ASHCA Annual Report - 2013-2014

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A hazard-free and healthy work environment for people engaged in agricultural work across the US.


To proactively address ongoing and emerging occupational safety and health issues affecting US agriculture.


A variety of membership packages are available for individuals and organizations.


Initial support for assessing the feasibility of a Council was provided by the Farm Foundation. As of January 2008, ASHCA is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.

TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE CHAIR ................................................... 4 IN A NUTSHELL: 2013 HIGHLIGHTS ...................... 5 AG SAFETY SUMMIT SUMMARY REPORT ..... 6 - 7 AG SAFETY SUMMIT SPONSORS ......................... 8 2014 ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING ..................... 9 MEET THE BOARD ..........................................10 - 11 NEW INITIATIVES Safety Grants ........................................................12 Journal of Agromedicine ......................................12 Best Practices Safety Videos ................................13 Partner with IntrinXec ...........................................13 FINANCIAL REPORT ..............................................14 MEMBERS ..............................................................15





hat a year it was for ASHCA! We continue to grow beyond the formative ideas and aspirations of our organization’s creation six years ago. The maturation was seen in shared values, creative ideas, new program initiatives, strong partnerships, financial stability, and improved marketing and communications, all capped off with a conference of national significance. Your Board of Directors has engaged in many robust conversations and planning sessions to set the stage for a strong future. It’s been an enjoyable and rewarding year to be Chair of the Board! This report will provide details of the year’s milestone events. From my vantage point, the attributes of success were associated with our “Raising Safety” theme of the 2013 North American Agricultural Safety Summit. Behind the scene we asked the questions of ourselves and others: • How can we raise the bar on what is an acceptable level of safety in agriculture? • How do we raise the profile of worker safety – in the Board room, among the field laborers, on the tractor? • Who are the people with the influence and authority to raise safety concerns among underserved populations? • What would it take to get farmers, producers and agribusiness owners to integrate safety into everyday practice such that it becomes part of their DNA, not just a program or a slogan? • How do we raise funds to support safety initiatives – offering financial support through grants as the spark plug to adopt new safety behaviors? Looking forward, please join us as an ASHCA member or donate to our Safety Grants Program as we launch new initiatives and extend our “Raising Safety” message. Sincerely,

William J. Nelson, Chair



IN A NUTSHELL: 2013 HIGHLIGHTS LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT • The Board of Directors welcomed a new member representing the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health, Aaron Yoder, University of Nebraska, and said goodbye to Michael Despain. Officers for 2014 include: Chair, William Nelson; Vice-Chair, Jan Klodowski; and Secretary-Treasurer, Frank Gasperini. Barbara Lee serves as Executive Director.

MAJOR GRANT SECURED FOR PROGRAM GROWTH • As a part of CHS’s national initiative, ASHCA secured a 3-year $650,000 grant for infrastructure/sustainability, program expansion and national leadership. • ASHCA’s Safety Grants Initiative (approved by Board in late 2012) began its planning process. • Mini-summits or forums were approved as an opportunity for ASHCA to support regional meetings on complex, controversial topics that affect wellbeing of agricultural workers.

• ASHCA developed a marketing strategy, depicted in a new “look” on informational materials, newsletters, exhibits, and website. • ASHCA membership had a net gain of 1 Benefactor association and 10 individual members. • ASHCA ended 2013 in good financial standing.


2013 NORTH AMERICAN AGRICULTURAL SAFETY SUMMIT • By all accounts the Summit was deemed a success with 33 Partner organizations, 250 attendees, 82 speakers, 74 posters presented, 25 exhibitors, and 15 genius bars. • US Department of Agriculture and CHS used the Summit as a venue to announce new ag safety initiatives.

• was re-launched in September with many new features. • The website includes Summit highlights, including videotaped plenary speeches, Sen. Harkin’s acceptance speech, a photo gallery and program. • Electronic “briefs” and bimonthly NEWS letters have been launched.

• ASHCA presented three major awards – Sen. Tom Harkin and two pioneering physicians.

BEST AGRICULTURAL SAFETY PRACTICES • ASHCA teamed with eXtension, linking to its website and supporting the eXtension system for providing consultation. • Seven new “best ag practices” videotapes were developed with partners for debut at the Summit event. These are available on for employee training or general safety promotion.





he 2013 North American Agricultural Safety Summit, an unprecedented gathering of industry leaders and safety experts, set the scene for major safety funding announcements and stimulated collaboration for safer work environments for the men, women and children who produce our food. The event was held September 25-27 in Minneapolis and attendees included more than 250 individuals from 10 nations representing agribusiness leaders, farm organization representatives, producers, safety specialists, migrant worker advocates, researchers, educators, insurers and the media. There were 13 corporate sponsors, 33 partner organizations, 82 speakers (17 plenary), 74 abstracts with poster presentations, seven new “best practices” videos, 15 genius bars sessions, 16 learning stations, 25 exhibits, 18 breakfast roundtable topics, and two networking receptions. The event was a mix of knowledge, inspiration and networking to enable participants to influence the adoption of safety practices in their home / work settings. The keynote presentation by US Department of Agriculture Deputy Under Secretary Anne Bartuska, PhD, set the stage for acknowledging the complexity of modernday agriculture, global trade considerations, and the federal government’s role in supporting wide-scale agricultural safety endeavors. Dr. Bartuska announced the USDA’s commitment to the next generation of farmers, earmarking $600,000 to make safety training available for youth working in production agriculture. “Safety first” as a corporate social responsibility was the theme of the presentation given by Carl Casale, President of CHS Inc. His presentation was capped with a major announcement: CHS has “committed $3 million to a national agricultural safety initiative intended to keep the next generation safe as it feeds a growing world population.” Dr. John Howard, Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, commented on how ASHCA has “blossomed” since 2007 and expressed gratitude for public-private sector partnerships in identifying best safety practices for North American agricultural workers. Sustaining a safe workforce was addressed by Frank Gasperini, Executive Director of the National Council of Agricultural Employers, who stated, “inside the best companies, safety and daily pursuit of excellence becomes part of the corporate DNA of every employee.” Deborah Atwood, Executive Director of




AGree, gave a glimpse into the future of worldwide agricultural trade and consumer influence on food production practices and noted the importance of immigration reform policies in safeguarding a vulnerable workforce. Farm Foundation President Neil Conklin recalled that his organization served as the catalyst for upstart activities for ASHCA and described their newest initiative, “Dialogue on Food and Agriculture in the 21st Century.� Emerging trends in production agriculture were also highlighted by David Darr of the Dairy Farmers of America whose organization has specific programs for helping producers reduce their carbon footprint. An inspirational panel presentation featured Barbara Mainster, Executive Director of RCMA, Lourdes Villaneuva, migrant worker advocate, and Florida avocado grower Medora Krome. They described the RCMA (Redlands Christian Migrant Association) in Florida that provides childcare for 8,000 migrant

and rural poor children annually and how its governance structure includes strong representation of Florida fruit and vegetable growers. The Agricultural Safety Summit also featured an awards luncheon honoring three individuals. US Senator Tom Harkin was given a Lifetime Achievement award and delivered his acceptance message to attendees via videotape. Two Distinguished Service Awards were given to physicians who were pioneers in agricultural disease research - Dr. Dean Emanuel medical director emeritus of the National Farm Medicine Center in Marshfield, Wisconsin and Dr. Jim Dosman of the Canadian Centre for Health and Safety in Agriculture at University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. Evaluation feedback from attendees was very positive with most noting this was an excellent opportunity to interact with experts and to network with new and potential partners in farm safety endeavors. For complete information on the Summit, including biographical sketches on more than 80 speakers and listings of all sponsors and partners, go to the official Summit program posted at









SHCA’s Annual Business Meeting was held January 29, 2014, at the Intercontinental Clement Hotel of Monterey, California. Our meeting was co-located with the Agricultural Personnel Managers Association (APMA) of California, allowing ASHCA members to become more knowledgeable of west coast agricultural safety issues. Facilitated by Kimberly Naffziger, Agricultural Specialist for The Zenith, the ASHCA team got the inside scoop on western agriculture production, meeting with representatives of the Growers and

Shippers Association, touring the inside of Taylor Farms processing facility where they were preparing and shipping broccoli, cauliflower and mixed veggie packets, then enjoying a warm welcome and lunch at a local winery that recently transitioned from vegetable production to vineyards. A twohour open forum conversation was held between ASHCA and APMA representatives to compare and contract issues germane to safety and health of workers in agriculture. Opportunities for collaboration in the future were explored.





Cornelius Blanding Cornelius serves as the Director of Field Operations & Special Projects for the Federation of Southern Cooperatives. He is responsible for developing strategies that create an environment where cooperatives and state associations thrive within the organization’s mission and support field staff with identifying and assessing the resources needed in the field. His experiences include business development, management and marketing.

William Nelson, MA William is Vice President of Corporate Citizenship for CHS Inc., and President of the CHS Foundation. William provides leadership to all CHS corporate citizenship activities including corporate philanthropy, volunteerism, employee engagement and CHS corporate memberships in associated organizations. William also leads the CHS Foundation, which offers support through university partnerships, rural leadership development, cooperative education, and agricultural safety programs. William serves on several boards, including the National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, National Cooperative Business Association, the Ralph K. Morris Foundation, and the University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives Advisory Committee. He is a member of the Farm Foundation’s Steering Committee for A Dialogue on Food and Agriculture in the 21st Century, the Advisory Council for the Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center and the eXtension Foundation Leadership Council.

Barbara Glenn, PhD Barbara is Vice President, Science and Regulatory Affairs, at CropLife America, Washington, DC. In that role she is responsible for the development, implementation and management of effective science and regulatory policy strategies in support of CropLife America’s mission to support modern agriculture through the crop protection industry. CropLife’s member companies produce, sell and distribute virtually all the crop protection technology products used by American farmers, including both pesticides and crop biotechnology products.


Jan Klodowski, MBA Jan is the Vice President of Agri-Services Agency LLC (ASA), an agricultural focused insurance group located in Syracuse, NY. Jan is responsible for the administration and management of Agrisurance Inc., the captive program that was formed over 17 years ago to provide stable and consistent workers’ compensation coverage for agriculture business owners. Jan has more than 25 years of experience, working closely with loss control, claims, and insurance professionals to develop and share strategies promoting safety awareness on the farm. Jan currently serves on the Advisory Panel for the Northeast Center for Agricultural Health (NEC). Jan chairs ASHCA’s Member Relations and Communications Committee.

Leon Graves Leon is the Vice President for New England for Dairy Marketing Services and is the General Manager of Empire Livestock. Prior to working for Dairy Marketing Services he was Vermont’s Commissioner of Agriculture for nearly 9 years. Prior to his appointment as Vermont’s Commissioner of Agriculture, he served for 9 years in the Vermont House of Representatives and Senate. He operated his family dairy farm in Fairfield, Vermont for 22 years. On the ASHCA Board, he represents Dairy Farmers of America (DFA). Leon is Chair of ASHCA’s new Safety Grants Committee.


Frank Gasperini, MSc Frank is the Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Council of Agricultural Employers (NCAE) located in Vienna, VA. NCAE is the national trade association for labor intensive agricultural employers. Frank’s background includes over 35 years of specialty and production agricultural sales, marketing, association management, and lobbying state and federal legislators and regulators on behalf of domestic agriculture. Frank joined NCAE in 2008 and remains optimistic for the future of US, domestic, labor intensive agriculture despite the challenges. Frank chairs ASHCA’s Finance, Development and Investment Committee.


Paul Gunderson, PhD Paul Gunderson is Director of the Dakota Precision Ag Center, Devil’s Lake, ND. Paul’s career exploring the health impact of human activity in agricultural work settings began in 1976 with research on the respiratory effect of working in poultry barns, and continued until his initial retirement in 2000. He has conducted numerous research initiatives exploring the health effects of agricultural exposures, convened scientific meetings and seminars and chaired scientific review mechanisms that rate applications for federal funding.


Dennis Murphy, PhD

Dan Hair, MS Dan is the Senior Vice President, Safety and Underwriting for Workers Compensation Fund. Dan is responsible for the loss control and underwriting operations of the company. He began his insurance career with the State Compensation Insurance Fund of California in 1976, and spent 25 years with Zenith Insurance Company in a variety of technical and management positions ending as Senior Vice President and National Director of Safety & Health. Dan previously served as ASHCA Vice Chair. Dan is chairing ASHCA’s newly established Advisory Committee.

Dennis Murphy is a Distinguished Professor of Agricultural Safety and Health and Extension Safety Specialist, and leads Penn State’s agricultural safety and health extension, research and teaching program. He is a nationally and internationally recognized leader in agricultural safety and health. Program areas include applied research and education for: tractor and machinery safety issues; youth safety; classification of agricultural deaths and injuries; methods of modifying farm worker safety behavior; developing hazard analyses tools; and ventilation of confined-space manure pits to reduce risk of entry into the pits. Dennis co-led the feasibility study leading to the creation of the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America.

Brittany Jablonsky Brittany is the Director of Advocacy Communications for National Farmers Union (NFU). In her current capacity, she spearheads the organization’s grassroots policy-related communications and works closely with Farmers Union members to effectively advocate for NFU’s public policy positions. Jablonsky previously served as a government relations representative for NFU, lobbying Congress and the administration with a focus on specialty crops and organics, agricultural research, hunger and nutrition, and rural quality of life issues.

Barbara Lee, PhD Barbara Lee is a senior scientist with the Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation, Marshfield, Wisconsin, where she has directed the NIOSH-funded National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety since 1997. She has chaired major efforts to launch, then update, the national agenda for childhood agricultural injury prevention. She is a past President of the International Society for Ag Safety and Health. Barbara co-led a feasibility study with agri-business and farm organization leaders leading to the creation of the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America in 2007. She was named Executive Director of ASHCA in 2013.

Kimberly Naffziger Kimberly is an Assistant Vice President and Agricultural Specialist with Zenith Insurance Company and has been involved with the agricultural industry for most of her life. She served as Program Development Specialist at the California State University, Fresno Center for Agricultural Business from 1990 to 2008. From 1997 to 2008, she was Executive Director for AgSafe, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing injuries, illnesses and fatalities in agriculture. During her tenure at both the university and at AgSafe she played an integral part in the development of educational programs for the agricultural industry including the California Agricultural Safety Certificate Program, the Farm Labor Contractor’s Education Institute, the Motor Vehicle Education Program for Spanish speaking workers, and the Supervisor Development Program.

Michael Pankonin, MBA Michael is a Senior Director, Technical and Safety Services at the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM). He began his career in test engineering and has served industry in the agricultural, construction, utility and forestry sectors. Michael currently has responsibility for the Technical and Safety Services at AEM and works with AEM product groups including the Manufacturers of Earthmoving and Mining Equipment. He serves on several ISO standards committees, is a member of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and is the AEM staff contact for Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and emissions-related activities.

Aaron Yoder, PhD

ASHCA Board (left to right): Jan Klodowski, Leon Graves, Kimberly Naffziger, Brittany Jablonski, Executive Director Barbara Lee, Paul Gunderson, William Nelson, Mike Pankonin, Dennis Murphy and Frank Gasperini. Not pictured: Cornelius Blanding, Frank Gasperini, Barbara Glenn and Dan Hair.


Aaron Yoder is an Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska Medical Center working with the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health. Prior to that, he was a Penn State Instructor and Extension Safety Associate, where he provided national leadership for the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program by coordinating online instructor training and educational programs for 4-Hers, volunteers and county educators. In addition, he taught within the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and participated in other research and outreach programs for the Penn State Agricultural Safety and Health Program.


NEW INITIATIVES MAJOR GRANT SECURED The CHS Foundation Board of Trustees awarded a 3-year grant, totaling $650,000 to ASHCA as part of its “building national capacity in agricultural safety and health through leadership and collaboration” initiative. The grant application, endorsed by the ASHCA Board, included three primary activities: a) communications and infrastructure (with endowment); b) convening “mini-summits” of regional significance; and c) augmenting the safety grants program. Further, ASHCA will collaborate with other recipients of the CHS initiative to maximize the impact of CHS’s $3 million investment in agricultural safety and health which was announced at the 2013 Agricultural Safety Summit.

SAFETY GRANTS PROGRAM LAUNCHED ASHCA’s Agricultural Safety Grants Program is intended to provide financial support for safety and health activities based upon local/regional needs or emerging issues and is expected to foster new “champions” of worker safety and health. Funded projects will facilitate adoption of best safety practices by producers, hired farm workers and their families. The Safety Grants Committee, is chaired by Leon Graves of Dairy Farmers of America, and includes committee members Amy Liebman of Migrant Clinicians Network, Dan Hair of Workers Compensation Fund, Jan Klodowski of Agri-Services Agency, Brady Miller of Texas Cattle Feeders Association, Dennis Murphy of Penn State, and Aaron Yoder of University of Nebraska. The committee developed criteria for eligibility, proposed priority and topics, set instructions for applications and determined general operating procedures. They acknowledged this first year will be a “pilot test” for the grants program and welcome constructive comments to continually improve the process. Grant recipients will share their project results – successes and failures – with ASHCA


members and others – so lessons on how to “raise safety” will be widely shared. For grant application instructions and Frequently Asked Questions, go to

JOURNAL OF AGROMEDICINE TO FEATURE BEST AG SAFETY PRACTICES As a testament to the value of the knowledge shared at the Summit event, a dedicated issue of the Journal of Agromedicine is being published with full manuscripts, field notes, commentaries and 78 abstracts that were presented at the Summit event. Volume 19, Issue 2, will be online by late April, 2014. You can view abstracts of all articles for free at the Journal’s website, http:// For information on a special annual subscription rate for ASHCA members ($45 online), email

BEST PRACTICES SAFETY VIDEOS During the six months preceding the Agricultural Safety Summit, ASHCA members and partners prepared brief video messages (3-4 minutes) to serve as examples of “Best of the Best Agricultural Safety Practices” for Summit attendees. Sponsored by ASHCA, seven tapes were drafted by content experts, and then produced by the Marshfield Clinic Audio Visual Department. Each video provides a brief explanation of a high-risk problem, the stakeholders involved, interventions for safety, and a take-home message. These include: • Entering Grain Bins with a Lifeline – by the Grain Handling Safety Coalition • “Proper training, use of an effective lifeline system and adherence to procedural guidelines will greatly reduce the number of fatalities associated with grain bins.” • Training Employees in Low Stress Cattle Handling – by Reg Steward, Farm and Ranch Safety and Health Association


• “Increase your profits and decrease injuries by training workers in low stress cattle handling and safe riding techniques.”

• “When the family needs of agricultural workers are met, everyone benefits.”

• The Rebate Program for Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) – by Julie Sorenson, New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health • “Installing ROPS on tractors will reduce fatalities and now there is financial help for getting your old tractors retrofitted with ROPS.”

ASHCA is grateful to its partners for developing these videotapes which are available for the public to access at

• Safe Practices in Pork Production – by Glen Blahey, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association

As ASHCA grows in membership and scope, efforts are being taken to ensure we have the infrastructure and vision to effectively serve our members and the agricultural community by working with an accredited association management company. IntrinXec Management, Inc., of Minneapolis, MN, has partnered with ASHCA to provide guidance and key services for a non-profit organization. The IntrinXec leadership team met with ASHCA’s Board on several occasions and our Account Executive, Jessica Bartram, has extensive experience with organization management. This partnership is helping usher ASHCA into the next chapter of its life with anticipation of strength and efficiency in programs and management.

• “Proper training of employees working in hog barns increases productivity and decreases injuries.” • Conducting On-farm Safety Audits – by Glen Blahey, Canadian Agricultural Safety Association • “On farm safety inspections enhance your farm’s safety culture while improving productivity and sustainability.” • Using Technology to Speed up Rescue Operations – by Iris Reyes, National Farm Medicine Center • “The Farm MAPPER and machine extrication applications use QR codes to help emergency responders know where and how to conduct a fire or accident rescue.”


• The RCMA Model System for Care of Migrant Farm Worker Families – by Amy K. Liebman, Migrant Clinicians Network



FINANCIAL REPORT INCOME Member Dues $ 34,475 .00 Summit Registration $ 32,675.00 Summit Sponsorship (2013 Receipts) $ 31,500 .00 CHS Grant $ 250,000.00 (Restricted) Interest $ 44.00

Total Income:

$ 348,694.00

50 40 30 20 10

EXPENSES Administrative Services $ 29,563.00 Board Meeting Expenses $ 2,557.00 Grant Expense $18,466.00 (Restricted) Summit Expenses $113,680.00 Insurance $750.00 Printing, Gifts, Professional Fees $900.00 Office Expense $1,196.00
















Total Expense

$ 167,112.00




Net Income 2013

$ 181,582.00




Less: Net Restrictions

$ 231,534.00










Net Unrestricted Activity 2013


$ 49,952.00




Agri-Services Agency LLC - Syracuse, NY Association of Equipment Manufacturers - Milwaukee, WI CHS Foundation - Saint Paul, MN CropLife America - Washington, DC Dairy Farmers of America - Kansas City, MO Farm Foundation - Darien, IL Liberty Mutual - Keene, NH National Farm Medicine Center - Marshfield, WI National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health - Washington, DC Travelers - New York, NY Workers Compensation Fund - Sandy, UT

ASSOCIATION (VOTING) National Council of Agricultural Employers - Vienna, VA North Carolina Agromedicine Institute - Greenville, NC Zenith Insurance Company - Woodland Hills, CA

ASSOCIATION ORGANIZATIONS AgriSafe Network - Spencer, IA AgSafe - Modesto, CA American Society of Safety Engineers - Des Plaines, IL Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs Washington, DC Cactus Operating, LTD - Amarillo, TX Dairy Marketing Services, LLC Syracuse, NY Great Plains Center for Agricultural Health - Iowa City, IA High Plains Intermountain Center for Agricultural Health and Safety Fort Collins, CO Hitch Enterprise, Inc. - Guymon, OK

National Farmers Union Washington, DC National Institute of Food and Agriculture - Washington, DC Northeast Center for Agricultural Health - Cooperstown, NY Pacific Northwest Ag Safety and Health Center - Seattle, WA Progressive Ag Foundation Birmingham, AL Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention Lexington, KY Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education - Tyler, TX

LDS Church - Salt Lake City, UT

Texas Cattle Feeders Association Amarillo, TX

Migrant Clinicians Network Austin, TX

Upper Midwest Agricultural Safety & Health Center - Minneapolis, MN

National Education Center for Ag Safety - Peosta, IA

Western Center for Ag Health and Safety - Davis, CA



PO Box 356 // Marshfield, WI 54449-5790 p 715-221-7270 // f 715-389-4996

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