger salt juice of two limes

For rice: In a heavy medium saucepan, melt butter or coconut oil. Add onions, garlic, ginger, and curry powder and saute until melded, about 5 minutes. Add rice, 4 cups water, sugar, and raisins and stir. Bring to a boil, turn down to a simmer, cover and cook for 20 minutes. Turn off heat after 20 minutes and let sit covered for 10 minutes. Remove the lid, fluff with a fork, and pour into a big shallow salad bowl, stirring to release heat and separate the grains.

To assemble the salad: Add cucumber, cilantro, mint, jalapeno, coconut, almonds, and candied ginger, saving a little of each to garnish the top. Mix with salt (keep tasting and add plenty!) and lime juice. Top with reserved ingredients. P.S. To make this heartier and serve it for dinner, grill some chicken or roast some tofu to go on top.



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Bellingham Muse

Page 11


In this first box, read the word out load and time yourself Have you heard of the Stroop Test? Here is an interesting mind test with a timer that was published by J. Ridley Stroop in Germany in 1929 and in English (such as the in 1935. It demontrates the difficulty the brain encounters when trying one on your to say the color a word is printed in and not actually reading the word phone). which also happens to be a color name.

The Stroop Test

There are several theories as to the actual cause of the conflict (e.g. Speed of Processing theory and Selective Attention theory as well as others). This test is used to show the brain’s processing speed and a person’s selective attention abilities. It is also used in helping to screen and diagnose a variety of brain disorders and mental issues. Try for yourself and see the time difference it takes between the following two boxes.

In this second box, say the color of the word out load (do not read the word, just say the color the word is printed in) while timing yourself.



















































Try it a few times and see if you can improve!

BrainBashers Puzzles

BrainBashers Medium 5 x 5 Neighbours Puzzle ­ August 26



Complete Words

A ‘complete’ word is a word in which every letter, in turn, can be replaced by another to form a new word.



For example, SEND is a complete word because: Starting with SEND we can replace the S with an L to make LEND Starting with SEND we can replace the E with an A to make SAND Starting with SEND we can replace the N with an E to make SEED Starting with SEND we can replace the D with a T to make SENT Which 2 of the following words are not complete words? Proper nouns (i.e. people’s names) are not allowed.


5 © Kevin StoneNeighbours Puzzle © Kevin



symbols on thethe grid indicate YouThe have to complete grid such neighbours (e.g. 1 >< 2, 3 >< 4, 2 >< 1). Rule 1 ­ if there is a symbol the numbers are neighbours. that every row and column contains Rule 2 ­ if there is NOT a symbol the numbers are NOT neighbours. the numbers 1 to 5 (each number appears once).[] Printed from exactly BrainBashers • The symbols on the grid indicate neighbours (e.g. 1 >< 2, 3 >< 4, 2 >< 1). • Rule 1 - if there is a symbol the numbers are neighbors. • Rule 2 - if there is NOT a symbol the numbers are NOT neighbors.

The answers to both puzzles are posted on page 19

“Time is a game played beautifully by children.” ~Heraclitus, Fragments



© Kevin Stone

Complete the grid such that every row and column contains every number exactly once. Objective / Rules


Bellingham Muse

Sattvic Planet Kambo Poison Frog Medicine By Eric Johnson

A giant leaf frog Phyllomedusa bicolor (Kambo)

The theme of this month’s Muse is fire so I’d like to share with you a fiery experience that I recently had during my trip to Peru. Many people turn to alternative medicine for different reasons. One reason for me came after the realization that the conventional medicine experts were unable to improve my condition; as evidence of this they diagnosed

my allergic reactions as idiopathic angioedema, which translates to swelling caused by an unknown origin. As a result I turned to an excellent Ayurvedic practitioner who helped me manage this reaction through a highly disciplined diet. Unfortunately he was unable to eliminate the reaction entirely through diet alone during the time we worked together. Eventually I decided to visit Peru on a mission to improve my condition, and while I was there discovered a therapy called Kambo.

potential candidates of the therapy. However, if Western medicine doesn’t understand an indigenous medicine practiced for centuries must we then declare it dangerous and ineffective? There is a risk to anything in life, including pharmaceuticals and surgeries, and the claimed benefits of Kambo are quite intriguing. The three primary benefits are: relief from depression, improved immunity from future disease, and relief or even cure from existing conditions.

Benefits Modern science has relatively little understanding of exactly how Kambo works. This lack of understanding may be viewed as an enormous risk to some

Are You Experienced? You can usually recognize somebody who has had Kambo therapy by the tattoo like markings on their skin. Kambo is introduced into the body through small circular

burns that tend to leave a permanent mark on the skin. While this may seem crude, it is really quite creative as indigenous cultures never had access to tools such as modern syringes. The burns provide an entry point into the blood stream that allows doses to be controlled. A small amount of frog poison paste is applied over the burn, so three burns equals three doses. Typically a patient receives three treatments in one month, so

Continued on page 16 Administering Kambo Veterinary physical rehabilitation is a non-invasive method to accelerate the healing of both acute and chronic orthopedic and neurological conditions. We can help your pet regain or maintain functional activity, as well as promote weight loss, and increase physical fitness. Physical Rehabilitation Benefits Reduction of pain and inflammation Increased speed of recovery after surgery or injury Muscle strengthening Joint health maintenance Healthier body condition Positive psychological effects for patient and owner Caitlin Bennett, LVT, CCRP

Our Therapeutic Options Class IV Therapeutic Laser, Heat and Cold Therapy, Therapeutic exercises, Customized home exercise and therapy programs, Massage Therapy

Advantages of Acupuncture Urinary or fecal incontinence Allergies (skin, respiratory, and digestive manifestations) Asthma, cough, sinusitis, etc. Behavioral problems (anxiety, inappropriate urination, etc.) Pain management Colleen Coyne, DVM, CVA

Northshore Veterinary Hospital 1486 Electric Avenue Bellingham, WA 98229 360.738.6916


Page 12


Bellingham Muse

CREATING A JOYFUL LIFE Which Wolf Do You Feed? BY Kerri Burnside

Without some stress I may not have enough motivation to get out of bed in the morning. A healthy amount of stress can motivate us to toward a fulfilling life, but let’s look at what too much stress does.

suggest that stress is the factor underlying illnesses for more than 70% of all visits to the family doctor. It is a serious issue and let’s face it. Stress is killing us. So what can we do about it? Here are some simple suggestion that I have found helpful for de-stressing: Suggestion #1: Have attitude of gratitude.

Chronic stress has been linked to a wide range of aliments and illnesses such as intestinal problems, gum disease, erectile dysfunction, growth problems, heart disease, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression and even cancer to name a few. With the ongoing development of research crossing the disciplines of psychology, medicine, neuroscience and genetics, it is rapidly becoming understood how stress and illnesses are connected. One study found that people who experience high amounts of workplace stress are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. OSHA has classified stress as a workplace hazard and it is estimated that stress causes American industry over $300 billion in losses annually. When we look at the effects of stress on our population we can see that behavioral disability costs have increased more than 300% over the past decade and account for 30% of all disability claims. Additionally, medical doctors

Page 13


Look for what you are grateful for every day. This shifts your awareness away from what you are unhappy with and brings your focus onto what is working in your life. Having a daily practice is more powerful and effective than sporadically doing it. I like to start my day by thinking of everything that I am grateful for and talking myself into a good mood before I even get out of bed. Some days are easier than others, but by doing this everyday it ensures that I get up on the “right” side of the bed each day. You can also try going through the alphabet thinking or listing something that you are grateful for that begins with each letter. Do what works for you and find fun ways to do it every day. Suggestion forgiveness.



When you hold a grievance toward someone or a situation it is only poisoning you. It affects your mental health as well as your physical health. In his book, Five Steps to Forgiveness, clinical psychologist Everett Worthington Jr. offers a

five-step process he calls REACH. First, Recall the hurt. Then Empathize and try to understand the act from the perpetrator’s point of view. Be Altruistic by recalling a time in your life when you were forgiven. Commit to putting your forgiveness into words. You can do this either in a letter to the person you’re forgiving or in your journal. Finally, try to Hold onto the forgiveness. Don’t dwell on your anger, hurt, and desire for vengeance.

compassion and faith.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?” The old Cherokee simply replied, “the one you feed.”

Which thoughts do you feed? Once you are aware of what your thoughts are, you have the ability to consciously choose what you think about and believe. This makes it easier to counteract the negative ones (evil) and replace them with more positive thoughts Suggestion #3: Be aware of (good). your thoughts. Suggestion #4: Meditate. I love the story of the two Meditate or just give your wolves: mind some quiet time. Go for One evening an old Cherokee a walk, take a yoga class or told his grandson about a painting class. Find the style battle that goes on inside or method that you resonate people. He said, “My son, the with (or whatever works best battle is between two “wolves” for you) and do it daily. Give inside us all. One is Evil. - It is yourself permission to make anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, this a priority. You are worth regret, greed, arrogance, it! self-pity, guilt, resentment, -Kerri Burnside is the Co-Publisher inferiority, lies, false pride, of the Bellingham Muse. She has superiority, and ego. The been teaching stress management other is Good. - It is joy, peace, for over 15 years and offers a love, hope, serenity, humility, weekly guided meditation for stress kindness, benevolence, reduction that is open to the public empathy, generosity, truth, (See events on page 19).

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Bellingham Muse

If I Ran the Zoo

Failure to Launch By Mel Damski

“this is what we call Failure to Launch, a very common syndrome with today’s youth.” Susan and I go to couples’ We feel much better knowing that this situation is not unique to our family and in fact has risen to syndrome status. It means that it isn’t just that we screwed up– there are global forces at We went recently to talk work here. to a therapist about our relationship with our 5 According to Dr. White and his adult children. They are colleagues in head shrinking all struggling against the circles, theories abound as currents of a stalled global to why this up and coming economy and despite generation is taking its time dogged determination, they growing into adulthood. That are having trouble finding is, of course, adulthood as satisfying work that pays our generation defines it: a the bills and provides health stable job, marriage, family, home ownership. care. therapy every 25 years, whether we need it or not. Okay, maybe a little more frequently than that but not often.

We questioned how much support we should give them, financially and otherwise. Were we creating a disincentive by giving them a small monthly stipend and letting them boomerang back to live at home from time to time? We also wondered why none of our kids, ages 35 through 22, is married or engaged. Only one has a significant other. Why was it taking them so much longer than it took us to move into the mainstream?

Let’s start with a stable job. Not that easy to get these days. Even with a graduate degree. There is a general backsliding in the job market, with older experienced workers taking jobs away from younger people, jobs that in the past they might have scoffed at.

You can routinely see older people working on checkout lines at grocery stores, for example. Other entry level jobs for a young college graduate might well be taken by someone who has a graduate degree and no “Ah,” said Dr. Geoffry White, better offers. “this is what we call Failure people who are to Launch, a very common Also, syndrome with today’s actually hiring these days say they are unimpressed youth.”

with recent high school and college graduates. They feel educational standards have been watered down and this emerging generation has been pampered and over protected by parents and teachers, so that they don’t have the competitive edge or drive that makes them appeal to prospective employers.


Page 14

says video games and smart phones have contributed to a lack of proper socialization among young adults that slows down maturation.

Dr. White adds that because so many of us were divorced, we tended to be too overindulgent with our kids and this may have given them a sense of entitlement As for marriage, my generation as opposed to a strong work can take some responsibility ethic. for making a mess out of this once respected institution. This all sounds cynical but I A recent survey of people have spoken to many young under 30 said more than a people while researching quarter of them believe that this column and these same marriage is no longer a viable issues keep coming up. They option. are in no hurry to grow up and take on more responsibilities. If you’re not planning on Maybe someday, but not now. getting married, you’re certainly not planning on This means going back to live raising children. And even with Mom and Dad or having those who are willing to take roommates or working the marital leap are less likely several jobs. Some people to have children because they are staying in school longer, waited until they are older, hoping that the economy will they are both working to get turn around. by, and they are thinking maybe children are a luxury According to Dr. White, if they can’t afford. your kids are trying hard and running into obstacles not And forget about buying of their making, it’s alright a house in this economy. to help them financially and Unless you have great credit with a roof over their heads. or a lot of money in the bank, To break the pattern, Dr. its going to be very tough White thinks we should limto buy a home, even though it the amount of time our there are great bargains out younger kids spend playing there. Many young adults video games, provide family are saddled with credit card activities that involve social debt because banks found interaction, and introduce cathem to be easy marks. Now reer counseling early in the those same banks don’t want high school years. to loan them money for a mortgage because of poor That might take some time credit scores. to take effect so I’ve come up with an interim strategy. Now you’re in your 30’s, you If my kids are going to take feel you are under-employed, longer to grow up, I’m going you aren’t married, and to take longer to grow old. you can’t afford to buy a I’m turning the clock back house. There are very few so I just went from 65 to role models out there for 55. Susan and I are going to productive manhood, and for stay healthy, keep working, some unexplained reason, and make sure we are still according to Dr. White, there ambulatory so that someday is a lowering of testosterone we can play with, God willing, levels in young men. He also our grandchildren.

Originally published in the LaConner Weekly

Mel Damski The Producing-Director of the TV series “Psych” and winner of the Best General Interest Column by the Washinghton Newspaper Association.


Bellingham Muse

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DRAGON’S BREATH BY SARALEE SKY, MA I received a gift from my friend Cherryne for my birthday in March. It was a little copper dragon holding a crystal heart. I thought this was a lovely and interesting choice and at first did not know what to do with it. I set it on my altar table which is filled with pictures and other spiritual objects like crystals and feathers and semiprecious stones. Still the little dragon called out to me. I picked it up and discovered that it had little loops on the back. So I put it on a silver chain and started wearing the dragon around my neck. A few months later I received an email from my friend, Cathy. She told me that in her meditation she saw me sitting on a rock with my hair blowing in the wind. And she heard the words “dragon’s breath.”. She asked me if I knew what that meant. I told her about the little dragon I wore on a chain, but I really didn’t know what the words “dragon’s breath” meant. A few days later Cathy sent me another email. She spoke with a Reiki Master about dragon’s breath and learned that Dragons Breath was one of the Archetypal Reiki Cards created by Dorothy May. Dragon’s Breath = SpiIritual Initiation. “The dragon is a powerful symbol that represents life force and great potency. This is the time to step into your power. Dragons also guard treasure. The treasure that your dragon guards may be your precious Higher Self. “In ancient times it was thought that, hidden in a cave guarded by a dragon, lay a horde of gold and jewels. This symbolism commonly represents the spiritual wisdom buried in the unconscious. The winged

The dragon indicates that you are to climb upon its back and hold on to the spikes on its neck. You comply, though you are afraid. You discover that the spikes do not hurt, for they are covered in soft leather . As the dragon flies through the air and up and over the earth, you enjoy the power and freedom the ride gives you . You are being infused with the power of the dragon. As you breathe, your exhalations resemble fiery dragon’s breath, for the two of you have become one. dragon is a powerful symbol of transcendence and can mean ascension to spiritual and mystical heights. The dragon’s breath is like the fire of purification.... “Think of the dragon as a powerful ally that can help you to build up and contain your power. Use the dragon as a spirit guide and its breath will strengthen your ki. Try saying this: “‘With the dragon’s breath I blow power into my soul.”.’” Wow! I started thinking more and more about the dragon and dragon’s breath. I realized it was no coincidence that two friends, - one in California and one in Michigan, - thought of the dragon in regards to me. I have written a bajan (sacred chant) about dragon’s breath. Here are the words: • Dragon’s breath blow into my soul. (2 times) • Dragon’s fire purify me. (2times) • Spirit Guide show me my power. (2 times) I sing it over and over. I play it on a dulcimer and would like to add a strong drum beat to it. It calls out for drums! Here is a guided meditation

Earth and Sky Energy Healing Reiki + Chakra and Aura Healing for people and animals.

Saralee Sky, M.A.

Reiki Master, Energy Healer, Animal Communicator

Mention this ad and receive a 50% discount on your 1st session! CALL TODAY  360.319.2790

You know that you have stepped into your own You are in a misty, foggy place spiritual power, with the help with lots of stone around. It is of the dragon and the dragon’s an ancient place. You feel the breath. power of this place and know you are here for an important I am grateful to my friends reason. You are here to do the Cherryne and Cathy for helping me to connect with work of the dragon. the dragon, with the dragon’s You see a large, old tree with breath and with my own hanging branches. In its shade spiritual power. I am still is a carved stone bench. You learning the lessons the sit on the bench and look all dragon has to teach. I offer it around you. A single golden to you now . flower calls to you. You stare at it and in its center you see emerging a beautiful gold and Saralee Sky, MA, is an Energy green dragon. Fire comes out Healer, combining Reiki with of the dragon’s nostrils, but it Chakra and Aura Healing. is not a fire that consumes. It She has over 30 years of experience working with is the fire of purification. children, women and men, and You ask the dragon if it is here now also works with animals. to help you. It tells you mind Learn more about her at www. to mind that, yes, it is here to EarthandSkyEnergyHealing. help you as long as you need com its fire power and energy. that Cathy also sent to me:

BELLINGHAM Company Weekly Dance Parties: 8p m-10:30pm $5/person All Summer Lon g Pre Party Lesson at 8pm Friday Night Ballroom Mix Saturday Night WC Swing Clu


Week Night Drop In Group Classes All Summer Private Lessons Available!


www.bellinghamdancecompan mary@bellinghamdancecom

Summer Bootcamps

Mon., Wed., and Fri 6-7:30pm (Two Weeks) $110/person ($95/students, seniors and military) Ballroom Bootcamp Beginning Class June 8th - June 19th, 2015 Int.-Adv. Class June 22nd -July 3rd, 2015 Swing Bootcamp Beginning Class July 6th-July 17th, 2105 Int.-Adv. Class July 20th-July 31st, 2015 Latin Bootcamp Beginning Class August 3rd-August 14th, 2015 Int.-Adv. Class August 17th-August 28th, 2015

Dance Intensives Three Days

Fridays 6:30-8pm, Saturdays and Sundays 5-6:30pm $48/person ($40/students, seniors and military) Argentine Tango- July 10th - 12th, 2015 Cuban Salsa (Casino Rueda)- July 17th - 19th, 2015 Viennese Waltz- July 24th - 26th, 2015 Nightclub 2 Step- August 7th - August 9th, 2015 Lindy Hop- August 14th - August 16th, 2015

Bellingham Muse


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water is vomited and the water provides a medium for the toxins to exit the body. The water also acts to flush out any toxins circulating through the blood.

across the landscape clearing the land of debris. When the fire passes life returns to the area and a new cycle of growth begins. Similarly, the Kambo therapy seems like a Continued from page 12 reset button that is pushed Post Kambo Effect to bring your body back to in my case it was three, five The theory is that the balance. and finally seven doses. After body believes it is dying the process is complete the and immediately goes into Worth It? paste is wiped off and the emergency mode pushing In terms of discomfort the treatment is turned off like all toxins out of the system. cost of this therapy is high, a switch. As patients, we can take though the rewards can be advantage of this bodily even greater. The real test of Preparation and Process response because the body course will be how I respond Prior to performing the is thought to not only purge to my food allergens. If three therapy the practitioner the Kambo poison, but also days of discomfort and asks about your history with any other toxins stored vomiting are necessary to surgeries, medications, heart within our tissues. I felt eliminate a food allergy that problems, blood pressure, tired as you would expect I have endured for 5 years diseases, bee sting reactions, following such a traumatic then I would say Kambo was etc. The primary concerns experience, and continued definitely worth it. If the are that your heart cannot drinking large amounts of allergy persists then at least handle the altered rate caused by the poison, or if Photo by Sattvic Planet water for the next three I can still enjoy the claimed days to ensure any toxins benefits of a cleansed body, you are prone to systemic released during the process reduced depression, and bee sting reactions then your throat could potentially where the paste was applied, were flushed out. It was strengthened immunity. I close and prevent breathing. and heat generated on my also important to scrub feel good knowing that I After determining that the face. A fiery experience thoroughly in the shower actively used all the resources therapy is appropriate for indeed. During my second to rinse any toxins released available to me rather than depend on symptom masking you, a twelve hour fast is treatment my face swelled through the sweat. pharmaceuticals, and one initiated the night prior considerably, and there was to the therapy. The next a slight closing of the throat. The following day I felt month following the therapy light and I have yet to experience any morning two liters of water Though the feeling in my surprisingly are consumed in about forty throat was disturbing at the energized, and following my allergic reactions despite minutes, and yes this is an time, it was quite common and second and third treatments introducing suspect foods uncomfortable amount of nothing to worry about as I I saw a youthfulness in the into my diet. water to drink in a short experience only localized bee mirror that I haven’t seen sting reactions instead of the in years. In addition to the time. Eric writes about the systemic kind. Within about cleansing process, some connections between Following the application twenty minutes of applying believe that the chemicals agriculture, environment, of frog poison paste I the paste the vomiting began within the poison have some food, and health at immediately felt my heart and continued in waves for medicinal purposes. The and rate increase, a burning the next sixty minutes. Due burning sensation reminded sensation on my shoulder to the overnight fast, only me of a wildfire that sweeps

Kambo Poison Frog Medicine

MUSE - Stands are here! You can easily find them at the following locations: Fairhaven • 11th & Harris • Winn’s Downtown • Two spots on Railroad • Holly & Bay North • Costco shopping area

More locations coming!

Be Stress Free! Stress Reduction Techniques

Private Sessions & Workshops

Weekly guided meditation for stress reduction. Sundays 10am. See Events (page 18) for details. Kerri Burnside, Cht, Co-publisher of the Bellingham Muse (360)612-2277


Bellingham Muse

Vedic Astrology is the astrology of India. It’s called Jyotish in Sanskrit which means “Science of Light”. So what is the difference between Western and Vedic Astrology? Both systems have their strengths and deficiencies. If you view the sun from the surface of the earth and then from the surface of the moon, you will still see the sun, but it will be from different perspective. Vedic Astrology uses the sidereal system of calculation, tracking planetary movements against the position of the stars. Western Astrology emphasizes the relationship of the sun to the earth and the seasons. There is a 24 degree difference in the two calculations due to the Procession of the Equinox. In most cases, you will find your Western sun moved back one sign in the Vedic system. Vedic Astrology also incorporates star signs based on the position of the moon. There are 27 mansions or Nakshatras of the moon and each one has its symbols, deities, elements and myths associated with them. There are also other tools specific to Vedic Astrology such as the Vimshottari Dasa System, where each planet is allotted a certain period of influence, and divisional charts called Shodasavargas, providing deeper perspectives into certain areas.

Vedic Astrology by Christine Sessler

Page 17

New Moon periods are times to assess our life situations and sow our magic seeds with the hope our desires are fulfilled when the moon is again full. It is a time best spent in contemplation.

The New Moon was on April 18th at 11:00 am in the Mansion of Ashwini, The Horse Goddess. This is all about having a pioneering spirit and using holistic measures when it comes to our health. The Horse Goddess is a strong, fiery spiritual warrior. A great new moon to step out with our opinion in a healthy way!

Sun Sign Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Vedic Apr 13–May 14 May15-Jun 14 Jun 15-Jul 14 Jul 15-Aug 14 Aug 15-Sep 15 Sep 16-Oct 15 Oct 16-Nov 14 Nov 15-Dec 14 Dec 15-Jan 13 Jan 14-Feb 12 Feb 13 –Mar 12 Mar 13-Apr 12

the rising sign to be of utmost significance. This is why an accurate birth time is so important when calculating someone’s chart. If you would like to know your ascendant, please refer to the free chart calculator on my website An astrological profile is not www.vedicmoonastrology. merely a sun sign or moon com sign but the position and relationship between all of Mercury will be in retrograde the luminaries and planets motion from 5/18 to 6/11 in which create a unique portrait the sign of Taurus (sidereal). of an individual’s life. A chart Taurus is practical, down in Vedic Astrology considers to earth, materialistic and

Western Mar 21-Apr 21 Apr 22-May 20 May 21-Jun 21 Jun 22-Jul 22 Jul 23-Aug 23 Aug 24-Sep 23 Sep 24-Oct 23 Oct 24-Nov 22 Nov 23–Dec 21 Dec 22-Jan 21 Jan 22-Feb 19 Feb 20-Mar 20

obstinate. Mercury is fast moving and thinking and when retrograde in the sign of the bull, can cause frustration when trying to meet deadlines, making us feel we need to move faster to get things done. Needless to say, it may be a frustrating time for those of us that are more methodical in our approach to daily tasks. Also, double check those text messages and calculations, especially if you are prone to transpose numbers and letters.

Our Full Moon will be on May 3rd at 7:44 p.m. in the Mansion of Swati and it represents the power of the wind. This moon reminds us to be flexible and light on our feet.

The New Moon on 5/17 at 8:15 in the Mansion of Krittika. It is represented by the flame or knife which removes an exterior layer revealing the truth. This is an excellent time for ridding ourselves of unnecessary beliefs, situations and behaviors that no longer server our highest good. The moon opposition Saturn and conjunct Mars and Mercury in Taurus represents a busy time right before Mercury goes into retrograde.

July and August’s forecast will focus upon Jupiter moving into Leo for each ascendant. Jupiter moves to a different sign once every 12 months approximately. Christine Sessler is a Vedic Astrologer in Bellingham, WA

Northwest Chiropractic Clinic Fredy P Hunziker, DC Matthias K Maas, DC Painless light-force method

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Bring this ad in for $10 off your next appointment!

Bellingham Muse



Page 18

See our website for a current calendar of events or to list your own event. Event


Be Stress Free! Guided Meditation by Kerri Burnside. By donation Authentic Self Course

3670 Haggin Rd.



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



Center for Spiritual Living 4th Sun. 2224 Yew Street Rd of each month 1:005:00pm

5 Rhythms速

Presence Studio, 1412 Cornwall Avenue.

10:30 am $10 dropin.

Dances of Universal Peace

Center for Spiritual Living, 1508 N. 18th Street, Mount Vernon.

1st Sunday of the month 6pm-8pm

Aikido of Bellingham Adult General Class 360-671-6858 Meditation Class

1101 North State Street - Suite 200

Scotty Lewis 7:30-9:30 pm, $12 at the door.


Unity Church of Bellingham 1095 Telegraph Rd Tslagi Moving Meditation Center for Spiritual Living (The Cherokee Dance Of 2224 Yew Street Rd Life) Dances of Universal Center for Spiritual Living Peace 2224 Yew Street Rd No experience necessary, all abilities welcome. By donation. Bellingham Dance 1705 N State Company Friday Night Dance Party $7/person $5/students, seniors and military


Jenny Macke 7:15-9:15 pm with $12 at the door.



2-3pm 7:00am 3rd Friday of the month 7-9pm 7:30pm Lesson & Social dancing until 10:00pm

Special Events

Kundalini at the Castle with chrism Contact: Elizabeth (360) 732-7076 See ad on page 5. Mystical Winds Holistic Fair

Manresa Castle Port Townsend WA

May 10th (2 day workshop)

May 9th (2 day workshop)

Bloedel Donovan Park Multi-Purpose Room 2214 Electric Avenue

See ad on page 4 for more details.

May 16th 10am-5pm

Co-Creating Flower Essences Contact: (360)758-7260

Tree Frog Farms Lummi Island

See ad on page 9 for more details.

July 18th or 25th,

Help choose the date.

This photo by Lissa Clear was taken somewhere in Bellingham. Do you know where? Go onto our website and enter your answer. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing for a free Muse T-shirt.


Bellingham Muse

Page 19

Directory of Services AD


The listings below represent many of YOUR our reputable professionals located in Bellingham GOES What could you use help with?


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Budget friendly pricing/packages available Call Kerri (360) 612-2277 or Alana (360) 738-9557

Healing Arts

lissa clear

Graphic Designer | 360.420.4950

you’re awesome. let’s talk.

Artists and Design Work

Relieve Stress & Anxiety Relieve Chronic Pain

Cuddle Professional


Platonic contact and compassion offer potent healing. Sessions available with Grounding Center

Internal Harmony

360-224-7320 112 Ohio Street Suite 111 Bellingham

Member of Public Market Healing Sanctuary

360-927-6614 | Like us and learn more here:

Shannon Wallace 360-734-1099 Certified Colon Hydrotherapist, Detox Specialist & Health Coach Colon Hydrotherapy - Far Infrared Sauna - Ionic Foot Bath

Come Home to Joy

Harmonic Therapy Sessions with David Ison “I’d like to invite you on a fantastic voyage…a journey to your truest Essence. Let’s discover the wonder and the joy of YOU.”

Simler Massage and Pilates

410-925-6083 | email:

Alana M. Simler, LMP ~ MA00008372

Working with you to find the results you deserve Visit Yelp and Facebook for more info and reviews

Expressive Arts for an Embodied World

(360) 738-9557

Workshops, Classes and Private Sessions

Hypnotherapy and Coaching

, MA


Bellingham, WA - 360-738-7275 Scott@ScottyLewis.Com

Time for a fresh perspective on life?

Life Coaching•Hypnotherapy•Intuitive Readings•Energy Healings

First 15 minutes free when you pay for a 45 or 60 minute psychic reading. Mention: Bellingham15

Save 50% on packages of 4 session or more.

offer expires 7/1/2015

CALL TODAY! (360) 612-2277

Jenny Clairvoyant can help (360) 643-1712 |

Answers to Puzzles from page 11 Complete Words Puzzle Answer - HANG and LEAN

Neighbors Puzzle


























© Kevin Stone


Bellingham Muse


All concerts will be held on WWU campus in the Performing Arts Center. Most Concerts are Free! *Except where noted


May Sound Culture – 7:30 PM


Sound Culture Adventures Concert 2 - 7:30PM

Band Pops! Back2Bellingham Symphony– 3:00 PM Marcel Helland Junior Saxophone Recital – 8:00 PM

Chris Kelley Senior Tuba Recital - 8:00PM



Aria Competition – 9:00 AM

Back 2 Bellingham Choral Concert 2015 – 3:00 PM Gene Zero Recital and Celebration – 7:00 PM

Sound Culture – 7:30 PM


MTNA Recital - 7:30PM


Kim Stanish Junior Voice Recital – 5:00 PM


Sound Culture – 2:00 PM


David Decker Graduate Saxophone – 8:00 PM


Julian Fajardo Junior Voice Recital – 5:00 PM


George Allison Senior Percussion – 8:00 PM

Daniel Chong Junior Piano Recital – 8:00 PM


University Choir – 8:00 PM


Composers of Western (C.O.W.) – 8:00 PM


Kira McDaniel Junior Cello Recital – 5:00 PM

10th Natalia Johnson Junior Voice Recital – 8:00 PM


Mitchell Hopkins Senior Guitar Recita l – 8:00 PM

14th Maria Sampen Violin Recital – 7:00 PM


Faculty Recial – 8:00 PM


Patrick Hunziker Senior Guitar – 4:00 PM


Junior Violin Recital – 8:00 PM


Josh Terry Senior Violin Recitals – 4:00 PM

Jake Davies Senior Voice Recital – 8:00 PM

Collegium Musicum – 8:00 PM

Elizabeth Schoen Studio Voice Recital - 5:00PM


Guitars of Western 2015 – 7:30 PM

Kaitlin Webster Voice Recital – 12:00 PM

June 1st 2nd

WWU Symphony Orchestra – 7:30 PM


Jazz Ensembles – 8:00 PM

Silas Stewart Junior Percussion – 7:30 PM


Clara Johnson Senior Voice Recial – 8:00 PM

Chamber I – 8:00 PM

Kelsey Barnes Senior Piano Recial – 8:00 PM



Combined Bands – 7:30 PM


Jeanette Ojala Junior Piano Recital – 5:00 PM

Double Reed Studio – 4:00 PM Friction String Quartet – 7:30 PM


Chamber II – 8:00 PM

WAPA Suzuki Violin – 6:30 PM


May S M T W T F S


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