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The New York Edition
W W W .1R B N .C O M
JULY, 2 0 2 2
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GENESEO, NY - On Monday, May 2nd at 9:20 P.M., Geneseo firefighters were dispatched to a reported shed fire at 4815 Lakeville-Groveland Road. First arriving units found a one-story farm shop fu lly involved w ith exposure issues. Due to a lack of hydrants in the area, tankers were requested from Livonia, Lakeville, Mt. Morris, Cuylerville and York Fire Departments. -
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
S erious In ju rie s on 1-84 COLDENHAM, NY - Coldenham Fire Department responded to a serious MVA with reported entrapment on Interstate 84 westbound, in the area of mile marker 30, on May 11th. On ar rival firefighters found one subject entrapped in the vehicle, and the tractor-trailer involved in the collision was located on the left side of the road. The subject was extricated as EMS requested a MedEvac to the scene. Westbound traffic was closed as the MedEvac landed on 1-84 and airlifted the subject to Westchester Medical Center. New York State Police are in vestigating the cause of the crash. Westbound traffic was opened approximately one hour later.
One Person Sent to Hospital from Grant Ave. Fire in Albany ALBANY, NY - On May 13th at 10:21 PM., the City o f Albany Fire Department was dispatched for a reported structure fire with possi ble entrapment at 78 Grant Avenue. Engines 1,2, 11 and 7, along with the squad. Trucks 2 and 3, and the battalion ch ief were dispatched to the scene. As units were dispatched to the scene, a neighbor tossed a ladder to the second floor w indow o f the house that was on fire in order to rescue a trapped occupant. The o c cupant was able to break out the w indow with his hand as he became overcom e by the thick heavy black smoke, and he was safely removed from the home. Engine 7 arrived on scene and immediately declared a Signal 30 for a w orking structure fire with heavy fire pushing from the 'Delta' side o f the structure. Firefighters
Jump t o
* immediately deployed a one-andthree-quarter inch hand line into the front door o f the structure while ad ditional firefighters began to arrive on scene. A s Engine 7's crew en tered the structure, heavy black and brown smoke began pushing from the front. Crews arriving on scene im m e diately deployed a supply line to the fire hydrant and established a water supply. Firefighters inside the struc ture quickly made sure that every one was out o f the structure as EMS began to administer care to the fire victim who escaped through the window. A s firefighters were at tempting to make an aggressive in terior attack, the pump operator o f Engine 7 notified his interior crew
to back out o f the structure, as they were having problems getting them water. Command requested another engine company to the scene due to mechanical problems, as well as an other ambulance. Crews were able to fix the prob lem with the engine and began to conduct an aggressive interior at tack, quickly knocking down all o f the heavy fire. Firelighters then began to vent the r o o f o f the struc ture. Due to the aggressive fire fighting tactics o f the Albany Fire Department, the fire was brought under control in less than nine min utes. Crews conducted overhaul for an extensive period o f time before clearing the scene. The fire victim was transported to the hospital in stable condition, and the fire is under investigation at this time.
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House Fire on Oneida St. in Rochester Displaces Residents ROCHESTER, NY - On Monday, May 9th at 12:53 P.M., Rochester firefighters responded to a house fire at 171 Oneida Street. Engine 16 arrived on location with smoke showing from the attic of a two-and-a-half story dwelling. The blaze was brought under control in approximately 20 min utes. The Red Cross and Rochester Animal Control were called to provide assistance for two people and two dogs dis placed by the fire. The R.F.D Fire Investigation Unit was work ing to determine a cause.
This 2007 American LaFrance Eagle/LTI 2000/300/100' platform originally served as Schenectady Tower 2. It was acquired by Deep River, Connecticut in 2014.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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P r o te c t e d w a t e r w a y , e l e c t r i c c a b l e s a n d b r e a t h i n g a i r lin e s w it h S u t p h e n 's s i g n a t u r e b o x b o o m
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
All Hands Fire Equipment
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Fire Districts of NY
FiroVac Power Systems
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LaFrance Equipment
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Newburgh Rescue
NE Fire Rescue EMS
Raynor Garage Doors
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Town of Newburgh EMS
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 23 No. 7 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial re-
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to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omit ted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention o f the newspaper during the same month o f publication. Printed in Canada.
Five fire departments joined forces to scour a section of the Delaware River between the shores of Port Jervis, NY and Matamoras, PA, May 11th, for what a motorist reported as a possible body floating in the river.
Rescuers Search Delaware River Following Report of Possible Body Sighting PORT JERVIS, NY - Water res cue volunteers from five fire depart ments scoured a section o f the Delaware River on the morning o f May 11th, investigating a report o f a possible body floating in the water b elow the Route 84 bridge near Tri-State Rock. Despite an ex tensive search from the PA to NY shores o f a stretch o f the river, from the bridge to Kittatinny River Beach Campground in Milford, PA, only a floating white sign was re covered. Port Jervis Fire Department Deputy C hief (DC 1) James Rohner operated Command just below the bridge, directing operations with fellow Orange County Deputy C hief John Tunney and other emer gency personnel on scene. Rohner said an individual driv ing on the bridge above the river Wednesday morning had reported spotting something white bobbing in the water within view o f the bridge. Rohner said one can never be too cautious on such a situation and, rightfully, the good-intentioned individual reported what was believed to be a white tee-shirt on a floating body.
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TO FILE #051122106
A dispatch was sounded at 8:33 A M . for a water rescue in the area o f Laurel G rove Cemetery, which extends along the Delaware River in Port Jervis. This section o f river features swiftly flowing water and steady rapids. It also marks a spot where NY, NJ and PA meet, and the Delaware and Neversink Rivers jo in near a monument known as Tri-State Rock. U pon Rohner’ s arrival on scene. Orange County, N Y ’ s Bat talion 8 Water Rescue Team was activated with boats and divers en tering points along river access areas. This included Matamoras Landing and River Beach C am p ground, PA. Battalion 8 members Port Jervis, Sparrowbush and Huguenot, assisted by units from Westfall and Matamoras, Pennsylvania, con ducted a thorough search before re turning to quarters mid-morning.
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Lindsey@ 1strespondernew s.com
C ity o f Newburgh Firem en's M em orial Ceremony NEWBURGH, NY - On May 30th at 8:30 A.M., members of the City of Newburgh Fire Department lined up on Dubois Street in front of the firefighter's monument for a remembrance cer emony. Colors were presented by the fire department's color guard, and Deacon Peter Haight read the opening prayer. Members that have passed since last year were announced, as well as IAFF Local 589 members who passed in the line of duty. Amazing Grace was played by the Firefighters Bagpipe band as firefighters laid a wreath at the foot of the memorial statue. Deacon Haight said a final prayer, the colors were re tired, and detail was dismissed.
Dog Dies in Farmington M obile Home Fire FARMINGTON, NY - On Saturday, May 21st at 12:32 P.M., fire fighters from Farmington, Victor and Canandaigua re sponded to a fire in a mobile home at 10 Melbar Drive. Units arrived on location and reported a working fire with exposure issues. Unfortunately, one dog inside the trailer perished. The blaze was quickly brought under control with no injuries re ported. One other nearby residence sustained exterior dam age from radiant heat. The Red Cross was assisting the displaced occupants. The cause of the fire was under inves tigation by Ontario County Emergency Management.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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July, 2022 - W
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Montana: Kenneth M ichael Lemanski,
Florida: M ichael K. Freeland, 36
Jr., 37
Rank: Engineer
Department Initial Sum m ary: While on duty Firefighter
Rank: Firefighter/EMT
Incident Date: November 11, 2021
Incident Date: September 22, 2021 Death Date: October 20, 2021 Cascade
Death Date: November 11, 2021
Gerald A. Brooks responded to numerous EMS calls. He subsequently contracted
Fire Departm ent: Jacksonville Fire and
COVID-19 and passed away from the vims
Farmer Rancher City Volunteer Fire Department
Rescue Department
on Tuesday, Nov. 2,2021.
Initial Summary: On Thursday, Nov. 11,
Initial Sum m ary: W hile on-duty, Fire-
2021, Engineer Michael K. Freeland re
A rizona: Tyrone Bell, 35
fighter/EMT Kenneth Michael Femanski, Jr., responded to an EMS call and was exposed
sponded to a vehicle accident that involved
Rank: Firefighter
an extensive and long extrication. While at
Incident Date: October 4,2021
to COVID-19. He subsequently contracted
the scene, Engineer Freeland experienced a
the virus and passed away on Wed., Oct. 20,
medical emergency. Crews immediately per
Death Date: October 18,2021 Fire Departm ent: Verde Valley Fire District
formed live-saving measures and he was transported to the UF Health at Jacksonville,
Initial Sum m ary: On Mon., Oct. 4,2021, Firefighter Tyrone Bell responded to multi
Utah: M errill Bone, 61
where he passed away shortly thereafter. In
ple EMS calls with patients with known
Rank: Captain Incident Date: October 5, 2021
vestigation into the cause o f Engineer
cases o f COVID-19. He subsequently con tracted the vims and passed away on Mon.,
Michael K. Freeland’ s death is ongoing.
Oct. 18,2021.
Death Date: October 31, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Unified Fire Authority
Kansas: Malachi Brown, 32
Initial Sum m ary: On Tuesday, Oct. 5,2021,
Rank: Fieutenant
Virgin Islands: K asey Call wood, 31
Captain Merrill Bone responded to an EMS call at a residence with a patient with a
Incident Date: October 15, 2021
Rank: Firefighter
Death Date: November 10,2021
Incident Date: November 22, 2021
known case o f COVID-19. He subsequently
Fire Departm ent: Baxter Springs Fire
Death Date: November 22, 2021
contracted the virus and passed away on
Fire Departm ent: Virgin Islands Fire
Sunday, Oct. 31, 202 L
Initial Summary: On Friday, Oct. 15,2021, Fieutenant Malachi Brown was working at
Service Initial Sum m ary: On Monday, Nov. 22,
Illinois: Michael Pickering, 45
the scene o f a residential fire when he suf
2021, Firefighter Kasey Callw ood and an
Rank: Firefighter/EMT
fered 3rd degree bums. He was transported
other firefighter were returning to the fire
Incident Date: September 13, 2021
to the Springfield Bum Unit and was placed
station from a training exercise in a depart
Death Date: October 8, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Chicago Fire Department
in a medically induced coma. Lieutenant
ment apparatus when they were involved in
Malachi Brown succumbed to his injuries on
a single vehicle accident. The apparatus
Initial Sum m ary: W hile on-duty, Fire
Wednesday, Nov. 10,2021.
overturned and Firefighter Kasey Callwood passed away at the scene. The other fire
fighter/EMT Michael Pickering responded to several EMS calls with patients with COVID-19. He subsequently contracted the
Texas: W esley Vanderver, 86 Rank: Captain
fighter was taken to the hospital and re leased.
virus and passed away on Friday, O c t 8,
Incident Date: October 27,2021
Death Date: October 27,2021
W yom ing: Layla Bradley, 29
Fire Departm ent: Sugar Hill Volunteer Fire Department
Rank: Engine Boss
Initial Summary: On Wednesday, Oct. 27,
Death Date: November 21, 2021
Incident Date: October 11,2021
2021, Captain Wesley Vanderver responded to a residential fire. While working pump
Fab oratory Fire Department
Death Date: October 11,2021
Illinois: Scott W illiams, 46 Rank: Firefighter/Paramedic Incident Date: November 20, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Argonne National
Fire Departm ent: Dragon Fighters, Inc.
operations, he suffered a heart attack. CPR
Initial Sum m ary: On Saturday, Nov. 20,
Initial Sum m ary: W hile deployed to a fire
was immediately performed and he was
2021, Firefighter/Paramedic Scott Williams
in the Inyo National Forest in California, En
transported to the local hospital. He passed
responded to a smoke investigation in one o f
gine B oss Layla Bradley was found unre
away a short time later.
the facility’ s laboratories. He returned to the
sponsive at the fire station. CPR was immediately performed but she was unable
W isconsin: B randon Rom o, 32
station and during shift change on Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021, was found unresponsive in
to be revived. Investigation into the cause o f
Rank: Firefighter
his bunk. He was pronounced deceased at
Engine B oss Bradley’ s death is ongoing.
Incident Date: October 6,2021
the scene. Investigation into the cause o f his
Death Date: November 6, 2021
death is ongoing.
M ichigan: Danny L. Deyo, 73
Fire Departm ent: Pardeeville Fire
Rank: Fire C h ief
Incident Date: October 12,2021
Initial Summary: On Wednesday, Oct. 6,
Death Date: November 6,2021 Fire Department: M oiley Area Fire
2021, while attending a Pardeeville Fire D e
Incident Date: October 15,2021
partment fundraiser, Firefighter Brandon
Death Date: November 27,2021
Rom o contracted COVID-19. He passed
Fire Departm ent: Hohenwald Fire
Initial Sum m ary: On Tuesday, Oct. 12,
away from the vims on Saturday, Nov. 6,
2021, Fire C hief Danny F. D eyo responded
Department Initial Sum m ary: On Friday, Oct. 15, 2021,
Tennessee: Darin Dean Pasold, 52 Rank: Lieutenant
Lieutenant Darin Dean Pasold responded to
to an EMS call with a patient with a known case o f COVID-19. He subsequently con tracted the virus and passed awa$ on Satur
Indiana: G erald A. Brooks, 49
a motor vehicle accident where he came in
Rank: Firefighter
contact with the accident victim. He subse
day, Nov. 6,2021.
Incident Date: October 22, 2021
quently contracted COVID-19 and passed
Death Date: November 2, 2021 Fire Departm ent: Indianapolis Fire
away on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRIIIS/TRAINING To see your D rills in the newspaper upload them on our w ebsite w w w .lstR esponderN ew s.com or email them to L indsey@ lstR esponderN ew s.com
NEWBURGH, NY - On Thursday, May 26th, Winona Lake Engine Co. held a joint drill with Goodwill Fire Co., Orange Lake Fire Co., and Cronomer Valley Fire Co. Mike Ciampo, a spokesperson from the FDNY and an instructor/lecturer, was also in attendance. Or ange Lake hit the hydrant with a 4-inch line and used two-and-ahalf inch hose. Winona Lake had their stick up doing ventilation on one side of the bank, while Cronomer Valley had their stick up doing ventilation on the opposite side.
A local attorney was extricated following a rollover collision in New Scotland, 518122.
Mike Ciampo, spokesperson from the FDNY, pictured in the black helmet.
Local Attorney Extricated Following Crash in New Scotland NEW SCOTLAND, NY - A local attorney was involved in a single-vehicle crash in N ew Scot land on a Sunday night. May 8th. Numerous callers reported that a car had crashed into a tree with possible smoke com ing from the vehicle on N ew Scotland Road in the area o f Heldervue Avenue and Westover Road around 8:30 RM. “The vehicle had continued further o ff the roadway, rolling over and causing the driver to b e com e entrapped in the vehicle,” according to a statement from the Albany County Sheriff’ s Office. The Slingerlands Fire Depart ment responded to the scene with Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Albany County Paramedics and the A l bany County Sheriff’ s Depart ment. Upon arrival o f first responders they noticed a car that was w ell o ff the road on its r o o f with the driver still trapped inside. The driver, identified by A l bany County Sheriffs as Brian D e vane, is a well-known criminal justice attorney in the area. Fire fighters immediately began stabi-
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FILE #052522121
lizing the vehicle and rem oving Devane. Battery-operated extrication equipment was used to cut the car open so crews could remove the patient, since hydraulic tools could not be used due to the dis tance the car was o ff the roadway. “The extrication took about 12 minutes due to the vehicle being on its ro o f and the amount o f trees and debris around, which made it difficult to work,” said C hief Craig Sleurs o f the Slingerlands Fire Department. Debris was scattered at the scene, as well as one o f the wheels on the vehicle that could not be found. Marks in the trees showed the height o f the debris and the ve hicle had gone at least 25-feet off the road, Sleurs said. Firefighters used thermal im aging cameras to search the w ooded area in case there may have been any other passengers
that may have been ejected, though their results were negative. N ew Scotland Road was closed in the area for approximately two hours while the vehicle was re m oved from the w oods by Robert’ s Towing, according to Sleurs. Devane was transported to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, according to the Sheriffs. Sheriffs remained on the scene for accident reconstruction. An inves tigation into the crash is ongoing. Devane has an office in Delmar and covers a w ide range o f criminal cases and personal injury claims. A ccording to his website, som e o f the criminal offenses he covers are traffic offenses, drunk driving offenses, weapons charges and drug charges. Fie is a top rated criminal defense attorney in Delmar and has received many awards and recognitions, and was selected to Super Lawyers for 2009-2022.
V is it us on web w w w .1rbn.com / VINNIE DOMINICK
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Second-Alarm Fire Involves M ultiple Buildings on 5th Ave. in Troy TROY, NY - On May 3rd at 1:48 AM., the Rensselaer County Emergency Communication Cen ter dropped the long tone for the City o f Troy’ s Fire Department to respond to 240 5th Avenue after a caller stated that the curtains in side o f their residence were on fire. Engines 1, 4 and 2, along with Trucks 1 and 2, M edic 4, the res cue squad, and the battalion chief were dispatched to the scene. The first arriving Troy police unit on scene immediately sprung into action and notified the dis patcher that they had a significant fire condition and began to evacu ate the residence. While en route, firefighters had a significant c o l umn o f smoke showing from a dis tance with a heavy glow o f fire pushing from the rear o f the resi dence. Engine 1 arrived on scene and had a heavy fire condition in the main fire building with multi ple exposure issues and transmit ted the Signal 30 for a working structure fire. The battalion chief then transmitted the second-alarm, bringing the City o f Cohoes, City o f Albany, and the Watervliet Ar senal to the scene. Firefighters immediately began to deploy multiple hand lines from Engine 1 to the main fire building while additional fire fighters deployed hand lines into the secondary building that had caught fire due to the heavy fire condition pushing from the second floor on the 'Delta' side o f the structure. Thick, black, turbulent smoke began to push from the sec ond floor and attic area o f the pri mary fire building and heavy fire pushed over the r oof top o f the house in the rear o f the structure, lighting up the street. Neighbors from as far as five blocks away could clearly see the fire in the night sky. Crews pushed their way fur ther inside the main fire building where thick black smoke banked down to the floor o f the structure along with high temperatures and a heavy fire condition blow ing out the back o f the building. Troy fire fighters made an aggressive push to make it to the rear o f the struc ture where the heavy fire was while additional firefighters con ducted a primary search o f the building, which was confirmed clear o f all occupants. Firefighters made their way down the side al leyway with additional hand lines, kicked down a fence, and began to knock down the heavy fire in the rear o f the building. Crews in the 'Delta' exposure building o f 238 5th Ave. had a fire condition inside the second floor and attic area due to the heavy fire condition imping ing upon that structure from the main fire building. A captain in the rear o f the
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*4 building who was monitoring the fire conditions notified command that conditions were rapidly changing in the rear o f the struc ture as thick, heavy black turbulent smoke in the front o f the building began to get small amounts o f fire running the smoke. Crews contin ued to work, frequently com ing out o f the structure to change out air bottles before going right back to work. As firefighters worked in the front o f the structure, the truck company's crew noticed that the the conditions were changing in the front o f the structure and that they needed to get above the thick heavy smoke, as it was about to flash. Command notified the dis patcher that they now had a third house involved as the fire had jumped to the house on the north side o f the structure, which was 242 5th Avenue. Additional firefighters pulled several hand lines from Engine 1 and deployed them into the third fire building to attempt to knock down the fire condition that had spread to the building while police officers assisted residents from all o f the fire buildings. As crews were working on the second floor, a firefighter made their way up the ladder and hori zontally vented the front o f the structure, allow ing for the thick, heavy smoke condition to vent out the front windows. Firefighters then made their way to the roof o f the structure and began to vent the roof. After a hole was cut in the roof, violent thick heavy black and brown smoke and heat began to push from the vent hole. As crews made their way back to the bucket o f Truck 1 and the Watervliet Arsenal's truck com pany began to set up on scene, the front attic vent that had been push ing thick heavy black smoke ig nited, sending fire 30-feet into the air. Firefighters on the second floor o f the main fire building con tinued to make an aggressive push as the heavy fire rolled above their heads. Additional firefighters from the mutual aid companies made their way inside the structure and assisted with pulling ceiling so that firefighters could gain access to the heavy fire condition in the cockloft. The city o f Troy's fire chief ar rived on scene, took command o f the incident and quickly began to assess the scene while firefighters inside the structure began making significant progress. Crews estab lished another water supply from a block away to the two truck com panies operating on scene. Fire fighters in the buckets o f the truck
JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER/SIDEWIHDER PHOTOGRAPHY company used master streams and began to knock down all remaining hotspots in the ro o f o f the struc ture. After the incident was brought under control, firefighters con ducted a secondary search o f the structure and discovered som e o f the resident's pets, which were quickly reunited with their owners. Unfortunately, some o f the pets that were found inside the structure did not survive. Firefighters continued con ducting extensive amounts o f over haul on scene until the early hours o f the morning. The fire is under investigation at this time, and no firefighters were injured on scene.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Sunrise, S unset... EMS ISSUE CHELLE CORDERO As the song says, "Swiftly fly the days..." The average life expectancy in the United States in 2022 is 79.5 years, that's up almost five years since 1990, just a mere 32-years ago. We're all getting older. While living longer is a goal for many, it also comes with its own problems. A simple bump for the av erage 30-year-old can be a lot more serious for a person who is eligible for Social Security. Like all fine ma chinery, Hie parts wear. Many o f the elderly have a list of medications that will go well off the average PCR. Gathering a history o f existing medical conditions may seem like a monumental task. But this information is essential to prop erly treat the geriatric patient, and more importantly, it is vital to under stand how medications and various conditions can affect a true assess ment. Some relatively common med ications that are used often to treat our seniors may have otherwise un expected effects on normal patient vi tals. The use o f anticoagulants can make what seems to be a simple fall into a life-threatening situation. The use o f hypertension drugs may give us false security on what we may THINK is a normal BR Cardiac drugs may mask true heart emergen cies while other measures should be done. Even over-the-counter herbal medications may mask or alter vital signs. Getting a complete list o f all prescribed and OTC medications as well as alcohol and tobacco use is an absolute must for the receiving doc tors and nurses at the hospital end. As a person ages, the possibility o f Arthritis, in any form, is more prevalent, as is Osteoporosis and other pain inducing conditions. Care needs to be taken if using a backboard as it may cause unnecessary pain to an elderly person. Skin be comes thin and can tear easily. Gas tric upset or Hie combination o f antacids can mask unusual tenderness in Hie abdominal section. Overall pain perception can be deceptive. Asking an older person “ if it hurts” may give them no reason to compare it to Hie norm and may cause you to miss vital clues. Even the traditional Glascow Coma Scale can be a poor indicator o f the patient’ s responsive ness and reflexes due to poor hearing, weak and painful movements, and vi sual defects. Since the lung tissue is not as elastic in the elderly as most younger people, signs o f respiratory difficulty may advance much quicker than anticipated; use o f a nasal can nula is often recommended for older patients. Add in a lack o f understanding that even a well-meaning younger health responder has about the eld erly, many w on’ t look for in-depth abnormalities. Our brains shrink with age, some faster than others. Confu sion that may be caused by a CVA,
for example, may be dismissed as a normal effect o f aging. A litany o f ail ments and complaints might be lost on a busy provider and important clues might be overlooked. And although Hie EMT o f Paramedic may recognize Hie immediate need to stabilize frac tures and stop bleeding after a fall, not everyone will dig into what MED ICAL condition may have preceded that fall. Is it any wonder that the national mortality rate o f the geriatric trauma patient is higher than younger pa tients? The state o f Ohio has been working on creating a standardized GCS for use on geriatric patients, and other pockets o f EMS trainers have emphasized the problems inherent with Hie elderly to improve emergency care. Many o f us have been told to treat our older patients as if they were our own grandparents... we also need to have more understanding o f how aging affects the body.
July, 2022
IN SERVICE I f y o u have ph otos y o u w ou ld like to se e in our In S erv ice feature, please upload them on ou r w ebsite w w w .lstR espon derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .
J. H. Ketcham Hose Co. of Dover operates this 2019 E-One 1500/400/100' Quint.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Vehicle News
City of Hudson Fire Department now operates this 2021 E-One 2000/300/100' Tower Ladder.
Gary Henry, Badge #21 and family
C o rtla n d v ille F ire D epartm ent Honors Long Tim e M em bers N.GRISW0LD
Five Mile Point Fire Department has placed in to service a new Tanker 59. This truck is a 2022 Midwest all poly body tanker on a 2022 Freightliner M2 112 chassis powered by a Detroit DD13 515hp diesel motor and Allison 4000 transmission, with water capacity of 3024-gallons and a 750-GPM Hale Sidekick PTO pump with pump and roll capability. In the cab there is seating for 3 firefight ers and SCBA’s for each mounted in the compartments. Outside is a 3000-gallon portable drop tank and a 12” swivel dump on the rear of the truck. It also has space to hold 6 lengths suction hose in varying sizes, 24', 14', and 10' ladders, 2'x200' 1.75" pre-connects, one in front bumper, 500' 2.5-inch hose, and 1000' 5' hose. Overall height is still under 10’ and overall length is under 31’ in cluding the front bumper extension and the rear dump chute. Set back front wheels and a tight cramp angle allows for extremely good maneuverability.
If your department has a new vehicle you would like featured in “ Vehicle News,” send a nicely posed and lit photo w ith text to news@1 strespondernews.com
CORTLAND, NY - On Tues day, May 3rd, at the Cortlandville Fire Department monthly m eet ing, three long serving and staples o f the Cortlandville Fire Department were honored with proclamations for mally retiring their badge numbers. The proclam a tions bestow ed upon by the fire dis trict formally re tired: -Badge# 16 belonging to Carl Flart, who served from 1978 until his passing in 2013. -Badge# 18 belonging to Jack Flarvey, who is still serving and is the only continuous serving mem ber since our beginnings. -Badge#21 belonging to Gary Fienry, who began serving in 1988 and is still serving today. The Cortlandville Fire D e partment takes great pride in rec ognizing the accomplishments o f their members. We feel it's impor tant to honor them while they are still with us and can truly know how much their commitment has meant to the Town o f Cort landville and the Cortland County Fire Service. We w ould like to extend a special thank you to Eric Mulvhill for presenting and reading the proclamations. Eric's years o f radio broadcast and experience as Clerk o f the County Legislatiors made for the perfect v oice to honor these men.
Jack Harvey, Badge #18
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
P ort Je rvis Fire S tatio n Named in M em ory o f PJFD Past C hief PORT JERVIS, NY - A beloved Past C hief o f the Port Jervis Fire Department was re membered in a special way on Sat urday, May 14th, as a fire station in the city was dedicated in his memory and honor. Robert B. Dunn, who spent much o f his life in the volunteer firefighting serv ice, passed away on September 27, 2021. His decades o f dedication were recalled in remarks and memories shared by fellow fire fighters and others. Current and past chiefs, offi cers, members o f the department, city officials, family members and friends o f the Dunn Family, neigh bors and general public gathered for the special dedication cere mony at D unn’ s longtime fire house. Excelsior Engine Company #5 President Jason Vicchiarriello praised the service that prompted his com pany’ s naming o f their firehouse as B ob Dunn Memorial Fire Station. Vicchiarriello said the idea to name the fire station in D unn’ s memory came about dur ing a company meeting, as m em bers expressed the desire to pay tribute and honor Past Chief Dunn. Vicchiarriello recalled Dunn's active membership in P ort’ s fire department for most o f his life. Born on April 25, 1934, Dunn grew up in the city ’ s West End and lived in that section o f the city for all o f his life. He was voted into the department and into West End’ s E xcelsior Engine Co. on May 18, 1955, just weeks after his 21st birthday. Over 67-years with the department, he held the rank o f Second Lieutenant, First Lieu tenant, and in 1964 Captain o f his company. He went on to becom e 2nd Assistant C hief from 19721975 under C hief Donald DeVore, 1st Assistant C hief from 1976-
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1979 under C hief Charles Baum gardner, and him self C hief o f the Department from 1980-1983. Port Jervis Mayor Kelly Decker and other members o f P ort’ s Com m on Council were in attendance as a proclamation de livered by Decker named May 14, 2022 “ Robert B. Dunn Day”in the City o f Port Jervis. Both Decker and Vicchiar riello recalled D unn’ s service in many other ways, including with the U.S. Army during the C old War, to his church. M ost Sacred Heart Church, and his love for his family, including his w ife o f 63years, Nancy, and sons Bruce and Brian, all o f w hom attended the ceremony. Fellow longtime company member and Treasurer, Tom V ic chiarriello, recalled noteworthy emergency responses Dunn was part of. Port Jervis Deputy Chief/Past C hief James Rohner praised Dunn’ s dedication and noted the lasting influence and im pact on his own firefighting meth ods, training, and skills. Excelsior Engine Co. No. 5 B ob Dunn Memorial Fire Station is located at 143 West Main Street, Port Jervis, NY 12771. It shared a building with Port Jervis Fire P o lice. (Author's note): the actual larger letters spelling the newly named station were delayed, but expected to be delivered this month. They w ill replace the p ic tured smaller letters that were tem porarily placed for the May 14th event.
Port Jervis FD Past Chief Charles Baumgardner, under whom Past Chief Robert Dunn served before becoming Chief himself, unveils the letters naming Excelsior Engine Co. No. 5's firehouse "Bob Dunn Memorial Fire Station".
Past Chief Robert Dunn pictured during his many years of service to Port Jervis FD.
Port Jervis FD chiefs, past chiefs, and members of Excelsior Engine Co. No. 5 are pictured with the family of Past Chief Robert Dunn, who was honored and remembered in a special May 14th ceremony naming his longtime company firehouse the Bob Dunn Memorial Fire Station.
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Thank you to the New York City Fire Department on their recent purchase of (10) AB Profile Shallow V Aluminum 14-foot Rescue Boats from All Hands Fire Equipment.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Albany Firefighters Rescue One Person from Two-Alarm Structure Fire ALBANY, NY - On May 8th at 7:38 AM., the city o f Albany's Fire Department was dispatched to 489 Hudson Avenue for multiple calls reporting a fully involved structure fire with possible entrap ment inside the building. Engines 7, 1, 10 and 11, along with Rescue 2, the rescue squad. Ladder 3, Truck 2, any available ambulance, and the battalion ch ief headed to the scene. As firefighters pulled out o f the station and turned onto Ontario Street, they had a heavy column o f black smoke visible from over 10 blocks away. The first arriving res cue company on scene im m edi ately transmitted the Signal 30 for a working structure fire with mul tiple exposure issues and two houses on fire. A second-alarm was transmitted shortly after. The officer on the rescue com pany had a heavily involved twostory, multi-occupancy building with heavy fire pushing up the front, and multiple power lines in the front o f the building with heavy fire impingement. Engine 7 arrived on scene and the fast thinking pump operator, knowing his fire hydrant was directly b e hind him, immediately hit the heavy fire condition in the front o f the building with the deck gun. After knocking down a significant portion o f the heavy fire condi tion, firefighters were able to make entry to the structure and begin a primary search. As crews connected to the nearby fire hydrant, the pow er lines in the front o f the building fell onto the cars below. The com-
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manding officer immediately re quested national grid to expedite to the scene. As the rescue company made entry to the structure and began to conduct a primary search, they found the trapped occupant inside the building and transmitted an ur gent m essage to command report ing that they were making their way out o f the back o f the house. EM S was requested to the front o f the building by Engine 1 to treat the victim. Crews deployed multiple hand lines into the building and made an aggressive push, driving back the heavy fire condition. With heavy fire banking down on the second floor, firefighters made their way up the stairwell, pushing the fire right out o f the ro o f o f the building. H ose streams blew out the front w indow s as firefighters continued to make an aggressive push to knock down the heavy fire condition. Crews then made their way into the secondary building that was well involved on the sec ond floor and began to knock down the heavy fire condition. M embers o f the truck co m pany made their way to the r oof and began to conduct ventilation on the primary and secondary fire buildings while additional fire fighters quickly cooled down the 'Alpha' side o f the exposure build ing, which only had siding dam age but was beginning to catch fire. Firefighters notified co m
mand that all occupants in the other building had been safely re moved. As extensive overhaul was being conducted, crews saw that a significant portion o f the ro o f from the fire building still had fire running it. Firefighters used a twoand-a-half inch hand line and began to knock down all the re maining fire. Firefighters in the secondary exposure building that had heavy fire on the second floor began to conduct overhaul o f the porch, which had becom e weak due to the heavy fire condition. A NY hook was used to push the badly damaged porch onto the sidewalk below. As firefighters continued to pull the ceiling in the exposure building, they found ad ditional fire running the cockloft and used a hand line to knock down the remaining fire. The victim from the fire was transported to Albany M edical Center in stable condition. The City o f T roy’ s Fire Department and Watervliet Arsenal Fire D e partment responded as mutual aid to the City o f Albany to assist with handling other calls while fire fighters were operating on scene. As firefighters conducted overhaul, they had a partial rear wall collapse on the 'D' exposure building. Crews remained on scene for a significant portion o f the morning. Fire Investigators were requested to respond, and no firefighters were injured on scene.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
(L to R): Robert Quackbush, Steve Scott, Jim Ciccarelli, Richard Rahuba, and Chief Dorrman.
Cronomer Valley Fire Dept. Holds Installation Dinner NEWBURGH, NY Cronomer Valley Fire Department held their annual installation din ner on Saturday, May 14th, at their firehouse. President Jeffrey M iller w el com ed everyone and the Pledge o f Allegiance was said, follow ed by the Invocation by Chaplain Jeff Hooker. President Jeff M iller in troduced his officers and thanked them for a great year despite many obstacles. He then thanked his wife and presented her with flow ers. C hief R ob Dorrmann also thanked his officers and presented his wife with flowers as well. Ladies Auxiliary President Maryann F og g introduced her slate o f officers and recogn ized past presidents o f the Auxiliary. Jeffrey Miller presented the Pres idents Award to Susan Burtchaell for all the work she has done on
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the social side o f the department. Rob Dorrmann then presented the top 25 responders o f the depart ment. The Driver o f the Year award went to Robert Quackenbush; O f ficer o f the Year went to James C i ccarelli; Fire Police o f the Year went to Steve Scott; Firefighter o f the Year went to Richard Rahuba; and Probation Firefighter o f the Year went to Noah Schneider. After the awards were pre sented, the Benediction was said and everyone in attendance en jo y ed an excellent dinner from Loughrans which was follow ed by music and dancing.
LITTLE DIG GUYS If you have photos you w ould like to see in our Little B ig G u ys feature, please upload them on our w ebsite w ww .lstR esponderN ew s.com or email them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com .
Kingston Fire Displaces Six A dults and Four Children
Wassaic Fire Company operates this 2009 Ford F 450/Pierce Brat 245/300 Brush Truck.
KINGSTON, NY - On May 27th at 6:50 P.M., Kingston Fire Dept, responded to a fire at a four unit apartment building on Bruyn Ave. On arrival, firefighters found smoke and fire showing from an unoccupied second floor apartment, with heavy smoke coming from the attic. A sec ond-alarm for mutual aid was then ordered, and the fire was placed under control in about 25 minutes. Six adults and four children were displaced due to smoke and water damage to their apartments. The cause of the fire remains under investigation. No injuries were re ported. The Hudson Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross provided financial assistance for the displaced families.
C ontrol o f Fireground O perations VIDEO REVIEW Video reviews by John Malecky
Control of Fireground Opera tions By Anthony Avillo Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street Hudson, MA 01749 1-800-522-8528 E-mail: support@fire-policeems.com www.fire-police-ems.com Price: $20.00 (DVD) This DVD is 114 minutes in length. When I choose a DVD to review, I consider the length of time it is and then have to decide when I would have enough time in my schedule and if I would be alert enough to sustain the dura tion if it to make a good review. In this case, I must tell you that re tired Deputy Chief Avillo is an ex cellent speaker as well as an experienced firefighter. I met him when we were both captains at a study class for battalion chief, so at that time we were both students. He originally served with a small urban fire department in Hudson County, NJ. Even though small, his department saw its share of fire duty not only within its boundaries, but by providing mu
tual aid to neighboring cities in the northern section of the county. Eventually, the other four neigh boring cities would become the North Hudson Regional Fire Res cue and include his small town. They are an urban area with plenty of fire duty. I write this to convince you that Anthony is well qualified to teach from experience as well as knowledge. He is an ex cellent speaker able to teach with out mincing words and in a definitive way to keep your atten tion throughout the presentation! When this DVD was made he was the director and deputy fire marshal at the Monmouth County (NJ) Fire Academy and adjunct professor at the New Jersey City University. His main focus is con trolling the fireground by being aware of not only what you can see, but what cannot be seen and this is done by creating divisions using company personnel and bat talion chiefs and giving situational reports on progress. Discussions involve pre-fire planning, scene size up, arrival report/preliminary size-up report, strategy determina tion, initial progress report, decent r a l i z a t i o n , feedback/evaluation/adjustment, continuing progress reports and post control operations. The class is made up of Tulsa, Oklahoma firefighters which is the city that the publisher’ s headquarters is lo cated. This is a Fire Engineering Books & Videos publication.
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Green Island Firefighters Battle Fully Involved Apartment Complex GREEN ISLAND, NY - On May 12th at 11:54 AM., the Rens selaer County and Albany County Emergency Communication Cen ters began receiving phone calls for a reported structure fire at the Rivers Edge Apartment Com plex in Green Island, with multiple callers reporting a building to be fully involved. Thick, heavy black smoke and fire poured into the sky and smoke could be seen from as far away as 15 m iles from the scene. Heavy fire pushed into the sky from the apartment building as the Green Island, Watervliet and Watervliet Arsenal Fire Departments, along with C olonie EMS, were being dispatched to the scene. The first arriving engine from Green Island immediately de clared a Signal 30 and a secondalarm, bringing the City o f Albany and City o f Troy Fire Departments to the scene. Firefighters quickly deployed a hand line and went to work on attempting to slow the fire spread in the building. At the same time, one o f the engine com panies from the City o f Troy FD was on their way back from a call when they notified the dispatcher that they had a heavy black c o l umn o f smoke from their location and were beginning to head that way. The engine company told the dispatcher that the Green Island FD was striking the second-alarm and requested a full box to be transmitted, bringing Engines 4 and 6, and the chief to the scene. Crews on scene notified the dispatcher that they had a heavy fire condition in a 50'xl00' light weight truss construction building with heavy fire spreading in the com m on attic and rear o f the building. As police units on scene were racing to check and see if there were any residents in the building, the heavy fire load was creating a significant amount o f radiant heat and the siding o f mul tiple buildings around the main fire building began to bubble, melt and smoke. The City o f Watervliet, Troy, and the Watervliet Arsenal's truck com panies arrived on scene and set up a master stream operation on the backside o f the apartment building behind the garage to allow for a protective barrier b e tween the main fire building and the apparatus, as the significant amount o f heat could have af fected the apparatus. Firefighters deployed several two-and-a-half inch hand lines and began to con duct an aggressive defensive oper ation. A ll three truck companies made their way to the air as a sig nificant water supply was estab lished from the hydrants inside the apartment com plex and out on the main roadway, and firefighters began opening up their master streams to knock down the heavy fire condition in the attic area. Heavy black smoke quickly turned to gray as crews were be-
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3^ ginning to get a handle on the fire, and firefighters continued to force entry into the first floor apart ments o f the building to conduct searches, which Comm and con firmed to be clear. Exterior fire fighters broke w indow s out to knock down the heavy fire condi tions in some o f the apartments as the Albany County Sheriffs D e partment arrived on scene and de ployed their drone to conduct surveillance from above. A ddi tional EM S also arrived on scene as firefighters began to becom e fa tigued from the extensive battle. Crews continued to use master streams from the engines aerial devices and deck guns and had the fire under control in less than 45 minutes. A significant amount o f the main fire load had been knocked down within the first 20 minutes o f the fire. As firefighters were working, a portion o f the building in the front section c o l lapsed inwards to the second floor. Extensive overhaul began as members o f the NYS Department o f Homeland Security O ffice o f Fire Prevention and Control ar rived on scene with their fire in vestigation team. Crews remained on scene for a significant portion o f the day into the evening hours. The fire is still under investigation at this time. The buildings were destroyed by the fire and later tom down for safety reasons. The apartment building did not have sprinklers in any portion o f the building, as it was built prior to the NYS code for sprin klers. The lightweight truss in today's modern construction is burning at three times the rate o f older style homes, and the co m bustible materials com m only found in typical living rooms, bed rooms, and other portions o f the home are burning at eight times hotter than older material due to the heavy amount o f plastics and foams being used in most products today. Fire room flashovers are now occurring in less than two minutes in m ost fire situations. Once flashover has occurred, there is no chance o f survivability as the room reaches temperatures o f over 2,500°F and everything in the room ignites at once. If the building had sprinklers, this fire could have turned out dif ferent. Sprinkler systems are de signed to control or suppress a working fire before the fire depart ment arrives on scene. The biggest misconception with sprinkler sys tems is that they are activated by smoke, which is not true! They are activated by high temperatures o f heat from a fire. The sprinkler sys tems today normally activate within 20 to 30 seconds o f high heat exposure, quickly controlling the fire and making it safe for you and your family to escape the
home. Normally it is only the room that has the fire in it that the sprinkler system activates. M ost o f the time after a sprinkler activa tion occurs during a fire, the home is saved and still livable. Having working smoke detectors in your home is also crucial in today’ s so ciety. Also, please make sure that if you are renting to have renter's insurance. A ccording to Peter Sleasmen from Wynantskill's State Farm, renter's insurance can cost an average o f $125/year to insure your personal belongings. It’ s bet ter to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
PATCH OF THE MONTH I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s e e in our “Patch o f the M onth’feature please upload them on ou r website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com o r em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .
M alfunctioning Heating Unit Deemed Cause of Geneseo Shed Fire
This patch belongs to the Alexander Fire Department (Est. in 1833), located In Genesee County, NY.
GENESEO, NY - On Monday, May 2nd at 9:20 P.M., Geneseo firefighters were dispatched to a re ported shed fire at 4815 Lakeville-Groveland Road. First arriving units found a one-story farm shop fully involved with exposure issues. Due to a lack of hydrants in the area, tankers were requested from Livonia, Lakeville, Mt. Morris, Cuylerville and York Fire Departments. The blaze was brought under control in about 40 minutes. There were no injuries reported. Officials from Livingston County Emergency Management determined that the fire was caused by a malfunctioning heating unit. Livingston County EMS and the Livingston County Sheriff's Office also assisted at the scene.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
New England Fire/Rescue/EMS 2022 New England Association of Fire Chiefs
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HANDS ON TRAINING PROGRAMS ALL H.O.T PROGRAMS INCLUDE AN EXPO DAY PASS FOR FRIDAY June 23, 2022 Thursday 08:30-16:30 H .O .T .: Forcible Entry for Line Officers and Firefighters
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Adams FD Rescues Man Who Fell Down Embankment ELLISBURG, NY - At 8:51 P.M. on May 16th, the Adams Fire Department was dispatched with South Jefferson Ambulance to 5050 County Route 97 in the Town of Ellisburg for a report of a man having fallen down an embankment behind a house. Crews arrived to find a man unable to move against a tree 40 to 50-feet down a 100+ foot embankment. Crews descended the bank in a rainstorm and secured the victim to a stokes stretcher. Using ropes, the man was brought to the top of the bank and transferred to South Jefferson's Ambulance. The Lorraine Fire Department was requested as mutual aid for ad ditional manpower. Adams Chief 1-0-3, Engine 1-4-1, Tanker 1-5-1 with trailer and UTV 1-7-3, Rescue 1-6-1, Squad 1-7-2, and Truck 1-8-1 responded, along with the Jefferson County Sheriff's office.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Structure Fire in Buffalo Under Investigation BUFFALO, NY - On June 2nd, the Buffalo Fire Department was dispatched to 70 Gold Street for a reported structure fire. Engine 28 went on scene and reported smoke showing. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.
Port Jervis FD 1st Assistant Chief Anthony Fuller advises Orange and Rockland Utilities responders of the gas emergency situation PJFD had secured on Sunday, May 15th.
Port Jervis Fire Department Secures Gas Leak Situation PORT JERVIS, N Y - Port Jervis Fire Department closed a small section o f the city ’ s west end after responding to a gas leak in a hom e on that residential block, Sunday, May 15th. The house is sit uated alongside the little league ball field, and across from Excelsior En gine Co. 5 and the PJFD Fire P o lice. While the department periodi cally responds to reported smells o f gas or minor gas incidents, using b lock outs, the incidents typically
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do not cause much o f an issue. In this case, precaution was im m edi ately taken upon investigating the situation and cause. PJFD 1st Assistant C h ief An thony Fuller said the gas leak was found to be com in g from a major gas line break at the home. A pipe had broken at the union o f a new boiler which had been installed in
the house. Responders were able to termi nate the gas at the meter and venti late the house. They then stood by on scene to wait for Orange and Rockland to arrive and take the next step in repairing the break. The area was temporarily blocked o ff from Grand View Av enue across the railroad bridge to Ferry Street.
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to s ee in ou r W h ere are they N ow ? feature please u pload them on our w eb site www. 1stR esponderN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .
Two-Car MVA w ith Injuries in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Winona Lake FD responded to a two-ve hicle MVA with injuries at State Route 300 and Meadow Ave., June 1st. Town of Newburgh Police and EMS were also at the scene. Firefighters checked both vehicles for hazards and spread speedy dry on fluids on the roadway. Town of Newburgh EMS transported two subjects to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospital. State Route 300 had one north bound lane closed during the incident. Town of Newburgh Police are investigating the cause.
Former Goshen Engine 932 was purchased by Leicester, Massachusetts via Brindlee Mountain. It is running as Engine 1 out of their central house.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Saratoga County S h e riff’s Deputy D iscovers House Fire W hile Responding to Other C all WEST CRESCENT, NY - On May 11th at approximately 10:58 P.M., a Saratoga County Sheriffs Deputy was responding to another call when he stumbled upon a working house fire at 47 Fire Elouse Road. The West Crescent and Clifton Park Fire Depart ments, along with Boght Com m u nity Fire Co. for the FAST team and Clifton Park EM S were d is patched to the scene. The sheriffs deputy notified the dispatcher that he had a w ell involved structure fire with heavy fire in the front o f the house, and after searching he was was able to confirm that nobody was inside. The first arriving fire chief im m e diately declared a working struc ture fire and requested the Vischer Ferry and Flalfmoon-Waterford Fire Departments to the scene with manpower. As heavy fire blew up the front o f the residence. Command went around to the rear side o f the structure and d iscov ered two 250-gallon propane tanks with fire impingement on them. The sheriffs deputy went down the road and scouted out the nearest fire hydrant for the first ar riving engine, marking it with a road flare. The crew o f the first ar riving engine dropped the large di ameter hose at the fire hydrant by the country drive-in and pulled down the road and took the front o f the house as additional fire fighters deployed a one-and-threequarter inch hand line and began knocking down the heavy fire condition in an attached garage. Thick, heavy brown and black smoke chugged from the eaves o f the m obile home as firefighters worked. As mutual aid companies began arriving on scene, firefight ers made their way inside the m o bile home and started to pull the ceilings in the fire room. After the Boght Fire Co. FAST team switched roles on scene. C om mand requested the C olonie V il lage Fire Co. to respond in with their FAST team. Firefighters in side the structure had heavy fire running the r o o f area o f the m o bile home and began cutting a ver tical ventilation hole while firefighters in the rear the struc ture disconnected the propane tanks and cooled them down with a hand line. Firefighters on the outside o f the mobile home pulled the skirting away from the bottom o f the trailer and knocked down fire that was running underneath the trailer.
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A ventilation fan was set up in the front o f the building to clear som e o f the hot toxic gases and heavy smoke condition. After pulling the ceilings inside the m o bile home, heavy fire was exposed and quickly knocked down. Fire fighters then switched over from water to foam and began foaming the entire interior portion o f the trailer that had the heavy fire con dition. An additional hand line was used on the exterior portion o f the structure to make sure that there were no remaining hotspots. Extensive overhaul was then con ducted inside the trailer. Saratoga Fire Investigators ar rived on scene and began to con duct their investigation into the fire. The trailer was a total loss, and no injuries were reported. Firefighters remained on scene until the early hours o f the morn ing.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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Glare from the sun caused a car to crash into a garbage truck in Slingerlands, 5/17/22.
Garbage Truck S tru ck by Car in S ling erlands SLINGERLANDS, NY - A garbage truck was struck by a car in Slingerlands during the morning commute on Tuesday, May 17th. Crews were called to the intersection o f New Scotland Road at Slingerland Street around 6:22 A.M. for a car versus truck. According to police, the 2015 Peterbuilt garbage tmck, owned by Robert Wright Disposal and being driven by a male from Selkirk, was struck by a 2017 Hyundai being driven by a male from Slingerlands. Police said the garbage truck was backing down Slingerland Street from New Scotland and the car was heading east on New Scotland when it struck the tmck. “Glare from the rising sun pre vented the car from seeing the tmck partially in the roadway,”police said.
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The driver o f the Hyundai was transported to Albany Medical Cen ter with non-life-threatening injuries, according to police. There were no tickets issued. Slingerlands Fire, Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Albany County Para medics and Bethlehem Police responded to the call. Firefighters re mained on scene to clean up fluids and debris in the roadway. New Scotland Road was closed at Font Grove Road, Southwood Drive and Fisher Boulevard during the incident.
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13T Responder Newspaper - NY ______________ July, 2022_________________ PAGE 29
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Rick Billings © R E M A N m MEETS HIS MATCH...
Ulster Crash Results in DWI Charges ULSTER, NY - Ulster Co. Sheriff's Deputies responded to a one-car rollover at 310 Sawkill Rd., Wednesday, May 25th, at 3:50 P.M. The vehicle was on its side, and the driver had to be assisted from the vehicle. The Sheriff's office reported that the driver was charged with DWI and aggravated driving while intoxicated. Deputies were assisted on the scene by Town of Ulster Police, state police, Ulster Hose Co. #5, the Sawkill Fire Department and Mobile Life Support Services.
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NEWBURGH, NY - Winona Lake Engine Company held a search & rescue drill on Tuesday, May 3rd, at a local bank that is currently under construction. A smoke machine was set up and a two-anda-half inch line was pulled to complete multiple searches, which were all successful.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Popular Hot Dog Stand on Conesus Lake Damaged by Fire LIVONIA, NY - On Monday, June 6th at 4:49 P.M., Town o f Livonia Fire Departments (Livo nia, H em lock & Lakeville), along with East Avon as the FAST, were dispatched to Serious F ood at 5006 East Lake Road for a re ported fire. Assistant C h ief Tom Strong arrived on scene and reported smoke showing. The crew o f En gine 255 arrived on scene shortly after and was able to quickly ex tinguish the fire. The FAST team was rerouted to stand-by in the
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Lakeville fire station. The cause o f the fire remains under investigation by the L iv ingston County O ffice O f Emer gency Management. In the meantime, the restaurant has m oved its operations with a lim ited menu next door to the Shore less Acres General Store.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
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July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
BRILLS/TRAINING I f y o u have ph otos y o u w ou ld like to s e e in our D rills feature, p lease upload them on our w ebsite w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .
Body R ecovered After S u b ject Jum ps from N ewburgh-Beacon Bridge NEWBURGH, NY - On May 25th, Town of Newburgh Police notified the City of Newburgh Fire Department of a possible subject that jumped from the Newburgh-Beacon Bridge south span. City of Newburgh firefighters launched their boat and headed out on the Hudson River to search for the subject. Town of Newburgh Police called Newburgh dispatch and reported that a body had been recovered on the west shore of the river by the railroad tracks. City of Newburgh firefighters then returned their boat to its launch site at the Newburgh Yacht Club.
NEWBURGH, NY - On Tuesday night, June 7th, Winona Lake Engine Co. held a car fire drill at the training center where probies were taught how to operate a one-and-a-half inch line at different PSIs. They also got to see the magnesium explode in the car.
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R e sp o n d e r N ew spa pe r This section is exclusively dedicated to coverage o f Long Island emergency services PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
JULY, 2 0 2 2
SHIRLEY, NY - On Thursday, May 12th shortly before 1:15 P.M., Suffolk County Police and Fire Rescue Communications personnel began receiving calls for a house fire at 27 Probst Dr. in Shirley. The caller reported that there were dogs trapped in a residence, and smoke and flames were visible. - S e e full sto ry on P a ge 40
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July, 2022
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Firefighters from multiple departments operated at an apartment building fire on Robinson Ave. in North Patchogue, 5/17/22.
Man Rescued from Apartment Building Fire in N. Patchogue
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Additional news from Long Island can be found on our website at www.1rbn.com
N O R TH PATCHOGUE, N Y On Tuesday, May 17th at approx imately 8:12 A.M., the North Patchogue FD was activated for a report o f a structure fire at 311 R obin son Ave., in the Fairfield Apartments. The Hagerm an FD was also activated as automatic mutual aid to the scene. North Patchogue 2nd A ssis tant C h ief (5-17-32) and H ager man C h ief o f Department Tom Dunham (5-10-30) advised d is patch that they w ere en route as reports o f m ultiple calls from buildings 309 & 311 were being received. P olice dispatchers also received a report o f possible occu pants still inside building 311. On arrival. C h ief Dunham o f H ager man advised North Patchogue dis patch and the Assistant C h ief that he had active fire and North Patchogue 32 transmitted the w orking fire assignment, trigger ing additional mutual aid to be dispatched from M edford, Blue Point and H olb rook Fire Depart ments. North Patchogue 5-17-4 was the first due engine, and on arrival the crew had fire show ing out o f the w indow o f an apartment build ing and a lot o f heat and smoke. Lines w ere quickly stretched.
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While crew s were operating in the fire apartment, Hagerm an C h ief Dunham and Firefighter Ohora lo cated a person in an adjacent apartment and brought them to a back w in d ow where Suffolk P o lice and additional Hagerman m em bers assisted him. The man stated that he had been trying to get a cat out o f the building. Once he was removed, m edical person nel were asked to look at him, but the man refused m edical attention. Additional searches w ere co n ducted, and it was determined that all other occupants were out. M ultiple hand lines were stretched and an aggressive attack was made to knock the fire down. Due to the quick actions o f the de partment m em bers on scene, dam age was able to be m inim ized and did not spread to the adjacent building. The scene w as turned over to the Brookhaven Fire Mar shal's O ffice for investigation. Units w ere back in service after about one hour and 20 minutes.
Heavy Fire D estroys Brentw ood Home BRENTWOOD, NY - On Sunday, April 25th at 11:30 P.M., the Brentwood FD received reports of a structure fire at 28 Win ston Drive. Chief Glen Mungo (3-2-32) was first on scene and transmitted the working fire. Engine 1 made the initial attack via the front door and observed heavy smoke and fire through the roof. The truck company also reported fire in the basement and rear of the dwelling. With conditions worsen ing, Chief Mungo ordered all members out of the building and requested a master stream hand line be put in place. This re sulted in a quick knock down of the fire. Mutual aid compa nies included Islip, Central Islip and East Brentwood. Arson, the Town Fire Marshal, and the Red Cross were also sum moned. No injuries were reported.
ACTION SHOT I f y o u have ph otos y o u w ou ld like to s e e in our A ction Shot feature please u pload them on our website, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com o r em ail them to L in d sey @ lstR esp on d erN ew s.co m .
SAYVILLE, NY - On the morning of April 30th, the West Sayville Fire Department was requested as mutual aid to the Sayville Fire Department for a working commercial structure fire at 98 Lincoln Avenue. Newly placed in service Ladder 3-10-5 responded and quickly went to work. Ex-Chief Michael Postel was at the helm and the crew was under the direction of Captain Josh Liembach.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Brentwood Takes in Eighth W orking Fire fo r 2022 BRENTWOOD, NY - On the evening of Saturday, April 30th, the Brentwood Fire Department responded to a reported structure fire at 7 Kirk Road. The first arriving officer, Captain Dave Rosado, observed heavy fire coming from the two side of the structure and transmitted the working fire. The struc ture, a Cape Cod style home, was rapidly being consumed by the fire and now showing through the roof. Two hand lines were stretched from the first due engine and an interior attack ensued. After the team found that the interior stairway to the second floor had been compromised, all units were removed from the structure and an exterior attack was ordered. Mutual aid departments alerted included East Brentwood, Bay Shore, West Islip, and Central Islip. The Arson Squad, Town of Islip Fire Marshal and the Red Cross also responded.
APPARATUS IN ACTION If y ou have photos you w ould like to see in our Apparatus in Action feature please upload them on our w ebsite w ww .lstR esponderN ew s.com or em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com .
Flowers are placed to honor fallen firefighters and Ladies Auxiliary members.
S u ffolk V olunteer F irefigh ters Honor D eparted M em bers HOFTSVIFFE, NY - During the first weekend o f May, the Suf folk County Volunteer Firemen’ s Association held its 84th annual Reverend John P. Halpin Memorial Service and reading o f the names of departed firefighters and ladies aux iliary members. This year the event was graciously hosted by the Eioltsville Fire Department at their headquarters. Uniformed members o f local fire departments and fire service or ganizations were led in via an honor guard in processional format to start the evening's services. After all members were at their designated seats, various formalities were done that are needed prior to the Chaplin doing the invocation and scripture
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readings. Once Chaplins Anthony Asselta o f the Eioltsville FD and John Fleischmann o f S.C. V.F.A. were honored, the reading o f the roll o f deceased firefighters was commenced by the following S.C.V.F.A members: William Murray (Past President), Robert McConville (Past President), Robert Sutton (President), Eugene Perry (Past President), Vincent Ammirati (Second Vice President), G io vanni Chiarelli (Third Vice President), and Marybeth Asbell (President S.C Fadies Auxiliary). Each time a name was read the
bell was rang in the firefighter's honor. In addition, a red flower was placed on the Maltese Cross board in memory o f the fallen. Following the reading o f all the firefighters was the reading o f the Fadies Auxiliary. This time instead o f red, a white flower was placed on the fire fighter’ s Maltese Cross in honor of them. According to the program and its insert, about 15 Fadies Auxiliary members were remembered during the service. Some closing remarks were then read and a Benediction was given by Chaplin Joseph McCarthy before the recessional hymn played and mem bers were dismissed.
Brookhaven Fire Department Ladder 1 (5-3-1) is a Pierce Arrow XT Ascendant 100-foot Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower Ladder. It's shown here putting the ladder in to operation at its first working fire on Thursday, May 12th.
Members of Suffolk Volunteer Firemen's Association and local elected officials after the ceremony.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Is lip Town F ire M useum H osts 2nd A nnual M an Vs. M a c h in e CENTRAL ISLIP, NY - On the weekend o f May 13th and 14th, the Islip Town Fire Museum & Education Center hosted its 2nd annual Man VS. Machine training. This year's event consisted o f two days o f training and valuable ma terial. Departments from across Suffolk and Nassau Counties came out to the museum to learn from instructors from PL. Vulcan Fire Training. On Friday night, PL Vulcan Instructor Tommy Gies o f Ladder 147 taught the lecture portion o f the program, which was new for this year. The lecture discussed all different types o f man vs. machine jobs, such as hands and body parts trapped in things, people stuck under machines or a car, and more. A lot o f it was based on Gies' own experiences in the fire service, as well as the training o f him and his fellow instructors. On Saturday, approximately 60 students returned to the Islip Fire M useum for the “H ot”, aka hands-on portion o f the training. Under tutorage o f Captain Mark Gregory and the many other knowledgeable instructors from PL Vulcan, stations were set up to demonstrate different types o f emergencies. The first station was a simple station on removal o f rings from fingers. Tommy Gies show ed the firefighters various ways to remove a ring that was stuck. This included gentle meth ods like using soap and rubber bands, to more drastic measures like cutting it o ff with a dremel tool or using a ring cracker.
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The next station, which was split into two sections, was on in dustrial accidents. Captain G re gory and one o f his other instructors set up two tables with different types o f industrial m a chinery and spoke about/demonstrated how to remove hands trapped from machines with things like conveyer belt type sys tems and augers. Another station set up was the ole hand in the meat grinder. Firefighters had to stabilize the hand and cut the meat grinder without causing anymore damage to the hand. The fourth station was set up to demonstrate lifting a vehicle o ff a person stuck underneath it. For this station fire fighters learned how to lift a car, or in this case a truck, o ff o f a per son with basic tools that may be on the fire truck such as ladders, chocks and even the Hurst tool spreaders. The final station was on impalements. A dummy was placed on a fence prop with rebar stuck through it and the firefight ers had to successfully cut the rebar with a ban saw to remove the patient to be packaged for transport. At the end o f the weekend, a debrief was done and the instruc tors talked about the training to recap it and then listened to any feedback. It was a very successful weekend o f training.
Brookhaven FF Jimmy Cassidy works with Captain Mark Gregory on getting a hand out of a piece of industrial equipment during Man Vs. Machine training.
Firefighters work to remove an impaled "person" during the annual Man Vs. Machine training at the Islip Fire Museum. JOHNWALTHERS- SUFFOLKFIRE PHOTOS
The entire Man vs. Machine class and instructors outside the Islip Town Fire Museum after a wonderful weekend of training.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
LONG ISLA WORKING FACES I f y o u have p h otos y o u w ou ld like to se e in our “W orking F aces”feature, please upload them on our w ebsite, w w w .lstR esp on derN ew s.com o r em ail them to L in d sey@ lstR esp on d erN ew s.com
Mastic Beach FD Ex-Chief and current Safety Officer, Carlo Grover, operates at a house fire on Poospatuck Lane in Mastic, May 24th.
Firefighters from Hagerman, North Patchogue & Medford battled this house fire on Kyle St., May 6th.
Three Departm ents B a ttle North B e llp o rt Blaze NORTH BELLPORT, NY - On Friday, May 6th at 5:12 P.M., the Hagerman Fire Department was dispatched to a reported structure fire on Kyle St., o ff M alcom St. Firecom advised incom ing respon ders that callers were stating that an attached garage was on fire. On arrival o f the first due chief, a working fire was transmitted and mutual aid was quickly requested to the scene from North Patchogue and Medford. The first due engine
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crew s arrived on scene and began to hit the fire with tank water from hand lines stretched. Though the occupants were hom e at the time, all searches were determined to be negative as the occupants were able to get out o f the home safely. The fire was knocked down rel atively quick and companies began
to conduct overhaul. C h ief o f D e partment Tom Dunham was in com mand o f the incident. South Country Am bulance was also on scene to assist. N o injuries were re ported and the Brookhaven Town Fire Marshal was notified for assis tance in investigating the cause o f the fire.
Brookhaven FF Jimmy Cassidy awaits orders at a recent house fire in Mastic.
Hagerman FD's Brendan Dunham operates at a recent house fire on Kyle St.
Firefighters work to ensure that there are no hotspots after a recent house fire on Kyle St. in North Bellport.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
LONG ISLAND] M u ltiple P e ts R e s c u e d from H ou se Fire on P rob st Dr. in S h irley SHIRLEY, NY - On Thursday, May 12th shortly before 1:15 P.M., Suffolk County Police and Fire Res cue Communications personnel began re ceiving calls for a house fire at 27 Probst Dr. in Shirley. The caller reported that there were dogs trapped in a resi dence, and smoke and flames were visi ble. On arrival, Suf folk Police 7tli Pet. officers Joseph Hoffer, Chris Miron and Michael Sclafani, made entry after breaking through the back sliding door o f the home. According to Suffolk Police Officer Sclafani, they had to carry one o f Hie dogs out while two other dogs were removed under their own power. Deputy Chief Ed Johnson, Suf folk County Fire Coordinator 53, ar rived on scene along with Brookhaven FD a short time later. On his arrival. Captain Hudson Darrow transmitted the working fire. Mutual aid was requested from Mastic, Bellport, Brookhaven, Cen ter Moriches and Mastic Beach to the scene. Shirley Ambulance was also requested to respond in for the rehab unit. Bellport Chief David DiDio was given command on his arrival, and firefighters began stretching multiple hand lines to attack the fire, which was in the garage and had also spread into the second floor o f the dwelling and through the roof. Brookhaven FD Tower Ladder 5-31 was also set up to assist as needed. In addition to the dogs that were rescued by police officers, firefight ers were seen pulling multiple cats out o f Hie home and bringing them over to Hie rehab area. Shirley Am bulance along with other rescuers as sessed Hie cats as best they could and provided oxygen as needed, as well as a shaded area in the rehab tent for them to cool off. At least six cats that were re moved from Hie home were alive and later taken by the owners to an emer gency clinic for evaluation and treat ment o f smoke inhalation. It was reported that two cats unfortunately perished in the fire, and 2 or 3 more were missing and assumed to possi bly be hiding after running out o f the home. Firefighters and EMS personnel operated on scene for about two hours. During that time Yaphank FD stood by at Brookhaven FD ’ s substa tion Suffolk Police 7th Precinct as sisted Brookhaven FD fire police with closing the road to keep the scene safe. The scene was later turned over to the Brookhaven Fire Marshal's Office and Suffolk County Police Arson Squad for an investiga tion.
Brookhaven firefighters along with several neighboring departments battled a house fire on Probst Drive in Shirley on May 12th.
Mastic FF Robert Rodecker is seen removing a cat from a house fire in Shirley.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
Truly another game changer. W e’ve taken the Ascendant® single rear axle quint configuration, and made it even better with the addition of a platform basket. Imagine th at... for those of you who would rather ride than climb, or those who would never even consider a heavy, tandem axle aerial platform - the Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is your solution! This configuration will provide you 110' (33.5m) of vertical reach and 90' (27.4m) of horizontal reach without compromising on water capacity, performance, or safety. You’ll have a maneuverable, first out quint with full rescue capabilities. The Ascendant platform includes a 100,000 psi high-strength steel ladder with a fully NFPA compliant, ergonomically designed 3-person basket. The Ascendant platform is rated to a 35 mph (56 km/h) wind and 1/4" (0.64cm) of ice load. It can accommodate 100 lb (45.4kg) of additional equipment, and flow 1,250 gpm (4,732 L/m) from a single monitor located at the end of the fly section. For those of you that want more than just a ladder yet desire a smaller, lighter weight platform basket with lower acquisition costs and less cost of ownership, the Ascendant platform is ideal for you. The Ascendant heavy-duty aerial platform is available on a wide range of Pierce custom chassis with either a single rear axle or a tandem rear axle to meet your fire department’s needs.
F lR E M A T IC .C O M
8 8 8 -4 34 -7 3 62
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Three-A larm Fire C o lla p s e s M u ltip le s B u ild in g s in th e B ronx BRONX, NY -At 2:46 A.M. on May 18th, the first o f several phone alarms were received reporting fire showing from the roof o f a threestory multiple dwelling. Different addresses were being received on E. 143rd Street, but as units arrived it was very apparent where the fire was. Very heavy fire was venting out o f a vacant structure at 420 E. 143rd St. The fire building was in the middle o f a row o f simi lar attached vacant dwellings that had been the scene o f a previous fourth-alarm. A 10-75 and a secondalarm were quickly transmitted as the flames spread to involve multi ple exposures. Battalion 14 trans mitted the third-alarm in less than five minutes. Fire soon involved the four buildings at 422, 420, 418 and 416 E 143rd Street. Multiple lines and two tower ladders were set up on the narrow street and were able to halt the spread o f the flames. There was a total collapse o f the original fire building and partial collapses of two more. Companies were unable to complete secondary searches due to the structural stability. Elot spots continued to be hit until the fire could be placed “ probably will hold”at 4:49 A.M., and under con trol at 6:08 A.M. One injury was re ported.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
July, 2022
TEAMWORK ble...a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. " Ecclesiastes 4:912 (NLT)
C h a plain ’s Corner Pastor Fernando Villicana
I recently responded to a com m ercial fire a m ile or two from my home. A s I approached the fire and shot my first few p ic tures som ething stood out on me. There seem ed to be a certain flow or rhythm taking place. An or chestrated effort by a w ell trained team o f Firefighters. R igs strate gically placed, the first-in Battal ion C h ief setting up the command post. Captains gathering their crews in a quick huddle to form u late their plan o f attack, hose lines being laid out, firefighters getting in position - everyone working to gether as a fine tuned machine - a strong and efficient team. In short order Fire Attack announced a knock dow n o f the fire and shortly after it was extinguished. This takes unity! It all reminded m e o f a quote I recently read: “ Coming together
is a beginning, keeping together is progress, but working together is success. " Fienry Ford The scripture tells us: “ Two people are better o ff than one, fo r they can help each other succeed. I f one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who fa lls alone is in real trou
Our greatest achievem ents w ill be realized as w e w ork to gether. We w ill always be greater than ourselves when w e partner with others. For a number o f years the C h ica go B ulls cou ld n ’ t get past the N B A playoffs. B ecause while they had probably the best basket ball player w ho ever lived (Michael Jordan), a man w ho was alm ost superhuman in his ability they cou ldn ’ t win without coop er ating and playing as a team. They added key players like Scottie Pip pin and b eliev ed that if they strived together they cou ld rise to w in the Cham pionship - and they did because they lea rn ed to p la y as a team. W hen w e coordinate our e f forts with the efforts o f others, we speed the way to our goals. C o o p eration am ong each other builds success. That’ s why St. Paul said:
“ ...there should be no divisions among you...live together in har mony... " Philippians 2:2 The Fire Department w orks as a team. Let us all do everything we can to “live together in harmony” and keep whatever Department we belon g to the best team ever.
EMT Shot After Responding to Incident in Staten Island STATEN ISLAND, NY - On May 18th around 4:37 P.M., Staten Island EMTs responded to a disor derly male, known as Thomas McCauley, outside a bar located at 1205 Forest Ave. The EMTs were putting the male into the back of the ambulance when the perpetrator shot one of the EMTs in the shoulder. The male was subdued by a retired NYPD detective and an off duty Sanitation Lieutenant. The EMT's partner drove her injured partner to their hospital, which is Richmond University Medical Center. The EMT was released from the hospital the next day.
- Pastor Fernando Villicana Fire Department Chaplain
VEHICLE NEWS Submitting photos and press releases is EASY! R e g is te r a t w w w .1 rb n .c o m to begin posting directly. Prefer emails? Email your press release and photos directly to L in d s e y @ 1 s tre s p o n d e rn e w s .c o m
RON JEFFERS FDNY Engine Co. 332 has been assigned a new Seagrave 2000-GPM/500-GWT unit (SP21013).
July, 2022
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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