The Rocket - Spencer School Newsletter - Summer 2013

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With an end comes new Beginnings 2________________________ Summer Office Hours


PAGE 3________________________ 4k and Kindergarten News PAGE 4_______________________

First and Second Grade News

5______________________ Third and Fourth Grade News


6_____________________ Fifth and Sixth Grade News


PAGE 7____________________ Middle School News






@ Stanley-Boyd

Aug 30


vs. Neillsville

Sep 6


vs. Colby

Sep 14


vs. Ashland

Sep 21


@ Regis

Sep 27


vs. Altoona

Oct 4


@ Pittsville

Oct 11


@ Osseo-Fairchild

Oct 18


vs. Fall Creek

@ Beell Stadium

VOLLEYBALL Aug 24 Scrimmage Aug 27 Tournament Aug 31 Tournament Sep 12 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 24 Sep 26 Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 5 Tournament Oct 8 Oct 10 Dual

9:00AM 3:00PM 11:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM

@ Marathon Home @ Marathon vs. Neillsville @ Colby @ Columbus @ Greenwood vs. Augusta vs. Gilman @ Loyal-Granton @ Stratford vs. Owen-Withee @ WI Val. Lutheran

CROSS COUNTRY Aug 29 Sep 3 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 21 Sep 26 Oct 3 Oct 8 Oct 19 Oct 25 Nov 2

4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 8:30AM 4:15PM 4:30PM 4:15PM 10:30AM 4:00PM TBA

@ Pittsville @ Mosinee (9 Mile) @ Marshfield @ Stratford @ Wausau(Smiley) @ Colby Home Meet (Frey’s) Auburndale (@ Frey’s) Conference (@ O-F ) @ Wausau (9 Mile) State

Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

Be comfortable in every season! 24 Hour Service • Residential • Commercial

PAGE 8___________________ Music Festival Results

9__________________ Launch Pad Update Spencer Grad Returns SEA Scholarship


PAGE 10_________________ New NHS Members Inducted

11__________________ Spencer FFA Banquet


PAGE 12________________ Spencer Youth Recreations

June 5th will bring the 2012-13 school year to an end. This date will not only mark the end of the school year but also the journey of 53 graduating seniors and the outstanding careers of two of our educators. Margaret Miskulin, Grade 6, and Edie Smazal, Elementary Music, will be retiring from the district after years of positive service to the students, district and community. I wish them luck in their new careers that I am certain will involve spoiling grandkids and doing whatever else their interests involve. Knowing their current work ethics, I am certain it will not involve staying stationary. I thank them both for their friendship, dedication and all they have done for our School. The graduating class of 2013 will also have a new and exciting beginning to their careers. In listening to the students, this involves them entering military service, higher education and some directly into the workforce. As a District we are proud of their accomplishments and feel we have prepared them for their new beginnings. A few numbers to consider that gives a good indication of the work this group of kids accomplished while at Spencer Public School: 320, this is the number of postsecondary credits earned by this year’s class, much is said about area schools and the number of AP courses that they provide, while our energies are focused more on collaborative efforts with local colleges to assure the credits earned will transfer directly into a program of study. 32, the number of total kids that went on to state solo ensemble; obviously not all seniors, but my understanding is it is the largest number of events going to state ever. 2, this is the number of conference championships earned in Volleyball and Softball, 9 tournament appearances in athletics with appearances in a Sectional final for Volleyball, State Qualifiers in Wrestling, with hopes of more in spring sports. All of which are great indicators of the advantage of being a small school as many of the individuals in one area are having success in other areas. There will also be a new beginning for the remaining students of our district. We are proud of our kids doing things the “Rocket Way” - being respectful, responsible and safe is what we strive for. The bar has been set high for the upcoming students of our district. I am completely certain and confident that our kids are up to the task. I wish you all a relaxing and joyous summer. I look forward to seeing you all in the fall for what I am confident will be another successful school year.

PAGE 13________________ Healthy Summer Tips

14________________ 2013-2014 School Calendar


PAGE 15_________________ Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 16_________________ Fall Sports Schedules -Mike Endreas, Superintendent/Elementary Principal

Spencer Public Schools 300 N. School Street PO Box 418 Spencer, WI 54479

Superintendent/Elementary Principal, Mike Endreas Middle School/High School Principal, Jerry Zanotelli District Office Phone (715) 659-5347 High School Office Phone (715) 659-4211 Elementary Office Phone (715) 659-4642

CONTINUALLY MOVING FORWARD As the 2012-2013 school year comes to an end we can reflect on the year, look at what worked and adjust what didn’t. I am so thankful to the Spencer community for giving me the opportunity to work with your children. The community of Spencer and the students here at Spencer schools have a lot to be proud of and I am thrilled to be a part of it. Over the past 5 years I am proud of what we as a staff have accomplished here at Spencer. We have increased our ACT scores and have given kids more opportunities for practice than ever before; By making changes in our math department we have more students in our advanced math program next year than any other year I have been here; We have also made changes in our science department and over the past several years have positioned ourselves to increase many of the classes from semester courses to year courses giving our students more exposure to higher level science; We have created 4 NTC Academies which gives seniors in Spencer the opportunity to earn up to 15 post-secondary credits in the areas of Marketing, Manufacturing, Health Services, or Child Care; We have developed an advisor/advisee program in grades 6-12 so all children have the opportunity to develop a personal contact with a staff member; The generosity of so many to make our POST prom activities such a success and giving our kids a safe and fun alternative after Prom; Then there are all of the smaller initiatives

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS June 10th - August 9th - 7:00am - 3:00pm Elementary Office Closed: July 4th - August 5th High School Office Closed June 14th - July 31st District Office Closed July 4th & 5th

that have helped to simply make Spencer School’s a great place to be. We are not finished however; as we look forward to next year we are already getting ready to implement the new state and federal guidelines for Response to Instruction (RTI). The premise behind this initiative is to make sure that students who are struggling get the additional skill development that they need and the other students are exposed to higher level, critical thinking skills. We are excited at the prospects that this program might be able to offer and the ability to stronger push with the students our “failure is not an option” attitude. Thank you again for giving us the opportunity to part of your child’s life. I do not take lightly the faith that you entrust with us to give your child the best possible experiences in their growing year. We will always work to grow as a school district so that we can give your child the most progressive opportunities available.

-Jerry Zanotelli, MS/HS Principal

THANKS FOR A GREAT YEAR! We are proud to say through the support of the Spencer staff and families in the 2012-13 school year Smiles 4 Life: • Provided preventative care for 49 students throughout the year • Sealed 58 teeth to prevent future cavities Thank you for your participation in order to make the School District of Spencer an oral pain free zone! Wishing everyone a fantastic summer filled with sunny days and bright smiles. See you again next school year!

Questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the HS Commons. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are available for viewing at under the District links tab. Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Jordan Franklin, Director Check out the school website ( for school contact information. The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, September 13, 2013. You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary Office, or you may e-mail them to It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.

Thank you!! PAGE


Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff of the Spencer Public Schools have submitted the articles printed in this Publication. Announcements are a community service. Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief

The School District of Spencer shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. To report an alleged violation regarding discrimination, contact Mike Endreas, District Administrator, Spencer School District, 715-659-5347

4k news It is unbelievable how fast the year went by. We enjoyed teaching all the children and we will miss them next year. However, when you look at them, you just know they are ready for the kindergarten world of learning. We have spent the entire year on letter names, sounds, and writing them, please spend a little time each week reviewing these skills. Also work on Math skills; like identifying shapes, numbers, counting, and patterns. To celebrate the end of the year, we took a fieldtrip to the zoo. We attended a rainforest demonstration. We saw different animals from the rainforest. We saw spiders, snakes, birds, and lizards. We were even able to touch and hold some of them! We also visited the Spencer Library and learned about their summer reading program. This is a great way to encourage reading throughout the summer! We know 4k has come to an end when we have our graduation ceremony. The 4k students graduated on May 20th. They all received their diplomas, we sang some songs we learned throughout the year, and we watched a picture slide show of all the memories we had through the year. - Submitted by Mrs. Wolf and Mrs. Rucker, 4K & Early Childhood

KINDERGARTEN NEWS Looking at our students now, it is amazing to see how their skills have developed and grown since the beginning of school. It is hard to believe we are close to the end of the school year. March blew in as we learned the order of the colors of the rainbow and what happens in the water cycle. We enjoyed the LCTA performance of Junie B. Jones. April showered in with snow instead of rain; however we had lots of achievement since fall. During the month we had the opportunity to visit the Zuelke Sugar Shack and watch maple syrup being made. We helped to gather the bags of sap and managed to get most of the bags back on the trees. We learned it takes 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of maple syrup. We got to sample some of the fresh maple syrup over a scoop of ice cream. In between our adventures we are reading more words and sounding out words to write sentences and stories as we learn about syllables and sound segmentation. We ended our reading incentive program with star cookies and dancing with the Stars (our teachers). We have been counting to higher numbers and learning about time and money. We did our final dibels assessment in reading and math. The children are growing by leaps and bounds as we head into the final weeks of school. It is feeling like spring as we learn about the seasons and planting seeds. We are finding out what we need to make things grow and exploring how plants develop from a tiny seed. We celebrated Earth Day by making special shirts to remind us of how special trees and plants are to our environment.

forest without getting stuck in the mud. A busy end to the school year is planned with a visit to the Spencer Public Library and to learn about the great ways to help keep us reading all summer. We will be learning about bicycle safety so we can ride our bikes safely. We are practicing songs for our spring music concert and a few special ones for our last days of kindergarten. We are also preparing for our end of the year trip to the Rose Bowl Lanes for some bowling on June 4. We may practice our addition and subtraction skills while trying to improve our bowling scores. As the days wind down we will continue to learn more words and practice all our newly developed skills. Before we know it, we will be off on summer vacation and preparing to enter the first grade! - Submitted by the Kindergarten teachers Mrs. Zuelke, Mrs. Bezlyk and Mrs. Tomke

As we marched into May, we did our final PALS assessment. We had a Family Fun Night based on Fairy Tales one evening for the parents and children. The kindergarten’s booth tried to help the Three Little Pigs build a wall that would stand up to the Big Wolf that huffed and puffed. We are planning a trip to the school forest to discover animal tracks, hold a few toads, and look at the flowers and plants. We are hoping to take a wonderful hike through the





FIRST GRADE NEWS The First Grade has had an awesome year, and we’ve learned a lot! We are independent readers, spellers, and writers. We can add, subtract, tell time, and count money. We’ve enjoyed trips to the school district’s forest, St. Joseph’s Hospital, The Central Wisconsin Airport, Wildwood Park, and our own town’s public library. We have worked hard to be safe, responsible, and respectful. We are ready to become SECOND GRADERS, AND JUST CAN’T WAIT! - Submitted by the First Grade teachers: Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad

SECOND GRADE NEWS The second grade students have been very busy. Joan from Heritage Bank came to talk to the students about how to manage money wisely. They learned about saving, spending, and donating. We had some ladies come in from the Kennel Club to teach dog safety to the children. They learned how to approach dogs and to make sure to ask before petting someone’s dog. To finish off the end of the year’s Reading Incentive Program the students and staff had a “Dancing With the Stars” party. We all had a great time reading with Mr. E and Dancing. We also got to eat star cookies at the end! Yum! We finished off the year with our trip to Nasonville Dairy where the students got to learn all about making cheese, from the trucks bringing milk into the Dairy to the cheese going out and sold to consumers. We also enjoyed the cheese curds and juice at the end. We will be finishing off the year with a walking trip to the public library, Rocket Olympics, and a picnic with our fifth grade reading buddies. Thanks for another great year! Please remember to keep reading over the summer and practicing math facts to keep sharp for third grade! - Submitted by the Second Grade teachers: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson

BUCKLE UP! Neillsville, WI - Starting April 1, 2013 and continuing through the summer of 2013, drivers will see messages indicating intensified seatbelt enforcement areas, along with Seatbelt Enforcement Patrols conducted by the Clark County Sheriffs Office. This highvisibility activity, along with education, public awareness, and increased enforcement of the mandatory seatbelt law will be utilized in the upcoming Click it in Clark Seatbelt Enforcement Mobilization. As Wisconsin’s seatbelt use increases, pockets of low seatbelt use remain throughout the state. Roadways were recently identified by WiDOT as locations with low seatbelt use. The Clark County Sheriffs Office plans to focus efforts in these areas. Nationwide the average seatbelt use is 84% while in Wisconsin we are averaging 79%, compared to our neighbors, Michigan and Illinois who are averaging 90% seatbelt usage. Please buckle up, it’s the law. Sheriff Gregory Herrick - Clark County Sheriffs Office



CAN COLLECTION CAGE The Fourth Grade staff and students would like to thank you for supporting our fund raising efforts. We have been pleased with the number of cans that our community has donated to our can collection cage. The money that we raised was used to pay for our trip to our beautiful state capital. While we are there we toured our State Capitol Building, the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, and the Vilas Park Zoo. We could not have done this without your help. Thank you for everything you have done and please keep bringing in your cans. The funds that are raised during the summer will go to fund next year’s fourth grade class trip.


Where has the school year gone? It’s difficult to believe that summer is fast approaching. The third graders have made significant academic gains in the areas of reading, math, and language arts as evidenced on the MAP tests that they participated in three times throughout the course of the year. We are proud to say that collectively, our students scored above the national norms. Students have learned to read and write in cursive, and it is no longer a mysterious code. In math, we learned new methods for solving 2-digit multiplication problems and will be working again on measurement and analyzing and comparing data. Students have been participating in the online version of the Accelerated Reader Program, and have made strides toward meeting their reading goals. In science class, we are studying the various types of weather that can change the earth. In social studies, we are learning about different explorers who came to America and brought with them their cultures and traditions which help to make up our heritage. In May, we took a field trip to the Rose Bowl and to the Marshfield Zoo where we watched a special animal program. It’s been a great year, and we wish the third graders well as they move forward. They have grown into responsible, respectful, and safe citizens. - Submitted by the Third Grade teachers: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant


This time of year is a very busy time for us. We have been studying government and agriculture in Wisconsin in social studies. In science we have been studying the weather. We have finished our MAPS testing for this year and the fourth grade students made amazing progress. We went to the YMCA to learn about being safe around water. The YMCA offers this Waterwise program to fourth graders in the area. They teach them about boating safety, first aid, how to rescue someone without getting in the water, and how to use a life jacket. We have had a Spencer couple donate and take the fourth graders on a tour of the Upham Mansion and the Thomas House in Marshfield on June 4th. That was very generous of them. We appreciate their wonderful gift to our students. On May 23rd the FFA is hosting our Food for America farm trip for the fourth grade. We always look forward to that trip as we get to see a real working farm and they even make us lunch.

On May 30th, rain or shine, we will be going to Madison on our annual field trip that the students raise all the money for through donations to our can cage. If anyone has cans at home that they would like to donate, please drop them off as we are still just a little short of our goal. Any money left over from this year will be used for next year’s group. Please help us by donating to our can cage this summer. Thanks to all those who donate to the fourth grade can cage located in the teacher’s parking lot off of County Highway C. It has been a great year, and we have enjoyed working with your children. Remember to keep practicing those math facts, reading good books, and writing lots! It will help so much as we dive into the new school year in September. It is our hope that you all have a wonderful, refreshing, and safe summer! - Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers: Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller

LeGrand honored by vfw Lynda LeGrand was recently honored with the Wisconsin VFW Teacher of the Year Award.

Beth and Gena nominated LeGrand for the award. Mary Lou and Marvin are grandparents of the Spencer students as well as officials of area VFW. John and Donna Kleinmous are co-chairs of the Teacher of the Year Program.

Pictured from left to right: Front - Beth Duerr, Lynda LeGrand, Gena Duerr. Back – Mary Lou Duerr, John and Donna Kleinmous, Marvin Duerr





NEWS FROM GRADE 5 The 5th grade journey is nearly complete. It has been a remarkable and memorable year. We have been very busy. We are proud of how our students have grown throughout the year. During math class we have diligently been working with many concepts such as fractions and negative numbers. We are getting ready for algebra!! Media class has been challenging as we learned how to create slide shows using Power Point and videos using a website called Animoto. Our final project is creating a memory movie of all the events and special moments from the year. Each student will get to take one home to cherish for years to come. In reading class we completed a unit on the Iditarod. As a culminating activity we held our own Spencer Iditarod out at the Spencer School Forest. The students worked together to complete the course and enjoyed the challenge. Many parents came to help and to watch. It was a great morning. We have also read many novels in reading class this year as we worked on reading strategies and skills. Presently we are reading a book about the Holocaust during World War II. In social studies we are studying the Civil War. This will culminate in Civil War Day out at the school forest on May 29th. We look forward to seeing how the Union and Confederate troops “battle” through the challenges presented to them. In science class we have been discovering how chemical reactions occur. The students have really enjoyed seeing the reactions when two chemicals are mixed together. They have also learned that

chemical reactions create energy. In Communications (Language Arts), we continue with the wonderful world of grammar. Prefixes and suffixes have been in the air as well. Students have also found out how silent letters can be real sticklers.

- Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mr. Toufar, Mrs. LeGrand, Mrs. Buss

SIXTH GRADE NEWS The year has flown by. During our last few days the sixth grade is extremely busy. Science classes have observed mealworms go through three stages of metamorphosis and are now adult beetles. The students will race their individual beetles to determine who has the fastest in the sixth grade. All racers are released after the finals. Math classes have learned new ways of problem solving using an algebraic format along with expanding other processes including drawing pictures and guess and check. The answer is not as important as being able to explain the method used to find that answer. In reading, we brought the year to a close by reading various historical fiction pieces. Students enjoyed learning about the uncovering of King Tut’s tomb and making their own cartouche, or name plate, with hieroglyphs.

We are wrapping up Social Studies with students learning about South America. 6th graders had a chance to try some plantain chips. Although most enjoyed them, a few still prefer our potato chips! Through exploring culture gram, students are reviewing all that we have learned and are exploring what they will be studying next year! Finally, the year will conclude with our trip to Green Bay’s Lambeau Field and Heritage Hill. As in all previous trips this year’s is educational as well as just plain fun, especially for those who have not had the opportunity of visiting the city before. A grant was received from the Green Bay Packers to pay our transportation. This was a substantial savings to the students and the district. - Submitted by the Sixth Grade teachers:

COLLEGE DAY FOR KIDS Each spring hundreds of talented 6th graders from around the state are invited to the UW-Stevens Point campus to participate in College Days for Kids. Each student gets to experience 3 different classes from the course offerings taught in a college setting by a college professor. It is a valuable experience for each student to get a taste of college life and interact with other talented peers. Attending College Days on April 12 were: Tanner Kleinschmidt, Maggie Riordan, Damon Butler, Carson Hildebrandt, Carter Krause, and Karly Nikolai. On April 19 Spencer 6th graders who attended were: Shaelee Neitzel, Evan Seefeld, Gerard Riordan, Hope Ngirwe, and Mackenzie Frisch. -Submitted by Jean Rehm



College Day For Kids

MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH COMPETITION For the past 5 years, Spencer’s Middle School Math team has brought home a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place trophy from the Auburndale M.S. Math Meet. Three of those trophies have been for 1st place. That was the case again this year as the first place trophy was won by Noah Zastrow, Katelyn Zimmerman, Dominick Wichlacz, and Lexi Baehr. For the first time ever, Spencer took two teams to the competition bringing the total number of teams to 15. This team brought home the 3rd place trophy. Its members were: Megan Meyer, Courtney Buss, Aaron Pankratz, and Waylon Sternweis. Megan earned the highest individual score of all competitors in the meet. Mrs. Judy Barton coached both teams and looks forward to continuing this winning tradition. 1st row left to right: Waylon Sternweis, Aaron Pankratz, Dominick Wichlacz, Katelyn Zimmerman 2nd row left to right: Courtney Buss, Megan Meyer, Noah Zastrow, Lexi Baehr

STUDENTS HAVE FUN WORKING ON SERVICE PROJECTS You may have seen groups of students walking around town with rakes, or received an unexpected basket of flowers on your door. Our middle school students have been up to something! Students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade recently decided on community service projects they wanted to do together as a house. Students meet once a week in small advisory groups called houses. Hemlock House guys had fun sneaking May day baskets on doors at the Ponderosa apartments and raking up leaves on the grounds. Spring flower baskets showed up on houses neighboring school thanks to the girls from Peach House. There were many ways students decided to help out right at school. Girls in Maple House took the initiative to create the 1st middle school yearbook. Kindergarten and 1st grade students had fun with the Cedar House girls who read to them and presented a lesson to be learned from the books. Mrs. Guenther’s 2nd grade class read to the guys from Spruce House and enjoyed the books the guys selected to read to them. A pairing of 2nd grade students with 7th and 8th grade girls from Willow House for reading was a hit with all ages. The Middle School students really enjoyed listening to

the 2nd graders read and were truly impressed with their ability. The Spencer after school homework program (SHIP) was happy to have extra help from the guys in Pine House. With the long winter we all endured, there was plenty of work to be done in and around the school grounds as well. Oak, Elm and Walnut Houses had fun working together cleaning up the school grounds. Hickory House shoveled snow away from the softball diamond, raked gravel out of the grass on the playground and helped set up for graduation and Title 1 Family Fun Night. Other houses decided on projects reaching beyond Spencer. Balsam girls are taking baskets to the House of the Dove and visiting patients there. The guys from Douglas House decided to write letters to our dedicated military service men and women. It’ pretty amazing what 170 middle school students can do when given the opportunity to think of others and what they can do to help out. -Submitted by Ms. Roewe, Prek-7 Guidance Counselor

SPENCER ECOLOGY CLUB TEACHES FISHING IS EASY AND FUN Spencer Ecology & Astronomy Club members, assisted by a few advanced science students, recently had fun helping with one of eight fishing contests for grades k -8. Shown is Mrs. Pankratz’s first grade class enthusiastically competing for three trophies on May 10th. -Submitted by Mr. Benton, Ecology Club Advisor

(Photos by Katrina Weber)





JUNIOR HIGH MUSICIANS PLACE AT DISTRICT FESTIVAL Following are the results for the Spencer Junior High musicians who participated in the Marawood Conference WSMA District SoloEnsemble Festival held March 19 at Pittsville Elementary School. Two events received a starred first rating and will perform at State Solo-Ensemble Festival in Stevens Point, May 4. Instrumental Events

Class A Starred First Soloist: Elijah Schuh (trombone); Duet: Elijah Schuh & Casey Shaw (clarinet) Class A First Soloist: Elizabeth Endreas (sax) Class B First Soloists: Felicia Bauer (snare drum), Courtney Buss (marimba), Johanna Ellefson (flute), Victoria Kniess (clarinet), Megan Meyer (tenor sax), Leigh Anne Sieracki (tenor sax), Alexis Tremelling (flute), Noah Zastrow (trumpet); Class B Second Soloists: Jessica Becker (trombone), Katie Fleischman (snare drum), Miranda Jackson (snare drum), Alek Siegel (trombone), Katelyn Zimmerman (trumpet) Class C First Soloists: Lukas Ellefson (trumpet), Devin Gerstner (oboe), Dyllan Griepentrog (alto sax), Hunter Luepke (snare drum), Sadie Mercier (clarinet), Collin Neiman (trumpet), Jenna Schober (alto sax), Bryce Shaw (snare drum), Hope Stirk (flute); Duet: Collin Neiman & Lukas Ellefson (trumpets), Alyssa Stoiber, Hayley Scheppler & Sadie Mercier (clarinet); Jazz Ensemble II: Megan Meyer, Elizabeth Endreas, Elijah Schuh, Katelyn Zimmerman, Alek Siegel, Leah Higgins, Miranda Jackson, Jenna Schober, Melissa Ruhbusch, Leigh Anne Sieracki, Nicole Strebe, Dyllan Griepentrog, Kassandra Morzewski, Collin Neiman, Lukas Ellefson, Seanna Mueller, Johanna Ellefson, Courtney Buss, Will Johnson

Class C Second Soloists: Aaron Pankratz

Vocal Events

Class A Starred First Soloist: Elijah Schuh Class B First Soloists: Jessica Becker, Courtney Buss, Johanna Ellefson, Devin Gerstner, Victoria Kniess; Duet: Johanna Ellefson & Elizabeth Endreas, Courtney Buss & Jessica Becker; Class C First Soloists: Sadie Mercier, Aleisha Mueller, Leigh Anne Sieracki, Alexis Tremelling; Duets: Dakota Andreae & Ryan Busse, Courtney Buss & Jessica Becker, Duets: Megan Burt, Ella Hederer, Kaily Northup & Kathy Zamarripa; Madrigal: Victoria Kniess, Courtney Buss, Aleisha Mueller, Elizabeth Endreas, Johanna Ellefson, Jessica Becker, Elijah Schuh, Devin Gerstner & Dyllan Griepentrog Class C Second Duet: McKenna Brecht, Brianna Fredrickson, Kathryn Hall & Kayla Hopperdietzel

Piano Events

Class A Second Soloist: Johanna Ellefson Class B First Soloists: Elijah Schuh Class C First Soloists: Miranda Jackson, Elijah Schuh

High SchoolERS Place at State Music Festival Following are the results for the Spencer Junior and Senior High School musicians who participated in the WSMA State SoloEnsemble Festival held May 4 at UW—Stevens Point. Instrumental Events

First Soloists: Danny Herder (parade drum), Amanda Seefeldt (horn), Casey Shaw (clarinet), Casey Shaw (alto sax); Duet: Mikayla Mlsna & Jenna Strebe (flute)

Handbell Event

First Handbell Ensemble: Amanda Seefeldt, Jessica Reise, Kayla Kolstad, Hana Kramer, Amanda Wetterau, Karly Bump, Melissa Ruhbusch, Chris Larsen, Brandi Hildebrandt, Hayden Czaikowski, Colleen Arnold, Casey Shaw, Gabrielle Rahman, Kari Geldernick

Second Soloists: Faith Becker (sax), Donovan Fox (sax), Lindsey Kaiser (clarinet), Mikayla Mlsna (flute), Elijah Schuh (trombone); Duet: Casey Shaw & Elijah Schuh (clarinet/trombone duet) Third Soloist: Jenna Strebe (flute)

Vocal Events

First Soloists: Stephen McKee, Amanda Springob; Musical Theatre Soloist: Kyle Andreae; Duet: Jessica Meinders & Casey Shaw Second Soloists: Kyle Andreae, Kari Geldernick, Haley Griepentrog, Samantha Kniess, Hana Kramer, Jenny Meyer, Mikayla Mlsna, Elijah Schuh, Amanda Seefeldt, Andrew Seefeldt, Casey Shaw, Spencer Susa, Katlynne Walter; Musical Theatre Soloists: Chelsea Judnic, Hana Kramer, Amanda Springob; Duet: Hana Kramer & Amanda Seefeldt; Oriana Madrigal: Alayna Fredrickson, Jessica Meinders, Amanda Seefeldt, Hana Kramer, Amanda Springob, Kari Geldernick, Mikayla Mlsna, Chelsea Judnic, Jenny Meyer, Katlynne Walter, Stephen McKee, Andrew Seefeldt, Casey Shaw, Kyle Andreae, Spencer Susa, Dakota Andreae



Front row L-R: Amanda Seefeldt, Samantha Kniess, Melissa Ruhbusch, Amanda Wetterau, Amanda Springob, Katlynne Walter, Jenny Meyer; Second row: Kayla Kolstad, Hana Kramer, Jessica Meinders, Lindsey Kaiser, Jessica Reise, Mikayla Mlsna, Faith Becker, Jenna Strebe; Third row: Stephen McKee, Casey Shaw, Hayden Czaikowski, Karly Bump, Kari Geldernick, Haley Griepentrog; Fourth row: Andrew Seefeldt, Alayna Fredrickson, Kyle Andreae, Dakota Andrew, Spencer Susa, Chris Larsen, Donovan Fox, Danny Herder. Not pictured: Colleen Arnold, Brandi Hildebrandt, Chelsea Judnic, Gabrielle Rahman, Elijah Schuh.

LAUNCH PAD GROUPS TEACH CORE VALUES Launch Pads are comprised of students in grades 9-12. Each launch pad group has an advisor to lead the group in discussions of character traits.

that through these discussions students will reflect on their own personal experiences, development, background and ethics while respecting the views of others.

For the 2012-13 school year, our groups studied the traits of Honesty, Integrity, Courage, and Appreciation. The topics chosen are designed to be meaningful to each individual’s life. Our hope as advisors is the information and skills learned will motivate youth to become the leaders of tomorrow. The ultimate goal of the curriculum is to help each and every student become more successful in school, relationships, and life.

-Submitted by Karla Brehm

As we learned this year, being successful takes COURAGE and INTEGRITY. We need to approach each opportunity with HONESTY and be willing to persevere over any and all obstacles. Above all else, you have to earn peoples’ trust by behaving in an ethical manner while demonstrating character and APPRECIATION for each opportunity. Each week our groups gather together to work on character and leadership traits by developing critical thinking, building relationships within our groups, and emphasizing positive attitudes. In class, students are encouraged to share and discuss their own personal values, beliefs and attitudes. We hope

SPENCER GRADUATE RETURNS TO TEACH ASTROPHYSICS Dr. Matt Kelley, a Physics Professor at Concordia University and 2003 Spencer High School graduate, returned to Spencer High School on May 20th, to teach chemistry students about astrophysics. Dr. Kelley spoke with students in Mr. Benton’s Chemistry I classes, where he explained the chemistry of how elements are formed in stars, how the universe is expanding, Einstein’s famous E=mc2 equation, why the planets closest to our sun are not balls of gas like the outer planets, the ideas of dark matter & dark energy, what a super nova is, careers related to astronomy, and many other interesting theories and facts about the universe. Dr. Kelley is also the son of Spencer High School Teacher Mrs. Schauer.

SEA SCHOLARSHIP In an effort to help promote strong education and educators, the Spencer Education Association has established a $500 scholarship to be awarded annually to a Spencer High School graduate majoring in education. Applicants must have completed four semesters of undergraduate study and have at least a 3.0 (B) grade point average at the

time of application. In the event of multiple applicants, the SEA Scholarship Committee will make a decision. Requests for application forms may be made by contacting the Scholarship Chairperson, Helen Szymanski. Applications must be returned by July 31, 2013. The recipient will be notified on or before September 1, 2013.

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Fifteen new members were inducted into Spencer High School’s National Honor Society chapter on the evening of January 21st, 2013. There was a banquet held at the Belvedere Supper Club in Marshfield, Wisconsin in honor of the new members. To be

selected for the Spencer chapter of NHS, the applicant must be a junior or senior in high school. Applicants also need to fill out a lengthy application that focuses on the student’s academic accomplishments, service to others, leadership abilities, and personal character. Once the applications are submitted, a faculty council, made up of five Spencer High School teachers, selects who will become new members in the Spencer chapter of NHS. It is a great honor to be selected as a member of the prestigious organization known as the National Honor Society. The new and returning members along with some of the members of the High School staff are pictured above from left to right (front row) Benjamin Grieser, Kaleb Herman, and Spencer Susa; (second row) Melissa Tomke, Abigail Krause, Alicia Endreas, Morgan Elsinger, Ashley Zenner, and Amanda Seefeldt; (third row) Dallis Giller(President), Mr. Doug Benton, Jaynie Burnett, Kaleb Miller, Kyle Andreae, Kayla Czappa, Joshua Cherek, Joseph Meyers, and Jenna Strebe, Mr. Mike Endreas, and Mr. Jerry Zanotelli; (fourth row) Katrina Weber, Amanda Skrzeczkoski, Mikayla Mlsna, Tynae Phillips, Heidi Guenther, Lindsey Kaiser, Kayla Kolstad, and Steven Hebert. (Submitted by Communications Officer: Katrina Weber)

Deluxe Rocket Stadium Chairs for Sale The PTA would like to thank everyone for their support and involvement over the past school year.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” -- Margaret Mead Additionally, the PTA would like to specifically thank Lisa Lehman for her years of dedication to making the annual craft sale a success. At this time, we are looking for individuals interested in working with Lisa over the next two years who would be willing to eventually take over this event. If you are interested in assisting with organizing the craft show for the 2013-14 school year, please contact Lisa at 715-659-5197.

Great for all sports! $45.00 Please make checks payable to Spencer Girls Basketball Contact Kelly Lawrence @ 715-207-8597 if interested

Thanks for your support! I wish to extend a HUGE thank you to all of those who generously gave a donation to the WBCA-MACC Fund for upcoming All-Star Basketball game I will be participating in. It is greatly appreciated! If there is anyone still in need of tickets to the June 14, 2013 game (4:00 p.m.), please let me know or contact me via Email at:

Thanks again, - Tara Matter



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2012-2013 Spencer FFA Officer Team: Leeah Luepke, Student Advisor; Jordan Gropp, President; Trey Fischer, Sentinel; Andrew Seefeldt, Vice President-Community Development; Ashley Zimmerman, Vice PresidentStudent Development; Chad Hahn, Vice President-Chapter Development; Lindsey Hinrichsen, Reporter; Brady Shaw, Treasurer; Rylyn Reddy, Secretary.

Spencer FFA Chapter Star Degree Recipients: Ashley Zimmerman, Star Chapter Degree, Chad Hahn, Star Greenhand, Andrew Seefeldt, Star Greenhand, Austin Gropp, Star Discovery Degree, Katelyn Zimmerman, Star Discovery Degree, Waylon Sternweis, Star Explorer Degree, Collin Nieman, Star Discovery Degree

Featured Speaker: Aaron Zimmerman, State FFA Vice President

Spencer FFA Blue & Gold Award Recipient: Gwenn Kaiser, designer advertising

Honorary Spencer FFA Degree recipient: Doug & Lisa Lehman

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news from spencer youth recreations, inc. SYR certainly had a busy spring season. We are looking forward to the construction of a concession stand and dugouts for SPREC Field behind school. We would like to acknowledge a total donation of $840.00 over the past few months from the Brad Bauer Memorial Fund. Every donation received will help make this project a reality for our kids to enjoy. Our annual 3 on 3 basketball tourney was a big success. Enthusiastic players from all around the area came and participated in a fun-filled day of hoops. Over 80 elementary youngsters enjoyed our annual basketball skill camp. They had lots of fun while learning about the fundamentals of basketball. They wear their camp T-shirts proudly! All proceeds from these events will help to enrich recreational opportunities for Spencer’s youth. We have provided assistance to a few organizations recently and would like to update your on these things. SYR provided $400.00 to the BLAST Organization at Spencer High. Their group planned a Post Prom party at Rose Bowl for our students. We also contributed $200.00 to Spencer FFA to help them purchase prizes for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. SYR was proud to support these endeavors for our kids.

Mark your calendars for upcoming events:

Golf Outing Fundraiser July 27th, 2013 - RiverEdge Golf Course - Marshfield Contact: Greg Mlsna at 659-4456 or


Saturday, July 27th, 2013 11:00am Shotgun Start

Where: RiverEdge Golf Course, Marshfield

Format: 4-person Scramble, with cash payout for top finishers in each flight.

Entry Fee: $65 per person includes 18 holes of Golf, a Cart, Dinner at the event site, and all Flag Events. Since Spencer Youth Recreations is a non-profit organization, a portion of the entry fee is tax-deductible. Deadline: July 24th.

Contact: Greg Mlsna at 659-4456 or email: to sign up a team.

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healthy summer tips from the school nurse Vaccine Information

Summer Water Safety

Summer is a great time to be sure that your students’ immunizations are up to date! Below is an overview of vaccinations for students entering Pre-K – Grade 12 in Wisconsin.

When protecting kids while swimming, most parents think about life jackets, swimming lessons, and childproofing their pool. However, swimming in pools, lakes or waterparks that are contaminated with germs can cause recreational water illnesses (RWIs) such as: Giardia, Pink Eye, Swimmer’s Ear and Molluscum Contagiosum.

2013-14 School Year Requirements DTap

4 doses

Tdap (booster)

1 dose if born on or after 1/1/94 & entering grades 6-12.

Polio (IPV or OPV)

Pre-K (age 2-4) - 3 doses Gr. K-12 - 4 doses


Pre-K (age 2-4) - 1 dose Gr. K-12 2 doses of measles, mumps, and rubella.

Hepatitis B

Pre-K-12 3 doses

Varicella (Chicken Pox)

Pre-K (age 2-4) - 1 dose Gr.K-12 - 2 doses

Some simple steps can keep everyone safe while swimming. In addition to teaching your child to not swallow water when swimming or playing in the water, you can help keep your child and everyone else healthy in the water if you: • Keep your child out of the water when he has an open wound, diarrhea, pink eye, hepatitis A, or other contagious diseases. • Don’t share pool or beach towels. • Take younger children to the bathroom frequently so that they are less likely to have accidents in the water.

Summer Sun • UV Rays are strongest in the middle of the day. Plan indoor activities at that time or look for shade to prevent sunburn. • Cover the skin with a shirt AND sunscreen to avoid sunburn! • Wear a hat – preferably one that covers the neck and ears. When wearing a baseball style hat, remember to apply sunscreen to the neck and ears. •Sunglasses protect eyes from UV rays. Look for ones that wrap around & block nearly 100% of UV rays. •Use sunscreen with at least an SPF of 15 and UVA/ UVB protection. •This information and more is available at:

• Keep in mind that swim diapers and swim pants are not leakproof .Check and change them frequently for infants and toddlers who aren’t yet potty trained. • Don’t change diapers by the pool. Instead, take your child to the bathroom to change his diaper and then wash your child’s bottom well and wash your hands too.

Head Lice Alert Head lice reach a peak time for infestation during the summer because of overnight camps, slumber parties and vacations. Consider checking your child’s head for the presence of lice regularly during the summer and several times the week before school reopens.

Congratulations Burnstad’s! On April 12th, the Spencer Pep Band helped welcome patrons celebrating Burnstad’s one year anniversary in the community.


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2013-2014 Spencer schools calendar



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HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7:00-5:00


STRATFORD CONTINUING EDUCATION: SUMMER 2013 Class Schedule Location key: SHS = Stratford High School COURSE TITLE

SES = Stratford Elementary School EMS = Edgar Middle School











5:45 – 6:45pm



6/19 – 8/21

Trinity- Fellowship Hall




7:00 - 8:00pm



6/19 – 8/21

Trinity- Fellowship Hall


5:30 - 6:30pm



6/10 - 8/12

Good Shepherd Church

Interval Cardio & Power Randy

Mindful Yoga

Chris T.


5:30 - 6:30pm



6/12 - 8/7

Good Shepherd Church

Vinyasa Yoga Josiah/Chris


9:00 - 10:00am



6/14 - 8/16

Good Shepherd Church




5:30 - 6:30pm



6/24 - 8/26

First Presbyterian Gym




4:30 - 5:30pm



6/27 - 8/29

First Presbyterian Gym




5:45 - 6:45pm



6/27 - 8/29

First Presbyterian Gym



6:00 – 7:15pm



6/20 - 8/22

St. John’s Fellowship Hall




6:15 - 7:15pm



6/17 - 8/26

Zion Family Center




6:15 - 7:15pm



6/19 - 8/28

Zion Family Center

*Supplies required

NOTE: You can join a class up to 2 weeks after the start date. There is no discount in the fee.

Questions: Email Linda at

Visit us on the web: • Facebook: J TO REGISTER for Marshfield, Spencer : Go to our online sign up sheet at: : J TO REGISTER for Athens, Edgar, Stratford : Go to our online sign up sheet at:

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THE ROCKET Newsletter!

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Deadline for the next issue:

September 13, 2013 - limited space available



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Permit #3 Spencer, WI 54479






With an end comes new Beginnings 2________________________ Thank YOU For Your Support


PAGE 3________________________ Rookie Rocket Child Care PAGE 4_______________________

First and Second Grade News

5______________________ Third and Fourth Grade News


6_____________________ Fifth Grade News Elementary Music News







@ Stanley-Boyd

Aug 30


vs. Neillsville

Sep 6


vs. Colby

Sep 14


vs. Ashland

Sep 21


@ Regis

Sep 27


vs. Altoona

Oct 4


@ Pittsville

Oct 11


@ Osseo-Fairchild

Oct 18


vs. Fall Creek

@ Beell Stadium

VOLLEYBALL Aug 24 Scrimmage Aug 27 Tournament Aug 31 Tournament Sep 12 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 24 Sep 26 Oct 1 Oct 3 Oct 5 Tournament Oct 8 Oct 10 Dual

9:00AM 3:00PM 11:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 7:15PM 9:00AM 7:15PM 7:15PM

@ Marathon Home @ Marathon vs. Neillsville @ Colby @ Columbus @ Greenwood vs. Augusta vs. Gilman @ Loyal-Granton @ Stratford vs. Owen-Withee @ WI Val. Lutheran

CROSS COUNTRY Aug 29 Sep 3 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 21 Sep 26 Oct 3 Oct 8 Oct 19 Oct 25 Nov 2

4:00PM 4:15PM 4:00PM 4:30PM 8:30AM 4:15PM 4:30PM 4:15PM 10:30AM 4:00PM TBA

@ Pittsville @ Mosinee (9 Mile) @ Marshfield @ Stratford @ Wausau(Smiley) @ Colby Home Meet (Frey’s) Auburndale (@ Frey’s) Conference (@ O-F ) @ Wausau (9 Mile) State

Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

Be comfortable in every season! 24 Hour Service • Residential • Commercial

PAGE 7____________________ Elementary Counselor’s Corner Speak Up Survey PAGE 8___________________ Middle School News Spelling Bee Winners

9__________________ Social English News Cabaret Performance Set


PAGE 10_________________

H.S. Counselor’s Corner PAGE 11__________________ Scouts Learn Phys. Sciences PAGE 12________________ Open Enrollment Details SHIP: Spencer Homework Program

June 5th will bring the 2012-13 school year to an end. This date will not only mark the end of the school year but also the journey of 53 graduating seniors and the outstanding careers of two of our educators. Margaret Miskulin, Grade 6, and Edie Smazal, Elementary Music, will be retiring from the district after years of positive service to the students, district and community. I wish them luck in their new careers that I am certain will involve spoiling grandkids and doing whatever else their interests involve. Knowing their current work ethics, I am certain it will not involve staying stationary. I thank them both for their friendship, dedication and all they have done for our School. The graduating class of 2013 will also have a new and exciting beginning to their careers. In listening to the students, this involves them entering military service, higher education and some directly into the workforce. As a District we are proud of their accomplishments and feel we have prepared them for their new beginnings. A few numbers to consider that gives a good indication of the work this group of kids accomplished while at Spencer Public School: 320, this is the number of postsecondary credits earned by this year’s class, much is said about area schools and the number of AP courses that they provide, while our energies are focused more on collaborative efforts with local colleges to assure the credits earned will transfer directly into a program of study. 32, the number of total kids that went on to state solo ensemble; obviously not all seniors, but my understanding is it is the largest number of events going to state ever. 2, this is the number of conference championships earned in Volleyball and Softball, 9 tournament appearances in athletics with appearances in a Sectional final for Volleyball, State Qualifiers in Wrestling, with hopes of more in spring sports. All of which are great indicators of the advantage of being a small school as many of the individuals in one area are having success in other areas. There will also be a new beginning for the remaining students of our district. We are proud of our kids doing things the “Rocket Way” - being respectful, responsible and safe is what we strive for. The bar has been set high for the upcoming students of our district. I am completely certain and confident that our kids are up to the task. I wish you all a relaxing and joyous summer. I look forward to seeing you all in the fall for what I am confident will be another successful school year.

PAGE 13________________ Child Development Day PTA Community Service Award

14_________________ Spencer Youth Recreations Health Tips for Parents


PAGE 15___________________ Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 16____________________

Winter Sports Schedules

-Mike Endreas, Superintendent/Elementary Principal

Spencer Public Schools 300 N. School Street PO Box 418 Spencer, WI 54479

Superintendent/Elementary Principal, Mike Endreas Middle School/High School Principal, Jerry Zanotelli District Office Phone (715) 659-5347 High School Office Phone (715) 659-4211 Elementary Office Phone (715) 659-4642

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