Latin Link Presents
La Voz Latina Central
Welcome Summer
At the Center of Your Community / Al Centro de Su Comunidad
JUNE 2013
What’s Inside: ¿Los Extranjeros Indocumentados Tienen Derechos Bajo La Ley De Comparecencia Y Buscar Las Causas De Acción En El Sistema Legal?
p. 6 Seven Benefits of Physical Activity
p. 10 Page 24
La Importancia de los Valores
p. 12 Mission Trip to Nicaragua
p. 14 Regalos De Graduación: Principales Opciones Para La Clase 2013
p. 24
Page 26
Page 14
A Note From The Publisher
ejorar es cambiar; ser perfecto es cambiar a menudo.” ~ Winston Churchill
Desde nuestra primera edición de en noviembre del 2011, nos hemos esforzado para estar en el centro de su comunidad, ofreciéndole interesantes e informativos artículos para usted, el lector. Con cada nueva edición, hemos crecido y mejorado para ofrecer la mejor redacción posible. Como el Sr. Churchill declaró tan elocuentemente, “Mejorar es cambiar; ser perfecto es cambiar a menudo.” Y tiene toda la razón. Con la idea de cambiar para ser perfecto, no sólo queremos que La Voz Latina Central este en el centro de su comunidad, sino que también queremos que se enlace con la comunidad hispana de América latina. El secreto para cambiar, considero, es también, mantener lo que funciona y mejorarlo. El viejo adagio dice, “Si no está roto, no lo arregles,” también se aplica para nosotros. Lo que significa que no vamos a modificar las columnas ni los artículos que han llegado a disfrutar y esperar. Nosotros en cambio, estamos construyendo sobre los sólidos cimientos que se fundó en noviembre del 2011. Por lo tanto, mantengan sus ojos bien abiertos para los nuevos y mejores cambios que se avecinan y que les tenemos preparado para el futuro. Y como siempre, gracias por leer y por permitirnos estar en el centro de su comunidad, así como conectarnos con la comunidad hispana.
Graham S. Hetrick Publisher Poet Cinthia M. Kettering and Graham Hetrick
o improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” ~ Winston Churchill
Since our first issue in November of 2011, we have strived to be at the center of your community, delivering intriguing and informative articles to you, the reader. With each new issue, we have grown and improved to offer the best editorial possible. As Mr. Churchill so eloquently stated, “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” And he is absolutely correct. With the idea of changing to be perfect, we not only want La Voz Latina Central to be at the center of your community, we also want it to link you to the Hispanic community – a Latin link. The secret to changing, I think, is to also keep what works and improve upon it. The old adage, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it,” also applies. For us, this means that we will not alter the columns and features you have grown to enjoy and expect. We will, instead, be building upon the strong foundation we constructed back in November of 2011. So, keep your eye out for the new and better upcoming changes we have in store for the future. And, as always, thank you for reading and allowing us to be at the center of your community as well as linking you to the Hispanic community.
Graham S. Hetrick Publisher
JUNE 2013 3
June 2013 • Volume 3 No. 6
La Voz Latina Central PUBLISHER
Graham Hetrick . EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Patti Hill-Boccassini . MANAGING EDITOR
Jadrian Klinger . GRAPHIC DESIGNER
Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S. | Mark Kogan, Esq. Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz ACCOUNT SALES REPRESENTATIVES
Leé Colaguori (717) 233-0109–ext. 133 Jim Laverty (717) 233-0109–ext. 122 TRANSLATOR
Marisol Aviles
3400 N. 6th Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717.233.0109 717.232.6010 fax
Davy H. Goldsmith–ext. 114
Patti Hill-Boccassini–ext. 130
¿Los Extranjeros Indocumentados Tienen Derechos Bajo La Ley De Comparecencia Y Buscar Las Causas De Acción En El Sistema Legal?
Por el Mark J. Kogan, Esq.
pesar del debate sobre la inmigración que asola en los Estados Unidos, un sinnúmero de personas siguen entrando a este país sin obtener la documentación adecuada. Arriesgando la vida y la integridad física en el desierto de México y en las aguas infestadas de tiburones en las costas de Florida, miles de personas se ponen a riesgo con la esperanza de escapar de la opresión política, pobreza y estancamiento económico. Después de todo, los Estados Unidos es una nación de inmigrantes, una tierra de libertad y oportunidades ilimitadas. Los que tienen éxito a menudo encuentran trabajo en las granjas, fábricas, en la industria de la hostelería y en los sitios de construcción donde existe un grave riesgo de lesiones. Después de haber sido herido, muchas personas se encuentran ante una multitud de preguntas. Una de las preguntas básicas que siempre surge es, “¿puedo demandar aunque soy indocumentado?” La respuesta es SÍ. El Tribunal Supremo de los Estados Unidos ha declarado que la situación de una persona como un extranjero indocumentado no importa cuando viene a el derecho de esa persona para demandar por lesiones. Todas las personas, ciudadanos o extranjeros indocumentados, gozan de la protección igual de las leyes. Es claro que los “padres fundadores” no tenía la intención de que los ciudadanos fueran los únicos para disfrutar de los derechos establecidos en la Constitución de los Estados Unidos. Muchos de los derechos consagrados en la Carta de Derechos, es decir. los primeros diez (10) enmiendas, hablan de los derechos de una “persona” y “el pueblo” y no hacen distinción entre ser ciudadano y ser un extranjero indocumentado. Por ejemplo, la primera enmienda se dirige a la derecha de “el pueblo a reunirse pacíficamente.” La segunda enmienda se dirige al derecho de que “el pueblo a posee y porte armas.” La Cuarta Enmienda establece el derecho de “los habitantes sean seguros de sus personas, domicilios, papeles y 6 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
efectos contra de registros e incautaciones irrazonables.” Y, la Quinta Enmienda establece que “ninguna persona” puede ser puesto en peligro dos veces por el mismo delito y no puede ser obligado a declarar contra sí mismo / a sí misma. Ciertamente, se han destinado estos derechos para beneficiar sólo a los ciudadanos, harían esa distinción. Pennsylvania reconoce el derecho de los extranjeros indocumentados para utilizar sus tribunales para compensar por las lesiones. De hecho, la Corte Suprema de Pennsylvania ha sostenido que es ilegal que un empleador se niegue a pagar los beneficios de compensación laboral con un extranjero indocumentado que resultó herido en el curso y el alcance de ese empleo. Cada año, cientos de casos son presentados por personas que han resultado heridas a causa de la negligencia de otro. La lesión puede resultar de un accidente automovilístico, una condición peligrosa en la propiedad de alguien o de un error médico. Todas las personas, ya sea legítimamente en los Estados Unidos como indocumentados, deben ser libres para recuperarse de sus lesiones. Además, los tribunales deben proveer traductores para el individuo en la corte si se solicita antes de la fecha de aparición. No sólo los individuos indocumentados tienen derechos, pero también tienen el derecho de ser escuchados y de escuchar y entender lo que está sucediendo alrededor de ellos en todos los asuntos legales. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de sus derechos, no dude en ponerse en contacto con el colegio de abogados local o Secretario de los Tribunales en tu ciudad.
Do Undocumented Aliens Have Rights Under the Law to Appear and Pursue Causes of Action in the Legal System? By Mark J. Kogan, Esq.
espite the debate on immigration raging throughout the United States, countless people continue to enter this country without obtaining the proper paperwork. Risking life and limb in the dessert from Mexico and in the shark-infested waters off the coast of Florida, thousands of people will chance this risk in the hopes of escaping political oppression, poverty and economic stagnation. After all, the United States itself is a nation of immigrants, a land of freedom and boundless opportunity.
Those who are successful oftentimes find work on farms, in factories, in the hospitality industry and on construction sites where there is a serious risk of injury. Having been injured, many people find themselves confronted with a multitude of questions. One of the basic questions that always arises is, “Can I sue even if I am undocumented?” The answer is, yes. The United States Supreme Court has held that a person’s status as an undocumented alien does not matter when it comes to that person’s right to sue for injuries. All persons, citizens or undocumented aliens enjoy the equal protection of the laws. It is clear the “founding fathers” did not intend only citizens to enjoy the rights set forth in the United States Constitution. Many of the rights found in The Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments, speak to the rights of a “person” and “the people” and do not distinguish between being a citizen and being an undocumented alien. For example, the First Amendment speaks to the right of “the people peaceably to assemble.” The Second Amendment speaks to the right of “the people to keep and bear arms.” The Fourth Amendment provides the right of “the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures.” And, the Fifth Amendment provides “no person” can be placed in jeopardy twice for the same offense and cannot be compelled to be a witness against himself/herself. Certainly, had these rights been intended to benefit only citizens, they would make that distinction. Pennsylvania recognizes the right of undocumented aliens to use its courts to compensate for injuries. In fact, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has held that it is illegal for an employer to refuse to pay workers’ compensation benefits to an undocumented alien who was injured within the course and scope of that employment. Each year, hundreds of cases are filed by persons who have been injured because of the negligence of another. Injury can arise from a motor vehicle accident, a dangerous condition on someone’s property or from a medical error. All people, whether legitimately in the United States or undocumented, should be free to recover for their injuries. Additionally, courts must provide free translators for the individual in court if requested before the date of appearance. Not only do undocumented individuals have rights, but they also have the right to be heard and to hear and understand what is taking place around them in all legal matters. If you have any questions about your rights, feel free to contact the local bar association or Clerk of Courts in your city.
JUNE 2013 7
Como Yo Lo Veo Por el Graham Hetrick
ueno, la palabra está dicha, voy a tener un programa piloto de A&E llamado Graham la Evidencia. Me imagino que la mayoría de ustedes no saben que yo no sólo soy un miembro del grupo editorial La Voz Latina, sino que en realidad tengo un trabajo de tiempo completo, que es: Juez de Instrucción del Condado de Dauphin. De una forma u otra, he estado involucrado en la medicina forense y en la investigación de muertes, por más de 30 años. Con los años, he visto casi todas las formas de las muertes, y lo que he aprendido de los muertos ha afectado mi manera de pensar acerca de la forma en que todos vivimos la vida. La muerte nos puede decir mucho acerca de la vida. En gran medida, mi profesión de investigador médico de defunción o médico legal me ha llevado a desarrollar este diario. Quiero transmitir los valores del cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu, porque veo tanta muerte relacionada con los valores perdidos en estas áreas. A mí me atrajo la cultura hispana cuando me enamoré de mi esposa Eszi; me he dado cuenta que la clave para los Estados Unidos
en el futuro, es transmitir los valores de las diversas culturas que conforman este país. Así que, ahora voy a estar expuesto a un área más de los medios de comunicación en la que puedo informar la realidad en la televisión. El espectáculo Graham la evidencia es sobre mi papel como forense del Condado de Dauphin. Este programa también mostrará a algunos de mis investigadores, quienes investigan las muertes que suceden a diario. En realidad no es un show de la delincuencia, ya que la mayoría de las muertes que están siendo investigadas no son homicidio; pero hay otras historias que contar que no sea un asesinato. Muchos de los casos clínicos nos han hablado de la manera de cómo comemos, de los abusos de medicamentos recetados, del exceso de comida que injerimos, de los efectos de la falta de ejercicio, del abuso de menores, de las fallas de productos y mucho más que pueden ser examinado, y entendido, lo cual nos da una guía para mejorar la manera de vivir la vida. Así que desde un punto de vista físico, podemos aprender a prevenir muchas muertes; pero
el hombre también tiene un lado espiritual que afecta no sólo la forma en que vive, sino también la forma en que muere. Hogares rotos, fallas en el sistema de educación, pobreza, falta de autoestima personal, la irresponsabilidad personal por las acciones de uno, no se trata de problemas físicos, sino que estos muestran sus efectos de una manera física. Es mi esperanza que este espectáculo sea el comienzo de una conversación nacional sobre lo que somos como estadounidenses. ¿Podemos nosotros aun existir en el futuro sin que haya el debate? En su libro, El Suicidio de Un Pueblo Libre, el autor, Os Guinness, analiza dos tipos de libertad, la primera es la libertad estructural. En el caso de Estados Unidos, que es nuestra constitución. Nuestra constitución es una que otorga derechos no del gobierno, sino de Dios. Esta declaración es la que hizo que nuestra constitución sea tan única. Esto indica que si el gobierno no nos da nuestros derechos a la vida, a la libertad, y a la búsqueda de la felicidad, el gobierno tampoco debe tomar esos derechos dados por Dios.
Así que incluso con la estructura de nuestra Constitución, que establece nuestras libertades y restringe al gobierno, hay otra forma de libertad que es necesario. Ese segundo pilar de la libertad es el "hábito del corazón." Debemos tener un pacto con los demás para reconocer una libertad de la comunidad y comprometemos a esas protecciones dentro de la Constitución. Así que aquí está la paradoja: hay que renunciar a algunas libertades de acción para ser libre como sociedad. Limitamos a un comportamiento por el bien conjunto. Esta limitación se acordó y fue jurada en el marco de la Constitución. Así que en los siguientes dos meses, sabré si voy a tener este espectáculo recogido como una serie de A & E. Si es así, espero que podamos tener una discusión de nuestras libertades y responsabilidades para con los demás. La mayoría de las sociedades libres no han durado mucho tiempo, y el problema con estas sociedades es que fallan en demasiada libertad y poca responsabilidad de la comunidad. Los mantendré informado acerca de como progresan las cosas.
of values by the diverse cultures that make up this country. So now I am being exposed to one more area of the media in which I can communicate: reality TV. The show Graham of Evidence is about my role as Dauphin County Coroner. It also follows some of my investigators as they investigate death on a daily basis. It is not really a crime show because most of the deaths being investigated are not homicide, but there are many stories to tell other than murder. Many clinical cases we have tell us about how we eat, how much we abuse prescription drugs, how we overeat, the effects of not exercising, understanding child abuse, product failures and so much more can be examined, understood and give us guidance to a better way of living. So from a physical standpoint, we can learn how to prevent many deaths, but man has a spiritual side also that impacts not only how we live, but also how we die. Broken homes, failures in the education
system, poverty, lack of personal self worth, no personal responsibility for one’s actions – these aren’t physical issues, but they show their effects in a physical manner. It is my hope that this show is the start of a national conversation about who we are as Americans. Can we even exist in the future without that discussion? In his book, A Free People’s Suicide, the author, Os Guinness, discusses two types of freedom. The first is structural freedom. In the case of the United States, that is our constitution. Our constitution is one that gives rights not from government but from God. It is this statement that made our constitution so unique. It indicated that if government doesn’t give us our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and neither can the government take those God given rights away. So even with the structure of our constitution, which lays out our freedoms and restricts government, there is another form of freedom that is necessary.
That second pillar of freedom is the “habits of the heart.” We must have a covenant with each other to recognize a community freedom and pledge ourselves to those protections within the constitution. So here is the paradox: we must give up some freedoms of action to be free as a society. We limit some behavior for the good of the whole. This limitation is agreed on and sworn to in the framework of the Constitution. So over the next couple of months, I will know if I am to have this show picked up as a series on A&E. If it is, I hope we can have a discussion of our freedoms and responsibilities to each other. Most free societies have not lasted long, and the problem with those societies, as they fail, is too much freedom and too little community responsibility. I will keep you in touch as things progress.
As I See It By Graham Hetrick
ell, the word is out, I am going to have a pilot show on A&E called Graham of Evidence. I would imagine that most of you do not know that I am not only a member of the publishing group here at La Voz, but my full-time job is also Coroner of Dauphin County. In one way or another, I have been involved in forensics and death investigation for over 30 years. Over the years, I have seen just about every manner of death, and what I have learned from the dead has affected the way I think about the way we all live. Death can tell us a lot about life. To a great extent, my profession as a medical/legal death investigator has caused me to develop this newspaper. I wanted to communicate values of body, mind and spirit because I see so much death related to not having values in these areas. I also fell in love with the Hispanic culture when I fell in love with my wife Eszi; it made me realize that the key for America in the future is the communication 8 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
JUNE 2013 9
7 Benefits of Physical Activity By Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.
xercise is a key factor in disease prevention, treatment and control. According to the Mayo Clinic, there are at least seven benefits of regular physical activity. Briefly, these include: 1. Exercise controls weight. 2. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases. 3. Exercise improves mood. 4. Exercise boosts energy. 5. Exercise promotes better sleep. 6. Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life. 7. Exercise can be fun, and thus reduce stress. As a general goal, a person should aim for at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Talk with your doctor or health care team about what your exercise goal should be. Barriers to Exercising Daily (and Strategies to Overcoming these Challenges) A person having no leisure time for physical activity in the past month may be due to potential barriers. Below are 10 reported barriers to exercising daily as reported by experts and also highlighted by the Mayo Clinic: Barrier: I don’t have enough time to exercise. Potential Solution: Drive less, walk more. Barrier: I think exercise is boring. Potential Solution: Choose activities you enjoy. Barrier: I’m self-conscious about how I look. Potential Solution: Avoid the crowd. Remind yourself that many people look and feel the same as you. Barrier: I’m too tired to exercise after work. Potential Solution: Try a morning dose of exercise for an added boost of energy. Exercise during your lunch hour at work. For example, go for a short 10-minute walk during your lunch hour. Barrier: I’m too lazy to exercise. Potential Solution: Schedule exercise as you would schedule an important appointment. Remain positive. Barrier: I’m not an athlete. Potential Solution: Keep it simple. Forget the competition. Barrier: I’ve tried to exercise in the past and failed. Potential Solution: Pace yourself. Set realistic goals. Yesterday is gone. Today is a new day. 10 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
Barrier: I can’t afford health-club fees. Potential Solution: Exercise at home. Take the stairs. Visit community centers like YWCA or YMCA. Barrier: I’m afraid I’ll hurt myself if I exercise. Potential Solution: Get a fitness Try an exercise class for beginners.
Barrier: My family doesn’t support my efforts. Potential Solution: Remind your family of the benefits of exercising. Find fun activities to do as a family like walking, bike riding, dancing, swimming, bowling, basketball, volleyball or soccer. Exercise to Maintain a Healthy Weight Increasing physical activity levels can result in weight loss. Talk to your doctor, dietician, health nutritionist, fitness trainer and/or health educator about meeting your specific fitness goals. Remember to also check with your doctor before starting a new exercise program, especially if you are taking medications or experiencing any health concerns. Staying Motivated to Exercise Daily Try to remain motivated and enthusiastic about exercising daily. Like most Americans, finding time to exercise when you have a busy schedule is not easy. However, in my opinion, it is worth the effort to find time to exercise daily because the benefits outweigh the cost. Invest in your (and your loved one’s) health by exercising. Experts provide several tips for staying motivated to exercise daily. Below are seven tips as proposed by the Mayo Clinic: 1. Set realistic goals. 2. Make it fun. 3. Make physical activity part of your daily routine. 4. Put it on paper. Track your progress. 5. Join forces with friends, neighbors or others. Exercise with loved ones. 6. Exercise puts the spark back into your sex life. 7. Exercise can be fun, and thus reduce stress. Also add listening to your favorite music when you are exercising and having fun in the sun. You can even dance to your favorite songs. Remember that exercise has lots of benefits, so keep active. You can send your health questions to ¡Hola, Oralia! at Together we can help keep Pennsylvania residents healthy.
JUNE 2013 11
La Importancia de los Valores Por el Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz
a sea escribiendo una póliza, el desarrollo de un procedimientos, o la aplicación de un código de ética o un código de conducta, los grupos y las organizaciones necesitan de estas para auto-identificarse de un conjunto de valores que representen los ideales morales y éticos de la organización o del individuo. Uno de los principales propósitos de la vida en comunidad es la construcción de relaciones de respeto mutuo y la conservación de la dignidad humana. Por lo tanto, es un derecho el abogar por la equidad, la justicia social y la igualdad de oportunidades para lograr el desarrollo personal y la autorrealización. A lo que me refiero, es a elogiar y seguir los valores que son esenciales para la interacción social. Algunos valores pueden ser similares y otros diferentes. De hecho, las personas con valores similares pueden diferir en su interpretación de las mismas. Independientemente de los medios o interpretaciones mediante el cual uno selecciona sus valores, es importante medir la forma de cómo usted ve estos valores. Por ejemplo, los conceptos de libertad e igualdad pueden ser vistos desde diferentes puntos de vista. Esto representa la oportunidad para aprender y tomar decisiones informadas. El establecer un compromiso de abrir su mente y ser siempre sensible y flexible a las opiniones de los demás, es ciertamente una necesidad apremiante. Debemos aceptar que nada es absoluto y que todo es relativo. En el ámbito político, económico, social o religioso, cualquier punto de vista extremo puede llegar a ser polémico, porque no hay una verdad absoluta. Por lo tanto, debemos tener cuidado cuando medimos nuestros valores. Buda llamó a esto “El justo medio,” interpretado como la armonía necesaria para evitar los extremos y el equilibrio de todos los lados. Nuestros valores son recursos muy importantes, incluso si provienen de diferentes puntos de vista. Los valores, a
menudo se manifiestan en el comportamiento, las creencias y los juicios. Ellos influyen en nuestras acciones y nuestras interpretaciones de principios como: La honestidad, la integridad, la disciplina, y las normas morales y éticas. También representan nuestras creencias acerca de la gente y del propósito de la vida, incluyendo el concepto de libertad, igualdad, religión, espiritualidad, fraternidad y solidaridad. Por último, los valores influyen en nuestra forma de juzgar, actuar, crear y desarrollar nuestras relaciones. Sus valores, son componentes importantes para la edificación de la credibilidad, la adquisición de confianza y la seguridad en usted mismo. El comportamiento, los valores y juicios, se convierten en los principales elementos de su carácter, los cuales hacen distinto al ser humano. Los valores, influyen en lo que somos y nos ayudan a determinar en lo que nos convertiremos. Nuestros valores nos ayudan impedir a que nos volvamos egoístas, mostrándonos la necesidad de la solidaridad, la comprensión en las diferencias y aceptar el beneficio de todos en vez del deleite de unos pocos. El pensamiento proactivo tiene lugar cuando la gente asume total responsabilidad de sus actos y le da prioridad a sus principios éticos y morales. La racionalidad precede los sentimientos, las creencias sobrepasan los dogmas y, el cambio supera paradigmas. El derecho a actuar en forma responsable, es un compromiso moral y ético que debe perseguir todos los seres humanos. Si hemos identificado nuestros dones y reconocido nuestras bendiciones, entonces deberíamos cambiar nuestra actitud y pasar de ser simple observadores para convertirnos en ejecutores prácticos. Nuestros valores siempre serán los mejores aliados en nuestro viaje terrenal.
The Importance of Values By Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz
hether writing a policy, developing a procedure or implementing an ethical or moral code of conduct, groups and organizations need to identify and define a set of values that represent the moral and ethical ideals of the organization or of the individual. One of the main purposes of living in community is to build relationships of mutual respect and human dignity. Therefore, it is right to advocate for fairness, social justice and equal opportunity to achieve personal development and self-fulfillment. It is all about praising and following values that are essential for social interaction. Some values may be similar and some different. In fact, people with similar values may differ in their interpretation of them. Regardless of the means or interpretations by which you select your values, it is important to measure how you view these values. For instance, the concepts of freedom and equality can be seen from different viewpoints. This presents an opportunity to learn and make informed decisions. Establish a commitment to open your mind and become sensitive and flexible. Accept that nothing is absolute. In the political, economic, social or religious environment, any extreme viewpoint may become contentious because there is no absolute truth. Consequently, we should be cautious when we weigh our values. Buddha called it “The middle way,” interpreted as the harmony needed to avoid extremes and balance all sides. Our values are very important resources even if they come from different 12 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
perspectives. Values so often manifest themselves in behavior, beliefs and judgment. They influence our actions and our interpretations of principles, such as honesty, integrity, discipline and moral and ethical standards. They also represent our beliefs about people and of the purpose of life, including concepts of freedom, equality, religion, spirituality, fraternity and solidarity. Finally, values influence the way we judge, act, create and develop our relationships. Your values are important components for building credibility, acquiring trust and gaining confidence. Behaviors, values and judgments become important components in your distinctiveness as a human being. They influence who you are, and they help determine who you will become. Our core values can prevent us from becoming selfcentered and show us the necessity for solidarity, understanding differences and accepting the benefit of the whole over the delight of the few. Proactive thinking takes place when people assume total responsibility for their acts by prioritizing values and following principles. Rationality precedes feelings, beliefs surpass dogmas and change overcomes paradigms. The right to act in a responsible way is a moral and ethical commitment that all human beings must pursue. If we have identified our gifts and recognized our assets, then we should change our attitude and move from being a simple observer to that of an active doer. Our values will always be our best allies in our earth journey.
JUNE 2013 13
Children church “Luz del Mundo” in Leon, Nicaragua
Edgar Castanon
Mission Trip to Nicaragua Plaza central de Leon Nicaragua
Orphanage, rooms for girls 11-17 years old
Orphanage, rooms for kids 4 - 11 years old in Managua, Nicaragua
By Edgar Castanon
ast May 2013, I had the privilege to go on one of two mission trips I have been on with friends from the Life Center Church in Harrisburg. This time, I went to Nicaragua, where we visited orphanages, markets, a center of rehabilitation and people living in unsanitary conditions. We built two houses, installed water purification systems and provided food for the children’s orphanage. I witnessed the drought and its devastating impact on the land, and lack of access to clean drinking water. This was most noticeable where we visited in Leon, Nicaragua, where for many people the wells are the main source of drinking water. 14 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
During my trip to Nicaragua, we worked hard, but we also visited the area and learned about its rich heritage and culture. We visited the market and learned of the variety of beautiful colorful fruits, flowers and different foods, such as the unique and delicious vegetables. It made me recall a phrase I once read in a book, “The color is prodigious between the decks of orchids, lilies, violets, geraniums, carnations, cartridges, roses, hydrangeas, queens, chrysanthemums, heliotrope and wild flowers. Coffee and cocoa seem to be what they are – the coffee has music inside…” Likewise, I hear the “music” from my trip to Nicaragua – it serves as a reminder of the beautiful people, the food,
the culture, the traditions and the land. These trips reinforce for me that, in many parts of the world, one can have access to materials things such as a car, a nice house, restaurants, jewelry, jobs, etc. However, one can still lack joy and peace. In other countries I visit, I take note that, although the people may suffer from lack of material necessities, they are united, happy and place an importance on family values. But most of all, I note that the people have a grateful heart. Ironically, although they place a high value on family unity, many still dream of having a better quality of life. They reluctantly end up leaving their homeland with a firm determination to provide
a better future for their children and future generations. My work at the Latino Hispanic American Community Center (LHACC) in Harrisburg is an extension of the mission work I greatly enjoy. As a case manager, I am helping provide our community with the health, education and economic resources necessary to improve our neighbor’s and community’s quality of life. I hope that someday perhaps you too will have the opportunity to experience the joyful and uplifting experience of going on a mission trip. Blessings!
Scale used the market in Nicaragua for weighing food Bethesda orphanage School for kids 4 - 11 years old in Managua, Nicaragua Pastors meeting in Leon, Nicaragua
Central Park in Leon, Nicaragua, Evangelistic service
Containers used to sell drinking water for the community
Play Ground in “Luz del Mundo Church�
Orphanage, rooms for girls 11-17 years old
Plaza central de Leon, Nicaragua
JUNE 2013 15
SACA Last month, the Spanish American Civic Association (SACA) held their event to honor Hispanic seniors in Lancaster. This year’s event was held at the senior center on Pershing Avenue in Lancaster. The seniors assisted in the planning and the festive decorating for this annual event. “Through this event, known as “Fiesta,’ at SACA we reinforce that nothing we do to promote community development and renewal is ever our work alone. For the last 40 years, we have been doing things in step with other friends and supporters,” says Sandra Valdez, associate director of SACA. “The list of supporters, or the SACA family, grows every year in its listeners, home buyers and graduates of our programs and services. Our family also includes businesses, foundations, government agencies and socialservice organizations who work with us to carry on.”
Que destino mas ingrato, Si el carino que tenia era solo para ti, Si mi latido se activaba con tu presencia Y mi cuerpo con el ritmo de tu latir. ....Sin embargo, ahora que te has ido Mi carino esta congelado, Mi larido ha cesado, Y mi cuerpo ha cambiado por no tenerte a ti. Entonces, entiendes cuando digo Que ya no tengo nada, Que mi vida no vale lo mismo Desde que te fuiste de mi. Tu vas por la vida Como si lo que siento fuera agua; Agua qu se riega y que no regresa a ti... Mientras que yo voy sufriendo en el camino Al reconconcer que tu fuiste todo Sin embargo, yo no fui todo para ti. ~ Cinthia M. Kettering Sentimientos Un Libro De Poemas, Isbn 978-1-4669-8970 Trafford Publishing 2013 Reproducido Con Permiso Del Autor 16 LAVOZLATINACENTRAL.COM
Community First Fund gets $5 million from Goldman Sachs for its loan program Southeastern Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) is the 9th location targeted by Goldman Sachs to participate in the $500 million program. The program is operating fully in 9 sites including Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia and Salt Lake City, as well as 5 capital-only states including Kentucky, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington. So far, more the 1,200 businesses either have received loans or completed the business-education curriculum through the program. Now it’s South Central Pennsylvania’s turn. Investment bank Goldman Sachs will invest $5 million in Lancaster-based Community First Fund to support the nonprofit’s lending to small businesses. Community First Fund’s mission is to create sustainable prosperity for low wealth communities and individuals, especially persons of color and women, by aligning capital, knowledge and advocacy to advance business ownership, housing and community development in the communities we serve. Lancaster’s Community First Fund President and CEO Dan Betancourt said his institution’s ability to obtain $5 million for small business loans from Goldman Sachs has broken the mold. When Community First learned of the program, Betancourt invited Goldman Sachs officials to tour the 13-county region his community development investment firm serves to witness first-hand the business growth potential in the region. When the tour was completed, Betancourt said, “They got it.” So Community First received $5 million. Qualifying for Community First Fund Loan To qualify for the program, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses and the Community First Fund loan program generally stipulates: • The applicant must be an owner or co-owner of a business • The business must be at least two years old • Business revenue must be between $150,000 and $4 million in its latest fiscal year • Businesses must have at least four employees, including the owner • Operations in economically disadvantaged areas are a priority • Businesses with the potential for expansion At the press conference, Goldman Sachs executive vice president and chairman of the Goldman Sachs Foundation, John F.W. Rogers, explained the initiative is targeting existing business and not startups because, “We want to move them to the next level of development. They already have succeeded and they know what they want to achieve. This is all about moving them to the next stage.” The 10,000 Small Businesses program is unique in that it provides funding for business loans as well as business education. A loan is not required to apply for the 100-hour in-depth business and management education program provided by the Community College of Philadelphia. The training provides practical knowledge that directly impacts participating businesses as well as valuable networking opportunities; see www.ccp. edu/10ksb for more information. BETANCOURT CONCURRED: “This is really about small business development,” he explained, noting that historically, Community First averaged loans of $80,000 to $100,000 for small business startups.
After those initial loans are made and the business is up and running, “business owners have had difficulty gaining access to capital to help their firms grown. This will allow us to do loans in the $200,000 to $400,000 range.” Betancourt said Community First started working with Goldman Sachs three years ago. “We knew that getting to know the Goldman Sachs staff would pay off in the future,” he said. By partnering with them, we can add value by offering both needed growth capital and business training to the small businesses and non-profits in our 13 county area. During the Lancaster tour Community First conducted for Goldman Sachs officials, Betancourt said, “They saw we are investing in upper-floor development, in condominiums, in entrepreneurs, in affordable housing with the Housing Development Corporation and the Spanish American Civic Association. They saw that we had a comprehensive strategy.” Betancourt concluded that the past year has been very exciting for Community First Fund. In the first 20 years of its existence, Community First raised $20 million. But the Goldman Sachs money, combined with commitments made to the fund in December by National Penn Bank (for $1 million) and Sovereign Bank (for $1.5 million) means, “We’ve received $7.5 million in the last three months alone.” ABOUT COMMUNITY FIRST FUND Community First Fund has been providing central and eastern Pennsylvania with access to financing since 1992. In that time over 1,101 loans have been made exceeding $56 million but yielding, among other things, 4,478 jobs created or retained and 731 units of housing available in low wealth communities. Community First fund’s target market consists of 13 countries in Central Pennsylvania, including three countries in the Philadelphia metropolitan region. Much of Community First Fund’s lending is focused on the cities of Reading, Lancaster, York, Harrisburg in central PA and in Allentown and Bethlehem in the Lehigh Valley. Levels of poverty in these cities approach 30 percent, comparable to major urban areas. Community First Fund’s mission is to create sustainable prosperity for low wealth individuals and communities, especially persons of color and women, by aligning capital, knowledge and advocacy to advance business ownership, housing and community development. ABOUT GOLDMAN SACHS 10,000 SMALL BUSINESSES Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses is a $500 million investment to help small businesses in the United States create jobs and economic growth by providing entrepreneurs with a practical business education, access to capital and business support services. The program is based on the broadly held view of leading experts that greater access to this combination of education, capital, and support services best addresses barriers to growth. The program is operating fully in 9 sites including Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, and Salt Lake City, as well as 5 capital-only states including Kentucky, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee and Washington. For more information, visit www. PARTNER INSTITUTIONS Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Bbusinesses convenes partners who are leaders at a national and local level in academia, business and philanthropy. Each local market also benefits from the guidance of the 10,000 Small Bbusinesses national advisory council, which is co-chaired by Lloyd Blankfein, Warren Buffett and Dr. Michael Porter. LEARN MORE AND APPLY To learn more about the program including contact information for detailed questions, please visit the Community First Fund website at Loan and education program applications, including 10,000 Small Businesses, can be downloaded as well. Check back often for more updates.
Community First Fund recibe $5 millones de Goldman Sachs por su programa de préstamos El Sureste de Pensilvania (Filadelfia) es la ubicación 9na dirigida por Goldman Sachs para participar en el programa de $500 millones. En la actualidad el programa opera en 9 sitios como: Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, Long Beach, Los Ángeles, Nueva Orleans, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Salt Lake City, así como también, solo 5 capitales de los estados de: Kentucky, Montana, Oregón, Tennessee y Washington. Hasta el momento, más de 1.200 empresas han recibido préstamos o han completado el plan de estudios en la educación de los negocios, a través del programa. Ahora es el turno para el sur de Pennsylvania central. El banco de inversión Goldman Sachs invertirá unos $5 millones en Lancaster basado en el programa Community First Fund para apoyar los préstamos de las pequeñas empresas sin fines de lucro. La misión de Community First Fund (Primer Fondo Comunitario) es crear una prosperidad sostenible para las comunidades e individuos de bajos recursos, especialmente para las personas de color y las mujeres, mediante la alineación del capital, el conocimiento, y recomendar el avanzar en la propiedad de negocios, vivienda, y en el desarrollo comunitario de las comunidades que servimos. El Presidente de Community First Fund de Lancaster y CEO Dan Betancourt dijo que “la capacidad de la institución para obtener $5 millones de préstamos para las pequeñas empresas de Goldman Sachs han roto el molde.” Cuando Community First se enteró del programa, Betancourt invitó a los funcionarios de Goldman Sachs a recorrer la región de los 13 condados, para que su firma de inversión de desarrollo comunitario presenciara de primera mano el potencial de crecimiento de los negocios en la región. Cuando se terminó la gira, Betancourt dijo: "Lo hicieron." Así fue que Community First recibió $5 millones. La clasificación para el préstamo de Community First Fund (Primer Fondo Comunitario) Para calificar para el programa, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Pequeñas Empresas y el préstamo de Community First Fund, el programa generalmente estipula que: • El solicitante debe ser propietario o co-propietario de un negocio. • El negocio debe tener al menos dos años de su creación. • Los ingresos del negocio deben de estar entre los $150.000 y $4 millones en su último año fiscal. • Las empresas deben tener por lo menos cuatro empleados, incluyendo al propietario. • Las operaciones en áreas económicamente en desventaja, son una prioridad. • Las empresas con potencial de expansión En la conferencia de prensa, Goldman Sachs el Vice-presidente Ejecutivo y Presidente de la Fundación Goldman Sachs, John FW Rogers, explicó que la iniciativa apunta a negocios existentes y no a nuevas empresas, ya que, "Queremos pasar al siguiente nivel de desarrollo, puesto que ellos ya han tenido éxito y saben lo que quieren lograr. Se trata en todo caso de pasar a la siguiente fase". “El programa de 10.000 pequeñas empresas es única, ya que proporciona fondos para préstamos de la empresa, así como la educación de negocios. Un préstamo no está obligado a solicitar el curso de 100 horas de formación en profundidad proporcionada por el Colegio Comunitario de Filadelfia. El entrenamiento proporciona el conocimiento relevante que impacta directamente en las empresas, así como valiosas oportunidades de la creación de redes BETANCOURT ESTUVO DE ACUERDO: "Esto es realmente acerca del desarrollo de la pequeña empresa", explicó que, históricamente el promedio de préstamos de Community First para el emprendimiento de las pequeñas empresas está entre los $80,000 a $100,000
Después de que los créditos iníciales se hacen y el negocio está en marcha, “los dueños de negocios han tenido dificultades para acceder al capital y ayudar a sus empresas crecer. Esto nos permitirá hacer préstamos en el rango de $200.000 a $400.000". Betancourt dijo que Community First comenzó a trabajar con Goldman Sachs hace tres años. "Sabíamos que el trato con el personal de Goldman Sachs podría rendir frutos en el futuro. Al asociarnos con ellos, podemos agregar valor al ofrecerle ambas necesidades como: el crecimiento del capital y la formación empresarial a las pequeñas empresas y a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en nuestra área de los 13 condados.” Durante el recorrido realizado por Community First a los funcionarios de Goldman Sachs, Betancourt dijo, "Ellos vieron que estamos invirtiendo en el desarrollo de la planta superior, en condominios, en los empresarios, en materia de vivienda asequible con la Corporación para el Desarrollo de Viviendas y la Asociación Cívica Americana Española. Ellos presenciaron que teníamos una estrategia integral”. Betancourt llegó a la conclusión de que el año pasado ha sido muy exitoso para First Community Fund. En los primeros 20 años de su existencia, Community First recaudó $20 millones. Pero el dinero de Goldman Sachs, junto con los compromisos contraídos con el Fondo en diciembre por el National Penn Bank (Banco Nacional de Penn) (por $1 millón) y el Sovereign Bank (Banco Soberano) (1,5 millones de dólares) significa: Que "hemos recibido $7.5 millones en los últimos tres meses." ACERCA DE COMMUNITY FIRST FUND Community First Fund (Primer Fondo Comunitario) ha estado proporcionando al centro y al este de Pennsylvania con el acceso a la financiación desde 1992. En ese tiempo se hicieron más de 1.101 prestamos superiores a $56 millones, pero dando entre otras cosas, 4,478 puestos de trabajo creados o retenidos y 731 unidades de vivienda disponible en comunidades de bajos recursos económicos. El objetivo del mercado de Community First Fund se compone de 13 condados del Centro de Pennsylvania, incluyendo tres condados de la región metropolitana de Filadelfia. Gran parte de los préstamos de Community First Fund se centra en las ciudades de Reading, Lancaster, York, el centro de Harrisburg-PA, Allentown y Bethlehem en el Valle de Lehigh. Los niveles de pobreza en estas ciudades se acercan a 30 por ciento, comparable a las principales zonas urbanas. La misión de Community First Fund es crear una prosperidad sostenible para las personas y comunidades de bajo recursos, en especial para las personas de color y las mujeres, mediante la alineación de capital, el conocimiento y sensibilización para promover el desarrollo de propiedad, la vivienda y comunidad de negocios. ACERCA DE GOLDMAN SACHS Goldman Sachs 10,000 Pequeñas Empresas es una inversión de $500 millones para ayudar a las pequeñas empresas en los Estados Unidos a crear empleo y crecimiento económico, proporcionando a los empresarios con una formación empresarial práctica, con acceso al capital y servicio de apoyo a los negocios. El programa se basa en la opinión ampliamente sostenida por los principales expertos que mayormente acceden a esta combinación de educación, capital, y servicio de apoyo mejorando las barreras en direcciones al crecimiento. El programa está funcionando completamente en 9 lugares como Chicago, Cleveland, Houston, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Nueva Orleans, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Salt Lake City, así como solo 5 capitales de los Estados de Kentucky, Montana, Oregon, Tennessee y Washington. Para obtener más información, visite INSTITUCIONES ASOCIADAS Goldman Sachs 10,000 Pequeñas Empresas reunió a los socios que son líderes a nivel nacional y loca,l en el ámbito académico, empresarial y filantrópico. Cada mercado local también se beneficia del asesoramiento del Consejo Nacional de Asesores y 10.000 Pequeñas Empresas, que es co-presidida por Lloyd Blankfein, Warren Buffett y el Dr. Michael Porter. APRENDE MAS Y APLICA “Para obtener más información sobre el programa, incluyendo información de contacto para preguntas detalladas, por favor visite el sitio web de Community First Fund en Tanto las aplicaciones de los programas de préstamo y educación, incluyendo 10,000 Pequeñas Empresas pueden ser descargadas en esta página. Vuelva a menudo para mas actualizaciones”.
FIRST THURSDAY LATINO By Patti Boccassini, Photography by Ali Waxman
The president and CEO of Aspira of PA, Mr. Alfredo Calderón, served as speaker during First Thursday Latino held last month at the 551 West restaurant in downtown Lancaster. In 1961, Dr. Antonia Pantoja and a group of Puerto Rican educators and professionals created ASPIRA (Spanish word for “aspire”), to address the exceedingly high dropout rate and low educational attainment of Puerto Rican youth. They were convinced that the only way to free the Puerto Rican community from poverty and to promote its full development was by focusing on the education of young people, and developing their leadership potential, self-esteem and pride in their cultural heritage. ASPIRA is currently the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to Hispanic education in the U.S., with nine national affiliates. “As the monthly networking gathering for diverse professionals in Central Pa., First Thursday Latino has become the signature monthly event in Lancaster that embraces diversity while strengthening the region. It is an opportunity for professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders, community organizations and businesses to engage in dialogues, learn from speakers or share best practices,” says Norman Bristol Colón, founder and organizer of First Thursday Latino. “Alfredo is a remarkable educational leader managing a $52 million organization. I strongly believe individuals attending can learn from his insight and knowledge.” First Thursday Latino is held every first Thursday of the month at different locations in Lancaster. It is an opportunity to network with other professionals, leaders and entrepreneurs – to share opportunities or news about a new business, to learn about new initiatives and programs, to grow professionally and personally from fellow participants representing an array of fields and backgrounds and to impact the local and regional community by engaging in some of the community impact projects taking place in the area. For more information on First Thursday Latino events, please contact Norman Bristol-Colón at
President and CEO of Aspira of PA, Mr. Alfredo Calderón
Above (l-r): Mr. Radames Melendez, President, Esperanza Hope for the Future; Ms. Deborah Gonzalez, Bilingual Bereavement Counselor, Pathways Center for Grief & Loss Hospice & Community Care; Ms. Yolanda Laboy Plaza, Board Member, Latino Vision Association of Lancaster; Mr. Norman Bristol Colón, President & CEO, The Progreso Group / Founder of First Thursday Latino.
JUNE 2013 23
D Regalos De Graduación: Principales Opciones Para La Clase 2013 Family Features
espués de tantos años de estudiar hasta tarde por las noches, repasar para exámenes y trabajar con dedicación, es el momento de recompensar a su graduado favorito con un excelente regalo. A continuación le brindamos algunas ideas que adorarán todas las personas de su lista.
Beneficios de VSP Vision En ocasiones, los regalos más significativos para los graduados y otros seres queridos no vienen en caja. Gracias a los beneficios para la visión asequibles que otorga VSP® Vision Care para individuos y grupos familiares, puede inscribir a un amigo o familiar en un plan de seguro para la visión por solo 41 centavos por día. Los beneficios comprenden cobertura integral para exámenes oculares, anteojos de diseño o lentes de contacto y acceso a la mayor red de profesionales médicos del sector, todo esto respaldado por el 100% de garantía de satisfacción. Para obtener más información sobre el plan, visite Roku 3 ¿Qué hacen muchos graduados apenas obtienen su diploma? Empacan y se mudan a un nuevo trabajo o a una nueva universidad. El dispositivo Roku 3 les permite llevarse 750 canales de películas, programas de televisión, deportes, música y juegos. De esta manera, ya no deberán llamar a la compañía de cable cada vez que se mudan. Puede adquirirlo en RadioShack, y conectarlo fácilmente a un televisor y a una red inalámbrica; luego se combinan todos los servicios de transmisión en un mismo lugar. Roku 3 permite encontrar fácilmente películas y programas con rapidez. El modo de audición privada es ideal para aquellos que miran televisión tarde por la noche y no quieren despertar a sus compañeros de cuarto. También pueden mirar programas o jugar en su teléfono inteligente, iPad o en cualquier otro dispositivo, sin importar donde se encuentren. Para obtener más información, visite Keurig El sistema Keurig MINI Plus Brewing System prepara una deliciosa taza de café, té, chocolate caliente o una bebida helada en menos de dos minutos con solo presionar un botón. El dispositivo MINI Plus permite elegir entre tres tamaños de tazas, y trae una bandeja de goteo extraíble para colocar las tazas de viaje. Para ponerlo en funcionamiento, agregue agua fresca en el depósito de uso único, elija su paquete de K-Cup favorito, prepárelo y disfrútelo. Para obtener más información, visite Belkin Conserve Valet Adquiera un regalo que le permita al graduado cargar hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos a la vez. El diseño elegante de Belkin Conserve Valet mantiene los cables ordenados y organizados. La mayoría de los cargadores continúa consumiendo energía mientras están conectados a la pared, incluso después de que se desenchufa el dispositivo. La estación de carga USB inteligente de Conserve Valet le permite cargar todos los dispositivos móviles en un único lugar y se desconecta automáticamente, incluso desconecta la energía de reserva, después de cargar completamente los dispositvos. También detecta cuando se agregan nuevos dispositivos para que siempre estén cargados, y cuenta con un sistema innovador para acomodar los cables que mantiene el orden. Tenga sus dispositivos listos para usar y ahorre energía. Para obtener más información, consulte Fotografía cortesía de Getty Images
»Sports Emporium 29 S. Middlesex Road, Carlisle, (717) 258-4741
Scaling boulders at Governor Stable in Bainbridge
4» The Need for Go- Kart Speed Go-kart racing is nothing like a barely moving round of bumper cars at the local carnival. There’s the rush of speed, plenty of tire-squealing hairpin turns, a variety of tracks and karts and, best of all, the thrill of the chase. For optimum amounts of fun, be sure to use the brake pedal as little as possible, after all, races are seldom won without a bold disregard for the mechanism of deceleration.
»High Sports Family Fun Center 727 Furnace Hills Pike, Litiz, (717) 626-8318
»United States Hot Air Balloon Team 2737 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird-in-Hand, (800) 763-5987
5» Rink Roller-ing Gliding around a hardwood-floor rink on four plastic wheels to music is just as much fun as it was when you were a kid. For families, couples or friends, roller skating is a nostalgic and smile-inducing way to spend time together. For kids, roller skating is still a blast – better than video games or cartoons any day. »Fountainblu Skating Arena 521 Locust Road, New Cumberland, (717) 938-3777
»Roundtop Mountain Resort 925 Roundtop Road, Lewisberry, (717) 432-9631 2» Neon Splatters of Painted, Slightly Painful, Fun The pops of compressed-air-propelled rounds of paint-filled balls traveling at around 260 feet per second mingle with the hollow thuds of misses and the sharp neon-colored stings of hits on several fields of simulated battle throughout the region. Few other pastimes elicit such surges of adrenaline than playing paintball. Don a goggled face mask, load a hopper with plenty of rounds of paint and grab a marker – it just might be the most fun you’ve ever had. »Ambush Outdoor Adventure Park 91 Hill Top Drive, Conestoga, (717) 871-8632 »Linglestown Paintball 7548 Linglestown Road, Harrisburg, (717) 541-8323
»Wanna-Play Paintball 10 Capitol Hill Road, Dillsburg, (717) 432-7997 3» Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Laser tag: take paintball, subtract the painful welts and add in beams of light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation all set to a backdrop of an indoor black-lighted maze. If the awesomeness of experiencing a real-life video game isn’t exciting enough, be sure to check out a vision-bending show of lasers dancing to music – it’s fun for the whole family. »Adventure Sports (outdoor laser tag) 3010 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, (717) 533-7479 »Laser Dome 2050 Auction Road, Manheim, (717) 492-0002 »The Lazer Factory 1251 E. Main Street, Annville, (717) 867-0766
»Reigle Aviation 1805 South Forge Road, Palmyra, (717) 838-5519 »Smoketown Airport 311 Airport Drive #7, Smoketown, (717) 394-6476
»Sports Emporium 29 S. Middlesex Road, Carlisle, (717) 258-4741
»Roundtop Mountain Resort 925 Roundtop Road, Lewisberry, (717) 432-9631
»Central PA Helicopters Capital City Airport, New Cumberland, (717) 306-9103
»Adventure Sports 3010 Elizabethtown Road, Hershey, (717) 533-7479
»Speedway 94 1724 Hanover Street, Hanover, (717) 632-1040
1» Zipping Down the Mountain Beginning with a chairlift ride to the top of the mountain at Roundtop Mountain Resort, dare to descend over 600 vertical feet using a series of zip lines (up to 400 feet in length), rope bridges, Tarzan swings, cargo nets and scenic walks. In all, there are 18 zip lines for all ability levels. This is no short-lived adventure, though – treks can take between two and a half to four hours to complete.
»AE Balloon Flights, York, (717) 600-8482
»The Castle Roller Skating 1400 Elm Avenue, Lancaster, (717) 393-3126 »Magic Elm Skateland 625 W. Elm Avenue, Hanover, (717) 632-1888 »Midway Skating Center 1561 Holly Pike, Carlisle, (717) 243-7829 »Olympic Skating Center 60 Shady Lane, Enola, (717) 732-9168 »Roll R Way Family Skating Center 940 South Vander Avenue, York, (717) 843-7500 6» High Up With the indignity of airport security, the steep price tag and the discomfort of an economy-class seat, a commercial flight is not exactly the first option that comes to mind for fun. There are, however, plenty of small airports still interested in the thrill of flight. In-air excursions in the midstate can include aerial tours as well as rides in helicopters, hot-air balloons and aerobatic biplanes.
7» I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghosts Ghosts are everywhere – from the thousands of novels, films and shows about hauntings, to the endless personal accounts of sightings, to the stories heard from a friend of a friend, to the tales told over a campfire. The fact that ghosts exist as a permanent part of our collective psyche – whether real or imagined – remains undeniable. Whether you believe or not, taking a tour guided by period-costumed storytellers is a creepily entertaining way to spend an evening or night. »Gettysburg Ghost Tours 47 Steinwehr Avenue, Gettysburg, (717) 338-1818 »Lancaster Ghost Tour Penn Square Grille, 2 E. King Street, Lancaster, (717) 687-6687 »Miss Betty’s Ghosts in Gettysburg, (443) 789-9602 »Sleepy Hollow of Gettysburg Candlelight Ghost Tours 61 Steinwehr Avenue, Gettysburg, (717) 337-9322 8» Summer on Ice Have you had enough of the humidity and heat Pennsylvania summers are so uncomfortably famous for? Do you like sliding along an icy surface on metal blades strapped to your feet? Then summertime ice skating at one of the numerous ice rinks in the midstate – where it’s winter every day – is the perfect solution. »Lancaster Ice Rink 371 Carerra Drive, Lancaster, (717) 581-0274 »Twin Ponds East 3904 Corey Road, Harrisburg, (717) 558-7663 »York City Ice Arena 941 Vander Avenue, York, (717) 848-1084 9» Hear It Live The recorded music business has been forever changed by technology and the often confusing auditory preferences of today’s teenagers. Depending on your age, this change is either
Bieber-tastic or just another horrifying example of why this generation needs to stay off your lawn. But, for the young as well as the old, there still are plenty of places in Central Pennsylvania to witness live music – most often without the accompaniment of auto-tune. »Appalachian Brewing Company’s The Abbey Bar 50 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, (717) 221-1080 »The Chameleon Club 223 N. Water Street, Lancaster, (717) 299-9684 »The Depot 360 W. Cottage Place, York, (717) 846-6556 »Fed Live 234 N. Second Street, Harrisburg, (717) 525-8077 »GIANT Center/Hershey Stadium and The Star Pavilion W. Hersheypark Drive, Hershey,, (717) 534-3911 »The Midtown Scholar Bookstore 1302 N. 3rd Street, Harrisburg, (717) 236-1680 »The Stage on Herr 1110 N. 3rd Street, Harrisburg, (717) 412-4342 »Sunoco Performance Theater, Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, (717) 214-ARTS »The Village Nightclub 205 N. Christian Street, Lancaster, (717) 397-5000 10» A Tour of the Golden Bubbly Brew, draft, suds, brewskie, cerveza, a cold one – no matter how you say it, there’s nothing quite like everyone’s favorite carbonated combo of hops, malted barely, yeast and water. Luckily for those who love to imbibe, the midstate is rich with many amazing breweries and brewpubs in which to explore. Just be sure to designate a driver. »Appalachian Brewing Company 50 N. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, (717) 221-1080 »Bube’s Brewery 102 N. Market Street, Mount Joy, (717) 653-2056 »Iron Hill Brewery & Restaurant 781 Harrisburg Avenue, Lancaster, (717) 291-9800 »JoBoy’s Brew Pub 31 S. Main Street, Manheim, (717) 664-5402 »Lancaster Brewing Company 302 N. Plum Street, Lancaster, (717) 391-6258 »Liquid Hero Brewery 50 E. North Street, York, (717) 814-9250
»Mudhook Brewing Company 34 N. Cherry Lane, York, (717) 747-3605 »Spring House Brewing Company’s The Taproom, 25 W. King Street, Lancaster,, (717) 399-4009 »Tröeg’s Brewing Company 200 Hersheypark Drive, Hershey, (717) 534-1297 11» the Land of Sweets Cookies, candies, cakes, chocolates, pies, cupcakes, pastries, doughnuts, cannoli and scones – there truly are few better places for sampling sweets than the midstate. A little sugary overindulgence is almost a rite of passage in the land where Hershey and Wilbur Chocolate Company are within driving distance. So, why not take a tour of all that is sweet?
13» Celebrating Summer Nothing says summer quite like an outdoor festival – the sun, the fun, the art, the live entertainment, the history, the tradition, the people and the kaleidoscope of food. The good news for festival lovers is that there is a celebration somewhere in Central Pa. practically every weekend this summer. »Foundry Day Arts & Crafts Festival, Boiling Springs (June 1) »Furry Fun Days, Shippensburg (June 1 through 2) »Lancaster Liederkranz Sommerfest (June 7 through 8) »Gettysburg Festival (June 8 through 16)
»Alvaro Bread and Pastry Shoppe 236 Peffer Street, Harrisburg, (717) 238-1999
»Historic Old Annville Day (June 8)
»Ciao! Bakery 31 S. Third Street, Harrisburg, (717) 724-0236
»Jubilee Day, Mechanicsburg (June 20)
»Hershey’s Chocolate World 251 Park Boulevard, Hershey, (717) 534-4900
»Carlisle Summerfair (June 27 through July 6)
»The Pennsylvania Bakery 1713 Market Street, Camp Hill, (717) 763-7755 »Providence Divine Cakes & Pastries, 2515 S. Queen Street, York, (717) 741-0120 »La Dolce Vita Courthouse Bakery 9 N. Duke Street, Lancaster, (717) 239-5101 »Wilbur Chocolate Company 401 W. Lincoln Avenue, Litiz, (717) 626-3249 12» A Potentially Valuable Piece of the Past America seems to be absolutely fascinated by antiques and collectibles. Just take a look around the cable dial; there’s Antiques Roadshow, American Pickers, Storage Wars, Oddities, Auction Hunters, Auction Kings, Pawn Stars – it really goes on and on. And what’s not to like? It’s got it all: mystery, finance, nostalgia, history, hidden treasure, unique characters and the chance to strike it rich. So, get out there and find that “diamond” in the rough at one of the many antique and collectible havens in the midstate. »Antique Marketplace of Lemoyne 415 Bosler Avenue, Lemoyne, (717) 761-2865 »Bedford Street Antiques 44 N. Bedford Street, Carlisle, (717) 241-5309 »The Old Sled Works 722 N. Market Street, Duncannon, (717) 834-9333
»Celebrate Lancaster (June 28) »Fourth of July Celebration & Wine Village, Harrisburg (July 4 through 5) »Dauphin County Cultural Fest, Harrisburg (August 2) »Kipona Wine Art and Blues Festival, Harrisburg (August 31 through September 2)
15» Betting on the Whims of Fate It’s really all about that quick moment, no longer than a few heart beats, of absolute thrill. It comes just after the bets have been placed, the cards dealt, the dice rolled and the wheels spun, when the dream of riches – or even just a few dollars – balance on the whims of fate. Sure, winning feels amazing, but that spike of fun is what makes an afternoon or evening spent at a casino so exciting. »Hollywood Casino at Penn National Race Course 777 Hollywood Boulevard, Grantville, (717) 469-2211 16» Unleashing Your Inner Chuck Norris Who hasn’t dreamed of letting loose a flurry of high-flying kicks, devastating punches, brutal blocks, crippling chops and more than a few moves seen in a Bruce Lee flick? So why not learn a martial art or form of self defense this summer? In just about every midstate town and city, there are more than enough dojos and studios to allow your inner Chuck Norris to emerge feet and fists first. »There are literally hundreds of professional places to learn just about any martial arts discipline – from karate to kickboxing. Check your local Google listings. 17» Dropping to the Earth There are few activities more exhilarating than flying high above the earth among the clouds in an airplane. The expanse of the scenery below set against the euphoric limitlessness of flight provides an experience like no other. So, how do you top that? Opening the door of the plane, midflight, and dashing yourself out into free fall with a parachute strapped to your back, of course. The rush of hurtling toward the earth at 120 mph is enough to make even the most daring adventurers tremble with the aftershocks of adrenaline. »Chambersburg Skydiving Center 506 Airport Road, Chambersburg, (800) 526-3497 »Maytown Sport Parachute Club 188 Airport Road, Marietta, (717) 653-0422
14» Swift Rapids and River Monsters Without a doubt, adventure can be found while floating atop in a kayak or dropping a fishing line into the mighty Susquehanna River as well as any of the region’s numerous creeks. Whether you’re looking for some swift rapids or one of the midstate’s very own flathead-catfish river monsters, watery fun and excitement can be found with the help of an area guide or outfitter.
18» A Tribute to the Horseless Carriage For classic car enthusiasts, the midstate is arguably the greatest place on earth to see and to celebrate the horseless carriage. With 17 seasonal events (11 of which are held at the Carlisle PA Fairgrounds), Carlisle Events, by itself, is one of the world’s largest presenters of collector car, truck and motorcycle entertainment.
»Blue Mountain Outfitters, Marysville, (717) 957-2413
Then there’s the Antique Auto Museum at Hershey, which has been recognized as one of the top 16 automotive museums in the world.
»Koinonia Guide Service, (717) 805-7082
»Antique Auto Museum at Hershey, AACA Museum 161 Museum Drive, Hershey, (717) 566-7100
»Shank’s Mare, Wrightsville, (717) 252-1616
»Carlisle Events, (717) 243-7855
»Susquehanna Fly & Spin Guide Services, (717) 540-5379 »Susquehanna Outfitters, Harrisburg,, (717) 503-0066 »Susquehanna River Fishing Guide Service, (717) 324-5769
19» Into the Water-Carved Darkness An eons-old journey through time, long before the earliest records of mankind, can be had by entering the complete darkness of one of several caves in the midstate. With stalagmites as well as stalactites around every winding passageway and beautifully random water-carved rock room, caves provide hours of wonderment – not to mention the welcomed cool temperatures on a steamy summer day. »Crystal Cave Park 963 Crystal Cave Road, Kutztown, (610) 683-6765
JUNE 2013 27
»Indian Echo Caverns 368 Middletown Road, Hummelstown, (717) 566-8131
»Spooky Nook Sports 2778 Spooky Nook Road, Manheim, (717) 945-7087
»The Harrisburg Comedy Zone 110 Limekiln Road, New Cumberland, (717) 920-5653
»Penn’s Cave 222 Penn’s Cave Road, Centre Hall, (814) 364-1664
23» The Kingdom of the Wild From monkeys, lions and crocodiles to ostriches, zebras and snakes, the animal kingdom is on full display right here in the midstate. There is something for everyone, from kid to adult – exotic animal exhibits, safari tours, reptile houses, education programs and petting zoos.
»Second Street Comedy Club 236 N. 2nd Street, Harrisburg, (717) 681-8012
»For a real caving experience, check out York Grotto, a chapter of the National Speleological Society, at 20» Take Me Out to the Ballgame The sharp crack of a wooden bat connecting with a fastball, the snap of the ball against leather, the beauty of a well-manicured baseball diamond, the graceful precision of a perfectly turned 6-4-3 double play and the electric spectacle that is the home run – few sports inspire such rich nostalgia and offer such storied tradition. And the boys of summer are in full swing this time of year. Gather up your family, friends or that special someone for an evening out at the ballgame. »Harrisburg Senators, Metro Bank Park 1 Championship Way, City Island, Harrisburg, senatorsbaseball. com, (717) 231-4444 »Lancaster Barnstormers, Clipper Magazine Stadium 650 N. Prince Street, Lancaster, (717) 509-4487 »York Revolution, Sovereign Bank Stadium 5 Brooks Robinson Way, York, (717) 801-4487 21» Out On the Frisbee Links Have you ever been out on the golf course and thought to yourself, “I sure could use a frisbee right now”? Well, if you have, then disc golf is the perfect sport for you. With disc-golf courses – which are most often free to the public – in just about every midstate town, tossing a frisbee into metal baskets is a great way to spend some time outdoors. »Creekside Park, Camp Hill (18 holes) »D.F. Buchmiller Park, Lancaster, (18 holes) »Jackson Recreational Park, Lebanon, (18 holes) »Messiah Village, Mechanicsburg (9 holes) »Middlesex Township Park, Coyote Hills, Carlise (18 holes) »Pinchot State Park, Lewisberry (two courses, 18 holes each) »Red Land High School, Lewisberry (18 holes) »Whitetail Woods, Carlisle (9 holes) »Willow Mill Park, Silver Spring Township (9 holes) 22» Cliffhanger The sport of ropes, chalked hand holds, groin-hugging harnesses, upper-body strength and fear scoffing joins together fun, exercise and more than a few adrenaline surges. Rock climbing, whether it be indoor or outdoor, offers everything an adventure seeker could possibly desire. There are very real risks and dangers involved with the sport though, so be extremely sure of your climbing skills before venturing away from the indoor rock walls. »Climbnasium 339 N. Locust Point Road, Mechanicsburg, (717) 795-9580
»Catoctin Wildlife Preserve & Zoo 13019 Catoctin Furnace Road, Thurmont, Md., (301) 271-3180 »Clyde Peeling’s Reptiland 18628 U.S. 15, Allenwood, (570) 538-1869 »Lake Tobias Wildlife Park 760 Tobias Drive, Halifax, (717) 362-9126 »Land of Little Horses 125 Glenwood Drive, Gettysburg, (717) 334-7259 »Wolf Sanctuary of PA 465 Speedwell Forge Road, Lititz, (717) 626-4617 »ZooAmerica – North American Wildlife Park 201 Park Avenue, Hershey, (717) 534-3900 24» The A.T. Running from Maine all the way to Georgia, the Appalachian National Scenic Trail stands as one the most famous hike-ways in America. We Pennsylvanians are fortunate because this amazing trail winds its way right through our own backyard, and a popular leg of the A.T., as it’s known to avid hikers, starts in Boiling Springs. Shoulder a backpack, lace up the hiking boots and grab a walking stick – the great outdoors are always open and the lines are never long. »Appalachian Trail Conservancy Mid-Atlantic Regional Office 4 E. First Street, Boiling Springs, (717) 258-5771 25» The Greatest Show in the Universe The oldest and greatest show in the universe is free. There is no admission price, viewing fee, tax or service charge to witness the most profound wonders known and unknown to humankind – or any other kind. The largest objects, the fastest speeds, the furthest distances, the strongest forces, the brightest lights are all on constant display – all you have to do to see it is look up at the nighttime sky. The best public place in the area to do it is at The Edward Naylor Observatory in Lewisberry. »The Edward Naylor Observatory Astronomical Society of Harrisburg, Pa., Inc., 670 Observatory Drive, Lewisberry,, (717) 938-6041 26» Make Me Laugh You can stay home, lounge on the couch, flip on the television and easily find something funny to watch. You may even crack a smile or let loose a chuckle, but nothing on cable can compare to the experience of witnessing a live comedic performance, and Central Pa. has more than enough funny to offer.
»Stitches Comedy Club 2300 Lincoln Highway East, Lancaster, (717) 826-3472 27» Thespians Live The arts of story, song, speech, dance, set design and acting all come together in the realm of live theater performance. The films, shows and musicals on television and in the movie theater are certainly entertaining, but there is an undeniable magic to seeing a live production in person. Whether it’s Shakespeare brought to life in a park, or a national touring company at a big-time venue, live theater is well worth experiencing, and there are seemingly endless opportunities in the midstate to catch a show. »Allenberry Playhouse 1559 Boiling Springs Road, Boiling Springs, (717) 258-3211 »Carlisle Theatre 40 W. High Street, Carlisle, (717) 258-0666 »The Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre 510 Centerville Road, Lancaster, (717) 898-1900 »Fulton Theatre 12 N. Prince Street, Lancaster, (717) 394-7133 »Gamut Theatre 605 Strawberry Street, Harrisburg, (717) 238-4111 »Gretna Theatre 200 Pennsylvania Avenue, Mt. Gretna, (717) 964-3627 »Hershey Area Playhouse 830 Cherry Drive, Hershey, (717) 533-8525 »Hershey Theatre 15 E. Caracas Avenue, Hershey, (717) 534-3405 »Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg 915 S. York Street, Mechanicsburg, (717) 766-0535 »Oyster Mill Playhouse 1001 Oyster Mill Road, Camp Hill, (717) 737-6768 »Theatre Harrisburg 513 Hurlock Street, Harrisburg, (717) 232-5501 »York Little Theatre 27 S. Belmont Street, York, (717) 854-3894
28» Back in Time So far, modern technology has yet to come through on fulfilling the time-travel promises made by countless science-fiction novels, shows and films. But, until science gets their priorities in order, there are ample opportunities in the region to re-live the long ago with re-enactments of the Battle of Gettysburg as well as the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire. »The Battle of Gettysburg Re-enactment (July 4 through 7), (717) 338-1525 »Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire (August 3 through October 27) 2775 Lebanon Road, Manheim, (717) 665-7021 29» Riding the Rails Long before autos clogged the roadways and planes filled the sky, the quickest way to travel was by rail. And the midstate provides numerous opportunities to experience the fun of traveling via train. From tourist passenger cars, themed rides and track trips through history, escape from traffic-filled roadways and enjoy the charm of the rails. »Middletown & Hummelstown Railroad 136 Brown Street, Middletown, (717) 944-4435 »Strasburg Railroad 301 Gap Road, Ronks, (717) 687-7522 »Williams Grove Historical Steam Engine Association RR 2, Mechanicsburg, (717) 766-4001 30» Mud Running and Zombie Racing Adventure runs and races make plain-old jogging or sprinting enormously more entertaining by utililzing diversions such as obstacles, mud and zombie costumes – just to name a few. For those in search of real competition or just a unique blast of athletic fun, sign up as a team or go solo in one or all of the many adventure runs going on throughout the summer. »Capital City Adventure Challenge (June 29) City Island, Harrisburg »The Filthy Fun Mud Run (September 14) Shippensburg »Gung Ho Adventure Race 2013 (June 15) Pine Grove Furnace »Lower Allen Park Adventure Run (September 7) Mechanicsburg »Spartan Race Pennsylvania Sprint (July 13) Palmerton »The Zombie Mud Run (September 21) Reading
CÁMBIATE A UNA COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO Los bancos más grandes imponen sus tarifas más altas a los cuentahabientes, los consumidores deberían cambiarse a una Unión de crédito para tarifas más bajas y mejores tasas de interés. Más de 500 cooperativas operan en el Estado de Pennsylvania, a si que para todos existe una Unión de crédito. Si usted está ahorrando para comprar algún día un carro, una casa o tal vez para su jubilación, una Unión de crédito puede ayudarle a obtener sus metas financieras. Una Unión de crédito es una entidad financiera auxiliar de crédito y están controladas por las personas que utilizan sus servicios – sus miembros. Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito sirven a grupos que comparten algo en común, como por ejemplo: donde viven, trabajan o cultos religiosos (refiriéndose a sus miembros). Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito son entidades sin fines de lucro y existen para proporcionar un lugar seguro y conveniente para que los miembros puedan ahorrar su dinero y obtener préstamos a tasas razonables. Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito se formaron después de la gran depresión para servir a trabajadores estadounidenses. Setenta y cinco años más tarde, esta misión es segura. Las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito comenzaron como proveedores de préstamo y ahorro básico. Ahora las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito ofrecen servicios completos, tales como: Servicios financieros, cuentas de ahorro, de cheque, tarjetas de débito y crédito, y cuenta de retiro individual. Para las necesidades de préstamos, ellos ofrecen préstamos para vehículos, viviendas, educación superior e incluso pequeñas empresas.
ofrece a los miembros de la Unión de crédito más de 1.200 cajeros automáticos. Muchos sindicatos de crédito también están vinculados a la red de CO-OP que otorga acceso a 28.000 cajeros automáticos a nivel nacional. Usted puede acceder a su dinero de estas máquinas sin incurrir en ningún recargo. Además, algunas cooperativas de crédito ofrecen servicios compartidos de ramificación. Esto permite a los miembros de la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito entrar a algunos de sus cajeros para realizar operaciones en cualquiera de las 4.400 ubicaciones que se encuentra a lo largo de la nación. Para aquellos que prefieren la tecnología, muchas Cooperativas de Ahorro y Crédito ofrecen servicio de banca en casa, usando el internet y las aplicaciones de teléfono inteligente para hacer pagos de sus facturas en línea– todos estos servicios financieros tecnológicos, se realizan de una manera fácil y rápida. Las cooperativas de crédito, como otras instituciones financieras, son estrechamente reguladas y asegurada por el Gobierno Federal. La Unión de Crédito Nacional comparte cuotas de seguro, administrado por la Unión Administrativa de Crédito Nacional (, una agencia del Gobierno federal, asegura los depósitos de ahorro y crédito a los miembros de las cooperativas a nivel nacional por más de 7.000 firmas del estado federal y estatal . Todas las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito en Pennsylvania son aseguradas al menos por 250.000 dólares y cuenta con el respaldo de buena fe y el crédito del gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica y por la Administración Nacional de Uniones de Crédito ( NCUA)..Para unirse a una cooperativa de crédito, visite por un localizador en línea.
En Pennsylvania, las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito se han unido a red libre para forma un cajero automático (ATM) de recargo llamado CU$ que
SWITCH TO A CREDIT UNION As large banks impose higher fees on accountholders, consumers should switch to a credit union for lower fees and better rates. With more than 500 credit unions operating in Pennsylvania, there is a credit union for everyone to join. Whether you’re saving for a rainy day or retirement, buying a vehicle or a home, a credit union can help you obtain your financial goals. A credit union is a cooperative financial institution owned and controlled by the people who use its services – its members. Credit unions serve groups that share something in common, such as where the members live, work, or worship. Credit unions are not-for-profit and exist to provide a safe and convenient place for members to save money and obtain loans at reasonable rates. Credit unions were formed after the Great Depression to serve working Americans. Seventy-five years later, this mission is still true. Credit unions began as basic savings and loan providers. Now credit unions are full-service financial services providers offering savings accounts, IRAs, checking, debit and credit cards. For lending needs, they offer loans for vehicles, homes, higher education, and even small businesses.
In Pennsylvania, credit unions have joined together to form an ATM surcharge free network called CU$ that offers credit union members more than 1,200 ATMs. Many credit unions also are linked into the CO-OP Network that grants access to 28,000 ATMs nationwide. As a credit union member, you can access your money from these machines without incurring a surcharge. In addition, some credit unions offer shared branching services. This allows members to walk into participating credit union lobbies to conduct transactions in any of the 4,400 locations throughout the nation. For those who prefer technology, many credit unions offer home banking, online bill payer, and smart phone apps – all to make conducting financial services fast and easy. Credit unions, like other financial institutions, are closely regulated and federally-insured. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund, administered by the National Credit Union Administration (, an agency of the federal government, insures deposits of credit union members at more than 7,000 federal and state-chartered credit unions nationwide. All credit unions in Pennsylvania are insured to at least $250,000 and backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government by NCUA. To join a credit union, visit for an online locator.
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