In the final days of work on his new film Barely Dead, Doug Urquhart is leading a hectic life. He is trying to balance being a full-time college student with being a one-man production crew and now, in the final stages of editing, he is almost out of hard drive space on his computer.
He has two terabytes worth of storage spread out over five hard drives, an enormous amount for most people, but now he has less than five total gigabytes left and the movie is not yet finished. He doesn't have the money to buy another hard drive, all of his credit cards were maxed out making the film, so his only option is to delete whatever he absolutely doesn't need to make space on his computer.
Things like this wouldn't be much of a problem for even the smallest production companies but Misled Media, the alter-ego for Doug's video production company, is made up of himself and a rotating list of friends who help out with his videos. For the most part, Misled Media is Doug Urquhart.