Dental: boarding students should arrange for 6-month routine preventative care to be handled at home. Urgent and emergency dental care will be arranged by SHS. Orthodontics: SHS will schedule necessary orthodontic care with Wilson Orthodontics in Greenfield. Laboratory: Lab work will be drawn at Baystate Reference Labs, Baystate Reference Labs, Greenfield locations in the Franklin Medical Center or on Sanderson Street.
Medical Illness Policy Any student who has a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above, vomiting or diarrhea, or symptoms of COVID-19, should not attend school until fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications. If a child develops a fever or symptoms of a communicable illness during the school day, he/she will be sent home. Boarding students will be monitored in Student Health Services during the school day for observation and evaluation by the nursing and medical staff. If appropriate, students will return to their dorm overnight with care from their dorm parent and support from on-call medical and nursing staff. If it is determined that a student cannot return to the dorms they will stay in designated On-Campus Administrative Housing. Students exempt from returning to dorms for longer than 24 hours may be sent home or to their local emergency off-site guardian until their temperature remains below 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit without the use of fever-reducing medications, or until they meet requirements for specific illnesses. If a student’s home is within a four hour drive, the school expects the family or guardian to take the student home. If the student’s home is not within the four hour drive, the student will be sent with the designated off-campus guardian. Families should ensure that this local emergency off-campus guardian is aware that they will be responsible for caring for the student in the event that they are excluded from school for a communicable illness. The Bement School reserves the right to exclude any student who has or is suspected of having a communicable illness, has been exposed to an infected person, or is susceptible on account of non-immunization, in the event of a vaccine-preventable incident. Boarding students diagnosed with COVID-19, or designated as a close contact, or at the discretion of the medical director when COVID-19 is suspected, must be excluded from the dorms. They must be picked up by their parent or local guardian, and taken off campus within 24-hours of receiving notification. While awaiting pick-up, the student will remain in isolation in Student Health Services or designated On-Campus Administrative Housing, or will be transported to the hospital at the discretion of the medical director. Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 will be exempt from the dorm according to the current timeline that has been put in place by Student Health 80 |