Selected works | 2018 - Present
Design Portfolio | 2018 - Present
Education 2004-2009 Pa y a L e b a r M e t h o d i s t G i r l s ( Pr i m a r y ) S c h o o l 2010-2014 Pa y a L e b a r M e t h o d i s t G i r l s ( S e c o n d a r y ) S c h o o l 2014-2018 S i n g a p o r e Po l y t e c h n i c | D i p l o m a i n A r c h i t e c t u r e ( DA RC H ) 2018 - 2021 National Univeristy of Singapore | Bachelors in A r c h i t e c t u r e ( B A . A RC H ) 2021 - 2022 National Univeristy of Singapore | Masters in A r c h i t e c t u r e ( M . A RC H )
Experience PI Architects Architectural Intern | 2021 | 24 weeks OW M F A r c h i t e c t u r e Architectural Intern | 2019 | 4 weeks Pr o j . B S t u d i o Architectural Intern | 2018 | 10 weeks V i v ATA P T E LT D ( f k a ATA A r c h i t e c t s P t e Lt d ) Architectural Intern | 2017 | 12 weeks Fa i t h f u l - i n - S e r v i c e Secondary 3 PLMGSS (Cambodia) Community service | 2012 | 2 weeks
Software Skills Re v i t | P h o t o s h o p | I n D e s i g n | I l l u s t r a t o r | A u t o C a d | S k e t c h U p ( w i t h Vr a y )
Interests G u z h e n g a n d C h i n e s e c u l t u r e | Pa c k a g i n g d e s i g n | Candle making and related handy crafts | Photography
The Taming of Kranji Marshes
Singapore’s “30 by 30” strategy currently aims to achieve 30 per cent food selfsufficiency in nutritional terms Swee Keat, an estimated total investment of US$1.55 trillian is needed by 2030 to meet this goal.However, w to pay more for quality food, healthier choices and more importantly, an experience attached to the food they
While this pproject is not an immediate solution to solve food security in Singapore, it will contribute to the co especially for the long run. Through an architectural lens, this project is an attempt at investigating innocative are short-lived and transactional. In the process, it will also survey and address the history of the ground at Li
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
| Y5S1
onversation on how community farmers can serve as an additional food basket to Singapore’s Food Story e ways to encourage the formation of an organised community farming experience, as opoosed to ones that im Chu Kang.
Design Studio
by 2030. Accordiing to Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for Economic Policies Heng we cannot simply invest in more of the same. With a growing middle class, affluent consumers are prepared y consume. The consumer palate is evolving.
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio
1969 Topographical Map, Lim Chu Kang
1993 Topographical Map, Lim Chu
2005Topographical Map, Lim Chu Kang
2010 Topographical Map, Lim Chu
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
| Y5S1
u Kang
Design Studio
u Kang
1998 Topographical Map, Lim Chu Kang
Conceptual Sketch (Introducing bioswales back into the site
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio
Process sketches:
A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio
Process (Interim): A Ground Survey of Kranji Marshes <Home Stay Facility - Architecture, Human and Mud>
Design Studio