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First City Squares

The First City Squares square dancing club holds dances at the United Methodist Church. There are no mandatory dress codes and the dances are alcohol and tobacco free.


BASS Swim Club

bemidjicommunityed.com 333-3100 ext. 313

Bemidji Community Ed Aquatics

333-3284 ext. 35313 aquatics@bemidjicommunityed.com State Park

Lake Bemidji State Park

3401 State Park Road NE 308-2300 Park visitors must purchase a State Park Permit good for access to all state parks. Basic park fees include the annual sticker ($35), additional vehicle permit ($26), special annual permit for people with disabilities ($12), day use sticker ($7) and camping fees ($24 regular season and $18 off-season). A group daily fee for 10 vehicles or more is $5 per vehicle. Must be arranged in advance.

Bemidji Total Martial Arts Academy

3481 Laurel Dr NW 308-4036 bemidji.totalma@gmail.com Tennis

Bemidji Area Tennis Association

President Paul Swartwood 835-8122 bemidji.usta.com The Bemidji Area Tennis Association offers 10 and under tennis, CHAMPS, Cardio Tennis, Kids’ Summer Tennis, men’s and women’s doubles leagues, winter group tennis lessons, local tournaments, as well as private lessons by certified tennis professionals.

Bemidji Tennis

bemidjitennis@gmail.com The mission of Bemidji Tennis is to fully support the players, parents, volunteers, and coaches who make the Bemidji Lumberjacks tennis teams successful on and off the court. Bemidji Tennis is a non-profit organization whose proceeds support the Lumberjacks and a variety of offseason programs. Bemidji Tennis manages the Summer Youth program, Winter Tennis programs, High School Summer Tennis and Tennis Under the Lights, group and private lessons, match play, the Lumberjack Open tournament, and a variety of other programs and activities. Racquet stringing is also available for any community members. Woodcarving

Bemidji Woodcarvers Club

Bob Larson 444-6269 The club meets from 9 a.m. to noon every Wednesday. One of the largest shows in the region is the Blackduck Woodcarvers Festival on the last Saturday in July in Blackduck. All levels of carvers are welcome. Wrestling

Bemidji Wrestling Club

President Jeff Brooks 556-5647 bemidjiwrestlingclub.com

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