The Rocket - Spencer School Newsletter - Winter 2015

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WINTER - 2015

Hey Ponce de Leon I can give you directions! 2________________________ Greetings from Mr. Zanotelli


3_______________________ Welcome from Mrs. Schulz


PAGE 4______________________ RRCC, 4k & Elementary Phy. Ed. PAGE 5______________________ Kindergarten & 1st Grade News PAGE


2nd, 3rd & 4th Grade News PAGE 7____________________ 5th Grade News PAGE 8___________________ Elementary Counselor’s Corner

9__________________ Refill Not Landfill!


PAGE 10_________________ Water Bottles For Sale

11_________________ Rocket Reserve Shop


12-15____________ High School News




Child Development Day PAGE 16________________ Paperless Classroom & Important Facts About MRSA PAGE 17_________________

High School Counselor’s Corner PAGE 19__________________ Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 20___________________ Winter Sports Schedules

One of the, what I feel to be many, perks to working in a school system is the constant interaction with kids. What I have is the luxury to be able to peruse the entire building. Nothing in the world changes your overall mood and perspective than spending 5 minutes in the kindergarten hall. Lunch time in the high school is always interesting. While most people feel we should lock up the middle school kids for 3 years until they get through all the joys of adolescence I seem to get a kick out of it. I often look at a hand full of students remembering how recent it was that they were in that K hallway. It is quite interesting how the kids get older and I seem to stay the same age. I feel like I have found the fountain of youth. Having made the notion that time flies when you are having fun reminds me that we are at the halfway point of the school year. Kids are beginning to register for classes for next year. I am being pressured to get the 2015-16 school calendar put together. Discussions are being had to determine what projects we are planning for the summer. Some of the considerations involve updating the building through, asbestos removal, lighting and plumbing. Maybe that is why time goes so fast because we are always looking to the future. Mark your calendars for a few items. We will be hosting Parent teacher conferences on Monday March 2nd from 4 – 8 p.m. and Thursday March 5 from 1 – 4 p.m. Keep your eyes open for the date of the annual Special Olympics vs. the Fireman (date TBD). I know our athletes have been working hard practicing each Wednesday night. I want you to be aware that in this year’s board election we have received enough interest to run a primary election. On February 17th voters will have a choice of Shawn Lyon, James Krasselt (Incumbent) and Lynda Legrand. I want to thank them for their interest and willingness to play an active role in our school system. Please remember to vote on February 17. The regular election on April 7 will consist of the top two vote getters. I look forward to the second half of our school year. Thank you for all of your support thus far. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

Mike Endreas, - Superintendent

Getting ready for 2015! Believe it or not, high school students will be registering for their classes for the 2015-2016 school year here in January. Over the past number of years we have worked to add rigor and options for our students here at Spencer. I just wanted to inform the community of the hard work the staff has done to increase curriculum opportunities for the students here at Spencer. In our Science department we now have two Chemistry classes; a Chemistry I (more for 4 year college bound) and a Consumer Chemistry which is a more practical use chemistry. We have also increased our Body Structure/Function and Biology II classes from a one semester course to a full year course. After we increased the number of semesters for Biology II we have now also added A/P Biology. This was also the first year that we offered our new Physics class and next year students will have the opportunity for A/P Physics if they so choose. In line with the Science curriculum the state now mandates 3 credits of science instead of only 2 credits for high school graduation. Along with that new requirement the state will accept Agricultural Science classes as Science credit through approval from the State Department of Public Instruction or your local school board. Our Agricultural Department now has 5 classes that are approved that students can receive Agricultural credit or Science credit for. Those classes are; Horticulture, Food Science I, Wildlife Ecology, Animal Science and Technology, and Animal Health and Veterinary Science. These are some great opportunities for students with a wide range of interest.

to travel. The Calculus class that we offer is actually dual credit with NTC so our students not only receive high school credit towards graduation but also receive a college transcript with credits from NTC. Next year we are also offering two other new math classes, a lower level dual credit math class called NTC College Math, and Technical Math which is a practical based math class. With new additions to the staff in our FACE department and Technology department, there have also been a number of changes in those areas in regards to class offerings. We are continually looking at the opportunities for the students of Spencer and work to give our students the best choices available. Each department within the high school has made enhancements to their curriculum over the past two years and none of that would be available for kids in Spencer without the continued support of the community.

Jerry Zanotelli - MS/HS Principal

In our Math department, we had made changes to our Middle School math program to give those students who excel in math the opportunity to complete their 1st year of algebra in 8th grade. With that change we also changed the sequencing of our math classes to ensure that all students will have geometry by end of their sophomore year. This has given students who want to reach Calculus by their senior year a much clearer path

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the HS Library. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are available for viewing at under the District links tab. Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Dave Post, Director Check out the school website ( for school contact information. The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, May 15, 2015. You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary Office, or you may e-mail them to It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.

Thank you!! 2

Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff of the Spencer Public Schools have submitted the articles printed in this Publication. Announcements are a community service. Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief

The School District of Spencer shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. To report an alleged violation regarding discrimination, contact Mike Endreas, District Administrator, Spencer School District, 715-659-5347

WINTER - 2015

Spencer Elementary has been a busy place the last couple of months! Each year we have a reading incentive program to encourage our students to read. This year’s theme is “Be a smart cookie – READ!!” If you visit our hallways you will notice a lot of cookie jars filled with cookies, each labeled with the student’s name. As the students meet their monthly reading goals they earn a sticker to put on their cookie. This year’s theme was kicked off with a school wide assembly in the Lucille Tack Center for the Arts. At this assembly there was the largest singing of “Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar?” that I have ever seen! We continued this theme in November during the Principal’s Reading challenge. The challenge is for the principal to read for one entire day. As enticing as a day of reading the day away sounds, I wanted to involve the students in my reading. Each grade level came into my “kitchen” (the wrestling gym decked out to look like a kitchen) and I read a story to them, next they had a chance to read on their own for a bit and then the excitement started! The students got to decorate a very large “cookie” that was on top of my head. For students who had met their reading goals they received 2 marshmallows to toss on the “frosting” of this very large “cookie” and all other students received 1 marshmallow to toss. Each grade level did a great job decorating this cookie! Please continue to encourage your child to “be a smart cookie” by meeting their reading goals each month.

This year we had the help of our local Daisy troop with the food drive. These girls were working on their “food drive” badge and lent a hand with the organization and collection of the food. As always, our 5th graders were the masters behind the scene and made sure that each of the 3000+ items was sorted correctly. A highlight for the students in December is always the Holiday Concert. Congratulations to Mr. Dillenburg and all of the students for putting a smile on the face of everyone who attended.

Dates to keep in mind: March 2nd Parent-Teacher Conferences from 4:00-8:00 pm March 5th ½ day for students, Parent-Teacher Conferences from 1:00-4:00 pm March 6th No school for students If you haven’t had a chance to check-out our Facebook page please do so. This is a great place to keep up-to-date on all that is happening at Spencer Elementary. We currently have over 400 followers! The easiest way to get to our page is to go to the Spencer Public School page and click on the link for Spencer Elementary. About half way down the elementary page you will see “Facebook” if you click on this link it will take you directly to the page even if you don’t have a Facebook account. If you do have a Facebook account “like” us and then you will see updates posted on your timeline from Spencer Elementary. Spencer Fifth Grade and Spencer Elementary School Counseling also have pages with great information.

Stay Warm and Keep Reading! Jill Schulz - Elementary Principal/Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator

In November we held our annual food drive. The students, community, and staff bring in items that are donated to the Christ the King food pantry. The collection is completed the Friday before Thanksgiving and then all of the items are brought into the gym for sorting. The amount of food collected by our little school is amazing – we collected well over 3000 items!


Rookie Rocket Child Care There’s always fun happening at the Rookie Rocket Child Care. From making it snow in our room, with the children’s specially designed snowflakes, to some children designing bead creations to take and decorate their own homes with. At the RRCC we have structured activities as well as free time for children to do their own thing. Our 3 & 4 year old day program has structured learning time where they get a jump start to knowing what it will be like in a grade level classroom. All in all the RRCC is a great place for children to be themselves, learn and grow. If you are interested in learning more about our program please contact Sheri Schuh at 715-659-2409 ext. 156 or sschuh@

We are hard at work in 4k! We are hard at work in 4k! We are enjoying our parent and grandparent volunteers that help us each morning to learn new skills and revisit some that we have already learned. Our January volunteer calendar is full and we really appreciate the extra hands. Thank you volunteers!! We look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day with our friends and a live play at the LTCA in February. We also hope that February brings us milder weather so we can get outside and enjoy the winter. - Submitted by 4 Year-old Kindergarten Teacher: Janet Wolf

ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION NEWS Elementary physical education classes have been busy getting fit. Second semester finds the primary classes on the mats working on balance, strength, and coordination. Individual and partner stunts develop body/space awareness. Learning how to do a tripod/ headstand and various rolls is also stressed. First grade will be joining the Mileage Club. This involves endurance running and earning “feet” for each mile that they run. Starting slowly, they gradually accomplish running for extended distances and periods of time. The students learn about how to pace themselves and conserve energy, the importance of warming up and cooling down, as well as the need to hydrate after a workout.

Fourth graders will continue to work on developing flexibility in their muscles, especially in their hamstrings. They will also experience the Pacer which emphasizes cardiovascular endurance as well as sit-ups and push-ups through the Fitnessgram. The students have been working hard on improving in these areas all year. They utilize their strength, flexibility, and endurance in various games and sport activities. - Submitted by Elementary Phy. Ed. Teacher: Jean Rehm

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WINTER - 2015

Kindergarten NEWS Kindergarten is moving right along. We have been busy during the holiday season making many decorations for our classroom and homes including paper chains to practice patterning and gingerbread houses to practice problem solving. Then we enjoyed our winter break to spend time with our grandmas and grandpas and other holiday fun. Upon return to school we started to learn about polar bears, penguins and other artic animals. We are learning more about the winter season too. If you are in school, check out our creative snowmen and penguins in the hall. We also will create cookie monsters and recipes to go along with our “Be A Smart Cookie” reading incentive program. We also discussed and compared the life of Martin Luther King Jr. to the events that are happening around us today. At the end of January, we will be going on our annual trip to Bruce Mound to enjoy one of the many winter recreation activities—tubing. February will find us learning about our community, friendships and dental health. We will make our annual trip to the Spencer Post Office to mail our handmade Valentines to our parents. During this time, we will continue to work on our reading skills which include learning sight words, blending letter sounds into words, retelling stories using the beginning, middle and end, and so much more.

We will also continue to incorporate our math skills of counting backwards from 15, learning about a penny, nickel and dime, simple addition, comparing numbers and the list goes on and on. - Submitted by the Kindergarten teachers: Mrs. Bezlyk, Mrs. Tomke, Mrs. Zuelke

FIRST GRADE NEWS The first graders are learning a lot this year! Thank you parents, for helping your child with reading, word cards, spelling, and math home links. Your child will continue to progress well when you spend time with him/her. We have been involved in many fun winter activities! All of the first graders made snowflakes to decorate their classroom. They learned that each snowflake is as unique and special as each of us. We enjoy reading winter stories with people and animals in them. We will be reading an article called Snowflake Man, and will learn even more about the special six sided amazing snowflakes!

Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. We will make hats to wear to lunch on each of the presidents’ birthdays! February also brings us fun things to do for Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and the 100th Day of School. The first graders will be using skip counting skills that they have learned in math to complete our 100th Day activities. A favorite is the Fruit Loop Necklace we make with 100 Fruit Loops ---YUMMY! - Submitted by the First Grade teachers: Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad

First graders love to learn about people from our country’s past. We will read stories and do some projects to honor and learn about


SECOND GRADE NEWS The freezing cold temperatures have kept us in for recess and the second graders are glad to be back on the playground. They have fun building forts and sliding down hills of snow. Now that we are back from winter break we are back into routine and working hard. In math we are learning about quadrangles and line segments. They continue to improve their spelling using different phonetic patterns. There are tons of fantastic books to be read before the end of the school year. The second graders are enjoying reading with their fifth grade buddies. Mid-Winter MAP testing is complete and students have made some great progress. We anticipate more as we continue

through the school year. In April or May we will be going on a field trip to Nasonville Dairy and the school forest. - Submitted by the Second Grade teachers: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson

third GRADE NEWS The third grade classes have been making great strides forward. In math we are studying place values from millions to thousandths. We are also learning our multiplication math facts, so you may hearing us singing our multiplication facts songs which help us to remember the skip counting patterns. In social studies we are learning about rural, urban, and suburban communities. We are discussing why people move and learning a bit about our own ancestry. Having completed a unit on animals, we will soon be studying the different types of ecosystems and why populations can change within them. Becoming better readers has been a goal of ours, and we are now reading for longer amounts of time. We feel very fortunate to have

access to the Accelerated Reader tests on line, and students are reading and growing in their skills as evidenced by the tests that they are taking on the computers after reading their library books. Students have also been reading books online on the Big Universe site. We are working to learn all of the letters of the uppercase cursive alphabet, and soon you will see more of our work completed in cursive handwriting. We have recently completed our second round of MAPS testing and feel very proud when we can see evidence of our academic gains. - Submitted by the Third Grade teachers: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant

FOURTH GRADE NEWS In reading, the fourth graders are choosing different biographies. Many of the kids have read more than one, and some are over ten for the month of January. The students had the opportunity to dress like their person and present in front of the class. Well done! We are also in need of cans for our Madison trip. The trip is totally funded by the cans donated from our generous community. The can-cage is located in the South teachers’ parking lot. In Language, we have now mastered most grammar and sentence structures, and we will be using what we’ve learned to write, write, write! Students will follow the steps of writing with the emphasis on revising and editing to produce a product that is the very best quality.

We’ve begun our Lumberjack unit in Social Studies. Be thinking of a tool you and your student can build/make from the lumbering era. Many examples are in the lumberjack pamphlets. Our Lumberjack breakfast when we dress up as real lumberjacks will culminate our unit later next month. In Math, we have been working with decimal numbers to the thousandths place. The students have learned how to say decimals and order them from least to greatest, as well as how to convert decimals to fractions. We will also continue to work on our multiplication/division facts, so please practice these skills at home on a regular basis. - Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers: Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller

Planning has begun! Check out our facebook page for info on our 2015 event:


715-659-5561 • 1110 S. Pacific St. • Spencer


WINTER - 2015

fifth GRADE NEWS We are enjoying a fun-filled year in the fifth grade. So many great things are happening and the students are learning so much. You may want to check out the Spencer Elementary Fifth Grade Facebook page to see what goes on in our world!! One of the moments we are most proud of is the fact that we helped out the Spencer community this past November during the annual Food Drive. We had planned to walk to Burnstad Market on a crisp fall morning to shop for the local food pantry. It turned out to be a bus ride there instead. Mother Nature did not cooperate with the early cold spell and snow we received!!! We enjoyed the company of good friends while practicing our math skills while shopping. Our fifth graders did an excellent job representing our school. We then led the elementary children in gathering, sorting, and packing all the food for the entire student body. It was quite the job and we were successful! Our fifth graders took charge and showed great leadership in our elementary school. In math class we are challenged with long division and soon we will encounter the world of fractions. The kids are practicing basic math facts using the web-based program called Xtramath. We are building and maintaining our fact speed. Please encourage your child to practice basic facts as it will help them so much if they have fact power. Media class brings the challenges of keyboarding and creating photo collages of our big events. We recently completed a collage from our holiday skating party at Melody Gardens. The kids are learning valuable computer skills. Soon we will learn about Power Point and making slide show presentations. We will be utilizing an Iditarod website to learn about the race and explore all it has to offer. It has been fun creating videos using the Animoto Program as well. The kids are enjoying emailing them to each other and to parents! There is so much more to look forward to.

about the race, we are reading Woodsong by Gary Paulsen. Paulsen actually competed in the Iditarod one year and wrote of his adventures. Students will participate in a mini-Iditarod at the Spencer School Forest. Please consider helping us out that morning. We cannot make this event happen without parental support. It will take place on Friday, February 20th with a makeup date of Friday, February 27th. Your child may be a “dog”, musher, or cargo. Social Studies class offers insight into early explorers. We finished learning about Spanish explorers and will cover English explorers, too. We continue to have our weekly geography literacy quizzes to master U.S. state identification. Communications class continues with the parts of speech. We have been concentrating on the different kinds of nouns and the different pronouns that can replace them. We have also been stressing proper writing techniques with small activities and larger writing projects. In science class our focus is on biomes and ecosystems. We are learning how animal and plant interactions affect ecosystems. We look forward to the second semester and upcoming activities. We teamed up with the second graders and now enjoy the pleasure and privilege of having a reading buddy. We meet each Friday and explore books together. Please note that there will be a change beginning second semester regarding how we monitor the use of the assignment notebook. Up until this time we have always verified at the end of each class that the kids have completed the assignment section to help keep track of duties. However, it is time to prepare them to do this on their own. During the second semester we will no longer check books. We encourage them to use this tool to stay organized but we will not monitor so closely. We wish them luck!!!

In reading class we continue to work on our reading skills. Much of our focus has been on reading non-fiction materials, identifying main idea and details, and using our inferencing skills. Students are reading about the Iditarod and the state of Alaska. While learning

- Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mrs. Buss, Miss Sauer, and Mr. Toufar



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elementary counselor’s corner Warm hearts donate to help students through the cold winter

Small Counseling Groups starting for K, 1st and 2nd Grade Students

We have such an incredibly caring community. Several individuals and groups donated and made winter gear for our students. A& B Processing did a winter gear drive donating hats, gloves, coats and snow pants. Linda Grieser knit some super cute ninja turtle and owl hats. A group of 20 ladies from Trinity Lutheran Church got together to sew 60 pair of reversible polar fleece mittens of all sizes and colors. Christ the King Catholic Church, Spencer United Methodist Church, Trinity Lutheran Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church teamed up once again to help families with the Giving Trees. Spencer United Methodist Church has been helping with ongoing needs supplying kids with boots, shoes, or whatever necessity comes up that parents are struggling to afford. Spencer is such a caring, generous community. This sets the tone for our students who see the Rocket Way in action. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Small counseling groups will be starting in February for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. Referrals for groups come from parents, teachers and students indicating a need. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in this opportunity for your child.

Attention 5th Grade Parents: Time to start preparing for middle school I am looking forward to meeting with you for 5th grade Individual Learning Conferences soon. In the past six years, parents have said this is time well spent meeting with myself, the school counselor, and your fifth grader as they prepare to transition into middle school. We will discuss your child’s learning foundation and how their current work ethic connects with future career dreams. These conferences have a positive focus and will include a review of students’ goals, dreams, strengths, interests, academic performance, learning styles, MAP testing results and transition into middle school. As a parent, you are a key member of the conference team. The conferences are designed for parents to share and gain insight on your child’s academic and career development. This is a critical age to keep students motivated to learn and connected to the purpose behind learning as they prepare to transition into middle school. Individual Learning Conferences take place in my office between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm in March and April as well as the evening of parent teacher conferences, March 3 and other evenings as needed. 90-95% of 5th grade parents have attended over the past six years. Every effort will be made to work with you to find a time to meet. Conferences last 30 to 45 minutes. I want to be sure you have ample time to plan ahead as I know schedules are busy. I will be contacting you shortly either through e-mail or a letter home to begin scheduling. It’s time to team up and help keep their learning motivation going into middle school!

The “Friendship Group” is a social skills group to help students practice appropriate skills that focus on understanding their peers’ feelings, impulse control and anger management. Interrupting politely, ignoring distractions, taking responsibility, apologizing, dealing with not getting your way, using calming strategies, and working out problems respectfully are just a few of the skills we will focus on. Doing this in a small group gives students a chance to work on the skills that are more difficult, while acting as role models for others when we’re working on skills they are good at. The “Family Change Group” is for students whose families are experiencing changes like divorce, a parent re-marrying or adjusting to new step-siblings. It can be helpful for these students to talk about feelings as they adjust to changes and give and receive support from peers experiencing similar issues. Kids often feel relief in finding out they are not the only one with changes in their family. We use board games, drawing, and children’s stories in group and I encourage students to talk with parents about any feelings or questions they may have. It’s always great to hear from parents. Stop in or send me an e-mail, or message me on Facebook any time. Joann Roehl (Roewe) PK-7 School Counselor (715) 659-4642 ext. 123

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Spencer Elementary School Counseling – Joann Roehl You’ll find parenting articles, helpful links, community resources, groups available as well as updates on our caring community of students in action.

Spencer Middle School

Stay in touch with Spencer Middle School happenings, look for helpful parenting articles and links and check out all the great things our students are up to!

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WINTER - 2015

REFILL NOT LANDFILL! Middle school students recently participated in several fundraising activities at school in an effort to earn the money needed for a special “bottle filling” water fountain. According to Ban the Bottle, an organization dedicated to stopping the flow of water bottles into landfills, about 19 billion disposable plastic water bottles end up in landfills each year. The organization also points out research that shows it takes 700 years for one plastic water bottle to decompose. If you’d like to learn more about the environmental impact of plastic water bottles, you can visit the organization’s website at www. After students learned about the bottle-filling fountain’s potential to help reduce negative impacts on the environment, nearly all students said they would prefer to refill the bottles they carry rather than dispose of them. The students became determined to earn a fountain for the middle school hall on their own. In about two

months’ time, students and staff at Spencer Middle School raised $1049.63. This was more than the goal of $900, and the remaining money was deposited into the Middle School House Council to be used for other middle school activities. The new fountain will be installed soon so students can begin reusing their water bottles and minimizing our impact on the environment! Refill Not Landfill – Spencer Middle School Rocks!

UPCOMING MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES February 3 – District Spelling Bee at The Lucille Tack Center at 1 PM February 10 – 7th and 8th grades snow tubing at Bruce Mound February 20 – 6th- 8th grades to The Grand Theater to see “Freedom Bound” March 3 – Regional Spelling Bee in Stanley March 10 – 6th - 8th Grade to The Lucille Tack Center to see “The Lightning Thief”

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THIRSTING TO SHOW YOUR ROCKET PRIDE? The Middle School House Council is now selling two styles of water bottles. The 16 oz. size is translucent red with a white SR logo and it has a solid white cover with a snapping lid closure. The 16 oz. bottle is $5. The 24 oz. size is translucent red with a white SR logo and it has a translucent white cover with a bright red fold-out drinking spout. The 24 oz. bottle is $8. These may be purchased from Mrs. Much in room 223. They will also be available during some sporting events through the concession stand. If you’d like to buy one or a dozen, you can either

BUZZING FOR THE BEE Once again, students and teachers in the middle school and fifth grade are busy preparing for the annual Spencer District Spelling Bee. Two dozen finalists who all hope to represent our district at regionals will compete in the spelling bee scheduled at The Lucille Tack Center on Tuesday, February 3, at 1:00 P.M. The winner will move on to represent Spencer in the CESA 10 Regional Spelling Bee in Stanley on Tuesday, March 3. Regional winners from across Wisconsin will have the chance to compete at the state level later in the year. Each grade is currently working within their classrooms to select their top six spellers to compete in the local bee.

ask a middle school student to make the purchase during their lunch, or you can buy them directly. Please email your order inquiry well in advance to or call and leave a message at 715-6594211 ext. 194 to arrange a day and time to pick them up.

In A Pickle That might be how some students felt while they were learning about idioms. Idioms are figures of speech that don’t add up to the literal picture of the words in the expression. Students in Mrs. Mulch’s Language Arts classes worked together to compile one reference book filled with common idioms used in English. Since idioms are often hilarious when you think of them literally, students found it entertaining to guess what the idiom might be before the author revealed the idiom and its definition. This was a wonderful literacy activity that helped many students expand their knowledge of figurative language. Illustration by Ethan Mowbray.

I AM THE MAJORITY In an effort to promote kindness and respect among MS students, a student committee was formed to create an “I am the majority” video. In preparation for the video, students expressed on notecards how they can help and treat one another to create cohesion among the student body. The premiere of the video is in development.

The MS House Council held a bake sale to raise money for breast cancer awareness. A total of $247.50 was collected during the two-day sale. 10

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WINTER - 2015

stamp of approval Middle school students have been expressing their support for the recently opened Rocket Reserve Shop at school. The shop is a mobile cart that is brought out once a week for students to shop at using currency they earn by doing good things at school. Students are able to earn ink stamps from teachers based on their behaviors. Teachers decide when and why to award the stamps and they place the stamp on the student’s calendar page in their planner. Reasons to reward stamps range from keeping lockers clean to handing in homework on time and lots more. Once a month, stamps are counted up and “paid out” to students on a voucher. Students can take their vouchers to the Rocket Reserve Shop and use them like cash to buy everything from pencils to gift cards. It’s pretty easy to see the approval of the students through their smiling faces as they leave the store with snacks, school supplies, and the new gadgets they have earned! Labels for Education (Campbell’s soup labels and other food items) points are used to fund the Rocket Reserve Store. So please remember to send in your labels!

In November, students wrote what they were thankful for on individual leaves. The leaves were placed on the tree to develop an Attitude of Gratitude tree that reminded us of the many people and things to be grateful for.

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an Evening Banding Saw-Whet Owls Several Spencer High School science students spent an evening banding Saw-Whet Owls at Linwood Springs Research Center in Stevens Point on October 29. This center has been gathering research on Wisconsin’s smallest owl during its fall migration for over twenty years. The students learned about owl habits and migration patterns and saw how the nets and infrared cameras worked to capture the owls. While we were there, eight saw-whet owls and one long-eared owl were captured and banded. The sawwhets were surprisingly tame and each student got to hold one. Mrs. Roehrborn’s High School Science Club also adopted one of the owls. After the data was gathered, the students went outside and released the owls back to their environments. It was an awesome experience!

An Empowering Week for S.H.S. Spencer High School’s BLAST (Being a Leader and Standing Tall) organization thought of an alternative way to prevent bullying. They called it Empowerment Week. It was held the week of October 2730th, and each day had a different activity to promote anti-bullying. Day 1 was kicked off with a powerful speech by senior, Amanda Springob, who spoke about her experiences on both ends of bullying. On Day 2, the students wore blue to represent kindness and antibullying. On Day 3, each class period began with an inspirational quote. The last day was dedicated to costumes and/or hats, costing

the students one dollar to wear for the day. The money raised from students’ donations went back to the BLAST organization. This movement was different from others because it focused not on standing up for the bullied or talking negatively about bullying, but rather finding one’s inner confidence and using that to be kind to others. Each student was given a blue wristband and a blue pencil to serve as a reminder of the purpose of Empowerment Week. - Article contributed by Hannah Pankratz and Logan Schafer

Students Attend Career Workshop Twenty-one high school AP Biology and Biology 2 students attended a Career Exploratory event at Prevention Genetics in Marshfield on Wednesday, November 19. The students participated in three hands-on activities that included extracting DNA from a banana, plotting their family pedigrees, and diagnosing birth defects using models. They also learned about careers in genetics, the amount and type of education required for each career, and salaries available. It was a great experience that prompted many students to consider careers in genetics.

37th ANNUAL CABARET PERFORMANCE set Spencer High School Music Department will present its 37th Annual Cabaret, Sunday, February 1 beginning at 1 pm in the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts. This year, you’ll enjoy Grammy nominated and award-winning tunes selected from the many decades of this prestigious competition’s existence. Featuring music performed by soloists, bands, choir and handbells, as well as the zany antics of the Class of 2015’s musicians, An Afternoon at the GRAMMYS will leave you feeling ready to hop the next flight to L.A! There is no admission charge for the concert, and the two-hour performance will have you home in plenty of time to watch the Super Bowl!


Prior to the performance, Spencer Music Parents will host a Souper Bowl Luncheon in the school cafeteria from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Three hearty soups, salad smorgasbord, beverage and desserts will be served. Tickets are $6 for adults and $4 for children 12 years and younger. Profits support scholarships, accompanists and music equipment. Come enjoy a yummy meal and then meander down the hallway to be entertained by the outstanding talents of Spencer Musicians.

WINTER - 2015

BIOLOGY STUDENTS TEACH 3RD GRADERS Mrs. Roehrborn’s Biology 2 students took some time out of their regular class routine to teach the 3rd graders about protists. The high school students designed a children’s book about a specific protist and incorporated hands-on activities into a short ten-minute presentation. The elementary students visited the high school classroom and rotated through several presentations on November 13 and 14. The Biology 2 students enjoyed teaching the younger children about these mysterious organisms that proved to be the first eukaryotes on Earth over a billion years ago.

Solo-Ensemble season in high gear The halls “are alive with the sounds of music!” Well, at least the practice rooms are! More than 100 events are preparing for their performances at this year’s Wisconsin Music Association’s District Solo-Ensemble Festival to be held at Pittsville High School, Friday, March 27. Parents and adult family members are warmly welcomed

to share the day with musicians from Spencer, Pittsville and Stratford. A schedule will be available the week before the festival and the day begins at 8AM, ending around 4PM. Join us for this free event!!

NHS Sponsors Childhood Leukemia & Lymphoma Research Fundraiser The Spencer National Honor Society recently completed a “penny war” to benefit childhood cancer research. The fundraiser ran from December 1st to December 22nd. Students in kindergarten through 12th grade participated in the event. The winning class this year was Mrs. Guenther. In 2nd place was Mrs. Farrell, and in 3rd was

Mrs. Bissonette’s class. Overall we raised $98.87, and all proceeds went to childhood cancer research. Way to go Rockets! -Submitted by NHS President Logan Schafer & NHS Advisor, Mr. Benton

EMPTY BOWLS FUNDRAISER Spencer employees and high school students are participating in the Empty Bowls Fundraiser in Marshfield which benefits all local food pantries. Mrs. Thomas has received about 85 bowls which need to be glazed. The bowls were hand made on the potter’s wheel at the Chestnut Avenue Center for the Arts in Marshfield.

Our volunteers will be enjoying the fun of expressing their talents by glazing the bowls. All of us need to give our time to a good cause.

Las Clases de español Students in Spanish I, II, and III have not only been learning the language, but also the customs of the Spanish-speaking world. In late October, they explored El Día de Los Muertos. This holiday is often confused with Halloween but is nothing like it. Rather, it is a combination of ancient Mexican cultural beliefs and those of the conquering Spaniards. Students conducted research and then painted, created power points, and cooked foods typically eaten at that time. Those who cooked brought food in for all to share. Everyone agreed the food was delicious.

In December, students again did some research. This time, they used a variety of websites and teacher-created materials to delve into various Christmas customs in Spanish-speaking countries. Students discovered both similarities and differences between our customs and those of people who speak Spanish. Submitted by Jackie Pickett


high school art with mrs. thomas With the renovation of the elementary library last summer (new paint, walls taken down, new carpet etc.) an opportunity presented itself to the high school art class. This year, Mrs. Thomas is teaching about the arts created in the 20th century. This includes recalling the Great Depression where the common worker was out of work. Artists were also out of work, so the government hired professional artist to create and paint murals in public building such as the post offices, courthouses and libraries.

Our high school art students have the assignment to also paint a mural, this semester. Luckily, the elementary library has a long south wall just asking for some new large art to be displayed on it. I am proud to say that the art class is nearing completion of 2 murals for the elementary library wall. The second semester class will be completing an additional 2 murals in June.

HIGH SCHOOL MATH NEWS In an effort to help our students be more successful on the various tests that they will encounter over their first 3 years of high school, there have been some changes made this year to our math course sequencing. In the past we have had the students take Algebra 1 and then Algebra 2 the following year, with Geometry after that. This order has been now switched as the tests require more Geometry topics at an earlier stage, and our students weren’t getting those topics until after they had taken the tests, which was adversely affecting the scores. We are hoping this small step will have a positive impact for our students.

The first is through an agreement with NTC, where our Calculus students can receive the NTC credits for Calculus, along with the high school credit. To get these credits, the students have to follow a NTC approved syllabus, and take the NTC final. The other option for our students is to take Calculus at UW-Marshfield, which we have had several students do. This is a great way for the kids to experience a true college course while still being in high school, and receiving college credit for it. - Submitted by Greg Oestreich

In another topic, we offer a couple of different ways for our math students to acquire FREE college credits while still in high school.

DRIVER EDUCATION Spencer School District continues to offer a Driver Education program that meets the requirements of the State of Wisconsin. The minimal requirements of a 30 classroom session, six hours of behind-the-wheel driving and six hours of observation are provided for each student. Actual street driving and observation are offered throughout the school year at varied times. Classroom instruction is only offered during the summer. During the summer of 2015, three

classroom sessions are projected to be offered. There will be two 15 day June classes and one nine day July class. If a child is eligible to take Driver Education, parental notification (by mail) will be given the first week of February. The exact dates and times of the three classes will be spelled out in that letter. If parents or students have questions they should contact Bob Stallons at 715-659-4211 ex: 109 or

microbiology students complete advanced laboratory training Eight senior Spencer High School students, in the current microbiology class, successfully completed on and off campus laboratory training and experiments which included modern high technology approaches for investigations related to microbiology. The students are (from left to right) Donovan Fox, Jordan Wichlacz, Zach Hahn, Jenny Meyer, Katlynne Walter, Logan Schafer, Cora Beyreis, and Marisa Johnson. Spencer has been hosting the class for a few years, with students at other high schools (including Owen-Withee, Loyal, Greenwood, Neillsville, and others) joining via CWETN electronic distance-learning connections. Next year the course will expand to include parasitology. The class ends with capstone biotechnology hands-on experiments along with student presentations of in-depth research on infectious diseases. Thanks to our local Marshfield Labs for their support of the medical laboratory segment of the class.


WINTER - 2015

HISTORY CLUB - VETERAN’S DAY PROGRAM On November 11, the Spencer High School History Club presented the 2014 Veteran’s Day program. To start off the program, Abby Varsho introduced speakers throughout the program and opened up the idea of Veteran’s Day to the audience. The Loyal Legion then presented the colors to officially start. Following this, the Spencer High school hand bells had a wonderful performance of the National Anthem. Rachel Zastrow spoke about the history of Veteran’s Day to give students a background of what it was all about, and to provide them with insight to the rest of the program’s speakers. After the guest speakers were introduced, Skip Sparks got the podium first. Skip Sparks has been speaking at Spencer’s Veteran’s Day Program for many years. He talked about his experiences with the Army and the Special Forces and told captivating stories about him and his fellow soldiers. The next speakers, Jason Metz and Ben Manthe were graduates of the Spencer School District. Jason Metz, who is in the Army, talked about the stories during his deployment when he was deployed to Iraq. Ben Manthe, also in the Army, told his intense story of his experiences on his deployment. He was deployed to Afghanistan and was rewarded a purple heart for his actions. The last speaker, Jeremiah Polaeck was also involved in the Army and talked about his experiences with Active Duty. After the speakers were done, the Spencer High School choir sang a beautiful patriotic song to tie in with the program. Everyone was then asked to stand for a 21 gun salute, which was done outside by the Loyal Legion, and the playing of taps, which was played by Randy Veale. At the end, the Loyal Legion retired the colors and Jaden Shelley wrapped up the program by thanking all of our volunteer speakers and talked about what the audience can do for Veteran’s Day to thank someone in the military.

Thursday March 19, 2015

8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. - Spencer High School Gym Child development day provides a free screening of children who have not yet enrolled in school. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about your child’s growth and development in the skill areas of finemotor, gross-motor, speech and language, cognition, and social development. This is also an excellent opportunity to register early and meet the school staff who will be working with your child. Registration for our Pre-K & Kindergarten classes will take place in the Elementary Office. If your child will be 4 years old before September 1st, or is 3 years old with developmental concerns, please call the Elementary Office to set up a screening time for registration and to have screening forms mailed to you. For local birth to 3 service, contact the appropriate service coordinator below: • Clark County – Deb Vetterkind or Michelle Wurzer 715-743-5202 • Marathon County - Maria Richardson 715-848-4580 15

paperless classroom This semester, Mr. Gorst’s high school classes moved closer to a paperless classroom. Almost no paper was used as students continued to develop technology skills to both learn and have their learning assessed. The classroom is set up with a cart full of laptops that are accessible throughout the day. Students utilize the laptops on an hourly basis. Students are set up with a Google account in which they can create, share, and submit documents electronically from school or at home. Students also take quizzes and test online

which gives them immediate feedback on how they are doing which not only serves as a great way to assess learning, but to continue the learning process as students learn from their mistakes in real time. While learning about various social studies topics students are also able to gain and improve technology skills that are so vital to 21st century learning. The use of technology allows for better feedback, more collaboration, and much less paper being used.

IMPORTANT FACTS ABOUT MRSA With winter sports in full swing, it’s important to remember the facts about staphylococcus bacteria and how it can affect you or your child. What is MRSA? Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of Staph bacteria that is resistant to certain antibiotics. As with all staph infections, recognizing signs and symptoms and receiving treatment is the key to reducing the risk of the infection becoming more severe.

What about athletes? Excluding Athletes with MRSA Infections from Participation • If sport-specific rules do not exist, in general, athletes should be excluded if wounds cannot be properly covered during participation. o The term “properly covered” means that the skin infection is covered by a securely attached bandage or dressing that will contain all drainage and will remain intact throughout the activity. If wounds can be properly covered, good hygiene measures should be stressed to the athlete such as performing hand hygiene before and after changing bandages and throwing used bandages in the trash. • A healthcare provider might exclude an athlete if the activity poses a risk to the health of the infected athlete (such as injury to the infected area), even though the infection can be properly covered.

What are the symptoms? MRSA skin infections may appear as pustules or boils, which often are red, swollen, painful, or have pus or other drainage. These skin infections commonly occur at sites of visible skin trauma, such as cuts and abrasions, and areas of the body covered by hair (e.g., back of neck, groin, buttock, armpit, beard area of men).

• Athletes with active infections or open wounds should not use whirlpools or therapy pools not cleaned between athletes and other common-use water facilities like swimming pools until infections and wounds are healed. Reference: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2010). MRSA infections. Retreived from

How can I prevent myself or my child from getting MRSA? • Keep your hands clean by washing frequently with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand rub. • Take care of your skin. • Do not share items that come into contact with your skin (i.e razors, towels).

SAVE THE DATES for these Spring Music Performances Choral Festival Band Festival State Solo-Ensemble Festival High School Spring Concert Middle School Spring Concert


Thurs, April 9@SPENCER HS Thurs, April 16@SPENCER HS Sat, May 2 Mon, May 11 Thurs, May 28

4-9pm 4-9pm ALL DAY 7pm Awards & 8pm Concert 7:30pm

WINTER - 2015

from the h.s. counselor’s corner SENIORS

A representative from Great Lakes Higher Education will be here on February 4th from 12:00-5:00pm and on February 24th from 7:009:00pm to help you complete the FAFSA (Financial Aid Forms). • Seniors and their parents (both must be present) will have the opportunity to actually fill out the FAFSA (financial aid form) with a FAFSA expert. You can feel free to come at any time on either of these dates. It usually takes about 30-45 minutes to complete the form. There was a letter sent out regarding all of this information the middle of January. Seniors should also continue to work on scholarship applications. There are new scholarships posted weekly, either on the scholarship wall in the commons or on the school website under high school counselor. Senior awards night is May 8th at 7:00p.m. Graduation is May 16th at 2:00p.m.


The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction is entering into a partnership with ACT®, Inc. to comprehensively assess Wisconsin high school students: 11th grade students will take The ACT® Plus Writing and the ACT® WorkKeys® Assessment System this Spring. • March 3, 2015 The ACT® Plus Writing - The ACT Plus Writing consists of four multiple-choice tests: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science; and a 30-minute essay test that measures writing skills. ACT Plus Writing will be a paper and pencil test in Wisconsin for the 2015 administration. Due to regulations for the test, we will bus the junior class to the Spencer NTC Campus for testing. When testing is complete, the juniors will be taken back to SHS for the remainder of the school day. • March 4, 2015 ACT® WorkKeys® - ACT WorkKeys is an applied skills assessment system that helps students compare their skills to the skills real jobs require. Wisconsin students will take three WorkKeys assessments: Locating Information, Reading for Information, and Applied Mathematics. ACT WorkKeys will be a paper and pencil test in Wisconsin for the 2015 administration and will take place at SHS. • The free web-site to study for the ACT test is

• If your college-bound student is not happy with their March ACT score they should plan to take the ACT in June. The deadline for registering is at least one month prior to the test date. Student can apply at You will have two options to attend a junior class parent/student meeting to prepare you and your student for senior year. Wednesday, May 20th at 5:30pm or Wednesday, May 27th at 6:00pm in the HS commons. During this meeting we will discuss summer college visits, college applications, financial aid, scholarships, schedules, transcripts and graduation requirements for your senior year. Please plan to attend since there is a lot of information to know for your student’s senior year.


Sophomore individual planning conferences (IPC) will once again take place this spring. At the IPC we will discuss high school courses, graduation requirements, go over all of the information your son/daughter has done on WisCareers and look at what future plans might entail for your son/daughter. This conference is very important as there is so much to get done during their upcoming junior year. Sophomores need to make sure that they are taking rigorous classes their junior year as this is a main part of what colleges look at when they make their acceptance decisions. Due to new state testing guidelines, the sophomores will be taking the ASPIRE test On April 28, 29 and 30. Please make sure you do not schedule appointments during this testing period.


The freshmen will also be taking the ASPIRE test again this spring on April 28, 29 and 30. Please make sure you do not schedule appointments during this testing period.


Individual planning conferences (IPC’s) are ending now. If you didn’t make an IPC appointment, I met individually with your student to pick classes and develop a 4-year plan. Developmental guidance in the 8th grade is continuing, along with boys/girls group. If you have any questions about high school, feel free to give me a call. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school. Have a great spring! Katrina Eisfeldt

HISTORY CLUB - KIDS VOTE 2014 Students of Spencer School District participated in Kids Vote once again. On Election Day, students from all grades voted in a student simulation of an election. Throughout the day members of the Spencer History Club manned the polls. Students voted for Governor, as well as, several other local government positions. Civic duty is an important part of our society and by having students take place in this simulation the hope is that when they are adults they will continue to take this responsibility seriously. Every year Marathon County Kids Vote works with local schools on various activities related to elections. Once the ballots were cast they were taken to Wausau for counting. Results of the election and more information about Kids Voting USA can be found here http://www. .


SPENCER PUBLIC SCHOOL Mission: Spencer Public School empowers students to achieve their greatest academic, emotional, social and civic potential.

Great performances coming soon to the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts!

Vision: Excellence for Every student, Every day, the Rocket Way

Beliefs: • Individuals have a right to a safe, welcoming environment. • Individuals have value and deserve to be treated with respect. • Individuals are responsible for their actions. • Mistakes are opportunities for learning. • Individuals have unique strengths and abilities. • Character Education leads to personal and academic growth. • Community, parents/guardians and schools inspire student growth. • Knowing all students by name enhances personal connections and student learning. • Providing a strong foundation for continuous learning includes critical and creative thinking.

The Diamonds A Salute to American Bandstand • Sunday, Feb. 15 at 3 p.m. • $25 reserved seating

New Directions Veterans Choir (as seen on America’s Got Talent)

• Saturday, Apr. 11 at 7:30 p.m. • $25 reserved seating

Respectful Responsible The Rocket Way!


Box Office 715-659-4499 •

Mortgage Experts Team


Monday-Friday 8-5 1304 N. Central Ave., Marshfield



INTERESTED IN... Look no further than the Experts. • Purchasing your own Home? “Where The Name • Refinancing your Says It All!” current Mortgage?

WINTER - 2015










Legs, Bums & Tums

Ann D


5:15 - 6:00pm



1/18 - 3/15

Good Shepherd Church




5:30 - 6:15pm



1/20 - 3/17

Good Shepherd Church




6:30 - 7:15pm



1/20 - 3/17

Good Shepherd Church




5:30 - 6:30pm



1/21 - 3/18

Grant School Gym

Legs, Bums & Tums



5:30 - 6:15pm



1/23 - 3/20

Good Shepherd Church




8:30 - 9:30am



1/31 - 5/2

Chestnut Center Ballroom



5:45 - 6:45pm



2/5 - 4/23

Trinity Fellowship Hall



6:15 - 7:15pm



1/27 - 3/31

Town of Day Hall

Kathy R


6:30 - 7:30pm



3/2 - 5/18

St John’s Fellowship Hall



9:00 - 12 noon




Zion Gathering Space


LOYAL Zumba® ROZELLVILLE Zumba® SPENCER Gentle Yoga STRATFORD Knitting Workshop

Visit our webpage for a full listing of courses with descriptions, and sign up information. Questions: **** late sign-ups are welcome **** Visit us on the web: • Facebook:

Missoula Children’s Theater

The Missoula Children’s Theater will be presenting “Blackbeard the Pirate” on Saturday, March 7, 2015. Auditions for this production will be held at the LuCille Tack Center at 4pm on Monday, March 2nd. Students in grades Kindergarten to High School are invited to try out and be part of the mystery and adventure! More information coming soon.

Reserve your spot in the next edition of


THE ROCKET Newsletter!

715.659.5159 302 • S. Pacific Street LOYAL


400 N. Main St.

103 W. McMillan Street, Suite 1


Deadline for the next issue:

May 15, 2015 - limited space available


Loan Decisions Made Locally


2 Boon Boulevard


110 Maple Street

Visit us online at


Boxholder Spencer, WI 54479


basketball Feb 3 7:30PM @ Loyal Feb 5 7:30PM Gilman Feb 9 7:30PM Rib Lake Feb 12 7:00PM @ Flambeau Feb 13 7:30PM @ Neillsville Feb 16 7:30PM Greenwood Feb 19 7:30PM Crossover (TBD)

Feb 3 Feb 6 Feb 10 Feb 12 Feb 16 Feb 17 Feb 20 Feb 23 Feb 26

7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM

Loyal @ Granton Owen-Withee @ Neillsville @ Athens @ Gilman @ Colby Columbus Crossover (TBD)



Feb 7

Abby Tourney



Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

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