Westchester Healthcare News January 2015 ebook

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Westchester County

January 2015


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in Scarsdale nationally recognized for the the treatment of varicose veins and spider veins

Hospital for Special Surgery Where the world comes to get back in the game

Dr.Donath in White Plains offers technology that not only ends severe herniated disks, but helps your body to start rebuilding them!

Simone Development Companies Turn-key, Highly visible convenient location Call now!

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Women’s Westche ster Cou nty Janua ry 2015


Health & Wellness Healthcare news is excited to announce our special edition of

Boomers & Beyond

Healthcare Newspaper 1 Ardmore Street New Windsor NY 12553



January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

After helping hundreds of Westchester County herniated disc sufferers eliminated their pain, Local Doctor explains how…

“Back Pain Technology Cheats Mother Nature Helps Herniated Discs Heal Naturally… In As Little As 25 Minutes!” At Last! Westchester County Doctor Offers Technology That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs, But Helps Your Body To Start Rebuilding Them… As Fast As Humanly Possible! Best Part: You can check it all out for FREE if you like! There is no doubt… technology has made all of our lives better… and easier. Just about every miraculous medical cure and comfort of modern living can be attributed to amazing breakthroughs in technology. Heck, laser eye surgery can give people who are almost as blind as a bat perfect 20/20 vision. How amazing is that? That’s why it’s no surprise that technology might be able to solve your back and neck pain from herniated/bulging discs or sciatica…for good. Here is why: Back and neck pain can be devastating. And nothing is worse than going to doctor after doctor… trying treatment after treatment… spending money you can’t afford… and still suffering in pain. That’s why… I bet you would love to instantly end your pain… without any risk what-soever… and have it never come back for the rest of your life? Well, that might NOT be so easy. But, what if there was a wonderful advancement in technology that, with a handful of simple, non-invasive treatments, could possibly have you out of pain and on your way to healing naturally? Better yet, what if this technology could possibly heal your herniated/bulging discs (instead of cutting it out like surgery) so you have the best chance to live pain-free and do all the things you want and love to do? And what if this technology was: 3 FDA cleared! 3 Proven safe and effective! 3 Allows your herniated discs to heal naturally without the risky and dangerous side effects of surgery! 3 Relieves pain fast… in some cases in as little as 25 minutes! Well, guess what? There is such technology and there is a very good chance it can help you… like it has already helps thousands of herniated/bulging disc and sciatica sufferers all around the country… No Matter How Bad Your Pain Is, How Long You’ve Been Suffering Or How Many Other Treatments And Doctors Have Failed You! Don’t laugh. It’s really true. Here’s proof…

When you have a herniated disc, compressive forces cause your spinal bones to come together… basically squashing your disc. The space in between your bones decreases and the soft, jello-like disc material leaks out. This disc material that leaks out is called a herniated disc and can cause severe pain, numbness and tingling in your neck, back, arms or legs when the herniation pushes into and “pinches” a nerve. So it makes sense, if you could slightly pull the spinal bones apart… that would open up the space, take the pressure off the disc, the disc off the nerve and solve the problem. Right? But the only problem is… how do you do that? For years and years, doctors have been trying to do it with traction. But traction has been proven ineffective and often very painful. Why? Traction doesn’t work because when you have a herniated or bulging disc, the area is injured and when you try to move, your muscles go into spasm. Spasm is your body’s way of trying to protect you from causing further injury. That’s why traction hurts so much. As soon as the traction starts… your muscles overprotect the area and spasm. But the good news is: Now there is technology that out-smarts your body’s natural spasm reaction. In other words: It fools mother nature! This technology is called non-surgical spinal decompression (NSSD) and here’s how it works… NSSD is very different from plain traction because it has advanced computer technology that actually senses your spinal muscles. When it starts to gently pull, it immediately knows when your muscles start to contract and it stops pulling. As soon as your muscles relax, it starts pulling again. The amazing thing is: the computer senses your muscles contraction so early… you don’t even feel what is going on. Which means you never feel any pain! In fact, the only thing most patients feel is… RELIEF!!! But the best part is: NSSD is able to gently separate your spinal bones which, in many cases, actually sucks the herniated disc material back into the disc where it belongs! This takes away your pain and allows your herniated and bulging discs to heal naturally!

And check this out: Treatments are pleasant and simple. All you have to do is lie on your back, listen to your favorite music, read a magazine… or… take a nap! The wonderful technology does everything while you simply RELAX the pain away! To sum up NSSD: • For most patients it is 100% painless… in fact many patients actually fall asleep during treatment! • Works fast! Most patients get relief after a handful of treatments – some after the very first! • Is non-invasive so it does not have the dangerous risks of surgery! • Gets to the root cause of the problem and helps it heal naturally! Isn’t modern technology wonderful? And wouldn’t you like to… Give This Great Technology A Try… For Free? If you would, there’s great news. There is a Doctor located at 222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 in White Plains who has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in this wonderful technology and has been treating herniated/bulging disc and sciatica patients with incredible success. His name is Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS and he is so excited about the results he’s been getting, he would like to share it with as many pain sufferers as possible. But There Is A Catch… There’s always a catch... isn’t there? Even though this technology has helped a majority of the patients Dr. Donath has treated… it is not a wonder cure and it does not help everyone.

On the right: healthy disc. Center: Herniated disc with soft disc material leaking out. On the left: Herniated disc material compressing or “pinching” nerve.

For that reason, Dr. Donath does a complete examination on every potential patient and only accepts you if he feels you are most likely to get the pain relief and outcome you are looking for. Dr. Donath’s Special Deal For You! Because the economy is so bad and Dr. Donath wants to help you if possible, he is offering the first 17 people who respond to this article a free consultation and NSSD qualification examination. And if you qualify for NSSD treatments, Dr. Donath will also give you one treatment for FREE! And if you do not qualify, Dr. Donath will help you find the best option for you. That’s why, if you suffer with pain from a herniated/bulging disc or sciatica you should call 914-259-8104 right now. When Barbara answers the phone, simply tell her you would like your free non-surgical spinal decompression consultation and examination. If you are one of the first 17, she will schedule you within the next few days. If you are in a lot of pain or already scheduled for surgery, tell Barbara and she will be sure to get you in immediately. Maybe even today.

On right: Herniated disc with spinal bones “squished” together. Center: NSSD slightly pulls the spinal bones apart, opens up the disc space and allows herniated material to move back into the disc. Left: Herniated material completely back in center of disc allows the disc to heal naturally. Your consultation and examination should take about 60 minutes. During this time you can get all of your questiones answered in a warm and friendly environment. You will know exactly what’s causing your pain and the best possible way to solve it. Dr. Donath will explain to you all your possible options along with his recomendations so you can make the best choice for YOU.

Why Limited To 17? Dr. Donath has limited the number he will accept right now to 17 because he does not believe patients should wait and they should also get the quality personal attention they deserve. When you go for your free visit, I’m sure you will see how unique and pleasant the experience is. It’s nice to be treated like a person and not a number or based on insurance coverage. It’s also nice to know exactly what’s causing your pain and how to relieve it as fast as possible. Dr. Donath’s favorite cases are the one’s that were able to cancel back surgery after only a handful of treatments. Dr. Donath also loves when a herniated disc patient that is in excruciating pain and thinks they’ve tried everything, lays down on the NSSD table, takes a 25 minute nap… and… wakes up with all their pain GONE! Just imagine how it would feel to have all your pain finally gone. Imagine going to bed and being able to sleep the entire night through… … and waking up refreshed and energized… ready to take on the brand new day – without the pain and stiffness that has been terrorizing you. And imagine finally knowing you have the solution to your herniated disc pain. Well, you may not have to just “imagine” anymore… because… NSSD might start relieving your pain… in just 25 minutes! So, if you’d like to see if you qualify and give this amazing technology a try for free… give Barbara a call at 914-259-8104 right now. Why wait one more day in pain when the solution may be one quick phone call away? Call now before someone else gets your free spot. One More Thing It’s Important… Ever since getting this wonderful technology, Dr. Donath’s office has been flooded with calls. For that reason, if when you call, the lines are busy or you go to voice mail… just keep calling back. The possibility of living pain-free is well worth the time and effort it may take you to get through and schedule your appointment. 914-259-8104



January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Avoid these five deadly diet sins You felt the burn big-time during your morning workout and burnt hundreds of calories. Way to go! However, after long and busy day at work with nothing to eat, you curl up to dinner at 10 p.m. That’s what we call a deadly diet sin! Sometimes, figuring out what you aren’t supposed to eat is harder to keep track of than getting a daily workout. But we can help you fix them: Just as long as you avoid these dieting sins! 1. Eating too light a breakfast Eating breakfast is a good thing, but the wrong balance of nutrients can leave you prone to overeating later in the day. Solution: Add an egg, baked beans or cheese to your toast in the morning or add some protein powder to your milk to increase the protein content of your breakfast.

Top Pediatric Dentist in Westchester 5 years and counting!

2. Not enough vegetables at lunchtime Plain sandwiches, sushi and soups tend to be light in protein and vegetables, leaving you looking for something extra after you have finished your lunch. Solution: Carry a carrot or celery with you to snack on with lunch, or one cup of salad or vegetables. 3. Too much coffee Milk-based coffees sipped over a number of hours are interpreted by the body as constant eating, which can disrupt the body's natural hunger and fullness signals and lead to weight gain. Solution: Aim for just one or two milk-based coffees a day, and try and drink them with meals. Stick to plain black coffee or green tea in between. 4. Eating dinner too late Busy lifestyles and long commutes are just two of the reasons we are getting home and eating our meals later. Solution: Eat your larger meal at lunchtime and stick to soups and salads if you find yourself eating after 8pm. 5. Eating too quickly Gone are the days when a leisurely meal was enjoyed over an hour each evening. Eating fast appears to lead to over-consumption as it takes time for the body to register it is full. Solution: Aim to spend at least 20 minutes sitting down to enjoy your meal. Practice putting your knife and fork down in between each mouthful and chewing each mouthful 20 times.

• Child-friendly environment and caring staff • Physically and emotionally challenged children welcome • State-of-the-art technology and sterilization techniques • New Laser Technology—Now Your kids CAN have their •

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Penny Resnick-Graulich, DMD Francisca Ceron, DDS 115 Main Street, Suite 302 Tuckahoe NY 10707



ATTORNEYS AT LAW Many Years of Experience Protecting the Legal Interests of the Elderly & Special Needs Populations Advising Families about: • • • • • • • • •

Medicaid Asset Protection Planning Estate Planning & Administration Special Needs Home Care Long Term Care Health Care Proxies Powers of Attorney Guardianships See more information on page 12

Client Testimonials You came to our aid during the most stressful time of life for my family. You are like a guardian angel to us - with every task you gave us 110 percent of your efforts and you have resolved many issues for us, in both financial and legal matters. We have known you for over eight years and you have always demonstrated fairness and good judgment. In addition, you have provided invaluable comfort, friendship and legal guidance for my family and we are grateful for your services. We look forward to continue to work with you and your firm. – Beatrice Y. Navigating all the overwhelming details and complexities in my mother's case was handled with the utmost efficiency and sensitivity. The expense and endless sharing of information and paperwork resulted in an outcome that is totally beneficial to my mother. -Arlene L.

Westchester Financial Center 50 Main Street, Suite #1275 White Plains, NY 10606 Email: Info@ejrosenlaw.com

Tel: (914) 816-2900 www.ejrosenlaw.com Attorney advertising • Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome






January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester




B & M Capital


Center for Vein Restoration




Doctors Express in Hartsdale, NY


Dominican Sisters Family Health Service 8, 25 FORME´ Urgent Care & Wellness Ctr


Glen Island Center for Nursing and Rehab 23 Hospital for Special Surgery


Keystone Financial Services


Main Street Pediatric Dentistry


Premier Vein Centers


Resource Directory

22, 24

Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, PC


Simone Development Companies


The Wartburg


Westchester Community College


Westchester Neurological Consultants, PC 17 Westchester Spinal Decompression Ctr


Let us guess: You want to lose weight in 2015, or maybe stop smoking. Perhaps, you want to save more money. You see where this is going, right? It’s almost time to make a New Year’s resolution. Sigh. No worries, you can do it: Statistics be damned. Research suggests that only about 10 percent of us achieve our New Year’s goals. But stay with us. Why do so many people fail at goal-setting, and what are the secrets behind those who succeed in keeping their New Year’s resolution? Here’s a tip: Keep it simple. Many people use the New Year as an opportunity to make large bucket lists. According to experts we spoke to, that’s a great, but the average person has so many competing priorities that this type of approach is too much. Shooting for the moon can be too daunting and lead to a failure to launch. So set small, attainable goals. For instance, a resolution to lose weight might not be easy to follow. Saying no to junk food for a month is…really. Share your goals with friends and family. It’s a great way to be accountable in the social media era. So have at it: Set your New Year’s resolution. You can do it. Just remember one thing, no pressure. Have a happy, healthy 2015! So get in touch with us or reconnect at info@healthcarenewspaper.com. We are looking forward to another great year in 2015, full of must-read issues. Happy Holidays!

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CORPORATE INFORMATION Healthcare News - Westchester, New York edition Vol. 8 No. 1 - is published monthly, 12 times a year by Belsito Communications, Inc., 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY 12553. Postage Paid at New Windsor, NY and additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Healthcare Newspaper, 1 Ardmore Street, New Windsor, NY, 12553. No financial responsibility is assumed by this newspaper to publish a display, classified, or legal ad or for typographical errors except of reprinting that part of the ad which was omitted or in error. Omissions or errors must be brought to the attention of the newspaper during the same month of publication.

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Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

Page 7


Westchester’s Premier Medical Address

■ Turn-key, custom-built, state-of-the-art medical suites available starting from 1,000 square feet and up

The Purchase Professional Park (formerly Harrison Executive Medical Park)

■ Fourth building now in development – 3030 Westchester Avenue – adding 85,000 square feet of medical space to the 13-acre campus

is Westchester’s preeminent medical office park offering state-of-the-art medical suites, unrivaled amenities and a convenient location in the heart of Westchester’s Medical Mile. The newest addition to the professional park, 3030 Westchester Avenue, will be the future home of WESTMED Medical Group and will be open for business in the first quarter of 2015.

For leasing information contact Glenn Walsh, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (914) 881-1096

■ Highly visible and easily accessible location with direct east/west access to Westchester Avenue

■ On-site café, fitness center and beautifully landscaped courtyard ■ Abundant free parking for employees and patients ■ Newly renovated lobbies and exterior facades ■ On-site owner management with 24/7 building access ■ Convenient location with close proximity to I-287, I-95, I-684 and Hutchinson River and Merrit Parkways


January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

How to help your family beat the winter blues If the change in seasons has left you feeling down in the dumps, our top winter health tips could help you start to feel brighter.

Surround yourself with love. As much as possible, spend your time with people who care for and love you, and stay away from those who bring you down. This is easier said than done, of course, but even cutting down on the time you spend around toxic personalities can help lift your mood. Eat good food. In between working, stressing, and worrying about your eating habits, it can be easy to justify skipping a few meals, especially breakfast. Give your body the nutrients and energy it needs! Not to mention, a full breakfast in the morning—even one as basic as a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit—can really make a difference in getting through long mornings at work. Get in touch with your spirit. Whether that's through prayer, meditation, yoga, find a method of relaxing your mind for a few minutes everyday. Many people have found solace in journaling. Write down one good thing that happened to you everyday, and watch the good memories pile up! Get outdoors. There's evidence to suggest that the lack of light in winter throws off some people's internal clocks. More light is good. Pick up a hobby or new skill. Crafts are great because they keep your hands busy and give you a sense of accomplishment when you finish them. YouTube hosts a wealth of basic how-to videos for activities of all kinds. Exercise. Shed built-up negative energy through a healthy dose of exercise. We know, we know, it's easy to procrastinate when it comes to exercise. But it's also one of the best things you can do for your mental health.

When it comes to taking care of infants, toddlers, children, and families’ healthcare needs, our agency is “at home” throughout Westchester County. We partner with some of the Community’s best physicians and hospitals -- helping our precious patients remain in the comfort and safety of their own homes.

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We know we can help you and your family… Why not give us a call today?

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Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015



Use these apps to kick your workout up a notch Exercise is supposed to be fun, right? But let’s be straight: Workouts can be a pain in the backside. Looking to add some excitement to your workouts? Try a fitness app to take them to another level. Here are five great workout apps: DietBet Imagine making money while working out: This app allows you to compete with a social network for a claim to a real pot of money. Users submit cash as a type of fitness wager, and the winnings go to the person or people who either reach a specified fitness goal, or has the most concerning gambling addiction. (iTunes and Google play, free) Zombies, Run! This app users in a storyline that includes zombie missions and a community of other runners intent on escaping the undead. The only way to outwit the zombies is to run faster and farther as you train. (iTunes and Google play, $1.99)

Swollen Legs

Biobeats Pulse This app measures your heart rate and selects music that matches the beat of your own drum. It then coaches you to slow down or speed up if your pace is too fast or slow. (iTunes and Google play, free)

Skin Ulcers

If YOU ExPERIENCE: • A dull ache, burning or heaviness in the legs • Swelling of the feet, ankles, calves or legs • Itching, dry, stretched or scaling skin • Sores, bleeding and/or bruising after a minor injury You may be a candidate for insurance paid treatment. 87% of people with varicose veins do not seek treatment. But, varicose veins are not just unattractive and painful. Varicose veins also can be dangerous! These superficial veins are where you develop phlebitis (superficial clot and inflammation). Phlebitis increases the chance of associated deep vein thrombosis, and this increases the risk of pulmonary emboli — life-threatening blood clots IN-OFFICE PROCEDURES • MINIMAL DOWNTIME • LATEST LASER TECHNOLOGY VARICOSE VEIN TREATMENT IS COVERED BY MEDICARE/MEDICAID AND MOST PRIVATE PLANS


Missile Wars Sprint workouts are usually a bummer, unless you're running for your life. With this app, runners join a community of gamers who launch missiles back and forth at each other. You can only escape the explosion by getting off your rear and sprinting to safety within 60 seconds. (iTunes, free) Teemo If you are a little freaked by the idea of a zombie adventure, Teemo is the app for you. It incorporates playful virtual adventures, like a jewelry heist or a Mount Everest summit, to encourage users in short workout routines that are appropriate for any time of the day. (iTunes, free)

Skin Damage



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Dr. Arlen G. fleisher has successfully treated thousands of patients. Call now for a free Diagnostic Screening.


January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Forme Urgent Care and Wellness Center Presents: “Free Fridays” – The Perfect Complement to Your New Year’s Resolutions As part of Forme Urgent Care and Wellness Center’s commitment to help keep everyone in the local community healthy, we are very proud to present our new “Free Fridays” program. Each week, we will offer a different complimentary service. Our schedule of events for the month of January can be found below. Please keep a close eye on our website: www.formeurgentcare.com for any changes. All services take place at Forme Urgent Care and Wellness Center’s White Plains location (7-11 South Broadway) and are available all day long from 7 am to 10 pm, unless otherwise noted. January 2nd & January 9th – Wellness Physical & Consultation with our Registered Dietician To help you meet your New Year’s resolution, this complimentary 30-minute session includes a comprehensive mind and body screening in which we will discuss the services that best fit your individual or family’s needs. Our professionals will help you determine a customized approach to reach your specific goals. The screening will include an evaluation of your weight, height, body mass index, body fat percentage, blood pressure, heart rate and pulse oximetry. January 16 - B12 shots Feeling tired, weak and a little blue? Stop by Forme Urgent and Wellness Center on January 16th for your free B-12 shot! B-12 is a vital nutrient commonly found in meat, seafood and dairy products. Benefits of B-12 include an increase in metabolism and energy as well a mood booster. In addition to increasing your mood and energy, B-12 helps keep the nerves and cells in your body healthy and strong. As we get older, our ability to absorb B-12 for our bodies decreases and if we aren't eating a balanced diet of meat, seafood and dairy, our B-12 levels can be relatively low. A B-12 shot is just what the doctor ordered to help keep your energy and cell levels up and healthy! January 23 - Free Blood Pressure & Glucose Testing How often do you and your family have your blood pressure checked professionally? Once a year at your annual checkup is usually the answer. However, one-third of the population has high blood pressure, but millions don’t know it! Smoking, weight gain, stress, genetics, changes in diet and alcohol consumption are all factors contributing to high blood pressure. A healthy level can lower risk of stroke, heart disease and kidney disease. Also, eighty million Americans are living with diabetes and don’t know it! As sugar builds up in your body, it scrapes away at the walls of your arteries, leaving them severely weakened. Stop by Forme Urgent Care and Wellness Center on January 23rd to receive an accurate diagnosis of your blood pressure and glucose level. Our highly trained professionals will educate you on what is normal for your body type and how to control your blood pressure and glucose levels. January 30 – Sex Education Parents can visit Forme to pick up a booklet detailing how to teach their child about sex education. Forme has put together a pamphlet of information on how to navigate through the SexEdLibrary. The pamphlet will provide an overview on ways to approach this conversation and all the different subjects that are available for a comprehensive understanding. The SexEdLibrary provides access to lesson plans covering virtually every topic related to sexuality, and also provides background information on topics vital to all sexuality educators. This valuable resource is a project of SIECUS (the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States), an advocate for the right of all people to have accurate information, comprehensive education about sexuality, and sexual health services.

About Formé Urgent Care and Wellness Center Located in White Plains, New York, Formé Urgent Care and Wellness Center has an experienced and compassionate group of medical professionals who are dedicated to providing their patients with high-quality and professional care to meet their immediate needs. No appointment is necessary for urgent care visits and the Center is conveniently open from 7 am to 10 pm 365 days of the year. The entire Formé team is committed to keeping their patient’s healthy and away from hospital emergency rooms, by providing a broad spectrum of urgent care services, primary care, specialty medicine, rehabilitation and diagnostic health care services all under one roof. Formé also offers fullservice wellness programs with a registered dietician and a licensed certified social worker for people of all ages. The Center’s specialty services include: Urology, Podiatry, Endocrinology and Pain Management. TransForme MD, the center for aesthetic and rejuvenative medicine, will be opening in fall 2014 (adding an additional 3,000 sq feet), including Cosmetic (currently available at Forme), Dermatology, Vascular and Anti-Aging (longevity) services. Formé accepts most insurance plans. For more about Forme, please visit: www.formeurgentcare.com.

Committed Comm mitted to a Healthy hy Community Commu Comm munity


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January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Westchester Financial Center 50 Main Street, Suite #1275 White Plains, NY 10606 Email: Info@ejrosenlaw.com

Tel: (914) 816-2900 www.ejrosenlaw.com

The Importance of Elder Law: You must protect your assets, family and future now! For nearly 30 years, practicing law has been Ely Rosenzveig’s passion. His inspiration? That comes from, among other things, his life experiences, the people he has met, and the clients he works with every day. The widow who didn’t have a will and was concerned about her financial future. The family that was reeling from health issues impacting their elderly loved ones without any planning in place to address their needs, leaving them with the prospect of exorbitantly expensive care needs. Ely Rosenzveig was a rabbi in Westchester County. The plight of some in his congregation moved him to practice elder law and trust and estate planning. He would become a senior partner at one of the foremost elder law firms in the country, but left to join hands with his son, Ariel. “I really jumped at the opportunity to work in this area of law,” Ely Rosenzveig said. “I think it’s special kind of work. To help people and work with your son is incredibly rewarding. Ariel is a great asset – a wonderful and gifted young attorney.” The law firm of Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. in White Plains practices in all areas of elder law, including trust and

estate planning, administration, and litigation, tax counsel, asset protection and special needs planning, Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security disability benefits, guardianships, long term care planning, spousal recovery claims, and Medicaid lien resolutions. Father and son pride themselves on an unyielding commitment to the zealous advocacy of their clients’ interests. Estate planning is one of the most important steps any person can take to make sure that their final property and health care wishes are honored, and that loved ones are provided for in their absence. A comprehensive estate plan can resolve a number of legal questions that arise whenever anyone dies. Appropriate estate and Medicaid planning can help preserve assets, reduce taxes, and help individuals qualify for Medicaid. “People don’t want to talk about illness and death,” Ariel Rosenzveig said. “It’s a tough subject. People are reluctant, but the type of measures that we implement for our clients can save them and their loved ones a lot of money. Proper planning will help provide financial and emotional security for all involved.”

The firm is very experienced in making sure that those eligible for Medicaid and Medicare get the benefits they deserve. Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. has been very successful in negotiating the complex bureaucratic minefield in which Medicaid is now mired, a dynamic only exacerbated with the passage of the Deficit reduction Act of 2006, and the new rules regarding the look-back requirements, and penalty period calculations for non-Medicaid exempt asset transfers. The firm has achieved remarkable results for clients on a host of Medicaid related issues, from getting Medicaid approvals for coverage of home care and institutional care benefits, to very accommodative resolutions of Medicaid spousal recovery claims, where the office of Medicaid aggressively pursues the non-institutionalized (i.e., or “community”) spouse for Medicaid benefits provided. No matter what the case, Ely J. Rosenzveig & Associates, P.C. prides itself on working with each client individually, catering to each one’s diverse needs. Estate planning should begin at a young age with a will, health care proxy, living

will and durable power of attorney. As you grow older and accumulate assets, it is especially important that you speak with an experience elder law attorney issues pertaining to issues concerning Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and further estate planning. Elder law is about more than just saving money. When viewed properly, elder law is about two major things: First, ensuring that your personal wishes — financial, medical, and legal — are carried out; and second, understanding that elder law is a family matter affecting an intricate web of individual relationships. Knowing that your potential long-term care needs have already been addressed frees you and your family from needless worry. And Ely and Ariel Rosenzveig are there to help their cherished clients every step of the way. “We want every client to feel like they are our only client,” Ely Rosenzveig said. “We are totally committed to ensuring that we be fully responsive to our clients’ every need. For us, this is tremendously rewarding. It is the very reason why we have become elder law attorneys.”

Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

1. Lose weight—Nutrino: Enter your current and target weights and food preferences and this app builds a personalized menu to bring you closer to your goal. (Free iOS; Android coming soon)

6. Manage stress better—Take a Break!: Relax with 7- or 13-minute guided meditation audio tracks that let you choose between a voice, music, and nature sounds. (Free; iOS, Android)

2. Improve your finances—Budget Boss: Create a budget effortlessly—then watch your predicted savings grow with easy-to-read graphs. ($0.99, iOS)

8. Improve a relationship—Back in Touch: Import your phone contacts and create settings on how frequently (montly, weekly, etc.) you’d like to touch base with each of them. Then, the app reminds you to give ‘em a call at the interval you chose. ($1.99; iOS)

3. Exercise—Human: Commit to moving at least 30 minutes every day with this simple app, which uses location tracking to measure your activity. (Free; iOS) 4. Get a new job—Job Search: Find open positions near you and submit applications from phone. (Free; iOS, Android)

Top 10 resolutions with, get this, apps to help you attain them

ACADEMIC COUNSELING: Wednesdays 5:30-7:30 pm

NON-CREDIT HEALTHCARE COUNSELING: Third Thursdays 1:00-3:30 pm

914-606-7400 sunywcc.edu/ossining Arcadian Shopping Center, Route 9, Ossining, NY

PaGE 13

5. Eat healthier—Fooducate: Scan grocery barcodes and get a nutrition grade from A to D with this award-winning app. (Free; iOS, Android). 7. Stop smoking—Quit Smoking: This app will design a unique, gradual schedule to wean you off cigarettes. (Free; Android)

9. Stop procrastinating—Finish: Get stuff done with this app that lets you enter tasks and due dates (with flexible short term, mid-term, and long term timelines), then reminds you until the job is done. ($0.99; iOS) 10. Set aside time for yourself— BRB: Need to unplug? Download this app that lets you craft a message that notifies your contacts you’re taking a break from your phone, which is shareable via Facebook, Twitter, or text. (Free; iOS)

WESTCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE OSSINING EXTENSION CENTER START YOUR NEW CAREER IN HEALTHCARE NOW! Become a: Certified Nurse Assistant, Patient Care Technician, Medical Interpreter, Phlebotomist, EKG Technician, Doula, Mental Health Technician. Informational workshop: January 6 or January 8, 5-6 pm.

Extension Center classes start January 24. Valhalla classes start January 20.






January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

You want to lose 50 pounds, you want to quit smoking cold turkey, you want to pay off all of your massive debt. Sound familiar? These are common New Year’s resolutions and good for you for setting goals in an effort to better your life. Our advice is: Go for it! Just slow down. It can be daunting when your list of New Year’s Resolutions is as long as your holiday shopping list. It is important to remember that the New Year isn’t meant to serve as a catalyst for sweeping character changes. It is a time for people to reflect on their past year’s behavior and promise to make positive lifestyle changes. Setting small, attainable goals throughout the year, instead of a singular, overwhelming goal on January 1 can help you reach whatever it is you strive for. By making your resolutions realistic, there is a greater chance that you will keep them throughout the year, incorporating healthy behavior into your everyday life. Here are some tips on making and KEEPING your New Year’s resolution.

Making your

Change one behavior at a time Make resolutions that you think you can keep. If, for example, your aim is to exercise more frequently, schedule three or four days a week at the gym instead of seven. If you would like to eat healthier, try replacing dessert with something else you enjoy, like fruit or yogurt, instead of seeing your diet as a form of punishment.

New Year’s resolution


Talk about it Share your experiences with family and friends. Consider joining a support group to reach your goals, such as a workout class at your gym or a group of coworkers quitting smoking. Having someone to share your struggles and successes with makes your journey to a healthier lifestyle that much easier and less intimidating. Don’t beat yourself up Perfection is unattainable. Remember that minor missteps when reaching your goals are completely normal and OK. Don’t give up completely because you ate a brownie and broke your diet, or skipped the gym for a week because you were busy. Everyone has ups and downs; resolve to recover from your mistakes and get back on track. Ask for support Accepting help from those who care about you and will listen strengthens your resilience and ability to manage stress caused by your resolution. If you feel overwhelmed or unable to meet your goals on your own, consider seeking professional help. Psychologists are uniquely trained to understand the connection between the mind and body.

Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

PaGe 17

Westchester Neurological Consultants, PC Premier Neurological Care 970 N. Broadway, Suite 107 Yonkers, NY 10701

T: (914) 966-0505 F: (914) 966-0515 www.westchesterneuro.com Westchester Neurological Consultants, where we serve the greater New York City community with world-class patient care. Our multidisciplinary experts offer a comprehensive approach with advanced diagnostic and treatment services for all neurologic conditions. We remain dedicated to compassionate and empathetic care while achieving optimal neurologic outcomes. Our team of friendly and passionate professionals is committed to providing expert neurologic care through advanced training and the latest technologies, all in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. We take pride in attentively guiding our patients through their challenging diagnosis and treatment. Emad Soliman, M.D., Ms.C. Chief of Neurlogy, St. Johns Riverside Hospital, St. Joseph Medical Center Manjeet Singh-Dhallu, M.D. Director of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases Rishi Batra, M.D. Director of Neuromuscular Disorders Brijesh Malkani, M.D. Director of Sleep Medicine Calvin Natanzon, M.D. Director of Epilepsy Gina Guarneri, ACNP-BC Pain Management and Neurology Nurse Practioner

TOP 10 FOODS to boost your immune system this winter 1. Broccoli - exceptionally high in antioxidants. 2. Carrots - full of the antioxidant beta carotene. 3. Red capsicum - massive hit of vitamin C. 4. Kiwifruit - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C. 5. Oranges - just one contains your entire daily requirement of vitamin C. 6. Green tea - powerful antioxidant. 7. Mushrooms - rich source of antioxidants. 8. Lean beef - rich in zinc. 9. Oysters - exceptionally high in zinc and iodine. 10. Berries - packed with antioxidants but few kilojoules.

Introducing: Dr. Adnan Qureshi Director of Interventional Pain Management, Spine, Musculoskeletal, and Sports Medicine Dr. Qureshi joins WNC as a Interventional Pain Management, Spine, Musculoskeletal, and Sports Medicine physician. Dr. Qureshi completed medical school at Ross university and did his general surgery internship at Drexel university. PM&R residency was done at SUNY upstate followed by a fellowship in interventional spine and sports medicine at Alabama orthopedic, spine and sports medicine associates. During his fellowship, he worked as an inpatient physiatrist at St.Vincent's hospital East and Trinity Hospital Center in Birmingham. He specializes in minimally invasive, non surgical management of musculoskeletal, orthopedic and spine conditions. Dr. Qureshi has a strong interest in electrodiagnostic, sports, and regenerative medicine. Some of the procedures that Dr. Qureshi can offer you: • Cervical, thoracic, lumbar epidurals (interlaminar and transforaminals) • Caudal epidural • cervical, thoracic, lumbar intra articular facet joint injections and medial branch blocks • sympathetic blocks • peripheral nerve blocks • ultrasound guided musculoskeletal injections (all joints) • electrodiagnostic studies • botox for spasticity and dystonia • Radiofrequency Ablations of facet joints, hip and knee • vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty • Intradiscal steroid injections and Discograms • spinal cord stimulator trials • Platelet Rich Plasma Injections


January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Keep Calm 8 ways to de-stress Stress is often seen as a negative effect on the body, but it is very essential to life. It is the “fight or flight” system that is naturally part of our survival system. Stress is bad when it overwhelmingly impacts our health equilibrium. Everyone deals with stress, in one way or another. It is associated with higher levels of cortisol, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Accumulated unmanaged stress can lead to major physical and psychological illness, including depression, overeating, excessive sleep, and irritability. While it is impossible to avoid stress completely, it is possible to manage your stress.

Here are a few ways: 1. Get a massage. Massage has been shown to be effective in reducing mental and physical stress. In one study in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, massage helped lessen stress and pain in patients who have chronic pain. Another study in the Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing suggested that 15 minute massages helped reduce the psychological stress of their test subjects. Massage lowers the level of cortisol and increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine. 2. Yoga. Yoga is an excellent weight and stress management tool. It helps your balance, flexibility, and strengthens your core. Studies have shown that yoga is promising in reducing anxiety and stress in people who practice yoga. While yoga should not completely replace pharmacological medication to help with anxiety and stress, it is highly recommended to supplement

pharmacological medicine with yoga. Yoga originated in India and has been around for more than 5,000 years. It also helps with bronchitis, chronic pain, and some symptoms of menopause. 3. Enjoy a hot bath. A hot bath can help relieve the tension on your muscles, lessen the pain on your body, and it provides a comfortable environment that surrounds your body. It also promotes blood circulation and calms the nervous system. Water can be infused with minerals and other products such as Dead Sea salt or oil for an aroma and soothing feeling. 4. Stress relief with a pet. Studies have shown that pet therapy helps reduce anxiety and stress for many people. One study showed that it helped students during exam times. Another study showed that patients experienced a 37% deduction in anxiety if they spend time with animals before their medical operations. Having an animal around distracts them from their worries. .

5. Aromatherapy. Certain plant oils have been found to relieve nervous tension or anxiety. The scents of certain plants, such as lavender, can ease our stress and relax us. These scents can create a mood for us and some may even bring us memories or thoughts associated with the smell. Aromatherapy is often used with massages, meditations, and hot baths. It is a wonderful calming experience for those who have tried it. 6. Drink tea. Green tea lowers your blood pressure and is full of antioxidants that is beneficial for your health. In one study, black tea helped lower cortisol and reduced stress after six weeks of drinking tea more so than subjects who were drinking placebo drinks.

7. Get proper sleep. A study in children showed that disruptive sleep shows a higher level of cortisol. By having a restful and high quality sleep and undisruptive naps, one’s cortisol levels will decrease. Another study tested on healthy young men has shown that taking proper naps throughout the day will lower one’s cortisol levels. 8. Listen to music. Certain music gets people in certain moods or thoughts. A study has shown that patients in post surgery who listened to music had lower stress levels than those who did not listen to music. Another study also shows that people from different cultural backgrounds prefered different types of music for pain and stress relief.

A Solution to a Growing Problem For Seniors When seniors and business owners own a life or Key-Man Insurance, they’re essentially sitting on untapped funds. Through a life settlement, Advanced Loan or 1035 Exchange transaction they have the ability to harness the power of their life insurance. These options are not known to many, in tapping into funds to pay for:

Advanced Benefit Loan versus Mortgage Loan: As people look to finally settle down and enjoy the fruits of their labor, it is estimated that 75 million people will look to retire over the next twenty plus years. This calculates to an average of 10,000 people a day as they reach the age of 65. These numbers have many businesses reaching out to this particular demographic in the fields on medicine, travel, finance, and home development.

• In-home and Long Term Care • Grandchildren College Education • Family trust establishment • Paying off mortgage and business loans • Recapitalization of a businees • And Other Essential Services

Home developers have started to market their new home developments in an effort to reach out to this growing community. These new developments look to cater to residents, who are 62+ years, in small towns in the tri state are. These new developments have all the amenities of a self-contained community, such as restaurants, marinas, yacht clubs, shopping and access to mass transit to travel in and out of New York City. With the construction of all these new communities and all of its luxuries, these developments come with a high price tag. For some retirees, the price is too exuberant and taking out a mortgage is not desirable. Most retirees just want to enjoy their new home and not work on paying a 30 year mortgage. This is where an Advanced Benefit Loan can help. Taking an advanced benefit loan against their life insurance, they will not have to take a mortgage to pay for their new home. The loan is collateralized against their life insurance. When the life insurance contract matures, the loan is paid by the life insurance proceeds; anything left will be inherited by their heirs. Why do this?? 1. No payment of income tax, this is a loan against your life insurance. 2. No home mortgage loan, you will own your home out right. 3. No credit checks or credit approval by banks. This loan program is designed to assist seniors in accessing cash from their existing life insurance policy with no income requirements, no future premium obligations, and no out-of-pocket expenses. In order to qualify, a senior must have in-force a life insurance policy. A senior will never be rejected due to lack of income, poor credit history, or previous bankruptcy. If you would like to apply or have questions, call us today, we can speak with you to access your financial need, review your life insurance policy and determine your eligibility. If you are eligible, you will be asked to complete a loan application and provide requested documentation. Once we complete our review of your policy, we will notify you of approval and the amount of the loan.

B & M Capital, Inc. 503 Fairfield Woods Road, Fairfield CT 06825 Phone (203) 296-4852 email: info@bnmcapital.com Website: bnmcapital.com / bmlifesettlements.com

Let me educate you on the benefits of selling your life insurance, taking an Advanced Loan or doing a 1035 Exchange

Seniors need to be informed:

1 3

There are millions of seniors who are in great need of financial resources during retirement, especially given the unknown high cost of long-term care. According to the National Underwriter Company, a $1 million policy with only $103,000 surrender value Can be worth as much as $638,000.

2 4

We also know that more than 90% of seniors are unaware that their life insurance policy may have value beyond their cash surrender value.

Isn’t it time to explore another financial option? You need to be informed:

85% of universal life policies and 90% of Term policies never pay out a death benefit.

Free consultation! Please contact us for more information:

203-296-4852 Isn’t it time to explore another financial option?

Visit us online at www.bnmcapital.com And LinkedIn


January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Why some Long-Term Care insurance is better than none at all By Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC

Many people view Long-Term Care insurance (LTCi) as an all or nothing proposition. That is to say, they either want to buy the “Cadillac” plan or nothing at all. They may feel this way because they want to be “100% completely” protected in the event of a catastrophic claim or rationalize not be protected at all. When in truth, almost all policies will be able to cover most of the expenses but there is almost always some small degree of self-insurance. Whether it is paying for care during the elimination period or additionally needing to fund an expensive necessary daily benefit. Everyone agrees that some LTCi coverage is better than none, because for most families, funding long-term care expenses dollar for dollar is the equivalent of financial suicide. Take this scenario for example. You need to buy a new car. You go to your favorite dealer to look at some alternatives. There are two cars available to take home that day. One has all the latest gadgets, bells and whistles that you like, but can’t afford. The other one is a very reliable but more basic model that fits into your budget easily. Do you purchase the basic car and drive it off the lot that day, or do you leave the dealership empty-handed, thinking that someday you’ll be able to afford the Cadillac? Given that your current car may leave you stranded at any moment, the basic model is the obvious choice. The same decision-making process can be used when purchasing LTCi. So many of us are accustomed to LTCi policies with all the bells and whistles that we forget to tailor them to fit the needs of each individual. Don’t go without the necessary protection just because you can’t afford a “Cadillac” product design. As long as you have a basic LTCi policy you and their loved ones will be better protected. Here are some easy, but effective ways to create economical policy designs to fit your families’ needs while still providing sound protection: 1. Reduce the Daily Benefit If you have available excess income that can be counted on over the years, then use this excess to subsidize the LTCi policy. Reduce the daily benefit and make up for the balance with the available income. 2. Increase the Elimination Period If you have enough savings to pay for a time period of care, then increase the elimination period to accommodate that period. 90 days is often the elimination period selected, but why not extend that to six months or even a year? 3. Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation Protection instead of Compound Inflation You can save 20-40% in premium by purchasing CPI Inflation Protection instead of compound inflation protection. With CPI, unlimited annual benefit increases are added based on the CPI for housing and labor costs. 4. Reduce the Benefit Period Claims statistics show that 2 ½ years is the average claim length. In fact, the American Association for Long Term Care insurance surveyed insurers and found that 92% of buyers with three-year benefit periods who eventually file a claim do not exhaust their benefits. So design a policy with a shorter benefit period and you will still have meaningful protection. 5. Shared Care Rider If you are married and are worried about long term illnesses like dementia, then one way to get greater coverage without purchasing a longer benefit period is to purchase shared care. That way, spouses who use up all of their benefits can tap into their spouse’s unused benefit. For more information about Long-Term Care Insurance Planning please call Andrew J. Cavaliere, CLTC, CSA at 914-682-2190 or toll free 877-676-9900. Andrew is Certified in Long-Term Care (CLTC) from the Corporation for Long-Term Care Certification, Inc. Andrew is a member in good standing of the Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT), which is the premier Association of financial professionals nationally. Andrew’s offices are located at 50 Main Street, White Plains, NY 10606 and at 500 West Putnam, Greenwich CT 06831.

A s k A n E x p e r t

Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

• Sub-Acute Rehabilitation • Skilled Nursing Facility • Adult Day Services • Home Health Care • Independent Living • Affordable Housing for Seniors • Assisted Living • Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care • Respite/Short-Term Stay • Hospice Care • Caregiver Support • Spiritual Care

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914-699-0800 One Wartburg Place Mount Vernon, NY 10552


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January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory Adult Day Health Center JewishHome Lifecare / Sarah neuman Center 845 Palmer Avenue, Mamaroneck, NY 10543 phone: (914) 864-5800 www.jewishhome.org

Audiology Premiere audiology Karen Manley Au. D. CCC-A Doctor of Audiology At Premiere Audiology we strive to offer you a wide variety of choices for your hearing solutions. We work with many hearing instrument manufacturers so you can find the right hearing instrument for you at a price you are comfortable with.

House Calls available! 2065 Boston Post Rd. Larchmont, NY 10538

(914) 834-0130 www.Premiereaudiology.com Insurance Accepted —Financing Available

Chiropractors westchester Spinal Decompression Center Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, mS 222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 White Plains, NY 10604

914-421-1502 www.westchesterpainrelief.com

Contract/Practice Management Services mED★EXCEL USa Providing Emergency Medicine Excellence for over 20 years EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE COntraCt managEmEnt Physician Owned and Managed Award winning Customer Relations Program Continuous Quality Improvement Risk Management Innovations Cost Containment Measurable Outcomes EmErgEnCY mEDiCinE SErViCES COnSULtatiOn SErViCES Customer Satisfaction TeamBuilding/Staff Development Conflict Mediation ED Systems Analysis PraCtiCE managEmEnt SErViCES Hospital and Physician Billing/Coding/Auditing/Consultation nEw YOrK BaSED OFFiCE mED★EXCEL USa Please contact Marie Buchanan at 800.563.6384 Ext. 249 mbuchanan@medexcelusa.com all inquiries are confidential


Elder Law Estate Planning

Prepare for a Career in Healthcare Sector Management at Long Island University.

Lamson & Cutner, P.C. 9 East 40th Street, New York, NY 10016 Tel: 877-493-3535 • Tel: 914-449-1300 Email: health@lamson-cutner.com www.lamson-cutner.com

Earn an advanced certificate or an M.B.A. degree in the growing field of healthcare management at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester. Demand for healthcare managers with business skills has never been greater. Responding to this need, Long Island University has launched a new Healthcare Sector Management program, offering two graduate study options in the field of healthcare administration. After completing your advanced certificate or your M.B.A. at the University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, you will be prepared to advance in middle and upper management positions in the healthcare industry. Option A: The Advanced Certificate in Healthcare Sector Management Enhance your credentials by enrolling in the advanced certificate program. Certificate candidates will complete four healthcare sector management courses for a total of 12 graduate credits on a part-time basis in just two semesters. Option B:The M.B.A. Degree with a Healthcare Sector Management Concentration Students in the M.B.A. program follow the standard 48credit curriculum, normally completed by part-time students over a 24-month period, with a focus on leadership in healthcare organizations. The Healthcare Sector Management Program will be offered at Long Island University’s Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester, located on the grounds of Purchase College, 735 Anderson Hill Rd., Purchase, N.Y. Courses are offered on weekday evenings and on Saturdays. “The healthcare management field is one of the few sectors of our economy we know will continue to grow significantly over the next five years,” according to Dr. Lynn Gunnar Johnson, director of the M.B.A. Healthcare Sector Management program. For more information, please contact the Admissions Department at 914-831-2700 or Westchester@liu.edu. Long Island University Hudson Graduate Center at Westchester 735 Anderson Hill Rd. Purchase, NY 10577

Elder Law Estate Planning EttingEr Law Firm 150 Grand Street, White Plains, New York 10601 (914) 684-6100 Trustlaw.com 9 NY locations. Call 800-500-2525 ext. 117 or email pbrown@trustlaw.com to schedule a free consultation. Combining Elder Law and Estate Planning, we address our clients’ needs for comprehensive estate planning to avoid probate, save estate taxes and keep assets “in the blood”. At the same time, we take steps to ensure that our clients’ assets are protected from the costs of long-term care as they age by using Medicaid Asset Protection Trusts. Our trademarked free maintenance program includes a review every three years to insure your plan will work when you need it.

ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS WHO CARE AND GET RESULTS Frequently, individuals who need long-term care, and their families, must confront the fact that the ruinous costs of home care, or nursing home care, will soon deplete their life’s savings, often leaving them, their spouses, and other family members in dire circumstances. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Lamson & Cutner, one of New York’s preeminent Elder Law firms, can show you how proper and ethical tools and strategies will allow you to obtain the care that you need from Medicaid, while preserving your money, investments, and property. Make an informed decision about your future. Call now for an in-depth consultation, where you will receive sophisticated and thorough advice, and straightforward answers to all your questions.

Life & Health Insurance

Residential & Health Care Services • 24- Hour On-Site Nursing Services • Attending Physicians/ Medical Director • IV Therapy/ Wound care • Dental/ Podiatry • Mental Health/ Social Services • Registered Dietitian & Specialized Diets • Full Service Dining-Room • Housekeeping & Laundry Services • In-House Beauty Parlor • Therapeutic Recreation • Exercise Program/ Nursing Rehabilitation • Palliative & Comfort Care • Specialized Residence For Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Rehabilitation Services • Physical/ Occupational & Speech Therapy • Short Term Stay Available • Surgical Recovery • Cardiac Recovery • Pulmonary Care • Orthopedic Recovery & Care • Neurological Recovery & Care • Medically Complex Care • Disease Management Education

Physical Therapy A Healthier You Physical Therapy, LLP


Keystone Financial advisors 50 Main Street, Suite 1000, White Plains, NY 10606 Tel: 914-682-2190 • Fax: 914-931-8400 Toll: 877-676-9900 www.Keystonefa.com • acavaliere@Keystonefa.com ANDREW J. CAVALIERE, CLTC Life Insurance Health Insurance Long-Term Care Insurance Long-Term Disability Insurance Guaranteed Fixed Annuities Medicare Supplements

Hospitals Burke rehabilitation Hospital 785 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY 10605 914-597-2268

Nursing & Rehabilitation

VICTORIA HOME Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Person- Centered Care on a Riverview Estate Since 1916. Victoria Home is a New York State Licensed Nursing Facility. Please contact us for more information or to schedule a tour. 25 North Malcolm Street Ossining, New York 10562 (914) 941-2450 Fax: (914) 941-2962 www.victoriahome.org

Move Better • Feel Better • Live Better Personalized In-Home Physical Therapy and Wellness Services for All Abilities! A Healthier You Physical Therapy(AHYPT) provides personalized in-home physical therapy and wellness services in lower Westchester and Fairfield Counties. Owners Dr. Delali Goka, PT, DPT and Dr. Stacey Rittenberg, PT, DPT, NCS bring over twenty-five years experience in rehabilitation, fitness, and wellness to your doorstep. Their passion and expertise are evident in their approach to patient care. Choose AHYPT to: • Gain peace of mind at home • Recover faster from surgery or injury • Take back control of your health • Manage a chronic condition or pain effectively • Achieve you personal best In-Home Physical Therapy Services • Evaluation/Treatment of Orthopedic, Cardiopulmonary and Neurological Conditions • Balance Training • Fall Prevention • Customized Home Exercise Programs • Caregiver Training Programs • Home Safety Evaluations • Aquatic Therapy • Endurance Training • Vestibular Rehabilitation Wellness Services • Wellness Assessments • Personalized Wellness Programs • Wellness Seminars • Wellness Parties Phone: (914) 458-2249 E-mail: info@AHealthierYouPT.com Web: www.AHealthierYouPT.com

all Listings are also available online at http://www.healthcarenewspaper.com. Click on resource Directory on the top right side. to include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email Jim@healthcarenewspaper.com

Boost immune your

system this winter

Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

Page 23

If you are battling a case of the sniffles, it might be because your diet is leaving you vulnerable for nasty colds. There might not be strong evidence that links one particular food to cough and cold prevention, but a number of foods are crucial for optimal immune system functioning. Think vitamin C, right? Wrong. Intake of vitamin C is important for immune functioning, but so is zinc. Few people have a low intake of vitamin C, but many more have a low intake of zinc, particularly women and children. Zinc is found predominantly in lean red meat and seafood, and in smaller amounts in wholegrain bread, nuts and fortified breakfast cereals. Zinc is involved in the development and functioning of the body's infection-fighting white blood cells. Adults need eight to 12 milligrams of zinc a day, half of which is found in a palm-sized piece of lean red meat, and almost all in a single oyster. Once your zinc is taken care of, then you can concentrate on your fresh fruit and vegetables, which are rich sources of a number of powerful antioxidants, including vitamin C, that help to protect the body's cells against damage and infection. Keep in mind that the brighter the vegetables and fruits are, the better they are likely to be for you. Beetroot, sweet potato, broccoli, oranges, red capsicum and pumpkin are all chock-full of nutrition and can either be juiced, thrown into stir-fries, or baked and served with warming casseroles and soups. And don't forget to keep your fluid intake up. Dehydration can not only make cough and flu symptoms much worse, but it is not good for your digestion in general. If you find that you are drinking much less water in winter, switch to green tea, which is packed with antioxidants and has also been shown to increase metabolic rate if three or more cups are consumed every day. Warm water served with a slice of lemon is also a great fluid choice.

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January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

Resource Directory Psychology

Urgent Care Center Opens in the Bronx Doctors Express Bronx Opens In the New Throgs Neck Shopping Center

Senior Living

White Plains Psychology, PLLC Esperanza H. Steinberg, Ph.D. At White Plains Psychology, Dr. Steinberg treats both adult and geriatric patients to help them deal with life's dejections and disappointments, making them bearable and manageable - and ultimately seeking to restore hope, replenish optimism and regain the courage to press on... and to prevail. Reclaim your happiness and your peace of mind. Schedule a consultation today. 56 Doyer Avenue, Suite 1C White Plains, NY 10605 914-623-8822 www.WhitePlainsPsychology.com

Services DML LICE SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER (914) 424-1367 60 Blanchard Avenue Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Dale Longworth, the Original Lice Expert of Dobbs Ferry/Westchester has removed lice and eggs from thousands of children and their families using all natural and non-toxic products. She has been in business as a professional lice technician since 1997 and is highly recommended by doctors and nurses throughout Westchester County. Her services provide a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for you and your children during treatment and you will be guaranteed to leave satisfied and lice free!

Senior Living

FREE Service Helping Families Find Senior Residences Golden Years Living Solutions is a FREE senior living advisory service. We help families navigate the overwhelming process of finding and selecting a new senior residence for a loved one. We work directly and personally with each of our clients to guide and assist them through the entire process in choosing the right residence. We provide information regarding various senior living options (including care, services, amenities, activities and costs) and we help evaluate the most suitable arrangement for you or your loved one. These residences include: 55+ Communities, Independent Living, Assisted Living, Residential Care, Continuing Care Retirement Communities, Skilled Nursing, Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care. For more information or to schedule a free consultation, please call (914) 437-8675 or email info@goldenyearsls.com. Golden Years Living Solutions, Inc. 333 Mamaroneck Avenue #211 White Plains, New York 10605 Phone: 914-437-8675 Fax#: 888-900-9850 Email: info@goldenyearsls.com Website: www.goldenyearslivingsolutions.com

Getting better…. just got better. We are proud to announce that our stunning new nursing center has opened and has private and semi-private rooms with magnificent views of Long Island Sound. United Hebrew is a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, multi-service senior living campus serving the Westchester metropolitan area since 1919. Our dedicated short-term rehabilitation suite is staffed by Burke Rehabilitation professionals. The exemplary clinical team of professionals will design a personalized treatment plan for care in our nurturing environment. Features include country kitchens, recreation rooms on each floor, a courtyard garden for recreational use, private dining and family rooms and wireless internet access. United Hebrew Family of Services: • Nursing Home Care • Burke Rehabilitation at United Hebrew • Willow Towers Assisted Living Residence • Soundview Apartments for Independent Seniors • Long Term Home Health Care Program • Azor Home Health Agency For more information or to schedule a tour please call Admissions at 914-632-2804 x1148 or email Karen Nodiff at knodiff@uhgc.org. United Hebrew 391 Pelham Road, New Rochelle, NY 10805 914.632.2804 www.uhgc.org

Weight Loss

WELLU MEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS Terry Ellman, M.D., M.P.H. 34 South Broadway, Suite 210 White Plains, NY 10601 (located next to The Westchester shopping mall) 914-920-7217 www.PhysicianDirectedWeightLoss.com WellU Medical Weight Loss offers the ultimate in bariatric care using a comprehensive and individualized approach crafted for you. Dr. Ellman specializes in preventive and bariatric medicine (non-surgical weight loss/management) and uses the most advanced innovative interventions consistent with the latest and best available scientific evidence and guidelines. Our medically-supervised weight loss programs will guide you through your journey to achieve and maintain a healthier weight and lifestyle. You will enjoy one-on-one physician support every step of the way. Call us today for an appointment at 914-920-7217 or schedule online at www.wellumd.com.

Women’s Health FULL CIRCLE WOMEN’S HEALTH Holistic, Integrative Health Care for Women of all Ages 1241 Mamaroneck Avenue White Plains, NY 10605 914-421-1500 www.fullcirclewomenshealth.com

All Listings are also available online at http://www.healthcarenewspaper.com. Click on Resource Directory on the top right side. To include your business in our next edition call Jim at 845-534-7500 ext. 219 or email Jim@healthcarenewspaper.com

photo by Anthony Mairo

The second Doctors Express urgent care walk-in clinic in New York opened along with Target, Applebee’s and other other retail giants at the new Throgs Neck Shopping Center at 843 Hutchinson River Parkway in the Bronx, a stone’s throw from the Whitestone Bridge. The Bronx urgent care center will be open 7 days a week, and will offer extended hours to best serve the shopping center’s patrons and surrounding community: weekdays from 8am to 10pm and weekends from 8am-8pm. With a staff of board certified Physicians, Physician Assistants and APRN’s, x-ray technologists, and medical assistants, the urgent care center will employ between 15-20 full and part-time local employees. “The Bronx made sense to us as our next urgent care center for many reasons, not the least of which is because I am from this area, grew up here and I raised my family here. The Bronx is my hometown- as a matter of fact, I remember the fires of 1977 that nearly destroyed it, so it is a dream come true to now, 37 years later , be able to bring these vital services to my hometown.” said Dr. Michael Tugetman, medical director and co-owner of the center. Tugetman stressed that “this section of the Bronx is lacking an urgent care center that caters exclusively to walk in traffic. At Doctors Express we are purely Urgent Care. We do not take appointments, and every patient walking through our doors is given high priority. Our objective is to offer, fast, efficient and affordable care and to have patients treated and out the door in less than one hour. Also we have a Spanish speaking staff member on duty at all times.”

“The intent of the facility is not to compete with area hospitals or primary care physicians, but to complement their services and make convenient care easily accessible to the Throgs Neck section of the Bronx and all the surrounding communities.” Additionally, the center makes a great effort to reach out to the community with health related preventative and educational videos called the Doctors Express Medical Minute, as well as through social media, specifically their Facebook page, Twitter and Google +. Dan Purugganan, managing partner added: “Not only will Doctors Express Bronx help reduce the burden of overworked emergency departments, but it will cut down the wait time for patients with non-life threatening emergencies. In addition, being within a high trafficshopping plaza with easy, free and convenient parking makes immediate medical care more accessible than ever. ” Just like its sister facility in Hartsdale NY, the state of the art walk-in clinic has its own on-site laboratory and digital x-ray equipment, enabling doctors to diagnose and treat illnesses, and apply splints, all under one roof. Additional services include all typical urgent care services, such as treating flu, upper respiratory infections, urinary tract infections and concussions, plus pre-employment exams, drug testing, breath alcohol tests, sports and school physicals, DOT physicals, presurgical physicals and vaccinations, including travel vaccinations. Doctors Express Bronx accepts most insurance’s including Medicaid and Medicare, as well as many of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) insurance plans, cash and credit card rates for self-pay patients.

Healthcare News - Westchester January, 2015

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Caregiver Conference took place November 6 in Dobbs Ferry Event included free consultations with attorneys and geriatric social workers “The Journey of Caregiving” – a conference that addressed the emotional and physical challenges that caregivers face in caring for loved ones of all ages – took place November 6 at Dobbs Ferry High School in Dobbs Ferry. “Caregivers face enormous responsibilities,” said Westchester County Executive Robert P. Astorino. “It is demanding work, but certainly rewarding. I want all caregivers to know that they are not alone in this journey, and that the county has various programs and events such as this conference to help support them along the way.” The guest speaker was the Rev. Viviana DeCohen, a hands-on expert in caregiving with a spiritual bent who has worked in various areas of health, home care and senior services for more than 20 years. Participants also had access to free, one-onone consultations with elder law attorneys, geriatric social workers and geriatric care managers. In addition, participants learned about a new technology application to help them manage stress. Westchester’s new Telehealth Intervention Programs for Seniors (TIPS) was also featured. Through TIPS, seniors had their vital signs monitored – including blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen level and weight – and were also checked to make sure they are receiving all of the social services for which they may be eligible. Separately throughout the year, Westchester County offers two caregiver programs as part of its award-winning Livable Communities initiative. One is the “Caregiver Coaching” program, where volunteers are trained to provide one-on-one support to assist caregivers in making more informed decisions. The other is “Care Circles of Westchester: Step Forward and Give Back” where a group of volunteers all pitch in to assist an individual with the basic needs of daily living that cannot be met with public funds. These needs could include walking the dog or simply providing companionship. Both programs were discussed at the conference. For more information, visit www.westchestergov.com/seniors. Conference sponsors were the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, the Westchester Public/Private Partnership for Aging Services, the Livable Communities Caregiver Collaborative and the Dobbs Ferry Public Library. Phelps Memorial Hospital Center was a co-sponsor.

photos by Anthony Mairo

Career Opportunities Dominican Sisters Family Health Service, Inc., one of New York’s premier home care agencies, is committed to providing exceptional care for our patients in the comfort of their home. We create an atmosphere of learning and development for our healthcare professionals. Due to our exciting growth plan, we are expanding our services into Putnam, Rockland, Orange, NYC (all 5 boroughs) and Nassau counties. There are excellent career opportunities for RNs/Pediatrics & Adults, Nurse Liaisons, PTs, OTs, SLPs and Social Workers. We offer a professional work environment and a competitive salary and benefits package. Please send resume and cover letter to: careers@dsfhs.org or fax to 914-941-4787 Also visit us at www.dsfhs.org. DSFHS is an Equal Opportunity Employer and we welcome diversity.


January, 2015

Healthcare News - Westchester

What do doctors do to treat their own pain? As a board-certified internist who has been in practice for over 13 years, I spend much of my time attempting to alleviate the pain and suffering of my patients. As a clinician, one of the biggest challenges I face is helping my patients deal with musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes—those all-too-common, yet frequently debilitating ailments caused by bad backs, pinched nerves, arthritis, and the like. Unfortunately, much of what I have to offer my patients boils down to the following: take a pain pill, stretch if you can, wait, and hope for the best. After a failed trial of “conservative” therapy a call might go out to the orthopedic surgeon for assistance; a truly satisfactory result is not common. The simple fact is that physicians are not well trained to deal with musculoskeletal pain, and patients can suffer as a result. Thankfully, my views on this topic have been turned completely upside down since I havepersonally discovered Dr. Jonathan Donath’s outstanding practice. After beginning a vigorous exercise regimen I started to experience awful neck and upper back pain, accompanied by numbness and tingling down my left arm and fingers. For weeks I tried to nurse the pain with non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, but the pain persisted and got to the point that I was almost unable to work, sleep, or most importantly, play guitar. I wasliterally in tears from the excruciating pain. A neurosurgeon diagnosed a herniated disc and pinched nerve in my neck and offered to decompress it with an operation. In desperation I called Dr. Donath instead. My visit to Dr. Donath’s office was an outstanding experience. He spent about an hour with me and combined multiple modalities to fix the herniated disc in my neck: deep massage, active release techniques, traditional manipulation, cold therapy, and finally spinal decompression. After that first hour with Dr. Donath my pain had decreased from a 10/10 down to a manageable 4/10, and I was able to comfortably move my head and neck. That very night I was able to play guitar again. Two days later I went back for another series of treatments and the pain decreased even further. After about five days the pain was absolutely gone. Unbelievable! Since then he has used the same wonderful techniques to help me overcome painful bouts of sciatica as well. My own patients and family members have become “believers” in Dr. Donath’s abilities as well--- the results he achieves are real and lasting. He is my go to guy for the majority of musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain syndromes that I now realize are truly treatable. Dr. Robert Sidlow MD, Associate Professor of Medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine

I am a pediatrician and in my work, I have to bend down a lot and I’m constantly lifting kids. I usually have one to three bad flare ups of low back pain every year. When my back would "go out", I could barely walk to the bathroom and would have to lie down in bed for a few days. I have tried everything: doing nothing and "toughing it out", muscle relaxants, physical therapy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage, and even painful steroid injections. Nothing worked. When I moved to Westchester, I met Dr. Jonathan Donath. In just a couple of sessions with Dr. Donath, the pain completely disappeared. If it hadn't happened to me, I wouldn't have believed it. During my last flare up, I was expecting to be on my back for 2-3 days and in pain for 2 weeks. Instead, after one session with Dr. Donath, I was able to walk; two more sessions and I was fine. I could walk, bend down and I had almost no pain. Since that last back episode, Dr. Donath has helped me with my tendonitis in my right hand and with my chronic knee problems. I recommend Dr. Donath to everyone with back, muscle or joint pain. Even if you have not had relief with other treatments and other Chiropractors, give Dr. Donath a chance. I did and he changed my life. Eugene Dinkevich MD, Mount Vernon, NY It’s my great pleasure to write about Westchester Spinal Decompression Center. I really don’t have words to express my feelings about the care I got in last 3 months. I was almost handicapped, living with terrible pain all the time, crippling my day to day life. I am a medical doctor and work in a hospital with all sorts of amazing physicians, but after seeing a physical therapist, getting epidural steroids injections, many orthopedists and neurosurgeons, finally my destination lead me to see Dr Jonathan Donath. With great skepticism, I lied down for spinal decompression therapy. It was unbelievable that after only two initial sessions, my radiating pain down my leg had almost disappeared. Gradually, I started getting better, started doing exercises that they gave me midway through the treatment. Now, I am doing all my daily activities without any pain. I highly recommend Dr Jonathan and his colleague Dr Kavita for any problems related to the musculoskeletal system, you will definitely feel at home and will get better. Dr. Pankaj Jain, M.D New York, NY Dr. Jonathan Donath DC, MS, Clinic Director Joint Effort Chiropractic / Westchester Spinal Decompression Center www.jointeffortchiro.com www.westchesterpainrelief.com

222 Westchester Ave. Suite 405 White Plains, NY 10604 914-259-8104







Visit us at one of our locations: 19 Bradhurst Avenue Suite 700 Hawthorne, NY 10532 (914)593-7800

15 North Broadway 2nd Floor White Plains, NY 10601 (914)428-6000

5 Coates Drive Suite 2 Goshen, NY 10924 (845)294-1234

30 Greenridge Avenue Suite 207 White Plains, NY 10605 (914)328-8555

180 East Hartsdale Avenue Suite 1E Hartsdale, NY 10530 (914)725-2010

3 Michael Frey Drive Eastchester, NY 10709 (914)337-3500

688 White Plains Road Suite 210 Scarsdale, NY 10583 (914)723-3322

334 Route 202 Bailey Court Somers, NY 10589 (914)277-4367

154 Pike Street Port Jervis, NY 12771 (845) 858-4444

105 Stevens Avenue Suite 101 Mount Vernon, NY 10550 (914)667-8777

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