The New York Edition PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
JUNE, 2014
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Buffalo firefighters responded just after 7 p.m. on April 16, 2014 to 231 Maple after dispatchers received multiple phone calls reporting a structure fire. First in Engine 21 reported heavy fire in a two story wood frame.
- Page 40
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vacant house fire in Albany The City of Albany responded to an alarm of fire at 290 Elk Street. Arriving engines had a fire on the first floor calling the Signal 30. They also had a report of someone trapped in the building. Crews made a rapid entry into the building, knocking down the fire. Crews searched the building and found no one inside. Firefighters were only on scene for a short time. The fire is under investigation at this time.
Multiple buildings damaged in second alarm Troy, NY. The City of Troy was toned for an alarm of fire at 252 Stow Avenue. Multiple calls came in for the fire. Police were on scene first confirming a working structure fire and possible victims trapped in the fire building on the morning of April 22nd. Engine 3 called the Signal 30 heavy fire in the rear of the building. Car 4 called right away for the second alarm bringing an additional engine and a truck company to the scene. Crews went right to work at-
JUMP TO FILE #042214100
tacking the fire from inside the building. Engine 3’s crew made entry with a handline and started to knock down the fire while other crews searched the buildings. Fire crews cleared both building and everyone made it out safely. As soon as crews cleared the building, the evac tones were called to use the truck company to knock down the majority of the
fire. Truck 2 went to work knocking down all of the heavy fire conditions. As soon as they shut down the master stream operation, crews went back to work hitting hot spots inside the house. Fire crews had to cut the roof of the house next door as the fire had jumped and caught that roof. Fire crews remained on scene for a few hours due heavy overhaul and the fire is under investigation. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
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Buffalo, N.Y. Fire 185 Kosciusko St. Buffalo firefighters of the 3rd Battalion 3rd Platoon were called out to battle a structure fire in a vacant two story frame dwelling at 185 Kosciusko St. on the city's East Side early Thursday morning, April 24, 2014. Firefighters arrived to a fully involved structure. Battalion 3 Chief Mark Hillery went defensive and immediately deployed two tower ladders. The skillful crews of Ladder Co. 6 and Ladder Co. 14 made short work of the fire, despite low water pressure in the area. No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation. Damage was extensive and emergency demolition was ordered for the building. Division Chief Patrick Brittzalaro was in command.
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Offers fo Offers forr E Employees mployees a and nd V Volunteers olunteers of F First irst Re Responder Responder and Public Fire Fire and Rescue: R Re escue: ;cfbeo[[i ckij X[ W c[cX[h e\ j^[ <_h[H[iYk[ ;cfbeo[[i ckij X[ W c[cX[h e\ j^ ^[ <_h[H[iYk[ =FE WdZ ikffbo =FE C[cX[h ?: =FE WdZ ikffbo =FE C[cX[h ?: Dej W c[cX[h e\ j^[ <_h[H[iYk[ =F FE5 Dej W c[cX[h e\ j^[ <_h[H[iYk[ =FE5 =e je ǜ_h[h[iYk[#]fe$Yec eh =e je ǜ_h[h[iYk[#]fe$Yec eh YWbb .--#)(/#..*- H[]_ijhWj_ed _i \h[[$ YWbb .--#)(/#..*- H[]_ijhWj_ed _i \h[[ [$ <_h[ WdZ H[iYk[0 >97DJU<H=UPPP <_h[ WdZ H[iYk[0 >97DJU<H=UPPP
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Page 3
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June, 2014
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
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Armor Tuff Flooring
Awards Express
CA Reed Epoxy Floors
Campbell Supply Co, LLC 1,5 Churchville Fire Equip
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First floor fire spreads throughout home Buffalo firefighters of the 6th Battalion 3rd Platoon were called out to battle a fire in a large two and a half story frame dwelling at 487 Hopkins Street on the city's South Side late Tuesday evening, April 22, 2014. Firefighters used three-one and three quarter inch and two- two and a half inch hand lines as well as a turret and ladder tower to bring the stubborn blaze under control. Firefighters were confronted with Collier Mansion conditions, which had the chief go defensive. The fire started on the first floor and spread throughout. No in-
JUMP TO FILE #042314100
juries were reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation. Damage was listed at $90,000 to the building and $40,000 to the contents, 10 Trowbridge St. received $5,000 exposure damage. Division Chief Patrick Brittzalaro was in command at the scene.
Deja vu for Livonia firefighters Livonia, NY. On Wednesday night, April 23, Town of Livonia firefighters (Livonia, Hemlock and Lakeville Fire Departments) were dispatched to a reported attic fire at 102 Big Tree Street. Upon arrival, heavy smoke was showing from the single story home. The fire was brought quickly under control. There were no injuries. Mutual aid was requested from East Avon and Geneseo Fire Departments. The home was the scene of a previous fire in February of 2012.
New England Fire Rescue 14 North Eastern Rescue
Penflex, Inc.
Rockland Cabinets
Task Force Tips
TransLite, LLC.
Tyler Fire Equipment
Ultra Bright Lightz
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 15 No. 6 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication.
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House fire in Ulster County Town of Esopus, Ulster County, NY. On April 21, 2014, Kingston firefighters assisted at a mutual aid house fire. At 10:30 a.m., a call for the house fire was dispatched to the Port Ewen Fire Department in the Town of Esopus. Several Ulster County area fire departments assisted at the scene. One resident was treated by medical personnel at the scene.
Dyngus Day Parade in Buffalo Buffalo, NY. On Monday April 21, 2014 Buffalo’s Polish community held its annual Dyngus Day Parade on the city's East Side. Many local fire companies came out to participate in the parade. The parade is a celebration of the end of Lenten fasting for the community.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Page 5
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June, 2014
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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In memory of those who gave all 1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers emergency responders lost in the line of duty New Jersey: Joseph Edward Bove, III, 53 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: March 13, 2014 Death Date: March 13, 2014 Fire Department: Spotswood Fire Department Initial Summary: Firefighter and ex-fire chief Bove responded with his fire department to a report of a smell of gas at a home in a multi-unit residential housing complex. After shutting off the gas and clearing the incident, Bove went home and shortly thereafter collapsed from a cause of injury still to be reported. Firefighter Bove was treated and transported to the Old Bridge Regional Hospital where he succumbed to his injury.
Massachusetts: Michael R. Kennedy, 33 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: March 26, 2014 Death Date: March 26, 2014 Fire Department: Boston Fire Department Initial Summary: While operating in the basement of a burning multiple unit residential structure, Lieutenant Walsh and Firefighter Kennedy died from injuries sustained when they became trapped by fire conditions. Investigation into the fatal incident, which also injured many other firefighters and several police officers, continues by local authorities.
Alabama: Wayne O'Neal Jeffers, 64 Rank: Captain/EMT Incident Date: March 15, 2014 Death Date: March 16, 2014 Fire Department: South Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: Within 24 hours of responding to a motor vehicle accident with the South Montgomery County Volunteer Fire Department, Captain Jeffers passed away from a nature and cause of fatal injury still to be reported.
Massachusetts: Edward J. Walsh, 43 Rank: Lieutenant Incident Date: March 26, 2014 Death Date: March 26, 2014 Fire Department: Boston Fire Department Initial Summary: While operating in the basement of a burning multiple unit residential structure, Lieutenant Walsh and Firefighter Kennedy died from injuries sustained when they became trapped by fire conditions. Investigation into the fatal incident, which also injured many other firefighters and several police officers, continues by local authorities.
Indiana: Tom D. Stevens, Sr., 59 Rank: Assistant Fire Chief Incident Date: March 16, 2014 Death Date: March 17, 2014 Fire Department: Bright Volunteer Fire Company Initial Summary: Several hours after returning home from an emergency response call with the fire department, Assistant Fire Chief Stevens suffered an apparent heart attack. Responders from the Bright Fire Company were summoned and treated Chief Stevens then transported him to the Mercy Harrison Medical Center (Harrison, OH), where despite all efforts he succumbed to his injury.
West Virginia: George Underwood, 64 Rank: Fire Chief Incident Date: April 2, 2014 Death Date: April 2, 2014 Fire Department: Lake Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: Fire Chief Underwood responded to a call of localized flooding that was affecting residential properties in the community. While attempting to clear a blocked culvert with a hose line, Underwood fell ill and collapsed at the scene from an apparent heart attack. Chief Underwood was treated by responders and transported to the hospital where he succumbed to his injury.
Pennsylvania: Edwin J. "Lance" Wentzel, 57 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: March 16, 2014 Death Date: March 17, 2014 Fire Department: Youngwood Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: While participating in a search operation along railroad tracks for a missing woman, Firefighter Wentzel was struck and killed by a train. Investigation by authorities continues into the fatal incident.
West Virginia: Hugh Ferguson, 52 Rank: Fire Chief Incident Date: April 21, 2014 Death Date: April 21, 2014 Fire Department: Damon Volunteer Fire Department Initial Summary: While working to establish a water supply at the scene of a vacant residential building fire, Fire Chief Ferguson collapsed from an apparent heart attack. Fellow responders immediately rendered assistance to Ferguson and transported him by Life Flight to the Memorial Hermann Hospital where he succumbed to his injury.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Page 7
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Truck companies going to work on the very smoky fire.
Multiple rescues in Troy during second alarm fire Man through the ice
Multiple calls poured into the Rensselaer County 911 Center for 554 4th Street in the City of Troy’s South End. On arrival of the first due engine, crews had a three story multiple apartment style building with heavy fire in the rear and in the attic area. They had multiple reports of a women and pets trapped in the building. The Signal 30 and second alarm was called by the fire chief. Crews went right to work, knocking down the fire in the rear of the building. Firefighters from the rescue
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squad and Truck 2 made the rescue of the women trapped in her second floor apartment. The woman was wheelchair bound and was not able to escape on her own. Fire crews forced their way into the apartment and rescued the women, who was trapped along with her dog. As one rescue was made, another rescue of family pets was going on. Crews went right to work knocking down the remaining fire
in the attic and roof area. Multiple truck companies were in operation on scene working to vent the large building. Crews from the City of Watervliet were also brought in to help fight the fire and overhaul. The woman was taken to the hospital by Colonie EMS for first and second degree burns to her legs as well as smoke inhalation. Fire crews remained on scene for a few hours and the fire is under investigation. No firefighters were hurt at the scene. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
FUTURE FIRST RESPONDER If you have photos you would like to see in our Future First Responder feature, please upload them on our website or email them to
Hammond Fire and Rescue was toned out for a reported man through the ice somewhere between Schermerhorn’s Harbor Marina and Chippewa Bay at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 7, 2014. Arriving units located a single person located about a mile out on the treacherous ice. Hammond’s divers and rescue team sprang into action making numerous attempts to rescue the man, but the ice was so thin the rescuers kept falling through themselves. Mutual aid was requested for divers and fire/rescue personnel from Morristown, Brier Hill, Ogdensburg, Clayton, Alexandria Bay and Waddington to the scene to assist with the rescue. After numerous attempts from
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multiple departments, the man was finally secured to the rescue equipment and safely brought to shore at 5:50 p.m. He then was taken to the Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center for treatment. Hammond First Assistant Chief Leonard D. Bickelhaupt said the man was traveling along the frozen river when the ice gave way. The man and his ATV were partially submerged in the water. Firefighters and rescue workers were unable to recover the ATV. - RANDALL MONTOUR
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Rensselaer County, NY. Fire Captain Robert Fink with his son, showing how a fire hose works and how to hold it.
Contact us at 800-247-7725
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PAgE 9
Distributors of DEmergency 13211 and Specialty Vehicles IN STOCK Road Rescue: ’11 Ford Ultramedic Unit #6368 ‘13 Chevy Ultramedic Unit #R333009
Kitchen fire in Tonawanda The Ellwood Fire District responded to a kitchen fire at 8 Byron Avenue in the Town of Tonawanda on Saturday, April 19, 2014. The arriving companies had flames showing from a second floor window of the two story multiple apartment building. Kenmore Fire responded with a pumper to the scene and the Brighton Fire District sent their ladder. A civilian was transported to the hospital with burns. Damage was heavy and the fire investigator was called to the scene.
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June, 2014
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
Albany firefighters going to master stream operations.
Fire fills the sky over Albany The massive fire at 45 Watervliet Avenue in the City of Albany could be seen for miles. From Interstate 90, all you could see was the bright glow and multiple ladder companies at work. The City of Albany’s firefighters had their hands full at 45 Watervliet Avnue with fire blowing through the roof of a large two story home with an automotive shop next door as an exposure issue.
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Fire crews on arrival went right to work. Albany firefighters attempted at first to make an interior attack, but with fire conditions changing so quickly the all out was given. No sooner did firefighter make out of the building, the home ignited. Fire crews went right to de-
fensive operations putting to work the city’s ladder trucks and master stream operations. Crews battled the fire until the early morning. The fire left eight people displaced, but no one was injured in the blaze. The cause and origin of the fire is under investigation.
Correspondent Contest Sponsored by KIMTEK Corporation The readers of 1st Responder Newspaper have helped make the fastest-growing Fire/Rescue/EMS site on the web. Information comes from our valued correspondents. Each time you post an entry on our website, your name will go into a drawing for a monthly prize. Only web entries are eligible. The prize for our June editions from KIMTEK is a Viper Wildland Nozzle. Our May editions winner of the Pierce logo jacket from Fire & Safety Services was Keith Addie of NJ. If your company would like to provide a prize and sponsor our monthly contest, contact Heather at 845-534-7500. Viper Wildland Nozzle 1” Swivel Product #ST1530-PV • Wildland and utility nozzles all have fog, straight stream and tun-past-straight-stream-shutoff • Have a protective rubber bumper • Can be used as a “break-apart” • Constant flow 30 gpm “break-apart nozzle with pistol grip and tip twist shutoff
2163 VERMONT RT. 5A, WESTMORE, VT 05860 P: 888.546.8358 f: 802-525-3441
Cohoes announces two promotions Cohoes, NY. Two Cohoes firefighters were promoted Wednesday, April 2nd during a ceremony at City Hall. Otto Madsen was promoted from lieutenant to captain, and Jason Geary was promoted from firefighter to lieutenant. Madsen has been with the Cohoes Fire Department for 20 years. Geary has been with the department for 12 years.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Large brush fire brings in outside counties Vails Gate, NY. At approximately 1:10 p.m. on Thursday, April 24th, the Vails Gate Fire Department was alerted to a brush fire on Forge Hill Road in the area of Route 9W. Command arrived on scene and advised JUMP TO FILE# of a large (100' x 042514118 100') brush fire in the woods along the West bank of the Moodna Creek. Crews encountered extremely rough terrain with steep embankments in a heavily wooded area. Firefighters reported a rapidly spreading fire with spot fires lighting up on the East bank as well. With those reports, Chief Sweeney requested assistance from New Windsor on the western side and Cornwall Fire Department on the eastern side of the creek. Hurricane Irene rendered the nearby bridge on Forge Hill Road impassable, making the deployment of resources difficult at best. Units working on the West side had to use Route 94 to Forge Hill Road. Units working on the East side had to come up Forge Hill Road to Route 9W. Cornwall Car 3, Captain Nick Loblanco had command of the East side initially, later relieved by Cornwall Chief Pat Hines. Orange Cars 1 and 4 took care of obtaining additional resources and staging them at Vails Gate's station, so they could be deployed to either side as needed. With the extremely dry conditions and high winds, the conditions were just right for brush fires in the area according to the Na-
tional Weather Service. With the assistance from varies departments within Orange County and outside the county, the fire was quickly attacked, but not before it extended down toward the New York Military Academy in the Cornwall Fire District. Assisting Vails Gate Car 1 (Chief Chris Sweeney) were OC-4 Matt Thorp, New Windsor Car 1 Bill Hinspeter as well as OC 1 Vini Tankasali. Departments that responded to the fires or staged at various locations were Vails Gate, Winona Lake, Orange Lake, West Point, Good-Will, New Windsor, City of Newburgh, Cornwall, Cornwallon-Hudson, Cronomer Valley, Salisbury Mills, Washingtonville, Maybrook, Montgomery, Coldenham, Monroe, Middle Hope, Highland Falls, Fort Montgomery, Huguenot, Greenville, Florida, Air Guard, South Blooming Grove, Warwick, Greenwood Lake, Tuxedo, Mechanicstown, Walden, Woodbury, South Blooming Grove, Chester, Pine Bush, Kiryas Joel, Bullville, Goshen, and the NYS Forest Rangers. From Rockland County, Theills, West Haverstraw, Hillcrest and Stony Point responded. Walker Valley, Wallkill and Plattekill responded from Ulster County. Garrison and Continental Village from Putman County responded and Montrose from Westchester assisted. New Windsor and Cornwall Ambulance provided units for stand-by as well as rehab services. No injuries were reported and luckily no structures suffered damage.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
WOMEN IN FIREFIGHTING If you have photos you would like to see in our Women in Firefighting feature please upload them on our website or email them to
Quick action after mishap in Ballston Ballston, Saratoga County, NY. At approximately 2:17 p.m. on the 21st of April, a local teenager was allegedly using his cell phone while backing out of his parking space at the Stewart's Shop located on Church Avenue in the Town of Ballston. While backing up and not paying attention, the local teen managed to crash into the fuel pump station knocking it over, landing on a local patron, and resting against a pick up truck. The owner of the pick up was fueling his vehicle at
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the time. A fire ignited, the patron set down the gas nozzle, and was able to escape without further injury. An attentive Stewart's Shop employee saw the mishap and cut the power off, at which time the ansul fire suppression system activated and extinguished the fire prior to the arrival of emergency units. Ballston Spa Village Police as-
sisted until the New York State Police arrived to investigate the mishap. Ballston Spa Fire Responded and turned the scene over to Dalrymple for repair work. Community Emergency Corps evaluated the patron, who fled from his vehicle. If it had not been for the quick action by all involved prior to the fire service arriving, the end result could have been much worse. - STAN DE LONG
Firefighter and Fire Police Lieutenant Lexi Wilson of the West Sand Lake Fire Department has three years in the fire service and wants to keep making the community safer.
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Berne Volunteer Fire Company
Mock DWI crash demonstration On Thursday, May 1st, 2014, student volunteers, the Berne Fire District, Helderberg Ambulance, Albany County Sheriffâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Department, Geist Brothers Autobody, and Fredendalls Funeral Home participated in a portrayal of a motor vehicle crash near the intersection of CR. 9 and State Route 443 to increase the awareness of the dangers of driving under the influence, driving unrestrained and high risk taking behaviors that result in motor vehicle crashes.
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With the participation of first responders, the mock crash demonstration simulated the arrest, rescue, and medical transportation of the injured students, as well as the death notification and transport of the deceased. Students witnessed firsthand the devastating and lifetime effects of unhealthy decisions.
It is an opportunity to increase the awareness and decision-making skills and decrease the number of injuries and fatalities associated with motor vehicle crashes. According to SADD, research has proven that â&#x20AC;&#x153;scareâ&#x20AC;? tactics only have a limited impact; therefore, the mock crash MUST be performed in the most realistic manor. - JIM GROSS
One alarm fire in Buffalo At 4:46 p.m. on April 4, 2014, the Buffalo Fire Department was dispatch to 125 Nevada for a reported fire. At 4:48 p.m., Engine 31 went on scene and reported smoke coming from the second floor of a two and a half wood frame. Units on scene were Engine 31, 22, 33, Ladders 14, 6, 15 as the FAST team, Rescue 1, F20, B43, B56 and F11.
New England Fire/Rescue/EMS 2014 Save the Dates Conference June 18 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 22
Seminars at Expo June 20 & 21 Exhibits Friday, June 20 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Saturday, June 21 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Sunday, June 22 (DVWHUQ 6WDWHV ([SRVLWLRQ Âą :HVW 6SULQJÂżHOG 0$
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Changeâ&#x20AC;? ZZZ QHZHQJODQGÂżUHFKLHIV RUJ
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Veinlite KŶĞ ^ƟĐŬ sĞŝŶ ĐĐĞƐƐ Ͳ EŽ džĐƵƐĞƐ͘ ®
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Brunswick apartment complex fire The Center Brunswick Fire Company was toned for a reported structure fire at 1621 New York Route 7. On arrival, Center Brunswick’s fire chief had a heavy fire condition coming from Building 11 and called the Signal 30 for the second alarm. Crews from Mountain View, Raymertown, Eagle Mills, Brunswick No.1 and Pittstown were called to the scene to fight the fire. Crews from Engine 7-1 made an aggressive attack on the fire driving down the heavy fire on the outside of the building. Crews got into the attic and knocked down the fire, placing the blaze under control. Fire crews remained on scene to overhaul. The family was home at the time, but they escaped with no injuries.
Main body of fire knocked down
Suffern firefighters arrive to heavy fire conditions Just before 8pm, as the sun began to set, Suffern firefighters were dispatched to 52 East Maltbie Ave for a reported car fire in a garage. Even before any fire department personnel could sign on the air, dispatch advised that the car was well involved and extending to the garage and possible to the home. First arriving units were faced with a well involved one story garage with heavy fire conditions on the first and second floors of the home and extending. Mutual aid from Sloatsburg, Hillburn and Monsey were called immediately and
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two engines and a truck from Mahwah soon after. Firefighters stretched multiple handlines and made an aggressive attack on the garage and large three story home. As the main body of fire in the garage was knocked down, crews attempted an interior attack on the home, only to be pushed back as evacuation tones were sounded. Suffern's Tower was put into operation in addition to exterior lines. Ad-
ditional crews were sent to the exposure to check for an extension, in which minor extension was reported due to radiant heat. With the heavy fire knocked down, firefighters re-entered the structure to the 3rd floor and attic to knock down any remaining fire. The fire took about two hours to bring under control. No injuries as all family members and pets were able to escape the blaze. The fire remains under investigation. - CHRIS TOMPKINS
Albany Fire Department's firefighters hitting hot spots with some of the newest firefighters on the job.
Second alarm fire in Albany The City of Albany was toned for an alarm of fire at 85 Hunter Avenue. Units arriving on scene had fire blowing out the sides of the building. A Signal 30 and the second alarm were called. Fire crews were told that there were people inside the building. Albany firefighters went right to work pulling multiple handlines and deploying crews to search the building. Fire crews mounted an aggressive attack to push the fire back and knock it down. After two searches,
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crews cleared the house, but one of the persons that lived at the residence was taken to the hospital for injuries. The fire gutted the two story home and was caused by careless smoking. Crews remained on scene for about two hours overhauling the scene. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
The Pekin Fire Company (Sanborn, NY) proudly took delivery of their new Blanchat B5 Extreme.
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PAgE 17
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KIMTEK produces multiple premium skid unit designs for the fire and EMS services while keeping in mind quality and price. At KIMTEK we succeed through strong partnerships with our customers and vendors. Every product we sell is assembled and detailed by craftsmen utilizing the best materials and the highest manufacturing standards.
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Buffalo Fire battles blaze Buffalo firefighters responded just after 7 p.m. on April 16, 2014 to 231 Maple after dispatchers received multiple phone calls reporting a structure fire. First in Engine 21 reported heavy fire in a two story wood frame. Crews initially made an interior attack, but were ordered out of the building due to problems establishing a reliable water supply. The fire was fought defensively for several minutes until an adequate water supply was obtained. Firefighters then reentered the building and finished extinguishing the blaze. Crews used three-one and three quarter inch and two-two and a half inch hose lines. Damage was listed as $55,000. Fire marshals are investigating the cause. Scan our QR-CODE with your smart phone
Proud Member
2163 Vermont Rt. 5A, Westmore, VT 05860 888.546.8358
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Garage fire in East Avon East Avon, NY. On Friday night, April 18th, East Avon firefighters responded to a report of a garage fire at 5455 Avon/East Avon Road. Fire units arrived on location to a working garage fire. A second alarm was requested, bringing mutual aid from Livonia, Caledonia and the Village of Avon to the scene. Firefighters were able to keep the flames from spreading to the nearby home. The cause of the fire was under investigation by the Livingston County Office of Emergency Management.
West Harrison Fire Department Junior Program parent's night On April 16, 2014, the West Harrison Fire Department Junior Program held a parent's night at the West Harrison Fire Department training facility. The purpose of the parents’ night was to get the parents more involved and understand more about the program. The junior firefighters put on a live demonstration of a simulated house fire in real time using a smoke machine for their parents including
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advancing a hose line, search and rescue operations, setting up ground ladders with a ground ladder rescue, and as well as F.A.S.T. team operations with a downed firefighter rescue. The parents also saw the leadership and teamwork that these young
adults learned in the program. After the live demonstration, the parents had the opportunity to take a walk through of the training building. The West Harrison Fire Department Junior Program advisers saw the success of this parent’s night and have plans to set up another at the end of the summer. - MATTHEW FITZGERALD
Fluvanna battles structure fire Fluvanna, NY. At 10:39 p.m. on April 17, 2014, the Fluvanna Fire Department was dispatched to 3161 Moon Road for a reported structure fire. Car 453 went on scene and reported a working structure fire. He requested a second alarm which brought Ellery Center, Bemus Point, Gerry and Sinclairville Fire Departments. Additional tankers were called to assist Fluvanna from Kennedy, Busti, Kiantone and Chautauqua. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Fully involved house fire in Chatham As a tall black column of smoke filled the skies in the Chatham, multiple fire companies were dispatched to the scene at 2241 Route 295 on April 9th. The first arriving units had a heavily involved wood frame home with heavy fire in the rear of the home by the deck. Within minutes, the fire had rapidly spread to the house and was through the roof. Fire crews had a hard time getting to the scene due to the muddy, long driveway. Crews ran a supply line down the driveways and mutual aid performed tanker relays to get the water to the scene. Firefighters remained on scene for a couple hours and the family made it out with no injuries. The home was a total loss. Fire departments from Chatham, Niverville, Red Rock, Mellenville, Ghent, Kinderhook, and Valatie responded to help battle the house fire.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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Eastford Fire & Rescue Sales
VISIT US AT FIRE 2014 AT TURNING STONE RESORT VERONA, NY, JUNE 12-14, BOOTH #101 Your one-stop shop for all your ambulance needs Life Line is the strongest and most reliable modular ambulance with the quietest interior available.
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Medevac needed for accident victim Town of Newburgh, NY - On the afternoon of April 17th, Winona Lake Engine Company and Town of Newburgh Emergency Medical Services were alerted to a motor vehicle accident on Route 300. Crews arrived to find a vehicle that jumped the curb with airbag deployment. The male driver of the vehicle was extricated and ltransported across the street via Mobile Life Support Services to a waiting medevac. GoodWill Fire Department assisted at the landing zone.
Benefit game for MacBoston 18 Truck firefighter memorial Glens Falls, NY. MacBoston Fire Department hockey hosted a benefit game for MacBoston 18 Truck. The MacBoston 18 Truck Firefighter Memorial setup and raised the American Flag proudly to greet hockey fans in front of the Glens Falls Civic Center on March 22, 2014. They were on display there for all to see as they entered the Civic Center to watch the MacBoston FD Hockey Club take on FDNY’s Squad-288/HazMat1/Rescue-1 hockey team, all to benefit MacBoston 18 Truck. MacBoston 18 Truck is a not for profit organization that depends on dues and donations to support their mission. Their mission is to keep
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alive the memory of NYS firefighters who died in the Line Of Duty with their rolling memorial and by promoting firefighter safety through education. The Adirondack Phantoms, of the AHL, graciously opened the doors of the Civic Center for the game and assisted in organizing the event. The game was well played by both sides. There were exciting goals, great saves, and even a small skirmish. MacBoston won the game 9-5, but it was not an easy game. There was music, fire equipment exhibits,
and even a rendition of “Amazing Grace” on bagpipes, by the Dowd family prior to the game. The Adirondack Phantoms even tagged their game that night as Firefighter Appreciation Night. They invited members from both teams on ice for a ceremonial puck drop before the game and for Big Glove boxing matches during the second intermission. FDNY won that 2-1 for payback for the game earlier. Between ticket sales, raffles, and merchandise sales, the benefit raised almost $7000. Plans are to make it an annual event so stay tuned for next year’s game. - ADAM MYERS
WOMEN IN FIREFIGHTING If you have photos you would like to see in our Women in Firefighting feature please upload them on our website or email them to
Brush fires for City of Newburgh City of Newburgh, NY - As Red Flag Warnings popped up throughout the state, the City of Newburgh firefighters were tackling a brush fire of their own. Crews were quickly able to get a handle on the fires and keep them from spreading. JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
Brunswick No.1 Fire Company’s Firefighter Jessica Shanahan at work at a second alarm fire.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Page 21
Hot Shots ON THE BOOK SHELF by John Malecky
Hot Shots Spectacular Fire Photos Edited by Harvey Eisner Available from: FSP Books & Videos 188 Central Street, #4 Hudson, MA 01749-1330 1-800522-8528 E-mail: support@firep o l i c e - e m s . c o m Price: $16.95 This book is soft cover and has 98 pages of color photos. It is the Firehouse Collector’s Edition. The editor is Editor-in Chief of Firehouse Magazine and retired assistant fire chief of the Tenafly, (NJ) Volunteer Fire Department. The title of the book is not to be confused with the elite Hotshots wildland firefighters. However, many of the fires that are shown here may have had Hotshots fighting them. The book is a compilation of photos that were shown in Firehouse Magazine as well many that were submitted, but were not used. These are all high quality photos submitted by many photographers from across the country. The photos are divided into seven groups: Wildland Fires, Aerial Operations, Highway Fires, Commercial Fires, High Rise Fires, Residential Fires and Roof Operations. Each chapter has a brief explanation for the layman to understand particulars about the category. The photos are of varying sizes ranging from small to two pages in width. The fires are both in large and small cities and towns. Most of the wildland fires and in California. One can almost feel the heat in many of them! The book is dedicated to all firefighters and the photographers who capture their battles later to be printed for the world to see. It is a book well worth the cost!
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Elmer Walter receives Certificate for 62 years Firefighters battle fatal second alarm in Troy of active service
On Thursday, April 3rd, David Burlingame, the Area 5 Director of the Volunteer Fire Police Association State of New York, came to Wendelville Fire Company in Niagara County to present Elmer Walter with a certificate honoring him for his sixtytwo years of service with the fire police in New York. Elmer is a long time member of Wendelville, after beginning his career with the Getzville Fire Company. Elmer is also Past President of Niagara County Volunteer Firemanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Association. Elmer is a member of the 100 Call Club at Wendelville for many years. Elmer is joined in membership at Wendelville Fire Company by sons Mark and Craig, and grandson Nicholas.
A Troy police officer patrolling the North end of the City of Troy came upon a house fire on 5th Ave and 106th Street. The officer called the dispatcher advising of a working house fire. The fire chief on duty called for the second alarm with the information of a person trapped in the building. Engine 1 and Truck 1 arrived and called the Signal 30 working fire in two building. Crews stretched multiple handlines into the first fire building. Fire crews went right to work inside trying to control the massive fire, but had no luck. Within a few
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minutes, fire conditions were changing so rapidly the all out was given. Thick heavy brown smoke poured from the second fire buildingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s roof. At one point, you could see the smoke get sucked back in to the building. Crews went back to work inside the first fire building trying to put a stop to the fire, but again with the fire conditions changing again, the second all out was
called and that is when the roof of both fire buildings were heavily involved. Fire crews were able to pull the victim out of rear of the building. The victim was taken to a local hospital. Firefighters went to a full defensive operation for safety reasons. Fire crews battled the massive blaze for hours before bring it under control. The transported resident succumb to injuries. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
PAgE 23
FACES If you have photos you would like to see in our Faces feature please upload them on our website or email them to
Live fire training in Clifton Park With winter over, firefighters now spring into training across the Capital Region. The Clifton Park Fire Department went back to the basics for their training. The Clifton Park Fire Department conducted a live burn at the Saratoga County fire training tower. The firefighters drilled as if it was a house fire with a fire on the second floor. With brand members on scene to learn the basics, crews tossed ladders, handled tools, conducted fire suppression, and did search and rescues. As the fire burned in the burn room, a three member team grabbed
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the hose from the engine and readied themselves at the door. The new firefighters, fresh to the department, dragged the hose lines up the stairs where they met up with a senior member of the department. He prepared them for what they were going to face inside the room and what they needed to do. As the mock bedroom fire burned, crews radioed back that they found the fire and were going to make entry and suppression.
They opened the door and the fire rolled over their heads. The nozzle man made wide swipes back and forth and back to the center of fire, knocking it down. The new firefighter radioed back that the fire was under control and backed out. The next crew got ready to start again. Crews practiced the basics of firefighting at the training drill and taught the new members what they needed to know for basic firefighting and how to handle and use the tools of the trade. JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
Assistant Fire Chief Robert Smith of the Brunswick No.1 Company
WOMEN IN FIREFIGHTING If you have photos you would like to see in our Women in Firefighting feature, please upload them on our website or email them to
Firefighter Catherine Donato of the Mellenville Fire Department at a house fire in Chatham, NY
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I am pleased to report that $3 million in Medicaid supplemental funds have been included in the 2014-2015 NYS budget that was recently approved. As a result of the inclusion in the budget, the Federal Government will match the amount resulting in a $6 million increase in the amount of Medicaid money available to those ambulance services, who bill Medicaid for service regardless of whether they are volunteer, not-for profit or for profit. This has been approved for the next two years, which means an additional $12 million for services that bill Medicaid. The funds can start as of May first and are distributed quarterly
based on actual Medicaid transports. As in the past, we anticipate a separate check will be cut automatically from DOH once a quarter has passed. We were able to accomplish this as a result of the partnership that NYSVARA has with our colleagues at the United New York Ambulance Network (UNYAN). It took hard work and many trips to Albany. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of our members, who contacted their representatives in Albany in support of this initiative. I also want to thank our colleagues at UNYAN for their help and support. Be safe! Michael J. Mastrianni, Jr., President New York State Volunteer Ambulance and Rescue Assoc. Inc.
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Porch fire in Troy Structure fire quickly knocked in Vails Gate
The City of Troy responded to a porch fire on First Street in the cities south end. On arrival, crews had a working porch fire. Crews pulled a hand line up to the top of the porch and knocked the fire down stopping the fireâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spread. Crews overhauled and made sure the fire was out. Crews were back in service very shortly after.
Vails Gate, NY. One resident was transported to a hospital after suffering from smoke inhalation at his Vails Gate home on Tuesday afternoon. Vails Gate Fire Department was alerted to a structure fire at 6 Lazaroff Place at a little after 2pm on April 29th. Chief Chris Sweeney arrived to find a working fire with smoke in a two story residence. Mutual aid was called from New Windsor as well as a
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FAST from the City of Newburgh. Two residents were inside the home at the time the fire broke out. One was treated by Cornwall Ambulance and transported to a local hospital suffering from smoke inhalation. Vails Gate firefighters immediately went to work pulling lines
and venting the house. Two lines were pulled and one was put into operation. The fire was quickly knocked down and firefighters commenced with overhaul operations. An Orange County fire investigator was requested to the scene. The cause and origin of the fire are currently under investigation. - HEATHER PILLSWORTH
Aggressive interior attack Buffalo, NY. Firefighters of the 3rd Battalion 2nd Platoon were called out to battle a structure fire in a well involved two and a half story frame dwelling at 57 Moeller St. on Buffalo's East side early Sunday morning, April 27, 2014. Companies made an aggressive interior attack, but were pulled out and the operation went defensive. No injuries were reported and the cause of the fire is under investigation. Damage was listed at $50,000 to the building and $15,000 to the contents. Division Chief Mike Biasillo was in command. Multiple hand lines and a tower ladder were used. The exposure building also received some damage.
Greenwood Lake operates at multi alarm brush fire On Monday, May 5, 2014 at approximately 1:30 p.m. the Greenwood Lake Fire Department was requested to the area of 107 Penaluna Road for a large amount of smoke in the area. Assistant Chief Mike Dunlop was the first unit on scene and reported a large amount of black smoke in the area caused by a brush fire in excess of two acres. Approximately eight departments assisted on the scene for approximately three and a half hours. Multiple departments also filled in at fire stations in the assisting towns. Multiple EMS units assisted on the scene for stand by and rehab.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Car versus pole rollover Buffalo, NY. Firefighters were called out for an MVA car versus pole with a rollover on Deerfield Ave. near Sussex St. The vehicle struck a wooden pole and rolled over, hitting a parked car. Engine Co. 33, Ladder Co. 7 , Rescue Co. 1 and the 7th Battalion Chief responded. One person was transported to the hospital.
Big event for the West Sand Lake community With all the departments across New York State opening their doors to the public, fire departments are hoping to gain new members to help their community. The West Sand Lake Fire Department in Rensselaer County had been planning for this weekend for six months and it all came down to April 27th. The West Sand Lake Fire Department held an open house, cook out, and recruitment drive all at the same time and it was a huge success. Whole families had a wonderful time and learned about fire safety and what their fire department does on a daily bases. The children used a hose line and knocked down a mock house fire and learned to use a fire extin-
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guisher. After that, the kids went to the fire house hall and got their IDs done by the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s office. The Sand Lake Ambulance members also taught CPR to the public. The fire department didn’t just target new members. They wanted an event that the public would talk about for a long time. While all the kids ran around and had a great time, parents talked to members about becoming a volunteer firefighter and serving their community. The fire department also had a very special guest come the event.
Inferno is an eight year old yellow Labrador with the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s office and is their arson dog. K-9 Deputy P.J. Devandonis gave a member of the crowd a popsicle stick with a drop of gas on it and mixed the person in with the crowd. Inferno sat and was given the signal. Off he went. It didn’t take him long to find the person with the popsicle stick. He sat right next to him and was awarded for his great job with his chew toy. As the event came to an end, families got to sit down to a chicken BBQ. The West Sand lake Fire Department had a good number of people fill out applications. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
Head-on crash with entrapment in Henrietta Henrietta, NY. Just before 10 p.m., on Saturday, May 3, Henrietta firefighters responded to an MVA on Erie Station Road. Fire Chief Jim Comstock arrived on location to a head-on crash and reported that extrication would be required. Henrietta Ambulance transported the drivers of both vehicles to the hospital, one with serious injuries. The cause of the crash was ongoing by the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.
Safe IR class held in Washingtonville On Friday April 4th and Saturday April 5th, the Washingtonville Fire Department conducted thermal imaging training with Safe-IR. The group had a classroom session on Friday night, interrupted by a chimney fire on the design, use, limits, and capabilities of the current TIC's that are currently in service. Discussed on the displays and to learn to understand what is shown, what cannot be seen, and how to interpret the display. A discussion on the NFPA 1801 standard for thermal imagers and what to ex-
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pect on future changes and requirements. On Saturday, WFD traveled to the Orange County Fire Training Center to complete the full day hands on training portion of the class. Each firefighter conduct multiple evolutions throughout the day on reading and proper interpretation of the images being displayed, nav-
igation, witnessing thermal currents to help locate the fire source, and the thermal line within the structure and rooms. At the end of the day, each member gathered a vast amount of information to be used at each and every alarm and will be able to better utilize the TIC at each and every alarm. Many in attendance noted that it was some of the best training they have ever taken and would recommend it to any department. - TIM PILLSWORTH
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
at s u t i Vis efs! i h C NY 22 0 1 # Booth
June, 2014
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Garage fire on East Side Buffalo, N.Y. Firefighters of the 3rd Battalion 4th Platoon were called out to battle a garage fire at 856 Woodlawn Ave. on the City's East Side on May 2, 2014. Damage was minor. Division Chief John Mogovero was in command. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
Firefighters push a truck into the newly opened bay at the Boght firehouse grand opening
Boght holds grand opening for new firehouse Colonie, NY. The Boght Community Fire District held a grand opening Saturday, May 3rd for their new firehouse on Preston Drive in the Canterbury Crossing development in Colonie. The 26,000 square foot building cost 6.2 million dollars and replaced the department's old firehouse which was 49 years old. The facility also includes space for the Colonie EMS, which was previously located in its own building a short distance away. "This new station will allow us to better serve our district," said Assistant Chief Ken Urquhart. Prior to moving into the new
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station, the department's banquet hall and offices were located in separate buildings. Now, those facilities are located in the same building as fire operations. The building includes an exercise/weight room, large training room, and a bailout simulator. Several neighboring departments attended the grand opening along with district residents and area politicians. Instead of cutting a ribbon to
mark the opening, officials "uncoupled" a hose. A hose was stretched across one of the bays, and was ceremoniously unhooked from a portable fire hydrant. A group of firefighters then "pushed" one of the department's trucks into the newly opened bay. "This is one of the areas of the town that's really developing so quickly, so it's necessary to have this building said Colonie Supervisor Paula Mahan. "It's one of the most beautiful firehouses I've ever been in." - MIKE CAREY
Rombout battles transformer fire On Friday, May 2nd at 11:51 p.m., Rombout was dispatched for a possible transformer explosion at Thalle Industries, 172 Route 9, Fishkill which supplies aggregate, asphalt products and brownfield fill for the construction industry. Upon arriving on the scene, Assistant Chief John Lucairllio found flames and smoke coming from a electrical switching building. After the electrical power to the building was turned off by Central Hudson Gas & Electric, firefighters used foam to bring the fire under control within 15 minutes and another 30 minutes for overhaul. The switching building distributed electrical power to major heavy equipment needed to move rocks for producing.
Honoring our country Members of the Middletown Fire Department raise the flag as new recruits from Middletown and the City of Newburgh look on.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
PAgE 29
Now You Have an Alternative
Campville battles brush fire The Campville Fire Department received an alarm around 12:30 p.m. on April 13th for a brush fire between State Route 17C and Tilbury Hill Rd. Additional units were quickly called for support as the size and terrain made fighting the fire very difficult. According to the Tioga County Fire Coordinator John Scot, over 100 firefighters from 15 fire departments in Broome and Tioga County responded. Firefighters worked together to extinguish the fire, which covered over 21 acres on the hillside and to protect multiple structures from damage. During the fire, the Town of Owego Supervisor Donald Castellucci, Jr. declared a State of Emergency around 4:30 p.m. By 6:00 p.m., Campville command reported the fire to be out and started to release companies. The NYS DEC forest rangers, who had been aiding, took over the investigation into the cause. They were speaking with a person of interest.
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Suspicious fire hits vacant home in Albany An alarm of fire rang out in the City of Albany at 379 First Street. On arrival, Engine 7 had heavy fire showing from the basement and the first floor. Crews attacked it from the outside of the building first and made entry knocking down the rest of the fire. Albany’s truck crews went to the roof to make sure no fire had extended. Fire crews overhauled the whole building, which was heavily damaged. Fire investigators were brought in to investigate the cause of the blaze.
AB Inflatables all new Swift Water Shallow V “AS-Series”. AB is constantly looking at the needs in the First Responder markets. This new versatile use series will get into shallow flood waters without fear of what is below as well as handling the swift waters of rivers or flooded streams. Safety is as important to us as it is to you. Combining the best of all worlds with marine grade aluminum and 1670 D-tex CSM fabric making them the most durable boat on the market. All while protecting your assets. Their open design and a variety of seats and consoles they can be customized for any use.
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Laugh your way to the bank with a stand-up comedy fund-raiser
Crews train in Albany on handling crude oil fires
Crews train for crude oil fires in Albany Albany, NY. The State Division of Homeland Security hosted a training drill on Wednesday, May 7th at the Port of Albany to combat crude oil fires. The port is a major hub for trains carrying crude oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota. In recent years, daily shipments have skyrocketed, raising concerns over safety around the port, especially in light of recent train accidents in Virginia, Alabama, and Quebec. Firefighters from Albany, Selkirk and Schuyler Heights were joined by the Albany County Hazardous Materials team during the drill. "The state is actively working to prevent and protect New York's communities from potential disasters related to the shipment of Bakken oil crude," said Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo has taken steps in recent months to call for tougher safety regulations regarding tanker trains traveling through the state. "The (drill) is yet another example of our commitment to train our first responders and underscores the need for action on the local, state, and fed-
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eral levels.” The training was conducted as a Live Fire Class B Foam Operations course. It involved firefighters getting a hands-on experience of applying fire suppression foam and understanding how the foam works to suppress the fire. Although the drill focused on the needs of the Port of Albany and tied into recent concerns about increased crude oil activity at the port, officials stressed that the drill wasn't unique. "This course is part of a robust cache of training," said Homeland Security commissioner Jerome Hauer, "that we provide to firefighters to respond effectively to a broad range of emergency incident." The Albany drill came a week after a National Guard exercise in which Oriskany simulated a train accident causing a significant hazardous material spill.
Who needs to laugh more than the Fire Companies ---the first responders who deal with dangerous circumstances each and every day? There’s an innovative concept for fund-raising developed by Joey Novick, who is a stand-up comedian and the Fire Commissioner in his hometown: Stand-up comedy shows. Fire companies can get much-needed laughs and profit financially as well. Novick's company, ComedyWorks, provides all-star headline comedians from HBO, Comedy Central, Showtime, Last Comic Standing, and the Tonight Show. Novick’s been producing comedy shows since 1977, and has experience producing shows with such comedians as Jerry Seinfeld, Rosie O’Donnell, Larry The Cable Guy, and Tim Allen. "The comedians were very funny, and very professional," wrote Mark Bruhmuller, Fire Chief of the Churchtown Fire Company of New York. “Joey Novick did an excellent job. Everybody loves to laugh, and it's a great deal of fun." ComedyWorks produces more than 300 shows a year, almost 150 of those for emergency service organizations. The money these shows can
VENDOR TIDBITS Notes from the emergency service business community
raise varies, depending on things like the number of tickets sold, how they're priced, the amount spent on promotion and whether food and drink are available. "Mostly companies produce shows in their own facilities, which may hold 300–400 people," says Novick. "We'll put together a show for them that will bring in comedians from major comedy clubs, with a headliner from HBO, Comedy Central, or the Tonight Show. The feature performer will be someone who's headlined the comedy circuit: Catch a Rising Star, the Improv, the Comedy Store. The host of the show will be a comedian who's very high-energy, like a gameshow host, to get the audience warmed up. A triple headliner show!” The Somerset Fire Company of New Jersey produces two fundraisers a year through ComedyWorks. "We've done about ten shows so far, and it's been great," says Mike Rein-
beck, who coordinates the shows for the 65-member volunteer department. "A friend of mine who had used Joey told me, 'This guy books really good acts.' So, we did the first show, everything was great, and we've been doing shows with Joey ever since." "I find their people to be very funny," agrees Adam Hubney, chief of the Atlantic Highlands Volunteer Fire Department in New Jersey, which books comedians through ComedyWorks for its annual dinner. "We have a professional comedy club in our county, and the quality is just as good." Comedy Works provides a 30-page ‘How-To’ guide that assists organizations through the comedy show production and warns of mistakes to avoid. "We make sure they follow everything in the guide," says Novick. "If a company has never done this before, it gives you everything from you need to know. We make sure that things get done right. Clients who follow the guide always do very well and tend to make money.” For information on Comedy Works, call 1 (888) 782-4589, go to or e-mail
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Faulty wiring may be cause of fire Buffalo firefighters of the 7th Battalion 1st Platoon were called out to a reported structure fire at 57 Summit Ave. just a block from Buffalo's historic Frank Lloyd Wright's Martin House complex. On May 5, 2014, there was a report of smoke on the second floor of the two and a half frame dwelling. Firefighters stretched a one and three quarter inch hand line. The fire appeared to have been due to faulty wiring. Damage was listed at $3,500. One resident was treated by ambulance personnel. The cause of the fire is under investigation. Division Chief James LaMacchia was in command.
Early morning fire in Oneida County At 5:04 a.m. on April 2, 2014, a call went out to the New London Fire Department and its automatic mutual aid companies at Verona and Durhamville for a reported garage fire with explosions at the Bill Herrigs Auto Salvage and Repair Facility on HeelPath Road. While en route to the scene, the New London Fire Chief Gene Carey was advised by Oneida County Fire Control that the owners of Fort Rickey Game Farm heard large explosions coming from the fire area. Hearing this, Chief Carey requested tankers from Vienna, North Bay and had the
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City of Rome setup a fill site on Tannery Rd for tanker operations. He also requested an engine from Vienna to the dry hydrant on Circle Drive to establish a second fill site. Upon arrival of Chief Carey, he had a garage approximately 50x70 fully involved with explosions and approximately six vehicles, three fully involved and three others damaged from heat next to the fire building. It took New London, Verona,
Durhamville, Vienna, Rome, North Bay and Taberg (RIT), County Air Van 278 about an hour and a half to get it under control. Sylvan Beach and Vernon waere placed on standby. The fire is under investigation by the Oneida County Cause and Origin Team. Other agencies on scene included Amcare Ambulance, National Grid, Oneida County Fire Coordinator Car 271, Oneida County Sheriffs office and the New York State Police - GENE CAREY
Fire Chief, Tomahawk Fire Department
Angola hosts open house
Chief P Peeters eeters knows: ows: A Marion is the best choice ce you you can make. mak e. Call one off our dealers today today to start start a conversation co onversation about yyour our depar rtment’s needs. department’s
The Angola Volunteer Fire Company held an open house and recruitment drive on Saturday April 26, 2014. Members of the company also put on an extrication demonstration.
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Husband and wife celebrate decades of service On Saturday, March 29, the Frankfort Center Fire Department held its annual installation banquet. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the fire department's first 50 years of service award in it's 77 year history to active member Frank Kealy. Frank joined the Frankfort Center Fire Department in 1964 and has served in all of the department's civil offices including president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and board of directors. He also served in all of the department's line offices including chief and assistant chief. He was instrumental in creating a structured training program. He is a pioneer of the much needed fundraising events to help keep the finances for the department current to include paper drives, country and western
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shows, and his signature "one day fund day" events. Dawn Kealy, Frank's wife, received a 30 year dedicated service award. She is serves as an active fire police member, alongside her husband, Frank, also an active fire police member. Both serve with son, Dan Kealy, Sr., grandson Dan Kealy, Jr. and grandaughter Britany Lyszczarz. Another son, Pat Kealy is in the Yorkville Fire Department and son, Mike Kealy was once in the department. FASNY also recognized Frank with a 50 year proclamation. - LAWRENCE VENTURA
Fire Prevention Educator of the Year Award announced
Odessa Fire Department works to extricate the occupants of the SUV.
Odessa MVA requires medevac Shortly before 7:00 p.m. on the evening of May 7th, the Odessa Fire Department responded to the intersection of Routes 13 and 224 for a serious motor vehicle accident. The accident involved a tractor trailer traveling southbound on Route 13 and an SUV traveling eastbound on Route 224. The two vehicle collided in the intersection and then continued southbound ending up off the east shoulder of Route 13, just south of the intersection. Odessa Fire Department crews had to use hydraulic tools to extricate both occupants of the SUV, which had been severely damaged in the crash. A Guthrie Air helicopter was called to the scene to transport occupants from the SUV to the hos-
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pital. Montour Falls Fire Department was also called into the scene to assist with setting up the landing zone. Conditions of all involved were unknown at the time of this article. The investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing. Odessa Fire Department was assisted on scene by Montour Falls Fire Department, New York State Police, Schuyler County Sheriffs Department, Schuyler Ambulance, and Guthrie Air Medevac. - NICHOLAS GRISWOLD
The Education Advisory Committee and the Board of Directors of the Orange County Firefighters Museum announced the recipient of the 4th Annual Fire Prevention Educator of the Year Award, Frederick “Mike” JUMP TO FILE# Hoffman of the 042914105 Goshen Fire Department. Mike will be presented this award on June 7th from 5 to 7 p.m. at a gala being held at the museum. Criteria for this award include innovative ways of presenting fire prevention and fire safety education to the public. After reviewing nine quality candidates, Mike Hoffman was the winner of the award. Mr. Hoffman has been teaching fire prevention programs for the Town of Goshen for several years. He chairs his fire department’s Fire Prevention Open House annually, and teaches fire prevention to students in the Goshen Central School District, Orange/Ulster BOCES, St. John School and John S. Burke Catholic High School. Programs that Mike hosts are geared to scouts, seniors, students with special needs and school age children. Mike is an innovator, a scheduler and a motivator. His programs generate a tremendous amount of positive publicity for the Goshen Fire Department according to Chief Elmer Budd. Mike will join our 2011 recipient Amy Conner of the Good Will Fire Department, our 2012 recipient Barbara Gasperetti of the Coldenham Fire Department and our 2013 recipient Chad Quackenbush of the Warwick Fire Department.
The June 7th gala includes appetizers, beverages, a silent auction and is open to the public. Tickets are $20 and can be obtained by calling (845) 457-9666 or email
To learn more about the museum and education center check out our website, or visit us on facebook. - ED DEVITT
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
Page 33
See us at NYSAFC FIRE 2014 June 12-14th
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Kryptonite™ LDH gives fire departments that extra edge, in flow and support —all in a hi-visibility, lightweight supply line. A tough polyurethane outer cover combines with an exclusive thru-the-weave liner to offer greater resistance to punctures and abrasion. But it doesn't stop there. Kryptonite is compact, taking up less room in the hose bed, and durable—with higher resistance to oil, chemicals and ozone. Snag proof and kink resistant, Kryptonite will not mildew or rot and is guaranteed for life to never delaminate.
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
FACES OF NEW YORK’S EMERGENCY SERVICES To see your Faces in the newspaper, upload them on our website or email them to
Ladder Company 13 1st Platoon in Buffalo at a recent hazmat incident.
Buffalo, NY. Class of 86-02 Firefighter Rob Nero Ladder Co.14 4th Platoon
West Harrison Fire Department Junior Program parent's night
Cronomer Valley Fire Department at their RecruitNY open house in April
Boght Assistant Chief Ken Urquhart speaks at the grand opening of the department's new firehouse
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
8:00 AM
Priced Comparable to Epoxy Goes Right Over Your Old Floor NYPD EMS IN BRONX
Visit us at the NY Fire Chief’s Show! Booth # 3135 in the Event Center Lobby
Page 35
June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
ACTION SHOTS FROM AROUND THe STATe To see your action shots in the newspaper upload them on our website or email them to
Valatie Fire Department
Winona Lake Engine Company at their recent open house
Good-Will Fire Department at their recent open house
Ghent Fire Department
Livonia FireďŹ ghter John Lavery at a recent truck company drill
The Orange Lake Fire Department hosted an open house in conjunction with the RecruitNY campaign
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
WOMEN IN FIREFIGHTING If you have photos you would like to see in our Women in Firefighting feature please upload them on our website or email them to
In the continuing effort to provide the best training possible, Niagara County will graduate a new class of firefighters. Included in this class are (L to R) Marrisa Morford of Miller Hose (Newfane) and Darla Daubney of South Lockport. Both completed the New York State Firefighter One Course in the Spring of 2014.
H E R E ’ S W H AT C O U N T S
Training for recruits Middletown, NY. The new recruits from the City of Newburgh have been training diligently at the traing center. In addition to time in the classroom, the recruits were seen conducting different fire and rescue simulations.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Barn and brush fire in Canadice
Canadice, NY. Firefighters from Ontario and Livingston counties responded to a barn and woods on fire at 9678 Lawrence Hill Road in Canadice on JUMP TO FILE# Monday, April 21, at 042214120 5:14 p.m.. Fire departments from Hemlock, Livonia, Richmond, Springwater, Bristol, Lakeville, West Bloomfield, Lima and East Avon were called to the scene The blaze is believed to have started as an unattended outside fire, which grew out of control. The barn was destroyed and about an half an acre of wooded area also burned. There were no injuries.
Second alarm in Buffalo possibly intentional Buffalo, NY. Firefighters of the 3rd Battalion 1st Platoon were called out to battle a blaze in four houses at 8284-86-88 DuPont St. on Buffalo's East JUMP TO FILE # Side. 050514132 3rd Battalion Chief Mike Tuberdyke requested an extra two engines and a ladder. Engine Co. 21 Officer Mile Farrel Jr. requested the balance of a second alarm. He radioed that he had three
houses going with fire spreading to a fourth. Damage was listed at $350,000. Sixty firefighters manning sixteen pieces of apparatus fought the blaze. Additional companies were called over the second alarm. It is reported an evicted tenant started the blaze. Three of the structures required emergency demolition. Division Chief James LaMacchia was in command. Ladder Co. 4 sustained extensive heat damage - DAVID KAZMIERCZAK
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1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
June, 2014
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June, 2014
Page 43
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June, 2014
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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