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Hospital News & Sun Home Loans Team to Launch Mortgage Program
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at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center p15
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Hospital Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553
January, 2013
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Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
XPERIENCE Transforming EDs into Centers of Excellence for 30+ Years Put EMA’s experienced emergency physicians to work for you: Unparalleled service and patient satisfaction Nationally recognized physician leaders known for clinical excellence Long-term partnerships with its emergency physicians and hospital clients Strong track record of success
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Page 3
January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - Ny
2012 HPMSNJ PERCY AWARD WINNERS The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Healthcare Planning and Marketing Society (HPMSNJ) took place on December 7th at the National Convention Center of East Windsor. Since 2008 the society's annual PERCy Awards has been presented during the HPMSNJ event. Hosting the presentation was Norman Tessell, Chair of the PERCy Awards, Immediate Past President of HPMSNJ and Director of Business Development of Atlantis Worldwide. The PERCy recognizes the best in hospital Planning, Marketing and Public Relations. Best Use of Social Media
Best Video Spot
Best Hospital Marketing and Best Use of Social Media-Large Hospital
photos provided
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
Page 5
Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914) 593-7800
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January, 2013
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Let Hospital Newspaper make 2013 your best year! Thanks to our valued readers, online members and clients, 2012 was our most successful year! Hospital Newspaper readership has grown and our new digital edition has expanded across the industry! Our advertisers have helped hundreds of consumers find the best hospitals for medical care and rehabilitation and guided hundreds of seniors to the best care at home and the best facilities when the next step is needed! Our career center has guided loyal readers to the best educational and career opportunities in the industry! Hospital Newspaper has promoted major conventions and special events throughout the year!
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January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Ask An Expert Christopher J. O’Connor Executive Vice President, GNYHA Ventures, Inc., President, GNYHA Services, Inc. and President, Nexera, Inc.
AIM for Cost, Quality, Outcomes and Achieve a Top-Performing Supply Chain As the passage of health reform and the re-election of President Obama have affirmed, healthcare is at a pivotal crossroads. America cannot continue to stay its current course of ever-rising costs with a fragmented delivery system. Supply chain will be critical to the transformation of healthcare. However, these professionals first need to take control of the intersection of cost, quality, and outcomes in order to help hospitals and physicians shift to a patient-centered service model with performance-based reimbursement. To do this, supply chain executives must broaden their focus from prices to collaborative, evidence-based procurement processes. So, how can supply chain professionals drive institutional goals and patient outcomes? At GNYHA Services, we use a customized program called AIM. AIM represents our service model, a four-step custom strategy to: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Align your organization’s broadest strategic objectives. Identify the GNYHA Services business solutions that can be used to achieve those objectives. Implement strategic solutions as your supply chain partner. Manage your results to ensure long-term success.
Each GNYHA Services member is assigned a dedicated service team to explore organizational goals, the supply chain’s involvement in cost, quality, and patient outcomes, and the ways we can support this role while elevating supply chain performance. The service teams use our exclusive AIM strategy to assess needs and develop a strategic action plan to help achieve goals. Supply chain management can reach its potential only when it is part of an institution-wide strategy. Forward-looking supply chain managers understand the big-picture implications of their decisions. By working with your GPO to align supply chain management with financial goals, hospital procurement departments can go beyond comparing contract pricing to guide their organizations toward aggressive cost-saving and patient care targets. Once savings goals have been decided, hospital supply chain professionals can engage their GPO partners in implementing and executing programs (like blood management, value analysis, or committed-volume strategies) to achieve organizational objectives. Sweeping healthcare reform has placed added pressure on hospitals to lower costs while improving quality and outcomes. The supply chain presents a powerful opportunity to thrive under these growing challenges. But to do so, the supply chain needs to be empowered—and needs to take the initiative—to align purchasing decisions with system-wide hospital goals. For this to happen, fiscal and quality goals should be integral to every organization’s culture, with everyone working toward the same cost, quality, and outcome objectives. This collaborative environment sets the stage for the supply chain of the future to transcend departments and engage all hospital staff in evidence-based, outcome-focused strategic savings. Christopher J. O’Connor is Executive Vice President of GNYHA Ventures, Inc., the for-profit arm of the Greater New York Hospital Association, and President of two GNYHA Ventures companies: GNYHA Services, Inc., an acute care group purchasing organization, and Nexera, Inc., a healthcare consulting firm. Mr. O’Connor is Chair-Elect of the Association for Healthcare Resource & Materials Management (AHRMM).
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
$ Ready. AIM. Fire. No two health systems are alike. That’s why GNYHA Services has designed AIM (Align, Identify, Implement, Manage), an exclusive service strategy customizable to meet each hospital’s unique needs and produce long-lasting, meaningful results. GNYHA Services uses AIM to align hospitals’ organizational goals and identify and implement the best business solutions to meet their needs—such as benchmarking technology, blood management, clinical savings analyses, expense management solutions, and much more. Hit your mark for 2013. Call GNYHA Services at (212) 246-7100 to learn more about AIM today.
555 West 57th St. I New York, NY 10019
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January, 2013
fo for n i t s Late s and
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Hospital Newspaper - NY
Nurse’s Viewpoint
By Alison Lazzaro
Hospital Newspaper Correspondent
New Year's Resolutions for Nurses It is becoming a yearly tradition. January rolls around and we find ourselves making the same commitments. Your list might include the usual New Year's resolutions to lose weight or to eat less chocolate. Maybe you decide this time you will raise your grade point average. Perhaps you promise that you will go to bed earlier or spend less time watching television. Or maybe you decided that somehow you will make more time to get to the gym. This year, I'd like to propose to you an opportunity to switch up your routine New Year's Resolutions. Nurses can individually make contributions to the profession and strengthen patient care. With that in mind, why not make your New Year's Resolutions making a promise to becoming a better professional? You might be wondering how you can make easy changes to develop your profession. First off, if eligible, you can commit to getting a certification this year. For instance, if you are an oncology nurse, take the Oncology Certification in Nursing. This validates your competencies in your chosen field. Moreover, your employer may recognize this achievement in your evaluation and it improves your facility's Magnet status. Another great resolution could be to read a scholarly nursing journal article weekly. Without taking up a lot of your time, this resolution will make you well-versed in evidence based practice nursing. This could help you in your practice and with patient education. Many articles are available for free on the internet and discuss a variety of subjects. For a fun way to improve the nursing profession, grab a few of your best nursing friends and register to attend a convention anywhere in the world. You can learn about new developments in nursing through speakers and visit the exhibit hall. This can be a way to meet other nurses, travel, and bring your knowledge back to your facility. Another great way to advance our health care is to make a resolution to brush up on literature for the latest medications. Keep yourself up to date on new drugs that are always changing. Resolutions do not have to be extensive, but adding a few of these changes can make you a better nurse for your patients and for your workplace. Remember that you need to care for your own health as well as others. Make sure you find ways to help relieve stress. Add some exercise to your day easily by taking the stairs at work. Try to stay positive and smile more. Rather than facing the whole year head on, try to at least make a commitment to a new resolution each Monday. In this case, each week you can feel like you are starting fresh. Instead of saying you will lose those last 5 pounds for the 10th year in a row, try adding one of these nursing related promises to your routine and you will enhance nursing.
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
Page 11
H.E.L.P. Program becomes popular quickly In only its first month, the Sun Homes Loans Hospital Employee Loan Program (H.E.L.P) is already gaining popularity. Why? Simple. Let’s crunch the numbers: On average, H.E.L.P. clients save between $250 and $500 per month refinancing with the enterprising initiative. Sun Home Loans and Hospital Newspaper came together to bring the emergency services community an unprecedented mortgage opportunity. Whether purchasing a new home or refinancing an existing one, the Sun Home Loans H.E.L.P. program is offered to members of the hospital community and their families. “When we introduced the program, we knew it would be popular. It’s really a no-brainer as far as the savings,” said Steve Testa, Vice President Regional Sales Manager of Sun Home Loans. “It’s exciting to get this kind of response so early in the process. That’s why we created the program, to help the hospital community. These men and women, doctors, nurses, supports staff, the list goes on and on, help us every day. This program was designed specifically for them. I’m confident that those who are currently in the market for a mortgage will discover that the Sun Home Loans Hospital Employee Loan Program exceeds what they are able to find elsewhere in the marketplace.” The H.E.L.P. program provides discounted mortgage rates designed for hospital employees and prequalifications to shop for your next home. In addition, there are many more benefits available to the emergency services community through this program – including a complimentary evaluation of your particular financial situation, and credit repair if needed. You may take advantage of these other products and services, though they are offered separately from the H.E.L.P. “The popularity of this program has us all excited and we feel the sky‘s the limit,” said Joe Belsito, Publisher of Hospital News. "It’s a mortgage opportunity that just makes sense. What I’m most proud of is who we are serving. Members of the hospital community are part of the core fabric of this country. Putting together such a unique and value-added program for them to benefit from is a great way for us to leverage our newspapers’ brand to communicate it." Sun Home Loans, a division of Sun National Bank, and Hospital Newspaper are both proud to serve the hospital community, who dedicate their lives serving the rest of us. Clients enjoy unmatched customer service and attentiveness throughout the process – from their initial inquiry – to closing. However, after closing, the staff is there to address other financial needs. Working with its own resources and Federal government programs, Sun National Bank develops solutions that open the path to home ownership. Sun National Bank provides a full-range of banking products and services, delivered by experienced bankers. Personal attention merges with world-class service and competitive products that meet the needs of today’s consumers and businesses. Sun National Bank believes that doing business in the community means being a part of it. To receive more information about the program and its benefits, Sun Home Loans has established a direct telephone number exclusively for members of the hospital community call 1-973-805-4156. When you call you will speak to a live program specialist who will discuss your needs and explain how the Sun Home Loans Hospital Employee Loan Program can H.E.L.P. you. To receive more information about the program and its benefits, contact Steven Testa at or call 973-615-9745. Sun National Bank Home Loans and Hospital Newspaper are not affiliated. All loans subject to approval. Certain conditions and fees may apply. Mortgage financing provided by Sun National Bank Loans, Equal Housing Lender.
Win an iPad! If you are a member of the hospital community, now is your chance to enter Sun Home Loans and Hospital Newspaper's contest to win a free iPad. Just to go our website at and fill in the entry form. Once you complete it, you will receive an email that requires you to confirm your email address. Once you do that you are entered. Hospital Newspaper will also be accepting applications at all conventions that it attends. A total of Five iPads will be given away so your chances to win are excellent. Sign up today to win today!
Hospital Employee Loan Program
Sun Home Loans, a division of Sun National Bank, is proud to serve the heroes in our community who dedicate their lives to serving the rest of us: doctors, nurses and other hospital employees.
That is why we teamed up with Hospital News to create the Hospital Employee Loan Program (HELP). With a competitive mortgage rate and discounted fees, this program helps our community heroes purchase new homes or refinance existing homes.
the path to home ownership.
Plus, the program comes with our pledge to get hospital employees in their new homes by their contract dates.
We understand that the current economic environment has created challenges to home ownership. Working with our own resources and Federal government programs we will create a solution that opens
The Hospital Employee Loan Program delivers these advantages: » A competitive mortgage rate, available specifically for hospital employees » Discounted fees » Personal service from program specialists » Our pledge to have you in your home by the contract date
COMMUNITY FOCUS Sun National Bank, a full-service provider of banking products and services, is dedicated to playing an active part in the communities we serve. We support a variety of organizations, events and programs whose goals are to make our neighborhoods a better place to live and work and improve the lives of those living around us. Hospital News is the leading provider of local news and information for doctors, nurses and other hospital staff.
Learn More To find out more about our Hospital Employee Loan Program, email or call 973-615-9745 to talk with our program specialist, Steve Testa (NMLS #460176), who will discuss your need and explain how the program could benefit you. Sun Home Loans, Sun National Bank, and Hospital News are not affiliated. All loans subject to approval. Certain conditions and fees may apply. Mortgage financing provided by Sun Home Loans, a division of Sun National Bank, member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender.
NMLS #429900
January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
H of the Month
North Shore-LIJ, VA Join Forces to Open First-of-its-Kind Behavioral Health Center for Returning Vets & Families Representatives from the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the North Shore-LIJ Health System and local veterans recently celebrated the opening of the Unified Behavioral Health Center for Military Veterans and Their Families, a first-of-its-kind facility designed to help military families cope with the emotional burdens veterans frequently face after returning home from combat. The health center, located at 132 E. Main St., in Bay Shore, NY, was developed as part of a collaboration between the Northport VA Medical Center and North Shore-LIJ. What makes this progressive new facility unique is that the VA and an outside hospital system are working together to offer treatment for both veterans and family members under one roof. The facility consists of two divisions: a North Shore-LIJ psychiatrist and other behavioral health staff will care for veterans’ families, and VA staff will provide both mental health and primary care services for the veterans. The divisions are connected through a shared conference room, where clinicians from both organizations can work together to achieve the best outcomes for veterans and their families. The opening of the Bay Shore center was made possible by a more than $1 million donation by Frank and Mildred Feinberg of Locust Valley, NY, a $300,000 grant from the Robert Wood Johnson (RWJ) Foundation and funds contributed by the following organizations and individuals to match the RWJ grant: the Fay J. Lindner Foundation, the Randi and Mark Jacobson Foundation, the Martin B. Greenberg Foundation, the Jack and Dorothy Kupferberg Family Foundation, Berlin Family Foundation, and Andrew and Arlene Linder.
Hiring US Vets: A Strategic Investment
Representatives from the US Dept of Veterans Affairs, the North Shore-LIJ Health System and local veterans recently celebrated the opening of the Mildred and Frank Feinberg Division of the Unified Behavioral Health Center in Bay Shore, NY.
One of the most gratifying aspects of Bernadette Fackovec’s job as a North Shore-LIJ talent acquisition specialist is recruiting former US veterans to work for the health system. North Shore-LIJ’s Veterans’ Hiring Program, which began in 2010, may still be in its infancy, but it is already responsible for bringing 163 former veterans on board as new employees. “It’s a significant number,” Ms. Fackovec said. “A lot of companies talk about US Veterans to the point of oversaturation. It’s very fashionable to ‘support’ the troops. But words are only symbols. Tangible, meaningful behavior is what counts. That’s why North Shore-LIJ is different. It puts its money where its mouth is.” Ms. Fackovec should know. A former US Air Force Captain and a social worker, she is one of the 163 individuals hired under the program. In her talent acquisition role, she brings special intangibles like empathy and personal experience to recruiting veterans. “I come into contact with a lot of military personnel embarking on civilian life and understand the challenges and stressors – not only from frequently dealing with former service personnel and their families but also from my own experience.” She said one of the biggest challenges veterans face is finding employment when they return home. “In my experience, I see that most veterans are qualified and ready to work. The biggest barrier is translating military experience and achievements into the language employers are looking for.” One of Ms. Fackovec’s skills is being able to help vets bridge that communication gap and translate their military experience in a way that is meaningful to employers. “Veterans bring tremendous assets to an organization. They understand the idea of working for something bigger than themselves. Terms like ‘service’ and ‘sacrifice’ are not just words but an ideal and a way of life for many who have been trained to recognize that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”
Father’s Dying Wish Becomes Personal Battle Cry
Iraqi War veteran David Serana, RN, with World War II vet and Stern Center resident Nathan Wainfan.
US Army veteran David Serana, RN, traces the thread of his life from military service to a nurse at North Shore-LIJ’s Stern Family Center for Extended Care in Manhasset, NY, and his desire to become a doctor, back to a Philippines hillside in World War II. “My father almost died before my grandmother gave him life,” Mr. Serana said. “She was hiding in the Philippines’ mountains from the Japanese Army. A US Army medic helped my grandmother deliver my father during the liberation.” Ever since hearing that story, Mr. Serana has lived a life of caring shaped by the horrors of war. graduate of the Philippine Military Academy (the Philippine version of West Point) and officer in the Philippine Armed Forces, Mr. Serana migrated
to the United States where he met his wife, also an RN, at North Shore-LIJ. “My father’s dying wish was for one of his sons to become a US Army Combat Medic – an act of gratitude to the medic who saved his life.” Mr. Serana joined the Army as health care specialist and combat medic following the attacks of September 11, 2001. Assigned to the Third Armored Cavalry Regiment, he managed a medical aid station in Mosul, Iraq. In 2004, 22 died and 72 were injured when his dining facility was destroyed by a suicidebomber. “I joined combat patrols and administered emergency medical treatments to soldiers and civilians injured by the war. I stabilized casualties for evacuation to a higher level of care,” he said.
After being honorably discharged from the Army, Mr. Serana earned his BS degree in Nursing. His experience as a combat medic fueled his desire to heal. “I saw so much suffering in Iraq, I decided to spend the rest of my life caring for the sick and injured.” He applied for a nursing job in four states and was hired by North Shore-LIJ – “the only health system I know with a dedicated office for veterans.” He started work on Veterans Day 2011. In the future, David plans on applying to medical school, including the Hofstra-North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine. “I want to be a medical doctor in Psychiatry and help US veterans affected by PTSD, traumatic brain injury and other ailments caused by the war,” he said. “Restoring health is restoring hope. It’s my personal battle cry.”
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
How Many Prestigious Rankings Did We Receive? So Many That They Don’t All Fit on One Page. The numbers are in: North Shore-LIJ hospitals have been recognized with 57 national and regional designations of excellence by U.S. News and World Report. That’s more than any other health system in New York. For us, it’s an important validation of the great work being done every day by our teams in specialty areas like cancer care, cardiology, numerous pediatric specialities, and more. For our patients, it means the security of knowing they’ve made the right choice for their health care provider. And if you aren’t one of our patients? Now you have 57 new reasons to choose us. To find a North Shore-LIJ physician, go to
Hospitals recognized: Cohen Children’s Medical Center – 7 Specialties; Forest Hills Hospital – Gastroenterology and Urology; Glen Cove Hospital – Orthopedics; Huntington Hospital – 11 Specialties; Lenox Hill Hospital – 12 Specialties; Long Island Jewish Medical Center – 7 Specialties; North Shore University Hospital – 11 Specialties; Southside Hospital – 5 Specialties; Staten Island University Hospital – Nephrology. For more information:
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January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
career guide Career OppOrtunity!
Rehabilitation Counselor NYC. Master Degree required Send resume to:
212-371-2250 Back & Body Medical Care PC.
UNIQUE RECRUITMENT OPPORTUNITY Hospital Newspaper believes that high school students should be informed about potential healthcare careers. Special career sections will be placed in your local high schools, medical schools, colleges and nursing schools.
This is your opportunity to display opportunities for: Faculty/Physician Nursing Administrative Support Positions Clinical Care Medical Assistants Counselors Medical Imaging Dieticians
Please contact Jim Stankiewicz for more information. tel: 845-534-7500 x219
When Patients Turn to You, You Can Rely on AdCare® Career Opportunities at AdCare® Hospital, Worcester, MA Hospitalist. Full Time to offer medical care in inpatient and outpatient settings in addiction medicine. The qualified candidate must be a Massachusetts licensed physician or eligible for a license in Massachusetts, and ABAM or ASAM certified or eligible. Director of Nursing. FT will be responsible for providing leadership and direction to the development, implementation and evaluation of processes which ensure compliance with DPH, Joint Commission and other regulatory standards, improves quality and safety of patient care, facilitates and enhances professional nursing practice and ensures the highest of quality customer service in accordance with AdCare's Standards of Excellence. BSN required; Master's preferred; current RN license by the MA Board of Nursing. A minimum of 3 years in a nursing administrative/supervisory role; 3/more yrs. behavioral health experience. Experience using electronic medical record systems. Case Manager/Discharge Planning Full Time: To ensure, through direct coordination, individualized quality treatment to patients at the most appropriate level of care that safely addresses the acuity of the patient through the expedient, cost effective application of services and insurance benefits. Rounds with the treatment team daily. Qualified candidate must be familiar with managed care reviews for continued stays; knowledge of discharge planning; psych and substance abuse knowledge preferred. Education: Licensed RN preferred, LICSW acceptable. Two years utilization experience preferred. Skills: Ability to organize, manage and review appropriate treatment from both Managed Care and Utilization Review perspective. Ability to problem solve and coordinate treatment from a benefits perspective. Strong interpersonal skills. Familiarity with insurance benefits and national levels of criteria of care. Ability to document using electronic systems (EMR) and Microsoft Applications. For further job information and to apply please see AA/EEOC AdCare Hospital of Worcester Inc. is a 114 bed hospital equipped to meet the treatment needs of alcohol and drug abuse patients at all stages of addiction. AdCare’s staff is comprised of the region’s most highly qualified. At the heart of our acute care philosophy is recognition of the need to stabilize acute symptoms and to motivate the patient to continue receiving substance abuse treatment post inpatient discharge. AdCare is accredited by the Joint Commission and has been recognized as one of the 100 Best Treatment Centers for substances in the United States.
Visit our website to view current employment opportunities
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
careers M&T Bank gives $10,000 to Nursing Promise Program at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center
Keith Safian, President and CEO of Phelps Memorial Hospital Center is pictured here (l-r) with Kenneth Mitchell, Vice President and Team Leader of M&T Bank's Commercial Healthcare Banking Division. Mr. Mitchell recently presented a check for $10,000 on behalf of M&T Bank to support the Nursing Promise Program at Phelps.
Kenneth Mitchell, Vice President and Team Leader of M&T Bank's Commercial Healthcare Banking Division, visited Phelps Memorial Hospital Center here recentl y to present a check for $10,000 to Phelps President and CEO Keith Safian. The donation was in support of the Nursing Promise Program at Phelps, which provides financial assistance and a way for hospital employees to pursue a nursing degree while continuing to work at the hospital. In return for financial support during their education, Nursing Promise recipients agree to continue to work at Phelps as an RN for a specified period of time. "We have worked very hard these past few years to build up the Nursing Promise program and we are proud to be able to provide our employees with incentives like this to help them grow and develop their skills," said Safian. "This generous
gift from M&T Bank will help us continue to improve the quality of care for our patients." Established in 1856 as Manufacturers and Traders Bank, today the M&T Bank Corporation, is one of the 20 largest independent bank holding companies in the U.S., with current assets of $68.2 billion and mor e than 750 branches, free account access at more than 1,800 M&T Bank ATMs and nearly 14,000 employees located in New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington D.C., Virginia, West Virginia and Delaware. Phelps Memorial Hospital Center is a 238bed community hospital with 450 medical staff, representing 50 clinical specialties. Phelps is the exclusive Westchester satellite for Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and a member of the Stellaris Health Network.
PagE 15
January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Sarah Neuman Center resident and long-time volunteer recognized at Westchester County Department’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame 2012 Cheered on by their enthusiastic supporters, two 85-yearolds, Shirley Jones, an inspirational Sarah Neuman Center volunteer resident, and Dorothy Sunshine, an 18-year volunteer with Friends at Sarah Neuman, received special recognition during an awards luncheon at the 30th Annual Westchester County Department’s Senior Citizens Hall of Fame. The event was held on Monday, December 3rd at the Westchester Marriot Hotel The Senior Hall of Fame was sponsored by the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, Westchester County Parks and the Westchester Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services and co-sponsored by Visiting Nurse Services in Westchester and Putnam. Hall of Fame Resident Volunteer Even before being nominated by Sarah Neuman staff and earning her Westchester Senior Citizens Hall of Fame distinction, Shirley Jones was already winner. Shirley grew up in Tarrytown and always dreamed of having a big family. Her biggest reward? Having nine children, 27 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren…“With one more on the way!” Mrs. Jones is quick to add. Shirley joined the workforce in 1947 as a nurse’s aid and spent the next 25 years serving others in hospitals and nursing homes. After leaving the healthcare field, she was hired by the Westchester County Department of Social Services and worked as a valued clerk, processing checks and other finances for the County until her retirement in 1991. Volunteering in her own Backyard, so-to-speak Staff at Sarah Neuman are delighted to have such a stalwart volunteer in its ranks and are proud to have her as a resident. “Shirley is a role model to all of us,” says a grateful Amy Lionheart, Director of Volunteers. “She has such great spirit and is very determined. With more than 1,200 volunteer hours logged to date, she is a star.”
Pictured left to right: Sarah Neuman Center resident and volunteer, Shirley Jones and devoted volunteer, Dorothy Sunshine, proudly accept their well-deserved recognition.
The octogenarian wears many hats, serving as a receptionist one day and processing new volunteer applications the next. Shirley is an all around Gal Friday and does whatever is needed to keep the office organized. Shirley provides wonderful advice to the high school students volunteering at SNC and has “adopted” several as their grandparent. “Shirley nurtures us,” says youth volunteer Matthew Baffuto. “She told me to make sure I get a good education and always respect my parents.” She laughs and loves with all her heart and has helped to enhance the quality of life for all the residents, patients and staff at Sarah Neuman. Shirley is thankful for the opportunity to serve as a volunteer, “I’m so glad the Lord gave me these extra years to help people.” She adds, “It helps me sleep at night knowing I’m making a difference in the lives of others.”
Hospital of the Month Hospital Newspaper highlights one hospital per month as the centerfold feature. Great way to get information about your facility to interested readers. For more details contact: GENERAL MANAGER
Jim Stankiewicz ( 845-534-7500 ext 219 Scan this barcode with your smart mobile device to see Hospital of the Month examples on
Sharing her Dose of Sunshine Appropriately named, Dorothy Sunshine has contributed nearly 7000 volunteer hours of service, and is a welcomed presence on the Sarah Neuman campus. Always energetic, Dorothy really shines as the “life of the party,” often imparting some of her vaudevillian spirit when she sings and dances with the Sarah Neuman elders. One resident said, “When she two-steps her way into a room, everyone brightens. Even if you have limited mobility, when Dorothy’s around, you want to move and shake something!” In addition to her role as a recreational volunteer, which includes organizing resident-centered social outings to local Westchester restaurants, Dorothy is also an avid advocate for the Sarah Neuman Center seniors and often speaks on their behalf at meetings. Her main goal is to help enhance the resident’s social, intellectual and spiritual needs. Volunteering has always played an important role in this charismatic woman’s life. In 2006, Dorothy was honored with Sarah Neuman’s Ivy Voris Award for Excellence in Volunteer Service. In 1998, she was named Volunteer of the Year by JPMorgan Chase Dorothy is a devoted Broadway theater enthusiast and a lifelong film buff. She has enjoyed a rich life of travel to many continents, but gets the greatest pleasure when spending time with her large family. The retired banker, with an impressive 47 year career with Chase Bank, is also likely to be engaged in spirited discussion about local and national politics and anything related to current events. She shares her passions with her fellow volunteers and Sarah Neuman residents, which is one of the many reasons she is so beloved. Sarah Neuman Center for Healthcare and Rehabilitation is a 300-bed, rehabilitation and long-term skilled nursing care facility. Sarah Neuman Center and its parent organization, Jewish Home Lifecare, are committed to delivering the highest quality healthcare and community services to older adults. For more information please visit
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
PAge 17
Helping to transplant hope at Cohen Children’s Medical Center To help increase the number and diversity of people in the National Marrow Donor Program’s bone marrow registry, the North ShoreLIJ Health System hosted a drive recently at Cohen Children’s Medical Center (CCMC) for people to sign up for the registry. Though 16-year-old Carly Nieves did not need a bone marrow transplant, her treatment course could have required one. This led Carly and her mother, Lisa Horner, to become bone marrow registry advocates. Carly was diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in 2003 and, despite completing two and a half years of chemotherapy, suffered a relapse in 2008. At that time, her option was to either receive another long course of chemotherapy or to undergo a bone marrow transplant; Carly opted for the chemotherapy. “She was a lot luckier than some to have had the choice between having chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant,” Ms. Horner said. Ms. Horner is on the bone marrow registry and regularly
encourages others to sign up, which involves having one’s cheeks swabbed. “People are so misinformed when it comes to what’s involved to get on the bone marrow registry,” Ms. Horner said. “They think that there is a lot of pain involved. I think it takes longer to fill out the paperwork than it takes to get your cheeks swabbed.” The bone marrow drive was cosponsored by CCMC and the Icla da Silva Foundation, which was created in 1992, one year after its namesake, a 13-year-old Brazilian girl who said she wanted to create a foundation to help children find their donors, lost her battle with leukemia after not finding a match herself. The foundation is now the largest nonprofit donor recruitment organization and is responsible for adding about 40,000 donors a year to the registry. But what’s perhaps closest to the heart of Airam da Silva, the foundation’s president and Icla’s brother, is that 35,000 of those donors each year are from racial minorities, an underserved population in the bone marrow registry.
Airam da Silva of the Icla da Silva Foundation, Dr. Joel Brochstein from Cohen Children’s Medical Center, Lisa Horner and Carly Nieves at the bone marrow drive held at CCMC.
Of the approximately 10 million people currently in the registry, about 800,000 of them are Hispanic, da Silva said. “Leukemia affects everyone,” da Silva said. “Don’t wait until it affects you and your family to get involved.”
Joel Brochstein, MD, associate chief for cellular therapy at CCMC, said typically people find the best bone marrow match from within their own ethnic and racial group; donors who wish to donate stem cells through the registry must be between 18 and 44 years of age.
The stem cell donation process can be done in one of two ways, he explained – by removing bone marrow from the donor’s hip while under general anesthesia, which is an outpatient procedure that can be done in about 45 minutes, or through two intravenuous lines that connect to a machine which retains stem cells which circulate in the blood stream. Approximately 20 to 30 bone marrow transplants are done at CCMC each year, Dr. Brochstein said. “I was in the registry, myself, for a good number of years but I was never asked to donate,” Dr. Brochstein said. “I often felt jealous of those volunteers from whom I was asked to harvest marrow because of the tremendous feeling of satisfaction they experienced from being a good Samaritan.” Carly summed up the reason to be a potential bone marrow donor by saying, “You’re being their hero.” For questions about joining the bone marrow registry, please call the North Shore-LIJ bone marrow transplantation center at (718) 4703460.
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Approved by the American College of Emergency Physicians for a maximum of 20 hour(s) of ACEP Category I credit.
January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Consultants Corner
Bulimia: The Secret Disease By Stuart Koman, Ph.D.
"I know this rigidity, this feeling that if you eat one thing that's wrong, you're full of self-loathing and then you punish yourself, whether it's one cookie or a stick of gum that isn't sugarless, that I would sometimes beat myself up for that." Katie Couric, ABC News In some ways, bulimia nervosa is the most insidious of the three major eating disorders. Bulimia is a secret disease. Because bulimics feel shame about their disorder, they typically try to hide it. It is not unusual for those who have it to hide the condition even from their immediate family for years. They can hide it, because individuals with bulimia look very much like everyone else. A person with bulimia may have a normal body weight and may look as healthy as Katie Couric, who recently talked about her struggles with bulimia during her talk show. Conversely, a patient with anorexia nervosa is typically thin to the point of looking starved and those with bingeeating disorder are often, although not always, obese. While it’s been many years since Ms. Couric had bulimia, the disorder had a lasting impact on her, as it does on millions of others. The definition of bulimia is evolving, but symptoms include regularly binging by eating an excessive amount of food, feeling a lack of control over the binging and compensating to prevent weight gain by “self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics or other medications; fasting, or excessive exercise,” according to the American Psychiatric Association. Possibly Deadly Perhaps because those with bulimia look like everyone else, there is a tendency for some not to take bulimia seriously. Yet, like other eating disorders, it can be deadly. Purging can result in the loss of minerals the body needs to function properly, resulting in an electrolyte imbalance. This imbalance can result in irregular heartbeats, increasing the potential for heart failure. Those who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, bowel movements or urination also increase the risk of heart failure. Frequent vomiting can cause other health problems, such as inflammation or tearing of the esophagus, and swollen glands. Acid from vomit can wear down the protective enamel on a person’s teeth. Those with bulimia often have irregular menstrual periods and lowered interest in sex. In addition, a majority of bulimia patients have other psychiatric disorders, such as depression, anxiety or obsessive-compulsive disorder. The incidence of drug or alcohol abuse among bulimics is also high. Further complications arise because not everyone who binges and purges is considered bulimic. A majority of people with bulimia symptoms do not meet the precise clinical definition and are considered to have an eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).
The American Psychiatric Association is modifying the definition of bulimia as part of its DSM-5, the fifth edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which is scheduled to be published next spring. Recognition DSM-5 will recognize binge eating as an eating disorder for the first time and patients who do not purge may be defined as having binge-eating disorder instead of anorexia. In addition, the incidence of binging and purging necessary to be classified as bulimia is expected to decrease from at least twice a week for at least three months to just once a week. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that 1.1 percent to 4.2 percent of females have bulimia at some point in their lives. Bulimia is still rare among males, but the numbers have been increasing. It is most common in women who are teens, but it is increasingly common in pre-teens and can affect seniors, too. Bulimia statistics are imprecise, not only because the definition of bulimia is imprecise, but because of the secrecy around the condition. Because bulimics hide the disease, the numbers may be even higher than the NIMH estimate. While bulimia is not as apparent as other eating disorders, medical professionals can learn to diagnose the disease fairly quickly. Typically, the first medical professional to know when a person has bulimia is the patient’s dentist, because of the impact of purging on a person’s teeth. Severely bruised or calloused knuckles are another sign, since a person who consistently sticks her hand down her throat to induce vomiting will suffer some damage. Medical professionals who suspect that a patient has bulimia should try to discuss weight issues with the patient. Do not, for example, outright ask the patient, “Are you bulimic?” or “Do you binge and purge?” Because individuals with bulimia are typically ashamed of their actions, they will be evasive if confronted. Diagnosing Bulimia Instead, begin by asking the patient, “Do you worry about your weight?” and follow up with, “Do you do a lot of dieting?” Those who diet frequently are much more likely to develop bulimia than those who eat acceptable amounts for three meals a day. During the discussion, assuming the patient responds that she is worried about her weight, ask her whether she purges or takes laxatives. Once you’ve engaged the patient, you’ll usually get an honest answer. Research into the chemistry of the brain has shown that bulimics have a similar neurochemical response to foods
that addicts have to drugs and alcohol. Given that the patient’s dependence on binging and purging resembles an addiction, it is difficult to stop he cycle. However, bulimia is more treatable than anorexia. Patients often recover, but frequently revert to past behavior when they are under stress. While in-patient treatment is necessary in the most severe cases, bulimia can often be overcome with aggressive outpatient treatment that combines medication, behavioral therapy and nutritional therapy. There is no medication approved specifically for treating bulimia, but high doses of the antidepressant Prozac can moderately decrease binging and purging episodes. It’s important to know that a dosage of 40 milligrams – twice as high as the dosage typically prescribed for depression – is needed. Treating Bulimia Topamax, which is typically used to treat seizures and prevent migraine headaches, can also help control binging and purging, and promote weight loss. Pharmacotherapy is more effective when used in conjunction with cognitive behavioral therapy, which seeks to change the way a person thinks. Professional nutritionists are also important to the treatment process. Typically, those with bulimia restrict their eating during the day in an attempt to lose weight. This increases their compulsion to binge at night, which then results in purging. Dietary modifications can help prevent the uncontrollable urge to binge that typically takes place at night. Constant monitoring of electrolytes is also important, given that heart failure can result from an electrolyte imbalance. When co-occurring disorders exist, it is essential that they be treated concurrently. In a person with multiple disorders, if treatment concentrates on just bulimia or any one disorder, the patient may show improvement with whatever is being treated, but other disorders typically will worsen. Treatment of bulimia can be complex and recovery takes time, so be certain to involve professionals who had experience treating the disorder. Bulimia is a secret disease, but it’s a secret that needs to be told. Bulimia, and the shame and medical issues that it causes, can be overcome, but the first step is recognizing that the disorder exists. Stuart Koman, Ph.D. is president and chief executive officer of Walden Behavioral Care in Waltham, Mass. He can be reached at
Hospital Newspaper - NY January, 2013
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News in Emergency Medicine
patella dislocations among females in an ED database. And contrary to the hypothesis, gender differences decreased after puberty. Additionally, the occurrence of patellar dislocations in females did not increase over the study time period.
Allegra and Salo presents Research at American College Emergency Physicians (ACEP) John Allegra, MD, PhD, FACEP, and David Salo, MD, PhD presented at the 2012 American College of Emergency Room Physicians scientific assembly, held Oct. 8-11 in Denver.
Dr. Allegra and Dr. Salo are partners of Emergency Medical Associates and attending emergency department physicians with Morristown (N.J.) Medical Center. Dr. Allegra is the chairman of the Emergency Medical Associates Research Foundation.
Drs. John Allegra and David Salo presented "Gender Differences in the Occurrence of Patellar dislocations.” The goal was to examine gender differences in the occurrence of patella dislocations in a large emergency department database. They hypothesized there would be an increased occurrence of dislocations in females, and as a result of gender specific musculoskeletal differences after puberty, the gender differences would be higher after puberty. The study found a small but statistically significant greater occurrence of
education pathways, traditions, hierarchies, job expectations, and regulations. Dr. Stuhlmiller examined how to measure quality, and agree on approach to achieve total quality management.
Stuhlmiller gives Lecture at 2012 Air Medical Transport Conference David Stuhlmiller, MD, FACEP, CMTE, lectured at the 2012 Air Medical Transport Conference, held Oct. 22-24 in Seattle. Dr. Stuhlmiller presented "TQM: Total Quality Management for Dummies (From One).” The goal of the presentation was to assess the challenges of achieving “total quality management” for the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems. There are multiple facets that are instrumental when assessing quality control of air medical transport. Each discipline has its own
Dr. Stuhlmiller is a partner of Emergency Medical Associates and chairman of the department of emergency medicine at Newton Medical Center, Newton, N.J. About Emergency Medical Associates Emergency Medical Associates (EMA), headquartered in Parsippany, N.J., is a physicianled, physician-owned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, please visit, or
Calello presents Research at North American Congress of Clinical Toxicologists (NACCT) Diane P. Calello, MD, FAAP, presented several symposia at the North American Congress of Clinical Toxicology at Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas Oct. 1- 6. Dr. Calello organized and moderated the pre-meeting symposium entitled "Vanity and Vice: Toxicology in the Sin City.” She presented "Epidemiology of Pediatric Poisoning Fatalities: Response from Pediatric Toxicologists" and also moderated the Year in Toxicology symposium on the revised Center for Disease Control guidelines for asymptomatic pediatric lead poisoning. Dr. Calello is a board-certified pediatrician, pediatric emergency physician and medical toxicologist. She is an attending physician with Morristown Medical Center and Goryeb Children’s Hospital, both in Morristown, N.J, and a medical toxicologist at the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES).
Product Showcase Advertise your New Products and Services to the NJ, NY and New England Hospital Market
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PAgE 20
January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
Bernstein & Associates, Architects Founded in 1990, Bernstein & Associates, Architects, specializes in the design and construction of hospital and healthcare facilities. Our focus: high-quality design, excellent service, and client satisfaction. We have worked for over 100 hospitals and another 200 private healthcare facilities, across the United States. Our project types have included all hospital and healthcare service groups, including: Adult Day Care, Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Assisted Living, Cancer Centers, Cardiac Cath, Cardiology, CCU/ICU, Clinics, Coronary Care, Dental, Dermatology, Dialysis Clinics, Doctors Offices, Drug Treatment Facilities, Elder Care, Employee and Student Health Support Services, Emergency Departments, Emergency Preparedness, Endoscopy, ENT, Expert Witness, Group Practices, Hospices, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Information Systems, Intensive Care, JCAHO Survey, Joint Commission Survey, Laboratories, Master Plans, Medical Offices, Medical Equipment, Medical Libraries, Medical Records, Neurology, Nursing Homes, Ophthalmology/Eye Center, OB/Gyn, Orthopedic, Pain Care Facilities, Pathology, Patient Safety Consulting Services, Pediatric, Pharmacy, Physical Fitness and Sports, PT/OT, Primary Care Programs, Psychiatric, Radiology, Rehabilitation, Senior Citizen Facilities, Sleep Centers, Social Services, Statement of Conditions, Surgical Suites and Ambulatory Surgery Centers, Urgent Care Centers, and USP 797 Consulting Services. The firm's projects have won design awards from Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, and the Architectural Woodworking Institute, and have been published in Advance, Health Facilities Management, Medical Technology Today, Bio/Technology, Progressive Architecture, Architectural Record, Design Solutions, Hospitality Design, Sound and Communication, Contract Design and Hospital Newspaper. Architectural Services include: programming, planning, design, construction documents, bidding and negotiation, and construction administration. The firm also offers sustainable or “green” healthcare design. The firm has a number of LEED-accredited professionals, has successfully completed numerous green healthcare projects, and has published articles on “Greening the Healthcare Environment”. Project Management (or Owner’s Representative Services) is offered as a stand-alone service through our affiliated project management company, Empire Projects, Inc. ( Bernstein & Associates, Architects - PLLC 51201 Broadway - #803, New York, NY 10001 Contact: William N. Bernstein, AIA Managing Principal Tel: 212.463.8200 Fax: 212.463.9898 NEW YORK - HARTFORD - PRINCETON
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Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) is a physician-led, physician-owned medical practice that specializes in emergency, hospitalist and urgent care medicine. Dedicated to providing exceptional solutions for the measurable success of our hospital partners, EMA is recognized for clinical excellence, quality service and sustained improved patient satisfaction. For more information, visit, or Emergency Medical Associates (EMA) 3 Century Drive Parsippany, NJ 07054 Contact: Debbie Harris Director of New Business Development & Marketing Tel: (866) 630-8125 Fax: (919) 620-6064
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Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University. Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48-credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Lynn Gunnar Johnson, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For information, contact Dr. Johnson at 914-931-2711 or Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577
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Hospital Newspaper NJ & NY 2013 Editorial Calendar
NJ Display Ad Deadline December 7, 2012 Print Date December 13, 2012 Online edition December 20, 2012
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January, 2013
Hospital Newspaper - NY
RESOURCE DIRECTORY HOSPITaLS Calvary Hospital Founded in 1899, Calvary Hospital is the nation’s only accredited acute care hospital devoted to palliative care for adult advanced cancer patients. Its mission is to address the physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of patients and their families. Calvary’s continuum of care includes inpatient, outpatient, home hospice, nursing home hospice, home care, and the care of complex wounds. Press Ganey has consistently ranked Calvary among the top one percent in patient satisfaction among 7,000 hospitals in the country. Each year, Calvary cares for more than 6,000 patients and their families. It cares for inpatients at its 200-bed hospital in the Bronx and at its 25-bed Brooklyn satellite at Lutheran Medical Center. Calvary@Home offers home care, hospice, and nursing home hospice for patients suffering from advanced cancer and other chronic and acute terminal illnesses. • Home care is available in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and lower Westchester. • Hospice services are offered in the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, as well as Nassau, Westchester, and Rockland counties. • Calvary also offers hospice services in more than 30 nursing homes in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, and Westchester, Rockland and Nassau counties. In 2004, Calvary opened the Center for Curative and Palliative Wound Care at its Bronx facility. Since then, a team of experienced physicians, surgeons, and certified wound care nurses has helped more than 800 patients to date with complex chronic wounds caused by complications of diabetes, cancer, venous and arterial disease, and other illnesses. For more information, visit or call the following numbers: Calvary Hospital (718) 518-2300, Calvary@Home (718) 518-2465, Wound Care (718) 518-2577.
Jewish Home Lifecare is one of the premier non-profit geriatric and rehabilitation institutions in the country. The Home serves more than 9,000 older adults daily through traditional long term care, subacute care, rehabilitation services, community services and senior housing programs. These services are offered on the Home's three campuses in Manhattan, the Bronx, and Westchester at the Sarah Neuman Center for Healthcare and Rehabilitation, as well as through our Lifecare Services Division, which provides programs throughout the metropolitan area. Many levels of care are provided by the Home's health system so that as needs change, individuals can transfer from one level of care to another. Skilled nursing and medical care are provided 24 hours a day by on-site clinical staff as well as a complement of physicians representing a full range of medical specialties. The Home also educates and trains physicians and medical professionals in geriatrics. In an unprecedented teaching program with Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, over 2400 fourth year Mt. Sinai Medical School students have participated in a mandatory rotation program at the Home. A strong component of the Home's activities include conducting research to improve the quality of life of older adults. Jewish Home Lifecare is the home of the Lester Eisner, Jr. Center for Geriatric Education, the Saul Alzheimer's Disease Special Care Unit (Bronx), the Greenberg Center on Ethics in Geriatrics and Long Term Care and the Center on Pharmacology for the Elderly (COPE). The Home has added a new service titled, CONNECTIONS, an information and referral service for the professional and lay communities, connecting people to programs.
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Calling All Emergency Responders
When every second counts... Count on NitroMist
NitroMist provides fast, effective symptom relief. NitroMist provides a consistent dose with each metered spray.* NitroMist offers secure storage, ensuring potency for up to 36 months from date of manufacture.† Available in 90 & 230 spray bottles. For product samples, patient educational material, and the NitroMist ER Box (Shown), Go to: Now covered on UnitedHealthcare. Check with your GPO for low contract pricing. For additional information, please contact us at BRIEF SUMMARY NitroMist® (nitroglycerin) lingual aerosol Rx Only INDICATIONS AND USAGE– NitroMist is indicated for acute relief of an attack or acute prophylaxis of angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease. CONTRAINDICATIONS– PDE5 Inhibitor Use: Administration of NitroMist is contraindicated in patients who are using a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), as PDE5 inhibitors such as sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil have been shown to potentiate the hypotensive effects of organic nitrates. Severe Anemia: NitroMist is contraindicated in patients with severe anemia. Increased Intracranial Pressure: NitroMist is contraindicated in patients with increased intracranial pressure. Hypersensitivity: NitroMist is contraindicated in patients who have shown hypersensitivity to it or to other nitrates or nitrites. Skin reactions consistent with hypersensitivity have been observed with organic nitrates. WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS– Tolerance: Excessive use may lead to the development of tolerance. Only the smallest number of doses required for effective relief of the acute anginal attack should be used. As tolerance to other forms of nitroglycerin develops, the effect of sublingual nitroglycerin on exercise tolerance, although still observable, is reduced. Hypotension: Severe hypotension, particularly with upright posture, may occur even with small doses of nitroglycerin. The drug should therefore be used with caution in patients who may be volume-depleted or who, for whatever reason, are already hypotensive. Hypotension induced by nitroglycerin may be accompanied by paradoxical bradycardia and increased angina pectoris. The benefits of NitroMist in patients with acute myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure have not been established. If one elects to use NitroMist in these conditions, careful clinical or hemodynamic monitoring must be used because of the possibility of hypotension and tachycardia. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Nitrate therapy may aggravate the angina caused by hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Headache: Nitroglycerin produces dose-related headaches, which may be severe. Tolerance to headaches occurs. ADVERSE REACTIONS– Headache, which may be severe and persistent, may occur immediately after nitroglycerin use. Flushing, drug rash and exfoliative dermatitis have been reported in patients receiving nitrate therapy. Postural hypotension, as manifest by vertigo, weakness, palpitation, and other symptoms, may develop occasionally, particularly in erect, immobile patients. Marked sensitivity to the hypotensive effects of nitrates (manifested by nausea, vomiting, weakness, diaphoresis, pallor, and collapse) may occur at therapeutic doses. Syncope due to nitrate vasodilatation has been reported. DRUG INTERACTIONS – PDE5 Inhibitors: Administration of NitroMist is contraindicated in patients who are using a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). PDE5 inhibitors such as sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil have been shown to potentiate the hypotensive effects of organic nitrates. The time course and dose dependence of this interaction have not been studied, and use within a few days of one another cannot be recommended. Appropriate supportive care for the severe hypotension has not been studied, but it seems reasonable to treat this as a nitrate overdose, with elevation of the extremities and with central volume expansion. The use of any form of nitroglycerin during the early days of acute myocardial infarction requires particular attention to hemodynamic monitoring and clinical status. Antihypertensives: Patients receiving antihypertensive drugs, beta-adrenergic blockers, and nitrates should be observed for possible additive hypotensive effects. Marked orthostatic hypotension has been reported when calcium channel blockers and organic nitrates were used concomitantly. Labetolol blunts the reflex tachycardia produced by nitroglycerin without preventing its hypotensive effects. If labetolol is used with nitroglycerin in patients with angina pectoris, additional hypotensive effects may occur. Aspirin: Coadministration of aspirin and nitroglycerin has been reported to result in increased nitroglycerin maximum concentrations by as much as 67% and AUC by 73% when administered as a single dose. The vasodilatory and hemodynamic effects of nitroglycerin may be enhanced by concomitant administration of aspirin. Tissuetype Plasminogen Activator (t-PA): Intravenous administration of nitroglycerin decreases the thrombolytic effect of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA). Plasma levels of t-PA are reduced when coadministered with nitroglycerin. Therefore, caution should be observed in patients receiving nitroglycerin during t-PA therapy. Heparin: Intravenous nitroglycerin reduces the anticoagulant effect of heparin. Activated partial thromboplastin times (APTT) should be monitored in patients receiving heparin and intravenous nitroglycerin. It is not known if this effect occurs following single nitroglycerin doses. Ergotamine: Oral administration of nitroglycerin markedly decreases the first-pass metabolism of dihydroergotamine and subsequently increases its oral bioavailability. Ergotamine is known to precipitate angina pectoris. Therefore, patients receiving sublingual nitroglycerin should avoid ergotamine and related drugs or be monitored for symptoms of ergotism if this is not possible. USE IN SPECIFIC POPULATIONS– Pregnancy: Pregnancy category C: Animal reproduction and teratogenicity studies have not been conducted with NitroMist or nitroglycerin sublingual tablets. It is also not known whether NitroMist can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. A teratogenicity study was conducted in the third mating of F0 generation female rats administered dietary nitroglycerin for gestation day 6 to day 15 at dose levels used in the 3-generation reproduction study. In offspring of the high-dose nitroglycerin group, increased incidence of diaphragmatic hernias and decreased hyoid bone ossification were seen. The latter finding probably reflects delayed development rather than a potential teratogenic effect, thus indicating no clear evidence of teratogenicity of nitroglycerin. There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women. NitroMist should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. Nursing Mothers: It is not known whether nitroglycerin is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when NitroMist is administered to a nursing woman. Pediatric Use: The safety and effectiveness of nitroglycerin in pediatric patients have not been established. Geriatric Use: Clinical studies of NitroMist did not include sufficient numbers of subjects aged 65 and over to determine whether they respond differently from younger subjects. Other rep-
Not Actual Size
orted clinical experience has not identified differences in responses between elderly (greater than or equal to 65 years) and younger (less than 65 years) patients. In general, dose selection for an elderly patient should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the dosing range, reflecting the greater frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or cardiac function, and of concomitant disease or other drug therapy. OVERDOSAGE– Signs and symptoms of hemodynamic effects: The effects of nitroglycerin overdose are generally the results of nitroglycerin’s capacity to induce vasodilatation, venous pooling, reduced cardiac output, and hypotension. These hemodynamic changes may have protean manifestations, including increased intracranial pressure with any or all of persistent throbbing headache, confusion, and moderate fever; vertigo; palpitations; tachycardia; visual disturbances; nausea and vomiting (possibly with colic and even bloody diarrhea); syncope (especially in the upright posture); dyspnea, later followed by reduced ventilatory effort, diaphoresis, with the skin either flushed or cold and clammy; heart block and bradycardia; paralysis; coma; seizures; and death. No specific antagonist to the vasodilator effects of nitroglycerin is known, and no intervention has been subject to controlled study as a therapy of nitroglycerin overdose. Because the hypotension associated with nitroglycerin overdose is the result of venodilatation and arterial hypovolemia, prudent therapy in this situation should be directed toward increase in central fluid volume. Passive elevation of the patient’s legs may be sufficient, but intravenous infusion of normal saline or similar fluid may also be necessary. The use of epinephrine or other arterial vasoconstrictors in this setting is not recommended. In patients with renal disease or congestive heart failure, therapy resulting in central volume expansion is not without hazard. Treatment of nitroglycerin overdose in these patients may be subtle and difficult, and invasive monitoring may be required. Methemoglobinemia: Methemoglobinemia has been rarely reported with organic nitrates. The diagnosis should be suspected in patients who exhibit signs of impaired oxygen delivery despite adequate arterial PO2. Classically, methemoglobinemic blood is described as chocolate brown, without color change on exposure to air. If methemoglobinemia is present, intravenous administration of methylene blue, 1 mg/kg to 2 mg/kg of body weight, may be required. NONCLINICAL TOXICOLOGY– Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility: Animal carcinogenicity studies with sublingually administered or lingual spray nitroglycerin have not been performed. Rats receiving up to 434 mg/kg/day of dietary nitroglycerin for 2 years developed dose-related fibrotic and neoplastic changes in liver, including carcinomas, and interstitial cell tumors in testes. At the highest dose, the incidences of hepatocellular carcinomas was 52% compared to 0% in untreated controls. Incidences of testicular tumors were 52% vs 8% in controls. Lifetime dietary administration of up to 1058 mg/kg/day of nitroglycerin was not tumorigenic in mice. Nitroglycerin was found to have reverse mutation activity in the Salmonella typhimurium strain TA1535 (Ames assay). A similar mutation in S. typhimurium strain was also reported for other NO donors. Nevertheless, there was no evidence of mutagenicity in an in vivo dominant lethal assay with male rats treated with oral doses of up to about 363 mg/kg/day or in ex vitro cytogenic tests in rat and dog tissues. In vitro cytogenetic assay using Chinese hamster ovary cells showed no chromosomal aberrations. In a 3-generation reproduction study, rats received dietary nitroglycerin at doses up to about 408 mg/kg/day (males) to 452 mg/kg/day (females) for 5 months (females) or 6 months (males) prior to mating of the F0 generation with treatment continuing through successive F1 and F2 generations. The highest dose was associated with decreased feed intake and body weight gain in both sexes at all matings. No specific effect on the fertility of the F0 generation was seen. Infertility noted in subsequent generations, however, was attributed to increased interstitial cell tissue and aspermatogenesis in the high-dose males. PATIENT COUNSELING INFORMATION– Interaction with PDE5 Inhibitors - NitroMist should not be used in patients who are using medications for erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil, vardenafil, and tadalafil. These products have been shown to increase the hypotensive effects of nitrate drugs such as NitroMist. Administration - Patients should be instructed that prior to initial use of NitroMist Lingual aerosol, the pump must be primed by pressing the actuator button 10 times to ensure proper dose priming. If the product is not used for more than 6 weeks, the bottle can be adequately re-primed with 2 sprays. NitroMist is meant to be sprayed on or under the tongue at the beginning of angina or to prevent an angina attack. Treatment with nitroglycerin products such as NitroMist may be associated with lightheadedness on standing, especially just after rising from a laying or seated position. This effect may be more frequent in patients who have consumed alcohol, since alcohol use contributes to hypotension. If possible, patients should be seated when taking NitroMist. This reduces the likelihood of falling due to lightheadedness or dizziness. Headache - Headaches can sometimes accompany treatment with nitroglycerin. In patients who get these headaches, the headaches may indicate activity of the drug. Tolerance to headaches develops. Flushing - Flushing, drug rash and exfoliative dermatitis have been reported in patients receiving nitrate therapy. Container information - The NitroMist bottle should not be forcefully opened. Because NitroMist contains a highly flammable propellant (butane), do not have the container burned after use and do not spray directly towards flames. While the container is in the upright position, if the liquid reaches the top to middle of the hole on the side of the container, a new supply should be obtained. When the liquid reaches the bottom of the hole, the remaining doses will have less than label content. Manufactured for Akrimax Pharmaceuticals, LLC E Cranford, NJ 07016 by Dynamit Nobel GmbH, Leverkusen, Germany E Marketed and Distributed by: Akrimax Pharmaceuticals, LLC, Cranford, NJ 07016 USA NitroMist is a registered trademark of NovaDel Pharma Inc., used by permission. 141B002 10/2012
*Priming NitroMist: After receiving a new prescription or refill, patients should remove the plastic cap, place forefinger on actuator button, and press 10 times. NitroMist is now primed for 6 weeks and ready to use. If not used for more than 6 weeks, the NitroMist bottle can be adequately reprimed with 2 sprays. † Store at room temperature (25°C, 77°F); excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-85°F). NitroMist is a registered trademark of NovaDel Pharmaceuticals, LLC., used by permission.
©2012 Akrimax Pharmaceuticals, LLC., Cranford, NJ 07016 October 2012 NTR-145T