ASHCA News - Spring 2015 Newsletter

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Spring 2015 Newsletter MISSION:

To proactively address ongoing and emerging occupational safety and health issues affecting U.S. agriculture.

New Board Member The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) is a Charter ASHCA member with Board representation. This year Michael Weber, Manager, Technical & Safety Services was approved to fill the Board position previously held by Mike Pankonin. Mike is the liaison between AEM members and other organizations to put forward global responses about what might compromise distribution or sales of AEM member products throughout the world. He serves on several advisory boards for agricultural safety and helps AEM follow global regulations and standards that help promote safe design and production of agricultural equipment for product users.


The February 2015 meeting of the Board of Directors honored a “founding father” and ushered in new leaders. William Nelson, ASHCA’s only Chair since the first Board was formed in 2008, had reached the 6-year term limit for officers. Unanimously elected to replace Nelson as Chair was Leon Graves, Vice President for Dairy Marketing Services, representing Dairy Farmers of America based in Syracuse, NY. Newly elected to the Vice-Chair position was Kimberly Naffziger, Assistant Vice President and Agricultural Specialist for Zenith Insurance Company of California. Continuing as Secretary/ Treasurer is Frank Gasperini, Executive VP of the National Council of Agricultural Employers based in Washington, D.C. Outgoing Chair Nelson will continue on the Board of Directors and the Advisory Council. Outgoing Vice-Chair Jan Klodowski continues on the Board of Directors and leads the Member Relations Committee. As a first point of action Chairman Graves expanded the Executive Committee to include both current and past officers along with the Executive Director.

Leon Graves

Frank Gasperini

Kimberly Naffziger

The Board convened a full day meeting February 2 to include program updates and discuss new initiatives. The meeting was co-located with National Council of Agricultural Employers’ annual event, which included a twohour panel presented by ASHCA members. Topics included the economics of safety programs for agricultural workers, and issues pertaining to childcare services for migrant and seasonal workers.

TRIBUTE TO OUTGOING CHAIR OF THE BOARD William Nelson gave countless hours over the past decade to ensure ASHCA got off to a solid start. In recognition of his efforts, the Board of Directors presented William with an engraved box including a personalized gavel. William expressed gratitude to the Board for their support and involvement, then recounted the progression of the organization from an initial concept and feasibility grant from the Farm Foundation to a growing and financially viable organization with a shared vision for worker safety.


Representatives from eight federal agencies and the ASHCA Board of Directors met at ASHCA’s first-ever Roundtable Forum, Feb. 3, in Washington, D.C., to discuss better ways of aligning federally-funded safety initiatives with real-world agricultural worker issues. “As agriculture ramps up production to feed the world’s growing population, we want to be working cooperatively with agencies that influence agricultural worksite issues,” said Leon Graves, ASHCA Board Chairman. “This meeting was a great start to opening communication lines with federal program leaders who oversee research, education, training and regulatory enforcement.” The 30 Roundtable participants included representatives of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Labor, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Additionally, the National Academies of Science was represented. ASHCA Board members represented agricultural production from all U.S. regions, different commodities, and agribusinesses such as workers compensation insurance. The Roundtable event was responsive to agribusiness leaders’ concerns that federally-funded agricultural safety research and outreach programs are not always in line with day-to-day safety issues experienced by agricultural workers such as those employed in labor intensive crops and livestock operations. Federal representatives shared their respective agency’s agriculture-related initiatives. ASHCA members provided insights into emerging issues affecting agribusiness. Efficient, productive and sustainable agriculture relies on the preservation and well-being of its workforce, and this Roundtable event hosted by ASCHA facilitated new and stronger ties toward that end.


2015 ISASH Conference June 21-24 in Normal, IL – Registration information: ISASH Agricultural Safety and Health Certification Course June 24 – 27 in Normal, IL Mid Year ASHCA Board of Directors Meeting – September 29-30 will be in Rochester, NY, hosted by DFA. More details will follow.


If you have upcoming events to include in the newsletter or website, please send us your information at

April is Safe Digging Month A quick call to 811 can save downtime, repair costs, fines…and lives! According to the Pipeline & Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, more than 2.6 million miles of pipelines deliver energy across the United States. In 2013, digging accidents contributed to several severe injuries, damage to farm property and the loss of 25,000 barrels of oil. Survey data suggests farmers are aware of the risks associated with hitting buried lines -- specifically the potential to ignite oil or gas released from pipelines and put operations and lives at risk -- yet only 29 percent of polled farmers have ever used the service. Of those, less than half always use it. Enbridge, a leading pipeline company, has asked ASHCA to “spread awareness of 811” which is a free phone call from anywhere in the country with a promise of having sites marked for underground lines, pipes and cables within three days. Visit www.safedigging. to learn more and remind farmers and ranchers to always call 811 before conducting any ground-disturbing activity. For additional information on safe digging and 811, visit the website.

Member Packets with “Goodies” The new ASHCA Membership Box was sent out to renewing members over the last two months and will be provided to new members as they join ASHCA. Among the ASHCA-logo items are a USB flash drive preloaded with resources as well as extra file space, a Powerock for charging your electronics when traveling, notepads, and a member plaque. Please drop us a note at with feedback about these items or how ASHCA can help you with your safety and health endeavors.

ASHCA 2015 AGRICULTURAL SAFETY GRANT RECIPIENTS ASHCA safety grants foster new “champions” of worker safety and health. The Safety Grants Committee favors proposals that facilitate adoption of evidence-based safety/health strategies by producers, hired farm workers and their families. Ten new grants were awarded this year, ranging from $5,000 $10,000: “Hazard Communication Training (bilingual) for Agricultural Operations/Supervisors at Six Worksites,” Roger Isom, Western Agricultural Processors Association, Fresno, CA. “Farm Safety Education and Monitoring to Reduce Injury and Death Risk from Manure Storage Gases,” Thomas Eskildsen, Yates County Soil & Water Conservation District, Penn Yan, NY. “Bites, Stings and Venomous Things – A Bilingual Resource for Agricultural Workers,” Amanda Wickman, Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention & Education, Tyler, TX. “Providing Safety Training for Disabled Veterans Working in Urban Gardens,” Lovay Wallace-Singleton, Veteran Employment Base Camp, New Bern, NC. “Development of a Sustainable Farm Hazard Identification Program: Building a Bridge between Farm and Fire Department,” Marybeth Vargha, New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health, Cooperstown, NY. “The South Central Pennsylvania Anabaptist Youth Trauma Prevention Consortium: Providing Safety Resources to Anabaptist Families,” Ronald Baier, Lancaster General Health, Lancaster, PA. “Sustainable FARMEDIC Training for Ag Workers & 1st Responders in Arkansas: Decreasing Ag Injuries through Standardized Training,” Brent Cox, Regional Center for Disaster Preparedness Education, Jonesboro, AR. “Harvest Safety First: Training for Equipment Operators in Six States,” Mary Beauchamp, KB Custom Ag Services, LLC, Ault, CO. “Company-Wide Safety Training (bilingual) for 600 Agricultural Workers,” Gloria Bell, CAPAY Organic, Capay, CA. “Farmworker Women’s Reproductive Health Project: Minimizing Heat-Related and Ergonomic Complications,” Holly Baker, Farmworker Association of Florida, Apopka, FL. Grant recipients will share their project results with ASHCA members and others. For information on the program and Frequently Asked Questions, go to Next grant submission deadline is January 6, 2016.

ASHCA FACT SHEET IS POPULAR Safety Grant Committee members, Dan Hair and Amy Liebman enjoy a lighter moment during their meeting in Washington, D.C.

In January this year, ASHCA released ASHCA FACTS 2015: Be Safe. Be Profitable via electronic press release. The infographic featured visual depictions of the cost of agricultural injuries and value of investing in safety, along with information on most common injuries and fatalities. The facts were picked up by several agricultural news outlets, posted on blogs, and distributed at various events. Members can receive printed copies. To view online visit or for free copies of this double-sided fact sheet, contact

ASHCA Member Achievements Dan M. Hair, Senior Vice President and Chief Risk Officer for Workers Compensation Fund, was named the “2014-2015 Safety Professional of the Year” by the Utah Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers. He has taught extension courses in Safety and Health at San Diego State University and the University of Utah. Dan is Co-Chair of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Sector Council of the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) initiative. Dan was instrumental in the establishment of ASHCA and continues as a member of its Board of Directors, with six years as the Vice-Chair. He now chairs ASHCA’s new Advisory Council. Chandler Goule, Senior Vice President of Programs for National Farmers Union was named the “2015 Young Dairy Leaders Institute Distinguished Alumni Leader” by the Holstein Foundation. Chandler currently serves on the ASHCA Board of Directors and has recently been appointed as chair of the ASHCA Safety Grants Committee. Cornelius Blanding was appointed as Executive Director of the Federation of Southern Cooperatives/Land Assistance Fund beginning on March 1, 2015. Cornelius serves on the ASHCA Board of Directors. Cornelius has developed the “Cooperative Roundtable” as a part of the Federation’s efforts to connect emerging and people of color cooperatives in the South with the more established cooperative movement in the nation.

This newsletter is a publication of the Agricultural Safety & Health Council of America, P. O. Box 356 • Marshfield, WI 54449


Phone: 715-898-1263 Fax: 715-898-1264 E-mail:


To build capacity for agricultural safety promotion and to address emerging and complex issues, ASHCA will provide financial support for about six programs each year. Off to a great start, several events occurred during January and February, with more planned. At the annual Agricultural Personnel Management Association (APMA) meeting Monterey, CA, a safety track was added for the first time to allow several ASHCA members and other safety professionals share knowledge and resources on a variety of topics critical to California’s agricultural production sites. The sessions were well attended and helped raise the profile of worker safety among the 250 conference attendees. APMA is a non-profit association headquartered in Salinas, CA, for HR, Labor and Safety professionals in the agricultural industry whose mission is to encourage and develop creative leadership within the agribusiness community. The Federation of Southern Cooperatives convened its Small Farmers Conference in Albany, GA. Dr. Matt Keifer, an agricultural occupational medicine specialist and ASHCA member gave several presentations on safety and health issues associated with crop and livestock production. Prevention strategies and resources were shared. In a breakout workshop conversation focused on common, preventable injuries likely to occur on small and medium size farms. A Regional Roundtable with 18 participants was organized by ASHCA Board member Aaron Yoder’s colleagues at the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety (U of Nebraska), in conjunction with Board member, Brady Miller, of the Texas Cattle Feeders Association and Gordon Moore of Moore Ag Safety. The Feedlot Safety Symposium, Amarillo, TX, was attended by cattlemen from Texas, Kansas and Nebraska; feedlot safety professionals; agricultural insurance professionals, physicians and occupational safety and health experts. A white paper summarizing findings from this event will be published. ASHCA is proud to be a major sponsor of the new Agricultural Safety and Health Certificate Course which will be launched June 24-27, 2015 in BloomingtonNormal, Illinois. Organized and hosted by the Internal Society for Agricultural Safety and Health (ISASH), this will be an opportunity to expand the scope of formal training in agricultural safety. ASHCA maintains a representative of ISASH on its Board of Directors and views ISASH as a leading entity for professional development of agricultural safety specialists.

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