The Tale of the 'To Have And To Hold'

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T heT al eoft he‘ T oHaveAndT oHol d’

byBel ovedBeadwor k

T her eoncewasaj ewel l er andaphys i ci s twhower e ver ygoodf r i ends .

T heywer ebot hal i t t l ebi t wor nout .‘ L et ’ sdr i venor t h t oabeachats uns etand wat cht hewhal es ’ s ai dt hephys i ci s t .

‘ I ’ dl ovet o’ ,s ai dt hej ewel l er , ‘ t houghIt hi nkyou’ r ebei ng al i t t l epr es umpt uous aboutt hewhal es ’ .

Ast heywal kedovert he s anddunes ,t heys pot t ed t hewhal esf r ol i cki ng i nt heocean.

T hephys i ci s t ,anex per ti n at mos pher i copt i cs ,s ai d ‘ t hi si sl ovel y,buti t ’ sas hame i twon’ tbeagoods uns et , t hecl oudcoverj us t i s n’ tr i ght ’ .

Hal fanhourl at er ,t heys at ands t ar edatat eal bl ue ocean,t hewhal es ,and abl oodor anges ky, andr eal i s edt hats omet i mes opt i mi s m wi nsoutagai ns t t hei rcyni cal ,anal yt i cmi nds .

Af ew daysl at er ,t hej ewel l er wass or t i ngt hr oughherbeads , ass hehasahabi tofdoi ng.

S hef oundt eal and t ur quoi s ebl ues ,bl ood or angesandr eds ,ands ome bl ackbeadst hatl ooked j us tl i kewhal ef i ns .

S hedeci dedt omake t hephys i ci s tamement oof t hateveni ng,api eceof beadwor kj us tt ohaveandt o hol df r om t i met ot i me.

T hephys i ci s t ’ sf ace,whenhe r ecei vedi t ,t ol dt hej ewel l er t hats hes houl dmake s omemor e.

www. bel ovedbeadwor k. co. z a

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