FPA Balkans - Line 2.3 Environment and Sustanaible Development
Integrated Project PRIMA
Subproject MRAIN “Monitoring and rehabilitation of polluted areas destined to supply of drinking water for the Town of Nis�
Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione dell'Ambiente REGIONE PUGLIA Direzione Generale Corso Trieste, 27 70126 Bari Tel. +39 080 5460.111 Fax +39 080 5460.150 www.arpa.puglia.it
AUTHORS ARPA Puglia Giacomina Caldarola, Territorial Office Department of Bari Antonio Carrus, Water Chemistry Unit Department of Bari Francesco Siliberti, Head of Water Chemistry Unit Department of Bari Stefano Spinelli, Water Chemistry Unit Department of Bari Nicola Ungaro, Environmental Manager Collaboration with Acquedotto Pugliese Group Mauro Spagnoletta, Manager of Pura Depurazione Luciano Venditti, Operations Head Office - Acquedotto Pugliese Group Domenica Vicenti, Pura Depurazione - Acquedotto Pugliese Group Federparchi Paolo Pigliacelli, Plans Department Manager Simona Romiti, Senior Expert of Structural Funds Polytechnic Institute of Bari Piero Masini, engineer professor Claudio De Stefano, engineer professor Luigi Pappalettera, engineer Renato Mario Pavia, engineer Maria Romano, engineer Veneto Region - Andrea Penzo, Direction for Environment TRANSLATIONS Gino Lorenzelli, Press Office – ARPA Puglia Rosanna Zingaro, Scientific Direction - ARPA Puglia COORDINATION AND EDITING Mina Lacarbonara, MRAIN Project Coordinator, Water and Soil Unit - ARPA Puglia SUPERVISION Vito Michele Perrino, Manager of Natural Resources Unit – ARPA Puglia
PREFACE Puglia, due to its geographical location, has always been involved in trade exchanges with bordering Mediterranean countries, thus bestowing a typical Apulian penchant for dialogue, mutual cultural growth and the opportunity to improve economic development on both shores of the Mediterranean. When it comes to the environment, the Apulian Regional Administration – as is the case of other participating institutions – is well aware of the mutual need we share with neighbouring Mediterranean friends: a multidisciplinary approach based on teamwork, so as to enhance cooperation and coordination among national and regional institutions in charge of protecting our lands. Likewise, environmental training programmes and communication synergies may lead to a momentous increase in terms of environmental controls, which represents a key benefit for the entire population. In view of this, synergies and institutional cooperation programmes are essential to instate a proactive process of shared knowledge and joint experiences. The purpose is to establish a consistent set of consolidated methodologies inspired by rigorous technical and scientific procedures. Communicating scientific evidence and best practices is the best approach to achieve and improve a shared cultural enrichment, by way of standardized procedures of proven effectiveness and utility. The Western Balkans Framework Programme Agreement (Apulian Region Action 2.3, Environment and Sustainable Development), has been an essential opportunity for dialogue and exchange, yielding a clear method in order to identify critical issues, thus meeting and exceeding a steady demand for qualified information and training. Markedly, this programme identified intervention strategies apt to pursue the common goal of environmental protection and nature preservation, with the specific goal of monitoring and rehabilitating polluted territories, identified as main water supply resources. This experience has been particularly significant, as this study comprises of two segments: a synthetic and a functional approach. The wide array and knowledge base of participating partners has greatly contributed to ensure a multidisciplinary, integrated approach to complex issues, as is the case with the management of municipal waters, in an effort to protect and optimize water supply resources. Giorgio Assennato ARPA Puglia General Manager
PREPARING NATURA 2000 IN SERBIA – Paolo Pigliacelli (Federparchi) ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP – Simona Romiti (Federparchi)
A – Notable documents A.1 - Emerald Network Pilot Project in Serbia and Montenegro – Report 2005
A.2 - IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 / 2013 – FAQ
THE PROCESS OF URBAN WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND SLUDGE TREATMENT, Mauro Spagnoletta and Domenica Vicenti (Pura Depurazione S.r.l – Acquedotto Pugliese SpA)
TECHNICAL RULES FOR THE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) - Piero Masini, Claudio De Stefano, Luigi Pappalettera, Renato Mario Pavia, Maria Romano (Polytechnic Institute of Bari) 202
The present document has been realized in the framework of FPA Western Balkans, intervention line 2.3 “Environment and Sustainable Development”, carrying out the Integrated Project PRIMA subproject MRAIN “Monitoring and rehabilitation of polluted areas destined to supply of drinking water for the Town of Nis”, with location in Nis, Serbia. The project foresees a shared knowledge improvement with regards to procedure for system monitoring management of water resources and for the safeguard and protection of sensitive areas and resources destined to supply of drinking water for inhabitants of Nis and in particular the City of Nis, as well as relevant stakeholders, above all JKP NAISSUS. Furthermore, the targets of the project are to provide tools and useful know-how to assist administrations and local institutions in the application of the environmental provisions and regulations in force in situ, in view of their harmonization with the European Union environmental standards. The Italian Partnership includes Basilicata Region, as RUP Coordinating Region for PRIMA Project implementation; Puglia Region, which identifies ARPA Puglia (coordinator of the working group for the project implementation) and Polytechnic Institute of Bari as implementing bodies; Abruzzo Region with Federparchi as implementing body, and Veneto Region. The Italian Partnership was possible thanks to the contribution and cooperation of the Serbian partnership, i.e. the City of Nis and JKP NAISSUS, the Public Communal Enterprise for water supplying in Nis. With regards to operational actions is included a collection of data and useful information to better study the Nis territorial context, aiming at the assessment of standard EU compliant procedures, and focusing on the exchange of experiences and best practices between Italian and Serbian professionals as regards the topics related to the activities studied. All these activities have allowed the drawing up of feasibility project cards, to be implemented through the new planning with IPA funds, finalized implementing actions of environmental protection by pollution, actions of safeguard of natural resources and the preservation of biodiversity. In the framework of exchange of experiences, on December 2010 a training class has been held on management and monitoring of water resources and biodiversity, with the participation of all project partners, both Serbian and Italian. The training activity included several lessons and seminars, as well as in-the-field visits and a steady exchange of common experiences. This handbook includes the explanation of topics discussed during the abovementioned short classes. Topics are organized in thematic sections, thus following templates developed during the training classes. Each section contains, in addition to the presentation report during the lessons, the references of legal EU regulations and further documentation useful to thoroughly cover analyzed subjects. All partnership members have contributed to the completion of this project, with particular regard to Federparchi, who covered subjects as biodiversity and tourism in preserved areas. ARPA Puglia contribution has been focused on Waters Monitoring and
the management of Water Resources. The Veneto Regional Administration provided support on the management of municipal wastewaters, while Acquedotto Pugliese and ARPA Puglia cooperated in the study of issues regarding both potabilization and general purification of waters. Section C of this document is a contribution of Politecnico di Bari Engineering Faculty, who focused on municipal waste management. This handbook may be considered a synopsis for local technical partnership and for stakeholders interested in further studies on discussed subjects. We wish to thank all contributors, whose efforts have proved essential in the completion of this study. Mina Lacarbonara MRAIN project coordinator
Roberto Gennaio’s photograph
PREPARING NATURA 2000 IN SERBIA Paolo Pigliacelli Plans Department Manager – Federparchi
Serbia and EU-where we are in the ‘’integration’’ process Emerald network-bases for N2000? Current projects and activities connected with N2000: what the Ministry is doing?! what NGOs are doing?! Future: what is missing, problems, opportunities etc. Cooperation within CEEweb N2000 WG
SERBIA AND EU-WHERE WE ARE IN THE ‘’INTEGRATION’’ PROCESS Serbian National Parliament adopted the Resolution on the EU Accession on 14 October 2004 (full agreement about joining the EU, readiness to meet the political conditions for joining the Union, the obligation of the National Parliament to give the priority to the process of legal harmonization with the acquis communautaire, produced the Serbian National Strategy for the Association). On 9 September 2008, National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia ratified the Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) and the Interim Agreement. The SAA and Interim Agreement were signed on 29April 2008 in Brussels. In December 2009 Serbia applied for EU candidacy EU Integration office is preparing ‘’answers’’ And we are waiting……. EMERALD NETWORK-BASES FOR N2000? An Emerald Network development programme was implemented in 2005/2006, in South-Eastern Europe, as a continuation of the initial pilot projects implemented by the Council of Europe. This CARDS/Emerald programme concerns the following countries: Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, “the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Serbia. Its overall objective was to identify 80 % of the sites in these countries. The programme benefited from a financial contribution of the European Environmental Agency and represented an important tool contributing to preparing the countries concerned for the future work on Natura 2000 and for advance compliance with the Habitats and Birds Directives. All in all, a total of 61 areas, which are particularly important for the protection and conservation of flora, fauna and their habitats, have been selected for the Emerald Project and the envisaged ecological network in Serbia. The majority of the selected areas have some form of protection status at the national level (50 areas have been proclaimed protected natural goods or are under protection revision). Some areas are of particular importance at the international level, i.e. MAB Biosphere Reserves (1 site), Ramsar Wetland Areas (6), Internationally Important Plant Areas (IPA; 33), Internation-ally Important Bird Areas (IBA2009 – 42), Prime Butterfly Areas (PBA; 7). -8-
NEEDS/ PRIORITIES IDENTIFIED Capacity building of institutions and organizations for development and management of the designated sites Finalizing the selection of sites and proposing sites for Natura2000 Development of a guide for application of Emerald/Natura2000 Programming future funding framework for Natura2000 Network Establishment/Improvement of monitoring and hunting management Improving communication between international, national and local authorities and relevant groups, including the publication of informative material for Emerald/Natura2000 and explaining their purpose/objectives Developing a model for local community involvement in managing protected areas/ community based planning CURRENT PROJECTS AND ACTIVITIES CONNECTED WITH N2000 SR 07-IB-EN-02 Strengthening Administrative Capacities for Protected Areas in Serbia (NATURA 2000)" The overall objective of the project is the implementation and enforcement of the NATURA 2000 network in the Republic of Serbia. Project data: Finance: Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) of the European Union Project budget: 1 Mio Euro Beneficiary Institution: Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, Republic of Serbia Member State Institutions: Environment Agency Austria and European Public Law Organisation, Greece Duration: January 1st 2010-December 31st 2011 http://www.ekoplan.gov.rs/n2ktwinning/eng/projekat/index.html The project will contribute to: a) the harmonization of the Serbian legislation with the EU nature directives (Birds and Habitats Directive); b) the establishment of the Natura 2000 network in accordance with EU criteria; c) the development of two pilot management plans for NATURA 2000 areas; d) the elaboration and implementation of a training programme which will systematically deal with capacity building in development of the NATURA 2000 network in Serbia. Furthermore, in order to achieve these objectives a whole series of activities is planned including the analysis and assessment of the status quo, as well as workshops, seminars and trainings. In the course of the project, experts from EU Member States (Austria, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Greece) will collaborate with the representatives of administration and stakeholder groups from Serbia in order to increase the capacity to implement the EU Acquis communitaire in nature protection. FUTURE: WHAT IS MISSING, PROBLEMS, OPPORTUNITIES ETC. Cooperation: - Information exchange - Knowledge - Plans - Administrative capacities and capacities of NGOs Opportunities: - EC funds - Experiences of other countries -9-
ENVIRONMENTAL PARTNERSHIP Simona Romiti Senior Expert of Structural Funds – Federparchi
My contribution to this paper wants to stress the potentiality of cooperation between Adriatic Region and the NIS town. Sometimes we talk about Communitarian Partnership1 and our idea still remain concentrated on the availability of funds first of all that other requirements endeed. In this way we are scouting for different sources of resources. Few European Programmes, as well as national ones, can help us to seek operative exchange of best practices and to create the institutional environment in order to make the know-how well transferred. Probabily MRAIN project is a good point to begin a more close collaboration among all actors and stakeholders engaged in the carrying out of its activities and in the sharing of its objectives. Raising about the rules of the development of environmental question we can say that policy issue and methodological approach could lead us toward some conclusions: territorial proximity today doesn't represent an obstacle but more over an heat to face together. The competitiveness of a territory and their actors could be directly measured by its ability to build endogenous and foreign partnership of development. Furthmore networking must be strenghthened. In this way, in this context, our effort should stress the funding of different way or instruments to support Not yet Territorial but Sector Partership. Sharing of a political objectives at institutional level would like move to improve different forms of cooperation ( framework of priority Action and financial structures), Trust, for the enterprises , association of citizens for a better quality of life). Going to a more specific area, the integration of the tasks included across PRIMA project foreseen the creating, by italian partner, of a set of project proposals to submit under european cooperation programme or thematic ones, for the training and the carrying out of environmental survey, actions sustaining biodiversity inside an individuated strategic area. This last because from the point of view of the local beneficiaries there are some aspectatives directly linked to: Availability of a geodatabase grouping and providing all the environmental resources and growth potentiality of the City of NIS; Easy Use of a monitoring system containing the "important matrices" in terms of contamination; Availability of a methodology for monitoring the biodiversity being in the territory; Knowledge Transfer among stakeholders; Progress on EU directive for strategic technical fields. So within the promoting of effective financing for the environmen it’s required: to have a strategic approach, an efficient coordination of domestic and international financial flows for all aspects of environmental protection through a method involving a broad range of stakeholders.The recent EU enlargement process showed that mobilising financial resources for the environment and their effective allocation are the key elements in meeting the financial challenge of convergence with EU environmental acquis. > The development of an environmental strategy and the establishment of key policy objectives and priorities is the first phase in ensuring effective financing for the environment. 1
Many factors make cooperation in the Adriatic area important today. From a political and economic point of view: Factors connected to the political stability of the area. The area is now moving towards progressive integration both "vertical" (within European and International institutions) and "horizontal" through the creation of a free trade area; Factors connected to geographic and cultural proximity which make possible the intensification of multilateral relationships among Adriatic regions to support local processes of harmonious growth, sustainable development and unity among peoples.
> Assessment of the existing situation is the first step of this phase. > Environmental problems can be identified as a result of monitoring, from hot spot identification or on the basis of information from stakeholders: we need to ensure availability of accurate information and data is. The support of a favourable framework fort he funding of the environmental issues is needed at the legislative and policy level, to design the necessary institutional frameworks, to build the corresponding administrative capacity, to develop the required infrastructure. The capacity building should take part during any phase of the development and of implementation of an environment strategy, and in relation to all issues therein, including improving governance or strengthening leadership. The strategic approach requires identification of institutional and political reforms as well as specific programmes and specific projects that will form a response to the environmental “problems� identified. The strategy should be followed by more detailed implementation programmes and plans that identify the actors responsible for individual actions, set out timetables and deadlines and often choose individual projects. In a typical top-down approach, the national authorities determine the location and scope of the projects while in a bottom-up approach, local project supporters are encouraged to submit proposals to national authorities. A combination of the two approaches is probably the best way to ensure that policy targets set at national level match local needs. The projects identified cannot all be implemented simultaneously due to constraints in both human and financial resources, there has to be a pipeline of projects at different stages of implementation. Prioritisation is at the heart of project pipeline management, with the key issue being the application of a transparent process for selecting the priority projects. Monitoring of environmental expenditure is important allows national authorities to analyse levels of expenditure, sources of finance and the recipients of assistance. It also provides indicators so policy makers can see how the goals of the environmental strategy are being achieved. In the regions covered by this document, data are often collected by various different national authorities, using different definitions and methodologies. This makes difficult to compare data usually they are not included within national statistic report. Preparing feasible and attractive projects for funding, from either domestic or foreign resources, is a key element for effective financing of the environment. Projects must also be well anchored in adopted national plans, programmes and strategies. So well prepared projects are those one usually accompanied by a high degree of project ownership and a proactive approach by the project promoter who has: (i) identified the risks, (ii) met the submission requirements of the targeted donor institutions and (iii) provided a financing plan detailing all sources of co-financing, as well as clearly defined activities, outputs and results. When discussing the financing of environment projects, must be taken into account the different roles of domestic public finance, the private sector and international aid sources have to be taken into account. Public finance plays a major role in providing environmental services that bring public benefits, such as water resource management, biodiversity conservation, or better municipal environmental infrastructure. Budgetary support aid is being increasingly used in addition to traditional projectbased assistance. The assistance provided by the EC was mainly intented for the building of the legal and institutional frameworks for EU accession (providing capacity building and institutional strengthening), stimulating regional cooperation and co-financing infrastructure projects. Under the present EC financial framework (2007-2013), most of the EC assistance for environment -11-
for the countries covered by this document comes from the Instrument for Preaccession Assistance (IPA) and the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI). For example under IPA Component I, € 122 million were allocated for environmental projects in 2007 and 2008, while under IPA Component III approximately € 280 million have been allocated to environment for 2007–2009. Under the NIF, € 23 million were allocated for environmental projects in 2008. In addition Regional initiatives can promote effective financing for the environment by facilitating the exchange of experience and best practices between the Member countires and Potential Candidate ones. Regional initiatives can be a forum for introducing methodologies for project identification and prioritisation, sharing experience of flagship/pilot projects, and transferring know-how on project preparation. The strategy fort he EU Accession Instrument goes trough also the Biodiversity. In this way we are looking for the National programme for the adoption of the acquis (NPAA), the National Environmental Approximation strategy; the Environmental investment programme/ environment financing strategies and the Implementation of Specific Directives ( for instance (DSIFP). National Environmental Strategy provides a basis for the defining of National Environmental policy objectives. Actions identified in National Environmental Action Plans (NEAP) originate from NES aims to identificate a short and long-term priority actions and measures supplying the basis for the preparation of a long term environment protection strategy in accordance with the economic, social and political situation. It is a document which sets out concrete activities in the improvement of environmental management and sustainable use of natural resources. As it focuses on a specific time period it is amended regularly. The selected strategy required by international convention foreseen in the Article 6.that each Contracting Party shall, in accordance with its particular conditions and capabilities: (a) Develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity or adapt for this purpose existing strategies, plans or programmes which shall reflect, inter alia, the measures set out in this Convention relevant to the Contracting Party concerned; and (b) Integrate, as far as possible and as appropriate, the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity into relevant sectoral or cross-sectoral plans, programmes and policies. Going instead to explore the possibility oft he european funding opportunities the first programme to keep in mind is certainly LIFE. LIFE is the European Union’s financial instrument supporting environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the Union and in some candidate and neighbouring countries. Since 1992 LIFE has co-financed some 2,750 projects for a total of €1.35 billion. LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity supports projects that contribute to the implementation of the EU's Birds and Habitats Directives, and that contribute to the EU's goal of halting the loss of biodiverity. The maximum co-financing rate can be 75 percent, but is normally 50 percent. Principal objective: to protect, conserve, restore, monitor and facilitate the functioning of natural systems, natural habitats, wild flora and fauna, with the aim of halting the loss of biodiversity, including diversity of genetic resources, within the EU by 2010. THE EUROPEAN ACTION PLAN Reinforce action to halt the loss of biodiversity in the EU by 2010; Accelerate progress towards the recovery of habitats and natural systems in the EU; Optimise the EU’s contribution towards significantly reducing the rate of biodiversity loss worldwide by 2010. The Action Plan identifies four main policy areas and sets out 10 key objectives to deliver the 2 010 biodiversity target and -12-
put biodiversity on the course to recovery. These are, in turn, translated into over 1 50 individual priority actions and supporting measures which are to be implemented against specific time-bound targets at both national and European level. In this respect, one of the EU’s Biodiversity Action Plan’s aims is to get 10 million Europeans actively involved in biodiversity conservation initiatives by 2010 and to actively engage the business community in the fight against global biodiversity loss; Ensuring adequate financing for the Natura 2000 network and for biodiversity in the wider environment under the various EU financial programmes; Strengthening the EU decision-making process to ensure that biodiversity concerns are integrated into all EU and national policies and new initiatives are screened for their potential impact on biodiversity; Ensuring the active collaboration of all key stakeholder groups in the conservation of biodiversity across the EU territory; Raising awareness and encouraging public participation in biodiversity conservation initiatives.
Strasbourg, 14 February 2006
T-PVS/Emerald (2006) 1 English only
[T-PVS/Emerald01e_06 ]
Group of Experts for the setting up of the Emerald Network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest
Emerald Network Pilot Project in Serbia and Montenegro
- Report-
Document established by the Malta Environment & Planning Authority
ESTABLISHING EMERALD NETWORK IN SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Prepared by Ana Pajević Ministry of environmental protection and physical planning
Podgorica, Montenegro December, 2005 -15-
- Background - Emerald Network in Serbia and Montenegro - Emerald Network project team - List of Emerald team - Activities carry out in a framework of pilot project - List of nature conservation designation types according to national
- List of endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures Serbia and Montenegro (Resolution No 4 (1996))
- List of species requiring specific habitat conservation measures in Serbia Montenegro (Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Standing Committee
- List of biogeographical zones in country - Selection of potential Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) - Problems and solutions - Follow up activities - Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list - Annex 1. List of endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro (Resolution No. 4 (1996) - Annex 2. List of species requiring specific habitat conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro (Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Standing Committee - Annex 3. Maps of selected site in Serbia and Montenegro - Annex 4. Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list - Annex 5. Workplan of project acitivities - Annex 6. Financial statement of expenditure with the breakdown of the costs
Background The territory of Serbia and Montenegro (SCG), with an area of 102,173 km 2, makes only 0.07% of the entire world’s land, and 2.1% of the European continent. Along a 600 km horizontal transect, from the Montenegrin coast in the southwest through Pannonian Plain (Vojvodina) in the north, and along the vertical transect in the mountains of Serbia and Montenegro, segments/equivalents of almost all major European zonobiomes are represented (Mediterranean evergreen forests along the Adriatic coast, sub-Mediterranean mixed-deciduous forests and scrubs in Mediterranean hinterlands, deciduous forests in lowland, hilly and montane zones, boreal-type forests in subalpine belts, steppes and forest-steppes in Vojvodina; also, the high-alpine and oro-Mediterranean "oro-biomes" above the timber line in highmontane regions). In more generalized respect, 5 out of the 12 principal terrestrial biomes of the world may be distinguished, and the complex of marine biota may be regarded as the sixth biome. Serbia and Montenegro may be divided into four distinct geographical/orographic entities: Northern lowland part, belonging to the Pannonian Plain; Central part – mountains, hills and valleys of the Balkan mainland; and Adriatic coast in Montenegro; Adriatic Sea. Biogeographically, the territory of Serbia and Montenegro may be divided into the five regions (Mediterranean, Central European, Pontic-Southsiberian, Circum-boreal and Central-South-European montane regions), 8 subregions and 20 provinces (STEVANOVIĆ, 1995). It is situated between three principal eco-climatic regions of Europe: northern (boreal and temperate), eastern (Pontic) and southern (Mediterranean). General biogeographical characteristics are locally modified and diversified by varied orographic and petrographic composition of the territory, as well as by complex history of the flora and fauna, during the late Tertiary and Pleistocene, resulting in the complex composition of the biota and ecosystems, and their mosaic distribution. The territory of Serbia and Montenegro encompasses some of the most important Ice Age refuge regions of Europe. Southern location of Yugoslav territorial waters, within the Adriatic Sea Basin, accounts for the relatively great diversity of marine biota. Being located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula bordering south-eastern Pannonian Plain, at the crossroads of varying biogeographical impacts and routes, the biota in Serbia and Montenegro are, generally, very rich and varied, relative to the other countries and regions in Europe of comparable size. As usual, when such large and diversified segments of biota are considered, the availability of the basic information on the floristic/faunal composition, distribution, basic taxonomy, etc. is quite heterogeneous, hence the reliability of diverse conclusions is also variable. Serbia and Montenegro is among the floristically most diverse parts of the Balkan Peninsula, comparable only to Greece and Bulgaria. According to the international criteria of IUCN-WMC, the territory of FR Serbia and Montenegro, together with the -17-
mountainous area of Bulgaria, represents one of the six European and one of the 153 world’s centres of floristic diversity. Within its territory, 44.28% of the native mosses and 38.93% of the vascular plants of Europe are found; it comprises about 60% of plant species in the flora of the Balkan Peninsula (7,500). According to the most recent estimates, flora of Serbia and Montenegro comprises around 1,400 species of freshwater algae, 1,500 species of marine algae, 565 species of mosses, and 4,182 taxa (3,905 species and 277 subspecies, classified in 888 genera and 157 families) of vascular plants, which places Serbia and Montenegro among European countries with the greatest floristic diversity and density per unit area (Tab. 1). The extraordinary taxonomical richness of the Yugoslav vascular flora is obvious in comparison with that of the whole of Europe, which comprises some 11,000 species, in 1,541 genera and 203 families. In addition to the plants, some 516 species of lichens are recorded, and the mycoflora includes around 1,000 recorded species of macromycetes (the latter estimated at 3,500-4,500 species). The share of endemic, endemo-relict and relict plants greatly contribute to the richness and diversity of the flora of Serbia and Montenegro, being specific and different from other parts of Europe. The number of Balkan endemics in Serbia and Montenegro is particularly great, amounting to 392 taxa (species or subspecies), which accounts for 9.15% of the flora of Serbia and Montenegro. The predominant kind of endemism in Serbia and Montenegro, as well as in the Balkans generally, is the high-mountain one. The greatest diversity centres of endemic flora are mainly high mountains, such as Prokletije, Šar-Planina, Koritnik, Paštrik, Kopaonik, Stara Planina and Suva Planina, with 31-90 endemic species recorded per 100 sq km (UTM 10 x 10 km). In addition to high-mountain endemism, the edaphic endemism i.e. that related to particular bedrock is also great. Of special interest are serpentine habitats, particularly in W. and C. Serbia and Metohia, inhabited with ophiolitic endemic flora. Of particular global significance and great scientific interest are endemics restricted to the territory of Serbia and Montenegro – the local endemics; there are 87 locally endemic plants, that makes ca 2% of the total vascular flora of Serbia and Montenegro, or 22% of the total endemic flora of Serbia and Montenegro. Particularly large number of locally endemic plants inhabit the mountains of Prokletije and ŠarPlanina. Among local endemics, of particular significance are those belonging to endemic Balkan genera, like: Pancicia (P. serbica), Protoedraianthus (P. tarae), Petteria (P. rhamentacea), Halascya (H. sendtneri), Amphoricarpus (A. neumayeri, A. autariatus, A. bertisceus); also, some subendemic genera are also very important, particularly Ramonda (R. serbica, R. nathaliae) and Edraianthus (ca. 20 Balkan endemics). Local endemics are mostly of Tertiary origin (paleostenoendemics, endemo-relicts). Generally, relicts in the vascular flora of Serbia and Montenegro are of particular importance as potential genetical resources. These ancient plants are principally distributed in southern areas, scattered throughout the Mediterranean, but in only a few other parts of Europe. In Serbia and Montenegro they occupy specific habitats, primarily canyons, gorges and mountain tops, as well as the remaining enclaves of
steppe regions in Vojvodina. According to their age of origin, the relicts are classified into Tertiary, glacial, boreal, and xerothermal elements. The basic knowledge about the diversity of many animal taxa, and in particular, about the status of threat, is rather scanty, with the exception of a limited number of groups – principally the vertebrates, butterflies, and a few others (Tab. 2). The estimated number of insects (>37,000) is certainly among the highest in Europe, but these numbers can not be appropriately verified (except for the best studied groups and some general numeric regularities); nevertheless, entomofauna comprise as much as 30 (out of about 35 known) insect orders and over 70% of known insect families. The number of the so far examined non-insect invertebrates is estimated to be approximately 15,000. About 465 fish (Chondrichthyes and Osteicthyes) and lampreys (Cephalaspidomorpha) species were recorded in the waters of Serbia and Montenegro, of which some 115 species live in freshwaters and more than 405 in the Adriatic Sea. There are 70 species of amphibians and reptiles, 382 species of birds and 96 species of terrestrial mammals that were also recorded within the territory of Serbia and Montenegro. Out of stated 382 species of birds, which are either regularly, occasionally or potentially present in Serbia and Montenegro, the number of regularly occurring species is 333, of which there are 260 species of breeding birds; comparing this parameter, as most relevant for biodiversity assessments, with the total of 300 species of breeding birds in the whole of the Balkan Peninsula, we may conclude that Serbia and Montenegro supports 87% of Balkan diversity, the percentage which is much higher than in many other countries. Similarly, we may establish that Serbia and Montenegro harbours 51.16% of the European fish fauna, 74.03% of the European birds and 67.61% of the European mammals. The percentage for the amphibians and reptiles (combined) is somewhat less remarkable – 25.27%, but this is largely due to the extremely great faunistic riches of some small periphery areas of Europe; otherwise, just a few individual countries have the number of taxa similar to Serbia and Montenegro (Italy and Greece – 74 species each, Spain – 66).
Emerald Network in Serbia and Montenegro A Pilot Project was launched in January 2005 in order to start the implementation of the Emerald Network in Serbia and Montenegro, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning Republic of Montenegro. Serbia and Montenegro is in the process of ratification of the Bern Convention and has taken fully into consideration the provisions of the Convention and in particular Recommendation No. 16 (1989) and Resolution No. 3 (1996). The Emerald Pilot Project is intended to serve as a ground for accelerating the process of accession of Serbia and Montenegro to the Bern Convention and can be used to define more areas of national importance for nature conservation.
Emerald Network project team The national Emerald network team was formed after signing the project contract. The team consists of 28 experts. The team was mainly based on capacity from Institute for nature protection, University of natural sciences and Natural history museum from both republics. The project team leader and technical expert is representative of the Ministries of Environment, which is responsible for project implementation.
List of Emerald team: Republic of Montenegro 1. Ana Pajević, team leader 2. M.Sc. Sneţana Vuksanović, flora expert 3. M.Sc. Sneţana Dragićević, flora expert 4. M.Sc. Sead Hadţiablahović, flora expert 5. M.Sc. Danka Petrović, flora expert 6. M.Sc. Vesna Maĉić, marine biologiest 7. M.Sc. Vasilije Bušković, protected area expert 8. Darko Saveljić, ornithologiest 9. M.Sc. Gordana Kasom, micologiest 10. M.Sc.Jelena Nikcevic, entomologiest
Republic of Serbia 11. Ph.Dr Dmitar Lakušić, botanist and habitat expert 12. Ph.Dr Lidija Amidţić, botanist, protected area expert 13. Ph.Dr Aleksandar Ćetković, entomologiest 14. Ph.Dr Predrag Jakšić, entomologiest 15. M.Sc Gordana Tomović, botanist 16. M.Sc Srdjan Stamenković, mammologist 17. M.Sc Marjan Niketić, botanist 18. M.Sc Jasmina Šinţar-Sekulić, GIS expert 19. Dijana Ţukovec, technical assistent 20. Irena Djalić, technical assistent 21. Dragan Pavićević, entomologiest 22. Nataša Pil, entomologiest 23. Nenad Sekulić, ihtyologist, protected area expert 24. Rastko Ajtić, herpetologist 25. Danko Jović, herpetologist 26. Goran Sekulić, ornitologiest 27. Nikola Stojnić, ornitologiest 28. Jelena Duĉić-technical expert Activities carry out in a framework of pilot project
The Emerald Workshop The workshop was held on 26-27 April 2005 in Podgorica, Republic of Montenegro in order to introduce the national team to the principle and technical aspects of the Emerald network and organize training for the team. The session was managed by working presidency: Ms.Ana Pajevic, project manager for the Emerald network in S&M, Mr. Eladio Fernandez Galiano and Mr. Mark Roekaerts from the Council of Europe. Mr. Eladio Fernandez Galiano presented a hole activities of the Council of Europe and explained the legal framework of the Emerald network and the criteria for selection of ASCI and introduced the following relevant Emerald documentation. Mr. Mark Roekaerts, expert for Emerald software presented the final version of the Emerald network software and explained step by step the introduction of data into the software by interactive work on a specific task. Also, a representative from the Ministry of science and environmental protection, Republic of Serbia and a representative from the Institute for nature protection, Republic of Montenegro gave a detailed overview of biodiversity conditions and the legislative framework in respective republics. The software was installed both in the Institute for nature protection in the Republic of Montenegro and in the Institute for nature protection in the Republic of Serbia. List of nature conservation designation types according to national legislation In Serbia and Montenegro, several laws regulate nature protection on a republican level, such as the Environment Law, Law on Nature Protection, Law on coastal zones, the Law on National Parks and the Directive on protection of natural rarities. There are no overall strategic documents on biodiversity management or a policy in terms of nature conservation. There are 5 national parks in Serbia1, and 4 national parks in Montenegro and larger number of protected areas. A total of 8.836.100 ha or 5.93% of the Serbian territory is under protection regime ( 5 national parks, 72 nature reserves, 13 natural parks, 31 cultural and historical important areas, 13 landscape and 256 monuments of nature). The Landscape Spatial Plane of the Republic of Serbia (1996) projects planned to protect 10% of the territory by the year 2010. In Serbia national legislation currently provides for the protection of 215 plant and 427 animal species. A total of 98,570 ha or 7.14% of the Montenegrins territory is under protection regime (4 national park, 4 reserves of nature and 51 monuments of nature). The most important natural resources in Montenegro are 4 national parks. In Montenegro 1
Djerdap, Tara, Kopaonik, Fruska Gora and Sara Skadar lake, Durmitor, Lovcen and Biogradska gora
national legislation currently provides for the protection of 314 animal and 57 plant species. A number of nature areas have been recognized as internationally significant. Among these are the Obed Swamps and the Ludas Lake, Skadar Lake and Carska bara - Stari Begej and Slano Kopovo (Ramsar Wetland of International Significance). Others include the Durmitor-National Park, which includes part of the Tara River Canyon and the Kotor-Risan-Bay (a World Natural Heritage site), the Tara River Basin (UNESCO-MAB) and the Golija Biosphere Reserve (UNESCO MAB). Protected Areas (PA), at present in Montenegro (i) PAs by national legislature Name and national category of the PAs
IUCN mangm category II National parks Skadar lake II Lovćen II Durmitor II Biogradska gora II III /V Nature monuments Gorge Đalovića III / V Cave Lipska III / V Cave Magara III / V Cave Globoĉica III / V Cave near to Trnovo / Virpazar III / V Cave Babatuša III / V Cave Novakovića near to Tomaševo III / V Pothole Duboki do in Njegušima III / V Canyon of Piva river (downstream of the dam Mratinje) III / V Canyon of Komarnica river III / V Association of Pinetum mughi montenegrinum located at Ljubišnja III / V (1.000ha) , Durmitor (5.200ha) and Bjelasica (400ha) Association of Pinus heldraichii) located at Orjen (300ha), Lovćen III / V (300ha) and Rumija (100ha) Beaches at the Skadar lake shore III / V Beach Velika Ulcinjska III / V Beach Mala Ulcinjska III / V Beach Valdanos III / V Beach Velji pijesak III / V Beach Topolica, Bar Beach Sutomore Beach Luĉica, Petrovac Beach Ĉanj Beach Pećin Beach Buljarica Petrovaĉka Beach Beach Drobni pijesak Beach Sveti Stefan Beach Miloĉer Becicka Beach Beach Slovenska, Budva Beach Mogren Beach Jaz Beach Prţno Hill Savinska Dubrava in Herceg Novi
Area Percentage of the State (hectares) territry (13.812 km2) 83.000 40.000 6.400 31.200 5.400 7.733 1.600 / / / / / / / 1.700 2.300 1.000 400 / 600 1,5 3 0,5 2 4 0,9 3,5 1,5 4 1,5 1 4 1 5 4 2 4 2 35,46
Botanical reserve of laurel and oleandera above the spring Sopot near to Risan Botanical garden of the mountain flora in Kolašin Botanical garden of general Kovaĉević in Grahovo Park “13 jul”, and “Njegošev park” in Cetinje Park near to hotel Boka in Herceg Novi City park in Tivat Park of the Castle at Topolica
III / V III / V III / V III / V III / V III / V III Areas of Exeptional Natural Values Hill Spas above Budva III Cape Ratac with Ţukotrljica III Island Stari Ulcinj III Hill Trebjesa, Nikšić III III Other PAs – protected by municipality regulations Kotor – Risan bay, Municipality Kotor III I Nature Reserves - In NP Skadar lake: Manastirska tapija, Panĉeva oka, Crni ţar, Grmoţur i Omerova gorica I - In NP Durmitor: Crna Poda I In TOTAL, under national protection
0,64 0,93 7,83 1,2 3 2 322,5 131 30 2,5 159 15.000 15.000 500 420 80 106.655
1.08% 0.03%
Protected Areas by international legislature Name and internationa categoty of the PAs
Area (hectares)
a) Tare River basin – The World Biosphere Reserve - M&B, UNESCO including b) NP Durmitor with canyon of Tara River, protected as World Heritage site – UNESCO(natural) Kotor-Risani bay - World Heritage site – UNESCO (cultural) including Town Kotor as an endangered World Heritage site Skadar lake – Ramsar site (area of the Nacionalni Park) In TOTAL, under international protection
Percentage of the State territry (13.812 km2)
15.000 40.000 237.899
Planned2 Protected Areas Protected area
Platije – middle part of Canyon Moraca River
Cijevna river Canyon up to village Dinosa
National Parks Prokletije Regional Parks Orjen mt. Rumija mt. Komovi mt. Sinjajevina mt with Šaranci Maglic, Bioc & Volujak mts Ljubišnja mt. Turjak mt and Hajla mt Natural monuments
3Planned by Physical Plan of Montenegro 1997
Area (hectares) 14.000 14.000 124.200 19.000 12.200 21.000 42.400 7.200 7.800 14.600 >2.000 (č5.800) Has not been defined, yet 2.000
Percentage of State territory (13.812 km2)
Mala Rijeka River Canyon
Protected Landscapes Visitor & Zeletin mts Beech forests on Obzovica mt. Catchment Area of Moraca River In total, planned PAs
Has not been defined, yetŠ2Ć 117.300 31.000 300 86.000 257.500 (ĉ261.300) 18,9%
Protected Areas (PA), at present in Serbia Category A Zaštićena prirodna baština /Protected areas 1. NACIONALNI PARKOVI National parks 2. PARKOVI PRIRODE Nature parks 3. PREDELI IZUZETNIH ODLIKA Areas of Exeptional Natural Values
Number 5 15 15
Area ( ha) 159986 238135 32026
50 20
2402 81427
6.SPOMENICI PRIRODE Nature monuments 6.a. Dendro-botanički/ dendro-botanical: (znamenita stabla i grupe stabala/tree-monument and tree groups, drvoredi/alley, park šume/park-wood, botaniĉki lokaliteti/botanical locality, parkovi/parks, male šumske sastojine/ small wood content) 6.b.Objekti geo-nasledja/ Natural monument of geological features: (klisure i kanjon/ gorge and canyon, pećine i kraške jame/caves and carst pit, izvori i vrela/spring, prerasti i prozorci/overgrow, vidikovci/viewing spot,drugi oblici reljefa/other shape of relievo, znaĉajna geološka mesta/important geological areas) 7. KULTURNO-ISTORIJSKI PREDELI Areas of cultural and historical significance (memorijalni prirodni spomenici prostori oko nepokretnih kulturnih dobara/ Memorial natural monument and Natural area around cultural heritage site or monument Total
Category B: ZAŠTIĆENE VRSTE DIVLJE FLORE I FAUNE/PROTECTED WILD FLORA AND FAUNA SPECIES –Regulation of the Governament about protection of natural rarities (1993) and Regulation of the Governament puting under control of using and trade wild flora and fauna (2005) 1.PRIRODNE RETKOSTI/ NATURAL RARITIES PLANT SPECIES: 215 taxa species and sub- species wild flora, 427 taxa wild fauna. 2. KONTROLISANE VRSTE/CONTROL SPCIES: 3 specis of lichen , 15 fungi species, 152 planta species and 9 fauna species. -24-
List of endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro (Resolution No. 4 (1996)) According to Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Standing Committee national team have identified 315 endangered natural habitat in Serbia and Montenegro. See Annex 1. of this report. List of species requiring specific habitat conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro (Resolution No. 6 (1998) of the Standing Committee) According to Resolution No 4 (1996) national team have identified 199 fauna species and 24 flora species in Serbia and Montenegro. See Annex 2. of this report. List of biogeographical zones in country Following biogeographical regions are present in Serbia and Montenegro: - Panonnian - Continental - Alpine - Mediterranean. Selection of potential Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) After identification of Emerald species listed in Resolution No.6 (1998) and Emerald habitat listed in Resolution No. 4 (1996) present in Serbia and Montenegro, potential Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) were selected based on the criteria listed in the Recommendation No. 16 (1989). The selected sites are: 1. National park ’’Durmitor’’ with basin of Tara river, UNESCO World Natural Heritage List, 32.000 ha 2. National park ’’Kopaonik’’, IBA site, IPA site, PBA site, 31.386 ha 3. National park ’’Skadarsko jezero’’, Ramsar site, 40.000 ha 4. Beach Velika ulcinjska and Solana, monument of nature, 2.068 ha 5. Gorge Dajlovic, monument of nature,1.600 ha 6. Deliblatska peščara send-pit, special nature reserves, IBA site, IPA site, 35.837 ha 7. Wetland of Obedska bara, special nature reserves, Ramsar site, IBA site, IPA site, 9.863 ha 8. Area of Gornje podunavlje, special nature reserves, IBA site, IPA site, PBA site, 19.378 ha 9. Metohijske Prokletije, in process of protection, IBA site, IPA site, PBA site, 155.396 ha 10. Vlasina, in process of protection, IBA site, IPA site 8.612 ha
Sites have been chosen with total area of 336.113 ha. For each of the mentioned sites a special Standard data form was filed to the Emerald software version 2.0. See Annex 3. Map of selected site in Serbia and Montenegro. -Problems and solutions During the realization of Emerald pilot project national team identified some problems: -
Lack of data base for vegatation, especally for certain areas. Existing data is not in accordance with modern habitats classification system Information are fragmented and outdated Different stage of the research among certain areas Large number of endemic species which exist in Serbia and Montenegro have not been include in Emerald list Lack of experience in applying habitats classification system Lack of experience in Assessment for the Habitat (Representatively, Relative Surface, Conservation Status, Conservation of functions, Restoration possibilities) and Species (Size and density of the population, Degree of conservation, Restoration possibilities, etc.) Legislative basis for establishment of the Emerald still is not finally set; Technical problems with software
National team have been participated in a varius workshops in a field of nature protection and protected areas. In a framework of REReP project '' Promotion of networks and exchange in counties of South-Eastern Europe'' montenegrian experts exchange experiance with bulgarian and albanian experts about system of protected areas, Emerald network, costrains and problems in this project. National team also introduce and promote Emerald network in Serbia and Montenegro on different TV stations and through educational programme. Follow up activities The country intends to carry out the secound implementation phaze (during 2006) by identifying 80% of the potential ACSIs. In second phaze the work of team of expert will be focused in more areas where little work is done so far e.g. in the field of marine habitats and habitats proposed to be include in a category of protected areas. Special assesment activities are required to obtain information of these species and sites. Future work for developing Emerald network in Serbia and Montenegro will greatly benefit from information and research through the UNDP projects such us Biodiversity Strategy, and other ongoing programmes targeted protected areas.
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list National team analyze which species should be added to the Emerald lists considering some specifications of Serbia and Montenegro. Regarding the expansion of species list, the expert group decided to add the following species: - local endemic species - sub-endemic species - marine species from the list of the Barcelona convention See Annex 4. of this report.
COASTAL AND HALOPHYTIC COMMUNITIE OCEAN AND SEAS, MARINE COMMUNITIES Benthic communities Sublittoral soft seabeds Sublittoral rocky seabeds and kelp forests Sublittoral organogenic concretions Sublittoral cave communities Soft sediment littoral communities Sea-grass meadows Brackish sea vascular vegetation Marine spike-rush beds
Continental glasswort swards <Salicornia europaea> Pannonian <Salicornia europaea> swards Pannonian seablite swards Pannonian saltswort communities Ponto-Pannonian<Acorellus>communities Central-eurasian<Crypsis>communities Central-eurasian<Chenopodium>
1. 11. !11.2 !11.22 !11.24 !11.25 !11.26 !11.27 !11.3 !11.4 !11.42 13 !13.2 !14. 15.
!15.115 !15.11511 !15.11512 !15.11513 !15.141 !15.142 !15.143
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Total Serbia&Mon
List of endangered natural habitats requiring specific conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro
Annexe 1
+ + + + + + + + +
? +
Common S&M
!15.4 !15.41 !15.42 !15.5 16 !16.2 2. 22 !22.1 !22.11 !22.146 !22.3 !22.31 !22.312 !22.321 !22.323 !22.3232 !22.3233 !22.34 !22.341 !22.3414 !22.3415 !22.3419 !22.341A !22.342 !22.344 !22.351 22,4 22,41 !22.412 !22.413
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Interior European saltmarsh grass meadows Interior European saltmarsh rush and couch beds Mediterranean salt meadows COASTAL SAND DUNES AND SAND BEACHES Dunes
NON-MARINE WATERS STANDING FRESH WATER Permanent ponds and lakes Lime-deficient oligotrophic waterbodies Aldrovanda communities Amphibious communities Euro-Siberian perennial amphibious communities <Eleocharis> swards Dwarf spike-rush communities<Eleocharis> Dwarf toad-rush communities Small galingale swards <Cyperus> Wey ground dwarf herb communities Mediterraneo-Atlantic amphibious communities Short Mediterranean amphibious swards Mediterranean small galingale swards Mediterranean [Fimbristylis] swards Mediterranean dwarf [Scirpus] swards Mediterranean [Eleocharis] swards Tall Mediterranean amphibious swards Serapias grasslands Pannonic riverbank dwarf sedge communities <Carex> Euhydrophyte communities Free-floating vegetation Frogbit rafts<Hydrocharis morsus-ranae> Water-soldier raftd<Stratiotes aloides>
+ + + + + +
Suboceanic inland salt meadows
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + +
RUNNING WATER River gravel banks Unvegetated river gravel banks Sparsely vegetated river gravel banks
24. !24.2 !24.21 !24.22 !24.221 !24.222 3. 31. !31.2 !31.22 31,4 !31.46 !31.461 !31.462
Rhodopide [Bruckenthalia] heaths North-western Hellenide [Bruckenthalia] heaths
SCRUB AND GRASSLAND TEMPERATE HEATH AND SCRUB European dry heaths Sub-Atlantic [Calluna] - [Genista] heaths Alpine and boreal heaths Bruckenthalia heaths
Montane river gravel communities
+ +
Salt basin benthic communities Exposed unvegetated beaches of inland saline and brackish waters with soft sediments
!23.13 !23.14
Boreo-alpine stream gravel communities
+ +
STANDING BRACKISH AND SALT WATER Athalassall saline lakes Submerged charophyte carpets in inland saline or hypersaline waterbodies
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
Bladderwort colonies<Utricularia> spp. Salvinia covers Aldrovanda communities Rooted floating vegetation Shallow-water floating communities Water crowfoot communities<Ranunculus sect. Bratrachium> Water violet bads<Hottonia palustris> Chandalier algae submerged carpets Turlough and lake-bottom meadows
!22.414 !22.415 !22.416 22,43 22,432 !22.4321 !22.4323 !22.44 !22.5 23. !23.11 !23.12
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
SCLEROPHYLLOUS SCRUB Thermo-Mediterranean shrub formations Tree-spurge formations Phrygana
STEPPES AND DRY CALCAREOUS GRASSLANDS Houseseleek communities<Semperivivum> <Jovibarba> Dense perennial grasslands and middle European steppes
Serpentine steppes
+ + +
Pannonic and sub-Pannonic thickets Peri-Pannonic ground cherry scrub Peri-Pannonic dwarf almond scrub Danubian hawthorn scrub Peri-Pannonic hawthorn-blackthorn scrub Pannonic wig tree-manna ash thickets
!31.8B1 !31.8B121 !31.8B122 !31.8B125 !31.8B131 !31.8B133 32 32,2 !32.22 33. 34. !34.112 !34.3
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +
Moesian [Astragalus angusiifolius] hedgehog-heaths
Helleno-Balkanic [Satureja montana] steppes Moesian-Carpathian steppes Moesian-Carpathian andropogonid steppes Moesian-Carpathian meadow steppes Moesian<Chrysopogon>meadow-steppes Moesian<Danthonia><Sieglinga>meadow-steppes Sub-Atlanticsemi-dry calcareous grassland Illyrian (Mesobromion) grasslands Illyrian<Seslaria>grasslands
Helleno-Balkanic sylvatic [Astragalus] hedgehog-heaths
!34.311 !34.3161 !34.31612 !34.3163 !34.31632 !34.31633 34.32 34,329 !34.3292 !34.37
+ + + +
Carpatho-Balkanic [Bruckenthalia] heaths Balkan range [Bruckenthalia] heaths Hedgehog-heaths
!31.463 !31.4631 !31.7 !31.78
+ +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
Eutrophic humid grasslands Atlantic and sub-Atlantic humid meadows <Deschampsia caespitosa>meadows <Polygonium bistorta> meadows <Juncus effusus>meadows <Scirpus sylvaticus>meadows
+ + + + + +
DRY SILICEOUS GRASSLANDS Atlantic mat-grass swards and related communities Mat-grass swards <Nardus stricta> Illyrian mat-grass swards Mediterraneo-montane mat-grass swards Balkanic montane mat-grass swards
!37.2 !37.21 !37.213 !37.215 !37.217 !37.219
+ + + + +
Pannonic tall forb meadow-steppes Pannonic tall forb meadow-steppes Pannonic loess pastures Sand steppes Drooping brome pioneer swards Corispermum pioneer swards Southern Pannonic calciphile sand fescue steppes Southern Pannonic feathergrass sand steppes Deliblat <Festuca wagneri> sand steppes Pannonic closed sand steppes Pannonic sand puszta Southern Pannonic feathergrass sand steppes
Pannonic loess steppes
Continental steppes
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Mediterranean xeric grasslands East Mediterranean xeric grassland Helleno-Balkanic communities and terophyt
!34.5 !34.53 !34.532 !34.9 !34.911 !34.912 !34.913 !34.914 !34.A !34.AIII !34.A112 !34.A1213 !34.A12122 !34.A132 !34.A14 !34.A15 !34.A12122 35 !35.1 !35.11 !35.115 !35.7 !35.73 37
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
Oak-hornbeam forests Illyrian oak - hornbeam forests Illyrian sessile oak-hornbeam forests
!41.2 !41.2A !41.2A1
+ + +
Illyrian low-montane neutrophile fir-beech forests Illyrian thermophile beech forests Illyrian coastal beech forests Illyrian inland calciphile beech forests Illyrian (Acer obtusatum) beech forests Illyrian subalpine beech forests <Prunus laurocerasus><Fagus>beech forests Old mountains(Blacanian mn.)
Illyrian beech forests
FORESTS BROAD-LEAVED DECIDUOUS FORESTS Beech forests Moesian beech forests
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +
Giant moorgrass swards Continental oligotrophic humid grasslands Angelica archangelica fluvial communities Marsh mallow screens<Althaea officinalis> Continental meadows Ponto-Pannonian mezofilian high meadows
!37.313 !37.33 !37.711 !37.713 !38.25 !38.251 4. 41. !41.1 !41.19 !41.1C !41.1C222 !41.1C3 !41.1C31 !41.1C32 !41.1C323 !41.1C4 !41.19312
+ + + + + + + +
Subcontinental riverine meadows Flood swards and related communities Tall rush pastures <Agropyrum repens> swards Transitional tall herb humid meadows Dunabian-Pannonian riverian and humid meadows Oligotrophic humid grasslands [Molinia caerulea] meadows and related communities
!37.23 !37.24 !37.241 !37.2424 !37.25 !37.263 !37.3 !37.31
+ + + +
+ + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
Dalmatian white oak woods Eastern sub-Mediterranean white oak woods Moesian white oak woods Pannonian [Quercus pubescens] woods Illyrian [Quercus pubescens] Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus] woods
Dalmatian thermophile turkey oak-sessile oak woods Dalmatian [Quercus cerris] woods Dalmatian [Quercus petraea] woods Helleno-Moesian<Quercus cerris> woods Helleno-Moesian<Quercus frainetto> woods
!41.736 !41.737 !41.7372 !41.7374 !41.7375 !41.74
!41.742 !41.7421 !41.7422 !41.761 !41.762
+ +
Eastern [Quercus pubescens] woods Italo-Illyrian [Ostrya carpinifolia] sub-thermophilous [Quercus]
Moesian mesophile oak-hornbeam forests
Southeastern European oak - hornbeam forests Moesian oak-hornbeam forests
Pannonic hygrophile ash-oak-hornbeam forests Peri-Pannonic acidophile oak-hornbeam forests
!41.73 !41.74
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Moesian thermophile oak-hornbeam forests Mixed ravine and slope forests Moesian ravine and slope forests Illyrian ravine forests Illyrian mixed sycamore ravine forests Acidophilous oak forests Medio-European acidophilous [Quercus] forests Thermophilous and supra-Mediterranean oak woods
Illyrian neutrocline sessile oak-hornbeam forests Illyrian pedunculate oak-hornbeam forests
!41.2A12 !41.2A2 !41.2B1 !41.2B2 !41.2C !41.2C3 !41.2C31 !41.2C32 !41.4 !41.462 !41.463 !41.4632 !41.5 !41.57 !41.7
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
!41.82 !41.822 !41.8222 !41.8223 !41.8225 !41.834 !41.84 !41.85 !41.863 !41.87 !41.88 !41.891 42. !42.16 !42.17 42,2
!41.763 !41.7641 !41.765 !41.766 !41.767 !41.78 !41.781 !41.7A12 !41.7A13 !41.7A2133 !41.8 !41.81 !41.812 !41.8123
+ + +
TEMPERATE CONIFEROUS FORESTS South Balcan silver fir forest Balkano-Pontic fir forest Western Palaearctic orogenous spruce forests
Moesian thermophilous maple woods
Eastern Adriatic oriental hornbeam woods
Moesian oriental hornbeam woods Lilac oriental hornbeam woods
Thermophilous [Tilia] woods [Celtis australis] woods Manna tree woods Pannonic [Juniperus] - [Populus] steppe woods Sub-Mediterranean and Pannonic mixed woods Western Asian wild fruit tree steppe woods
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Oriental hornbeam woods Helleno-Balkanic oriental hornbeam woods
Mixed thermophilous forests Hop-hornbeam woods Supra-Mediterranean hop-hornbeam woods Eastern Adriatic supra-Mediterranean hop-hornbeam woods
Pannonic turkey oak-sessile oak woods Pannonic hairy greenweed sessile oak woods Voivodinian sand steppe oak woods
[Quercus trojana] woodland Helleno-Balkanic Trojan oak woods
Helleno-Moesian <Quercus polycarpa> forests
Helleno-Moesian<Quercus daleachampii>woods Helleno-Moesian<Quercus petrea>woods Helleno-Moesian<Quercus virgiliana>woods Helleno-Moesian<Quercus pedunculiflora>woods
+ +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
Riparian willow formations Orogenous riverine brush Lowland and collinar riverine [Salix] scrub Middle European [Salix alba] forests Almond willow-osier scrub Balkan riverine willow scrub Mediterranean tall [Salix] galleries Pannonic willow galleries Mediterranean white willow galleries Eumediterranean white and crack willow galleries Boreo-alpine riparian galleries
!44.1 !44.11 !44.12 !44.13 !44.121 !44.123 !44.14 !44.161 !44.141 !44.1412 !44.2
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Sub-Mediterranean Norway spruce forests Montenegrine spruce forest Paeonician spruce forest Balkan Range spruce forest Omorike spruce forest<Picea omorika> Western Palaearctic Scots pine forests South-eastern European Scots pine forests Dinaric calcicole Scots pine forests Black pine forests Western Balkan Pinus nigra forests Dinaro-Pelagonian Pinus nigra forests Illyrian submediterranean Pinus nigra forests Banat and Pallas pine forest High oro-mediterranean pine forests White-barked pine [Pinus leucodermis] forests South Dinaric white-barked pine forests Macedonian pine [Pinus peuce] woods Southern Dinaric Macedonian pine woods TEMPERATE RIVERINE AND SWAMP FORESTS AND BRUSH
42,24 !42.243 !42.244 !42.245 !42.27 42.5 !42.5C !42.5C6 !42.6 !42.62 !42.621 !42.6215 !42.66 !42.7 !42.71 !42.715 !42.72 !42.722 44
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
Wild olive woodland Carob woodland Holm-oak forests Illyrian holm-oak woodland Kermes oak forests Eurasian continental lauriphyllous forests Mediterraneo-Atlantic laurel-oak woodland
45.11 45.12 45,3 45.319 45,4 45,5 45,51
5. 51.
Pannonic swamp alder-ash woods
Chaste tree thickets Mediterraneo-Macaronesian tamarisk thickets Alder, willow, oak, aspen swamp woods Steppe swamp alder woods
[Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woods of rivulets and springs [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woods of fast-flowing rivers [Fraxinus] - [Alnus] woods of slow rivers Mixed oak-elm-ash forests of great rivers South-east European ash-oak-alder forests Helleno-Balkanic ash-oak-alder forests Montenegrine ash-oak-alder forests Southern alder and birch galleries Southern black alder galleries Southern riparian galleries and thickets [Nerium oleander] [Vitex agnus-castus] and [Tamarix] galleries
Middle European stream ash-alder woods
Montane grey alder galleries Montenegrine grey alder galleries Boreal black alder galleries
!44.812 !44.813 44,9 44,914 !44.9141 ! 45.
!44.21 !44.215 !44.24 !44.3 !44.31 !44.32 !44.33 44,4 !44.43 !44.432 !44.4325 !44.5 !44.51 !44.8 !44.81
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + +
+ +
+ ? ? + + + + +
+ +
+ + +
!54.26 !54.214 !54.23 !54.236 !54.2F !54.3 54,4 54,42 !54.426 !54.4262 !54.4263 !54.4265 !54.4266 !54.5 !54.51 !54.513
!51.1 !51.13 !51.131 53. !53.3 !53.31 !53.33 54. 54,1 !54.12 !54.2 !54.21 !54.22 !54.25
Arcto-alpine riverian swards Acidic fens Black-white-star sedge fens Peri-Danubian black-white-star sedge fens Dinaric black-star sedge acidic fens Rhodopide black-star sedge acidic fens Balkanic black-star sedge fens Moeso-Macedonian black-star sedge fens Transition mires Slender-sedge swards Brown moss-sphagnum slender-sedge swards
Middle European flat sedge fens
[Carex nigra] alkaline fens Illyrian black bogrush fens Subcontinental Davall sedge fens Dinaric carnation-tawny sedge fens
FENS, TRANSITION MIRES AND SPRINGS Springs Hard water springs Rich fens Tall herb fens [Schoenus ferrugineus] fens [Carex dioica], [Carex pulicaris] and [Carex flava] fens
Riparian [Cladium] beds
Bog eye (kolk) WATER-FRINGE VEGETATION Fen-sedge beds Fen [Cladium mariscus] beds
Near-natural raised bogs Bog pools
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
!54.52 !54.53 !54.532 !54.5321 !54.54 !54.57 !54.58 !64 !64.711 !64.712 !64.713 !64.714 !64.715 !64.716 !64.717 6. !65. !65.4 !65.5 !65.6 !93
+ + + + +
INLAND ROCKS, SCREES AND SANDS Caves Troglobiont invertebrate caves Troglophile invertebrate caves Subtroglophile invertebrate caves WOODED STEPPE
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
Pannonic bare sands Pannonic dune lichen communities Pannonic dune pioneer grasslands Pannonic dune open grasslands Pannonic dune closed grasslands Pannonic dune thickets and scrubs Pannonic dune woods
[Carex diandra] quaking mires Bottle sedge quaking mires Basicline bottle sedge quaking mires Basicline sphagnum-bottle sedge quaking mires [Carex limosa] swards [Rhynchospora alba] quaking bogs Sphagnum and cottongrass rafts
+ + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + +
Annex 2 List of endangered species requiring specific conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro Total Serbia&Mon
Common S&M
Rhinolophus blasii
Rhinolophus euryale
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum
Rhinolophus hipposideros
Rhinolophus mehelyi
Barbastella barbastellus
Miniopterus schreibersi
Myotis bechsteini
Myotis blythii
Myotis capaccinii
Myotis dasycneme
Myotis emarginatus
Myotis myotis
RODENTIA Sciuridae
Spermophilus citellus (Citellus citellus)# Castoridae Castor fiber # 1,
Ursus arctos # 1
Lutra lutra #
Mustela lutreola Felidae
Lynx lynx # 1 Phocidae
+ +
Monachus monachus
Gavia stellata
Gavia arctica
Calonectris diomedea
Gavia immer PODICIPEDIFORMES Podicipedidae Podiceps auritus PROCELLARIIFORMES Hydrobatidae Hydrobates pelagicus
Puffinus yelkouan yelkouan PELECANIFORMES Phalacrocoracidae
Phalacrocorax pygmaeus PELICANIFORMES
+ +
Pelicanus crispus CICONIIFORMES Ardeidae
Ardea purpurea
Ardeola ralloides
Botaurus stellaris
Casmerodius albus (Egretta alba)
Egretta garzetta
Ixobrychus minutus
Ciconia nigra
Plegadis falcinellus
Nycticorax nycticorax
Ciconia ciconia
Platalea leucorodia Phoenicopteridae
+ +
Phoenicopterus ruber ANSERIFORMES Anatidae
Aythya nyroca 2
+ +
Anser albifrons flavirostries2
Branta ruficollis
Cygnus cygnus
Mergus allbelus FALCONIFORMES Accipitridae
Accipiter brevipes
Aquila chrysaetos
Aquila clanga
Aquila heliaca
Aquila pomarina
Buteo rufinus
Circaetus gallicus
Circus aeruginosus
Circus pygargus
Circus cyaneus
Gyps fulvus
Haliaeetus albicilla
Hieraaetus fasciatus
Hieraaetus pennatus
Milvus migrans
Milvus milvus
Neophron percnopterus
+ +
Pernis apivorus Pandionidae
+ +
Pandion haliaetus Falconidae
Falco biarmicus
Falco naumanni
Falco peregrinus
Falco vespertinus
Falco columbarius
Falco eleonorae GALLIFORMES Tetraonidae
Bonasa bonasia 2
Tetreo urogallus Phasianidae Perdix perdix Alectoria graeca GRUIFORMES Turnicidae
Tunix sylvatica Rallidae
Crex crex
Porzana parva
Porzana porzana
Porzana pusilla Gruidae
+ +
Grus grus Otididae
Otis tarda
Tetrax tetrax
+ +
Limosa laponica
Philomachus pugnax2
Tringa glareola Recurvirostridae
Himantopus himantopus
Recurvirostra avosetta Burhinidae
Burhinus oedicnemus Glareolidae
+ +
Glareola pratincola
Chlidonias hybridus
Chlidonias leucopterus
Chlidonias niger
Gelochelidon nilotica
Larus genei
Larus melanocephalus
Sterna albifrons
Sterna hirundo
Sterna caspia
Sterna sandvicensis STRIGIFORMES Strigidae
Aegolius funereus
Asio flammeus
Bubo bubo
Glaucidium passerinum
Strix uralensis
Caprimulgus europaeus
Alcedo atthis Coraciidae
Coracias garrulus
Dendrocopos leucotos
Dendrocopos medius
Dendrocopos syriacus
Dendrocopos mayor
Dryocopus martius
Picoides tridactylus
+ + +
Picus canus
Calandrella brachydactyla
Lullula arborea 2
Melanocorypha calandra Motacillidae
Anthus campestris
Lanius collurio
Lanius minor Troglotidae
+ +
Troglodytes troglodytes fridariensis Turdinae
Luscinia svecica (Cyanosylvia svecica) Sylviinae
Acrocephalus palaudicola
Hippolais olivetorum
Ficedula albicollis
Acrocephalus melanopogon
+ +
Sylvia nisoria
+ + +
Ficedula parva
+ +
Sittidae Emberizidae Emberiza hortulana
+ +
Fringilla coelbes ombrosa2 Corvidae
Testudo graeca
Testudo hermanni
Caretta caretta
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
Chelonia mydas Emydidae
Emys orbicularis
+ +
Elaphe quatuorlineata #
Elaphe situla # Viperidae
+ +
Vipera ursinii
Amphibians/Amphibiens CAUDATA Salamandridae
Triturus carnifex (Triturus cristatus carnifex)
Triturus cristatus (Triturus cristatus cristatus)# Triturus dobrogicus (Triturus cristatus dobrogicus)
Bombina bombina#
Triturus karelinii (Triturus cristatus karelinii)# ANURA
Bombina variegata#
+ +
Eudontomyzon spp. 2
Lampetra planeri
+ +
Lampetra fluviatilis 1,2# ACIPENSERIFORMES
Acipenser naccarii
+ + +
Acipenser sturio
SALMONIFORMES Salmonidae Hucho hucho (natural polulations/populations naturelles) 2
+ +
Salmo marmoratus CYPRINIFORMES Cyprinidae Aspius aspius #
1, 2
Barbus meridionalis
Chalcalburnus chalcoides 2
Gobio albipinnatus 2
Gobio uranoscopus
Leuciscus souffia 2
Rhodeus sericeus amarus # 2
+ +
Rutilus pigus Cobitidae Cobitis taenia
1, 2
Misgurnus fossilis
Sabanejewia aurata 2
Cottus gobio 1, 2 #
Gymnocephalus schraetzer 2
Zingel spp.
CLUPEIFORMES Clupeidae Alosa spp. #
+ +
Coenagrion mercuriale
Leucorrhinia pectoralis
Lindenia tetraphylla
Agathidium pulchellum
Boros schneideri
Buprestis splendens
Cerambyx cerdo
Cucujus cinnaberinus
Dytiscus latissimus
Graphoderus bilineatus
Ophiogomphus cecilia
Limoniscus violaceus
Lucanus cervus 2
Mesosa myops 2
Osmoderma eremita
Rosalia alpina
Stephanopachys linearis 2
Lepidoptera Callimorpha (Euplagia, Panaxia) quadripunctaria #2
Eriogaster catax
Euphydryas (Eurodryas, Hypodryas) aurinia
Hypodryas maturna
Lycaena dispar
Hisperia comma catena2
Erebia medusa polaris2 Calimorpha (Euplagia, Panaxia) quadripunctaria #2
Morimus funereus
Stephanopachys substriatus
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
CRUSTACEA Decapoda Austropotamobius pallipes
Molluscs/Mollusques GASTROPODA Stylommatophora Vertigo angustior
Vertigo genesii
Vertigo geyeri
Unio crassus
Vertigo moulinsiana
+ +
Buxbaumia viridis(Moug.ex Lam. DC)Brid. Ex Moug&Nestl. Chephalozia macounii (Aust.) Aust. Dicranium viride (Sull.&Lesq.) Lindb. Drepanocladus vernicosus (Mitt.) Warnst.
Achillea baldaccii Degen Aldrovanda vesiculosa L. Angelica palustris (Besser) Hoffm. Eringium alpinum L. Armoracia macrocarpa (Waldst. & Kit.) Kit. ex Baumg. Artemisia pancicii (Janka) Ronniger Caldesia parnassifolia (L.) Parl. Carex panormitana Guss. Cypripedium calceolus L. Dianthus serotinus Waldst. & Kit. Fritillaria orientalis Adams Fritillaria montana Hoppe. Lilium jankae A. Kerner Luronium natans (L.) Rafin. Marsilea quadrifolia L. Narcissus poeticus L. Paeonia tenuifolia L. Pulsatilla vulgaris Miller Tulipa hungarica Borbรกs Androsace mathildae Levier
Compositae (Asteraceae) Droseraceae Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) Umbelliferae (Apiaceae) Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) Compositae (Asteraceae) Alismataceae Cyperaceae Orchidaceae Caryophyllaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Liliaceae Alismataceae Marsileaceae Amaryllidaceae Paeoniaceae Ranunculaceae Liliaceae Primulaceae
grandis (Wenderoth) Zamels
radiiflorus (Salisb.) Baker
ANNEX 2. List of endangered species requiring specific conservation measures in Serbia and Montenegro PLANTS
+ + + +
Total Serbia&Mon 24 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ ? + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +
Serbia 19 + + +
+ + + +
Montenegro 7
+ +
Common S&M 4
Annex 3 Map of selected sites in Serbia and Montenegro
Annex 4 Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list Regarding the expansion of species list, the expert group decided to add following species located in territory of Montenegro: - local endemic species (*) - sub-endemic species - marine species from the list of the Barcelona convention List include following species: Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
INVERTEBRATES TESTACEAE Centropyxidae Colaropyxidia stankovicii Ţivković, 1975
local endimic
Difflugidae Cucurbitella vlasinensis Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia balcanica Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia bistrica Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia dragana Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia serata Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia serbica Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Difflugia styla Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Pontigulasia montana Ogden & Ţivković, 1983
local endimic
Protocucurbitella danubialis Ţivković, 1975
local endimic
Protocucurbitella longicornis Ţivković, 1975
local endimic
OLIGOCHAETA Lumbricidae Allolobophora paratulescovi (Šapkarev, 1975)
local endimic
Allolobophora speciosa (Mršić & Šapkarev, 1987)
local endimic
Allolobophora yugoslavica (Šapkarev, 1977)
local endimic
Allolobophora zicsi Šapkarev, 1975
local endimic
Cernosvitovia biserialis (Ĉernosvitov, 1939)
local endimic
Cernosvitovia crnice Karaman, 1987
local endimic
Cernosvitovia dusichi Zicsi & Šapkarev, 1982
local endimic
Cernosvitovia silicata Mršić & Šapkarev, 1987
local endimic
Dendrobaena bokakotorensis Šapkarev, 1975
local endimic
Dendrobaena durmitorensis Mršić, 1988
local endimic
Dendrobaena jastrebensis Mršić & Šapkarev, 1987
local endimic
Dendrobaena serbica Karman, 1973
local endimic
Dendrobaena zicsi Karaman, 1973
Type of endemism local endimic
Fitzigeria viminiana Mršić, 1987
local endimic
Allolobophora kosowensis (Karaman, 1968)
Allolobophora macvensis Šapkarev, 1986
Allolobophora serbica (Šapkarev, 1977)
Allolobophora tulescovi (Ĉernosvitov, 1937)
Cernosvitovia getica Pop, 1947
Dendrobaena kozuvensis Šapkarev, 1971
balkan endemic
Dendrobaena rhodopensis Ĉernosvitov, 1937
balkan endemic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
GASTROPODA Aciculidae Platyla procax Boeters, Gittenberger & Subai, 1989
Renea cobelti cobelti (A. J. Wagner, 1910)
Platyla wilhelmi (A. J. Wagner, 1910)
balkan endemic
Renea cobelti albanica Boeters, Gittenbergeret & Subai, 1989
balkan endemic
Platyla perpusilla (Reinhardt, 1880)
Bythinellidae Bythinella drimica alba Radoman, 1976
Bythinella schmidti dispersa Radoman, 1976
Bythinella schmidti luteola Radoman, 1976
Bythinella serborientalis Radoman, 1978
Chondrinidae Chondrina spelta serbica Nordsieck, 1970
balkan endemic
Chondrina spelta spelta (Beck, 1837)
balkan endemic
Clausilidae Delima montegrina spuzenzis Nordsieck, 1969
Laciniaria pygmea (Moellendorf, 1873)
Delima binotata schlotteri Brancsik, 1889
balkan endemic
Delima montenegrina (Pfeiffer)
balkan endemic
Herilla bosniensis bosniensis (Pfeiffer, 1868)
balkan endemic
Macedonica frauenfeldi occidentalis Jaeckel, 1954
balkan endemic
Medora contracta contracta (Rossmaessler)
balkan endemic
Clausiliidae Alopia durmitoris Boettger, 1909
Alopia exornata A. Wagner, 1914
Balea biplicata balcanica (Pavlović, 1912)
Balea biplicata pancici (Pavlović, 1912)
Balea biplicata vlasinensis (Pavlović, 1912)
Balea pancici Pavlović 1912
Balea urosevici (Pavlović, 1912)
Balea wagneri stoicevici (Pavlović, 1912)
Bulgarica moellendorffi banjana Nordsieck, 1973
Bulgarica moellendorffi moellendorffi Nordsieck, 1972
Type of endemism endemic
Bulgarica pavlovici pavlovici Nordsieck, 1972
Bulgarica pavlovici purpurascens Nordsieck, 1973
Bulgarica stolensis (Pfeifer, 1859)
Delima binodata lovcenica Boettger, 1909
Herilla bosniensis dux Nordsieck, 1974
Herilla bosniensis exornata (A. J. Wagner, 1913)
Herilla bosniensis gastron (A. J. Wagner, 1913)
Herilla bosniensis hannae Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla bosniensis ibarensis (A. J. Wagner, 1919)
Herilla bosniensis kusceri Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla bosniensis rex Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla bosniensis semistriata (Frankenberg)
Herilla durmitoris durmitoris (Boettger, 1909)
Herilla illyrica medorella Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla illyrica oribates Sturany, 1909
Herilla illyrica savnikensis Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla jabucica excedens O. Boettger, 1909
Herilla jabucica interrupta Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla jabucica jabucica Boettger, 1907
Herilla ziegleri accedens (Moellendorff, 1873)
Herilla ziegleri amaliae Urbanski, 1973
Herilla ziegleri edlauer Nordsieck, 1974
Herilla ziegleri jaeckeli (Nordsieck, 1971)
Herilla ziegleri klemmi Nordsieck, 1971
Herilla ziegleri latecostata Urbanski, 1973
Herilla ziegleri limana Boettger, 1909
Herilla ziegleri rascana (A. J. Wagner, 1919)
Macedonica frauenfeldi elongata (PavloviÄ&#x2021;, 1911)
Macedonica frauenfeldi frauenfeldi (Rossmaessler, 1838)
Macedonica frauenfeldi moellendorffi (PavloviÄ&#x2021;, 1912)
Macedonica frauenfeldi pavloviciana Urbanski, 1973
Macedonica pirotana (PavloviÄ&#x2021;, 1912)
Medora abrupta (Kuester, 1846)
Medora contracta seriola (Westerlund, 1884)
Medora dalmatina montenegrina Nordsieck, 1970
Medora formosa (Rossmaessler, 1835)
Medora goldi goldi (Walderdorff, 1864)
Medora goldi herminiana Sturany, 1909
Medora goldi sulcosula Walderdorff, 1864
Medora lesinensis caesia (Westerlund, 1878)
Medora regularis walderdorffi (Pfeiffer, 1861)
Montenegrina janinensis sporadica Nordsieck, 1974
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Vestia roschitzi minima (Pavlović, 1912)
Type of endemism endemic
Vestia roschitzi trigonostoma (Pavlović, 1912)
Caringera eximia (Moellendorff, 1873)
balkan endemic
Delima apfelbecki (Sturany, 1907)
balkan endemic
Herilla durmitoris pseudalopia (A. Wagner, 1913)
balkan endemic
Herilla illyrica illyrica (Moellendorff, 1899)
balkan endemic
Herilla ziegleri tarensis (Pavlović, 1912)
balkan endemic
Medora contracta cotorensis A. Wagner, 1918
balkan endemic
Medora contracta seriola Westerlund, 1884
balkan endemic
Medora lamelosa (H. Wagner, 1929)
balkan endemic
Medora lesinensis lesinensis (Kuester, 1847)
balkan endemic
Medora proxima elongata Walderdorff, 1864
balkan endemic
Medora proxima proxima (Walderdorff, 1864)
balkan endemic
Medora regularis regularis (Pfeiffer, 1861)
balkan endemic
Medora strigillata (Rossmaessler, 1836)
balkan endemic
Montegrina subcristata (Kuester, 1847)
balkan endemic
Montenegrina cattaroensis (Rossmaessler, 1835)
balkan endemic
Vestia ranojevici (Pavlović, 1912)
balkan endemic
Cochlicopidae Hypnophila pupaeformis (Cantraine, 1836)
balkan endemic
Cyclophoridae Cochlostoma dalmatinum (Pfeiffer, 1863)
Cochlostoma erika (A. J. Wagner, 1906)
Cochlostoma auritum (Rossmaessler, 1835)
balkan endemic
Enidae Ena jugoslaviensis A. J. Wagner, 1922
balkan endemic
Helicidae Helicigona trizona ljubetenensis (A. J. Wagner, 1914)
Helix dormitoris dormitoris Kobelt, 1898
Helix dormitoris hajlensis Knipper, 1939
Helicigona braueri braueri A. Wagner, 1914
balkan endemic
Helicigona hoffmanni hoffmanni Rossmaessler, 1836
balkan endemic
Helicigona kollari (Pfeiffer, 1856)
balkan endemic
Helicigona moellendorffi (Kobelt, 1871)
balkan endemic
Helicigona pouzolzi bosniensis (Kobelt, 1871)
balkan endemic
Helicigona pouzolzi montenegrina (Rossmaessler, 1836)
balkan endemic
Helicigona pouzolzi pouzolzi (Deshayes, 1830)
balkan endemic
Helicigona trizona balcanica (Kobelt, 1875)
balkan endemic
Helicigona trizona inflata (Kobelt, 1875)
balkan endemic
Helix dormitoris kolaschinensis (Kobelt, 1898)
balkan endemic
Helix dormitoris stolacensis Kobelt, 1906
balkan endemic
Helix lucorum (Linnaeus, 1758)
balkan endemic
Helix pomatia serbica Kobelt, 1906
balkan endemic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Helix vladica Kobelt, 1898
Type of endemism balkan endemic
Monacha frequens (Mousson, 1859)
balkan endemic
Monacha kusmici (Clessin, 1887)
balkan endemic
Helicigona planospira (Lamarck, 1822)
Helicigona serbica (Kobelt, 1872)
Helicigona trizona trizona (Rossmaessler, 1835)
Soosia diodonta (Megerle v. Muhlfeld, 1835
Hydrobiidae Adriohydrobia gagatinella (Kuester, 1852)
balkan endemic
Hydrobia declinata (Frauenfeld, 1863)
balkan endemic
Hydrocenidae Hydrocena cattaroensis (Pfeiffer, 1841)
balkan endemic
Limacidae Bielzia montenegrina (Boettger, 1885)
Limax illyricus Simroth, 1909
Limax wohlberedti Simroth, 1900
Lehmannia brunneri (H. Wagner, 1931)
balkan endemic
Milacidae Milax serbicus (H. Wagner, 1930)
Milax albanicus (Soos, 1924)
balkan endemic
Milax kusceri H. Wagner, 1931
balkan endemic
Milax montenegrinus (Simroth, 1900)
balkan endemic
Milax reuleauxi (Clessin, 1887)
balkan endemic
Orculidae Orcula schmidtii schmidti (Kuester, 1859)
balkan endemic
Orientalinidae Anagastina gluhodolica (Radoman, 1973)
Anagastina matijasici (Bole, 1961)
Anagastina scutarica (Radoman, 1973)
Anagastina vidrovani (Radoman, 1873)
Anagastina zetaevalis (Radoman, 1973)
Belgrandiella bumasta Schuett, 1966
Bracenica spiridoni Radoman, 1973
Grossuana serbica remesiana Radoman, 1973
Grossuana serbica serbica Radoman, 1973
Hauffenia plana Bole, 1961
Iglica illyrica Nordsieck, 1970
Lanzaia hadzii Bole, 1958
Orientalina curta anagastica Radoman, 1973
Orientalina elongata Radoman, 1973
Orientalina lacustris Radoman, 1973
Orientalina montana Radoman, 1973
Paladilhiopsis serbica PavloviÄ&#x2021;, 1913
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Plagiogeyeria gladilini gladilini Kušĉer, 1936
Type of endemism endemic
Plagiogeyeria zetaprotogona montenegrina Bole, 1961
Plagiogeyeria zetaprotogona zetadidyma Schuett, 1960
Plagiogeyeria zetaprotogona zetaprotogona Schuett, 1960
Saxurinatur orthodoxus Schuett, 1960
Saxurinatur schlickumi Schuett, 1960
Terranigra kosovica Radoman, 1978
Lanzaia vjeternicae Kušĉer, 1933
balkan endemic
Orientalina curta curta (Kuester, 1852)
balkan endemic
Plagiogeyeria zetaprotogona pageti Schuett, 1961
balkan endemic
Plagiogeyeria zetaprotogona zetatridyma Schuett, 1960
balkan endemic
Sarajana apfelbecki driniana Radoman, 1975
balkan endemic
Pupillidae Agardhiela dabrovici Gittenberger, 1975
Agardhiela stenostoma (Flach, 1890)
Klemmia magnicostata Gittenberger, 1975
Klemmia sinistrosa Gittenberger, 1969
Spelaeodiscus obodensis Bole, 1965
Spelaeodiscus unidentatus Bole, 1961
Virpazaria adrianae Gittenberger, 1969
Virpazaria bachuysi Gittenberger, 1969
Virpazaria deelemanorum Gittenberger, 1975
Virpazaria pageti Gittenberger, 1969
Virpazaria ripkeni Gittenberger, 1969
Agardhiela truncatella scipetarica (A. J. Wagner, 1914)
balkan endemic
Spelaeodiscus albanicus (A. J. Wagner, 1914)
balkan endemic
Spelaeodiscus astoma (O. Boettger, 1909)
balkan endemic
Turricaspiidae Emmericia expansilabris Bourguignat, 1880
balkan endemic
Vitrinidae Vitrina bonelli reitteri (Boettger, 1880)
balkan endemic
Viviparidae Viviparus mamilatus (Kuester, 1852)
balkan endemic
Zonitidae Oxychilus planospiroides Riedel, 1969
Paraegopis mauritii montenegrinus (Boettger, 1909)
Paraegopis oberwimmeri Klemm, 1965
Paraegopis albanicus (Rossmaessler, 1836)
balkan endemic
Paraegopis mauriti (Westerlund, 1886)
balkan endemic
Paraegopis scipetaricus A. J. Wagner, 1914
balkan endemic
Vitrea kutschigi (Walderdorff, 1864)
balkan endemic
Vitrea sturanyi (A. J. Wagner, 1907)
balkan endemic
Vitrea subrimata inflata A. J. Wagner, 1907
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
AMPHIPODA Bogidiellidae Bogidiella semidenticulata Meštrov, 1961
balkan endemic
Gammaridae Accubogammarus algor algor G. Karaman 1973
local endimic
Gammarus pljakici G. Karaman 1964
local endimic
Gammarus stojicevici (S. Karaman 1929)
Gammarus dulensis S. Karaman 1929
Niphargidae Niphargus adbiptus G. Karaman 1973
local endimic
Niphargus carcerarius G. Karaman 1986
local endimic
Niphargus deelemanae G. Karaman 1973
local endimic
Niphargus illidzensis montenigrinus G. Karaman 1962
local endimic
Niphargus jugoslavicus G. Karaman 1982
local endimic
Niphargus kragujevensis kragujevensis S. Karaman 1950
local endimic
Niphargus smederevanus S. Karaman 1950
local endimic
Niphargus stygius ravanicanus S. Karaman 1943
local endimic
Niphargus stygius remyi S. Karaman 1934
local endimic
Niphargus kragujevensis remus G. Karaman 1992
ANOSTRACA Chirocephalidae Chirocephalus brevipalpis (Orghidan, 1953)
CONCHOSTRACA Imnadiidae Imnadia banatica Marinĉek & Valvajter, 1982
local endimic
Imnadia cristata Marinĉek, 1972
local endimic
Imnadia panonica Marinĉek & Petrov, 1984
local endimic
Leptestheridae Eoleptestheria spinosa magna Marinĉek, 1978
local endimic
Eoleptestheria spinosa minor Marinĉek, 1983
local endimic
Eoleptestheria spinosa Marinĉek, 1978
Leptestheria saetosa Marinĉek & Petrov, 1992
ORTHOPTERA Acrididae Podismopsis relicta Ramme, 1931
local endimic
Stenobothrus posthumus Ramme, 1931
local endimic
Odontopodisma albanica Ramme, 1951
Oropodisma macedonica Ramme, 1951
Modicogryllus mladeni Karaman & Pavićević, 1995
Type of endemism endemic
Mogoplistidae Discoptila willemsei Karaman, 1975
Phaneropteridae Isophya obtusa Brunner, 1882
local endimic
Poecilimon ebneri Ramme, 1933
Poecilimon komareki Ĉeichan, 1957
Poecilimon poecilus Ramme, 1951
Pyrgomorphidae Pyrgomorphella serbica Panĉić, 1882
Rhaphidophoridae Troglophilus brevicauda Chopard, 1934
local endimic
Troglophilus ovuliformis Karny, 1907
local endimic
Troglophilus pretneri Us, 1970
local endimic
Troglophilus lazaropolensis Z. Karaman, 1958
Tettigonidae Zeuneriana amplipennis Brunner, 1882
Metrioptera hoermanni Werner, 1906
Metrioptera prenjica (Burr, 1899)
Pholidoptera maritima Zeuner, 1931
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
HETEROPTERA Miridae Dimorphocoris beieri E. Wagner, 1965
local endimic
Myrmecophyes montenegrinus E. Wagner, 1976
local endimic
RAPHIDIOPTERA Raphididae Raphidia thaleri Aspock & Aspock, 1964
local endimic
COLEOPTERA Anomatidae Anommatus mixtus Dajoz, 1987
local endimic
Anommatus nonveilleri Dajoz, 1984
local endimic
Anommatus serbicus Dajoz, 1987
local endimic
Carabidae Adriaphaenops staudacheri Scheibel, 1939
local endimic
Adriaphaenops stirni Pretner, 1959
local endimic
Adriaphaenops zupcense Pavićević, 1990
local endimic
Bembidion serbicum Apfelbeck, 1902
local endimic
Carabus praecellens Palliardi, 1825
local endimic
Deltomerus nopcskai Chiki, 1940
local endimic
Duvaliotes durmitorensis Apfelbeck, 1904
local endimic
Duvaliotes subcylindricus J. M•ller, 1913
Type of endemism local endimic
Duvalius bolei (Pretner, 1963)
local endimic
Duvalius leonhardi Reitter, 1901
local endimic
Leistus sutomorensis Reitter, 1905
local endimic
Neoduvalius cvijici Jeannel, 1923
local endimic
Neotrechus paganetti (Ganglbauer, 1896)
local endimic
Neotrechus setniki (Reitter, 1904)
local endimic
Neotrechus silvaticus (Winkler, 1926)
local endimic
Omphreus bischofi Meschnigg, 1934
local endimic
Omphreus wohlberedti Winkler, 1933
local endimic
Paraduvalius stankovitchi Jeannel, 1923
local endimic
Paraduvalius winkleri Jeannel, 1923
local endimic
Pterostichus walteri Reitter, 1883
local endimic
Trechus babinjensis Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Trechus centralis Nonveiller et all., 1994
local endimic
Winklerites durmitorensis Nonveiller & Pavićević, 1987
local endimic
Winklerites kuciensis Nonveiller & Pavićević, 1987
local endimic
Winklerites paganettii J. M•ller 1911
local endimic
Calosoma pentheri Apfelbeck, 1918
Duvalius sturanyi (Apfelbeck, 1904)
Molops curtulus Ganglbauer, 1892
Molops reiseri Apfelbeck, 1904
Nebria sturanyi Apfelbeck, 1906
Nebria telekiana Chiki, 1940
Pterostichus serbicus Apfelbeck, 1899
Nebria bosnica Ganglbauer, 1889
balkan endemic
Trechus kobingeri Apfelbeck, 1902
balkan endemic
Amara hannemanni Hieke, 1991
Calathus albanicus Apfelbeck, 1906
Calosoma relictum Apfelbeck, 1918
Carabus versicolor (Frivaldsky, 1835)
Deltomerus malissorum Apfelbeck, 1918
Duvaliotes maglicensis Winkler, 1933
Duvaliotes speiseri (Ganglbauer, 1892)
Duvalius fodori Scheibel, 1937
Leistus apfelbecki Ganglbauer, 1892
Molops albanicus Apfelbeck, 1904
Molops apfelbecki Ganglbauer, 1892
Molops merditanus Apfelbeck, 1906
Molops osmanlis Apfelbeck, 1904
Molops parreyssi Kraatz, 1875
Molops plurisetosus J. M•ller, 1917
Nebria attemsi Apfelbeck, 1903
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Nebria ganglbaueri Apfelbeck, 1905
Type of endemism subendemic
Nebria merditana Apfelbeck, 1906
Nebria speiseri Ganglbauer, 1892
Neotrechus hilfi (Reitter, 1903)
Neotrechus lonai J. M•ller, 1915
Neotrechus noesskei (Apfelbeck, 1908)
Neotrechus ottonis (Reitter, 1905)
Neotrechus suturalis (Shaufuss, 1884)
Omphreus gracilis Apfelbeck, 1918
Omphreus morio DÒjean, 1828
Paradeltomerus paradoxus Apfelbeck, 1908
Pheggomisetes globiceps Buresch, 1925
Pterostichus latifianus Apfelbeck, 1906
Pterostichus lumensis Apfelbeck, 1906
Pterostichus ottomanus Apfelbeck, 1908
Pterostichus penteri Apfelbeck, 1918
Speluncarius anophtalmus Reitter, 1886
Speluncarius setipennis Apfelbeck, 1899
Stenochromus montenegrinus M•ller, 1866
Synuchidius ganglbaueri Apfelbeck, 1908
Tapinopterus miridita Apfelbeck, 1904
Trechus albanicus Apfelbeck, 1907
Trechus bosnicus Ganglbauer, 1891
Trechus egregius Jeannel, 1927
Trechus ljubetensis Apfelbeck, 1908
Trechus pulchellus Putzeys, 1845
Trechus valbonensis Jeannel, 1927
Cerambycidae Evodinus balcanicus Hampe, 1870
balkan endemic
Dorcadion ljubetense Pic, 1909
Cholevidae Anillocharis tenuilimbatus Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Antroherpon absoloni GuÕorguiev, 1990
local endimic
Antroherpon matulici Reitter, 1903
local endimic
Antroherpon piesbergeni Zariquiey, 1928
local endimic
Antroherpon scutulatum Giachino & GuÕorguiev, 1993
local endimic
Antroherpon zariquieyi Jeannel, 1930
local endimic
Bathyscidius remyi Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Blattochaeta hawelkai Knirch, 1929
local endimic
Blattochaeta marianii (Reitter, 1920)
local endimic
Blattochaeta matchai Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Blattochaeta montenegrina Jeannel, 1930
local endimic
Blattochaeta remyi Jeannel, 1931
local endimic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Hadesia vasiceki J. M•ller, 1911
Type of endemism local endimic
Leonhardella antennaria Jeannel, 1948
local endimic
Leonhardella montenegrina Jeannel, 1948
local endimic
Leonhardella roseni (G. Miller, 1937)
local endimic
Leonhardella setniki Reitter, 1907
local endimic
Magdelainella hussoni Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Magdelainella winkleri Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Pholeuonella erberi (Schaufuss, 1863)
local endimic
Pholeuonella ganglbaueri (Apfelbeck, 1907)
local endimic
Pholeuonella matchai Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Pholeuonella scutariensis G. Miller, 1934
local endimic
Pholeuonella stussineri J. M•ller, 1914
local endimic
Pholeuonopsis magdelainei Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Proleonhardella hirtella Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Proleonhardella remyi Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Pseudobathyscidius serbicus Z. Karaman, 1964
local endimic
Remyella propiformis Winkler, 1933
local endimic
Remyella puncticollis Jeannel, 1934
local endimic
Remyella scaphoides Jeannel, 1931
local endimic
Speonesiotes brachycerus Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Speonesiotes hummleri Jeannel, 1924
local endimic
Speonesiotes laticollis (G. Miller, 1934)
local endimic
Speonesiotes pretneri (G. Miller, 1934)
local endimic
Speonesiotes scutariensis G. Miller, 1934
local endimic
Tartariella durmitorensis Nonveiller et al.
local endimic
Weiratheria bocki Zariquiey, 1928
local endimic
Antroherpon latipenne Apfelbeck, 1907
Antroherpon matzenaueri Apfelbeck, 1907
Antroherpon taxi J. M•ller, 1913
Pholeuonella andrijevicensis Jeannel, 1924
Speonesiotes narentinus (L. M•ller 1861)
Adelopsella bosnica (Reitter, 1885)
Anillocharis ottonis Reitter, 1903
Anillocharis stenopterus Formanek, 1906
Antroherpon apfelbecki J. M•ller, 1910
Blattodromus herculeanus (Reitter, 1904)
Leonhardella angulicollis Reitter, 1903
Leonhardella jeanneli (Winkler, 1933)
Leonhardella setnikiana Reitter, 1908
Magdelainella serbica (J. M•ller, 1904)
Pholeuonopsis leonhardi (Reitter, 1903)
Pholeuonopsis spaethi Knirsch, 1929
Speonesiotes dorotkanus (Reitter, 1881)
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Speonesiotes lonai J. M•ller, 1914
Type of endemism subendemic
Chrysomelidae Crepidodera springeri Heikertinger, 1923
Colydidae Langelandia callosipennis Reitter, 1881
local endimic
Langelandia gjonovici Reitter, 1912
local endimic
Langelandia reflexipennis Reitter, 1912
local endimic
Curculionidae Acallocrates fasciatus Colonelli, 1980
local endimic
Alophus apfelbecki Reitter, 1901
local endimic
Argoptochus viridilimbatus Apfelbeck, 1899
local endimic
Baris serbica Schultze, 1897
local endimic
Barypeithes noesskei Apfelbeck, 1911
local endimic
Otiorhynchus albanicus torosus Reitter, 1913
local endimic
Otiorhynchus aurosignatus mokragorensis Apfelbeck,1894
local endimic
Otiorhynchus bosnicus obtusidens Apfelbeck, 1928
local endimic
Otiorhynchus galteri Apfelbeck, 1918
local endimic
Otiorhynchus inunctus chionophilus Apfelbeck, 1908
local endimic
Otiorhynchus kopaonicensis Apfelbeck, 1908
local endimic
Otiorhynchus macedonicus visitorensis Lona, 1943
local endimic
Otiorhynchus moesiacus Apfelbeck, 1921
local endimic
Otiorhynchus petrensis ludovici Reitter, 1912
local endimic
Otiorhynchus praecellens pseudobosnarum M•ller, 1922
local endimic
Otiorhynchus prisrensis Apfelbeck, 1922
local endimic
Otiorhynchus serbicus Apfelbeck, 1921
local endimic
Otiorhynchus solitarius Apfelbeck, 1918
local endimic
Otiorhynchus sturanyi Apfelbeck, 1906
local endimic
Otiorhynchus tanycerus Apfelbeck, 1922
local endimic
Phyllobius ganglbaueri Apfelbeck, 1915
local endimic
Plinthus dardanicus Meregalli, 1985
local endimic
Sciaphobus paliuri Apfelbeck, 1908
local endimic
Sciaphobus polydrosinus Apfelbeck, 1921
local endimic
Otiorhynchus crivoscianus Apfelbeck, 1895
Tropiphorus serbicus Reitter, 1901
Alophus triguttatus balcanicus Apfelbeck, 1927
balkan endemic
Cionus hypsibatus Wingelm•ller, 1914
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus bosnicus bosnicus Stierlin, 1888
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus inunctus inunctus Stierlin, 1861
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus juglandis Apfelbeck, 1896
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus lithantracinus Boheman, 1843
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus rhilensis Stierlin, 1888
balkan endemic
Otiorhynchus rugicollis Germar, 1817
balkan endemic
Phyllobius pinicola Kiesenwetter, 1864
balkan endemic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Phyllobius pseudonothus hypsibatus Apfelbeck, 1915
Type of endemism balkan endemic
Sciaphobus caesius Hampe, 1870
balkan endemic
Trachyphloeus bosnicus Apfelbeck, 1898
balkan endemic
Alophus gjorgjevici Apfelbeck, 1927
Alophus malissorum Apfelbeck, 1927
Alophus shardaghensis Apfelbeck, 1927
Barypeithes bosnicus Apfelbeck, 1899
Coniocleonus pseudoobliquus J. Mâ&#x20AC;˘ller, 1921
Foucartia depilis Kraatz, 1859
Leiosoma bosnicum Daniel, 1906
Liophloeus pupillatus Apfelbeck, 1928
Miarus balcanicus Desbrochers, 1893
Otiorhynchus adonis Apfelbeck, 1906
Otiorhynchus albanicus albanicus Apfelbeck, 1907
Otiorhynchus armipes Apfelbeck 1908
Otiorhynchus atripes Apfelbeck, 1918
Otiorhynchus aurosignatus crassirostris Apfelbeck, 1894
Otiorhynchus aurosignatus vlasuljensis Apfelbeck, 1894
Otiorhynchus austriacus primigenius Apfelbeck, 1928
Otiorhynchus brachyscelis Apfelbeck, 1911
Otiorhynchus cirrhocnemis Apfelbeck, 1908
Otiorhynchus cirrogaster Apfelbeck, 1928
Otiorhynchus corallipes Stierlin, 1890
Otiorhynchus croaticus Stierlin, 1861
Otiorhynchus cymophanus Germar, 1821
Otiorhynchus dolichocephalus Apfelbeck, 1921
Otiorhynchus dryadis Apfelbeck, 1894
Otiorhynchus ganglbaueri Stierlin, 1888
Otiorhynchus glabratus Stierlin, 1861
Otiorhynchus imitator Apfelbeck, 1894
Otiorhynchus koritnicensis Apfelbeck, 1918
Otiorhynchus liliputanus Apfelbeck, 1908
Otiorhynchus lumensis Apfelbeck, 1908
Otiorhynchus macedonicus conorhynchus Solari, 1937
Otiorhynchus malissorum Apfelbeck, 1918
Otiorhynchus mendax Apfelbeck, 1918
Otiorhynchus noesskei Apfelbeck, 1921
Otiorhynchus piliger Apfelbeck, 1895
Otiorhynchus praecellens bosnarum Csiki, in Reitt., 1906
Otiorhynchus prokletiensis Apfelbeck, 1918
Otiorhynchus pseudoalbanicus Braun, 1990
Otiorhynchus relictus Apfelbeck, 1908
Otiorhynchus rhacusensis Germar, 1822
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Otiorhynchus shardaghensis Apfelbeck, 1908
Type of endemism subendemic
Otiorhynchus speiseri Apfelbeck, 1894
Otiorhynchus splendidus Reitter, 1913
Otiorhynchus strumosus Heller, 1886
Otiorhynchus subsulcatus Apfelbeck, 1918
Plinthus setosus Reitter, 1890
Polydrusus hoppei Apfelbeck, 1921
Sciaphobus balcanicus Apfelbeck, 1921
Sciaphobus scheibeli Apfelbeck, 1921
Tropiphorus albanicus Apfelbeck, 1929
Ubychia elipsoidalis Osella & Nonveiller, 1983
Ubychia ganglbaueri Reitter, 1912
Ubychia salpigoides Kraatz, 1881
Dytiscidae Potamonectes macedonicus GuÕorguiev, 1959
local endimic
Scarodytes savinensis Zimmermann, 1933
local endimic
Lampyridae Luciola novaki G. Miller, 1946
local endimic
Pselaphidae Amaurops breiti Ganglbauer, 1903
local endimic
Amaurops kaufmanni Ganglbauer, 1895
local endimic
Amaurops montenegrina Szekessy, 1943
local endimic
Protamaurops serbicus Z. Karaman, 1961
local endimic
Pygoxyon sturanyi Apfelbeck, 1906
local endimic
Seracamaurops fodori Szekessy, 1943
local endimic
Seracamaurops fritschi Besuchet, 1986
local endimic
Seracamaurops grandis Winkler, 1925
local endimic
Bryaxis argus (Kraatz, 1883)
Scydmaenidae Ablepton tumanense Nonveiller & Pavićević, 1991
local endimic
Staphylinidae Egeotyphlus zecevici Pace, 1984
local endimic
Lathrobium kopaonikanum Rambousek, 1928
local endimic
Leptusa anophtalma Bernhauer, 1903
local endimic
Leptusa durmitorensis Pace, 1984
local endimic
Leptusa jeanneli Scheerpeltz, 1935
local endimic
Leptusa kosmajensis Pace, 1987
local endimic
Leptusa serbica Scheerpeltz, 1935
local endimic
Leptusa winkleriana Scheerpeltz, 1965
local endimic
Lathrobium anophtalmum Fauvel, 1885
Lathrobium nonveilleri Pace, 1984
Leptusa nonveilleri Pace, 1984
Lathrobium knirschi Rambousek, 1928
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Leptusa hercegovinensis Bernhauer, 1910
Type of endemism subendemic
Leptusa linkeiana Scheerpeltz, 1977
Tenebrionidae Tenthyria frivaldskyi (Kraatz)
local endimic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
TRICHOPTERA Limnephilidae Drusus serbicus Marinković, 1971
local endimic
Drusus siveci Malicky, 1981
local endimic
Drusus krusniki Malycki, 1981
Psylopteryx montanus Kumanski, 1968
Drusus discophorus Radovanović, 1942
Polycentropodidae Plectrocnemia mojkovacensis Malicky, 1982
local endimic
Ryacophilidae Rhyacophila obtusa Klapalek, 1894
local endimic
LEPIDOPTERA Torticidae Tosyrips magyarus Raz.
local endimic
DIPTERA Psychodidae Mormia ivankae Krek, 1985
local endimic
Panimerus serbicus Krek, 1985
local endimic
Sathelliela tarae Krek, 1985
local endimic
Pericoma affinis Krek, 1985
Syrphidae Helophilus femoratus Šimić, 1987
local endimic
Sphegina sublatifrons Vujić, 1990
Chelosia griseifacies Vujić, 1995
Tipulidae Tipula danieli Simova, 1972
Tipula furcula Mannheims, 1954
VERTEBRATES OSTEICHTHYES Leuciscus souffia montenegrinus Vuković
Phoxinellus stymphalicus montenegrinus Kar.
Salmothymus obtusirostris zetensis Hadţišĉe
Alburnoides bipunctatus ohridanus Karaman
Barbus peloponnesius rebeli K–ller
Type of endemism subendemic
Chondrostoma nasus ohridanum (Karaman)
Cobitis elongata Heckel et Kner
Cobitis taenia ohridana Karaman
Gobio kessleri banaticus Banarescu
Orthrias barbatulus sturanyi Steindachner
Pachychilon pictum Heckel et Kner
Rutilus prespensis ssp. Karaman
Salmo trutta dentex Heckel
Salmo trutta farioides Karaman
Salmo trutta montenegrinus Karaman
AMPHIBIA Triturus alpestris montenegrinus Rd., 1951
local endimic
Triturus alpestris piperianus Rd., 1961
local endimic
Triturus alpestris serdarus Rd., 1961
local endimic
Rana arvalis wolterstorffi Fejervary, 1919
Bombina variegata scabra (Küster, 1843)
balkan endemic
Pelobates syriacus balcanicus Karaman, 1928
balkan endemic
Rana balcanica Schneider et al. 1993
balkan endemic
Rana graeca Boulenger, 1891
balkan endemic
Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768
Rana shqiperica Hotz et al. 1987
Salamandra atra prenjensis Mikšić, 1969
Triturus dobrogicus (Kiritzescu, 1903)
REPTILIA Lacerta trilineata subcellata Schr., 1912
local endimic
Podarcis sicula cattaroi Taddei, 1950
local endimic
Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri Mert., 1952
Daboia (V.) lebetina schwiezeri Werner, 1935
balkan endemic
Elaphe situla (Linnaeus, 1758)
Vipera (ursinii) macrops Mehely, 1911
balkan endemic
Vipera (ursinii) rakosiensis Mehely, 1894
Vipera ammodytes illyrica Laurenti, 1768
balkan endemic
Vipera ammodytes meridionalis Boul., 1903
balkan endemic
Algyroides nigropunctatus (Dum.& Bibr.,1839)
balkan endemic
Coluber laurenti (Bedriaga, 1881)
balkan endemic
Coluber najadum dahlii Schinz, 1833
balkan endemic
Ophisaurus apodus thracius Obst, 1978
balkan endemic
Podarcis erhardii riveti Chabanaud, 1919
balkan endemic
Podarcis muralis albanica Bolkay, 1919
balkan endemic
Telescopus fallax fallax (Fleisch., 1826)
balkan endemic
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Vipera ammodytes ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758)
Type of endemism balkan endemic
Ablepharus kitaibelii stepaneki Fuhn, 1970
Cyrtopodion kotschyi skopjensis (Karaman, 1965)
Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata Lc.1789
Lacerta (Arch.) oxycephala Dum.& Bibr., 1839
Lacerta (Archaeol.) mosorensis Kolomb., 1886
Lacerta agilis bosnica (Schreiber, 1912)
Podarcis melisellensis fiumana Werner, 1853
Podarcis taurica taurica Pallas, 1814
Vipera berus bosniensis Boettger, 1889
AVES Aegithalos caudatus macedonicus (Dresser, 1839)
balkan endemic
Apus pallidus illyricus (Tschusi, 1907)
balkan endemic
Athene noctua indigena C. L. Brehm, 1855
balkan endemic
Carduelis cannabina mediterranea Tschusi, 1903
balkan endemic
Carduelis carduelis balcanica Sachtleben, 1919
balkan endemic
Carduelis chloris muehlei Parrot, 1905
balkan endemic
Dendrocopos minor serbicus (Buturlin, 1936)
balkan endemic
Emberiza schoeniclus othmari Hartert, 1910
balkan endemic
Emberiza schoeniclus reiseri Hartert, 1904
balkan endemic
Eremophila alpestris balcanica (Reichenow, 1895)
balkan endemic
Galerida cristata meridionalis Brehm, 1841
balkan endemic
Garrulus glandarius graecus Kleiner, 1936
balkan endemic
Nucifraga caryocatactes wolfi Jordans, 1940
balkan endemic
Parus cristatus bureshi Jordans, 1940
balkan endemic
Parus lugubris lugens Brehm, 1855
balkan endemic
Parus lugubris lugubris Temminck, 1820
balkan endemic
Prunella collaris subalpina Brehm, 1831
balkan endemic
Sitta neumayer neumayer Michahelles, 1830
balkan endemic
Sylvia cantillans albistriata (Brehm, 1831)
balkan endemic
Dendrocopos syriacus balcanicus (Gengler & Stresemann, 1919)
Emberiza schoeniclus stresemanni Steinbacher, 1930
Motacilla flava feldegg Michahelles, 1830
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
MAMMALIA balkan endemic
Dinaromys bogdanovi Pythymus thomasi thomasi
local edemic PLANTES
Achillea alexandri-regis Bornm. & Rudski
local endimic
Althaea kragujevacensis Panĉić
local endimic
Althaea vranjensis Diklić & Nikolić
local endimic
Aquilegia pancicii Degen
Type of endemism local endimic
Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & E. Mayer
local endimic
Bornmuellera dieckii Degen
local endimic
Campanula calycialata V. RanĊelović & Zlatković
local endimic
Cardamine pancicii Hayek
local endimic
Cerastium neoscardicum Niketić
local endimic
Crocus rujanensis RanĊelović & D. A. Hill
local endimic
Dianthus behriorum Bornm.
local endimic
Dianthus scardicus Wettst.
local endimic
Heliosperma nikolicii (Seliger & T. Wraber) Niketić & Stevanović
local endimic
Knautia pancicii Szabó
local endimic
Nepeta rtanjensis Diklić & Milojević
local endimic
Pedicularis ernesti-mayeri Stevanović, Niketić, D. Lakušić
local endimic
Scabiosa achaeta Vis. & Panĉić
local endimic
Solenanthus krasniqii (T. Wraber) Niketić
local endimic
Thlaspi dacicum Heuffel subsp. montenegrinum (F. K. Meyer) W. Greuter & Burdet
local endimic
Trapa annosa Janković
local endimic
Tulipa serbica Tatić & Krivošej
local endimic
Verbascum scardicola Bornm.
local endimic
Veronica thessalica Bentham
local endimic
Viola kopaonikensis Panĉić
local endimic
Heliosperma oliverae Niketić & Stevanović
local endimic
Centaurea kosaninii Hayek
local endimic
Crocus scardicus Košanin
local endimic
Dianthus nitidus Waldst. & Kit. subsp. lakusicii T. Wraber
local endimic
Euphorbia serpentini Novák
local endimic
Euphorbia subhastata Vis. & Panĉić
local endimic
Gentiana pneumonanthe L. subsp. nopcsae (Jáv.) T. Wraber
local endimic
Onobrychis bertiscea Širj. & Rech. fil.
local endimic
Salvia officinalis L. subsp. multiflora Gajić
local endimic
Salvia pratensis L. subsp. pozegensis (Watzl-Zemann) Diklić
local endimic
Sesleria wettsteinii Döerfler & Hayek
local endimic
Stipa mayeri Martinovsky
local endimic
Achillea korabensis (Hiemerl) Micevski
Alkanna pulmonaria Griseb.
Alkanna scardica Griseb.
Alyssum montanum L. subsp. serbicum Novák
Aquilegia grata F. Maly ex Zimmeter subsp. grata
Aquilegia grata F. Maly ex Zimmeter subsp. nikolicii Niketić
Arabis bryoides Boiss.
Aster albanicus Degen
Astragalus fialae Degen
Aubrieta gracilis Spruner ex Boiss. subsp. scardica (Wettst.) Phitos
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
Campanula alpina Jacq. subsp. orbelica (Panĉić) Urum.
Campanula phrygia Jaub. & Spach
Campanula secundiflora Vis. & Panĉić
Colchicum macedonicum Košanin
Crocus alexandri Niĉić ex Velen.
Dactylorhiza cordigera (Fries) Soó subsp. bosniaca (G. Beck) Soó
Dianthus gracilis Sibth. & Sm. subsp. armerioides (Griseb.) Tutin
Dianthus microlepis Boiss.
Dianthus pelviformis Heuffel
Dianthus viridescens G. C. Clementi
Edraianthus serbicus Petrović
Euphorbia montenegrina (Bald.) K. Maly ex Rohlena
Forsythia europaea Degen & Bald.
Fritillaria macedonica Bornm.
Genista nissana Petrović
Heliosperma macranthum Panĉić
Hypericum rochelii Griseb. & Schenk
Lathyrus binatus Panĉić
Lathyrus pancicii (Jurišić) Adamović
Melampyrum doerfleri Ronniger
Melampyrum trichocalycinum Vandas
Minuartia bulgarica (Velen.) Graebner
Minuartia mesogitana (Boiss.) Hand.-Mazz. subsp. velenovskyi (Rohlena) McNeill
Narthecium scardicum Košanin
Onosma pseudoarenaria Schur subsp. fallax Borbás
Paramoltkia doerfleri (Wettst.) Greuter & Burdet
Phyteuma pseudorbiculare Pant.
Ramonda nathaliae Panĉić & Petrović
Ranunculus concinnatus Schott
Rhinanthus melampyroides (Borbás & Degen) Soó
Silene schmuckeri Wettst.
Solenanthus scardicus Bornm.
Tulipa scardica Bornm.
Wulfenia blecicii R. Lakušić subsp. blecicii
Amphoricarpos autariatus Bleĉić & E. Mayer subsp. bertisceus Bleĉić & E. Mayer
Astragalus wilmottianus Stoj.
Dianthus integer Vis. subsp. integer
Dianthus integer Vis. subsp. minutiflorus (Borbás) Bornm.
Dianthus pinifolius Sibth. & Sm. subsp. serbicus Wettst.
Dianthus stribrnyi Velen.
Dianthus sylvestris Wulfen subsp. bertisceus Rech. fil.
Dianthus sylvestris Wulfen subsp. nodosus (Tausch) Hayek
Fritillaria messanensis Rafin. subsp. gracilis (Ebel) Rix
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
Heliosperma pusillum (Waldst. & Kit.) Reichenb. subsp. monachorum (Vis. & Panĉić) Slavnić Linaria rubioides Vis. & Panĉić subsp. nissana (Petrović) Niketić & Tomović
Linaria rubioides Vis. & Panĉić subsp. rubioides
Linum tauricum Willd. subsp. serbicum (Podp.) Petrova
Melampyrum hoermannianum K. Maly
Minuartia bosniaca (G. Beck) K. Maly
Paronychia macedonica Chaudri
Rhinanthus asperulus (Murb.) Soó
Sesleria korabensis (Kümmerle & Jáv.) Deyl
Silene sendtneri Boiss. subsp. balcanica (Formánek) Greuter
Soldanella rhodopaea F. K. Meyer
Achillea fraasii Schultz Bip.
Aconitum burnatii Gayer subsp. pentheri (Hayek) Jalas
Alyssum markgrafii O. E. Schulz ex Markgraf
Asperula doerfleri Wettst.
Ballota hispanica (L.) Bentham subsp. macedonica (Vandas) Strid & Kit Tan
Centaurea alba L. subsp. ipecensis (Rech. fil.) Dostál
Centaurea incompta Vis. subsp. derventana (Vis. & Panĉić) Dostál
Centaurea salonitana Vis. subsp. ognianoffii (Urum.) Dostál
Centaurea stenolepis A. Kerner subsp. bosniaca (H. Wagner) Dostál
Cephalaria flava (Sibth. & Sm.) Szabó
Cephalaria pastricensis Dörfler & Hayek
Consolida uechtritziana (Huth) Soó
Crataegus heldreichii Boiss.
Crepis albanica (Jáv.) Babcock
Crepis bertiscea Jáv.
Crepis macedonica Kitanov
Crucianella graeca Boiss.
Daphne malyana Bleĉić
Dioscorea balcanica Košanin
Draba korabensis Kümmerle & Degen ex Jáv.
Eryngium serbicum Panĉić
Erysimum korabense Kümmerle & Jáv.
Euphorbia pancicii G. Beck
Galium firmum Tausch
Genista hassertiana (Bald.) Bald. ex Buchegger
Gentiana albanica (Jáv.) A. W. Hill
Haplophyllum boissieranum Vis. & Panĉić
Knautia ambigua Boiss. & Orph.
Knautia sarajevensis (G. Beck) Szabó
Ligusticum albanicum Jáv.
Micromeria albanica (Griseb. ex K. Maly) Šilić
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
Micromeria croatica (Pers.) Schott
Orobanche nowackiana Markgraf
Orobanche pancicii G. Beck
Orobanche serbica G. Beck & Petrović
Oxytropis halleri Bunge ex Koch subsp. korabensis (Kümm. & Jáv.) Chrtek
Pastinaca hirsuta Panĉić
Pedicularis hoermanniana K. Maly
Peucedanum vittijugum Boiss. subsp. minutifolium ( Janka ) B. A. Kuzmanov & N. Andreev Picea omorika (Panĉić) Purkyne
Polygala doerfleri Hayek
Potentilla nicicii Adamović
Potentilla visianii Panĉić
Ranunculus incomparabilis Janka
Saxifraga scardica Griseb.
Scabiosa balcanica Velen.
Scabiosa fumarioides Vis. & Panĉić
Scabiosa silenifolia Waldst. & Kit.
Schivereckia doerfleri (Wettst.) Bornm.
Sempervivum macedonicum Praeger
Senecio pancicii Degen
Senecio papposus (Reichenb.) Less. subsp. wagneri (Degen) Cuf.
Sesleria tenerrima (Fritsch) Hayek
Sideritis scardica Griseb.
Stachys anisochila Vis. & Panĉić
Stachys milanii Petrović
Teucrium arduini L.
Thymus adamovicii Velen.
Tragopogon pterodes Panĉić
Valeriana saxatilis L. subsp. pancicii (Halácsy & Bald.) Ockendon
Verbascum baldaccii Degen
Verbascum eriophorum Godron
Verbascum nicolai Rohlena
Viola dukadjinica W. Becker & Košanin
Acer heldreichii Orph. ex Boiss. subsp. visianii K. Maly
Achillea ageratifolia (Sibth. & Sm.) Boiss.
Achillea lingulata Waldst. & Kit.
Amphoricarpos autariatus Bleĉić & E. Mayer subsp. autariatus
Athamanta turbith (L.) Brot. subsp. haynaldii (Borbás & Uechtr.) Tutin
Avenula blavii (Ascherson & Janka) W. Sauer & Chmelitschek
Bupleurum flavicans Boiss. & Heldr.
Campanula albanica Witasek
Campanula spatulata Sibth. & Sm.
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
Centaurea biebersteinii DC. subsp. biebersteinii
Centaurea grisebachii (Nyman) Form.
Centaurea melanocephala Panĉić
Cerastium banaticum (Rochel) Heuffel subsp. kosaninii Georgiev
Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. leontopodium (Stoj. & Stefanov) Niketić Cerastium malyi (Georgiev) Niketić subsp. serpentini (Novák) Niketić
Chaerophyllum coloratum L.
Crepis praemorsa (L.) Tausch subsp. dinarica (G. Beck) P. D. Sell
Crocus kosaninii Pulević
Draba kuemmerlei Stevanović & D. Lakušić
Drymocallis malacophylla (Borbás) Kurtto
Erysimum kummerlei Jáv.
Erysimum moesiacum Velen.
Erysimum welcevii Urum.
Festuca koritnicensis Hayek & Vetter
Festuca panciciana (Hackel) K. Richter
Genista depressa Bieb. subsp. csikii (Kümm. & Jáv.) Hayek
Genista depressa Bieb. subsp. friwaldskyi (Boiss.) Hayek
Genista sylvestris Scop. subsp. dalmatica (Bartl.) Lindb.
Helleborus multifidus Vis. subsp. multifidus
Helleborus multifidus Vis. subsp. serbicus (Adamović) Merxm. & Podl.
Orobanche esulae Panĉić
Pedicularis brachyodonta Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. brachyodonta
Pedicularis heterodonta Panĉić
Pinguicula balcanica Casper
Polygala alpestris Reichenb. subsp. croatica (Chodat) Hayek
Saxifraga taygetea Boiss. & Heldr.
Scrophularia canina L. subsp. tristis (K. Maly) Nikolić
Sedum serpentini Janchen
Senecio thapsoides DC. subsp. visianianus (Papaf. ex Vis.) Vandas
Sesleria latifolia (Adamović) Degen
Sesleria serbica (Adamović) Ujhelyi
Stachys alpina L. subsp. dinarica Murb.
Stachys freynii Hausskn.
Stachys germanica L. subsp. velezensis (Sagorski) Hayek
Stachys leucoglossa Griseb.
Stachys recta L. subsp. subcrenata (Vis.) Briq.
Stipa novakii Martinovsky
Thlaspi microphyllum Boiss. & Orph.
Thymus boissieri Halácsy
Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. skorpilii (Velen.) Jalas
Thymus praecox Opiz subsp. zygiformis (H. Braun) Jalas
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list
Type of endemism
Trifolium dalmaticum Vis.
Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum E. I. Nyรกrรกdy
Verbascum glabratum Friv. subsp. bosnense (K. Maly) Murb.
Verbascum viridissimum Stoj. & Stefanov
Veronica saturejoides Vis.
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medicus subsp. nivale (Boiss. & Heldr.) Markgraf
Viola schariensis M. Erben
Cephaloziella calyculata (Dur.&Mont.)K.Muell.
Ephemerum recurvifolium (Dicks.) Boul
Funaria microstoma Bruch.Ex Schimp
Neckera pennata Hedw.
Tortula lingulata
Ulota crispa
Zostera marina Zostera noltii Posidonia oceanica PHAEOPHYTA Cystoseira amentacea (including var. Stricta and var. Spicata) Cystoseira spinosa (including C. adriatica) PORIFERA Aplysina sp. plur. Axinella cannabina Axinella polypoides Geodia cydonium Hippospongia communis Ircinia foetida Ircinia pipette Petrobiona massiliana Spongia officinalis Tethya sp. plur. CNIDARIA Corallium rubrum ECHINODERMATA Centostephanus longispinus Ophidiaster ophidianus Paracentrotus lividus MOLLUSCA Lithophaga lithophaga Luria lurida (Cypraea lurida) Mitra zonata
Proposal for expansion of Emerald species list Pinna nobilis Tonna galea CRUSTACEA Homarus gammarus Maja squinado Palinurus elephas Scyllarides latus Scyllarus pigmaeus Scyllarus arctus PISCES Alosa falax Anguilla anguilla Cetorhinus maximus Carcharodon carcharias Hippocampus ramulosus Hippocampus hippocampus Huso huso Isurus oxyrinchus Lamna nasus Pomatoschistus tortonesei Prionace glauca Raja alba Sciaena umbra Squatina squatina Thunnus thynnus Umbrina cirossa Xiphias gladius Mobula mobular
Type of endemism
Annex 5. Workplan of project acitivities Activity
Building up a national Emerald team Training of the national Emerald team Identification of the species and habitats within each biogeographical region in Serbia and Montenegro Selection of potential ASCIs
Description of the potential ASCIs
Building up the database of Emerald designated sites
Preparing the Report for the Emerald Network pilot-project
Submission of proposals
Annex 6. Financial statement of expenditure with the breakdown of the costs Item Workshop organization Field costs Travel and accommodation expenses for experts Professional fees Date management National Team expert costs Publication/ Printing Publication of promotional material TOTAL
Costs (in Euros) 3.000,00 1.000,00 4.000,00
1,000,00 9. 000,00
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2013
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1st Calls for ordinary project proposals
Potential applicants will be able to find in this documents answers to some of the questions frequently addressed to the JTS concerning the first calls for proposals for ordinary project and already published into the Programme website. While JTS do their utmost to avoid any errors or omissions, the answers given are for general guidance, and are not to be considered as legally binding. For this reason the reader is encouraged to consult the source documents when these are referred to.
Updated version: 26.10.2009
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 FAQ
TABLE OF CONTENT §. 1. THE PROGRAMME ............................................................................................................- 3 §. 2. THE CROSS-BORDER PARTNERSHIP .................................................................................- 4 §. 3. BENEFICIARIES ..................................................................................................................- 6 §. 4. EXPENDITURES................................................................................................................ - 12 §. 5. STATE AID RULES ........................................................................................................... - 19 §. 6. THE APPLICATION PROCEDURE ..................................................................................... - 20 §. 7. HOW TO FILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM AND ITS ANNEXES ...................................... - 23 §. 8. THE PROJECT CONTENT ................................................................................................. - 26 §. 9. PROJECT SIZE AND CO-FINANCING RATE ...................................................................... - 29 §. 10. THE EVALUATION PROCEDURE ...................................................................................... - 32 §. 11. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ................................................................................................... - 32 §. 12. CONTACT AND INFORMATION....................................................................................... - 33 -
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 FAQ
§. 1.
THE PROGRAMME Question 1.1. What is the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme?
The IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme is a cross-border programme co-financed by the European Commission through the Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA). The Instrument of Pre-accession Assistance (IPA) is the financial instrument established by the European Union to assist candidate Countries (Croatia) to adopt and implement of the full acquis communautaire and to assist the potential candidate Countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia) to promote a degree of alignment with the acquis communautaire and approximation with the Accession criteria. The IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme aims at “strengthening the sustainable development capacity of the Adriatic Region through an agreed strategy of actions among the partners of the eligible territories”.
Question 1.2. Which areas are eligible for the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme? The eligible area of the Programme consists of the territories facing the Adriatic Sea. These are identified as NUTS III (or equivalent level) of
three Member States (Italy, Greece, and Slovenia), a Candidate Country (Croatia),
three Potential Candidate Country (Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina). Although not being territorially eligible for the Programme because it lacks of costal area, but taking into account its eligibility in previous INTERREG IIIA NPPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme 2004 – 2006, Serbia participates in the Programme with the whole territory under a phasing out condition until 31 December 2012. The list of the eligible territories is showed in the Calls Announcement, paragraph 5, and in the Implementing Manual, sub-chapter 1.1, table 1.1.
Question 1.3. Who is responsible for the management of the IPA Adriatic Crossborder Programme? The Countries involved in the IPA Adriatic Cross-border Programme have appointed Abruzzo Region as Managing Authority. The Managing Authority is responsible for managing and implementing the Programme in accordance with the Programme and European Regulations. The Managing Authority of the Programme is the pro tempore executive body of: Regione Abruzzo Direzione Affari della Presidenza, Politiche legislative e Comunitarie Servizio Attività Internazionali managing.authority@adriaticipacbc.org
Question 1.4. Which are the other relevant Programme’s bodies? The Joint Technical Secretariat assists the Managing Authority and all the other Programme institutions in performing their tasks. It receives and assesses the project proposals. It is the major technical-administrative structure of the Programme. The Joint Monitoring Committee verifies the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of the Programme. It is responsible for selecting and approving operations. The Certifying Authority is competent for receiving the payments made by the Commission and transferring them to the beneficiaries.
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 FAQ
The Audit Authority is responsible for the functioning of the management and control systems in accordance with the Programme and European Regulations.
Question 1.5. How much funding is available under each Priority in the 1st Calls for proposals? The total Programme Contribution available in these Calls for proposals is 75,000,00.00 EUR and is broken down for the 3 priorities as following:
€ 25,000,00.00 Priority 1 – Economic, social and Institutional Cooperation € 25,000,00.00 Priority 2 – Natural and cultural Resources and Risks Prevention € 25,000,00.00 Priority 3 – Accessibility and Networks
Question 1.6. Is the Croatia-BH program included here or is this a separate Programme? Bosnia and Herzegovina is participating in six EU funded programmes in the 2007-2013 period. There are three bilateral CBC programmes: BH-Croatia, BH-Montenegro and BH-Serbia and three multilateral programmes: IPA Adriatic CBC and the two multilateral: South East Europe Programme and Mediterranean Programme. Therefore, IPA CBC bilateral Programme between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia and IPA CBC multilateral programme Adriatic are two separate programmes with their own management systems, funds and their own rules for implementation.
§. 2.
THE CROSS-BORDER PARTNERSHIP Question 2.1. How many partners have to be involved in a project? Is there a minimum and/or a maximum number?
The minimum partnership for an IPA Adriatic CBC project must involve at least:
1 Beneficiary from one EU Member State (eligible territories of Greece, Italy and Slovenia)
AND 1 Beneficiary from one Candidate or Potential Candidate Countries (eligible territories of Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia). It is not allowed to have a partnership composed of either only partners from Member States or only from (potential) Candidate Countries. A maximum partnership has not been established but all projects needs to consider the geographical balance in a larger partnership. It must be highlighted that a high number of partners may have implication on the efficiency of project implementation particularly on terms of reporting and financial management. In order to optimize the project management, it is recommended to build a partnership with no more than 15 Beneficiaries (included the Lead Beneficiary).
Question 2.2. What is the minimum number of Countries that should be represented in the partnership? The minimum number of Countries that should be involved in a partnership is one Member State together with one Candidate Country or Potential Candidate Country. It is highlighted that during the quality assessment of project proposals the Joint Monitoring Committee will check “Cross-border character of intervention” and will give the following scores: 1 point for 2 Countries involved; 2 points from 3 to 4 Countries; 3 points from 5 to 6 countries, 4 points to 7 countries, 5 point to 8 countries; 5 points for 8 Countries. However Applicants should keep into consideration that high number of partners from more participating Countries does not guarantee the submission of a good project proposal. It is significant to prepare a good project to show the real relation between the specific nature of the project objectives and the nature of partners beyond their real involvement in the implementation of the project. It is even important that the partnership involves the right players so that the project is effectively implemented and meets set objectives.
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 FAQ
Question 2.3. Are there any restrictions on certain partnership? Partnerships involving either only territories from Member States or only from Potential/Candidate Countries are not allowed. Partnership from only territories covered by other CBC programmes financed with EU funds (i.e. IPA CBC Programme Slovenia – Croatia; IPA CBC Programme Greece – Albania) are not allowed. Therefore partnerships with the involvement of only the regions listed below are not eligible:
the Obalno – Kraška region (Slovenia) and the Istarska županija and/or the Primorsko– goranska županija (Croatia).
the Thesprotia and/or the Corfu prefectures (Greece) and the Vlore region (districts of Vlore and Saranda) (Albania). In order to be considered eligible under the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme, a project with the abovementioned partnership must involve also at least a Beneficiary either from another eligible Member State or another Candidate or Potential Candidate Country.
Question 2.4. What does Serbia participation under a phasing out condition imply? Since the independence of Montenegro, Serbia is not anymore geographically eligible to the Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme. However, building on the previous experience of the successful participation of Serbia and Montenegro in the Italy– Adriatic Neighbourhood Programme, a phasing–out participation of Serbia in the IPA Adriatic CBC programme has been foreseen, but limited to joint projects in the field of institutional cooperation (between universities, research centres, hospitals, some Ministries and cultural institutions, museums, theatres, etc.). This means that the participation of Serbian Beneficiaries (both as Lead Beneficiary or Beneficiary) is open to all cross-border initiatives concerning the institutional cooperation in the specific areas for each relevant Priority as indicated in the following list:
Priority 1: Science and Research, Health, Environment, Education, Economy and Regional Development, Governance and Public Administration, Sport;
Priority 2: Culture, Administration;
Science and Research, Environment, Governance
and Public
Priority 3: Science and Research, Environment, Economy and Regional Development, Governance and Public Administration. Serbian SMEs cannot participate either as Lead Beneficiary or as Beneficiary under these Calls for proposals; in case one or more Beneficiaries do not fulfil this requirement, the project shall be rejected.
Question 2.5. Will project be rejected if Serbian Beneficiary did not participate in a project covering the indicated sectors in the relevant Priority? In case of Serbian Beneficiaries’ participation does not cover the indicated sectors in the relevant Priority, the Joint Monitoring Committee may decide to reject the whole project or to require the exclusion of the Serbian Beneficiary as financial partner.
Question 2.6. How can Beneficiaries located in territorial derogation areas of the Programme participate as project partners up to the limit of the 20% of the amount of the Community contribution to the Programme? According to the Article 97 of the IPA Implementing Regulation, the Programme admits derogations to the territorial eligibility rule for adjacent areas to eligible territories, up to the limit of 20% of the amount of the Community contribution to the Programme. The MA and other relevant Programme bodies will monitor that the Programme budget does not exceed the above-mentioned financial limit.
IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007 - 2013 FAQ
A list of territorial derogations areas - adjacent to the eligible ones - were defined in the Operational Programme (see table 1.1. of the Implementing Manual). Beneficiaries located in these areas are considered admissible as the ones in the eligible areas with the only limit that the Joint Monitoring Committee has the right not to admit the estimated budget (or part of it) of Beneficiaries in territorial derogation, when the Programme budget addressed to partners from derogation areas exceeds the 20% financial limit.. This means that partners from territorial derogation areas are not asked to respect the 20% limit at project level budget due to the fact that the 20% financial limit is applicable only at Programme level.
Question 2.7. Can partners located outside the Programme participating Countries and, in general, outside the Programme area participate in project proposals submitted under these Calls for proposals? As general rule partners must have a registered office in the IPA Programme area (eligible and derogations). In exceptional cases, partners located outside the Programme area, even outside the participating Countries, may be eligible if the project could only achieve its objectives with that partner's participation and the activities are carried out for the benefit of the Programme area. The Lead Applicant must clearly demonstrate in the Application Form the relevance of that chosen partner in relation to the aims of the project implementation and the importance of its involvement in the partnership. These Partners located outside the Programme area would be involved as final Beneficiaries to all intents and purposes and thus they should even guarantee that the national cofinancing is .covered by public sources (State of origin or own sources if public). In the Application Form they must be indicated as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Other [art. 97 Reg. (EC) 718/2007]â&#x20AC;? beneficiaries.
Question 2.8. How can I find partners? You can look for partners or projects through different means:
the partners search database of the Programme website, where you can consult advertisements already uploaded;
the partners search format of the Programme website, where you can upload your project proposal in order to find new partners;
the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme Joint Technical Secretariat;
§. 3.
other programmes data bases in the relating cooperation area.
BENEFICIARIES Question 3.1. Who is eligible as Beneficiary for project application and funding under the 1st Calls for proposals?
Any body having legal personality (public or private) can be involved in a project proposal as Beneficiary. As general principle, Beneficiaries must have a registered office in the Programme eligible area or be in one of the following conditions:
- to be national and regional public authorities, or body governed by public law, which have
administrative competences in the eligible area but which are located outside of it (e.g. ministries, regional offices, etc.);
- to be a University located outside Programme eligible area, with a relevant faculty on the eligible
territories. So, the eligible categories of Beneficiaries are: Public bodies, Public equivalent bodies, Private organization including SMEs.
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Question 3.2. Who can submit a project? All partners have to choose among themselves a Lead Partner/Applicant who will be the only responsible to collect all the information and all the required documents, to fill in the Application form according to all the partners, and finally to submit the proposal. It will be responsible even to send the further supporting documents required after the quality assessment. Application form and/or Documents submitted by other partners not formally chosen as Lead Applicant will be not considered.
Question 3.3. What does ‘Body governed by public law’ mean? According to the Article 1.9 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and the Council ( 31 March 2004), a ‘body governed by public law’ means any body: (a) established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; (b) having legal personality; and (c) financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law.
Question 3.3. bis How should be intended the term of “management supervision” in the case of “body governed by public law”, as ruled by art. 1. 9 c) of Directive EC/2004/18, required to indentify the beneficiary of Adriatic IPA CBC Programme public funds? Article 1 “Definitions” of EC/2004/18 Directive, recalled in the current Call for Proposals of Adriatic IPA CBC Programme in the meaning to identify the “Body governed by public law”, in its paragraph n. 9, requires the contemporary presence of the following requirements: “A ‘body governed by public law’ means any body: (a) established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; (b) having legal personality; and (c) financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law.” Considering that, this definition is given by the legislator to identify the quality of “Contracting authorities”, in the meaning of public procurements, as governed, ab origine, by the Financial Regulation (Part I, Title V of Reg. (EC, Euratom) 1605/2002), the teleological sense to give to this definition has to be found in the tentative of legislator to concretize the free competition principle and to extend the category of bodies that are bound to draw on public procurement rules to assist to third operator, contracts of services, supplies or works, financed by public funds. Therefore, when, a private body is operating as a general interest services proxy, it is “subject to management supervision by” the public institution that financed these services (as State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law) and it should apply the rules of public procurements when, to implement the services, it needs to address to thirds on obtaining services, supplies or works. Out of this hypothesis, the private body should not claim any rights and privileges linked to the quality of “body governed by public law”, in the contest to obtain a public grants, addressed only to this category.
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Question 3.4. Can private organizations participate as partner? Yes, profit/non-profit organizations funded by private law can be eligible partners and receive IPA funds under these Calls for proposals. Non-profit private organization can act both as Lead Beneficiary and as Final Beneficiary in every Measures. Under these Calls for proposals, profit making organizations mean only Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as defined by the Commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Recommendation 2003/361/CE of 6 May 2003. Profit organizations (SMEs) are NOT eligible for participating as Lead Beneficiary in any measures. Besides they can participate as Final Beneficiaries in every measures. Serbian Profit organizations (SMEs) are not eligible under these Calls for proposals.
Question 3.5. Who is eligible to be Lead Applicant/Lead Beneficiary and which are its responsibilities? Every partners except SMEs can be chosen to act as Lead Applicant/Lead Beneficiary. The Lead Applicant must be chosen among partners and have the competences, the financial and administrative requirements to perform that role. After the approval, the Lead Beneficiary will be the link between the Programme and the partnership. The Lead Beneficiary is responsible for the tasks distribution and coordination of activities among the partners. In other words, the Lead Beneficiary ensures the implementation of the whole operation within the given timeframe and the budget. It is responsible both administratively and financially to perform the following responsibilities:
to lay down the arrangements for its relations with the final Beneficiaries participating in the operation in an agreement
to guarantee the sound financial management of the funds allocated to the operation, including the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid;
to be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the entire operation;
to ensure that the expenditure presented by the final Beneficiaries participating in the operation has been paid for the purpose of implementing the operation and corresponds to the activities agreed between the final Beneficiaries participating in the operation;
to verify that the expenditure presented by the final Beneficiaries participating in the operation has been validated by the controllers referred to in Article 108 of the EC Regulation n. 718/2007.
to be responsible for transferring the Community contribution to the final Beneficiaries participating in the operation;
Question 3.6. Can a private organization act as Lead Beneficiary? Profit organizations (SMEs) are NOT eligible for participating as Lead Beneficiary in any measures. Non-profit organizations instead can act as Lead Beneficiary and in case the project will be selected they must provide a financial guarantee issued for the total Programme contribution allocated to the project.
Question 3.7. Can international organization take part in project proposals? International organizations can participate only as Associated partner without receiving any funds from the Programme.
Question 3.8. Is it possible to form a sort of temporary joint venture to take part in project partnership? The beneficiaries that can apply to the Programme calls are: 1. Public bodies; -8-
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2. Public equivalent bodies, governed by public law; 3. Private bodies, including SMEs. Therefore, only juridical entities can be granted by the IPA Adriatic Programme. The temporary joint venture or temporary consortium between the above category of beneficiaries is not a juridical entity but it is only a partnership contract, without direct effect in the Programme. So, the beneficiary of the Programme funds shall be the temporary consortium legal representative. Anyway, the temporary consortium is relevant in the Programme rules, for the recognition of the expenses incurred by the members of this temporary consortium (sub-beneficiaries), as costs attributable to the final beneficiary of the Programme funds. In this case, the beneficiary, legal representative of the temporary consortium, shall produce a copy of the measure giving rise to rights to the Programme Managing Authority and to the Lead Partner of the project. All the rules that commit the final beneficiary and the art. 120 of Financial regulation (EC, Euratom) 1605/2002 and its implementing provision art. 184 bis of regulation (EC, Euratom) 2342/2002 and its amendments, apply to this hypothesis. The beneficiary, legal representative of the temporary consortium, is the only responsible for correct use of Programme funds towards the Programme, including the repayment of sum recovery.
Question 3.9. What will happen if a partner drops out of an approved project? In case of an approved project, if a partner, due to particular situations, decides to drop out partnership before or after having signed the Partnership Agreement, it is considered an important modification of the project. The JMC must then validate the modification of the partnership composition or the potential replace with another eligible partner with the same budget share.
Question 3.10. Serbian Chamber of Commerce is neither typical public nor private body. Till now Adriatic Programme in Serbia was financed through CARDS and in the budget period 2007-2013 it will be financed through IPA, so there can be some changes in rules compared to the last Call. Since Serbian Chamber of Commerce is founded by state Law on Chambers adopted by National Assembly, membership is compulsory for all business entities established in Serbia and we have some public authorizations (issuing of certificates, attestations, permissions and licenses necessary for international trade, company state of solvency, registry keeping etc). Would that be enough to prove our status of public body and cover co-financing with salaries of staff engaged in project? We remind that the eligible categories of Beneficiaries within the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme are: â&#x20AC;˘
Public bodies: national, regional, local authorities and other public bodies. Public bodies are organizations founded and governed by public law, and their main purpose is to fulfil public needs.
Bodies governed by public law: pursuant to the Article 1.9 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, a body governed by public law means any body (ALL THE FOLLOWING THREE CONDITIONS MUST BE RESPECTED): o established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, o having legal personality AND o financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose
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members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law. Private organizations, including private companies: any organization (non profit and profit making) established by private law can be eligible partner and receive IPA funds. The Programme follows the "public costs" principle which means that any expenses co-financed by the Programme Contribution can be funded by public funds only. To this end private project participants have to prove that the national funding of their expenses will be provided by public bodies. For public (or bodies governed by public law) project participants the national co-funding is automatically considered as public. If the Partner falls into the first or second category, the public national co-financing (15% of total public costs) will be covered by own public resources including by resources used to pay salaries of staff. If the Partner falls into the third category, the public national co-financing (15% of total public costs) must be provided only from public sources (“sponsor”). The legal status of Partner different from public body must be proved by Certified copy of Statute which will be asked to the Lead Beneficiary only for the approved projects. •
Question 3.11. An SME, relevant for the action plan of the project, could be responsible for the technical coordination, considered that the Leadpartner is anyway responsible for the financial and administrative coordination? According to the Article 95.2 of the Regulation (EC) n. 718/2006, project partners must cooperate in at least one of the following ways and justify clearly the choice in the project description: •
Joint development: it means that project must be planned out by the cross-border partnership. Beneficiaries from the different Countries contribute to identify project shared objectives, results, output, activities, budget and timing. The Lead Beneficiary might coordinate this process.
Joint implementation: it means that project must be carried out throughout a close linkage and collaboration between cross-border Beneficiaries, ensuring the coordination of the respective tasks and activities in terms of contents, planning, timing and quality of outcomes. An efficient shared project management system shall be appointed under the Lead Beneficiaries responsibility.
Joint staffing: it means that project partners have a defined role and allocate staff to fulfill this role (e.g. one joint project manager, one joint financial manager, etc.). That staff will be responsible for project activities in all Countries involved. Unnecessary duplications of functions in different partner organizations should be avoided.
Joint financing: it means that the project has a joint budget with funding allocated to partners according to the planned activities. Programme reimbursement will be made to the bank account of the Lead Beneficiary. The Lead Beneficiary is responsible for administration and distribution of these funds and for reporting on their use. That being said, it must be kept in mind that all project partners are final Beneficiaries of the Programme funds, must participates to all project’s activities (not only be responsible for single activities) and have an active role in the project. This means even that Lead Beneficiary or other Beneficiaries cannot act as intermediaries in the project or as a supplier. (i.e. contractor or subcontractor that provides services and products against payment). •
Question 3.12. What does “registered office” mean? In order to be eligible for grants within the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme 1st Calls for proposals, potential Beneficiaries must be nationals of and legal persons who are ESTABLISHED (thus have the registered office) in one of the eligible territory as listed in Table 1.1. of the Implementation Manual (July 2009). Such nationality must be determined on the basis of the organisation's statutes which should demonstrate that it has been established by an instrument governed by the national law of the Country concerned. The Beneficiaries should then have the registered office
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proving that it has been established by an instrument governed by the internal law of the Country concerned, provided that their representatives have the capacity to undertake legal obligations on their behalf, and assume financial liability. The only exception to this rule is when potential Beneficiary falls in one of the following conditions:
to be national and regional public authorities, or body governed by public law, which have administrative competences in the eligible area but which are located outside of it (e.g. ministries, regional offices, etc.);
to be a University located outside Programme eligible area, with a relevant faculty on the eligible territories. Only in exceptional cases, well justified (art. 97.2, Reg. (EC) 718/2007), partners located outside the Programme area as defined above may be eligible, if the project could only achieve its objectives with that partner's participation and the activities are carried out for the benefit of the Programme area.
Question 3.13. The eligible derogation territories of Bosnia and Herzegovina are Sarajevo Economic Region, North-West Economic Region, and Central Bih Economic Region. Which are the municipalities included in these Economic regions? Sarajevo Economic Region: MUNICIPALITIES: Breza, Sarajevo Centar, Čajniče, Foča, Ustikolina, Fojnica, Goražde, Hadžići. Ilidža, Ilijaš, Istočna Ilidža, Istočni Stari Grad, Istočno Novo Sarajevo, Kalinovik, Novi Grad, Novo Goražde, Novo Sarajevo, Olovo, Pale , Pale Prača, Rogatica, Rudo, Sokolac, Stari Grad, Trnovo, Trnovo RS, Vareš, Visoko, Višegrad, Vogošća. Further information at: http://www.serda.ba Northwestern Economic Region: MUNICIPALITIES: Velika Kladuša, Buižm, Cazin, Bihać, Bosanska Krupa, Krupa na Uni, Novi Grad, Kostajnica, Kozarska Dubica, Prijedor, Oštra Luka, Gradiška, Srbac, Derventa, Doboj, Prnjavor, Laktaši, Čelinac, Banja Luka, Kotor Varoš, Sanski Most, Bosanski Petrovac, Ključ, Drinić, Ribnik, Mrkonjić Grad, Kneževo, Jajce, Šipovo, Drvar, Glamoč, Bosansko Grahovo. Further information at www.ardanw.org Central Economic Region: MUNICIPALITIES: Usora, Doboj Jug, Tešanj, Teslić, Maglaj, Zavidovići, Žepče, Zenica, Travnik, Novi Travnik, Vitez, Kakanj, Busovača, Donji Vakuf, Bugojno, Gornji Vakuf/Uskoplje. Further information at www.rez.ba
Question 3.14. An economic body, financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law, should be qualified, in the Call, as “Body governed by public law” or “Small or Medium Enterprise”? As described in § 6 “Eligible beneficiaries” of the Calls, eligible Beneficiaries could be qualified into two main categories: 1) Public body, divided into two sub-categories: a. national, regional, local authorities, established with a constitutional, law or regulation act that gives juridical personality ab origine and which is governed under the national public law; b. body governed by public law, with economic or not economic relevance, pursuant to the Article 1.9 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, governed under the national public law and with juridical personality acquired ab origine - 11 -
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throughout the constituent law or regulation act, or with a following public recognizing procedure; 2) Private body, divided into other two sub-categories: a. organization with economic relevance, as private capital companies that has been established for the specific purpose of implementing an industrial or commercial character, with juridical personality obtained with a public recognizing procedure. In this case, the Calls limit their participation only to the SMEs constituted in one of capital company forms; b. organization without economic relevance, as association and foundation that have juridical personality obtained with a public recognizing procedure. Therefore, public companies or the public-private companies that satisfy the requirements of Article 1.9 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, are qualified into the main category of public body. The character of economic or not economic relevance is not influent for this qualification, if the company has been established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, and its statutory activities have not an industrial or commercial character.
ยง. 4.
EXPENDITURES Question 4.1. Are preparation costs eligible?
Yes, they are but only for those projects finally approved for funding and for an amount not exceeding 2% of the approved total budget. They must be clearly indentified in the project proposals (costs foreseen in WP0) and show the direct connection to the approved project activities. The preparation costs must be incurred only for the following activities:
finalization of the application documents (staff costs and external expertise);
preparatory studies, analysis and researches for activities to be carried on within the project (staff costs, external expertise).
joint meetings for the preparation of the project (travels, accommodation, meeting and events costs);
Question 4.2. Are preparation costs compulsory? The preparation costs are not compulsory.
Question 4.3. Are all the expenditures typologies eligible when incurred for the preparation activities? No, they are not. Overheads are not eligible for the preparation activities.
Question 4.4. Can preparation costs be eligible for all the Beneficiaries? No, they cannot. Preparation costs cannot be eligible for Beneficiaries falling into the de minimis regime.
Question 4.5. Since when costs for preparation activities are meant as eligible? Preparation costs are eligible if incurred:
by Beneficiaries from EU eligible Countries from the 1st January 2007 to the day of submission of the project application,
by Beneficiaries from extra-EU States, from the date of the signature of the financing Agreement between each of these Countries and the European Commission to the day of submission of the project proposal.
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Question 4.6. Has each Country signed the financing Agreement? Each No-EU beneficiary Country signed a financing Agreement with the European Commission approving the Community contribution. The date of the signature are the following:
Albania 18 June 2009 th
Bosnia Herzegovina 20 February 2009 Croatia 1st December 2008 Montenegro 22nd June 2009
Serbia 16th April 2009. Beneficiaries from the above-mentioned participant Countries must be aware that their expenses are eligible from those dates.
Question 4.7. Since when costs for implementation activities are meant as eligible? As general rule implementation costs are eligible from the date of the approval of the project by the JMC to its closing date. However Beneficiary may decide at its own risk to start the project before it will be finally approved for granting. In this case, for Beneficiaries not falling under the de minimis regime, expenditures may be eligible from the day of publication of the Calls provided that this day is the official start of the project. For Beneficiaries falling under the de minimis regime, expenditures may be eligible at the earliest from the closing date of the Calls for proposals.
Question 4.8. Is VAT to be considered eligible expenditure? How does it have to be declared? By way of derogation from Article 34(3), value added taxes shall be eligible if the following conditions are fulfilled: (i) they are not recoverable by any means; (ii) it is established that they are borne by final beneficiary; AND (iii) they are clearly identified in the project proposal. When preparing the periodical accounting, the final beneficiary must present the value added tax declaration on the basis of the format of the Project Management Accounting Manual.
Question 4.9. Is there a limit for the Overheads? ‘Overheads’ include, for instance, phone, fax, internet, photocopies, post expenses, office rent, electricity, heating, etc. These costs must be necessary for the activities and the implementation of the project. In the case of indirect expenses, they must be affected in proportion with the project according to an equitable and duly justified method. The calculation of overhead costs has to be done on flat rates based on average costs. These overheads duly justified can be refunded up to a maximum of 25% of those direct costs of the project that can affect the level of overheads. Instead, overheads based on real costs and directly attributable to the implementation of the operation concerned are totally eligible.
Question 4.10. What does «in-house staff» mean? Is there a maximum percentage for it? The in-house staff is the staff of each partner of the project, employed with a regular work contract. If some members of this staff specifically work on the project, this cost can be partly considered. The calculation must be based on the hourly rate resulting from the actual personnel cost of the claimed period divided by the total number of hours worked by the personnel members for the partner institution (not the time worked for the project, but the total hours worked during the period). This
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hourly rate is then multiplied by the number of hours actually dedicated to the project activities. In this case, administrative documents have to prove the detailed expenses specifying the activities, the hourly or daily rate (coherent with the ordinary salary) and the number of hours for each activity financed. No, there is not a maximum percentage envisaged for this cost category.
Question 4.11. Is there a budgetary limit for ‘External expertise’? The Programme has not established a ceiling for the external expertise budget category. According to the Applicants’ Manual, these expenses are acceptable if within the partnership there are no necessary competences to carry out project activities, the external experts is essential to the project and its charges are reasonable and proportionate to level of experience.
Question 4.12. Which is the level of flexibility to modify the budget after the project approval? The changes in the approved budget should be minor. When changes produce small budget deviation under 20% rule, they must be justified and submitted to and approved by the JTS. In case changes refer to substantial modifications (such as a different balance between the partners or activities) or go beyond 20% share, they must be justified and submitted to JTS and be validated by the JMC.
Question 4.13. Staff cost. In the calculation of the hourly rate of each in-house personnel performing operation activities directly employed by the beneficiary the Italian tax IRAP must be excluded? The gross salaries of the in-house personnel performing operation activities directly employed by the beneficiary should include all legal provisions (insurances, social security etc.), unless paid by another source, whilst, according to Art. 34 of the EC regulation n. 718/2007 taxes are not eligible under the IPA Regulation. Consequently, IRAP cannot be considered as an eligible cost.
Question 4.14. Travel and accommodation. Considering that travel and accommodation costs of any external expert participating in project activities must be budgeted under the “External expertise” and not in “Travel and accommodation” category, in the provision of external expertise expenses should we indicate separately travel expenses for external expertise within the budget line “External expertise” or not? The travel and accommodation costs of any external experts participating in project activities should be budgeted under the "External expertise” category of expenditure. Consequently, all expenses related to the project and ordered from an external party must be all together included in the only budget line "External expertise”. Question 4.15. Translation and interpretation. Concerning translation and interpretation expenses, we have seen that they could be budgeted in three different budget lines: • “Meetings and events” for interpretation at events and translation of documents linked to specific events; • “Promotion Costs” for translation and interpretation costs not linked to specific events, but necessary for the implementation of promotion activities; • “External expertise” when the translation or interpretation is not linked to specific budget lines.
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Is this breaking down of translation and interpretation costs to be meant flexible or not? Is it possible to better define the categories of costs (translation, interpretation, etc) that must be budgeted in the different budget lines? Concerning translation and interpretation expenses, as already explained in the question, they could be budgeted in three different budget lines depending on the aim: •
“Meetings and events” for expenses related to interpretation at events and translation of documents linked to specific events;
“Promotion Costs” for translation and interpretation costs not linked to specific events, but necessary for the implementation of promotion activities (e.g. translations of promotional project documents);
“External expertise” when the translation or interpretation is not linked to other specific budget lines. Concerning the categories of costs, paragraph 3.3.3. of the Applicants’ Manual “Implementation costs” clearly describes budget lines under which project expenditures are eligible for the implementation of operations. •
Question 4.16. Equipment. The rent of equipments needed for specific events must be budgeted in the "Meeting and Events” category and not in the “Equipment” category? As explained for translation and interpretation, costs must be budgeted in the specific budget line depending on their aim. Consequently, if the rent of equipments is needed for specific events they must be budgeted in the "Meeting and Events” category. Instead, specific equipment necessary for the whole project implementation must be budgeted in the “Equipment” category.
Question 4.17. Investments. Is there a limit for investments, e.g. up to a maximum percentage of the total budget of the project? For construction works that require a specific permission, the subject who issues this permission must be partner of the project or could be even an Associate? As the projects should strive for high levels of tangible and strategically relevant outcomes, the Programme can allow the co-financing of investments. Investments can constitute integrated aspects of projects activities, provided these investments have a trans-national character and a potential territorial impact. In order to be eligible, they must be listed and specified in the Budget and show a clear cross-border added value. This cost category refers to two types of costs: •
construction works,
• purchase of land. Keeping in mind rules of eligibility for investments clearly explained in paragraph 3.3.3. of the Applicants’ Manual, for construction works the Programme has not established a ceiling, whilst costs for purchase of land are eligible up to a limit of 10% of the total budget of the project. In case a valid and legally effective construction permit and/ or other document are required by national law for investment (as for construction works), the owner of the permit must be partner in the project. The selected Beneficiaries must produce the required documents before signing the IPA Subsidy Contract.
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Question 4.18. What is meant under equipment? Some universities in Beneficiary Countries are asking if expenses to buy chemicals or other materials to be used for research in training activities foreseen in the project (for researchers in mobility) are eligible, and if so, in which category do they fall ? The “Equipment” budget line refers to small investments like the purchase of equipment (IT equipments, software, furniture…) necessary for successfully running the project and not included in the two categories (construction works and the purchase of land) of the “Investment” budget line. Where strictly necessary (e.g. if the goal of the project is to set up a bureau which will provide services for the target group of the project), office furniture is considered as eligible expenditure and should also be charged to this budget line. The costs of consumables will be considered as overheads provided they are based on real costs attributable to the implementation of the operation concerned, thus they must be charged to the “Overheads” budget line. For further information, please see Applicants’ Manual paragraph 3.3.4
Question 4.19. Some partners would like to buy notebooks and mobile phones. A new medium class notebook may cost about 700 - 800 Euros plus about 70 Euros for (not compulsory) two years extension of warranty to cover the 3 year project length. To rent a notebook may cost the same in three years or even more (250 Euros rent per year plus compulsory three year insurance). In this case it seems that to buy a notebook in this price range is more economic and costeffective than to rent it. Would the purchase cost in this case be all eligible? If not, it seems more convenient for the beneficiary to rent it. Being depreciable assets, the full cost of equipments can only be charged to the project’s budget if the total economic life and depreciation period are shorter than or equal to the project duration. Otherwise, only the portion of the equipment’s depreciation corresponding to the rate of actual use for the purpose of the project may be taken into account. Please note that equipment which are not exclusively used for project purposes should be charged on a pro-rata basis, also as far as depreciation is concerned. The rental of equipment is possible provided that the rental is the most economic and cost-effective way of getting the equipment for the project purposes. Moreover, Beneficiaries could even choose to lease equipment provided that the leasing fee will not exceed the cost that would have involved the rent of the same item and will be related to the period of use of the same for the financed operation. For further information, please see Applicants’ Manual paragraph 3.3.4
Question 4.20. Is the expenditure for the office renting an eligible cost or co financing? As ruled by art. 89 Reg (EC) 718/2007, the expenditure of office renting shall be eligible when paid by public authorities and when the costs of the provision of services relate to the preparation and implementation of an operation provided by a public authority that is itself the final beneficiary and which is executing an operation for its own account without recourse to other outside service providers if they are additional costs and relate either to expenditure actually and directly paid for the cofinanced operation. The costs for of office renting must be certified by means of documents which permit the identification of real costs paid by the public authority concerned for that operation. This being said and considered that only contributions in kind may not be considered as co-financing by the Beneficiary, the expenditures for the office renting, when eligible as explained above, are not contributions in kind and may be considered as co-financing in the Budget for the Project.
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Question 4.21. Are bank charges eligible? As general rule “Charges” are meant as those resulting from operation requests by the current account holder (for example a credit transfer order whose costs are defined as charges) whereas “Bank charges” must be paid only for setting up a bank connection (current account or any other technical solution). By way of example within the category of “Bank charges” can be included: periodical or slum sum fee, registration costs for each entry, annual costs for cash dispenser management, bank statement dispatch costs, mail costs for communication dispatch, costs for settlement or periodical closure. On the contrary within the category “Charges” can be included all the costs (charges) for transactions carrying out, i.e: credit transfer order costs, costs for drawing up from a cash dispenser or a credit card, costs for payment standing order, direct debt use, invoice and costs for the issue of a cheque etc.. Instead, as concerns stamp duty for the bank statement, as it is a current account holding fee, it is not eligible. The possible charges for current account maximum overdraft (commissions that are charged by the bank on the current account maximum overdraft) are not eligible. Concerning transnational bank credit transfer orders costs are legitimated to fall within the heading “charges for transnational financial transactions “ whereas all the flat rates linked to the opening and management of the current account expressly opened for the project’s purposes must be included under the heading “Bank charges”. Consequently, as charges for NATIONAL credit transfer orders do not fall under the category of “Bank charges” (either for the management, as it is a charge), they can not be considered eligible.
Question 4.22. Our project foresees the realization of construction works in one of the three countries involved in the project. We would like to know whether the budget related to the investment must be necessarily allocated to one project partner, owner of the building, or whether it could be shared among all the project Beneficiaries, located in different (eligible) countries? As the projects should strive for high levels of tangible and strategically relevant outcomes, the Programme can allow the co-financing of investments. Investments can constitute integrated aspects of projects activities, provided these investments have a trans-national character and a potential territorial impact. In order to be eligible, they must be listed and specified in the Budget (“5.a Investment” table) and show a clear cross-border added value. Keeping in mind rules of eligibility for investments (full cost rather than pro-rata) clearly explained in § 3.3.3. of the Applicants’ Manual, for construction works the Programme has not established specific ceilings, neither in budgetary terms (e.g. percentage of the total project budget or e.g. in terms of sharing-out of the budget between the project partners) nor for single typologies of investments. Project Beneficiaries may decide to share the costs for specific common actions clearly describing them in the Application Form and after in the Partnership Agreement. Stated this, common actions have the following characteristics: •
they are carried out by one project participant (implementing partner) that is responsible for the cross-border activity on behalf of the whole partnership;
they are linked to the project objectives of all Project Beneficiaries;
the expenses related to the implementation of the common action are proportionally shared among those project participants financially involved in the implementation of the work package concerned. Concerning investment expenditures, in the “5.a Investment” table of the Application Form, in the “Description” box, it shall be indicated, for each investment, if the investment shall be shared among different Beneficiaries, which are these Beneficiaries, which Beneficiary shall be responsible for the implementation of the action and how the cost will be shared among the involved Beneficiaries. When filling in the “5. Budget” section, the expenses related to the implementation of the common action shall be split among the partnership according to the shares fixed in this table. •
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For other shared costs, not included in the “Investment” budget line, Applicants must clearly described in the concerned WP how the common cost will be shared among different Beneficiaries, which are these Beneficiaries, which Beneficiary shall be responsible for the implementation of the action and how the cost will be shared among the involved Beneficiaries.
Question 4.23. How must be calculated overheads proportionally allocated to the project? What does it mean that “flat-rates based on average costs may not exceed 25 % of those direct costs that can affect the level of overheads”? In the case of indirect expenses (those costs which are not entirely related to the project’s activities but are necessary to support the project), they must be affected in proportion with the project according to an equitable and duly justified method. When overheads could not be allocated directly to the project, their calculation has to be done on flat rates based on average costs, thus they must be allocated proportionally to a project. Anyway, overheads proportionally allocated are eligible expenditure provided that they are based on real costs which relate to the implementation of an IPA Adriatic CBC project and are allocated pro rata to the operation according to a duly justified fair and equitable method. This means that, where actual cost is shared with organisational non-project costs, then apportionment is permissible providing: • the source cost is eligible for the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme support and fully auditable (receipts, bills etc); • the cost is clearly relevant - additionally incurred or shared by the project (heating, lighting, rates etc); • the cost can be realistically apportioned to arrive at a figure that reflects the true cost incurred by the project applicant in carrying out the IPA Adriatic CBC project. From the above it follows that apportionment will require a method relevant to each cost, so that, for example, the major costs such as heating bills, lighting etc, are calculated against real bills and are apportioned by reference to the actual room space used for the project, whilst telephone bills require a methodology based on actual telephone use by the project. Any single method of apportionment, unless providing the above, is not acceptable to the Programme requirements, especially where such a single method creates an averaging of central costs for every project, i.e. not relevant to each project specifically, or based upon on the level of, say, project salary costs. In summary therefore it is important to ensure that all overheads are actual, auditable & directly attributable to the project. In practice therefore this means: •
not to allocate budget overheads instead of actual costs;
not to base hourly overhead costs on timetabled hours instead of actual hours worked;
not to use theoretical charges for certain overheads (e.g. 15% central admin charges);
not to include items in the overhead calculation that are ineligible;
• and not to use theoretical rent or rates instead of actual payment Beside this, the First Level Control Offices will verify for each expenditure claim of each Beneficiary that the total amount of overheads costs proportionally allocated to the project, whatever method of apportionment used, will not exceed the 25% of those direct costs of the project that can affect the level of overheads, considering that: • direct costs are those costs that can be attributed specifically to the project, or that can be directly assigned to project activities relatively easily with a high degree of accuracy; • indirect costs are those that are incurred for common or joint objectives and therefore cannot be identified and charged directly to the project without an extensive amount of tracking and accounting (e.g. electricity and heating for offices that have not been installed for the project only and that are prorated to the project). Please note that any apportionment methodologies utilised must be explained in the Application Form, in the relevant WP.
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The accounting rules for overheads proportionally allocated the project will be more deeply explained in the Project Management, Accounting and Control Manual. Finally, we remind that, in order to be considered eligible, expenditures must, among the other rules: • be recorded in the accounts of the Beneficiaries and be clearly identifiable (keeping a separate accounts for the operation or using a code which allows to identify clearly the accounting of the operation); • be supported by original documents of expenditure, with the exact amount and date, with the words: "Expenditure incurred under IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme, operation “xy”, No." ... ", for a sum of € ... ... ... ... reporting date…..". The use of a stamp is suggested; • be incurred in accordance with existing legislation (civil, tax, accounting, etc ...).
§. 5.
STATE AID RULES Question 5.1. What is State Aid under the IPA Adriatic Programme?
The only State aid permitted by the IPA Adriatic Programme is the ones falling into the “de minimis” regime, as defined by the EC Regulation 1998/2006. It is permitted with a simply procedure: it is not necessary to notify to the European Commission; it is not necessary to respond to any derogation act. Thanks to its nature of financial aid of little proportion, it is not classified as really State aid, with sensitive impact on European market.
Question 5.2. Who has to apply the Declaration of “de minimis” regime form? All the Beneficiaries have to fill the Declaration, but only who is an undertaking, or rather it is an “entity engaged in an economic activity, regardless of its legal status and the way in which it is financed” has to specify, also, the State aid in “de minimis” regime obtained in the last three financial years.
Question 5.3. When activities fall into the “de minimis” regime? Within the domain of competition law, an undertaking is identified as any entity which exercises an activity of an economic nature and which offers goods and services in competition (actual or potential) with other operators active in the market, carrying out activities of an economic nature, devoted to the production and marketing of goods and services in the market. This is a very wide concept of undertaking, that also includes all private and public firms and all that they produce. Activities carried out within the framework of statutory tasks normally performed by public authorities do not fall within the concept of an undertaking, in view of their non-business purposes and procedures, but in many cases, however, local public or administrative bodies may be considered to be similar to undertakings. When assessing the whole range of activities of these bodies a pragmatic approach that takes into account the activities that will be implemented within the market is required. Waste disposal or treatment, for example, which in the past was the prerogative of local administrations or was provided by them outside the market logic, is now largely considered a business activity. In general, such activities that are often carried out by entities and are mainly or completely controlled by public bodies and directed towards a public interest are considered business activities.
Question 5.4. How Beneficiaries permitted?
In order to calculate the amount permitted only the “de minimis” aid received from any public institution (local, national or communitarian) during the last three financial year is relevant. The total sum permitted during this period is Euro 200,000. This threshold, following the EC regulations and if the activity is anyway admissible in the IPA Adriatic Programme, is reduced to EUR 100,000 in the road transport sector; to EUR 30,000 in the fishers and aquaculture sectors; to EUR 7,500 in the primary production of agricultural products.
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Question 5.5. What happens when the maximum grants permitted Beneficiaries under the “de minimis” regime exceed?
If the Beneficiary had already benefit from the maximum sum permitted under the “de minimis” regime, the activity that falls into the “de minimis” regime cannot be supported by the public funds of IPA Adriatic Programme. The Beneficiary could benefit from the IPA Adriatic Programme public funds, until the grants obtained reach the maximum sum allowed under the “de minimis” regime. To avoid that the fixed threshold will exceed during the project execution, the applicant shall monitor the total grants registered in its accounting documents, which are “de minimis” relevant” and has been obtained during the IPA Adriatic Programme’s project development. In this case, the final beneficiary has to refuse the all public sum, choosing among the IPA Adriatic Programme financial grant or the other Financial Programme sum.
Question 5.6. Referring to the "de minimis" regime, if a private entity is beneficiary of a public call for tender, called either by a local, national or communitarian authority, does the amount allowed to the private company has to be considered State aid relevant ? If yes, can you explain us which is the norm/law this rule refers to? Beneficiary falling in the “de minimis” regime must fill in the “List of grants received” table of “The de minimis Declaration” indicating the total amount of state aid received in the preceding, three, fiscal years, awarded explicitly as de minimis funding. Grants are financial contributions from the EU budget awarded directly by Commission or by any other national, regional local EU programmes. Grants are based on the reimbursement of the eligible costs, in other words, costs effectively incurred by the beneficiaries that are deemed necessary for carrying out the project activities. A Grant is different from a public contract. In the case of a public contract, the company/tendering is hired to run products or service in return for payment. In conclusion in the case of a grant, it makes a contribution either to a project carried out by an external organisation or directly to that organisation because its activities contribute to Community policy aims. A public contract is concluded after procurement procedure. Procurement procedures are launched when an entity wants to purchase a service, goods or work in exchange for remuneration.
Question 5.7. Can the municipalities be affected by the state aid regime? The nature of the beneficiary is not relevant in this context since even a non-profit organization can engage in economic activities. The main requirement to consider is the nature of the activities it intends to implement and not its legal status (public or private). The detailed information about the state aid and the de minimis can be found in the Implementation Manual, section 3.6 and in the FAQ page of the Programme Website http://www.adriaticipacbc.org/index.asp?page=faq&level=faq2 , section 5 “State Aid rules”.
§. 6.
THE APPLICATION PROCEDURE Question 6.1. What kind of document must beneficiaries consult before submitting a project proposal?
Applicants should carefully read the IPA Adriatic Operational Programme and the Implementation Manual. Both of them can be downloaded from the official website of the Programme: www.adriaticipacbc.org They must pay attention to refer to the Call for proposals of the Priority identified. Calls for proposals list the rules to be respected when preparing the project proposal and the modality for submitting it. Applicants need also to be familiar with the Application Pack, the main operational tool to draw up a project proposal. It includes: o
Application Form the template to be filled in to describe the project idea;
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Letter of intent to be filled in by each project partner and by the Lead Applicant too;
Applicants’ Manual tool for the Lead Applicants and all the Partners useful to understand the requirements, the commitments and all technical aspects to be respected to submit an appropriate project proposal;
The “de minimis” Declaration: to be filled in by each project partner and by the Lead Applicant too. Another useful document is Project Management Accounting Manual which describes eligible costs, financing procedures both at the Programme and at the project level. It contains also detailed rules on how to account the expenses incurred in the implementation of the actions. It will be soon available for download in the official website of the Programme o
Question 6.2. When, where and how to submit the project proposal? The Application Form (in both electronic and paper version) and all the Annexes (Letters of intent and the de minimis Declarations of all partners only in paper version) must be submitted to the following address: IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme Joint Technical Secretariat Via Leonardo Da Vinci, n. 6 – Palazzo Silone I-67100, L’Aquila ITALY, by one of the following modalities:
- by registered mail by the 29th October 2009: in this case the post office stamp will constitute proof of compliance with the deadline given above.
- by express courier services: in this case, the envelope must arrive by the 29th October 2009, 6.00 p.m. Italian local time to the JTS’s premises. The date of receipt will be noted by the JTS and communicated to the Lead Applicant by e-mail. The sealed envelope must be marked as following: st “IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme - 1 Call for Proposals Project application for Priority X – Measure YX Lead Applicant: (denomination and address) Acronym of the project proposal Do not open”
Question 6.3. How many copies of the Application Form have to be submitted? One original Application Form must be submitted.
Question 6.4. In which language must the application be submitted? Project proposals must be submitted only in English.
Question 6.5. Should project Lead Applicant have any tasks after submitting the project proposal and before approving it? If the project proposal hard copy includes one or more documents in fax copies, the Lead Applicant must collect the original of these documents and send them to the JTS with the same modalities and rules for the submission of the project proposal. The documents must arrive to the JTS’s premises within 20 calendar days from the call deadline. Any delay will cause the project rejection. For submissions by registered mail, JTS suggests to send an email to info@adriaticoipa.com in order to inform the JTS that the envelope has been sent within the deadline.
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Question 6.6. Is a formal agreement between the project partners necessary? During the preparation phase each project partner may sign a Letter of intent where it commits itself to co-finance the project and to respect the rights and the obligations ensuing from the Project if it would be financed. All the Letters of intent must be attached to the Project proposal. Afterwards at the same time or light before the signing of the Subsidy Contract between the Managing Authority and the Lead Beneficiary, all partners must sign a Partnership Pre-Agreement whereby the project management methods and procedures are defined.
Question 6.7. Which documents could be sent by fax or in digital format (by scanner), if it is not possible to send the original version in due time? It is possible to send documents only by fax not in digital format. The following documents are allowed in fax copy:
Letters of intent
The de minimis Declaration. In case of fax copies of the above-mentioned documents, they must clearly show the date, the origin of the fax and a readable signature.
Question 6.8. When should the original of the faxed documents be sent to the JTS? The Lead Applicants must send the original documents within 20 calendar days from the Calls deadline to the following address: IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme Joint Technical Secretariat Via Leonardo Da Vinci, n. 6 – Palazzo Silone I-67100, L’Aquila ITALY. The sealed envelope must be marked as following: st “IPA Adriatic Cross-border Cooperation Programme - 1 Call for Proposals Project application for Priority X – Measure XX Lead Applicant: (denomination and address) Acronym of the project proposal Do not open”.
Question 6.9. Must the Applicants send with the project proposal any supporting document such as organisation budget and/or statute? The Applicants are required to submit the project proposals composed of the filled Application Form (both in paper and in electronic version), the de minimis Declarations and the Letters of intent of all partners and nothing else. Only for projects eligible for funding (which got through the quality assessment positively) the JTS will ask the Lead Applicants to provide:
Certified copy of Statute or its relevant articles of all partners except of public bodies;
Certified copy of the final budget of the last 3 years (or the last 1 or 2 years in case of an organization younger than 3 years) of private partners (profit and not profit). In case a Public Authority, which is not partner of the project, guarantees public contribution as national public co-financing to a partner, a certified copy of the act providing the public contribution must be sent to the JTS.
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In case of approval of a project with a private Lead Beneficiary (not SME), the Lead Beneficiary will be asked to provide, before the signature of the Subsidy Contract, proof that a financial guarantee is in force. The guarantee shall be issued for the total Programme contribution allocated to the project and be valid until the final reimbursement by the Programme.
Question 6.10. Should the further documents be produced by the Lead Applicants only or by all Beneficiaries instead? Only Lead Applicants are authorized to send the originals after collecting them from all partners. Documents sent by partners different from Lead Beneficiary will be not considered. In case it does not provide the required documents in the duly form and in the time, or if the content reveals the ineligibility of one or more Beneficiaries, the project will be rejected and cancelled from the ranking list approved by the JMC. The original documents must be identical to the faxed ones otherwise the project will be rejected.
Question 6.11. What do you mean for "official acts" mentioned at FAQ no. 9.6 (Co-financing rate)? For e.g. an Italian private entity applying for an IPA project needs to sign the Letter of intent and send in annex the national law (CIPE n. 36 15/06/2007) stating that the co-financing is granted by national public funds. Is this correct ? After the quality assessment of the project, the JTS will require to the Lead Applicant of projects eligible for funding to provide some documents in order to verify the eligibility of all the funded Beneficiaries. In case the public National co-financing of one or more project Beneficiaries is not covered automatically by State throughout National Law (as for Italian Beneficiaries) or is not guaranteed by public own resources (e.g. by staff costs), the JTS will require documents proving the effective coverage of the public national co-financing. The above-mentioned documents may be for instance decisions or national/regional/local rules of the body/institution which ensures the public National co-financing and must be sent in certified copy to the JTS.
§. 7.
HOW TO FILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM AND ITS ANNEXES Question 7.1. What is «Project code» ?
The «Project code» is the code that enables the identification of each project proposal. The JTS assigns it on the basis of the projects’ arrival.
Question 7.2. Do we have to detail all types of expenditures per partner within each expenditure category? You should fill in the budget per partner, per budget category and per WP (section 5.5) and these figures will be automatically recorded in the section 5.1.1 and 5.3.
Question 7.3. With reference to point 2 of “de minimis” Declaration, is it possible to give an example when an “Institution will not be the end user of the Public Contribution”? Does it represents an exception to the rule according to which Project Partners are all IPA Programme fund’s Final Beneficiaries. (see FAQ 3.11., last paragraph)? The reference to the competitive legislation in the matter of “de minimis” aid in the IPA CBC Programmes, requires to apply the appropriate rules to any user of public grants. The hypothesis referred in the query concerns the case of the project partner, final Beneficiary of IPA Adriatic CBC Programme, assigning the use of the public grant required to a third body (re-granting), such as “in- 23 -
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house” body or its own partner of temporary consortium or a third beneficiary of public grants (i.e. SMEs participating to a sub call of grants, published by the final beneficiary).
Question 7.4. With reference to point 2, last paragraph of “The de minimis Declaration”, “Please also mention whether, in case of the implementation activities will be delegated to one of controlled institution, it should be considered or not as an undertaking activity and why…..(max 1.000 char.)”, the description requested has to be made only in the previous option “will not be the end user of the Public contribution” is “flagged”? The project partner has to fill in the blank, only when it intends to delegate the implementation of part of its own project activities, to a controlled institution (i.e., “in-house” body or a temporary consortium partner), end user of public contribution, and the activity is considered or not undertakings for the subbeneficiary. It is a consequence of the choice made above: “will not be the end user of the Public contribution”.
Question 7.5. With reference to point 2, last paragraph of the “The de minimis Declaration”, “Please also mention whether, in case of the implementation activities will be delegated to one of controlled institution, it should be considered or not as an undertaking activity and why…..(max 1.000 char.)”, what do you mean with “activities delegated to a controlled institution”? When a similar situation can take place? Is the delegation used to prevent the “controlled institution” from invoicing to the delegating Project Partner and so that the “controlled institution” is identified as subcontractor? In case of a possible delegation to a “controlled institution” does it have to be mentioned in the “Application Form”? Delegated activities should to be meant as part of its own activities implemented by the third subbeneficiary. The activities mentioned above may be performed provided that the financial support is not the primary aim of the action and that the conditions to perform such support are strictly defined in the grant contract with no margin for discretion. The sub-beneficiary should be controlled by the final beneficiary, as a part of its organization (in-house body) or a partner of temporary consortium, where the final beneficiary is the lead partner, joint liable and co-debtor for the temporary consortium activities. The expenses incurred by the sub-beneficiary during the implementing project activities, should be reimbursed by the Programme authorities to the final beneficiary, contracting part of the subsidy contract between the Managing Authority and the Project lead partner. In this case, the expenses are eligible if them are supported by the sub-beneficiary, they are related to each delegated activity and the documents in proof of them should be made out to the subbeneficiary. The final beneficiary has to give relevance of the delegate act, every time that it produces its own accounting report of project activities. The final beneficiary could give notice of the intention to delegate part of its project activities to a subbeneficiary/ies, during the description of its organization in the “Application Form”.
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Question 7.6. When we insert the text in some AF’s boxes, it is not fully visible(it is cut on the right side and at the bottom of the box) and cannot be seen when file is printed out (just starting can be seen) although macros are enabled. Full text can be seen only when clicking into the box of text or in the upper box (“Fx”) but only half of it in the text box. How to resolve the problem ? This is a well-known problem of excel application. To solve such a kind of problem we suggest the following solutions in order to fix it: •
to type the text with caps lock mode-off;
to TYPE MANUALLY the text into the box instead of copy & paste from another file (for instance word file, word pad ad son on). Please do not underestimate this suggestion even if it will be a long procedure. This will be the easy way to solve the problem;
to insert a new line in the specific point (word) of the cell where the text is cut; double-click the location where you want to break the line in the cell, and then press ALT+ENTER. Repeat the procedure until all the text is fully visible. We highlight that the input of the line/s is counted as "space", so be aware not to exceed the total number of characters (3000, considering spaces and new lines included).
Question 7.7. Could you clarify how to fill in the Letter of intent in case of Slovenian Beneficiaries who must co-finance up to a limit of 5% of the public cost? Slovenian PUBLIC (or BODIES GOVERNED BY PUBLIC LAW) Beneficiaries, that do not implement activities considered as State aid relevant, must guarantee 5% of their total budget with own resources which will be considered as part of the national public co-financing. Consequently, in the Letter of Intent that 5% must be listed ALSO as "ensured as public national co-financing, from <name of the Slovenian public partner (also "its own resources is correct)>" as clearly described in the scheme at page. 19 of the Applicants' Manual. Example 1: Slovenian partner (public bodies or bodies governed by public law) not implementing activities under de minimis regime with a total budget equal to 350.000,00 EUR must fill in the Letter of intent as following: • that the total budget allocated to the organization I represent for Project’s implementation activities is <350.000,00> EUR, of which - <297.500,00> EUR granted by the Community IPA funds - <35.000,00> EUR ensured as public national co-financing, from <STATE funds>. - <17.500,00>EUR ensured as public national co-financing, from <its own resources> or < name of the Slovenian public partner> - 0 EUR as additional own contribution (if applicable) Example 2: Slovenian partner implementing activities under de minimis regime, with a total budget equal to 350.000,00 EUR must fill in the Letter of intent as following: • that the total budget allocated to the organization I represent for Project’s implementation activities is <350.000,00> EUR, of which - <252.875,00> EUR granted by the Community IPA funds - <44.625,00> EUR ensured as public national co-financing, from <STATE funds>. - <52.500,00> EUR as additional own contribution (if applicable) Also Slovenian PRIVATE Beneficiaries, in case they do not implement activities considered as State aid relevant, must guarantee 5% of their total budget with own resources which will be instead NOT considered as part of the national public co-financing. Consequently, in the Letter of Intent that 5% must be listed as "additional own contribution" as clearly described in the scheme at page. 19 of the Applicants' Manual.
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Question 7.8. It is possible for the delegated officer to sign the Application Form and the annexed documents required by the Call? The Application Form and the annexed documents should be signed by the legal representative or by its proxy of the Lead Applicant, where this task comes from the Body's Statute or from a legislative or regulative act, the job contract or from a specific or general letter of attorney. When the Application Form and the annexed documents are signed by the proxy, he/she has to give evidence of his/her task, naming the source, or annexing a copy of the act or of the letter of attorney.
§. 8.
THE PROJECT CONTENT Question 8.1. What is the difference between an ordinary and a strategic Call for proposals? st
These 1 Calls for proposals are for ordinary projects. Ordinary projects are the main modality for the Programme implementation. They shall have the following characteristics:
to be referred to a single Measure within one of the Programme Priority;
to be based on a high level of co-financing;
to have a minimum total project budget of 500,000 Euros and a maximum at 5,000,000 Euros;
to run maximum for 36 months. Strategic projects can concern one or more Measures and one or more Priorities, according to the JMC decisions. They aim at producing a wide impact and optimising the effects of the Programme on the Adriatic basin. A strategic project shall have the following characteristics: to be a long-term project because of the complexities of organization, partnership and content; to have an active high-quality partnership; to meet particular requirements in terms of content; to have a positive outcome in the cooperation area; to produce long-lasting effects;
to have a minimum total project budget of 5,000,000 Euros and a maximum of 12,500,000 Euros. Also the modality to select strategic projects is different: they can be selected by open or restricted call for proposals.
Question 8.2. How long does a project run? A project can have a maximum duration of 36 months.
Question 8.3. How to calculate the project start date? Is the preparation phase included? The ‘start date’ of a project indicates when the activities begin and the relating expenses are eligible. The ‘start date’ can usually go from the date of the approval of the project by the JMC hence without including the preparation phase. However the partnerships may decide at their own risk to start project before the project is finally selected for grant provided that this day is the official start of the project. In this case the ‘start date’ can go back at the earliest to the day of publication of the Calls. It is highlighted that if in an approved project there is one or more Beneficiaries falling into the de minimis regime the expenses of those partners are eligible from the date of approval of the project or at the earliest from the closing date of the Calls even if the partnership decided to indicate as ‘start date’ the day of the publication of the Calls. In conclusion ‘start date’ is strictly linked to the eligibility of the expenses.
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Question 8.4. Is accounting period included in the ‘end date’ (project closure)? The ‘end date’ of project indicates when all the project activities will finish including the administration tasks such as the submission of the last accounting reports to the competent First Level Control Offices.
Question 8.5. Once approved, when can the project start? All the planned projects have to be able to start working immediately without the risk of delay. On the understanding that partnership can decide to start project activities before it is approved (as explained above), the activities must start no later than a month after the signing of the Subsidy Contract.
Question 8.6. Will there be a second call for proposals? It is very likely that a second call for proposals will be launched. The final decision is up to the Joint Monitoring Committee.
Question 8.7. Are there any limits in number of projects to be submitted as partner or Lead partner/Applicant? There are no limits in number of projects to be submitted as a Lead Partner or number of project where you participate as a partner.
Question 8.8.
Our project foresees that, among the other activities, the organization of a business tour outside the eligible area aimed to attract investments in the eligible area. Is the cost for the business tour eligible? We underline that the business tour will be organized by a travel agency located into the eligible area, thus any expenditure for travel and accommodation will be paid to the travel agency without any disbursement outside the eligible area.
As general principle, the operation must be implemented in the Programme eligible area. In well justified cases, project activities (i.e. organization of transnational meetings, etc.) can be implemented in the cities where the EU institutions are located (i.e. Brussels, Luxembourg, etc.); the relative expenditures are eligible only if they are incurred by eligible Beneficiaries and for activities realized in the institutional Offices of the States, Regions and other relevant Public Authority involved in the project.
Question 8.9.
Some of our partners are Universities who participate in activities of the project with different Faculties, each for its own skills. We do not want to have one faculty as partner and the others as associates, because they all do necessary activities in the project to be covered by partner budget. In our opinion the best solution in order not to have accountancy and budget problems is to have the University as partner as a whole. Is it possible, considering the bureaucratic burden of Rectors and in order to simplify administrative work, that the Rector, who is the Legal representative, delegates one professor of one faculty involved in the project as his delegate for the project? If yes, are the researchers and professors of other faculties involved in the same project still considered as the same partner with one single partner budget?
First of all submission phase must be distinguished by implementation phase.
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Submission phase: the Application form (in case of Lead Beneficiary), the Letter of intent and the de minimis Declaration must be signed in original handwriting by the legal representative (or authorised delegate) of the partner involved, even if it is a Department, Faculty of University. In the situation mentioned, where the partner involved will be the Universities and not the different Faculties, the Rectors (or their delegate) of each University should sign the required documentation. The Delegation (by Law or by specific proxy) must be attached, in original or in fax copy to the Application Form. If the University has already decide to involve into the project different Faculties, each for its own skills, this must be clearly described in the section “2.Cross-border Partnership” of the Application Form. Implementation phase. Once the project has been approved, the University can even decide to involve in the activities different faculties or departments. According to University internal regulations, the management and accountancy activities can be delegated to a professor of one faculty involved in the project in order to sign all the accountancy documentation. Even in this case, the University must provide in time the delegation in original.
Question 8.10. We would like to receive more clarifications concerning criteria “e.1” of the quality assessment grid at page 50 of the Applicants’ Manual. How can be demonstrated the link among the budget and the foreseen activities? A detailed budget (Section “5. Budget” of the Application form) should always be prepared on the basis of the activities needed to meet the project’s objectives and the resources required to carry out these activities within the time approved (Section “4. Work Plan” of the Application form). This preparation should take place by involving all partners in this respect already before the submission of the Application. When building their spending forecasts, partners should take into consideration the following elements: •
Project proposals have to be planned in order to be able to start working immediately without the risk of delay;
The spending forecast should be an estimation of the actual payments to be done in each reporting period. Therefore, it only partly reflects the activities taking place in a certain period. Indeed, if an activity is carried out close to the end of a reporting period, the related payment may only be possible in the following period and the costs should therefore be budgeted only in the following reporting period. Please note that spending forecasts will be subject to analysis during the assessment process as well. In particular, artificial splitting of total costs evenly throughout the project duration will be negatively evaluated due to its negative effect on the de-commitment calculations on Programme level. Consequently, during the quality assessment the JMC will evaluate, beside the others, the quality of provision, processes or outcomes of the proposal against the monetary cost of making the provision, undertaking the process or achieving the outcomes of the same project proposal, thus it will evaluate whether the budget represent value for money for that project proposal. •
Question 8.11. Is there any financing during the project implementation phase a part from the 2%? It is important to clarify that the 2% is referred to the project preparation cost. To be eligible, the preparation costs cannot exceed 2% of the approved total budget.The detailed information about the eligible costs, eligibility criteria and expenditure categories can be found in the Applicant’s manual, section 3.3 As general rule, the grant payments are made on a reimbursement basis. Anyway, the Managing Authority will assign an advance payment to the Lead Beneficiary for the project start up, up to the limit of 15% of Community contribution allocated to the project. The advance payment is granted to Lead Beneficiaries under the condition that the Managing Authority has yet received by the European Commission the Programme pre-financing, according to the Article 128 of EC Regulation 718/2007.
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Question 8.12. Does a patented innovation included in the project idea has any advantage? As outlined in the Implementation manual and in the Call for proposal for each Measure, the quality of project is checked and the points are assigned through the following procedure: •
Formal assessment: the formal assessment is made by the Joint Technical Secretariat, under the responsibility of the Joint Monitoring Committee. Only applications that fulfill all the admissibility criteria will pass to the next quality assessment.
Quality assessment: the quality assessment of the project proposals is based on the approved and published evaluation grid you can find in Call for proposal.
Therefore, the patented innovation included in the project proposal does not represent any advantage per se, but the overall quality of the project is checked.
§. 9.
PROJECT SIZE AND CO-FINANCING RATE? Question 9.1. Is there a minimum and/or maximum project budget?
Yes, the total budget for ordinary project in these calls for proposals must respect the following thresholds: •
Minimum total budget: 500.000,00 EUR.
• Maximum total budget: 5.000.000,00 EUR. Total budget amounts to 100% of the financial resources needed to implement project activities and includes the IPA funds contribution, the national co-financing shares (Programme Contribution) and Beneficiary’s funding where required. In case the project does not fulfil the abovementioned financial limits, it shall be rejected.
Question 9.2. Is there a minimum and/or maximum budget par partner? Yes, each Beneficiary can receive a minimum of 100.000,00 EUR and not more than 60% of the total project budget. If partner’s budget does not respect these minimum and maximum threshold the project will be rejected.
Question 9.3. What is the national public co-financing? The Programme follows the "public costs" principle which means that any expenses co-financed by the Programme Contribution can be funded by public funds only. To this end private project participants have to prove that the national funding of their expenses will be provided by public bodies. For public project participants the national co-funding is automatically considered as public. Granted that, up to 85% of the total Programme Contribution of a project can be covered by the Community contribution. Given the complementary nature of Community grants, the remaining 15% of the total Programme Contribution must be funded from national public sources from participating States or/and from the public partners' sources. Each participating State chose a different Country’s co-financing system into IPA Adriatic CBC Programme, thus potential Beneficiaries must verify how their national public co-financing will be covered, this means with financial resources of third public parties (State, Regions, public sponsors, etc.) or ,otherwise, with their own financial resources, if they are public. Beneficiary can refer to the Applicants’ Manual for the correct indication of the Beneficiary’s national co-financing source, according to the Country’s co-financing system. The national public co-financing must come only from public sources (state, regional, local or other sources). Private partners cannot cover the national public co-financing with their own private resources.
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Question 9.4. How much the IPA co-financing rate is? The IPA co-financing rate covers up to 85% of the project ‘Total Public Costs’. The 15% of the project ‘Total Public Costs’.shall be ensured by national public resources. For more details, it is useful to consult the § 3.2.2. of the Applicants’ Manual.
Question 9.5. May the required co-financing (public national co-financing or de minimis contribution to the project budget) consist of contributions in kind? If not, what is eligible? No, any contribution in-kind (such as provision of land or real estate, equipment or raw materials, or unpaid voluntary work) do not represent actual expenditure and are not eligible costs. Therefore, contributions in kind may not be considered as co-financing by the Beneficiary. Anyway, the cost of staff assigned to the Project is not a contribution in kind and may be considered as co-financing in the Budget for the Project when paid by the Beneficiary.
Question 9.6. How does national public co-financing have to be proved? Partners must fill in and sign a Letter of intent to be attached to the project proposal. This document will commit Beneficiary to guarantee a share of total budget as national co-financing. The name of the contributing institution must be indicated in case the national co-financing is guaranteed both by Beneficiary itself and by an institution different from the organization listed as partner in the Application Form. It is important to have the financial coverage of the national public co-financing and prove it by official acts otherwise project will be rejected .
Question 9.7. Can “Body governed by public law” give its own resources to cover the national public co-financing? Yes, when the Beneficiary is a body governed by public law, it can cover with own resources the national public co-financing of the certified expenses.
Question 9.8. Do the project partners have to contribute financially to the project? As explained above according to the Country’s national co-financing system, when national public cofinancing is not covered by the participating Country, public Beneficiary will certainly provide the due national co-financing. Besides, when project activities are considered state aid relevant Beneficiaries have to contribute with at least 15% to the total budget by their own resources. Be aware that national co-financing is different from the funding that the Beneficiary must guarantee if it falls into the de minimis regime.
Question 9.9. How can Beneficiaries falling within art. 97 Reg (EC) 718/2007 cover the national public co-financing? Beneficiaries located outside the Programme Area, falling within art. 97, Reg. (EC) 718/2007, must guarantee that 15% of the Programme Contribution is covered with national public sources, this means with their own contribution if they are public or governed by public law or with third public sources belonging to their Country of origin (state, regional, local or other public sources). Private partners cannot cover the national public co-financing with their own private resources.
Question 9.10. Serbian Chamber of Commerce is neither typical public nor private body. Till now Adriatic Programme in Serbia was financed through CARDS and in the budget period 2007-2013 it will be financed through IPA, so there can be some changes in rules compared to the last Call. Since Serbian Chamber of Commerce is
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founded by state Law on Chambers adopted by National Assembly, membership is compulsory for all business entities established in Serbia and we have some public authorizations (issuing of certificates, attestations, permissions and licenses necessary for international trade, company state of solvency, registry keeping etc). Would that be enough to prove our status of public body and cover co-financing with salaries of staff engaged in project? We remind that the eligible categories of Beneficiaries within the IPA Adriatic CBC Programme are: •
Public bodies: national, regional, local authorities and other public bodies. Public bodies are organizations founded and governed by public law, and their main purpose is to fulfil public needs.
Bodies governed by public law: pursuant to the Article 1.9 of Directive 2004/18/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 31 March 2004, a body governed by public law means any body (ALL THE FOLLOWING THREE CONDITIONS MUST BE RESPECTED): o established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character, o having legal personality AND o financed, for the most part, by the State, regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities, or by other bodies governed by public law.
Private organizations, including private companies: any organization (non profit and profit making) established by private law can be eligible partner and receive IPA funds. The Programme follows the "public costs" principle which means that any expenses co-financed by the Programme Contribution can be funded by public funds only. To this end private project participants have to prove that the national funding of their expenses will be provided by public bodies. For public (or bodies governed by public law) project participants the national co-funding is automatically considered as public. If the Partner falls into the first or second category, the public national co-financing (15% of total public costs) will be covered by own public resources including by resources used to pay salaries of staff. If the Partner falls into the third category, the public national co-financing (15% of total public costs) must be provided only from public sources (“sponsor”). The legal status of Partner different from public body must be proved by Certified copy of Statute which will be asked to the Lead Beneficiary only for the approved projects. •
Question 9.11. In which currency must be indicated the estimated budget? The estimated budget must be indicated in EUR, also by Beneficiaries from Countries with a different currency.
Question 9.12. Are there any initiatives on the state level in Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure 15% co financing from the public funds for the beneficiaries of the project funding? There is no such initiative in BiH yet. Project partners/future beneficiaries from BiH are envisaged to ensure the co-financing rate from public funds by themselves.
Question 9.13. Must the National public co-financing ensured by public bodies (sponsor/s) to private non Member States Beneficiaries be provided ONLY cash? In order to be eligible, expenditures shall be paid out directly by final Beneficiaries. Moreover, contribution in-kind (such as provision of land or real estate, equipment or raw materials, or unpaid - 31 -
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voluntary work) do not represent actual expenditure directly paid by final Beneficiaries and thus are not considered as eligible costs. Therefore, contributions in kind received by private extra UE Beneficiaries shall not be considered as co-financing by the Beneficiary.
§. 10. THE EVALUATION PROCEDURE Question 10.1. Who is responsible for the project evaluation and approval? The Joint Monitoring Committee (JMC) is responsible for the project evaluation and approval. The JMC is supported by the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS), and carries out its functions with the assistance of the National/regional authorities and, if necessary, of external experts. Project proposals evaluation procedure consists of 2 steps:
the formal assessment, which is made by the Joint Technical Secretariat, under the responsibility of the JMC, and foresees two levels of control: the formal eligibility check and the admissibility check;
the quality assessment, made by the JMC on the basis of the evaluation grid of paragraph 4.2.2 of the Applicants’ Manual.
Question 10.2. How long does the instruction last? For the selection procedure, the duration of the instruction is based on the number of applications received.
§. 11. PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Question 11.1. Which procedures must the final Beneficiaries follow for the award of service, supply and work contracts? According to Article 121 of Regulation (EC) n. 718/2007 final beneficiaries from Member States as well as from candidate/potential candidate Countries have to follow the procurement procedures for the award of service, supply and work contract foreseen by the “EU External aid rules”. In the Programme website, page “Documents”, there’s a specific section for procurement rules. The External aid rules guidelines (PRAG) can be even downloaded from the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/procedures/implementation/practical_guide/index_en.htm.
Question 11.2. Can a partner participate in procurement for the implementation of the project? No, it cannot. A partner cannot be a sub-contractor. All project partners are final Beneficiaries of the Programme funds and must have an active role in the project. The Lead Beneficiary or other Beneficiaries cannot act as intermediaries in the project or as a supplier (i.e. contractor or subcontractor that provides services and products against payment).
Question 11.3. What is the difference between a service provider and a partner? The nature of the service provider’s and the partner’s activities is different. While the service provider does a specific work, defined in a contract, the partner participates to all project’s activities, (if in case) co-finances it and must respect specific requirements and commitments.
Question 11.4. Is there a budgetary limit for the subcontracting? The Programme has not established a ceiling for subcontracting. However, Lead partner and his partners may subcontract a limited portion of the Project, thus the bulk of the Project must be undertaken by the Lead Beneficiary and his partners.
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For instance, as concerns the external expertise budget category, according to the Applicants’ Manual, these expenses are acceptable if within the partnership there are not the necessary competences to carry out these activities. The added value of this kind of service must be clearly proved as external expertise costs may change the nature of the partnership essential purpose. As clearly specified in the previous question, project Beneficiaries cannot be contracted as external expertises or be subcontractors.
Question 11.5. Can a contracting authority undertake the procurement process in-house? In the implementation of the project, Beneficiaries are free to pursue project activities themselves or to assign them to third parties following the public procurements procedures even for the assignment to public bodies. Stated this, Beneficiaries may assign to third parties a limited portion of the action, thus the bulk of the project activities must be undertaken by Beneficiary itself. This means that Beneficiaries have to be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the project, not acting as an intermediary. As far as in-house subcontracting is concerned, partners are reminded that the requirements deriving from the latest ruling in this matter by the European Court of Justice imply that: 1. The public body awarding the contract must exert on the “in house” society an analogous control to that exercised upon its own internal services; 2. The “in house” society must carry out the main part of its tasks for the awarding public body. As far as the first requirement is concerned, the participation – even if in a minority share – of a private enterprise to the society owned also by the awarding public body excludes the prerequisites for considering that the analogous control actually exists. When a Beneficiary decide to assign project activities to third parties, it has to respect all the eligibility rules for expenses and thus it must allocate the different costs to the foreseen budget lines of the project.
§. 12. CONTACT AND INFORMATION Question 12.1. Who can support project applicants? And How? Starting from July 31st 2009, the date of launching the calls for proposals, in the Programme website www.adriaticipacbc.org the “Partner Search” and the “FAQ” sections have been set up. They will be frequently updated and can help applicants in looking for partners and answering questions for their project proposal. Moreover, the Joint Technical Secretariat can provide detailed information regarding the Applicants' th Manual and the Application Pack until the limit date for projects submission, October 29 2009. The contact data: JOINT TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT email: info@adriaticoipa.com phone: +39 085 7672351
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Lucia Bisceglia’s photograph
B – Notable documents B.1 - Council Directive of 21 May 1991 concerning urban wastewater treatment (91/271/EEC) B.2 - Terms and definition of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC, 2007 B.3 - Council Directive of 3 November 1998 on the quality of water intended for human consumption (98/83/EC) B.4 - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy (2000/60/EC) B.5 - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration (2006/118/EC) B.6 - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy, amending and subsequently repealing Council Directives 82/176/EEC, 83/513/EEC, 84/156/EEC, 84/491/EEC, 86/280/EEC and amending Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (2008/105/EC)
KEYWORDS: Agglomeration - Collecting system - Urban waste water treatment - Sensitive areas and drainage basin 1.
Area where the population and/or economic activities are sufficiently concentrated for the collection of urban waste waters and their conduction to an urban waste water treatment plant or to a final discharge point. The individuation of the agglomerations The word “agglomeration” means a sufficiently concentrated area for the collected urban waste waters and it mustn’t be confuse with the Municipality which it may have the same name. For the Directive implementation, the States specify case by case, in according with the local situations, the borders of each sufficiently concentrated area and therefore of the agglomeration. Several Municipalities may form an agglomeration and a single Municipality may be separated in more agglomerations. The existence of an agglomeration is independent by the collecting system presence and by the waste water treatment plant. The agglomeration includes also the sufficiently concentrated areas where there isn’t the collecting system. Therefore parts of the agglomeration are moreover: - The sufficiently concentrated areas where the waste water treatment is made by individual systems. - The sufficiently concentrated areas where there isn’t either individual or collecting system
Relations between agglomerations â&#x20AC;&#x201C; waste water treatment plants â&#x20AC;&#x201C; collecting systems
a) : Agglomeration that is served by a collecting system and by a waste water treatment plant
b) : a variance of a)
c) : Agglomeration that is served by two collecting systems, each with a waste water treatment plant
d) : An agglomeration composed by more Municipalities and served by only one collecting system and only one waste water treatment plant
e) : An agglomeration composed by more Municipalities, each served by only one collecting system and more waste water treatment plants
Relations between agglomerations and location of the drain points. Receiving areas: NA, SA, CAofSA, LSA
Agglomeration and collecting system
Catchment area DP1 of sensitive area
1:n 1:n
Waterbody sensitive area
Waterbody, e.g. Estuary – normal area
Waterbody, e.g. Coastal waters – normal area
The needed treatment level depends : a) the agglomeration size – b) the area typology – c) waterbody typology . The agglomeration load The generated load : the global organic biodegradable load of the agglomeration in p.e. (population equivalent) includes the domestic waste waters and the industrial waste waters; it doesn’t include the industrial waste water load that is treated in industrial plants and is discharged directly into water bodies. The global waste water load in an agglomeration expresses the agglomeration size and represents the first and main way to determine the requirements about waste water collecting and treatment. Generated load : calculating modes The generated load includes : a. Resident population b. Floating popolation c. Industrial waste water that is treated in pubblic plants
General rule An agglomeration equal or bigger than 2.000 p.e. must have a complete collecting system (art. 3(1)). The collecting system must answer to the requirements of the annex IA -111-
Exceptions ď&#x201A;ˇ Where the collecting system making isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t possible, the urban waste water may be treated by individual treatment systems or other appropriate systems. These systems must guarantee the same environmental protection level than a collecting system. Some examples of Veneto agglomerations
The required treatments are determined by: 1. The agglomeration size (generated load). 2. The waterbody Tipology (fresch-water, estuary, coastal waters). 3. The waterbody quality (Normal area, Sensitive area , Receiving area) . AGGLOMERATION SIZE
< 2.000 p.e. (freshwater, estuary) < 10.000 p.e. (coastal waters)
Art.7 – appropriate treatments
>=2.000 p.e. (fresh-water, estuary) > 10.000 p.e. (coastal waters)
Art.4 – secondary treatment – Allegato IB
> 10.000 p.e.
Art.5 (2,3) – more stringent treatments– Annex IB (31.12.2005)
Agglomerations: compliance with the Directive 91/271/CEE
All the generated waste waters must be collected by collecting system or treated by individual systems. Every collecting systems must be served by a waste water treatment plant or system in compliance with the Directive (appropriate, secondary or more stringent treatments). The discarge of every waste water treatment plant, must be answer to the requirements of the annex IB – Tab. 1 and/or Tab. 2.
The p. e. of the tab. 1 and 2 refer to the agglomeration size and not to the treatment plant capacity. Tab. 1 PARAMETRES
Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)
25 mg/l
70 – 90
Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
125 mg/l
Total suspended solids
35 mg/l
Total phosphorus
2 mg/l P (10.000 – 100.000 p.e.) 1 mg/l P (more than 100.000 p.e.)
Total nitrogen
15 mg/l N (10.000 – 100.000 p.e.) 10 mg/l N (more than 100.000 p.e.)
70 - 80
Sludges : general problem The implementation of the Directive 91/271 involved and will involve an increase of the sludges from waste water treatment. It’s necessary to operate in various ways : 1. Actions to minimize the sludge production; 2. Actions to sludge reclaim (as material and then as energy); 3 Safely sludges disposal. Actions to minimize the sludge production In general it’s better to work into sludge line : -
Because there are innovative technologies in hand or undergoing testing; Because there are vast rooms for improvement for exsisting treatments (digestion, tickening, dehydration); It’s safely because it doesn’t lay waste water treatment on the line.
Sludge reclaim as material: - in agriculture (compost); it’s important to riduce the hazard for the environment and the human health; Sludge reclaim as energy : - burning; - fuel for industrial ovens (ex. Cement factories); - Alternative systems as : gassificator, pirolysis, thermo-catalysis,….. Landfill : - Only residual treatment.
Surface Inhabitants Population Density
18.392 km2 4.527.000 246,2 inh/km2
Drainage Basin of the Venice Lagoon
Protection of VENICE
November the 4th, 1966: Venice flooding
Law n.171/1973 “Special Law for Venice”
The protection of Venice and its Lagoon is a matter of national interest
The Venice Lagoon
Total surface 540 km2
Water surface 500 km2
Salt-marshes 11 km2
F. Sile
Torcello Treporti
Islands 29 km2
Total water volume 600.000.000 m3
Bocca di Lido
Average depth 150 cm
Water exchanged with the sea 450.000.000 m3/day
Fresh water inlet from the Drainage Basin 2.600.000 m3/day (average flow 30 m3/s)
Bocca di Malamocco Pellestrina
Bocca Chioggia di Chioggia Sottomarina F. Brenta
The drainage basin of the Venice Lagoon Surface 2.038 km2 108 Municipalities from four provinces Delimited by: • S: the Gorzone channel • SW: the Colli Euganei • W: the Roncajette channel • NW: the Brenta river • N: the Prealpi Asolane hills • NE: the Sile river Northern branch: The Vallio – Meolo system drained by the Vela channel
MAIN RIVERS: Dese, Zero, MarzenegoOsellino, Lusore, Muson Vecchio, Tergola,Naviglio Brenta, Taglio Novissimo, Canale dei Cuori
27 river mouths with an annual average discharge of 1 billion m3
Bacini idrografici
10 chilometri
A - Bonifica Adige Bacchiglione B - Chioggia C - Bonifica del Brenta D - Altipiano Schilla E - Lova e altri F - Fiumicello (Sesta Presa) G - Gambarare H - Naviglio Brenta L - Lusore M - Marzenego MN - Avenale N - Dese P - Portegrandi Q - Vela R - Cavallino AR - Area di Ricarica Idrografia principale
The drainage basin of the Venice Lagoon LAND USE • Agricultural: • Urban: • Industrial: • Natural vegetation: • Other:
74,8% 15% 5,6% 2,0% 2,6%
Inhabitants: about 1.019.000 FARMING: over 2.500 small farms; about 30 farms with more than 1.000 animals, INDUSTRY: about 18.700 productive units, the 25% of which is gathered to the industrial sites of Porto Marghera and Padua. Pollution of the Drainage Basin
About 80% of nitrogen and 70% of phosphorus enter into the Lagoon through 30 river mouths
Over 50% of these nutrients comes from agricultural and zootechnycal sources
During the past 10 years nutrient loads were reduced by anti-pollution measures and they are going to further decrease to fulfil quality targets
Quality Targets •
Reduction of the annual nutrients loads in order to prevent the proliferation of macroalgae and the risk of environmental crisis. The acceptable load for nitrogen is fixed by Law at 3.000 tons/year, while for phosphorus at 300 tons/years
Reduction of concentration of micropollutants in water and sediments to levels that ensure the protection of humans from adverse effects associated with the consumption of fish and shellfish.
Regarding the Drainage Basin rivers, ensuring an acceptable water quality for watering uses and aquatic biota Anti-pollution strategy
Potential loads prevention Producted loads reduction Residual loads self-purification/ diversion
Discharged loads
Working Strategy Civil: water uses control Urban: building and urbanistic codes Industry: water use and process control Agriculture: incentive payments and watering use management Farming: zootechnyical sludges management Management: waterways network management Civil: collection and treatment by BAT Urban : overflow control and treatment Industry : discharges treatment Agriculture : structural interventions Farming: : conversion, integration with agriculture
Self-purification/ diversion
RESIDUAL LOADS: land management, modular and temporary diversion
Results •
The Lagoon “eutrophisation” phenomenon drastically decreased and reduced to an acceptable standard for transition ecosystems
Water quality of Drainage Basin’s rivers and channels is going to be improved
Ecological system of Lagoon has been enormously improved: fish, shellfish and birds have repopulated previously abandoned areas
What are we doing nowadays •
We are going on building the sewage system till 84% of the drainage basin residents would be connected to
The extraordinary maintenance of the old piping has been started in order to reduce the seepage from the groundwater, which represents more than 50% of the water that arrives into the waste water treatment plants •
We are dredging and cleaning up Venice channels and restoring the historical areas of the city
We are dredging and cleaning up Industrial zone channels -121-
Large scale interventions
Piano Direttore 2000 Fusina Integrated Project
measures against water pollution The South-East of the Veneto Region and the Venice Lagoon
Drinking Water Supply Structural Model water supply
Oil Terminal Offshore
reducing risks in the lagoon Master Plan of Porto Marghera
Contaminated sites remediation
Fusina Integrated Project
Ve.S.T.A.Plant A type waste water B type waste water Reuse CUAI existing waterways
FINAL DISCHARGE TO SEA • 10 km far from Lido shores (2 km beyond the lagoon water exchange zone) • 2 discharge pipes f 1000 mm • Average flow discharged during warm seasons: 57.000 87.000 m3/d (on medium term) 77.000 107.000 m3/d (final configuration)
Phytodepuration in “cassa A” reclaimed area
Responsibilities: Veneto Region – testing plant – post-treatments of A and B type waste water – reusable water – final discharge Venice City Council/VESTA -123-
– pre-treatments of A type waste water – biological treatment Costs: 250-270 millions Euro
Drinking Water Supply - Structural Model
Targets : Interconnection between fresh water supply systems of Central Veneto and South Veneto; Interconnection between water supply systems from different sources Supply to less provided areas of the South Veneto Region
Modello Strutturale Acquedotti
MOSAV Schemi acquedottistici, interconnessioni e impianti di produzione idrica principali Stato di progetto
Principali centri di produzione idrica
Master Plan
Achieved By: New water piping Interconnection between existing ones Closed mesh configuration Long-term, integrated and monitoring-based management of water resources
The remediation of Porto Marghera’s contaminated sites
Remediation of the Porto Marghera’s contaminated industrial area
Dredging of contaminated sediments from • port channels • lagoon channels
Offshore Oil Terminal
• • •
Aims: Removal of the oil-tanker traffic risks from the Lagoon Reducing ship traffic in the Lagoon
Involved Areas: Central Lagoon, S. Leonardo Port, Porto Marghera Costs: 77 millions of Euro
Actions: Oil platform located at 11 km far from the coast Submarine pipeline (tunnel diameter ~6.5m) Connection to the oil and chemical plants by proper pipelines Alternative solutions
THE PROCESS OF URBAN TREATMENT AND SLUDGE TREATMENT1 Mauro Spagnoletta, Domenica Vicenti Pura Depurazione S.r.l â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Acquedotto Pugliese Group INTRODUCTION Acquedotto Pugliese, under the Convention for the management of water services in Puglia, signed on September 30- 2002 between the Deputy Commissioner for Environmental Emergency in Puglia and Administrator of Acquedotto Pugliese, is the operator of integrated water services within the Puglia Optimal Territorial Ambit , as defined by the regional law n. 28 of 09/06/1999. Among the works relating to water service is of great importance, in many respects, the supply chain for wastewater treatment, not only for the economic aspects but also for the environmental impact in relation to receiving bodies affected both by terminal discharges of treated wastewater and the residual sludge treatment processes. At present Acquedotto Pugliese has n.181 wastewater treatment plants in operation, more than 4 plants in custody and three maintenance facilities for irrigation(Corsano, Gallipoli and Ostuni). The plants are almost all of activated sludge type with sludge aerobic stabilization or sludge anaerobic digestion and treatment of mechanical dewatering of sludge by means of equipment, in most cases, centrifuges, filter presses and nastropresse; only in minimum part, usually as emergency treatment or for small plants (less than 2,000 AE), natural dehydration on drying beds is used. Nowadays the managed plants are classified according to their territorial distribution and in relation to the served population expressed in terms of inhabitant equivalent (I.E.). Table 1 and figures 1-2 (data refer to 2009).
67 12 25 22 18 37 181
37% 7% 14% 12% 10% 20% 100% Table 1
Language review by Rosanna Zingaro, Scientific Direction - ARPA Puglia
I.E. 735.679 473.404 1.326.692 677.046 346.046 436.700 3.995.567
18% 12% 33% 17% 9% 11% 100%
20% 37%
7% 14%
Figure 1
9% 12%
Figure 2
1. SLUDGE TREATMENT PROCESS In each wastewater treatment plant, besides a “sewage treatment line” there is a “sludge treatment line”; for an appropriate plant functioning the excess of sludge should be periodically removed. Sludge extracted from the oxidation tank and primary sludge before being disposed should be stabilized through aerobic digestion or anaerobic digestion. The type of sludge treatment depends on numerous factors: environmental, characteristics, sludge intrinsic characteristics, plant potential and type of final disposal. 1.1 Thickening Sludge thickening results in a significant sludge volume and weight reduction which allows significant savings in the subsequent phases of sludge treatment. -128-
Thickening commonly produces a final concentration of suspended solids lower than 4-5%, in such conditions sludge, still in liquid form, can be pumped with conventional equipment. In relation to the position of the thickening phase compared to the stabilization phase, the following conditions could occur: - pre-thickening - thickening - post-thickening. Thickening may occur by gravity or by centrifugation. The gravity thickener is the cheapest one which consists of a settling tank where the sludge is placed and where the gravitational effect allows a greater thickening of the solid particles. Within a gravity thickener sludge is allowed to settle and compact, and when thickened, is taken from the conical bottom of the tank. The mechanisms used to collect the sludge form the bottom are made up of vertical rods, which produce a slow mixing of the sludge, thereby allowing the upward migration of water and promoting the compaction of the solid. The supernatant is removed and recirculated at the top of the water line, while the thickened sludge is conveyed to the next treatment station.
Figure 3 Diagram of a gravity thickener
The thickening operation, to be effective, requires a fairly long stay in the thickener sludge. The centrifuge thickening provides the sedimentation of solid particles forming under the action of the field of gravity forces. The most common type of centrifuge for sludge thickening is the drum. The sludge is continuously introduced into the unit and focuses on the periphery of the drum. An internal helical screw, which moves at a speed slightly different from that of the drum, conveys the sludge accumulated along the walls toward the conical section from which it is downloaded.
Figure 4 Schematic of centrifuge used for thickening sludge
1.2 Sludge stabilization The stabilization of biological sludge can be carried out by both aerobic or anaerobic methods , allowing not only the reduction of degradability sludge and bacteria, but also a substantial reduction in the amount of solids initially present in the sludge. Since suspended solids are a significant proportion of volatile solids, their reduction involves reducing the amount of volatile suspended solids; therefore the greater is the reduction made on the amount of volatile solids, originally suspended in the sludge, the more stringent will be the degree of stabilization of the sludge. The degree of reduction of volatile solids during the digestion of the sludge depends on two key parameters: - Dwell time of the sludge during digestion - Temperature at which they develop processes The anaerobic digestion process does not require oxygen in the mass of sludge, as bacteria take oxygen needed for their development, directly from organic material that is metabolized, on the contrary, the process of aerobic sludge digestion, requires the addition of oxygen by placing or insufflation of atmospheric air. In anaerobic digesters a much more effective reduction of bacteria present in fresh sludge is carried out, but these are structures with a very high initial cost and a complex management since, being closed tanks, you do not have the possibility of a direct control of what happens inside.
The aerobic digesters instead have a more modest initial cost and great ease of management, since open tanks are similar to the aeration tanks of an activated sludge plant. However, being open ponds, sludge are exposed to the harsh winter temperatures, which slow down the degradation processes of organic substances. 1.3 Dehydration Dehydration is a physical operation used to reduce the water content in the sludge in order to: - Reduce the volume of sludge to be disposed of, saving the cost of transportation and disposal; - to facilitate the handling of sludge; - To reduce the emission of odors and sludge degradability by removing excess water. In order to reduce the moisture content of sludge can be used different technological solutions. Mechanical equipment to accelerate the dewatering of sludge. The actions of dehydration include mechanical filtration and centrifugal separation. The Identification of the most suitable drying equipment is based on the type of sludge, the characteristics of dried products and the availability of spaces. The sludge of treatment plants, although stabilized, contains a high percentage of colloidal substances, making it difficult to dehydration, for this reason sludge conditioning treatment are implemented prior to the phase of mechanical dewatering. The chemical system is the most widely used cooling system, which is implemented by putting into the sludge chemicals which have a coagulant and flocculant flakes action. The conditioning process is the coagulation of solid particles and the consequent release of water adsorbed. The chemicals used include ferric chloride, calcium hydroxide and organic polymers. The chemicals, in particular polyelectrolytes, can also produce the hardening of sludge flocs, which is crucial in those processes of dehydration, such as centrifugation, where forces on sludge particles are particularly intense, as well as in the belt press filter, where the mud must withstand high shear stress. 1.3.1 Centrifuges The centrifuges used for dewatering sludge are rotating drum type. In such systems sludge is fed at constant flow rate through a hollow tree: the high rotation speed of the central cylinder, from 3,000 to 5,000 rpm, applies on the sludge a very strong centrifugal force, causing the separation of sludge particles which are deposited in the periphery, on the drum wall. Above the sludge a lighter. ring of water is formed. A screw rotating at speeds just above the drum, allows the pumping of sludge to the outlet end, while the water touches on a threshold and is discharged outside. Depending on the type of sludge, the concentration in dry sludge output usually varies between 10% and 30%. The achievement of concentrations in dry more than 25% is still required for the disposal in landfills. The dosage of the polymers ranges from 1.0 to 7.5 kg / ton of sludge (dry basis). The centrifuges are realized in co-current and countercurrent main configurations. The main differences between the two configurations depend on the sludge feeding , extraction of the center (Fig. a â&#x20AC;&#x153;centratoâ&#x20AC;?) and inner paths of the liquid and solid phase. In the countercurrent configuration the entry point of the sludge is located at the junction of the cylindrical section; the solids move in the conical zone, while the liquid migrates in the opposite direction. In the other configuration solid and liquid go through the entire length of the rotor in the same direction.
Figure 5 Scheme of two centrifuges for sludge dewatering: (a) co-current (b) countercurrent
The process parameters influencing the performance of the centrifuge, determined on the basis of the concentration in dry sludge, include the extent of sludge, speed, differential speed of the spiral, the depth of the sedimentation zone, the use of reagents chemicals, and the characteristics of solid and liquid phases. These include size, shape and density of the particles as well as temperature and viscosity of the liquid. 1.3.2 Nastropresse The nastropresse drying equipments are supplied in continuous and their functioning is based on the principles of chemical conditioning processes , drainage and mechanical application of pressure. In most of nastropresse the sludge conditioned is initially introduced into a gravity drainage section where the thickening takes place. In this section the removal of most of the free water from the sludge, under the action of gravity, is carried out. After the gravity drainage, the sludge is conveyed to the low-pressure section, where it is squeezed between two filter belts. This area is followed by a high-pressure zone where the sludge is subjected to cutting operations generated by the passage of the canvas through a series of rollers. The actions of compression and shear cause the release of additional quantities of water from the sludge. At the end of treatment, the sludge is removed from the canvas by mechanical cleaning. Nastropressa generally consists of the following process units: sludge feed pumps, automatic station of polymer preparation, nastropressa transporter of thickened sludge and additional facilities for washing fabrics. The performance of a nastropressa are influenced by a large number of parameters: characteristics of the sludge, applied pressure, velocity width and porosity of the tape. 1.3.3 Filter press In a filter press dehydration is carried out by forcing the water to escape from the sludge through actions at high pressure. The specific advantages of the filter presses are represented by the attainment of high concentrations in dry, a good degree of clarification of the filtrate and the high efficiency of solids capture. The disadvantages are the complexity of the mechanical components, labour requirements and limitations related to the useful life of the filter cloth. There are two types of filter presses: plate fixed or variable volume. A plate fixed volume filter press consists of a series of rectangular plates, molded on both sides, which are kept facing each other in a vertical position by a support system, which remains fixed at one end only. Each plate comes with a fabric filter. The plates are maintained in their relative
position by applying a force able to counteract the pressure generated during filtering. To this end hydraulic pistons are used.
Figure 6 Plate filter press
During the operation, the chemically conditioned sludge is pumped into the space bounded by the plates and pressure is applied between 690 and 1150 kN/m2 for a time ranging from 1 to 3 hours. After this time the plates are separated and cleared of mud. Typically, the filtrate is combined in the influential head of the water line installation. The thickness of dried sludge lies between 25 and 38 mm, while the humidity varies between 48 and 70%. The duration of the filtration cycle is between 2 and 5 hours and includes the time needed to fill the press, keep the press under pressure, open the press, remove the sludge and close the press. For the purposes of dewatering can also be used filter press plates with variable volume. These devices are similar to fixed-volume, but otherwise have a plastic membrane placed between the filter cloth and the backing plate. The membrane expands to reach the final pressure of compression, reducing the volume of thickened sludge during compression. 1.3.4 Drying beds Sludge drying beds are the most ancient and simple system of sludge natural dehydration. To beds should be conveyed only well stabilized sludge, given the serious problems which would cause fresh or slightly stabilized sludge. The dehydration of sludge lying on the beds is primarily a result of drainage through the layers of sand and gravel, then evaporation of water caused by the natural ambient temperature and solar radiation. When the sludge is sufficiently dehydrated (water content of about 60%) it is collected and disposed of. The sludge is sent to bed in such quantities as to form a liquid layer, usually 15-30 cm in height. The sludge required only for a drying bed should be sent in a single step. -133-
For the purposes of this discussion the term sludge means residual sludge, whether treated or untreated, from the treatment plants of urban waste water according to the definition given by Article 74 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 (Consolidated Environmental) . Article 127 of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 promotes the reuse of sludge whenever such use is appropriate. The same Article 127 states that the sludge from purification treatments are subject to the regulation of waste at the end of the process carried out in the wastewater treatment plant. So at the end of the treatment process, regardless of the means of disposal or reuse, the sludge should be managed as a waste and ensured the traceability of the various stages from production, transport to the placement at home (whether or not to reuse). Urban wastewater treatment plants do not constitute waste treatment plants, consequently at the end of the process of sludge treatment, they must be removed with the times indicated by the same regulation - art. 183 Lett. m) temporary storage differently would constitute a waste storage that needs specific permissions. The sludge treatment processes because of the residual non-hazardous waste must be removed from the production site at least quarterly regardless of the quantity in storage or when the quantity produced has reached 20 cubic meters. In any case, the temporary storage cannot be longer than one year. As waste, the sludge should be classified according to the coding (C.E.R.) on the list of waste established by the European Union and the Decisione2000/532/Ce incorporated in Italy as of 1 January 2002 to replace the previous rules. The list of wastes set out in Decision 2000/532/EC was transposed later in the measure of reordering of the waste legislation of Legislative Decree no. 152/2006 (Consolidated Environmental), Annex D, Part IV. Codes C.E.R. (European Waste Catalogue) are numerical sequences, composed of 6 digits grouped in pairs (for example 19 08 05 sludges from urban waste water treatment), designed to identify a waste, as a rule, according to the production process from which originates. Codes C.E.R. are divided into non-hazardous and hazardous waste, the latter are graphically identified with an asterisk "*" after the digits (eg 19 08 11 * sludges from biological treatment of industrial waste water containing dangerous substances). The danger of a refusal is determined by laboratory analysis to verify any overshoot of the threshold values identified by the Directives on classification, labeling and packaging of dangerous substances. All transactions relating to the management of sludge as waste is write down on the loading and unloading as provided by Decree .190. 152/2006, while on the transport must be accompanied by a form of identification of fail (FIR) - art.193 Leg. 152/2006 - on which should be indicated: - producer - origin, type and quantity of waste - plant target - path followed - recipient Of course there must be correspondence between the information on the FIR and those printed in the Register of loading and unloading. The FIR is made up of No. 4 copies (tracing) of which the first for the producer the second for the carrier the third for the final disposer -134-
the fourth is returned to the manufacturer with the annotations of the transporter and the final disposer.
The sludge is a biological substance particularly rich in organic matter and nutrients in such a ratio to enable them to agricultural use. The sludge is delivered to agriculture as fertilizer either directly, such as sludge, as it is, collected from the output of mechanical dewatering systems, or indirectly through the composting operation. On the other hand, only a fraction of the whole production is moved away in landfills when the benchmarks do not allow re-use or agricultural composting. In these few cases, the parameter that does not allow re-use in agriculture is almost always linked to the presence of mineral oil in quantities greater than 1000 ppm or to the concentration of some metals that would make – as regards the compost - the finished product not corresponding to the parameters set by the standard. Sludge with a Zn content of 2500 ppm (max limit for agricultural reuse) may be given in agriculture, the mud can not be used in composting because even if mixed with other materials in relation not greater than 33% would rise to a finished product (compost) with zinc content exceeding 500 ppm (max limit for compost). 3.1 Agronomic use The agronomic use of sludge provided by the aforementioned Article. 127, is governed by Legislative Decree no. 99, 27 January 1992 and, in Puglia, by the regional law n. 29 of 04/28/1995. Article 3 of the Decree. 99/92 sets out conditions for agricultural use, in particularly it is required that the sludge: Have undergone treatment are able to produce composting and / or soil conditioning effect does not contain toxic and harmful substances and / or bioaccumulative in concentrations harmful to the soil the concentration of heavy metals in the soil does not exceed the levels set out in Annex IA of the same Legislative Decree cation exchange capacity of the land exceeds 15 g meg/100 pH between 6.0 and 7.5 applied doses not exceeding 15 tons (DM) / ha in three years the residual value of volatile solids (SSV) of sludge not more than 68% of the total (SST) or when the content has been reduced by 33% compared to the SSV input values (art. 3 LR 29/1995) To use the sludge in agriculture should be required permission to the territorial competent Province giving the following information: type of sludge crops for their use characteristics and location of the plant characteristics of the means for the distribution of sludge on land,enclosing the analysis of the sludge. Once acquired the authorization, before commencing the agricultural reuse, the user should notify the County, at least 10 days in advance, of the start of operations: extremes of plant origin -135-
analytical data of sludge cadastral land data soil analytical data crops in place and those planned evidence of land availability farmer consent for spreading
The analysis of the sludge has to be made whenever any change in the quality of treated water occurr and, anyway: every 3 months for plants> 100,000 I.E. every 6 months for plants< 100,000 I.E. The analytical parameters are set out in Annex IB of the Legislative Decree 99/92 Analysis for soils, to be carried out prior to their use, must ensure that they meet the parameters set out in Annex II A and must be repeated at least every three years. It is not possible to implement the sludge, though satisfying the analytical limits of reference, on land: flooding, landslide or aquifer outcrop with slopes of 15% (limited to sludge with less than 30% SS) pH less than 5 with cation exchange capacity <8 g meg/100 grazing, forage in the 5 weeks before grazing or harvesting for horticulture and floriculture products that are normally in contact with the ground, in the 10 months prior to the harvest when a crop is underway, with the exception of tree species danger verified to human or animal health and environment 3.2 Composting For composting, the reference standard is always the Legislative Decree 99/92 in addition to the Legislative Decree. 217, 29/04/2006 - Revision of rules concerning use of fertilizers - which governs the characteristics that the finished product must have. For composting is not applicable to the limit of 68% on SSV introduced by Regional Law 29/1995. 3.3 Landfill Finally, for the landfill the references standard are: Resolution of the Interministerial Committee July 27, 1984 on the disposal of waste Legislative Decree of January 13, 2003 36, Implementation of Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste Decree of the Ministry of the Environment on August 3, 2005, which defines the eligibility criteria in a landfill. Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of 27 September 2010 repealing the former DM of 03.08.2005 and redefines the criteria for eligibility in a landfill. To dispose waste in a landfill, in the case of our interest a sludge, a basic characterization should be carried out, that is the collection of all necessary information for final disposal in safety; this operation is based on laboratory tests aimed to verify the nature (dangerous or not) of sludge, the percentage of dry matter and concentrations to meet the limits set out in Table 5 of the Decree of 27 September 2010 came into force on 16 December 2010. -136-
In particular, the new Ministerial Decree eliminates the DOC (dissolved organic carbon) as the value to be considered in the analytical characterization of sludge from purification. The characterization is a fulfillment that is up to the producer of the waste. The landfill operator is responsible, however, for both the verification of information relating to characterization - compliance testing, also called homologous, even by making independent analysis of a waste sample and on-site verification of the consistency of the disposed waste documentation with the waste declared compliance, and analytical techniques. After these stages the waste - sludge - is introduced into a landfill. The characterization defines the nature and category of waste at the landfill where the waste may be given; generally the biological sludge from municipal wastewater plants are classified as nonhazardous special waste or, however, as waste to be disposed of at a landfill for nonhazardous special waste. The basic requirement for the landfilling of sludge is that the dry matter is not less than 25%.
The facilities managed by AQP have produced during 2009 a quantity of sludge (as a dried sludge) equal to 160,000 tons / year as a whole , with the effect of a gradual increase over the 112,000 ton / year 2005 and to 134,000 in 2007, which is justified by the adjustment and upgrading of plants, as a consequence of the Regulatory adjustment which, since 2002, has been adopted in Puglia by Deputy Commissioner. Because of the particular orography of the Apulian territory, without water bodies with non-zero flow for at least 120 days/year, this Regulation has imposed very strict levels of protection (Table 4 Legislative Decree n. 152/2006) resulting in an increase in the production of biological sludge. The adjustment and upgrading of facilities to achieve the most restrictive limits prescribed by the regulations of the sector results, then, in an increased quantity of the substance which is retained and removed from the purification cycle. With regard to production in 2009 amounted to about 160,000 tons, the breakdown by type of disposal was as follows: Agronomic use (Agricoltura) Composting(Compostaggio) Landfill (Discarica)
60% 33% 7%
In the following tables will be highlighted, differentiated per territory, the quantity produced and the disposal methods according to the different types of treatment for sewage sludge produced by 181 plants in operation managed by Acquedotto Pugliese / Pura Depurazione.
44 17 7
2.782.492 80.414
71% 2%
102449 4105
65% 3%
Table 2 – Puglia Region
80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 7
I. E. 210.624 1.062.672 30.300
I. E. IN PERCENTAGE 16% 82% 2%
Table 3 - Bari
TONN SLUDGE 10.339 32.815 1.784
Impianti Bari PLANTS provincia IN BARI PROVINCE 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 8 - Bari
I. E. 90.430
Table 4 - Barletta – Andria – Trani
PLANTS BAT PROVINCE ImpiantiIN provincia BAT 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 9 - Barletta – Andria – Trani
I. E. 250.821
5 9
441.683 26.960
60% 4%
13.526 364
54% 1%
Table 5 - Foggia
Impianti provincia Foggia PLANTS IN FOGGIA PROVINCE 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 10 - Foggia
I. E. 213.051
7 2
448.605 5.500
66% 1%
21.290 1.911
57% 5%
Table 6 - Taranto
Impianti provinciaPROVINCE Taranto PLANTS IN TARANTO 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 11 - Taranto
I. E. 81.977
8 1
225.569 6.000
72% 2%
13535 60
75% 1%
Table 7 - Brindisi
Impianti PLANTS INprovincia BRINDISI Brindisi PROVINCE 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 12 - Brindisi
I. E. 201.390
8 3
223.656 11.654
51% 3%
8.846 76
57% 0%
Table 8 - Lecce
Impianti provincia Lecce PLANTS IN LECCE PROVINCE 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% AEROBICO
Figure 13 - Lecce
TONN SLUDGE 82.398 14.568
I. E. 3.166.183 396.569
I. E. IN PERCENTAGE 79,2% 9,9%
5% 23% 2%
8 41 3
7.821 2.929 83
213.865 210.850 8.101
5,4% 5,3% 0,2%
Table 9 – Puglia Region
90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% CENTRIFUGA
Figure 14 – Puglia Region
TONN SLUDGE 94.620 51.868 12.428 158.916
Table 10 – Puglia Region
Figure 15 – Puglia Region
TONN SLUDGE 35.563 8.375 43.938
Table 11 – Bari
Impianti Bari Plants inprovincia Bari Province
Figure 16 – Bari
TONN SLUDGE 1.992 12.666 2.370 17.028
Table 12 - Barletta-Andria-Trani
BAT PlantsImpianti in BATprovincia Province
Figure 17 - Barletta-Andria-Trani
23.975 1.002 24.977
Table 13 - Foggia
Plants inprovincia Foggia Province Impianti Foggia
Figure 18 - Foggia
TONN SLUDGE 37.279 191 37.470
Table 14 - Taranto
Impiantiin provincia Taranto Plants TarantodiProvince
Figure 19 - Taranto
TONN SLUDGE 17.144 700 17.844
Table 15 - Brindisi
Plants in Brindisi Impianti provinciaProvince di Brindisi
Figure 20 - Brindisi
TONN SLUDGE 13.835 1.684
Table 16 - Lecce
Impiantiin provincia Plants Lecce Lecce Province
Figure 21 - Lecce
In the context of Acquedotto Pugliese organization, the plant management has been committed to Pura Depurazione Ltd, a company with single-member AQP, which therefore had the legal status as a producer of the waste. The activity of sludge disposal is carried out with the help of professionals who have the necessary technical and legal requirements such as registration in the national environmental managers register as provided by the Ministry of Environment Decree n.406 of 28/04/1998 in category 4, collecting and transporting of non-hazardous waste produced by others and appropriate means. The identification of carriers is done by public tender of evidence in relation to the legal nature of Pura constituting a public entity and thus subject to the discipline of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006 on public contracts. In the initial and start-up phase, Pura resorted to negotiation procedures and, subsequently identified the business entities meeting the requirements in terms of economic and technological capability. To these subjects Pura committed, with arrangements varying from territory to territory, only the activity of final disposal (agricultural) at the site, reserving all the land detection activities in the territory as well as the development and preparation of all technical and administrative acts for agricultural reuse, starting from the reuse authorization request to the province concerned, in the province of Foggia identifying many small business owners, or, as in the province of Lecce i the whole business of transport and identification of sites for reuse and / or disposed of in a single business entity. In the province of Bari are two different contractors entrusted only with transportation of the sludge at the disposal sites (landfill) and recycling (composting), whose identification and contracting has remained in the hands of Pura. Finally, in the provinces of Brindisi and Taranto there is a single business entity that provides transportation of sludge on agricultural land for re-use, land identified by the same carrier who cares also of obtaining all necessary approvals. The same contractor also cares transportation to composting centers identified by sheer quantity of mud that can not be allocated for agricultural characteristics of sludge. As mentioned, for the sludge that can not be given in agriculture, generally those with a higher content of SSV to 68%, the final destination is the composting. Currently, composting sites are used by Pure ASECO Ginosa, currently owned by the company and Aqueduct Pugliese EDEN 94 Manduria. ASECO has a treatment capacity of about 28,000 tons / year of sludge from the plants managed by the AQP through Pura, while EDEN94 is about 22,000 tons / year of organic sludge for Pura. All sludge delivered at composting center derives mainly from plants in the province of Bari; only small amounts derive from other plants as an alternative to utilization in agriculture when weather conditions do not permit the use.
SUMMARY: Introduction – 1. main drinking water treatment plants 1.1 water sources 1.2 Production of different water sources in SII ATO – Puglia – 2. main waterworks designs served by potabilization systems 2.1 potabilization 2.2 AQP potabilization plants 2.3 Pertusillo plant 2.4 Sinni plant 2.5 Fortore (or Finnocchito) plant 2.6 Locone plant – 3. upcoming and planned potabilization plants 3.1 AQP potabilization program 3.2 Conza plant 3.3 San Paolo plant Symbols and acronyms.
Caposele spring: the Madonna della Sanità headstone is engraved with the Canticle of the Sun by Saint Francis of Assisi, regarded as the first poem in modern Italian, composed in 1224: “Be praised, My Lord, through Sister Water; she is very useful, and humble, and precious, and pure”.
Translation by Gino Lorenzelli, Press Officer - ARPA Puglia
INTRODUCTION The primary mission of Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A. (AQP) is to "effectively and efficiently managing an integrated water service in assigned areas, as well as the promotion of water resource awareness" (Quality Policy, Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A. â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Directors note n. 94, October 22, 2008). In short, the management of water resources regards a series of activities, resources and infrastructure enabling AQP to allocate quantities of water produced by springs, wells and water treatment plants, and to deliver them to a range of users. AQP serves an area consisting of two Southern Italian regions: Puglia and Campania. To cope with the demand coming from diverse clients, AQP manages one of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest water system.
Figure 1 - AQP main aqueducts
The water supply system operated by AQP is interconnected and fed by multiple sources. The system is defined as interconnected since different water distribution patterns, in which it is structured, are intertwined, thus allowing a potential interchange. Water sources are multiple because water derives from: springs, wells and reservoirs. This system is capable of delivering over 650 million cubic meters of water each year.
1.1. Water Sources Following are some definitions of various water sources used by AQP. Sources. Sources are locations where water springs without human intervention, fed by rainwater seeping into the ground. Rainwater penetrates into the subsoil, and thanks to a natural filtration process, water has excellent organoleptic qualities (taste, odor, color) and does not need special treatments (except chlorination) before distribution.
Figure 2 - La Polentina spring in Cassano Irpino (Avellino)
Groundwater. The Karst origins of Apulian territories yielded the formation of strata, i.e. accumulation of deep natural groundwater reservoirs fed by rainwater. Water in aquifers, contrary to naturally flowing springs, must be extracted by submersible pumps. Just as spring water, water extracted from underground sources is generally good and is only subject to chlorination.
Reservoirs One of the main sources of AQP managed water is represented by reservoirs, for the exploitation of surface water. In order to be able to collect large volumes of water destined to different -151-
purposes (civic irrigation, industrial and hydroelectric use) dams were built on strategic locations. They also perform other important functions, such as regulating water flows. Some dams have the capacity to contain the inflow of water accumulated over the years. Unlike spring water and groundwater, surface water must undergo a potabilization process before distribution, thus modifying its chemical and physical characteristics, making them suitable for human consumption.
Figure 3 - Fortore reservoir
1.2. Production of different water sources in SII ATO - Puglia Over the years, production of AQP sources has always exceeded 500 million cubic meters. Since 2003, water portion coming from artificial reservoirs has constantly increased, so as to integrate lesser portions coming from natural springs. Figures are as follows: from 55% in 2003, artificial reservoirs reached 61% in 2008 (with a maximum of 64% in 2007), while there was a decrease in 2009 (52% of total production). Volumi prodotti per tipologia di fonti riferiti all'approvvigionamento idrico della Regione Puglia 600,00 500,00
Mm 3
400,00 Pozzi 300,00
Invasi Sorgenti
200,00 100,00 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Anni
Total of yielded volume referred to Puglia Region water supply
(Pozzi = wells - Invasi = reservoirs - Sorgenti = water springs - Anni = years)
2.1. Potabilization In compliance with Italian law D.Lgs.152/06 art. 80, potabilization on surface waters, classified as A2, consists of a “regular physical and chemical treatment, and disinfection”, comprising of a series of subsequent phases: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Pre-disinfection; Introduction of Flocculation substances; Clarification-Flocculation; Silica sand filtering; Granular Activated Carbon filtering; Post-disinfection.
These treatments, aimed at the potabilization of raw water fed from reservoirs, are followed by waste treatments (sludge), generally consisting of: 1. thickening; 2. mechanical dehydration. Reagents used for potabilization Stages Prechlorination Acidification Flocculation Post-chlorination Sludge dehydration
quantity dosage (grams/cubic meter)
Chlorine dioxide (Purate+ sulphuric acid 78%)
Chlorine dioxide (Sodium chlorite + Hydrochloric acid)
Sodium hypochlorite
Carbon dioxide
Hydrochloric acid (32%)
Aluminum polichlorure
Active Silica (Sodium silicate + sulphuric acid 94% )
Chlorine dioxide (Purate + sulphuric acid 78%)
Chlorine dioxide (Sodium chlorite + Hydrochloric acid)
Sodium hypochlorite
2.2. AQP potabilization plants To this date, AQP manages four potabilization plants: Pertusillo, Sinni, Fortore and Locone. The Pertusillo and Fortore (Finocchito) plants are directly managed by AQP, while the Sinni and Locone plants are managed by AQP Potabilizzazione s.r.l., a 100% AQP owned company. The Sinni, Pertusillo and Fortore plants are among Italy’s biggest.
Figure 4 - Pertusillo potabilization plant
Purified water is generally 59% of total AQP-managed water in Puglia. Water potabilization plants employ 105 resources (64 of which are employed by AQP POT s.r.l.). 2003
Sludge output (tons)
Process Reagents (tons)
Yielded water (cubic meters)
Electric Power (kWh) Performed analysis (number)
Figure 5 - AQP potabilization figures
2.3. Pertusillo plant The Pertusillo plant serves the Pertusillo waterworks. It is located near the town of Missanello (Potenza, Basilicata), and it receives waste waters coming from the ENEL hydroelectric plant, fed by the Pertusillo reservoir. The plant delivers over 3.500 l/s, employing 26 resources. Recently, the plant has been renovated in order to comply with new legal restrictions regarding chlorites and trihalomethanes.
Dati strutturali dell'impianto del Pertusillo Sezioni numero unitĂ Volume (m3) vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto chiariflocculatori filtri a sabbia filtri a carbone vasche di accumulo uscita impianto ispessitori filtropresse
5 18 13
31.800 7.500 2.200
2 2
n.a. n.a.
Plant operational data: Pertusillo* (*) Refer to Symbols and acronyms part for an Italian-English glossary of the above table
Figure 6 - Pertusillo plant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Floor plan
2.4. Sinni plant The Sinni plant is located near the town of Laterza (Taranto). It serves the Sinni aqueduct and is one of Europeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest. This plant may yield up to 6.000 l/s, employing 33 resources. The plant has a standalone landfill, in order to treat sludge deriving from potabilization.
Dati strutturali dell'impianto del Sinni Sezioni
numero unitĂ
Volume (m3)
vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto chiariflocculatori filtri a sabbia vasche di accumulo uscita impianto ispessitori filtropresse
8 40
48.000 4.000
3 3
n.a. n.a.
Plant operational data: Sinni* (*) Refer to Symbols and acronyms part for an Italian-English glossary of the above table
Figure 7 - Sinni plant sky view, with the sludge landfill
2.5. Fortore (Finnocchito) plant The Finocchito plant serves the Fortore aqueduct, located near the town of Castelnuovo della Daunia (Foggia), and is fed by the Fortore reservoir. The plant may yield up to 2.400 l/s, employing 20 resources. Recently, the plant has been renovated in order to guarantee new legal restrictions regarding chlorites and trihalomethanes.
Dati strutturali dell'impianto di Finocchito Sezioni numero unitĂ Volume (m3) vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto chiariflocculatori filtri a sabbia filtri a carbone vasche di accumulo uscita impianto ispessitori filtropresse
3 10 10
15.000 1.900 2.100
2 1
n.a. n.a.
Plant operational data: Finocchito* (*) Refer to Symbols and acronyms part for an Italian-English glossary of the above table
Figure 8 - Fortore plant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Floor plan
2.6. Locone plant The Locone plant serves the Locone aqueduct, is located near the town of Minervino Murge (Bari) and is fed by the Locone reservoir. The plant may yield up to 1.500 l/s, employing 22 resources.
Dati strutturali dell'impianto del Locone Sezioni numero unità Volume (m3) vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto chiariflocculatori filtri a sabbia
2 11
13600 2100
vasche di accumulo uscita impianto ispessitori filtropresse
3 3
n.a. n.a.
Plant operational data: Locone* (*) Refer to Symbols and acronyms part for an Italian-English glossary of the above table
Dall'Invaso n°1 Vasca di accumulo mc. 5.000
n°2 Chiariflocculatori mc. 13.600 ___________________ ___I________________I I I I I I I I I n° 11 Filtri a sabbia mc. 2.145 I I I I I I I I n° 11Filtri a carbone mc. 2.145 I___________ I n° 1 Ispessitore __ I
__ I
n° 2 Filtro presse a nastro
n°2 Vasca di accumulo mc. 28.000
Figure 9 – Locone plant – Operational architecture
3.1. AQP potabilization program Two new potabilization plants have been programmed to operate by 2015. Their completion is aimed at increasing hydraulic safety standards of the entire system (draughts, technical issues, etc.) and to reduce groundwater pumping operations. The potabilization plants will be located in Conza and San Paolo.
3.2. Conza plant The Conza plant will serve the Ofanto aqueduct; it is located near the town of Conza della Campania (Avellino, Campania) and is served by the Conza reservoir. The plant will be rated at 1.500 l/s, it is planned to operate by 2013.
Dati strutturali dell'impianto di Conza Sezioni numero unitĂ vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto chiariflocculatori filtri a sabbia filtri a carbone ispessitori
1 3 10 10 2
Plant operational data: Conza* (*) Refer to Symbols and acronyms part for an Italian-English glossary of the above table
Figure 10 - Conza plant â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Floor plan
3.3. San Paolo plant The San Paolo plant will serve the Salento (Southern Puglia) area, with the purpose of reducing withdrawal from wells. It will be fed by the Pappadai reservoir, located near the town of Carosino (Brindisi). The plant may yield up to 500 l/s and is planned to be operational by 2015. To this date, the plant is in its planning stage.
Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A.
cubic meter
Note: In tables and diagrams, commas stand for periods, and periods stand for commas.
The table above is a sample for all tables Dati strutturali dellâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;impianto = Plant operational data Sezioni =Sections
Numero unitĂ = Units
Vasche di accumulo = Storage tanks Ingresso impianto = Plant input Uscita impianto = Plant output Vasche di accumulo ingresso impianto = Inlet Storage tanks Vasche di accumulo uscita impianto = Outlet Storage tanks Chiariflocculatori = Clarifying flocculators Ispessitore = Thickener Filtropresse = Filter-presses Filtro a sabbia = Sand filter Filtro a carbone = Activated carbon filter
Volume = Volume
THE WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE, 2000/60/EC The WFD is the most important act for the conservation and management of the water resources in the European Community. The main objective of the Directive is to establish a framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater, which ensures the prevention and the reduction of pollution, promotes sustainable water use, protects the environment, enhances the status of aquatic ecosystems and mitigates the effects of floods and droughts. The milestones (or key points) of the Directive are summarised below: a) Member States shall identify all the river basins lying in their territory and shall assign them to individual river basin districts. A river basin covering the territory of more than one Member State is assigned to an international river basin district; b) Within four years after the entry into force of the Directive the Member States shall undertake, for each river basin district, the analysis of the characteristics of the river basin district, a review of the impact of human activity on water status and an economic analysis of water use, as well as the compilation of a registry of those areas designated for special protection; c) Within nine years after the entry into force of the Directive, for each river basin district a river basin management plan and an operational programme taking into account the results of analysis and studies, indicated above, must be produced; d) The management plan shall provide measures to prevent deterioration, to enhance and restore the surface waters condition, to achieve and maintain their good chemical and ecological status and to reduce pollution due to discharges and emissions of hazardous substances; e) The above mentioned objectives must be achieved within fifteen years after the entry into force of this Directive; f) The Commission set out a list of priority substances selected amongst those which present a significant risk to or via the aquatic environment (see at the Decision of the European Parliament n° 2455/2001). It establishes measures aimed at maintaining those substances under control as well as quality standard for their concentration; g) Within twelve years after the date of entry into force of this Directive and every six years thereafter the Commission shall publish a report on its implementation. Thus, the dead lines of the Directive are: Year 2000 – Publication and entry into force of the Directive; Year 2006 – Operational water monitoring programmes in Member States; Year 2009 – River basin management plans; Year 2015 – Achievement at least of “good status” for water bodies. -162-
The Directive is written according to key definitions: 1) «surface water»: inland waters, except groundwater, transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters; 2) «groundwater»: all water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil; 3) «inland water»: all standing or flowing water on the surface of the land, and all the groundwater on the landward site of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured; 4) «river»: a body of inland water flowing for the most part on the surface of the land but which my flow underground for part of its course; 5) «lake»: a body of standing inland surface water; 6) «transitional waters»: bodies of surface water in the vicinity of river mouths which are partly saline as a result of their proximity to coastal waters but which are substantially influenced by freshwater flows; 7) «coastal water»: surface water on the landward side of a line, every point of which is at a distance of one nautical mile on the seaward side from the nearest point of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured, extending where appropriate up to the outer limit of transitional waters; 8) «body of surface water»: a discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal water; 9) «artificial water body»: a body of surface water created by human activity; 10) «heavily modified water body»: a body of surface water which as a result of physical alterations by human activity is substantially changed in character, as designated by the Member State; 11) «river basin»: the area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta; 12) «river basin district»: the area of land and sea, made up of one or more neighboring river basins together with their associated ground waters and coastal waters which is identified as the main unit for management of river basins; 13) «surface water status»: expression of the status of a body of surface water, determined by the poorer of its ecological and chemical status; 14) «good surface water status»: the status achieved by a surface water body when both its ecological status and its chemical status are at least “good” 15) «ecological status»: expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystem associated with surface waters, in accordance with a specific classification; 16) «good ecological potential»: the status of a heavily modified or an artificial body of water, so classified in accordance with the relevant dispositions; 17) «good surface water chemical status»: the chemical status required to meet the established environmental objectives for surface waters, that is the chemical status achieved by a body of surface water in which concentrations of pollutants do not exceed environmental quality standards specified in the Directive; 18) «environmental quality standard»: the concentration of a particular pollutant or group of pollutants in water, sediment or biota which should not be exceeded in order to protect human health and the environment (see at the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council n° 2008/105). -163-
As previously mentioned, the objective of the Directive is the achievement for all the surface waters of an ecological and chemical “Good Status”. In particular the ecological status is defined as an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystem associated with surface waters and classified in accordance with quality elements with priority to the biological ones, supported by hydro-morphological, chemical and physical-chemical elements. The chemical status, instead, refers to the concentration of chemical pollutants in the aquatic environment set out in the Directive and in other appropriate Community instruments. As regards the characterization of surface water bodies the Directive foresees that the Member States should identify, for each category of surface water (rivers, lakes, transitional waters, coastal waters, or artificial and heavily modified surface water bodies), different “types”; for each type shall be established the reference conditions representing the values of the quality elements which reflect those normally associated with that type under not disturbed conditions (High Status). This procedure allows on one hand the identification of single surface water bodies (changing over from types to the single, discrete and significant elements of surface water) and on the other hand their classification into the quality classes: high, good, sufficient (or moderate), poor and bad. The classification of the ecological quality status is defined by the ratio EQR (Ecological Quality Ratio) between the quality elements measured in the water body and the reference conditions (not disturbed site of the same type). To sum up, the necessary phases to “characterize ” a surface body of water are: Typization; Identification and assessment of Pressures; Identification of single water bodies; Individuation of reference conditions; Classification of water bodies. The “Typization” consists of the definition of different types for each category of surface waters, according to a general methodology, based on some natural, geo-morphological, hydro-dynamic and physical-chemical characteristics. An area identified as belonging to a type becomes automatically a surface water body (SWB) if in the same area are not present relevant and localized anthropogenic pressures. However, if the analysis of pressures highlights the presence of relevant and localized anthropogenic pressures in the same area, although belonging to the same type, must be divided into several water bodies. In fact the Directive, as previously mentioned, defines a “surface body of water”, as “a discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal water”.
The use of the criterion of pressures (identification of the principal sources of impact), associated to ecological criteria, should be also used for the preliminary selection of the potential reference sites (reference conditions). After carrying out the screening of sites by means of the criterion of pressures, the application of the following criterion, concerning the biological components, allows to confirm the condition of “high status”, which shall be employed as a level for the classification of each water body compared to the single biological components. “Reference site” means not only a water body as a whole, as designed after the phase of identification, but also sub-areas of a larger water body with appropriate characteristics. The phase of surface water bodies classification into quality classes lastly foresees the estimate of the relationship level between the observed biological conditions and those of reference (EQR: Ecological Quality Ratio) by means of appropriate indicators. It is evident that the biological quality elements have a primary role in the classification of the ecological status of surface water bodies.
The Italian Government, according to the Directive 2000/60/EC, regulated the measures to be undertaken for the protection of surface waters, marine and ground waters with the publication of the Legislative Decree n° 152/2006. The aim of the Decree is to achieve the following objectives: - to prevent and reduce pollution implementing the reclamation of polluted water bodies; - to achieve the improvement of water status and provide appropriate protection to those waters intended for particular uses; - to promote a sustainable and long-term water resources use, with priority for drinking water; - to maintain the water bodies’ capacity of natural self-purification processes, as well as the capacity to sustain wide and well-diversified animal and plant communities. The above mentioned Decree replicates the principles established under the Directive implementing all the phases foreseen by the same Directive. The Decree includes all water categories and in particular:
Ground waters; Rivers; Lakes and reservoirs; Coastal waters; Transitional waters; Surface freshwaters intended for the production of drinking water; Bathing waters; Freshwaters needing protection and improvement to support fish life; Waters suitable for molluscs life.
TYPIZATION, IDENTIFICATION OF SURFACE WATER BODIES AND MONITORING ROLE WITH A VIEW TO THE ITALIAN LEGISLATIVE DECREE 152/2006 All the phases foreseen by the Legislative Decree 152/2006, including the typization, that is the definition of homogeneous areas on the basis of their environmental characteristics, shall be carried out according to specific criteria, in accordance with the principles of the Directive 2000/60/EC. The Italian State, for example, with regard to the implementing dispositions of the Lgs.D. 152/2006, set out the guidelines according to the following criteria: -
Fluvial type (rivers). Hydro-morphological descriptors: distance from the source (River Size typology indicator), morphology of river bed (for temporary rivers), perennity and persistence. Hydrological descriptors: river origin, any upstream influence of the basin on a water body; Lake Type (lakes and reservoirs). Geographic localization: Alpine Ecoregion, Mediterranean Ecoregion. Morphological descriptors: altitude, depth, surface. Geological descriptors: prevalent composition of the substrate, volcanic origin. Physical-chemical descriptors: conductivity, thermal stratification; Marine-coastal type (coastal waters). Geographic localization: Ecoregion. Hydrological descriptors: water column stability (on the basis of the vertical density gradient). Geomorphological descriptors: morphology of coastal area, substratum composition; Transitional type (lagoon and estuarine waters). Geographical localization: Ecoregion. Geomorphology. Tide excursion. Surface extension. Salinity.
After the typization process the surface water bodies shall be indentified. Once defined the different â&#x20AC;&#x153;typesâ&#x20AC;? within the different water categories (rivers lakes/reservoirs, transitional waters and coastal waters), each surface body of water shall be identified as belonging to a unique category and to a unique type. Each surface water body is characterized by a own quality status, could be subjected to determined pressures and could have dependence/independence ratios with protected areas. This is the reason why the identification of a surface water body shall be carried out after the analysis of the environmental components (biotic/abiotic), the anthropogenic pressures and the study of the territory.
SURFACE WATERS MONITORING ACCORDING TO THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY AND ITALIAN REGULATIONS (DIRECTIVE 2000/60/EC, ITALIAN LAW DECREE 152/2006) The environmental monitoring is obviously a necessary component for the characterization and/or classification of surface water body. The Law Decree 152/2006, pursuant to the Directive 2000/60, foresees three different typologies for the Monitoring of surface water bodies. - Surveillance Monitoring; - Operational Monitoring; - Investigative Monitoring. The purpose of the Surveillance Monitoring is to integrate and validate the information useful for the typization and identification of surface water bodies, to initially classify them, and to give indications for the setting out of the Monitoring Plans. -166-
This monitoring shall be carried out both for water bodies not at risk and for water bodies probably at risk of failing the “Good Status” target. The Surveillance Monitoring shall be carried at least for one year every six years. The purpose of the Operational Monitoring is to define the status of the water bodies which are “at risk” of failing to meet the established targets (“good” status), to assess their variation over time, and to classify them. It should be reiterated that this monitoring shall be carried out only for the water bodies “at risk” of failing to meet the environmental “good” status. The Operational Monitoring shall be carried out once a year except for the biological quality elements which shall be monitored every three years (the phytoplankton only has to be monitored yearly). The purpose of the Investigative Monitoring is to investigate the causes of exceeding the quality standard, in order to obtain a more detailed profile about the causes of water bodies failing to achieve the environmental targets, or to evaluate the magnitude and the impact of occasional pollution. In Italy, the Administrative Regions (i.e. Puglia) have been assigned the task of elaborating the surface waters qualitative and quantitative monitoring programmes. They have also been assigned the task of identifying the type-specific reference sites, that is sites where is observed a status, corresponding to very low pressures, without the effects of mass industrialization, of urbanization, intensive farming and with very slight modifications of biological, hydro-morphological and physical-chemical quality elements.
Where monitoring: Surveillance monitoring shall be carried out of sufficient and representative water bodies to provide an assessment of the overall surface water status within each river basin and sub-basin (finally within the whole river basin district). Where technically possible, the water bodies shall be grouped, provided that they belong to the same type and are strictly similar, and shall be monitored only those considered representative. Operational monitoring shall be carried out for all those water bodies classified as at risk of failing to meet their environmental targets (good status) on the basis of either the analysis of pressures and impacts and/or the results of the surveillance monitoring and/or previous monitoring surveys. Operational monitoring is obligatory for those water bodies into which priority hazardous substances are discharged or released. Where technically possible, water bodies shall be grouped and the monitoring shall be limited only to those which are representative. The monitoring stations shall be located far from possible discharges so that they are external to the mixing water areas (discharges and receiving body) as to assess the receiving water body quality instead of the effluent discharge quality.
What and when monitoring: The quality elements to be monitored in Italy and the relative sampling frequency are reported in the following tables. -167-
THE CLASSIFICATION PHASE ACCORDING TO THE WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (2000/60/EC) Monitoring data are the “basic” information to be used for the classification of surface water bodies in the quality classes (high, good, sufficient-moderate, poor and bad according to the 2000/60/EC). Often the raw monitoring data (not processed) aren’t useful to give a judgment on the “Ecological Status” of the water bodies. Each measured parameter can be strongly related with others. In example, the oxygen concentration in the water is negatively correlated to the salt concentrations (more salt, less oxygen) as a “natural” fact; so, the lower level of oxygen in the marine waters with respect to the fresh waters isn’t a signal of environmental perturbation. Moreover, some chemicals (mostly metals) are naturally concentrated in some areas (i.e. mine zones) thus the increased concentrations are to be considered as “natural background values”. Thus, after the validation procedures, the data will be processed and treated according to the available indicators. The use of indicators to measure the state of every system is a common rule, being an issue worldwide the identification and use of suitable indicators for the estimation of the interaction between the human impact (pressure) and the environment. The good indicators have to be characterized by: –scientific validity in the sense they should be indicative of the objective they intend to reflect; –easy compilation and processing procedures; –reliable performance with respect to the changes of the status quo; – applicability to different scenarios; –feasibility and cost-effectiveness in terms of data collection requirement; - easy integration and comparison to each other and with indicators from other sources. Sometimes a panel of indicators is used to quantify the impacts and the relationships with the pressures, but the interpretation of too much indicators is very difficult. So, we need to summarize the information from monitoring in some synthetic indices. Actually, a large number of synthetic indices is available in all the European Community Countries but the full revision of the indices is needed in order to harmonize the methods for the homogenous application of the Water Framework Directive. Chosen the synthetic indices for each quality element, the classification phase can be carried out according to the individuation of reference conditions. On the basis of the biological monitoring results and the elaboration of the synthetic indices, for each quality element is calculated the “ecological quality ratio” (EQR). The EQR represents the relationship between the indices of biological elements, calculated for the single water body and, for the same biological elements, the respective values calculated for the reference conditions (undisturbed status). The EQR is expressed as numeric value between 0 e 1, where high status is represented by values close to 1, and bad ecological status by values close to 0. -170-
The entity of this deviation contributes to the classification of the water body ecological status according to a 5 classes scheme established by the Water Framework Directive.
An example of classification: -
Biological Element: Macroalgae â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Marine coastal water body; Analytical method: Carlit; Value of Carlit synthetic index in the water body = 12; Value of Carlit synthetic index in the reference condition = 16.6; EQR = 12/16 = 0.72; Classification = Good.
THE MONITORING OF SURFACE WATERS According to the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC), the Monitoring of Surface Waters is carried out in order to classify the environmental quality status of water bodies. Sampling design, sampling protocols and analytical methods have to be standardised as much possible at national and international level. In Italy the Administrative Regions have in charge the planning and the fulfillment of the monitoring of water bodies quality (ecological and chemical state); the Regional Government entrusted the Regional Agency for the Environmental Protection and Prevention (ARPA) for the monitoring of water bodies as a rule, being the Regional Agency the institutional and qualified technical Authority in the field. Actually in the Puglia Region the monitoring of surface waters is carried out in n° 95 water bodies of the four main categories (Rivers, Lakes, Transitional, Marine-Coastal). At least one sampling site is placed for each water body (see below): - RIVERS = n° 38 water bodies, n° 38 sampling sites; - ARTIFICIAL LAKES = n° 6 water bodies, n° 6 sampling sites; - TRANSITIONAL WATERS = n° 12 water bodies, n° 15 sampling sites; - MARINE COASTAL WATERS = n° 39 water bodies, n° 84 sampling sites.
Surface Waters and Specific Destinations Surface Waters are “natural” environment or they are used for “human” purposes. In the last case some of the possible uses are codified as “Specific Destinations”. Particularly, the waters for specific destination are those waters used for particular purposes compared to their naturalness; in example the waters suitable for the production of drinking water, for the acquacolture, or for recreational use. In the European Community the Surface Waters for the Specific Destination are: - Fresh Surface Waters destined to the production of Drinking Water (Directive 1998/83/EC); - Fresh Surface Waters suitable for the Fishes life (Directive 2006/44/EC); - Surface Waters destined to the Molluscs life (Directive 2006/113/EC); - Surface Waters destined for Bathing (Directive 2006/7/EC). Actually in the Puglia Region the monitoring of surface waters for specific destination is carried out in n° 39 sampling sites, n° 2 sampling sites for the Fresh Surface Waters destined to the production of Drinking Water, n° 21 sampling sites for the Fresh Surface Waters suitable for the Fishes life, n° 16 sampling sites for the Surface Waters destined to the Molluscs life. The monitoring of the Surface Waters destined for Bathing is carried out in n° 674 sampling sites all along the Puglia coasts during the spring-summer season.
Monitoring targets, sampling and measurements The targets for the monitoring of the Surface Water Bodies (SWBs) are the “quality elements”. The quality elements are grouped in four categories: - Hydromorphological; - Physical-chemical; - Chemical; - Biological. The Hydromorphological elements group includes hydrologic and morphologic parameters such as water flow rate, currents, tidal range, bottom morphology and sediments composition, etc.; the Physical-chemical elements group includes parameters such as Temperature, pH, Conductivity, Oxygen, Chlorophyll, Silicates, Nitrogen and Phosphorous macronutrients, TSS, etc.: the Chemicals groups includes most of pollutants and particularly the “priority substances” as listed by the European Community. In the following tables an example of the hydro morphological, physical-chemical and chemical parameters analysed during the monitoring of river SWBs in the Puglia Region. Hydro morphological Parameters Rivers Monitoring: Hydro morphological parameters** volume e dinamica del flusso idrico connessione con il corpo idrico sotterraneo Continuità fluviale variazione della profondità e della larghezza del fiume struttura e substrato dell'alveo struttura della zona ripariale
Frequency annual annual annual annual annual annual
Physical-chemical parameters Rivers Monitoring: Monthly sampling Parametro
Unità misura
Temperatura Conducibilità Acidità (concentrazione ioni idrogeno) Ossigeno Ossigeno Durezza Alcalinità Domanda biochimica di ossigeno (BOD5) a 20 °C senza nitrificazione Domanda chimica ossigeno (COD)
temperatura Conducibilità pH % saturazione O2 O2 CaCO3 Ca (HCO3)2
°C siemens/cm 20 °C unità % mg/l mg/l mg/l (meq/l)
COD N-tot N-NH4 N-NO3 P-tot. P-PO4 TSS Cl SO4
mg/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l mg/l mg/l
Particellato sospeso Cloruri Solfati
Chemical parameters Rivers Monitoring: Monthly sampling Parametro
Metalli pesanti
Pesticidi clorurati
Solventi clorurati
Fenoli (pentaclorofenolo) Alchilfenoli Tetracloruro di carbonio Pesticidi fosforati
Policlorobifenili (Congeneri)
Ftalati Difenileteri bromati
Idrocarburi Policiclici Aromatici
Composti organostannici
Prodotti fitosanitari
Diserbanti ureici Solventi aromatici
Unità misura
As Cd Cr Hg Ni Pb 1,1,1-tricloro-2,2bis(p-clorofenil)etano
g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l
1,1,1-dicloro-2,2bis(p-clorofenil)etilene 1,1,1-dicloro-2,2bis(p-clorofenil)etano 4,4'-DDD 2,4'-DDD alfa-HCH beta-HCH gamma-HCH delta-HCH Aldrin Dieldrin Endrin Isodrin alfa-Endosulfan Esaclorobenzene pentaclorobenzene 1,2,4-triclorobenzene 1,2,3-triclorobenzene esaclorobutadiene 1,2-dicloroetano tricloroetilene tetracloroetilene diclorometano triclorometano pentaclorofenolo Ottilfenolo 4(para)nonilfenolo CCl4 Clorpyrifos Clorfenvinfos 28 52 77 81 101 118 126 128 138 153 156 169 180 Ftalato di bis (2-etilesile) sommatoria congeneri 28, 47, 99, 100, 153, 154 antracene benz(a)antracene benzo(a)pirene benzo(b)fluorantene benzo(ghi)perilene benzo(k)fluorantene crisene dibenzo(ah)antracene fenantrene fluorantene fluorene indano(1,2,3-cd)pirene naftalene pirene monobutilstagno dibutilstagno tributilstagno trifuralin alaclor simazina atrazina ciclodiene diuron isoproturon benzene
g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l g/l
The Biological Quality Elements represent the priority targets for the analysis of the state and functioning of aquatic ecosystems, as it is clearly stated by the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC). The Biological Elements to be monitored can change according to the surface water category: - RIVERS = Acquatic Flora, Benthic Invertebrates, Fish Fauna; - LAKES = Phytoplankton, Benthic Invertebrates, Fish Fauna; - TRANSITIONAL WATERS = Phytoplankton, Other Acquatic Flora, Benthic Invertebrates, Fish Fauna; - MARINE COASTAL WATERS = Phytoplankton, Other Acquatic Flora, Benthic Invertebrates. The monitoring of the Biological Elements is carried out to obtain data and information to be used for the classification of Surface Water Bodies. Both the sampling procedures and the analytical measures are standardized according to the specific methods for each Biological Element and water category. The list of the data and information (basic requirements) to be recorded during the monitoring for each Biological Element is reported below.
Rivers, Biological Elements: The aquatic flora of the rivers is intended mostly as “Macrophytes” and “Diatoms”. For the monitoring of Macrophytes the following data and information have to be recorded: - Percentage of the Macrophytes coverage with respect to the total investigated stretch; - Percentage of the Macroalgae coverage with respect to the total investigated stretch; - Floristic survey with the identification of taxa. For the monitoring of Diatoms the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species. The Benthic Invertebrate Fauna of the rivers is mostly represented by Arthropods. For the monitoring of Benthic Invertebrate Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species. The Fish Fauna of the rivers is mostly represented by Salmonids and Cyprinids. For the monitoring of Fish Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the autochthones collected species and abundance; - List of the allochthones /alien collected species and abundance; - Length and weight for each collected specimens.
Lake, Biological Elements: The Phytoplankton of the lakes is mostly represented by Diatoms, Chlorophytes, etc. For the monitoring of Phytoplankton the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species (cell./mL); - Bio volume of each taxa (mm3/mL). The Aquatic Flora of the lakes is mostly represented by Macrophytes. For the monitoring of Aquatic Flora the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the identified species (presence/absence). The Benthic Invertebrate Fauna of the lakes is mostly represented by Arthropods. For the monitoring of Benthic Invertebrate Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species; - List of the invader species collected. The Fish Fauna of the lakes is mostly represented by Salmonids, Cyprinids and other species. For the monitoring of Fish Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected species and abundance; - Length and weight for each collected specimens; - Sex for each collected specimens.
Transitional Waters, Biological Elements: The Phytoplankton of the transitional waters is mostly represented by Diatoms, Chlorophytes, Dinoflagellates, etc. For the monitoring of Phytoplankton the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species (cell./mL); - Phytoplankton total biomass (mg/m3 â&#x20AC;&#x153;aâ&#x20AC;? Chl). The Aquatic Flora of the transitional waters is mostly represented by Macroalgae and Phanerogams. For the monitoring of Macroalgae the following data and information have to be recorded: - Percentage of the floristic coverage with respect to the total investigated area; - Percentage of the Macroalgae coverage with respect to the total investigated area; - List of the identified taxa. For the monitoring of Phanerogams the following data and information have to be recorded: - Percentage of the total Phanerogams coverage with respect to the total investigated area; - Percentage of the Phanerogams coverage by the dominant species; - List of the identified taxa.
The Benthic Invertebrate Fauna of the transitional waters is mostly represented by Arthropods, Polychets and Molluscs. For the monitoring of Benthic Invertebrate Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species (n°/m2). The Fish Fauna of the transitional waters is mostly represented by Mugilids, Sparids and other species. For the monitoring of Fish Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected species and abundance; - Length and weight for each collected specimens.
Marine-Coastal Waters, Biological Elements: The Phytoplankton of the marine-coastal waters is mostly represented by Diatoms, Chlorophytes, Dinoflagellates, etc. For the monitoring of Phytoplankton the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species (cell./mL); - Phytoplankton total biomass (mg/m3 “a” Chl). The Aquatic Flora of the marine-coastal waters is mostly represented by Macroalgae and Phanerogams. For the monitoring of Macroalgae the following data and information have to be recorded: - Coverage percentage of the different taxa of Macroalgae with respect to the investigated coastal stretch; - Geo-morphologic features of the investigated coastal stretch. For the monitoring of Phanerogams the following data and information have to be recorded: - Structural characteristics and phenology of the Phanerogams meadows. The Benthic Invertebrate Fauna of the marine-coastal waters is mostly represented by Arthropods, Polychets and Molluscs. For the monitoring of Benthic Invertebrate Fauna the following data and information have to be recorded: - List of the collected and identified species; - Abundance of the collected and identified species (n°/m2).
GROUNDWATER MONITORING: THE EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK AND THE APULIAN EXPERIENCE Francesco Siliberti, Antonio Carrus, Stefano Spinelli Water Chemistry Unit Department of Bari – ARPA Puglia Water resources in Europe are considered a priority for EU action and Member States have agreed to a major new legislative measure to ensure their sustainable management. Groundwater is a very important resource for Europe, particularly for the countries in Southern Europe, where surface water cannot by itself sustain demand from agriculture, industry and households. In these parts of Europe, groundwater plays a major role, particularly for agricultural and domestic purposes. Water resources in Europe are considered a priority for EU action and Member States have agreed to a major new legislative measure to ensure their sustainable management. The chemical quality of water is clearly important for the general protection of the environment, but in particular for the protection of human health. The chemical quality of water is therefore a major concern in European legislation. It is governed by a series of EU measures, including the Nitrates Directive (676/91/CE) and the European Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC). The WFD and the Directive 2006/118/EC (new WFD) are comprehensive legislations that provide a framework within which Member States can define specific policies on the protection of surface water and groundwater against pollution and deterioration. In particular, the WFD requires Member States to ensure that all inland, transition and coastal waters reach ‘good chemical and ecological status’ and ‘good status’ for groundwater in terms of quality and quantity by 2015. Water has considerable economic value, although the WFD reminds us that it cannot be considered solely as an economic asset. In Italy, these European Directives were taken in D.Lgs. 152/2006 and then in D.Lgs. 30/2009. Italian Regional Authorities were appointed to define and implement groundwater protection and groundwater monitoring plans. In particular, D.Lgs. 30/2009 provided specific requirements for characterizing, protecting and monitoring water bodies. It also defined specific quality and quantity objectives to be achieved within December 2015. GROUNDWATER CHEMICAL VULNERABILITY Groundwater is considered particularly vulnerable to chemical pollution because groundwater bodies are characterized by long residence times compared with surface waters. The recognition of this vulnerability was one of the key drivers for the Groundwater Directive and is a major reason for enacting the measure. Main natural and anthropogenic pressures on groundwater bodies are: saline intrusion, excessive extraction, agriculture (e.g. pesticides), tourism and old industrial sites legacy. Particular threats include nitrates and other residues of application of fertilizers and pesticides to farmland, industrial pollution and deposition of air pollutants. It is expected that the effects of climate change will be to intensify these threats. THE KEY ROLE OF MONITORING Good information about the levels of pollution in groundwater bodies is an essential prerequisite to managing groundwater, and the processes of monitoring and assessing the quality of -178-
groundwater are therefore particularly important in the long-term health of aquifers. This is also a major requirement with the WFD. In Italy, where the main threats to groundwater are from agricultural chemicals, industrial pollution and deposition of air pollutants, the monitoring network for groundwater quality is variable. The National Protection Agency (ISPRA) has been delegated to address issues of fragmentation at a national level. Data on the chemical status of groundwater have been collected for several years, but procedures capable of characterizing the status of water bodies, starting from local measurements, have not been widely developed. However, the threshold values foreseen by the new Directive have already been defined. THE TIZIANO PROJECT The goal of the project called TIZIANO (Permanent Integrated System of monitoring of underground water resources in Apulia), started by the Directorate for Environmental Emergency in Apulia, is the establishment of a Monitoring System for groundwater bodies of the Apulian Region, in accordance with D. Lgs. 152/99 (now D.Lgs. 152/06) and the Directive 2000/60 which imposed the update and characterization of the state of water resources through their qualitative and quantitative monitoring. The project has planned the creation of a monitoring system over 450 bodies of water (wells) across Apulian territory, equipped with automatic surveys and/or through the execution of field surveys, and completed with air and sea monitoring campaigns. The project allows the creation of Quality Parameters indicators. These parameters are needed to outline an exhaustive reference knowledge framework of groundwater quality in Apulia and are analysed and verified by the National Research Council – Water Research Institute of Bari (CNR – IRSA, Bari). At present the monitoring system is running regularly, after the end of Start-up and Inquiry steps. These steps realized the set-up and installation of the instruments by the wells, the development of the Collection Data Center and its SIT (Geographic Information System), the monitoring stations statistics catalogue, the execution of in site campaigns, sampling and labs analysis, aerial surveys and sea campaigns, and the extension of the monitoring network. GROUNDWATER QUALITY STANDARDS Minimum list of pollutants and their indicators for which Member States have to consider establishing threshold values in accordance with Article 3 of Directive 2006/118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration. Substances or ions or indicators which may occur both naturally and/or as a result of human activities: Arsenic Cadmium Lead Mercury Ammonium Chloride Sulphate Man-made synthetic substances -179-
Trichloroethylene Tetrachloroethylene Parameters indicative of saline or other intrusions Conductivity
THE EUROPEAN WATER FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE: CHEMICAL QUALITY AND TRENDS The European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) states that other Southern Member States of the European Union (SEUMS) report less progress in the groundwater monitoring area and concludes that the information available provides little confidence in the ability to characterize the chemical status of groundwater with any precision. It is essential to develop monitoring and assessment systems before it is possible to understand current chemical status and, more importantly, trends in groundwater. The current trends suggest a future in which there will be an increasing demand for groundwater, both for irrigation of crops and for water supply in areas of increasing urbanization and growing tourism. The agricultural uses may be offset to some extent by advances in water management and improved methods of cultivation. CONCLUSIONS According to the most recent assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in the longer term, climate changes may have powerful impacts on groundwater, particularly through its effect on hydrological cycles. One of the key predictions of current assessments is that there will be more frequent and longer periods of drought, and that this would impact heavily on natural recharge. However, there is uncertainty about the likely scale and location of these effects.
REFERENCES Directive 2000/60/EC, Official Journal (OJ L 327), 22 December 2000. Proceedings of the National Conference ASITA, 1 – 4 December 2009, Bari. EASAC policy report 12 - June 2010 - Groundwater in the Southern Member States of the EU.
GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES1 Giacomina Caldarola Territorial Office Department of Bari – ARPA Puglia
INTRODUCTION Water is essential for human life and for every living organism on our planet, but it should not be regarded as an inexhaustible resource. Actually, it might represent a renewable resource when considered in the context of a sustainable use and management aiming at reducing water consumption and maintaining pollution levels within the limits of water bodies auto-depuration capacity. 1. POLLUTION Water is essential for human life and its pollution can seriously affect, our life. Pollution, therefore, altering water quality characteristics, can affect the suitability of water for domestic use. Art. 3 of the European Water Chart states that “altering the quality of water puts mankind and all other living beings, that depend on this, in jeopardy”. Water pollution has been well-known since ancient times when at low levels nature could handle it, but now it has increased to such an extent that nature can’t take any more. The Assyrians and the Babylonians had very improved systems to collect sewage from the City and the Romans established strict regulations for tanners, who were forced to locate their laboratories far from the City to prevent air and urban water pollution (fig. 1)
Translation by Rosanna Zingaro, Scientific Direction - ARPA Puglia
1.1 Water Cycle and Pollution
Water is undoubtedly the most common, widespread and important element in the environment. Besides being a source of life for plants and animals water is used in industries. But water can carry out its numerous functions (diluting substances, carrying, etc.) only if it flows constantly. This natural process is Known as Water Cycle. As you can see from the image above, water can reach the sea through rivers as well as through soil, after infiltrating and reaching an aquifer. That being stated, we can easily realize that water can be polluted not only by rivers but also by polluting elements of soil. Do you remember the water cycle we learnt at school when we were children? Water evaporation condenses into clouds. While moving, depending on the zones they pass through, they collect the impurities in the atmosphere (gas discharged from industries, boilers, waste incinerators and automobiles. Thus this water which falls to the ground as rain is already polluted.
This is the reason why more frequently we hear about acid rain. Afterward this water flowing from roofs collects all the impurities on their surface. As the water runs on the ground, it collects all the impurities which are on its surface: Pesticides and insecticides Fertilizers and chemical treatments Organic waste All this explains why aquifer water has often a bad smell and taste. -182-
1.2 Aquifer Part of the rainfall absorbed by the soil percolates through its permeable layers to reach, at a certain depth and in certain zones, layers of impermeable rock where it forms vast deposits known as aquifers. In presence of soil depressions water, due to its pressure, can freely flow out giving origin to a natural source. Through soil perforations wells exploit aquifers. Aquifer is usually located above the sea level and flows slowly towards sea (avoiding salt water intrusion in the subsoil). Aquifer pollution is very dangerous, in fact once polluted groundwater has a scarce autodepuration capacity. Furthermore, groundwater quality affected by pollution may take long time to recover. The aquifer vulnerability level to contaminants depends on the following factors: Level of permeability in vertical and horizontal sense, which determines the contaminant percolation rate; Soil auto depuration capacity, due to mechanical filtration, adsorption, chemical and biological degradation; type and thickness of low permeability protective cover, which protects the aquifer from contaminants infiltrations; Conditions of hydrologic connection between aquifer and surface water. As regards the last factor should be outlined that a dissipating watercourse can convey polluting substances into the aquifer.
1.3 Diffused pollution In water live some kinds of microorganism which feed on organic matter derived from dead organisms, sewage, etc. and transform them into non polluting minerals. Substances broken down by those organisms are called biodegradable. Nowadays, because of the increase of pollution compared to ten years ago, biological substances are present at such an extent as to overcome the natural auto depuration capacity; moreover, discharging non-biodegradable substances, auto depuration has no effect and, consequently, freshwaters remain polluted. The theory that underground water, compared to surface water, should be of better hygienic quality is not always validated. This resource can be contaminated by effluents from surface or from soil surface layers. During its natural cycle both meteoric water and water runoff pass through a zone (unsaturated) to be then absorbed from plants, discharged into a receiving water body or seeping into the ground (aquifer):” underground bed of rock or sediment able to accumulate, contain and transfer water to wells or sources” Increasing population and anthropic activities can cause of aquifers contamination. The main sources of organic pollution are: city sewages, farming, industrial and agricultural activities. · City sewage . Sewage contains high levels of human waste that should be treated before being dumped into the rivers, but in Italy only half of wastewater are treated. Sewage contains disease causing microorganisms (Cholera, salmonellosis, etc.). People are at risk when bathing in contaminated water or eating mussels contaminated with disease-causing bacteria. · Livestock. Runoff from livestock cattle slurries is partly discharged into rivers and partly utilized as fertilizer. · Industries. Some kinds of industries, such as food industries, discharge organic matter directly into rivers. · Agriculture. Chemical and natural fertilizers can contaminate rivers. For the aforementioned reasons water can represent a risk factor to human health.
PREVENTION then is essential to preserve both the good water quality status and a good resource management.
2. THE ROLE OF ARPA The qualitative and quantitative aspects of both surface and groundwater are the object of the water bodies monitoring Plan projected by Apulian Region where ARPA carries out its institutional role aiming at satisfying the request of: • INFORMATION, • KNOWLEDGE, • ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION through collection and elaboration of data deriving from the activity of the territorially competent Departments. 2.1 Regulations Legislative Decree 152/06 and the Directive 2000/60/CE of the European Parliament define the general rules for water protection (surface, marine and ground waters) giving priority to the knowledge of the qualitative-quantitative status of water bodies. For this purpose, a specific monitoring shall be carried out aiming to characterize the resources as well as identify those water bodies which need particular measures for their protection or for their qualitative rehabilitation The Decree objectives are the prevention of pollution and the rehabilitation of polluted water bodies, a sustainable and permanent use of water resources, the preservation of the autodepuration water bodies natural capacity and the support of extensive and highly diversified animal and vegetable communities. The main tool for characterization and control is monitoring identified, by both regulations, as an essential tool for the collection and systematization of dynamic knowledge of the territory through SAMPLING. Sampling purpose is the collection of a representative sample of the matrix that is to be characterized. The sample, then, should be collected, transported and handled, before the test, in such a way as to preserve its components and characteristics that are to be evaluated. The choice of the collecting points, the number of samples, the collecting method, the possible treatment as well as the conservation and transport modalities depends on the information we want to obtain about the case under examination. 2.2 Sampling Sampling is the first step of any analytical process whose quality result is closely related to the collected sample. For this reason, sampling represents an extremely complex and delicate phase which could condition the results of all following operations and, therefore, influence consistently the uncertainty analysis result. Numerous *uncertainty sources can influence environmental analysis result. Sampling phases : • Planning: area definition, sampling method, number of samples to be taken, sample mass, timing • Sampling: unreproducibility, contamination or losses • Sample preservation: losses due to metabolism, volatilization, • Transport: losses due to metabolism, volatilization etc. • Storage: contamination or losses, metabolism, alteration of the original shape and weight, solubility, etc. *uncertainty: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, HIGH - PARTIALLY VERIFIABLE -185-
Furthermore a sample should be COLLECTED so as to preserve its physical-chemical and biological characteristics until the time of analysis; PRESERVED so as to prevent any alteration of components and characteristics to be evaluated. Once established the objectives the operations should be carried out on the basis of a specific Sampling plan defining the operations in all the details according to a set of criteria and dispositions established, in some cases, by technical regulations. Sampling, as integral part of the analytical process , should be carried out by qualified personnel and in accordance to the work safety rules. The arrangement of a sampling plan, aiming at the collection of a range of representative samples, proves essential to a right description of the investigated phenomenon. • Objective definition • Description of the sampling site • Sampling strategy • Matrix sampling • Sampling methods • Number of samples → sampling report • Sampling Duration • Sampling Frequency • Number of Operators and competencies • Sample Transport • Sample Storage The sampling plan is then structured in accordance with a very articulated sequence of operations, synthetically represented by a FLOW CHART. ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS FLOW-CHART 1. Sampling objective
10. Presentation and discussion of results
2.Definition of sampling matrix and site
3. Sampling strategy and method 4. Definition of the number of representative samples
Is the analysis result representa tive?
5. Sample collection 6. Sample transport and preservation 7. Sample treatment
9.Analysis and Results assessment
8. Quality Control
The number of sampling should depend on the extension of the intervention site to be monitored. Sampling equipment. Equipment should be appropriate, clean and dry. Sample contamination from sampling equipment can represent a relevant source of uncertainty. Subsequently suitable equipment decontamination procedures should be foreseen in the sampling plan as to avoid the -186-
“cross- contamination”, that is the potential transfer of portions of collected material, if the sampling equipment is not properly cleaned, from a sampling point to another one. Sample preservation. The stability and durability of all the constituents should be ensured from the time of collection to the time of analysis. Furthermore, appropriate measures should be adopted to minimize alterations. From the time of collection the sample begins to modify: • Physically : evaporation, separation, adsorption of wall container, etc. • chemically: neutralization reaction, oxidative transformations, etc. • biologically: bacterial attack, photosynthesis etc. In order to avoid these drawbacks and reduce characteristics variations within acceptable limits as well, it is necessary to employ containers made of materials suitable to the parameter to be evaluated. Containers for samples collection and transport. They should not alter the values of those parameters whose determination has to be carried out: • They should not release or adsorb substances; • They should be resistant to the various sample components • They should be sealed also for dissolved gas and volatile compounds Containers are generally made of glass, plastic and other materials. As regards glass, which is still the preferred sample container material, could be of different qualities depending on its composition and on the resistance to physical and chemical agents. Plastic, which has the advantage to be lightweight, break-resistant and cheaper than glass, should be used when a particular impermeability to gas is not required or there aren’t interferences with organic additives (plasticizers). Sample volume depends on the determinations carried out and on the analysis method chosen as well. It is advisable, in any case, to collect a greater quantity of sample and to distribute it in several containers in order to prevent both a possible sample loss, due to any accident, and to carry out further assessment if necessary.
Groundwater Sampling Protocol. The protocol objective is to describe the procedures for groundwater sampling activities within the monitored site in order to provide the subjects involved ( Professionals, Project Manager, Competent Authorities) with a unique and defined “ -187-
Modus Operandi”, thus minimizing the discretionary element which could cause disputable results and, subsequently, prolong the activities time. Potentially contaminated sites could be active or disused industrial areas, unauthorized landfills, banking or melioration attained with various materials also deriving from industrial activities, watercourses contaminated by waste discharges, occasional or accidental dumping. Therefore, the implementation of a procedure for the assessment of the sites, mentioned above, foresees the following operative plan: Operational procedures for the final verification of the monitored areas: Phase 1 - Documentation review - Definition of data quality objectives: − Sampling area − Sample collection and preservation − Selection of analytes - Sampling Plan − Sample point location − Numbers of samples Phase 2 - Analysis Plan Phase 3 - Sample collection Phase 4 - Data elaboration and representation
3.1 Documentation review To plan at best sampling operations and analysis of excavation surface it is necessary an overall knowledge of the issue and the acquisition of detailed and updated information about current and past activity. General objectives of the investigation activities of a contaminated site are: Accurate definition of contamination sources; Quantification of contaminant concentration in the different environmental components; Assessment of the extent of contaminated area; Assessment of direct and indirect exposure of target organisms to contaminants The procedure for the survey activity is the following: Planning and carry out of preliminary studies; Planning and carry out of on-site investigation and laboratory analysis; Elaboration, interpretation of data and definition of the site quality state and associated risk. 3.2 Preliminary studies Based on the collection of detailed information about the site, they have as main goal the identification of contamination through: Collection and analysis of data related to the geomorphologic and environmental characteristics of the site under investigation (geographic cartography, morphological, geological and environmental topography, previous studies , available bibliography, etc.), with definition of the lytostratigraphic and hydrogeologic site context; -188-
Identification of the overall anthropic activities ( type and duration), with particular attention to polluting or particularly polluting activities; Identification of substances and products processed or stored on the site and their predictable localization (on the basis of productive lines, storages, tanks, sewage networks etc.). Purposes: Identification of pollutant migration forms; Vulnerability Assessment of the natural environment surrounding the site, for an appropriate investigation area; Definition of a diagram of the interactions between the site and the different environmental components. When information is insufficient to fully characterize the investigated area, a monitoring point grid should be defined in order to carry out soil sampling, piezometer installation and aquifer monitoring which could continue during remediation operations and afterwards as well. This groundwater monitoring should be supplementary and not alternative. It will be up to the control Authority to define, on the basis of the available information, which part of those investigations should be adopted for the monitoring point grid definition and the necessary integrations. Operations should also foresee: Inspection of the site and its surrounding area; Direct interviews with personnel and people who could have information about the site and its qualitative-quantitative status. Information collected during the preliminary studies will be used to plan: Location and typology of investigations: direct (perforation) and indirect( geophysical measurements); Methods, devices and depth of investigation ; Plan of soil and water sampling as well as plan of chemical-physical analysis. 3.3 Data acquisition Hereafter are highlighted criteria to be adopted for the implementation of a sampling plan to reach the objective of site remediation through excavation and a removal of contaminated soil. The following principles should be taken into consideration in a monitoring plan: excavation area extension, characteristics of the excavated soil, contaminant typology sampling strategy, the number of samples to be collected, the analytes, and analytical methods. - Definition of data quality objectives Procedures and criteria are the objectives which should be defined as operative guide in the process of sampling and data analysis. - Definition of sampling zones A site, affected by different contaminants or different lythologic characteristics, should be subdivided into different zones, as homogeneous as possible, corresponding to the type of contaminant and lytholigies present on the site. - Sampling collection and preservation procedures For what concerns sample collection and preservation, it is necessary to indicate in details the devices utilized and the tools for sample preservation both in the field and in laboratory. - Selection of analytes
For each sampling area substances to be analyzed in laboratory should be indicated, on the basis of surveys carried out. 3.4 Sampling Plan The choice of a sampling plan is extremely important and this section outlines some criteria for the selection of the sampling plan which best fits each kind of area and, subsequently, the analysis plan. The sampling method chosen will depend on the site geology and on the consideration that contaminants are not distributed according to random criteria, but, for the most part, localized in definite areas. On the basis of specific situations there are two main strategies for the selection of investigation and collection points location: 1. Purposive/Judgmental location: it is based on site characterization and conceptual model and could aim to verify hypothesis formulated on the presence of contaminants or on site environmental characteristics. CONTAMINATED AREA BOUNDARY
2. Systematic location: according to this strategy the sample point location is determined on the basis of random or statistical criteria, for example a sampling carried out on the basis of a pre-defined or random grid; this strategy has to be preferred each time the area dimensions or the historical information shortage are unsuitable both for an exhaustive preliminary characterization and to foresee the localization of the most probable contamination sources. The length of the line can vary from 25 to 100 mt. according to the type and extension of the site under investigation; survey points could be located at the nodes (systematic location) or, appropriately positioned, within each cell ( systematic random location).
Perforation should be carried out through continuous core drilling with corer, so as to allow soil sample collection and piezometer installation. Sampling depth shall depend on the presence and depth of aquifer, the site lythologic characteristics and the type of contamination. During perforation operations all measure should be taken to prevent pollutant diffusion, as a result of accidents such as perforation of buried barrels. At any rate, piezometers should allow to evaluate the possible interaction between ground and surface water bodies, as well as aquifer level oscillations to be periodically monitored before, during and after remediation interventions. For each aquifer at least one piezometer should be located immediately upstream site (in hydrogeological sense) as reference values for the entry value of the groundwater to the area being surveyed and at least one should be located immediately site downstream in order to verify ground water “outflow” characteristics. In the majority of cases, for economic and logistic reasons, piezometers are usually located in the holes drilled for survey purposes. SAMPLING METHODS Sampling phases represent one of the most delicate and critical aspects for the assessment of the achievement of the site remediation objective. Sampling collection, being planned in all the details, should define: sampling equipments and their functioning, sampling sheets and methods for sample identification. Sample is representative when actually represents the contamination status of the site under investigation, withstanding the purpose and the necessity to reconstruct the contamination distribution in the site in a determined moment. For the purposes of the present Protocol sampling is defined as: • STATIC SAMPLING: a sample taken from a well without pumping but through a manual method (bailer), upon suitable purging and recovery of the original conditions. It should be used for monitoring: extremely less productive wells To verify the presence in the separate phase of insoluble substances (LNAPL’s e DNAPL’s) and/or to take samples at different depths of the filtered segment. • DYNAMIC SAMPLING: a sample taken by means of a submersible pump, immediately after the purging; dynamic sampling shall be used to obtain a composite sample of water from different depths and, thus, approximately representative, of the media composition of groundwater. • Reconstruction of contamination grade. Sampling is representative when it represents an accurate picture of the contamination state. 3D reconstruction of the contamination grade is important for pollutants which distribute at different depths LNAPL: less dense than water tend to float. DNAPL: more dense than water tend to sink to the underlying layer
4. ANALYSIS OF FORMATION CORE SAMPLES – GENERAL CRITERIA Each sample should be divided at least into 2 aliquots: One for the analysis provided by private subjects One for the archive available to the Control Authority, sealed by the sampling responsible. Samples collected in adversarial approach in the presence of the control Authority should be composed at least of three aliquots (one available to the party, one for the control Authority analysis and the other one for possible complaints and counter-analysis). All the aliquots of those samples, collected in adversarial approach, should be sealed and signed by the authorized operators (on the side both of the Party and of the control Authority) and a report should be written. Sample should be carried out under fair weather conditions (no wind or rain). Moreover samples, before being transferred to appropriate sample containers, should be homogenized to minimize analytical discrepancies. These operations should obviously be minimized or avoided in presence of volatiles substances. Core extrusion should be done without using fluid. Samples related to individual homogeneous strata, should be collected from the material extracted from each survey point, without neglecting those evidently irregular. In some situations and in order to define exactly the contamination grade it should be useful to collect samples at interval of 0.5 meters from the top (instead of every1 meter depth) and the top-soil (20-30cm. depth). When making up sample for analysis the following procedures should be followed: Identify and remove extraneous material that could alter final results (pieces of glass, pebbles, branches, leaves, etc.); Homogenize the sample for a homogeneous distribution of contaminants (this procedure has to be avoided when an analysis of volatile organic compounds is required) Divide the sample into several homogeneous parts, using the quartering methods prescribed by the standard ( IRSA-CNR, “quaderno 64” of January 1985); The container should be appropriate to the sample characteristics and should be stored in a suitable place to preserve its chemical-physical characteristics; The container should be filled according to the sample characteristics in order to avoid sample alterations such as volatilization and adherence to sample container walls; containers should be sealed (possibly in the field to protect against tampering) labeled and immediately delivered to the analysis laboratory together with the sampling notes. In presence of volatile or easily degradable substances if samples are not immediately delivered to the analysis laboratory they should be stored in a refrigerated place (4° C) The sample should be made up with equipments decontaminated after any operation and in such a manner to avoid characteristics variation and material contamination.
4.1 Groundwater sampling Groundwater sampling should provide information about aquifers contamination status in relation to their quality immediately upstream, inside and downstream the investigated site. Prior to groundwater sampling, water in the piezometer should be purged, which is not representative of actual groundwater quality for which sampling should be carried out.
ÎŚ PIEZOMETER (water outflow)
Contaminated area
Groundwater flow
ÎŚ Piezometer (water inflow)
Purging purpose It is generally accepted that water in the well casing is non- representative of the formation water and needs to be purged prior to collection of ground-water samples. It allows to collect a representative groundwater sample with less disturbance of the outflow natural conditions. For this purpose the volume of water remaining inside the piezometer should be eliminated since subjected to chemical and physical balances different from those of the aquifer. 1. Criteria based on the well volume: should be purged a quantity of water between 1 and 20 times the volume of the well depth at the monitoring point. Purging 3 to 5 casing volumes should be adequate to determine sample representativeness. 2. Criteria based on chemical-physical parameters stabilization: it consists on well purging while monitoring, at the same time, the parameters of specific conductance, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen until they have stabilized. When stabilization is achieved pumping rates should be further reduced to allow sampling. 3. Low-flow and chemical-physical parameters stabilization: in the low-flow purging technique , pump shall be set at the mid - point or slightly above the mid - point. Placement of the pump too close to the bottom of the well will cause entrainment of solids accumulated over time. A typical flow rate for a pump during low-flow purging is on the order of 0.1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 0.5 l/min and it has the advantage of minimizing mixing between the overlying stagnant casing water and water within the screened interval. Wells are purged to some extent for the following reasons: the presence of the air interface at the top of the water column resulting in an oxygen concentration gradient with depth, loss of volatiles up the water column, leaching from or sorption to the casing or filter pack, chemical changes due to clay seals or surface infiltration. Prior to sampling stagnant water in the monitoring well, which is non-representative of the actual aquifer conditions, should be purged. Purging should be continued until at least one of the following conditions is achieved: -193-
Removing of 4-6 volume of water from the well ( volume of water in the monitoring well should be calculated in advance) Clarified water out flow and stabilization of parameters such as pH, temperature, specific conductance measured during purging The pumping time, prior determined on the basis of the aquifer hydraulic characteristics, has passed. Sampling flow rate may remain at established purge rate or may be adjusted slightly to minimize aeration, bubble formation, turbulent filling of sample bottles, or loss of volatiles due to extended residence time in tubing. Typically, flow rates less than 0.5L/min are appropriate. The same device should be used for sampling as was used for purging. Sampling should occur in a progression from least to most contaminated well if this is known. The appropriate sample container shall be prepared in advance and fit for the analytes of interest and include sample preservative where necessary. After a sample container has been filled with groundwater, a Teflon (or tin) – lined cap is screwed on tightly to prevent the container from leaking. A sample label is filled out as specified in the project procedures. The sample should be stored inverted at 4°C. Decontamination protocols for sampling devices are dependent to some extent on the type of device used and the type of contaminants encountered. Refer to the site and project for specific requirements. When making up sample for analysis the following procedures should be followed: Water collected from the well should be transferred into containers appropriate to the parameters under examination; Before sample water collection a multiparametric probe should be used to determine: Conductivity pH temperature dissolved oxygen redox; before collecting samples, that are to be tested for metals, turbidity should be verified and the result should be reported in the sampling sheet; water for metals analysis should be filtered in field trough a 0.45µm membrane filter and immediately acidified with nitric acid in the quantity of 0,5% volumes; when necessary on the basis of the contaminant spectrum identified in solution, and on the specific hydrogeological conditions, analysis of a filtered sample and of a non-filtered sample could be carried out, prior to adversarial approach with the company; Water samples for the analysis of other parameters should be transferred into appropriate containers (IPA dark glass bottles) Excluding containers for dioxin and volatile compound determination, containers should be rinsed out and conditioned in field with the same water that is to be collected. For sample identification and preservation the following procedures should be followed: • Sample should be transported to the analysis laboratory as soon as possible; • Sample, collected in a suitable container, should be labelled with the monitoring well, the date and the time of collection; • It should be stabilized; -194-
After collected, during the transport and while waiting for the analysis, it should be stored in a dark place at the temperature of 4°C.
All the sampling operations effectively carried out for the sample collection, preparation, transport and preservation for the laboratory analysis should be documented in details through daily report for each sampling. The documentation that the Party should deliver to the Bodies and the procedures are the following: Register of field data (location of site, schedule of operations carried out, aim of activities and anything else required to describe the operations carried out; • clear identification of samples: date, time and place of sampling, name of the sample, depth and temperature at which sampling took place, required analysis, storage; data on containers: material, capacity, sealing system, degree of cleanliness; • number of sample points , number of subsamples, number of analysis repetitions • matching sample size to type and number of parameters for which it has to be tested (and therefore to the analytical methods that need to be adopted); • precision of analytical determinations; • safety measures to protect operators (risk of contact with contaminants, risk of accidental swallowing, risk of inhalation, risk from tools used, radiation risk) and safety equipment required; • decontamination of sampling equipment (methods and substances used); • sample storage, transportation and handling methods; ∙ labelling of samples by means of tags on which information is written in indelible ink, to be shown in official sampling record, which should be written in accordance with waste disposal legislation; • sampling and analysis protocol, description of sampling and analysis procedures); • procedure for presenting and storing data. The chemical analysis carried out by the Private laboratory, in adversarial approach with ARPA, should be carried out according to the same analytical methods in order to avoid discrepancies between the data obtained from the different laboratories. The party’s laboratory should adopt the same analytical methods used by the reference laboratory of ARPA.
CONCLUSION Therefore, according to National and European regulations (Legislative Decree 152/06 and Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament) which establish a framework for the protection of water (surface, marine and groundwater) “Member States should aim to achieve the objective of at least good water status by defining and implementing the necessary measures within integrated programmes of measures, taking into account existing Community requirements. Where good water status already exists, it should be maintained. For groundwater, in addition to the requirements of good status, any significant and sustained upward trend in the concentration of any pollutant should be identified and reversed. The ultimate aim of this Directive is to achieve the elimination of priority hazardous substances and contribute to achieving concentrations in the marine environment near background values for naturally occurring substances. Surface waters and ground waters are in principle renewable resources; in particular, the task of ensuring good status of groundwater requires early action and stable long-term planning of protective measures, owing to the natural time lag in its formation and renewal. Such time lag for improvement should be taken into account in timetables when establishing measures for the achievement of good status of groundwater and reversing any significant and sustained upward trend in the concentration of any pollutant in groundwater”. We should then be cautious when speaking about groundwater as hygienically better than surface water, because as the Little Prince said “WHAT IS ESSENTIAL IS INVISIBLE TO THE EYE”.
SURFACE WATER, GROUNDWATER AND WASTEWATER: ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS AND METHODS Francesco Siliberti, Antonio Carrus, Stefano Spinelli Water Chemistry Unit Department of Bari – ARPA Puglia Analytical methods most used in Italy for the purpose of surface water, groundwater and wastewater analysis are taken from APAT/IRSA-CNR publications. EPA, UNI, ICRAM methods are also applied. Main investigated parameters are: a) physical, chemical and chemical-physical parameters 1. acidity and alcalinity (acidity: tritimetric; alcalinity: potentiometric and titrimetric) 2. color (qualitative; spectrophotometric; platinum-cobalt method) 3. conductivity 4. water hardness (complexometric with EDTA) 5. odor 6. pH 7. salinity 8. flavor 9. solid (total dissolved; total sospended; sedimentable; fixed and volatile at 600°C) 10. temperature 11. turbidity 12. trasparency b) metals and metals speciation c) non metallic inorganic constituents d) organic constituents. Examples of analytical equipment for water analysis pH-meter Conductimeter Turbidimeter Ion chromatography ICP- Mass Gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy Analyzer for sea water nutrients Ion chromatography Determination of anions (Fl-, Cl-, NO3-, PO4-3, SO4-2) by APAT IRSA CNR 4020 (Figure 1), and cations (Na+, K+, Ca+2, Mg+2) by APAT IRSA CNR 3030 (Figure 2).
Figure 1: example of anion analysis chromatogram
Figure 2: example of cation analysis chromatogram
Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry ICP-MS has been applied to the determination of over 60 elements in various matrices. Analytes for which EPA has demonstrated the acceptability of this method in a multilaboratory study on solid and aqueous wastes are listed below. Aluminum (Al), Lead (Pb) Antimony (Sb) Magnesium (Mg) Arsenic (As) Manganese (Mn) Barium (Ba) Mercury (Hg) Beryllium (Be) Nickel (Ni) Cadmium (Cd)
Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Selenium (Se) Chromium (Cr) Silver (Ag) Cobalt (Co) Thallium (Tl) Copper (Cu) Vanadium (V) Iron (Fe) Zinc (Zn)
Metal determinations are performed by EPA 3005 A (Acid digestion of waters for total recoverable or dissolved metals for analysis by FLAA or ICP spectroscopy) and EPA 6020 A (Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry) methods. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry GC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; MS is the most used analytical technique for the determination of a) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA 8270 C (Semivolatile organic compounds by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, (Figure 3). Figure 3: example of PAH analysis
b) aromatic solvents by EPA 8260 (Figure 4): Figure 4: example of volatile compounds analysis (standard mix, 0.1 ppb)
Figure 5: GC-MS - Purge and trap
EPA 8260 involves the determination of aromatic organic solvents in aqueous samples by gas chromatography coupled with dynamic headspace (Purge & Trap, Figure 5). The dynamic headspace technique allows achieving high sensitivity. The method entails extracting of volatile organic compounds by bubbling an inert gas in a given volume of sample and the analytical system can be made suitable for the simultaneous determination of aromatic organic and chlorinated solvents. Sea water nutrients analysis Sea water is a complex matrix and high salinity often interferes on analytical techniques. A continuous cycle analyzer (Figure 6) is used to determine â&#x20AC;&#x153;nutrientsâ&#x20AC;? such as total nitrogen, total phosphorus, ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and silica ensuring a low detection limit and a high reproducibility. Figure 6: continuous cycle analyzer
Mina Lacarbonaraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s photograph
C â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Notable documents C.1 - Council Directive of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste (99/31/EC) C.2 - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 January 2008 concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (2008/1/EC) C.3 - Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on waste and repealing certain Directives (2008/98/EC)
TECHNICAL RULES FOR THE DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF STORAGE AND PROCESSING OF MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE (MSW) Piero Masini, Claudio De Stefano, Luigi Pappalettera, Renato Mario Pavia, Maria Romano Polytechnic Institute of Bari
The goal of this treatment technique is to achieve results usefully employed in the design phase, realization and management of cogeneration systems to users of the civil sector and the industrial sector, a significant addition to the consistency of thermal and electrical energy needs, for the multiplicity of energy sources, the diversity of initial conditions assigned to the different energy transfers adopted for the breadth and complexity of the distribution system and the significant variability in the second sampling cycles daily, monthly and seasonal. The purpose of this study is to arrive at the formulation of a general methodology and technical regulations to be used for the design and management of storage and processing of MSW. As is known, treatment of urban waste is the final stage of a long process that begins at the time of their production and spread through its accumulation and temporary storage, the provision, collection and transportation to treatment and disposal facilities. All these phases are in the spirit of the proper management of municipal solid waste, as required by applicable law, and that proper planning is the core activity of all programs of prevention and environmental remediation. It follows that the resolution of the problem of the treatment of MSW should be addressed in a comprehensive, outlining the links between the various elements mentioned above, quantifying the degree of correlation tables and a range of feasible solutions including operating the optimal choice, the result a compromise between techno-economic factors and environmental, social and political. The business recovery and recycling are identified as part of the intent to reuse a portion of the materials contained in waste, considering it not as a "set" to null value, but rather a resource to draw upon non-conventional alternatives to traditional materials for their use directly or after conversion into other products. Based on this principle it follows that the policies for recovery and recycling allows to mitigate the environmental impact through lower collection of environmental resources and the reduction in the quantity of waste disposed. The system for recovering and recycling more appropriate, both in terms of yield and costs, has to be identified to be sure first about the characteristics of solid waste to be treated. These, in fact, depend on the characteristics of the area of origin of the waste and in particular the presence or absence in it of the separate collection systems. In these two cases, the characteristics of the material sent to the treatment plant will be different: in the first case, in the presence of recycling, there is talk of a separate waste at source; however, in the absence of such a system collection, it is a solid waste "as is" mixed, not previously selected.
In particular, when there is a separate collection systems can identify two distinct waste streams subject to further treatment: one coming directly from the circuit of the collection itself and the residual component of waste which is the subject of interest in the service of collecting solid waste. In turn, the separate waste at source through the collection has different characteristics depending on the organizational arrangements for the service: it may be, in fact, the case of a system based on a separation more or less thrust, where reusable materials directly (paper, glass, plastic, metals, etc ...) are accumulated more individual containers (collection mono) or mixed together (multi-material collection ) or may be the case with a collection based on the separation of the wet than dry (usually in addition to the collection of recyclable fractions noble), then targeted the removal of the remaining component of not rotproof waste. The processes of treatment of these types of waste, and are therefore characterized by a different levels of complexity. In treatment of waste from the recycling circuit, we use technology more simple and less expensive, having to provide the separation of components of a quantity of material that has already undergone a major source selection process, in which conditions, the recovery system can achieve high degrees of efficiency, increase as more stringent is the objective of collection systems to which it refers and in such conditions you can get a good quality final product. Conversely, the fact remains that the possibility of reuse of materials from their collection for inclusion in production processes must continually confront the cost implied by the use of their raw materials. The latter, in fact, have a composition and purity constant, but that aspect does not apply to recycled materials, which, whenever they are reintegrated into the process, undergo a change in growing the intrinsic properties affecting the quality of products derived from them; it is the case, for example, of the recycled paper that, in any re-use, has the fiber length of less and less until it became completely unusable. In turn, the recovery of glass, which produces silica for the glass industry, often provides a product of poor quality, mainly because of the simultaneous presence of material staining, compared with a cost of virgin material very low. If we refer instead to the residual waste stream by recycling or directly to the case of waste as it is, characteristic of those situations where there is no (or at least not at levels evident) a proper system of collection of special materials recycled, compared to the previous case we find it most difficult technical and operational in being able to identify an effective treatment system. This type of waste, in fact, appears as a heterogeneous mass composed of materials with different physical and chemical properties that, due to their admixture during collection and transportation, are subject to a mutual "contamination". In this case, there is a real possibility of a good degree of separation of the different materials contained therein, subject again to adequate standards of economy and efficiency; there is a clear opportunity to promote some activities for this "transformation" of the components involved, including: - The separation of the organic fraction for the production of compost; - Separation of combustible material for producing a solid fuel called RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel), from which recovered after energy as heat. -203-
As regards the definition of the main stages that characterize a system of waste pre-treatment plant (it can be defined in general all the operations carried upstream of an incinerator or any other kind of a system of final disposal) is highlight: the reduction in size of the material, the separation of the components of the same and compaction. This set of operations can be developed entirely within the same facility where it will be necessary to provide a special place of receipt of goods including the local weighing of vehicles for the transport of waste and an area used for temporary storage of material input, for the latter, in general this is a storage pit sized so as to provide a buffer to ensure continuous supply of pretreatment plant and could allow for a certain period of time, receiving in the installation of waste collected daily in terms of "down" due to a possible fault or due to the necessary routine maintenance. Size reduction The phase of size reduction is proposed to reduce the size (initially quite variable) of the materials placed in this input, containing within specific predefined tolerance range, in order to facilitate subsequent processing operations. The size reduction is an activity that is carried out exclusively by mechanical means using special equipment known as "shredders", which act on the material using special tools and actions leading to the grinding and cutting of components of the waste itself. These devices differ mainly because of the different type of tool which they are provided for the different number of them and because of their speed of movement. In fact, the most common shredders can be equipped with different types of tools: hammers, shears or knives. When fitted with the "Hammer", these machines are known as hammer mills and are made up of a range of mass (the hammer, to be precise) attached to a rotating shaft (the typical speed is around 1000 rpm), which repeatedly hitting crushing rejection determines the parts gradually become smaller. You can have vertical or horizontal mills, depending on the orientation that has the axis on which is mounted tools. Mills in the vertical shaft is positioned vertically inside a steel structure in the inverted conical section, which is designed so that the space used for the containment of the material is greater in the upper part (where is located the inlet) and smaller in the bottom is where instead of placing the outlet of the shredded material. With such a form, once introduced into the material inlet, it is in contact with more and more pronounced and repeated machine tools, tend to fall by gravity down and it would have suffered a progressive crushing. The bodies of dimensions small enough to be expelled, remain within the conical section of the machine until they reach smaller and likely to fall into the lower part of the machinery at the narrowest section, which would be progressively pushed towards the outlet. The hard parts, not crushed, remain in the top of the machine where the ongoing collision with the hammers and the rotation around the axis thereof, ensure that the equipment bears an increasing speed centrifuge within the conical section of the mill, until there is the ballistic ejection the same through an opening on the top of the "crushing chamberâ&#x20AC;?. -204-
The horizontal axis mills are equipped with a series of hammers mounted around a horizontal rotational axis, below which there is also a perforated screen. The waste introduced into the top hopper tends to move continuously toward the lower part of the same influence of gravity, where there are the hammers, being subjected to crushing; reached the bottom of the chamber of the mill, the material comes in contact with the grid.. If the size of the material is higher than that of the holes on the surface of the grid, then the same is currently supported on this and, therefore, is struck by the hammers in motion and then pulled back at the top of the mill under further crushing. When, however, has reached such dimensions as to be able to pass through the holes in the grid, he can escape the action of the hammers passing through and then being able to exit the shredder. For this type of mill, adjusting the size of the product output is done by adopting grids with holes of different sizes (usually with a diameter of 50 รท 100 mm) or by changing the position of a suitable metallic clash on the side to the rotating axis, so stop the travel of the material, because it is too large, cannot pass through the holes of the grid, thus increasing the effectiveness of impact with the hammers. In the case of shredders knives have a series of sharp tools mounted around one or more (usually up to three) horizontal shafts rotating at the base of a hopper. These are real knives of various possible ways that, at 50 to 200 rpm, tear and cut the material that they are in contact. For such machines, the size of the output material is determined by the distance between trees and between individual tools. Usually, the final size of the material can vary between 30 and 300mm. In the modern shredders knives, there is also the possibility of having a perforated grille below the rotary axis, to allow a more uniform size of the material. The size of the holes of the same in this case would constitute an additional parameter to control the size of the product output. This type of machine is often used as torn bags, or for the opening and breaking of a disposable bag containing the waste to be treated. The shears shredders are usually equipped with an anti-jamming system that helps prevent damage to the machine, in the case of be introduced "difficult" materials to be shredded or even not crushable bodies and can lead to the blocking of the machine itself (glass, metals, pieces of concrete, etc. ...). This system consists of an automatic system that intervenes in case of jamming of the axis, causing the reverse of those for a few laps, trying to free them from the block. If the jam were to repeat in succession a given number of times, then the machine is placed in a situation of "lock" requiring the intervention of an operator that, after removing the body obstructs the work of the machine, proceed to its "reset" thereby restoring the normal functioning. Because of the operation which they preside, the shredders are generally characterized by a strong tool wear, requiring replacement operations of the same within a few hours. In order to limit the amount of spare parts have to keep in stock, especially in the case of knives, shredders, tools you can have multiple blades, redeployed several times with different orientation.
Separation Following the reduction in size, materials in the waste are separated between them by exploiting the different physical properties they owned, such as: - The size, - Density, - Aerodynamic drag, - Inertia, - Magnetism, - Electrical conductivity, and - Optical properties. Subjecting the subsequent refusal to select between them in cascade, it tends to isolate its individual components in order to obtain products with acceptable levels of purity. The phase separation can be done using different systems, the most common are: the dimensional separation, gravimetric separation and magnetic separation. Separation dimensional The operation of size separation is commonly called "screening" and is based on the different dimensions that characterize the materials contained in the treated waste and, depending on the origin of the same and the location of the screening stage in the course of treatment, allows to separate bulky materials from the most minute, divide the refusal between light combustible materials (the so-called "dry fraction”) and heavy non-combustible (wet fraction), separate glass and sand from combustible materials, separating paper and plastic to glass and metals. The most common equipment used for the operation of the screeners are sifting drum, the vibrating screens and discs. The drum screens are screens of the type more widely used, especially in waste reuse, because of their versatility. These machines usually have a cylindrical shape and differ in different models and sizes, depending on the length (from 6 to 20m), the diameter of the drum (1.5 ÷ 4m), the inclination of the axis (3 ° to 5 °), rotation speed (8 to 20giri/min) and the opening of the mesh (usually between 5 and 10cm). The waste is placed in higher end of the cylinder (or drum) and this effect of rotation and tilt, runs through its entire length several times coming into contact with the mesh screen. The smallest particles (size usually between 2 and 10 cm, depending on the diameter of the holes of the mesh) are sieved and collected in the hopper below, while the coarser material, remaining in the sieve, reaches the other end of the drum. The cylinder of the drum screen may be composed of contiguous sections each with different size of mesh screening (just as shown above), which permits both the separation of material of different particle size fractions. In addition, inside the cylinder those can also be equipped with metal blades, which may allow, for example, the breaking of the bags containing the waste, thus improving the performance of the screening.
The cleaning of holes in the sieve is typically entrusted to a series of nozzles, fed by a pipe parallel to the axis of the drum, where the air jets invest freeing them from the orifices of the mesh material that can become clogged. The vibrating screens are made from a fixed support frame and a body tilting with a perforated screen at the base. Below this there are housing one or more additional perforated plates, on the same plane or on different levels, with hoppers for collection of material, and with holes with diameters increasing from upstream to downstream, relative to the direction given by the inclination of sieve. The size distribution of the separate product depends on the size and frequency of the oscillations, the inclination of the plane and the screen size of its holes (usually between 2 and 10cm). In place of the metal plates that make up the screen deck, you can use the canvas of perforated plastic high strength, due to the movement of the screen, bend and stretch, helping the progress of waste treatment and in facilitating removal of material that tends to clog the holes. In this case there is the undoubted advantage of the self-cleaning induced, but in contrast there is the most use over sieves with perforated metal plate or any other rigid material. The screens disc, finally, are in the screening system for solid, more recently introduced and is already heavy application, particularly in the areas of treatment of products from paper and plastic recycling. But also find wide use in the treatment of mixed solid waste. They are made of more rotary axes mounted horizontally and parallel to each other each equipped with properly shaped eccentric records. The space between the discs serves as a discriminating factor in the screening of materials: the larger ones are driven by the rotation of the disks along the screen deck to the exit of the machine, the finest materials and heavy falling pass through the sieve in a dedicated space for the collection. This is a system solution relatively "young" but that is already providing good results in this respect, particularly, the wide range of variability of the size of the product evaluated and the high degree of cleanliness of the oversize and the machine itself, thus avoiding the frequent occlusions which are applied to other types of screening. From the descriptions provided, it appears that all types of screens allow you to separate the flow into the waste into two distinct flows outgoing: the undersize (i.e. the material collected in the hoppers below the separator) and oversize (the material that comes from end of the machine). The amount of material which forms these flows and the composition of the same characteristics, are key data for purposes of this analysis and, as already mentioned, are defined according to different parameters: the type of used sieve, the characteristics of the waste input place, the mesh size of screening and the rate of disposal of the drum, disk, etc. Gravity Separation The gravimetric separation is based on different densities and aerodynamic resistance of the components of waste which is typically sent to this phase of treatment following an initial grinding and sifting, then chopped and already subdivided into two main fractions oversize and undersize, where the undersize material is heavier because it contains, in general, metals, wood, glass and inert, while the oversize is lighter, because it consists primarily of paper, plastic and organic -207-
substance. From this it was felt that the treatment of categories of material, gives results differ due to the different characteristics of density and drag. The main systems used for the gravimetric separation include air classifiers, fluidized bed and ballistic separators. The air classifier (also known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;aerodynamic separatorsâ&#x20AC;?) is distinguished by the particular shape of the channel in which they are conveyed waste and air. We therefore speak of air classifier type: vertical column, "zig-zag" and air button. For each of these is shown a diagram of the feature section of the duct.
In the case of filing a vertical column (Figure a), the air flow involves the rejection in a constant section, dragging up the lighter parts, while the heavier parts remaining fall to the bottom duct, in such a situation, process efficiency is related to the airflow rate, size of area of pipe and the flow of incoming waste. When it comes instead of a pipe-type "zig-zag (Figure b), the presence of some baffles inside the same causes that led you to generate a strong turbulence in the air flow, thus promoting the impact of waste particles against the walls of the channel and the subsequent fragmentation into smaller parts. What characterizes them is the fact that the air flows in a non-constant (as is the case in other types of separators shown), as a result of the particular shape of the saw tooth duct (Figure c) requires that, at times, a different regime of speed. This change facilitates the separation of waste particles as a function of different rates of sedimentation. The example of separator air flow system, it is the more traditional type, that is, vertical column, combined with a cyclone system to remove the solid material transported by light, it is in the following figure shows a scheme in order to clarify the conformation of the filing to which it refers. Since the separation of the solid component of air flow is not guaranteed 100% even after the use of a cyclone decanter, before placing it into the atmosphere are expected to be i treated through a bag filter. With this configuration, a separator air flow system of this type can achieve the ability to intercept the individual components of the incoming waste in the following table. -208-
In addition to the types mentioned, there is another solution to air classifier is called a "knife". This particular type of separator air flow system is particularly used when the material to be treated consists of particles with relatively uniform size, fully exploiting the density differences between them. The inflow of waste once it has entered into separate, it is violently crossed by a stream of air that sweeps away the lighter components, while larger ones continue to drop them without feeling the drag. In the corresponding output hopper then we will have a lot of heavy material and a relatively light material separated. With regard to the gravity separator fluidized bed, we can add that these consist of a vibrating surface porous and slightly tilted (about 5 째), crossed by a stream of air. The combined impact of income on the air and directly attributed to vibration from the supporting surface, means that it produces an effect of aeration and stratification of the refusal, according to the different sedimentation rate of the compounds. As indicated in the figure below, the lighter material, held in suspension from the bed of air collects in the lower part of the plan, while the heavier parts are dragged from the vibrations towards the top. The fluidized bed separator described above is called a type of "dry". In addition to this they said there is also a "wet". In this case, in addition to air and vibration, the action also involved the classification of a fluid separator (water mixed with salt solutions or the magnesite powders and ferro-silicon). This, by its own density and specific gravity, winds between the components of the waste resulting action almost "mechanical" process of separation of the lighter components of the waste itself (which are pushed toward the surface) and the heavier ones (who are made to deposit on the surface below). Ballistic separators, finally, are able to accomplish the separation of parts of the treated waste by exploiting differences in density and elasticity between each of these. The following figure shows a diagram of example on a type of ballistic separator, which exploits the differences in density of materials. In it, the refusal to be treated is loaded into a special hopper and from there is then taken in small quantities by a rotating device that requires a strong acceleration projecting above the mouths of different hoppers at the base of a closed chamber. The classification of components is based on the distance achieved by each of them following the launch: the lighter materials will cover a shorter distance, while the heaviest will follow a longer path. -209-
With this device, the principle on which it acts is different from the previous case. In this case it uses a conveyor belt, moving at high speed in a few pulleys, launch denial against a wall made of elastic rubber and covered with a disk rotating in a plane orthogonal to the direction of launch, as a result of impact with the disk surface, the components of refusal bounce following different trajectories depending on its elasticity, allowing them to be separated and collected in different rooms at the base of that structure. Magnetic separators and electrostatic The technique of magnetic separation is the most widely used to separate ferrous components are present in different sets of materials: waste (as such or already pre-treated), waste incineration, recycling products, etc. Equipment more notes to this effect have one or more permanent magnets, electromagnets, or even, and may be mainly of the type drum or belt. In both cases, the degree of separation efficiency can exceed 95%. The magnet is placed inside one of the two pulleys of which flows a toothed belt. The surface thereof, exposed to the action of the magnet, it appears to be limited and not likely to hold the ferrous components adjacent to the drum for a distance greater than the remaining therefore, left free to fall, will follow a different trajectory. The ferrous material extracted in this way is usually not perfectly clean (especially if it refers to the removal of iron from the mixed solid waste), so it may be necessary to conduct a further stage of separation of ferrous metals in order to eliminate the components of "noise" present (paper, plastic bags, etc ...). Thus, a system that allows obtaining iron from a ferrous fraction cleaner is the double drum magnetic separator: the magnet in the first drum, allowing the extraction of the iron component of the waste, which will then act on another magnet located inside the second drum present. Usually it is more small and with rotational movement opposite to the flow of material to be treated in order to avoid further drop of non-ferrous material with the iron component. In the case of the magnetic separator belt magnet is inserted between the two pulleys of a conveyor pallet. This device is placed above the tape on which the waste flows in a direction perpendicular to the axis. Compared to the types already described, the separator belt is more subject to use, but it is the device extraction of ferrous materials more effectively. They belong to the category of magnetic separators also another type of separator, the one for non-ferrous metals. The non-ferrous metal separators to allow for the separation and recovery of metals such as aluminum, copper, stainless steel, pure brass, etc, from the collection of municipal solid waste or directly from separate collection. This type of separator is also called "eddy current", or ECS (Eddy Current System), based on the principle used for the separation, as known from physics, any metal body through a varying magnetic field is subject to a force that tends to reject the source of the same field, so, conveying the material consists of a set of non-ferrous metals and non-metallic bodies through a varying magnetic field, the two factions that make up the flow will tend to be separated from each other. -210-
In separator ECS there is a rotor magnetic field lines has alternating polarity (north - South) around its circumference, is placed in this high-speed rotation in a drum around which runs a conveyor belt, thus generating an alternating magnetic field and rotating at high frequency (350-1000Hz). When the material placed on the tape reaches the end where it is located in the rotor, the non-ferrous metal components present in it, feeling the force of repulsion induced by the magnetic field that are going through, are removed from the remaining material as shown in the picture above. Electrostatic separators, in turn, employ electric fields with high potential difference to separate the components of the rejection characterized by a different behavior in terms of electrical conductivity, in particular, this technology allows you to split the conductive (metals) , from the non-conductive (plastic, paper, glass, etc.), or the organic fraction (as host of high moisture content) from the inert. By exploiting the differential ability conductive materials become electrically charged, it is also possible to separate the plastic from the paper, and different types of plastics. For this last aspect, it includes the high popularity of this type of separators at the treatment plant material collected differently. An example of an electrostatic separator, used to separate the organic fraction from the inert is represented in the figure below. The material is then introduced into the separator in contact with a pair of drums connected to an electrode (the anode). The components of the conductive material, thus reflecting the presence of negative charge on the drum surface is also electrically charged. Then given the presence nearby of a pair of positively charged electrode (the cathode), they suffer so a suction effect, deflecting its trajectory of motion, on the contrary, the remaining material, is not affected by electrostatic effects, continues its free fall harvest coming in a special container. A system of separation like that can reach very high process efficiencies, up to 99%, the yield of this process is, however, strongly linked to the moisture characteristic of parts covered: if the organic component has a high moisture content then will have good effects conductive, but the same tendency to stick to the inert component, negating any advantage, however, in case you have a little wet organic fraction, the effects are not very conductive, and then felt the effectiveness of the process is once again reduced considerably. Therefore, in order to maintain good results, for this type of separator, you must proceed with proper humidity control product. As we shall see, such a can be achieved through a course of treatment of bio-stabilization of the organic fraction.
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