Friday, 5 July
9am Registration & Conference Photos
Central Plaza
9am Wellbeing/Quiet Space
11:30am Welcome Refreshments
Central Plaza
12pm Registration & Conference Photos
Central Plaza
12pm RIG: Leadership Preparation & Development (LPD): Meet the Journal Editors
12pm 'First-time conferencer' and solo-traveller networking Agamemnon
Chaired by: Dr. Alex McTaggart
12pm RIG: Governance & Governing (G&G)
Arcoona 1
12pm RIG: Structural Reform
12pm RIG: Gender & Educational Leadership
Inspiration 2/3
1:30pm Welcome/Arrival Lunch
2:20pm Opening & Welcome from the Vice-Chair Conference & Events
» Dr Denise Mifsud (University of Bath)
2:30pm Keynote: Critical perspectives in educational leadership: Still relevant or needed now more than ever?
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
Critical perspectives in educational leadership: Still relevant or needed now more than ever?
» Dr. Richard Niesche (University of New South Wales)
Refreshment Break
Central Plaza
Registration & Conference Photos
Central Plaza
4:30pm Symposium 1: Quo-vadis ELMA? Is Foucault still relevant to our research field today?
Educational leadership and Michel Foucault: A scoping review of contributions and impact
» Dr. Richard Niesche1 , Dr. Denise Mifsud2 , Mr. Adam Bongers1 (1. UNSW Sydney, 2. University of Bath)
4:50pm The search for contingency: Using Foucauldian analytics to negate the present
» Dr. Andrew Wayne Wilkins1 (1. Goldsmiths, University of London)
Performance and Development Reviews (PRDs) as a regime of governance and process of subjectification.
» Dr. Stephen Day1 (1. Division of Education, University of the West of Scotland)
Continued from Friday, 5 July
5:30pm A Foucauldian Analysis of Culturally Relevant and Social Justice Leadership for Refugees
» Dr. Deniz Orucu1 , Prof. Khalid Arar2 (1. The University of Nottingham, 2. Texas State University)
4:30pm Symposium 2: Early Years Leadership in Focus: Building a Better Future for Children and the Workforce Creation
4:30pm Leading Early Years in Primary School Settings: Learning from the lived experiences of Nursery and Reception teachers
» Dr. Viki Veale1 (1. St Mary's University)
4:45pm From Effective Leadership to Professional Confidence and an Enhanced Provision in Early Childhood Education and Care
» Mr. Lewis Fogarty1 (1. Brunel University)
5pm Lessons for early years leadership: policy development
» Dr. Lizbeth Bullough1 (1. Institute of Education (IOE), UCL)
4:30pm Symposium 3: A Seat at the Table: Women in Educational Leadership Across Continents Inspiration 2/3
4:30pm A Review of the Research on Women in K12 Leadership: A look back and path forward
» Dr. Jennie Weiner1 , Dr. Kerry Robinson2 (1. University of connecticut, 2. University of North Carolina - Wilmington)
4:45pm A gendered analysis of organisational socialisation: theorising the post-colonial educational leadership landscape.
» Dr. Pontso Moorosi1 (1. University of Warwick)
5pm Gender, culture and workload in accessing educational leadership: exploring certain barriers
» Dr. Saeeda Shah1 (1. University of Leicester (Retired))
Refreshment Break Central Plaza
Registration & Conference Photos Central Plaza
6:30pm Successes & Challenges in Scottish Education Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud 8pm Evening BBQ & Entertainment Beardmore
Saturday, 6 July
Registration & Conference Photos Central Plaza
Critical Approaches to Educational Leadership Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Alex McTaggart
Biopolitics and the field of educational leadership
» Prof. Helen Gunter1 (1. University of Manchester)
Thinking critically about who Educational Leadership is for: Exploring barriers to parents’ experiences of becoming and being school governors
» Dr. Joanne Doherty1 (1. The Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester)
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
9:40am ‘Critical Friends?’: An examination of the relationship between headteachers and Chairs of Governors in English secondary schools.
» Mr. Philip Rowe1 (1. University of Nottingham)
10am The Pros and Cons of Becoming and Being an Irish Primary School Principal: A View from the Inside
» Ms. Anna Mai Rooney1 (1. Oide Ireland)
9am Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice
Chaired by: Caitlin Donnelly
9am Gender writes: Young people and leadership
» Prof. Kay Fuller1 , Ms. Sophie Potter1 , Ms. Alia Khan2 , Ms. Claire Price3 (1. The University of Nottingham, 2. Anonymous, 3. WomenEd)
9:20am Women Educational Leaders in Pakistan: carrying the ‘double burden’, and implications for health and well-being
» Dr. Saeeda Shah1 (1. University of Leicester (Retired))
9:40am Exploring female educational leadership scholarship in the Arab world
» Dr. Yara Yasser Hilal1 , Dr. Denise Mifsud2 , Dr. Waheed Hammad3 (1. University of Sydney, 2. University of Bath, 3. Sultan Qaboos University)
10am Intersectional Challenges and Successes of Women in Higher Educational Leadership Internationally: Autoethnographic Reflections
» Dr. Elizabeth Reilly1 , Dr. Mary Cunneen2 , Dr. Victoria Showunmi3 (1. Califormia State University Channel Islands, 2. University College Dublin, 3. University College London)
9am Governance & Policy
Arcoona 1
Chaired by: Janet Hetherington
An enacted local learning ecosystem of Scottish school primary and nursery education to serve as a model for the future rooted in the past
» Dr. Niall Mackinnon1 (1. Avernish Prospect)
Leadership and school re-brokering: MATs and the middle tier of school reform in England
» Dr. Mark Gibson1 , Dr. Deborah Outhwaite2 (1. Oxford Brookes University, 2. University of Liverpool)
Governance within the trust model: a 4-country literature review
» Prof. Daniel Muijs1 (1. Queen's University Belfast)
Typologising parent roles for ‘modern’ school governance and leadership in a corporatised field.
» Ms. Karen Healey1 (1. The University of Manchester)
Leadership in Times of Crisis Creation
Chaired by: Dr. Kevin Richardson
Academic Staff Perspectives of Educational leadership in Reimaging the Future of Learning in Universities in Nigeria PostCOVID-19 Era.
» Prof. Hauwa Imam1 (1. University of Abuja, Abuja)
9:20am Crises and Complexity: Leading Early Childhood Education in Times of Crisis
» Dr. Leanne Gibbs1 (1. Charles Sturt University)
Emerging from COVID-19: Connecting compassionate and enabling leadership - a duoethnographic study using Complexity Leadership Theory
» Dr. Marie Beresford-Dey1 , Prof. Linda Martindale1 , Dr. Stella Howden2 (1. University of Dundee, 2. Heriot-Watt University)
Teacher Wellness: Yoga as a Self-Care Practice to Manage Stress and Develop Resiliency
» Dr. Jill Bradley-Levine1 (1. Ball State University)
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
9am Leadership Effectiveness & Improvement Inspiration 2/3
Chaired by: Deb Outhwaite
9am The Role of School Ethical Leadership in Shaping Adolescents’ Aggressive Attitudes
» Dr. Rima'a Da'as1 , Dr. Mowafaq Qadach2 (1. Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 2. Al Qasemi Academic College of Education)
9:20am Overcoming self-imposed barriers to ensure purposeful educational leadership connects with and focuses on effectiveness and continuous improvement.
» Mr. Martin Kerridge1 (1. LJMU)
9:40am The Nature of U.S. Superintendent Attrition and Mobility: Examining Types of Exits/Moves and Differences in Old and New Districts
» Dr. Rachel White1 , Mr. Johnathon Jerman1 (1. University of Tennessee)
9am Leadership, Sustainability & Globalization Innovation
9am Small adjustments - for social change. A provocation for complex change in schools for a Hybrid Educational Future.
» Dr. Rehana Shanks1 (1. School of Education, University of Glasgow)
9:20am Sustainable school leadership: Using identity and place to conceptualise leadership purposes, practices and development pathways
» Prof. Toby Greany1 , Prof. Pat Thomson1 (1. University of Nottingham)
9:40am Sustainable School Leadership: What do we know about the recruitment, training and retention of school leaders in the UK now?
» Dr. Mike Collins1 , Dr. Thomas Perry2 (1. University of Nottingham, 2. University of Warwick)
Creating and Sustaining Affirming and Inclusive Learning Environments for Black Girls through Critical Reflection
» Dr. Dee Walters1 (1. Norwalk Public Schools |Sacred Heart University)
Leadership Development Cameronia
Chaired by: Dr. Berni Moreno
Towards a Professional Development Program on Codependency in the Workplace for Teachers and Education Leaders
» Dr. Jona Guevarra1 , Dr. Noemi Zulieta2 (1. Bulacan State University, 2. Philippine Normal University)
Headteacher Development through coaching and mentoring in schools in South Africa
» Dr. Lizana Oberholzer1 (1. University of Wolverhampton)
School Leaders Perspectives of CPD
» Dr. Niamh Lafferty1 , Mx. Anna Mai Rooney2 , Prof. Patricia MannixMcNamara1 (1. University of Limerick, 2. Centre for School Leadership Ireland)
Imagining Educational Leadership for a New World: Principals’ Privileged Position of Influence in the Preparation and Development of Future Leaders
» Dr. Berni Moreno1 , Dr. Helen Goode1 (1. The University of Melbourne)
Wellbeing/Quiet Space Zaza
Refreshment Break Central Plaza
Registration & Conference Photos Central Plaza
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
11am Teacher & Middle Leadership Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Kevin Richardson
11am The Crucial aspects of Leadership in Creating a Culture of Knowledge-Driven and Research-Oriented Work in Dutch Secondary Education
» Dr. Ton Kallenberg1 (1. Rector Jac. P. Thijsse College)
11:20am Developing Teacher Leadership with the Professional Learning Community of Reading for young teachers: A case study of a Middle School in Shanghai China
» Mrs. Lifeng Wu1 , Dr. Yoonjeong Lee2 (1. San Dun School, Pudong, Shanghai, 2. University of Leicester)
11:40am Democratic Leadership: Teacher Collaboration to Design Civics Curriculum
» Dr. Jill Bradley-Levine1 , Prof. Philip Woods2 (1. Ball State University, 2. University of Hertfordshire)
12pm Teachers’ Perceptions of Educational Research; A Study of teachers’ meaning making and views of educational research in the context of the ‘what works’ agenda
» Mrs. Claire Harley1 (1. University of Nottingham)
11am Leadership Effectiveness & Improvement
Chaired by: Bethany Kelly
11am Principal Stability and Well-Being: New Evidence on the Importance of the Superintendency
» Dr. Rachel White1 , Dr. Alexandra Aylward2 , Dr. David DeMatthews3 , Dr. David Knight4 , Dr. Cameron Anglum5 , Dr. Tuan Nguyen6 (1. University of Tennessee, 2. University of Nevada Reno, 3. University of Texas at Austin, 4. University of Washington, 5. Saint Louis University, 6. Kansas State University)
Understanding the mediating role of teachers’ work engagement in the relationship between authentic leadership and teachers’ commitment
» Dr. Nor Azni Abdul Aziz1 , Dr. Arnida Abdullah1 , Dr. Nor Aniza Ahmad1 (1. Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Adelante: Sustaining Leaders in Dual Language Schools
» Dr. Juanita Santos1 (1. University of Texas at San Antonio)
Tipping Points: What supports or undermines aspirations to Educational Leadership Roles in Scotland and in the Republic of Ireland?
» Ms. Alison Mitchell1 , Dr. Julie Harvie1 , Ms. Anna Mai Rooney2 , Ms. Mary Nihill2 , Prof. Margery McMahon1 (1. University of Glasgow School of Education, 2. Oide Ireland)
Methodical Approaches to Leadership Research
Arcoona 1
Chaired by: Dr. Fiona Creaby
Knowledge production in educational leadership and management in Oman: A systematic review of dissertations from Sultan Qaboos University
» Dr. Waheed Hammad1 , Dr. Yara Yasser Hilal2 (1. Sultan Qaboos University, 2. University of Sydney)
Lions and tigers and leaders? Walking as a research methodologyeducational leadership on expedition
» Dr. Suzie Dick1 (1. British Association of International Mountain Leaders)
The Micro Education Assemblage: How a material methodology assists leaders to develop ways for critical rethinking, and address the very real problems of actualising equitable education in times of crisis.
» Dr. Jo Townshend1 (1. Canterbury Christ Church University)
Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice
Chaired by: Caitlin Donnelly
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
11am An exploration of how school leaders navigate the possible tensions between the ‘ideals of inclusion’ and the ‘ideals of excellence: a CHAT perspective.
» Dr. Douglas Andrews1 (1. University of the Witwatersrand)
11:20am Leading education for equity and social justice in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI): An analysis of principals’ perspectives, practices, and response to policy
» Dr. Nidal Al Haj Sleiman1 (1. Ulster University)
11:40am Inclusive Education Initiative in Two Azerbaijani Schools
» Dr. Ulviyya Mikailova1 , Dr. Zorka Karanxha2 , Ms. Lalakhanim Orujova2 (1. ADA University, 2. University of South Florida)
12pm Critically Reflexive Leadership Development: Social equity axiology to structure the goals, strategies, and behaviors for meaningful change
» Dr. Lee Morgan1 , Dr. Amie Cieminski2 , Dr. Kayon Morgan3 , Dr. Tammi Dockett-Wilson4 (1. Sacred Heart University, 2. The University of Northern Colorado, 3. University of Hartford, 4. Children 1st Educational Consulting Firm, LLC)
11am Leadership, Sustainability & Globalization Inspiration 2/3
Chaired by: Dr. Alex McTaggart
11am An Investigation into the Lived Experiences of Primary School Principals in Ireland and their Experiences of Relational Leadership.
» Ms. Carmel McCarroll1 (1. Liverpool Hope University)
11:20am Exploring Educational Leadership in Ghana: Reconceptualising Quality and Equity in Rural Basic Education.
» Mr. Gideon Animah1 (1. University of Bath)
11:40am Exploring Indigenous Leadership in Chinese Schools: Implications for Teacher Engagement
» Ms. Mengmeng Yan1 , Prof. Weisheng Li1 (1. East China Normal University)
12pm The role of senior school leaders as ‘maintainers’ rather than ‘changers’: The evidence from traditional international schools
» Dr. Tristan Bunnell1 , Dr. Alex McTaggart2 (1. University of Bath, 2. University of Manchester)
Leadership Development
Chaired by: Dr. Lizana Oberholzer
Empowering principals to lead and manage schools effectively amidst wide-ranging reforms: A South African context
» Prof. Rajkumar Mestry1 , Prof. Pierre Du Plessis1 (1. University of Johannesburg)
11:20am Do school leaders’ values ‘matter’?: decision making in complex times
» Prof. Toby Greany1 (1. University of Nottingham)
11:40am Utilizing JCEL Cases in Leadership Preparation Programs and Expanding the Footprint Across Contexts
» Dr. Nathern Okilwa1 , Dr. Curtis Brewer1 , Dr. Mariela Rodriguez1 , Dr. Mark Giles2 , Dr. Jo Beth Jimerson3 (1. University of Texas at San Antonio, 2. University of Illinois Chicago, 3. Texas Christian University)
Leadership Effectiveness & Improvement
Chaired by: Dr. Berni Moreno
Findings from over 20 years of research successful school leadership from Australian case studies
» Prof. Lawrence Drysdale1 , Dr. Helen Goode1 , Prof. David Gurr1 (1. The University of Melbourne)
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
11:20am Exploring middle leadership development in an Arab context: An integrated systems model of supports and constraints
» Dr. Youmen Chaaban1 , Dr. Saba Qadhi1 (1. Qatar University)
11:40am Leadership Boundary Spans by Exploring Third Space between School University Partnerships
» Dr. Suzy Hardie1 , Dr. Peter Moyi1 (1. University of South Carolina)
12pm “My crown is in my heart, not on my head; Not decked with diamonds and Indian stones, Nor to be seen. My crown is called content:” - Educational Leadership as seen and practiced by women in Pakistan.
» Mrs. Abaida Mahmood1 (1. Qurban & Surraya Educational Trust)
12:30pm Lunch Beardmore
1:30pm Leadership in Times of Crisis Auditorium
Chaired by: Deb Outhwaite
1:30pm The loneliness of the long distance principal: emotionality and International School leadership
» Dr. Mark Gibson1 , Dr. Lucy Bailey2 (1. Oxford Brookes University, 2. University of Bahrain)
1:50pm Creating Possibility From Denial: The Transformative Potential of Ethical Leadership Training in Supporting Rohingya Children's Right to Access Education in Their Host Culture
» Ms. Bidita Sadiq1 (1. University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh)
2:10pm Leading as a learning process: how humble leadership could promote harmony in Educational settings
» Dr. Viki Veale1 (1. St Mary's University)
Enactment of Transformational School School Leadership –Insights from from Primary School and System Leaders
» Ms. Inez Wilson Heenan1 , Dr. Niamh Lafferty1 , Prof. Patricia MannixMcNamara1 (1. University of Limerick)
1:30pm Leadership in Further & Higher Education
Chaired by: Dr. Alex McTaggart
1:30pm Generating Strategic Change at a World-Leading Research University
» Dr. Alexander Gardner-McTaggart1 (1. The University of Manchester)
1:50pm The Scholarly Practitioner: Hallmarks of Educational Leaders Holding the Professional Practice Doctorate
» Dr. Jill Perry1 , Dr. Elizabeth Reilly2 (1. University of Pittsburgh, 2. Califormia State University Channel Islands)
2:10pm Who or What is Educational Leadership for? Thinking about Purposes in Educational Leadership, Management and Administration
» Ms. Susan Albluwi1 (1. University of Glasgow School of Education)
1:30pm Leadership Effectiveness & Improvement
Arcoona 1
Chaired by: Dr. Berni Moreno
1:30pm Policy, Practice and Effectiveness within the Secondary Schools of a Single System. Applying and extending a multilevel model.
» Dr. Janet Armstrong1 (1. Newcastle University)
1:50pm Leadership effectiveness and improvement – Governor training as a channel to effective governance
» Mrs. Sarah Chung1 (1. University of Birmingham)
2:10pm Leadership Effectiveness and Improvement
» Mrs. Nabuin Delphine1 , Ms. Njua Calista Bi1 (1. Commonwealth Council of Educational leadership, Administration and Management)
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
2:30pm A Story of Headship.
» Dr. Rehana Shanks1 (1. School of Education, University of Glasgow)
1:30pm Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice Creation
Chaired by: Dr. Fiona Creaby
1:30pm Leading in rural and remote Australia and Sweden - an analysis of the education complex in rural and remote early childhood education across countries
» Dr. Leanne Gibbs1 , Dr. Sandra Lund2 (1. Charles Sturt University, 2. Institution of Education, Mid Sweden University)
1:50pm Ethical Leadership at School Organisations in Europe: A Comparative Analysis
» Dr. Evangelia Papaloi1 , Dr. Aikaterini Balasi2 , Prof. Georgios Iordanidis2 (1. HELLENIC OPEN UNIVERSITY, 2. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN MACEDONIA)
2:10pm Understanding How Sociocultural Contexts Shape Equity-Focused Leadership Practice in Urban Districts
» Dr. Ain Grooms1 , Dr. Joshua Childs2 , Dr. April Peters-Hawkins3 , Dr. Eligio Martinez, Jr.4 (1. University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2. University of Texas at Austin, 3. University of Houston, 4. California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
2:30pm Recruitment and retention of senior school leaders in Wales
» Dr. Chris Lewis1 , Mrs. Tegwen Ellis2 (1. National Academy for Educational Leadership Wales), 2. National Academy for Educational Leadership (Wales))
1:30pm Teacher & Middle Leadership
Inspiration 2/3
Chaired by: Dr. Kevin Richardson
Building Positive Teacher-Student Relationships Through Restorative Practices
» Dr. Sean Schinella1 (1. University of Georgia)
Unearthing Generative Mechanisms that Enhance or Inhibit Student Social-Emotional Development
» Dr. Tammi Dockett-Wilson1 (1. Children 1st Educational Consulting Firm, LLC)
Unlocking Youth Voice: Addressing Racially Disproportionate Discipline Rates USING a Student-Centered Social Justice Campaign
» Ms. Bianca Shinn1 (1. Sacred Heart University)
The value of the aesthetic for reimagining current approaches to leadership pedagogy.
» Ms. Bláthnaid Breslin1 , Prof. Patricia Mannix-McNamara1 (1. University of Limerick)
1:30pm Methodical Approaches to Leadership Research Innovation
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
1:30pm What do(n't) PISA, TIMSS/PIRLS & TALIS tell us about educational leadership?
» Prof. Daniel Muijs1 (1. Queen's University Belfast)
» Prof. Callie Grant1 (1. Rhodes University)
2:10pm Understanding the complexities of organisational change and the role of leaders: The case of an early years setting in England
» Prof. Philip Wood1 , Dr. Krishan Sood1 (1. Nottingham Trent Univeristy)
1:30pm Leadership in Further & Higher Education Cameronia
Chaired by: Dr. Saeeda Shah
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
1:30pm Improving Instructional Practices at Scale Through Peer Coaching
» Dr. Kristin Rainville1 , Dr. David Title1 (1. Sacred Heart University)
1:50pm More than a digital badge: The recognized value of microcredentials for professional learning
» Dr. Matthew Militello1 , Dr. Carrie Morris1 (1. East Carolina University)
2:10pm Redesigning Principal Preparation Programs to Equip Leaders to Meet the Needs of the Future
» Dr. Jami Berry1 , Dr. Karen Bryant1 (1. University of Georgia)
2:30pm Educational Leadership for Students and By Students: A Democratic Approach to School Improvement
» Prof. Katherine Mansfield1 , Dr. Anjale' Welton2 (1. University of North Texas, 2. University of Wisconsin)
3pm Refreshment Break Central Plaza
3:30pm Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice Auditorium
Chaired by: Caitlin Donnelly
3:30pm Is a Critical Race Theory EdD Dissertation the way to Prepare Leaders to Improve Practice?
» Dr. Jill Perry1 , Dr. Reginald Wilkerson2 (1. University of Pittsburgh, 2. The College of William and Mary)
3:50pm A Plea for Connection: Could a Faculty of Color Learning Community be THAT Space
» Dr. Kayon Morgan1 , Dr. Lee Morgan2 (1. University of Hartford, 2. Sacred Heart University)
4:10pm Up and Out: Career Mobility Experiences for Black Women Aspiring to Become Principals
» Dr. Tiffany Newsome1 (1. University of North Texas Denton)
4:30pm How and why school leaders should support teacher-mothers
» Mrs. Madelaine Best1 (1. University of Reading)
3:30pm Critical Approaches to Educational Leadership
Chaired by: Janet Hetherington
3:30pm Leadership Opportunities in the School Setting: A Scoping Study on Staff Perceptions
» Dr. Niamh Lafferty1 , Mr. Robert Hannan1 , Prof. Patricia MannixMcNamara1 (1. University of Limerick)
3:50pm You Have to Stay In It to Win it: Managing Resistance To and Mitigating The Risks of Transformative School Leadership
» Dr. Deirdra Preis1 (1. Sacred Heart University)
Critical analysis of leadership models of principals in mainstream schools in Kazakhstan
» Mr. Rauan Yesselbayev1 (1. University of Bath)
3:30pm Leadership Development Inspiration 2/3
Chaired by: Dr. Berni Moreno
3:30pm Developing leadership through effective learning conversations via mentoring and coaching
» Dr. Lizana Oberholzer1 , Dr. John Macklin2 , Prof. Rajkumar Mestry3 (1. University of Wolverhampton, 2. UEL, 3. University of Johannesburg)
3:50pm A New Model for How School Leaders Manage Their Emotions
» Dr. Cameron Hauseman1 (1. University of Manitoba)
Educational leadership as a school governor: reflections on my doctoral journey
» Mrs. Tracey Price1 (1. Anglia Ruskin University)
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
4:30pm Cultivating Long-Standing School-University Partnerships
» Dr. Mariela Rodriguez1 , Dr. Juan Manuel Niño1 , Dr. Betty Merchant1 , Dr. Guadalupe Gorordo1 (1. University of Texas at San Antonio)
3:30pm Leadership Effectiveness & Improvement Innovation
Chaired by: Dr. Victoria Showunmi
3:30pm Leadership, Voice, and Students’ Rights: Comparing the Policy Landscapes of Scotland and the US
» Prof. Katherine Mansfield1 , Prof. Kate Wall2 , Mrs. Nova Scott2 , Ms. Alison Weatherston3 (1. University of North Texas, 2. University of Strathclyde, 3. Education Scotland)
3:50pm Exploring the role of Followership in shaping organisational culture in schools
» Dr. Nicolaas Blom1 , Prof. Patricia Mannix-McNamara1 , Dr. Denise Mifsud2 (1. University of Limerick, 2. University of Bath)
4:10pm Nurturing Deeper Learning: Lessons from Leader of Innovative School Models
» Dr. Jayson Richardson1 , Dr. Justin Bathon2 , Dr. Scott McLeod3 (1. University of Denver, 2. University of Kentucky, 3. University of Colorado Denver)
4:30pm Tensions in Distributed Leadership: Who and What is it For?
» Ms. Niamh Hickey1 , Prof. Patricia Mannix-McNamara1 , Dr. Aishling Flaherty1 (1. University of Limerick)
3:30pm Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice Cameronia
Chaired by: Dr. Kevin Richardson
Leading early education in the era of climate change
» Dr. Fakhra Aziz1 , Prof. Kay Fuller2 , Mr. Martin Cummings3 , Mr. Lyndon Watkins4 (1. Lahore College for Women University, 2. The University of Nottingham, 3. University of Nottingham, 4. St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Bridgend)
3:50pm Tikambe! - Our Stories, Our Lives, Our Planet: Building DisabilityInclusive Educational Leadership in Times of Climate Crisis
» Dr. Susan H. Shapiro1 , Dr. Tanvir Bush2 (1. Touro Graduate School of Education, 2. Bath Spa University-School of Education)
High Achievement for All: Outlining the research exploring successful school leadership in an area of high disadvantage
» Mrs. Stephanie Bingham1 , Dr. Maria Cockerill2 , Mr. Tom Grieveson3 (1. Newcastle University, 2. Queen's University Belfast, 3. The Association of Education Advisers England)
New Citizens of Schools: Positioning of Refugee Students and Parents in Turkish Educational System
» Mr. Ali Faruk Yaylacı1 , Mrs. Filiz Goktuna Yaylaci2 (1. Kutahya Dumlupınar Univeristy, 2. Anadolu University)
Refreshment Break / Dinner Preparation Time Central Plaza
5:30pm Keynote: From Aspirational Rhetoric to Critical Interrogation: asking the right questions about leadership, management and administration Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
From Aspirational Rhetoric to Critical Interrogation: asking the right questions about leadership, management and administration
» Prof. Walter Humes (University of Sterling)
7pm BELMAS Awards Auditorium
Continued from Saturday, 6 July
7:20pm Gala Dinner Drink Reception Central Plaza
7:30pm Gala Dinner & Entertainment Beardmore Sunday, 7 July
8:30am Wellbeing/Quiet Space Zaza
9am Leadership for Equity, Diversity & Social Justice Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Saeeda Shah
Leading to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline: A critical content analysis of school police training curriculum
» Dr. Ann Marie Cotman1 (1. University of Florida)
(Re)Imagining School Leadership: Cultivating Critical Conscious and Leveraging Community Cultural Wealth in the Transformation of South Texas Schools
» Dr. Enrique Aleman1 , Dr. Evangeline Aguilera1 (1. Trinity University)
Within ‘the Chinese heterosexual matrix’: exploring the lived experiences of lesbian and gay mid-level school leaders in Mainland China
» Mr. Weiyuan Wu1 , Dr. Catherine Atkinson1 (1. The University of Manchester)
9am Critical Approaches to Educational Leadership
Chaired by: Janet Hetherington
Implementing a Co-Teaching Model as a Social Justice Tool: What School Leaders Need to Know
» Dr. Deirdra Preis1 , Dr. Dawn Jara2 (1. Sacred Heart University, 2. Fairfield Public Schools)
Unveiling Sustainable Horizons in Education through Dr. Majid Irsan AlKaylani's Relationship Model
» Dr. Rania Sawalhi1 , Mr. Ghiath Hawari1 (1. Eduenterprise)
Combining Transformational, Distributed and Servant Leadership Approaches: A New Interdependent Leadership Concept (Trianalagous Leadership).
» Dr. Lisa Ramshaw1 (1. Newcastle University)
9:40am Emancipatory Research
» Dr. Lee Morgan1 (1. Sacred Heart University)
9am Teacher & Middle Leadership
Arcoona 1
Chaired by: Deb Outhwaite
9am Attracting, sustaining and developing middle leaders in English Further Education Colleges
» Dr. Kevin Richardson1 (1. University of Nottingham)
A more strategic approach to educational leaders' well-being in Wales: towards a well-being 'charter'
» Dr. Chris Lewis1 , Mrs. Tegwen Ellis2 , Ms. Nia Miles2 (1. National Academy for Educational Leadership, 2. National Academy for Educational Leadership (Wales))
9:40am What about teacher wellbeing?
» Ms. Sarah Bibi1 , Dr. Stephen Rayner1 (1. The Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester)
Continued from Sunday, 7 July
10am Middle leader induction and development – an exploration of prior experiences which inform leadership practice
» Mrs. Kathleen Kerrigan1 , Dr. Paul Irvine2 (1. School of Education, University of Glasgow, 2. Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University)
9am Leadership in Further & Higher Education Creation
Chaired by: Dr. Victoria Showunmi
9am Research Leadership in Universities, a Paradox of Control
» Prof. Philip Wood1 , Dr. Aimee Quickfall2 (1. Nottingham Trent Univeristy, 2. Leeds Trinity)
9:20am Educational Leadership to Unleash Creativity of International in UK Higher Education
» Dr. Yoonjeong Lee1 (1. University of Leicester)
9:40am The creative functions of Third Space leadership in Higher Education – serving those who lead and leading those who serve
» Mrs. Judy Chandler1 (1. The Open University)
9am Leadership in Times of Crisis Inspiration 2/3
Chaired by: Bethany Kelly
9am An Evolving Teacher Workforce: Implications for Principal Leadership
» Dr. Pedro Reyes1 , Mrs. Janet Solis Rodriguez1 , Dr. David DeMatthews2 (1. University of Texas Austin, 2. University of Texas at Austin)
9:20am Divisive Concepts and the Superintendency: Exploring a New Wave of Contentiousness in K-12 Educational Leadership
» Mr. Johnathon Jerman1 , Dr. Rachel White1 (1. University of Tennessee)
Building a Culture of Trust: The Key to Effective Educational Leadership in Crisis
» Dr. Susan H. Shapiro1 , Dr. Samantha M.P. Scribner2 , Dr. Paula Magee2 (1. Touro Graduate School of Education, 2. IU School of Education - IU Indianapolis)
Navigating the Storm: Values-Based Leadership in VUCA environment
» Mrs. Farah Liyana Mohamad Halil1 , Dr. Nor Azni Abdul Aziz1 , Prof. Aminuddin Hassan1 (1. Universiti Putra Malaysia)
Leadership Development Innovation
Culturally Responsive and Globally Minded Preparation for Leaders and Educators with Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
» Dr. Catherine Shiffman1 , Dr. Vicky Spencer1 (1. Shenandoah University)
9:20am Can visual artworks in school environments inspire development of students’ leadership potential? A case study of a secondary school in Nigeria
» Dr. Raymond Tangonyire, SJ1 (1. Institute for Educational Planning and Administration, University of Cape Coast)
9:40am A framework to enhance pupil leadership through the Drama Curriculum.
» Mrs. Claire Hamilton1 (1. The university of Glasgow)
10am Comparing MAT founder CEOs to entrepreneurial non-profit founders – what can we learn about the implications and risks associated with executive founder succession?
» Ms. Eleanor Bernardes1 (1. University of Nottingham)
Leadership Development Cameronia
Chaired by: Dr. Berni Moreno
Continued from Sunday, 7 July
9am The leadership lacuna - principal preparation in Northern Ireland
» Prof. Margery McMahon1 , Dr. Claire Woods2 , Prof. Martin Hagan3 (1. University of Glasgow School of Education, 2. Ulster University, 3. St Mary's University College, Belfast)
9:20am Creating Supportive Spaces for Doctoral Students to Thrive
» Dr. Mariela Rodriguez1 (1. University of Texas at San Antonio)
9:40am Different pathways, same destination: Australian and Swedish principals’ perceptions of their leadership preparation
» Dr. Susanne Sahlin1 , Dr. Berni Moreno2 (1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), 2. The University of Melbourne)
10:30am Refreshment Break Central Plaza
11am Poster "Lightning" Presentations
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
Leading learning improvement: The role of university department heads in Canada
» Ms. Yu Zan1 , Prof. Paul Newton1 (1. University of Saskatchewan)
Leading for learning: A systematic scoping review of studies on the role of department heads in higher education
» Ms. Yu Zan1 (1. University of Saskatchewan)
How can data triangulation support the development of a flexible model of practice to reduce employee turnover and enhance retention? An exploration of the perceptions of leaders, early years educators, and policy actors in England.
» Ms. Cristina Motoca1 (1. University of Roehampton)
Public Knowledge Created by Children as Means to Education Reform and School System Regeneration
» Dr. Niall Mackinnon1 (1. Avernish Prospect)
11:45am Keynote: Who or What is Educational Leadership for, and its Purposes: Addressing Diversity Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
Who or What is Educational Leadership for, and its Purposes: Addressing Diversity
» Dr Saeeda Shah (University of Leicester)
1:15pm Closing Remarks from the Vice-Chair Conference & Events Auditorium
Chaired by: Dr. Denise Mifsud
» Dr Denise Mifsud (University of Bath)
1:30pm Departure Lunch Beardmore