1st Responder News New England December Edition

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PETER LOBO WALTHAM, MA - On October 28th, a fire was reported at 11 Sunset Avenue in Waltham. Engines 1, 2 and 4, along with Rescue 1, Tower 1 and Medic 1 were dispatched. Waltham Deputy Chief Capello was right around the corner from the fire and pulled up to see flames coming from the front of the house. -

See full story on page 10

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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



Members of the Windsor Locks FD read the names of the de­ ceased members.


An Occum crew operates from the exterior while Taftville firemen prepare to make entry in the rear.

Trailer Fire Spreads to Car in Occum OCCUM, CT - At 3:34 A.M. on Friday, September 24th, the Occum Fire Department was dis­ patched to the area of 35 Nashua Street for a structure fire. The chief lives in this neigh­ borhood, so while driving to the station he saw flames coming from a trailer. At 3:38 A.M., he re­ quested Taftville, Yantic, Fisbon and Baltic to be started. Engine 42 arrived at 3:49 A.M. and stretched a one-and-three-quarter inch hose line to the 'Bravo' side while the

neighbor had a green line operat­ ing on the 'Delta' exposure. Engine 41 arrived next and tied into Engine 42 with a threeinch line. They also stretched a one-and-three-quarter inch line from Engine 42 to the front, where the fire had extended to a vehicle in the driveway. Engine 21 was third due and stretched a one-and-

three-quarter inch line to the 'Delta' side. During suppression, one fire­ fighter’s leg went through the floor but he walked out and was not injured. Engine 33 assisted with overhaul while Tanker 124 nursed Engine 42. Crews were on scene for a while, and the Norwich Fire Marshal’s Office is investigat­ ing. - RYAN FLAHERTY

ALL IN THE FAMILY I f you have photos you would like to see in our “All In The Family”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


Firefighter Patrick Collins tolls the bell as the names are read.

Windsor Locks Fire Department Holds Annual Memorial Service WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - On Sunday, October 17th, members of the Windsor Locks Fire Department and the Windsor Locks Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary gathered with their families to remember members who have passed away. A tolling of the bell occurred after each name was read. A fam­ ily member of those who were newly added to the memorial plaque placed a flower bearing a ribbon with their loved one's name into the Memorial Wreath after the wreath was placed in front of the Memorial Bell by the chief officers. This year the following names were added to the role of honor: Peter Coffey and Joseph Baron.


WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - WLFD Lt. Anthony Ruggiero poses with his 2-year-old son, Leo, on the back bumper of Windsor Locks FD Engine 2.

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December, 2021


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I f your department has photos you would like to see in our “Memorial Board”feature please up­ load them on our website www.lRBN.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

HARTFORD COUNTY, CT - On Sunday, September 26th, the 19th Annual Connecticut State Firefighters Memorial was held at the Connecticut Fire Academy. The name of New Haven Firefighter Ri­ cardo Torres, Jr. was added to the memorial. Firefighter Torres lost his life while battling a house fire in May of 2021.




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Manchester purchased a 2021 Marion pumper on a Spartan Metro Star Chassis. The new Engine 3 has a 2000-GPM pump with a 500gallon water tank.



Ellington has taken delivery of a 2021 Freightliner M2-106/KME 1500/500/20F Urban Interface Pumper. New England Marine


PL Custom


Shaker Auto Group




Utility Communications


The family of New Haven Fallen Firefighter, Ricardo Torres, Jr. find his name on the memorial.




CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New Eng­ land edition - Vol. 25, No. 12 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communi­ cations, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. O m is s io n s or errors


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Attending members of the New Haven FD pose with members of Ricardo Torres, Jr.'s family.

Ellington Squad 243 operates this 2020 Sutphen Monarch 1500-GPM rescue pumper. It has a 1000-gallon tank with a 30-gallon foam cell.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021


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December, 2021


1st Responder Newspaper - NE

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Michelle Rosa



emergency responders lost in the line of duty


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EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS Rick Billings (Cartoon) AJ Fusco (Food Blog) Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Video, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain’s Comer) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain’s Comer)


Montana: Tim Hart, 36 Rank: Smokejumper/Firefighter Incident Date: May 24, 2021 Death Date: June 2, 2021 Fire Department: West Yellowstone Interagency Fire Center Initial Summary: On Monday, May 24, 2021, Smoke­ jumper/Firefighter Tim Halt was working the Eiks Fire in New Mexico when he was injured. He was taken to the hospital where he remained until his passing on Wednesday, June 2, 2021.

Robert Allen • Nate Arnold • Jeffrey Belschwinder • David Bowen • David Bryce • Michael Carenza Jr. • Paul Dolnier • Doug Fenichel • Sean Fesko • Ryan Flaherty • Jim Fortin Jr. • Mark Grabowski • Karin Halstead • Jay Heath • Patrick Kenigan • William King • Lee Krohn • Roger Lambert • Kenneth Leger • Peter Lobo • Chuck Lowe • Bemie Meehan Jr. • Robert Moran • Kevin Mosio • Brian Owen • Greg Ramsdell • Frank Robinson • Coral Ruggiero • Jason Rushford • Dick Scialabba • Anthony Simanskas • John Sjostedt • Ken Snyder • Robert Sprague • Jack Stawasz • Charlie Tentas • Pat Travers • Robert Vezina • Eugene Weber Jr.

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North Carolina: Ralph DeBlasi, 62 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 10, 2021 Death Date: June 10, 2021 Fire Department: Number 7 Township Fire Rescue of Craven County Initial Summary: On Thursday, June 10, 2021, while on his way to the fire station to respond to a vehicle ac­ cident that had occurred on Highway 70, Firefighter Ralph DeBlasi was involved in a single vehicle accident at the 2200 block of Brice’s Creek Road. Fire depart­ ment personnel responding to the first vehicle accident arrived on the scene and immediately provided EMS care to Firefighter DeBlasi, but he was unable to be re­ vived.


CIRCULATION INFORMATION 1st Responder Newspaper is delivered to all fire, rescue, ambulance stations and hospitals. If you do not receive your papers, please contact our circulation department. Home subscriptions are $36 per year.

845-534-7500 ext. 220 • (fax) 845-534-0055 Circulation@1stResponderNews.com

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California: Christopher Yock, 57 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 8, 2021 Death Date: June 8, 2021 Fire Department: San Francisco Fire Department Initial Summary: On Tuesday, June 8, 2021, Firefighter Christopher Yock responded to a large fire on the fourth floor of the parking garage at the San Francisco Interna­ tional Airport. After extinguishment of the fire, he ar­ rived home. Shortly thereafter, he suffered an apparent cardiac arrest and passed away.

Ohio: Douglas Dugan, 62 Rank: Chief Incident Date: June 16, 2021 Death Date: June 16, 2021 Fire Department: Tiltonsville Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, after returning from a mutual aid boat fire. Chief Douglas Dugan became short of breath and collapsed. Fire department personnel were able to get Chief Dugan into the ambulance. During transport to the hospital, he suffered a cardiac arrest. Shortly after ar­ riving, he passed away. The cause of death has been determined as a pulmonary embolism. Missouri: Rodney L. Heard, 56 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: May 5, 2021 Death Date: June 15, 2021 Fire Department: St. Louis City Fire Department Initial Summary: Firefighter Rodney L. Heard worked in the Support Seivices Division and was in contact with many different fire stations and firefighters. He subse­ quently contracted COVID-19 while on-duty and passed away from the virus on Tuesday, June 15, 202F New Jersey: Dennis B. Shennard, 70 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 26, 2021 Death Date: June 26, 2021 Fire Department: Kingston Volunteer Fire Co. #1 Initial Summary: Firefighter Dennis Shennary went into cardiac arrest during live burn training at the Mid­ dlesex County Fire Academy. Shennard received imme­ diate treatment at the scene by fellow firefighters and the Kendall Park First Aid Squad. Shennard was then trans­ ported to Raritan Bay Medical Center where he was pro­ nounced deceased shortly after his arrival.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021


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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



Fire on Third Floor Quickly Knocked Down in New B ritain NEW BRITAIN, CT - Firefighters responded to 660 West Main Street for reports of black smoke coming from the third floor of a three-story house on October 12th. The first engine com­ pany on scene reported black smoke showing from a third floor window. The fire in a third floor room was quickly knocked down with no extension. No injuries were reported.



Windsor Locks Fire Chaplain Retires WINDSOR LOCKS, CT - On September 26th, Mary Gate of Heaven Parish in Windsor Locks, CT held a retirement reception for Monsignor Robert O'Grady. Monsignor O'Grady has served as the Chaplain for both the Windsor Locks Police Department and the Windsor Locks Fire De­ partment for many years. Fire Chief Gary Ruggiero told stories of Monsignor's time as chaplain and presented him with a plaque.

I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the month “feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderNews.com.

IN SERVICE I f you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderNews.com.



This patch belongs to the Andover Fire Department, located in Tolland County, CT.

The 8th District FD in Manchester operates this 2019 Pierce Saber 1500/1000 as Engine 1. This apparatus runs out of Station 3 on Tolland Turnpike.

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE








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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Hoarding C onditions Hamper F ire fig h tin g E fforts in W altham WALTHAM, MA - On October 28th, a fire was reported at 11 Sunset Avenue in Waltham. Engines 1, 2 and 4, along with Rescue 1, Tower 1 and Medic 1 were dispatched. Waltham Deputy Chief Capello was right around the cor­ ner from the fire and pulled up to see flames coming from the front of the house. He immediately ordered a working fire, bringing in Engine 7. Squad 5 was later special called. Crews had difficulty fighting the fire due to the homeowner being a hoarder. They knocked the fire down in about 25 minutes and were overhauling for over an hour. There were no injuries reported. - PETER LOBO


THEN & NOW I f your Department has photos you would like to see in our “Then & Now”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

Newton Ladder 3 once ran with this 1985 E-One Hurricane 110’ aer­ ial. The current apparatus for this company is a 2009 Pierce Arrow XT 100’ Aerial.


Old Newton Ladder Co. 3


Fire Through the Roof in Watertown


Current Newton Ladder Co. 3

WATERTOWN, MA - On Sunday, September 5th just before midnight, Watertown responded to a fire in a large balloon frame dwelling in a tight neighborhood at 143 Spruce Street. Crews worked against heavy fire conditions in the top floor. After some time working inside, heavy fire drove companies out and everyone was pulled from the building. Fire came through the roof and was knocked down by the ladder pipe out front. Crews returned to the third floor for extensive overhaul.

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



IN SERVICE I f you have photos you would like to see in our “In Service” feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com


MVA w ith O verturn in W altham


Rehoboth Tanker 2 was built by Fouts Brothers on a 2016 Kenworth T-370 chassis. It hauls 3000gallons and is able to pump 500-GPM.


WALTHAM, MA - On the evening of October 19th, a Waltham Policeman doing a detail saw a crash at the intersection of 3rd Avenue and Prospect Hill Lane. He reported that one car was on its side. Waltham Engine 2, Rescue 1, and Medic 1 re­ sponded. Upon arrival they found both people out of the SUV. In all, three people were transported to Lahey Hospital with minor injuries. The driver of the car that caused the accident did not have a driver's license.

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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


OLD & NEW I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Old & N ew ”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.

Ashland has placed a 2020 Emergency One Typhoon, 1500-GPM pumper into service as Engine 2. It carries 750-gallons of water and 30-gallons of foam. This apparatus replaces a 2000 Central States, 2000-GPM rig, built on a Freightliner chassis. It also carried 750-gallons of water.


Ashland's new Engine 2 PAT TRAVERS/NEFIREPH0T0.C0M

Making entry for primary searches.

Working Fire Quickly Knocked Down in Hanson HANSON, MA - At 8:54 P.M. on the evening of Thursday, Oc­ tober 28th, the Hanson Fire De­ partment responded to a report of a building fire at 1492 Main Street (Route-27). A Hanson po­ lice officer, along with an East Bridgewater police officer arrived on scene first and reported an ac­ tive building fire. They were able to confirm that all occupants were out of the building. First arriving crews used a fire extinguisher to knock down the initial fire on the exterior of the building. A hand line was stretched the the 'B' side of the building and was used to knock down hot spots on the exterior. Crews made entry to the building and performed primary and sec­ ondary searches of the two-story occupied wood-framed dwelling. No extension was found to the in­ terior of the building. Whitman Engine-243 re­ sponded to the scene and a Pem­ broke engine responded to Hanson Fire Headquarters for coverage. Damage to the house due to the fire and smoke is esti­ mated at $100,000. No injuries

J ump to file # 1 1 0 3 2 1 1 0 8

were reported. The cause of the fire is currently under investiga­ tion by the Hanson Fire Depart­ ment, but it appears to be accidental in nature. - PAT TRAVERS


Former Ashland Engine 2

OLD & NEW I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Old & N ew ”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.

Lowell ran this 1996 Emergency One Hurricane 110' rear-mount for over 2 decades. During that time it saw a lot of work. That rig was replaced in 2017 with a new E-One Cyclone 100' aerial featuring the department's new colors and graphics.



Old Lowell Ladder 2

Current Lowell Ladder 2

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


APRIL 25-30,2022

F D ^C








em s$£ TODAY






FireEngineering BOOKS & VIDEOS


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


DEPARTMENT PROFILE I f your department has photos you would like to see in our “Departmnt Profile”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

The Townsend FD operates out of 3 stations across town, and in total runs 12 pieces of apparatus including various engines, a tanker, ladder, and UTV.



Tanker 1- 2018 HME Ahrens-Fox 1500/2500/30F

Medic 1- 2020 Ford Expedition


Forestry 1- 1995 Ford F-350/Omaha 250/250


Ambulance 1-2017 Dodge 4500/PL Custom


Ambulance 2- 2021 Dodge Ram 5500/PL Custom


Engine 1-2007 HME Ahrens Fox 1500/1000


Ladder 1- 2009 KME 100' RMA


Engine 2-1995 Spartan/E-One 1500/750

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE




WHEREARE THEY NOW? I f you have photos you would like to see in our Where Are They Now? feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.

ON THE BOOK SHELF b y J o h n M a le c k v

Tower-Ladders of the New York City Fire Department By John A. Calderone Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street. Suite 2A Hudson, MA 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www. fi re-pol i ce-em s.com Price: $29.95 This book is 8 Vi inches by 11 inches and has 64 pages. Get it while it’s hot! Another master­ piece has been turned out by the author, who has given us several books on apparatus of New York City. The tower ladder was born out of research to obtain an ele­ vating platform truck. At the time, Chicago was using snorkels and snorkel squads which were trucks with articulating platforms that were developed by an idea from Chicago’s Fire Commis­ sioner, Robert Quinn, who one day observed a tree trimming truck at work with such a plat­ form and wondered if something like it could be adapted to deliver elevated streams. This was about 1958. The first Chicago snorkel was somewhat crude with boat hose for a waterway on a 50-foot platform. That truck is still in ex­ istence today, owned by the Figgie International, and it has been modified.

All of this is being told be­ cause it formed the basis of study by the New York City Fire Depart­ ment. After intense study and artic­ ulated boom demonstrations. New York felt that an articulated plat­ form was not suited for the many narrow streets and overhead wires as well as firehouse door height re­ strictions, but that a telescoping platform would be the answer. Hence was the birth of the first tower ladder in 1964 after working with Mack Trucks, who in turn worked with a company named

Truco to develop the first tower ladder. Through the years other boom manufacturers came into play, with Aerialscope being the latest. Two other brand tower ladder apparatus were experimented with, including a rear-mounted model, however Mack was the predominant chassis and later Seagrave after Mack de­ parted from the fire truck business. The history from that point is de­ tailed in the book and is worth reading. The photos as usual are first class.


Marion acquired this 1978 Ford F-750 4x4/Farrar brush breaker earlier this year. This apparatus previous served the Wareham Fire Department.

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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


M otorcycle Vs. Car Crash w ith Serious Injuries in Waltham WALTHAM, MA - On the night of October 8th, a motorcy­ cle was traveling at a high rate of speed when it crossed the double yellow line and crashed head-on into a car. Waltham Fire dispatched En­ gine 4, Rescue 1, and Medic 1. The driver of the motorcycle was on the ground when firefighters arrived. A tourniquet was applied to one of his arms, and he was taken to Lahey Hospi­ tal in serious condition. The driver of the car was taken to Newton Wellesley with minor in­ juries. - PETER LOBO PETER L0B0

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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



Vehicle News


Shrewsbury Engine 1 operates with a 2020 KME Predator 1500-GPM pumper. It carries 750-gallons of water, 25-gallons of class A & 30-gallons of class B.


Deck Fire w ith Extension in C helm sford CHELMSFORD, MA - On Tuesday evening, September 14th, Chelmsford Fire responded to a large complex of townhouses at 3 Scotty Hollow Drive for a reported fire. Upon ar­ rival a deck fire was found extending up the exterior of 3 Scotty Hollow Drive, and a working fire was struck. Compa­ nies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. There appeared to be minimal extension. CHUCK LOWE

Wellesley has taken delivery of a 2021 E-One Typhoon. The new Quint 3 has a 1250-GPM pump, 470-gallon water tank, 30-gallon cold fire bladder and 75' aerial.


Post an event in your area at www.1rbn.com K e e p an e y e o u t fo r N a tio n a l E v e n ts to o !


IP H 1

Our readers make all the difference! CHUCK LOWE

Framingham Engine 2 operates a 2020 Pierce Enforcer 1500-GPM that carries 750-gallons of water and 100-gallons of class B foam.


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


WORKING FACES I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com


Shift Commanders of Whitman Fire: Lt. Nick Grasso (G4), Lt. Tom Ford (G3), Capt. Jay Mahoney (G2), and Lt. Bryan Smith (G1).


Boxborough Engine 64 operating at 686 Liberty Square Rd.

Boxborough Quickly Knocks Down House Fire Boxborough firefighters re­ sponded to the reported structure fire, around 13:42 p.m. on Wednesday, at 686 Liberty Square Road. While still en route crews were infonned by po­ lice on scene that the house was "fully involved". The incident was upgraded to a 2nd alarm with an ad­ ditional tanker. The home is set back, with an unpaved driveway and pack-

JUMP TO FILE # 1 0 2 0 2 1 1 1 4



rat conditions. Engine 64 arrived with smoke showing from the second floor of a 1.5 story house. They advanced a handline with, a crew from Littleton, to quickly confine the fire to just one

room fire on the second floor. Acton firefighters opened the roof to check for extension. Apparatus and man­ power from Maynard, Stow, Har­ vard, Devens, Berlin & Bolton filled out the 2nd Alann assignment. - CHUCK LOWE


Lawrence Deputy Chief Meaney in command of a gas leak on 9/26/21.


On September 25th, the Phantom Gourmet sponsored a restaurant venue where multiple restaurants and vendors served a variety of specialty foods. For a set admission, approximately 3,000 people participated. The Waltham FD had multiple units and firefighters to assist in any emergency. One team was (L to R): Lt. Jeff Ciccone, Lt. Jim Perry, Captain John Bonadio, and Firefighters Niko Pugliese and Billy Gullotti.

Two-Car Crash w ith Overturn in Waltham WALTHAM, M A -A t 8:40 P.M. on October 12th, two cars traveling south on 1-95 in Waltham en­ tered a construction zone at high speed, crashing into construction barrels and scattering de­ bris along the highway. Rescue 1, Engine 2, and Medic 2 responded. Rescue 2 signed off with one car on its side, with two female drivers out of the vehicles. Both drivers were taken to Lahey Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021





Roof Collapses in Waltham WALTHAM, MA - While on patrol October 4th, a Waltham Police officer saw that a roof had col­ lapsed at 200 Moody Street. Waltham Fire dispatched Engine 1, Squad 5, Rescue 1, Ladder 2, Medic 1 and the Safety Chief. Firefighters accessed the roof and observed a 20’ diameter hole. The building was abandoned, with the plan to tear it down. The fire department secured the building, and the building inspector was also investigating the situation. Of note was that only one week prior, Moody St. was shut down for a food venue event and thousands of people would have been walking past this site during the roof collapse.

MEMORIES I f y o u r d e p a rtm e n t h a s p h o to s y o u w o u ld like to see in o u r “M e m o rie s " fe a tu r e p le a se u p lo a d them on o u r w ebsite w w w .lR B N .c o m o r e m a il them to L in d s e y @ ls tR e s p o n d e r N e w s .c o m


Second-Alarm Struck at Boston Structure Fire BOSTON, M A- Companies were dispatched to 572 Washing­ ton Street on October 18th for a reported fire. The dispatcher advised that the fire alarm office was receiving calls report­ ing the fire. When companies arrived on scene they encoun­ tered fire on floors two and three, as well as the roof of a three decker. The porches in the rear were well involved. The district 11 chief arrived and struck the second-alarm. Com­ panies had the fire knocked down in about 30 minutes, and overhauled for an extended period of time.


This 1968 Pirsch pumper operated as Newburyport Engine 6. It carried 300-gallons of water and was rated at 1250-GPM.


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Flexibility Chaplain's Corner D id y m u s M cH u g h

Most of our lives we are taught to make plans for our fu­ ture. Sales people try to predict the sales of a company, children and adults set their career goals. People plan on when they are going to have children or when they will have a house. We try to plan things and then tell God when we will do what and achieve what in our lives. We then start to learn what is truly in store for us. Life happens. We may not have enough money to obtain our goals or to help us. There may be health issues or other events that change the route that we have to take. You may be trying to go someplace that is important and there may be traffic or an acci­ dent. Why get mad? How is that going to change the situation? How flexible are you with what goes on in life? There are organizations that follow the way of Gum by. They teach that we need to be flexible. Their motto may be "hail Gum by" or "Sempre Gum by", while other organizations have the motto "Adapt and Overcome". Yes, as we are delivering service to clients, we also have to learn to be adaptable. We may not have the physical resources or the manpower, so we have to modify our delivery method or be diligent with each and every resource. People thought they had their life together and planned out and then they find out that they are going to have a child, or there is an unexpected job change, so they need to adjust. People plan on financial re­ ward of getting a promotion or pay raise, but it does not happen so they have to adjust their spend­ ing. They may not be able to af­ ford the replacement vehicle that they desperately need. We also need to remember that being flexible is not all bad. If we stay completely rigid, we can get stressed out. Sometimes things just don't go our way. The Bible states that God works all things for His good. We need to remember that, believe that and hope that we can actually notice the good in things not going our way. Do you realize that the detour that you had to take or the traffic that you were in or the delay you had just saved your life? You missed being in an accident. Do you realize that the friend that called you and wanted to have a

cup of coffee with you, that you changed your schedule for, they were thinking about taking their life? Think about somethings from long ago. Do you think that Mary planned on getting pregnant and being the mother of Jesus? She was flexible. How do you think Joseph felt? He was flexible. He did not get rid of Mary and he raised her child, who name was Immanuel, God is with us. On their trip, an angel spoke to them to change their travel arrange­ ments. How many people that were called to work with Christ were to be flexible at that very mo­ ment? If we look at those that are called to serve, many change their lives immediately. The disciples changed their lives immediately and look what they ended up doing. They traveled and their lives were never the same again. Just look at the life of emer­ gency responders. Their entire life is based on being flexible, even though their families cannot al­ ways figure it out. There are other occupations that require flexibility. Smart people plan for flexibility and they may leave to travel and leave extra time, just so that they can be flexible. There are people out there that want you to be flexible all the time, but they refuse to be flexible for a second. It is alright to be flex­ ible, but look at those people's hearts. If someone is telling you that you always have to be flexible but they refuse to be, maybe you may not want to be around them because maybe they are control­ ling. But be flexible, you never know where life will take you. You never know who you meet. You never know what good you will be performing. You never know who you may be saving. The Bible states in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I have found that when my day does not go as I expect, I trust in the Lord because He already knows the why and the outcome of the modifications to our day. Remember to be as flexible as a tree in the storm. The tree with deep roots will stand and the tree with shallow roots will topple over. We, who have deep roots will be flexible but never give up on who we really are and the belief system and morals that are deep within us. Stay safe. Didymus McHugh didymus-mchugh.com

DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

K.LEGER On September 28th, the Fall River Fire Department held an oil spill drill in the Taunton River at Battleship Cove, where they simulated a spill from a vessel in the cove.

PROVIDED RY CAPTAIN PHIL MCCOLLY In late September, Newton Fire hosted a drill with Waltham fire, Weston Fire, Fallon Ambulance and Keolis/MBTA for a large scale incident. The drill had a simulated fire/derailment and crews had to triage over 60 different victims with various injuries. Members then practiced removing a training manikin from the double decker car.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021



MEMORIES I f y o u r d ep a rtm en t has p h o to s y o u w o u ld like to see in our “M e m o ries" fe a tu r e ple a se up lo a d them on ou r w ebsite w w w .lR B N .co m or em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp o n d erN ew s.co m

Moore Army Airfield was located at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. It opened in 1926 and had several names before being renamed in honor of Ayer native Douglas Moore. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Moore was a pilot that was killed in the Vietnam War. This was the only airfield named in honor of a soldier that sacrificed his life in Vietnam. During its existence Moore Airfield was home to dozens of military aircraft. There were numerous C-130 Hercules 4-Prop cargo trans­ ports and Bell UH-1 Iroquois helicopters (nicknamed the "Huey") assigned here during decades prior to closure. It was a highly ac­ tive airfield up until 1995. Cuts in military spending resulted in the shutdown of Fort Devens and most of the units assigned here. Prior to closure the airfield had two crash trucks that operated out of a small one-story firehouse located in the middle of the field. It is believed these apparatus were destroyed at that time, suffering the same fate as the aircraft that they protected. This property is currently used by Mass State Police for various purposes.


Captain Jason Mahoney had his badge pinned on by daughters Hailey and Ryan as his wife Kristina looked on.

Whitman Fire Promotes Jason Mahoney to Captain


Moore Airfield Crash 1 - 1989 Amertek 1000/600/74F

WHITMAN, MA - For the first time in modern history at the Whit­ man Fire Department, a Captain has been promoted. Jason Mahoney was sworn-in as Captain on Tuesday, October 12th at a brief ceremony held at the Whitman Town Hall in front of friends, family, and co-workers. His twin daughters, Ryan and Hailey, pinned on his badge as his wife Kristina watched. Whitman Fire Chief Timothy Clancy introduced Mahoney prior to the swearing-in, adding “Jason has always taken advantage of

TD FILE # 101921101

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every opportunity to seek education to become a better firefighter and a better leader." Captain Jason Mahoney was assigned as Shift Commander on Group-2 on October 1st. Captain Mahoney came to the Whitman Fire Department in 2008 as a firefighter/paramedic from the Hanson Fire Department, where he had been a member since 2002. Captain Mahoney has a Masters Degree in

Public Administration, holds sev­ eral fire related certifications and is also a registered nurse. The position of Captain is new to the Whitman Fire Department as the Deputy Fire Chief, who previ­ ously was the Shift Commander of Group-2, has gone to an administra­ tive day schedule. Deputy Chief Al­ fred Cunningham came off of shift duty and began working days on October 1st. Deputy Cunningham's new position will have him working fire prevention Monday-Friday. - PAT TRAVERS


Members of the Whitman Fire Department on hand to watch the swearing-in.


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


STILL IN SERVICE I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Still in Service”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @1 stResponderNews.com


Working Fire on Elizabeth St. in Lawrence

CHUCK LOWE Tanker 1 in North Brookfield is a 1975 AM General M35A2. It carries 1500-gallons of water. This former military vehicle previously served the Grafton Mass FD.

LAWRENCE, MA - Lawrence firefighters began receiving calls for a fire on Elizabeth St. in the evening on October 10th. First due E8 reported smoke showing from a two-and-a-half story wood-frame. The Deputy Chief arrived on scene and struck the Working Fire. Crews had the fire knocked down quickly. Companies remained on scene overhauling and checking for ex­ tension.

CHUCK LOWE Brookfield Engine 3 is a 1983 Ford L8000/Middlesex with a 1000-GPM pump and 1000-gallon tank.


Red Sox M arketing Group Donates Pizza to W altham Fire and Police WALTHAM, MA - Boston Red Sox left fielder Kyle Schwarber blasted a grand slam home-run in game 3 of the American league play-offs with the Houston Astros. He somehow was adopted by the City of Waltham even though he is from Middleton, Ohio. On October 22nd, the Red Sox marketing group donated pizza for all the Waltham Fire and Police personnel. Shoppers Cafe made and delivered the pizzas. The firefighters at the Moody Street station celebrated by putting Engines 1 and 8 together, making Kyle's number, 18. Also, the Waltham FD had pizzas sent to the Middleton, Ohio FD where Kyle is from.

CHUCK LOWE Mass DCR, Division of Fire Control, still operates this 1970 Dodge Power Wagon 300 4x4. It carries 300-gallons of water and a 125GPM pump.

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021


H PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch of the Month’feature please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com.


Nashua Pizza Shop Damaged by Fire

CHUCK LOWE This patch belongs to Freedom Fire, Rescue, EMS, located in Carroll County, NH.


b a c k



NASHUA, NH - On October 25th, Nashua firefighters responded to Kinsley House of Pizza for a reported building fire. Engine Co. 2 arrived on scene with smoke and fire showing from the vents of the pizza shop, which was attached to a two-story, wood-frame, multi-family dwelling. A Work­ ing Fire was struck. Crews stretched lines into the pizza shop to knock down the fire while the Ladder companies ventilated the roof. Companies gained access to the multi-family attached and discovered extension in the walls. Additional lines were stretched to the multi-family and the fire was knocked down. Crews remained on scene checking for extension and overhauling.

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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

I f your department has photos you would like to see in our “Departmnt Profile ”feature , please upload them on our website , www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

Pembroke is located to the southeast of Concord. This town has a popula­ tion of around 7,000 residents with a land mass of 23-square-miles. Fire protection for the town remains volunteer with one paid member working days. The department operates a fleet of three engines, one tower ladder, two forestry units and one heavy rescue. All fire apparatus are white with a blue stripe. Tri-Town is contracted to provide EMS to the town. They operate a medic unit out of the Pembroke firehouse.

CHUCK LOWE Tower 1: 2014 Seagrave Marauder II 75' Aerialscope

CHUCK LOWE Forestry 1 -1975 Mercedes Unimog 250/250 CHUCK LOWE Rescue 1 -1999 Freightliner/Hackney rescue


Forestry Tanker 1 -1981 AM General 250/1000 Engine 1: 2006 Spartan Gladiator/Valley 1500/1000

CHUCK LOWE Engine 3:1998 International/Valley 1250/1500

CHUCK LOWE Engine 2: 2019 Seagrave Capitol 2000/1500

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE



19 8 4 " ’^ ^ ' " 2 0 2 1


I f you have photos you would like to see in our “In Service”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com



The Widest Range of Off-Road I UTV and Rrush Truck Skid Units for Public Safety FDHP.300 SFRIFS

SEAN FESKO/911 ERV Northwood, NH runs this 2021 1500/3000/30F as Engine 2.


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Available in High-Pressure and Ultra-High-Pressure. 125-160-200 Gallon, Standard Capacities. 225-250-275-300 Gallon, Custom Capacities.

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12 Models to choose from

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W SEAN FESKO/911 ERV Stratham, NH runs this 2012 HME Ahrens Fox 2000/3000 as Tanker 8.



15 Q uality designs to fit most m ake & model UTV 4x4,6x6 and crew vehicles.




Mode to choose from







to choose from



SEAN FESKO/911 ERV Keene, NH runs this 2020 Rosenbauer Cobra 2000/300/100' tower as Tower Ladder 1.


NOTE: Stretcher, long board and stokes baskets are not included.


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE

COMMAND VEHICLES I f y o u r D e p a rtm e n t h a s p h o to s y o u w o uld like to see in our “C o m m a n d V ehicles” fe a tu r e , p le a s e uplo a d them o n our w ebsite, w w w .lstR e sp o n d e rN e w s.c o m or em ail them to L in d se y @ lstR e sp o n d e rN e w s.c o m


Second-Alarm Fire Damages Wilton Auto Repair Shop WILTON, NH - Wilton NH Firefighters responded to Tremont St. on October 21st for a reported building fire. Upon arrival, fire was showing from a one-story auto repair shop and a second-alarm was struck. A car fire inside the garage ap­ peared to have extended into the attic a bit. Mutual aid from Milford, Lyndeborough, Brookline, Greenville, and Amherst assisted at the scene. Companies had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time.

PROVIDED BY DON NOURSE Pictured is Wilton Fire's first Chief’s car to support the full-time Fire Chief position created in March of 2020. The 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe was upfitted by Southwest Mutual Aid Radio Shop in Keene, NH and carries medical, fire suppression equipment on board as well as Incident Command and account­ ability boards.


W orking Fire S truck fo r Barn Fire in Derry DERRY, NH - Crews were dispatched on Wednesday, Septem­ ber 8th just before midnight, to a working fire at 30 High Street in Derry. Upon arrival of crews, heavy fire was encoun­ tered in a barn attached to large wood-frame residential, and a working fire was struck. Companies pulled multiple hand lines and had the main body of fire knocked down shortly thereafter. The crews worked for over an hour chasing and checking for extension in the 'L' section connecting the house and barn.


Fire Erupts at Same Structure in Hudson Two Days in a Row HUDSON, NH - Hudson firefighters responded to Boyd Road for a reported house fire in the early morning hours on October 17th. Engine 1 arrived on scene and reported a fully involved house and the captain of the shift struck the working fire. The captain arrived on scene, as­ sumed command and struck a second-alarm, bringing in multiple mutual aid engines and tankers to the scene. This was the scene of a previous fire the day before. Crews stretched mul­ tiple hand lines and had the main body of fire knocked down in approximately 30 minutes. Crews remained on scene for several hours wetting down.

December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Water Rescue Dry Suit



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To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

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Call Shannon fo r More Inform ation! SEAN FESKO/911 ERV GILFORD, NH - On September 11th, the Gilford and Tilton-Northfield Fire Departments conducted live fire training on a home do­ nated to the town of Gilford. Crews practiced advancing hoselines, knocking down fire, and more. When training was done, the build­ ing was burned to the ground.


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I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Working Faces”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them toLindsey@lstResponderNews.com

FIRSTNET. Built with AT&T

SAVE THE DATE! Worcester DCU Center, Worcester, MA New England Assnciatinn of Fire Chiefs a Division of IAFC

Fire/Rescue/EMS EXPO June 22-25,2022 200 Exhibits, H.O.T. Classes Chief and Line Officers Leadership Programs PATRICK KERRIGAN Nashua Fire Lieutenant Tim Farrar of Engine Co. 4.

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Vehicle News Merrimack recently placed a pair of 2021 Pierce Saber 1500-GPM pumpers in to service. These new rigs are designated Engines 1 & 2. They both have 750-gallon water tanks.


Heavy Fire Damages Hudson Home HUDSON, NH - Hudson NH firefighters were dispatched to a reported building fire on Boyd Rd. on the evening of October 16th. First arriving crews had fire showing from the 'Alpha' side of the single-family split level home. Crews made an ag­ gressive interior attack to knock down the heavy fire. Mutual aid responded in from surrounding towns. Multiple tankers were called to the scene due to limited water supply.



Passerby Helps P ull R esidents from House Fire in Nashua NASHUA, NH - On October 1st, Nashua firefighters began re­ ceiving calls for a fire on Forest Park Drive. E2 arrived on scene and reported fire showing from the first floor of a sin­ gle-story wood-frame ranch. Occupants of the home were being pulled out by passersby. E2 stretched a handline into the first floor and had the fire knocked down in a short amount of time. Crews remained on scene checking for extension.


1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021


V e h ic le News


Early-M orning S tructure Fire Q uickly Extinguished in Nashua

CHUCK LOWE Hollis recently placed a 2020 Ford F-550/Osage in to service as Ambulance 1.

NASHUA, NH - Nashua firefighters were dispatched to a reported building fire during the early morning of October 24th. First due Engine Co. 4 reported fire showing from the second floor porch of a two-and-a-half story multiple dwelling. Engine Co. 4 Lieutenant Timothy Farrar trans­ mitted a Working Fire, bringing an extra engine and ladder to the fire. Crews stretched multiple handlines and had the main body of fire knocked down in a short time. Ladders 1 and 2 venti­ lated and conducted searches. Companies remained on scene overhauling and checking for extension.


I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Still in Service”feature, please upload them on our website, www. 1stResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey @1stResponderNews.com

Surry recently acquired a 2003 E-One Cyclone 2000/750. This ap­ paratus, now designated Engine 1, previously served another department in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania.

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CHUCK LOWE Pittsfield Tank 2 runs this 1995 International S4900 1800-gallon tanker that was built by Valley Fire Apparatus. It is equipped with a 1250-GPM pump.

W fE W S P $ !& E R


December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


Vehicle News

I f you have photos you would like to see in our “Little Big Guys”feature, please upload them on our website, www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@lstResponderNews.com

Winslow recently upgraded their fleet with a new Engine and Lad­ der. They are painted orange and black to support their high school teams and the "Black Raider" mascot. The color choice has been extremely popular in town and provides high visibility when working an incident.

CHUCK LOWE Engine 7: 2020 Pierce Enforcer PUC 1500-GPM pump, 750-gallon water tank and Compressed Air Foam System.

CHUCK LOWE York Beach operates a 2019 E-One mini pumper on a Ford F550 chassis. It carries 285-gallons of water, with a 15-gallon class A foam cell, and has a 1000-GPM pump.

Bob Long CHUCK LOWE Ladder 7: 2020 Pierce Enforcer PUC 1500-GPM pump, 500-gallon water tank and 107' Ascendant aerial.

<1 p.rr r r


rr m

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1st Responder Newspaper - NE

December, 2021


Firefighters Helping Firefighters Hi! My name is Corey Shaker. I am a volunteer fire figh ter in W oodbury Ct. I started in Middlebury in 1971 as a 13 year old junior! In m y oth e r life, I am a partner in Shaker Auto Croup. We have six franchises in New England.Thank you all fo r placing your tru st in us! We have really enjoyed meeting so many firefighters, police, and ems people over th e last fe w years! Remember o ur original deal. No first responder will pay m ore than 2% over invoice....or get less than the combination o f KBB average trade or Manheim Market Report fo r their trade!!

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December, 2021

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CHUCK LOWE This 1967 Maxim-S 1000/500 once ran as Brattleboro Engine 3.

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December, 2021


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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


EMERGENCY WATERCRAFT I f you have photos you would like to see in our Emergency Watercraftfeature, please upload them on our website www.lstResponderNews.com or email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderNews.com.

BRISTOL, Rl - Bristol Fire Department operates two marine units out of the Harbormaster's Pier on Thames Street. Marine-1 and Marine-7, which is a 2020 fire boat.


Bristol, Rl Marine-7.


Bristol, Rl Marine-1.

December, 2021

1ST Responder Newspaper - NE



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December, 2021

1st Responder Newspaper - NE


tOO Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower In the market for a mid- or rear-mounted tower? Take a look at the new Pierce® Ascendant® 100' Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower! Reaching heights of 100' vertically and 93' horizontally, the Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower packages a 5-section heavy-duty steel tower onto a vehicle with a low overall height of 10'8" and length of only 41'3" with a rear overhang of a rear-mount that minimizes tail-swing, it offers superior maneuverability and greater visibility. The Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower is available on a variety of custom chassis and body styles to meet your department’s needs. Its integrated ground pads eliminate time spent throwing ground pads, so setup is streamlined and faster than any other aerial on the market. Configured as shown with a rear axle rating of only 48,000 lb, it outperforms with a 1,000 lb tip load capacity, up to 20-degree below grade operation, and a below grade 50-degree scrub area. All of this is accomplished at a mere 20' set-back from the building.



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