Fashion Forecasting:
Design-Options: Lifestyle Forecasting Report What Fashion Comes Home To.
Design Options applies the same insight and years of experience, in forecasting inter-industry fused trends. Its revolutionary bi-yearly publication bridges the gap between the apparel and home fashion worlds. Published for Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter, this forecast is predicted on the premise that the trends one sees in the fashion industry find their way into the home and vice versa. In each issue of the Lifestyle Report, six trends are analyzed and supported with 35 to 40 beautiful images.
Digital Marketing + Influencer Programs
ALDO Group partners with social platform BumeBox to create interactive content site for consumers to celebrate its 40th anniversary ALDO Group, one of the leading fashion shoe retailers in the world, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. To continue its innovative use of social technologies, ALDO has now leveraged BumeBox, a real-time digital experience platform, to socialize an immersive content hub for consumers, brand enthusiasts and fashion industry insiders. is a 40-day, digital journey through the brand’s evolution. The site serves as a multi-tiered story engine, through rich photography, videos and curated editorial. Each day, one more piece of the story is told and is the brand’s revolution is revealed. To add depth to its story, ALDO has designed a series of contests, live chats and interviews that encourage fans to contribute their own ALDO stories to the site content. Powered by Bumebox, ALDO has overlaid social conversation from fans on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to be interwoven into the brand story over the course of 40 days. Fan contributions are aggregated from social networks by the #ALDO40 hashtag. Fans may also contribute stories directly from the site.
Metrics: In the first two days of its launch, the site logged 15,000 unique visitors, 1500 email sign ups and more than 1.5 million social media impressions across Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram. BumeBox creates customized, experience-based programs for brands that can include the following features: Social Integration – Builds a viral environment as followers join the conversation; attracts new participants and potential customers. Branding – Completes brand customization with just a couple clicks in an environment that consumers view as an extension of a website. Commerce – Enables purchases within the platform; makes it easy for customers to buy on-site with one click. Analytics – Optimizes social media strategy through valuable intelligence from BumeBox’s proprietary analytics. Multimedia elements – Abilities to add video, audio or clips to enhance the experience
ALDO’s Digital Success In 2012, ALDO extended its three integral brand values: love for work, respect for each other and for customers, and integrity in business from its traditional and real world marketing strategy into its digital strategy. In order to create seamless in-store and online experiences, the brand launched a series of successful digital initiatives including: ALDO RISE: ALDO RISE, a collaboration program promoting and celebrating daring talent in the fashion
community worldwide. ALDO RISE gives designers the opportunity to create and showcase the footwear they envision for their collections. Earlier this year, the company partnered with influential fashion bloggers The Coveteur and Tommy Ton and created a site powered by Tumblr in order to show and share the process behind bringing the collaborations. A is For ALDO: To promote the launch of its fragrance collection, ALDO created a Facebook game. Players chose from a series of Instagram photos that, once selected, were compiled into a mood board that they could post to their Facebook Timelines. What made this a truly amazing campaign is that no retailer or brand had yet combined Instagram and Facebook in this manner. Marketing director Vyara Ndejuru shared that: “the brand wanted to create a visual experience for their customers that would entice them to visit the new A is for ALDO microsite”. “ALDO customers are accustomed to immersive experiences; Instagram and Flickr are huge drivers for them,” she added. In order to launch this campaign and build awareness amongst their fans and customers, ALDO promoted it on its homepage with calls to action built into the microsite once the customers clicked through. They followed up by emailing its customer base in French and English and by engaging via Facebook. Later, the company then added a holiday Kiss-A-Gram to campaign to keep consumers interested in the fragrance line. . Shoe Paradise: To capitalize on the success of A is For ALDO, ALDO moved deeper into social gaming with Shoe Paradise, a game that encouraged players to try on as many shoes as possible (out of 16) in four levels — the beach, pool, jungle and a party — in three minutes. If participants ran out of time, they could gain a bonus three minutes by sharing the game on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr. Upon completion of the four levels, players were asked to enter their information for a chance to win an actual three-minute in-store shopping spree. L2 Think Tank, the digital insights group founded by Professor Scott Galloway of NYU Stern, awarded ALDO the “spark of genius” accolade in their annual Specialty Retail report.