Beltz & Gelberg Foreign Rights Catalogue Fall 2011
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Editorial Beltz & Gelberg 1
Dear Colleagues, we are delighted to present our new catalogue for fall 2012! There are two titles which especially stand out: When I Grow up, I’m Going to Be a Seal – a new masterpiece by Nicolaus Heidelbach with phenomenal illustrations – a mysterious story about a magical transformation! Jane Reloaded – Charlotte Kerner’s latest novel with a cutting-edge topic: paleogenetics! We hope you will enjoy looking through our catalogue and that you will find lots of interesting titles. Just let me know in case you have any more questions or would like to have a reading copy. Looking forward to hearing from you! Best wishes, phone: ++49-6201-6007 327
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© Illustrationen: Ina Hattenhauer, aus »Kiko« von Klaus Kordon
Kerstin Michaelis
2 Picture Book
Discover the world of words with ANTON
© Stefan Tell
A picture book featuring words with clear, easily recognizable illustrations that puts the objects named into everyday situations and tells many tales. Humorous, charming and typical of Judith Drews!
Judith Drews, born in 1973, studied illustration and communications design at the HaW art school in Hamburg. She has received numerous scholarships and awards for her illustrations.
Home is the place that toddlers know best – an exciting world full of things waiting to be discovered like the bathroom, kitchen, hall and best of all, Mommy and Daddy’s bedroom with the big bed! There are fascinating objects everywhere, just waiting to be looked at, touched and given names. Keys, telephone and shoes, washcloth and kitchen timer – ANTON shows where everything belongs and what it is used for. Learning to talk can be so much fun!
hammer brush plumber‘s friend book
crown 2. edition:
ISBN 978-3-407-79399-7
puts 9 story pictures with 9 objects gs Thin of rld Wo The into real order
granny‘s lamp
Beltz & Gelberg 3
Cover: Judith Drews
bath fish
A real hands-on book for children
Judith Drews
ANTONS erste Wörter ANTON’S First Words
ironing board
four-colour cardboard book Hardback, 20 pages Age 1+
4 Picture Book
It seems like almost everyone in the world is going to bed …
© Beltz & Gelberg
Every child needs bedtime story books, and it is even better when they have rhymes and wonderfully poetic pictures where you can discover so many things – and one thing is for sure – after that, you just have to sleep well!
© Matthias Schwarze
Martin Auer, born in 1951, lives and works as a freelance illustrator in Vienna. He has published several classics with Beltz & Gelberg, including Lieschen Radieschen und der Lämmergeier (with Axel Scheffler) and Bimbo und sein Vogel (Bimbo and His Bird) (with Simone Klages).
Lotte Bräuning, born in 1982, lives in Hamburg. She studied at the Art Academy in Stuttgart and at the HAW in Hamburg. Schlafen gehen (Time for Bed) is her debut picture book published in Germany.
No matter who it is you meet in this book – the beggar, farmer, Count, Earl, photographer or geographer, the sheppard with his sheep or the sailor in the port … everyone we meet today is going to bed. Only the two of us are still awake, but we are getting sleepier and sleepier by the minute. Time for us to go to bed now, too!
Cover: Lotte Bräuning / Franziska Walther
Beltz & Gelberg 5
✹ Bedtime story book where you go to bed happy because you have seen so many things ✹ Established, prizewinning author ✹ Heavenly illustrations and the debut of a promising young illustrator
Already published
Martin Auer/Lotte Bräuning
Schlafen gehen Time for Bed Four-colour picture book Hardback, 32 pages Age 4+
6 Picture Book
»I never learnd how to swim – I just always was able to.«
© Max Groenert
Mother, father, child – but who is the seal? A mysterious picture book full of exciting pictures by »Master Heidelbach«. The story of a magical transformation has never been told with such phenomenal illustrations, so gently and yet so real.
Nikolaus Heidelbach, born in 1955, lives in Cologne. His picture books and illustrations have won numerous prizes, and for his work as a whole he received the German Youth Literature Prize of the special category. Many of his books for children have appeared on the Beltz & Gelberg list. Most recently he did the illustrations for Märchen aus aller Welt (Fairy Tales of the World).
Although Mama never goes in the water, she knows all the creatures that can be found under the surface – nine eyes, royal dugongs, squid princes, sea trolls and herring kings. And seals who go on land, peel off their fur and become humans. They protect their fur like a treasure so that they can return to the sea when they have had enough of being human. When the boy suddenly discovers a seal fur under the sofa, he thinks his Papa is a seal. But one morning he wakes up to find that Mama has disappeared …
Voices from the press on Queen Gisela »This is Heidelbach’s most complex story so far, he has become a sophisticated dramaturg – directing the details and letting the most monstrous things happen in our heads.« DIE ZEIT »Heidelbach’s illustrations put fantastic stories into scenes. Ingeniously artistic picture book experiences that will fascinate children and adults alike.« Kindergarten heute
Cover: Nikolaus Heidelbach / Rothos & Gabler
Beltz & Gelberg 7
✹ a superb masterpiece ✹ nationally and internationally awarded artist ✹ luxurious edition for picture book lovers
Nikolaus Heidelbach
Wenn ich groß bin, werde ich Seehund When I Grow Up, I’m Going to Be a Seal Four-colour picture book Hardback, 40 pages Age 4+
8 Picture Book
A fascinating journey back through 100 years of everyday scenes in images. We see a house and observe its inhabitants, we look down a street and follow the changes through the 20th and 21st centuries. How did things look back in 1910, how did people live and cook and do the laundry? What did the children play and what did they wear? When did the first toilets appear and when did cars finally replace horses as a means of transportation? Which scars did the war leave and how did new houses appear from the rubble in 1945? Why didn’t kids have computers back then? And why can people hardly live without a mobile phone these days?
© privat
me questions and beco e answers to these th l fee d an see Children can format plates. gh history on 7 large time travelers throu
Gerda Raidt, born in 1975, studied graphic design at the Burg Giebichenstein in Halle as well as illustration at the HGB art academy in Leipzig, where she was a master student under Volker Pfüller. She has worked as a freelance illustrator since 2004 and has already worked on numerous book projects. Christa Holtei, born in 1953, worked for many years at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf. She has worked as a translator and freelance author since 1994. Like no other, she has mastered the art of conveying complex knowledge to children in simple words as one of her amazing talents.
erufe / Arbeitswe lten
werksberufe gibt es seit dem Mittelalter. Damals waren die werker in mächtigen Zünften organisiert, die unter andeuf die Qualität der Ware achteten. Stadträte und Bürgerer wurden aus ihren Reihen gewählt. Heute verwaltet die werkskammer Maurer, Tischler, Schuster, Polsterer oder ede, und das schon seit über 100 Jahren. ede neue Zeit auch neue Dinge braucht, sind immer mehr werke dazugekommen – die heute zum Teil schon wieder wunden sind. Vor 100 Jahren gab es zum Beispiel noch
gel oder Wagenräder werden nicht mehr von Hand t. Das übernehmen heute Maschinen. Technik hat die n schon immer begeister t, weil sie die Arbeit erleichter t. man vor 150 Jahren begann, die Elektrizität zu nutzen, e Maschinen immer besser. Die steigende Zahl von benötigte immer mehr Dinge, die in Fabriken hergeen. Dafür beschäftigte ein Fabrikbesitzer Planer, die Reißbrett entwickelten, und Arbeiter, die Maschine n oder am Fließband standen. Vorarbeiter organisierten llierten die Arbeit.
es oft nicht mehr so viele Arbeitsplätze in den Indusn. Vieles wird von Robotern erledigt, die von wenigen über Computer gesteuert werden.
Seifensieder oder Nagelsch miede oder sogar Stellmach er, die Holzräder für Kutschen bauten. Handwerk war früher fast nur Männersache. Frauen durften lange nur in bestimmten Zünften als Goldspinnerinnen , Seidenweberinnen oder Garnmac herinnen arbeiten. Heute sind Frauen ganz selbstverständlich in Handwerksberufen beschäfti gt. Als Mädchen könnt ihr alles werden: Schornsteinfegeri n, Werkzeugmechanikerin, Anstreich erin oder Tischlerin.
Vor 100 Jahren erwartete man, dass Frauen zu Hause blieben, den Haushalt führten und die Kinder großzogen. Reichere Leute konnten sich das leisten. Frauen aus ärmeren Familien arbeiteten als Köchin oder Dienstmädchen, Krankenschwester, Kindergärtnerin oder Lehrerin. Nur langsam durften sie auch studieren und Richterin oder Ärztin werden. Ab den 1920er Jahren gab es typische „Frauenberufe“: die Telefonistin, die Anrufe von Hand vermittel te, oder die Sekretärin. Nach 1945 haben die „Trümmerfrauen“ gezeigt, wie hart Frauen arbeiten können. Sie holten aus den Trümmern der im Krieg zerstörten Häuser die brauchbaren Steine, damit man daraus neue Häuser bauen konnte. Wenn ihr heute als Mädchen studieren wollt, ist das nichts Besonder es mehr, aber ihr müsst damit rechnen, dass ihr für die gleiche Arbeit oft immer noch weniger Geld bekommt als die Männer.
Der technische Fortschri tt und die Erfindung des Computers haben dafür gesorgt, dass es heute viele Arbeitsgebiete gibt, die man sich vor 100 Jahren noch gar nicht vorstellen konnte. Biotechnik oder Informationstechnologie gehören dazu. Wenn ihr irgendwann einen Beruf ergreift, ist es ganz selbstverständlich, dass ihr wisst, wie ihr an eurem Arbeitsplatz mit den notwendigen Compute rprogrammen umgehen müsst. Über Internet könnt ihr euch die neuesten Informat ionen besorgen. Was früher dauerte, geht heute mit oft wochenlang ein paar Handgriffen auf der Tastatur. Manager von großen Unternehmen verhandeln mit Partnern auf der ganzen Welt. Oft haben Firmen Niederlas sungen in weit entfernten Ländern, wo niedrigere Löhne bezahlt werden, damit die Waren hier bei uns preiswerter verkauft werden können. Geschäfte jeder Art sind über
Es ist kaum zu glauben, dass es heute trotz so vieler Möglichkeiten immer noch ein riesiges Problem gibt: Arbeitslo sigkeit. Elektronisch gesteuerte Maschinen, Krisen und Waren aus Ländern mit Niedriglöhnen lassen oft schon Jugendliche keine Arbeit finden. Seit über 100 Jahren versucht man mit Gesetzen, für Wohnung und Unterhal t zu sorgen. Heute möchte das „Hartz IV“-Prog ramm helfen. Aber es ist seltsam, dass reiche Industrieländer Kinderarmut kennen.
On 4 exciting topic spreads, kids will learn how life has changed and where things are leading in short texts and with series of pictures. Learning can be so amazing and easy to grasp!
Cover: Gerda Raidt / Diana Lukas-Nülle
Beltz & Gelberg 9
✹ 7 opulent plates make history come alive ✹ 4 topic spreads explain how things fit together and provide background information ✹ A book that connects generations Gerda Raidt, Christa Holtei
Die Straße The Street Eine Bilderreise durch 100 Jahre A Journey in Images Through the Past 100 Years Four-colour picture book Hardback, 32 pages Age 5+
Wild, cheeky, mini! The first 2 CHILDREN ARTISTS’ MINI DOODLES in the sales box – amusing and wild pictures for unrestrained doodling. For inside and outside and on the road – in the train, car, plane, at Grandma or Grandpa’s house, at the restaurant... A selection of the most amusing pictures (plus a new introduction “This is me”) from the two large Children Artists’ books. With horses, tomatoes and knights, a guide to nose-pickings, collection of dust, rabbit kisses, chinheads, aluminum foil aliens, peepnasian, columns of ants, stinky-foot indians, lice alarm and much, much more!
© Ateliergemeinschaft Labor
Das LABOR is an artists’ studio in Frankfurt am Main ( The following artist participated in this project: Kirsten Fabinski, Christopher Fellehner, Zuni Fellehner, Anke Kuhl, Alexandra Maxeiner, Jörg Mühle, Moni Port, Natascha Vlahovi , Philip Waechter, Claudia Weikert.
Einbände: Philip Waechter / Moni Port
✹ For inside and outside and everywhere ✹ Naturally they are just as nice as the big Children Artists’ Books
»Give the book as a gift, look for coloured pencils and get ready to be amazed at how creative your kids are!« Leben & Erziehen
Kinder Künstler Kritzel Minis 1 + 2 Children, Artists’ Little Mini Doodles 1 + 2 Für drinnen · für draußen · für überall For inside, outside and everywhere Cardboard, 48 pages Age 5 +
Activity Book Beltz & Gelberg 11
Cover: Philip Waechter / Moni Port
Adventurous, amusing and pretty amazing – the third ultimate coup by LABOR Doodle books are definitely cult – the Children Artists’ books by the studio cooperation LABOR are creative, innovative, imaginative, funny and cheeky or simply ideal. And now the third coup has arrived. More fun and action for the best present ever. After the huge success of the first two cult books, the third CHILDREN ARTISTS’ ADVENTURE BOOK collects lots of pictures to complete and invent stories for. With spots and bird poop and collections of pests, treehouse and robbers’ den and many other things to doodle, scribble and collect – with directions on how to be happy! »A witty piece of art!« Familie & Co »There are no limits to the imagination in a do-ityourself book like a playground, where you can do anything you want to with no rules!« ELTERN family »The perfect match for children’s imaginations« Schweizer Buch
Already published:
»Once upon a time kids were happy with coloring given shapes. Today that is too tame. Here you will find imaginative and even quite sophisticated challenges for little creative minds. But be careful – the seemingly anarchic basic pattern allows secrets to be confided to the wonderful book full of ideas.« Stuttgarter Zeitung
✹ Danger of becoming addicted to doodling ✹ Ages 6 – 66
ISBN 978-3-407-79396-6
Das Kinder Künstler Abenteuerbuch The Children Artists’ Adventure Book Loskritzeln, reinmalen, Rumspinnen Doodle, colour and let your imagination run wild Cardboard, 174 pages Age 5+
ISBN 978-3-407-79974-6
12 Specialised Book
Cover: Lisa Rienermann
Ready, set, go – explore! Doing experiments is a lot of fun with this book. Anyone can become a scientist with quick and with easy means to discover nature’s secrets. A book for parents and children! Children love to ask endless questions throughout the year – Why do plants need light? Why is it cold in the winter even when the sun is shining? What makes the noise in the shell? Finding the answer is childs’ play. »Explore Your World« contains lots of questions, provides detailed answers and explains how things fit together in easy terms, and showing how to do easy experiments and which materials are needed (many of them available in every household). And because there often isn’t much time, the book has quite a few additional »5 minute experiments« for in between. A scientists’ ABC at the end of the book informs scientists who want to know more – clarifying all open questions.
© privat
Anke M. Leitzgen is both a journalist and author. She as the chief editor of miss VOGUE and a writer for the SZ-Magazin and ZEIT-Magazin. She has worked writing screen plays and filmed documentaries. But her favorite thing to do is to write books for children and youths. Lisa Rienermann is a graphic designer, photographer and illustrator. She loves to mix categories – when typography and photography hold hands, text turns into images that tell stories … Her work has already been published internationally and received awards as well. Together the two published the non-fiction children’s book Entdecke deine Stadt (Discover Your City) with Beltz & Gelberg.
✹ ✹ ✹ ✹
Modern work with many photographs Popular topic prepared from a new perspective For parents, educators, teachers, etc. Plus: Five-minute experiments for in-between and a researcher’s ABC for those who want to know more ✹ Research for beginners: quick, simple and exciting!
Anke M. Leitzgen / Lisa Rienermann
Erforsche deine Welt Explore Your World Experimente für Kinder Experiments for children Hardback, 152 pages Age 6+
Time to play!
Game Book Beltz & Gelberg 13
Cover: Antje von Stemm / Andrea Steffen
o k o b e m a g y l With the new fami
The Egyptian Mummie and over 100 further games will leave no time for boredom and make gray afternoons bright. Antje von Stemm provides inviting illustrations to make this book a real hit with the whole family. 176 pages packed full of creative ideas for play – traditional and popular games, creative game variations and many new ideas provide fun and entertainment for any season and occasion. Games for indoors and outdoors ★ for nasty weather days and summer heat ★ for traveling ★ for killing the time while waiting ★ for many players, just two or all alone ★ for testing strength and romping around ★ for all six senses ★ and of course for birthday parties.
Short, easy game instructions and materials that everyone has at home allow children to immediately start playing – without much preparation by Mommy and Daddy.
at extras: e r g h t i ★ Ideas how to start & decide who go ★ The great award cerem
es first ony – instructions for making trophies , certificates & medals ★ Tips & tricks how to make toys yourself
✹ Will put the whole family in a good mood ✹ Over 100 games – traditional, inventive & new ones ✹ With many colour illustrations by Antje von Stemm
Ruth Gellersen / Antje von Stemm
Eins, zwei, drei und losgespielt! One, Two, Three – time to play! Das große Familien-Spielebuch The great family game book With many full-colour illustrations by Antje von Stemm Hardback, 176 pages Age 5 +
© Miriam Breig
© privat
Ruth Gellersen, born in 1975, writes children’s books and has already published numerous nonfiction books for children. She put this collection of new games to the test herself with children and proved what endurance she has. Antje von Stemm, born in 1970, is an awardwinning picture book artist, having received such honors as the German Youth Literature Prize. Her arts and crafts book entitled Extrembasteln (Extreme Arts & Crafts) delighted thousands of children at home and in many workshops.
14 Childres‘s Book
Cover: Ina Hattenhauer / Franziska Walther
Little Kiko, big hero An adventurous and humorous tale of Kiko Niko, who becomes a hero through his courage and craftiness because the freedom of others is important to him. A wonderfully illustrated book about people and apes, about altruism and solidarity and the most important thing in life – friendship. Kiko is different – he’s got white fur – that’s why his mother named him Kiko, »Little Cloud«. Of course his parents love him, but otherwise his only friend is the little ape girl named Rischa. She stands by him when he gets bullied by Hong. When trying to escape from the boa constrictor, Kiko discovers something – the city of stone towers where the humans live. He leads his clan there when a fire breaks out in the jungle. Unfortunately Kiko is discovered by the world-famous zoologist, Professor Paul Fidibus Stängel, who wants to capture him. After a wild chase, Kiko gets caught in his net. But then things really begin to happen! In the end, even Professor Stängel takes his hat off to Kiko out of respect, for »One’s own freedom is wonderful – but to help free others is even more rewarding!« – a piece of wisdom that not only applies to young apes …
© Wonge Bergmann
»Kordon gives those who care about how people deal with each other courage to act. And the story is amusing as well.« Salzburger Nachrichten on Paula Kussmaul
✹ For reading aloud and for young readers age 6+ ✹ Type is easy to read ✹ Heart-warming illustrations and wonderfully crafted by Ina Hattenhauer
Klaus Kordon, born in 1943, lives in Berlin. He is regarded as one of the most renowned authors of children’s and youth literature and his work has received numerous awards. Besides his historic novels, he has also written many picture books and stories of children that have become classics, such as Reise zur Wunderinsel (Trip to the Island of Miracles). Ina Hattenhauer was born in 1982. She studied at the Bauhaus University Weimar and at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) in the United States. She works and lives as a freelance illustrator in Weimar.
Klaus Kordon
Kiko with illustrations by Ina Hattenhauer hardback, 160 pages Age 6 +
Cover: Daniel Napp / Markus Spang
Children‘s Book Beltz & Gelberg 15
Hilarious and warm-hearted sibling stories about Lotta and her little brother Theo, who show that big sisters often have good ideas, but sometimes they go a bit too far... Lotta always thinks of something – whether it be kids’ day at the animal shelter, for the writing contest at school or other events. Even when the dog she fibs about looks a bit like a pony and the story she writes for her homework sounds a little bit like Theo’s favorite storybook... Lotta’s heart is still in the right place and she has her little brother Theo under control! Daniel Napp has created a story with the talent of a comedian and a modern touch – with wonderfully funny and unusual characters that you just have to love.
© Marcus Herrenberger
✹ Original edition ✹ Daniel Napp is a successful illustrator and author ✹ Strong girl character ✹ Warm-hearted, humorous stories about siblings (big sister/little brother) ✹ Short stories for reading aloud and for young readers
Daniel Napp
Achtung, hier kommt Lotta! Watch Out, Here Comes Lotta! with illustrations by Daniel Napp Hardback, 160 pages Age 7 +
Daniel Napp, born in 1974, studied graphic design in Münster. He already began receiving prizes during his studies. He lives and works as a freelancer in Münster and has illustrated numerous picture books and children’s books. He has been nominated for the illustrator show at the Children’s and Youth Book Fair in Bologna four times already.
16 Children‘s Book
Cover: Kerstin Meyer / von Zubinski
Friends through thick and thin Alarm in Müggeldorf: Michelle, the duck, disappears without a trace. Seven ducklings without a mother – this is a case for Turtle and Hokuspokus, the ever-doubting swan! Turtle and Hokuspokus take care of the young ducklings, yet chaos seems inevitable. Numbering the little ones doesn’t seem to help, either! Things really get touchy when Number 3 waddles off towards the new luxury apartment complex. A wild (duckling) chase begins, which not only leads Turtle and Hokuspokus into the noble building, but in the end also even the wild boar Grrmpf. When Iwo, the fat, lazy fox disguises himself as a dog and moves into the building with a crazy old lady, pandemonium breaks out. »You can feel the wonderful power of storytelling and the linguistic poise on each page.« Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on »Törtel, die Schildkröte aus dem McGrün« (Turtle From McGreen)
© Stefan Worring
»Clever animals! A wonderful book that is written with humor, telling of courage and friendship.« Die Zeit on »Törtel und der Wolf« (Turtle and the Wolf)
✹ Approx. 30,000 copies of the first two volumes have been sold so far ✹ Current topic: modernization of cities ✹ Meet the familiar characters from volume 1 and 2 again
Already published:
ISBN 978-3-407-74237-7 Wieland Freund, born in 1969 near Paderborn, is an author and journalist. He was awarded the Bavarian Art Promotion Award for his children’s books. He has published many books with Beltz & Gelberg, including Die unwahrscheinliche Reise des Jonas Nichts (The Incredible Journey of Jonas Nothing), Der schwarze Karfunkel (three volumes up to now) as well as two Turtle books. He lives in Berlin together with his family.
ISBN 978-3-407-79975-3
Wieland Freund
Törtel und die Nummer 3 Turtle and Number 3 With four-colour illustrations by Kerstin Meyer Hardback, 192 pages Age 8 +
Children‘s Book Beltz & Gelberg 17
8)) 5N +! $,,!+&$%7N *5 13""7 )&77)" 5 R R R Cover: Anke Kuhl / Moni Port
A cursed house, nightmares and a really nice family – Mama, Papa, Hendrik, who tells the tale of this mysterious winter, and Eddi, who collects snails. A wonderful novel by an inventive, wild author who teaches us the meaning of fear. One could say that it is all just wild imagination, but it is not that easy. Someone is after Hendrik and Eddi, who have moved to a small village in Bavaria with their parents into the house at the little pest church – as if they were trying to get rid of them as fast as possible. Even Mama says, I think this village life isn’t the right thing for us. And this house as well. When Eddi starts to sleepwalk and have terrible nightmares, it becomes clear to Hendrik – there is a curse on this house. Together with Ida, Hendrik pursues the mysterious clues that lead them to an unpunished crime of the past. Why are so many children buried in the cemetery? And will the two be able to ban the curse on the haunted house before new victims are claimed?
Š privat / Beltz & Gelberg
✚ Snails, the creeps and fun ✚ ÂťMartina Wildner is one of the most talented youth literature authors today.ÂŤ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Martina Wildner
Das schaurige Haus The Haunted House with vignettes by Anke Kuhl Hardback, 208 pages Age 11 +
Martina Wildner, born in1968, lives and works as a freelance author and artist with her family in Berlin. Beltz & Gelberg has publised many of her books, including Jede Menge Sternschnuppen (Lots of Shooting Stars) (Peter-Härtling-Preis) and most recently Six.
18 Youth Book
“.Z UJNF XJUI 5BSB XBT UIF NPTU XPOEFSGVM JO NZ MJGF p BOE UIF XPSTU BU UIF TBNF UJNF ƒ Everything starts with Tara. Dazzling, wild, extraordinary Tara, who falls head over heels in love with plain Alissa. Alissa secretly slips into other clothes to be with Tara, starts to play hooky and argue with her parents and – takes drugs. Alissa experiences unknown heights, is enchanted, high and feels invincible. But soon the journey to the stars leads back to reality that is cold and hard. When Tara dies of an overdose of heroin, Alissa’s dream is over. She returns to her parent’s house and has to go to detox. Does she really want to leave her dream world? An overwhelming and dynamic novel that describes the tremendous force of intoxicating love, drugs and growing up.
✚ Topic: drugs, lesbian love ✚ Tough, obsessed, direct and wonderfully touching in its own way
✚ ÂťTrain spottingÂŤ meets ÂťAlice in WonderlandÂŤ
Š Beltz & Gelberg
✚ Original edition ✚ Classroom reading
Anna Kuschnarowa, born in 1975, studied Egyptology, prehistoric archaeology and German language and literature in Leipzig, Halle and Bremen. She teaches Egyptian at the Leipzig University, but also works as freelance author and photographer from time to time.
Anna Kuschnarowa
Junk Girl A novel Paperback, 224 pages Age 14+
Youth Book Beltz & Gelberg 19
1AE= >GJ 9 F=O ;@9HL=J G> GMJ =NGDMLAGF9JQ @AKLGJQ Cover: ZERO werbeagentur
She is young, ambitious and burning with desire to research the origin of humankind. He is an artificially induced creature from the past and future alike. But evolution is not over yet … Tanja Jane Clark, scion of a famous palaeontologist dynasty, meets 18-year-old Jamie in Laos. Jamie is one of the carefully guarded secrets of science – he is a Homo erectus, a genetic recreation of early man who lived on earth 400,000 years ago. Tanja Jane wants to do research on him – and becomes more and more fascinated by this very foreign, yet familiar homonid. Full of enthusiasm, the young researcher agrees to a daring experiment… Where do we come from? People probably research the origin of humankind so persistently and with new methods again and again in hopes of discovering the answer to another even greater question - Where are we headed – in 1,000 or 1,000,000 years? Charlotte Kerner answers with a thrilling novel about the future, which has already started. On »Blueprint« (winner of the German Youth Literature Award 2000) »A successful and highly critical contribution to the controversial discussion about cloning humans.« Girl
Already published:
»A fascinating piece of literature.« Süddeutsche Zeitung
✹ Cutting-edge topic of paleogenetics (decoding the Neanderthal genome 2010) ✹ Fascinating mix of fact and fiction ✹ Love story and strong character readers identify with
Charlotte Kerner
Jane Reloaded A novel Hardback, about 200 pages Age 13 +
ISBN 978-3-407-74102-8
© Anja Doehring
»A highly current, volatile topic told in a sensitive, convincing and thrilling manner.« Bücher / Livres
Charlotte Kerner, born in 1950, lives and works as a freelance journalist and author in Lübeck. Many of her novels have appeared on the Beltz & Gelberg list, inlcuding Geboren 1999 (Born in 1999) and Blueprint (winner of the German Youth Literature Prize). She has also published numerous biographies, anthologies and successful non-fiction books, most recently Die nächste GENeration / Science + Fiction (The Next GENEration / Science + Fiction), which was nominated for the Germany Youth Literature Prize.
20 Biography
The phenomena of evil Cover: Rothfos & Gabler
His name is regarded as a synonym of the scrupolous demagoge and manipulator of millions. Alois Prinz uses some partially unknown documents to emphatically portrait Joseph Goebbel’s life – a man who became the merciless »Deluder of the People«. He was called the spiritual pioneer of National Socialism – Joseph Goebbels, or »little Hitler« based on his absolute loyalty to the »Führer«. As the propoganda minister in the Third Reich, he incited the population to persecute Jews and lead a war of aggression. When the Reich lay in ashes, he still fueled the belief in the final victory and in a »Wunderwaffe« (magic weapon). The »total war« that he inflamed with his speech at the Berlin Sportpalast in 1943 ended for him in Hitler’s bunker, where he permitted his wife Magda to poison herself and their six children, so that they would not have to live in a »world without Hitler«. »Seeing Joseph Goebbels simply as a diabolical agitator who cast an evil spell on a whole country would be too easy. I am interested in why he was able to fascinate so many people, using the aid of modern media to make millions of people into faithful followers of National Socialism. For above all, it is about recognizing him in time again, in case he returns, for example in the form of (extreme right-wing) populism.« Alois Prinz Already published:
✹ »Alois Prinz is the talented biographer of Hannah
Arendt, Franz Kafka and Ulrike Meinhof … Prinz is the best.« taz
© Christina Häusler
✹ An impressing biography, full of facts and knowledge, also appropriate for younger readers
✹ Taking a closer look at the culprit from a historical perspective
ISBN 978-3-407-74012-0
Alois Prinz, born in 1958, studied literature and philosophy and lives in Kirchheim. He has published many biographies with Beltz & Gelberg, including those on Hannah Arendt (Protestant book award), Hermann Hesse, Ulrike Meinhof (German Youth Literature Prize), Franz Kafka and the Apostle Paul.
Alois Prinz
Der Brandstifter The Arsonist Die Lebensgeschichte des Joseph Goebbels The life story of Joseph Goebbels Hardback with protective jacket, 320 pages Age 14+
Backlist Beltz & Gelberg 21
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IV Backlist
Mirjam Pressler Ich sehne mich so (Anne Frank) 224 S., E 18,90 D ISBN 978-3-407-80854-7
Alois Prinz Auf der Schwelle zum Glück (Franz Kafka) 392 S., E 19,90 D ISBN 978-3-407-80953-7
Alois Prinz Rebellische Söhne 256 S., E 16,95 D ISBN 978-3-407-81076-2
Alois Prinz »Und jedem Anfang wohnt ein Zauber inne« (Hermann Hesse) 404 S., E 19,90 D ISBN 978-3-407-80874-5
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