¡Felíz Navidad! What’s Inside: Estamos Unidos Recap p.5
FREE December 2011
Page 14
Tips to Lower Holiday Stress p.6
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Holiday Gift Guide p.24 Social Security Launches New Online Spanish Services p.17
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A Note From The Publisher
Bienvenidos La edición de este mes se refiere a la ley. En la Declaración de Independencia Thomas Jefferson insistió en decir, en primer lugar, de donde la ley proviene y, en segundo lugar, cómo afecta a toda la humanidad: Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes por si mismas: que todos los hombres han sido creados iguales, que fueron dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables, y que entre éstos están la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad. En primer lugar Jefferson señala que el origen de la ley es de Dios y no reyes o gobierno. Afirma que existen protecciones y leyes dadas al hombre por su propia naturaleza. El hombre tiene el derecho de proteger su vida, él tiene la capacidad de vivir en libertad en la medida que él no le quita los derechos de los demás en hacerlo, y el hombre tiene el derecho a obtener y retener la propiedad. No se trata de declaraciones de poco peso. Los franceses tuvieron su revolución, pero dentro de cuatro años se cayó en el caos. ¿Por qué tenemos éxito y los franceses no? Es porque hemos basado nuestra ley en la igualdad y la concepción del hombre que tiene protección natural en virtud de la ley dada por Dios y no por ningún hombre. El concepto es simple; si el hombre le da los derechos, el hombre puede quitárselos. Demasiadas veces hemos leído acerca del trato especial de los funcionarios políticos que violan la ley y nunca son juzgados. Los Lobistas buscan ventajas “especiales” para las personas o empresas. Sacamos de apuros algunos bancos y perseguimos otros. Los que son favorecidos políticamente parecen operar con arreglo a leyes diferentes de la población en general. Sería mejor para esta república si regresamos a honrar el concepto de la igualdad ante la ley. Independientemente de si usted es Presidente o al menos en la sociedad la ley debe aplicarse igual. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher
This month’s issue concerns the law. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson insisted on saying first where law came from and second how it affected all mankind: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” First Jefferson points out that the origin of law is from God and not kings or government. He states that there are protections and laws given to man by his very nature. Man has the right to protect his life, he has the ability to live in freedom as long as he does not take away the rights of others in doing this and man has the right to obtain and hold property. These are not small statements. The French had their revolution, but within four years, it fell into chaos. Why did we succeed and the French fail? It was because we based our law on equality and the concept of man having natural protection under law given by God and not man. The concept is simple; if man gives you rights, man can take your rights away. Too many times we read about special treatment of political officials who break the law and never get prosecuted. Lobbyists seek “special” advantage for individuals or corporations. We bail out some banks and prosecute others. The politically favored seem to operate under different laws than the general population. It would be better for our Republic if we got back to equality under the law. Regardless of whether you are President or the least in society, the law should be applied the same. Graham S. Hetrick Publisher
December 2011 • Volume 1 No. 2
PUBLISHER Graham Hetrick–ghetrick@lavozlatinacentral.com EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Patricia Hill-Boccassini–pboccassini@harrisburgmagazine.com MANAGING EDITOR Jadrian Klinger–jklinger@benchmarkgroupmedia.com GRAPHIC DESIGNER Tim McKenna–tmckenna@benchmarkgroupmedia.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mark Kogan | Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz Dr. Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S. Patricio Basom | Andrea Morato-Lara, M.A. | Chris Conard Shultz SENIOR ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Patrick “Patricio” Basom–pbasom@lavozlatinacentral.com 717.649.0916
3400 N. 6th Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 717.233.0109 717.232.6010 fax benchmarkgroupmedia.com PRESIDENT AND CEO Davy H. Goldsmith–ext. 114 CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Len Boccassini–ext. 132 PUBLISHER Patricia Hill-Boccassini–ext. 130 DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING Chad Overbaugh–ext. 128 DIRECTOR OF CUSTOM PUBLISHING Jim Laverty–ext. 122 CIRCULATION MANAGER / DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS FINANCE Violetta Chlaifer–ext. 124
Nuestro Mundo…Nuestras Culturas By Patricio Basom
The 7th Annual Estamos Unidos Gala and silent auction was held last month at the Radisson Hotel Harrisburg. A red-carpet entrance, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, a silent auction, dinner and dance were the main events that evening. The highlights of the evening were the performances from various geographical areas featuring dance and music. The gala entertainment included Finoa Best, a dance tribute by Andrea MoratóLara, the Selena Belly Dancers, the Suba Brazillian Act and music by the Latin Leprechaun. The central part of the evening included welcome remarks by Joyce Davis, the evening’s emcee; opening remarks and introductions of the gala chair and committee by Esmeralda Hetrick; and the presentation of the 2011 Community Leader Award to Dr. Eli Avila. A special message to the EUP by Dr. Oralia Garcia Dominic followed. The keynote speaker of the evening was Dr. Anthony Cortés. He truly exemplifies each and every word of that speech through his work at the Milton S. Hershey School. The most poignant event of the evening was the presentation of the scholarship recipients and their respective comadres and copadres. The group of recipients were separated by two distinctions: those who are attending college part-time in the fall of 2011, and those who are attending college full-time in the fall of 2011. Part-time in the fall of 2011 were Juanita Dueño, Marleny Milanes, Nelson Cadero, Araceli Ponce, Deborah Dayton and Ingrid Veracruz. Fulltime in the fall of 2011 were: Amanda Batista, Joshe Ordoñez, Maxwell J. Aleman, Alma L. Figueroa, Emily E. Ortega, William G. Peña, Arturo San JuanMartinez, Karen P. Roman, Rafael De Jesus and Gerardo Lopez-Alvarez. The recipients were all given certificates as a demonstration for their efforts. The most exciting items given to all of the 2011 recipients were the laptop computers donated by Highmark Blue Shield. Congratulations to all of the 2011 recipients! ¡Felicidades!
Stay fit over the holidays and tips to lower holiday stress By Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H., medical director, Highmark, Inc. The holiday season is here. What does this time of year mean to you? Is it a time filled with family, friends and excitement, or do the holidays bring you stress, overeating, excess drinking of alcoholic beverages and too little physical activity? Unfortunately for many of us, it is a time of weight gain and stress. While the few pounds the average American gains between
Feed your spirit, not just your body
The key to managing your weight during the holidays is to make healthful food choices and to not overeat. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind this holiday season:
• Find the true spirit of the holidays and share it with the people you care about and love.
• Listen to your body. Stop eating when you are no longer hungry.
• Reach out for support if you need it.
• Keep a food diary. Write down everything you eat – it will surprise you.
• Stay in the present. Try not to be consumed by things that happened in the past.
• Don’t snack on foods you don’t love. Instead, save room for your favorite holiday treats that you don’t get any other time of the year.
• Schedule “quiet time” to refresh your mind, body and spirit. • Take in all of the free sights – drive through different neighborhoods to see the holiday lights.
• Remember, smaller is better. Just taste and eat smaller portions of the foods you really like.
• Volunteer because helping those less fortunate will help to keep the value of the holidays in perspective.
• Drink water. Try for six to eight glasses every day.
• Read a new book or watch a movie, especially old favorites that will make you laugh.
• Out of sight, out of mind. Avoid having tempting foods around you. • Exercise most days of the week. Stay fit during the holiday season by being active. It will also help you beat some of the stress that often comes this time of the year. • Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages. And, please, don’t drink and drive.
Thanksgiving and the new year doesn’t sound all that bad, the truth is that most people don’t lose the weight. “When you add up one to three pounds every year during the holidays, the net gain is simply excess weight gain,” says Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., medical director at Highmark Blue Shield. “Not only can this change your appearance and self-esteem, it also increases the risk for heart disease, diabetes and even cancer.”
• Keep your holiday “to do” list manageable. • Get a good laugh. Humor helps – have fun. • Smile and practice random acts of kindness. Give someone a big hug.
Dr. Johnson is the medical director of health equity and quality services at Highmark Inc. She leads Highmark’s efforts to reduce racial and ethnic health care disparities among Highmark members through clinical interventions and improvements in health literacy, language access and health plan cultural competency.
Cómo mantenerte en forma durante los días festivos y consejos para reducir el estrés de estos días Por Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., M.P.H, directora clínica, Highmark, Inc. Ya estamos en las fiestas de fin de año. ¿Qué significa este período del año para tí? ¿Es un tiempo lleno de entusiasmo para compartir con familiares, amigos, o las Fiestas te traen mucho estrés, te irritan, bebes demasiado bebidas alcohólicas y haces muy poco ejercicio físico? Desafortunadamente para muchos de nosotros, este es un tiempo en el que uno sube de peso y tiene mucho estrés. Aunque las pocas libras que un norteamericano medio sube entre The key to managing your weight during the holidays is to make healthy food choices and to not overeat. Here are some suggestions to keep in mind this holiday season:
• Escucha a tu cuerpo. Deja de comer cuando ya no tienes hambre. • Mantén un diario de comidas. Escribe todo lo que comas, ¡te sorprenderás! • No piques alimentos que no son tus favoritos. En cambio, deja lugar para tus dulces preferidos de las fiestas que no comes durante otra época del año. • Recuerda, cuánto más pequeño, mejor. Sólo prueba y come las porciones más pequeñas de las comidas que realmente te gustan. • Bebe agua. Intenta tomar de seis a ocho vasos diariamente. •Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente Evita tener comida tentadora a tu alrededor. • Ejercita la mayoría de los días de la semana. Mantente en forma durante la época de fiestas estando activo. También te ayudará a combatir parte del estrés que generalmente tienes en esta época del año. • Restringe tu ingesta de bebidas alcohólicas. Y, por favor, no bebas y conduzcas.
Acción de Gracias y año nuevo no parecen muchas, la verdad es que la mayoría de las personas ya no pierden más ese peso. “Cuando uno sube anualmente de una a tres libras durante los días festivos, la ganancia neta es simplemente aumentar de peso”, dijo Rhonda Moore Johnson, M.D., directora clínica del Highmark Blue Shield. “Esto no solamente puede alterar la apariencia y autoestima, sino que aumenta el riesgo de sufrir una enfermedad cardíaca, diabetes e incluso cáncer”.
Alimenta tu espíritu, no sólo tu cuerpo. • Encuentra el verdadero espíritu de las fiestas y compártelo con las personas que amas y quieres. • Busca ayuda si lo necesitas. • Vive el presente. Trata de no pensar en las cosas que ocurrieron en el pasado. • Programa “tiempo de paz” para refrescar tu mente, cuerpo y espíritu. • Observa todas las vistas gratuitas: conduce por diferentes barrios para ver las luces festivas. • Ofrece ayuda. Ayudar a las personas menos afortunadas te ayudará a captar el verdadero valor de las fiestas en perspectiva. • Lee un libro nuevo o mira una película, especialmente tus clásicos favoritos que te hacen reír. • Lleva una lista para las fiestas de “cosas que hacer” que sean posibles de concretar. • Ríete con ganas. El humor ayuda, ¡diviértete! • Sonríe y realiza al azar actos de generosidad. Da a alguien un fuerte abrazo.
La doctora Rhonda Johnson es la directora clínica de los servicios de calidad y equidad en salud en Highmark Inc. Ella encabeza los esfuerzos de Highmark para reducir las disparidades raciales y étnicas que existen entre los miembros de Highmark a través de las intervenciones clínicas y las mejoras en materia de salud, acceso al idioma y competencia cultural para obtener un plan de salud.
Can’t Wait Any Longer to Get Stronger: Muscular Fitness By Bentz Tozer Jr., BS, CPT
When starting an exercise program, there are many factors to consider. There are three basic components of fitness that should be addressed in all exercise routines: cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness and flexibility. Resistance training is how we improve the muscular system, bones, joints and connective tissue, along with a healthful total-body response. Surveys show that a large segment of the U.S. population lacks muscular fitness, which is a combination of strength and endurance. Strength is defined as the muscles’ ability to generate force against, or while lifting, physical objects. Endurance is the ability to
make repeated efforts by the muscle. In the fitness world, this typically refers to the amount of weight you can lift for a certain number of repetitions. We define this type of exercise as resistance training – sometimes called weight training or weight lifting. It must be noted that resistance/ weight training exercises are only a means to an end. Most people are not looking to compete in weight lifting or power lifting contests, so the amount of weight lifted – no matter what form of resistance training you do – is only important as it relates to the individual’s strength and muscular fitness level. Benefits will only be achieved by
progressively overloading your muscles as you get stronger to meet the next challenge. Experts advise that you start any muscular fitness program by first securing your doctor’s approval and medical clearance. It is also important that you begin with light weights, work your way up and progress gradually. Weight you can lift comfortably and with good form for eight to 12 repetitions is a good starting point. Ultimately, the intensity level must go up to a higher level and become more challenging for your working sets to see the benefits of training. For most beginners, and even those who are experienced with
resistance training, it can be difficult to decide on an appropriate weight. In fact, it can be one of the most difficult choices related to exercise. This is most likely why people do not push themselves enough, which results in seeing little or no progress. Also, exercisers may push themselves too hard by using weights that are too heavy, which can lead to injury. Either way, the end result is counterproductive. This is where a certified and degreed professional can be invaluable. It is possible to learn how to choose appropriate weights and how intense the exercises should feel to ensure maximum benefits and safety.
Benefits of Improving Muscular Fitness • Improves body composition by building muscle and losing fat. • Weight loss. • Increases in Base Metabolic Rate (more calories burned per day). • Inches and dress sizes lost. • Energy and stamina level up. • Improves ability to do everyday chores. • Improves resistance to injury. • Less everyday muscle aches and pains. • Joint support: stronger ligaments and tendons as well as improving or helping maintain bone density. • Improves appearance and overall shape of the body. • Builds self-confidence and self-esteem, and improves mental health. • Improves mood and attitude. • Is the core of physical skill and sports performance.
Hope in David Botero By Lori Myers, Photography by Alan Wycheck
Trying to figure out what makes David H. Botero tick is a question that Botero himself finds hard to answer. There’s not just one thing, rather a combination of his love of Harrisburg, love of family and love of handball. Yes, handball. Who knew that smacking a rubber ball against a wall could be a metaphor for life? But hearing Botero tell it, it’s that and so much more. Botero is the director of the HOPE in Handball youth mentoring program that teaches children from the Harrisburg School District a sport that encompasses focus, commitment and fun, not to mention health benefits, exercise, social opportunities, hand-eye coordination, sportsmanship and positive attitudes. “The name of the game is mentorship,” Botero says. “There’s just this natural link behind the curiosity of a ball and a wall, and we’re able to get some, not all, of the kids’ attention. The game is a communication vehicle, a total ice-breaker.” Handball is also one of those sports, Botero says, where winning isn’t contingent on size or strength, and some of the lessons Botero and other handball mentors teach the kids is how to lose, how to win and how to build up courage. They’re taught to shake hands before and after a game no matter the outcome, and learn to pick up a fellow player off the floor. “Life lessons,” Botero explains. Those accomplishments have allowed several of HOPE’s handball players to succeed in becoming part of their school’s sports teams – an idea they hadn’t even considered before
trying their hand at handball. “There’s no whistles, no running, no laps,” Botero remarks. “But there’s also no being late. We don’t judge them. It’s the most curious thing in that it’s a frustrating game that they love to hate. But they know there’s a next time.” Botero, 34, grew up in New Jersey, north of Hoboken, just minutes outside of Manhattan. But his childhood was very different from the handball players he now mentors. Botero was the youngest of three, whose parents hailed from Medellín, Colombia. His father, a jeweler, had the same job for 39 years. The house Botero lived in was inhabited, floor-by-floor, by extended family where the doors were always open and everyone watched out for everyone else. “It was a pretty typical RomanCatholic-to-the-Latin-power upbringing,” he laughs. “In a word: loud.” Botero’s childhood was based heavily on culture, diversity, oldschool tradition and respecting one’s neighbors. He attended college in West Virginia, married and worked in New York City until he decided that he could make a difference somewhere else. That “somewhere else” was Harrisburg. Now a single father raising his 6-year-old daughter in the city, it’s important to Botero to make his new home a place where his daughter can live and grow and thrive. “This is her neighborhood, and I have to defend it,” he says. “This is a small town and we’re small enough here to connect the dots. I can use my time effectively to get things done.” Botero also has connected
the dots when it comes to his work and his handball mentorship. He is president of the brand called Music Without Labels and BeatPlay, a technology start-up that gives independent music artists a platform from which their music can be heard. It takes record labels and industry executives out of the mix and gives artists the opportunity to get their music out to the public. “The flexibility and high level of respect that my job at Beat-Play gives me is equally translated into the leadership responsibilities I have committed to the HOPE in Handball program,” Botero says. “Handball is still a pretty well-kept secret, and all of our local kids are having a blast discovering it for the very first time because they all want to be heard. The independent musicians that we work with are no different. We’re trying to help indie artists get the opportunity to be a pretty big friggin’ deal because they deserve it, too.” In his life, Botero continues to connect the dots consistently and successfully. Along with his work with HOPE in Handball and Beat-Play, he has the distinction of owning the Guinness World Record for the longest handball game (26 hours, 10 minutes),
which took place three years ago at the Harrisburg Mall. Not bad for a Jersey boy that now calls Harrisburg home. “Joe DiMaggio said something that, when I heard it, just always stuck with me,” Botero says. “‘There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first or last time. I owe them my best,’ and that’s how I feel. That’s my responsibility as a marketer for our fans and artists, my responsibility to the youth we mentor, my responsibility as a citizen and community advocate and my responsibility as a dad.”
Looking Into the Eyes of a Future Success Text and Photography by Jadrian Klinger
For Roxanne Garcia, there’s this future moment that fuels her drive to achieve more, to do better, to reject the path so many of her childhood peers chose. When the easiest thing in the world would be to give up, this moment plays through her head. There she will be, dressed in a robe and a square-topped hat with a tassel hanging off to the side. She will hear her name announced, step up on stage, shake
the hands of her professors and collect the paper representation of her scholastic career. A small cheer from somewhere off in the crowd will be drowned out by the announcement of the name of the next graduate in line. The moment of academia’s apex will pass in a blink, over almost as quickly as it started. But, for Garcia, it will be just a formality. The moment that hardened her purpose through the years of
sacrifice will come after the ceremony is finished, when she finds her family. And then, there it will be, the moment when she can utter these three simple words to her family: “I did it.” “My father always believed in me,” says the 19-year-old. “When I was 5 or 6, I would say I wanted to be president or a model or a lawyer or an engineer. I always wanted to do something better. And my father encouraged that...I don’t want to disappoint my dad. He’s done so much for us, and he expects so much from me...When I graduate – just thinking about it makes me cry – and I get to see my dad’s face and how happy he will be, it will all be worth it.” As a second-year psychology major at Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC), Garcia still has much to accomplish before she reaches this moment. But, just by being in college, she has already beaten the odds. Up until she was a freshman in high school, Garcia and her family lived in one of the toughest neighborhoods in Harrisburg, where graduating high school and going to college was far too uncommon. “We lived in a pretty bad neighborhood,” she explains. “It was hard because you couldn’t go outside to play. Drug dealers would do drug deals right in front of you. You couldn’t stand up for things because they wouldn’t care; you could be anyone, and they’d hold a gun to your face. There were always problems, like someone just got murdered so we’d have to stay after school and couldn’t leave...Kids would get beat up; I even got beat up twice.”
Garcia’s father worked during the day while her mother took care of her and her younger sister, Giohana. At night, her father stayed home with them while her mother worked third shift. Both of her parents worked hard to provide a better life for their children, and they had high expectations for Garcia. Doing well in school was not just hoped for in her family; it was expected. “Growing up, my parents were all about my grades and studying,” she explains. “My father would go through our report cards with us, and if he saw a ‘C,’ we’d get in trouble.” Wary of the prospect of attending the local high school, Garcia convinced her parents to let her enroll at SciTech High in downtown Harrisburg. “After going to Foose Elementary and then Rowland, which were hard enough, I did not want to go to John Harris,” she admits. “I heard so many stories. I was just so scared that I was going to get bullied and get beat up. So I did everything I could to go to SciTech, and I did. And I loved SciTech. It was so much fun. I was so excited because it was the first time I felt free to hang out with my friends and not be afraid of something bad happening.” After her freshman year at SciTech, Garcia’s family moved to the Central Dauphin East School District, where she graduated three years later. From an early age, the example her parents set for working hard and persevering made an impression on Garcia that can now be seen in everything she does. In addition to attending HACC Continued on page 12
DECEMBER 2011 11
Looking Into the Eyes of a Future Success Continued from page 10
full-time, working at the Career Center on campus and making a few extra dollars as a hostess at a local restaurant, Garcia boasts a GPA high enough to be inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society (where she also serves as the secretary), volunteers to work with children through Estamos Unidos de Pennsylvania and is the president of the MOSAICO Latino Student Organization. This summer, she will also be helping care for orphans in Romania through a study-abroad program. Garcia keeps herself busy. When asked if she would like a day off, she declines the offer. “I honestly do not want a day off,”
she states. “If I had one, what I would do is go to the Humane Society and walk dogs or some other volunteering – I just have to do something.” HACC president John J. “Ski” Sygielski admires Garcia’s work ethic and her contribution to the community. “I commend [her] for using her skills and heritage to be so involved in assisting the community,” he says. “Her community service will have a lasting impact on those she serves and other HACC students... It makes me very proud and reaffirms the important role that HACC plays in producing not only scholars but also productive citizens. I look forward to finding
ways to celebrate this type of community service provided by Roxanne and other students like her.” Perhaps her family does expect a lot from her, but those expectations are well placed. And, for Garcia, family is at the root of everything she accomplishes and provides the catalyst for her future success. “My dad always taught me that family would be there no matter what,” she says. “If, one day, you’re on your deathbed, your family will be there. Sure, your friends will call or stop by, but it will be your
family who stays with you.” And her family will be there at that future moment she dreams about, that moment when it’ll all be worth it, when she’ll be able to look into their eyes, with her degree inhand, and tell them she did it.
DECEMBER 2011 13
Lawyers Making A Difference In Our Community Text and Photography by Graham Hetrick
It was a true pleasure to interview Mark J. Kogan, one of the partners of Weinstein, Schleifer & Kupersmith, P.C. (WSK), at 1835 Market St. in downtown Philadelphia. Well that’s not quite true; this is not your average Philadelphia law firm. Actually, WSK has eight branch or satellite locations all placed strategically to better service the Hispanic and other nontraditional clients. Kogan explains that this is possible because the firm is on the cutting edge of technology. They use a system called Citrix, which is similar to “Go To My PC,” only more advanced. With this technology, all documents and inquires stream from the satellite offices to the central office in Philadelphia. Kogan, or any of the other attorneys, can immediately review a document from their own computer or mobile device. This allows rapid response by an attorney from even
the smallest satellite office. Even though they are required by law to save all hardcopy documents for seven years, with their system, they keep digital documents much longer and can retrieve them faster. This system is in place so that, as Kogan states, “Our attorneys are agile and mobile.” This allows access to the best possible legal advice. The other unusual part of the WSK model is just where these satellite offices are located and how they serve the local communities. I first met Kogan in my work with Estamos Unidos as we were preparing to feed needy families and give many hundreds of toys away in our Christmas program. He was a faithful volunteer and, through the years, has supported the organization with time, talent and money. It wasn’t until this interview that I had a full understanding of his and WSK’s dedication to the Hispanic community in southeastern Pennsylvania. Many people in the Harrisburg area would remember his grandfather I. O. Silver, who was a family practice physician in Steelton known throughout the community for charitable service. Even while Kogan was a law student at Widener University School of Law, he became involved in multiple charitable efforts in the Harrisburg area. He talked with great pride of the Latino
Hispanic American Community Center (LHACC), which he helped form, and WSK actually provides the space for the center by donating approximately 50 percent of their own space. He spoke with great pride at how over 1,000 people have found employment through the center as well as other innovative programs, such as computer training and caseworker services. Living now in Montgomery County, he still volunteers in the Harrisburg area and is active at his temple as vice president of Social Action. He says that the philanthropic nature of the company allows for the providing of professional services but also allows the firm to leave the world a little bit better off. Pina Ugliuzza, director of Regional Development says, “We are not just bilingual, we are bicultural.” By this, she means that because of their community model of satellite offices, they are part of the community and understand those who live there. They partner with organizations within the community to build a better tomorrow. With their dedication to providing good legal services, intimate involvement with the communities they serve and partnering with nonprofit, civic and faith-based organizations to serve the community in a holistic manner, WSK is providing a model for the future. If you are interested in meeting Mark J. Kogan or any of the other lawyers at WSK, go to wsklawyers.com.
The five most critical issues Mark J. Kogan sees within the Hispanic community • Cultural competency must be increased so that both Hispanics and Non-Hispanics can discover their common issues and also appreciate their differences • Language is critical for this understanding, and American’s must understand that we are in a global economy and being multilingual is critical for the success of the country. Two-thirds of the WSK staff speak Spanish with multiple dialects. • Education is critical for Hispanics as they move into American society and become part of the workforce and political structure.
• Access to health care with an emphasis on preventative care is important so that future costs can be controlled. • Immigration policies that will allow for a humane resolution for those who have been here illegally for many years and a reformed immigration policy that allows for streamlined legal immigration with guest-worker programs are needed in many areas of the country.
Abogados Haciendo Una Diferencia En Nuestra Comunidad Fotografia y texto por Graham Hetrick
Fue un verdadero placer para entrevista Mark J. Kogan, uno de los socios de Weinstein, Shleifer & Kupersmith, P. C. ( WSK), a las 1835 Market St. en el centro de Philadelphia. Así que no es exactamente cierto. Esta no es la típica Philadelphia bufete. Actualmente ha WSK ocho sucursales o satélite lugares todas colocadas estratégicamente para prestar mejor servicio al mercado hispano y a otros clientes no tradicionales. Kogan explicó que esto es posible
debido a que la empresa está a la vanguardia de la tecnología. Utilizan un sistema llamado Citrix, que es similar a “ir a Mi PC,” sólo más avanzadas. Con esta tecnología, todos los documentos y consultas acerca de las oficinas satélite a la oficina central de la ciudad de Philadelphia. Kogan, o cualquier otro de los abogados, puede revisar inmediatamente un documento desde su propio ordenador o dispositivo móvil. Esto permite la rápida respuesta ante un fiscal de incluso la más pequeña oficina
satélite. Aun cuando son requeridos por la ley para salvar a todos los documentos impresos durante siete años, con su sistema, mantener los documentos digitales mucho más tiempo y puede recuperar más rápidamente. Este sistema es que, como Kogan afirma: “Nuestros abogados son ágiles y móviles.” Lo que permite el acceso al mejor asesoramiento legal posible. La otra parte de la inusual WSK modelo es el mejor lugar donde estas oficinas satélite se encuentran y cómo sirven las comunidades
locales. Me reuní por primera vez Mark J. Kogan en mi trabajo con Estamos Unidos como estábamos preparando para alimentar las familias necesitadas y dar muchos cientos de juguetes en nuestro programa de Navidad. Fue un fiel voluntario y, a través de los años, ha apoyado la organización con el tiempo, talento y dinero. No fue hasta esta entrevista que tuve una comprensión completa de su WSK y la dedicación a la comunidad Hispana en sureste de Pennsylvania. Muchas personas en el área de continnacíon en 21
DECEMBER 2011 15
Choosing an Attorney Many Resources Available By Scott Foulkrod, Esq. There are a number of resources to use when selecting an attorney. First, consult people you trust; referrals from friends and associates are often indicative of a lawyer’s proficiency. You can also call your county bar association for a list of attorneys in various fields, although this list will often be limited to member firms and lawyers. You can also use the company that lawyers use: Martindale-Hubbell. Go to martindale.com or to their companion site, lawyers.com. When using this site, you can narrow your search by entering location as well as practice area. If you want to search for an attorney for a wrongful death case, you should look at attorneys in the area of personal injury and narrow your search further by using the “related areas” section and choosing “wrongful death.”The attorneys listed in Martindale’s websites pay for the listing, so you may not see some practicing attorneys on their site. When you use their search sites, you should look over the peer-review or client-review ratings. Any attorney with an AV or BV rating should be acceptable; the first letter stands for the quality of their ability, and the V means that they are deemed to be ethical by their peers. Finally, meet with two or three attorneys. You will be working with these people on your case; in some instances, for years. Your personal
assessment of them, though it may not directly correspond with the attorney’s skill, is also important. When I speak with potential clients, I often provide the name and number of two other attorneys who practice in my field (criminal defense) who I would trust with a case. I then let the client make the decision, after assessing our personalities and range of legal fees.
Social Security Launches New Spanish Online Services at segurosocial.gov Michael J. Astrue, commissioner of Social Security, announced that the agency’s most popular online services, the applications for retirement and Medicare and for extra help with Medicare prescription drug costs, are now available in Spanish. The new online services are available at segurosocial.gov., the robust Spanish version of Social Security’s award winning website, socialsecurity. gov. “The Spanish online applications for retirement, Medicare and extra help with Medicare prescription drug costs are so easy and can be completed in as little as 15 minutes,” said Commissioner Astrue. “I’m proud that Social Security is a leader in the Federal government in providing service in Spanish, and I thank Don Francisco for volunteering his time to help spread the word about these new online services.” In addition to the new applications, Social Security has also recently made online estimates of retirement benef its available in Spanish. People interested in planning for retirement can get an immediate, personalized estimate of their Social Security benef it by using the Retirement Estimator at segurosocial.gov/calculador. Using people’s actual wages from their Social Security record, the Estimator gives a good idea of what to expect in retirement.
Workers can enter in different dates and future wage projections to get estimates for different retirement scenarios, which is why this service is one of the most highly rated electronic services in the public or private sector. Don Francisco, who will appear in several new public service announcements for Social Security, said, “I have good news to share with the millions of Americans who prefer to conduct business in Spanish. You can now apply online for Social Security retirement and Medicare benef its in Spanish, as well as take advantage of other online services offered in Spanish atsegurosocial.gov. ¡Es tan fácil!” Once people complete the online application and “sign” it with the click of a mouse, the application is complete and, in most cases, there are no documents to submit or additional paperwork to f ill out. It’s the easiest way to apply, and now it’s available in Spanish.
El Seguro Social lanza los nuevos servicios por Internet en Español en segurosocial.gov La gran estrella de TV, Don Francisco, ayuda a anunciar las solicitudes de jubilación y el Beneficio Adicional de Medicare Michael J. Astrue, el Comisionado del Seguro Social, anunció que son los los servicios disponibles por Internet más populares de la agencia, las solicitudes para jubilación y Medicare y el Beneficio Adicional con los gastos de medicamentos recetados de Medicare, ahora están disponible en español. Los nuevos servicios por Internet están disponibles en segurosocial.gov, la robusta versión en español del sitio ganador de premios de Internet del Seguro Social, socialsecurity.gov. «Las solicitudes por Internet en español para jubilación, Medicare, y el Beneficio Adicional con los gastos de medicamentos recetados de Medicare son tan fáciles de usar y se pueden completar en tan poco como 15 minutos», dijo el Comisionado Astrue. «Estoy orgulloso de que el Seguro Social sea el líder entre las agencias del gobierno federal en proveer servicio en español, y agradezco a Don Francisco por voluntariamente prestar sus servicios para ayudarnos a difundir la voz sobre estos nuevos servicios por Internet.» Además de las solicitudes nuevas, el Seguro Social recientemente también hizo disponible por Internet estimaciones de beneficios por jubilación en español. Las personas interesadas en planificar su jubilación pueden obtener una estimación inmediata y personalizada de su beneficio
de Seguro Social usando el Calculador de beneficios de jubilación en www. segurosocial.gov/calculador. Usando los salarios actuales de los registros de Seguro Social de las personas, el Calculador provee una buena idea de lo que las personas pueden esperar en su jubilación. Los trabajadores pueden ingresar diferentes fechas y proyecciones futuras para obtener estimaciones para diferentes escenarios de jubilación, que es la razón por la que este servicio es uno de los servicios electrónicos más valorados en el sector público o privado. Don Francisco, quien aparecerá en varios anuncios de servicio público para el Seguro Social, dijo «Tengo buenas noticias que compartir con las millones de personas que prefieren tramitar sus asuntos en español. Ahora puede solicitar por Internet para los beneficios de Seguro Social por jubilación y la cobertura de Medicare en español, al igual que aprovecharse de otros servicios por Internet que se ofrecen en español en www.segurosocial.gov. ¡Es tan fácil!» Una vez las personas completen la solicitud por Internet y la «firmen» con solo oprimir el ratón, la solicitud está completa y, en la mayoría de los casos, no habrá que presentar ningún documento ni que llenar ningún otro formulario. Es la manera más fácil de solicitar los beneficios y ahora está disponible en español.
DECEMBER 2011 17
Cultural Corner: The Power of a Newspaper By Andrea Morato-Lara, M.A. I never knew his name. We passed the long hours of an afternoon together in his sitting room talking about his migration experiences between his native Mexico and the U.S. and the politics of both countries. Like the other 119 Mexican immigrants I had interviewed, he and his family were generous with their time and hospitality. I told him not to tell me his name – that was the surest way I could protect the anonymity of those I interviewed. So, let’s call him David. It was the fall of 1999. I will never forget him, and after reading David’s story, perhaps you will understand why. David was 40 years old, had a wife, three children and a well-paying job as a forklift operator. He had lived in a small Iowa town for 15 years. Half of the town’s population of 6,000 was Hispanic – mostly Mexican and Central American.
After living and working in central Mexico, I was studying how Mexican immigrants brought their political knowledge and skills to the U.S. My interview with David was the most amazing of all. We spoke in Spanish. His knowledge of Mexican and U.S. politics was extensive. Moreover, the tools he used to think about politics were more developed than most college graduates who majored in political science. The last question of the interview asked how many years of school he had completed. David calmly smiled with a twinkle in his eye and replied, “Three.” While I tried not to show my surprise, I confirmed, “Three years of primary school?” “Yes,” he said. After the interview was complete, I asked him to please not be offended, but I felt compelled to ask, how was it possible that he could know so much and master such complex analytical tools when he had only graduated third grade? His
reply has stayed with me all this time. He said, “In my small town, we only had school through third grade. Our teacher knew that was all the school we would ever get. She taught us to read and write, and told us that she had taught us everything we needed in order to learn whatever we desired if we would just promise her one thing: to read something every single day of our lives. I promised her I would, and I kept my promise. I have read something every day of my life since, usually a newspaper, and that is how I have learned all I know.” Andrea Morato-Lara, M.A., is a bilingual community activist, former VP of the PA Assn. of Latino Organizations, and former Director of the Harrisburg ADELANTE Project. She currently provides seminars and individual consults in English and Spanish on financial topics as an Agent for New York Life Mutual Insurance Company.
Esquina Cultural: El poder del periódico Por Andrea Morato-Lara, M.A. Nunca le pregunté su nombre. Pasamos juntos largas horas de una tarde irregularmente calurosa en su sala hablando sobre sus experiencias migratorias entre su México natal y los Estados Unidos (EEUU), y las políticas de estos países. Como los otros 119 inmigrantes mexicanos que había entrevistado, él y su familia me acogieron con aquel calor humano propio de su tierra. Le pedí que no me dijera su nombre que era la forma más segura de proteger la anonimidad de mis entrevistados. Por esto, llamémosle David. Era el otoño de 1999. Nunca lo olvidaré, y después de leer la historia de David, usted posiblemente me entenderá. David tenía 40 años, una esposa, tres hijos y un trabajo bien pagado como operador de grúa de horquilla. Había vivido en ese pueblo pequeño de Iowa por 15 años. La mitad de los seis mil habitantes del pueblo eran hispanos en su gran mayoría, Mexicanos y Centro Americanos. Después de vivir y trabajar en México, yo estudiaba cómo los inmigrantes Mexicanos
trajeron su conocimiento político y sus capacidades analíticas a los EEUU. La entrevista a David fue extraordinaria. Conversamos en Español. Su conocimiento sobre la política Estadounidense y Mexicana era extensiva. Además, el lenguaje y la metodología que usaba para articular su pensamiento político eran más desarrollados que los de la mayoría de los licenciados en ciencia política. La última pregunta de la entrevista hacía referencia a cuántos años de educación había completado. David sonrió calmadamente, acompañado de una chispa de luz fulgente en los ojos, y contestó, “tres.” Mientras trataba de ocultar mi asombro, confundida atiné a confirmar su respuesta, “¿tres años de primaria?” “Sí. Dijo.” Después de completar la entrevista, le rogué que no se ofendiera porque tenía la impostergable necesidad de preguntarle de cómo fue posible que llegara a saber tanto y dominara el manejo de tan complejas herramientas analíticas con sólo 3 años de primaria. Su respuesta me maravilló más todavía imprimiéndose en mi alma para siempre.
“En mi pueblo, sólo había escuela hasta el tercer año de primaria. Nuestra maestra sabía que eso era todo lo que íbamos a recibir. Entonces ella nos enseñó a leer y escribir, y nos dijo que nos enseñó todo lo necesario para poder aprender lo que deseáramos, con tal de que le prometiéramos una cosa: que leyéramos algo cada día durante el resto de nuestras vidas. Le prometí que lo haría y he cumplido con mi promesa. He leído algo cada día desde entonces, usualmente el periódico, y así es como he podido aprender todo lo que se,” dijo. Andrea Morató-Lara, M.A. es una activista bilingüe comunitaria, ex vicepresidente de La asociación de organizaciones latinas de Pennsylvania, y ex directora del proyecto ADELANTE de Harrisburg. Actualmente, provee seminarios y consulta individual en Español e Inglés en tópicos financieros como Agente de New York Life Mutual Insurance Company.
Top 10 Tips for Christmas and Holiday Safety by Oralia Garcia Dominic, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.
It is Christmastime, and many of us will soon partake in the many holiday festivities. Many cities are filled with lights and music and special events. The holiday season is filled with the traditions of gift giving, decorating, hosting parties and baking holiday goodies. However, the money needed to keep these traditions alive is somewhat more sparse compared to previous, more prosperous years due to the current global recession. For many, the holidays can present a time of financial hardship, depression and stress. According to the Pennsylvania 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey, about 1 in 5 (22 percent) adults reported having limited activity due to physical, mental or emotional problems. Compared to 1 in 4 (24 percent) of adult Latinos reported the same. For Christmas and holiday safety, be sure you protect yourself and family from these types of problems. Every city has its unique way of celebrating Christmas. In the town of Hershey one can enjoy unique holiday-themed attractions, special kids’ activities, holiday shopping and festive culinary events during Christmas in Hershey – christmasinhershey.com. In Jim Thorpe, Pa., one can enjoy train rides with Santa, a live nativity, historic district ghost walks, a Christmas bazaar, a gingerbread-house contest and many locally owned music, dining and shopping venues – jimthorpeoldetimechristmas.com. In San Antonio, Texas, you can enjoy shopping at many fine shops for handcrafted gifts, art, salsas and other local treats. You can also enjoy The Riverwalk at night that conveys the beauty of 100-foot cypress tress draped in 180,000 colorful, winkling lights – heartofsanantonio.com. In Puerto Rico, one can enjoy “parrandas” or “trulls navideñas.” A parranda is the Puerto Rican version of Christmas caroling. Most parranderos play some sort of instrument, either guitarras, tamboriles, güiro maracas or palitos. And they all sing – elboricua.com/pr_christmas. In Mexico City, the city transforms into one giant fiesta. One can enjoy everything from homemade tamales to the gardens of Paseo de la Reforma decorated with the red of red poinsettias. In the historical centre, the façades of the building around the Zocalo are covered with metallic colorful frost ornaments and lights – mexicocity-guide.com/christmas. There are thousands of other great destinations to visit as well. You decide how you wish to spend your holidays. You can’t go wrong with celebrating as long as you put Christmas and holiday safety first. OK, my friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Please take very good care of yourself. You can send me your health questions to dr.oraliagarciadominic@gmail.com. Together, we can help keep Pennsylvania residents healthy! ¡Salud!
Top 10 Tips for Christmas and Holiday Safety 1. Give gifts from the heart. Handmade crafts, a cookbook filled with family recipes, an heirloom, a homemade dinner, a home visit to a family member or friend ot an offer to babysit or help clean around the house or the car all make great and thoughtful gifts. These are low-cost gifts that are priceless to both the giver and the receiver. These also build community, unity and faith. 2. Spend quality time with friends and family. This will help build your social-support system, which is important for a person to have. 3. Exercise. This will help maintain proper weight and prevent many healthrelated problems. 4. Keep the family tradition. This will help preserve your culture and value system. 5. Share your favorite family recipes with your children and grandchildren. This will make grandma happy. 6. Listen to your favorite holiday music. This will help relax a person, thus reduce stress. 7. Watch your food portion size. Large portions lead to more calories; more calories lead to weight gain. 8. Eat healthy during the holidays. This will help prevent weight gain that leads to many health-related problems. 9. Stay within your budget, and do not overspend during the holidays. This will prevent financial hardships. 10. Travel to your favorite destination. This will allow you to enjoy what that particular location has to offer.
DECEMBER 2011 19
In Order to Know and Understand Others, We Must First Know and Understand Ourselves, Don’t We? By Dr. Hector Richard Ortiz It is amazing to what extent outside factors can easily alter a person’s attitude, perceptions and ways of thinking. I know individuals depressed by situations that arise most times as the result of unexpected circumstances. On such occasions, we may not be able to change the facts, but we can alter the outcome by selecting our attitude and choosing carefully our responses. Remember that life itself is a balance between beauty and challenges; risks and triumphs; advantages and adversities. That is what makes it so thrilling. On the other hand, thousands of unimaginable events occur every day as a routine part of our daily life and that tends to make us lose consciousness of its greatness. We take for granted such things as a rainy day in spring, a snowy night in winter or even a bright, hot summer’s day. Too often, we complain about things without considering the benefits of challenging our assumptions and conquering our fears. It is all about attitude and the way we use it. A positive mind is power; a negative one is weakness. Sadly, the most common approach is to reject and react instead of dealing with an issue. When faced with a setback, we might look for a person or situation to blame so we can satisfy our ego, hide our lack of self-esteem and eliminate a basic sense of responsibility. To respect yourself, you must begin by taking responsibility for your ways of thinking and acting. If we want to discover the kindness, virtues and talents that all human beings possess, we must stop pointing fingers and blaming others for your bad mood, clumsiness or laziness. Keep in mind, “Every adversity brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.” (Hill 1983, 24) Often we initiate some negative scenarios through our own erroneous mindset or when we fall under the influence of acquaintances that impose their bad habits on us. Generational negativity is a terrible disease, one that is very difficult to confront solely by one person involved in a cycle of pessimism. It may require an extra charge of energy combined with trustful and positive relationships that help to break the cycle of negative influences. However, asking for help does not mean you must always rely on others. In fact, dependency on others is the first sign of a life of routine,
one where you are not entirely living, but merely existing. People have a tendency, in such situations, to give up and conform or embrace a negative attitude. When addressing these kinds of self-defeating people, Napoleon Hill said, “They are the creators of their own misfortunes because of this negative belief, which is picked up by the subconscious mind and translated into its psychological equivalent.” (Hill 1983, 33) The problems of the body are often easy to detect. Tribulations of the mind are more difficult to address. The germ of negativity that causes mental lethargy is invisible, but it can kill all vestiges of positivism. It is similar to a mortal sickness that cannot be cured if it is not treated quickly. Everything starts with your frame of reference. In his book, Untapped Potential, Jack Lannom says, “Mind-set proceeds skill-set, belief precedes behavior, philosophy precedes performance, and theory precedes practice.” When plagued by poor self-esteem or hopelessness, it is easy to fall under the sway of others and lose perspective, purpose, mission and control of your own life. This is the factor behind the proliferation of gangs, substance abuse and all forms of delinquency and crime. In such cases the closest influence wins, not necessarily the best one. The fact is that we are all products of our own environment and we collate an average of what we find around us. The great news is that we have the option to select and the opportunity to choose. Consequently, revise your acquaintances, count your friends and evaluate your relationships. You need positive and proactive thinkers around you in order to generate optimistic energy. Of course, it is not my intention to create stereotypes around cultural, economic, ethnic, political or social differences. The core criteria for selecting your friends do not mean to be exclusive in content, but inclusive in essence. Do not allow negative thinking contaminate your thoughts or take away your dreams solely because that mindset fits with your environment. Finally, remember that in order to know and understand others, we must first know and understand ourselves. Life is beauty! Go ahead and enjoy it!
Abogados Haciendo Una Diferencia En Nuestra Comunidad continnacíon de 15
(L-R) Norman Weinstein, Esq. Mark J. Kogan, Esq. John Beichert, Esq. and Charles Schleifer, Esq. Harrisburg, recuerde su abuelo I. O. Silver, quien fue un médico de familia en Steelton conocido en toda la comunidad de servicio caritativo. Incluso mientras Kogan era un estudiante de derecho de Widener University School of Law, se vio envuelto en múltiples esfuerzos caritativos en el área de Harrisburg. Mark habló con gran orgullo del Latino comunidad Hispano Americana Centro (LHACC), Que él ayudó a la forma, y en realidad proporciona el WSK espacio para el centro de donar aproximadamente el 50 por ciento de su propio espacio. Habló con gran orgullo en cómo, a través de 1.000 personas han encontrado empleo a través del centro, así como otros programas innovadores, como capacitación en computación y trabajador social servicios. Ahora viven en el Condado de Montgomery, él sigue siendo voluntarios en el área de Harrisburg y está activa en su templo, como Vicepresidente de la Acción Social. Dice que el carácter filantrópico de la compañía permite la prestación de servicios profesionales sino también permite a la empresa a dejar el mundo un poco mejor. Pina Ugliuzza, Director de Desarrollo Regional dice: “Nosotros no sólo somos
bilingües y biculturales estamos.” Por esto, Los cinco problemas más críticos Mark J. ella se refería es que debido a su modelo Kogan ve dentro de la comunidad hispana comunitario de oficinas satélite, forman parte de la comunidad y entiendo a aquellos • Competencia cultural debe aumentarse de manera que que viven allí. Cuando se asocien con tanto los hispanos y no hispanos pueden descubrir sus organizaciones dentro de la comunidad para problemas comunes y también valoro sus diferencias construir un mañana mejor. Con su dedicación para proporcionar • lenguaje reviste una importancia vital para el buenos servicios jurídicos, estrecha relación entendimiento y de los estadounidenses deben entender con las comunidades a las que sirven y de la que estamos en una economía global y ser multilingüe asociación cívica con y sin fines de lucro y es crítica para el éxito del país. Dos tercios de las WSK organizaciones basadas en la fe para servir a personal habla español y con varios dialectos. la comunidad de una manera holística, WSK es proporcionar un modelo para el futuro. • Acceso a la atención de salud con énfasis en atención Si estás interesado en conocer Mark J. preventiva de la salud es importante para que los futuros Kogan o cualquiera de los otros abogados en costos pueden ser controlados. WSK, vaya a www.wsklawyers.com. • Las políticas de inmigración que permitirá que un humano resolución para quienes han estado aquí ilegalmente desde hace muchos años y la reforma política de inmigración que permite racionalizar la inmigración legal con programas de trabajadores huésped necesita en muchas zonas del país. • La educación es fundamental para los hispanos que se mueven a la sociedad estadounidense y pasar a formar parte de la mano de obra y en la estructura política.
DECEMBER 2011 21
Desserts with a Secret Touch There is no denying that Mom’s baking is the best because of her secret ingredient – love. In addition to what comes from the heart, Mom and other home bakers add other secret touches to their recipes to truly make them their own.
Chocolate Tres Leches Cake Yield: 16 servings Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 30 Minutes Ingredients 1 18.25-ounce package Pillsbury® Devil’s Food Cake Mix 1/2 cup Crisco® Pure Vegetable Oil 1 1/4 cups water 3 large eggs Milk Mixture 1 14-ounce can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 3/4 cup half and half 3/4 cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon Topping 2 cups frozen chocolate whipped topping, thawed chocolate decorator sprinkles
©/®The J.M. Smucker Company. Pillsbury is a trademark of The Pillsbury Company, LLC, used under license.
Directions • Prepare and bake cake mix according to package directions for 13 x 9-inch cake using oil, water and eggs. While cake is baking, prepare topping. • Combine sweetened condensed milk, cream, evaporated milk and vanilla in large bowl. Slowly whisk in cocoa and cinnamon. Whisk until cocoa is blended into milk. • Remove cake from oven. Cool 10 minutes. Using a meat fork or skewer, pierce surface of cake several dozen times. While cake is still warm, pour half of the milk mixture over top. Let soak for 1 minute. Pour remainder over cake. Cover. Chill 1 hour. Spread with whipped topping. Top with chocolate sprinkles. • Now through December 7, 2011, visit marcaeagle.com to enter the Eagle Brand Sweet Secret Recipe and Essay Contest. Home cooks who enter an original dessert recipe in one of five categories and submit an essay (100 words or less) describing how Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk is the “sweet secret” in their recipe will have a chance to win the $10,000 grand prize. Open to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C., age 18 or older. Void where prohibited. Visit EagleBrand.com or MarcaEagle.com for complete official rules.
Postres con un toque secreto No se puede negar que los postres que hace mamá son los mejores debido a su ingrediente secreto - el amor. Además de lo que viene del corazón, mamá y otros reposteros aficionados agregan ingredientes secretos a sus recetas para darles un toque personal.
Torta de chocolate Tres Leches Rinde: 16 porciones Tiempo de preparación: 15 minutos Tiempo de cocción: 30 minutos Ingredientes 1 Paquete (18.25 oz) de mezcla para torta Pillsbury®Devil’s Food Cake Mix 1/2 taza de aceite vegetal puro Crisco® 1 1/4 taza de agua 3 huevos grandes Mezcla de leche 1 lata (14 oz) de leche condensada Eagle Brand® Sweetened Condensed Milk 3/4 taza de leche evaporada 1 cucharadita de extracto de vainilla 3 cucharadas de cacao en polvo sin endulzar 1/2 cucharadita de canela molida Cobertura 2 tazas de cubierta batida de chocolate congelado, descongelado grageas de chocolate
Instrucciones • Preparar y hornear de acuerdo con las instrucciones del paquete para una torta de 13 x 9 pulgadas con aceite, agua y huevos. Mientras la torta se hornea, preparar la cobertura. • Mezclar la leche condensada azucarada, la crema, la leche evaporada y la vainilla en un recipiente grande. Agregar lentamente el cacao y la canela. Batir hasta que el cacao se mezcla con la leche. • Sacar la torta del horno. Dejar enfriar durante 10 minutos. Con un tenedor o un pincho, perforar la superficie de la torta varias veces. Mientras que la torta está caliente, verter la mitad de la mezcla de leche sobre la parte superior. Dejarla que absorba durante 1 minuto y verter el resto sobre la torta. Cubrir y dejar enfriar 1 hora. Esparcir la cobertura batida. Cubrir con grageas de chocolate. • Desde ahora hasta el 7 de diciembre de 2011, visita marcaeagle.com para entrar en el concurso de recetas y ensayos Secreto Dulce de Eagle Brand. Los aficionados a la repostería que concursan con una receta de un postre original en una de las cinco categorías y presentan un ensayo (100 palabras o menos) describiendo cómo la leche condensada Eagle Brand es el “pequeño secreto” de su receta tendrán la oportunidad de ganar el primer premio de $10.000. Podrán participar los residentes legales de los 50 estados de Estados Unidos y de D.C., de 18 años o más. No es válido donde esté prohibido. Visita EagleBrand.com o MarcaEagle.com para ver las reglas oficiales completas.
©/®The J.M. Smucker Company. Pillsbury is a trademark of The Pillsbury Company, LLC, used under license.
DECEMBER 2011 23
gifts MADE IN
Central Pa.
Edible Arrangements Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Years…so many holidays, so many dinner parties and get-togethers. Edible Arrangements provides a fun and tasty way to enjoy time together as family and parties with friends. These scrumptious ready-toeat arrangements will make the dinner or buffet table extra special, and they’ll be a welcome hostess gift. Check out all of the terrific themed fall and holiday arrangements at ediblearrangements.com (about $100-$150).
By Christine Conard Shultz
This month, the holidays are for heralding all sorts of good tidings Take heart, shoppers! Here we’ve put together a list of great and cheer, lest we forget why, we celebrate this special time of year. ideas from in and around central Pa. – there are terrific options for But then there’s the gift giving, too. There are all sorts of reasons celebrating and sharing the spirit of our holidays with all things Pa. that we express our love and gratitude to those we love and hold dear. But what to get?
AAA Gift Membership I purchased my personal AAA membership in 1992, after moving back to Harrisburg. My mom and dad first started my AAA membership when I went to college and gave it to me as a stocking stuffer. I’ve continued the tradition with others over the years. This thoughtful gift is an inexpensive way to make sure those you love are covered, even when they are not the driver – plus the AAA card gets you discounts at many regional and national retailers, financial services and hotels. Plus, it’s in effect just seven days after purchase, so you can make it the perfectly timed gift for any occasion, whether you’re giving it in person or it’s sent directly to the recipient. Primary & Associate Memberships are available ($57-$120). Visit aaa.com.
Color Me Mine East and West Shore locations of this popular painting boutique offer lots of gift options. It’s a great place to spend time with the kids, letting them choose a special keepsake piece to paint for a friend or family member. Or you may want to pick up a gift card as a family gift for someone on your list ($25, $50, $75, $100). Find your nearest location or buy online at colormemine.com.
Gifty Baskets and Flowers Gifty Baskets and Flowers in Hanover offers Pennsylvania-inspired gift selections and gourmet foods, including gluten-free gifts, which make a thoughtful presentation for anyone on your list who has dietary restrictions. The company’s courier service will deliver within 24 hours to Harrisburg, Gettysburg and York locations. Gluten-free Snackin’ Time Package (about $60). Shop giftybaskets.com.
Postcard History Series Arcadia publishing brings local history to life in its popular “postcard series” titles. Whether you’d like Wilton Armetale plate your family to learn a bit For years, the Wilton Armetale more about the place or in Lancaster County has been places they call home, or making its mainstay “Health” you’d like to send a title Plate. Made in the tradition of to a former Pa. resident on sand molding and covered with your gift list, these books the molten Armetale metal, this are a wonderful way to get durable plate will withstand years of heavy use and become a family immersed in an illustrated history of our local towns and regions. Find hundreds favorite. Pair it up with a selection of Tastykakes or Herlochers of titles for cities and towns across America at arcadiapublishing.com (about $22). Dipping Mustard and cheeses for a memorable gift (about $30). Find info at armetale.com – click on “Where to Buy” link. Herlocher’s Dipping Mustard It all began with a “Dipp” at the Train Station Restaurant in State College in 1978. Now, Herlocher’s Dipping Mustard is sold in 30 states – and has been featured in Real Simple magazine – and it still has that original zingy, zippy taste that pretzel lovers and Penn Sate fans love! Order four-packs or cases to ship at herlocher.com.
Gold slinky For that person on your gift list who has “everything”…pretty sure they don’t have a gold Slinky! This 14-carat, goldplated novelty is sure to bring a smile to the face of that hard-to-buy-for friend, or the perpetual Kid-At-Heart ($80-$120) amazon.com.
Tastykake What would the holidays be without pie? At Tastykake, the personalized pie collections make the perfect gift for shipping to anyone on your gift list who’s craving a bit of central Pa. baking know-how. In addition to holiday favorites like French Apple and Cherry, send along seasonal favorites like Pumpkin, Caramel Apple and Egg Nog – yum! Classic Collection shown ($19.99). Order online at tastykake.com (about $25).
Choral Tickets For the music lover or as a family holiday outing, purchase tickets to one of our region’s great choral group concerts: Wheatland Chorale (Lancaster), The Harrisburg Singers (Harrisburg) or The Susquehanna Chorale (Hershey) – various pricing for adult, senior and student tickets ($5-$20 in advance).
Potato Chips When you live practically next door to the snack-food capital of the world, how can you not think of sending along some of the best snacks made in Pa.? Whether it’s sweet or salty that your friends and family crave, you can give them their snack-food fix with just a click of the mouse. Shop online at yorkpa.org (click on “Factory Tours” link) for a complete list of snack-food moguls that will ship your gifts, like Hanover, Stauffers, Utz Quality Foods and Wolfgang Candy – gift and party pack assortments (various prices $25 and up).
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