The Rocket - Spencer School Newsletter - Summer 2014

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SUMMER - 2014

2________________________ Thanks from Mr. Zanotelli


PAGE 3________________________

The Year in Review from Mrs. Schulz PAGE 4_______________________

4K & First Grade News PAGE


Second & Third Grade News

6_____________________ Fourth Grade News


PAGE 7____________________ Fifth Grade News Middle Schoolers “Walk to Africa” PAGE 8___________________ College Days for Kids Knowledge Quest

9__________________ Music Department News School Forest Fun


PAGE 10_________________ S.H.S. Prom Spanish Students Paint Ceiling Tiles

If it wasn’t for the Weather we would have nothing to complain about Once again, the school year has come to an end. We had an outstanding school year, with the exception of the weather, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our teaching staff. There have been numerous initiatives that have been mandated and our staff has met all challenges head on. I want to congratulate the 47 graduates that will be beginning the next phase of their lives. I wish them luck in whatever their interest or talents drive them to pursue. Each graduating class takes on their own personality and I must tell you this group of kids are going to do well. I appreciate the kind hearted group of individuals that will leave a long lasting impact on our district for years to come. The last day of school, June 6th, marked the end of an era for 3 outstanding educators. Denny Christenson (39 years), Cindy Fischer (36.5 years) and Lynda LeGrand (38 years) will be retiring from the School District of Spencer. I know the changes that education and schooling has gone through in my time in education I can’t imagine the roller coaster ride they have seen. I also want to wish them luck as they begin a new career. I want to thank the parents, staff, and community for the support of our kids. As a parent it is assuring to know that my children have a sound foundation to work off of in becoming adults. I also know and understand the dedication that the Spencer area adults have played in the role of educating our students and want to show my appreciation as well. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have questions, comments or concerns. My goal is to represent the needs of our community and can only help the situations I know about.

11_________________ Post Prom a Success


PAGE 12________________ Spencer Youth Recreations N.H.S. Inducts New Members

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS: 7:00 am – 3:00 pm

PAGE 13________________ Launch Pad PAGE


Students Get Jump on College Credit from NTC PAGE 15_________________

Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 16_________________ Fall Sports Schedules

Mike Endreas, - Superintendent

There will be no access to student office services July 4th – August 4th Spencer Public Schools

SO MANY TO THANK On Friday, May 9, 2014 we held our annual senior awards night. As I participated in this event I was once again amazed at all of the effort that is put into this program. During the night approximately 60 scholarships where presented to the seniors along with a numerous certificates for multiple accolades the students had earned. One of the reason why I love this evening is because it reminds all of us, that even though at times we get frustrated with our youth, that these young adults are still well vested in our communities and have accomplished some amazing things during their high school careers.

was simply wide eyed very young 7th graders and I had the opportunity to watch them grow into the amazing young adults that they graduated as. I think that is one of the best parts of my job is that I get the chance to see so many of these young kids grow up and mature into young adults. I know as we get older we have a tendency to believe that our generation had it tougher, had more respect, and had a much better work ethic as youth, however, as I watch these young adults I can assure you that the future looks bright and we have a lot of talented young adults ready to step in continue to move us forward.

I would like to publicly and personally thank all of the contributors to this event. The many donors that provide scholarships to our students, the staff personnel that spent countless hours putting things together in preparation for the event, and the community for your continued support of Spencer schools to help make this all possible. I cannot express enough to all of you how wonderful it is to work in a community that understands the importance of a high quality education system and the commitment, both time and financial, that it takes to make that possible. The youth in Spencer are lucky to have a community that puts such a high emphasis on their future.

Thank you again to everyone who spent countless hours helping to make this another very successful school year. The time you give and the dedication you have to producing a quality education for Spencer students is greatly appreciated.

I would also like to thank the parents of this year’s graduating class for giving me the opportunity to work their children over the past 6 years. When I arrived here this graduating class

Jerry Zanotelli - MS/HS Principal

Box-tops for Education, Campbells Labels, and Kwik-Trip milk caps and labels are collected here at school to raise funds for various educational purposes. Please put each kind in a separate bag or envelope and make sure to rinse out the milk ones. Thank you!

Spencer Magazine Sale Please save your renewals for our fall sale. Questions, contact or 866-864-7275

**We no longer collect Land O’Lakes or Kemps caps.*

Proceeds go directly for the upkeep of our school forest.

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the HS Library. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are available for viewing at under the District links tab. Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Dave Post, Director Check out the school website ( for school contact information. The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, September 12, 2014. You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary Office, or you may e-mail them to It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.

Thank you!! 2

Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff of the Spencer Public Schools have submitted the articles printed in this Publication. Announcements are a community service. Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief

The School District of Spencer shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. To report an alleged violation regarding discrimination, contact Mike Endreas, District Administrator, Spencer School District, 715-659-5347

SUMMER - 2014

The 2013-2014 school year is in the books! This has been a great year for Spencer Elementary. Our youngest Rockets have experienced and learned so much throughout this school year. A recap of some of the highlights: •

We read, read, and read s’more books at Camp Read A Lot.

The Olympics came to Spencer and our students earned many gold medals for all of their hard work. The Olympic ceremony had presentations from every country (grade level).

A million dollar cow came to visit and entertain all of our students! The cow was accompanied by the author, Mary Denk, who wrote about her. The students learned about the publishing process and got to hear the story of Anna’s Million Dollar Cow.

As we move toward summer we look forward to the learning to continue through our summer school offerings. These courses do a fantastic job of bringing learning and fun together. Summer is a time to relax and have fun and we want to keep learning alive in the summer too. We hope to avoid the summer “slide” that often happens with skills that the students have built throughout the school year. On average students can lose up to 2.6 months of grade level math skills if they don’t continue to practice over the summer. Simple activities like reading recipes and helping make meals, counting money, using clock skills to tell time and figure out how long an activity will take, or doing 3-4 math problems a day can help combat this loss. Reading skills can also take a huge dip in the summer. Try to engage your child in books that peak their interest and are at their level. Reading just 15- 30 minutes a day will help your child not only maintain their current skills but actually grow as a reader over the summer. I hope you all have a great summer and I look forward to another great school year next year!

The first ever Music in our Schools celebration took place. All 700 of our students worked together to put on this one of a kind event. Everyone left that afternoon with an extra spring in their step because “Music makes me feel HAPPY!”

Our Family Fun Fest saw 270 elementary students and families enjoying carnival games, food, and prizes!

Jill Schulz - Elementary Principal/Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator

SPENCER PUBLIC SCHOOL Mission: Spencer Public School empowers students to achieve their greatest academic, emotional, social and civic potential.

Vision: Excellence for Every student, Every day, the Rocket Way

Beliefs: •

Sandy Reckner, third grade teacher, was named a Teacher of Distinction by the Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce.

Several of our youth wrestlers earned their way to the State Youth Wrestling Event.

Our fifth graders mushed through the Iditarod and fought in the Civil War!

We have had trips to local dairies, zoos, farms, libraries, grocery stores, our state capitol and airports. Our Rockets learn so much from these outings.

• Individuals have a right to a safe, welcoming environment. • Individuals have value and deserve to be treated with respect. • Individuals are responsible for their actions. • Mistakes are opportunities for learning. • Individuals have unique strengths and abilities. • Character Education leads to personal and academic growth. • Community, parents/guardians and schools inspire student growth. • Knowing all students by name enhances personal connections and student learning. • Providing a strong foundation for continuous learning includes critical and creative thinking.

Respectful Responsible The Rocket Way!

Safe 3

4 Year-old Kindergarten NEWS It’s hard to believe that the school year is coming to an end. Where has the time gone? I have certainly enjoyed spending time getting to know two very wonderful classes of 4k students this year. I am a little reluctant to let them move on, but I guess it’s time. We have learned so much together this year and I am very proud of the accomplishments made by all 43 students. We would like to thank our regular volunteers who faithfully came into the classroom to help us out each week. The extra help is invaluable to us especially at this age level. The kids certainly enjoyed the extra attention from our moms, grandmas, and new friends! I would also like to thank a fabulous group of parents! We received so much support and generosity this year. I can’t thank them enough. We wish you a safe and fun-filled summer! - Submitted by 4 Year-old Kindergarten Teacher: Janet Wolf


My how they have grown! The first graders have not only grown in INCHES this year, but also in their brains. We’ve learned to read, and we can write whole stories. We can add, subtract, tell time and count money. We’ve become so much more independent and responsible! I know three teachers that are really going to miss these kids! Thank you so much to a wonderful group of parents.

You are your child’s first teachers, and they wouldn’t have made all this progress without your patience and guidance. We’ll miss you too! - Submitted by the First Grade teachers: Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad

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SUMMER - 2014

SECOND GRADE NEWS It is hard to believe that we are at the end of the school year! We have worked really hard this year and will soon be moving on to third grade. We had and will be having a very busy end of the school year. In April we enjoyed a cool but dry day at the Spencer Park for Spencer’s Arbor Day Celebration. Mrs. Elfe came to visit us from the Heritage Bank. She read a good story to us and talked about how to save money. We had an exciting day of music when the entire school met in the gym to dance and sing together. Several teachers made a great representation of The Village People band. In May we started with our fieldtrip to Nasonville Dairy, Wild Wood Park and Zoo, and the school forest. We had a great day of learning and fun. Mary Denk came to talk to us about the book she published called The Million Dollar Cow. We enjoyed hearing her story. Our spring concert is coming up and we have be practicing very hard. We will be walking to the Spencer Public Library, the Heritage Bank, and the Historical Society. We will be participating in Rocket Olympics Day on the 23rd. That is always a favorite!

We want you to have a safe summer and keep reading and working on your math skills. There has been a lot of gains this year and we do not want to see that summer slide. - Submitted by the Second Grade teachers: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson

THIRD GRADE NEWS As the end of the school year draws near, we proudly look back at all of our accomplishments this school year. The third graders have made noticeable academic gains in the areas of reading, math, and language arts as evidenced on the MAP tests that they were given three times throughout the course of the year. Our third grade MAP scores exceeded the national scores, and our student growth from fall to spring also exceeded the national growth during the same time period. Students have learned to read and write in cursive, and it is no longer a mysterious code. In math, we learned new methods for solving 2-digit multiplication problems, solved problems involving fractions and will be working again on measurement and analyzing and comparing data. Students have been participating in the online version of the Accelerated Reader Program, and have made strides toward meeting their reading goals. In science class, we learned about the ways in which plants and animals interact. In social studies, we are studying the various communities across America and how their environments differ. In May, we took a field trip to the Rose Bowl and to the Marshfield Zoo where we watched a special

animal program and learned that many medicines come from animals. It’s been a great year, and we wish the third graders well as they move forward. They have become responsible, respectful, and safe citizens. - Submitted by the Third Grade teachers: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant

Mrs. Tomke’s Class Wins District Fundraiser This year the National Honor Society again conducted a fundraiser for childhood cancer research called Pennies for Patients. Mrs. Tomke’s class raised more funds than any other class in the school district. Shown in the picture with Mrs. Tomke’s class is N.H.S President Heidi Guenther, coordinator for the school district fundraiser. 5

FOURTH GRADE NEWS The fourth grade classes have been very busy this year. We did a fantastic job performing during the Holiday Concert. To see more photos of this performance go onto the school website and check out the various teacher websites. We have taken 3 major tests this year. We have taken the Knowledge and Concepts test and two MAPS testing sessions. We have one more session of MAPS testing this year. Our Madison field trip is coming up on May 22nd of this year. We raise the funds for this trip through our can cage in the south teacher parking lot. We really need a lot more funds so please donate your cans to our worthy cause. In math we are studying decimals to the thousandths place right now. The next unit will be on multiplying multi-digit numbers. In reading, we are working on using nonfiction reading skills. These include: looking at the boldface words; looking at the pictures and reading captions; asking questions and rereading for understanding. We will also continue our independent reading each night! Most students did a great job with keeping track of their reading minutes. In Language, students have been writing good sentences and letters. Perhaps a letter came home to you? We should be focusing on proper grammar and writing even outside the classrooms! We can all help each other with this in a friendly way. Happy 2014! Keep studying and practicing facts, reading lots, and checking over everything you write. Most of all, Stay warm! - Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers: Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller

Kyler Bainer and Lydia Nieman were both honored in the Marathon County Agriculture in the Classroom writing contest. Over 300 essays from across the county were submitted. Kyler earned first place and a prize of a Kindle Fire, Lydia earned an Honorable Mention and a $20 Culver’s gift card. Pictured are Nikki Dejong - Marathon County Ag Services rep, Kyler Bainer, Lydia Nieman, and Tammi Miller - fifth grade language arts teacher.



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SUMMER - 2014

FIFTH GRADE NEWS It is hard to believe that we are nearly finished with another school year. We hope the fifth graders have enjoyed the year as much as we have. We wish them luck in sixth grade!!! So many great things have been taking place in our area. Here are a few of the highlights: •

Math class has been very challenging. The kids have done an excellent job and we have shown tremendous growth on our MAP assessment scores. Lately we have been working with adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, order of operations, and the world of fractions. Many of the kids are excited to have mastered the online basic fact program called Xtramath. We encourage the kids to continue to practice over the summer so they will be all set for the fall and its new challenges.

We have had lots of fun in Media class as we produced mini video projects using the

Animoto Program. It was a great way to share our pictures from the annual Toga Party held in April. We also look forward to the remaining weeks of class as we will be frantically producing a memory slide show utilizing the Movie Maker Program. Each child will bring home a keepsake with pictures of our events from the whole year. We hope they enjoy it with their families. Those pictures will probably surface again in their senior slide show, too!!

In social studies class, we studied the Civil War in preparation for Civil War Day which was held on May 22nd at the Spencer School Forest. The ‘soldiers’ learned their identities and their varying views on slavery. The ‘war’ decided whether the USA or the CSA won. Activities and competitions took place and a fun day was had by all.

Students have worked hard in reading class all year. In looking at the MAP scores, the teachers were very proud of their growth and efforts. We read many interesting pieces of literature this year including Number the Stars, which was a book about the Holocaust. This had prompted many good class discussions, as well as a broader knowledge of history.

Communications class has been writing, listening, and speaking in various activities. Good communications are SO important to so many aspects of life. Keep communicating all summer. Write a letter (ha!), write in a journal about your summer, send an email/text to a friend, chat with friends and relatives, and order or ask questions at a restaurant or store. It’s all good practice. - Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mrs. Buss, Mrs. LeGrand, and Mrs. Miller

college days for kids - uwsp Twelve talented 6th graders had the opportunity to get a taste of college life by attending College Days for Kids at UW-Stevens Point in April. The students spent a Friday attending special courses

designed for them and taught by university professors. They were exposed to many college experiences and had the opportunity to meet several hundred other talented 6th graders from around the state. Students chosen to attend were: Zach Dunbar, Colten Fischer, Hannah Zastrow, Hayden Bauman, Cody Derks, Anthony Posteluk, Aryiah Schuh, Kerstin Schuh, Maria Semenchuk, Leah Nieman, Promise Ngirwe, and Brett Kasch.

KNOWLEDGE QUEST A SUCCESS The Spencer PTA Knowledge Quest fundraising event was held on April 15th. Thank you to all the students, teachers, parents, grandparents and community members that helped make this year’s event a success. A special thank you to all the high school students that volunteered and their teachers, without whom this event would

not be possible. A special thank you also to Arby’s of Marshfield for their generous support. This fundraiser helps the PTA provide continued support to our school, teachers and students so thank you to everyone who made a donation. It is all greatly appreciated.


Middle School Students “Walk to Africa” Spencer Middle School students went international this year with their community service project. On May 16, students walked in the “Amazing Race Walk to Africa” raising funds for children in Africa. Students received pledges to walk and had at least 4 students from each House walking the entire day. Some students opted to walk the entire day putting on five to twelve miles. Houses had their knowledge of African countries tested and had a chance to show their problem solving and communication skills as they made their way through teambuilding challenges throughout the day. Our middle school students did very well raising a total of $2082. Money raised will be used to buy school supplies for children in Uganda and to provide personal care supplies for girls in Kenya so they can attend school. Students were inspired to help after hearing Jean Ngirwe tell of their trip to Uganda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Jean and Eva Ngirwe are Spencer parents who used to live in the Democratic Republic of Congo and moved to Wisconsin in 2004. They went back for the first time in August 2013, taking supplies to children who have very little. They are going back in July 2014. Supplies will be purchased there, as shipping costs more than purchasing the supplies directly in Uganda and Kenya.

This has been a wonderful opportunity for students to connect with students in another country and has led to greater appreciation for the educational opportunity they are lucky to have here in Spencer. Anyone wishing to join Spencer middle school students with their service project, is welcome to leave a donation in the High School Office.

The winning house in the Amazing Race had the honor of presenting the check to the Ngirwe family. Hickory House showed excellent teambuilding skills and walked a total of 378 laps. Hickory House members include: (back row) Logan Mannigel, Gavid Kilty, Jacob Miller, Eva Ngirwe, Collin Nieman, Jean Ngirwe, Will Johnson, Alain Estrada, ( front row) Brett Kasch, Zach Endreas, Connor Smith, Devin Mayfield, Mason Barth. Tanner Kleinschmidt, Brandon Lenz, and Caleb Leonhardt are missing from the picture. Mrs. Judy Barton is the House leader for Hickory.

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SUMMER - 2014

MUSIC SENIORS VISIT & TOUR NEW YORK CITY Spencer HS Musicians of the Class of 2014 recently returned from a trip to New York City. Their itinerary included: The Lion King, Kinky Boots, Blueman Group, NY Philharmonic, Metropolitan Museum of Art, United Nations, a Circle Line Cruise, the Cotton Club, Rockefeller Center. Pictured from L-R: row 1: Jenifer Neuendank, Tara Kramer, Hana Kramer, Amanda Wetterau, Khia Kramer, Melissa Ruhbusch, Jenna Strebe; row 2: Felicia Weier, Kayla Kolstad, Jaynie Burnett, Heidi Guenther, Spencer Susa, Steven Hebert, Mikayla Mlsna, Amanda Skrzeczkoski, Lindsey Kaiser, Katrina Weber Photo courtesy:

SOLO-EnSEMBLE FESTIVAL IS A SUCCESS Spencer Music Department had forty events qualify for WSMA State Solo-Ensemble Festival to take place May 3 at UW-Stevens Point. Participating musicians are: (seated) Hana Kramer; row 1: Tiffany Raatz, Hayden Czaikowski, Samantha Kniess, McKale Weichelt, Faith Becker, Amanda Springob, Alexis Tremelling; row 2: Courtney Buss, Kayla Kolstad, Gena Duerr, Nicole Strebe, Morgan Mancl, Jessica Becker, Victoria Kniess, Lindsey Kaiser, Jenna Strebe; row 3: Jessica Meinders, Felicia Bauer, Katelyn Zimmerman, Amanda Doescher, Tara Kramer, Amanda Wetterau, Ellayna Lyon, Miranda Jackson, Katelyn Walter, Allison Farrell, Megan Meyer; row 4: Colleen Arnold, Melissa Arnold, Casey Shaw, Spencer Susa, Andrew Seefeldt, Elijah Schuh, Abby Varsho, Elly Rahman, Beth Duerr, Lix Endreas, Brittany Fitzgerald; row 5: Brandi Hildebrandt, Alaina Kadrlik, Austin Elsinger, Jack Burnett, Ryan Busse, Dakota Andreae, Steven Hebert, Devin Gerstner, Donovan Fox, Macie Weber, Brooke Cowell, Mikayla Mlsna; not pictured: Jaynie Burnett

SCHOOL FOREST FUN THIS SUMMER Students who will be in grades 5 – 12 this fall may sign-up for the School Forest summer activities class taking place many afternoons in June and July. Some of the fun activities planned include fishing, games, walking the trails with laptop computers to learn about plants and animals, gardening, projects to improve the forest, navigating with a compass, looking at pond water through

a microscope, outdoor survival skills, decorating the cabin, and ending with a family cookout. Fliers were distributed to students in May. Class size is limited and students can sign-up in the middle school/high school office. For more information call 715-659-4211. The two pictures show the entrance to the school forest on West Mann Road (just west of Highway V) and the forest lake.


spencer high school 2014 prom Spencer High School held its junior prom on Saturday, April 26th, from 7-11PM in the RJ Tack Auditorium, which was transformed into an under-the-sea magical land for the occasion. The theme this year was “Treasure the Night”. Prom advisors were Mrs. Joy Messerschmidt, Mrs. Jackie Pickett, and Mr. Mark Zimmerman. Attendance at prom was exceptional, and the students not only looked amazing but also demonstrated outstanding behavior, the Rocket Way. After the prom, Post-Prom was held at Rose Bowl Lanes, sponsored again by the BLAST organization. The 2014 prom court is pictured below. The junior class would like to thank all parents and community members who chaperoned, lent items for the evening, and help decorate; Rob Schulz for emceeing; and Jensen Motors for providing classy rides for the court. If we have omitted anyone, please know that we are most grateful for all your help. Prom would not have been such a great success without all of you.

Prom court, listed left to right: Row one: Charlie Burt and Abigail Wilke, Crown Bearers. Row two: 2013 Prom King Spencer Susa, 2014 Prom King Mitchell Susa, 2014 Prom Queen Haley Griepentrog, 2013 Prom Queen Aly Hannan, Christopher Bores, and Jaden Shelley. Row three: Abby Varsho, Miles Weber, Rachel Zastrow, Brooke Kettleborough, Travis Stelson, Jordyn Wichlacz, and Dylan Schubert. Row four: Katlynne Walter, Nathan Mercier, Tim Larson, Tyler Voda, and Paige Lawrence. (Photo courtesy: John H. Keel Photography)

spanish students paint ceiling tiles During a unit on Spanish-speaking artists in Sra. Young’s Spanish III class, students studied the different painting styles of such artists as Picasso, Dali, Kahlo, and Rivera. Each student painted a tile in the style of the artist chosen. Presentations in Spanish were made explaining the meaning of each individual’s painting. The painted ceiling tiles can be seen in Room 228 at Spencer Schools. Autumn Young from Eleva Strum is a Distance Learning instructor for Spanish III & IV, Joy Messerschmidt is the on-site facilitator.

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SUMMER - 2014

spencer high school 2014 prom One of the most anticipated and exciting events of a teenager’s life is their high schoolprom. Nothing compares to getting all dressed up, going out for dinner, and dancing into the weehours of the night with friends; prom is the one night a year where teens can act like adults, letloose, and just have a good time. But while prom night festivities can be an extraordinary experience, there is also the potential for unexpected horrors. All too often do we hear heartbreaking stories of teens beingmaimed or even killed after prom, leaving communities shocked and parents devastated. The dangers of alcohol and drugs are just as present today as they have always been, and on a night where a teen is allowed to let loose, kids can be tempted to experiment with various substances. Prom is supposed to be a happy, memorable experience; but over the last few years, parentshave grown more and more worried about their child’s wellbeing after the dance is over. In an effort to put a stop to the dangers of prom night, Spencer High School’s studentorganization, BLAST (Being a Leader And Standing Tall), has developed a program that keeps watch over kids after the dance has ended. This program is called Post Prom. The Post Promcelebration is an annual event that has occurred directly after prom for the last four years, andhas become one of the most anticipated events of the school year at SHS. On April 26th, thefourth Post Prom celebration was successfully put on after Spencer’s prom that evening. Afterthe dance, the students changed out of their dresses and tuxes into more casual clothes and were then transported by school buses to and from the Rose Bowl Lanes in Marshfield, wherethey bowled, ate, won prizes, and laughed with their friends under the supervision of both teachers and volunteers from the Spencer community. The event provided a safe, fun alternative for kids and kept them from the dangers of alcohol and drugs after prom was over.

SHS students have attended Post Prom each year since it first began in 2011, including kids who did not even attend prom in the first place. The program’s popularity continues to grow with every new school year. Since Post Prom started, SHS’s Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) have shown that over 90% of Spencer students are healthy, drug free individuals. Post Prom has also spawned new friendships amongst the students of SHS, which has resulted in a larger sense of camaraderie and togetherness in the high school hallways. Most Spencer students would agree that Post Prom is the best part of prom, and without it, the night just wouldn’t be the same. Post Prom takes the worry off of parents’ shoulders and ensures the safety of students on prom night, which is a priceless gift to both the school and entire Spencer community. Spencer High School BLAST members and the SHS counselor, Katrina Eisfeldt, would like to thank the following volunteers for their help with this year’s Post Prom celebration: Doug and Lisa Lehman, Lora and Al Mercier, Kelly and Marty Lawrence, Lee and Vicky Varsho, Lenny and Vicki Brostowitz, Carlyn and Jesse Johnson, Shaun and Erica Schober, DeAnn and Ryan Grienpentrog, Ken and Karri Wichlacz, Brian Abel, Greg Oestreich, Jerry Zanotelli, Karla and Denny Brehm, Jason Gorst, Justin Rayburn and Natalie, Mark Zimmerman, and Jim Bauer. BLAST would also like to thank the following donors for their contributions of money, food, prizes, and buses that helped make this year’s Post Prom possible: Spencer Youth Recreation, The Suds Shop, R & R Flooring, Ben Bauer – Premier Printing, Modern Insulation, Rogers Cinema, Darrin Thompson, Burnett Transit , Heritage Bank, J.P. Togs, Vicky Brostowitz, Annah Nigon, Vicky Varsho, J.P. Togs, and Carlyn and Jesse Johnson. Your efforts are greatly appreciated! Submitted by: Amanda Springob

Post Prom has become one of BLAST’s most popular events of the school year, not just for parents, but also for students. Over 90% of

college can be affordable We’ve all heard about the rising cost of education. Chances are good it’s going to cost a lot more to send your child to college than it cost when you graduated from high school. That doesn’t mean you need to empty your life savings or put your child behind a wall of debt to provide them with the education they want or need. There are affordable options right here in central Wisconsin. Area College

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*Cost per credit was found on either the college’s individual website or

Not only is Northcentral Technical College (NTC) the most affordable option in the area per credit, but the college offers more than 150 associate degree, technical diploma and certificate options. All of NTC’s associate degree programs also have transfer agreements to four-year colleges and universities, allowing you to save money during the first two years while still acquiring a bachelor’s degree. If the cost of higher education still seems daunting, there are a number of financial aid options available to students. Federal Financial Aid offers loans, grants and work-study opportunities. Scholarships are abundant through local community organizations, businesses and the college your child is planning to attend. You can check with your school counselor for a list of scholarships available in your area. The NTC Foundation awards more than 350 scholarships annually, ranging from $100 to $2,000. Last year more than $38,000 in NTC Foundation Scholarships were awarded to graduating high school seniors who were accepted to begin an NTC program in the following fall semester. To learn more about how your student can take advantage of this great cost savings on their education, contact your high school counselor or NTC Career Coach.


SYR has been quite busy this spring. Our organization hosted a youth basketball camp for the kids of Spencer Elementary School. The youngsters learned the fundamentals of basketball and had lots of fun. They wear their camp T-shirts proudly. The annual 3 on 3 basketball tourney was held and was a great success. Teams from many communities visited our school and enjoyed a day of competitive ball. All proceeds from these events will be used to cover expenses of our big project at SPREC Field. You may notice that our concession stand is a huge hit at softball games. The upper level is used for filming the games and is home to the radio announcers when they visit. It is awesome to have this building and we look forward to serving our fans in the future. Dugouts will be completed soon and landscaping will be done as well. Look for

details in the near future for a ribbon cutting ceremony to honor all those businesses, organizations, and individuals who made this all possible through monetary donations and gifts of time and talent. Some of our latest donations to our youth included monetary donations to the Spencer FFA Easter egg hunt and SHS Blast Program for their Post Prom Party at Rose Bowl Lanes in Marshfield. SYR is proud to support these opportunities for our youth.

Mark your calendars for our biggest fundraiser of the year: Annual Golf Outing at RIveredge Golf Course on Sat., July 26th. For more information, please contact Greg Mlsna:

Spencer N.H.S. Inducts New Members This year the Spencer High School National Honor Society inducted twenty-seven new members, possibly a Spencer school record for new members in one year. This large number of inductees speaks very highly of the commitment of the students, parents, school, and community. The new members are, listed alphabetically: Colleen Arnold, Faith Becker (Vice President), Cora Beyreis, Jessica Burt, Allison Farrell, Brittany Fitzgerald, Haley Griepentrog, Brandi Hildebrandt, Marisa Johnson (Secretary; not shown in the picture), Brooke Kettleborough, Mikaela Krause, Paige Lawrence, Melissa Lehman (Parliamentarian/Lions & PTA Liaison), Jenny Meyer, Seanna Mueller, Marissa Nigon, Hannah Pankratz, Kalie Ress, Logan Schafer, Jaden Shelley (not shown in the picture), Amanda Springob, Mitchell Susa, Abigail Varsho, Katlynne Walter (Historian/Concierge), Jordyn Wichlacz, Rachel Zastrow, and Ashley Zimmerman The Spencer High School chapter of the National Honor Society exists to create an enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote worthy leadership, and to encourage the development of honorable character. Candidates must be a junior or a senior, have a minimum grade point average of a 3.2 on a scale of 4, and demonstrate positive indications of character, leadership, and service. Selection is by an Academic Council of five high school faculty members. This year, NHS students continued

Students Attend Health Care Conference

This semester two Spencer High School students (Miss Gessert and Mr. Susa) attended The Marshfield Clinic Fritz Wenzel conference on a Saturday, where they learned about numerous aspects related to careers in health care.


various school and community service goals, including being actively involved in helping the Spencer Lions Club & Spencer P.T.A. with some of their fundraising and community service goals. Submitted by the NHS Advisor.

Photo courtesy: John H. Keel Photography.

SUMMER - 2014

character development & leadership launch pad - skills that last a lifetime Launch Pad groups are comprised of students in grades 9-12. Each launch pad has an advisor to lead the group in discussions of character traits. The main objective of this course is to improve character and leadership traits by developing critical thinking, building basis skills, emphasizing positive changes in attitude and promoting essential components of character and leadership. Students are given the opportunity to discuss their own personal values, beliefs and attitudes. Launch Pad families encourage students to reflect on their own personal experiences, development, background and ethics while respecting the viewpoint of others. For the 2013-14 school year, our groups studied the traits of Empathy (“Conversation means being able to disagree and still continue the discussion.” Dwight MacDonald), Tolerance (“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Martin Luther King, Jr.), Self-Control (“Anger is only one letter short of danger.” Anonymous), and Gratitude (“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” Marcel Proust). The topics chosen are designed to be meaningful to each individual’s

life. Our hope as advisors is the information and skills learned will motivate youth to become the leaders of tomorrow. The ultimate goal of the curriculum is to help each and every student become more successful in school, relationships, and life. Submitted by: Karla R. Brehm, Launch Pad Advisor

Good News! In February of this year the Spencer Fire Department had their ISO rating upgraded.

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Spencer High School Students Getting a Jump on College (WAUSAU, Wis.) – With another school year coming to a close, Spencer High School seniors are looking forward to graduation, and the start of a new chapter in their lives. Thirty-two of the current Spencer seniors got a head start on their college education while in high school by taking advantage of dual enrollment, or transcripted credit. Through this program, students have enrolled in college courses taught at Spencer High School. The classes are taught by certified high school instructors who follow Northcentral Technical College (NTC) curriculum and competencies in their classrooms. This provides the students an opportunity to complete associate degree

and technical diploma course work while fulfilling high school graduation requirements, with no tuition cost for the student or the school district. Those seniors have accumulated a total of 235 college credits over the past four years, saving the students and their parents $30,550 as opposed to taking those same classes at NTC after they graduate high school. The credits can go towards an associate degree at NTC or can transfer to any of the four-year colleges or universities where NTC has an existing articulation agreement. Submitted by: Jennifer Johnson, Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator

Spencer Trains Science Student Teacher

This semester, Mrs. Kerry Doran loaned her talents in the classroom and laboratory to first year high school biology and chemistry students. In this picture, Mrs. Doran and Principal Zanotelli observe students studying the external anatomy of an amphibian.

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SUMMER - 2014

STRATFORD CONTINUING EDUCATION: SUMMER 2014 Class Schedule Location key: SHS = Stratford High School COURSE TITLE

SES = Stratford Elementary School EMS = Edgar Middle School DAY





5/12/14 NOTES



Vinyasa Flow Yoga Kathy 15/15/15



5:30 - 6:30pm



6/9 - 8/4

Good Shepherd Church


9:00 - 10:00am



6/12 - 8/28

Good Shepherd Church


5:30 - 6:15pm



6/17 - 8/26

Good Shepherd Church

Yoga in the Park Ann


5:45 - 7:00pm



6/17 - 7/22

Veterans Park (outdoors)




6:30 - 7:15pm



6/17 - 8/26

Good Shepherd Church




5:30 - 6:15pm



6/19 - 8/7

Good Shepherd Church

Streaming Yoga Ann


6:30 - 7:15pm



6/19 - 8/7

Good Shepherd Church




5:30 - 6:30pm



6/23 - 8/25

First Presbyterian Gym


Kristen B.


6:15 - 7:15pm



6/25 - 8/27



6:30 - 8:30pm




Good Shepherd Church

Introduction to Essential Oils -Aromatherapy





6:15 - 7:15pm



6/26 - 8/28

Town of Green Valley Hall


Kristen B.


6:15 - 7:15pm



7/7 - 9/15

Town of Green Valley Hall




6:15 - 7:15pm



6/16 - 8/18

Zion Family Center


Kristen B.


6:15 - 7:15pm



6/19 - 8/21

Zion Family Center

*Supplies required

NOTE: You can join a class up to 2 weeks after the start date. There is no discount in the fee.

Questions: Email Linda at Visit us on the web: • Facebook: J TO REGISTER for Marshfield, Spencer : Go to our online sign up sheet at: : J TO REGISTER for Athens, Edgar, Stratford : Go to our online sign up sheet at:

EARN FREE COLLEGE CREDITS IN HIGH SCHOOL Did you know your high school student can earn FREE college credits while still in high school? They’re called transcripted credits and allow your student to simultaneously earn high school and college credit with one class or a series of classes.

more than $400 per three-credit class if they complete the course successfully. NTC partners with local high schools to offer more than 40 dual credit courses. High School students earned credit valued at $734,437 in 2012-2013 through transcripted credit.

High school students are taught college level coursework at their high school during their junior and senior year, receiving Northcentral Technical College (NTC) credits that can either give them a jump start on their education in one of NTC’s 150-plus programs or transfer the credits to one of the more than 40 four-year colleges and universities where NTC has transfer agreements.

To learn more about how your student can take advantage of this great cost savings on their education, contact your high school counselor or NTC Career Coach.

The best part, earning college credit is no cost to you or your child! Transcripted credit has no tuition cost, saving you an average of

You can find more information on how to apply to NTC’s associate degree or technical diploma programs at You can also contact your high school’s NTC Career Coach. Find your Career Coach at by clicking on your high school.

Reserve your spot in the next edition of




855-774-6881 | Local: 715-486-0603

Deadline for the next issue:

Sep. 12, 2014 - limited space available 15

ROCKETS FOOTBALL Aug 22 Aug 29 Sep 5 Sep 12 Sep 19 Sep 27

7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM 1:30PM

@ Fall Creek vs. Stanley-Boyd @ Neillsville @ Colby High School vs. Cadott vs. Regis

Oct 3 Oct 10 Oct 17

7:00PM 7:00PM 7:00PM

@ Altoona @ Edgar vs. Osseo-Fairchild

(Beell Stadium in Marshfield)

Spencer Volleyball Aug 26 Aug 30 Sep 9 Sep 11 Sep 13 Sep 18 Sep 23 Sep 25 Sep 27 Sep 30 Oct 2 Oct 4 Oct 7 Oct 9 Oct 14 Oct 16 Oct 21

3:00PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:00PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:00PM

Home Tournament @ Marathon (Tourney) vs. Rhinelander @ Owen-Withee @ Auburndale @ Loyal/Granton (Loyal) vs. Columbus @ Gilman @ Abbotsford vs. Colby @ Neillsville @ Reedsburg vs. Greenwood @ Medford TBD TBD TBD (Regional)

Aug 28 Sep 2 Sep 9 Sep 15 Sep 20 Sep 25 Oct 2

4:00PM @ Pittsville 5:00PM @ Mosinee (Nine Mile) 4:00PM @ Marshfield 4:15PM @ Stratford 8:30AM @ Wausau East 4:15PM @ Colby 4:30PM Home vs. Loyal, Thorp, Columbus (Frey Field)

Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

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