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Healthcare news Westchester County

February 2013

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February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

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After helping hundreds of Westchester County herniated disc sufferers eliminated their pain, Local Doctor explains how…

“Back Pain Technology Cheats Mother Nature Helps Herniated Discs Heal Naturally… In As Little As 25 Minutes!” At Last! Westchester County Doctor Offers Technology That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs, But Helps Your Body To Start Rebuilding Them… As Fast As Humanly Possible! Best Part: You can check it all out for FREE if you like! There is no doubt… technology has made all of our lives better… and easier. Just about every miraculous medical cure and comfort of modern living can be attributed to amazing breakthroughs in technology. Heck, laser eye surgery can give people who are almost as blind as a bat perfect 20/20 vision. How amazing is that? That’s why it’s no surprise that technology might be able to solve your back and neck pain from herniated/bulging discs or sciatica…for good. Here is why: Back and neck pain can be devastating. And nothing is worse than going to doctor after doctor… trying treatment after treatment… spending money you can’t afford… and still suffering in pain. That’s why… I bet you would love to instantly end your pain… without any risk what-soever… and have it never come back for the rest of your life? Well, that might NOT be so easy. But, what if there was a wonderful advancement in technology that, with a handful of simple, non-invasive treatments, could possibly have you out of pain and on your way to healing naturally? Better yet, what if this technology could possibly heal your herniated/bulging discs (instead of cutting it out like surgery) so you have the best chance to live pain-free and do all the things you want and love to do? And what if this technology was: 3 FDA cleared! 3 Proven safe and effective! 3 Allows your herniated discs to heal naturally without the risky and dangerous side effects of surgery! 3 Relieves pain fast… in some cases in as little as 25 minutes! Well, guess what? There is such technology and there is a very good chance it can help you… like it has already helps thousands of herniated/bulging disc and sciatica sufferers all around the country… No Matter How Bad Your Pain Is, How Long You’ve Been Suffering Or How Many Other Treatments And Doctors Have Failed You! Don’t laugh. It’s really true. Here’s proof…

When you have a herniated disc, compressive forces cause your spinal bones to come together… basically squashing your disc. The space in between your bones decreases and the soft, jello-like disc material leaks out. This disc material that leaks out is called a herniated disc and can cause severe pain, numbness and tingling in your neck, back, arms or legs when the herniation pushes into and “pinches” a nerve. So it makes sense, if you could slightly pull the spinal bones apart… that would open up the space, take the pressure off the disc, the disc off the nerve and solve the problem. Right? But the only problem is… how do you do that? For years and years, doctors have been trying to do it with traction. But traction has been proven ineffective and often very painful. Why? Traction doesn’t work because when you have a herniated or bulging disc, the area is injured and when you try to move, your muscles go into spasm. Spasm is your body’s way of trying to protect you from causing further injury. That’s why traction hurts so much. As soon as the traction starts… your muscles overprotect the area and spasm. But the good news is: Now there is technology that out-smarts your body’s natural spasm reaction. In other words: It fools mother nature! This technology is called non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD) and here’s how it works… NSSD is very different from plain traction because it has advanced computer technology that actually senses your spinal muscles. When it starts to gently pull, it immediately knows when your muscles start to contract and it stops pulling. As soon as your muscles relax, it starts pulling again. The amazing thing is: the computer senses your muscles contraction so early… you don’t even feel what is going on. Which means you never feel any pain! In fact, the only thing most patients feel is… RELIEF!!! But the best part is: NSSD is able to gently separate your spinal bones which, in many cases, actually sucks the herniated disc material back into the disc where it belongs! This takes away your pain and allows your herniated and bulging discs to heal naturally!

And check this out: Treatments are pleasant and simple. All you have to do is lie on your back, listen to your favorite music, read a magazine… or… take a nap! The wonderful technology does everything while you simply RELAX the pain away! To sum up NSSD: • For most patients it is 100% painless… in fact many patients actually fall asleep during treatment! • Works fast! Most patients get relief after a handful of treatments – some after the very first! • Is non-invasive so it does not have the dangerous risks of surgery! • Gets to the root cause of the problem and helps it heal naturally! Isn’t modern technology wonderful? And wouldn’t you like to… Give This Great Technology A Try… For Free? If you would, there’s great news. There is a Doctor located at 1241 Mamaroneck Ave. right here in White Plains, NY who has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this wonderful technology and has been treating herniated/bulging disc and sciatica patients with incredible success. His name is Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS and he is so excited about the results he’s been getting, he would like to share it with as many pain sufferers as possible. But There Is A Catch… There’s always a catch... isn’t there? Even though this technology has helped a majority of the patients Dr. Donath has treated… it is not a wonder cure and it does not help everyone.

On the right: healthy disc. Center: Herniated disc with soft disc material leaking out. On the left: Herniated disc material compressing or “pinching” nerve.

For that reason, Dr. Donath does a complete examination on every potential patient and only accepts you if he feels you are most likely to get the pain relief and outcome you are looking for. Dr. Donath’s Special Deal For You! Because the economy is so bad and Dr. Donath wants to help you if possible, he is offering the first 17 people who respond to this article a free consultation and NSSD qualification examination. And if you qualify for NSSD treatments, Dr. Donath will also give you one treatment for FREE! And if you do not qualify, Dr. Donath will help you find the best option for you. That’s why, if you suffer with pain from a herniated/bulging disc or sciatica you should call 914-259-8104 right now. When Barbara answers the phone, simply tell her you would like your free non-surgical spinal decompression consultation and examination. If you are one of the first 17, she will schedule you within the next few days. If you are in a lot of pain or already scheduled for surgery, tell Barbara and she will be sure to get you in immediately. Maybe even today.

On right: Herniated disc with spinal bones “squished” together. Center: NSSD slightly pulls the spinal bones apart, opens up the disc space and allows herniated material to move back into the disc. Left: Herniated material completely back in center of disc allows the disc to heal naturally. Your consultation and examination should take about 60 minutes. During this time you can get all of your questiones answered in a warm and friendly environment. You will know exactly what’s causing your pain and the best possible way to solve it. Dr. Donath will explain to you all your possible options along with his recomendations so you can make the best choice for YOU.

Why Limited To 17? Dr. Donath has limited the number he will accept right now to 17 because he does not believe patients should wait and they should also get the quality personal attention they deserve. When you go for your free visit, I’m sure you will see how unique and pleasant the experience is. It’s nice to be treated like a person and not a number or based on insurance coverage. It’s also nice to know exactly what’s causing your pain and how to relieve it as fast as possible. Dr. Donath’s favorite cases are the one’s that were able to cancel back surgery after only a handful of treatments. Dr. Donath also loves when a herniated disc patient that is in excruciating pain and thinks they’ve tried everything, lays down on the NSSD table, takes a 25 minute nap… and… wakes up with all their pain GONE! Just imagine how it would feel to have all your pain finally gone. Imagine going to bed and being able to sleep the entire night through… … and waking up refreshed and energized… ready to take on the brand new day – without the pain and stiffness that has been terrorizing you. And imagine finally knowing you have the solution to your herniated disc pain. Well, you may not have to just “imagine” anymore… because… NSSD might start relieving your pain… in just 25 minutes! So, if you’d like to see if you qualify and give this amazing technology a try for free… give Barbara a call at 914-259-8104 right now. Why wait one more day in pain when the solution may be one quick phone call away? Call now before someone else gets your free spot. One More Thing It’s Important… Ever since getting this wonderful technology, Dr. Donath’s office has been flooded with calls. For that reason, if when you call, the lines are busy or you go to voice mail… just keep calling back. The possibility of living pain-free is well worth the time and effort it may take you to get through and schedule your appointment. 914-259-8104


PAgE 4

February, 2013

School crisis intervention aid Carla Leonard had grown to hate one part of her morning routine: Bumping her head on the automated external defibrillator (AED) located behind her desk at Brookside Elementary School in Ossining. Leonard even petitioned the principal to have it moved farther from her desk. On this day, back in February of 2006, she was speaking to her boss about having the AED moved. That’s when Leonard experienced what felt like “a brain freeze to the chest” during the morning pledge. She went into sudden cardiac arrest and, at one point, Leonard flatlined. However, Leonard’s school had a medical emergency response plan in place. As a result, school nurse Alice Habina quickly started CPR and used the AED before the volunteer EMT department arrived, saving Leonard’s life. “It’s kind of ironic that I asked to have the defibrillator moved,” Leonard said. “I don’t know what it was, an angel, but someone was telling me it wasn’t my time to go. This is my second chance. Before this, at the store, I would leave my dollar for the American Heart Association and me out the door. Not anymore. I’m going to make every effort to tell people about my story and the importance of heart health.” Since her brush with death, Leonard, 50, has become an active spokesperson for the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women initiative. The American Heart Association started Go Red for Women seven years ago. At the time, it faced a challenge: Cardiovascular disease claimed the lives of nearly 500,000 American women each year, yet women were not paying attention. In fact, many even dismissed it as an “older man’s disease”, but it is preventable.

Healthcare News - Westchester

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Leonard, who lives in Yonkers, works as an American Heart Association volunteer to advance legislation for school nutrition guidelines and funding for healthy heart and tobacco-control programs. She has also attended numerous You’re the Cure D.C. Lobby Days and advocated for increased funding for NIH research. Leonard, who has since retired, now stays active by walking because she knows that fitness is important for good heart health.

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According to Leonard, she never illustrated the “classic signs” that sometimes define heart issues. She considered herself healthy. However, tests revealed her body couldn’t produce or retain potassium. Leonard said that led to her issues. She now takes regular doses of potassium and had a defibrillator inserted into her chest. Leonard sees a cardiologist regularly. “Know your numbers like you know your shoe size,” Leonard said. “ If I need to, I’ll shout it from the rooftops and wear bells to get people to pay attention.” To dispel the myths and raise awareness about heart disease as the number one killer of women, the American Heart Association created Go Red For Women – a passionate, emotional, social initiative designed to empower women to take charge of their heart health. In 2010, the American Heart Association set a strategic goal of reducing death and disability from cardiovascular disease and strokes by 20 percent while improving the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent by the year 2020. “My experience was life-changing,” Leonard said. “I’ve been blessed and I will go anywhere to tell my story. I was lucky. I am lucky.”

2013 Westchester Fairfield

Go Red For Women Luncheon & Learning Session What: The American Heart Association is pleased to invite your support of this event. This is the signature event of the Go Red For Women movement -- the American Heart Association’s most celebrated annual event. Over 700 guests are expected to attend. When: Feb. 28 (9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) Where: Hyatt Regency Hotel - 1800 East Putnam Avenue; Old Greenwich, Connecticut, 06870. For more information: Log onto



- Heart disease is still the No. 1 killer of women, taking over 420,000 lives every year.

- Uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness or pain in the center of your chest. It lasts more than a few minutes, or goes away and comes back.

- Cardiovascular disease causes ONE in THREE deaths in women. - Women are dying at the rate of one per minute because they don’t know that heart disease kills. - More women die of heart disease than the next four causes of death combined, including all forms of cancer. In fact, one in three American women die of cardiovascular diseases, compared to one in 30 women who die of breast cancer. -90% of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease. *CVD IS PREVENTABLE: One study found that if women adhere to five healthy lifestyle choices involving diet, exercise, and non-smoking, 83 percent of coronary events may be prevented. Source: American Heart Association

- Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach. - Shortness of breath with or without chest discomfort. - Other signs such as breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea or lightheadedness. - As with men, women’s most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. But women are somewhat more likely than men to experience some of the other common symptoms, particularly shortness of breath, nausea/vomiting and back or jaw pain. * If you have any of these signs, don’t wait more than five minutes before calling for help. Call 9-1-1...Get to a hospital right away. Source: American Heart Association

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February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester




121 Restaurant


The Bristal




Dental & Cosmetic Group of Westchester 21 Edward M. Feinberg, DMD


Euro Laser Services, Inc.


The Gelb Center


Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco


Keystone Financial Services


Maria Briones M.D. P.C.




Premier Vein Centers


Pretty Face Medi Spa


Resource Directory

30, 32

Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, PC


Somers Physical Medicine & Rehab St. John’s Riverside Hospital

13 18-19

United Hebrew


VNA of Hudson Valley


WellU Medical Weight Loss


Westchester Spinal Decompression Ctr

Anyone in Westchester County looking for a pitch woman? Meet Carla Leonard. Leonard is already booked, working for the American Heart Association. Her fee? It’s on the house. Leonard is a volunteer, she wouldn’t have it any other way. She just wants to tell her story to the masses. Years ago, working as a school crisis intervention aid, Leonard went into sudden cardiac arrest. Her life was saved by school nurse Alice Habina, who quickly started CPR and used an automated external defibrillator. Realizing she wanted to pay it forward was a defining moment for Carla, who works as an American Heart Association volunteer to advance legislation for school nutrition guidelines and funding for healthy heart and tobacco-control programs. She has also attended numerous You’re the Cure D.C. Lobby Days and advocated for increased funding for NIH research. February is National Heart Month. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), while heart disease and stroke kill one in every 3.7 men, one in 2.4 women lose their lives to heart disease and stroke – the no. 1 and no. 3 killers of women. By way of comparison, breast cancer kills one in 29 women. Leonard, 50, feisty and vivacious, is always up to telling her story. We at Healthcare News are proud to tell it in this edition.

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CORPORATE INFORMATION Healthcare News - Westchester, New York edition Vol. 6 No. 2 - is published monthly, 12 times a year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Postage Paid at New Windsor, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Healthcare Newspaper, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY, 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication.

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Healthcare News 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553

Helping patients sleep better, feel younger and live longer, pain free

The Gelb Center is a practice known worldwide for pioneering an integrative approach to treating TMJ, snoring and sleep disorders. In looking at our patients with a holistic eye to well being we offer multiple services including: applied kinesiology, physical therapy, massage, orthodontics, prosthodontics, as well as providing comprehensive dentistry. Our doctors are widely recognized as leaders in their respective fields. They include best selling authors and speakers whose articles have appeared in virtually every recognized dental journal. With our vast range of expertise, our practice aims to help patients to feel younger, live longer and be pain free; thus making a positive change in people's lives. A team approach with Dentists, ENT’s, Pulmonologists, Orthodontists, and Oral Myologists can effectively treat your sleep disorder. INTRODUCTION Snoring and Sleep Apnea are common conditions in our society today. They are caused by a narrowing or collapse of the airway during sleep. Snoring or sleep apnea appliances are devices that are worn in the mouth during sleep that are designed to reposition the lower jaw so that the airway is supported in such a way that air can flow more freely. This reduces or eliminates snoring and can treat your sleep apnea, which can lead to a more quiet, restful night’s sleep. CAUSES OF SNORING 70-90 million people are affected by snoring. Snoring can occur when the airway becomes partially blocked during sleep. This may occur more frequently when: ❖ You sleep on your back ❖ You are overweight ❖ You have a large neck size ❖ The tongue falls back into the throat ❖ The tonsils and/or adenoids are large ❖ You mouth breathe during sleep ❖ You are overly tired ❖ You eat or drink alcohol too late at night ❖ You have a cold or are congested Snoring becomes more common: ❖ As we get older ❖ If you are a male ❖ After menopause ❖ If you have a small airway (may be genetic)

New York City Location The Gelb Center 635 Madison Avenue 19th Floor New York, NY 10022 Phone: 212.752.1662 Fax: 212.832.5904 White Plains Location The Gelb Center 12 Old Mamaroneck Road Suite 1C White Plains, NY 10605 Phone: 914.686.4528 Fax: 914.289.1731

WHAT IS SLEEP APNEA? Sleep Apnea is estimated to affect 20 million people. Sleep Apnea occurs when the airway becomes completely blocked and air is not able to move through the airway. This is commonly called Obstructive Sleep Apnea because the airway is totally obstructed. This obstruction may occur anywhere from the area of the soft palate down to below the tongue. When the airway is obstructed, the patient will awaken many times during the night with a cough or gasping sound as the body attempts to restore normal breathing. SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS The most common symptoms and signs of Sleep Apnea: ❖ Snoring ❖ Non-refreshing sleep ❖ Daytime fatigue or tiredness ❖ History of falling asleep driving, watching TV, or reading ❖ Awaken during sleep coughing, choking, or gasping ❖ Morning headaches ❖ Elevated blood pressure ❖ Cardiovascular disease Other commonly occurring findings associated with Snoring and Sleep Apnea: ❖ Gastric reflux or acid reflux with indigestion ❖ Grinding of the teeth during sleep (Bruxism) ❖ Symptoms of depression, anxiety, dementia ❖ Diabetes ❖ Mood swings

Valentine’s Day is approaching – quickly – so it’s time to start thinking about what to buy the love of your life. So don’t procrastinate – or you might find yourself, once again, staring down a drug store aisle – leaving with a heart-shaped box of chocolates. No, that’s not going to cut it. Just like she told you last year. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time to indulge your sweetheart with gifts. Indulging doesn’t always have to involve chocolates or lingerie. You could always give the lingerie a shot. Anyway…Why not try some healthy gifts? Your significant other will love them. We promise! The old standby – flowers: It wouldn’t be Valentine’s Day without flowers. However, flowers can also have a positive impact on her health. Some studies have shown that people who feel negative early in the day felt happier and more energetic after looking at flowers. So cheer up your significant other’s day by buying her a bouquet of her favorite flowers. Order fresh fruit baskets: Enjoy the juice of ripe oranges, grapefruit and other fruits when it’s delivered right to your front door every month. Many companies offer a mail-order fruit-of-the-month club, and some even provide an organic fruit option. Relax with natural products: Melt away the stress with a gift basket of natural body care products. Many bath and body gels, soaps and lotions are steeped in

dangerous chemicals so look for skin and hair products made from natural ingredients. You can even find organic options. They’re great for the body and the environment. Cook a healthy meal: Instead of fighting the restaurant crowds on the most romantic day of the year, set aside the time to cook your significant other a healthy and delicious meal. One option? Grilled salmon and steamed vegetables for the main course and tiramisu for dessert. Candlelit, of course. Workout mix: Listening to music is a great way to relax. Music can also have a positive impact on y our breathing rate and heart rate. Give your significant other the healthy gift of music by making him or her a workout mix – or buy a download credit so they can make their own. continued on next page

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

Visit the spa: Spend the day with your sweetheart relaxing at a nearby spa. Enjoy a couple’s massage, sweat off the toxins in a steam bath and end the day drinking herbal tea while appreciating each other’s company. Gym date: In order for to put that workout mix to good use, you need to work out. Look for a gym that’s offering a couple’s workout on that day or come up with your own exercise routine. Or, just spend some time outdoors by hiking, swimming or biking together. Spending time together is the best way to show your loved one you care. Provide ongoing healthy meals: Bond in the kitchen with the gift of a steamer, a variety of fun spices and a brand new cookbook to inspire many healthy meals throughout the year. Maybe buy your Valentine a sampling of wines to enjoy together over appetizers or meals. Go to the chiropractor: Give the gift of whole-body wellness when you treat your other half to a visit with the chiropractor. And if you’ve been feeling a bit stressed lately, it may not be a bad idea to treat yourself as well.

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February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

ASK AN EXPERT The Importance of Temporary Restorations By Edward Feinberg DMD Temporary restorations are an essential ingredient for the successful outcome of crown and bridge restorative dentistry. They must exist 24 hours a day under water, under forces in an environment that is loaded with bacteria. They must be custom-made at chairside out of materials that cannot withstand these assaults for more than a few months. Temporary restorations must be retentive, but easily removed for try-in appointments. As a result they must be used in conjunction with cements that usually degrade their integrity. Temporary restorations serve many functions: 1. Cover and Protect the Teeth. The temporary restorations must protect the teeth against the ravages of saliva and ingested foods and beverages. Unprotected teeth are pre-disposed to decay and sensitivity. Prolonged sensitivity can result in emergency root canal therapy. 2. Control Periodontal Health. Temporary restorations must create ideal periodontal health so that the mouth can receive dentistry that will last in health. It is critically important that temporaries cover tooth structure exactly without overhanging extensions that can insult the tissues. Proper contact areas between teeth prevent food impaction and damage. 3. Architectural Improvement. The temporary restorations are the blueprints for making the final restorations. A patient who wears a temporary that functions properly with ideal dimensions and jaw relationships will easily accept the final restorations in comfort. Permanent dentistry is not something a patient should have to “get used to.” It should be immediately comfortable. Any changes are best accomplished with the temporary restorations, first. 4. Patient Appreciation. Temporary restorations are patients’ first real “impression” of the operator’s treatment and skill. In emphasizing the importance

Figure 1 of teeth, a practitioner is only credible if patients always leave the office with teeth. A good practitioner ensures that patients leave the office better than when they walked in. One of the best rewards of dental practice is the thrill and appreciation of patients on seeing immediate improvement at their very first visit. 5. Patient Confidence in the Doctor and his Treatment. Patients' faith in the practitioner and his treatment can have a significant effect on the ultimate outcome. Happy patients will cooperate to the fullest, and believe in the treatment. However, patients who endure temporaries that continually dislodge, cause discomfort, detract from overall appearance and negatively affect self-image may lose confidence in the practitioner. When this happens, patients may view even the most beautiful case as a failure because of what they had “to go through”. Practitioners who spend the least amount of time on temporaries are really trying to minimize the number of visits and save money. Most practitioners are trained to equate time with money. They have an allotted time to accomplish a procedure and there is a cost per hour to perform that procedure. Therefore they must finish that procedure in the allotted time. However, there is a great deal of difference between short-range time and longrange time. Extra time spent doing things right in the short run will definitely save time in the long run. As author Jack Bergman says, “there's never enough time to do it right, but there's always enough time to do it over.”

It is impossible to know how many visits are required for ideal restorative dentistry. Permanent dentistry is made indirectly from materials that must be repeatedly heated at or close to their melting points to tolerances measured in tenths of millimeters. It is no wonder that error commonly occurs. However, a meticulous doctor makes sure that each step is correct before proceeding to the next step. When extra visits are required, patients should understand. They should be happy that their doctor is leaving no stone unturned to give them the best possible result.

Bacteria are nanometers in size, so only one small error is all that is needed to compromise the success of the entire case; to make all the difference between dentistry that lasts one year and dentistry that lasts twenty.

The ability for a practitioner to be his own worst critic; that is, to look at his own work with the most critical eyes– is one of the most difficult challenges practitioners face. Patients are counting on their doctors to do right by them, and there is no way for them to judge what is really happening. Practitioners should never violate their trust by rationalizing an error to be acceptable; that a poor result is the best they can do.

Sometimes patients must wear temporary restorations for long periods of time. If they have substantial damage, clenching, grinding or neuromuscular discomfort, the temporary phase of treatment may require a substantial period of appliance therapy to correct these abnormalities and establish comfort and proper function. Several sets of temporaries can help patients better adjust gradually to a new bite or dental architecture. When temporary restorations must be worn for a long period of time, they are best made with copper bands or thin copings of metal so that the temporaries fit just like their permanent counterparts. Temporaries made in this way do not fall out and are designed like Mason Jars--the best known method of preserving ever devised--to prevent decay. Once proper structure, function and comfort have been established in temporary restorations, it is clear how the final restorations should be made, so that a predictable result is designed rather than left to chance or guesswork.

Figure 2

Time spent with temporary restorations is definitely time well-spent, because it is a learning experience. When a meticulous doctor hand-carves temporaries to ideal shape and form, he is really thinking about how he wants to make the permanent restorations. It's somewhat like being Alice in Wonderland. “Well if you don’t know where you want to go”, asks Alice, “ how will you know when you get there”? [Caterpillar to Alice in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland]

Two-visit crown and bridge often ignores errors, and it may “go on”, but not really fit. That it can be done well in only two visits is usually too good to be true. “We always hope for the easy fix: the one simple change that will erase a problem in a stroke” says Dr. Atul Gawande, the famous medical author of Better. “But few things in life work this way. Instead, success requires making a hundred small steps go right”.

Learn more: Visit and

Edward M. Feinberg, DMD Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

Page 11

Precision Restorative Dentistry 914-723-2170

Precision Restorative Dentistry Edward Feinberg DMD est. 1948

We offer the highest quality services for adults, baby boomers, teenagers and seniors: --General Dentistry and Prevention --Custom Made Crowns and Bridges --Perfect fit Partial Dentures and Implant Restorations --Cosmetic Dentistry We offer unique treatment options: --Saving “Hopeless” Teeth --Crowns and Bridges that do not decay or fall out --Precision Attachment Partial Dentures --Full Arch Restorations on 3 implants that is not a denture! Office Location: 14 Harwood Court, Suite 322 Scarsdale, New York 10583 914-723-2170

Dr. Edward Feinberg with Josephine Furnari, Office Manager Nadi Ali, Chief Dental Assistant Sandra Pugliese, RDH

Dr. Feinberg’s office has a totally unique approach encompasses total oral health. Our first mission is to "Educate" patients and colleagues alike, about the options and the techniques available for all types of dental issues. Dr. Feinberg has a unique and proprietary method of oral examination that considers an overall approach to the health of the entire mouth, rather than a piecemeal approach that considers only filling a hole or a space. Dr. Feinberg spends a great deal of time with each patient, and gives each patient a report that includes the options for corrective treatment. We help patients choose the option that is best for them, always taking into consideration health, comfort, needs and concerns. We want to educate you about dental care, about dental issues you may have and we want you to understand any options for necessary treatment so that you can choose the strategy for maintaining your oral health that is best for you. As a result, we are pleased to offer you this coupon:

$99 for your initial visit with this coupon! Includes thorough examination, X-Rays, Study Models, TMJ Exam, bite analysis, thorough discussion of oral health and treatment options. Also included: a comfortable hygiene experience and instruction for optimal care at home.

A $450 value!

ATTORNEYS AT LAW Many Years of Experience Protecting the Legal Interests of the Elderly & Special Needs Populations

Why should I spend money hiring attorneys to do asset protection planning for me and my loved ones? Currently, the monthly cost for nursing home care in New York ranges between $10,000-$15,000, and properly certified home health attendants (nurse aides) can cost as much or more for round- the-clock home care. Statistically, it is likely that most people will need either or both of these care options as they grow older. It is critical that you plan appropriately to best minimize the strain that elder care costs may have on your estate, and to help put you in the best position possible to qualify for benefits that are largely covered by the government, under Medicare or Medicaid. Our firm has attorneys with extensive experience in developing tax-effective action plans for our clients that help protect their assets from government imposition. We have also been very successful in negotiating the complex bureaucratic minefield in which Medicaid is now mired. We have achieved remarkable results for our clients on a host of Medicaid related issues, from obtaining Medicaid approvals for coverage of home care and institutional care benefits, to very accommodative resolutions of Medicaid spousal recovery claims, where the office of Medicaid aggressively pursues the non-institutionalized (i.e., or “community”) spouse for Medicaid benefits provided.

Why should I have a lawyer prepare my will? If you die without a Will, the law, not you, determines how your assets are divided and to whom they are given. A poorly drafted Will may result in a sizeable chunk of your assets not ending up where you want them to go. We are an experienced law firm that can expertly craft your will to address your long-term care, tax, estate planning, and asset protection planning issues. It is in your best interest that planning be done properly so as to minimize the tax burden on your estate. Our experience and skill in the fields of Trusts, Wills, and Estates enables our firm to uniquely tailor estate planning to your individual needs. We will review your entire estate and draft a personalized plan that will best direct the disposition of your assets after death, whether through your Will, or by means of testamentary substitutes (trusts, joint-asset ownership with right of survivorship, or by beneficiary designation in life insurance policies, annuities, or individual retirement accounts).

My father is having difficulty caring for himself. I am afraid he will no longer be able to live on his own. I am worried about finding the money to pay for his care, whether he stays at home or moves to an assisted living facility or nursing home. What do I do?

2 Gannett Drive, Suite #108 White Plains, New York 10604 Email:

Tel: (914) 816-2900

Your concerns are certainly daunting, and heart-rending. Our firm offers you a caring hand, an open ear, and uncompromising professional competence, and commitment. We will help find for you solutions that best suit your needs, using the latest tax, trust, and other asset protection strategies available under the law. The law firm of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. practices in all aspects of elder law, including trust and estate planning, administration, and litigation, tax counsel, asset protection and special needs planning, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security disability benefits, guardianships, long term care planning, spousal recovery claims, and Medicaid lien resolutions. Attorney advertising • Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome


Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

Westchester Medical Center and Sound Shore Health System announce Memorandum of Understanding Westchester Medical Center (WMC) and Sound Shore Health System (SSHS) have announced that they have taken the first steps in establishing a formal corporate relationship to strengthen healthcare in Westchester and the region and expand services and access for the people of the Sound Shore community as well as the surrounding areas. WMC and SSHS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), agreeing to engage in exclusive talks to explore establishing a formal corporate relationship. "Westchester Medical Center’s mission is to ensure that the citizens of our entire region have access to the finest medical care, regardless of their ability to pay," said WMC President and CEO Michael Israel. "Sound Shore Medical Center, Mount Vernon Hospital and the Schaffer Extended Care Center are critical links to quality care for everyone in southern Westchester, and we are committed to furthering the programs and services that the people of that area have come to expect and rely on. Together we will be a stronger, more vibrant healthcare organization." John Spicer, President and CEO of SSHS, said, "We are always looking to the future and, as part of our strategic planning process we have determined we would be in a stronger position to continue delivering on our mission of improving the health status of our community by partnering with WMC, whose mission and values are the same, to continue to provide the most advanced clinical outcomes and personalized care our community deserves. Healthcare in Westchester just got stronger." Israel added that WMC shares SSHS’s commitment to maintaining vibrant healthcare campuses

in New Rochelle (Sound Shore Medical Center and the Schaffer Extended Care Center) and Mount Vernon (Mount Vernon Hospital), as well as a strengthened clinical and academic organization for the institutions’ physicians The combined financial resources of WMC and SSHS will be used to provide a smooth transition toward operational and fiscal stability, consolidated services and necessary infrastructure needs. Later, merged operations will generate capital funding to support the needs of the combined organizations. "We are eager to move forward with our joint due diligence and in developing the most productive and fiscally responsible structure for everyone concerned, most notably the patients we serve," said Mark Tulis, Chair of the WMC Board of Directors. Mauro C. Romita, Sound Shore Health System Chairman, stated, "The opportunity for the SSHS to become a part of Westchester’s high-quality academic Medical Center ensures that we will be able to bring to our communities the best that medicine has to offer for generations to come. It is an opportunity we are excited to pursue." Westchester Medical Center is home to a number of specialty centers providing the highest level and quality of advanced care available to the 3.5 million residents of the Hudson Valley region of New York. Sound Shore Medical Center (SSMC), Mount Vernon Hospital (MVH), Dorothea Hopfer School of Nursing and Schaffer Extended Care Center (SECC) and Visiting Nurse Association of Hudson Valley were affiliated to create one of the largest private healthcare systems between New York City and Albany - Sound Shore Health System.

Eric Lippman, M.D. Rick Jinete, D.P.T. at SPORTS THERAPY of Yorktown Specializing in Rehabilitation and Pain Management x x x x

Physical Therapy Acupuncture EMG (Nerve & Muscle Testing) Joint & Soft Tissue Injections Treating Conditions Such As:

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Back & Neck Pain Knee & Shoulder Pain Arthritis Sciatica Tendonitis & Bursitis Lymphedema For Appointments Call: 914-617-8500 2050 Saw Mill River Road, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Page 13


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

February is American Heart Month: Why is it so important? Let’s take a look at the facts According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack. In 2010, an estimated 785,000 Americans had a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 had a recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event, and about one every minute will die from one.1 The chance of developing coronary heart disease can be reduced by taking steps to prevent and control factors that put people at greater risk. Additionally, knowing the signs and symptoms of heart attack are crucial to the most positive outcomes after having a heart attack. People who have survived a heart attack can also work to reduce their risk of another heart attack or a stroke in the future.

Signs of a heart attack Some heart attacks are sudden and intense; however, most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. Often people affected aren't sure what's wrong and wait too long before getting help. Here are signs that can mean a heart attack is happening: Chest discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes, or that goes away and comes back. It can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. Discomfort in other areas of the upper body. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach. Shortness of breath. May occur with or without chest discomfort. Other signs. These may include breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness.

A guide to a (heart) healthy lifestyle A healthy diet and lifestyle are the best weapons you have to fight heart disease. Many people make it harder than it is. It is important to remember that it is the overall pattern of the choices you make that counts. As you make daily food choices, read nutrition labels and base your eating pattern on these recommendations: Choose lean meats and poultry without skin and prepare them without added saturated and trans fat. Select fat-free, 1% fat, and low-fat dairy products. Cut back on foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to reduce trans fat in your diet. Cut back on foods high in dietary cholesterol. Aim to eat less than 300 mg of cholesterol each day. Cut back on beverages and foods with added sugars. Select and purchase foods lower in salt/sodium. If you drink alcohol, drink in moderation. That means no more than one drink per day if you're a woman and two drinks per day if you're a man. Keep an eye on your portion sizes.

continued on next page

Get active! Exercise can decrease heart disease Here is your guide to make sure you active. And, remember, there are no excuses. Exercising is easier than you think.

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013


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Walking is the simplest way to start and continue a fitness journey. Walking costs nothing to get started.


Walking has the lowest dropout rate of any type of exercise. Walking is easy and safe.

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It Works Studies show that for every hour of walking, life expectancy may increase by two hours.


Walking for as few as 30 minutes a day provides heart health benefits. Walking is the single most effective form of exercise to achieve heart health.

It Pays Physically active people save $500 a year in healthcare costs. Employers can save $16 for every $1 they spend on health and wellness. Fitness programs have reduced employer healthcare costs by 20 - 55%. Reducing just one health risk in the workplace increases productivity by 9%. Reducing one health risk decreases absenteeism by 2%.

And walking isn't your only option. Try these tips for increasing physical activity wherever you are. You may be surprised at all your opportunities to increase your physical activity every day. Consider carrying this list with you for one day. Check off the ways you notice that you could increase your physical activity.

Tips for increasing physical activity

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At Home It's convenient, comfortable and safe to work out at home. It allows your children to see you being active, which sets a good example for them. You can combine exercise with other activities, such as watching TV. If you buy exercise equipment, it's a one-time expense and other family members can use it. It's easy to have short bouts of activity several times a day. Try these tips: Do housework yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it. Work in the garden or mow the grass. Using a riding mower doesn't count! Rake leaves, prune, dig and pick up trash. Go out for a short walk before breakfast, after dinner or both! Start with 5-10 minutes and work up to 30 minutes. Walk or bike to the corner store instead of driving. When walking, pick up the pace from leisurely to brisk. Choose a hilly route. When watching TV, sit up instead of lying on the sofa. Or stretch. Better yet, spend a few minutes pedaling on your stationary bicycle while watching TV. Throw away your video remote control. Instead of asking someone to bring you a drink, get up off the couch and get it yourself. Stand up while talking on the telephone. Walk the dog. Park farther away at the shopping mall and walk the extra distance. Wear your walking shoes and sneak in an extra lap or two around the mall. Stretch to reach items in high places and squat or bend to look at items at floor level. Keep exercise equipment repaired and use it! continued on page 20

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February, 2013


Healthcare News - Westchester









AN ORTHOPEDIC bREAKTHROugH ONLy AT ST. JOHN’S RIvERSIDE HOSPITAL Are you living with knee pain? Up until now, patients experiencing pain in their joints due to early to mid-stage arthritis had to rely on endless pain medications as their only relief. In addition, most would have to wait for the joint deterioration to advance to late stage before qualifying for a total knee replacement. Now through MAKOplasy, an innovative partial knee resurfacing treatment option, patients can have the damaged area of the knee restored WITHOUT the need for a complete joint replacement. Partial knee resurfacing is a minimally invasive procedure powered by a highly-advanced, surgeoncontrolled robotic arm technology that saves as much of your original knee as possible while delivering a more rapid recovery and natural feeling. This innovative procedure will have you out of the hospital and back on your feet within a few days. Patients take note! St. John’s Riverside Hospital is THE ONLY place in the tri-state area, aside from a few NYC hospitals to offer MAKOplasty Robotic treatment to patients. St. John’s Riverside Hospital is where you will find the most advanced orthopedic care.

You’re going to feel the difference! Eric Spencer, MD | Charles Edelson, MD | David Lent, MD

914 . 9 6 4 . 4 D O C | R i v e r s i d e H e a l t h . o r g

“I was back on my feet, pain-free within two days.” - Mike Peterson, 58

“I got to the point where I could no longer work. After MAKOplasty I was back on my feet the next morning and doing physical therapy within one day. I have no pain any more.” - Rosi Thevenin, Certified Nurses Aide St. John’s Riverside Hospital

“Mike traveled over 150 miles to receive this treatment.” - Dr. David Lent

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013








Page 17




George Febles loves to play tennis, swim and go to his weekly Zumba class. Febles is really something, considering he’s 72-years-old. Last year, he slowed down a little, needing cortisone shots in his knee. However, Febles is back in the game thanks to a revolutionary surgery performed at only one hospital in Westchester County: St. John’s Riverside Hospital.

MAKOplasty may: . Promote a more rapid relief from pain, shorter hospital stay and quicker return to daily activities when compared to traditional knee replacement surgery . Result in a more “natural” feeling knee following surgery since it saves more of the original knee

MAKOplasty® partial knee resurfacing is a minimally invasive procedure for those suffering with painful early to mid-stage osteoarthritis of the knee. It is performed using the surgeon-controlled RIO® robotic arm system and offers more accurate resurfacing of the diseased portion of the knee, saving as much of the original knee as possible. St. John’s Riverside Hospital is very proud to be the first and only hospital in Westchester County to offer this technology. MAKOplasty benefits the patient. After his surgery, Febles’ pain went away the next day, and he was up on his feet. That type of recovery isn’t uncommon. “I have instituted many innovations during the 16 years I’ve practiced,” said David Lent, a Westchester County orthopedic surgeon who performs the procedure at St. John’s. “There have been advances, but nothing like MAKOplasty. It’s a giant leap forward, something that has increased the precision of surgery and the level of care.” MAKOplasty is a minimally invasive partial knee replacement procedure which uses a computerized navigation system. The system features RIO® Robotic Arm Interactive System: an interactive robotic arm and visualization technology that allows the surgeon to create a surgical plan. Using an initial CT scan, the technology creates a three-dimensional virtual view of the bone surface. This virtual view guides the surgeon in how much bone to shave off, and the exact boundaries of that specific, damaged area. It also allows the surgeon to precisely align the implants. This technology will be used to help those who have osteoarthritis of the knee.

Before surgery, surgeons use the RIO system to pre-operatively plan and map the area(s) of diseased bone to be removed. During surgery, three-dimensional visualization of the knee and the robotic arm provide the surgeon with visual, tactile and auditory feedback so that only the diseased portion of the knee is resurfaced, sparing healthy bone stock and tissue. “Since I worked on the floor where people come to recover from full knee replacements I was naturally apprehensive about having a full knee replacement surgery for myself.” said Rosi Thevenin, a certified nurses aide at St. John’s Riverside Hospital. “Unfortunately, I got to the point where I could no longer work and nurses would expect me to move to do my job. I knew we had gotten this new robot in SJRH called MAKOplasty so I proceeded with the surgery. I was back on my feet the next morning and could go to the bathroom by myself. I was doing physical therapy within one day - I couldn’t believe it.” In many cases, patients are permitted to walk soon after surgery, drive a car within two weeks and return to normal daily activities shortly thereafter. “MAKOplasty has helped me tremendously - I was walking virtually arthritic pain-free the day of the surgery,” said Kevin King, 52, who works for the New York Transit Authority. He underwent the procedure last September. “I was out of the hospital and out and about running errands with virtually no pain within days. I have already planned to have the right knee done in April. I feel so good now that I want to now join the gym, lose weight and get on with my life.”

914 . 9 6 4 . 4 D O C | R i v e r s i d e H e a l t h . o r g

THE ONLY HOSPITAL IN THE TRI-STATE AREA* TO OFFER ADVANCED ORTHO ROBOTIC SURGERY GET BACK ON YOUR FEET IN DAYS! Patients with early to mid-stage arthritis can have their knee restored WITHOUT a complete joint replacement. Q

Minimally invasive


Most of original knee saved for a more natural feeling


No rehabilitation stay

“I got to the point where I could no longer work. After MAKOplasty I was back on my feet the next morning and doing physical therapy within one day.” Rosi Thevenin | Certified Nurses Aide St. John’s Riverside Hospital

Eric Spencer, MD | Charles Edelson, MD | David Lent, MD

“I was back on my feet, pain-free within two days.” Mike Peterson | 58

“Mike traveled over 150 miles to receive this treatment.” Dr. David Lent


914.964.4DOC | 967 North Broadway | Yonkers | NY | 10701 Results may vary © 2013 St. John’s Riverside Hospital | All Rights Reserved.

*Except for a few locations not convenient to Southern Westchester


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Tips for increasing physical activity continued from page 15

At the Office Most of us have sedentary jobs, and work takes up a significant part of our day. What can you do to increase your physical activity during the work day? Why not: Brainstorm project ideas with a coworker while taking a walk.

Download some audio fitness coaching. Participate in or start a recreation league at your company. Form a sports team to raise money for charity events. Join a fitness center or YMCA near your job. Work out before or after work to avoid rush-hour traffic, or drop by for a noon workout. Schedule exercise time on your business calendar and treat it as any other important appointment.

Create an exercise accountability partnership.

Get off the bus a few blocks early and walk the rest of the way to work or home.

Walk during business calls when you don't need to reference important documents.

Walk around your building for a break during the work day or during lunch.

Stand while talking on the telephone.

Some have mastered the art of typing while on a treadmill by securing the laptop to the base. Be creative!

Walk down the hall to speak with someone rather than using the telephone. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Or get off a few floors early and take the stairs the rest of the way. Walk while waiting for the plane at the airport. Stay at hotels with fitness centers or swimming pools and use them while on business trips. Take along a jump rope or a resistance band in your suitcase when you travel. Jump and do calisthenics in your hotel room.

At Play Play and recreation are important for good health. Look for opportunities such as these to be active and have fun at the same time: Plan family outings and vacations that include physical activity (hiking, backpacking, swimming, etc.)

See the sights in new cities by walking, jogging or bicycling. Make a date with a friend to enjoy your favorite physical activities. Do them regularly. Play your favorite music while exercising; enjoy something that motivates you. Dance with someone or by yourself. Take dancing lessons. Hit the dance floor on fast numbers instead of slow ones. Join a recreational club that emphasizes physical activity. At the beach, sit and watch the waves instead of lying flat. Better yet, get up and walk, run or fly a kite. When golfing, walk instead of using a cart. Play singles tennis or racquetball instead of doubles.

Physician Supervised Weight Loss Maximize safe, effective long-term weight loss with our Physician supervised weight loss program! Specializing in: Bariatric and Preventive Medicine Behavior Modification Therapy Nutrition Counseling A Member of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians

Source: American Heart Association

Terry Ellman, M.D., M.P.H., Medical Director 34 S Broadway, Suite 210, White Plains, NY (next to the Westchester Mall) For more details call 914-920-7217 or visit

Free Initial Consultation includes state-of-the-art body composition analysis. (with this ad) Offer Expires February 28, 2013

DENTAL & COSMETIC GROUP OF WESTCHESTER 10 Mitchell Place, Suite 102 • White Plains, NY (914) 683-5203 •

We specialize in new smiles. At Dental & Cosmetic Group of Westchester, patients can experience surgical expertise from a specialized group of dental practitioners. Specialties include periodontics, implants, and oral surgery. Consultations are free of charge for surgical and cosmetic procedures, and all aspects of care are conveniently in one location. Dr. Asha Gulati offers a full spectrum of the latest periodontal and implant care that includes gum disease treatment, implant placement, sinus lifts, bone, soft tissue grafting, Botox and dermal filler treatment. Dr. Gordon is a general dentist that specializes in root canal procedures and treats young adults. Dr.Gulati and Dr.Gordon are also Invisalign® providers. Dr.Krestin perform comprehensive cosmetic makeovers that give her patients a more youthful and beautiful smile.

At the Dental & Cosmetic Group of Westchester, the mission is delivering exceptional dental care with a personal touch. The staff is fluent in many languages and prides itself on providing a warm, family friendly environment.

Thank You, Gracias, Obrigado, Cảm ơn bạn, Grazie, Todah Raba, !"यवाद.

Dr. Lance Gordon, Dr. Amparo Krestin, Dr. Asha Gulati, and Office Manager Tatiane Gaviao.


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Safe Sleeping Initiative Sound Shore Medical Center in New Rochelle has announced that it is one of eight hospitals in Westchester County joining forces with the District Attorney’s Office in launching Westchester County’s Safe Sleeping Initiative – a community partnership whose goal is to enhance baby safety. This initiative’s goal is to improve child safety and assist parents in keeping their babies safe. Following are the American Academy of Pediatrics ABC’s of Baby Safe Sleeping: A – Baby should sleep alone B – Baby should sleep on his/her back C – Baby should sleep in a crib - that meets the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s safety standards Commenting on the Westchester County Safe Sleeping Initiative, President and CEO of Sound Shore Medical Center, John R. Spicer said, “As a New York State Department of Health designated Perinatal Hospital with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Sound Shore has always had a keen interest in babies and safeguarding their health and wellbeing. Just last year, we delivered 1,077 reasons to encourage parents to adopt the Safe Sleeping Initiative.” He concluded, “We are proud to be a partner in this effort.” As a participating hospital, SSMC is committed to educating parents and caregivers about safe sleeping practices for their babies, including showing a six-minute video, “The ABC’s of Safe Sleeping”. The video is available in English and Spanish. In addition, to distributing informational material to new parents through the SSMC’s maternity department, the information is posted on its website. The following are safe sleeping rules to help keep babies safe: Babies should sleep in a separate space alone Place baby on his/her back; not on the side Provide a sleep surface that is flat and firm – free of pillows, blankets, toys and stuffed animals Use only cribs, cradles or bassinets approved for sleeping babies Keep the baby’s room a comfortable, cool temperature Avoid clothing that overheats baby Have a caretaker who is free of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs within earshot of a sleeping baby

12-12-12 babies at Hudson Valley Hospital Center The two babies born at Hudson Valley Hospital Center on December 12, 2012 made their mark on history, having the rare opportunity to be born on a triple number date that will not happen again for 89 years. Yocasta Perez of New Rochelle and Jazmine Lassic of Peekskill excitedly held their baby boys and talked about the unique bond they will share forever. “I was in so much pain I didn’t realize the importance of the date until after,” said Lassic. “After I held Ézan in my arms, I knew this was an extra special day.” “My son, Nicholas, was supposed to be born on December 16, but his father knew he was going to be born on 12-12-12,” said Yocasta Perez of New Rochelle. Both babies are happy and most importantly healthy, Ézan was born 8lbs, 12oz, 19 ½ inches long, and Nicholas was 6 lbs, 13oz and 20 ½ inches. The births were noteworthy not only for its repetition -- Dec. 12, 2012, or 12/12/12 - but also because it's the last time this century that all three of the same numbers fall on the same date. The next time this will happen is on Jan. 1, 2101, or 01/01/2101.

Five Ways to Love Your Heart


Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

CPR Fact Sheet Anyone can learn CPR – and everyone should!

Put very simply: The life you save with CPR is most likely to be someone you love.

Be active:

2 3

4 5

Enjoy a diet low in sodium, saturated fat and trans fat, and rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber-rich whole grains, and monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat.

Age, gender, race, ethnicity, family history and other medical conditions can all increase your risk of developing heart disease. Know which factors affect you and what you can do to reduce them.

Listen to your heart: When warning signs pop up, pay attention to them. By visiting a doctor early, your chances of avoiding a serious condition increase.

Know the facts: Read up on heart disease. By knowing about the culprit, you will be better prepared to help prevent and fight it.

Source: American Heart Association

WHO CAN YOU SAVE WITH CPR? The life you save with CPR is most likely to be a loved one.

African-Americans are almost twice as likely to experience cardiac arrest at home, work or in another public location than Caucasians, and their survival rates are twice as poor as for Caucasians. WHY LEARN CPR? Cardiac arrests are more common than you think, and they can happen to anyone at any time. Nearly 300,000 out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrests occur annually, and 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur at home. Many victims appear healthy with no known heart disease or other risk factors. Sudden cardiac arrest is not the same as a heart attack. o


Evaluate your risk:

Sadly, 70 percent of Americans may feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because they either do not know how to administer CPR or their training has significantly lapsed. This alarming statistic could hit close to home, because home is exactly where 80 percent of cardiac arrests occur.

Four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home. Statistically speaking, if called on to administer CPR in an emergency, the life you save is likely to be someone at home: a child, a spouse, a parent or a friend.

The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity a day.

Eat smart:

PagE 23

Sudden cardiac arrest occurs when electrical impulses in the heart become rapid or chaotic, which causes the heart to suddenly stop beating. A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to part of the heart muscle is blocked. A heart attack may cause cardiac arrest.

WHY TAKE ACTION? Failure to act in a cardiac emergency can lead to unnecessary deaths. Effective bystander CPR provided immediately after sudden cardiac arrest can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival, but only 32 percent of cardiac arrest victims get CPR from a bystander. Sadly, less than eight percent of people who suffer cardiac arrest outside the hospital survive. The American Heart Association trains more than 12 million people in CPR annually, to equip Americans with the skills they need to perform bystander CPR. Learn more today. Visit Source: American Heart Association

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Weight Loss Leads to Satisfied Customers Maria Briones M.D. P.C. PROPRIETOR:

Maria Briones M.D.P.C.

Maria Briones

IN BUSINESS SINCE: 2007 PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: Commercial weight loss programs don’t provide the level of attention, flexibility and treatment options available through a medical weight loss facility. Dr. Maria Briones offers a multidisciplinary approach to weight loss incorporating a Medical Doctor and a Nutritionist into the weight loss regimen. In addition to the weight loss program, Dr. Briones offers a meal replacement formula along with delicious snacks.

GREATEST STRENGTH: “Our greatest strength,” says Dr. Briones, “is our high percentage of patient satisfaction and success with weight management.” SPECIAL PLANS: Dr. Briones has enhanced services by providing support to adolescents for weight loss with a program which includes medical, nutritional evaluation, behavioral modification and family group sessions. You can reach Dr. Briones at 914-241-6249 or view the website at

Internal Medicine & Weight Loss Board Certified in Internal Medicine

344 Main St. Suite # 03 Mount Kisco, NY 10549

Telephone: (914) 241-6249 Fax (914) 241-6253 EMAIL: Office Hours By Appointment


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

The Botox Compromise Are You Getting a Great Deal Or Just Getting Less Botox? In this economy everyone is looking for the next great deal. When it comes to leasing a car, you can search for an incredible offer because if you're in a lease and the car is faulty you just take it back with no expense. Many products and services come with this type of discounting and assurance as many business are in need of customers. Some believe the same to be true about a Botox Treatment and are very often lead to believe they got a great deal. Receiving a great deal on Botox is like wanting the whole enchilada but just getting the nachos. I am not sure if this example provides the full picture, but you just can't compromise a Botox treatment and expect a great outcome. Botox and Dysport is a botulinum toxin. When used correctly it can relieve the look of aging and temporarily improve the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkling and creases in the upper face and eye area by freezing certain muscles in and around the face, " A Quick Lift " Botox and Dysport can be offered per area or per treatment. It is far less of a guessing game and the results are much more corrective offered per treatment. All areas of the upper face will be treated at the same time for one price. The catch here is how much product are you getting for your money. I have heard that one client said to another that her Botox or Dysport treatment cost was $400 and that her friend paid $600 and was over charged. Truthfully, if the person paying $600 received 50 units of Botox or 150 units of Dysport she got a much better deal and much better results. Some providers prefer to ask the patient to explain what area is of most concern and treat just that area. To fully appreciate the dramatic and youthful effects of Botox or Dysport all areas in the upper face could and should be treated. Mostly all women and men want to look refreshed and have a tighter less wrinkled looking face. If the line between your brows makes you crazy you can purchase what you need to correct that line. The same goes for sagging eyelids or droopy eyebrows. Many women are not sure where to start and a full treatment in all three areas is a complete correction. Customers will benefit from coming into an office and asking the price per unit. This is truly the only way you can determine if you are getting a fair price or if the provider is just over charging. The average amount for a full treatment, all three areas, the brows forehead and around the eyes is 50 units of Botox and 150 units of Dysport. Dysport is weighted in European terms so 150 units equals 50 units in America. The average cost is between $12-$15 per unit for Botox and $4-$7 per unit of Dysport. continued on next page

The Botox Compromise continued from previous page The consumer needs to be informed before looking for a great deal. Most importantly the injector must be in the medical field and highly trained as an injector. How long have they been providing Botox? These questions need to be answered before you consider a location. Certainly the technique is important but that does not cost twice as much as another talented injector. I have found that some of the female nurses working with a doctor are some of the best injectors in the business. Referrals are a great way to find someone with talent. If you noticed your neighbor or co-worker looks years younger after a long weekend ask them what's up and where do I go. Experience and talent will provide a safe and very exciting outcome and you will look years younger with no downtime at a fraction of the cost of surgery.

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

PAGe 25


There is a need to repeat the treatment every three to four months. Some gals think that just one treatment before a wedding or reunion will do. The problem,

you will look and feel great about yourself and when it starts wearing off you start hunting for it. If you can see it as maintenance or a necessity like a car payment

and put aside $200 a month for your Botox, then this treatment is like a fountain of youth. Botox or Dysport can relieve the signs of aging and provide relief of many

medical conditions. Side effects, if any, are minimal and no allergy testing necessary. New uses for Botox are constantly being found and Botox has been safely administered in the medical field for over twenty years. With the continued growth of these services and the addition of many fillers to safely lift the face and fill the lips many locations throughout Westchester now offer Botox and Fillers. Locally Pretty Face Medi Spa in Montrose is the third largest location. They are motivated by customer satisfaction and repeat service. Providing complimentary consultations without pressure to purchase anything. Pretty Face Medi Spa also offers the injection trainer of over two thousand plastic surgeons and dermatologists in the Northeast providing these services. Look as young as you feel! Call Today 914.788.9790 or Visit us at…

Look Younger & Feel Beautiful We’ll Take 10 Years off your appearance Preserving Your natural Beauty is our business Linda Nicolo, Owner Gabriella Mrugala, RN Louis Busco, MD William Byrne, MD Botox Dysport and fillers offered by our premier injector & trainer of over 2,000 plastic surgeons & dermatologists Laser Hair Removal Laser Wrinkle and Scar Removal Laser Sun and Age Spot Removal Laser Skin Tightening Permanent Makeup Expert Electrolysis Microdermabrasion

Permanent Makeup is easier than you ever imagined and is completely safe! Get off the road to Breast Cancer… Thermal Imaging Breast $200 3 month follow up $150 2081 Albany Post Rd. Montrose, NY • (914) Purchase Any Two Fillers for $999 to correct Lines Around Your Mouth, Chin & Lift the Face or Fill Lips and Receive a full Botox or Dysport Treatment (all three areas) for $400

Savings of over $500! Expires February 15, 2013 and cannot be combined with any other offer.

788 9790 •

Instant Rebate on Botox or Dysport $50 OFF Correct all three areas 50 units of Botox 150 units of Dysport For $550

♥ Great Valentine Gift Certificate

Expires Feb. 15, 2013 and cannot be combined with any other offer.

Choosing plastic surgery, finding the right doctor, expense and recovery PAGE 26

February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Not everyone is blessed with great skin, a cute nose or perfect breasts. That’s why, every year, millions of men and women select surgical treatments to enhance, minimize, nip and tuck all manner of physical features. From face lifts and tummy tucks, breast augmentation and liposuction, to laser hair removal and botox injections, there is a procedure out there that can repair, remove, lift and smooth just about every inch of the human body. These physical imperfections don’t upset everyone who has them. However, for some, they can shape poor self-image and influence low confidence levels. When considering plastic surgery, it is important to find a surgeon who is board certified. To become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, doctors must complete a minimum of five years' residency training, including three years in basic surgery and at least two in plastic surgery.

How to find a good plastic surgeon?

The best way to select your plastic surgeon is to do your own research. Take your time. Interview at least two or three plastic surgeons, and see examples of their work. Look at their before and after pictures. Make sure you like the results of the doctor's work and that you feel you have a good rapport with him or her.

Cosmetic Surgery

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

PAge 27

Here are 5 important factors to consider if you are thinking about plastic surgery:

1 2 3 4

Your expectations: Expect improvement, not perfection. If you expect cosmetic surgery to turn you into a movie star, you're bound to be disappointed.

Expense: Cosmetic surgery isn't covered by most health insurance plans. The cost varies depending on the procedure, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Also consider the cost of any follow-up care or additional corrective procedures.

Risks: Dissatisfaction is possible after any type of cosmetic surgery. Surgical complications are possible, too — including excessive bleeding or infection at the surgical site. Liz DiBartolo, Owner and Dr. Adam J. Messenger, Medical Director

Recovery: After cosmetic surgery, you may need days, weeks or even months to recover. Understand the physical effects that may be part of your recovery, as well as how the surgery may affect aspects of your personal and professional life.

Voted Best of Westchester for six years running, winning Best Facial, Best Day Spa, Best Laser Hair Removal, and Best Place for a Massage, Euro Laser Spa Services proudly enjoys being in the forefront of superior skin care services purposely tucked away in the heart of Rye, NY. For more than a decade, Euro Laser Spa experts have built a reputation as the county’s most progressive, sought after, independently owned Full Service Medical/Day Spa. Owner Liz DiBartolo, LMT, CLT, Medical Director Dr. Adam Messenger, and their staff of professionals offer each client a personalized treatment plan to slow down the aging process. Their entire business revolves around their belief in keeping everyone looking and feeling “FOREVER YOUNG”. This past year, Euro Laser introduced its exclusive DEP Collagen Infusion Treatment as another avenue for skin tightening and total skin resurfacing repair! The center caters to clients’ every need by offering hair removal for all skin types and ethnicities, facial skin tightening, spider vein removal, doctor-administered injections with only FDA approved materials, award-winning facials, deep tissue massages and Reflexology.


Psychological changes: Your self-esteem might improve after cosmetic surgery, but cosmetic surgery isn’t likely to relieve depression or other mental health conditions.

Euro Laser Spa truly sets industry standards for excellent service, as shown by all the 5 star reviews, qualified personnel, and emerging techniques and products. We invite you to experience the pleasure of becoming a whole new you and staying FOREVER YOUNG!

20 Purdy Ave, Suite 1, Rye, NY 10580 (914) 921-3265


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

2013 Higher Limits for HSA Contributions The 2013 limits on contribution and out-of-pocket spending amounts for Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and for the High-Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) were increased again this year by the IRS. In Revenue Procedure 2012-26, issued on April 27, 2012, the IRS provided the inflation-adjusted HSA contribution and HDHP minimum deductible and out-of-pocket limits for 2013. The higher rates reflect the cost-of-living adjustment and rounding rules of Internal Revenue Code section 223. A comparison of the 2012 and 2013 limits is shown below:

Contribution and Out-of-Pocket Limits for Health Savings Accounts and for High-Deductible Health Plans For 2012

For 2013

Individual: $3,100 Family: $6,250

Individual: $3,250 Family: $6,450



HDHP minimum deductible amounts

Individual: $1,200 Family: $2,400

Individual: $1,250 Family: $2,500

HDHP maximum out-of-pocket amounts (deductibles, co-payments and other amounts, but not premiums)

Individual: $6,050 Family: $12,100

Individual: $6,250 Family: $12,500

HSA contribution limit (employer and/or employee)

HSA catch-up contributions (age 55 or older)*

* Catch-up contributions can be made any time during the year in which the HSA participant turns 55.

Here are some important points regarding HSAs and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: HSA penalties for nonqualified expenses Effective Jan. 1, 2011, the penalty for using HSA funds for nonqualified medical expenses for those under the age of 65 (unless totally and permanently disabled) increased from 10 percent to 20 percent of the funds used for nonqualified expenses. Funds spent for nonqualified purposes also are subject to income tax. HSAs and coverage of adult children under age 26 While the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) allows parents to add their adult children (up to age 26) to their health plans, the IRS has not changed its definition of a dependent for health savings accounts. This means that an employee whose 24-year-old child is covered on their HSA-qualified high-deductible health plan is not eligible to use HSA funds to pay for medical bills for that 24-year-old. If account holders can't claim a child as a dependent on their tax returns, then they can't spend HSA dollars on services provided to that child. According to the IRS definition, a dependent is a qualifying child who: • Has same principal place of abode as the covered employee for more than one-half of the taxable year. • Has not provided over one-half of their own support during the taxable year. • Is not yet age 19 (or not yet age 24 if a student) at the end of the tax year • Is permanently and totally disabled. For more information about Health Savings Accounts, please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC at 914-682-2190 or toll free at 877-676-9900. Andrew is certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 500 West Putnam Ave, Greenwich CT 06831.

A s k A n E x p e r t

Enjoy this heart healthy staff selected recipe:

Healthy Valentine Yogurt Parfait Makes 2 servings 1 1/2 cups sliced strawberries 1 1/2 cups raspberries 2 (6 ounce) containers vanilla yogurt 1 (6 ounce) containers chocolate yogurt 2 tablespoons cocoa powder Layer One: 1/4 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/2 container vanilla yogurt, 1/3 tablespoon cocoa powder. Layer Two: 1/4 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/2 container chocolate yogurt, 1/3 tablespoon cocoa powder. Layer Three: 1/4 cup strawberries, 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/2 container vanilla yogurt, top with 1/3 tablespoon cocoa powder. has been serving the North Salem and the larger Westchester community since 1999. Our chef mandates the use of local, organic, and sustainable products. The simplicity and bold flavors of our dishes stimulates a culinary driven dialogue between diners, allowing them to find their common ground.

121 Restaurant 2 Dingle Ridge Road North Salem, NY 10560


Hours of Operation: Lunch M-Sat Sun Brunch / Lunch Dinner Sun - Wed Dinner Thur - Sat

11:30 - 2:30 11:30 - 3:00 5:00 - 9:00 5:00 - 10:00

Find us at: website: facebook:


Restaurant of the Month! ★★★★★ To be featured in our Restaurant section, contact Anthony Mairo 845-534-7500 *215

PagE 30

February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory Adult Day Health Center JewishHome Lifecare / Sarah neuman Center 845 Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 phone: (914) 864-5800

Audiology Premiere audiology Karen Manley Au. D. CCC-A Doctor of Audiology At Premiere Audiology we strive to offer you a wide variety of choices for your hearing solutions. We work with many hearing instrument manufacturers so you can find the right hearing instrument for you at a price you are comfortable with.

House Calls available! 2065 Boston Post Rd. Larchmont, NY 10538

(914) 834-0130 Insurance Accepted —Financing Available

Chiropractors westchester Spinal Decompression Center Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS 1241 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, New York 10605 (located in the Full Circle Family Care Building)


Contract/Practice Management Services mED★EXCEL USa Providing Emergency Medicine Excellence for over 20 years EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE COntraCt managEmEnt Physician Owned and Managed Award winning Customer Relations Program Continuous Quality Improvement Risk Management Innovations Cost Containment Measurable Outcomes EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE SErViCES COnSULtatiOn SErViCES Customer Satisfaction TeamBuilding/Staff Development Conflict Mediation ED Systems Analysis PraCtiCE managEmEnt SErViCES Hospital and Physician Billing/Coding/Auditing/Consultation nEw YOrK BaSED OFFiCE mED★EXCEL USa Please contact Marie Buchanan at 800.563.6384 Ext. 249 all inquiries are confidential


Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University. Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Lynn Gunnar Johnson, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For information, contact Dr. Johnson at 914-931-2711 or Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577

Elder Law Estate Planning EttingEr Law Firm 150 Grand Street, White Plains, New York 10601 (914) 684-6100 9 NY locations. Call 800-500-2525 ext. 117 or email to schedule a free consultation. Combining Elder Law and Estate Planning, we address our clients’ needs for comprehensive estate planning to avoid probate, save estate taxes and keep assets “in the blood”. At the same time, we take steps to ensure that our clients’ assets are protected from the costs of long-term care as they age by using Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts. Our trademarked free maintenance program includes a review every three years to insure your plan will work when you need it.

Elder Law

Lamson & Cutner, P.C. 9 East 40th Street New York, NY 10016 Tel: 877-493-3535 Tel: 914-449-1300 Email: ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS WHO CARE AND GET RESULTS Frequently, individuals who need long-term care, and their families, must confront the fact that the ruinous costs of home care, or nursing home care, will soon deplete their life’s savings, often leaving them, their spouses, and other family members in dire circumstances. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Lamson & Cutner, one of New York’s preeminent Elder Law firms, can show you how proper and ethical tools and strategies will allow you to obtain the care that you need from Medicaid, while preserving your money, investments, and property. Make an informed decision about your future. Call now for an in-depth consultation, where you will receive sophisticated and thorough advice, and straightforward answers to all your questions.

Life & Health Insurance

Residential & Health Care Services • 24- Hour On-Site Nursing Services • Attending Physicians/ Medical Director • IV Therapy/ Wound care • Dental/ Podiatry • Mental Health/ Social Services • Registered Dietitian & Specialized Diets • Full Service Dining-Room • Housekeeping & Laundry Services • In-House Beauty Parlor • Therapeutic Recreation • Exercise Program/ Nursing Rehabilitation • Palliative & Comfort Care • Specialized Residence For Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Rehabilitation Services • Physical/ Occupational & Speech Therapy • Short Term Stay Available • Surgical Recovery • Cardiac Recovery • Pulmonary Care • Orthopedic Recovery & Care • Neurological Recovery & Care • Medically Complex Care • Disease Management Education

Physical Therapy A Healthier You, L.L.P.


Keystone Financial advisors 50 Main Street, Suite 1000 White Plains, NY 10606 Tel: 914-682-2190 Fax: 914-931-8400 Toll: 877-676-9900 ANDREW J. CAVALIERE, CLTC Life Insurance Health Insurance Long-Term Care Insurance Long-Term Disability Insurance Guaranteed Fixed Annuities Medicare Supplements

Hospitals Burke rehabilitation Hospital 785 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-597-2268

Nursing & Rehabilitation VICTORIA HOME Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Person- Centered Care on a Riverview Estate Since 1916. Victoria Home is a New York State Licensed Nursing Facility. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a tour. 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, New York 10562 (914) 941-2450 Fax: (914) 941-2962

Move Better • Feel Better • Live Better Personalized In-Home Physical Therapy and Wellness Services for All Abilities! A Healthier You, LLP (A.H.Y.) provides personalized and integrative in-home physical therapy and wellness services in lower Westchester and Fairfield Counties. Owners Dr. Delali Goka, PT, DPT and Stacey Rittenberg, PT, MPT, NCS bring over twenty years experience in rehabilitation, fitness, and wellness to your doorstep. Their passion and expertise are evident in their approach to patient care. Choose A.H.Y. to: • Gain peace of mind at home • Recover faster from surgery or injury • Take back control of your health • Manage a chronic condition or pain effectively • Achieve you personal best In-Home Physical Therapy Services • Evaluation/Treatment of Orthopedic, Cardiopulmonary and Neurological Conditions • Balance and Fall Prevention • Customized Home Exercise Programs • Caregiver Training Programs • Home Modification/Safety Assessments • Aquatic Therapy • Vestibular Rehabilitation Wellness Services • Wellness Assessments • Personalized and Diagnosis Specific Wellness Programs • Wellness Seminars • Wellness Parties Phone: (914) 458-2249 E-mail: Web:

all Listings are also available online at Click on resource Directory on the top right side. to include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email

Healthcare News - Westchester February, 2013

Page 31

Phelps Cardiologist's research connects risk of heart disease to first responders

Over 180 members of local police and fire departments have been among the first to respond to a call for a higher level of fitness in their ranks. They have signed up to participate in the "Chief's Challenge," a program which began at Club Fit in Jefferson Valley and Briarcliff Manor to improve the health and wellness of public safety personnel.

The program was inspired by research conducted by Dr. Franklin Zimmerman, Senior Attending Cardiologist and Director of Critical Care at Phe lps Memorial Hospital Center in Sleepy Hollow. His findings were published recently in Cardiology in Review and presented at a meeting of the International Association of Chiefs of Police held in San Diego. "We found that law enforcement personnel are at a high risk for heart disease. They have a high prevalence of cardiac risk factors, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cigarette smoking, psychological stress and a sedentary lifestyle," said Dr. Zimmerman. "Both police officers and firemen need to be encouraged to build their own personal health, beginning with a regular exercise program such as the one being offered to them at Club Fit."

Beginning January 1, the "Chief's Challenge" features a free three-months membership at Club Fit for all police and fire personnel in Westchester and surrounding counties. At the end of the first three months, memberships can be extended at half-price. The department with the highest average club visits a t the end of three months will win a $500 donation provided by the Heart and Health Education Foundation that Dr. Zimmerman heads with his partners and fellow Phelps' cardiologists Arthur Fass, MD and Dina Katz, MD. The department with the highest average number of visits at the end of a year will receive a $1,000 donation. Dr. Zimmerman is hopeful that the program will be so successful in the Westchester area that it can be expanded and serve as a model across the country. "When I spoke to the Westchester County Chiefs of Police Association earlier this year, the feedback was tremendous," he said.

"They recognize the need to keep their officers fit and healthy as a very important part of their commitment to public safety." In addition to his professional interest in the health of the nation's first responders, Dr. Zimmerman has a personal interest because his sister, Shelley Zimmerman, is Assistant Chief of Police for the City of San Diego. "She is also a triathlete and trains regularly," said Dr. Zimmerman, "so I've had lots of support for this program in our family and through my sister's connections nationally." Dr. Zimmerman lectures regularly on cardiovascular health and related emergencies to EMT's and other first-responders at the Hoch Center for Emergency Education at Phelps. He and his partners are all members of Club Fit Briarcliff and can be seen exercising at the club nearly every day, practicing what they preach to their patients about a healthy lifestyle.

The Outlook Just Got Better At

United Hebrew of New Rochelle’s Rehabilitation and Nursing Pavilion

View from our gracious nursing pavilion

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New York State Department of Health Award Winner – Top 4% Performer in Nursing Care

For more information or to schedule a tour, please call 914.632.2804 ext. 1148.


February, 2013

Resource Directory Senior Care

The Wartburg Adult Care Community 1 Wartburg Place, Mount Vernon, NY 10552 (914) 699-0800!/thewartburg Wartburg offers residential and home-centered services to the aging in Westchester. On its stunning Mount Vernon campus are independent living cottages (Lohman Village); affordable housing (opening late 2012); assisted living (Meadowview); memory care/specialized Alzheimer's/dementia areas; skilled nursing; adult day (medical/social); sub-acute rehab. Adult day works with homecare to provide seamless programs for those living at home or with loved ones. Wartburg is a mission-driven non-profit with its roots in the Lutheran faith. People of all means and beliefs are welcome; a unique and diverse pastoral care team supports all programs.

Senior Living

FREE Service Helping Families Find Senior Residences Golden Years Living Solutions is a FREE senior living advisory service. We help families navigate the overwhelming process of finding and selecting a new senior residence for a loved one. We work directly and personally with each of our clients to guide and assist them through the entire process in choosing the right residence. We provide information regarding various senior living options (including care, services, amenities, activities and costs) and we help evaluate the most suitable arrangement for you or your loved one. These residences include: 55+ Communities, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Residential Care, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Skilled Nursing, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call (914) 437-8675 or email Golden Years Living Solutions, Inc. 333 Mamaroneck Avenue #211 White Plains, New York 10605 Phone: 914-437-8675 Fax#: 888-900-9850 Email: Website:

All Listings are also available online at Click on Resource Directory on the top right side. To include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email

Healthcare News - Westchester

Senior Living Getting better…. just got better. We are proud to announce that our stunning new nursing center has opened and has private and semi-private rooms with magnificent views of Long Island Sound. United Hebrew is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, multi-service senior living campus serving the Westchester metropolitan area since 1919. Our dedicated short-term rehabilitation suite is staffed by Burke Rehabilitation professionals. The exemplary clinical team of professionals will design a personalized treatment plan for care in our nurturing environment. Features include country kitchens, recreation rooms on each floor, a courtyard garden for recreational use, private dining and family rooms and wireless internet access. United Hebrew Family of Services: • Nursing Home Care • Burke Rehabilitation at United Hebrew • Willow Towers Assisted Living Residence • Soundview Apartments for Independent Seniors • Long Term Home Health Care Program • Azor Home Health Agency For more information or to schedule a tour please call Admissions at 914-632-2804 x1148 or email Karen Nodiff at United Hebrew 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 914.632.2804

Services DML LICE SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER (914) 424-1367 60 Blanchard Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Dale Longworth, the Original Lice Expert of Dobbs Ferry/Westchester has removed lice and eggs from thousands of children and their families using all natural and non-toxic products. She has been in business as a professional lice technician since 1997 and is highly recommended by doctors and nurses throughout Westchester County. Her services provide a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for you and your children during treatment and you will be guaranteed to leave satisfied and lice free!

Weight Loss

Reifer promoted to VP of Quality and Case Management at Phelps William Reifer, LCSW, of Ardsley has been promoted to Vice President of Quality and Case Management at Phelps Memorial Hospital Center. Reifer joined Phelps in 1993 as Director of Social Work. Over the past 19 years, he has held positions of progressive responsibility, including Director of Social Work and Discharge Planning, Director of Case Management, and Administrative Director of Geriatrics. In 2005, he became Assistant VP of Quality and Case Management. "Quality management is a critical hospital function to ensure optimal patient care and safety, and we are fortunate to have someone with Bill's knowledge, experience and energy to keep us on track," said Dr. Lawrence Faltz, Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer. Prior to joining Phelps, Reifer held several positions at Montefiore Medical Center, where he worked as a medical/surgical so-

cial worker in a variety of units, including major rehabilitation, reconstructive surgery and pulmonary medicine. He continued his career in Montefiore's division of psychiatry, working as a psychiatric social worker on their Family Therapy Training unit. In the early 1990s, Reifer moved to Sound Shore Medical Center, where he was Assistant Director of Social Work. Most recently he has served as chair of the Stellaris Health Network committee focused on pay-forperformance quality monitoring. The network earned a q uality award from the Northern Metropolitan Hospital Association (NorMet) for their joint efforts in 2011. Reifer received his bachelor of arts degree in psychology from Lehman College of the City University of New York and his master's degree in social work from Hunter College School of Social Work.

Career OppOrtunity!

Rehabilitation Counselor New York City

WELLU MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS Terry Ellman, M.D., M.P.H. 34 South Broadway, Suite 210 White Plains, NY 10601 (located next to The Westchester shopping mall) 914-920-7217 WellU Medical Weight Loss offers the ultimate in bariatric care using a comprehensive and individualized approach crafted for you. Dr. Ellman specializes in preventive and bariatric medicine (non-surgical weight loss/management) and uses the most advanced innovative interventions consistent with the latest and best available scientific evidence and guidelines. Our medically-supervised weight loss programs will guide you through your journey to achieve and maintain a healthier weight and lifestyle. You will enjoy one-on-one physician support every step of the way. Call us today for an appointment at 914-920-7217 or schedule online at

Women’s Health FULL CIRCLE WOMEN’S HEALTH Holistic, Integrative Health Care for Women of all Ages 1241 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 914-421-1500

Master Degree required Send resume to:

212-371-2250 Back & Body Medical Care PC.


February, 2013

Healthcare News - Westchester

What do doctors do to treat their own pain? As a board-certified internist who has been in practice for over 13 years, I spend much of my time attempting to alleviate the pain and suffering of my patients. As a clinician, one of the biggest challenges I face is helping my patients deal with musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes—those all-too-common, yet frequently debilitating ailments caused by bad backs, pinched nerves, arthritis, and the like. Unfortunately, much of what I have to offer my patients boils down to the following: take a pain pill, stretch if you can, wait, and hope for the best. After a failed trial of “conservative” therapy a call might go out to the orthopedic surgeon for assistance; a truly satisfactory result is not common. The simple fact is that physicians are not well trained to deal with musculoskeletal pain, and patients can suffer as a result. Thankfully, my views on this topic have been turned completely upside down since I havepersonally discovered Dr. Jonathan Donath’s outstanding practice. After beginning a vigorous exercise regimen I started to experience awful neck and upper back pain, accompanied by numbness and tingling down my left arm and fingers. For weeks I tried to nurse the pain with non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, but the pain persisted and got to the point that I was almost unable to work, sleep, or most importantly, play guitar. I wasliterally in tears from the excruciating pain. A neurosurgeon diagnosed a herniated disc and pinched nerve in my neck and offered to decompress it with an operation. In desperation I called Dr. Donath instead. My visit to Dr. Donath’s office was an outstanding experience. He spent about an hour with me and combined multiple modalities to fix the herniated disc in my neck: deep massage, active release techniques, traditional manipulation, cold therapy, and finally spinal decompression. After that first hour with Dr. Donath my pain had decreased from a 10/10 down to a manageable 4/10, and I was able to comfortably move my head and neck. That very night I was able to play guitar again. Two days later I went back for another series of treatments and the pain decreased even further. After about five days the pain was absolutely gone. Unbelievable! Since then he has used the same wonderful techniques to help me overcome painful bouts of sciatica as well. My own patients and family members have become “believers” in Dr. Donath’s abilities as well--- the results he achieves are real and lasting. He is my go to guy for the majority of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes that I now realize are truly treatable. Dr. Robert Sidlow MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

I am a pediatrician and in my work, I have to bend down a lot and I’m constantly lifting kids. I usually have one to three bad flare ups of low back pain every year. When my back would "go out", I could barely walk to the bathroom and would have to lie down in bed for a few days. I have tried everything: doing nothing and "toughing it out", muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage, and even painful steroid injections. Nothing worked. When I moved to Westchester, I met Dr. Jonathan Donath. In just a couple of sessions with Dr. Donath, the pain completely disappeared. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it. During my last flare up, I was expecting to be on my back for 2-3 days and in pain for 2 weeks. Instead, after one session with Dr. Donath, I was able to walk; two more sessions and I was fine. I could walk, bend down and I had almost no pain. Since that last back episode, Dr. Donath has helped me with my tendonitis in my right hand and with my chronic knee problems. I recommend Dr. Donath to everyone with back, muscle or joint pain. Even if you have not had relief with other treatments and other Chiropractors, give Dr. Donath a chance. I did and he changed my life. Eugene Dinkevich MD, Mount Vernon, NY It’s my great pleasure to write about Westchester Spinal Decompression Center. I really don’t have words to express my feelings about the care I got in last 3 months. I was almost handicapped, living with terrible pain all the time, crippling my day to day life. I am a medical doctor and work in a hospital with all sorts of amazing physicians, but after seeing a physical therapist, getting epidural steroids injections, many orthopedists and neurosurgeons, finally my destination lead me to see Dr Jonathan Donath. With great skepticism, I lied down for spinal decompression therapy. It was unbelievable that after only two initial sessions, my radiating pain down my leg had almost disappeared. Gradually, I started getting better, started doing exercises that they gave me midway through the treatment. Now, I am doing all my daily activities without any pain. I highly recommend Dr Jonathan and his colleague Dr Kavita for any problems related to the musculoskeletal system, you will definitely feel at home and will get better. Dr. Pankaj Jain, M.D New York, NY Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS, Clinic Director Joint Effort Chiropractic / Westchester Spinal Decompression Center

1241 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-259-8104






Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800

15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914) 428-6000

5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234

30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555

180 East Hartsdale Avenue 3 Michael Frey Drive Suite 1E Eastchester, NY 10709 Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)337-3500 (914)725-2010

688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322



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