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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Fire at New Scotland Farm House Leaves Four Dead NEW SCOTFAND, NY - Four family members tragically lost their lives following a structure fire in the New Salem Fire District on Sat urday, July 8th. First responders were called to 64 Normanskill Rd. for a confirmed structure fire with re ported entrapment at 5:17 A.M. D i s p a t c h e r s J u m p to f iie # were urgently trans 0 8 2 4 2 3 1 1 1 mitting to update in coming units as they were on the phone with a homeowner stating she was trapped on the second-floor with two children and other adults and could not get out due to heavy smoke. Dispatchers received an up date that the caller could not exit the bedroom window due to an air conditioning unit in the window that she could not get out. Arriving paramedics radioed dispatch stating they had confirma tion of flames visible and dispatch ers advised they were losing contact with the caller at this time. All units were advised by dispatch that they could hear a child crying in the background over the phone. “When I pulled up there were flames coming out the back side of the building and rolling up to the second-story,” said Chief Steve Ayers of the New Salem Fire De partment. “At that point in time I geared up and tried to go through the front door, but three times the heat pushed me back out.” Firefighters arriving on scene were advised to immediately throw ground ladders to the second-floor windows and stretch a handline to the house. Firefighters went to the window with the air conditioning unit that the caller stated she could not remove to escape. “It took us a long time to get that out of there because it was bolted to the side of the building,” Ayers said. “That’s the reason the people couldn’t get out of that win dow.” Firefighters began to make their way up the stairs to the sec ond-floor to attempt to search for victims, but were forced out by heavy heat and smoke. The house had a metal roof, posing a problem to firefighters since they retain an extreme amount of heat inside a structure and require more work to cut open. “Unfortunately, the heat was so intense for probably the first 40 minutes that we could not even make an attempt to get inside the building,” said Ayers. He says there was so much fire and heat that made its way to the second-floor that crews could not make it in there until the roof was vented on the building. Once the air conditioning unit was removed, firefighters stuck their heads through the window to search for victims and were forced out due to extreme heat conditions. The interior search crew re quested fresh crews of interior fire-
Four people died and one child survived following a fire at an old farm house in New Scotland.
fighters to meet them at the door im mediately. He says search crews were able to locate victims sooner, however, the intense heat prevented crews from being able to remove the victims until the heat was brought down. It was at this point once the structure was cooled enough, that firefighters began taking the four victims out the second-floor win dows and down the ladders to await ing EMS personnel who worked on the victims, all of which were pro nounced dead at the scene. A fifth occupant of the home was able to jump from a secondfloor window and run to the neigh bor's house, which happens to be family to the victims, and made the initial 911 call. Chief Ayers says the young man walked back over to the house and was helping the firefight ers by calmly telling them where in the house each person was expected to be. Ayers says the house provided additional challenges that hindered firefighting efforts and made the scene more dangerous, including the front door which was barricaded shut with a bar, as it was not used by the homeowners. He also was grate ful the interior crews were properly searching and were able to avoid in jury as a portion of the top of the staircase was missing. “At the top of the staircase when you turned left there was a railing that had no rungs on the railing at all,” Ayers said. “When our guys went up and turned, luckily they did their search properly because if they went left, they would have fallen from the second-story down to the first-floor.” Most of the victims were in bed rooms on the one side, with one of the bedrooms completely missing a door, Ayers said. The fourth victim, Ayers said.
was a handicap gentleman that was on the opposite end of the home, who was well known to members of the department. Ayers says in previ ous years, the fire department has gone to their house for drive-by pa rades for this gentleman, as he and his family would always support the fire department with their local farmstand. Ayers said every year there would be a donation jar at their farmstand that the family would do nate the proceeds to the fire depart ment every year. “It was rough because a lot of people knew the families,” he said. A water supply drafting site was set up at the creek on Kmmkill Road and fed water to the scene.
Fire departments on scene and on standby included New Salem, Voorheesville, Onesquethaw, Slingerlands, North Bethlehem, Delmar, Berne, and Westmere, as well as assistance from Town of Bethle hem FAST Team, Albany County Sheriff’s Ambulance, Albany County Paramedics, Delmar-Bethlehem EMS, Guilderland EMS, Greene County Paramedics, Albany County Sheriff’s, New York State Police, New York State Fire. An official cause of fire has not yet been officially released; how ever, Ayers says the cause is be lieved to be electrical that may have been in an addition between the kitchen and the area that connected to the second-floor bedroom area.
Firefighters got overheated very quickly and needed to be cooled down, however, there were no re ports of firefighter injuries on scene. The victims; a 35-year-old who heroically alerted his son to jump from the window and escape the fire, his 40-year-old girlfriend, 64-yearold uncle and 5-year-old daughter. The son who escaped and alerted neighbors of the fire was treated at the hospital for his in juries. Information for the GoFundMe page can be found here: - THOMAS MARRA
Rescue efforts were unsuccessful following a structure fire with entrapment in New Scotland.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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October, 2023
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CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 24 No. 10 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Pe riodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial re-
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
CHELLE CORDERO Coronavirus infections are on the upswing again - this gloomy news comes straight from the CDC. After two-plus solid years of maskwearing and other precautions, it just is NOT going away. In early September of this year, NYS posted the frequency of positive COVID tests throughout the state, in a seven-day period, Herkimer County listed a seven-day average of 29 per 100K people: Wyoming listed an average of 2.9 per 100K. (Many athome tests were not included.) While the numbers are decid edly lower than in early 2020, it is still upsetting and frightening that the positive cases and hospitaliza tions are creeping upwards once again. The Covid-19 variants EG.5 and BA.2.86 are proving to have many mutations which make them harder to control. It seems that each new variant of this ever-changing virus seems to find ways to bypass several of the vaccines: the newest vaccine is expected out and ready to be administered later this year. The BA.2.86 variant has been de tected in four states by the end of August: in Michigan, New York, Ohio, and Virginia. Meanwhile, amidst the rising levels of cases, there are also rising levels of “COVID fatigue” in both the general populace and the EMS field. It’s an exception to see some one wearing a mask out in public or utilizing other infection controls that were commonplace in 2020 through 2022. As for EMS
providers, stressed from the volume of calls during the height of the pan demic, ranging from unpaid volun teers to those low-paid and working long hours, the thought of facing a rising number of COVID related calls is unfathomable. Through the pandemic, we lost several EMS members in New York - some quit, some got sick, and some died. While common sense tells us there is value to using PPE, some times something as simple as don ning a mask, especially just sitting at the building waiting for tones to go out, seems too irritating. Even acknowledging the risk, many EMS personnel, who rightfully view themselves as the heroes in a crisis, also tend to think of themselves as immune to the ills that befall their patients. When the first vaccines came out, there were many providers who rebelled against get ting the “vax” until they were basi cally forced to be allowed to keep working: how will they react to being told they need an updated vac cine? At this point, hospital settings and many healthcare agencies are adopting general masking and other PPE use again. Fatigue in general seems to be a constant in most EMS agencies, es pecially when members are short and shifts are long, or the low wages necessitate working more than one job. The call volume during the height of the COVID pandemic did n’t allow for any relaxation time and certainly was wearing on the emo tions when patient after patient was dropped at the hospital and you knew they wouldn’t be going home again. The past trauma and the knowledge of increasing numbers again can cause major distress. With the COVID variants and the lack of personal protections most people are using, we don’t have a real idea of when, if ever, COVID can be fully laid to rest. Protect yourself, and those around you, including patients, coworkers, and family, the best you can.
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K itchen Fire a t Inga’s Diner on F u lle r Road in Albany ALBANY, NY - On Septem ber 7th at 1:16 P.M., the Fuller Road Fire Department, along with the Shaker Road Fire Department, Colonie Village Fire Company, West Albany Fire Department and Colonie Emergency Medical Services, was dispatched to Inga’s Diner at 39 Fuller Road for a re ported kitchen fire. As the units were en route to the scene, there was smoke visible from the station. Engine 412 and Car 21 arrived on scene and noti fied the dispatcher that they had a working structure fire and flames out the rear of the building. Firefighters deployed a hand line and quickly knocked down the fire showing from the rear of the building, and then made their way inside the kitchen and knocked down the remaining por tions of the fire. Command re quested Fuller Road to be shut down due to the large diameter hose across the roadway. As fire fighters continued to knock down the remaining portion of the fire, smoke was pushing from the eaves of the building. Command notified all units that he believed
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he had fire in the attic area and to start pulling the eaves around the building. As firefighters pulled all of the eaves around the building and crews checked the attic area, they discovered that they had knocked down all of the fire. Firefighters continued to conduct overhaul for an extended period of time. Fire fighters discovered they had an active gas leak after removing the stove, and Command requested national grid to the scene to se cure the power and gas to the building. Command also re quested the health department to the scene. The building sustained signif icant damage in the kitchen area and around the eaves. Firefighters utilized vent fans to remove all of the smoke from the building. Colonie fire investigators are de termining the cause of the fire. No injuries were reported. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
October, 2023
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October, 2023
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
In memory of those who gave all 1st Responder Newspaper honors and remembers emergency responders lost in the line of duty
EDITORIAL STAFF COLUMNISTS Rick Billings (Cartoon) Chelle Cordero iem si Bob Long (Cartoon) John Malecky (Apparatus, Bookshelf) Didymus McHugh (Chaplain's Corner) Fernando Villicana (Chaplain’s Comer)
CORRESPONDENTS Jeffrey Arnold • John Bechtold • Jeffrey Belschwinder • Brian Berkey • David Bums • Mike Carey • Michael Contaxis • Jeff Crianza • Russell Curley • Vinnie Do minick • Patrick D’Onofrio • Bob Faugh • Bradley Fowler • John Greco • Paul Har rington • Gary Hearn • Connor Jacobs • Harold Jacobs • Ron Jeffers • Larry Kensinger • Bob Krajicek • Connor Kmeger • Jeff Levine • Stan De Long • Chuck
Georgia: Bobby "Blue” Smith, 24 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 22, 2023 Death Date: June 22, 2023 Fire Department: Ware County Fire Rescue Initial Summary: On Thursday, June 22, 2023, Fire fighter Bobby "Blue” Smith was in a fire apparatus checking fire hydrants with another firefighter when the truck traveled off the roadway onto the west shoulder and lost control. The truck then spun counterclockwise as it flipped across the roadway before hitting a tree and landing on its passenger side in the ditch. Firefighter Bobby "Blue” Smith was pronounced deceased at the scene. Investigation into the incident continues.
Lowe • Tom Marra • Bob McCormick • Randy Montour • Tricia Mood • William Murray • Mark Picemo • Charlie Piper • David Ragusa • John Rieth • Frank Robin son • Bob Root • Chris Sabella* Michael Serrell • Sharon Siegel • John Smith • Ken Snyder • John Spaulding • Bill Tompkins • Chris Tompkins • Bob Vaccaro • Gary Vanvoorhis • Frankie Verderame • Stephen Wallace • John Walthers • Eugene Weber Jr. • Steve White • Guy Zampatori Jr.
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Ohio: William "Bill" John McCale, 50 Rank: Firefighter/Medical First Responder Incident Date: June 5, 2023 Death Date: June 10, 2023 Fire Department: Vermilion Township Fire & Rescue Department Initial Summary: On Monday, June 5, 2023, Fire fighter/Medical First Responder William "Bill” John McCale was attending training and pulled a 5-inch largediameter hose from the hose bed to connect to the intake when he was found by a fellow firefighter at the pump panel. Medics immediately assisted Firefighter/Medical First Responder McCale to the back of the ambulance. He was transported to Mercy Regional Medical Center where he was treated and released on Thursday, June 8, 2023. On Saturday, June 10, 2023, Firefighter/Medical First Responder McCale was discovered in his backyard on the ground by his wife. He was immediately trans ported back to Mercy Regional Medical Center where he passed away a short time later from an apparent heart at tack. Georgia: Shaun Luke Daniel, 26 Rank: Wildland Firefighter Incident Date: June 5, 2023 Death Date: June 5, 2023 Fire Department: Georgia Forestry Commission Initial Summary: On Monday, June 5, 2023, Wildland Firefighter Shaun Luke Daniel, while on-duty at a con
tained wildfire in Washington County, GA, was walking a firebreak and suddenly collapsed. Fellow emergency responders provided CPR on-scene and he was immedi ately transported to a local hospital where he was pro nounced deceased from an apparent heart attack. Missouri: Lloyd Ruediger, 84 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 25, 2023 Death Date: June 26,2023 Fire Department: New Haven-Berger Fire Protection District Initial Summary: On Sunday, June 25, 2023, Fire fighter Lloyd Ruediger responded to the scene of a residential fire. At approximately 10:30 p.m., he re turned home. The next morning, Monday, June 26, 2023, he was found deceased at his residence from an apparent heart attack. Maryland: Brice C. Trossbach, 25 Rank: Firefighter Incident Date: June 27, 2023 Death Date: June 27,2023 Fire Department: Naval District Washington Fire Department-NAS Initial Summary: On Tuesday, June 27, 2023, firefight ers from the Naval Air Station Patuxent River responded to a mutual aid call at a residential fire located on Deer Wood Park Drive in Leonardtown, MD. Firefighter Brice C. Trossbach, while fighting the fire on the first floor, fell into the basement. He was rescued and imme diately rushed to the hospital where he passed away from the injuries he sustained in the accident. Firefighter Trossbach was also a volunteer firefighter with the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department and the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
FIREFIGHTER PROFILES I f your departm ent has photos you w ould like to see in our “Firefighter Profiles” feature, please upload them on our website, m vw .lstR esponderN ew o r email them to Lindsey@ lstResponderN ew
NEWBURGH, NY - On Saturday, September 9th, Pat D'Angelo was going to be picked up by the Chief of Good Will Fire Department for a 9/11 memorial service at the firehouse, so he thought. Meanwhile, members arrived and Jeffrey Holmes went over a "short version" of what was going to happen. Pat's family was at the firehouse, and past chiefs and members of the department, as well as Good Will's Chaplain, Deacon Peter Haight, were all ready. Everyone lined up in the rear of the firehouse, and Pat and his wife came outside. Jeffrey Holmes announced to Pat that today was his Walk Out. Assistant Chief Chris Wilson escorted Mrs. D'Angelo to her seat, and Chief of the Department Tom Van Zandt walked Pat down be tween the members who stood saluting. Pat gave them back a salute. After the ceremony, Pat was given his helmet and past chief's badge, plus the company presented him with a plaque for his 67-years of service. Pat talked about how things have changed, but the fire department is still family. He thanked everyone who attended and then every one enjoyed a delicious breakfast by T&M Deli of Washingtonville. A great day for all!
All 17 of the newly hired firefighters with the current members of the Troy Fire Department.
Second Largest H iring o f F ire figh te rs in the C ity o f Troy’s H istory TROY, NY - On September 1st, at the Franklin Terrace ballroom in the city of Troy, 17 brand new fire fighters came together with their families and friends to take their oath to protect and serve the resi dents of the city of Troy. Apparatus from the Troy Fire Department with on-duty members pulled up in front of the ballroom and firefighters from numerous engine companies and the rescue squad piled into the room to see all of the new firefight ers get sworn in. The 17 new firefighters took their seats in the front row by the stage, all of them eager to begin their career. Four Troy firefighters also would be receiving promotions to their new ranks. As the room was called to order, fellow firefighters from the Troy Fire Department, on duty and off duty, filled in the seats behind the new recruits. This sym bolized that as new firefighters coming into the job, the senior members of the department will have the backs of the individuals proceeding forward with one of the best jobs on earth. The city of Troy‘s mayor opened up the speech by welcoming all of the city's rep resentatives and New York State representatives that were in the room. The mayor highlighted how the Troy Fire Department was able to obtain and utilize a $772,800 assis tance to firefighters grant for para medic training to send all of the recruits to school at Fludson Valley Community College for their para medic program. The mayor also talked about how the city of Troy worked with Dr. Roger A. Ramsammy, the president of Fludson Valley Community College, to be able to move all of the current Troy firefighters into one class and re duce the number of hours to get the new recruits out onto the streets
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3D quicker to be able to serve the resi dents of the city of Troy. Addition ally, the city of Troy Fire Department's Battalion Chief, Kevin Kilgallon, worked diligently on securing two grants that were needed to make the large hiring possible. Battalion Chief Kevin Kilgallon received $3,688,160 for a Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER Grant). The firefighters that were hired to serve and protect the city of Troy came from numerous walks of life and from numerous fire depart ments around the capital region as it showed with several fire chiefs from multiple departments in the audience showing support for their firefighters that have moved on to a professional career. The following firefighters joined the ranks of the Troy Fire Department: Codie Lane, Christo pher Lane, Samuel Sleurs, Jack Commerford, Alden Mitola, Christopher Arnold, Joshua Flelenek, Matthew Fusco, Codi Genthner, Nycholas Styer, Nicholas Clute, Cody Carpenter, Ryan Tubbs, Nick Brown, Collin Ward, Robert Gapp-Meher, and William Juliano. Prior to the swearing in cere mony of the new firefighters, four current firefighters received promo tions: Jeff Ward from Lieutenant to Captain, Mike DeForge from Lieu tenant to Captain, Patrick Kuhn from firefighter to Lieutenant, and Noah Cipperly from firefighter to Lieutenant. Each officer had their family come on stage with them and were given their new badge and sworn in. ft was then finally time to swear
in the second largest hiring of fire fighters since 1988 in the city's his tory. In 1988, 18 firefighters were sworn into duty in the City of Troy. Since then, numerous firefighters from that large swearing in have re tired and very few have remained on the job. The mayor of the city of Troy had the large group of fire fighters stand up, hold up their right hand and the mayor read off the oath of office for the duties as fire fighters, each firefighter swearing to take the oath to protect and serve the residents of the city of Troy. After the swearing in ceremony portion was completed, each fire fighter was called up on stage to be pinned by their family members with their badge. One by one, each firefighter was pinned with their badge and shook the hand of the mayor and Chief McMahon. At the end of the pinning ceremony, the mayor gave a few words of wisdom followed by the city of Troy‘s fire chief. After the ceremony was com plete, a large group photo was taken of the newly sworn in Troy fire fighters and after that a large group photo of the newly sworn in fire fighters and the current members that were present. The Troy NY Firefighters 1AFF Local 86 union paid for lunch for all of the families and guests that attended the swear ing in ceremony. With the new fire fighters being sworn in, they will immediately begin their fire acad emy on September 5, 2023, and they will be utilizing the brand new, state-of-the-art Rensselaer County municipal training center that was made possible by Steve McLaugh lin, the Rensselaer County Execu tive. This will be the first ever Troy firefighter's academy class to be done in Rensselaer County. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
DRILLS/TRAINING If you have photos you would like to see in our Drills feature, please upload them on our website www. or email them to
Ropes and Knots Having been through quite a few drills designed to teach the types of ropes and knots en countered in the fire service, it almost seems inevitable and even on cue that the instructor starts off with “I am not good at tying knots”. This disclaimer is a horrible way for an instructor to start any lesson, but particularly on the topic of ropes and knots and for a couple reasons. First, it doesn’t instill confidence in the firefighters in the room that you know the topic and are pro ficient enough to teach it, but more importantly that they can learn from you. Set yourself up for success by setting yourself up as the expert. A much better approach would be to describe knot tying for what it is, a “perishable” skill, meaning that it is easily gained and easily lost and the only way to truly master knot tying to pro ficiency and mastery is to prac tice, practice and then practice some more. Let’s face some facts, even instructors that are proficient and love knot tying don’t walk around with rope hanging out of their pockets, so how much practice is necessary is certainly individual. As the instructor though, you want to emphasize that you have practiced extensively for this drill, after all that is your job; but also emphasize that practicing doesn’t have to be super time consuming. For example, have a piece of rope in an end table drawer so you can tie a few knots watching the ballgame, or while social media surfing, take in a few videos on hoisting cer tain tools just as a visual re minder. It doesn’t take long, but is better if it becomes part of a routine. With knot tying however, even though you have established yourself as the expert as you should, it will inevitably happen that you are going to screw up a knot while demonstrating, but this is NOT a bad thing because it allows you to properly demon strate how to troubleshoot. The reason firefighters don’t practice knots is because after a few screw-ups they get frustrated and nobody wants to engage in an activity that gets them ticked off, so in addition to teaching a
specific knot, you also have to demonstrate how to restart. Ac cordingly, anyone learning to tie knots, specifically firefighters due to the hands-on nature of the job, will find their own way to tie a specific knot and that is just fine. This is especially true if someone is left-handed, al though quite honestly, I am a southpaw and never really no ticed much difference. Seri ously...."start off with a loop...” a loop in a rope looks just like well... a loop in a rope whether I’m left or right handed. So, what would an actual rope and knot drill look like or consist of? There really are three parts; the lecture part, demonstration and then practical. Start with the lecture using PowerPoint or some other visual presentation to provide some the necessary background information using the following outline: 1. NFPA standards (1983) 2. Life safety rope vs utility rope 3. Parts of a rope - internal/external and along the length (run ning, standing, working end) 4. Rope inspection/rope logs 5. Types of Rope - synthetic vs natural fiber (pros and cons) 6. Bights, loops and round turns 7. Types of knots currently used in the fire service 8. Test for understanding - where on Engine 31 is our utility rope? Next is the demonstration part. This is where models and exam ples of different kinds of ropes are brought out and possibly distributed. I am always hesitant to pass around items while I am talking since it divides the atten tion of the audience and can break concentration. As far as the type of ropes, I am more con cerned about passing around a life safety rope unless it has al ready been downgraded to utility rope or has otherwise been taken out of service. The demon stration portion is also where the instructor shows off how to tie all the applicable knots and pos sibly even play some how-to videos, but understand that the latter has little value unless each student has a length of rope in their hands and can follow along. The last part is the practical where the firefighter/students
get to practice. Because knots really need to be supervised closely, breaking up into smaller groups is better so that mistakes can be caught and corrected. This is easily accomplished by using the company officers and chiefs for stations with each one teaching one knot, and you as the instructor circulating to keep it all in line. After ten minutes, ro tate each group so everyone gets a turn tying each fire service knot with an officer who is as proficient as you are. It is there fore necessary to get to know the officers and their strengths rela tive to tying a specific knot. An other way to provide a practical during drill is to have a relay race with several teams practicing hoisting any number of tools against the clock and each other. Any lesson plan for this drill would have to include an exten sive list of materials, including but not limited to: 1. Lengths of six-foot rope for each firefighter 2. Ax 3. Halligan 4. Pike pole 5. Uncharged hose line 6. Charged hose line 7. Roof ladder 8. Rope bag with enough utility rope 9. Life preserver to practice throwing to a victim
House F ire in Conesus CONESUS, NY - On Thursday, September 7th at 3:59 A.M., the Conesus Fire Department and Livonia EMS were dispatched to a house fire at 6977 Dugway Road in the town of Conesus. Upon arrival, units confirmed a working structure fire with propane tanks involved, and that everyone was out of the house. Mutual aid was requested to the scene from Springwater, Sparta, Groveland and Livonia fire departments, along with Livingston County EMS. The blaze was brought under control in about 45 minutes, with crews remaining on scene for several hours extinguishing hot spots. Officials from Liv ingston County Emergency Management and the Livingston County Sheriff's Office were investigating the cause. There were no injuries reported.
Emphasis should be on the fol lowing knots: 1. Clove hitch 2. Half hitch 3. Figure eight 4. Figure eight on a bight 5. Figure eight follow through 6. Water (rescue) knot - to be tied with gloves 7. ‘ handcuff knot (only if used in accordance with department SOPs) 8. ‘ bowline knot (only if used in accordance with department SOPs) As an instructor, remember that you set the tone for the class. There really isn’t a better vehicle to demonstrate that than ropes and knots because as mentioned at the onset most everyone thinks they are bad at tying knots. Set a positive atmosphere and let it filter through the class and watch as everyone learns how to tie knots effectively. - JOSEPH CEA
Structure Fire for Jamestown JAMESTOWN, NY - On September 8th, the Jamestown Fire Department was dispatched to 114 Stowe Street for a re ported structure fire. Firefighters were met with heavy smoke. An off-shift of 15+1 for callback was requested. The cause of the fire is under Investigation.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
NEVER FORGET If your Department has photos you would like to see in our “Never Forget” feature, please upload them on our website, or email them to Lindsey@l
2023 WTC Tribute in Light Photoshoot
Scarborough Engine Co. - Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. BOB MCCORMICK
Tw o-Alarm S tru c tu re F ire on Colden H ill Rd. in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - On Sun day, August 27th at 3:10 P.M., the Coldenham Fire Department was dispatched to 31 Colden Hill Road in the Town of Newburgh re sponse area for the report of smoke in the residence. Car 1 arrived on scene at 3:13 RM. with a heavy smoke condi tion coming from the third-floor of the residence. Car 1 entered the building and encountered a work ing fire on the third-floor. At 3:17 RM., a second-alarm was trans mitted, bringing a F.A.S.T. From Washingtonville, ladder from Montgomery, Tanker from Orange Lake, and engines from Walden
J u m p to file # 0 8 2 7 2 3 1 0 1
and City of Newburgh to the scene. Maybrook and Cronomer Valley relocated apparatus to Coldenham Fire Station for standby duty. By 3:24 RM., Coldenham fire fighters had the main body of fire knocked down. Coldenham fire fighters, along with mutual aid de partments, continued to operate on scene conducting overhaul and en suring all fire was completely ex tinguished. All mutual aid was released from the scene by 4:35
RM., and Coldenham units re mained on scene operating. Cold enham units went available on scene and the standby companies were released shortly after. Cold enham returned to service at 5:47 RM. Coldenham units operating on scene were Car 1, Car 3, Engine 204, Tower Ladder 205, Tanker 203, Rescue 208, and Fire Police 207. Thank you to all our mutual aid companies for the assistance. We would also like to thank Town of Newburgh EMS and PD for the assistance they provided on scene.
Rockaway Point, N.Y.
Broad Channel F.D.
Briarcliff Manor, N.Y.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Troy evidence technicians, the battalion chief, and firefighters make entry to the structure to document all the locations of the spot fires.
One Person A rrested fo r S e ttin g M u ltip le Fires Inside Troy’s Famous Dinosaur BBQ TROY, NY - At 12:49 A.M. on September 9th, the city of Troy’s Fire Department was dispatched to Dinosaur Bar-B-Que for a re ported structure fire. Engines 4, 6 and 3, along with the rescue squad, trucks 1 and 2, medic four, and the battalion chief responded to the scene. The police department arrived on scene for a burglar alarm and had a person inside of the building and smoke coming from the build ing. Police made entry to the fa mous Troy restaurant, where they were able to remove the individ ual from the building and detain him. Firefighters arrived on scene within minutes, made their way inside and discovered numerous spot fires throughout the building. Firefighters quickly extinguished the spot fires and began to vent the structure. The battalion chief arrived on scene and grabbed his fire inves tigation equipment, as these fires were deemed suspicious. Police transported the individual to the hospital for an evaluation while evidence technicians, the battalion chief, and firefighters made entry to the structure to document all the locations of the spot fires.
to FILE # 0 9 1 0 2 3 1 1 7
3D I Firefighters remained on scene for an extended period of time while evidence technicians processed the crime scene. No injuries were reported, and no other individuals were inside the restaurant at the time of the fires. Fire Investigators turned the scene over to police just before 2:00 A.M. The famous barbecue restau rant in the city of Troy was not damaged badly, and staff worked extensively to get the building open at regular hours for their dedicated customers. After the in dividual that was detained by Troy Police was released from the hos pital, Caval G. Flaylett, a 45-yearold resident of Troy, was arrested under circumstances where the motive remains unclear. Mr. Flaylett is facing a series of charges, including Arson (3rd De gree), Criminal Mischief (4th De gree), and Burglary (3rd Degree). Once the processing is complete, he will be arraigned in the Troy City Court.
Seven Transported from Three-Vehicle MVA on Route 300 in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - On September 16th, Town of Newburgh Police received a report of a threevehicle MVA with two vehicles rolled over at 1283 State Route 300, in front of Denny's. Winona Lake and Orange Lake fire departments responded, along with Town of Newburgh and New Windsor EMS. State Route 300 was shut down to all traffic during the incident. Seven people were transported to Montefiore/St. Luke's Hospital by Newburgh and New Windsor EMS per sonnel. Firefighters spread speedy dry on fluids on the roadway and assisted with traffic con trol. Winona Lake's engine was then positioned at State Route 17K/300 to block northbound traffic. The New York State Police Reconstruction Team was called in and the Town of Newburgh Police Department is investigating the cause.
Slate Hill Fire District now operates this 2022 Pierce Enforcer Heavy Rescue.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
COFFEE! Who loves coffee? I DO!! I enjoy a cup of organic cof fee just about every morning. How ever, it is not something that I must have to get myself going in the morning, something to give me a boost in the afternoon, something to help me make it through the day, or something I need to have a bowel movement. If this is the case, then you need to look at what you are eating and find assistance with solving these issues through proper food consumption. Also, evaluate your sleep cycle. Are you getting enough sleep? Flere is a very simple way to start to live a healthier life. One simple step to change one simple thing... I invite you to switch to or ganic coffee. Non-organic coffee is very unhealthy. It is a chemically treated beverage, steeped in ap proximately 40 synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides—all toxins. Just by having a non-organic cup of coffee with all these toxic compounds can result in disease and sickness. Think of all these toxins you are putting in your body every single morning.
Coffee is a healthy beverage! YAY!!!! It has many polyphenols which are antioxidants that help to prevent diseases like inflammation. Inflammation is the main cause of autoimmune disease and cancer. Antioxidants also neutralize free radicals that can lead to poor cellu lar function and then disease. There are about 1,000 antioxidants in un processed, organic coffee beans and even more when they do the roast ing process. If you have issues with drinking coffee, like anxiety or nervousness, or you can’t sleep at night, then you should cut down or get your polyphenols in another beverage, such as organic green matcha tea or organic decaffeinated coffee. You should not drink coffee before you go to the doctor to have your blood pressure checked. It can raise your blood pressure—not for long, but it is something to keep in mind. So, by simply switching to organic coffee, you are doing your body a whole world of good, especially since most people drink coffee every day. There are many brands of or ganic coffee available to choose from... Seattle’s Best, Newman’s Own, Sprouts and many more. It might cost a little more, but it’s well worth it—you deserve it! Find one that you like and switch it out. You will be doing something so simple yet so good for your body. Bottoms up! Take fun seriously! Dee Dee DiMino is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, UN Gradu ate with Gut Health Specialty, and Member o f American Association o f Drugless Practitioners. For more information, visit
Two Burn V ictim s at Campbell Hall House Fire CAMPBELL HALL, NY - At 4:33 A.M. on August 21st, the Washingtonville Fire Department was alerted on a second-alarm as signment for a house fire in the Campbell Hall Fire Department's response area. Squad 580 responded to the fill site and supplied tankers. Pumper/Tanker 577 responded to the scene. Upon arrival, the crew
Jum p to f i ie # 0 8 2 1 2 3 1 0 7
was split in two. Half the crew pro vided support to Campbell Hall's first due engine by operating as a truck, opening up the ceilings and walls. The other half of 577's crew operated the second hoseline inside the fire building.
Pumper/Tanker 577 provided water to Maybrooks Pumper/Tanker (which was supplying Campbell Halls's first due engine). Two bum victims were treated by Blooming Grove EMS at the scene and transported to Westch ester County Medical Center in two separate helicopters. - GARY HEARN
1COMMAND VEHICLES If your Department has photos you would like to see in our “Command Vehicles” feature, please upload them on our website, www. or email them to Lindsey@ 1stResponderNews. com
Winona Lake Engine Co.'s new Car #1 is now in service.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Foxwoods Resort Casino Ig n ite Your Passion and Excel at the EMS 5 FIRE PRO Expo! Join industry leaders and gain cutting-edge know ledge by securing your spot today for an unparalleled experience!
1STR N 75
IREG'I'SiTiERl i i i 11 i ' l l ii
October, 2023
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
O n September 11. 2001, the following firefighters from Engine 24
huhler5andBattalion 2 o f the New York City Fire Department lost III,irlivesinthe performance o f their duties at the World Trade Center. William McGovern Battalion 2 Chief
Richard Prunty Battalion 2 Chief
Vincent Giammona Captain
Michael Warchola Lieutenant
Faustino Apostol Firefighter
John Santore Firefighter
Thomas Hannafin Firefighter
Gregory Saucedo Firefighter
Paul Keating Firefighter
Louis Arena Firefighter
Andrew Brunn Firefighter
“They have clear’d the beams away, they tenderly lift meforth.” Hah Whitman Song o f Myself
n grateful recognition o f their sacrifice from the Greenwich Village Block Associations on behalf ' o f our community.
Photos by Ron Jeffers
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Fire Districts of New York Mutual Insurance Co., Inc. 1 Blue Hill Plaza, PO Box 1609, Pearl River, NY 10965 888-314-3004 • F D M N Y .C O M
13T Responder Newspaper - NY_____________ October, 2023_____________ PAGE 15
October, 2023
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Photos by Ron Jeffers
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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Fire Through the Roof on Patton Rd. in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Orange Lake and Winona Lake Fire De partments responded to a structure fire at 37 Patton Road on September 20th. Orange Lake command arrived on scene and requested a second-alarm to be transmitted. Mutual Aid to the scene included Newburgh's FAST, Good Will FD, Cronomer Valley and Coldenham FD was put on stand-by. Firefighters used handed lines and a deluge gun. At the ten minutes status check, three lines were in operation with fire through the roof. Central Hudson was requested to the scene, as well as the Town of Newburgh Fire Inspector. Town of Newburgh EMS and Police, as well as Orange County Deputy Fire Coordinator 36-13 were at the scene. The fire is under investigation.
FIRELITE & M ED LITE a u n iversal design to fit m ost m ake & m o d el U TV Side b y Side chassis a n d P ickup Trucks Visit our websites to view our complete product lineup!
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Photos by Ron Jeffers
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
October, 2023
G1SCBA with Upgradable Technology 't/i I
The revolutionary MSA G1 allows y o tm stay on the forefront of safety, technology and standards for years to come. With an integrated TIC, Bluetooth integration, radio-frequency identification, and near-field communication, the G1 ensures that you are able to quickly integrate lifesaving technology as it is introduced into the market via simple software upgrades. To learn more and request a demo, visit
Churchville Fire Equipment
Jerome Fire
Garrison Fire S Rescue
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
America’s Fire Engine ON THE BOOK SHELF by John Malecky
America’s Fire Engine The American LaFranee 700 Se ries. 1947-1959 By Walter M.P. McCall and Alan Craig Available from: FSP Books & Videos 433 Main Street, Suite 2A Hudson. MA 01749 1-800-522-8528 Email: Price: S49.95 This is a soft cover book meas uring 8 *2 inches by 11 inches, with 359 pages plus index. It is nearly one inch thick. I have met one of the au thors, Walter M. P. McCall, and can say that he is a dedicated man of im peccable stature, and one who strives for accuracy. I have called on him a number of times over the years with questions and he has always come through. I do not know Mr. Craig, but since he is partnered with McCall, I
can only consider him of equal stand ing. Together they put a fantastic book on the market focusing mainly on the American LaFranee 700 Series and illfated 800 Series apparatus. The 700 Series was the first cab forward appa ratus to come into the industry where the driver and officer sat forward of the motor. The book is loaded with photos, mostly black and white, but all quality shots. But it is not only a photo album. In the beginning of the book is a chronological history of all of the ALF models right up to the closing of the company, including a chapter of the Canadian Cousins as they describe them because there eventually was a Canadian plant which produced trucks with a beaver on top of the bell rather than an eagle which was atop of the American built trucks. There are 22 enjoyable chapters which can easily be read over and over. Chapter 21 is a synopsis of production and chapter 22 is a registry of deliveries. I dare say there is nothing left out, although the authors admit that they are not perfect and are open to corrections. The “AFD” which stood for “Anytown Fire Department” was on the early demos, meaning there were no restric tions as to where these apparatus could serve. In my opinion, this book is well worth the cost and is one that could sell itself!
BROTHERS & SISTERS OF THE EMERGENCY SERVICES If you have photos you would like to see in our “Brothers & Sisters o f the Emergency Services” feature, please upload them on our website, or email them to
NEWBURGH, NY - The Blue Mass was held at St. Patrick's Church on September 10th. Battalion 2 and 3 participated with the Knights of Columbus during this annual service.
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October, 2023
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch of the month “feature please upload them on our website, or email them to
If you have photos you would like to see in our In Service feature, please upload them on our website or email them to
This patch belongs to Hudson Falls Fire Department, located in Washington County, NY.
SYRACUSE, NY (ONONDAGA COUNTY) - Lakeside Fire District in Syracse utilizes this 2010 KME, 75-foot rear-mount quint as Ladder-1.
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Bob Long
Vehicle Rolls Over on State Route 32 in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - Cronomer Valley FD responded to a vehi cle rollover in the Iron Workers Local Union Hall parking lot on August 31st. When firefighters arrived, the subject was out of the vehicle. Town of Newburgh Police and EMS were at the scene. Firefighters checked for hazards and stood by. The subject was transported to Montefiore-St. Luke's Hospi tal by Town of Newburgh EMS. The Town of Newburgh Police Department is investigating the cause.
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1st Responder Newspaper - NY
October, 2023
L e v e l u p w i t h t h e l i g h t e s t N F P A c o m p l i a n t L E A T H E R! H E L M E T ON T H E M A R K E T T O D A Y
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Troy Firefighters search the debris for anyone that could have been inside the home.
Troy Home Collapses, Sending Debris Into the Roadway TROY, NY - On September 8th at 11:19 P.M., the city of Troy‘s fire department was dis patched to 289 4th Street for a building collapse. Engines 6, 4 and 3, along with the rescue squad, trucks 1 and 2, medic four, and the battalion chief responded to the scene. The caller reported that the entire building had col lapsed into the roadway. Engine six arrived on scene and notified the dispatcher that they had a full collapse of a home. Firefighters immediately began to make their way towards the rubble pile that poured out into the street and leaned against a nearby home. Firefighters on scene had a can tilever style collapse of 289 Fourth Street. A cantilever col lapse is one of the most dangerous types of collapses that a fire de partment can operate at. After the structural collapse, the remaining portion of the structure is nor mally unsupported and hanging freely in the air. If there were vic tims trapped on the floors of the building, this could make rescues extremely difficult for firefighters. Debris can be left on the remains of the structure and slide off onto firefighters operating below. The highly trained Troy Fire fighters that were operating on scene knew they had to use extra caution while operating around the collapsed building. Firefighters immediately began to evacuate the homes surrounding the building collapse. The home had a red X on it that stated the rear of the build-
JUMP TO FILE # 0 9 1 0 2 3 1 1 6
ing was unstable, and the sign had a date of June 1, 2019. Several cars near the collapse zone were covered in concrete dust from the collapsed home. Firefighters in the rear of the building notified command that the back of the building was still standing. Command arrived on scene and notified the dispatcher that this was going to be a Signal 30 for a working incident and re quested code enforcement to the scene. Command also notified the dispatcher that they were going to need the Red Cross for the resi dents of the two neighboring homes that were affected by the building collapse, along with Na tional Grid. Firefighters were able to safely remove the residents of the two homes at 291 Fourth Street and 287 Fourth Street. Firefighters utilized a thermal imaging camera to search through some of the void areas in the front of the structure to make sure that no one was trapped inside of the building. A large portion of the rear of the building that remained standing had small debris starting to fall. A witness that saw the building collapse reported hearing the windows bursting just before the entire building collapsed. The mayor of the city of Troy, along with the council president, came out to the scene as this was a major incident in the city of
Troy. Code enforcement arrived and began to conduct a investiga tion into the stability of the two surrounding structures with the fire chief. Firefighters on scene deployed a hand line for safety reasons in case the structure had a gas leak of any type. Firefighters learned that the utilities had been disconnected to that building a while ago. Neighboring homes with secu rity cameras captured the astonish ing footage of the cantilever collapse. The Red Cross re sponded to the scene to take care of the neighbors in the nearby homes. One of those individuals was district 5 city council member Kiani. Command placed all but Truck 2 into service from the scene. Command notified the dis patcher that they were going to need to conduct an emergency tear-down of the remaining por tions of the collapsed building, and code enforcement would be conducting the watch of the prop erty. No injuries were reported, and only one home on the 'bravo' side of the structure was also damaged. The City of Troy has numerous homes throughout the city that are deemed unsafe to enter and marked with a large red X that need to be tom down, but the av erage cost today for that is around $25,000 to $35,000, which is a major stress factor on the budget. - JEFFREY BELSCHWINDER
Serious MVA w ith R ollover on 1-84 in Newburgh NEWBURGH, NY - On August 23rd, Winona Lake and Orange Lake FDs, along with NYS and Town of Newburgh Police, and Town of Newburgh EMS, responded to a serious vehicle rollover on Interstate 84 eastbound, about a quarter mile from the North Fletcher Drive overpass. The vehicle was found up side down in a wooded area off the eastbound lane. Firefight ers extricated one subject from the vehicle. Three others were already out when firefighters arrived. Town of Newburgh EMS initially requested a Medevac launched, but then can celed it and transported the subject to Montefiore/St. Luke's Hospital. Interstate 84 eastbound was down to one lane while an investigation was done. Troopers at the scene called BCI from SP Montgomery to the scene. NYS Police are investigat ing the cause.
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website or email them to
Bozrah, Connecticut operates with a 1999 Ford F550/KME that previously ran as Elizaville Mini 19-2 (Livingston).
R esponder N ewspaper This section is exclusively dedicated to coverage of Long Island emergency services PUBLISHING SINCE 1993
DIX HILLS, NY - At approximately 4:15 A.M. on August 26th, the Dix Hills Fire Department responded to reports of a structure fire on Burrs Lane, off of the South Service Road. Upon the arrival of Third Assistant Chief Fico (2-8-33), he transmitted a working fire for a fully involved building that housed a tree company. Crews stretched multiple hand lines and utilized two master streams to attack the fire defensively. - See full story on Page 28
R espo n d er
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
INDEX A guide to finding great companies
CORPORATE INFORMATION 1st Responder News (ISSN 1525-1683) - New York edition - Vol. 24 No. 10 - is published monthly, 12 times a year for $36 per year by Belsito Communicahons, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Periodicals Postage Paid at Newburgh, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to 1st Responder News, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, clas sified, or
Vehicle Fire Contained in Oakdale
pographicomm unications, inc. cal errors except o f reprinting that part o f the ad which was omit ted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention o f the newspaper during the same month o f publication. Printed in Canada.
OAKDALE, NY - West Sayville FD responded to a vehicle fire on Race Place in Oakdale, August 20th. Units were on scene quickly and contained the fire to the engine compartment.
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Fully Involved Structure in Dix H ills DIX HILLS, NY - At approximately 4:15 A.M. on August 26th, the Dix Hills Fire Department responded to reports of a struc ture fire on Burrs Lane, off of the South Service Road. Upon the arrival of Third Assistant Chief Fico (2-8-33), he transmit ted a working fire for a fully involved building that housed a tree company. Crews stretched multiple hand lines and uti lized two master streams to attack the fire defensively. Mu tual aid consisted of the Deer Park FD, which provided a Tower Ladder (1-4-10), the Wyandanch Fire Co. with an en gine (1-10-1), the Melville FD also sent an engine (2-5-7), and the Commack Vol. Ambulance Corps, for an ambulance. Crews operated under the command of Third Assistant Chief Charlie Fico (2-8-33).
Fatal Motorcycle Crash in Mastic MASTIC, NY - On July 22nd at about 8:45 P.M., the Mastic FD and Mastic Ambulance were dispatched for a report of a ve hicle crash on Somerset Ave. and Mastic Rd. On arrival, re sponders found that a Toyota Matrix and a motorcyclist were involved in a serious crash. The motorcyclist was quickly packaged up by ambulance personnel while fire department personnel assisted at the scene. Suffolk Police immediately closed the road to vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Mastic Beach Ambulance was also called to the scene. The 35-yearold motorcycle operator was transported by Mastic Ambu lance to Long Island Community Hospital where he was pronounced dead. The driver of the other vehicle was not in jured and remained at the scene. The road was closed for several hours for a police investigation.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Early-M orning Auto Fires in Farmingdale FARMINGDALE, NY - At approximately 3:10 A.M. on August 20th, the East Farmingdale Fire Co. was alerted for a Signal 13 at 200 Great Neck Road, cross of Baiting Hollow Place. Upon the response of 3rd Asst. Chief Kilbridge, Jr. [1-5-33], the dispatcher advised him that it was a reported auto fire ex posing a house. Upon the Chief's arrival, he stated he had two autos on fire on Great Neck Road, not exposing to a res idence. Once Engine 1-5-1 arrived on the scene, they stretched one line into operation to extinguish both auto fires. Foam was also used to help extinguish the gas-fed fire. Units operated under the command of the 3rd Assistant Chief of the East Farmingdale Fire Company, Michael Kilbridge, Jr. [1-5-33]. There were no reported injuries.
LITTLE BIG GUYS If you have photos you would like to see in our Little Big Guys feature, please upload them on our website or email them to
Firefighters go to work to extinguish the flames.
Boat Goes Up in Flames in M astic Beach Marina MASTIC BEACH, NY - Just after 10:00 A.M. on Monday, August 28th, reports came in for a boat on fire at the Mastic Beach Property Owners Marina on Riviera Dr. The Moriches Bay Marine Inci dent response team, which is com prised of Fire and EMS resources from Mastic Beach, Mastic, Center Moriches, East Moriches & Eastport, were all alerted to the situation along with Suffolk Police 7th precinct, Suffolk Police Marine Bu reau, US Coast Guard and Brookhaven Fire Marshals.
removed from the water where fire fighters continued to operate for a little while overhauling to ensure that all hotspots were out. The scene was turned over to police and the fire marshal’s office for further investigation, and infor mation was also documented and sent to the US Coast Guard. Mastic Beach and Mastic Ambulance were on scene, but no injuries were re ported.
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On arrival, responders found a boat fully engulfed in flames and damaging a second nearby boat, ac cording to police. The fire department stretched hose lines from fire engines on shore and fire boats from Center Moriches, and Eastport FDs were also involved in the fire suppression, as well as towing the boat to the ramp for re moval from the water. The boat was
BUDDY SHOTS If you have photos you would like to see in our “Buddy Shots” feature, please upload them on our website, or email them to
Port Jefferson Fire Department operates a 2006 Ford F550/Maccoy Miller Fire Police Truck.
Westhampton Beach Fire Department firefighters take a group photo after a structure fire demon stration at their open house on August 20th.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
M a s tic F ire fig h te rs Handle Jeep Fire MASTIC, NY - On July 29th at about 12:30 P.M., the Mastic Fire Department and Suffolk County Police 7th Precinct were dis patched to Tudor Rd. and the Northbound William Floyd Park way for a vehicle fire. On arrival, police found a Jeep that was on fire and advised dispatch. Mastic FD Assistant Chief Steve Januszkiewicz arrived on scene and advised Firecom and his crew that he had an active fire. Once the first due engine ar rived on scene, the crew went to work stretching a line off the truck to make an attack of the fire. Upon arrival, Chief of De partment Martucci was in command. The fire was quickly brought under control and no injuries were reported. Tudor Road was closed in the area for the duration of the incident.
STILL IN SERVICE If you have photos you would like to see in our Still in Service feature, please upload them on our website or email them to
Brookhaven firefighters on scene after a bicyclist was struck by a police car.
Teen Bicyclist Seriously Injured After Being Hit by Police Car SHIRLEY, NY - On Saturday night, September 9th at about 7:50 P.M, a Suffolk Police 7th precinct officer reported that they had struck a bicyclist on William Floyd Parkway near Adobe Dr. in Shirley. Police dispatchers began the process of notifying Fire and EMS dispatch of the incident while officers converged on the scene to assist. The Brookhaven Fire De partment and Shirley Ambulance were requested to the scene. Police dispatch notified avia tion in case it was determined that they would be needed. On arrival. Fire and EMS found a teenage boy
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on the ground and immediately went to work to assist with treat ment. Members of Shirley Ambu lance, under the command of Chief of Department James Deutcsh, treated and packaged the patient for transport. The 13-year-old was transported to Stony Brook Hospi tal by ambulance with a police es cort. According to police, the offi cer was responding to a call for help in the Shirley area with lights
and sirens when they struck the boy who was crossing William Floyd Parkway. The police cruiser also appeared to have struck an other car that was stopped, as well as two vehicles parked in front of a house before coming to rest in the yard. The officer was also taken to a local hospital where they were treated and released. The teenager was in critical condition. The William Floyd Parkway and Margin Dr. West were both closed in the area for several house for an accident investigation. - JOHN WALTHERS 000 + pics on instagram |
Central Islip Fire Department Hook & Ladder Company 1 still op erates this Mack MR Walk-In Rescue. Rescue 15 (3-7-15) is sta tioned out of station 2.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
October, 2023
Hagerman Fire Department Hosts 2023 FASNY Youth Day EAST PATCHOGUE, NY On Saturday, August 26th, FASNY’s Youth in the Fire Service hands-on training day was held at the Elagerman Fire Department training center. FASNY Youth Days are held across the state of NY and provide Junior Firefight ers, Explorers and RAMS first hand experience of the fire service. This year's Long Island Youth Day had about 100 Junior Firefighters and Explorers from Suffolk and Nassau Counties come together for training. Despite the morning rain, training went on. The Youth of the Fire Service trained on hose handling, search ing a building for fire and victims, forcible entry, ladder climbing and
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f t 3P ladder safety, and auto extrication. Training was conducted by FFagerman fire department instructors and Suffolk County Fire Academy Instructors. The juniors were able to practice skills that they have learned back at their home depart ments, and some learned new skills all while partnering with jun iors from other departments to get the job done. The previous night, a class room lecture was also held at the Suffolk Fire Academy where Port Jefferson FD Asst. Chief Christian Neuber presented on growth
through leadership to over 75 youths from across Suffolk and Nassau. The following departments participated in the youth days at the SCFA and FFagerman FD: Bay Shore, Centereach, Elmont, FFager man, Lakeland, Lindenhurst, Manorville, Mastic, Mastic Beach, North Babylon, North Linden hurst, Patchogue, Port Jefferson, Selden, Setauket, Smithtown, Terryville, Wantagh, West Babylon, West Islip, and Yaphank. Repre sentatives from FASNY, as well as Suffolk Volunteer Firefighters As sociation were on site for the event, which was a huge success. - JOHN WALTHERS JOHN WALTHERS- SUFFOLK FIRE PHOTOS
Setauket FD Jr Jeremy Walters practices hose handling at FASNY Youth Day in Hagerman
About 100 Junior Firefighters/Explorers came out to the Hagerman FD for FASNY Youth Day handson training. JOHN WALTHERS- SUFFOLK FIRE PHOTOS
Instructors from SCFA teach ladders at FASNY Youth Day.
Instructors from Hagerman FD and Suffolk County Fire Academy who taught at FASNY Youth Day on August 26th at Hagerman FD.
Mastic FD Explorers Captain Connor Jacobs works with other junior firefighters on forcible entry at FASNY Youth Day.
October, 2023
1ST Responder Newspaper - NY
Plans Nobody Else Can Have Chaplain’s Corner Didymus McHugh
There are so many times that some children and adults are told by their parents that they were not planned, some will even be told that they were not wanted. Truth of the matter is that we were all planned and wanted. Our Father has planned us. He knew us before we were knitted together in our mother's womb. We are told so many times in the Bible that He knows the plans for us and that we were cre ated for a certain purpose. So why were we created? Sometimes we may not realize why we were ever created. We may even say to ourselves that our life does not amount to much. Please have the confidence that God will use you in ways that you will never know. Each one of us is planned. We may never understand the rea son why we were born until our Fa ther calls us home. I have seen and heard that even an introvert affects 10,000 lives. You cannot even start to figure out how many lives you will change, only God knows. I have met plenty of instructors, firefighters, law enforcement and clergy that have no clue how many people they affected, but when they are called home to our Maker, that is when their families find out. There are times where they meant so much to so many that not every
one can fit into the building for the sendee. I have seen too many times rooms and buildings overflowing with lives they saved, or helped. There are times where we en gage with people that we call coin cidence, but it is really an appointment by God. We have peo ple who come into our lives that may steer us or help us with something that we were about to throw up our hands and give up, but God sent them to us. You weren't planned? Nonsense. God created each one of you with love. Please, while you have the time, tell someone how much they mean to you. Don't wait to only tell the family. I appreciate each person that comes into my life, each emergency responder, every student, each pa tient, counselor, each friend and stranger. God knows what He is doing, when we are born to a family but we are blessed by the other fam ily that we develop. I myself put it that I have a family of blood, but many times I consider my family of smoke a lot closer. When we meet, God wanted me to meet you and you to meet me. Why? We may never know, but God does. Thank you to each of you. You may have been feeling low, but maybe this will help. You are special to God and He planned you to be around and He has a job for you to do.
Four Alarm House F ire in Farm ingdale FARMINGDALE, NY - At 6:30 A.M. on August 20th, the Village of Farmingdale Fire Department and a dual-response engine from the South Farmingdale FD were alerted for reports of a house fire with people trapped on Prospect Street. Upon the arrival of the Chief of the Farmingdale FD, Michael Tortoso, he transmitted a Signal 10 (Working Fire) for heavy fire in the rear of a two-and-a-half-story private dwelling. Upon the arrival of Engine 972 and Engine 905, they gained a positive water supply and operated a total of four handlines. Squad 924 was the first “truck” on the scene and performed searches that were negative. The incident was then raised through the alarms up to a 4th alarm for relief purposes. Units operated under the command of the Chief of the Farmingdale Fire Department, Michael Tortoso (9201).
D R IIIS /TR A IN IN G To see your Drills in the newspaper upload them on our website www. or email them to Lindsey@
Stay safe, Didymus McHugh
Read more articles from all JOHN WALTHERS- SUFFOLK FIRE PHOTOS
of our colum nists online!
On the morning of September 10th, about 50 first responders from multiple agencies (Mastic FD, Mastic Ambulance, Shirley Ambulance, Mastic Beach Ambulance and Brookhaven FD) went to the William Floyd High School for a special training co-hosted by Mastic FD and Mastic Ambulance on MedEvacs. The Suffolk County Police Aviation Section, as well as Stony Brook Hospital came in one of the Suffolk Police Helicopters that is used for patient transports from various incidents. The medevac program staffing is supplied by both agencies. Suffolk Police Aviation Section officers are the pilot and Co Pilots while Stony Brook Medicine provides a Flight medic at a minimum, and on some occasions a flight Physician as well. Items that they went over included choosing a landing zone, safety and loading procedures, and more. This was a great training as it helps to make sure all agencies are on the same page and keeps everyone refreshed on skills.
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
October, 2023
fO O
H e a v y - D u ty A e r i a l T o w e r
In the market for a mid- or rear-mounted tower? Take a look at the new Pierce® Ascendant® 100' Heavy-Duty Aerial Tower! Reaching heights of 100’ vertically and 93' horizontally, the Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower packages a 5-section heavy-duty steel tower onto a vehicle with a low overall height of 10'8" and length of only 41'3" with a rear overhang of a rear-mount that minimizes tail-swing, it offers superior maneuverability and greater visibility. The Ascendant 100' Aerial Tower is available on a variety of custom chassis and body styles to meet your department's needs. Its integrated ground pads eliminate time spent throwing ground pads, so setup is streamlined and faster than any other aerial on the market. Configured as shown with a rear axle rating of only 48,000 lb, it outperforms with a 1,000 lb tip load capacity, up to 20-degree below grade operation, and a below grade 50-degree scrub area. All of this is accomplished at a mere 20' set-back from the building.
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October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
Vehicle News
Brighton Beach Companies Battle Garage Fire BROOKLYN, NY - On Friday night, August 25th at approxi mately 9:30 P.M., Brighton Beach companies were dis patched to 412 Ocean View Ave. for a reported house fire. First due companies arrived, found a garage fire and quickly extinguished it.
FDNY Ladder Co. 154 has been assigned a new Seagrave 100-foot rear-mount aerial ladder with Fleet # SL23002.
PATCH OF THE MONTH If you have photos you would like to see in our “Patch o f the month “feature please upload them on our website, or email them to
Brooklyn's Engine Co. 321 has been assigned a Seagrave 2000-gpm/500-gwt pumper, possessing Fleet # SP23002.
This patch belongs to FDNY Engine 220 (Est. 1882)/Ladder 122 (Est. 1907), located in Kings County, NY.
|n Brooklyn, FDNY Ladder Co. 123 has been assigned a new Seagrave 100-foot rear-mount aerial ladder, wjth Reet # SL23001.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
NEVER FORGET If you have photos you would like to see in our “Never Forget” feature, please upload them on our website, or email them to
On September 7th, the FDNY added the names of 43 members to the FDNY World Trade Center Memorial Wall. These noble mem bers succumbed to illnesses related to rescue and recovery efforts at the World Trade Center. The inscription on the Wall, which hangs in the lobby at FDNY Headquarters reads, “Dedicated to the memory of those who bravely served this Department protecting life and property in the City of New York in the rescue and recovery effort at Manhattan BOX 5-5-8087 World Trade Center.” Families of the fallen heroes attended the event as Fire Commis sioner Laura Kavanagh renewed a pledge to never forget their loved ones, and their sacrifices. “In the Fire Department, we live steeped in tradition. This event reminds us of the promise we made to all of you, of the never-ending dedication we have made to the memory of your loved ones. Because even though we know these events are symbols of our support, at their core, they are based in love and respect.” “We host this ceremony each year, with sorrow. But we do it be cause it shows the families that even though their loved ones are gone, they are never forgotten,” said Chief of Department John Hodgens. “They are always in our thoughts, and they are always a part of the FDNY family.”
FDNY Investigating Williamsburg Fire that Destroyed Nine Stores & Injured 10 FDNY Members BROOKLYN, NY - Huge flames destroyed several busi nesses in Brooklyn on Sunday af ternoon, August 20th. A massive plume of smoke could be seen ris ing from the 6-alarm fire on Lee Avenue in Williamsburg. Firefighters arrived at the scene four minutes after the initial call, just before noon. Officials say the flames appeared to start in
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a chocolate shop and spread to at least nine nearby retail stores. Firefighting efforts were compli cated because most of the stores were locked at the time. "We used saws to cut the gates and we were able to get in. They
had heavy fire throughout the building by the time they got in side. It was a challenging fire," FDNY Chief John Hodgens said. The fire was under control by 3:45 RM. Sunday, and the cause is still under investigation. - DAVID BURNS
WHERE ARE THEY NOW? If you have photos you would like to see in our Where are they Now? feature please upload them on our website or email them to
FDNY Tower Ladder 23 once ran this 1981 Mack CF/Baker/75’ Aerialscope. Since then, this unit has served Philipsburg, Duncannon & Lewistown, PA Fire Companies.
October, 2023
1st Responder Newspaper - NY
S u p p ly C o m p a n y
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