La Voz Latina Central

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La Voz Latina Central La Voz Y Connexion De La Communidad // The Voice And Connection Of The Community

January 2014

What’s Inside: ¡Un Nuevo Año! Demos Gracias Y Compartamos La Fortuna De Vivir Un Año Más / A New Year: Time To Give Thanks p. 4

¿Cómo Usted Apoya A Su Familia Si No Puede Trabajar? \ How Do You Support Yourself and Your Family If You Cannot Work? p. 6-7

Community Smiles Brenda Thompson – PinnacleHealth SMILES p. 10

The James W. Hyson Awards Honoring Those Who Enhance Our Community p. 12

Fuel Up for Fitness p. 14

The Ultimate Therapeutic Experience LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve



p. 16

Happenings At The Library p. 21







A Note From The Publisher January 2014 • Volume 4 No. 1

La Voz Latina Central PUBLISHER

Graham Hetrick . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Patti Hill-Boccassini . MANAGING EDITOR

Jadrian Klinger . GRAPHIC DESIGNER



Kristen Lacaillade | Mark Kogan, Esq. Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz | Eboni Bryant, MSPH, MBA Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S. ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVES

Joe Benish (717) 609-9059 Jim Laverty (717) 233-0109–ext. 122 Julia Neumyer (717) 233-0109–ext. 121 TRANSLATOR

Marisol Aviles

3400 N. 6th Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717.233.0109 717.232.6010 fax


Davy H. Goldsmith–ext. 114


Patti Hill-Boccassini–ext. 130




Mientras escribo esta carta, me doy cuenta de que tengo poco tiempo para poner el árbol de Navidad y luego en pocos días comenzará un nuevo año más. Parece que fue hace tan poco tiempo que estaba celebrando la Navidad del 2012. Es extraño cómo el tiempo pasa tan rápido cuando uno está envejeciendo. Recuerdo que cuando era niño, un año parecía una eternidad. Al final del año escolar Septiembre se veía tan distante y siempre estaba mirando hacia adelante en el tiempo. Cuando a un niño se le pregunta sobre su edad, va a decir, “Voy a tener diez.” Esta es una declaración de que diez es mejor que nueve. A medida que envejecemos empezamos a decir cosas como, “Yo tengo menos de treinta años.” Las cosas cambian y empezamos a retroceder el tiempo. Cuando somos más de cincuenta proclamamos, “¡Lo hice a los setenta años.” En este momento de la vida parece una carrera hacia una meta mortal. El tiempo y la ciencia nos dicen que es relativo. Supongo que sí, pero estoy más preocupado por el hecho de que el tiempo es limitado en este mundo temporal. Parece que tenemos muy poco tiempo para apreciar el tiempo en nuestras ajetreadas vidas. Eso es triste porque no podemos hacer o comprar más tiempo. Cada tic-tac del reloj se está moviendo hacia un final pero aún así desperdiciamos tanto tiempo de nuestras vidas en cosas inútiles. Existe el viejo refrán que dice, “El tiempo es dinero.” No estoy de acuerdo. Puede imprimirse el dinero, total el gobierno lo hace todo el tiempo. Una vez que el tiempo se ha ido, se ha ido para siempre. Podemos gastar el tiempo como el dinero, pero es mejor gastarlo en algo que valga la pena. Conseguir más “cosas” que se desintegran, se pierden o se las roban puede ser una verdadera pérdida de tiempo. Tenemos que saber invertir el tiempo – así que ¿en qué hemos gastado el tiempo? Siento que deberíamos basar este artículo especial sobre cosas preciosas, como la familia. ¿En la siguiente generación, qué cosa será mejor para pasar el tiempo? También deberíamos esforzarnos para hacer de este mundo un lugar mejor para aquellos que pasaran tiempo en esta tierra, después de todo el tiempo se va. Así que es mejor gastar el tiempo en cosas más importantes como uno mismo es tiempo pasado que vale la pena. Con el pasar de los años para mí el tiempo se ha vuelto algo tan valioso. He adaptado a mi vida una nueva misión como creencia, que son, “Amar a Dios, amar a la gente y cambiar el mundo.” Me parece que es la mejor manera de marcar mis últimos años en este hogar temporal. Feliz Año Nuevo – Malgaste bien su tiempo. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher As I write this letter, I realize I have little time left to put up the Christmas tree, and then in just a few days more, a new year will begin. It seems like such a short time ago I was celebrating the Christmas of 2012. It’s strange how time goes by so quickly when one gets older. I remember as a child how long one year seemed. The end of a school year seemed so distant in September, and I was always looking forward in time. When a child is asked about their age, they will say, “I will be 10 soon.” This is a declaration that 10 is better than 9. As we get older, we start saying things like; “I am under 30.” Things change and we start to hold back time. When we are over 50 we proclaim, “I made it to 70.” At this point, life seems like a race to a mortal finish line. Time and science tell us it is relative. I suppose so, but I am more concerned by the fact that time is limited on this temporary globe. We seem to have so little time to appreciate time in our busy lives. That is sad because we can’t make or buy any more time. Each tick of the clock is moving towards an end, yet we throw away so much time of the useless things in life. There is the old saying, “Time is money.” I don’t agree. Money can be printed – the government does it all the time. Once time is gone, it is gone for good. We can spend time like money, but we better spend it on something worthwhile. Getting more “stuff ” that decays, gets lost or can be stolen can be a real waste of time. We must spend time – so what should we spend it on? I feel we should spend this special commodity on precious things such as family. What a better thing to spend time on than the next generation? We also should strive to make this world a better place for those who will spend time on this earth after all our time is spent. So spending time on things more important than self is time spent worthwhile. As time gets more precious to me, I have adapted a new mission statement in my life, “Love God, love people and change the world.” It just seems this is the best way to mark my remaining years in this temporary home. Happy New Year – spend your time well. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher LA VOZ LATINA CENTRAL | JANUARY 2014 3

¡Un Nuevo Año!

Demos Gracias Y Compartamos La Fortuna De Vivir Un Año Más Por el Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz


emos pasado los linderos del nuevo año; el 2013 ya es historia! Acabamos de celebrar la alegría de las festividades navideñas y espero que usted también haya tenido la oportunidad de compartir su amor y el cariño con sus seres queridos, y con aquellos que forman parte de su círculo de familiares y amigos. También espero que de una forma u otra, usted haya compartido su tiempo, recursos y habilidades con los que más lo necesita, ya sea en su propio vecindario o en cualquier parte del mundo. Me gustaría expresar mi gratitud a usted y a todos los miembros de La Voz Latina por permitirme ser parte de su círculo. Estoy agradecido por el privilegio de haber estado en contacto con ustedes durante el año 2013. Ha sido un gran año

y estoy realmente feliz de vivir una vida gratificante. Por supuesto, espero que lo mismo suceda con usted. Muchas veces lo que se necesita es estar al tanto de todas las bendiciones que tenemos precisamente enfrente de nosotros. Sin embargo, a veces, nuestra ceguera mental nos permite ver sólo con nuestros ojos físicos, especialmente cuando nos dejamos absorber por el círculo de negatividad, pesimismo y nostalgia cuando otros claramente pueden ver la esperanza, la luz y la belleza. Es sólo una cuestión de aptitud y esto sólo depende de usted. Creo que el ser grato es también una cuestión de justicia. Es por eso que estoy agradecido por los grandes momentos, y también por los tiempos difíciles. Aprecio el placer que la vida me ha concedido y la oportunidad de servir desde mi condición

actual. Elevo mi oración al cielo por vosotros, esperando que usted también tenga la oportunidad de redescubrir lo mejor de usted mismo en este Año Nuevo que la vida nos permite explorar, vivir y disfrutar. También espero que usted y yo podamos ayudar a los demás a descubrir sus talentos y dones, a fin de asegurarnos de que nuestra presencia en la tierra es lo mejor que pueda ser. Por último, quiero expresar mi gratitud a Dios por todo lo que Él me ha permitido tener y disfrutar este año. Expreso agradecimiento a mi familia y amigos por su amor y apoyo incondicional. Espero que usted pueda ser capaz de pensar, decir y hacer lo mismo y que podamos estar agradecidos por las cosas maravillosas que tenemos a nuestro alrededor. ¡Ah, y no olvide de contar sus bendiciones!

D e m o s g r a c i a s individual y colectivamente por un año más que la vida nos permite vivir. Muchas bendiciones para ustedes hoy y los próximos días que nos depare el destino. Dios les conceda la paz, el amor, la salud y la solidaridad durante este nuevo año. Si algunos desafíos vienen a su encuentro, acéptelos, encárelos y de seguro los vencerá. Al final entenderá que todo sucede por alguna razón. Feliz Año Nuevo 2014 colegas y amigos. Disfrute del presente en este día y nunca olvide que lo mejor está aún por venir. ¡Feliz y Venturoso 2014!

A New Year: Time To Give Thanks By Dr. Hector Ortiz


e have passed the boundaries of a new year – 2013 is now over. We just celebrated the beauty of this past holiday season, and I hope you also had the opportunity to share your love and compassion with loved ones and those who are part of your circle of family and friends. I also hope that in one way or another, you also share your time, treasures or skills with those who need the most, both in your back yard or in any part of the world. I would like to express my gratitude to you and all the members of La Voz Latina Central for allowing me to be part of your

circle. I am thankful for the privilege of being able to connect with you during 2013. It has been a great year, and I am really living a rewarding life. Of course, I wish you the same. Many times, what it takes is just to be aware of all the blessings that we have right in front of us. However, sometimes our blindness to see just with our physical eyes may keep us enclosed in a circle of negativity, pessimism and nostalgia when others can widely see hope, light and beauty. It is just a matter of aptitude, and it depends on you. It also is a matter of fairness. It is why I am thankful for the great moments as


well as the difficult ones. I appreciate the pleasure that life has granted to me and the opportunity to serve from my current capacity. I pray for you and hope you also have the opportunity to rediscover the best of yourself in this new year that life allows us to explore, live and enjoy. I also hope that you and I can help others rediscover their talents and gifts in order to make sure our presence on earth is the best that it can be. Finally, I express my gratitude to God for anything that He has allowed me to have and enjoy this year. I express my thankfulness to my family and friends for their unconditional love and support. I hope you can be able to think, say and do

the same, so that we can be grateful for the wonderful things that we have around us. Let us give thanks both individually and collectively for one more year that life allows us to live. Many blessings for you today and the days to come. God grant you peace, love, health and solidarity in the beginning and during this new year. If challenges come in your way accept, face and overcome them. At the end, you will see that anything that happens to us has a reason. Happy 2014 friends and colleagues. Enjoy the present, enjoy today and never forget that the best is yet to come. Happy and peaceful 2014!


¿Cómo Usted Apoya A Su Familia Si No Puede Trabajar? Por el Mark J. Kogan, Lcdo.


n la fuerza laboral de hoy en día, hay muchas razones por las cuales las personas pierden horas de trabajo. Enfermedades, la muerte de familiares, siendo herido en el trabajo o ser heridos fuera del trabajo son unas de las razones los cuales hacen que sea difícil a un individuo de trabajar y poner comida en la mesa de su familia. En este artículo del mes, me gustaría explicar las diferencias entre las ausencias de trabajo y cómo éstos son pagados y calificados por los empleadores. • Accidentes del trabajo – Si usted se lesiona en el trabajo, usted ha sufrido de una lesión en el trabajo y sus beneficios han de buscarse y pagado bajo el Departamento de Trabajo e Industria de la Oficina de Compensación a los Trabajadores de Pennsylvania. Si usted tiene una lesión en el trabajo, debe informarle a su empleador. Si no informa que usted tuvo una lesión en el trabajo, se le hará difícil para su empleador le pague sus salarios perdidos y beneficios médicos. Una vez que haya dado el aviso correspondiente a su empleador, su empleador debe enviarle a un médico que va a proporcionar atención médica y le dará restricciones. Si su empleador no puede acomodar sus restricciones, usted debe recibir pago por discapacidad de compensación al trabajador. • Incapacidad a Corto Plazo – Si usted se lesiona fuera del trabajo, puede solicitar

la incapacidad a corto plazo. Incapacidad de corto plazo es un tipo de seguro que paga por un porcentaje del salario del empleado por un período de tiempo específico si están enfermos o heridos y no pueden realizar las funciones de su trabajo. La cobertura comienza generalmente entre uno a 14 días después de que el empleado sufre una condición que les impide trabajar. Muchas veces, los empleados están obligados a utilizar los días de enfermedad antes de empiece su tiempo de incapacidad a corto plazo si se trata de una enfermedad que los mantiene fuera del trabajo durante un período prolongado de tiempo. Incapacidad de corto plazo suele ser pagado por el empleador. Varios empleadores pueden ofrecer a sus empleados la posibilidad de pagar cantidades adicionales hacia la discapacidad a corto plazo. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre su póliza de incapacidad a corto plazo en el trabajo, por favor hable con su Departamento de Recursos Humanos. • Incapacidad a largo plazo – la póliza de discapacidad a largo plazo normalmente le aplica a las personas que están sin trabajo durante tres meses o más. Si un empleado se lesiona fuera del trabajo, la remuneración de los trabajadores no los cubrirá y, por lo tanto, se aplicaría la incapacidad a largo plazo. Normalmente se activa después de que la póliza de incapacidad a corto plazo se ha agotado. La póliza de incapacidad a largo plazo es normalmente pagado por


su empleador. La tendencia actual es la de cambiar el costo fuera de la empresa y que puede ser un empleado pagado en su totalidad o plan de pago parcial. Los empleados que reúnen requisitos para la incapacidad a largo plazo, por lo general recibirán una cantidad predeterminada en algún lugar entre el cincuenta por ciento a setenta por ciento de su salario mensual y comienza generalmente en alguna parte entre los 90 a 180 días. Dependiendo de los términos del plan, una persona puede estar limitada a la cantidad de cobertura que reciben y por cuánto tiempo durarán los beneficios. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta sobre su póliza de incapacidad a largo plazo, también recomiendo que hable con su Departamento de Recursos Humanos. • Family Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”) – FMLA autoriza a los empleados elegibles de empleadores cubiertos a tomar tiempo libre sin sueldo manteniendo su trabajo protegido específicamente para su familia y razones médica con la continuación de la cobertura de seguro de salud de grupo en los mismos términos y condiciones como si el empleado no fuera despedido. Los empleados elegibles tienen normalmente derecho a recibir doce semanas de trabajo de licencia en un período de doce meses para: 1. El nacimiento de un niño y para cuidar a un niño recién nacido dentro de un año del nacimiento. 2. Colocación para el empleado para

la adopción o acogimiento y para cuidar al niño recién colocado dentro del año de colocación. 3. Para el cuidado de cónyuge del empleado, hijo o padre que tiene problemas graves de salud. 4. Una condición de salud grave que hace que el empleado no puede realizar las funciones esenciales de su trabajo. 5. Veinte y seis semanas de trabajo para ausencis durante el periodo de doce meses para cuidar a un miembro cubierto por el servicio por una lesión o enfermedad grave si el empleado elegible es el esposo/esposa del miembro del servicio, hijo, hija o padre (Care Giver Military Leave). FMLA no se financia y una vez que expire la FMLA su empleador podrá optar por terminar el empleo de usted. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de estos tipos de licencia y/o si desea buscar representación legal para luchar por ese tipo de incapacidad o con o sin paga, por favor no dude en ponerse en contacto con mi oficina. Podemos ser alcanzados en

How Do You Support Yourself and Your Family If You Cannot Work? By Mark J. Kogan, Lcdo.


n today’s work force, there are many reasons why individuals must miss time from work. Sickness, death of family members, being injured on the job or being injured outside of work are reasons that make it difficult to work and put food on your family’s table. In this months article, I would like to explain the differences between work absences and how these are paid for and qualified by employers. • Work Injury – If you are injured on the job, you have suffered a work injury and your benefits must be sought and paid for under the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry Bureau of Workers’ Compensation. If you have a work injury, you must report it to your employer. If you do not report that you have a work injury, it will make it difficult for you to seek to have your employer pay for your lost wages and your medical benefits. Once you have given appropriate notice to your employer, your employer should send you to a doctor who will provide medical care and give you restrictions. If your employer cannot accommodate your restrictions, you should receive workers’ compensation disability pay.

• Short Term Disability – If you are injured off of the job, you can apply for short-term disability. Short-term disability is a type of insurance which pays for a percentage of the employee’s salary for a specific amount of time if they are ill or injured and cannot perform the duties of the job. Coverage usually starts anywhere from one to 14 days after the employee suffers a condition that leaves them unable to work. Many times, employees are required to use sick days before short-term disability kicks in, if it is an illness that keeps them out of work for an extended period of time. Short-term disability is typically paid for by the employer. Several employers may offer their employees the ability to pay additional amounts towards shortterm disability. If you have any questions about your short-term disability policy at work, please discuss this with your human resources department. • Long-Term Disability – Longterm disability policy typically applies to individuals who are out of work for three months or longer. If an employee is hurt off the job, workers’ compensation will not cover them, and therefore, long-term disability would apply. It typically kicks

in after the short-term disability policy has run out. Long-term disability policy is typically paid for by your employer. The current trend is to shift cost away from the employer and it can be an employee fully paid or partially paid plan. Employees who qualify for long-term disability will typically receive a predetermined amount somewhere between 50 percent to 70 percent of their monthly salary and it starts typically somewhere between 90 to 180. Depending upon the terms of the plan, a person may be limited to how much coverage they receive and for how long the benefits will last. If you have any questions about your long-term disability policy, I would also recommend that you speak with your human resources department. • Family Medical Leave Act “FMLA”– FMLA entitles eligible employees of covered employers to take unpaid, job protected leave for a specified family and medical reason with the continuation of group health insurance coverage under the same terms and conditions as if the employee had not taken leave. Eligible employees are typically entitled to receive 12 work weeks of leave in a 12 month period for:

1. The birth of a child and to care for a newborn child within one year of the birth. 2. Placement for the employee for the adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement. 3. To care for the employee’s spouse, child or parent who has serious health conditions. 4. A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his/her job. 5. Twenty-six work weeks of leave during a single 12 month period to care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness, if the eligible employee is a service members spouse, son, daughter, parent or next-of-kin (Military Care Giver Leave.) FMLA is not funded, and once the FMLA expires, your employer may choose to terminate you. If you have any questions about these types of leave and/or would like to seek legal representation to fight for such types of disability or paid or unpaid leave, please do not hesitate to contact my office. We can be reached at


Happy New Year – 2014 10 Ways to Transform Your Life By Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.


his year, I want you to have the best year ever – in all aspects of your life. I want you to improve your health status – your body, mind and spirit – and feel the best that you can. You know what works and what doesn’t work for your health and mental happiness, and thus it is time to change what doesn’t work. Even Albert Einstein knew this. He stated, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” It is a new year. It is time for a new you. Below are 10 ways that may transform your life for the better: Take good care of yourself. The time is now. You must be proactive in your own health care because if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else will. This is especially true if you have others depending on you. If you are sick, your loved ones suffer, too. From this perspective, you must have a healthy, wellbalanced life and disengage from risky behaviors such as excessive drinking, smoking, overeating, low level of fiber intake, sedentary lifestyles, lack of sleep and worrying too much about the small stuff. Maintain a healthy weight. Avoid processed foods high in fat and sugar. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Exercise daily, at least 30 minutes per day. Yes, change is difficult, but it can be done. Today is the day for change. Choose a healthier you. Do it for yourself and for your loved ones, too. Avoid stress. Stress is real, and it can affect a person’s performance, employment and relationships. Emotional distress can also dampen one’s spirit and related activity. According to the PA Department of Health’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) data, in 2010, on average, one in four (22 percent) of adult PA residents 18 years and older reported that they had limited activity due to physical, mental or emotional problems. Stress can be managed, and you must find

ways to effectively manage it. You are more likely to accomplish more things with a stress-free life compared to a stressed life. Avoid risky behavior that may get you in trouble. You know exactly what you have to do. There is nothing new under the sun – it is the same advice year after year. Avoid excessive drinking. Avoid eating processed, highfat and high-sugar foods. Avoid smoking. Avoid unprotected sex. Avoid gossip that stirs up dissension. Avoid texting while driving. Avoid breaking the law of the land or being in company with people that do – remember speeding tickets, theft, sexual abuse, bullying and such are punishable crimes. Instead, focus on finding ways to make the best choices for your life. Avoid trying to change people who are set in their ways. Select your friends carefully because someone once said that “bad company corrupts good character.” Talk with your doctor, counselor, pastor, friend, teacher, and/or spiritual leader about finding ways that you avoid engaging in risky behavior and/or ways you can disengage yourself from risky behavior if this is the case. Focus on proper attitude and cultivating gratitude. This will help you focus on the many things that you have, and less time on what you do not have. Someone once said that we have many things to be grateful for: we are alive, healthy and have family and friends that care about us. It is important to find ways to grow professionally and give back to our community in an impactful way. A negative attitude has its place and time, but it should not become chronic, where it interferes with one’s productivity. Forgive the unforgivable, and love the unlovable. Life is never perfect or gentle. Like the famous saying goes, “Into every life a little rain must fall.” What matters is not what happens to you, but rather how you deal with what happens to you. Forgiving is never easy. Loving a person who has


disappointed you is never easy. Therefore, it is important to talk with your pastor, spiritual leader, doctor and/or counselor about finding ways to deal with any hurt or disappointment that others may have caused you, whether that hurt was done intentionally or unintentionally. Many believe that is the first step of healing on all fronts. Don’t give up. You can do it. It is very easy to give up on an idea, job promotion, school work, work project, skill or talent if you don’t succeed the first time. If you fail at something that you really want to do, just pick yourself up and try again. It is rare that someone gets it right the first time he or she attempts to do something. This is true whether it be riding a bike, baking a cake, writing an essay, balancing a checkbook, painting a picture or playing a video game, to name a few. Practicing a specific task repeatedly may help improve one’s skills, so don’t give up on the first try. Believe you can do it. If you don’t believe you can do it, then you never will. Stand up for yourself. Try to avoid friends or situations that compromise your values and belief systems. Try to respect others while having others respect you as well. Not everybody has to like one another, but it is common courtesy to respect one another. Talk with your doctor, counselor, pastor, friend, teacher and/or spiritual leader about finding ways that you can stand up for yourself when needed. Communicate effectively. People try their best to communicate, express their feelings, thoughts or desires to others. However, effective communication can be a difficult task. Miscommunication can yield unwanted outcomes. Talk with your doctor, counselor, pastor, friend, teacher and/or spiritual leader about finding ways that you can communicate effectively. This will help you to better understand others as well as having others

better understood you. Learn ways to properly use social media so that it will not cause trouble at home, church, school or at work. Do the right thing. Try your best to do the right thing, at the right time and for the right reason. A lot of people in your life look up to you. You are a role model and may not even know it. Others watching you may mimic your behaviors, so what you do and how you act are important. Remember, actions speak louder than words, so let your actions speak of good things that promote good character – such as honesty, integrity, respect, kindness, consistency, accountability and transparency. Laugh and learn. King Solomon wrote some 3,000 years ago, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” Laughter is good medicine. Scientists believe that laughter has some health benefits, including increases in blood flow and decreases in mental stress. Laughter may help you have a healthier and happier life. Talk with your doctor, counselor, pastor, friend, teacher and/or spiritual leader about finding ways that can help you laugh a little. I hope you find these 10 simple ways to transforms your life useful. Remember this list is not exhaustive. Perhaps you might know of other ways to transform your life. Send me your comments by January 15, 2014, and I will do my best to publish them in an upcoming monthly article. Together, we can learn how to improve our lives for the better. Take good care of yourself in 2014 and beyond. Send your health questions to ¡Hola, Oralia! at Together we can help keep Pennsylvania residents healthy. ¡Salud!


Community Smiles Brenda Thompson – PinnacleHealth SMILES By Kristen Lacaillade | Photo by Ali Waxman


ven though the holidays are now behind us, that doesn’t mean the desire to give has gone along with them. Having the resources at your fingertips to put a smile on someone’s face who needs it the most is something that shouldn’t be reserved for just the holidays, and that is exactly what PinnacleHealth SMILES does. Brenda Thompson, community outreach/dental access coordinator for PinnacleHealth SMILES gives every day of the year. More than five years ago, Dr. Andrew Gould, DMD; Dr. John Kiessling, DMD; and Dr. Harry Meyers, DDS addressed the issue of access to dental care when they created the SMILES program by developing a network of more than 50 volunteer dentists on the east and west shores. PinnacleHealth SMILES, launched just one year ago in January, 2013. Eligible patients come from locally based organizations, the community and PinnacleHealth emergency rooms. Thompson plays an integral role in the development and outreach to those in the community, particularly the Latino community, who are in need of these services the most and to be sure that these procedures come at little or no cost to the patient in need. “My role as community outreach is to reach out to the Latino population and create a partnership for healthier communities. A successful tool is our Faith Community Health Connections (FCHC), a partnership between faith communities, congregations, the health care system and the community. By networking with these partners, the FCHC works to improve the health of all in our region with my focus being the Latino community,” Thompson explained. THis is a program that assists low-income families who are uninsured/underinsured and have an urgent dental need. Additionally, the program is able to have the patient seen by one of their dentists within 24 hours. Some of the services rendered range from dental exams to X-rays or extractions. Should a SMILES patient require antibiotics, they will receive the prescription at no charge. The program is able to assist the Harrisburg SMILES patients with their prescription needs through a 10 JANUARY 2014 | LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM

collaborative effort with the Medicine Shoppe. In addition, antibiotics such as penicillin and amoxicillin can be obtained free of charge at a GIANT supermarket pharmacy. The first goal is to make an appointment for the patient with a volunteer dentist, which helps to address the urgent dental need. Once the patient is seen and services are performed, the patient is assisted by Thompson to find a dental home to receive on-going, preventative dental care. This on-going care allows for the avoidance of urgent dental care in the future, and to help maintain the patient’s dental needs on a more regular basis. Thompson also helps patients with possible community-based dental resources for future use. With her open heart and connections, Thompson is able to make a large impact in the Latino community and get the word out about PinnacleHealth SMILES programs through outreach resources. Thompson expressed, “Through my Latino outreach, not only does it allow me to assist the population that I am so passionate about, but it also allows Pinnacle to continue to build great relationships and work closely with other community-based organizations focused on the Latino community, such as the Latino Hispanic Community center (LHACC), Highmark, who has donated blood pressure cuffs to the Latino congregations, and the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the American Diabetes Association, which provides materials in Spanish for our patients.” Thompson advises that any individual who is uninsured or underinsured who has an urgent dental need to stop by one of their intake sites at Community Action Commission, Latino Hispanic Community Center (LHACC) or HELP Ministries to complete the required paperwork. Not only is it Thompson’s job to assure that patients are well taken care of and provided for when it comes to their dental needs, her outreach and passion for the Latino community shows in her perseverance and hard-working nature. With her continuing efforts, warm heart and strong relationships with key entities in the community, there is no doubt that Thompson will continue to help and put a smile on the faces of those who need it most.


The James W. Hyson Awards Honoring Those Who Enhance Our Community “The challenges are formidable yet the alternatives of a continuation of poverty and despair are unacceptable.” - Jim Hyson Last November, several citizens were awarded the James Hyson Awards for Entrepreneurship, Community Development and Advocacy. The awards are presented to people who exemplify the best of the ideals that Hyson strove to achieve, and who are positively impacting communities in Central Pennsylvania. Jim Hyson was a connector of people and a builder of multi-cultural coalitions. A native of Lancaster city, he spent his time mentoring young entrepreneurs and participating in economic justice movements, such as the Lancaster Peace and Justice Coalition and the Lancaster Rainbow Coalition. Members of these organizations identified the need for more investment capital in low-income neighborhoods and launched what is now Community First Fund. Jim Hyson set the vision for Community First Fund more than 20 years ago. His dream of a vibrant and diverse community, where individuals prosper and are free from poverty and discrimination, is carried on to this day. Awards recipients were selected by a committee compromised of Community First Fund board members, staff and community leaders. The 2013 Awards Selection Committee included: Sam Bressi, Johnathan Encarnacion, Nancy Kurland, Deborah Stuart, Jim Schultz, Daniel Betancourt and Joan Brodhead. The James Hyson Entrepreneur Award Honoring an outstanding client who demonstrates leadership abilities, community involvement and its dedication to continued business growth and success. Hector Ruiz Sofrito Gastro Pub Hector came to Community First Fund with nothing but a dream and some sweat equity in managing a restaurant in the Centre Park area of Reading. Through a coalition of support from Community First Fund, Greater Berks Development Fund and the Kutztown SBDC, Ruiz gained the knowledge through training and hard work to develop a proposal that enabled him to finance a $400,000 purchase of his former employer. Ruiz exemplifies everything that Jim Hyson stood for from social justice and expanding opportunities for low income borrowers. The Kutztown SBDC provided in-depth training and helped develop a concrete business plan and financial projections. Working with the Greater Berks Development Fund, Community First Fund developed a bankable proposal that brought the city of Reading and the sellers into the loan mix. It took over a year to make this dream a reality, but Ruiz’s hard work and perseverance paid off. Sofrito’s is now a thriving neighborhood hub that employs 15 people, with a focus on low-income individuals. The James Hyson Community Development Award Honoring a pioneering client who has made a positive and visible impact Carlito Montanez Montanez Properties, LLC Carlita Montanez provides quality housing for low-income people in the city of Lancaster. Since 2002, he has renovated blighted properties into clean, quality, affordable living spaces that he leases below market cost for people and families in need. Montanez Properties now has more than two dozen units of affordable housing in Lancaster city for low-income and even sometimes homeless people. In addition to providing clean living space, he has created a job for his on-site manager. Montanez works hard to make his living spaces feel like home by providing a common area for tenants to gather, a laundry facility, a small gym and even a playground for the kids. He also arranges movie nights, purchases swimming passes at Christmas-time, decorates and buys Christmas gifts for the children of his tenants. His reputation for providing clean, quality housing makes him a prime referral source for community organizations seeking housing for their clients. . The James Hyson Advocate Award Honoring a person or organization that fully appreciates Community First’s mission and actively refers clients who can benefit from its services. John Kingsley Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation John Kingsley is the vice president of finance at the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corporation. In this position, he works with a broad array of businesses to improve the economic climate of the Lehigh Valley. Kingsley believes in a collaborative approach to lending and recognized the value that Community First Fund would bring to the Lehigh Valley almost immediately. He invited Community First Fund to join the Lehigh Valley Lenders Forum to be exposed to a consortium of lenders from throughout the Lehigh Valley area. This has lead to significant referrals beyond what comes directly from Kingsley alone. While the forum in its past role is currently disbanded, John and other participants from the forum continue to send clients in need to Community First Fund. John included Community First Fund on a panel at a state-wide EDC Conference last fall, and will include the organization in any new initiatives adopted by his office to encourage collaborative lending efforts.


Vea La Luz Cuando Muerda Un Bocado Por el Eboni Bryant, MSPH, MBA & Manager, LiveWELL Lancaster County


ño Nuevo, nuevas resoluciones. Pero, es el mismo horario ocupado, ¿no? Las familias hoy en día llevan una vida tan ocupada, balanceándose con el trabajo, la escuela, la religión, el deporte, y otras actividades. Nuestro horario es tan ocupado que a menudo significa que no tenemos tiempo para hacer las comidas para nosotros mismos en casa y nos encontramos acaparando de prisa comida para llevar. Y, si somos honestos, esta comida no siempre es la más saludable para nosotros. La comida que hacemos en casa tiende a ser más barata y más sana para nosotros. ¿Sabía usted que, en 1960, el 26 por ciento del dinero gastado en comida en los Estados Unidos estuvo en los alimentos consumido fuera de casa, y es por eso que ese número había aumentado a casi la mitad en el 2011? Los estadounidenses compran y consumen alimentos fuera de casa en un promedio de cuatro veces a la semana, lo que puede significar un extra de ocho libras al año. Cuanto más comemos fuera de casa, más los kilos se acumulan. Sin embargo, nuestro horario de trabajo no significa que nosotros debamos de comer alimentos poco saludables. Podemos planear con anticipación y hacer una comida o un refrigerio el día anterior para llevar con nosotros esos días que sabemos que vamos a estar de prisa. Habrá días que no tengamos tiempo para planificar el futuro en esos días podemos ordenar las opciones de comidas saludables o tamaños más pequeños. Al hacer pequeños cambios, podemos todos adherirlos a nuestras resoluciones del Año Nuevo y mantener nuestras apretadas agendas. Durante los dos primeros meses del año, nosotros estamos constantemente recordando la necesidad de movernos más y comer mejor. Desde la semana del Peso Saludable, al Mes del Corazón y la Prevención del cáncer, diversas organizaciones imprimen folletos donde nos dan a conocer la necesidad de mantener nuestros cuerpos sanos para prevenir el cáncer, enfermedades cardíacas, la diabetes, y una serie de otras enfermedades. A veces, todos estos mensajes pueden ser abrumadores.

Así que, este año, comprométase a hacer sólo una cosa un poco mejor, mejorando lo que come cuando está en movimiento. Una resolución es mucho más manejable que múltiples resoluciones, ya que es más probable que se adhieran a una sola. La mejor manera de mantener la resolución de este Nuevo Año, es empacando sus propias comidas y aperitivos. No se equivocara con alimentos ricos en fibra dietética, tales como las galletas de trigo integral, pan y pastas, barras de avena, frutos secos, arroz integral, y frijoles. Pero, si usted debe comer fuera, aquí hay algunos consejos útiles para aquellos de ustedes que siempre están comiendo en el camino: • Reduzca al mínimo, no grandes tamaño. El tamaño extra grande de su comida sólo le traerá grandes consumo de calorías y grasa. • Omitir los artículos fritos o altos en grasa. Evite los alimentos fritos y altos en grasa como el pollo frito, el pescado frito, las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los nuggets. Ordene alimentos a la parrilla y panes de trigo siempre que sea posible. • El cambio a su lado. Sustituya a fruta fresca, puré de manzana, ensalada, o zanahorias pequeñas por los chips o papas, cuando esa opción está disponible. • Obtener el agua. Solo porque un refresco es fotografiado con una comida no significa que tenga que pedirlo. Obtenga el agua en su lugar. • Camine en lugar de conducir. No sólo va a conseguir un poco de aire fresco, sino que podrás quemar calorías adicionales. Cambiar un hábito malsano es un gran paso en la dirección correcta! Para otros recursos sobre alimentación saludable, tales como el libro de cocina afroamericano, visite el sitio web Lighten Up Lancaster County en Para obtener más información sobre otros aspectos de una vida saludable, visite el sitio web LiveWell Lancaster County en Espero que tenga un nuevo año lleno de salud!

Go Light When You Grab A Bite By Eboni Bryant, MSPH, MBA & Manager, LiveWELL Lancaster County


ew Year, new resolutions. But, it’s the same busy schedule, right? Families today lead busy lives balancing work, school, religious, sports and other activities. Our busy schedules often mean that we don’t have time to make meals for ourselves at home and find ourselves grabbing food on the go. And, if we’re honest, this food isn’t always the most healthful for us.

The food we make at home tends to be cheaper and more healthful for us. Did you know that, in 1960, 26 percent of the money spent on food in the U.S. was on food eaten away from home, and by 2011, that number had jumped to nearly half ? Americans now buy and consume food away from home an average of four times a week, which can mean an extra eight pounds a year. The more we eat away from home, the more those pounds add up. However, our busy schedules don’t mean we have to eat unhealthful foods. We can plan ahead and make a meal or a snack to take with us on days we know we’ll be rushed. On the days when we don’t have time to plan ahead, we can order more healthful meal options or smaller sizes. By making small changes, we can all stick to our New Year’s resolutions and keep our busy schedules. During the first two months of the year, we’re constantly reminded about the need to move more and eat better. From Healthy Weight Week to Heart Month to Cancer Prevention Month, various organizations impress upon us the need to keep our bodies healthy to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes and a host of other illnesses. Sometimes, all of these messages can be overwhelming. So, this year, commit to doing just one thing a little better – improving what you eat when you’re on the go. One resolution is much more manageable than multiple ones. Plus,

you’re more likely to stick to just one. The best way to maintain this New Year’s resolution is to pack your own meals and snacks. You can’t go wrong with foods high in dietary fiber, such as whole wheat crackers, bread and pasta; oatmeal bars; dried fruit; brown rice; and beans. But, if you must eat out, here are a few helpful tips for those of you who are always eating on the go: • Minimize, don’t supersize. Supersizing your meal only supersizes your caloric and fat intake. • Skip the fried or high-fat items. Fried and high-fat items such as fried chicken, fried fish, burgers, fries and nuggets should be avoided. Order grilled food items on wheat buns whenever possible. • Switch your side. Substitute fresh fruit, applesauce, side salad or baby carrots for chips or fries, when that option is available. • Get the water. Just because a soda is pictured with the meal doesn’t mean that you have to order it. Get the water instead. • Walk in, instead of driving through. Not only will you get some fresh air, but you’ll burn extra calories. Changing just one unhealthful habit is a big step in the right direction! For other resources on healthful eating, such as the African-American cookbook, visit the Lighten Up Lancaster County website at For more information on other aspects of healthy living, visit the LiveWELL Lancaster County website at Have a healthy new year!


Cómo Proteger Sus Sueños

El Seguro Del Inquilino Protege A Familias Y Bienes Family Features


ay muchas razones por las cuales las personas prefieren alquilar en lugar de comprar una vivienda. Si está ahorrando para la casa de sus sueños, si le resulta difícil comprarla o si simplemente no desea compromisos ni fastidios, el alquiler tiene sus beneficios. Quienes escogen alquilar deben tener la protección adecuada y, con los actuales avances, es más fácil que nunca encontrar la cobertura correcta. Cómo proteger sus bienes Para muchos de los que buscan una casa o departamento en alquiler, el seguro del inquilino puede parecerles poco importante en relación con tantas otras cosas a tener en cuenta. Aunque no todos los arrendadores lo exigen, muchos sí lo hacen y es por una buena razón. “Aunque uno nunca piensa que lo usará, el seguro es muy valioso para la protección de su familia, sus bienes y, en general, para su tranquilidad,” destaca Kathy McDonald, vicepresidente sénior de Assurant Specialty Property. “Muchas personas que regresan al mercado de alquileres se alegrarán al ver cómo evolucionó la industria del seguro, que torna más fácil que nunca adquirir la mejor cobertura.” Avances en la industria La comodidad generada por computadoras, tablets y teléfonos inteligentes mejoró mucho los servicios que ofrecen los proveedores de seguros. Con sitios web, aplicaciones y líneas de chat de atención al cliente fáciles de seguir, es posible controlar el estado de una reclamación durante las 24 horas del día. Mantenga un inventario del hogar Para evaluar el monto de cobertura que usted necesita y ayudarlo si alguna vez necesita presentar una demanda, es importante llevar un registro de sus bienes. Una encuesta reciente realizada por la Asociación Nacional de Comisionados de Seguros (NAIC, por sus iniciales en inglés) indicó que el 59 por ciento de los clientes no lleva un registro adecuado de sus bienes para el caso de incendio, robo u otro incidente de pérdida.

“Todos los inquilinos y dueños de viviendas deberían realizar un inventario de su hogar,” aconseja McDonald. “Ya sean productos electrónicos, muebles, artículos de colección, joyas o ropa, las familias deben saber qué tienen y cuánto vale.” Herramientas para llevar el registro Reemplace el bolígrafo y el papel por su teléfono inteligente. Hay muchas aplicaciones para llevar el adecuado registro de cada artículo de su casa. Algunas aplicaciones inclusive le permiten llevar el registro de los bienes habitación por habitación con código de barras, imágenes, fotografías o escaneos de facturas y descripciones. Esta útil herramienta también puede crear un archivo de seguridad, por las dudas. Mantenga el registro actualizado Según la encuesta, el 59% de quienes llevan el registro de sus bienes admite que no lo actualizó en el último año. De esta manera, no se consideran muchos obsequios recibidos y compras realizadas durante el año. Después de cumpleaños, festividades u ocasiones similares, recuerde actualizar el registro. Artículos valiosos Asegúrese de tener suficiente cobertura para bienes caros como obras de arte o artículos de colección, que pueden estar sujetos a límites de póliza. Como muchas pólizas cubren hasta $ 1.000 por joyas, tal vez necesite cobertura adicional, porque muchas joyas superan ese monto. Todo tiene valor Muchos artículos tienen más valor del que usted cree. Para entenderlo mejor, calcule cuánto le costaría reemplazar cada prenda de una carga de lavadora. A veces, son los pequeños artículos los que suman. Anote todo: ropa, calzado, utensilios de cocina y herramientas eléctricas. Puede obtener información detallada sobre seguros de inquilinos de los proveedores. Para obtener información de seguros de inquilinos de Assurant, visite


Protecting Your Dreams Renters insurance safeguards families, assets Family Features


here are many reasons people choose to rent over home ownership. Whether saving up for a dream home, you’re having difficulty affording one or you simply enjoy commitment-free, hassle-free living, renting certainly has its perks. For those who choose to rent, having adequate protection is a must – and with advances in the industry, finding the right coverage is easier than ever.

Protecting your assets For many looking to rent a home or apartment, the thought of renters insurance may seem less important with so many other things to think about. Though not all landlords require it, many do, and for good reason. “Though you never hope you have to use it, insurance is so valuable to the protection of your family, your belongings and, overall, your peace of mind,” said Kathy McDonald, senior vice president at Assurant Specialty Property. “Many returning to the rental market will be pleased with how the insurance industry has evolved, which makes acquiring the best coverage easier than ever.” Advancements in the industry The conveniences brought on by computers, tablets and smartphones have greatly improved the services insurance providers now offer. With easy-to-follow websites, apps and customer-service chats, one can check the status of a claim 24 hours a day. Keep a home inventory To evaluate the amount of coverage you need – and assist if you ever need to file a claim – keeping a welldocumented list of your possessions is important. A recent survey conducted by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) stated 59 percent of consumers do not have a proper listing of their possessions in the event of a fire, robbery or other loss incident. “All renters and homeowners should develop a home inventory,” said McDonald. “Whether it is electronics, furnishings, collectibles, jewelry or clothing, families need to know what they own and how much it's worth.” * Use tracking tools Put down the pen and paper and get out your smartphone. Many new apps are available to properly keep track of every item in your home. Some even allow you to track every belonging room-to-room with bar codes, pictures, photos or scans of receipts and descriptions. This helpful tool also can create a back-up file – just in case. • Update your list According to the survey, 59 percent of those who do have a list of their belongings admit they haven’t updated the list within the past year. That can fail to account for many gifts and purchases throughout the year. Make a mental note to add to your list after each birthday, the holidays or other similar occasions.

• Note valuable items Make sure you get sufficient coverage for expensive belongings, such as artwork or collectibles, which may be subject to policy limits. As many policies only cover $1,000 for jewelry, you may need additional coverage, considering many jewelry items exceed that amount.

• Consider everything has value Many items have more value than you think. To better understand this, consider how much it would cost to replace every item in one load of laundry. Sometimes, it’s the little items that add up. Jot down everything – clothing, shoes, kitchen gadgets and power tools. In-depth information on renters insurance is available from providers. For information on renters insurance from Assurant, Did you know? Through the simple act of listening to the needs of their customers, insurance companies are finding real solutions to increase customer satisfaction. A recent survey conducted by Assurant Specialty Property revealed that many long-time renters didn’t know they could transfer policies from one rental unit to another. Instead of beginning a new policy each time they move, the company advises these renters to simply update their address, and they can keep the same policy. 5 things to look for in a rental property Along with choosing the best renters insurance coverage to fit your needs, there are other things to consider. Before you sign your name on the line, make sure you take into account these five important items to look for when searching for that perfect apartment or rental home. • Affordability Add up monthly rent, utilities and all other costs to ensure you can afford it with your current budget. • Safety It’s important to find out about crime occurring in the neighborhood in which you are interested. Contact the local police department for information and police reports on robberies and other crimes in the area. An evaluation of the property’s safety is also essential, such as the lock features on doors and windows and working smoke detectors. • Environment Make sure your fellow residents match your own lifestyle. For example, an older community is typically quieter, while an apartment complex with college students may involve some loud, late nights. Choose an area that fits your personality and your needs. • Amenities Check out the features of the property, and determine what is important for your family and lifestyle. Does the facility have a gym, an area for walking your dog or that porch you’ve always wanted? Keep these ideas in mind as you will likely be living here for at least one year. * Appliances One major deciding factor of rentals should be the appliances that are included with the unit. Ensure the stove, oven and refrigerator are all in working order. Other essential devices, such as air conditioning, heating, hot-water heaters and, if applicable, washer and dryer units, should be tested beforehand.


The Ultimate Therapeutic Experience LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve

(l-r) Todd and Olivia Neumyer, Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus, Julia and Michael Neumyer

A Wounded Warrior and a volunteer with the LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve pose for a photo during a pheasant hunt in Oswayo, Pa. LEEK Hunting and Mountain Preserve has provided outdoor hunting, fishing and recreational experiences for disabled veterans for more than five years. Photo courtesy of U.S. Navy, photo by Cmdr. Steven MacDonald.


n 2005, over 250 acres of land was purchased by the Fisher family, which was the catalyst for the LEEK hunting and mountain preserve. Nestled in the bucolic setting of Potter County in upstate Pennsylvania, the preserver provided wounded and injured service men and women (aka “warriors”) a way to enjoy therapeutic outdoor recreational activities, regardless of their physical condition. LEEK is a nonprofit organization completely run by volunteers. The first hunt activities were held in 2008, and have been going strong every since. The success of the program has been dramatically improved by local land-owners granting the warriors access to thousands of acres. Many of the warriors come to the preserve directly from medical facilities throughout the U.S., where they have been recovering from serious injuries. The program is designed to provide a therapeutic outdoor experience as the wounded veteran’s introduction back into an accepting and appreciative society. LEEK provides a safe, handicap-accessible and family-style camp environment for hunting and fishing where the wounded veterans can assist each other throughout the healing process – both mentally and physically. Warriors are encouraged to focus on their 16 JANUARY 2014 | LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM

abilities without compromising their current physical condition, therefore LEEK provides each warrior a customized event, suited specifically to their abilities, including specialized equipment to assure the Warrior’s safety and comfort. The outdoor experiences provided by LEEK are enormous undertakings that require thousands of volunteer hours each year. The Fisher family and a large network of volunteers, many military medical facilities, the surrounding communities of northern Pennsylvania and western New York, including local churches, American Legion Posts, the Patriot Guard Riders, both the Pennsylvania Game, and Fish and Boat, Commissions, the Navy Supply Corps Foundation-Mechanicsburg Chapter and numerous individual and corporate sponsors. The volunteers of LEEK, which include dozens of war veterans, three of whom served in World War II, believe in giving back to our wounded/injured warriors, to ensure they feel appreciated and honored for their duty, service, and sacrifice. Latin Link's sales associate, Julia Neumyer and her family volunteer their time and were among the vounteers recognized at the 2012 Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humitarian Award.


RESOLUCIONES FINANCIERAS DE FIN DE AÑO Millones de estadounidenses inicia el Año Nuevo, haciendo resoluciones. Las encuestas dicen que las resoluciones más comunes son: bajar de peso, hacer más ejercicio o dejar de fumar. Aunque estos pueden ser cambios dignos de mejorar su salud física, ¿ha considerado alguna resolución para mejorar sus finanzas? El Año Nuevo, también es un buen momento para hacer algunas resoluciones financieras para el 2014. Realice un inventario. Antes de hacer cualquier cambio, es importante entender el estado de sus asuntos financieros actuales. Revise sus recibos de sueldo y otros ingresos mensuales que usted tenga para determinar con lo que realmente cuenta. Escudriñe también su cuenta de ahorro y mire con cuánto dinero cuenta (en caso que tuviera una). En cambio, compruebe la cantidad total de todas sus deudas pendientes (hipotecas, tarjetas de crédito, préstamos estudiantiles, etc.) Esto le dará una respuesta instantánea de su estado financiero. Determine metas. Establecer metas a largo y a corto plazo. Un objetivo a largo plazo, podría ser unos ahorros para la jubilación o la educación

superior, mientras que una meta a corto plazo, podría ser el pago de sus tarjetas de créditos o tal vez unas vacaciones. Todas las metas personales dependerán de la prioridad que le de cada individuo. Cualquiera que sean sus metas fijadas, necesitan desarrollar un plan para ahorrar. Crear un presupuesto. Una vez que haya determinado la realidad de sus ingresos mensuales, es el momento de examinar sus gastos fijos por mes. Incluya los gastos de vivienda, servicios públicos, pago de la deuda de los préstamos que tenga, costos de transporte, médico, alimento, etc. Esperamos que sus ingresos superen los gastos, pero demasiad a menudo ese no es el caso. Si usted se encuentra en esa situación recuerde que sólo hay dos opciones: 1. Aumentar sus ingresos, 2. Disminuya sus egresos. Aumento de ingresos.- búsqueda de un trabajo con mejor remuneración o consiga un segundo trabajo, es más difícil de hacerlo que disminuir los gastos. Si tiene que reducir sus gastos, abra bien los ojos y vea dónde puede realizar recortes. En primer lugar, haga una lista de todos los gastos fijos. Por ejemplo, si el alquiler de su casa es de $ 750 al mes, este no

disminuirá al menos que usted se mude. Una vez que se haya conectado con todos los gastos que son estáticos, usted debe buscar los gastos que puede controlar como: los alimentos, entretenimiento, ropa, etc. Usted todavía tendrá gastos por estos conceptos, pero podría ser juicioso (a) para decidir sobre estos. Por ejemplo, usted puede cocinar las comidas en casa en vez de ir a comer afuera. Una vez que haya establecido sus gastos, es el momento de tomar acción con su dinero para que las metas de largo y corto plazo se cumplan. Ahorrar para la jubilación es algo que requiere años de compromiso. Mientras que ahorrar para unas vacaciones no requiere de un largo plazo. Ahorre para que cumpla sus metas; abra una cuenta de ahorro en una Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito. Muchas Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito ofrecen cuentas de ahorros llamadas “Club de Vacaciones o Navidad.” Además, allí le pueden ayudar guiándolo sobre cómo ahorrar más para la jubilación o para fondos educativos superiores.

Estos consejos fueron presentados a usted por las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito de Pennsylvania. Las Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito le ofrecen servicios financieros asequibles a los residentes de Pennsylvania. Para encontrar una Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito puede visitar la página web

NEW YEAR’S FINANCIAL RESOLUTIONS Millions of Americans will kick-off the New Year by making resolutions. Surveys say the most common resolutions are losing weight, exercising, or to stop smoking. While these may be worthy changes to improve your physical health, have you considered any resolutions to improve your finances? The New Year is a good time to make some financial resolutions for 2014 too. Take Inventory. Before you make any changes, it’s important to understand the state of your current financial affairs. Review your paystubs and other income to determine what you actually bring in monthly. Also look at how much, if any, money you currently have in savings. Conversely, determine the total amount of all your outstanding debt (mortgage, credit cards, student loans, etc.). This will give you a snapshot of your financial status. Set goals. Establish long-term goals and shortterm goals. A long-term goal might be saving for

retirement or higher education, while a short-term goal could be paying off credit cards or a vacation. Everyone’s goals will differ depending upon your personal priorities. Whatever your goals are, you need to develop a plan for and save toward. Create a Budget. Once you’ve determined your actual monthly income, it’s now time to figure out your monthly expenses. Include your housing costs, utilities, debt repayments on all loans, transportation costs, medical, food, etc. Hopefully your income exceeds expenses, but all too often that is not the case. If you find yourself in this situation, there are only two choices – increase income or decrease expenses. Increasing income – finding a higher paying job or taking on a second job – is harder to do, than decreasing expenses. If you must lower your expenses, take a good hard look and see where you can make cuts. First, make a list of all your expenses that are fixed. For

example, if your rent is $750 a month, unless you move, this will not decrease. Once you’ve plugged in all the expenses that are static, you should look at expenses you can control. These include food, entertainment, clothing, etc. You will still have expenses for these items, but you do have discretion over these. For example, you can cook meals at home instead of eating out. Once you’ve established your expenses, it’s time to set aside money for those long-term and shortterm goals. Retirement saving is something that requires years of commitment. While saving for a one-time vacation may not be nearly as long. To help save for your goals, open an account with a credit union. Many credit unions offer vacation or Christmas club accounts for savings. In addition, many can help guide you on how to best save for retirement or fund college educations.

Tips brought to you by Pennsylvania’s credit unions. Credit unions offer affordable financial services to Pennsylvanians. To find a credit union to join, visit

Fuel Up for Fitness Family Features


ports nutrition isn’t just the domain of professional athletes – for a good workout and quick recovery, everyday athletes need the right diet, too. “A good workout is draining and can lead to fatigue and sore muscles,” said Michele Macedonio, R.D., C.S.S.D., L.D. a veteran sports nutritionist and team dietitian for the Cincinnati Reds. “The right combination of foods helps restore energy and nutrients used during exercise, and prepares your body for the next workout.” Dishes such as these from CanolaInfo provide complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein with nutrition-packed ingredients, including whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and plenty of vegetables. Each delicious recipe contains less than 300 calories per serving and is prepared with heart-smart canola oil to supply healthy unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega-3 fats. For more great recipes, visit Know the Score • Make friends with fat: Fat is an important energy source for athletes, but it’s important to choose healthful fats. Canola oil, for example, provides a valuable source of unsaturated fats, including monounsaturated and omega-3 fats. • Pump up protein: Maximize muscle growth with a snack that contains carbohydrates plus 10 to 20 grams of protein consumed within 15 to 30 minutes after a workout, when muscle is most receptive to growing. • Don’t ignore complex carbs: Athletes need healthful carbohydrates, the preferred source of energy for active muscles. Whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruit are good sources. • Feed the furnace: Running on empty? Your body needs consistent fuel to function. A small pre-workout snack may improve your workout performance. Liquid foods, such as smoothies, digest more quickly than solids, which makes them ideal pre- or post-workout for energy, hydration and restoring nutrients. Skillet Quinoa with Black Beans, Cilantro and Feta Yield: 6 servings Serving size: 1 cup 1 tablespoon canola oil 1 cup onions, diced 2 cups red bell pepper, diced 1 1/2 cups water 3/4 cup quinoa, uncooked 1 can (15 ounces) reduced sodium black beans, rinsed and drained 1/4 cup chopped walnuts 2 teaspoons chili powder 1/3 cup crumbled, reduced-fat feta cheese* 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped 1 medium garlic clove, minced 1/2 teaspoon salt In large, non-stick skillet, heat canola oil over medium-high heat. Add onion and pepper. Sautè 5 minutes or until onions begin to brown Powerhouse Green Smoothie on edges, stirring occasionally. Add water and quinoa. Bring to boil over medium-high heat, Yield: 1 serving reduce heat, cover and cook on medium-low for 12 minutes or until water is absorbed. Serving size: 1 2/3 cups 3/4 cup seedless green grapes Remove from heat, stir in beans, walnuts, chili 1/2 cup ripe banana slices powder, feta, cilantro, garlic and salt. Cover 1/4 cup chopped kale and let stand 2 minutes to heat through and 2/3 cup non-fat plain Greek yogurt absorb flavors. 1 1/2 teaspoons canola oil 1/2 cup ice cubes *Vegetarian option: Replace feta with vegan cheese or tofu. In blender, combine all ingredients. Blend for about 30 seconds to 1 minute or until desired smoothness Nutritional analysis per serving: 230 is achieved. calories; 8 g total fat (1.5 g saturated fat); 10 mg cholesterol; 31 g carbohydrates; 7 g fiber; Nutritional analysis per serving: 290 calories; 7 g 3 g sugars; 10 g protein; 360 mg sodium; 445 total fat (0.5 g saturated fat); 0 mg cholesterol; 42 g mg potassium. carbohydrates; 3 g fiber; 31 g sugars; 17 g protein; 75 mg sodium; 502 mg potassium. 18 JANUARY 2014 | LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM

Chunky Chicken, Vegetable and Rosemary Stew Yield: 6 servings Serving size: 1 cup 2 tablespoons canola oil, divided 12 ounces boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces 1 medium onion, cut in 8 wedges 3 medium carrots, quartered lengthwise and cut into thirds 1 medium celery stalk, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 cups water 2 dried bay leaves 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes 1 can (15 ounces) reduced-sodium navy beans, rinsed and drained 1 cup grape tomatoes, quartered 1/2 cup chopped fresh Italian parsley 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary 3/4 teaspoon salt

In Dutch oven, heat 1 tablespoon canola oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken and cook about 3 minutes per side or until it begins to brown (center will still be slightly pink). Remove from oven and set aside. Add remaining canola oil, onion, carrot and celery. Sautè, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until vegetables just begin to lightly brown on edges. Add water, bay leaves and pepper flakes. Bring to boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium low and simmer covered for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Stir in chicken, beans, tomatoes, Italian parsley, rosemary and salt. Cover and cook 5 minutes or until tomatoes are tender and chicken is cooked. Serve immediately or let stew stand 30 minutes to develop flavors and texture. Nutritional analysis per serving: 220 calories; 7 g total fat (1 g saturated fat); 50 mg cholesterol; 17 g carbohydrates; 6 g fiber; 3 g sugars; 22 g protein; 380 mg sodium; 532 mg potassium


Salvation Army Basketball League

SLAM DUNK! The winter months bring the excitement of indoor basketball. The second season of the Salvation Army basketball league has begun. There are 12 teams, with two divisions (east vs. west). The public is invited to attend the games, which are free to attend. The games are located in the Salvation Army gym, located at 1031 Guilford Street in Lebanon. Youth “buddy” leagues are available for ages 5 through 8, 8 through 10, 12 through 14 and 15 through 17 years of age. For more information, call George at (717) 222-9835 or Thomas at (717)386-4816. For game schedules go to

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Happenings At The Library LANCASTER PUBLIC LIBRARY Lancaster Public Library, 125 N. Duke Street in Lancaster has posted its January programs for adults. Interested individuals should call the library at (717) 394-2651 for more information or visit to see all library programs. To Marry an English Lord: Book Discussion, Tea and Downton Abbey: Thursday, January 9, 6-7 p.m. You are cordially invited to enjoy a cream tea and discuss Gail MacColl and Carol McD. Wallace’s book To Marry an English Lord, an inspiration to Julian Fellows, creator of Downton Abbey. American women with fortunes, much like the fictional Cora Crawley, married into aristocratic, titled British families. We’ll be discussing the book and all things Downton Abbey. Register online at Syfan Book Club: Thursday, January 9, 6-7p.m. Not everyone takes science fiction and fantasy literature seriously, but we do. Kendra Boersen leads this new book club that speaks your language, and where you’ll get to suggest books to read and discuss with people who appreciate the genre as much as you do. This month’s book selection is The Scar by China Mieville. Register online at Meet the Doulas: Wednesday, January 15, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Enjoy a safe, no-pressure space to ask any and all questions you may have about what a doula is and how a doula can help. Also feel free to ask for any ideas or tips that may be helpful for your birth/postpartum experience. Register online at Organize and Shape Up Your Space: Thursday, January 16, 6-7:30 p.m. Don’t allow clutter and disorganization to stifle and rob you any longer. Dawnell Yoder and Diane Baker of Shape Up Your Space will teach you the basics of home management and

organization. Along the way, they’ll show you practical ways to keep your home organized and stress-free. They will offer practical and concrete advice about handling paper clutter and offer suggestions for those with children. Register online at Know Your eReader: Friday, January 17, 2-3 p.m. and Tuesday, January 28, 6-7 p.m. Are you looking to find out how to download free ebooks at the library? Join us for a session demonstrating how to download ebooks from Overdrive and discover a little more about the neat features of your eReader. Register online at Film Discussion Group: Thursday, January 23, 5-8p.m. This month’s selection is On the Waterfront. Register online at Online Book Club: This club is for individuals who want to be a part of a book club, but don’t have time to attend a meeting. Book of the month is The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. For more information visit Improve Your Ability to Communicate in English: Tuesdays, 1-2:30 p.m. and Saturdays, 11:00 a.m-12:30 p.m. This class is designed to help adults improve their English proficiency. Most of the class time is spent practicing accurate English pronunciation using worksheets and reading materials. Play English learning games, and share stories and food from our different cultures. Students may attend whenever they are able but must register in advance at the reference desk. Computer Classes. The library offers a variety of computer classes. Please visit for the current schedule.


Make Your Home Safer for Your Family Tips To Keep Your Children Safe From A Hidden Danger

Family Features


illed with mesmerizing trinkets and gadgets – your home is a new and exciting world for your small child to explore. But this new world can introduce serious and sometimes surprising safety issues that many parents do not realize are risks.

Hidden concerns in common household devices As your children happily toddle around your home, they may come in contact with unknown safety issues scattered throughout. One issue you may not have considered is coin lithium batteries, about the size of a nickel, which can be found around most homes in everyday items, like remote controls, keyless-entry devices for your car, sound-enabled books and a variety of health and fitness devices. Because many of these devices are not regulated as children’s toys, the battery compartments often are very easy to open. Children are naturally drawn to these devices, as many include buttons that are fun to play with and push. The danger of these batteries is very real. If a coin-sized lithium battery is swallowed by a small child, it can get caught in the esophagus. The battery can react with saliva and cause a chemical reaction that can lead to severe injuries in as little as two hours. Unfortunately, many parents do not know about the issue. In fact, a recent survey showed 62 percent of parents reported being unaware of the risk associated with coin lithium batteries. Spread the word In an effort to help keep children safe, Energizer and the National Safety Council are working together to educate parents and caregivers on the steps they can take to help prevent these injuries. “We know parents and caregivers are constantly thinking about their children’s safety, but we want to bring awareness to an issue still unknown to many families,” said Amy Heinzen, program manager of Grants and Strategic Initiatives for the National Safety Council. “Coin lithium battery safety needs to be top of mind, and we hope parents will take the time to learn about the issue with these four simple steps to help children be safe.” The 4 S's of coin lithium battery safety Make your home safer and spread awareness with four simple steps to store, select, secure and share information about this hidden safety concern. Store. Awareness of the issue is a good start, but making sure you have a game plan is even better. If you currently have coin lithium batteries in your home, store them where little hands can’t get them and little eyes can’t see them. It’s also important to not let children use devices powered by these batteries as toys. In fact, 45 percent of parents admit to letting their kids play with their keys, remotes and similar devices, which could very likely include a coin lithium battery. Select. When you are in need of coin lithium batteries, it is important to do your research in advance, and select battery packaging that meets the strict guidelines set by 22 JANUARY 2014 | LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM

the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) for child resistance. Energizer was the first to introduce 20 millimeter coin lithium battery packaging that meets these criteria, restricting a child’s ability to get in the package, while still allowing adults to easily open it with scissors. Secure. If the battery compartment door opens in the hands of a child, it becomes a potential hazard. It is essential to secure the battery doors of all devices powered by coin lithium batteries, including the keyless entry devices found on most car keys. You can also look for devices that feature a screwed back for additional security. Share. Finally, you are encouraged to share this information, whether online with your friends, at playgroups or daycare, so every family can take the same steps to protect their children. “From flashlights to smoke alarm batteries to coin lithium battery packaging, we are always looking for ways our products can help keep families safe,” said Brad Harrison, vice president of marketing for Energizer North America. “It is our hope that by bringing awareness to this issue and being the first battery company to offer packaging that meets federal safety standards, more children can be safe.” In case of emergency If it is suspected a child has swallowed a coin lithium battery, it is important to go to the emergency department immediately. For more information on child safety and coin lithium battery safety, visit,, and Devices Powered by Coin Lithium Batteries From toys to health and fitness gadgets, coin lithium batteries are used in a variety of different devices found throughout the home. Use this list to become aware of common items that require these batteries to keep such devices away from small children. -Blood glucose meters -Heart rate monitors -Pedometers -Sports watches -Electronic remote controls -Calculators -Digital thermometers -Flameless candles -Scales -Garage door openers -Keyless car entry devices -Electronic books -Electronic games

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