Belmont Hill School Class of 1970 Yearbook

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dedication Mr. Charles H. Thomas Mr. Harold Prenatt


























the school

Charles F. Hamilton Headmaster

Gentlemen of the Class of 1970 I take this opportunity to congratulate you on the successful completion of your years here and particularly for the way in which you met some of the trying events of this past year. Your concerns, like most of your contemporaries, with what you see to be the ills of our society today, have been most genuine and certainly understandable. You have expressed them with thoughtful restraint and have carried on despite them in your work and play here in an admirable fashion. As a result, we have had a happy and productive year crowned with many triumphs, thanks to your leadership. Good luck to you all. Charles F. Hamilton Headmaster


Charles Jenney, Jr. Assistant Headmaster, Latin Department Chairman Roger F. Duncan Upper School Director, English

Edward D. Densmore Admissions Director, French, Latin

John H. Funk Middle School Director, French


Herbert B. Mattlage Science Department Chairman

Henry B. Sawyer English Department Chairman, Latin

Maynard W. Maxwell Mathematics Department Chairman

George W. Seeley History Department Chairman


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John M. Hallowell History

John A. Myers English

Newell H. Morton Latin, Mathematics

Leroy A. Howland Romance Languages Department Chairman Frederick C. Richardson Chemistry




John W. Fisher History

Reginald DeK. Hudson History

Ross R. Roberts Mathematics Nathaniel B. Bates Calculus, Mathematics

Richard L. Gregg History, Latin

Jon E. Kaiser History, Latin

Charles W. D. Bassett Guidance Counselor

William E. Croke Athletic Director, Arithmetic

Charles H. Thomas English

Harold Prenatt Music, English


Albert J. Lynd History, Latin, Economics

Gerald J. Walworth Mathematics

Angelo Togneri Fine Arts

Hank G. Van Beever Geology, Science


Daniel F. Bridges English

Donald S. Stewart English, German

Richard A. MacCracken French, Latin

James H. Kramer History

Edward M. Burt French, History 11

Robert C. Worrest Biology, General Science

Porter E. Coggeshall Mathematics, Latin

Hidetaka Itani Asian Studies, French, Mathematics


Thomas Wynne English, History

Hugh E. Nelson Biology, General Science

Houston A. Stebbins English, Mathematics

Barbara Jones Librarian

A. John Skirius Spanish 13

the office girls


The class of 1970 would like to thank Mr. Leroy Howland for his many years of teaching and helping boys at Belmont Hill.


What am I going to do with you guys?



First Row: Welsh, J. Fuller, Nemiah, Rogers, Rierdon, Sullivan, Pious, Sweeney, Flynn, Rober, Stone. Second Row: MacCracken, Bradley, Zebley, Dawson, Petersen, Jordon, Richardson, Ullian,

first form


Henley, Norman, Shively, Owens. Third Row: D. Fuller, Maclean, Morse, Hurley, D. Smith, Dinardo, C. Smith, O'Brien, Pepper. Fourth Row: Goldhammer, Freiman, Herzan, Pettit, Hahn, Neyman.


second form


First Row: Mazzone, Mele, Eaton, Dunphy, Cusolito, Sidman, diNatale, O'Connell, Weeks, Quinn, Harvey, Fifield, Chandler, T. Sullivan, Bernard, Blair. Second Row: McGrath, Rauseo, Cauchon, Sifneos, J. Sullivan, D. Sullivan, Smyly, Wald, Kelley, Foster, Ronan, Williams, Brosens,

Gordon, Blanco. Third Row: Riley, Haar, Heymann, Ginn, Ades, Alter, Peirce, Fraiman, Knowles, Davis, Harris, Thuma, Hanlon, Mades. Fourth Row: Gosnell, Kohn, Fulham, Balkin, Nelson, Pickering, Kerhulas, Kellogg, Wyman, Burke, Casey.


third form

First Row: Cronin, R. Newbold, Maher, Magno, McGrath, Starr, Achtmeyer, Glickman, Gould, Sennott, Schmidt. Second Row: M. Darling, Slater, Fisher, Johnson, C. Darling, Marshall, Hudson, Schley, Cadiff, Clinton, Ashjian, Knowles, Ogilby. Third Row: Lyne, Shapiro, Casner, J. Farrell, French, Hurley, A. Newbold, Ullian, Kitsis, Stratton, D. Farrell. Fourth Row: Henderson, Burnham, Foley, Buros, Manuelian, Victor, Bumford, Taylor, Magee, Wald, Jennings. Fifth Row: Onanian, Raymond, Cheatham, Marino, Nolin, White, Emmett, Gowen.


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fourth form


First Row: Flynn, Harby, Jayne, Bichajian, Burchard, Chicos, Clinton, Cronin, Fitzgerald, Shanahan, Richmond. Second Row: Joseph, Ananian, John Aiken, Croke, Feeney, Gordon, Ashton, James Aiken, Joyal, Riley, Haible. Third Row: Cabot, Starr, O'Connell, Hones, Allison,

Welsh, Segal, Stobaugh, Goodhue, Tod, Guild. Fourth Row: Roberts, Lynch, Keeler, Rowley, Hedbloom, Harrison, Lee, Thorne, Alfano, Foster, Gair, Holland. Fifth Row: Viola, Thayer, Holton, Burke, Widing, Shepard, Robertson, Gifford, Bachrach, Dawson.


First Row: Vaccaro, J. Samuelson. Second Row: Fuller, Wright, Mason, Sewell, Fox, Stewart, Nemiah, Dorian, Hintlian, Fisher, Lane. Third Row: Hubbard, Lassar, Amsbary, Athanas, Clark, Johnson, Brooks, Hunter, Walworth, Wilson. Fourth Row: Woodward, Morales, Counihan, Gordon, Galliher, Ellis, Sheldon, Willard, 0. Wood, Kopp, Magnuson. Fifth Row: Davenport, Neustadt, Magee, Kay, Stokey, Underwood, Bankart, Woods, McConnell, DeLorey, Stoffyn. Sixth Row: Pettit, Pye, Das, Greeley, Weeks, Wightman, Schelzi. Seventh Row: Emerson, E. Wood, Moore, Rutter.

fifth form


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bruce amsbary

AQUARIUS, the water bearer, has a most changable personality. Aquariar are remarkable to meet and create a lasting impression. I courting and love, they are idealistic and devoted. Em tionally, they are easily hurt. The daydreams of Aquarius ca quickly become realities. Aquarians offer visions of harmon and understanding. The music of the 'Age of Aquarius' wi live on swinging in all future generations.


"'I have been in Golgotha,' at last I answered. 'I have seen Humanity hanging on a cross! Do none of you know what sights the sun and the stars look down on in this city, that you can think and talk of anything else? Do you know that close to your doors a great multitude of men and women, flesh of your flesh, live lives that are one agony from birth to death? Listen! their dwellings are so near that if you hush your laughter you will hear their grievous voices, the piteous crying of the little ones that suckle poverty, the hoarse curses of men sodden in misery turned halfway back to brutes, the chattering of an army of women selling themselves for bread. With what have you stopped your ears that you do not hear these doleful sounds? For me, I can hear nothing else. .. . What hope was there for the wretched, for the world, if thoughtful men and tender women were not moved by things like these. . .! .. . These costly viands, these rich wines, these gorgeous fabrics and glistening jewels represented the ransom of many lives. They were verily not without the guiltiness of those who waste in a land stricken with famine. Nevertheless, all the waste of all the rich, were it saved, would go but a little way to cure the poverty of the world. There was so little to divide that even if the rich went share and share with the poor, there would be but a common fare of crusts, albeit made very sweet then by brotherly love..." Edward Bellamy Looking Backward Man chokes slowly, undetectedly, in the products of his own hates, blindness, egocentricity. Man is bred on the petty neuroses of his society and evermore he is irrepairably warped: stagnant in the unforgivable filth that composes him.

curt b. barger 31

gregory s. beede


I guess you can rightfully say that I've had a good education, now that I've graduated from Belmont Hill, where I studied hard and learned many things. Yet, I still have no answers—only questions.

brian dale bixby


christopher howe holing


kevin bottomley

bruce campbell


woody canaday


david cancian


frank carr


alan cath


harris contos

We have failed to adapt our techni logical advances to our human need In the industrialized Western Worli we are entering an age of redundanc in terms of the total aggregate of gooc and services produced; our task is . to organize the allocation of ot resources in such a way that they co] tribute to reducing and preventing ti man-made environmental hazards th. threaten life on earth.. . . We have the technological capacii to avoid most air and water pollutic and carnage on the highways can do all these things . .. but vl aren't, and one of the basic reasons that the huge corporations spawned 1 the Industrial Revolution have concei trated too much of the nation's weali and power in a manner that insulab them from real involvement in and r sponsibility for many of the gre issues of our time.. . . Ralph Nad


peter jon dale Salud, amor, dineio, y tiempo paia gozarlos.


nicholas s. downes


steve dunn


ted eaton


garret patteson edmands


richard giles


chip gogan

Absurdity is king; love is all that saves us from it. Albert Camus


william hay

mark herman


stephen johnson


peter kaufmann

robert kohn

gt‘ richard leventhal

'The most important thing I learned on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies, he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist .... They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they look at any moment that interests them. It is just an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. Kurt Vonnegut


john levitt

joel m. linden

ken littleton

alec macmillan


bob macpherson


henry magno


jack mosher


peter muello

christopher e. noun

david ogilby

what if a dawn of a doom of a dream bites this universe in two, peels forever out of his grave and sprinkles nowhere with me and you? Blow soon to never and never to twice (blow life to isn't: blow death to was) —all nothing's only our hughest home; the most who die, the more we live e. e. cummings


don ouellette




jim parker


torn petersen


andrew porter

jon ross


matt salway


bill samuelson

A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea. If he tries to climb out into the air as inexperienced people try to do, he drowns, nicht wahr? No, I tell you! The way is to the destructive element submit yourself and with the exertions of your hands and feet in the water make the deep, deep sea keep you up. Joseph Conrad


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bill schley


john shapiro Somewhere among the twisted coils of our mind and the spiralic cycles of our life, is a straight iron rod which is fouling up the entire system.


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.

john wesley sheetz


thomas mcc. siebert


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But in these plethoric times when there is too much coarse stuff for everybody and the struggle for life takes the form of competitive advertisement and the effort to fill your neighbor's eye, there is no urgent demand for personal courage, sound nerves or stark beauty. We find ourselves by accident. Always before these times the bulk of the people did not overeat themselves, because they couldn't, whether they wanted to or not, and all but a very few were kept fit by unavoidable exercise and personal danger. Now if only he pitch his standard low enough and keep free from pride, almost anyone can achieve a sort of excess. You can go through contemporary life fudging and evading, never really hungry nor frightened nor passionately stirred, your highest moment a mere sentimental orgasm, and your first real contact with primary and elemental necessities the sweat of your deathbed. H. G. Wells



slowing through the rain the car which I drive which is my fathers has windows through which I see gray outside and sidewalks grayer still and heavy people darkly covered by thick cloth being thanked by the dank blow of a wind of no temperature. sadness brings peace sometimes, and the parenthetical teeters on the edge of the sublime: above all most of us don't live Friday until Thursday is exhausted. the pavement gets wet (touching fingers gather grime) and stays that way awhile.

ken simons


blair stobaugh


For tho we know what we ought to be, and what it would be very sweet and beautiful to be, yet we can't be it. That is most sad too. Herman Melville

craig stockwell


john jules-joseph stoffyn


peter bathgate talbot


Talking to Hal as a Friend You spend the first eighteen years of your life wishing you were older. Then you stop and realize you've wasted— And growing old is such a drag. You also wonder what possibilities remain ahead— If that was the fun part. And you don't really know what to do. And it doesn't really matter. Because even if you knew, you couldn't do it So you do what your father did and what your friends are doing. And go to Amherst, Harvard, and on. But it's not too bad because you've heard college years are the best years (It's a good thing too— Because you'll need at least six years to be able to do anything) And then you're out And you struggle until you finally make it Only now you're the father and not the son. And you've got to wonder, where's it all gone? Barbara

1. harrison thayer III


Shut off my mind. Nothing squeezes through— Nothing, but tired. Days, hours, blend—work, don't think. Mechanical manner—push. No, nothing squeezes through, keep it moving. To stop and think, to look, To love a natural thing—never. Pound it in, drive, push shove, Crowds, jostling. Lonely as Hell—who do you trust? Who do you talk to?—without Laughing, swearing, saying nothing. Shut off my mind, close it tight, Life—why? Why? Because with all its sham drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

torn ulfelder


The problem which I see facing our generation, is the struggle to preserve and extend American democracy against repression from the right. If America can stay democratic, I believe it will become Socialist. Of course, socialism can mean dictatorship, but if socialism is to come, it will have to be democratic. Going by the old adage, 'a chain is only as strong as its weakest link,' governmental systems are only as successful as the men they govern. And if history has taught us only one thing, it is that man is imperfect. While government can't change men, it can blunt their 'bad qualities.' In other words, by creating as equal a society as possible, man's ambition, bigotry, and tendancy to treat his neighbors unequally can be limited. Of course, this equal society is socialism, and so I have not forgotten the other major problem facing us, which is our society and its ills, war, poverty, racism, and pollution. In general, I am optimistic as to the main ingredient for success in our generation. And as far as I am concerned, we have already proved ourselves capable of the task before us.

peter waldfogel


todd walker

Men whose dearest wishes are fixed on objects wholly out of their own power, become in all cases more or less impatient and prone to anger. Coleridge


peter walworth


dave weinberg


roger williams


I've enjoyed my senior year at Belmont Hill very much. I've made a large number of new friends and have done new things. Many situations stand out in my mind throughout the year. They range from the large display of unity witnessed by the march to the state house, to academic success, and to a general good time in the senior room. I'd like to echo one more thought before I stop writing. Always remember the school, like the country, is for you, the people. If you don't like something, don't be coerced into it: work to change it forcefully.

richard woodward


arthur zervas, jr.


BRUCE THAYER AMSBARY, 87 Wellesley Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Hobart, Varsity Football: Manager '66,'67, '68, '69. Varsity Hockey: Manager '67, '68, '69, '70. Varsity Baseball: Manager '67, '68, '69, '70. Varsity Track: Manager '66. Panel: Business Board: '67, '68, '69, Co-Business Manager '70. Library Committee: '67, '68, '69, President '70. Public Relations: '69, '70. Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Athletic Council:'67,'68,'69, Secretary '70. Spirit Committee:'69, '70. Welcoming Committee: '67, '68, '69, President '70. Red and Blue Key Award:'67,'68,'69,'70. Milton L. Dodge Award:'70.

CURTIS BASCH BARGER, 14 Orchard Rd., Brookline, Mass., Entered: 1966: Age: 18, College: Tufts, Varsity Soccer: '69. Varsity Wrestling:'67, Co-Captain '68,'69, '70. Varsity Track: '68, '69, Co-Captain '70. Student Council: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: Business Manager '70. Panel: Circulation Board '70. Athletic Council: '68, '69, '70. Coeducation Committee: '70. Disciplinary Committee: '69, '70. National Merit Letter of Commendation:'69. First Place, Graves-Kelsey Wrestling Tournament: '68, '69. Wrestling Trophy: '70. Honor Society: '67, '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society:'69,'70. Cum Laude. GREGORY SAVAGE BEEDE, Clemmons St., Southboro, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 17, College: University of Massachusetts, Rugby: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Chess Club: '69. Outing Club: '69. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69.

BRIAN DALE BIXBY, 6 Eden St., Salem, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Brown, Varsity Basketball: , Manager '70. Junior Varsity Crew: '68. Varsity Crew: '69. Panel: Associate Editor '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Coeducation Committee: '70. Jared Waterbury Scudder Latin Prize: '70. National Merit Letter of Commendation: '69. Cum Laude Society: '69, '70. Magna Cum Laude.

CHRISTOPHER HOWE BOLING, 1234 Monument St., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Colby, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67, '68. Varsity Soccer: '69, Junior Varsity Hockey: '68. Varsity Hockey: '69. Varsity Baseball: '69. Glee Club: '69. Glee Club: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Sommerville Tutoring: '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Honor Society:'67,'68.


KEVIN TAYLOR BOTTOMLEY, 6 Hawthorne Ave., Auburndale, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Varsity Soccer: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68. Varsity Basketball: '69, '70. Varsity Tennis: '67, '68, '69, Captain '70. Tennis Trophy:'69,'70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, Associate Editor '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society: '70. Honor Society: '66, '67, '68, '68, '70. Magna Cum Laude.

BRUCE ANTHONY CAMPBELL, 208 Collins Rd., Newton, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: Clark University, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67, '68. Varsity Soccer: '69. Varsity Golf: '69, '70. Sextant Prose Prize:'70.

JOHN HARWOOD CANADAY, 78 Florence Ave., Arlington, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Varsity Crew: '70. Lyceum:'69, '70. Dramatic Club: '70. Photography Club: '67, '68, '69, '70. Panel: Photography Editor '70. Sextant: Photography Board '70. Outing Club: President 70. Student Council: Vice-President '70. Disciplinary Committee: Vice-Chairman: '70. Woodbury Public Speaking Prize: '69. National Merit Letter of Commendation:'69. Cum Laude.

DAVID JOSEPH CANCIAN, 16 Garfield Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Soccer: '68. Varsity Soccer: '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68. Varsity Basketball '69,'70. Junior Varsity Tennis:'68. Varsity Golf: '69, '70. Chess Club: '68, '69, President '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '69. Honor Society:'65,'66, '67,'68,'69, '70. Cum Laude.

FRANCIS JAMES CARR, 43 Crestview Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18 College: University of Wisconsin, Public Relations Committee:'69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant: '69, '70. Lyceum: '69, Vice President '70.


STEPHEN EMERY CARR, 21 Park Lane, Concord, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 19, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Football: '66. Varsity Football, '67, '68, '69. Junior Varsity Crew: '65, '66. Varsity Crew: '67, '68, '69, Captain '70. Philip Stuart Burbank Memorial Crew Trophy: '70. Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Athletic Council: President '70. Disciplinary Council: '69, 1----41 " .12 . 111111 " '70. Jury Art Prize:'67,'68. Honor Society:'69,'70.

PETER JON DALE, 46 High St., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: University of Pennsylvania, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67. Varsity Soccer: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Wrestling: '68. Junior Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Varsity Crew: '70. Lyceum: '68, '69, '70. Panel: Circulation Board '69, '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Geology Prize: '69. Honor Society: '66,'67,'68,'69,'70. Cum Laude.

ALAN MILTON CATH, 36 Brunswick Rd., Arlington, Mass. Entered: 1965, Age: 17, College: Northeastern, Panel: Editorial Assistant '69,'70.

NICHOLAS STREET DOWNES, 23E Heaths Bridge Rd., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Antioch, Junior Varsity Soccer: '66, '67, '68. Varsity Crew: '67, '68. Sextant: Associate Editor: '68, '69, Art Board '67, '68, '69, Executive Editor '70. Panel: Cartoonist '70. Student Council:'69. Sextant Poetry Prize: '69.

HARRIS CONTOS, 10 Osceola Path, Arlington, Mass., Entered: 1968, Age: 18, College: Tufts, Junior Varsity Soccer: '68. Junior Varsity Baseball: '69. Glee Club: '69, '70. Yearbook: '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Stock Club: '69. Franklin & Marshall Alumni Award. Honor Society:'69,'70. Cum Laude.

STEPHEN WOLFE DUNN, 58 Hill St., Lexington, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Brown, Junior Varsity Football: '67. Varsity Football: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Hockey: '67. Varsity Hockey: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Varsity Baseball: '69. Varsity Golf:'70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69, '70. Lyceum: '68, '69. Spirit Committee:'68,'69, '70.


EDWARD HAYDEN EATON, 61 Lang St., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: University of Denver, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67, '68. Varsity Skiiing: '69, '70. Junior Varsity Crew: '68. Glee Club: '69,'70. Outing Club:'69,'70.

ROBERT MURRAY GOGAN, JR. 96 Woodlawn Ave., Wellesley, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 17, College: Hampshire, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67, '68. Varsity Track: '68, '69. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, Editor-in-Chief '70. Yearbook: '70. Chess Club: '68. Educational Enrichment Program:'69.

GARRETT PATTERSON EDMANDS, Garfield Rd., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 18, College: Beloit, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67. Varsity Soccer: '68, '69. Glee Club:'69,'70. Outing Club:'69, '70.

WILLIAM BAINBRIDGE HAY, 12 Holden Wood Rd., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: University of California at Berkeley, Photography Club: '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70. Panel: Photography Board '66, '67, '68, '69, '70. Sextant: Photography Board '66, '67,'68,'69,'70. Yearbook: Photography Board '70. Science Club: '65, '66, '67, '68. National Merit Finalist: '69. Thomas G. Walters Mathematics Achievement Prize: '70. Honor Society:'69,'70.

RICHARD HERBERT GILES, 70 Lawrence Lane, Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Lafayette, Junior Varsity Soccer:'67. Varsity Soccer:'68, '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68. Varsity Basketall: '69, '70. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Varsity Golf: '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Asiistant '69, '70. Dramatic Club: Stage 7.rew '69,'70. Library Committee:'69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program:'69,'70. Honor Society:'64.

MARK HERMAN, 39 Birch Hill Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Boston University, Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Stock Club: '69, '70. Photography Club: '67, '68, President '69, '70. Lyceum: '70. Sextant: Photography Editor '69, '70.


STEPHEN ANDREW JOHNSON, 41 Chestnut St., Wellesley, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Lawrence University, Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Dramatic Club:'66,'67,'68, '69, President '70. Charity Play: '68, '69, '70. Hayden Gardner Coon Dramatic Prize: '70.

PETER LINDSAY KAUFMANN, 8 Wedgmere Ave., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 19, College: Franklin Institute, Varsity Wrestling: '67, '68, '69, '70. First Place, Graves-Kelsey Wrestling Tournament:'70. Varsity Track:'69, '70.

ROBERT MORRILL KOHN, 22 Garfield Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: University of California at Berkeley, Outing Club: '69, '70. Stock Club:'69. Lyceum:'69, '70. Honor Society: '68, '69, '70. Honor Society: '68, '69, '70. Jared Waterbury Scudder Latin Prize: '70. Cum Laude.

RICHARD MISHEL LEVENTHAL, 20 Drumlin Rd., Newton, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67. Varsity Squash: '67, '68, '69, Captain '70. Junior Varsity Tennis: '67, Varsity Tennis: '68, '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69, Associate Editor '69, Managing Editor '70. Yearbook: Editor-in-Chief: '70. Sextant: Associate Editor '68, '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Lyceum:'68, '69,'70. Athletic Council:'69,'70. Honor Society:'65,'66,'67,'68,'69,'70. Cum Laude.

JOHN MICHAEL LEVITT, 43 Prentiss Lane, Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Sarah Lawrence, Junior Varsity Soccer: '69. Public Relations Committee: '69. Educational Enrichment Program:'69. •40. ?


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JOEL MORRIS LINDEN, 36 Dolphin Rd., Newton, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 18, College: Brown, Varsity Football: '69. Varsity Track: '68, '70. Junior Varsity Crew: '69. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69. Chess Club: '69, '70. Stock Club: '69, '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Bancroft Beatley Jr. '43 Physics Prize: '70. Honor Society: '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society: '70. Cum Laude.

KENNETH WAYNE LITTLETON, 36 Prospect St., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Williams, Varsity Football: '67, '68, Captain '69. Varsity Basketball: '68, '69, '70. Varsity Baseball: '68, '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, '70. Lyceum:'69. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Athletic Council: '70. Public Relations Board: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: Business Board '69, '70. Yearbook: Sports Editor '70. Honor Society:'65,'66,'67,'68,'69,'70. Cum Laude.

ALEXANDER STEWART MACMILLAN III, 83 Lincoln Rd., Wayland, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Football: '67. Varsity Football: '68, '69. Varsity Hockey: '68, '69, Captain '70. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Varsity Baseball: '69 '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant: '68, '69, '70. Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Athletic Council: '70. Outing Club: '69. Public Relations Committee: '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Robert Saterlee Hurlbut Memorial Football Trophy:'69. Honor Society:'69, '70. Cum Laude.

ROBERT WARREN MACPHERSON, JR, 90 Suffolk Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: New England College, Junior Varsity Football: '67, '68, '69. Varsity Football: '69. Stock Club: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '69, '70. Spirit Committee:'69,'70.

HENRY ALFRED MAGNO, JR., 31 Everett Ave., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: M.I.T. Varsity Tennis: Manager '70. Panel: Photography Board '69, '70. Yearbook: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Glee Club: '67, '68, '69, '70. National Merit Letter of Commendation: '69. Cum Laude Society: '69, '70. Honor Society: '65, '66, '67, '68, '69,'70. Magna Cum Laude.


JOHN MILLETTE MOSHER, 107 Rutledge Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Oberlin, Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '68, '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Somerville Tutoring:'70.

PETER ANTHONY MUELLO, 155 Jason St., Arlington, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: Dartmouth, Junior Varsity Soccer: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Glee Club: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '69, '70. National Merit Letter of Commendation:'69. Honor Society:'67,'68,'69. Cum Laude.

CHRISTOPHER EMOND NOLIN, 11 Channing St., Cambridge, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 17, College: Beloit, Junior Varsity Soccer: '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Honor Society: '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude.

JOHN DAVID OGILBY, JR, 306 Washington St., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Football: '68. Varsity Wrestling: '68, '69, '70. Varsity Crew: '68,'69. Panel: Business Board Manager '70. Glee Club: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69. Honor Society: '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude.

DONALD RICHARD OUELLETTE, 307 Pleasant St., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 18, College: Beloit, Junior Varsity Soccer: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Wrestling: '68. Junior Varsity Crew: '68. Dramatic Club: '68, '69, '70. Glee Club: '68, '69, '70. Sextant: Art Board '70. Charity Play:'68,'69.


JAMES TAPPAN PARKER, 35 Jason St., Arlington, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Boston University, Varsity Wrestling: Manager '68. Varsity Tennis: Manager '69. Panel: Photography Board: '69, '70. Yearbook: Photography Board '70. Photography Club:'68,'69, '70. Glee Club: '68,'69,'70. Stock Club:'69.

THOMAS JAMES PETERSEN, 5 Wingate Rd., Lexington, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College, Wheaton, Junior Varsity Soccer:'68,'69. Glee Club:'68,'69,'70.

ANDREW MARSH PORTER, 9 Lawson Rd., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: University of Denver, Junior Varsity Soccer: '65, '66. Junior Varsity Crew:'67. Varsity Crew:'68, '69. Sextant: Associate Editor '69,'70. Panel: Business Board '69, Photography Board '69. Chess Club:'70.

JONATHAN CHARLES ROSS, 35 Lincoln Circle, Swampscott, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College Post-graduate Year at Andover. Junior Varsity Football:'67. Varsity Football:'68, '69. Varsity Crew:'70. Junior Varsity Crew:'68, '69. Stock Club:'69,'70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant: '70.

MATTHEW SALWAY, 2 Bridgewater Close, Chislehurst, Kent, England, Entered: 1969, Age: 18, College: Queens' College, Cambridge University, Lyceum: '70. Dramatic Club: '70. Woodbury Speaking Contest Finalist: '70. English Speaking Union Exchange Student.

WILLIAM FRANK SAMUELSON, 75 Clairemont Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Harvard, Varsity Football: '67, '68, '69. Varsity Basketball: '68, '69, Captain '70. Varsity Tennis: '68, '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69, News Editor '70. Chess Club:'69,'70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. John B. Breed Biology Prize: '68. John B. Breed Chemistry Prize: '69. Bancroft Beatley '43 Physics Prize: '70. Harvard Club of Boston Book Prize: '69. Honor Society: '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society: '69, '70. Summa Cum Laude.



WILLIAM LEWIS SCHLEY, 285 Reservoir Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Hockey: '68, '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '68, '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '68, '69, '70. Outing Club: President '69, '70. Sextant: Associate Editor: '68, '69, Editorin-Chief '70. Honor Society: '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society: '70. Cum Laude.

KENNETH WILLIAM SIMONS, 275 Old Billerica Rd., Bedford, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Undecided, Rugby: '68, '69. Varsity Track: '68. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69, Feature Editor '70. Student Council: '70. Sextant: Associate Editor '69, '70. National Merit Finalist: '70. George von L. Meyer III Memorial Prize: '70. Scholarship Medal:'65,'66,'67, '68, '69, '70. Honor Society: '65, '66, '67, '68, '69, '70. Cum Laude Society:'69,'70. Summa Cum Laude.

JOHN MICHAEL SHAPIRO, 240 Lee St., Brookline, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 17, College: Wesleyan, Junior Varsity Soccer: '67. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68, '69. Varsity Basketball: '70. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, '70, Photography Board '70. Yearbook: Photography Editor '70. Sextant: Associate Editor '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Honor Society: 66, 67, 68, 69, 70. Cum Laude Society:'70. Cum Laude.

ROBERT BLAIR STOBAUGH, III, 4 Ross Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 18, College: University of Pennsylvania, Junior Varsity Football: '67. Junior Varsity Cross Country: '68. Varsity Cross Country: '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: '68. Varsity Weight Lifting: '69, '70. Lyceum: '68, '69, President '70. Outing Club: '69. Stock Club: '69. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, 70. Educational Enrichment Program:'69,'70.

JOHN WESLEY SHEETZ, IV, 45 Rutledge Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: M.I.T., Junior Varsity Football: '68. Varsity Wrestling: '66, '67, CoCaptain '68, '69, '70. Glee Club: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program:'69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69,'70. Athletic Council:'68,'69,'70.

CRAIG STEWART STOCKWELL, 6 Ledgewood Rd., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 17, College: Dartmouth, Junior Varsity Football: '68. Varsity Skiing: '69, Captain '70. Junior Varsity Crew: '67. Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Glee Club: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '69, '70. Athletic Council: '70. Honor Society: '69, '70.

THOMAS McCONWAY SIEBERT, 40 Martha's Point Rd., Concord, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 18, College: Colorado College, Varsity Skiiing: '67, Captain '68, '69. Sextant: Art Board '68, '69. Charity Play: '69. Sextant: Art Prize: '69. Jury Award:'68,'69.

JOHN JULES-JOSEPH STOFFYN, 39 Barney Hill Rd., Wayland, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Southhampton, Junior Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Varsity Crew:'70. Science Fair Winner:'69.


PETER BATHGATE TALBOT, 78 School Street, Weston, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 17, College: Harvard, Varsity Soccer: '67, '68, Captain '69. Junior Varsity Basketball: Captain '68. Varsity Basketball: '69, '70. Varsity Baseball: '68, '69, Captain '70. Athletic Council: '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69. Student Council: '67, '68. Educational Enrichment Program: '70. -------- - — William's College Book Prize: '69. Honor Society:'66,'67,'68,'69, '70. Woodworking Prize: '69. Ex-Captains' Soccer Trophy: '69. Cum Laude.

PETER WALWORTH, 5 Knox St., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1965, Age: 18, College: Worcester Polytechnical Institute, Varsity Cross Country: '68, '69. Junior Varsity Hockey: '68, '69, Captain '70. Junior Varsity Baseball: '68. Varsity Golf: '69,'70. Parents' Art Award:'68.

LUCIUS HARRISON THAYER, Ill, 15 Circuit Rd., Chestnut Hill, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 18, College: Amherst, Varsity Football: '68, '69. Varsity Crew: '68, '69, '70. Spirit Committee: '69, Co-Chairman '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, Sports Editor '70. Glee Club: '69, '70. Lyceum: '68, '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '68, '69, '70. Honor Society: '68, '70. Cum Laurie.

DAVID LESLIE WEINBERG, 10 Estabrook Rd., West Newton, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 18, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Soccer: '68, Manager '67. Varsity Soccer: '69. Varsity Crew: '68, '69, '70. Lyceum: '68, '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '68, '69. Disciplinary Committee: Chairman '69, '70. Student Council: '68, '69, Class President '70. Yearbook: Senior Editor '70. Athletic Council: '69, '70. Honor Society: '68 '69, '70. Cum Laude Society:'70. Cum Laude.

THOMAS HUSE ULFELDER, 15 Sheffield Rd., Winchester, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Harvard, Junior Varsity Football: '66. Varsity Football: '67, '68, '69. Varsity Track: '68, '69,' Co-Captain '70. Glee Club: '68, '69, President '70. Yearbook: Business Board Manager '70. Student Council: '67, '68. Class President: '67, '68. Disciplinary Committee: '69, '70. Dramatic Club: '70. Charity Play: '68, '69. Panel: Circulation Board '68, '69, Manager '70. Spirit Committee: '68, '69, CoChairman '70. Athletic Council:'70'

ROGER UPHAM WILLIAMS, 58 Pinehurst Rd., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 18, College: Middlebury, Glee Club: '69, '70. Photography Club: '68, '69, '70. Sextant: Associate Editor '69,'70.

PETER DOUGLAS WALDFOGEL, 16 Brown Road, Swampscott, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 18, College: Tufts, Junior Varsity Track: Manager '68, '69. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69, Associate Editor '70. Stock Club: President '69, '70. Charity Play: '69, '70. Chess Club: '70. Time Current Events Test: '68, '70. Honor Society: '68.

RICHARD FOSTER WOODWARD, JR, 80 Oak Ave., Belmont, Mass., Entered: 1964, Age: 17, College: Dickinson, Varsity Track: Manager '70. Panel: Editorial Assistant '69,'70. Business Board '69,'70.

TODD MANNING WALKER,8 Glenbrook Rd., Wellesley, Mass., Entered: 1966, Age: 17, College: Johns Hopkins, Junior Varsity Crew: '68, '69. Educational Enrichment Program:'69, '70. Chess Club:'69. Photography Club: '68. Science Club: '68. Panel: Associate Editor '70. Dramatic Club: '69, '70. Charity Play: '69, '70. Independent Study Program: '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Conservation Club:'70. Honor Society:'68,'69. Cum Laude.

ARTHUR ANTHONY ZERVAS, JR., 13 Lowell St., Burlington, Mass., Entered: 1967, Age: 17, College: Boston University, Junior Varsity Football: '67. Varsity Football: '68. Junior Varsity Wrestling:'68,'69. Varsity Track:'68, '69. Dramatic Club:'68, '69, '70. Outing Club: '69, '70. Educational Enrichment Program: '69, '70. Panel: Circulation Board '70.





It is said that when the white mongoose runs from the cobra ...

Downes, intent on final Urban Studies project.


POLL: Party Boss

Who ever heard of a corpse with crossed feet?

Please, Boss, give me more time!

Mother's Lament in fourth race?


The Cookie Battle



. Vroommmm



So I just took her in my arms like this ...


It's a boy!

The Capitol of Uganda is ...


Look, Levitt...


I'm not kidding ya, they were this big.


Now look, Ulfelder, who's running this school anyway.

Nick, I can tell a head a mile away.


And Mamma Bear said to Baby Bear..

No, no, Mr. Meyers, just do it like me. See?

My name is Talking Tina.


- %41 I.1




ai rti

" 5 -.1 •J F.4

cd cD

prize day & graduation







football record Belmont Hill 40 34 12 6 35 27


Milton Noble & Greenough St. Mark's Groton Browne & Nichols Middlesex Governor Dumme won 6 lost

14 0 0 18 24 14




Fox heads down field with Hillie escort ...

.. . . Belmont defenders block St. Mark's field goal on the way to final 12-0.

All-league Bill Samuelson hauls in early Macmillan pass against Groton.

Hunter finishes touchdown drive in second quarter.


The tide turned in the second half as Macmillan is chased out of bounds in front of bewildered Coaches Fisher and Croke.

Coaches Wynne and Croke can't find that winning effort as Belmont is defeated 6-18.

Captain Ken Littleton runs...

... and watches his last football games at Belmont Hill.

First Row: Ross, Ulfelder, Carr, Macmillan, Fox, Littleton, Thayer, Hunter, Dunn, Lane, MacPhearson. Second Row: Mr. Croke, Mr. Wynne, Weeks, Ellis, Johnson, Kittredge, Dorian, Harrison, St. Clair, Bankart, Samuelson, Mr. Fisher. Third Row: Walworth, Amsbary, D. Kay, Pettit, Rutter, Magnuson, Wood, 0., Fisher, Hogan, Moore, Joyal, Wood, E., Amsbary, B..








Below, ton Latvrence Tabor 3.. Roxbury Latin 2 St. Mark's 0 Middlesex I • - Groton. 4 Browne & Niclidls , 6 Thayer • '-s'-:-..,... • ., Noble &Greenough . ., Brook§i„,.. '..- ; , - . .. •Governor1;tummer .k. _. won 6.lost 4 tied 2 •


* 55510 I 5•5 S.


5, •

t'• -.0.•

1 13, . .1 . 0 . 6 0 '2 • I*


1 19

Coaches Seeley and Burt look on in disgust but somehow Belmont prevailed 3-2.

Giles reaches high to stop enemy foray.

Scannell and opponent attempt to impress ball with new twist steps.

Chicos's hustle pays off as Hillies welcome hero.


Mr. Seeley, Holmes, Bottomley, Sewell, Samuelson, J., Sheldon, Cronin, Barger, Scannell, Allison, Weinberg, Burchard, Chicos, Shanahan, Samuelson, R., Talbot, Boling, Campbell, Giles, Dale, Edmands, Cancian.


cross country record Belmont Hill 39 Milton 22 43 16 19 18 46 122

Thayer Lawrence Thompson Browne & Nichols St. Mark's Governor Dum won 4 lost 3

19 37 16 43 38 43 2

cross country Mr. Stewart, Guild, Walworth, Kopp, Das, Davenport, Stoffyn, Frailey, Stobaugh, Richardson, Wright, Counihan.

Mr. Stewart explains new cross country course to Belmont runners.

The race begins ...

... and Coach Stewart clocks runners at the half-way point.

Richardson pours it on for the final sprint.


bas Belmoktj-faft 51 Thayer 61 Christian 66 Rivers 65 63 enough 60 ce 95 ex 69 or Dummor 51 astian's 72 57 ury Latin 65 aul's 69 e & Greenough 67 e & Nichols 66 eorge's 62 71 1 ionships 65 78 wtfoikr -.Jost 4

30 57 69 63 48 52 84 64 45 53 70 62 47 70 60 55 58



class c prep school tournament

first, rivers

Bill Samuelson and Rich Giles lead Belmont Hill to 6549 victory over Rivers.

and then, hyde

1 26

Hyde falls 98-49 as Samuelson brothers combine in important victory.

but then... pomfret

First Row: Fox, Talbot, Littleton. Second Row: Mr. Kramer, Shapiro, Sheldon, Giles, Sewell, Samuelson, R, Bottomley. Third Row: Brooks, Dorian, Samuelson, W., Cancian, Emerson.



hockey record Belmont Hill 5 Taft 5 Upper Canada I , '` 161■••••01 2 Nichols —' 0 3 St. Sebastiwna., ,.. i) 0107 .1 r"1"411111" waisd . 2 Milton 3 Andover 4 Deerfield 3 6 Groton 2 .. 8 Tabor i 7 Thayer V 7 Brooks 6 St. Paul's 2 4 St. Mark's 1 2 Noble & Greenough 4 Middlesex 5 2 0 Browne & Nichols 2 11440 4 Exeter 5 3 Governor Dummer 0 won 12 lost 6



Hogan stick-checks opponent but to no avail as Andover is victorious 6-3.

Aiken makes save. . .

... and Scannell clears the Belmont zone.

Belmont fans cheer.


Aiken makes great save in Nichols' victory.

First Row: Aiken, Dunn, Scannell, Macmillan, Holmes, Hogan, Walworth. Second Row: Mr. Van Beever, Joyal, Lane, Anderson, Mardulier, Delorey, Mr. Walworth. Third Row: Amsbary, B., Johnson, Morin, Aiken, Amsbary, D..

Lawrence Noble & Greenough Governor Dummer Rivers Roxbury Latin Brooks St. Mark's Providence Country St. George's Browne & Nichols

Co-Captain Barger psyches opponent.

Joseph reverses against Brooks in hard fought match.

Brooks opponent attempts to break Shapiro's arm.

Underwood is driven back for a two yard loss as fans also get in the action.

Bachrach sets up pin.


First Row: Underwood, Kaufmann, Stewart, Sheetz, Barger, Magnuson, Ogilby, Joseph. Second Row: Davenport, Bachrach, Lassar, Richmond, Shapiro, Jennings, Mr. Kaiser.



squash record Belmont Hill Milton 0 St. Paul's 1 3 Middlesex 4 Tabor Lawrence 5 Groton Tabor Brooks Middlesex Andover Milton lost 6

Captain Leventhal counsels upcoming star about the intricacies of the game.

Widing whacks away at back hand.

Samuelson shapes it up for the fans with tricky behind the back shot.

Goodhue, Samuelson, Widing, Leventhal. 137



skiing record Belmont Hill won Milton third Andover, Holderness, Harvard Freshmen third Andover, Tilton won Milton, Noble & Greenough won Dublin won Wayland High School sixteenth Prep School Tournament fifth Southern Prep School Tournament



Stockwell airborne.

Pye streaks down slalom course.

Hubbard flies.

Guild, Allison, Pye, Richardson, Hubbard, Clark, Stockwell, Eaton, Siebert, Mr. Bates. 139

111 111 Amon

‘ 11111

intramural hockey

1 40

I ea,



crew first boat Carr, Stobaugh, Clark, Wood, Weinberg defeated Browne & Nichols-7 lengths defeated Noble & Greenough-3 lengths defeated Groton-8 lengths defeated Brooks-10 lengths defeated St. Mark's-1 length defeated Middlesex-3 lengths second place at Quinsigamond Regatta

second boat Thayer, DeLorey, Wood, Lane, Greeley defeated Brown & Nichols-7 lengths defeated Browne & Nichols-3 lengths defeated Groton-5 lengths defeated Brooks-51/2 lengths defeated Middlesex-3 lengths defeated St. Mark's-4 lengths first place at Quinsigamond Regatta

third boat Stewart, Underwood, Bankart, Magnuson, Schelzi defeated Browne & Nichols-4 lengths defeated Noble & Greenough-2 lengths defeated Groton-4 lengths defeated Brooks-5 lengths defeated Middlesex-2 lengths defeated St. Mark's-4 lengths. first place at Quinsigamond Regatta



,n v —



6 1 14 13 6 3 7 6 3 1 3 3 10

ro on Boston Tech. St. Paul's Middlesex St. George's St. Mark's St. Sebastian's Milton Governor Dummer Noble & Greenough Browne & Nichols Brooks Roxbury Latin St. Paul's won 10 lost 5

3 4 3 2 2 0 3 7 4 1 0 5


4104 4111



, 41,

-rte.14,4.* 4 -*".




r 147

Captain Talbot surveys his club ...

. but then it wasn't all work.

Macmillan peg...



... and then takes a rip with the lumber as Littleton steps to the plate.


loyal lines shot to right.

Hogan lines homerun to center at B. & N., while Sheldon waits on deck.

First Row: Joyal, Kay, Mason, Chicos, Talbot, Macmillan, Hogan, Allison, Sewell. Second Row: Blanco, Mr. Sawyer, St. Clair, Johnson, Sheldon, Robertson, Walworth, Littleton, Hunter, Amsbary, B., Mr. Croke. 149

Hill Tabor . dlesex , NU • ' Groton Miltbn

3 1 9 ,



St. Mark's Tubs Noble & Greenough', Brooks RivpN Bto\vn. & NiLhols Governor Du mmur \von 12 lost 1





. . 11 1044, r40114.,111 'JIA144. 1


Samuelson throws racquet up in triumph.


Leventhal emerges from battle victorious.

Up against the fence, Bottomley returns hard backhand.


Samuelson gives his all.

Achtmeyer streches.

First Row: Holmes, Bottomley, Achtmeyer. Second Row: Mr. Meyers, Leventhal, Samuelson, Das, Magno.


track record Belmont Hill 42 Milton likThayer 66 53 t. George's 54 Governor Dummer 85 St. Sebastian's 33 Assumption 571/2 Governor Dumme St. ul's wont lost 4


72 43 88 2.



Dawson manages to clear pole.

Barger strains for victory.

Weeks lets it fly. Two Hillies in the lead at the halfway mark.


The new track is built...

... and dedicated.

First Row: Pettit, Gordon, Kaufmann, Barger, Ulfelder, Mardulier, Weeks, Emerson, Wheaton, Hedblom. Second Row: Mr. Fisher, Guild, Rutter, Pye, Counihan, Richmond, Hubbard, Fox, Harrison, Dawson, Fisher, Davenport, Linden, Stoffyn.




golf record Belmont Hill 4 Worcester 5 Lawrence 4 4 4 MAT. 2 Governor Dummer 3 4 81/2 St, Sebastian's 81/2 Tabor 61/2 4 1/2 Tabor 7½ Won 4 lost 2 1


Captain Ellis hits a fine iron.

Study in concentration—McConnell.

Cancian makes contact.

Mr. Walworth, Ellis, Hintlian, Walworth, Dorian, Giles, Kittredge, McConnell.


jayvee sports




middle school sports







--> 36


student council

charity drive

the carnival

Achtmeyer, Barger, Sullivan, Fox, Stewart, Wilson, Weinberg, Starr, O'Connell.

athletic council

Leventhal, Bottomley, Barger, Si muelson, Weinberg, Talbot, Carr, U felder, Amsbary, B..

librar3 committeE

First Row: Wightman, Amsbary, B Kopp, Mr. Hallowell, Miss Jones, M Sawyer, Mason. Second Row: Prio Pye, Gould, Stokey, Glickman, San nell, Greeley, Counihan, Wood, Am, bary, D., Alfano, Stewart, Wilsoi Underwood.


disciplinary committee Barger, Samuelson, Fox, Weinberg, Carr, Ulfelder, Kay.

spirit committee First Row: Wightman, Wood, Amsbary, B., Fox, Stewart, Weinberg, Lane. Second Row: Willard, Ulfelder, Rutter, Brooks, Scannell, Greeley, Delorey, Wood, Hunter, Kay, Hogan.


dramatic club

Magee: Don't put it down! The slightest tap could blow this place sky high! Walter: Agah-gah- don't anybody come near me!

Don't Drink the Water

Walter: Wife? You and She? Magee: Why not? We're United States citizens in United States territory. We're over twenty-one and Father Drobney is a priest.

Walter: If you ever need a job, Chef, I could probably get you one at Chock Full O'Nuts.


Feiffer's People

Woman: What is this? A gag? Superman: Indeed no, madam. Superman does not gag. Superman doesn't have a sense of humor!

Narrator: He made up poems to himself. George:GEORGE george GEORGE

Rebel No. 1: Man, you ever think what it'll be like t'get OLD? Rebel No. 2: HOW Old? Rebel No. 1: REAL old, man. Like a TEACHER...



chess club


glee club



First Row: Mr. Prenatt, Ogilby, Rutter, Johnson, Stockwell, Underwood. Second Row: Boling, Edmands, Amsbary, B., Magno, Contos, Parker, Thayer, Lane, Macmillan, Ulfelder, Wright, Sheetz, Wilson, Wightman, Wood, Weeks, Gair, Williams, Keeler, Wood. Third Row: Easton, Carr, Dorian, Fox, Petersen, Hogan, Brooks, Willard. Fourth Row: Hubbard, Ouellette, Burke.



President Stoubaugh


Woodbury Public Speaking Prize

the winner


science club

/ 'Ur 178

educational enrichment program




Staff Editor-in-Chief '70

William L. Schley Executive Editor


Nicholas S. Downes Etittorial Board Nlark Herman


Richard NI. Leventhal


Andrew M. Porter


Mark Herman


Photography Board

John NI. Shapiro Kenneth W. Simons

Photography Editor

John H. Canaday


William B. Hay


Stephen H. Clark


Eric R. ‘Voodward



Roger U. Williams


James C. Neiniah


Christopher L. Pye


John C. Samuelson


Faculty Advisor Art Board Christopher H. Bolink


Nicholas S. Downes


Donald R. Ouellette


Thomas NIcC. Siebert


Eric G. Hedblom


Mr. Charles Thomas


Don't venture to some sweet forest and sit by yourself down among friends. and if by nine you have not been troubled. climb a tree. and wedge yourself in. NICK DOWNES 10

Thought I was thinking and thinking In a while I was very hungry. I made a cake. I made a cake. KENNETH W. SIMONS '70


odiht w\--111-e

WA) rcmHsThlon


the panel



1N•k .)



fn Ckttei


Chapel Committee Report Volume 17

On the Inside

Campus Comment




WBCN Disc Jocke0:49: Bra, Fun With Rock Musi( a Letters to the Editc 717- Ws Student Council oapFroth

Alumnus Writes You're Welcome. Ellis E. '57

New Schoolo - , Suggestions e orm Su


I? JTçfl


be written seriously and "shou prove to be eniovable.") as containing "Dracula and Wolf nan with a few hunchbacks ant ripples thrown in for good MilestOneSTToheddfort. Walker mea• GOGAN ure." Positions in the play ar( format of the tti play, originally intended to be that of an olc me horror movie, has been drastically changed. In its present forn le production will be a parody of the Saturday night TV show, Th ting Game. Rico's Body Consumes Itself LETTER SWEATER

What's Happenin&

Welfare LSD • •

S: Where are they?

' 1%4mi

Oct. -Well

Black Knight fails to bl STEVE DUNN's pu LEVENTHAL Michael Ferber


Freedom to piss(

Police HQ-. The Cross SAI4UELSON


ro th Fade Away COEDUCATION Post No Bills

Feature Editor News Editor William F. Samuelson Kenneth W. Simons '70 Photography Editor Sports Editor L. Harrison Thayer '70 John H. Canaday '70 Managing Editor Richard M. Leventhal '70

Fade-in: The time Asseciate Editors Peter D. Waidtog.' • — Todd M. Walker ':Panel Editorial Assistants Francis Carr '70 Robert Kittredge ' R Allen M. Cath '70 Jeffrey B. Kopp '7 Stephen W. Dunn '70 Paul E. Lane '71 Joel M. Linden '70 Steven McConnell Kenneth W. Littleton, Jr. '70 Timothy F. Price Jonathan Ross '70 Christopher L. Pye John Shapiro '70 Peter Richardson '71 Blair Stobaugh '70 John C. Samuelso.. '71 Peter B. Talbot '70 Allen M. Sheldon 71 Peter G. Walworth '70 Joseph J. Vaccaro III .1 David L. Weinberg '70 Huntington F. Wi':.ird '71 Richard F. Woodward '70 David C. Wright '71 W. Blair Brooks '71 David S. Allison '72 Mark B. Fuller '71 Thomas H. Burchard '72 Kenneth D. Hintlian '71 James Foley '73 Graham Holmes '71 Business Managers Bruce T. Amsbary '70 J. David Ogilby Jr. '70 Business Board Charles Moore '71 Richard F. Woodward '70 Paul Averbach '71 Timothy F. Price '71 Steven A. McConnell '71 Circulation Manager Thomas H. Ulfelder '70 Circulation Board Peter J. Dale '70 Daniel K. Dorian, Jr. 71 Peter L. Kaufmann '70 Timothy F. Price '71 Craig S. Stockwell '70 Huntington F. Willard' 7, Arthur A. Zervas, Jr. '70 Photography Board William B. Hay '70 Philip E. Magnuson James T. Parker 70 Max Mason 71 Henry A. Magno Jr. '70 Eric Woodward '71 John Shapiro '70 Brian D. Bixby '70 Kevin T. Bottomley '70

is 11:27, Tuesday night. Two


Peligion Larry Penta

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Crucial Marshland Disappears

yearbook richard leventhal chip gogan dave weinberg curt barger ken littleton john shapiro tom ulfelder bill samuelson henry magno jim parker hal thayer blaise alfano donald s. stewart



patrons Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dunn Mrs. Charles F. Giles Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leventhal

Dr. and Mrs. Howard Ulfelder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weinberg

associate Mrs. John K. Bottomley

sponsors Felix Ades M.D. Dr. and Mrs. A. Clifford Barger Mr. and Mrs. Albert Y. Bernard Mrs. John Cancian Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Cheatam Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Peter P. Dale Joseph A. Dinardo Mr. and Mrs. John M. Eaton Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Edmands Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Gogan Robert F. Goldhammer Mrs. Deran S. Hintlian Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Milton L. Kay Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Kaufmann Dr. and Mrs. John H. Knowles Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Macmillan Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Magno Harold E. Magnuson


Mr. and Mrs. Modest Mele Dr. Henry A. Mosher Dr. and Mrs. David Neustadt Mr. and Mrs. Earle M. Neyman Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Nolin Richard J. O'Connell Henry K. Porter Harris S. Richardson Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David C. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Samuelson Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Schelzi Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. William McConway Siebert Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Simons Sherman H. Starr Fred F. Stockwell Morton S. Waldfogel Robert J. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zervas Anonymous

donors Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Ashjian Dr. John B. Bichajian Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bixby The Rev'd and Mrs. Wilbur D. Canaday Dr. and Mrs. Francis J. Carr Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Cath Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Cauchon W. VanAlan Clark Jr. Dr. and Mrs. R. Clement Darling Dr. and Mrs. Philip Das Dr. and Mrs. Charles B. Davis Mrs. E. G. Downes Mr. and Mrs. John H. Emerson Dr. David J. Farrell Dr. and Mrs. Paul Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand Fox Dr. and Mrs. Donald S. Gair Dr. and Mrs. Irving Glickman Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Goodhue III William H. Guild Charles M. Haar R. Duncan Hay Francis A. Herzan M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hogan Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Holmes Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Kittredge Mr. and Mrs. W. Brewster Kopp

Dr. Richard H. Lassar Mr. and Mrs. Theodre Levitt Leo Linden Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Littleton Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Mardulier Mr. and Mrs. Dominick S. Marino Dr. Paul P. Norman Dr. and Mrs. James A. Petersen Robert L. Pettit Lawrence K. Pious M.D. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Riley Edward D. Rowley Dr. J. Gordon Scannell Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Segal Dr. and Mrs. Eli Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stobaugh Dr. Pierre J. Stoffyn Roger P. Stokey Mr. and Mrs. John E. Stratton Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Sullivan L. Harrison Thayer Mr. and Mrs. Giles M. S. Tod Sumner Victor Mr. and Mrs. John W. Weeks John R. White The Rev. George H. Williams Richard F. Woodward


business patrons The Atwell Company Sweeney Tire Co.

767 Concord Ave., Cambridge Dedham

868-5000 329-2330

business associates Maurice Gordon Real Estate Superior Laundry Saxon Theatre Corp

140 Federal St., Boston 625 Concord Ave., Cambridge 219 Tremont St., Boston

426-3311 864-1050 542-4600

business sponsors A & M Electronic Rep. Arlington Buick Co., Inc. Bolton-Smart Co. Concord Clothing Co., Inc. General Optical Co. Griffin's Inc. Dr. Andrew A. Kerhulus M. Greely Summers Agency Wheaton Motor Co., Inc. The Winchester Star

1492 Highland Ave., Needham 835 Mass. Ave., Arlington 11 Widett Circle, Boston 4 Walden St., Concord 371 Commonwealth Ave., Boston 1 Belmont St., Cambridge 575 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge 225 Franklin St., Boston 307 Trapelo Rd., Belmont 3 Church St., Winchester

444-8170 543-5300 269-6400 369-2805 267-0204 547-8025 547-6072 482-0700 484-8000 729-8100

business donors Bluebird Jewelers Brentwood Beauty Salon Chitel's Decor International Handwoven Rugs J. H. Emerson Co. Gibby's Jenney Service Gifford Supply Co. Handcraft House Hart Brothers Caterers, Inc. Harvard Trust Co. McGuinn Books Mass. Ave., American Mead Bros. Tree Service, Inc. Metropolitan Petrolium Co. Phil Murray Co., Inc. Hector J. Osmond Co. The Prep Shop The Scanlon Co.—Realtors E. B. Stowell Dr. Stephen E. Thorne 190

25 Leonard St., Belmont 507 High St., Medford 6 Mt. Vernon St., Winchester 112 Newbury St., Boston 22 Cottage Park Ave., Cambridge 90 Concord Ave., Belmont 484-9786 Malden 324-4394 34 Leonard St., Belmont 50 New England Ave., Dorchester P. 0. Box 300, Cambridge Box 185, West Hartford, Conn. 1116 Mass. Ave., Arlington 30 Sunset Rd., Bedford 500 Neponset Ave., Boston 15 Union St., Lawrence 59 Montvale Rd., Weston 31 Church St., Cambridge 1012 Mass. Ave., Arlington 56 Lawrence Rd., Medford 910 Main St., Fitchburg

484-3909 488-9725 729-3070 262-1529 UN4-1414 '484-9786 324-4394 484-6545 283-1660 484-4063 (203) 521-9126 648-9796 275-7787 288-1100 893-5744 864-2300 648-3050 DI3-3437



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