The Rocket - Spencer School Newsletter - Fall 2014

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FALL - 2014

ENERGY! 2________________________ Welcome New Staff PAGE

3_______________________ Welcome from Mrs. Schulz PAGE

4______________________ 4k & Kindergarten News PAGE

PAGE 5______________________

1st, 2nd & 3rd Grade News

6_____________________ 4th Grade News PAGE

7____________________ 5th Grade News PAGE

8___________________ Elementary/Middle School Counselor’s Corner PAGE

9__________________ Rookie Rocket Child Care PAGE

PAGE 10_________________

Spencer Magazine Sale

11_________________ Music Department Schedule PAGE

12________________ Spencer Youth Recreations PAGE

13________________ Youth Programs at UW Wood County/Marshfield PAGE

PAGE 14________________

Spanish Class News PAGE 15_________________

Stratford Continuing Education PAGE 16___________________

Fall Sports Schedules

I think we could light up the city of New York with the instant surge of energy that the first day of school brought on Sept. 2nd. I am constantly amazed at the excitement a new school year brings not only for our younger students, but for the high school kids as well. They would never admit to it, but I truly believe they are as excited as anyone to be back for another year. We also have several new staff members that bring a different kind of energy to the building. It has been a long time, but I do recall the anxiety that the first day of school brings for a teacher not to mention a teacher new to a district. I am excited about the new hires that we have for this year and the potential they all possess. There is always a feel a building has, call it climate, and I feel the new staff have already made a positive impact on ours. The School Board is in deliberation on savings from the 2013-14 school year that we were able to carryover for the 2014-15 school year. An area that is a high priority for the board as always is cost savings. A couple of options being considered is a lighting project to decrease the cost of our electric bill. Another larger project is the consideration of purchasing a generator which will run off at a lower rate for our costs. As a district we are always looking for feedback from our community. We will be hosting Spencer Speaks VI in conjunction with our fall parent teacher conferences. Please mark your calendars to attend on either Monday Oct. 13th from 4-8 p.m. or Thursday Oct. 16th from 1-4 p.m. We hope to take this time to showcase our programs and allow you to give feedback. Mike Endreas, - Superintendent

SPENCER SCHOOL DISTRICT WELCOMES NEW STAFF MEMBERS Prior to Spencer, I taught the Automotive Technology classes at Portage High School and was an adjunct instructor for Madison Area Technical College, also teaching automotive classes. My family just recently moved to Marshfield to be closer to my hometown and extended family from Pittsville

Back Row L-R Troy Kumm (Tech Ed.) Tara Sauer (Gr. 5/6), Heidi Much (MS English), Justin Scray (HS Math) Front Row L-R Nicole Fischer (Gr. 4), Brad Schiferl (HS English)

Heidi Much grew up in Milan and graduated from Abbotsford High School. She is a UWSP graduate who holds teaching certificates in Elementary Education , English, and Reading. Over the past eight years, she has worked with all ages from kindergarten through eighth grade. In her previous role, Mrs. Much was as an intervention specialist and focused on working with students in the areas of reading and writing. For the past 22 years, she has lived near Loyal on her family’s dairy farm along with her husband, Mike. They have four children; Dylan, Amanda, Hunter, and Riley. Mrs. Much enjoys reading, attending sporting events, household DIY projects, traveling, photography, and outdoor activities. Troy Kumm: I am married with 3 kids, soon to be 4 kids! I graduated from UW-Stout in 2007 with a degree in Technology Education and a degree in Traffic Safety (Driver) Education. This is my 8th year teaching Technology and Engineering Education. I’ve also taught Driver Education for the last 5 years as well.

Justin Scray: I am from Coleman, WI which is located roughly 45 miles north of Green Bay. The Coleman School District is very similar in size to the Spencer School District so I feel right at home. I have an undergraduate degree in Math and Physics from University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. I developed a love for Central Wisconsin through my studies at Stevens Point so I am very thankful to be back in the area. In March, I will be marrying my fiancé, Kate, who is currently a special education teacher at Auburndale. I am hoping that I can convince her to become a Rocket! Tara Sauer: I grew up and attended school in Medford. After high school I attended NTC for Early Childhood education. Once I completed my Associate’s degree I decided to continue on for my Bachelor’s degree. I attended UW-Stout and graduated last December with my Early Childhood degree as well as certifications in special education and 4th-6th grade general education. Here in Spencer, I am teaching fifth grade reading and sixth grade language arts. This is my first teaching job and I am very excited! I am currently still living in Medford, but I am enjoying the small community feeling of Spencer. Brad Schiferl: After graduating from high school, I attended college at UW Marshfield/Wood County, UW – La Crosse for my English learning, and lastly Viterbo University for my educational licensing. Some of my interests include keeping up with football and baseball. During the summer, I enjoy playing volleyball. To relax, I like watching movies or gaming. I am extremely excited to be in Spencer School District and have really grown attached already.

SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Everyone is welcome to attend the Spencer School Board meetings. They are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the HS Library. If there is a change in the date or time it will be posted on the doors outside the HS Office, at the Heritage Bank and at the Village Hall. Information regarding the meetings is also printed in the TRG Newspaper and archived meetings are available for viewing at under the District links tab. Dawn Reckner, President • Eric Zenner, Vice President Jerry Wienke, Clerk • Jim Krasselt, Treasurer • Dave Post, Director Check out the school website ( for school contact information. The deadline to submit items for the next issue is, January 21, 2015. You may drop off items in newsletter mailbox in the Elementary Office, or you may e-mail them to It will then take 2-3 weeks to get it put together and mailed out. If you have any questions, you may e-mail that same address or leave a message by calling school and asking for extension 100.

Thank you!! 2

Advisors, coaches, faculty, and staff of the Spencer Public Schools have submitted the articles printed in this Publication. Announcements are a community service. Mike Endreas, Editor in Chief

The School District of Spencer shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, color, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability. To report an alleged violation regarding discrimination, contact Mike Endreas, District Administrator, Spencer School District, 715-659-5347

fall - 2014

WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL! We have had a great start to the school year!! The staff and students have brought with them a very positive attitude; this attitude will help us do great things this year! Here are some changes you may hear your child talking about this year: New Technology in the Classrooms – We spent much time during the 2013-2014 school year working on a technology implementation plan. We did not want to add technology into the classrooms without their being a purpose for the devices. A team of elementary teachers developed a vision of what they want education to look like at Spencer Elementary in 5 years. This plan utilized what we know to be best practice for learning. Based on this plan we ordered 6-8 devices for grades K-4 (5th grade already has laptop computers in their classrooms). Grades K-2 have a tablet device called a Learnpad and grades 3-4 have laptops with removable keyboards thus turning them into tablets.

Spencer Elementary students love the Packers!!

Big Universe – From the publisher, “Big Universe is a balanced literacy e-book platform, this will provide students and teachers, curriculum resources across all subject areas. Big Universe has 36 publisher partners and 8,192 books online.” The advantages for our students with this program are immense. We will have access to so many more books for our students and they will all be right at the student’s level. For example, if a teacher is teaching about the solar system they could use this program to find books that are at just the right level for their students and the students could read it on the tablet in the classroom. Of course, we will never replace traditional books as there will always be a place for those for all of us but this is just another resource for our students and staff. Students will also be able to create books that can be shared with their class or even the whole school. New Faces – We have two new faces in our elementary this year: Nicole Fischer – 4th Grade. Nicole states, “I am so excited to be back in Spencer because it brings back so many memories of my own education in the Spencer School District. I had so many great experiences with the teachers and staff at Spencer and now I am able to create memories with students as a teacher myself. School is a very important aspect of my life, but I also enjoy spending time with my family which consists of my husband, Jeff, and two children, Brody and Lissa.” Tara Sauer – 5th/6th Grade. Tara comments, “I enjoy reading, spending time with my family & friends, and being outside. One of the reasons I chose Spencer is because of its small town atmosphere. I love that everyone appreciates their community here.”

Representatives from Burnstad’s are pictured here with Mrs. Pankratz’s first grade class. Burnstad’s Market, for the second year in a row, provided back to school bags for all of our elementary students. These bags had nutritious foods, back-to-school supplies, and other fun little treats for all of our students. Other contributors include: Kemps Milk, Bernatello’s Pizza, Wenzel’s Farm, Coca Cola, Pan O Gold Baking Co., Shullsburg Creamery, and Patrick Cudahy. Thank you Burnstad’s!!

Upcoming Dates to be Aware of: Oct. 13 – Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00-4:00 (Online sign-up this year, directions are on the elementary page of the school’s website. If you do not have internet access of have difficulties signing up please call the Elementary Office at 715-659-4642 and we will get you signed up.) Oct. 16 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-8:00 (see note above for signing up) Oct. 17 – no school Oct. 27-Nov. 7 - WKCE (state testing) - this is for 4th graders only. They will be taking the state science and social studies test. Oct. 31 – No School – teacher in-service Nov. 4 – end of the first quarter

We are thrilled to have Nicole and Tara join our Rocket family! Facebook – The Spencer Elementary Facebook page is up and running. Currently, we have 290 followers! Can you help us surpass 300? This is a great resource for information, pictures, and videos of what is happening at Spencer Elementary. The easiest way to find our page is by going to the Elementary page of the school’s website and clicking on the Facebook symbol.

Enjoy your fall, Jill Schulz - Elementary Principal/Curriculum and Assessment Coordinator


4 YEAR-OLD KINDERGARTEN NEWS The first few weeks of 4K have been fun and exciting! The children have been working hard learning the rules, new friends names, and the classroom routine. I am very impressed with how well the four-year-olds have transitioned into the school setting and how fast they have adapted to their new surroundings. We look forward to a fantastic school year! - Submitted by 4 Year-old Kindergarten Teacher: Janet Wolf

KINDERGARTEN NEWS The Kindergartners have now put in two weeks of school and we are starting to learn the routines. We have been trying out the activities in our various centers and playing with our new friends. The children are working hard on writing their first and last names and learning some important phonemic skills and beginning sounds for emergent reading. As you walk by, you will also see the kindergarten students counting up a storm and writing their numerals. We are also getting better at remembering how to do things “The Rocket Way” in our classroom, the hall, and on the playground.

make red, white, and blue crafts and treats, and learn about our nation’s country and flag. We will also be seeing the performance of “Sheila the Great” at the LTCA on September 29. Another special time is learning about apples with Johnny Appleseed’s birthday approaching. We are looking forward to “jumping into fall”! - Submitted by the Kindergarten teachers: Mrs. Bezlyk, Mrs. Tomke, Mrs. Zuelke

We are eagerly awaiting our annual field trip to find “The Great Pumpkin”, ride on a hay wagon through the colorful woods, and adventure through a corn maze. The kindergartners will also join our school in celebrating “Constitution Day”, where they will

Contact Us Today!


107 West Cedar St. Spencer, WI 54479



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fall - 2014

FIRST GRADE NEWS The first graders are already busy and are getting acquainted with their 51 classmates. They have been working hard at remembering number quantity and letter sounds, proper letter formation, and LOTS of cutting, gluing, and coloring. We hope that you’ve seen some fine examples of first grade work come home with your little ones or have seen their work hanging in the halls or in their classroom. We’ll soon be taking our first trips of the school year.

In early October we’ll be visiting the School Forest to check out the beautiful fall colors, and in November we’ll each take a turn to visit St. Joseph’s Hospital for their pediatric orientation. - Submitted by the First Grade teachers: Mrs. Pankratz, Mrs. Aerts, Mrs. Kolstad

SECOND GRADE NEWS Second graders are off to a great start! We have been practicing procedures to help us Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, The Rocket Way. Please check your child’s folders each night for important notes or homework that will come home and needs to be sent back to school. Please go to the school web page and sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. If you need help please ask your child’s teacher. Coming up in Oct. will be our first fieldtrip to Stevens

Point. We will be going to the planetarium and museum. Please send in any SunnyD labels we are collecting them to get free books! - Submitted by the Second Grade teachers: Mrs. Bissonette, Mrs. Guenther, Mrs. Anderson

THIRD GRADE NEWS The third grade class is getting back into the school routine. In math, we are reviewing how to use math tools, place value, and reading and writing larger numbers. Students have begun to learn the lowercase, undercurve cursive letters. In science we are studying the different types of plant life, and recently examined and compared grassroots and radish root systems. In social studies we will be learning about large and small communities across the United States and the world. In reading, we are looking for clues to determine the setting and characters as well as how to locate information in the text. We are also reading books and taking tests

on the computerized Accelerated Reader program available to us over the internet. This year we will be working hard to improve our reading stamina and skills. We are excited to have eight new Asus laptop computers in each classroom that we will be using this year to promote learning. We will soon be tie-dying our t-shirts, so please watch for our flamboyant new class colors! - Submitted by the Third Grade teachers: Mrs. Farrell, Mrs. Reckner, Mrs. Payant


FOURTH GRADE NEWS Fourth grade is starting out great! We are not switching rooms for classes this year so we are getting to know our students much more quickly. We are also getting more time in our rooms to work, and that will hopefully help with getting work done so there is less homework!

South teacher’s parking lot. All monies go toward our May 7th field trip to Wisconsin’s state capitol in Madison. This is totally funded by students and parents so the more donations we get, the less out of pocket parents have to pay. It’s a wonderful trip so please bring in your cans! Thank you.

Keep studying those addition/subtraction facts as we are VERY rusty and will be moving on soon. If your +/- facts are not down-pat, it will make later math much harder. Keep practicing!

- Submitted by the Fourth Grade teachers: Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Szymanski, Mrs. Miller

Don’t forget to donate to our 4th grade can cage located in the

Box-tops for Education, Campbells Labels, and Kwik-Trip milk caps and labels These items are collected here at school to raise funds for various educational purposes. Send them with your child anytime. Please put each kind in a separate bag or envelope and make sure to rinse out the milk ones. Thanks! ** we no longer collect Land O’Lakes or Kemps caps.

**We only accept the following:**

Kwik-Trip • Caps rinsed • Bag tops (rinsed and cut off) • Glazers price ovals

Campbells Soup Labels

General Mills Box-Tops For Education

Thanks to our great community, all the participants, sponsors and attendees, we raised over $9,000 at our August, 2014 event that will directly help support so many great causes in Spencer.


715-659-5561 • 1110 S. Pacific St. • Spencer


fall - 2014

FIFTH GRADE NEWS The school year is off to a great start in the fifth grade. The kids are settling into a routine and are eager to learn. We encourage you to check your child’s assignment notebook each night to be involved in the learning process. This year we have a bit of a unique set up. During the morning Miss Sauer will be joining the sixth grade to teach their Language Arts classes while the fifth grade will tackle the challenges of Social Studies with Mr. Toufar and Media with Mrs. Buss. Each section will experience Science with the homeroom teacher. The students have adjusted quite well to this split design. During the afternoon Grade 5 enjoys small class sections with the duties of teaching split between Math with Mrs. Buss, Reading with Miss Sauer, and Comm/Language with Mr. Toufar. We are very excited about this arrangement as it will benefit all learners. We look forward to lots of learning this year!! Our classes are jammed packed with many learning targets. Working together in cooperative groups is stressed a great deal in our grade level. We continue to utilize our Everyday Math curriculum. Hopefully our Rocket mathematicians will soar to new heights. Each student has an SRB textbook which should come home on a regular basis. This text will provide helpful tutorials for homework. Check out the picture of some of our fifth graders hugging and kissing their SRB texts. It will be their best friend this year!!! Currently we are focusing on factors, divisibility rules, square numbers, prime vs. composite numbers, and prime factorization. Please encourage your children to practice math facts consistently. Media class offers the opportunity to work on laptop computers. The kids will learn keyboarding skills to apply in their educational endeavors. We look forward to learning games as well as completing upcoming projects on the computers. We will explore Power Point, Word Processing, Picasa Photo Collage creation, Animoto videos, Movie Maker shows, and much more. Later this year our kids will have the privilege of email on the school’s system. Science will focus on discovering how living things are classified as well as exploring what cells have to do with our lives. We will investigate the human body systems and also study plants and ecosystems. In Social Studies we will be studying United States history and geography.

In Reading class we will be focusing on building our reading stamina and working on reading skills as we read some varied literature. In Communications (Language) class we are writing, writing, writing! Feel free to offer advice and suggestions on your child’s writing; however, allow them to make the changes. Encourage proofreading many times to catch mistakes and make it wonderful. We look forward to working with this great bunch of kids throughout the school year. Please contact Grade 5 staff if you have any concerns or questions. - Submitted by the Fifth Grade teachers: Mrs. Buss, Miss Sauer, and Mr. Toufar



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ELEMENTARY / MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELOR’S CORNER Small Counseling Groups available for 3rd-5th grade students Starting in early October, small counseling groups will begin for students who would like support or skill practice with Mrs. Roehl. Groups provide a place for students to be heard, to share their thoughts and feelings, to learn new skills and to build a support network. Students act as a great resource for each other as they work on similar issues in a confidential manner. Groups offered based on student need are: Banana Splits: adjusting to family changes, Girl Power: building positive relationships and decreasing relational aggression, Chillin’: calming skills practice, Tools of the Trade: organization skills, & Standin’ Up: assertiveness training.

the weekends. Students get snacks like peanut butter sandwiches, carrots, apples, cereal, and crackers. The Marshfield United Way reached out to help us start the program thanks to generous donations as well as interested community partners like Burnstad’s and Land ‘O Lakes along with many other Spencer businesses. Thanks to this wonderful team effort, students in need will have access to healthy snacks over the weekend. We are looking for help delivering snack bags from Burnstad’s to school on Fridays over lunch hour. Please contact Paula Jero unitedway.paula@solarus. net. if you’d like to sign up for a day. Also contact Paula if you are available Wednesday afternoon or Thursday to take empty bags back to Burnstad’s. Food donation boxes are available at Burnstad’s if you would like to be a part of this worthwhile community effort.

Students are given information on groups in class and will bring a note home if they are showing an interest. Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a small counseling group or individual counseling for your child. I’m happy to support students and work together with you to help them do their best in school.

Joann Roehl (Roewe) PK-7 School Counselor (715) 659-4642 ext. 123

Nutrition on Weekends (NOW) Program Starting at Spencer School Spencer Students now have the opportunity to take part in the Nutrition on Weekends (NOW) program. The Nutrition on Weekends (NOW) program is a collaboration of a variety of volunteers and businesses and is intended to assist families with providing healthy, easy to prepare nutritional snacks for their children over

DRIVER EDUCATION Spencer School District continues to offer a Driver Education program that meet the requirements of the State of Wisconsin. The minimal requirements of a 30 classroom session, six hours of behind-the-wheel driving and six hours of observation are provided for each student. Actual street driving and observation are offered throughout the school year at varied times. Classroom instruction is only offered during the summer. During the summer of 2015, three classroom sessions are projected to be offered. There will be two 15 day June classes and one nine day July class. If a child is eligible to take Driver Education, parental notification (by mail) will be given the first week of February. If parents or students have questions they should contact Bob Stallons at 715-659-4211 ex: 109 or

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fall - 2014


We are off to a great start to another new school year in the RRCC. We have a wonderful group of families with children utilizing our services for the before/after school program as well as our 3 & 4 year old day program. We started right in with our routines and have had many of our after school children choosing to take advantage of our daily homework help. If you are interested in learning more about our program contact Sheri Schuh at or 715-659-2409 ext. 156.

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SPENCER MAGAZINE SALE We will continue our magazine sale in the fall for our Spencer School Forest. ALL the money raised will go directly for the upkeep of the school forest. In the past, our community members have been very supportive of purchasing magazines from our 5th—8th graders. Your help is greatly appreciated THANKS FOR SUPPORTING THE SCHOOL FOREST


Watch for complete details Sale Starts September 22, 2014 If you have renewals, want to order a new subscription or a Gift Card, you may order online anytime before or during the sale — Go to: Click on: Shop Now Type in the School Code: SPENCER Enter your student's name and start shopping (These orders will count towards prizes—if ordered by 10-20-14)

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fall - 2014



Monday, October 20, 2014 • 7:30 p.m. • LTCA The crunch of leaves, the smell of wood smoke and…the sounds of music fill the autumn air! The SHS Music Department will present its Fall Concert in the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts, Monday, October 20 at 7:30 p.m. Junior and senior high bands and choirs, and the high school handbell ensemble will perform. Please join us.

Rodgers & Hammerstein’s STATE FAIR 2014 Spencer School-Community Musical

Friday, November 7 at 7:30 p.m | Saturday, November 8 at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, November 9 at 2:00 p.m. General Admission Adults $10/Youth $5 PURCHASE TICKETS from the LTCA Box Office 715.659.4499 Cast with students and adults of the Spencer Community and set against the colorful backdrop of an American heartland tradition, STATE FAIR travels with the Frake family as they leave behind the routine of the farm for three days of adventure at the annual Iowa State Fair. Mom and Pop have their hearts set on blue ribbons while their daughter and son find romance and heartbreak on the midway. Set to the magical strains of an Academy Awardwinning score, STATE FAIR is the kind of warm-hearted family entertainment only Rodgers & Hammerstein could deliver! STATE FAIR is presented through special arrangement with R & H Theatricals Sponsored in part by the generosity of: Burnett Transit and the Sally & Greg Rindfleisch Performing Arts Fund


Monday, December 22, 2014 •7:30 p.m. • LTCA The Spencer Music Department will present ’TIS THE SEASON, a concert of holiday choral and handbell music from many traditions and centuries, beginning at 7:30pm Monday, December 22 in the LuCille Tack Center for the Arts. Take advantage of this free opportunity to get in the holiday spirit.

2015 WINTER BAND CONCERT Monday, January 12, 2015 • 7:30 p.m. • LTCA

It may be chilly outside, but the Spencer Junior and Senior High Bands and Jazz Bands will warm up the night with performances of their first semester repertoire. This is no admission charge!

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SYR is pleased to support the youth of the Spencer community. We held our 10th annual Golf Outing on July 26th at RiverEdge Golf Course. Twenty one teams enjoyed a fun filled day of golf and good times with friends. This major fundraiser generated $10,000 which will be used to enrich recreational activities and athletic facilities in the Spencer community. It was clearly a very successful day!!! We are very proud of the improvements that have been made thus far to SPREC Field behind school. The softball dugouts are nearly completed and the concession stand looks great. We look forward to doing some landscaping and finishing touches inside the stand. SYR is very appreciative of all efforts made by so many to make this project a reality. Spencer PTA gave a generous donation of $500.00 to enable us to stock the stand with necessary equipment to serve our fans. Look for details this spring as we will be holding a ribbon cutting ceremony to acknowledge all organizations and individuals who have given gifts of time and talent as well as monetary donations. Mark your calendars…SYR has set the date for the upcoming annual Alumni Basketball and Volleyball Tournaments. It will be held on Saturday, January 3rd. Consider joining and participating with Rocket pride. Contact Rob Schulz at for details.

We are very appreciative of our sponsors for the 2014 SYR Golf Outing:

Harn’s Furniture

Burnstad’s Market

Heritage Bank

AE Business Solutions

Jensen Motors

Cut Loose Hair Studio LLC

The Sud Shop Car Wash

Lamont Nienast, Oak Grove Terrace, Inc.

Premier Printing, Inc.

McNeely Insurance

Derek and David Buse

Mark & Chris Frey

M & S Sales and Service

A&B Process Systems

B & B Specialties

Team Sporting Goods

Hansen-Schilling Funeral Homes



Kwik Trip

Northside Computers

First Choice Recycling

Citizen State Bank of Loyal

Burnett Transit

Hughes Transport

Associated Sales & Leasing


RiverEdge Golf Course

Hildebrandt Custom Cabinets

FBC Industries, Inc

Modern Insulation

Central Manufacturing Corp


Allar Services, LLC

Midwest Nutrition and Feed, Inc

Maurer’s Mini Storage

American Auto

JJ’s WoodChuckers LLC

El Mezcal


LuCille Tack Center for the Arts

Kristy Kakes

Life Tributes Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Inc

Prince Corporation

Red Top Auto

Sports Scene

Marshfield Insurance


Life Like Creations Taxidermy

Dennis Coyle

Bear Creek Canvas

Blue Cat

Arnie’s Barbershop

Ken Miller Seamless Gutters & Home Improvements


Hitachi Data Systems

Charter Business


Buck-A-Neer Supper Club

Todd & Katrina Eisfeldt

Rick Gordon


Dane Anderson


Shutterbug Photography by Rhonda

fall - 2014

Youth Programs Fall 2014 Offered through the University of Wisconsin-Marshfield/Wood County Continuing Education

Let’s Explore Spanish Together!

(For first, second, and third grade students) It’s lots of fun to learn a new language and learn about children in other parts of the world! First, second and third grade students will learn to chat about fun topics in Spanish, try new foods, play new games, and make a cultural craft—all from a variety of Spanish speaking countries. Fee: $35 (includes supply fee) Mons, Sept. 15-Oct. 20, 3:30-4:30pm Course: K542 Rm. 130 Instructor: Deb Kennedy

Amphibian Afternoon

Spend the afternoon learning about different amphibians and reptiles. Members of the UW-Stevens Point Herpetology Society will visit campus with various creatures, including turtles, snakes, toads and more. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to see and learn about these animals firsthand. Program includes craft project and activities. For youth of all ages & parents welcome. Youth under five should be accompanied by a parent. Fee: $12 Sat, Sept. 20, 1-3pm Course: K541 Rm. Commons *Youth registration required

All ages welcome!

Babysitter’s Training Course

(ages 11 & up) Receive the American Red Cross Certification in this one day training session. Learn key components for babysitting, including feeding, diapering, handling bedtime and discipline issues, identifying safety hazards, as well as, caring for common injuries and emergencies, such as choking, cuts, and burns. Walk away with the skills to be a confident and capable babysitter. You will receive the Babysitter’s Training Handbook, Emergency Reference Guide, and Training CD. *Please bring a sack lunch. Fee: $99 Sat, Oct. 11, 9am-4:30pm Course: K539 Rm. 409 Instructor: American Red Cross Instructor

T Register


Continuing Education • 2000 West 5th Street, Marshfield, WI 54449 • (715) 389-6520 13


SPENCER PUBLIC SCHOOL MISSION: Spencer Public School empowers students to achieve their greatest academic, emotional, social and civic potential.

Spencer High School has in-house Spanish instruction this year for the first time ever. Students in Spanish I, II, and III learn in room 205. Sra. (Mrs.) Pickett is happy to be guiding students as they study this dynamic, vivid language.

VISION: Excellence for Every student, Every day, the Rocket Way

BELIEFS: • Individuals have a right to a safe, welcoming environment. • Individuals have value and deserve to be treated with respect. • Individuals are responsible for their actions. • Mistakes are opportunities for learning. • Individuals have unique strengths and abilities. • Character Education leads to personal and academic growth. • Community, parents/guardians and schools inspire student growth. • Knowing all students by name enhances personal connections and student learning. • Providing a strong foundation for continuous learning includes critical and creative thinking.

Parents and students alike will find links on Mrs. Pickett’s home page. Within a short time, students will also find items on Remind and should be looking for them soon.

Respectful Responsible The Rocket Way!


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fall - 2014


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8/20/14 NOTES

MARSHFIELD Good Morning Stretch. Cathy T


8:00 - 8:45am



9/19 - 12/12

Good Shepherd Church

Vinyasa Flow Yoga


9:00 - 10:00am



9/19 - 12/12

Good Shepherd Church

Cathy T




5:30 - 6:30pm



9/22 - 12/8

First Presbyterian Gym




5:30 - 6:15pm



9/23 - 12/9

Good Shepherd Church




6:30 - 7:15pm



9/23 - 12/9

Good Shepherd Church

Legs, Bums & Tums Nicole


5:30 - 6:15pm



9/26 - 12/12

Good Shepherd Church

Legs, Bums & Tums Nicole


5:30 - 6:15pm



9/28 - 12/14

Good Shepherd Church


6:15 - 7:15pm



10/2 - 12/11

Town of Green Valley Hall


6:15 - 7:15pm



10/6 - 12/8

Town of Green Valley Hall

Kristen B.


6:15 - 7:15pm



9/30 - 12/9

Town of Day Hall

Kristen B.


6:30 - 7:30pm



9/30 - 12/9

Spencer Village Hall




6:15 - 7:15pm



9/22 - 12/8

SHS Commons


Kristen B.


6:15 - 7:15pm



9/24 - 12/10



6:30 - 7:30pm



9/24 - 11/26

Zion Family Center


8:30 - 9:30am



9/27 - 12/13

SES Gym/Cafeteria




Kristen B.





Kristen B.


Green Valley, Rozellville, Spencer, Stratford

Questions: Email Linda at Visit us on the web: • Facebook:

Reserve your spot in the next edition of


THE ROCKET Newsletter!

715.659.5159 302 • S. Pacific Street LOYAL


400 N. Main St.

103 W. McMillan Street, Suite 1


Deadline for the next issue:

Jan. 21, 2015 - limited space available


Loan Decisions Made Locally


2 Boon Boulevard


110 Maple Street

Visit us online at



Spencer Volleyball Oct 2

7:15PM @ Neillsville

Oct 10 7:00PM @ Edgar

Oct 4

9:00AM @ Reedsburg

Oct 17 7:00PM vs. Osseo-Fairchild

Oct 7

7:15PM vs. Greenwood

Oct 9

7:00PM @ Medford

Oct 14

7:15PM TBD

Oct 16

7:15PM TBD

Oct 21

7:00PM TBD (Regional)

Oct 3

7:00PM @ Altoona


Oct 2


Home vs. Loyal, Thorp, Columbus

(Frey Field) Oct 7 4:15PM @ Auburndale (Frey Field) Oct 18 10:00AM Conference (Regis) Oct 24 4:00PM Sectional (Athens)

Current middle/high school schedules can be viewed anytime on our website homepage - Athletic Calendar link

Be comfortable in every season! 24 Hour Service • Residential • Commercial

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