The Rocket - Spencer School Newsletter - Winter 2014

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Kids get what they deserve. 2________________________ Thank YOU For Your Support


PAGE 3________________________ 4 Year-Old Kindergarten News PAGE 4_______________________

Kindergarten, and First Grade News

5______________________ Second, Third and Fourth Grade News


6_____________________ Fifth Grade News


PAGE 7____________________ Middle School News PAGE 8___________________ Elementary Counselor’s Corner

9__________________ Something new from FACE


PAGE 10_________________ An Odd Couple of Ladies

11__________________ Summer Driver’s Ed English IV Gets Creative


It is hard to believe that once again we are at the half way point of another school year. As a district we have been busily addressing the various initiatives that have been mandated by our State and Federal governments. We have worked hard to stay on task and meet and or exceed these expectations. Having said this, I must tell we have not made this our top priority. Our main focus has been on kids. I firmly believe we have the best kids in the area and never want to take that for granted. Our kids deserve our best and we have done a great job of meeting their needs. We feel it is not only our responsibility to meet the academic needs of our kids but also the social and emotional needs. Kids are treated as individuals and are recognized for their various strengths. Some kids can run fast or jump high, while others are musically gifted or can solve algebraic equations. We realize these talents and strive to reward the hard work that is put in. As we have in the past we plan to continue our Spencer Speaks series. Spencer Speaks V will run a little differently as opposed to other years. In an attempt to promote attendance, our plan is to run it in conjunction with parent/ teacher conferences. Monday, March 3rd from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. and Thursday, March 6th from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. we will have an open house concept of various areas that showcase various programs that are offered. We feel we have many hidden gems as a district and want to build an awareness of some of the great things that are happening. Along with this setup, administration will be on hand to answer any questions you may have in regards to our district. We hope to see you there as input from community is valuable. This school belongs to our community and with your help we want to give our kids exactly what they deserve, an outstanding education.

PAGE 12________________ Spencer Youth Recreations Tips From The Health Office PAGE 13________________ 2014 Solo-Enesemble Update

14________________ High School Counselor’s Corner


-Mike Endreas, Superintendent

PAGE 15_________________ Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 16_________________ Winter/Spring Sports Schedules Spencer Public Schools 300 N. School Street PO Box 418 Spencer, WI 54479

A FRIENDLY SMALL TOWN WITH A FUTURE PREPARING OUR STUDENTS FOR LIFE Mike Endreas, Superintendent Jerry Zanotelli, Middle School/High School Principal Jill Schulz, Elementary Principal/Assessment & Curriculum Coordinator District Office Phone (715) 659-5347 High School Office Phone (715) 659-4211 Elementary Office Phone (715) 659-4642



At Spencer High School we have a recognition program for the students called the YOU AWARDS. With this program staff members submit a card with students name on them when they see the students doing things that promote a positive environment in the school or good citizenship. We have drawings for daily prizes and then larger weekly prizes. This program would not be possible without the huge generosity of area businesses who donated ALL of the prizes to program. I would like to personally thank the businesses below for the help and contributions to this program. Without your support this program would not exist. Spencer Subway Kristi’s Kustom Kakes Burnstad’s Market McDonald’s Little Caesars El Mezcal Pizza Hut Burger King Taco Johns

Mission: Spencer Public School empowers students to achieve their greatest academic, emotional, social and civic potential.

Vision: Excellence for Every student, Every day, the Rocket Way


Suds Shop Car Wash Kwik Trip of Spencer Log Cabin Soft Serve Dairy Queen Schierl Tire Company Subway Bull’s Eye Sports Family Video of Marshfield RoseBowl Marshfield

• Individuals have a right to a safe, welcoming environment. • Individuals have value and deserve to be treated with respect. • Individuals are responsible for their actions. • Mistakes are opportunities for learning. • Individuals have unique strengths and abilities.

Grand Prize Drawing: YMCA of Marshfield

• Character Education leads to personal and academic growth.

Thanks again from all of the staff and students of Spencer Schools. We greatly appreciate your support.

• Community, parents/guardians and schools inspire student growth. • Knowing all students by name enhances personal connections and student learning. • Providing a strong foundation for continuous learning includes critical and creative thinking.

Respectful Responsible Safe The Rocket Way!

-Jerry Zanotelli, MS/HS Principal

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the HS Library. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are available for viewing at under the District links tab. Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Jordan Franklin, Director Check out the school website ( for school contact information. The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, May 16, 2014. You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary Office, or you may e-mail them to It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.

Thank you!! PAGE


Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff of the Spencer Public Schools have submitted the articles printed in this Publication. Announcements are a community service. Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief

The School District of Spencer shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. To report an alleged violation regarding discrimination, contact Mike Endreas, District Administrator, Spencer School District, 715-659-5347

time flies when you’re having fun Can you believe the school year is already half done?! Time flies when you are having fun and learning great things; this sure seems to be the case at Spencer Elementary. Hopefully you had the opportunity to attend the Holiday Concert in December. Mr. Andrew Dillenburg and the prek-5th grade students put on an entertaining concert to capacity crowds on December 19. The students worked so hard to get ready and all of their efforts really paid off as it was an evening of great entertainment. Camp Read A Lot/Read S’more books - our reading incentive program really has our elementary students digging into books. In November we turned the TACK Center stage into Camp Read A Lot and the students all came to read with me at camp. The students were dressed as their favorite wild creatures and could read in tents, by trees or under the stars in a sleeping bag. A favorite of the students was our camp lunch provided by our food service department. A day of camping wouldn’t be complete without hotdogs, chips, beans, and s’mores! Making real s’mores for 300+ students is no small task but they did it and the s’mores were fantastic! We have 2 reading events coming up in January and February. In January the students will have the opportunity to read about winter activities and will enjoy an afternoon of fun outside participating in some of these activities. In February the Winter Olympics will provide our reading motivation. Along with these events planned by our reading incentive committee, the students are reading and keeping record of the books read on their own incentive charts; you may have noticed them as you walked through our hallways.

Spencer Elementary has a Facebook page and you don’t have to have a Facebook account to view our page. The easiest way to get to our page is to go to the Spencer Public School page and click on the link for Spencer Elementary. About half way down the elementary page you will see a section called “Links” the first link says “Facebook” if you click on this link it will take you directly to the page even if you don’t have a Facebook account. If you do have a Facebook account “like” us and then you will see updates posted on your timeline from Spencer Elementary. Check this page out for many photographs, updates on school events, and even a few short videos from our Holiday Concert. Currently this page has 183 followers! Stay Warm and Keep Reading!

-Jill Schulz Elementary Principal/ Assessment and Curriculum Coordinator

4 Year-old Kindergarten NEWS The weather outside is frightful, but the progress the 4k has made is delightful! I am so proud of the gains that the students in both of my 4k classes have made since September. Our October goal was to become part of the name writing club. We were 99% successful in this goal and continue to improve our handwriting skills each day. Our new goal is that our 4k students are able to recognize 15 or more upper case letters. As I write this, we are over half way to our goal and I am confident that with hard work and determination our goal will be met. It is a privilege to watch my students grow and change over the course of the school year.

the school looking for all of our cookies! We eventually found them and enjoyed cookies, hot chocolate, and the Polar Express before leaving for our winter vacation.

In December, we enjoyed a fieldtrip to Burnstad’s Supermarket. We were intrigued at all of the things that go on behind the scenes at the grocery store and loved getting our hands busy making twist doughnuts. We also enjoyed our December gingerbread theme. That naughty gingerbread boy led us on a wild goose chase throughout

- Submitted by 4 Year-old Kindergarten Teacher: Janet Wolf

We look forward to some winter fun as we gear up for our winter reading and snow activities challenge on January 23. We will be visiting the Lucille Tack Center where we will enjoy a play called “The Teacher From the Black Lagoon” in early February and we are tickled pink to share Valentines with our friends.


The Rookie Rocket Child Care is always looking for energetic, fun loving, selfmotivated people who enjoy working with children to join our staff. If this interests you, email Sheri @





Kindergarten NEWS Kindergarten is moving right along. We have been busy during the holiday season making many decorations for our classroom and homes including paper chains to practice patterning and gingerbread houses to practice problem solving. Then we enjoyed our winter break to spend time with our grandmas and grandpas and other holiday fun. Upon returning to school we started to learn about polar bears, penguins and other artic animals. We are learning more about weather and the winter season too. If you are in school, check out our snowmen and penguins in the hall. At the beginning of February, we will be going on our annual trip to Bruce Mound to enjoy one of the many winter recreation activities—tubing. February will find us learning about our community, friendships and dental health. We will make our annual trip to the Spencer Post Office to mail our handmade Valentines to our parents. During this time, we will continue to work on our reading skills which include learning sight words, blending letter sounds into words, retelling stories using the beginning, middle and end, and so much more. We will also continue to incorporate our math skills of counting backwards from 15, learning about a penny, nickel and dime, simple addition, comparing numbers and the list goes on and on.

- Submitted by the Kindergarten teachers: Mrs. Zuelke, Mrs. Bezlyk and Mrs. Tomke

FIRST GRADE NEWS The first graders are learning a lot this year! Thank you parents, for helping your child with reading, word cards, spelling, and math home links. Your child will continue to progress well when you spend time with him/her. We have been involved in many fun winter activities! All of the first graders made snowflakes to decorate their classroom. They learned that each snowflake is as unique and special as each of us. We enjoy reading winter stories with people and animals in them. We will be reading an article called Snowflake Man, and will learn even more about the special six sided amazing snowflakes!

February also brings us fun things to do for Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and the 100th Day of School. The first graders will be using skip counting skills, that they have learned in math, to complete 100th Day activities. A favorite is the Fruit Loop Necklace we make with 100 Fruit Loops ---YUMMY! - Submitted by the First Grade teachers: Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad

First graders love to learn about people from our country’s past. We will read stories and do some projects to honor and learn about Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington. We will make hats to wear to lunch on each of the presidents’ birthdays!


Please help the Fourth grade students raise the money for their annual field trip to our beautiful state capital, Madison. This is the only fund raiser that we do to help pay for our trip in May. Please find it in your hearts to donate your aluminum cans to our can cage which is located in the Elementary School parking lot off of Highway C. Thanks for all your help as this trip is not funded by the School District of Spencer.



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SECOND GRADE NEWS We are getting back into our routines after the holiday break and cold weather. Our MAP and DIBELS testing is finally finished up. Thanks for making sure your child was well rested. Reports on how your child did will be coming home soon. If you have any questions about them please contact your child’s teacher. We are having our winter games activities for our reading incentive program on the 23rd. Keep reading with your child. Students will also be involved with Winter Olympic activities in February. Reading and learning about their given country and competing in different Olympic games. - Submitted by the Second Grade teachers: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson

THIRD GRADE NEWS The third grade classes have been making great strides forward. In math class, we are learning our multiplication math facts so you may hear us singing our multiplication facts songs. Our new math unit will focus on studying place values from millions to thousandths. In social studies we are learning about the different types of communities. We are discussing why people move and learning a bit about our own ancestry. Having finished a unit on animals in science, we will soon be studying the different types of ecosystems and why populations can change within them. Becoming better readers has been a goal of ours, and we are now reading for longer amounts of time. We feel very fortunate to have access to the Accelerated Reader tests on line, and students are reading and growing in their skills as evidenced by the tests that they are taking on the computers after reading their library books. We are finishing the last few letters of the uppercase cursive alphabet, and soon you

will see more of our work completed in cursive handwriting. We have recently completed our second round of MAP testing and feel very proud when we can see evidence of our academic gains. - Submitted by the Third Grade teachers: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant

FOURTH GRADE NEWS The fourth grade classes have been very busy this year. We did a fantastic job performing during the Holiday Concert. To see more photos of this performance go onto the school website and check out the various teacher websites. We have taken 3 major tests this year. We have taken the Knowledge and Concepts test and two MAPS testing sessions. We have one more session of MAPS testing this year. Our Madison field trip is coming up on May 22nd of this year. We raise the funds for this trip through our can cage in the south teacher parking lot. We really need a lot more funds so please donate your cans to our worthy cause. In math we are studying decimals to the thousandths place right now. The next unit will be on multiplying multi-digit numbers. In reading, we are working on using nonfiction reading skills. These include: looking at the boldface words; looking at the pictures and reading captions; asking questions and rereading for understanding. We will also continue our independent reading each night! Most students did a great job with keeping track of their reading minutes. In Language, students have been writing good sentences and letters. Perhaps a letter came home to you? We should be focusing



on proper grammar and writing even outside the classrooms! We can all help each other with this in a friendly way. Happy 2014! Keep studying and practicing facts, reading lots, and checking over everything you write. Most of all, Stay warm! - Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers: Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller



NEWS FROM GRADE 5 We are enjoying a fun-filled year in the fifth grade. So many great things are happening and the students are learning so much. One of the moments we are most proud of is the fact that we helped out the Spencer community this past November during the annual Food Drive. We walked to Burnstad’s Market on a crisp fall morning to shop for the local food pantry. We enjoyed the company of good friends while practicing our math skills while shopping. Our fifth graders did an excellent job representing our school. We then led the elementary children in gathering, sorting, and packing all the food for the entire student body. It was quite the job and we were successful! Our fifth graders took charge and showed great leadership in our elementary school. In math class we are challenged with long division and soon we will encounter the world of fractions. We are enjoying our newly updated Everyday Math curriculum. The kids are practicing basic math facts using the web-based program entitled Xtramath. We are building and maintaining our fact speed. Media class brings the challenges of keyboarding and creating photo collages of our big events. We recently completed a collage from our holiday skating party at Melody Gardens. The kids are learning valuable computer skills. Soon we will learn about Power Point and making slide show presentations. There is so much to look forward to. In reading class we continue to work on our reading skills. Much of our focus has been on reading non-fiction materials, identifying main idea and details, and using our inferencing skills. Students are reading about the Iditarod and the state of Alaska. While learning about the race, we are reading Woodsong by Gary Paulsen. Paulsen actually competed in the Iditarod one year and wrote of his adventures. Students will participate in a mini-Iditarod at the Spencer School Forest. Your child may be a dog, musher, or cargo. The fifth grade students experienced being Spanish explorers during the late 1400’s in social studies class. Many faced diseases, mutiny, starvation, and malnutrition on their journeys to the New World. Now the students are English colonists trying to survive in the New World. What misfortunes lay ahead?

In science class our focus is on biomes and ecosystems. We are learning how animal and plant interactions affect ecosystems. Communications class is getting tougher. We are learning new concepts of sentence structure it’s challenging! Did you catch that? Proofreading is always a MUST for every good job done. Good writing and speaking continue to reinforce and challenge us in class and beyond. We look forward to the second semester and upcoming activities. Please note that there will be a change beginning second semester regarding how we monitor the use of the assignment notebook. Up until this time we have always verified at the end of each class that the kids have completed the assignment section to help keep track of duties. However, it is time to prepare them to do this on their own. During the second semester we will no longer check books. We encourage them to use this tool to stay organized but we will not monitor so closely. We wish them luck!!!

- Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mrs. Buss, Mrs. LeGrand, and Mrs. Miller

Missoula Children’s Theater

The Missoula Children’s Theater will be presenting The Wizard of Oz on March 1, 2014. Audition for this production will be held at the LuCille Tack Center at 4:00 pm on February 24, 2014. Students in grades Kindergarten to High School are invited to try out for a part and join the fun filled week with the Missoula directors. More information will be coming as the date gets closer.



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MIDDLE SCHOOL news From making fruit punch to shopping at a grocery store, ratios are everywhere. Students have immersed themselves into the world of ratios, fractions, percents, and decimals. They have started to see how mathematics is used in their daily lives, which is especially important in motivating students to learn. We will continue to incorporate real world situations into our lessons as we become better problem solvers and move forward with parts of the number system. Our Integrated Science class is moving on to Machines. Within this unit students will use balance beam scales to measure mass, discover inventors, and continue to study the human body. We will continue to practice standard lab procedures as we work towards becoming better investigators. In Reading class, the 6th graders created Cereal Box Book Reports. Students read books of their choosing, and developed fictitious cereals related to their books. Their boxes included a prize inside, based on the main character, a puzzle on the back, and “Ingredients”, a list of the book’s characters. Moving forward we will delve into reading nonfiction selections, including an autobiography by Amelia Earhart. In addition, students have been studying the meanings and usages of Greek and Latin roots and suffixes/prefixes. Students can apply this knowledge in the future when they encounter words they don’t know in any subject area or book they read. The Language Arts classes are studying various parts of speech and learning to incorporate those into their sentence and paragraph writings. Students will write more essays as the year progresses, including argumentative essays and research reports.

of today. Through studies of Mexico, Central America, and South America, students understand how others live and work together as well as the influence they have on our lives today. With speeches, posters, and teamwork, we are working towards wrapping up the year with studies of differing governments and wonders that have yet to be discovered. Our Green Bay trip is planned for Friday, May 30, 2014. It’s a great time for the kids. We visit historical Heritage Hill and Lambeau Field, home of the Super Bowl XLV Champions. Maybe we will catch a glimpse of a player or two as we peruse the Pro Shop and Atrium.

Social Studies students will be working their way south. 6th graders are studying Canada and then it’s off to Mexico where they will learn of ancient civilizations and their long lasting effects on the cultures

- Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mrs. Verkilen, Mrs. Weisenberger and Ms. Sanasac

Child development day provides a free screening of all children, age birth to five, who have not yet enrolled in school. Please join us to learn more about your child’s growth and development in the skill areas of fine-motor, gross-motor, speech and language, cognition, and social development. Each family will receive gifts for your child including a book and information about child development. Local community agencies will be on-site and have information to share regarding child development. Registration for our Pre-K & Kindergarten classes will be held on the same day as Child Development Day. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the school staff who will be working with your child. Please call the Elementary Office to set up a screening time and to have registration forms mailed to you. We ask that you complete the forms and bring them, along with a birth certificate, social security number and immunization records during the screening.



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Elementary Counselor’s Corner I hope 2014 is off to a great start for your family! We have a nice collection of parenting resource books available in the elementary library. Healing Your Grieving Heart for Kids, The Next Place, and Odd Girl Out, are just a few titles you may be interested in. We also have some wonderful Love and Logic CDs available to check out. Small Counseling Groups starting for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade Students Small counseling groups will be starting in February for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students. Referrals for groups come from parents, teachers and students indicating a need. Feel free to contact Ms. Roewe if you are interested in this opportunity for your child. The “Friendship Group” is a social skills group to help students practice appropriate skills that focus on understanding their peers’ feelings, impulse control and anger management. Interrupting politely, ignoring distractions, taking responsibility for mistakes, apologizing, dealing with not getting your way, using calming strategies, and working out problems using respectful words are just a few of the skills we will focus on. Doing this in a small group gives students a chance to work on the skills that are more difficult, while acting as role models for others when we’re working on skills they are good at. The “Family Change Group” is for students whose families are experiencing changes like divorce, a parent re-marrying or adjusting to new step-siblings. It can be helpful for these students to talk about feelings as they adjust to changes and give and receive support from peers experiencing similar issues. Kids often feel relief in finding out they are not the only one with changes in their family. We use board games, drawing, and children’s stories in group and I encourage students to talk with parents about any feelings or questions they may have.

Attention 5th Grade Parents: Individual Learning Conferences coming up in March and April I am looking forward to meeting with you for 5th grade Individual Learning Conferences soon. In the past five years, parents have said this is time well spent meeting with myself, the school counselor, and your fifth grader as they prepare to transition into middle school. We will discuss how their current work ethic connects with future career dreams. These conferences have a positive focus and will include a review of students’ goals, dreams, strengths, interests, academic performance, learning styles, MAP testing results and transition into middle school. As a parent, you are a key member of the conference team. The conferences are designed for parents to share and gain insight on your child’s academic and career development. This is a critical age to keep students motivated to learn and connected to the purpose behind learning as they prepare to transition into middle school. Individual Learning Conferences take place in my office between 7:30 am and 4:30 pm in March and April as well as the evening of parent teacher conferences, March 3 and other evenings as needed. 90-95% of 5th grade parents have attended over the past five years. Every effort will be made to work with you to find a time to meet. Conferences last 30 to 45 minutes. I want to be sure you have ample time to plan ahead as I know schedules are busy. Please watch for an e-mail or letter coming out shortly to begin the scheduling process. I really appreciate you taking the time to meet, as students see we are working together to keep their learning motivation going into middle school. It’s always great to hear from parents. Stop in or send me an e-mail any time. Check out my website for helpful links for parents and students. Joann Roewe, M.S. Ed. PK-7 School Counselor (715) 659-4642 ext. 123,

Amanda Springob Awarded at UWSP UW-SP held its annual High School Writers’ Workshop in early December of 2013. The writings of two Spencer students, Morgan Mancl and Amanda Springob, had been judged as superb, and as a result, the girls were invited to this day-long event. Jackie Pickett and the girls spent the day learning about writing various genres, and at the end of the day, an awards presentation closed the event.

Juniors and seniors are eligible for awards. The highest for juniors is an A rating. We are proud of Amanda Springob, who not only received an A for the short story she submitted, but also for the poems she sent in. When you see her, please congratulate her on a job well done.

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Family, Foods and Society Class help the local Food Pantry. For the past two weeks Mrs. Shultz’s Family, Foods &Society class has been studying global food hunger. They researched global and local hunger. A social worker from Marathon County came in and spoke about poverty and food assistance. She also told students about local programs in Marathon County to help those in need. The FFS class decided to create a project for the local food pantry. This involved 26 students who each made a cinnamon graham cracker pie crust and pumpkin filling. These homemade pies are being donated to the Spencer food pantry at Christ the King Church on Lasalle St. in Spencer.

5th HR.I .Schilling, T. Ress, H. Hoefs, F. Bauer, S. Kind, A. Chandler, T. Larsen, A. Neuendorf, C. Thompson, M. Gamble, J. Rogers.

Thanks to Burnstad’s, Kwik Trip and the Spencer HS faculty for their donation of ingredients for the Thanksgiving pies for the Food Pantry - Tiana Schultz Family & Consumer Science 3rd HR. L. Bohlinger, M. Schultz, C. Harwood, A. Kadrlik, H. Stumper, T. Gragon, D. Ellis, A. Post, N. Nueman, T. Bauer, A. Mowbray, A. Schofield, J. Worzella, K. Johnson

Are You Ready to Try Something New?? Our Family, Foods & Society students have come up with their own Frozen Hot Chocolate food innovations that have proven to tickle the taste buds. Over the past two weeks, as part of the Food Marketing unit, students have created a unique product, wrote recipes, photographed their food, and marketed their product to staff and students at Spencer High. Voting took place in Mrs. Schultz’s room on January 15th and the winning product was Frozen Hot Chocolate created by Cinnamin Harwood and Mandie Schultz. Perhaps you’ve heard of this before, but they’ve put their own spin on it. Here’s what students had to say about this experience… Best part of project: “I like trying something new” Most challenging part of the project: “The most challenging part was trying to pair ingredients” Purpose of the project: “The purpose was to try food marketing techniques and have fun being creative with food” If you are ready for something new, give this a try…

Save The Date THE

Ingredients list • 4 scoops of vanilla ice cream • 1 1/8 cups of white milk • 1/2 cup chocolate chips • 1/2 cup +1T of hot chocolate powder • 4 ice cubes • 1 peppermint candy cane • Whipped cream (as much as desired) Directions In a double boiler, melt together 1/8 cup of milk and most of the chocolate chips, leaving a few for decoration at the end. Pour the melted chocolate into 2 squares of an ice cube tray, let freeze overnight. In a blender, blend the ice cubes, milk, and ice cream. After fully blended, slowly add in the hot chocolate powder and continue to blend. Pour the mixture into two glasses and top with whipped cream, crushed candy cane, and chocolate chips. Drink immediately.

The Class of 2015 has set Saturday, April 26, as the date for its Junior Prom. The gala event will be held in RJ Tack Auditorium from 7:00 until 11:00 p.m. The Grand March will begin at 10:30 p.m. The class is looking for the following items to help enhance its theme: an old trunk to be used as a treasure chest, a bubble machine, a Bliss Light Projector as seen on QVC, and throw fish nets. If you have or know of someone who has any of these items and is willing to loan them to the class, please contact Joy Messerschmidt at 715-659-4211, ext. 122.




AN ODD COUPLE OF LADIES Neil Simon’s Odd Couple (the female version) to be performed by the Spencer High School Drama Club Unger and Madison will soon be fighting it at the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts – Florence Unger and Olive Madison that is -- in Neil Simon’s classic comedy, The Odd Couple (the female version). Instead of the poker party that begins the original version, sloppy Olive invites the girls over for a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit much to the dismay of her new neat-freak roommate, Florence. The upstairs neighbors have evolved from the Pidgeon sisters to the Costanzuela brothers, but the hilarious hi-jinks are the same as the audience remembers.

The Odd Couple (the female version) will be performed at the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts, May 2 & 3 at 7:30 PM. General admission tickets are $5.00 at the door. If you would like more information about the show, please contact Deborah Janz at 715-659-4499 or email at

Reviewers have called the play: “Endearingly funny…” and “Hysterical.”

A Word About School Closings When it is necessary to close school for bad weather, the announcement will be sent to as many local radio stations as is possible. Channels 7, 9, and 13 will also be notified. We will do this as soon as it is possible to make a good decision.

We are well aware of the problems and inconveniences that school closings can cause, but we will do what is necessary to keep the kids safe. Many thanks for your help and patience in the past and in the future.

If it becomes necessary to close school during a regular school day, the notification will be given to the Marshfield radio stations, and all of the major employers in the area will be notified. Please help us out by keeping all of the emergency notification information up to date.

Michael Endreas, Superintendent

FREY’S RECOGNIZED On Nov. 10th, Mark and Chris Frey were recognized as the States District 2 “Distinguished Service Award” winners during a banquet held as part of the annual Wisconsin Athletic Directors Association (WADA) conference in Wisconsin Dells. Mark and Chris have taken their own time and finances to develop one of the finest cross country courses in the state for our teams to use for both training and meets. The course is also used by Auburndale for their annual CC invite, and the Wisconsin Valley conference held their conference meet on it as well. The amount of effort that has been, and will be, put into this project by the Frey’s is greatly appreciated by all who use their course. Thank you Mark and Chris for what you have done in helping Spencer athletics. - Submitted by the Greg Oestrich, Athletic Director

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SUMMER DRIVER EDUCATION CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION At the time of this writing, summer Driver Education classroom instruction has been scheduled to begin Monday, June 9th. However, in the event of school cancellation, that date will be moved later in the month according to the days that need to be made up. If your child is eligible and attending school in the district, parents will receive a letter notifying them of class dates and procedures in early February. If your child does not attend Spencer Schools yet lives within the district, they are still eligible to take classroom instruction during the summer. If this is the case, please contact Bob Stallons at 715-659-4211.

complete the program during the summer hours and times for that instruction vary greatly. I would personally like to express my thankfulness to the residents of Spencer School District for keeping the Driver Education program viable for students. The program reaches between 50-60 students annually. For any questions regarding Driver Education within the Spencer school District, please contact Bob Stallons at 715-659-4211.

The classroom portion covers the State of Wisconsin requirement for the 1800 minutes of instruction. All topics covered are relevant to the principles of driving. Additionally, students will receive instruction regarding obtaining an instructional permit and completing the required six hours of behind-the-wheel driving and observation. During the school year, behind-the-wheel driving is typically performed at 6:00a.m. Monday-Friday. Approximately 10 students

English IV Gets Creative Members of Mrs. Pickett’s English IV class had the opportunity to show their creativity in relation to reading Fahrenheit 451. They each received a list of project options to choose from, ranging from making power points and Prezis to building models of key items from the novel. Students also had an option to “come up with your own” idea and get approval for it. All projects corresponded to the Common Core State Standards. Pictured are three of the more visual projects. In the first picture, Tara Kramer, Matt Ivacic, and Trenton Lau hold their model of the town in the novel. They spent many hours planning and creating this town, using, among other items, real tree branches to represent the trees in the book. They even partly burned several of the small buildings to correspond to one event in the novel. Picture two shows Amanda Springob holding her original CD, a spoof of Miley Cyrus that Amanda called “Miley, Please Stop.” Amanda wrote her own lyrics, sang and recorded the song, and created an entire CD including cover and printed lyrics. This project related to Fahrenheit in that a core theme in the book was censorship. Amanda took the position that we should censor ourselves before acting and speaking, getting her idea from Miley Cyrus’ antics on the TMAs. In the last picture, Faith Becker holds up her version of the Mechanical Hound, a truly eerie creature in the novel. Luckily for Faith, her family had plenty of old computer parts lying around that lent themselves well to her interpretation of the spidery, poisonous hound in the book. She brought it “to life” very well. Students enjoyed the chance to create and learn from each other’s creativity as well.





Spencer Youth Recreations, Inc. has been busy. We held our annual alumni basketball and volleyball tournament on January 5th. It was great to see former athletes competing and enjoying the day. Mark your calendars for the event next year as the date has been set for January 3rd. SYR looks forward to the completion of our current project. The softball concession stand and dugouts should be finished and ready to go for this season. Our organization would like to announce upcoming opportunities for the youth of our community. All proceeds from these fundraisers will benefit the kids in our area. Mark your calendars for these events… • Fundamental skills will be taught at the basketball camp for boys and girls in grades K-6 on March 10th and March 11th. For more information please contact Brian Abel at Look for brochures and registration details to come home soon with your child.

SYR recently joined the world of social media to help communicate with the public. We are in the process of setting up accounts on Twitter and Facebook.

Be sure to check it out!!! Follow us on Twitter @SpencerYouthRec

Like us on Facebook

• SYR 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament for boys and girls in grades 3 – 12 will be held on Saturday, March 29th. For more information please contact Jason Gorst at

tips from the school health office WHEN TO KEEP A CHILD HOME WITH ILLNESS DURING COLD AND FLU SEASON Sometimes it can be difficult for a parent to decide whether to send children to school when they wake up with early symptoms of an illness or complaints that they do not feel well. In general, during cold and flu season, unless your child has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, the best place for them is in school where they have all already been exposed to the same germs and where they are less likely to expose other more vulnerable people, like the very young or very old, to their routine bouts of cold and flu. Here is a guide to help determine if it’s a cold, flu, or pertussis:






Usually present and high (102104); typically lasts 3-4 days


Uncommon. If present, typically low grade


Very common



Aches and pains, muscle aches, chest discomfort

Common, often severe

Slight to moderate


Fatigue and weakness

Moderate – severe; can last up to 14-21 days


Mild to moderate

Extreme exhaustion

Very common early in illness

Extremely rare


Stuffy or runny nose



Common, early in the disease




Common, early in the disease

Sore throat





Non-productive, dry cough; rarely at night. Typically lasts 3-7 days

Hacking cough, often productive; rarely at night. Usually responds to cough medications. Typically lasts 3-7 days

Can be severe in infants and young children; persistent cough almost always > 1 week, usually 2-6 weeks. Can last 10 + weeks

Infectious period

1-2 days before onset to 5-10 days after

Typically 4-7 days after symptom onset; can be longer

From 7 days before the start of cough up to 21 days after cough onset


BEGINNER ZUMBA & LINE DANCE CLASSES FOR FAMILY FUN! Sundays starting at 2:00pm at the Orbital Gym (Center City Church, 1 Mile North of Fleet Farm on Hwy. 13)

Special Pricing - 2 Classes for 1 - Only $5 Under 18 Free - Walk-Ins Welcome - For more information, visit our facebook page or call 715-255-8749



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2014 SOLO-ENSEMBLE SEASON IN HIGH GEAR The halls “are alive with the sounds of music!” Well, at least the practice rooms are! More than 130 events are preparing for their performances at this year’s Wisconsin Music Association’s District Solo-Ensemble Festival to be held at Stratford High School, Friday, March 28. Parents and adult family members are warmly welcomed to share the day with musicians from Spencer, Pittsville and Stratford. A schedule will be available the week before the festival and the day begins at 8AM, ending around 4PM. Join us!


For these Spring Music Performances Band Festival

Thurs, April 10@Pittsville HS 4:00 - 9:00 pm

Choral Festival

Tues, April 15@Pittsville HS 4:00 - 9:00 pm

The 2014 Cabaret, LIGHTS. CAMERA. MUSIC!, will feature music made famous in motion pictures. The FREE performance is Sunday, February 2 at 1pm in the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts. Pictured here: Alayna Fredrickson, Chelsea Judnic and Sydney Mayer perform with drummer Danny Herder at last year’s Cabaret.

State Solo-Ensemble Festival Sat, May 3 (All Day) High School Spring Concert

Mon, May 12 7pm Awards & 8pm Concert

Middle School Spring Concert Thurs, May 29 7:30 pm

Eager To Learn German? This coming 2014-2015 year, Spencer High School students interested in German language, culture, and history will be able to study first year German with an on-campus teacher. Germany has a beautiful landscape of forests, waterways, castles, etc., with a culture that produced many important people in areas such as music and science. Germany hosts a thriving national economy today. And, you may not know that German is spoken in several countries besides Germany, as well as being an important language within the European business world.

Crystal Apple Award Nominations Students – remember to nominate your teacher for the upcoming Crystal Apple Awards! Check with the stutdent offices for forms.





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High School COUNSELORS CORNER The following are things that are happening in the school counseling area: grades 8-12: Seniors – A representative from Great Lakes Higher Education will be here on February 4 from 10:00am – 3:00pm and March 19 from 2:00 – 7:00pm to help parents and students complete the FAFSA (Financial Aid Forms). Parents and students should attend one of these meetings together. I will be sending a letter home in January to let you know what you need to bring with you to complete the FAFSA process. The best thing that you can do is file your taxes as soon as possible so you have the information that you need from your taxes to complete the forms. Seniors should also continue to work on scholarship applications. There are new scholarships posted weekly, either on the scholarship wall in the commons or on the school website under high school counselor. Senior awards night is May 9th at 7:00p.m. Graduation is May 17th at 2:00p.m. Juniors – The free web-site to study for the ACT test is www. Here are the ACT test dates for the remainder of the school year: Test Date

Registration Deadline

(Late Fee Required)

April 12, 2014

March 7, 2014

March 8 – 21, 2014

June 14, 2014

May 9, 2014

May 10 – 23, 2014

The cost for the ACT is $36.50 and $52.50 with the writing portion. We will be giving a retired test right here at school on March 28th at 12:30p.m. All students who are planning on taking the ACT should attend this practice session, which will be conducted like an actual ACT. We will correct the test right away and there will be teachers present to help explain answers that were incorrect. I will also offer the Accuplacer (the technical college entrance exam) again this spring. I will send home a letter once that date is finalized. The cost of the Accuplacer is $20.00. I will be holding a junior class parent/

student meeting late in May. I will send out a letter once the date is determined. During this meeting we will discuss summer college visits, college applications, financial aid, scholarships, schedules, transcripts and graduation requirements for your senior year. Please plan to attend since there is a lot of information to know for your student’s senior year. Sophomores – Sophomore individual planning conferences (IPC) will begin in April. At the IPC we will discuss high school courses, graduation requirements, go over all of the information your son/ daughter has done on WisCareers and look at what future plans might entail for your son/daughter. This conference is very important as there is so much to get done during their upcoming junior year. Sophomores need to make sure that they are taking rigorous classes their junior year as this is a main part of what colleges look at when they make their acceptance decisions. The sophomores will be taking the PLAN test (pre-ACT) in May. Freshmen – The freshmen will be taking the EXPLORE test in spring. This is the same test they took at the end of 8th grade. This will enable us to map out each student’s growth for their first year in high school. 8th Grade – Individual planning conferences (IPC’s) are ending now. If you didn’t make an IPC appointment, please call or email me to set up a meeting. If I do not hear from you I will meet individually with your student to pick classes and develop a 4-year plan. Developmental guidance in the 8th grade is continuing, along with boys/girls group. If you have any questions about high school, feel free to give me a call. The 8th grade will be taking the EXPLORE test this spring. This is the beginning practice test for the ACT. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at school. - Katrina Eisfeldt

Skills USA Fundraiser

The Spencer Skills USA Chapter is producing CNC- plasma cut Spencer logo signs to fundraise the chapter activities. The image displays the Spencer SR-logo and SPENCER ROCKET-logo in black and the nostalgic SPENCER ROCKET MAN- logo which is currently being created and is displayed on paper. These items will be offered in red or black color. The fundraiser cost for these items: SPENCER ROCKET - $25 SIZE: 20” x 8” SR - $12 SIZE: 9” x 6” ROCKET MAN - $25 SIZE: 12” x 11” Contact: Erik Rottscheit Chapter President James Endries Chapter Vice President



Come enjoy the winter-spring events at the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts! The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Other Eric Carle Favorites Feb 9 at 2 p.m. Salsabrosa - Feb 11 at 7:30 p.m. Wizard of Oz--Missoula Children’s Theatre Auditions: Feb 24 at 4 p.m. - Performance: Mar 1 at 3 & 7 p.m. Author, Jay Gilbertson - Mar 16 at 2 p.m. Atlantic Steps (from Ireland!) - Mar 22 at 7:30 p.m. Clark County Male Chorus - Apr 5 at 7:30 p.m. Basket Weaving Class - Apr 8 at 5 p.m. For more information and to reserve your tickets, call the Box Office 715 659 4499 or visit

STRATFORD CONTINUING EDUCATION: WINTER 2014 Class Schedule Location key: SHS = Stratford High School COURSE TITLE

SES = Stratford Elementary School EMS = Edgar Middle School






1/7/14 NOTES




5:30 - 6:30pm



1/20 - 3/17

First Presbyterian Gym




6:30 - 7:30pm



1/22 - 3/19

First Presbyterian Gym


5:30 - 6:30pm



1/23 - 3/20

Melody Gardens


6:30 - 7:15pm



1/23 - 3/20

Good Shepherd Church


5:30 - 6:15pm



1/30 - 3/27

Good Shepherd Church


6:00 - 7:00pm



1/27 - 3/31

Town of Green Valley Hall



6:30 - 7:30pm



2/6 - 5/15

St. John’s Fellowship Hall



6:15 - 7:15pm



1/20 - 3/17

SES Cafeteria/Gym SHS Commons; Fanetti

Zumba® Yogatone

Samantha Becca

Total Body Conditioning Ruth MOSINEE-GREEN VALLEY Zumba®




6:30 - 7:30pm



1/21 - 3/18


Randy Jessica


6:15 - 7:15pm



1/29 - 3/26

SHS Gym; Door #1




8:30 - 9:30am



3/8 - 5/17

SES Gym;Cafet; SHS Commons

*Supplies required

NOTE: You can join a class up to 2 weeks after the start date. There is no discount in the fee.

Questions: Email Linda at Visit us on the web: • Facebook: J TO REGISTER for Marshfield, Spencer : Go to our online sign up sheet at: : J TO REGISTER for Athens, Edgar, Stratford : Go to our online sign up sheet at:

Deluxe Rocket Stadium Chairs for Sale Great for all sports! $45.00 Please make checks payable to Spencer Girls Basketball - Contact Kelly Lawrence @ 715-207-8597 if interested

Snowshoeing Fun at the School Forest!

February 15, from 1:00-3:00pm! Come out & snowshoe or walk the beautiful trails in the forest. (Snowshoes will be provided.) Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies, roast marshmallows and hotdogs over a fire surrounded by snow. Also, the ecology club will host a craft making workshop in the education center.

Reserve your spot in the next edition of

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Deadline for the next issue:

September 13, 2013 - limited space available



School District of Spencer 300 N. School Street PO Box 418 Spencer, WI 54479

Standard Presort U.S. Postage PAID Permit #8 Spencer, WI 54479







BOYS GIRLS BASKETBALL BASKETBALL Jan 31 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 6 Feb 8 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 14 Feb 17

7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 3:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM

Granton NC - Phillips @ Loyal vs. Neillsville vs. Columbus @ NC-Rib Lake vs. Gilman vs. Colby @ Columbus

Jan 30 Feb 4 Feb 7 Feb 10 Feb 13 Feb 15 Feb 18 Feb 21 Feb 24

7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 5:45PM 7:30PM 3:00PM 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30PM


@ Columbus vs. Granton vs. Loyal @ NC-Rib Lake @ Gilman vs. Augusta @ Augusta vs. Neillsville @ Greenwood


WRESTLING TRACK / FIELD Jan 28 7:00PM vs. Rosholt Jan 30 7:30PM @ Abbotsford/Colby Feb 8 10:00AM @ Stanley-Boyd (Tournament) Feb 15 10:00AM Regionals @ Edgar Feb 22 9:00AM Sectionals @ Shawano

Mar 22 Mar 25 Mar 27 Apr 1 Apr 8

9:00AM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:30PM

@ Cashton (UW-LAX) @ Marshfield (Boys Only) @ Marshfield (Girls Only) @ Neillsville Home vs. Loyal, McDonell Central Regis, Abbotsford

Apr 24 Apr 28 May 1 May 5 May 15 May 27 May 30

4:15PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 4:30PM 3:00PM

@ Auburndale @ Stratford @ Stratford @ Edgar @ Pittsville Regionals (@ TBD) Sectionals

BASEBALL SOFTBALL Apr 8 Apr 11 Apr 14 Apr 17 Apr 22 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 29 May 1 May 2 May 3

5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 10:00AM

May 6 May 8 May 9 May 13 May 15 May 16 May 20 May 23

4:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 4:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM

@ Greenwood vs. Columbus @ Augusta @ Owen-Withee vs. Loyal vs. Colby vs. Gilman vs. Greenwood @ Columbus vs. Augusta @ Auburndale (Tournament) vs. Granton vs. Owen-Withee @ Loyal @ Neillsville @ Colby @ Gilman @ Granton vs. Neillsville

Apr 3 Apr 8 Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 14 Apr 17 Apr 22 Apr 24 Apr 25 Apr 29 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 5 May 8 May 9 May 13 May 15 May 16

4:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 1:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 10:00AM 4:30PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 4:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM

@ Stratford @ Greenwood vs. Columbus @ Marshfield (Tourney) @ Augusta @ Owen-Withee vs. Loyal/Granton vs. Colby vs. Gilman vs. Greenwood @ Columbus vs. Augusta @ McDonell (Tourney) @ Marshfield vs. Owen-Withee @ Loyal/Granton @ Neillsville (Dbl. Hdr.) @ Colby @ Gilman

Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

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