100 Years of Athletics

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May 

Game on the New Football Field, .

e most important thing is to safeguard the character-building qualities that athletics provide rather than to develop mere skill and the improvement of team and individual records.
— Dr. R. Heber Howe, 1928

From the Head of School

Dear Belmont Hill Community,

As our centennial year continues, it is so much fun to reminisce upon  years of athletics at Belmont Hill. Recently, Jay Civetti and Kit Hughes – both from the Class of  – offered a stirring Chapel Talk for our boys on this very topic. Kit spoke to the power of coaches, and Jay tackled the idea of what it means to be a great teammate. Our boys were truly engaged throughout this whole presentation, which included some great videos reviewing the tradition of athletics at Belmont Hill School.

All of us who love this school are well aware of the history of athletic distinction at Belmont Hill. We could certainly reflect upon the banners in our field house that reveal sustained excellence in virtually every program we have. While we intentionally shy away from most individual recognitions, one can also see our Olympians, our Hobey Baker Awards, and some of the special coaching milestones in this space. Unlike some schools, Belmont Hill’s goal has always been to provide competitive experiences for boys in all sports at all levels. I have never been a part of a school community where coaches still recount records from seasons at the seventh- or eighth-grade level with equal pride as to those who do so for varsity teams. While we all like to play to win at Belmont Hill, I have come to appreciate that the same pride as those is so much deeper than anything about winning. Our boys know that they are a part of a special tradition when they wear a Belmont Hill jersey. We want them to know that we care about their athletic development just as we care about their artistic and academic development when we consider the important realms of mind, body, and spirit from our mission.

Above all else, athletics remains another critical classroom where we teach character at Belmont Hill. This flows from a long lineage of teacher-coaches, many of whom have decided to make the boys of Belmont Hill their life’s work. And while we can proudly speak to our graduates who have gone on to play in the NHL and NFL and to compete at the Olympics, I think there are other lessons that are far more important here. I learned quickly that you can pick out a Belmont Hill hockey player because they always pick up the puck and hand it to the referee rather than skating away. I have witnessed football teams outlast,

outcoach, and outwork far more talented opponents to attain victory. I have seen coaches prepare in such a way that allows our boys to be successful in the most challenging circumstances. I saw our dedication to continuing athletics during the pandemic make a massive contribution to the mental health of our boys. I love working at a school that is unapologetic about how much all of this matters to our mission and our values.

I am equally proud that not every Belmont Hill boy needs to be a great athlete to thrive here, yet we believe all boys benefit from athletics and exposure to teams. Teams teach them that they are a part of something bigger than themselves. One of the staple quotes in my Ethics class has been attributed to both John Wooden and Heywood Hale Broun: “Sports don’t build character, they reveal it.” With every trip I make to our fields or the Jordan Athletic Center, I see our boys show amazing growth through their actions. Whether it is a surprising reversal on a wrestling mat, a squash match for the ISL title that comes down to the fifth boy on the ladder, or the New England Championship finals in hockey – every forum creates opportunities for our boys to demonstrate their constitution, their effort, and their personal growth.

We all know that the landscape of youth sports is changing – and certainly not all for the better. As we celebrate  years of athletics at Belmont Hill, we know that our programs must continue to evolve. And yet, we also take great pride in doubling down on things that we truly love: transformative relationships, an amazing culture, and an unapologetic quest for character. Enjoy this booklet and all of our related programs:  Years of Athletics at Belmont Hill is a wonderful story indeed.

Sincerely yours,


First Boarded Hockey Rink, .



Athletics has been an integral part of the Belmont Hill experience from the very beginning in  when we fielded football, hockey, baseball, and crew teams with a student body of  boys. Today, we field  teams with a student body of  boys. Lacrosse was the last team to add to our spring sports season during the - academic year. With the exception of basketball, every team has garnered at least one ISL Championship banner. Prior to the formation of the ISL, basketball was a powerhouse, and we remain a force in the league today. In comparison to other ISL schools, Belmont Hill has won more ISL Championships.

While envious outsiders refer to Belmont Hill as a “jock” school or more graciously, a “scholar athlete” school, the truth is that Belmont Hill builds young men of character through a rigorous academic program; a robust athletic program; a rich visual, musical, and theater arts program; myriad extracurricular programs and clubs, as well as a variety of community service offerings that rival any ISL institution. Because of our legacy of outstanding teams, we continue to attract great athletes who also are outstanding students academically and make major contributions to our arts, extracurricular, and community service programs.

While I am clearly biased, what Belmont Hill has achieved off the field and on the field is simply awe-inspiring for such a young school compared to our peers. At the heart of our success is the teacher-coach model. We know that the life lessons that our teachers impart every day are priceless. e bonds that are formed between the teacher and student are legion. Without question, those bonds make our alumni body the most active and generous amongst ISL schools.

In celebration of our  Years of Athletics, we have had the honor of having three distinguished alumni come back to the School during our Chapel program for the students in March and the parents and alumni gathering in late May. Holy Cross Athletics Director Kit Hughes ’ and Tufts football coach Jay Civetti ’ spoke to the boys at Chapel about the importance of the teacher-coach model, the qualities of a great coach, and the qualities of a great teammate. Our Head of School, Gregory J. Schneider, and Athletics Director, George Tahan P ’, regaled our parents and alumni at an overflow gathering in the Chapel on the impact of athletics at Belmont Hill and the life lessons that the boys take away. We could not have had more suitable and qualified spokesmen to keynote these two events.

My mentor teacher-coach was George Seeley. He taught me the game of squash which I took with me to Princeton where we won three national championships. George had played at Yale and was a master strategist. He was also a very respectable squash player on the court with us during our practices. In the fall, he coached the varsity soccer team, and I played halfback for two years on the team. To say he drove us hard would be an understatement. On the academic side, he was the celebrated Constitutional Law history teacher extraordinaire. He ran the mimeograph machine to the ground and late into the night copying Supreme Court cases and legal articles. My times with Mr. Seeley were memorable and irreplaceable. He was the major influencer and number one mentor during my time at Belmont Hill. Afterwards, George and I became lifelong friends.

My story is not unique. Every student leaves Belmont Hill with an education and a group of teacher-coaches who remain mentors for life. is is the essence of Belmont Hill.

As has been the case with our other  Years themes, we would not have been able to pull together such outstanding programs without the incredible efforts and support of the Alumni House and, in particular, Shannon Hutteman; School Archivist, Caroline Kenney; and videographer, Peter Frechette.

Finally, I want to acknowledge the magnificent job that Mr. Ken Martin ’, P ’ and his understudy and forever Assistant Coach and superb Athletics Director, Mr. George Tahan, played in pulling these two programs together. No one can say no to the ever-gracious and determined Mr. Martin. And, the Centennial logo so prominently displayed around campus, on the athletic jerseys, and various swag items and apparel is due to the creative design juices of one George Tahan. My heartfelt thanks to both men for their “above and beyond the call of duty” contributions.

To all the teacher-coaches at Belmont Hill, past and present, I commend you on behalf of the Board of Trustees.


Belmont Hill Incorporation

March 

Meeting on State Street in Boston, incorporation papers were taken out by seven individuals: Robert W. Atkins, William H. Claflin, Jr., William P. Elwell, John W. Hallowell, Henry Hixon Meyer, Arthur H. Morse, and William J. Underwood. At the incorporation, the bylaws were established, an executive committee was formed, Dr. R. Heber Howe was hired as Headmaster, and the purchase of  acres of land near the junction of Park Avenue and Prospect Street from the Belmont Hill Company was unanimously approved. Robert Atkins was elected President of the Executive Committee, William Claflin was elected Treasurer, and Henry Hixon Meyer was chosen as Secretary.

First Meeting

February 

A group of men met at the home of Robert Atkins on Belmont Hill, not far from campus. They were all seeking a day school with small classes and imaginative leadership for their sons. Since they didn’t have an option within reach, they agreed to establish a school of their own.


Choosing the School Colors

July 

Dr. Howe sent out a letter encouraging the new students to suggest school colors and designs for athletic jerseys. They chose red and blue, and the athletic jerseys had red and blue horizontal stripes.

Dr. R. Heber Howe and his family moved into the Headmaster’s House a few weeks before school began. The Howe family lived on the second floor of the Headmaster’s House, or Howe House as it is now known. Dr. Howe came from Harvard, where he was the crew coach and a researcher. He had worked at Middlesex School before Harvard and was a teacher to many of the founding incorporators. In the time that he served as Headmaster, he created a supportive community. In addition to his work teaching and coaching, he was an author and a distinguished natural scientist. Dr. Howe was Headmaster from  to .

Founding Headmaster, Dr. R. Heber Howe, Moves In August 

First Day of School

September 

Forty-four boys, grades –, started their first day of school at Belmont Hill. Morning Chapel, midday lunches, and study halls were all held in the living room of the Headmaster’s House. Classes were held in the Bolles House. Every year after, a grade was added, with the first graduation occurring in .

Mystic Lake Boathouse Constructed

October 

The boathouse would remain on Mystic Lake until the move to the Charles River in .


First Hockey Season

December 

The first hockey season was a success, with the team winning four games and only losing one game to Middlesex.

First Football Game

October 

The first football game was played against Park School. The season was --, but Belmont Hill made an impression.


First Baseball Season

April 

The first baseball team went - with Kenneth Martin on the mound. Coach Phillips E. Wilson stated after the season: “Victories alone, however, do not constitute the sole criterion by which our athletic policy is to be judged. Rather is the criterion to be the ever-decreasing number of absences from school — decreasing because of the general improved condition of the boys.”

First Closing Exercises July  Henry Hixon Meyer, Dr. Howe, and Eliot Fay spoke. Dr. Howe talked about our school symbol, the sextant, and our motto, Providentia studium fidelitas.


First Crew Season

April 

The first team secured a shell and oars from Harvard, where Dr. Howe had been a crew coach in the years prior. They were off and running, rowing on Mystic Lake and racing on Spy Pond.

First Graduation


The first  graduates were: William Hammond Bowden, James Lawson Cole, William Peck Elwell, Josiah Macy Erickson, Edward Graham Henriquez, Russell Knowles, Kenneth McGeoch Martin, Jr., Charles Amyas Snelling, W. Bradstreet Speare, Prescott Winckley, and Cyrus Wood. All wore the academic gown for the morning classes of the last term. Six went to Harvard, one went to Tufts, and four returned for postgraduate work and then entered Harvard for the fall of .


Athletic Areas and Land Added to Campus


Two tennis courts, another hockey rink, and a new football field were added. Ten more acres were also added, and a year later, a group of parents gave land between the original plot and Marsh Street.

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Field House Is Constructed July 

The field house was constructed to provide much needed space for athletics and theater productions. It was expanded in  and then converted to the Robsham Memorial Center for the Arts in .

Plan for New Field house May


Dr. Howe Passes Away

January 

In a complete shock to the Belmont Hill community, Dr. Howe passed away suddenly from heart failure. Richard W. Day ’, former principal of Phillips Exeter Academy, stated: “No one who was in the school dining room on that bleak January day, when Dr. Howe’s death was announced, will ever forget it. Here was a man who was short of stature but stood ten feet tall in our lives, and for those who had the privilege of being students under him he retains that stature and he continues his firm influence over us.” Mr. Thomas R. Morse, later our third Headmaster, became acting Headmaster for the rest of the school year.

Second Headmaster, Mr. William H. Taylor, Starts at Belmont Hill

September 

William Harold Taylor was our second Headmaster. Similar to Dr. Howe, Taylor studied at Harvard and worked at Middlesex School, where he taught for a total of  years. Taylor had a tremendous influence in the creation of an arts and music program, including a theater program. He also believed in the student voice and helped to create a student council.


Mr. Thomas R. Morse Begins Tenure as the Third Headmaster September 

Thomas R. Morse became our third Headmaster in , taking over after Taylor’s untimely death in April. Morse had already been on the faculty for  years, so his knowledge and experience at the School made the transition easy. Morse had already served as interim Headmaster after Dr. Howe’s death. Morse would remain Headmaster until , when he entered into the naval service at the beginning of World War II. Under Morse, our school grounds and athletic facilities were improved, including an additional boarded hockey rink. The first yearbooks were published, named The Sundial for the sundial in front of the Headmaster’s House.

Charles River Boathouse Is Constructed October 

The boathouse was moved from the Mystic Lake location to the current location on the Charles River in .

World War II Changes the Pace of the School

September 

With the pressure mounting in the Second World War, Belmont Hill reacted in the best way we knew possible, by showing up and showing character. In athletics, there were physical fitness courses and obstacle courses.

September 

With only  boys enrolled as the – school year ended and World War II continued, Charles F. Hamilton started in the most difficult of times. Some families thought that Belmont Hill wouldn’t make it through the war due to the low enrollment numbers and financial hardships, but Hamilton saw this as a challenge and pledged to stabilize the School in the most unstable of times. Hamilton was able to get enrollment numbers up to  boys before the – school year began, and in the first few years of his leadership, he was able to double the size of enrollment. This success was a direct reflection of the persistence and leadership of Mr. Hamilton.

Mr. Charles F. Hamilton Starts as the Fourth Headmaster in Difficult Times
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Uniforms Are Standardized September 

The School decided to buy uniforms and athletic equipment to outfit all athletes in the same way.

First Soccer Team Is Formed September 

Soccer grew in popularity very quickly, with the second team formed in . The team was led by Coach Whittemore Whittier.

Independent School League Is Established January 

Belmont Hill is one of the founding members of the ISL and continues to be an integral part of the league.


Belmont Hill Celebrates 25 Years December

Mr. Hamilton’s remarks on the th Anniversary: “Much has been said and written about this anniversary year. We as faculty are duly proud to celebrate it and to think back over the growth of the School in the quarter-century of its life — to reflect, too, on the increasing usefulness of its service to all of you who have shared with us the happiness of belonging to what Mr. Keller so rightly calls ‘the Belmont Hill family.’ Perhaps this pride may seem to some as out of proportion to the actual age of the School. Twentyfive years is hardly old age even for an individual and certainly not for an institution. But such distinctions are relative. What really matters, it seems to me, is what has been accomplished in the years, not their numerical total. This is what gives them meaning.”

Tennis Team Is Formed April

Tennis became a letter sport the following year. The team used the courts at the Belmont Tennis Club until our tennis courts were redone. The team was directed under the leadership of Coach Charles Jenney.

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First Varsity Basketball Season

January 

Between  and , basketball was played after the ice melted on the hockey rink, and boys could actually play on both teams due to the schedule. In , the basketball program had its first full season with the direction of Coach Bill Croke. Pictured here are the  and  basketball teams.

Hockey Team Dominates League

January 

From  through , the hockey program won  league championships. The team went on to win league championships in , , , and , giving the program league championships in each of the last eight decades from the s to s.


First Wrestling Season Begins

December 

The team was organized by Randall Thompson ’ and Coach Smith. Thompson placed third at New England Championships that year. A few years later, Coach Gil Jordan took over the head coach position.

First Refrigerated Rink Is Constructed

January 

Named for G.W. Finch Keller, longtime faculty member from  and hockey enthusiast, the first refrigerated rink was created to make the ice conditions more stable, allowing for more games and predictability. It was a big improvement from the ponds and lagoons that had previously been used. The first refrigerated rink was located close to where the maintenance area is now.

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Dedication Game Is Played on Refrigerated Rink


Keller Rink hosted its dedication game against Phillips Exeter. Phillips Wilson was the coach for Exeter and founded hockey at Belmont Hill. As a good friend of Finch Keller, he spoke at the dedication ceremony. Belmont Hill came out with a win.

Hockey House Is Constructed

April 

The hockey players needed a place to get ready for their games before heading out on to the new refrigerated ice, so the Hockey House served that purpose until the rink went indoors.



Basketball Team Is Undefeated March


From  until , the varsity basketball team remained undefeated. The team would amass a Massachusetts State record of  consecutive wins.

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The team shared their championship with Browne & Nichols School.

Crew Team Rows at the Henley Royal Regatta


Coach Roger F. Duncan decided that the team should celebrate their New England Championship win with a trip across the pond. The team raced a four, and even won their first two races.

Crew Team Rows into New England Championship

Track and Field Program Begins

April 

The first team used the asphalt around the hockey rink as the track, and the throwing competitions used a small plot of grass next to the Hobby House. In , a schedule of meets was arranged. The team was led by Coach Jack Fisher.

New Gym Is Constructed

July 

The New Gym was constructed to fill the need of a new gymnasium. It was always known as the New Gym, even after it was an establishment on campus. The building included the Elwell Terrace and LaCroix Room. Squash courts were added in . It was demolished to pave the way for the Jordan Athletic Center in .

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Alpine Skiing Program Is


January 

Established by Coach Nathaniel Bates, the Alpine ski team grew significantly over the years. The Nordic ski team grew out of the Alpine skiing program.

Squash Program Begins

January 

Under the leadership of Coach George Seeley, the squash team began its program. There were very few courts, so matches took all day, until the construction of five new courts in .

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Golf Program Begins

April 

The team began as a varsity sport in its very first year. They were led by Coach Bill Croke.

Cross Country Completes First Season

September 

Led by Coach Don Stewart, the team won four meets and lost three meets. It has been a highly competitive sport since then, capturing ISL Championships in , ,  and .

New Track Is Built

July 

The new track is built and dedicated in memory of James Lachlan McLaughlin, Harvard class of , given by the family of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. McGrath (parents of Jim ’, John ’, and trustee Marilyn McGrath).

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Tennis Team Dominates League

April 

From  to , the varsity tennis team won  league championships, capturing ISL Championships in , , , and .

Crew Team Wins the New England Championship

May 

The team won convincingly by  seconds. Along with the New England Championship win, they also won the Canadian Schoolboy Championship, which they went on to win again in . The team went on to win the New England Championship again in , , , and . The championships during the s were under the direction of Coach Kim Bassett, who was an invaluable asset to the crew program. The  championship was under the coaching of Tim Wood ’.


Mr. Hamilton Retires After 29 Years

June 

“His leadership made us better. Our commander had a vision of Belmont Hill, standing high on the hill, excellent, aspiring, a lighthouse school. He gave us hope, direction, and inspiration; we all strove together to make our school a better place; perhaps, one day, it would become the very best place. That was worth working for.” – David A. Aloian, fifth Head of School, 

Charles F. Hamilton left an incredible legacy. Enrollment surpassed  students and the campus flourished. The most significant contribution was Hamilton’s push to have all the members of the School be able to congregate in one place. At the time, the assembling of the boys would have to occur in shifts. When the opportunity arose, Hamilton, with support from the Trustees and a generous gift from George and Margaret Lynch, took advantage and forever changed the landscape of our campus. That building was the Chapel, or Hamilton Chapel as we know it today.

Mr. David A. Aloian Takes Over as Headmaster

July 

David A. Aloian was no stranger to Belmont Hill as he served on the faculty from -. Aloian returned after holding the headmaster position at Concord Academy from –. As our fifth Headmaster, Aloian succeeded in improving and expanding the curriculum. He focused on the quality of teaching and made improvements in science, computer science, and the arts. Aloian also established the activities with Winsor and brought many speakers and presenters to campus.


Tennis Team Wins the League Championship


As expected, Belmont Hill’s varsity tennis team achieved a third consecutive undefeated season and league championship.

Belmont Hill Celebrates 50 Years


The opening prayer was delivered by Reverend Francis B. Sayre ’. Addresses were given by Derek C. Bok, President of Harvard, and Kingman Brewster ’, President of Yale. It was a night of reflection on the accomplishments and challenges so far, as well as a look ahead to the future.


Boathouse Is Renovated July 

The new acorn structure replaced the original structure in .

Claflin Athletic Center Is Constructed July

The Claflin Athletic Center was constructed to bring the hockey rink inside. It was dedicated to William H. Claflin, founding incorporator, and William H. Claflin, Jr. ’, member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees. The hockey rink was named again for G.W. Finch Keller, just as the outdoor rink had been. It also included the Parrot Entryway. Along with the New Gym, it was demolished for the Jordan Athletic Center.


Nordic Skiing Program Is Established Fall of 

The Nordic Skiing program was established due to growth of the skiing program and the need for two separate teams. Led by Coaches Buddy Bates and Hal Melcher, the program joined the Lakes Region League in  and captured Lakes Region titles in  and .

Wrestling Program Sends First Wrestler to Nationals February 

Peter Sullivan ’ ( lbs.) was also a Graves Kelsey Champion and first repeat New England Champion.


Sailing Program Is Established

April 

Under the leadership of Coaches Ted Burt and John Wilson, the sailing team began by sailing on the Charles River daily. In the s, Coach Chris Zamore acquired a fleet of boats on Mystic Lake. The team would win the Massachusetts and Maine State Championships in .

Second Graves Kelsey Championship Team February 

Emmett Lyne ’ ( lbs.) and Alfred Adams ’ ( lbs.) were Champions at the tournament.

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Roger F. Duncan Takes the Helm as Headmaster

July 

Roger F. Duncan had served on the faculty for  years and as assistant headmaster for many years, so he was the obvious choice when there was a need for a headmaster in between David Aloian and the arrival of Christopher Wadsworth. It’s no surprise that Duncan supported the community as he already had during his years of tenure.

Mr. Christopher Wadsworth Begins His Tenure After Awaited Arrival


Mr. Wadsworth’s -year tenure as our seventh Head of School was a productive, steady era. Wadsworth helped to expand financial aid and improve publications and communications. Under his leadership, initiatives such as summer programs and parent involvement were created, and the teacher internship program was established. A new library and the Lynch Center, including an up-to-date computer lab, was built, and the original gym was renovated into the Robsham Memorial Center for the Arts. Encapsulating the tight-knit community that Wadsworth wanted, the Senior Breakfast was created to connect the faculty and the seniors one last time before the graduation ceremony.

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Lacrosse Program Begins

April 

The lacrosse program began with a Middle School team that posted a strong - record in . The varsity team started in league competition in .

The Story of Belmont Hill School: 1923–1983 Is Published

July 

An update to the th Anniversary edition, the th Anniversary edition included new information, additional chapters, and more interviews with community members.


Hockey Team Wins the New England Championship

March 

The team went on to win the championship again in  under the leadership of Coach Ken Martin ’.

Crew Team Wins Princess Elizabeth Cup

August 

After traveling to the Henley Royal Regatta in England, the first eight won the Princess Elizabeth Cup.


First Track and Field ISL Championship

May  Belmont Hill opens with a tie with Milton and Thayer.

Mr. Cameron “Chip” Dewar

June 

Mr. Dewar followed Mr. Croke as the School’s second Director of Athletics. He also taught Latin and served as Head Varsity Football Coach.

Lacrosse Team Goes Undefeated and Wins the Murphy Cup

May 

June 

Mr. Croke taught in the Math Department and coached all three seasons in football, basketball, and baseball. Most notably, he was the first Director of Athletics, from  to .

In only their third year of league competition, the lacrosse program won its first ISL Championship with the Murphy Cup. With that season, Senior attackman Tucker Hansen ’ became Belmont Hill’s first All-American.

Mr. William Croke Retires



The team won under the leadership of Cliff Goodband and Michael Schafer.

Track and Field Wins the New England Championship


The team captured both the ISL and New England Championships that year under the leadership of Fran Kirby, Kevin Fleming, and John MacLean.

Team Wins the New England Championship

Dr. Richard I. Melvoin Starts His Tenure

July 

Richard I. Melvoin was appointed as the eighth Head of School after Chris Wadsworth departed for a school in Turkey. Dr. Melvoin came to Belmont Hill after five years of university admissions work at Harvard and earlier roles at Deerfield Academy, where he was a teacher, advisor, drama and athletic coach, and administrator. Dr. Melvoin is also a historian and lecturer of history. He is the author of New England Outpost: War and Society in Colonial Deerfield.

A Winning Era in Golf Continues

May 

Led by Coach Patty Whitney the golf team captures both the ISL Championship and the ISL Kingman Tournament Championship. They would do the same in  and . These three double championship seasons were part of an era of golf championships that included ISL Championships in , , , , , , , , , , , , and  and ISL Kingman Tournament Championships in , , , , , , and .

 

A Winning Era in Squash Begins March 

The squash team follows up NEPSAC Championships in , , and  with its first ISL Championship in , the year the ISL Squash League was founded. The program would go on to win  more titles thereafter with championships in , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and .

Belmont Hill Celebrates Its 75th Anniversary September 

The th Anniversary included the th Anniversary Campaign, which raised a total of . million for the revitalization of our campus and physical plant. Additionally, the th Anniversary Album was published, which “is a pictorial history which seeks not to extend in detail the account of events and accomplishments but rather to convey by imagery and voices some of the school’s atmosphere over time and some of its themes of the past and present.”


Jordan Athletic Center Opens

November 

The new millennium brought a significant upgrade to the athletic facilities with a state-of-the-art , sq. foot athletic complex. The all-encompassing facility includes an Olympic-sized ice hockey rink, a double gymnasium, seven international squash courts, a wrestling room, a fitness center/ weight room, and an athletic training room. The Gerald R. Jordan Athletic Center also includes the following spaces: the Wadsworth Room, Drucker Terrace, William E. Croke Athletic Office, Linda Isner Parents Council Office, Fusco Varsity Locker Room, Cross Family Fitness Center, Fritz Gym, Seeley Squash Center, Palanjian Tennis Courts, the Homer Alpine Ski Team Room, Ted Martellini Basketball Court, and Kenneth M. Martin ’ Rink. It was generously donated by Gerald R. Jordan and his sons, Gerald R. Jordan ’ and Reid Jordan ’, in gratitude to Belmont Hill.

Football Team Scores Undefeated Season, Third Straight ISL Championship, and First NEPSAC Championship

November 

The football team completes an undefeated season while capturing a third consecutive ISL Championship. The team would defeat Hotchkiss – to capture the School’s first-ever NEPSAC Football Bowl Championship. The program would go on to win ISL titles in , , , and  and NEPSAC Championships in , , and .


A Winning Era for Wrestling Begins December 

Since , the wrestling program has won the following championship – ISL: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and ; New England Championship: , , , , , and .

Lacrosse Captures ISL Championship May 

Since , the lacrosse team has captured ISL Championships in the following years: , , , , , and .


Boathouse Is Renovated and Expanded June 

The boathouse was renovated and expanded in , and is the structure that stands today.

Track and Field Wins Both the ISTA and New England Championships

May 

The team finished with an undefeated record of - in dual and tri meets. They went on to win ISL Championships in the following years: , , , , , , , , , , , , , and . They won New England championships in the following years: , , , , , , , , , and .

100 YEARS OF ATHLETICS 40  

Crew Team Wins National Championship, the Start of a Winning Era

May 

The team won New England Championships in the following years: , , , , , , , , , , , , and . They went on to win the National Championship again in , , and .

Alpine Ski Team Begins a Decade of Dominance

February 

The Alpine ski team wins  ISL Championships in  years, winning the league in , , , , , , , , and . They would also capture the School’s first-ever NEPSAC Class A Alpine Ski Championship in  as well as additional ISL titles in , , and .


Hockey Team Plays Frozen Fenway

January 

The Varsity hockey team played St. Sebastian’s at Fenway Park for the Frozen Fenway series. They would also play at Fenway Park in 

Football Team Plays at Gillette Stadium

November 

The Varsity football team played their traditional rival game against Governor’s Academy at Gillette Stadium.

100 YEARS OF ATHLETICS 42  
and .

Basketball Team Plays at the Garden

January 

The Varsity basketball team played against St. Sebastian’s at the TD Garden.

Baseball Team Plays at Fenway Park

April 

The Varsity Baseball Team played against St. Sebastian’s at Fenway Park.



The beloved Dr. Melvoin retired after  remarkable years at Belmont Hill. The progress made as Dr. Melvoin brought Belmont Hill into the st century was astounding.

July 

Hailing from Berwick Academy, Mr. Schneider was appointed the ninth Head of School in . Since arriving at Belmont Hill, Mr. Schneider has propelled the School forward into its second century.

Mr. Gregory J. Schneider Becomes Ninth Head of School Dr. Richard I. Melvoin Retires as Ronald M. Druker ’62 Head of School after 25 Years


Championship Year

Like No

Other – Belmont Hill varsity teams capture a school-record  championships in a single year, eclipsing the previous record of  championships captured in –. Teams won championships in  of the school’s  sports including Alpine Skiing, Baseball, Crew, Football, Golf, Nordic Skiing, Sailing, Squash, Track & Field, and Wrestling.


Mr. Martin has given  years to the School,  as a faculty member and  as a student. He was the School’s third Director of Athletics, head varsity hockey coach for  seasons amassing a state record of  wins, Head Form Advisor, and Classics Department Chair. Ken Martin is Belmont Hill through and through.

Athletics Is Modified for COVID-19

Pandemic September 

Mr. Tahan has been the Athletics Director for the past  years and is a critical member of the Belmont Hill community. Mr. Tahan also teaches Science and English courses, including Applied Physics and Maine Coast, and coaches hockey.

100 YEARS OF ATHLETICS 46  
Mr. Ken Martin
Mr. George P. Tahan, P’20 

Centennial Celebration Committee

Bill Achtmeyer ’, P ’, Centennial Celebration Committee Chair

Carl Martignetti ’, Centennial Campaign Chair

Greg Schneider, Ronald M. Druker ’ Head of School


Don Bradley P’

Ken Martin ’

George Tahan P ’

Tyson Trautz


Rick Melvoin

Chris Wadsworth P ’


Jon Biotti ’, P ’ (–)

Chris Clifford P ’ (–)

Rick Ganong ’, P ’ (–)

John Pike ’, P ’ (–)


Amy Madden P ’, ’, Parents Vice Chair

Pam Broderick P ’, ’

Jennifer Drucker P ’, ’

Julie Gomes P ’, ’

Jackie Hendrix P ’

Kelly Pellagrini P ’, ’

Ann Ryan P ’, ’, ’

Meghan Weldon P ’, ’, ’


Don Bradley P’

Caleb Collins ’, P ’

Bev Coughlin

Paul DiResta

Dan Duarte

Lora Farkas P ’, ’

Dan Fiori

Jay Fritz ’

Beth Girioni

Shannon Hutteman

Steve Kaplan ’

Caroline Kenney

Shelly Kroll

Bill Mahoney

Ken Martin ’, P ’

Elton Matos

Donnell Patterson

Harold Prenatt

George Seeley

Michael Sherman

Ruth Sweeney

George Tahan P ’

Lindsey Taylor

Tyson Trautz

Travis Woolcott


George Lynch ’, P ’, Alumni Vice Chair

s – John Pike ’, P ’

s – Bill Cleary ’, P ’

s – John Grady ’, P ’, Art Norton ’

s – Emmett Lyne ’, Steve Weeks ’, Carl Martignetti ’, Andy Cadiff ’

s – Jon Biotti ’, P ’, Tagg Romney ’, P ’, ’ s – Jason Hurd ’, P ’, ’ s – Dave Antonelli ’, Greg Paul ’ s – Matt Ryan ’ s – Jack McHugh ’



Daniel Drucker ’ Luke Travaglini ’

Alex Laidlaw ’ omas Danahy ’ Will Sandor ’

Coach Brian Phinney during a Varsity Hockey Game against St. Sebastian’s, .

Athletic Coaches


FOOTBALL, est. 

Phillips E. Wilson –

G.W. Finch Keller –

William D. Alexander –,

George Hoague, Jr.

omas R. Morse

William E. Croke

John W. Fisher

John M. Mackenzie

Robert S. Kistner

Edward M. Gallagher III

Cameron K. Dewar

Kevin J. Fleming

Christopher M. Butler

Current: Bryson Rosser

SOCCER, est.

Whittemore Whittier

Eric Nyborg

Frederic B. Preston –

Davenport Plummer III –

John Liebson –

George W. Seeley –, –

Edward M. Burt –

Michael J. Schafer –

Current: Jorge Montoya –

CROSS COUNTRY, est. 

Donald S. Stewart –

Harold P. Melcher, Jr. –

Christopher H. Zamore –

Francis A. Kirby III –

Current: Tyson A. Trautz –


HOCKEY, est. 

Phillips E. Wilson –, –

H.L. Sherman –

Prentice G. Downes –

Hugh Robertson –

John A. Koslowski –

Edward Songin –

Gerard J. Walworth –

Kenneth M. Martin III ’ –

Jeremiah S.P. McCarthy ’ –

Current: Brian Phinney –

BASKETBALL, est. 

William E. Croke –

James H. Kramer –

John M. MacKenzie –

Erik C. Bertelsen, Jr. –

Ted P. Martellini –, -–

John Carroll –

Alfred J. Murphy III ’ –

Current: Corey Cofield –

WRESTLING, est. 

Edward W. Test –

Robert J. Smith –

Mr. Fields –

Gilbert Jordan –

Michael G. Burnett –

Jon E. Kaiser –

Jack Zoeller –

William McClarnon –

Robert H. Linberg –

Current: Donald F. Bradley III –

ALPINE SKIING, est. *

Nathaniel B. Bates –

Daniel K. Hunt –

Patricia Whitney –

Tyson A. Trautz –, –

David Goff –

Caroline J. Kenney –

Current: Stephen Feldman –, –

NORDIC SKIING, est. *

Nathaniel B. Bates –

Harold P. Melcher, Jr. –

Christopher H. Zamore –

Francis A. Kirby III –

Jared R. Courtney ’ –

Fiona Ahearne –

Current: Jake DeCaprio ’ –

SQUASH, est. 

George W. Seeley –, –, –

Stewart G. MacDonald, Jr. ’ –

John F. Ambielli –

Current: Robert F. Brownell III –


BASEBALL, est. 

Phillips E. Wilson –

William T. Barker –

Joseph C. Willey –

Prentice G. Downes –

G.W. Finch Keller –

Maynard W. Maxwell –

William E. Croke –, –

Olin H. Ingham –

Kenneth M. Martin III ’ -, -

Richard S. Noone, Jr. ’ -

Michael Schafer -

David O. Greer -

Edward M. Gallagher III ’ -

Michael R. Grant -

Current: David Cunningham, Jr. ’ -

CREW, est. 

R. Heber Howe -

Mr. Bradin -

Parker Hamilton -

G. Lincoln Dow -

Hugh Lawrence -

William O’Leary -

Roger F. Duncan -

Charles W.D. Bassett -

Orrin G. Wood III ’ -

Current: Christopher C. Richards -

TENNIS, est. 

Leroy A. Howland, Jr. -

John A. Myers, Jr. -

Daniel K. Hunt -

Ann Wade Iandiorio -

John F. Ambielli -

Katie McNamara -, -

Nicholas Cary -

Current: William Speer -

GOLF, est. 

William E. Croke –

Gerard J. Walworth –, –

Robert S. Kistner –

Peter Kimball –

Patricia Whitney -

Current: Charles Doar –

TRACK & FIELD, est. 

John W. Fisher –, –

Robert L. Severance –

Donald S. Stewart –

Francis A. Kirby III –

Current: Adam T. Harder –

SAILING, est. 

Edward M. Burt –

John M. Wilson –, –

Christopher H. Zamore –, –, –, –, –, – omas Sitzmann ’ –

Zachary Orlav –

Carl Zimba –

Daphne Lyman –

Fiona Ahearne –

Kevin Dooley –

Current: Peter Creedon –

LACROSSE, est. 

J. Beacham Tredennick – Christopher M. Butler –

Current: Timothy J. Sullivan –

*the Skiing program split into the Nordic and Alpine Skiing teams in .

’ 

Athletic Staff


William E. Croke

Cameron K. Dewar

Kenneth M. Martin III ’

Current: George P. Tahan


Holly Martin

Robert G. Cressey

Alfred J. Murphy III ’

James Peck ’

Bryson Rosser

Current: Andrew M. Davis ’


Win Waite

Alex Ferguson

Tom Caveney

Current: Willis Negron


Roy Fowler

Paul Parmer

Gerald Foster

Charles Richard

Edward Doherty

Current: Dennis Chin, Jennifer Ruys


Current: Andrew Markham


Henry B. Sawyer, Jr. ’

Richard Amber

Roy Fowler

Edward Pride

Robert Kiddie

Edward Padudo

Mark Mirra

Current: Keith Carey

Head Athletic Trainer Dennis Chin in the Training Room, .

Captains List


– Francis A. Martin

– William B. Speare

– Matthew M. Hale, Jr.

– Kenneth M. Martin, Jr.

– Robert W. Pond, Jr.

– Robert S. Hurlbut

– Roger M. Martin

– Francis M. Bacon II

– Ashton Emerson

– Robert C. Holcombe

– Edward M. Chase

– Laurence W. Carstein

– August R. Meyer

– Robert A. Tappan

– Samuel M. Hosmer

– David B. Baldwin

– Donald M. Crocker – Richard C. Foster

– Charles L. Tarbell

– Alan K. Porter

– Horace A. Skilton, Jr. – Richard I. Jones – John H. McCarthy, Jr.

– Richard K. Conant, Jr.

– Alfred D. Foster

– William E. Allison, Jr.

David R. Howe

Wilfred D. Little – David A. Perry, Jr. – Charles H. Sellman

Randall ompson, Jr. – William P. Meehan – John Hurd II

James S. Parkhill III

Douglas H. ayer, Jr.

– Brooks H. Pettit

Peter F. Tague III

– Edward A. Watters

– Robert J. Gaynor

Edward W. Blackwood

Joseph C. Scaring

– Eric D. Bradlee – Douglas T. MacLean

Robert C. Foster

– omas E. Koslowski

– Jon A. Joseph

– John K. Spring, Jr.

– Charles M. Wisnioski

– L. Robert Porteous II

– Kenneth Littleton, Jr.

– Peter N. Fox

– Robert S. Harrison

Gary J. Joyal

– Roger T. Hayden, Jr.

– William G. Finnerty, Jr.

John S. Mazzone

– Gary M. Barrett

Stephen P. Mannix

– Steven P. Guarnaccia

Mark A. Milley

– James C. Peck

– W. John Porell

Albert O. Wilson III

– Robert B. Fitzpatrick

Sean W. Mullaney

– Joseph P. Curtin

Nathan G. Leonard

David K. Wanger

– Paul F. Carroll

Paul J. Stanton

– Richard A. Faro

Richard J. Ganong, Jr.

– Gregory M. Dayton

Christopher D. Sweeney

– Robert T. Jones

Peter M. Murphy

– Arthur E. Boland

Daniel J. Curtin

– Mortimer J. Buckley III

Daniel J. Curtin

– Vincent F. Barletta

Edward E. Madden, Jr.

– Paul A. Keany, Jr.

Adrian C. Webb-Johnson

– Jason H. Hurd

Henry W. Quinlan

– Marc S. Deragon

Jeffrey E. Young

– Gregory D. Callahan

Todd L. Crowley

Michael C. Garrity

– Brian P. Callahan

J. Bradford Carlson

Paul R. Oberto

John E. Seni III

Eric D. Wallace

– Todd J. Davis

David M. Parker – Donald J. Chiofaro, Jr.

Andrew W. Wright

Michael J. Callahan

Peter C. Kelley

Curtis C. Bolden

Nicholas C. Cantalupo

– Jesse P. Faneuil

Jeffrey M. Ryan

John C. Clifford

Andrew F. DeMarco

Benjamin J. Finnegan

Brendan M. McCafferty

Robert B. Burns

Peter J. Doyle

Jason A. Riley – Robert B. Burns

Peter J. Doyle

Jason A. Riley

R. Jay Fahey, Jr.

Darren D. Gallup

John P. Murphy

Christopher S. Mannix

Michael K. McGuire

Walter A. Snickenberger III

Michael E. Walsh

William E. Forde

Garrett D. Hatton

Daniel W. McDonald

– Barry C. Gallup Jr.

Kevin F. Yetman

Corey T. Gatewood

John R. McCusker

Daniel L. Williams

– Paul P. DeJesus

Michael A. DiSanto

Alexander J. Englert

Michael H. Kinnealey

– Kyle E. Duke

Tyler C. Dziama

Robert B. Goyette

Henry B. Meyer

– Patrick N. Bathon

Joseph E. Cookson

Kevin J. Travaline

John D. Wolfsberg

– John A. Bergantino

Nickolaos P. Davos

Michael P. Gustafson

Tyler L. West

Brian N. Bowser

Michael J. Minahan

Parker S. Mundt

Robert C. Perdoni

– Petros V. Davos

Matthew R. Gustafson

Michael J. Leary

Daniel A. Wanger – Nolan P. Brennan

Eric M. Gustafson

Joseph D. LaLiberte

Gregory J. Plumb – Ian W. Arthur

Evan C. Chaletzky

Harry J. Kraft

Jack L. Tamasi

– Dean J. Demetri II

Robert T. Griffin

David A. Perdoni

Zachary D. Geddes

Raymond W. Hunt

Nathaniel A. Miller

Peter S. Tamasi

Jackson D. Bobo

Jake I. Haase

Justin A. O’Neil-Riley

– Jaylen A. Bailey

Justin A. O’Neil-Riley

Shane M. Rockett

– Isaiah S. Gomes

John R. McHugh

Max G. Peterson

Luke M. Bobo

Grant W. Litchfield

Cameron D. Reirden

Ikenna Ugbaja

– Michael A. Ahonen

Henry S. Lodge

Nolan F. Parchesky

– Calogero D. LoGrasso

Christopher J. Milmoe

SOCCER, est.

Richard M. Sherwood

Howard D. Siedler, Jr.

David Clark IV

Frank N. Dickinson

eodore S. Greene, Jr.

Harvey C. Smith

– Dennis G. Little

– Eric Dunn

– Donald D. McNeil

– William P. Elwell, Jr.

– Robert L. Woodbury

– John R. Curtin John S. Simon

– Robert M. Watkins

– Robert M. Watkins

– Arthur E. Norton

– Christopher Scott

– William W. Willett

– Rodger A. Mattlage omas J. Scott III

– omas J. Scott III

– John S. Beal

– Arthur B. Fay

– Charles B. Dane

– Charles B. Dane

– Chester E. Homer III

– Peter B. Talbot

– Allen M. Sheldon

– omas H. Burchard

– Robert L. Bumford, Jr.

– John V. Harvey, Jr.

– Charles P. Knowles

– Peter J. Kermond

– J. Todd deBurlo

– John B. Farrell Patrick J. Fortin

– John J. Barcus, Jr. Paul C. Casey

– Gary P. Martin

– Kenneth E. Bielski

– Robert L. Ricciardelli

– Robert B. Cleary, Jr.

Kevin J. Coakley

– Todd R. Jackson

– Joshua C. Caplan

Christian F. Liles

– Aaron N. Caplan

– Scott B. Barringer

– Timothy J. Kelly

– John A. Carroll III

– Benjamin O. Davis

Peter J. Kilmartin, Jr.

– Benjamin M. Coughlin

Christopher C. Russell

Michael A. Cotter

Peter C. Rogaris

Matthew M. Fritz

Michael H. Taylor – Brian P. Fleming

eodore A. Zevitas

John R. Riley

Daniel P. Young

John E. Giannacopoulos

G. Clifford Goodband III

David C. Prinn

Ted P. Giannacopoulos

Ryan C. Goodband

David A. Seeley

John A. Holodnak

William W. MacColl

Marcello N. Micozzi

Matthew S. Murphy

Ryan M. Hurd

Peter J. Scheufele

Richard A. Trussell, Jr.

Zachary O. Toth

Ryan H. Hutzler

Gregory M. O’Connell

David R. Chadwick

Jacob S. Duker

Grayson T. Holland – Mark D. Crane

Benjamin S. Duker

Matthew R. Lewis

Andrew J. DesBois

Lee O. DesBois

Matthew T. O’Connell

Andrew J. Holland

Craig F. Light

John R. Wendler

Samuel A. Duker

Kyle B. Rosse

– Marco S. Martellini

Samuel L. McQuillan

Birin S. Padam

Alec M. Bullen

Samuel P. Meyers

John M.W. Cresap

Sebastian C. King

William R.W. Cresap

Abdurezak Shemsu

William C. Crowley

Tucker G. Hallowell

Joshua S. Fischer

Emmett H. Gordon

omas J. Daley III

Alessandro D. Zenati

FOOTBALL, est. 

– John C. Kingston

Robert P. Williamson

– Brian E. Antonelli

John W. Bell

– Leighton A. Dolan

Michael C. Montanaro

– Cole H. Matthews

Hamza Shemsu

– William Dean

Erick A. Silva

– Max A. Carboni

William Lloyd

– Max A. Carboni

William Lloyd


– Peter W. Richardson

– Peter S. Guild

– Michael Buros

Daniel Pierce – Daniel Peirce

– Jeffrey L. Taveras

– Joseph E. Mullaney III

– David E. Ratcliff, Jr.

Michael F. Sullivan

– John Q. Bird

Peter J. O’Brien

Edward F. O’Connell, Jr.

– Robert G. Yetman, Jr.

– omas W. Derry

Philip Menervino, Jr.

– Michael S. Brown

James W. Umlas

– Scott A. Murray – Daniel M. Griffin, Jr.

Edward G. MacMahon

– P. David Gifford

Lee Okurowski

– Jonathan M. Bernheimer

Joseph C. Cannistraro – Richard S. Kassissieh

Adam R. ornbrough – omas Y. Hung

Matthew J. Siegel

– David M. Baker

Martin J. Keane

– Marcus A. Collier

Michael J. Schwartz

R. Scott Goldkamp

Douglas A. Marple

Charles F. Loutrel III

Trevor S. McGill

Elisha B. Gallaudet

Joshua J. Romney

– Christopher Baker

Jon S. Callahan

– Robert C. Molvar

Charles E. Rounds III

– Ryan P. Hoffman

– Jared R. Courtney

Joseph J. Delgardo

– Joseph J. Delgardo

Peter W. Rosenblum

– Christopher M. Bragdon

– Alexander N. Smith

Benjamin G. Wells

– Mark S. Rounds

– James C. Oliver

Robert E. Rose

– Nicholas L. Baker

Ryan C. McNiff

– William Bihrle IV

Anyenda O. Onyagwa

Ernest A. Siciliano

– Francisco Fernandez


Nils C. Wernerfelt

– Francisco Fernandez


Nyadenya O. Inyagwa

Eric B. McKenna

– Brian S. Alexander

Samuel W. Baker

– Will S. Gibbons

Ross A. Marino

– Will S. Gibbons

Jonathan D. Reindollar

– Colin M. Egan

Patrick J. Lee

Andrew M. Reed

– Edward C. Harvey

Matthew O. Ricotta

– Ian P. Meyer

Joseph L. Troderman

– omas J. Gill

Ian P. Meyer

– Matthew J. Czarnecki

Alexander L. Hall

– Alexander L. Hall

John H. Power

– Matthew S. Armstrong

William J. Weiter

– Andrew A. Kaneb

John C. Pappo

– James Q. McGaugh

John C. Pappo

– Matthew H. Goguen

Matthew A. Smith

– Charles A. Donahue

Aidan F. McGaugh

– Sreetej Digumarthi James J. Donahue

James J. Donahue

omas J. Romney

Jeremy R. Eaton

Aaron J. Stanger


HOCKEY, est. 

Kenneth M. Martin, Jr.

Kenneth M. Martin, Jr.

Kenneth M. Martin, Jr.

– Francis A. Martin

– Francis A. Martin

– omas H. Kimball

– David W. Baxter

Dunbar Holmes

Alfred S. Dewey

Richard O. Howe

Eugene Emerson

Arthur W. Rice, Jr.

Stephen Dewey – William H. Claflin III

– George B. Baldwin – Richard H. Pleasants

– J. Murray Smart

– Warren Carstensen

Robert Baldwin, Jr.

Alan K. Porter

John H. Knowles

John Marno II

Wyman W. Smart, Jr. – David C. Beede

– James W. Harvey

– David R. Harvey – Dixon S. Pike – Truman S. Casner – William J. Cleary, Jr. David A. Perry, Jr.

– George W. Ferguson

– John T. Copeland

– Edward F. McGonagle, Jr. – Edward F. McGonagle, Jr.

Gregory Downes

William H.M. Beckett

William M. Hogan

David C. Mechem

Wade M. Welch

Jonathan E. Smith

McEwan Perkins

Edward F. Chase, Jr.

Kenneth M. Martin

George B. McManama,

Charles H. Osborne – Charles B. Dane

– Robert S. McManama

– Alexander S. MacMillan III

J. Gordon Scannell

James J. Aiken

John J. Aiken, Jr. – Paul L. Kelley

– Michael J. Lyons

Stephen D. Weeks

– David E. Kelley – James D. Farrell

Stephen P. Leahy

Carl J. Martignetti

– David M. Burke, Jr.

– George P. Klapes – Robert F. McLaughlin, Jr.

Scott M. Fusco

Scott A. Webster

Harold C. Duvall III

Richard H. Bokavich Joshua C. Caplan

Joshua C. Caplan

Carl J. Young III

David W. Browne

James D. Coady

Ronald J. Pascucci, Jr.

David C. Kilpatrick

Ian P. Moran

Gregory D. Callahan

Peter S. McLaughlin

– Marco J. Ferrari – Jeremiah S.P. McCarthy – Todd J. Davis

Daniel W. Sullivan – Graham K. Morrell

Michael R. O’Leary – Daniel M. Lombard

Michael S. Maturo

– Tristan Lush

William W. MacColl

– Christopher J. Casey

Scott C. Aldrich, Jr.

Kevin J. Galvin

– Robert Burns

Ryan Cahill

John Quinn

– Brian Leslie John Murphy

– Brian A. McCafferty

Daniel S. Nezcypor

Gregory M. O’Connell

– John T. Balben

Matthew J. Gordan

Brian A. McCafferty

– David A. Antonelli

Matthew J. Gordon

Wes W. Stephanian

– Kyle G. Gordon

Matthew R. McCollem

Kevin J. McNamara

– James R. Moscatel

Jason E. Silvia

Joseph A. Tierney

– Michael J. Condon

Dawson J. Luke

John D. McNamara

– John D. Caldwell III

– Brandon D. McNally

Michael J. McNamara

– David M. Cunningham

Joseph K. McNamara

– Carl Hesler, III

Michael N. Najjar

Edward J. Rauseo

– Tyler T. Granara

Daniel J. Kelly

Matthew E. Melanson

– Charles K. Barrow

Charles E. McConnell

Mark C. Michalowski Jr. – David L. Giunta

Brian C. Matthews

– Jonathan P. Folsom

Samuel P. Hesler

Christian C. O’Neill

– John A. Copeland

Robert H. Radochia

– Andrew R. Holland

James J. Perullo

Robert H. Radochia

– Brett C. Bliss

Luke W. Khozozian

– omas J. Goguen

Brendan M. Murphy

Tyler N. Rubin

– omas J. Goguen

William W. Killoran

Braden M. Reilly

– Daniel L. Markham

Ronan J. O’Donnell


No Team

John T. Whitman

L. Boyd Higgins

Hugh B. Clarke

Robert E. Hodgdon

Stephen B. Boireau Frederick W. Canfield

William E. Allison, Jr.

Harold H. Hookway, Jr.

A. Garr Cranney, Jr. Francis V. Scanlan

William M. Manly

Laurence A. Tosi, Jr.

Paul B. Repetto

Robert C. Repetto

Paul E. Zayotti

Edward A. Watters

Edward A. Watters

Kenneth V. Nahigian

Edward W. Blackwood

omas F. Kimball

Douglas P. Amon

Douglas P. Amon

Roger Van D. Bergen

A. Shapiro

Robert A. Goldkamp

John W. Fisher, Jr. Robert B. Nelson

Richard H. Saxl

Henry E. Wyner

Jay W. Siegfried

William F. Samuelson

Robert J. Samuelson

Richard D. Oliver

Charles S. Fisher Timothy C. Hester

Daniel V. O’Connell James E. Reynolds

Harry I. Pass Stephen G. Sheehan

Marcus Harrington

Antonio P. Polestra

R. Lawrence Caperton

Richard F. Goldhammer

John J. Barcus, Jr.

Teddy A. Pierre

Joseph P. Curtin

David K. Wanger

Scott A. Gieselman

Philip C. Silverman

Mark J. Finnerty

David W. Walker

James A. Garrity, Jr.

III –
est.  –
Cannon –
Willard S.
Joseph W. Monahan
Saul –
– William B.

– Andrew W. Fegley

P. David Gifford

– Karl T. Benedict III

– Adam R. ornbrough

– omas Y. Hung

– Hal Layer

– R. Scott Goldkamp

Sanford D. Whitehouse

– R. Scott Goldkamp

Douglas A. Marple

– Jason H. Rife

– Elisha B. Gallaudet

Jason H. Rife

– Colin A. Hynes

Scott A. Ribich

– Jeffrey A. Evans

– Jared R. Courtney

F. Jackson Stoddard III

– Jared R. Courtney

– Anthony G. Rowe

– Benjamin D. Hamilton

Anthony G. Rowe – Evan Campisi

omas H. Martin, Jr.

Paul M. Kelly

Robert E. Rose

– Nicholas L. Baker

Robert E. Rose

– Nicholas L. Baker

Michael J. Murphy

– William Bihrle

Peter N. Evans

Alexander E. Grause

– Alexander E. Grause

Maxwell W. ayer

– Anthony J. Biondolillo

Daniel J. Lin

– Anthony J. Biondolillo

Connor M. Gilligan

– Charles H. Carey

Peter J. Favaloro

Connor M. Gilligan

– Ryan J. Ganong

Andrew M. Reed

– Andrew M. Reed

Andrew P. Greenough

– Christopher S. Gilligan

Edward C. Harvey

– John M. W. Cresap

Ian P. Meyer

– Arman Ashrafi

Ian P. Meyer

Paul S. Malloy

John H. Power

– William P. Malloy

John H. Power

– Henry H. Swain

William J. Weiter

– Cameron D. Hall

Benjamin M. Pradko

– James Q. McGaugh

Benjamin M. Pradko

– James Eysenbach

Aidan F. McGaugh

– Charles A. Donahue

Aidan F. McGaugh

– Christiaan M. Eikeboom

Charles R. Wells

– Howard R. Huang

– Brian J. Lee

Lev J. Tolkoff

SQUASH, est. 

– T. Stephen Downes

– George B. Henderson II

– George B. Henderson II

– Richard M. Leventhal

– John C. Samuelson

– Charles G. Goodhue

– William F. Achtmeyer

– David A. Sidman

– Frank P. Brosens

– Paul R. Heuchling

Peter A. Sidman

– Paul R. Heuchling

Peter A. Sidman

– Richard Gelin

– No Captain

– Anthony Simboli

– John K. Buckner

– Brewster Y. King

– Robert P. Sandler

– Robert E. Hallagan

– Jonathan M. Bernheimer

Douglas J. Lifford

– Jonathan M. Bernheimer

– Maurice B. Genser

– No Captain

– Peter J. Bye II

Eduardo A. Ramirez

– Benjamin O. Davis

– Mark C. Derkazarian

– Nicholas N. Keyes-Grevelis

– William U. Tarr

– William U. Tarr

– M. Campbell MacColl

– M. Campbell MacColl

– D. Alexander Fish – Timothy P. Brennan – J. Patrick Malloy

Mark T. Nary – Michael D. Brennan

Jonathan S. Katz

Michael D. Brennan

Jonathan S. Katz

Todd A. Basnight

Richard A. Trussell, Jr.

Anthony P. Bardaro

Clark C. Gertler

Joseph S. Pasquale

Franklin E. Cohen

Mark Froot

John Fulham

Ryan D. Dowd

Christopher W. LeBlanc

Marcus W.S. Bullen Ryan J. Mullaney

Ryan J. Mullaney

Julian S. Kirby

Liam S. Quinn

Edward B.C. Columbia

Timothy R. Brownell Clark W. Doyle

Timothy R. Brownell

Clark W. Doyle

Timothy R. Brownell

Blake A. Gilbert-Bono

James M. Bell

Alexander B. Kurtin

John W. Bell

Andrew J. Lee omas J. Winston

Andrew J. Lee omas J. Winston

Douglas A. Conigliaro

Samuel L. Freed

Dietrich A. Jacobs

William R. Okurowski

Aaron D. Green


BASEBALL, est. 

– William P. Elwell

– William P. Elwell

– William P. Elwell

– Matthew M. Hale, Jr.

Reginald B. Elwell

Reginald B. Elwell

Stephen Delano

Sherburn W. Merrill

John Page

Louis B. Carr

Francis C. Eaton

Michael T. Silver

William L. Wood

Robert B. Kayser M. Greely Summers III

Samuel M. Hosmer – Frederick C. Bacon, Jr. – William L. Byrnes Joseph W. Monahan, Jr.

L. Manlius Sargent, Jr.

Stephen P. Parson

Chandler W. Smart Nathan Weston

John H. Knowles Horace A. Skilton, Jr.

William Gelotte

Robert A. Gelotte

Robert A. Gelotte

James W. Harvey, Jr.

E. Leigh Quinn

John S. Rambach

James S. Gill

William J. Cleary, Jr.

George G. Crane

Robert B. Cleary

James S. Parkhill III

John E. Page II

R. Jonathan Fairbanks, Jr.

Louis B. Carr, Jr.

Robert J. Gaynor

John W. Cranney

omas F. Kimball

William H. Lynch

– Robert A. Walsh

– Kenneth M. Martin III

– Kenneth M. Martin III

– Frederick K. Poulin, Jr.

– William H. Darling

– Bradford C. Talbox

– David I. Sullivan

– Peter B. Talbot

– Leigh P. Hogan

– Gary J. Joyal

– Andrew D. Cadiff

– James E. Reynolds

– Joseph M. Henley David E. Kelley

– Richard S. Noone, Jr.

– John B. Mannix Antonio P. Polestra

– John B. Farrell

– George P. Klapes

– David K. Wagner

– Scott M. Fusco

– eodore E. Tutun

– Christopher D. Sweeney

– Joseph W. Archiprete

Edward J. Reddish

– David S. Federman

– Christopher J. Connelly

– James D. Coady

– James D. Coady

– James B. Kenneally

– Michael J. McHugh

Derek Plourde

– Benjamin M. Coughlin

Scott H. Parrot

– Brendan M. Turner – Brendan M. Turner

– James M. Binnall

– omas J. Flynn

Todd J. Davis

David A. Witkin

– David V. Ostuni

Dario M. Wilson

– Max J. Koepke

Jeffrey M. Ryan

– Brian T. Binkowski

Keith S. Morrell

– Jonathan S. Katz

– Robert B. Burns

– Nicholas M. Barnicle

Brian S. Leslie

Peter McKeown

– Daniel S. Neczypor

– Sean R. Clancy

Michael A. Pagliarulo

– Taylor K. Glor

– Matthew P. Gedman

Maguire J. Wisall

– Samuel T. Choate

Kevin M. Johnson

James R. Ramsey

– Ugo P. DiBiase

Brendan B. Goyette

Eric B. Hailer

Andrew K. Lind

– Robert C. Cahill – Robert J. Caggiano

Louis W. Hunt

– David M. Cunningham

Sean P. Gustin

Jacob L.C. Levine

Harold C. Roberson IV

Keelan J. Smithers – Nolan P. Brennan

Daniel J. Kelley

Harold C. Roberson IV

Charles E. McConnell

Benjamin K. Wanger

John R. Wilhoite

– Armand J. DiFillipo

Austin J. Masel – Robert P. Cronin III

Peter D. O’Connell

Brendan M. Rocha

Samuel R. Rohrer

Evan G. Sleight

Spenser C. Smith

Jaylen A. Bailey

Jacob S. McOsker

Evan G. Sleight

Richard J. McNamara

David B. Reyes

Bennett H.H. Teceno

Peter C. Jones

Caleb J. McGrath-Sheldrick

Anthony J. Pellagrini

Drew J. Blackwell

Anthony J. Pellagrini

Jonathan C. Winnay

Anthony J. Pellagrini

Jack Farrell

John P. Milewski

Robert S. Hurlbut

Waldo Holcombe

Bradford Simmons

William Bancroft

Robert E. Snelling

Peter T. Brooks

omas L. Talbot II

Harry A. Wheeler, Jr.

Richard M. Holcombe

Frederic C. Talbot

Edward W. Morse

CREW, est.  – Cyrus Wood – Cyrus Wood –
II –
Cyrus Wood
omas H. Hunter
Geoffrey Clark
Philip S. Burbank
William B. Allyn
David A. Knights
John L. Middleton, Jr.
Albert J. Locatelli, Jr.

– Albert J. Locatelli, Jr.

– Donald M. Livingstone

– Richard B. Dalbeck

– John S. Moore

– Frederick Daniels

– Elisha G. Peirce III

– William K. Whitman

– Lawrence T. Cabot

– Alfred S. Adams

– C. Anthony Federer

– Kenneth P. Miner

– J. Curtis Gwilliam – Nathaniel B. Childs

– David E. Hamilton

– Christopher D. Wadsworth

– Stephen T. Livingston

– Daniel F. Barnard

– Douglas N. Bonner

– Paul M. Silk

– Robert A. Goldkamp

– Richard L. Fisher

– John P. Paris, Jr.

– Jeffrey M. Gold – David W. Sidebotham

– Stephen E. Carr

– Edward W. Wood Orrin G. Wood III

– Peter L. Gifford

Jonathan R. White – Timothy W. Fulham

– Henry K. Porter III

– Peter J. Kermond

– Hal P. Melcher

– Michael S. Aloian – Frank G. Bane

– Richard B. Putnam

– Preston G. Curtis

– Timothy W. Van Leer – Sean T. Coughlin

– Ted G. MacMahon

– John M. Connors III

– David F. Reno

– Robert C. Maier

– Vincent F. Barletta Gilbert C. Hundley

– John A. Carroll III – James V. McCarthy – Douglas A. Marple

– Peter S. McLaughlin – Christopher J. Mutrie

– Christopher W. Bordeau

Eric D. Shaff

– Frank J. Gorke

– David C. Bordeau

Patrick D. Rettig

– Christian B. Burrows

Michael R. Eastman

– Michael E. Vallarelli

– Benjamin D. Hamilton

– Charles H. Gibson

omas H. Martin, Jr.

– Robert Basile

David Hyde

– Jackson Bell

Andrew Muir

Robert Rose

– Nicholas L. Baker

Michael J. Murphy

– Stephen J. Newark

Alexander E. Rothmeier

– Michael S. Kiami

Brendon D. Luby

– Mark Fuller

Matthew Gordan

Zachary Zizza

– Kyle G. Gordon

Luke I. Sawitsky

Nicholas D. Whitehead

– Michael A. DiSanto

Henry A. Luehrman

Robert G. Stone

– David A. Fuller

Justin O. Mundt

– Ian P. Connor

Andrew M. Reed

– Dara A. Alizadeh

John A. Bergantino

– Pranay S. Bose

Daniel O. Kraft

Adam J. Maleh

– omas J. Gill

Benjamin J. Jones

Henry M. Ogilby, Jr.

– Alexander G.W. Bailey

Cole R. Durbin

Mac M. Manion

Alexander W. Richards

– James G. Mazzio-Manson

John H. Power

Andrew J. Wilkins

– Andrew W. Berg

Sean C. Mannion

Henry M. omas – eodore M. Danziger

John K. High

Jackson Stone – John D. Curtin

Gianluca Foschi Walko

Charles R. Stevenson

Sreetej Digumarthi

Christiaan M. Eikeboom

Nicholas A. Hebard

Howard R. Huang

Benjamin L. Trotsky

Stephen J. Warming

Michael K. Bobo

Sean C. Egan

Luca Mezzanotte

TENNIS, est. 

Werner S. Willman

Robert Billings

Cornelius S. Hurlbut IV

Arthur R. Grannis III

Arthur K. Birnie

Robert Banker

Robert C. Repetto

Richard J. Clarke, Jr. – John S. Simon

– Robert Howe

– Gerald B. Levinson

– omas T. Warren

– Christopher Scott

– William W. Willett

Kent Parrot

Kent Parrot

Edward A. Counihan IV

William W. Price

Lincoln Holmes

– Jay W. Siegfried

– Jay W. Siegfried

– Kevin T. Bottomly

– William F. Achtmeyer Charles G. Goodhue

– William F. Achtmeyer Charles G. Goodhue

– William F. Achtmeyer H. Clinton Furnald

– Charles F. Harnett, Jr. – Douglas A. Henderson

James P. Philliou – Gregory H. Zaff – Mark A. Pearlstein

– Mark A. Pearlstein

David E. Riester

– Warren Cross, Jr.

– Paul L. Palandjian

– Andrew C. Kaneb

– Andrew C. Kaneb

Jonathan A. Krane – Leon A. Palandjian – Eduardo A. Ramirez

Eduardo A. Ramirez – Todd B. Sullivan

David N. Khoury

Nicholas N. Keyes-Grevelis

Nicholas N. Keyes-Grevelis

Bradford F. Key

Stephen N. Keyes-Grevelis

Manny Makkas Benjamin P. Romney

Timothy P. Brennen

Timothy P. Brennen

Couper Samuelson

J. Patrick Malloy

Michael D. Brennan

Michael D. Brennan

Todd Basnight Alexandre Jacquet

Andrew M. Leisman

William F. Carberry Mark N. Salem

Franklin E. Cohen

Samuel Baker

– Joseph A. Tierney

– Joseph A. Tierney

Sean M. Tierney

– Dawson J. Luke

– Nicholas R. Tierney

Peter M. Yanofsky

– Charles N. Madden

John F. Welch IV – Nicholas C. Cary

Nicholas B. von Turkovich

– Petros M. Palandjian

– Charles B. Danziger

Benjamin D. Lebowitz

– John D. Ablon

Owen A. Greenwood

– Daniel M. Tsyvin

– Andrew J. Lee

omas J. Smith

– Matthew Drucker

Andrew J. Lee

– Aaron W. Belluck

– Jarrett Chen Christopher C. Egan

– Robert P. Cooper

GOLF, est. 

– Frank B. Lamson

– E. omas Porter

– omas R. Ellis

– Jonathan P. Ellis

– Jonathan P. Ellis

– Jonathan P. Ellis

– Peter K. Ashton

– Andrew S. Magee

– Craig N. Johnston

– Charles L. Raffi III

– Richard D. Haskell, Jr. Charles L. Raffi III

– omas H. Green III

– Joseph D. Lynch

– Kenneth E. Simon, Jr.

– Christopher J. Simon

– Charles J. Fox

– Scott A. Webster

– Kurt N. Simon

– Daniel J. Lynch III

– Douglas L. Barnard

– Jeffrey M. Jacobs

– Barrett J. Coakley

Robert R. Madden

– Paul N. Drepanos

Scott E. Madden

– Scott E. Madden

– Brendan S. Monahan

Frank B. Yunes

– Brendan S. Monahan

J. Tyler Spring

Justin H. Monahan


Jens H. Odegard

omas B. Ruggles

Christopher W. Wilkins

– Robert W. Jahrling

William T. Ryan

Patrick J. Shea

Daniel V. O’Connell

David L. Goodhue

David B. Needham

Paul R. Heuchling Peter A. Sidman

Carl J. Reid

– Benjamin D. Green

Jeremy D. Welborn

Benjamin D. Lebowitz

Charles W. Schwartz

– Michael D. Burns

Justin H. Monahan

– Michael D. Burns

Justin H. Monahan

– Michael D. Burns

Justin H. Monahan

David E. Hynes, Jr.

John A. Quinn,

J. Brett St. Clair

John K. Giannuzzi

Ryan D. Dowd

Nathan Belkin

Jonathan D. Reindollar

Michael R. Trachy

Matthew H. Isner

Patrick D. Burpee

Patrick D. Burpee

John J. Lazor Joseph T. Lynch

John J. Lazor Joseph T. Lynch

Charles H. Greenwood

Oisin C. Treanor

Maahin Gulati Oisin C. Treanor

John C. Donahue

John C. Donahue

Henry W. Harrison


John K. Broderick

Christopher F. Wichenbaugh

Joseph C. Hallowell

W. Rowan

Martin G. Mugar

A. Myerson

Robert M. Bowen

Eric Christensen

Frederick S. Holton

E. Paquette

Curtis B. Barger

H. Ulfelder

David W. Fisher

N. Fox

John S. Burke Robert S. Harrison

Jonathan S. Dunphy Daniel C. Pierce

– Jonathan
Wyson –
Wyson –
Wyson –
III –
III –
TRACK & FIELD, est.  –
Stephen W. Ranere
Andrew J. Mingle
Jonathan J.
Jonathan J.
Walter A. Snickenberger
Walter A. Snickenberger
Gregory M. Stanton

– Koren Kolligan

Carey H. Smith

– Marcus Harrington

James P. MacMillan

Joseph E. Mullaney III – George A. McLaughlin

Brian F. Mullaney

– Owen R. Cole, Jr.

– Robert B. Fitzpatrick

Sean W. Mullaney

– Robert F. MacLaughlin, Jr.

Robert D. Young, Jr.

– Andrew L. Card

Kevin M. Golden

– Paul A. Udris

James M. Umlas

– Keith S. Hoyte

Alan P. Marcotte

– Richard G. Brace, Jr.

Daniel M. Griffin, Jr. – John F. Danahy

Lee Okurowski

– Joseph C. Cannistraro

William P. Egan

Lester L. Lien

Brad D. Sage

Adam R. ornbrough

Joseph V. Lobosco, Jr.

Douglas T. Oppenheimer

Loren Stead

Martin J. Keane

Ronald J. Pascucci, Jr.

Michael J. Schwartz

– Marcus A. Collier

Nicholas J. Conlin

Michael J. Schwartz – Robert M. Carlock

Penn T. Clarke

Jeremy S. David – Penn T. Clarke

J. Simon Dalgleish

Mark Y. acker

Caleb F. Collins

Ronald C. Horsley

Kenneth T. Sommers

– Jon S. Callahan

Brian P. Owens – Jake P. DeBoever

John R. Riley

Charles E. Rounds III

– Lomax Edwards III

Ryan P. Hoffman

John A. Walsh – Jay P. Civetti

Joseph J. Delgardo

– Curtis C. Bolden

Joseph J. Delgardo

– Kurt L. Bennett

Dwain M. Lewis

Yui Y. Wong

– Kurt L. Bennett

Michael Costello

Stephen S. Gogolak

– Kurt L. Bennett

Michael Costello

Stephen S. Gogolak

– Jarrett Rothmeier

Ryan Scudellari

Reggie Gossett

– omas W. Codevilla

Albert A. Coombs III

Matthew D. Kraft

– Basile J. Beaty

Silas P. Howland

Anyenda O. Inyagwa

– William E. Forde

Nathaniel E. Newburg

Nils C. Wernerfelt

– Benjamin H. Berkowitz

Barry C. Gallup

Colin P. Hutzler

Brandon C. Spellen

Kevin F. Yetman

– Stephen J. Cusano

Shaan Duggal

Corey T. Gatewood

– Andrew J. Holland

Richard C. Sousa

Alexander R. Tarnoff

– John P. Dunphy, Jr.

Will S. Gibbons

Steven C. Izen

Kevin A. Tarbell

– Christopher M. Ivsin

Ryan M. Paganetti

Clint I. Porte

– Edward C. Harvey

Zachary M. Jacobson

Joseph T. Shortsleeve

Zachary I. Williams

– David M. Alexander

Michael J. Minahan

Parker S. Mundt

Robert C. Perdoni

– Michael P. Daskalakis

Petros V. Davos

Isiah E. Robinson

Abdurezak Shemsu

– Matthew J. Czarnecki

Paul S. Malloy

Sultan F. Olusekun

– William P. Malloy

Sultan F. Olusekun

Harrison G. Porter

Lucas S. Ribeiro – William F. Cannistraro

Jake E. DeCaprio

Dean J. Demetri II

Frank I. McField

Alexander W. Czarnecki

James R. Feinberg

Cameron D. Hall

Raymond W. Hunt

– Isaiah D. Collins

J. Patrick Connor

James Q. McGaugh

John C. Pappo

– Matthew H. Goguen

Isaiah S. Gomes

Gabriel C. Peterkin

Matthew A. Smith

Gregory R. Desrosiers

Isaiah S. Gomes

Adil M. Kassim

Charles C. Richards

– Matthew P. Britt-Webb

Jayson Firmin

Timothy J. McCormack

Casey J. Rockett

– Michael A. Ahonen

David C. Carter

James J. Donahue

Albert A. McField

William Lloyd

Davi Souza Ribeiro

Miles Sandoski SAILING,

David B. Salzman

David B. Salzman

David E. Ratcliff, Jr.

Frederick H. Hagedorn – Edward M. Dickson, Jr. – Richard M. Patrick, Jr. G. Kent Plunkett

Paul B. Riley

Robert L. Ricciardelli

Scott A. Murray

Kevin K. Plunkett

– Adrian D. Blake

Alexander S. Mills

– Colin I. Blake P. David Gifford

– Jonathan E. Burt omas G. Sitzmann

– Jonathan E. Burt omas G. Sitzmann

– Arthur C. R. Gleason

Michael J. Mills

– Arthur C. R. Gleason

Michael J. Mills

– Nicholas C. Gramb

Michael Y. Huang

– Nicholas C. Gramb

Michael Y. Huang

– Richard J. Canzano

Michael Y. Huang

– Richard J. Canzano

Cornelius A. Yetman

– Cornelius A. Yetman

– Philip J. Canzano

Lyle P. Yetman

– Philip J. Canzano – Todd J. Paratore – Ian L. Simons

Bradley H. Yetman

– atcher C. Spring

Bradley H. Yetman

Alexander A. Munnell

atcher C. Spring

John Stakes – Brendan C. Koeniger

Alexander A. Munnell – Alden C. Reid

Alden C. Reid

eodore T. Pierce

Maxwell W. ayer

MacPherson C.B. Carroll

Richard C. Casner

– David W. Pierce

– Anton J. Ferra

Jack P. McManus

– James M. Fitzgerald

Jack P. McManus

– Nick Koeniger

Samuel W. Wells

– Samuel W. Wells – Kyle T. Wheeler

Christopher M. Champa

Bernardo Pacini

– Christopher M. Champa

Bernardo Pacini

– James H. Collins

Lucas J. Jurgensen

– James H. Collins

Lucas J. Jurgensen

– Jack M. Murphy Jacob T. Whitney

– Jack M. Murphy

Francis T. Selldorff

Stephen J. Pellegrino, Jr.

– Wilton P. Lawton

Michael J. Salvatore

– Wilton P. Lawton

Michael J. Salvatore

– Quinn T. Healey

Trey N. Penna


– Todd R. Jackson

John H. Pettit

– Richard H. Bokavich

Todd R. Jackson

– Brad S. Feldman

omas A. Hostage

– Carl J. Young III

John D. Mahoney

David J. Pergola – omas H. Hansen

Timothy J. Kelly

Gardiner F. Willis

Benjamin P. Anderson, Jr.

Benjamin O. Davis

William K. Halby III

Peter J. Kilmartin, Jr.

Mark J. Rooney

Carl T. Talmo – Todd L. Crowley

Brian M. Oliver

– Matthew M. Fritz

Daniel G. Jones

– Michael J. Forns

Michael P. Russell

William U. Tarr

– Rory M. Griffin

Baxter F. Smith

Brett C. Wegner

– Dante P. Cantalupo III

Benjamin H. Fritz

M. Campbell MacColl

– Michael J. Callahan

Christopher C. Hughes

T. Matthew Shields

– Nicholas C. Cantalupo

David A. Seeley

– Michael T. Frissora

William W. MacColl

– Scott C. Aldrich, Jr.

John M. McGraw

– Scott Aldrich

Mathew Drasser

Andrew O’Brien

Peter Doyle

Kent Harrington

Ryan Hurd

Joseph C. Butler

Richard J. Fahey Jr.

Sean F. O’Grady – Scott W. Dunn

Eric D. Olmstead

Timothy B. Patch – Brian A. McCafferty

Timothy M. Aldrich

Field M. Yates

Gregory Boeing

Charles Kenney

Matthew O’Connell

Mark R. Dube

Peter S. Loukas

– Matthew S. Egan

Alexander J. Englert – Tyler C. Dziama

John C. Leddy

Patrick N. Bathon

Peter L. Bolte

Alexandre J. DeBaere

Geoffrey M. Sullivan

Brian N. Bowser

Gregory A. Loukas

Nicholas B. Curtin

James P. Miller

David M. Pottle

Eric M. Gustafson

Daniel J. Seibel

Charles M. Durbin

Alexander P. Santangelo

John W. Hincks

Zachary D. Geddes

Cole I.K. Nagahama

William C. Stonestreet

Maxwell Q. Fields

Jake I. Haase

Daniel L. Hincks

Joseph R. Goguen

Brodie L. Rayment

Blake D. Brookes

Quinn J. Richards

Cameron J. Rubin – Grant W. Litchfield

Brooks S. Rayment

Zachary J. Travaglini

Charles D. Cave

omas J. Goguen

Eli Goldstein

Charles J. Hazard

Matthew C. Torrey

est.  –
“The Loop” at a Varsity Lacrosse Game against St. Sebastian’s, .

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