The Spirit - April 2014

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Issue 99 April 2014

Swan Hill Aboriginal Flag blessed


he Aboriginal flag was blessed when raised for the first time at Swan Hill District Health on 19 March. It was part of ‘Closing the Gap Day’, which highlights the national Parliament’s commitment to closing the gap between the life expectancy of Indigenous and other Australians.

Refugees ‘happy to be here and lend a hand’


t John’s Heathcote had some extra helping hands on a February weekend when a group of Iranian refugees came to help move furniture in preparation for renovations inside the church. “The church interior had been moisture damaged, and was being cleaned and paint-

The Revds Robyn Davis (right) and Jan Harper, Swan Hill rector, with the flags.

The Revd Robyn Davis conducted the blessing, using a lovely prayer she crafted from APBA resources. continued on page 4

Inside this issue: • Centre-pages: Murray River and cathedral baptisms • Castlemaine – the future • Benetas invests $2.5 million in St Laurence Court • Swan Hill – new rector, pancakes in the rain!

In May The Spirit turns 100!

ed - everything movable had to be taken out,” said parish treasurer Pam Mason. “We’re short on manpower, but a weekend visitor who works with Urban Neighbours of Hope in the Dandenong area suggested some Iranian refugees might be continued on page 5

H Dear friends, As I sit writing this column for the April edition it is trying to rain, but it is like squeezing tears. It wants to happen, but it just doesn’t! The ants are scurrying everywhere, the magpies are singing and the sky is overcast with massive dark cumulus clouds billowing overhead so I am beginning to feel more hopeful. I hope and pray that by the time you have read this edition of The Spirit, the heavens have opened and the tanks are filling, the garden is looking much brighter and farmers are out preparing for planting. As you would appreciate, there is a strong correlation between the seasons and the Christian calendar, but it really related to the northern hemisphere. At this time of the year in the northern hemisphere, spring is beginning to burst forth with new life, and there is a beautiful bright greenness beginning to appear across the countryside after the bleakness of the northern winter. A colleague in England wrote to me just a few days ago saying, “thank goodness it is a dry spring so far, and everything is beginning to dry out after a very wet winter.” Spring is in anticipation of Easter, resurrection and new life! Churches in many northern countries are decorated from top to toe with all the new spring flowers in celebration of Easter. We are the reverse, as we are in autumn, with the leaves beginning to change, the late growth of summer is over and the plant and animal kingdoms are preparing for winter. We do not have the harsh winters of the north, so still, even in autumn, we have a fair range of flowers in bloom. However, for those responsible in our churches it is always a challenge, and in many of our bigger churches flowers do have to be bought. In the northern hemisphere, in order to coincide with spring and Easter and the celebration of our Lord’s resurrection, many churches have flower shows, and Spring Fairs, which all helps to promote the Easter message. 2  The Spirit April 2014

In Australia it is an increasing battle to capture the attention of the wider community about the meaning of Easter. We are deluged with ads about Easter eggs, hot cross buns and holidays away. It is a challenge, somewhere in all this, to get the message of Easter across. In the UK and North America attendances at Easter services are as good as Christmas, but this is not the case in Australia, where across most communities there is also a multiplicity of events for people to attend. The weather at Easter in Australia is usually really good, and that also doesn’t help us in the churches. I have even heard it said, “Why don’t we adjust the Christian calendar with its major festivals to fit the southern hemisphere?” I think this has been partly encouraged by the outstanding success in many parts of Australia with Christmas in July. If that was the case we would have Easter somewhere around September each year as spring rolls in. But would this cause confusion or be of assistance to us in the churches? I think we should stick with the same Christian calendar across the world and work with it. This is a challenge for us in Australia, but perhaps we need to be a little more elastic with the Easter celebration and not cram everything into Easter Day itself. After all, the Easter season event in the church calendar goes on for fifty days. One of the clergy recently told me that there were more people at church the Sunday after Easter than on Easter Day itself, as so many of the regular congregation were away over the Easter weekend. If this is the case, we need to think increasingly on what is the best way to celebrate Easter.

ave you read or seen on the television in recent weeks major concerns about what is called ‘out of home care’ in Victoria. This term refers to children placed, often by the Courts and Department of Human Services, into foster or residential care, usually through an agency like St Luke’s or Anglicare Victoria. St Luke’s currently runs a number of residential units in Bendigo, and teenagers from right across the Loddon Mallee region are placed in them. Many of the young people have acute and complex needs. The state government has recently announced a boost in funding for out of home care, to provide for the introduction of therapeutic services across the state to these young people. This is good news, and something that has been asked for by agencies like St Luke’s for a long time. However, it may be a case of too little too late! Sadly, it is ironic that the richer our society becomes, the number of children in need is rising. Schools all report more children with complex needs, and in many schools even an inability to cope. I often ask, what does all this mean? There are no simple answers, and the issues that are the root cause of many of the problems are complex. But thank God we have agencies like St Luke’s and Anglicare Victoria with their dedicated staff who are out there, day in day out, working with these young people. This Easter, spare a thought for all involved – the children, young people, schools and those who work with them this Easter. q

Caring at a time of need

In the meantime, a joyful and blessed Easter for 2014. 151 McCrae Street Bendigo 12 Victoria Street Eaglehawk

P. 5441 5577

A tradition that continues...

Coffee, cake and mission conversation


n invitation is extended to everyone, especially those in the Bendigo area, to come and explore the new St Mary’s Kangaroo Flat church on Monday 28 April at 7.30pm. Join Dean John Roundhill, for ‘coffee, cake and mission conversation’. John will be focussing on “What does MISSION mean for us in our daily lives in this ‘lucky country’ of Australia?” You are invited to bring your friends plus a $5 donation, and one or more items to help stock the ‘bring and buy’ stall. Diana Smith looks forward to hearing from you by 22 April –5443 0174 or Other ABM gatherings will be held on Tuesday 20 May at Elmore Wednesday 21 May at Maldon, and Thursday 22 May at St Arnaud. Sunday 29 June will see Northern Mallee focus on ABM at their morning service, with some of the other parishes in the Mallee deanery joining them. These events are proudly presented by the Bendigo Diocese ABM Auxiliary. q Jenny Rainsford, acting President, ABM Diocesan Auxiliary

Cohuna Bridging the gap ach year Cohuna Hospital runs a significant fundraiser, ‘The Bridge to Bridge’ run/walk/swim/cycle race that draws competitors from interstate. Cohuna parish decided we could no longer go off to worship while the whole district, and more, gathered just around the corner. So we gave up our regular Sunday service for parishioners at our centres in Cohuna, Leitchville and Gunbower to cook freshly baked scones. Not only was Devonshire tea being served to raise a significant sum of money for the hospital’s ongoing operations, but the church enjoyed really positive community interaction, so raising our profile and building relationships. Well done to all our people for their good witness and hard work. q Simon Robinson


Bishop Andrew with Benetas chef Tony and Benetas’ Chris Karagiannis in the new Eaglehawk kitchen.

Major upgrades for Benetas’ Bendigo facilities


$2.5 million investment into Benetas’ two Bendigo-based aged care homes will ensure that local older Victorians continue to receive exceptional services and care. On Tuesday 25 February, Benetas staff and residents welcomed Bishop Andrew Curnow and Registrar Anne Baker from the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo to officially celebrate the redevelopments. Not-for-profit aged care provider Benetas, in partnership with the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo, was pleased to completely refurbish and expand the kitchen and laundry facilities at St Laurence Court in Eaglehawk and Kangaroo Flat. The major investment has seen both sites upgraded with brand new commercial kitchen and laundry equipment, including new fridges, ovens, washing machines and dryers. In particular, the upgrade to commercial laundry equipment for both sites will see a significant increase in quality and efficiency for residents.

Registrar Anne Baker and Benetas’ Chris Karagiannis with the commemorative plaque at Kangaroo Flat.

“Upgrading these facilities was very important to not only Benetas, but the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo as well,” said Benetas General Manager of Property Services, Chris Karagiannis. “These new building improvements will help Benetas improve the capacity to provide a high level of care and services to current and future residents.” Fiona Phipps, Benetas

Anglican Diocese of Bendigo 4 Myers Street PO Box 2 Bendigo Bendigo Vic 3550 Vic 3552 Fixed Term Deposit – 12 months 2.75 % p.a. (minimum deposit $1,000)

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Parish Bonus Account – 24 hour or fixed, at above rates (minimum deposit $5,000) April 2014 The Spirit  3

Swan Hill Aboriginal Flag blessed continued from front cover

What’s coming up 13-20 April Holy Week 17 April Consecration of oils and renewal of ministry vows 27 April St George’s Trentham 1pm on 150th picnic and pageant 28 April Kangaroo Flat: coffee cake 7.30pm & mission conversation 3 May Ordination, Swan Hill 27 May Week of Prayer for - 3 June Reconciliation 30-31 May Bendigo Diocesan Synod 1-8 June Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 8 June Inglewood 150th 25 June MU Winter Gathering 30 June General Synod (Adelaide) - 4 July 21-25 July MU National Conference (Brisbane) 26-31 July MU Wave of Prayer 26 August MU retreat day 6-9 October Clergy retreat 12 October Newbridge 150th Want a significant event included? Please send dates and place to thespirit@

The Spirit Monthly newsmagazine (except January) of the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo. Address: The Spirit, PO Box 2, Bendigo 3552 Member, Australasian Religious Press Association Editor: The Revd Dr Charles Sherlock Manager: Sarah Crutch (Registry) Committee Chair: The Revd Bryn Jones email: The Spirit is published in the first week of the month (excluding January). Advertising: rates are available from the Editor. All advertisements are accepted at the Editor’s discretion; acceptance does not imply endorsement of the product or service. Contributions are welcome, and will be edited: email submission is preferred. Anonymous articles will not be considered for publication. Photographs should be in digital form, full size: please send the ‘raw’ photo. Physical photographs are normally not returned. The Anglican Diocese of Bendigo and the Editor are not responsible for opinions expressed by contributors, nor do these necessarily reflect the policy of the diocese. Next contributions deadline: April 23 4  The Spirit April 2014

God of holy Dreaming, Great Creator Spirit, from the dawn of creation you have given your children the good things of Mother Earth. You spoke and the gum tree grew. In the vast deserts and dense forest, and in towns at the water’s edge, creation sings your praise. Your presence endures as the rock at the heart of our land.


“Thanks, John & Marjory, for your support”


s Ron Traill, husband of Canon Glenis Traill of Christ Church, Echuca, suffered deteriorating health, and the pressure on him and Glenis increased, Echuca parish looked for support for Glenis. Help was available from a previous rector, Archdeacon John Geldart, who had served the parish from 1979 to 1987 and was in retirement in Bendigo.

Give us all the courage to accept the realities of our history, so that we may build a better future for our nation and our community. Help us to respect all cultures. Help us to care for our land and waters. Help us to share justly the resources of this ancient land. We ask your blessing now upon this flagpole and upon this flag, which is a symbol of pride for our people. We ask that it hold special meaning to all those who gaze upon it, that they have eyes to see and hearts open to the true meaning of reconciliation. That we all show courage and respect as we journey together. We ask your blessing on each and every one of us, Lord, as we stand upon this ancient ground. Bring peace to all of us, protect us from harm, help us to be strong in body and mind. Strengthen us in all difficulties and help us to show love and understanding to our fellow man. We thank you for the many blessings you have given each of us. May they rest upon us until we meet again. In the name of Jesus. Amen. We were entertained by dancers, and by a didgeridoo player from the Marruk project. The Hospital Board member who spoke had some difficulty trying to pronounce indigenous names. Official host Debra Chaplin, Swan Hill District Health Aboriginal hospital liaison officer, helped with the correct pronunciation! The railing near the flag poles was beautifully decorated with Illyarrie (Red Cap Gum). q Jan Harper

John, supported by his wife Marjory, drove from Bendigo two or three times weekly over a period of four months to support Glenis and Ron, and minister to the parish. They also became great visitors to locals needing support. All this time John found old friends, and I am sure Marjory kept the house in Bendigo going – they were tireless workers. Good luck, John and Marjory, and our great thanks. May God return our wishes to you many-fold. q


Christ Church Echuca

ostscript: Ron Traill died on 3 February, and his funeral took place on 10 February. Bishop Andrew and Bishop Ron took the service, assisted by the Revd Stuart Winn, one of our cluster clergy. In the service leaflet was this quote from Henry Drummond:

You will find as you look back on your life that the moments when you have really lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love.

This spoke much of our Ron. q Glenise Masters

The Iranian refugees hard at work moving the pulpit out of St John’s Heathcote.

Refugees ‘happy to be here to lend a hand’ continued from front page

interested, combining being helpful with experiencing some Australian country life. They were, and a carload came up last weekend. “There was lots of advice in English and Persian and lots of laughs,” Pam said. The extreme heat on the Saturday meant the work was done in the morning. “We shared a barbeque on Saturday evening and our worship service on Sunday morning. The group also enjoyed swimming in Lake Eppalock and doing a walk along Mt Ida taking in the expansive views.”

We were able to hold a cello recital on Saturday 1 March: the church looked beautiful.” q Adapted from an article in The McIvor Times by Barbara Sungaila, based on one from Pam Mason. Swan Hill Secondary College students serving up despite the rain.

The Iranians spoke with their fellowworkers about being on bridging visas, the insecurity around obtaining permanent visas, “and their frustration with not knowing when they can progress to normal living.” “Despite their uncertainties, they all expressed their relief to be safely in Australia and are extremely pleased to be here,” Pam continued. “They were a lovely group and we, the members of St John’s, support their application for permanent residency. “We are saddened by and disappointed with the Australian Government’s attitude to refugees, particularly the targeting of ‘boat people’. “Meanwhile, the painting of our church has been completed, and we were able to worship at 10am the following Sunday in our new surroundings - we have the pews slightly angled, which people like.

Swan Hill’s wet pancake night


ain poured down while hundreds of pancakes were cooked at Swan Hill for Shrove Tuesday. This was what faced the hospitality students from Swan Hill Secondary College, whose teacher, Mrs Kylie Gardiner, involves them in real situations as part of their assessment. Year 8 students prepared food and fed well over one hundred people, serving two courses of pancakes topped with meat and white sauce. A second course of pancakes with maple syrup, raspberry topping, ice cream and fruit – delicious!

Our newly appointed priest, the Revd Jan Harper, welcomed everyone. She offered thanks to God to begin the meal, and at the conclusion thanked everyone for their attendance, particularly Mrs Gardner and her students. They were presented with a small gift and a donation towards their trip to Melbourne Market later in the year. A fun family gathering – good food and good fellowship. q Marg Crilly April 2014 The Spirit  5

Fourteen godparents for cathedral baptism St Paul’s choir with Marceline,in Kat’s arms with dad Evan behind.

Swan Hill -

Murray River baptism


ack Allen Lowe was recently baptised by submersion in the Murray River at Swan Hill. His godparents Katie Riska and Zac Tarsoly, together with mum and dad Jonathan and Bianca, brought Jack to the water, where he was baptised by the Revd Heather Blackman.


Jack’s parents, Jonathan and Bianca, are at left, with the Revd Heather Blackman baptising Jack, as godparents Katie Riska and Zac Tarsoly lend their support.

n Sunday 23 March, baby Marceline Li-Shan Ritchie was baptised at St Paul’s Cathedral, Bendigo. Her mother and father are members of the choir, and all 14 choir members stood as godparents.

Five years ago, with the cathedral newly closed, Marceline’s mother, Kat, was baptised on Easter Day at a service held on the upper level of Coles carpark, with the whole choir as her godparents! q

Progressive dinner for Inglewood

Jack is Heather’s great nephew, and his family lives in Swan Hill, where Heather (now at Christ Church Old Cathedral St Arnaud) has close family ties. Those who attended - 54 in all - included Jack’s family and friends, together with parishioners from Christ Church Swan Hill. The service took place on a sand bar just out of Swan Hill to allow for easy and shallow access to the river. Heather said that Jack was accustomed to water – she handled his baptism really well. q Fay McKenny

– and new rector!

Bishop Andrew with the Revd Jan Harper after she was inducted as rector of Swan Hill parish on 25 February.

6  The Spirit April 2014


t was a perfect evening for Inglewood parish’s progressive dinner on Saturday 22 February. Appetisers were served by the river at Sue and John Vanston’s home, Salisbury West, with some very dapper drink waiters serving the punch and wine, and elegant hostesses serving Claus Menich in full drinks waiter flight. the nibbles. The main course was also by the river, but at Bridgewater this time, at Allan and Sue Brown’s property. The tables were loaded with meats and a vast array of salads and we ate in view of the river. Darkness fell, and it was time to head back to Inglewood for sweets at the Senior

Citizen’s Centre, where Shaun St Clair provided music. There was a complaint that the plates weren’t big enough for a taste of each dish, but many people overcame this shortcoming by taking the opportunity of going back for seconds. The Revd Jan Harper was taking her final service in Inglewood parish on the following day. Councillor Colleen Condliffe presented Jan with a framed photo of the river at Bridgewater, on behalf of the Kooyoora Women’s Network. The parish presented her with a Kindle e-reader. Jan was able to thank the Community for their encouragement and friendship over the two years she was priest in charge of Inglewood parish. “It has been one of the happiest periods of my life,” she responded. q

Sunraysia South celebrates God’s generosity


iving thanks to God for his generosity has been high on the agenda at Sunraysia South parish in the last month. At the AGM it was reported that general giving had again increased by 10% for the second year in a row. Since Red Cliffs took on parish status again in 2007, it was decided that the emphasis would be on faith raising and not fund raising. The parish is very grateful for the continued support from Bush Church Aid over the years, which is being slowly reduced each year.

Castlemaine Anglican Church parish nominators Deborah Coulthard, Samantha Bews and Glen Roberts with Bishop Andrew Curnow examining parts of Christ Church Castlemaine. Photo: Max Lesser

Laying foundations for the future


hursday February 27, marked 160 years since the laying of the first foundation stone for Castlemaine’s iconic Anglican Church on Agitation Hill. Bishop Andrew Curnow stopped over in Castlemaine to acknowledge the anniversary and meet with 1ocal parishioners.

“It was eventually completed and was dedicated and consecrated on February 21, 1858 by Bishop Perry himself.”

“The bishop of Melbourne at the time, Bishop Charles Perry, had a grand plan to build a series of churches located a day’s walk apart, all the way from the Port of Melbourne to the goldfields at Forest Creek,” the bishop said. “Over a 10-year period Bishop Perry oversaw the construction of churches at Coburg, Bulla, Sunbury, Woodend, Malmsbury and finally here in Castlemaine.

“All these churches have stood the test of time except Castlemaine, where the elements have taken more of a toll on the historic church. As you can see, one of the buttresses has already been redone and we will have to look at how we can take the building into the next 160 years,” Bishop Curnow said.

“The first stone was laid for the church at Forest Creek, now Castlemaine, on February 27, 1854 on the current site at Agitation Hill, overlooking the fledgling gold rush. It is certainly an historic site, and in the early days had a clear view to the gaol on the hill beyond and across the town to the Burke and Wills monument. “Because of language difficulties with the German architect, there was some confusion with the instructions given to the builders. This resulted in a fault in the foundations, which meant that half the building was condemned.

Bishop Curnow. said that the churches were all constructed of bluestone, apart from the one here in Castlemaine, which was constructed out of local sandstone.

“The builders of the era did an amazing job. They built churches and chapels going on their memories and knowledge of buildings back home. However, there were two things they did not take into account - our harsher climate, and our soil,” he said. Bishop Curnow said that with current Castlemaine Anglican Church rector Ken Parker retiring, it was time for the local parishioners to begin the process of seeking out a new rector to help build a new foundation for the church in the Castlemaine region into the future. q Lisa Dennis , The Castlemaine Mail

A preaching series was held last year on ‘Time, Talents and Treasure’. Not only has parish giving increased, but giving towards mission (local, Australia and overseas) increased by almost 50%. If this was not enough, our annual ‘Gift Day’ was held concurrently with the AGM, seeking to raise funds for a new photo-copier (pictured with Diane Smithers.) Not only was enough money raised, but this was the first time we had exceeded our goal! Gift Day money was tithed and set aside for BCA’s work. The guest preacher for the parish’s birthday celebration was BCA’s Victorian Regional Officer, the Revd Adrian Lane, who in his sermon focused on prayer. The ongoing challenge continues with yearly rises in most of our bills, and also the need to keep paying for our rectory loan - each month is a big challenge. We trust that God will continue to supply the resources we need, to be an active church seeking to share Jesus and grow Christian followers. We are very thankful for God’s generosity in all sorts of ways, but we want to make sure that we are most thankful to God for his son Jesus Christ, a far greater treasure than any silver or gold! q Dale Barclay April 2014 The Spirit  7

Beating around the bush Woodend seeks healing of past abuse


hirty years ago the rector of the parish of Woodend took his own life in the rectory garage. The service register notes his death and funeral, and the report in the local paper speaks warmly of his close links with the Malmsbury Youth Training centre. Older parisioners recall young men being often seen helping around the gardens. The reason for his suicide was not disclosed to the parish, however. He was about to be arrested to face a string of accusations of abusing young men, even in St Mary’s church itself. The Revd Dr Peta Sherlock, locum rector, found the atmosphere in the building to be oppressive, as had some of her predecessors. Researching St Mary’s history for its 150th anniversary, the truth came out. Bishop Andrew agreed to take part in a healing service for the building, which took place on 19 March - suggesting that “lots of candles are lit, to shine the light of Christ in the darkness”. It was a quiet gathering, with the parish’s Lenten hymns, readings from Holy Innocents, and a litany of light at each point in the church. All present – from Trentham as well as Woodend – took part in lighting candles as the peace was shared. In his homily, Bishop Andrew spoke strongly about the harm done to the young men involved - there may well be locals still affected by the abuse. Harm was also done to St Mary’s, and its witness to the light of Christ. He told the congregation that he was glad that the truth had come to light: the rector had caused ten of thouands of dollars to be paid out in compensation. After the service, parishioners shared a meal with Bishop Andrew at Zarby’s restaurant in Woodend. The following Sunday morning saw the baptism of a parish couple’s son. Peta Sherlock stated that this seemed to focus the healing process which had climaxed in the Wednesday service. “Now we look to Easter with renewed hope,” she said. q Charles Sherlock

8  The Spirit April 2014


Where’s Andy? The ‘Flying Kangaroo’

ou will know the logo of our national airline – the Flying Kangaroo. After a long drive from Rockhampton to Longreach in outback Queensland, it was always comforting to see the Flying Kangaroo miles ahead on the tail of the huge Boeing 747 that is an exhibit at the QANTAS Founders’ Museum. It announced that I was ‘nearly there’!

Kangaroo as one approaches the town!

The Flying Kangaroo logo was designed in 1944 and first appeared on QANTAS planes in 1947. It was based on the kangaroo design of the Australian one penny coin and was originally used on QANTAS aircraft flying on what was known as the ‘Kangaroo Service’ between Australia and the United Kingdom. QANTAS had its origins in outback The logo has changed five times over the central western Queensland. The airline years, in five quite interesting and differwas the dream realised of three people – ent ways. The familiar and contemporary Paul McGinnis, Hudson Fysh and Fergus format we have today has been in use since McMaster. Their company was regis2007. tered on 20 June 1920 as Queensland and Bishop Andrew havingInaHudbreak - but Jeremy Ashton, Alf Austin and Northern Territory AerialisServices. a logo or symbol there is alThe SpiritBehind fascinating reading! still find son Fysh’s words,Fiona it was Goy formed “out of the ways a story or meaning, and the story May, Bishop the Burke & Wills tree, hope that inInthe road-less and Andrew bridge-lesswas at of the Flying Kangaroo logo is no excepCurlewis Street, Swan Hill a huge Morton Bay fig . western plains, where all road transport tion. Even more widely known and recThe first correct came from McConnell, Kerang - congratulations! ceased following heavy answer rain, perhaps the Anjuliognised than the Flying Kangaroo is the aeroplane might serve a useful purpose.” symbol of the Cross. This symbol will be foremost in the minds of thinking ChrisThe beginnings of QANTAS are associtians on Good Friday – a solemn day for ated with outback towns such as Winton, reflection in the Christian year. Longreach and Cloncurry. The people of the outback embraced the new company In our churches we will reflect on the and the infant airline by becoming sharestory of Jesus’ death on the cross, and holders, and the original owners. Airmail search for its meaning for our own lives. to, from, and around the outback became Jesus allowed himself to be taken to the a reality, and eventually outback people cross, trusting God to provide the meanbecame the first loyal passengers. Several ing for his suffering in God’s time. He planes were even built in Longreach. had been given the promise of his Fa-

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Maldon laughter club - it’s no joke!

It was from such small outback beginnings that QANTAS came into being, and has become one of the world’s greatest and safest airlines. The QANTAS story is wonderfully told in the outstanding QANTAS Founders’ Museum in Longreach. One can see and explore many aircraft, from replica of the first back QANTAS he askate park at the of the hall rings out each Saturday plane, a parish rather small and flimsy little one, with peals of laughter. Jenny Parker, right through to walking the wings of a ‘laughterologist’, leadstrythe Boeing 747. You can yourgroup, hand who at guffaw, chortle, titter, giggle and piloting a number of planes in one discover of the more ways of laughing for half an hour. flight simulators. Just look for the Flying


ther’s love for him that would never end - and he trusted that promise at each step in his journey to crucifixion.

Jesus challenges his followers – “take up your cross daily and follow me”. On Good Friday, perhaps Jesus shows us what this means from the best known The group are laughing symbol of all,above the cross. Takingforup‘World one’s Laughter Day’, 6 May, created bypromise Dr Madan cross means remembering the of Kataria, founder Laughter Yoga. The God’s love, and of accepting whatever life laughter club is part of Maldon’s Mission brings as something which will not deAction Plan: Jenny sees this activity as stroy God’s love for us. q further linking church and community.  Bishop Ron

Jan Harper

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‘Nara Dreaming’ turns five!

he Nara Dreaming Exhibition is about to open for the fifth year. It manifests an ambition held by a small group of local Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal visual and performing artists, to bring together a cross-cultural exhibition featuring various mediums including painting, sculpture and photography. This small group includes our own Indigenous deacon, the Revd Robyn Davis, of Walkabout Ministries. A diverse group of artists have come together with Robyn for this exhibition - Trina Dalton-Oodges (Aboriginal artist), Bill Whitbread (photographer), Anne Conway (performing artist), Alan Boromeo (artist and sculptor), Simon Penrose (award winning Aboriginal photographer) and Aunty Georgina Jackson (jewellery maker).

The Exhibition will be held at ‘Avisford’, 1023 Calder Alternative Highway, Lockwood in a purpose-built rustic venue colloquially named ‘Bill’s Shed’. Its launch takes place at a gala Opening Evening from 6pm on Friday 23 May. 2014. The Exhibition will be open on the weekends of 24-25 May and 31 May-1 June (10 – 4pm), at various times during the week, or by arrangement. All artwork will be available for purchase, but must remain on exhibit until the end of the Exhibition; craftwork items can be taken upon purchase. Part of the proceeds from the Exhibition will go to our sponsors, New Horizons Welfare Services. Enquiries: contact Robyn Davis 0431 155 456, q

Cycling by faith Prayer - breathing in hope Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)


hen we breathe, our hope is in the next breath being fulfilled. When cycling, this is essential. Prayer is like our next breath. As we breathe out our prayers, we must be ready and place our hope in being given the next Spiritfilled prayer to expel. As Charles Spurgeon states in Daily Help, “Prayer is the breath of God in a person returning from whence it came”. In recent years I have come to appreciate the link of fervent prayer in our Almighty God and being sustained in my physical living. By praying for others during long distance cycling events, I place my life and needs in the hands of the Father, knowing that he is our provider in every aspect. Taking my eyes off my own self, and upholding others, sustains me - and yet at the same time this provides for others that are around me. God sustains us to be where others need to know him, when through prayer and faith we stand and endure. Prayer equates to power in the Spirit, and being sustained in our physical lives. The familiar saying is true - “God does not

give us strength to overcome, but as we overcome God gives us strength!” In some events we have ridden over 400 kms in one stretch, before resting off the bike for a few hours sleep, then getting back on the bike for more hours of endurance. These are times of complete assurance of the presence of God in prayer.

The Revd Robyn Davis with some of her art work.

Change a life. Donate now.

In Proverbs 3: 5-6 we read, Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. This was one of the first scripture passages which the Holy Spirit illuminated for me as soul food and strength when I first came to faith. I find this text like a prayer guide, a rock to stand on, along with 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 cited above. There is no place, no time, no circumstance, that we cannot but give all thanks and praise to God in Christ Jesus. Our unceasing prayers are to be the very breath that allows us to exist in God’s presence with all our heart and mind, in unity of faith, trusting the Lord Jesus: this is God’s will for us all.

St Luke’s is there to work with people and give them a renewed sense of dignity Andrew Curnow AM and worth.– StBishop Luke’s Board President Donate to St Luke’s Anglicare Donate by phone 03 5440 8140 or email Direct deposit via Bendigo Bank: BSB 633 000 ACC 130329535 Albury • Bendigo • Castlemaine Deniliquin • Echuca • Kyneton Maryborough • Swan Hill

Looking forward to seeing you on the road soon God willing q Eddie Barkla April 2014 The Spirit  9

Jesus: Hallelujah, what a saviour!


aster includes the excitement of scoffing down hot cross buns and peeling wrapping from chocolate eggs. Yet its true meaning is deeper - Jesus dying to save us from our sins, and being raised to new life. We are all sinners. But we can come to God and seek forgiveness, for nothing is too much for God to handle. Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery and told her to go and “leave your life of sin” (John 8:1-11). He also forgave the ‘sinful’ woman who anointed him: “Your faith has saved you” (Luke 7:36-50). Back in ancient Israel, God provided for sins to be forgiven through the Day of Atonement, to make the people clean (Leviticus 16). The New Testament points to Jesus’ death as God’s final, decisive provision for atonement (Hebrews 9:1114). Its writers use other images, too, to get across the wonderful Easter truth that through Jesus we can be made clean, made right with God, made whole, reconciled, rescued from death and the devil! A person may feel ‘too far gone’ to carry on, especially if their life has been drenched in evil. In the movie ‘Pay it Forward’, a homeless man comes across a woman about to jump off a bridge. “Listen!” he says. “Nothing’s that important.” She answers: “Trust me - I’m not worth it.” But each of us is worth it, for we are all God’s children. Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). For anyone who has sinned to be made clean, all that is needed is to seek God’s forgiveness. No amount of flagellation or other self-punishment will make us right with God. Only true repentance and moving on makes things right: and that’s what God’s Spirit does in us. So, whatever a person has done – God can deal with it. Whatever sin has been committed, we can confess, seek forgiveness and move on. Jesus was an innocent man who was arrested, ridiculed, tortured and left to die, all for our sake (Matthew 27:35-50). He went through all of that so that we don’t have to. Because we are all ‘worth it’. Angela Morrissey 10  The Spirit April 2014

There’s a word for it: ‘passion’ W

e all know what passion is, right? It’s the steamy bits in romantic movies. Well, yes and no. Romantic and sexual passion is a heightened feeling based on mutual attraction. But passion is wider than that.

it as “To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs”. Pathein is the word used here and in all the references in the epistles listed above.

In the Christian calendar, the final days of Lent are traditionally called ‘passiontide’, Passion is a common word because they deal with the sufused to describe anything fering and death of Jesus. Traditionally, from flowers and fruits - passion flower / passiontide refers to the last two weeks fruit - to any intense emotion. We speak before Easter. The Book of Common Prayer of many emotions, from anger or lust to refers to the fifth Sunday in Lent as ‘coma strong enthusiasm for something in monly called Passion Sunday.’ After that terms of passion. Phrases such as passioncomes ‘The Sunday next before Easter, ate intensity, passionate belief, making an commonly called Palm Sunday.’ APBA impassioned speech etc. often speak of puts both together, zeal for good causes. Those with a passion for Christ and lists the Sixth Though not always. become open to sharing in his passion Sunday in Lent as Yeats in his poem, ‘Passion Sunday or ‘The Second Coming’ speaks of Palm Sunday.’ Passiontide is now reduced The best lack all conviction, while the worst to one week only: Holy Week. I’m not Are full of passionate intensity. sure that that is a change for the better! In the New Testament, the first and All this reminds us that those who folmost obvious meaning of passion occurs low Jesus put their lives on the line and in the letters of Paul. In Galatians 5:24, open themselves to the possibility of sufColossians 3:5 and 1Thessalonians 4:5 fering for their faith. Jesus himself cauthere are references to ‘passion’, dealing tioned his followers that there would be with the disorderly forces of unredeemed a cost to those who believe in him: If any human nature. The inference is that want to become my followers, let them deny uncontrolled human appetites must be themselves and take up their cross and folbrought under submission to the rule of low me. (Mark 8:34). God’s Holy Spirit or to the reign of Jesus. Those with a passion for Christ beBut talk of emotional appetite is only come open to a sharing in his passion. half the story. At the heart of the word Richard Stamp [] passion there is suffering. Our English PS: What of passion flowers (flos passionis)? The word ‘passion’ derives, in both Latin and name apparently arose from the supposed Greek, from the verb ‘to suffer.’ The Latin patior means to bear, support, undergo, suffer and endure. From this comes such English words as passionate / impassioned, patible, compatible, patience/impatience, patient (in both senses) and compassion, that human and godly attribute which speaks of shared suffering. In Greek the verb is pathein, meaning to suffer. From this we get all the patho- words: pathology, pathogen, pathos, psychopath - and the words ending in –pathy: apathy, antipathy, empathy, homeopathy, sympathy. The Greek word has within it the idea of being subject to pressures and wounds from without. So in Acts 1:3 we have a direct link of the verb ‘to suffer’ with the passion of Jesus. The King James Version translates

resemblance of the corona to the crown of thorns, and of other parts of the flower to the nails / wounds of Christ’s passion.

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A tale of a bush-whacked locum


nce upon a Sunday, a Bendigo locum priest and her husband set out for early morning services in the bush of central Victoria. All went well – they dodged the many kangaroos and one slow echidna crossing the road, and arrived in the area. She had been told, “you can’t miss it”. But one left turn too many and the locum was lost. She came to the longabandoned Catholic church, did a Uturn and tried the other way – but no Anglican church came into view. The time was getting on. It was a tiny town – how could the church be missed? They stopped at a farmhouse. No one home. Drove further on - at last, someone home. With much waving of hands, pointing of fingers, more of “you won’t miss it” and off they went again. Around a corner, down another road, they didn’t miss it – there it was at last. Their first drive to Rheola had ended successfully. Next time they won’t miss it – will they?


ome hard-won-over-the-years citybased locum priest facts.

* ‘“You can’t miss it!”. Beware, you can. * Is your left the same as theirs? * Instructions like “the third rubbish bin on the right” are not reliable directions. * Don’t try to listen to two people giving directions at the same time. * Write it down! More mature brains are already too full to absorb complicated directions. * GPS and paper maps are no substitute for local knowledge.

Enjoy the trip. You may find places you didn’t know existed. Just try to get there in time for the service. Don’t rush: if you’re late, they will understand and use the time to talk about local matters – and welcome you when you arrive in one piece. q Anonymous – but you know who it is!

media matters

And the Oscar goes to... Ellen de Generes!


Well done, Ellen, and your writers! t is Lent and the time for I was going to write about how well confession, for she compered. I was going to compare coming clean, her to a kind of priestly go-between. Elreally clean. I len is both celebrity herself but also a nawatch ... The ïve fan of celebrities. Ellen, lesbian Ellen, Bachelor, The Bachelorette, The Biggest who shows photos of her beautiful wife Loser, and My Kitchen Rules (when the Portia de Rossi, actually stalked George nasty girls are cooking). This year I hit Clooney until he finally came onto her rock bottom. I watched at least two hours show. She then drooled over him with of The Oscars. I heard someone else on all her audience. She may be attracted radio admit they watched the lot and did to women, but she can sure empathise all their month’s worth of with women who lust The world’s a stage. ironing. I hate ironing. I after George and Brad prepared some visual aids The light is in one’s eyes ... and Matt Damon. for my Ash Wednesday Ellen is a better interviewer than and Lent services. The guilt set in and I Oprah ever was. She has a wicked sense turned it off. of humour that questions the basic asI was going to tell you sumptions of celebrity life, while being what a great job Ellen one of the biggest celebrities herself. did in compering The She took the mickey out of the Oscars, Oscars. I was watching dressed as Glinda the good witch of as she brought on the the West for one shot, and ran around pizza guy, and handed amongst the celebrity audience like a out pizza to starving celebrities, who had crazy fan. spent the whole day getting ready for Now I discover she was acting! She was the red carpet and photoshoot and bestall the while reading her lines. Not that I dressed awards. Brad Pitt guzzled his do not admire that genius. Not everyone pizza. Harrison Ford dropped his down can find such good writers, or live within the front of his dinner jacket and had to her script so that we believe she is makleave to clean up. ing it up on the spot. Then Ellen made her biggest move. She ‘All the world’s a stage’, wrote Shaketook a selfie on her smartphone starting speare. Hilaire Belloc expanded it to a with Meryl Streep who gushed “I’ve never whole sonnet: tweeted before!” Eventually about ten ceThe world’s a stage. lebrities clustered and she sent out a photo The light is in one’s eyes. that had 2.8 million re-tweets and sent The auditorium is extremely dark. twitter into spasm. Kevin Spacey came running from many rows back. Brad The more dishonest get the larger rise; hogged at least two of her tweets, leaving the more offensive make the greater mark. Angelina crowded out, while little Liza The women on it prosper by their shape, Minelli jumped up and down at the back Some few by their vivacity. The men, trying to get into the photo. by tailoring, in breeches and in cape. The next day Ellen - yes, I found jobs The world’s a stage - I say it once again. to do in front of the TV again - showed The scenery is very much the best the whole thing on her show, including of what the wretched drama has to show. introducing the bemused pizza guy. Ellen Also the prompter happens to be dumb. handed out free smartphones to everyWe drink behind the scenes and pass a jest one in her audience - and the fog lifted. I On all our folly, then, before we go, heard from someone else that she was seen Loud cries for “Author”... after the show using her own iPhone. but he doesn’t come. The whole smartphone thing was the Peta Sherlock world’s best ever advertisement! Retweeted 3 million times! April 2014 The Spirit  11

Fence art sends the message

Bishop Andrew, parishioners Allison Mitchell and Louise Ross, the Revds Stuart Winn and Gordon Lingard.

Alana and Milla with Christmas 2013 fence art


hristmas 2013 saw St Mark’s Golden Square display iconic words and symbols on its fence to give the message of peace, love, hope and joy. Many parishioners were involved, including the children. We all enjoy creating messages of faith to share with each other and the Bendigo community. WIth the Christmas art taken down, the parish is now writing and gathering prayers for our Easter fence art witness. q Rosemary Pease

Caption comp winners -


rchdeacon John Geldart swathed in shaving cream and cheezels was the March caption competition subject. Honourable mention goes to “Put on the whole armour of God and then suffer the children to come unto you!” (Adrian Rothwell, St Paul’s Kyneton). But the wining entry came from Fred Hassell (St John’s Colbinabbin): The celebrant’s own creamation! A book by the Editor is on its way to Fred.

Community building through coffee and cake at a church cafe


riends Cafe at St Mary’s Lockington was opened by Bishop Andrew on 23 March. It was a thrill for parishioners to have the bishop, whose first parish was Lockington, back in his old ‘stomping ground’.

The idea is to provide a place for people to enjoy coffee and cake with friends. God willing, this will enable parishioners to strengthen Lockington community ties. The cafe is open each Monday 9.15am - 3.15pm.

Hot Harvest Thanksgiving at Walpeup


espite a fortnight of over 40 degrees, the congregation at Walpeup gathered to celebrate Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday 2 March (pictured at right). The service was led by Fr Gary Fordham - and because it was so hot he didn’t wear his robes. Our summer gardens had suffered from the hot conditions, and the only perishables we could muster were a few tomatoes, grapes, eggs and herbs. Then three days later we rejoiced in 54mm of glorious soaking rain, resulting both in a changed landscape and a tangible illustration of the power of God’s transforming love. Each February the four centres of Central Mallee CoOperative Parish (Ouyen, Underbool, Patchewollock, Walpeup) celebrate the harvest. Goods are brought as an offering of our thanks for God’s wonderful provision. Non-perishable items are taken to Mallee Family Care for distribution, and perishable

items are sold amongst the congregation and funds raised are forwarded to them. Touch the earth lightly, Use the earth gently, Nourish the life of the world in our care: Gift of great wonder, ours to surrender, trust for the children tomorrow will bear. (TiS 668) q Merle Pole, Central Mallee CoOperative Parish

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