Annual Review 2010

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BeLonG To Youth Services is the national Youth Services organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Supporting Lesbian, & Transgender (LGBT) young Gay, Bisexual people&inTransgender Ireland Young People in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need to be respected and cared for on the same basis as all other young people, and that when they are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September 2011 ©2011 BeLonG To Youth Services Limited BeLonG To Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534

We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where LGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and see that their identities and selves are valuable and important. Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experience are largely due to negative societal attitudes, we also work to change these attitudes. This is done by training teachers, youth workers and other professionals who work with young people. We also run awareness campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating and working with government departments, politicians and NonGovernmental Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change occurs.

For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact:

Vision BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are empowered to embrace their development and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change. Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

BeLonG To Youth Services Parliament House 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland

BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Chairperson’s Introduction Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need toasbe respected and cared for onBeLonG the same It gives me great pleasure Chairperson to present the To basis as all other youngReport people, thatThis when safe and supYouth Services Annual forand 2010. hasthey beenare a really exciting ported in their families, schools theysets willout thrive and eventful year for BeLonG To and and society the report the as keyhealthy activiand and equal citizens. ties achievements for the year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the staff of BeLonG To for We direct youth work services to and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual theirprovide extraordinary energy, commitment enthusiasm under the &Transgender young across Ireland. are Barron. spaces where inspired leadership ofpeople our Executive DirectorThese Michael This report LGBT youngtopeople can meet each other, get involved in activities and is a tribute their work. thatlike their and selves are valuable Isee would toidentities express sincere appreciation to alland ourimportant. funders who are Becauseinwe believe the problems which LGBT young experinamed this reportthat without whose generous support allpeople of the work ence are largely due to societal attitudes, we also work to outlined here would notnegative be possible. is done training teachers, youth workers Ichange would these like toattitudes. thank myThis fellow Boardbymembers for their dedication, and other professionals whogood workhumour, with young We alsoTorun commitment and unfailing theypeople. make BeLonG board awarenessacampaigns meetings happy schools and youth services and advocating and working with you government departments, politicians and And finally, thank to our young people here at BeLonG ToNonwho are Governmental to and ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual at the heart of Organisations the organisation who provide us with the inspi&Transgender young areall heard so work. that positive change ration and vision thatpeople underlies of our We looksocial forward to occurs. continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies to ensure that all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity to Vision enjoy life to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender people are empowered to embrace their developAnna Quigley.young Chairperson ment and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change. Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members

Executive Director’s Overview Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe At BeLonG To we with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender and supported in work their families, schools and societyand they will thrive as young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was healthy and equal citizens. a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. September 2011 The numbers ofTo young accessing ©2011 BeLonG Youthpeople Services Limitedour direct youth services almost doubled our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew BeLonG To Youthand Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534 from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, whileor 1 to in 4obtain people in Irelandcopies viewed related feature For any enquiries additional of our the Annual Review, on the Late Late Show. please contact: In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT BeLonG To Youth Services young people, received great national and international attention. Parliament House 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central 13 Parliament Street focus, both Dublin 2 in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and proTel: +353 1 670 6223 ducing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply Fax: +353 1 670 6219 and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. Email: 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and Web: NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the I would is like to commend and BeLonG To sector. Youth Services jointly funded bythe theBoard One Foundation, The staff at Funds, BeLonG To -for taking Office brave and decisive action to Office ensureof the Ireland HSE National for Suicide Prevention, that LGBTfor young people did not suffer because of this. These actions Minister Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskincluded major savings in core running costs and force, the implementing European Commission under the European Refugee Fundstaff and is agreeing tobytake significant payMigrant reduction. In this context supported the aOffice for thepercentage Promotion of Integration in the the growth of to Equality LGBT young Department ofsupports Justice and andpeople Pobal. in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national Introduction & organisation Overview for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Chairperson’s Introduction Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need toasbe respected and cared for onBeLonG the same It gives me great pleasure Chairperson to present the To basis as all other youngReport people, thatThis when safe and supYouth Services Annual forand 2010. hasthey beenare a really exciting ported in their families, schools theysets willout thrive and eventful year for BeLonG To and and society the report the as keyhealthy activiand and equal citizens. ties achievements for the year. We behalf provideofdirect youthI work to Lesbian, Gay,of Bisexual On the Board, wouldservices like to thank the staff BeLonG To for &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where their extraordinary energy, commitment and enthusiasm under the LGBT young people of canour meet each other, get Michael involvedBarron. in activities and inspired leadership Executive Director This report see that their identities is a tribute to their work.and selves are valuable and important. Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experiarelike largely due tosincere negative societal attitudes, wefunders also work toare Ience would to express appreciation to all our who change in these This iswhose done by trainingsupport teachers, named this attitudes. report without generous allyouth of theworkers work and otherhere professionals work with young people. We also run outlined would notwho be possible. awareness campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating working government politicians NonIand would like towith thank my fellow departments, Board members for theirand dedication, Governmentaland Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Bisexual commitment unfailing good humour, they make Gay, BeLonG To board &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change meetings a happy duty. occurs. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are Vision at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiBeLonGand To’svision visionthat is for an Ireland Lesbian, ration underlies all where of our work. WeGay, lookBisexual forward&to Transgendertoyoung people are empowered embrace theirand developcontinuing work in partnership with our to funders, friends allies ment and that growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive to to ensure all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity social life change. enjoy to the full as equal and integrated members of our society Our Mission is Chairperson Anna Quigley. To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens Executive Director’s Overview • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change •Atand to provide a campaigning voice so Transgender that society BeLonG To weadvocacy work withand Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender youngfor people full and young people to make Ireland safe and equal place them.as2010 was valued members a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation Theory of was Change and 2010 the year when the worked which this support allowed Whento Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe came fruition. and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services September 2011 almost BeLonG doubledTo and our Services NationalLimited Network of LGBT youth groups grew ©2011 Youth from fiveTotoYouth eightServices groups. is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534 BeLonG This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, whileor 1 to in 4obtain people in Irelandcopies viewed related feature For any enquiries additional of our the Annual Review, on the Late Late Show. please contact: In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor BeLonG To Youth Services Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT Parliament House young people, received 13 Parliament Street great national and international attention. 2010 was Dublin 2 a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Tel: +353included 1 670 6223 Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and proFax: +353 1 670 6219 guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply Email: and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. Web: 2010 was a difficult for BeLonG andOne for all charities and BeLonG Toalso Youth Services year is jointly funded To, by the Foundation, The NGOs inFunds, Ireland due to very significant reductions in government Ireland HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of funding to the I would likeAffairs, to commend theInner BoardCity andDrugs staff at the Minister forsector. Children & Youth the North BeLonG Tothe for European taking brave and decisive action to ensure thatand LGBT Taskforce, Commission under the Refugee Fund is young people didOffice not suffer because of this. These actions included supported by the for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the implementing in coreand running Department of major Justicesavings and Equality Pobal.costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place. Michael Barron, Executive Director

BeLonG To Youth Services Because all young people deserve an equal shot at life...

Chairperson’s Introduction

Executive Director’s Overview

It gives me great pleasure as Chairperson to present the BeLonG To Youth Services Annual Report for 2010. This has been a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and achievements for the year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the staff of BeLonG To for their extraordinary energy, commitment and enthusiasm under the inspired leadership of our Executive Director Michael Barron. This report is a tribute to their work. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this report without whose generous support all of the work outlined here would not be possible. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their dedication, commitment and unfailing good humour, they make BeLonG To board meetings a happy duty. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiration and vision that underlies all of our work. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies to ensure that all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ

At BeLonG To we work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, while 1 in 4 people in Ireland viewed our related feature on the Late Late Show. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT young people, received great national and international attention. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.

Anna Quigley. Chairperson


BeLonG To Youth Services is the of Table national Contents organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need to be respected and cared for on the same basis as all other young people, and that when they are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens. We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where LGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and see that their identities and selves are valuable and important. Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experience are largely due to negative societal attitudes, we also work to change these attitudes. This is done by training teachers, youth workers and other professionals who work with young people. We also run awareness campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating and working with government departments, politicians and NonGovernmental Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change occurs. Vision BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are empowered to embrace their development and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change. Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September Page 6 - Youth 2011 Service ©2011 BeLonG To Youth Services Limited BeLonG Page 8 - To National Youth Services Networkis a registered charity - CHY No. 16534 Page 9- Advocacy and Campaigning Page 13- Communications For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please Page 14 contact: - Finance & Governance BeLonG To Youth Services Parliament House 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

Somewhere “I” BeLonG To What our members have to say...

Chairperson’s Introduction It gives me great pleasure as Chairperson to present the BeLonG To Youth Services Annual Report for 2010. This has been a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and achievements for the year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the staff of BeLonG To for their extraordinary energy, commitment and enthusiasm under the inspired leadership of our Executive Director Michael Barron. This report is a tribute to their work. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this report without whose generous support all of the work outlined here would not be possible. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their dedication, commitment and unfailing good humour, they make BeLonG To board meetings a happy duty. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiration and vision that underlies all of our work. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies to ensure that all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ Anna Quigley. Chairperson

Executive Aodhán - age Director’s 20 Overview “When I first came to BeLonG To I wasn’t ‘out.’ I was really frightened. But At BeLonG I met people To wewho worksat with down Lesbian, and told Gay,me Bisexual their stories. and Transgender It was just young amazing people and ittomade makethings Irelanda safe lot easier. and equal My best place friend for them. held my 2010 hand was a through hugely the important whole journey year in our andwork said, to ‘I love make you this forawho reality. you are, not In what lateyou 2008 are.’” we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This Patrick growth - age was 18 in part due to the huge success of the documentary “I was series bullied Growing in school. Up Gay, It was which disheartening we workedtowith be bullied Crossing in front the Line of Productions teachers whoand didn’t RTE do to anything produce. The about series it. I was realise viewed it wasn’t by 1 because in 10 of the population, they didn’t care, whilebut 1 in because 4 people they in Ireland didn’t have viewed anyour training related onfeature how toon the dealLate withLate theShow. situation. I challenged my school at the top level but the In bullying 2010 we continued launched and Stand I eventually Up! LGBTleft Awareness school early. Week. It was Hollywood BeLonGactor To Colin that finally Farrell’s helped support me.for Today, the campaign I’m continuing meant mythat education it, and Irish and I’m LGBT in young college.people, “ received great national and international attention. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Seán - age adopting 20 tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing “I was terrified guidelines when to combat I first came it. It in. also But allowed the youth us to workers successfully here at apply and BeLonG winTo funding let mefor open a new up when LGBT Asylum I was ready. Seekers The and friends Refugee that I’ve project. made 2010 and the was way also I have a difficult grownyear as afor person BeLonG have To,given and for meallconfidence.” charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the Ruthgrowth - age 19 of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. “I had a really tough time in school. I was on the verge of being expelled As because Executive I hadDirector come out it istomy mygreat friends pleasure but was to so work down with I didn’t such awant trulyto remarkable go to school.and I finally dedicated told my team mom of Istaff, had something Board and volunteers. to tell her. She It is said, also an ‘you’re absolute gay?’privilege She had already to have known, the opportunity but was just to work waiting withfor such mebrave to say and it. It socially was hard conscious for her atyoung first but people. she has I think come this toreport termsiswith a testament it. Today, to both what sheisand possible my dad when justyoung want me people to beand happy.” adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.


Coming-Out BeLonG To Youth Younger Services is the The average national age organisation of a service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual user now at 16... & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


Coming Younger BeLonG Out To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, In 2010 we witnessed two major shiftspeople in BeLonG To. Firstly Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young in Ireland. We the believe that numbers of young accessing our services increased beyond LGBT young peoplepeople need to be respected and cared for on the sameour expectations practically inthat response theare documentary basis as all other young overnight people, and whento they safe and supseries Up Gay which aired RTE inthey April; and secondly the portedGrowing in their families, schools andon society will thrive as healthy age of young people using our services dropped a staggering 18 andprofile equal citizens. months over the year with the average age of a service user now at 16, with most young accessing BeLonG To for the time being We provide directpeople youth work services to Lesbian, Gay,first Bisexual 14-15. &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where LGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and Youth Leadership & Empowerment see that their identities and selves are valuable and important. Core to our is empowering Lesbian, Gay, LGBT Bisexual & Transgender Because wework believe that the problems which young people experiyoung people to due act as of societal their own positivewe social ence are largely to agents negative attitudes, alsochange. work toIn 2010 ourthese youth leadership programmes excelledteachers, and produced: change attitudes. This is done by training youth workers and other professionals who work with young people. We also run •awareness The first all Ireland residential Lesbian, Bisexualand andadvocating Transgender campaigns in schoolsfor and youth services young women. Thisgovernment project wasdepartments, youth led, from sourcingand the Nonfunding, and working with politicians to planning andOrganisations delivery. Governmental to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change •occurs. A youth led campaign by Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender young women for positive recognition of their identities which engaged thousands Visionin LBT women’s issues. BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & •Transgender A peer led youth tackle drug misuse amongtheir theirdeveloppeer youngproject peopleto are empowered to embrace group which dramatically increased LGBT ment and growth confidently and toawareness participateamong as agents ofyoung positive people around drug misuse. social change. •Our A peer led youth project to engage young people in HIV and Sexual Mission is Health Awareness heightened awareness among participants To provide safe andwhich fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender around sexual in health and HIV in particular. young people Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth •• 32 new them Youthto Facilitators the country joining Enable access all were their trained rights asaccross equal citizens the existing them team. to Youth Facilitators act as of peer educators leaders • Empower participate as agents positive socialand change within the organisation andand receive intensive support • and to provide advocacy a campaigning voice soand thattraining societyfor their rolesLesbian, throughout the year.&Transgender young people as full and respects Gay, Bisexual valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

Skill Development September 2011 As part BeLonG of our mission to Services facilitateLimited the growth of LGBT young people we ©2011 To Youth consider how we Services can equip with new and -practical and opBeLonG To Youth is them a registered charity CHY No.skills 16534 portunities to experience different careers so they can make informed decisions about their futures. In 2010 we ran over 30 projects in this area, here are just two examples: •For Reel - Thisorpartnership project with other youth services allows anyYouth enquiries to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, young please people contact:to engage in scripting their own short film and work through filming, producing and editing their own short film. BeLonG To Youth Services •Parliament GCN YouthHouse Issue - Each autumn LGBT young people work with the wonderful team at Gay Community News (GCN) and produce the an13 Parliament Street nual ‘youth Dublin 2 issue’. This programme supports young people to explore journalism, media, photographic skills and project management, while they produce a high Tel: +353 1 670 6223quality national newspaper. Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Supporting Young People and Mental Health Promotion Email: Throughout our work with LGBT young people we constantly engage Web: in supporting their positive mental health. 153 young people availed of one-to-one support in relation to their mental from our Youth BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by thehealth One Foundation, The Work Team. Our online support service pilot project was successfully Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of completed. the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is Look After Yourself Lookfor After Mentalof Health, theIntegration first booklet supported by the Office theYour Promotion Migrant in the promoting mental health among LGBT people in Ireland was Departmentpositive of Justice and Equality and Pobal. published and disseminated nationwide through public libraries and LGBT organisations and projects. Drugs Education and Outreach Service Supported through the NICDTF (North Inner City Drugs Task Force), this remains the only LGBT drugs awareness service in Ireland. As well as individual support, the programme engaged 80 young people in a peerled substance awareness programme. In addition to this training for young people, the programme also responded to requests from outside agencies, to facilitate awareness training on LGBT drug users. More than 150 participants were trained at a series of successful events run throughout the year.

National Network of LGBT Groups 31% of The Country Has Access!

On the Birth ofIntroduction Chairperson’s the National Network - Eoin’s story Since we opened our doors in Dublin in 2003 we welcomed amazing It givespeople young me great from pleasure all overas the Chairperson country. One to such present young the person BeLonGwas To Youthwho Eoin, Services on most Annual Sundays Report in for 2004 2010. andThis 2005 has would beenget a really on a exciting train in and eventful Mayo and make yearthe forfour BeLonG hourTo journey and the toreport Dublinsets to attend out theour keyBeLonG activitiesSunday To and achievements group. He would for the stay year. for two hours of the group and before Onended it behalfheofwould the Board, head Iback would to like Heuston to thank Station the staff and take of BeLonG the four To for their journey hour extraordinary home energy, again. This commitment remarkable and young enthusiasm man needed undersupport the inspired from LGBT leadership peers so of badly our that Executive he would Director spend Michael eight hours Barron. travelling This report to is a tribute to participate in atheir twowork. hour group. At the time there was no LGBT youth I wouldanyway group like to express near him, sincere or in fact appreciation anywheretoinall the our West funders of Ireland. who are Eoin, named and many in this others, report inspired without us to whose develop generous what has support become all of BeLonG the work To’s outlined here National Network would of not LGBT beyouth possible. groups. We believe that all LGBT young I wouldhave people like to the thank rightmy to a fellow safe space Boardin members their own forarea. their dedication, commitment and unfailing good humour, they make BeLonG To board meetings 31% of thea country happy duty. has access to an LGBT Youth Group And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are at the The BeLonG heart To of Starter the organisation pack and accreditation and who provide scheme us with continued the inspito act ration as a template and vision for that the development underlies all of of our newwork. youth We service look forward around the to continuing country in 2010. to work Using in partnership the pack, the with Network our funders, Manager friends continued and allies to to ensure offer existing thatgroups all LGBT on-going young people support, in Ireland and new have groups the a opportunity template on to enjoy life which to build to thesafe fulland as equal appropriate and integrated youth services. members In 2010 of oura societ second LGBT youth group opened its doors in Donegal, and the Dundalk group, Annabecame AIM, Quigley.the Chairperson third group to achieve BeLonG to accreditation. The national network of LGBT youth groups met four times during 2010, offering workers from around the country the opportunity to meet up for support, information exchange and to work on projects together. Two national youth events were facilitated, a residential youth leadership course which was held in Dublin, and groups from around the country descended on Sligo, for a special youth-friendly pride festival, run in conjunction with North West Pride. By the close of 2010 there were 7 groups up and running outside of Dublin. Start up pack development work had commenced with 4 new groups, and the demand for network services continued to increase.

Executive Director’s Overview At BeLonG To we work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, while 1 in 4 people in Ireland viewed our related feature on the Late Late Show. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Youth Groups support in Ireland Colin Farrell’s for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT young people, received great national and international attention. Dublin 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central Louth focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This develCork opment included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Waterford Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and proGalway ducing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply Donegal and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. Limerick 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and Tipperary NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.


Stand Up! BeLonG To Youth Services is the national Don’t Stand Fororganisation Homophobicfor Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Bullying 2010& Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


In 2010,To BeLonG weYouth launched, Services Stand is the Up!national Don’t Stand organisation for Homophobic for Lesbian, Bullying. Gay, Bisexual2009 During & Transgender we had researched (LGBT) young with LGBT people young in Ireland. people We what believe werethat LGBTinterventions the young people that need most to be helped respected whenand theycared werefor experiencing on the same basis as all other homophobic bullying, youngand people, whenand they that were when coming theyout. are safe Young and people supported indicated clearly in their families, that they schools greatest andsupport society they for them will thrive came from as healthy their and equal closest friends. citizens. Because of this we designed Stand Up! – a campaign which promotes friendship amongst young people as a way to combat We provide direct homophobic bullying. youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where LGBT On the young ground people the campaign can meet each was aother, greatget success involved in itsinfirst activities year - enand see that2,100 gaging their young identities people andin selves 230 youth are valuable services and nationwide. important. Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experience are Online Stand largely Up!due wastoalso negative a huge societal success, attitudes, with ourwe series alsoofwork online to change films (Stand theseUp! attitudes. My BestThis Friend) is done being by viewed trainingover teachers, 30,000youth timesworkers and with otherover professionals 30,000 visits who towork our website with young overpeople. 2 weeks. WeLong also Grass run awareness campaigns Productions, who madeinour schools shortand films, youth wentservices on to produce and advocating a feature and working length documentary with government of Stand Up! departments, My Best Friend politicians which and wentNonon to be Governmental shown at film festivals Organisations in NewtoYork ensure and that Berlin. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change occurs. Colin Farrell Endorsed Stand Up! This made global news and Colin later talked openly on the Ellen DegeVisionShow describing when growing up in Dublin how his gay brother neres BeLonG To’s vision experienced homophobic is for anbullying: Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are empowered to embrace their developmenttaunting “The and growth and confidently beatings were andvery to participate frequent forashim, agents andof a constant positive socialofchange. part his school years. I didn’t understand at the time, the concept of difference. Back then, as now, he was just my big brother. Our Missionisisnot genetically encoded, it is taught. It is learned at home, Intolerance To the in provide classroom safe and andfun anywhere serviceselse to Lesbian, that we Gay, gather Bisexual as a group. & Transgender But it is young people usually learnedinearly Ireland andwhich: added on to from there. If there is nothing to • Facilitate fear, then there them is nothing throughto exploration, hate” development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September Growing Up2011 Gay ©2011 BeLonG ToaYouth Services Limited series was broadcast on RTÉ Growing up Gay, two-part documentary BeLonG To19th Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No.people 16534 to tell 1 on April and 26th. The series allowed LGBT young in their own words what it is like for them growing up in Ireland today. Developed by Crossing the Line Productions with us over four years, the documentary followed a number of young people over a two year period, all of whom were involved in BeLonG To and the National Network. For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact: Because of the huge viewership figures, Growing Up Gay has been described as ‘the most gay ever in Irish living rooms!’ and went a long way BeLonG To Youth to challenging theServices invisibility and stigma which LGBT young people Parliament in House experience Irish society. 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Up Gay subsequently went on to win ‘Best TV Programme of Growing the Year’ in the Irish Entertainment Awards and ‘Event of the Year’ at Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Awards (GALAS) the Gay and Lesbian Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

BeLonG To Youth Services Policy & Strategy

National Alcohol Chairperson’s Introduction & Drugs Strategies Through our submission to the public consultation process and colloIt gives me boration with great young pleasure people asand Chairperson other LGBT to Organisations, present the BeLonG LGBT To people Youth are included Services in Annual both the Report National for 2010. Alcohol This and has Drugs beenStrategies. a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and achievements for the year. On behalf Gender Identity of theAdvisory Board, I would Grouplike to thank the staff of BeLonG To for their young Both extraordinary people and energy, staff commitment developed aand submission enthusiasm and under presented the to inspired the Gender leadership Identityof Advisory our Executive Group, Director articulating Michael the needs Barron. ofThis transgenreport is a young der tributepeople. to their work. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this report without whose generous support all of the work outlined LGBT Refugees here would & Asylum not be Seekers possible. I would Since BeLonG like toTo’s thank inception my fellow we Board have worked members with foryoung their dedication, LGBT refugees commitment and asylum seekers and unfailing in Ireland. good In 2010 humour, we successfully they make BeLonG securedTofundboard meetings ing from the a happy European duty.Refugee Fund, Pobal and the HSE to develop And finally, Ireland’s forst thank LGBT you Refugee to our and young Asylum people Seekers here atProject. BeLonG To who are at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiration and vision that underlies all of our work. We look forward to continuing National Youth to work Work inAdvisory partnership Committee with our funders, friends and allies to ensure We have been that members all LGBT young of thepeople National in Ireland Youth Work have Advisory the opportunity Committo enjoy tee (NYWAC) life to the since full2007. as equal Thisand committee integrated advises members the Minister of our societ for Children and Youth Affairs on the direction of supports for young people Anna in Ireland. Quigley. In 2010 Chairperson we worked to develop an Equality subgroup of this committee to work to embed equality across national youth policy. This work supported the development of close working relationships with other national youth organisations and with the Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. It also resulted in the development of guidelines for tackling homophobia in youth services.

Executive Director’s Overview At BeLonG To we work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, while 1 in 4 people in Ireland viewed our related feature on the Late Late Show. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT young people, received great national and international attention. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, LGBT School Curriculum Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people We believe that Our engagement with strategic partners has in ledIreland. to the development LGBT people need to beIssues respected and caredPersonal for on the same of theyoung first resources on LGBT for the Social & Health basis as allProgrammes other young (SPHE) people,in and that when schools they areinsafe and supEducation post primary Ireland. These ported in their families,part schools and society they willand thrive healthy resources will become of the school curriculum willasbe used in andclassroom equal citizens. the to address LGBT issues. We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across Ireland. TheseHomophobia are spaces where Office for the Minister for Children’s Addressing GuideLGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and lines see that their for identities andsector selvesinare valuable and important. This resource the youth Ireland is designed to assist youth Because and we believe the problems whichbullying LGBT young experiworkers leadersthat to combat homophobic theypeople encounter in ence are largely dueCopies to negative societal attitudes, we also work to their youth service. were distributed to all Youth Projects, Clubs change these attitudes. This isItdone by training teachers, workers and Organisations in Ireland. was produced with and byyouth the Office andthe other professionals whoand work withAffairs young and people. also runby for Minister for Children Youth wasWe launched awareness campaigns schools and youth services and advocating Minister Barry AndrewsinTD. and working with government departments, politicians and NonGovernmental Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual IGLYO &Transgender young are heard so member that positive social change In September 2010 wepeople nominated a staff to the Board of the occurs. International LGBTQ Youth & Student Organisations. This stronger link with IGLYO has allowed us to forge relationships with other LGBT Vision organisations across Europe and facilitated the distribution of youth BeLonG To’sand vision is for an Ireland Lesbian, Bisexual & on knowledge experience which iswhere already havingGay, positive impacts Transgender are empowered to embrace their of developour work. Ouryoung work people within IGLYO supports the development LGBTQ ment and growth confidently to participate asafield agents of positive youth organisations in Easternand Europe and further with experisocialexpertise, change. advice, training and development. ence, Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September Love Action2011 ©2011 BeLonG Servicescampaign Limited involving BeLonG To, Irish Love Action wasToa Youth colloborative BeLonG for To Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534 Council Civil Liberities, LGBT Noise, MarriagEquality, Gay Community News, GLEN & the National Lesbian & Gay Federation. The campaign had three core themes; Equality for Same Sex Relationships, Diverse Familities and LGBT Young People. We ran a series of activities for for Valentines Day and at the Electric Picnic and Milk music festivals. For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact: IDAHO The International Day Against Homophobia takes place on the 17th BeLonG To Youth of May each year.Services In 2010 we along with a coalition of other LGBT Parliament House organisations in Ireland chose to foucs our campaign on combatting 13 Parliament Street Transphobia and distributed 10,000 postcards across Dublin and held a Dublin rally at 2the General Post Office to raise awareness of Trans issues. Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

BeLonG To Youth Services Training & The Cathal Ryan Award

Chairperson’s Introduction Training

Executive Captain Cathal Director’s RyanOverview Award

Ingives It 2010 me we great trained pleasure over 3,000 as Chairperson professionals to –present mostlythe teachers BeLonG and To Youth Services youth workers.Annual Report for 2010. This has been a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and To’s BeLonG achievements training is tailored for the year. to each particular group’s needs. ParOn behalf in ticipatory of approach, the Board,the I would training like allows to thank professionals the staff of the BeLonG space Toto for their extraordinary safely explore issuesenergy, in regard commitment to workingand with enthusiasm LGBT youth. under The training the inspired covers topics leadership such asoflanguage our Executive and terminology, Director Michael mental Barron. health, Thiscoming report is a tribute out and dealing to their with work. homophobic bullying. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this Highlights andreport Innovations without of the whose training generous calendar support in 2010; all of the work outlined here would not be possible. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their dedication, •commitment Successful completion and unfailing of agood jointhumour, trainingthey project make with BeLonG the National To board meetings a happy Association of Principals, duty. training teams of principals and students. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are •at1st the‘whole heart of school’ the organisation project successfully and whocompleted, provide ustraining with theprovided inspiration and across all disciplines vision thatfrom underlies teachers, all of management, our work. Westudents look forward and parents. to continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies •toOver ensure 3,000 thatprofessionals all LGBT young working peoplewith in Ireland younghave people thewere opportunity trained to enjoy life during 2010. to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ

Our At BeLonG Executive To we Director, work with Michael Lesbian, Barron, Gay, was Bisexual the 2009 andrecipient Transgender of young the Captain people Cathal to make Ryan Ireland Awardsafe for and Social equal Entrepreneurship. place for them.This 2010 was was a hugely important awarded from The One yearFoundation, in our workThe to make Ryan this Family, a reality. and Social EntreIn late 2008 we preneurship Ireland. received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came The award to fruition. offered Michael and BeLonG To huge opportunities, and as a The numbers result in 2010of Michael: young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew •from Participated five to eight in an groups. executive education programme for NGO leaders This at UPEACE, growththe was United in partNations due to mandated the huge success university of the fordocumenpeace in Costa tary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Rica. Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the •population, Travelled to while New1York in 4 to people visit foundations in Ireland viewed and international our related feature LGBT and on the LateRights Human Late Show. organisations. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor •Colin Spent Farrell’s time in support South for Africa, the working campaign with meant Gaythat and it, Lesbian and Irish Memory LGBT in young people, Action in Johannesburg received great and The national Triangle andProject international in Cape attention. Town. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.

Anna Quigley. Chairperson


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation Communications & Media for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Ethos behind ourServices Communications Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need to be respected and caredthe for on the BeLonG To uses communication tools to normalise lives ofsame LGBT basis aspeople all other young people, and support that when they are safe andwith supyoung to the general public, LGBT young people ported inmessages, their families, schools and society theyintolerance will thrive as positive and highlight that prejudice, orhealthy the and equal citizens. denial of LGBT young people has serious negative consequences and must be reversed. We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across multiple Ireland. These are spaces where BeLonG To’s media strategy satisfies objectives including; LGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and that their identities andpeople’s selves are valuable and important. •see Normalising LGBT young identities Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experiare largely dueyouth to negative •ence Prioritising LGBT issues societal attitudes, we also work to change these attitudes. This is done by training teachers, youth workers other professionals who workof with young people. We also run •and Conveying the negative impact homophobic attitudes. awareness campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating working with departments, politicians and Non- and •and Supporting LGBTgovernment young people with positive messages, images Governmental Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual resources. &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change occurs. • Positioning of BeLonG To in the hearts and minds of press, public and policy makers. Vision BeLonG&To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Media Public Relations Transgender young people empowered embrace their developThe most significant singleare media event forto BeLonG To in 2010 was our ment and growth and to participate as agents positive appearance on theconfidently Late Late Show where 1 in 4 Irish peopleoftuned in to social change. watch two young people from BeLonG To being interviewed about the issues LGBT young people in Ireland face and their own lived experience Our Mission is Ireland. growing up in To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people Ireland which: BeLonG To hasin cemented itself as the leading experts on the issues • Facilitate themgay, through exploration, development growth faced by lesbian, bisexual and transgender youngand people in Ireland • Enable them to access regularly all their rights as equalfor citizens and our staff contribute in interviews print and broadcast • Empower them to participate agents ofinterviews. positive social change media. In 2010 BeLonG To gave aas total of 89 • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and Information Support valued members We regularly receive queries from members of the public, individuals from other organisations, government agencies and departments of Theory of and Change academic research staff. Staff members normally refer such queries When Lesbian, Gay,or Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe where appropriate assist the enquirer to resolve their issue. BeLonG andcontinued supported their families, and queries society they will thrive as To toinreceive frequentschools and varied throughout 2010, healthy300 andqueries equal citizens. nearly in all were received throughout the year.

September 2011 ©2011 BeLonG To Youth Services Limited BeLonG To Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534

For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact: BeLonG To Youth Services Parliament House 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

BeLonG To Youth Services Income & Expenditure 2010



Finance BeLonG To Funders

Chairperson’s Introduction

Executive Director’s Overview

It gives me great pleasure as Chairperson to present the BeLonG To Youth Services Annual Report for 2010. This has been a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and achievements for the year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the staff of BeLonG To for their extraordinary energy, commitment and enthusiasm under the inspired leadership of our Executive Director Michael Barron. This report is a tribute to their work. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this report without whose generous support all of the work outlined here would not be possible. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their dedication, commitment and unfailing good humour, they make BeLonG To board meetings a happy duty. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiration and vision that underlies all of our work. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies to ensure that all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ

At BeLonG To we work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, while 1 in 4 people in Ireland viewed our related feature on the Late Late Show. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT young people, received great national and international attention. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.

Anna Quigley. Chairperson


BeLonG To Youth Services is theFunders Core national/ organisation Project Funders for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Core Funders &Foundation Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that •Bisexual The One young people needfor toChildren be respected andAffairs cared for on the same •LGBT Office of the Minister & Youth as all other young people, and that when are safe and sup•basis Health Services Executive - National Office forthey Suicide Prevention theirCity families, and society they will thrive as healthy •ported NorthinInner Drugsschools Taskforce equal citizens. •and European Commission via Pobal - European Refugee Fund • Health Services Executive - Health Promotion Office We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender Project Fundersyoung people across Ireland. These are spaces where young Commission people can meet each other, get involved in activities •LGBT European - PROGRESS PROGRAMME 2007 - 2013 and that their identities and selves are valuable •see Equality Authority - Equality Innovation Fund and important. we believe •Because The Ireland Funds that the problems which LGBT young people experiare largely due to Potential negative societal •ence Starbucks - Realising Grant attitudes, we also work to these attitudes. This is done by training teachers, youth workers •change Dún Laoghaire/ Rathdown County Council otherServices professionals who- work •and Health Executive Northwith Eastyoung Regionpeople. We also run campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating •awareness ESB - Electric Aid working with government departments, politicians and Non•and The Irish Film Board Organisations to ensureOffice that Lesbian, Gay,Prevention Bisexual •Governmental Health Services Executive - National for Suicide young people are heard so that positive social change -&Transgender Cobranding Group occurs. • Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs • Dublin City Council - Office for Integration •Vision Dublin City Council - Community Support Office To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & •BeLonG Irish Youth Foundation young people are empowered to embrace their develop•Transgender Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival andIreland growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive •ment Google change.Bar •social The George • Spin 103.8 Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September 2011 ©2011 BeLonG To Youth Services Limited BeLonG To Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534

For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact: BeLonG To Youth Services Parliament House 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland

Board Members At BeLonG To Youth Services Annual General Meeting on the 6th of September 2010 the following Directors were re-elected: Chairperson Anna Quigley Company Secretary Billy Rabbit Treasurer Aodhan Bourke Director Maureen Looney Director Susan Donlon Director Brian Hewson Director Billy Redmond Director Aidan Harney Director Emily Scanlan Governance At all times BeLonG To aspires to the highest standard of governance at every level in the organisation. Following a review, the Board decided to establish a permanent finance and fundraising group to support the work of the staff team in ensuring the organisations continued financial sustainability. There were ten meetings of the Board in 2010. BeLonG To extends its thanks to all Board Members for their work during the year and for their continuing involvement and support. Staff Members The staff team within the organisation is listed below. BeLonG To’s staff participated in many training and development programmes in 2010 relevant to their roles. Executive Director National Network Manager Advocacy Coordinator Office Manager Project Leader Training Officer Drugs Officer Youth Worker Youth Worker

Michael Barron David Carroll Carol-Anne O Brien Oisín O’ Reilly Glenn Keating Orla Egan Morley (until Oct) Gillian Brien Lisa Mc Kenny John Duffy

Internships & Work Experience In 2010 BeLonG To was fortunate to benefit from the opportunity to host a number of interns and students on placement from NUI Maynooth. Our Internship Programme has become a staple part our of service delivery plan each year and we as an organisation are delighted to be in a position to offer support and experience to aspiring youth workers and community activists throughout the year. Affiliations BeLonG To is affiliated with or is a member of many other national and international non-governmental organisations. Below you will find a list of organisations of which BeLonG To is a member: National Youth Council of Ireland International LGBTQ Youth & Student Organisation International Lesbian & Gay Association Dublin LGBTQ Pride Festival Gay Health Network Children’s Rights Alliance Volunteering Ireland Irish Association of Suicidality The Wheel Fundraising Ireland HSE Technology For Well-being group LGBT Diversity


BeLonG BeLonG ToTo Youth Youth Services Services is the Advertising national& organisation Campaign for Lesbian, Gay, Samples Bisexual 2010 & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland


BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organisation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) young people in Ireland. We believe that LGBT young people need to be respected and cared for on the same basis as all other young people, and that when they are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

September 2011 ©2011 BeLonG To Youth Services Limited BeLonG To Youth Services is a registered charity - CHY No. 16534

We provide direct youth work services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people across Ireland. These are spaces where LGBT young people can meet each other, get involved in activities and see that their identities and selves are valuable and important. Because we believe that the problems which LGBT young people experience are largely due to negative societal attitudes, we also work to change these attitudes. This is done by training teachers, youth workers and other professionals who work with young people. We also run awareness campaigns in schools and youth services and advocating and working with government departments, politicians and NonGovernmental Organisations to ensure that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people are heard so that positive social change occurs.

For any enquiries or to obtain additional copies of the Annual Review, please contact:

Vision BeLonG To’s vision is for an Ireland where Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are empowered to embrace their development and growth confidently and to participate as agents of positive social change. Our Mission is To provide safe and fun services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people in Ireland which: • Facilitate them through exploration, development and growth • Enable them to access all their rights as equal citizens • Empower them to participate as agents of positive social change • and to provide advocacy and a campaigning voice so that society respects Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual &Transgender young people as full and valued members Theory of Change When Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender young people are safe and supported in their families, schools and society they will thrive as healthy and equal citizens.

BeLonG To Youth Services Parliament House 13 Parliament Street Dublin 2 Tel: +353 1 670 6223 Fax: +353 1 670 6219 Email: Web: BeLonG To Youth Services is jointly funded by the One Foundation, The Ireland Funds, HSE - National Office for Suicide Prevention, Office of the Minister for Children & Youth Affairs, the North Inner City Drugs Taskforce, the European Commission under the Refugee Fund and is supported by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration in the Department of Justice and Equality and Pobal.

Chairperson’s Introduction

Executive Director’s Overview

It gives me great pleasure as Chairperson to present the BeLonG To Youth Services Annual Report for 2010. This has been a really exciting and eventful year for BeLonG To and the report sets out the key activities and achievements for the year. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the staff of BeLonG To for their extraordinary energy, commitment and enthusiasm under the inspired leadership of our Executive Director Michael Barron. This report is a tribute to their work. I would like to express sincere appreciation to all our funders who are named in this report without whose generous support all of the work outlined here would not be possible. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their dedication, commitment and unfailing good humour, they make BeLonG To board meetings a happy duty. And finally, thank you to our young people here at BeLonG To who are at the heart of the organisation and who provide us with the inspiration and vision that underlies all of our work. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with our funders, friends and allies to ensure that all LGBT young people in Ireland have the opportunity to enjoy life to the full as equal and integrated members of our societ

At BeLonG To we work with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender young people to make Ireland safe and equal place for them. 2010 was a hugely important year in our work to make this a reality. In late 2008 we received a major investment from the One Foundation and 2010 was the year when the worked which this support allowed came to fruition. The numbers of young people accessing our direct youth services almost doubled and our National Network of LGBT youth groups grew from five to eight groups. This growth was in part due to the huge success of the documentary series Growing Up Gay, which we worked with Crossing the Line Productions and RTE to produce. The series was viewed by 1 in 10 of the population, while 1 in 4 people in Ireland viewed our related feature on the Late Late Show. In 2010 we launched Stand Up! LGBT Awareness Week. Hollywood actor Colin Farrell’s support for the campaign meant that it, and Irish LGBT young people, received great national and international attention. 2010 was a year when LGBT young people became a visible and central focus, both in public discussion and in policy development. This development included The Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs adopting tackling homophobic bullying as a core issue and producing guidelines to combat it. It also allowed us to successfully apply and win funding for a new LGBT Asylum Seekers and Refugee project. 2010 was also a difficult year for BeLonG To, and for all charities and NGOs in Ireland due to very significant reductions in government funding to the sector. I would like to commend the Board and staff at BeLonG To for taking brave and decisive action to ensure that LGBT young people did not suffer because of this. These actions included implementing major savings in core running costs and staff agreeing to take a significant percentage pay reduction. In this context the growth of supports to LGBT young people in Ireland is all the more remarkable. As Executive Director it is my great pleasure to work with such a truly remarkable and dedicated team of staff, Board and volunteers. It is also an absolute privilege to have the opportunity to work with such brave and socially conscious young people. I think this report is a testament to what is possible when young people and adults work in partnership to make Ireland a better place.

Anna Quigley. Chairperson


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