People - Al Nas 2019 Yearly Book 2019

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49 years 1970-2019 Sultanate of Oman

Years of Prosperity OMRAN Group extends its most sincere congratulations to

His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and the people of Oman on the glorious occasion of the 49th National Day


Hospitality Assets


Committed to excellence


Since 1975

Al Ansari Group

Congratulations and best wishes to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said and the people of Oman on the occasion of the 49th National Day

Black and White Media and Services LLC P O Box 4111, PC 112, Ruwi, Oman. Website:

Your country calls upon you to perform your duty with faith and discipline, to sharpen your skills, to increase your resources and experience and tirelessly develop them. We are a society that is used to hard work and it is not our style to be lazy or negligent, but to responsibly and honestly carry out our obligations. This is the only way we can achieve progress and utilise the modern technology available to us.

HIS MAJESTY SULTAN QABOOS BIN SAID, On the occasion of 22nd National Day

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Maimuna Al-Sulaimani, Editor-in-chief

Tribute to people A recent comment by a young Omani businessman sums up Oman and its peace-loving people. He was saying how, thanks to the efforts of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, the great leader of Oman, the world viewed the country as an oasis of peace. “Quite often when we travel within the region, we are treated with great respect. “When we land at an airport and the authorities learn that we are Omanis, they simply wave us in adding that we are from a ‘peaceful and tolerant nation’!” This statement would bring in thumping pride in the hearts of any Omani. This is a singular achievement of His Majesty, the Sultan, who has not only built the modern country from scratch, but also made it a policy to propagate peace in all forms within Oman and also around the world, so much so today, the country is called in to broker peace among warring factions. And, in this peaceful country peopled with peace-loving men and women, are those who have joined hands with its great leader to achieve such glory. People, in its eighth edition, pay them humble tribute.

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22 ALI ABDUL KHALIQ IBRAHIM The aviation man




DR HARUB AL KHARUSI The tooth crusader





LATE ALI SULTAN MOHAMMED FADHIL A son’s tribute to his extraordinary father







WATASIMU Five-member munshid singers



P O Box 488, PC 112, Ruwi, Sultanate of Oman Tel:+968 24703844, Fax:+968 24793071

Definitely more than 150!

Cover: By Anwar Sonya Award winning artist, Anwar

Science says that out of the seven billion people on this planet, “only 150 matter to you at any given point in life”. Okay, let Science have their say. However, Dunbar’s (*) theory was restricted to the relationships one could have. And we are not going to dispute that as it is a totally different matter. For us, the people of Oman matter. All of them! However, our motive and our goal in highlighting the people of Oman in the People magazine are beyond mere scientific theories. It is based on something more than science, but still more of fact than fiction. For, we speak of the human spirit. We speak of people with spirit burning in them than power or wealth. We speak of those who, along with Oman’s great leader, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said, made Oman happen. And they made Oman happen because of the burning spirit in them. And it is the spirit of those people that we speak of here. Or no, rather, we speak to these people who will pass on the torch of their passion, of their strength, their valour and their inherent love for the country to the future generations. Their spirits burn in us, propelling us forward to tasks, which hitherto deemed impossible, become possible.

Sonya, one of the founders of the

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Omani art movement, has placed Omani art on the international

(*) This number was first proposed in the 1990s by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, who found a correlation between primate brain size and average social group size.

arena. Winner of the golden prize from His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said as the best artist, Anwar Sonya, often acknowledged as the father of modern and contemporary art in Oman, has been awarded multiple times for his services to Omani art. Honoured by Sharjah Biennale as ‘The Most Distinguished

CREDITS Published by: Black and White Media and Services LLC



Arab Artist’ and participating in almost all the major exhibitions,

Postal address: P O Box 4111, PC 112, Ruwi, Oman.

Editor in chief

Maimuna Al-Sulaimani

Anwar is Oman’s international

Office: Hatat House A, II Floor, Suite No: 212, Wadi Adai.

Managing editor

Priya Arunkumar

Work editor

Adarsh Madhavan

Design & production

Beneek Sirajudeen

Media & marketing

Helen Grace

star in the world artist’s map. Editorial: Ph: 24565697 Fax: 24565496 Website: Printed at Unique Printing Press

Ayesha Syed Photographer

Najib Al Balushi Hisham Al Riyami


:´GójE’G ºbQ


Waleed J

© All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publisher. The publisher does not accept responsiblity for advertising contents.

GLIMPSES of the 1970s

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File photos from various sources and photographers

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A Abdul Khaliq Ali IIbrahim is an airline iindustry thoroughbred. Straddling an industry S tthat has the ability tto fuel global growth, ccreate good employment, eestablish trade links and support for sustainable development throughout the world, Ali Khaliq is often seen as the man with the Midas touch.

Ali Abdul Khaliq Ibrahim The aviation man Many see him as one of the key figures in Oman’s aviation

in the field then. And, most importantly, nearly all the

industry. A man who has fronted two top airlines here when

well-established airlines were offline. I was just 18 but I had

the industry was just evolving in the country; a man to whom

always aspired to be in the travel and aviation field and it was

one could reliably hand over the reins to start from scratch

a good start for me.”

and be rest assured that he would make it big and perhaps,

Ali Khaliq remembers those days very well; how

even create history in the travel and airline industry.

they operated and how they communicated. “The communication was via telex. It was called Overseas Fixed

Man with the Midas touch

Telecommunication System – OFTS – and it was then only

Ali Abdul Khaliq Ibrahim is an airline industry

with the British Airways.”

thoroughbred. Straddling an industry that has the ability to

Being in a nascent industry and with the personnel there

fuel global growth, create good employment, establish trade

in great need of training and experience, it was always a

links and support for sustainable development throughout

boon when the airlines offered to train youngsters in the

the world, Ali Khaliq is often seen as the man with the

field. So, when the opportunity arose, Ali Khaliq would

Midas touch as far as the airline industry is concerned. There

grab it: “We were sent by British Airways to both London

is another segment, which sees him as a father figure, a

and Bahrain for training.” After nearly six months in the

mentor, who goes to any length to coach, nurture and project

telecommunications sector, in 1970, he became a ticketing

deserving employees on to the right track of success.

supervisor at the OUA. Slowly, he got into the groove and

All in all, this is a man with a proven record of success in his

learnt the ropes of the trade.

long-lasting career, and equally a man who has lived by his principles and showcased to the world the best that Oman

Career with Gulf Air – Chapter 1

has got. And, as far as sheer popularity is concerned, the

The Seeb International Airport was opened on December 23,

truth is that there are few in the airline and travel industry

1973. “I, along with another Omani colleague, was offered

whose face does not light up when his name is mentioned.

an opportunity to join Gulf Air (*). And by January 1975, I

And the reason is obvious: he has spent nearly 41 years

joined the first Gulf Air office, which was situated opposite

in this industry, and more than 35 years in top slots with

the Mutrah Hotel in Mutrah.

equally leading airlines trailblazing a path of success. It is a

“Shortly Gulf Air became online when the Seeb International

breathtaking trek, which he is still continuing in the travel

Airport started functioning. I started as a sales representative

trade as the founder and ceo of an upcoming travel agency,

at Gulf Air and by the end of the year I was sent to Bahrain

Oman Tours.

for a year’s management course in aviation. When I returned

“It was a dream career,” Ali Khaliq quietly reminisces from

from my training, I was offered the position of the assistant

his Oman Tours office in Al Khuwair. The aviation man

area manager of Gulf Air in India.” But, unfortunately,

unwinds on how as a young man, whose eyes were always

owing to personal reasons, Ali Abdul Khaliq was forced to

on the skies, not necessarily in areas of flying but very much

decline that opportunity. “However, I did not have to wait

in the industry, he began at the very foot of the airline and

long as opportunity struck once again and I was elevated to

travel industry ladder.

the post of assistant area manager Oman (Gulf Air), which I served until 1982.”

A dream career in aviation industry

From then on, there was no turning back for Ali Khaliq. It

Just over 49 years back, in 1969, a young Omani man takes

was only up and up and for the dynamic young man whose

the first-ever steps into the industry of his liking. “It was in

eyes were aimed at the skies.

1968 that I began my career as a ticketing agent at the Oman

“By 1982, I was promoted as Gulf Air area manager, Oman.”

United Agency (OUA) Travels. There were a few Omanis

It was tough and challenging job, but unlike others, it was a

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24 4 Ramadan Get-together on September 6, 2008 at Grand Hyatt

responsibility he relished and he put his heart and soul into

Then, in 2000 Al Khaliq took up the position as area

During his tenure as area manager of Gulf Air in Dubai from

his work, toiling for hours to end to overcome the many

manager of Gulf Air in Kuwait until the end of 2002.

1990 to ‘93, he also held the position of vice chairman of the

challenges that were part and parcel of an airline industry.

board of airlines’ representatives of Dubai.

“I had many challenges to face, but I took the lead and did

Additional responsibility

“Oman had a very competitive market in those days and

everything that was possible to take the airline forward. With

Meanwhile, even though he was heading a major

we had to put our best foot forward to get our share of

an able and professional team, I managed to make Oman

responsibility as an airline’s area manager of a country, right

business. While I delivered the goal of making my airline

as one of the leading stations for Gulf Air. And after some

from 1982, save for a four-year period, Ali Khaliq took on

the best in all segments, I also ensured that my countrymen

years, by 1985, Oman was the second station – after Britain,

the additional responsibility as the chairman of the board

are benefitted. At any given point of time, we had a good

which was in number one position -- in terms of revenue

of airlines’ representatives in Oman. “I had two stints as

percentage of Omanisation in our Gulf Air team here. I

contribution, in the Gulf Air network!”

chairman of the board of airlines’ representatives – from 1982

had an excellent team and I can say that 95 percent of the

The remarkable aspect of the growth of Gulf Air was that

to 1990 and from 1993 to 2000,” he happily recalled those

members of the commercial team were Omanis.” During

it was in parallel to the growth and progress of Oman. This

years where a normal day seemed to stretch for more than its

the same time, Gulf Air also extended to Salalah. The total

added more pride and greater significance to Ali Khaliq’s

24-hours’ duration. During the period from 1990 to 1993,

period from 1981 to 2002 could be called his first chapter in

efforts in the sector.” Oman was booming in construction as

he also held the position of the vice chairman of the board of

his career, which was primarily with Gulf Air. After that was

well as in all other fields. It was a thrilling time for growth

airlines’ representatives. “Yes, those days were quite tough,

his stint with a different airline.

with activity on all fronts.” Ali Khaliq continued as the area

because there were endless meetings and very important

manager for Oman in Gulf Air until 1990 after which he

decisions to be made. Many committees were in place from

Career with Qatar Airways – Chapter 2

was transferred as the area manager, Dubai and the North

all parts of world and all of this actually exposed me to an

Whilst in Kuwait, Ali Khaliq was approached by Qatar

Emirates region, which he served until 1993. “And in

aerial view of the airline industry,” Ali Khaliq said, adding

Airways with a good offer. “I was honoured that Akbar Al

September1993, I was again transferred to Oman as area

that he relished his work and the more the responsibilities,

Baker, the Ceo of Qatar Airways, himself offered me an

manager, Oman, until June 2000.”

the better his outlook on the industry.

opportunity with the airline.

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Moreover, it was a good offer – as the area manager of Qatar

the airline, I inaugurated the first Qatar Airways Doha to

the team and when the need to lead arises, be a good leader,

Airways -- and so, I took it.

Salalah direct flight. This service proved to be a great to the

that is, a tolerant, understanding leader,” he stressed.

“I began with a 10-member team. Qatar Airways had just

travelling public from Salalah as from then on, they could fly

“Right from my childhood, I have always looked up at the

two flights per week initially from Muscat, which gradually

anywhere to the world, right from Salalah itself!”

skies is sheer awe. I loved to see planes flying and they have

grew to seven flights. Few years later, it became double daily

excited and intrigued me right from a child to an adult. I

flights. In 2005, I was appointed as the regional manager

41 years in the airline industry

always knew that this was the industry I wanted to work

looking after Oman, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen

Ali Khaliq’s Gulf Air and Qatar Airways stints have seen

in. Incidentally, my first flight was in Air India! I took the

and Iran. The base was in Oman. I took care of the region

him put a good 41 years in the airline industry. But, many are

flight during my stint in OUA Travels. I was sent to attend a

with individual managers in these countries. But everything

in awe of him for he not only had a long-standing career in a

course at Santa Cruz, Bombay (Mumbai) in India.”

was managed from the Oman office. In 2011, we had triple

tough industry, but had also proven to be a downright success

daily flights from Muscat and Qatar Airways grew well.”

story. As we spoke, Ali Khaliq revealed the two key elements

For the nation

that had put him in good stead in his career in the airline

Despite his achievements and a chequered career, Ali Khaliq

Call centre

industry: good hospitality and customer service minded.

still maintains that none of it would have been possible if

During this time, Qatar Airways also had opened a call

“This is an industry where the customer is king and if you

not for the greatness of the leader that he and other Omanis

centre in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM). “The call centre,

don’t maintain that, you lose. Retaining a customer is very

looked up to. He notes that his career grew in tandem with

with a staff of 125, proved to be good for the Oman market

critical in the airline industry. Anyone would fly once but

the growth of his country. “Under the wise leadership of our

as far as providing employment was concerned. The Omanis

to retain the customer with you requires talent. To sustain

beloved leader His Majesty, the Sultan, Oman grew in leaps

received the best of training and overall a successful 72

competitiveness, one has to adopt these service elements. The

and bounds. We can proudly say that Oman is considered to

percentage of Omanisation was achieved.”

industry is leisure and travel based and is ideal for anyone

be one of the most peaceful and friendliest countries in the

Ali Khaliq had a good 12-year stint with the Qatar Airways.

who is customer centric and service oriented. The years put in

world. I want the very best for Oman always and wish it the

“I left Qatar Airways in 2013. But, in June 2013, before I left

has taught me that it is better to be a team player, be part of

very best!

26 6 Every moment of my career reflected not my professional or

but one thing that we have to understand is that nothing

reality of life. We must take, but we must also learn to give

personal growth; it was more of a reflection of the growth of

will happen unless we get up and work. The glaring truth

back. Oman has given us so much and so we must be ready

our nation. It is because the country grew that I also grew.

that stands out when it comes to jobs and the like is that

to give back and do whatever is possible for our country.

As far as we are concerned, His Majesty the Sultan is indeed

the only way out is hard work. The youth today has more

We must thank the Almighty God for giving us a peaceful

a living example and inspiration to citizens and residents

opportunities than ever before, but they have to keep a

nation as this. “We have enjoyed the goodness of growth and

alike!” Ali Khaliq enthused.

positive outlook and work harder than ever”

development for the last 49 years. So, now, let us build on than that and let us continue to work hard for the progress

Inspired by family

Oman before and Oman now

and betterment of our beloved nation!” Ali Khaliq stressed.

Ali Khaliq was always inspired by his family, especially his

To a query, Ali Khaliq noted how even today he recalls the

Ever the optimist, Ali Khaliq noted how despite trying

wife, who took on the responsibility of not only looking after

excitement that had whipped throughout the country when

circumstances, there were ways and means to expand

the family, but also handling the home in his often long

they heard of the changes at the country’s helm. “I still

businesses and challenges were meant to be overcome.

absences. “Personally, my family was a major inspiration to

remember vividly when His Majesty the Sultan took over the

Although he had moved out of the airline industry, his

me in my career that took me away from them for the major

rule of Oman! We all went to Al Falaj Airport and waited

heart still beats with ideas on how to evolve out of crises and

part of the time. I am totally inspired by my wife, without

with a host of white pigeons to welcome the new era…

sustain competitiveness. As ever, Ali Khaliq’s eyes are still set

whose unconditional support, I would not have contributed

“And when His Majesty came, we let loose white pigeons

upwards, to the skies, but his feet are firmly entrenched on

selflessly to my career. Being in the travel industry, heading

into the air – a symbol not just of freedom, but peace, joy

the ground.

regions and countries, I had very little physical presence at

and happiness. Our leader has brought us to a safe harbor

home with my family.”

of peace and it is now in the hands of the youth to take His

(*) Gulf Air was initially owned by British Overseas Airways

Majesty the Sultan as a live example of success and follow

Corporation. In 1973/’74 the governments of the Sultanate of

Hard work pays

in his footsteps. Our leader showed us the way to live and

Oman, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi and Qatar agreed to purchase the

Coming to the current scenario in Oman, Ali Khaliq notes

to lead. God bless His Majesty with great health and a long

BOAC Associated Companies holding in Gulf Aviation. The

that things are a far cry from what it was before. With


foundation treaty was signed on January 1, 1974 and gave each government a 25 percent shareholding in Gulf Aviation, which

modernity and fast development sweeping the country, things have all changed for the better. “Opportunities are

Let’s give back

became a holding company. Gulf Air was the only airline owned

galore today and it is time that we took advantage of it,

“We have to give back to our country too! Yes, this is the

by four countries.

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A few glimpses from the career milestones

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“ must say that the “I eearly ‘70s was quite a cchallenging phase. We grew up the tough way g but we lived our lives b without complaints. w We took in our stride W as we knew with hard a work and persistence we can succeed in spite of the challenges and shortcomings,” Hassan Al-Lawati noted.

Hassan Mohamed Habib Al-Lawati Pioneering Pharmacist Sleeping on cold roofs; living without electricity and hardly

The early 1970s

any water; living with just the very basic of amenities where

“I completed my bachelor of arts (BA) from Karachi Islamia

anything and everything that youngsters of today take for

College and returned to Muscat to join my father’s family

granted was deemed a luxury… That was the life of most


Omanis in the ‘70s and before that. But, although they had

At that time, my father was a partner of W.J.Towell &

very little, hardly a complaint escaped their lips. Whatever

Co. upto March, 1973. Afterwards my father started two

the hardships, they faced them with a smile on their lips,

of his own companies along with my brothers with equal

hope beating strongly in their hearts and their eyes fixed


expectantly towards the horizon. “I must say that the early ‘70s was quite a challenging

Ever grateful

phase. We grew up the tough way but we lived our lives

One such man of the yesteryears is Hassan Mohamed Habib

without complaints. We took in our stride as we knew with

Al-Lawati, chairman and Ceo of Mazoon Pharmacy LLC

hard work and persistence we can succeed in spite of the

and Mohamed Habib & Sons LLC. More than talking

challenges and shortcomings,” Hassan Al-Lawati noted.

about what they did not have before, people like Hassan AlLawati was more keen on talking of what they had now and

Venturing into family business

how they were ever grateful to the man who made all of this

After his formal education, Hassan Al-Lawati was sent to

possible – His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

Kuwait to gain some business experience from his father’s cousins, the late Ahmed Sultan and the late Abdulamir

Young, dynamic ruler

Sultan who were in the branch office of W.J.Towell &

“Even though we were confronted by many problems and

Co. “The main business with them was the provisions and

various challenges, we were very confident about the future

essential commodities, basically in tenders of Pakistan

even then. Oman was blessed with a young, but dynamic

Rice with TCP (Trading Corporation of Pakistan) and

ruler with a vision who was swiftly and surely taking the

merchandising in American Cigarettes of R.J. Reynolds Co.

nation forward.

And it was there where I got my first career break. It was my

“Over the last 48 years, all of us have been blessed to be

first-ever entry to the business world and it all began with

part of the growth and progress of this great nation. We are

rice and cigarettes trading.”

grateful to His Majesty, the Sultan for taking the nation forward to these great heights,” Hassan Al-Lawati told the

Most of the rice tender trading was with the Trading

People from his Mazoon Pharmacy head office.

Corporation of Pakistan. A quick and diligent learner Hassan

Speaking about his early days in the 1970s, he noted how

Al-Lawati sat along with his much-experienced uncles,

the older generation were a hardy lot and how they took the

gleaning a wealth of information from them. “Of course,

hardships they faced in their stride and did not look back.

everything was new to me. I learnt the basics, which included

Hassan Al-Lawati also detailed how he got into the field of

communication, correspondence and banking practices. I

business and how certain events shaped his destiny.

spent the first three years of work learning just the basics.

Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel, Founder of Mazoon Pharmacy LLC:

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“At our office, the telex mode of communication was introduced and I was sent to the post office where I had to learn the operations of the Olivetti Telex machines. I remember that it took me a week to learn the process and communications in English,” Hassan Al-Lawati recalled. W.J.Towell & Co. (Agencies) Kuwait LLC put up tenders for rice every year and soon he also picked up the workings. “After my three-year stint in Kuwait I went to Dubai and started my own venture: a grocery shop. I ran it for a year. And in 1973, I returned to Oman and joined my father who had by then begun his business afresh in the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, Mazoon Pharmacy was the first-ever pharmacy in Oman. And so I also became a part of the pharmaceutical business,” he noted.

Transparency and business ethics Hassan’s late father Mohamed Habib dissolved his partnership from W.J. Towell & Co. and established two of Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel, founder of Mazoon Pharmacy LLC after the signing ceremony with a European

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pharmaceutical company (Exclusive Distribution Agreement)

his own companies in 1973 by the name Mazoon Pharmacy LLC & Mohamed Habib & Sons LLC. “So we were all working together and the work involved tendering, soliciting dealerships and representations of global brands, Roche, Glaxo and LEO Pharma were among the first. All of the businesses and the related deals were quite transparent and straight forward. And today, after 46 years, we still follow the basic principles of business ethics – transparency. “One of the first lessons I learned from the elders of my family – which I duly passed down to my own sons and the other members of the younger generation - is being honest in the trade. Honesty and transparency may not be a fast switch to making money, but it teaches you to take a slow and steady principled path to success. And at the end of the day, the main end result is that you sleep peacefully!”

Do it yourself Hassan noted that everything he learnt from his business was by walking on a path and pattern, which was set by his elders. “And what we did was to walk on the same path, making it better in our own way. “Being in the family business taught me team spirit, patience, respect and understanding. It is true that in business, you learn your trade from experience. And, besides that, no college, university or a degree can teach you ethics and good trade. Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel with Minister of Health of Kuwait

Picture of Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel and his sons Ali, Hassan and Altaf with some agency officials

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“Anyone can choose any path of work, but it is life and living that moulds you to live the path you chose. “I have been fortunate to join the family trade and I am proud to say I have passed on the right lessons and legacy to my younger generation too. You will only learn it right when you do things yourself. So do things yourself. The sense of belonging in a job is complete only when you love what job you do,” he stressed. “And, the youth of Oman, both young men and women, have everything today, right from information to education to technology. So, I will say: Go take your chances, but add your own mite to it and work hard for the nation. And we don’t have to search anywhere for examples, as we all have a live example amongst us, our own beloved ruler who showed us how to do things right!” he added.

Simplicity counts Hassan Al-Lawati had one key message to pass on, which is: “Be simple in your life! That’s one advice I would give everyone. Life and business gets complicated only because we Certificate to Mazoon Pharmacy from LEO Pharma for being a distributor for 25 plus years

complicate it. Work hard, be consistent and you will live well with a clear conscience,” he concluded.

Letter of Appreciation to Mazoon Pharmacy from Hoyu Co. Ltd. in 1992

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H was a one-doctor army, He who was the clinic’s only w dentist, receptionist, d nurse, accountant and n ccleaner too. Few would believe that F tthe swank, modern, patient friendly, large and spacious Harub Dental Surgery (HDS) that you see today in Qurum had its beginnings in Honda Road and that too without electricity when it started.

Dr Harub Al Kharusi The tooth crusader Those who would have traversed the area, popularly known

People had the opportunity to meet up with this pioneer

as the ‘Honda Road’ in Hamriya, somewhere in 1977, would

in the field of dentistry in Oman. Another factor that sets

have come across a small, but quaint dental clinic that had

apart Dr Harub is his inherent youthfulness, his energy, his

once operated without electricity.

infectious laugh and that twinkle in his eye. Especially when

In fact, this anomaly was suitably rectified in just under a year

he talks of the past and the hurdles that he had faced. But, he

when the clinic began using a generator to bring in electricity

seemed to make light of the challenges he faced, and laughs

to its workings. But, quite often, the young Omani dentist,

it off. Perhaps, it is this facet of his personality that is most

who was also the owner of the clinic, had to battle with the


noise of the contraption to be heard succinctly by his patients or vice versa. But, he managed. In fact, nothing deterred this

A clinic sans electricity

young Omani dentist, who even when faced with great odds,

“I still remember like it was yesterday when I started my

just went ahead and did what he wanted to do.

dental clinic without electricity. December 3, 1977. Since I had no choice, I kept not just the windows, but also the door

A record breaker

open for air circulation!

Forget his other records, but Dr Harub Al Kharusi of Harub

“I had no means to boil water, which was of utmost

Dental Surgery (HDS) must have clearly broken a record in

importance. So, I bought glutaraldehyde (*) tablets from

Oman for starting a dental clinic without electricity in that

Muscat Pharmacy for sterilisation purposes.”

in the order of things, he was ‘number three (3)’ in dentistry

day and age. He displayed unusual courage in the face of this

Few would have been able to run even a store in such

in Oman then.

and other adversities before him and went about his task as if

conditions, but this dental clinic at the Honda road was

it was just another small challenge to be mounted.

run by a one-man army. “I was the receptionist, cleaner,


accountant, nurse and the doctor too!” Dr Harub guffaws.

It was a very crucial period for Oman and during the early

One-doctor army

“I used to sterlise the instruments in glutaraldehyde; I

70’s Oman was like a factory, everyone was rushing to study,

He was a one-doctor army, who was the clinic’s only dentist,

would extract the tooth manually, praying to the Almighty

work and establish, Dr Harub noted. “The youth were being

receptionist, nurse, accountant and cleaner too.

that I do it right without shaking or shivering and without

trained and given opportunities to professionalise and to

Few would believe that the swank, modern, patient friendly,

breaking the patient’s teeth! Thankfully, God always heard

extend their studies and specialise. The MoH was sending a

large and spacious Harub Dental Surgery (HDS) that you

my prayers!”

number of Omanis abroad to do specialisation in medicine.”

see today in Qurum had its beginnings in Honda Road and

So young Dr Harub also applied to MoH for specialisation.

that too without electricity when it started.

When you learn it right

“Well, in those days dentistry was quite new and not a much

This could be one of the many reasons why Dr Harub

Dr Harub demystifies his past challenges in the field, casually

sought-after specialisation. And there were many who were

is revered in the medical world in Oman as a ‘tooth

noting that a student of dentistry was supposed to know all of

of the opinion that dentistry was just extraction of a few teeth

crusader’. While his achievements in the field of dentistry

this and had to do it manually. “Any good student could do

and some fillings!” So, he could not get an opportunity there.

is undoubtedly chronicled in the medical history here, not

it! And so, I had learnt it right and soon, the years of practice

But, he still managed to go. “At the expense of my father

many know of Dr Harub the man and his fearless entry into

put me in good stead and I became a good exodontist (*1)!”

though,” chuckles Dr Harub.

the medical scene here and his ability to battle against any

Dr Harub completed his education from the University of

“I remember my first born child, my son, Mohammed, was

odds, armed perhaps, with just that indomitable spirit and

Baghdad in Iraq. He returned to Oman in 1976 and joined

born on July 31, 1977 and that was my first day on the dole, I

the ever-flowing courage running in his veins.

the ministry of health. “My uncle, Dr Soud Al Kharusi, who

was an unemployed father!

was also my mentor and my inspiration and hero, was the

First private dental practice

head of dentistry at the MoH and also the one who started

First Omani private sector dentist

The HDS is the first private dental practice and also one of

the first department of denistry at Al Nahdha Hospital.

“With the blessings of my father , I applied for private

the largest in Oman. It accommodates eight dental units,

“We were just the three of us then, my uncle, Dr Malik and

practice and by October 10, in the same year, I got the

utilising the most advanced technologies in the Middle East

I. Both Dr Soud and Dr Malik were pioneers in the field of

license. So, I became the first Omani private sector dentist.

and rivals any top class surgeries in the world.

dentistry in Oman at that time,” Dr Harub said, noting that

Immediately, I ordered dental equipments from the United

33 3 3

Kingdom by air. I still remember going to the airport to collect the equipments and began my first clinic in Hamriya at the famous Honda Road. “But, how was I to fix the equipment? Some friends of mine linked me to an Indian technician (Varghese) in Dubai, whom they said could help me fix the equipments. Varghese came down from Dubai to fix the equipments and then standing before me he posed the most important challenge in my life then: ‘How do I connect these equipments without power?’ “I did not falter. Without blinking, I told him the simplest thing I could: ‘Please imagine that there is power in the house and connect them as if there are actual electrical connections’! Well, he did exactly that – fixed up all machines as if power was available. On December 3, 1977, I began my operations at the power-less clinic.

Humble beginnings In February 1978, Dr Harub went to the then Union Bank and applied for a “small loan of OMR10,000”. “I procured the loan and bought a generator. In those days the generators were quite big and made a lot of noise and had to be filled with diesel. We put it out

34 4

on the ground, behind the clinic with wires going up. So finally the clinic started to work with power, with all machines and equipments working. It was fun talking to the patient on top of the generator noise. It was like being in a ship. After just a year, I got the public electricity connections and never looked back. Everything worked well. That was my humble beginning!”

Just an example Quietly reflecting on his past, Dr Harub said with pride that his early struggle and victory was “just an example of how the youth of Oman in those days established and worked with determination to succeed. We were all readily implementing what our beloved and wise leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos guided us to do”. And in the 1970’s, the country was in a real frenzy of work and growth, he recalls. “I would look around and see so many activities happening all around us. The country was moving, rushing forward to stand up and stabilise! “Our leader ensured that the youth learned the basic

fact that every youth can succeed if he or she worked

Take ownership of your nation

hard. If you don’t grab the chance offered to you with

Dr Harub was of the staunch belief that unless the youth

both hands, you will lose it. Nothing waits for anyone.

of Oman take up a sense of belonging to their nation, the

So, in that sense, I can proudly say that I grabbed all

progress will not be consistent. “This great nation is ours to

opportunities that came my way.”

grow and progress. Let us all be accountable and not wait for opportunities, let us go make opportunities and take

Youth should participate

chances to succeed. This is our nation, our leader, ours to

Although Dr Harub was largely self driven and a man

live and develop! Every youth is the builder of the nation.

in control, his main source of inspiration was his much-

And hard work is the only path that will take us to success.

accomplished uncle, Dr Soud. “Even today, I can still

There are no shortcuts to success,” he stressed.

hear the words of my uncle, who was my mentor, my inspiration, telling me, ‘If I was young like you, I would go

Self-made man

out and do it my own way’.

Dr Harub was always a self-made man and a person of

He was encouraging me to take a chance and try my hand

clear convictions. He has always managed to stand on his

at private practice. And, I was young, so I went out and

own feet. This could be one of the reasons why he has given

did it! Everyone expected me to remain with the MoH

complete freedom to his children, whom he has allowed

and perhaps retire as the head of the department. If all

to grow with an independent bent of mind. “I have never

of us wait for governmental opportunities only, we will

influenced my children and made them to follow my steps.

never reach anywhere. A country, a society can progress

I need to be an example to my own children. I made them

and move ahead positively only if the youth participates

choose their own career; so that they can focus on what

with vigour and commitment to take responsibility in their

they want and give their best to it. Sometime back, the

hands, not sitting and waiting for opportunities to fall in

Sultan School asked me to give a talk to their final-year

their laps.”

students. I gave a talk on the dental industry. Two weeks later, my daughter Laila, who had heard me speak, came

Work is prayer

to me and declared that she was going to take up dentistry!

Dr Harub is certainly not one to wait for opportunities to

Apparently, my talk had impressed her that much!” Dr

happen. He went and did it. Not a day went by without

Harub laughed again.

him slowly chipping away against the challenges before

35 3 5


him until he rose above it. “I also learnt from elders that

Papa don’t preach

When I started my clinic, I put up a banner “work is

work is something you need to be passionate about.

Dr Harub has five children. “Two of my children,

worship” and I have always lived by this adage, Dr

Believe in work and work as if it is a prayer. Work finally

Mohammed and Laila are dentists practicing at the HDS.

Kharusi noted.

is worship!”

I can proudly say that Mohammed is considered to be one

Dr Harub Al Kharusi’s incredible work ethic and

of the top implantologists in the country and is a consultant

skills are honed by his years of service to the

Be fearless

too. Lamya, my other daughter, was a diplomat in the

community. But from the day he began to even today,

Dr Harub also heaped praises on the leader of the nation.

foreign affairs, now works with Oman Oil Company,

his main inspiration was and is his uncle, Dr Soud Al

Without His Majesty the Sultan, life would have been

while , Firdous, named after my mother, went to do travel

Kharusi, a legend in the field of dentistry in Oman

much more difficult in Oman, he stressed. “We are indeed

and tourism but now works for the disabled. Nutaila is a

and Dr Harub’s mentor, guide and philosopher.

fortunate to have a visionary leader who was an example

psychologist. She manages Al-Harub Medical Centre at

Dr Soud Kharusi was a graduate of the American

for all of us to take lead of our responsibilities. I belong to

Shatti Al Qurum.

University of Beirut, 1941. He practised dentistry for many years in Zanzibar before coming to Oman

the cult of people who would be the first to live or die for Oman. When you love your nation without any conditions, you

“We all need to be an example to our youth. If we act

and starting here. “My uncle established the dentistry

responsibly, we can leave behind a responsible society. Yes,

department at the MoH in Oman,” Dr Harub noted.

it is always better to practice than preach!” he concluded.

“My uncle was always my inspiration. He told me to choose wisely after my education and guided me in

get fearless. That fearlessness will make you work hard without any expectations from your nation. You will learn

(*) Glutaraldehyde: a disinfectant and medication. As a

my moments of doubt. He constantly advised me not

to give. We got it all, we got education, we got land, we

disinfectant it is used to sterilize surgical instruments and other

to waste my youth and to work hard and focus on

got opportunities, we got tourism… it is time to think of

areas. As a medication it is used to treat warts on the bottom of

my career and my future, which, thankfully, I did!”

what we have and make our nation a better place for all!”

the feet. It is applied as a liquid.

Dr Soud passed away in 1980, when he was in his early 70s.

he said. (*1) Exodontist: A dentist specialising in the extraction of tooth

36 6

A Abdul Rasool Kassim was in his mid 30s when w he entered into the h automotive field. a ““My father had the guts and the determination to a fface any odds. He wanted tto make a mark and he was not going to let any impediments in his path hinder his pursuit to achieve his goals."

Late Abdul Rasool Kassim Issa Al Zadjali Dynamic businessman Think Porsche in Oman and the establishment SATA LLC

young age. In the early stages he assisted his father who was

comes to our mind. But, who established SATA LLC? Who

in the restaurant business. He worked as a cashier there.

brought Porsche into Oman? That is when our focus shifts to

Then itself, the family knew he was meant for something

a charismatic and dynamic personality: Abdul Rasool Kassim

big. He was the most trusted among the grandsons as he

Issa Al Zadjali.

had a clear streak of honesty in him and he was seen as very straightforward, reliable and dependable.

A man, who from nothing became everything. A man, who shared the true spirit of the times when his own country was

“After this brief stint with the restaurant, my father joined

evolving in a similar manner: from nothing to everything.

Gray Mackenzie and Company where he was in charge of

Limited or no resources; little or no education; little or no

issuing tickets to passengers on the British-India steamers

money, but no obstacle in his path proved to be a deterrent.

that plied between India, the Gulf ports and Europe. There

For Abdul Rasool Kassim Al Zadjali was a man with loads

were four ships. He worked there for nearly two decades and

of passion; incredible determination and a strong and

resigned in 1970,” Samir Kassim said.

37 3 7

resolute mind that was ready to withstand any odds. He also proved later to be a man with exceptional business sense and

Soon after resigning from Gray Mackenzie, Abdul Rasool

foresight. Abdul Rasool Kassim Zadjali was indeed a product

Kassim explored the possibility of starting his own business.

of the old school of Oman. A tough breed of men and

He was interested in the business of transport, namely land

women that never gave up. That could overturn a seeming

transport. “In 1971, my father brought some used Bedford

defeat to victory.

trucks and started his transport business under the banner, Samir Kassim Transport, which later metamorphosed into

His real success story

the Sata LLC of today. During the early days, it was not

And his success story is not his sprawling businesses, but the

allowed to import foreign vehicles to Oman, so the vehicles

fact that he has been able to transfer his passion, his strength,

used for his transport company were mostly used Land rovers

his determination, his values and all the qualities that made

and Bedfords,” Samir Kassim said.

him a success to his progeny – to all his eight children. This is the biggest legacy that Abdul Rasool Al Zadjali has left

A determined businessman

behind and this is the guide or pathway that his children are

Always looking to improve his business, Abdul Rasool

walking on. The stamp or the mark that Abdul Rasool has

Kassim decided to broaden its scope. This meant venturing

left behind was the key subject that his son, Samir Abdul

into new deals and making key purchases. “In 1975, my

Rasool Kassim, the current chairman of Sata LLC and his

father went to Germany and brought in to the country

daughter, Samira Abdul Rasool Kassim, discussed with the

German trucks, trailers and construction vehicles; as well as

People at their office.

other machineries.

We feature the dynamic Late Abdul Rasool Kassim Al

While the purchase of these trucks and vehicles made strict

Zadjali through the eyes of his son and daughter, Samir

business sense, it also had a deeper meaning: for these were

Abdul Rasool Kassim and Samira Abdul Rasool Kassim.

also some of the equipment needed then to build the country from scratch. At the same time, he also signed up franchises

Before the ‘70s and after

and dealerships with Scania and other German and European

“My father, Abdul Rasool Kassim, began his career at a very


Samir Abdul Rasool Kassim, son of Abdul Rasool Kassim Issa Al Zadjali

Facing all odds

throws at you. Never ever give up and also ensure that you

While it may all look easy, the reality was different. Abdul

never reach the stage where you are filled with total despair

Rasool Kassim was in his mid 30s when he entered into the

– it is better to die than reach such a stage,’ our father would

automotive field. And indeed, they were very challenging

also say,” the son and the daughter added. In this respect, a

times. The sheer lack of facilities and the industrial wilderness

point to note was the toughness of Abdul Rasool Kassim.

in which he and other potential businessmen were in needed

“His threshold for pain was beyond normal men and he was

sheer guts and will power to climb over the innumerable

someone who could boldly face any crisis head on. “In life

obstacles it posed. “My father had the guts and the

as well as in business, there was no room for tears for our

determination to face any odds. He wanted to make a mark

father!” the children said.

and he was not going to let any impediments in his path hinder his pursuit to achieve his goals.

Oman’s beloved leader

“Already, his brief stint in the restaurant business and his

While every sinew of his worked passionately for the business

work at Gray Mackenzie had already shaped the future

he was involved in, Abdul Rasool Kassim’s heart also beat for

businessman in him.”

his beloved country. He believed the more businessmen like him grew, it was better for Oman.

A businessman with vision

38 8

The same year that he bought the trucks from Germany, he

“Our father was very proud of Oman. He grew with the

also bought his first plot in the Ghubra area. “In those days,

country and was one of the fortunate businessmen who

Ghubra was hardly developed. It was remote and there were

could start and be part of Oman’s glorious progress under

only a handful of fisherman and the area was swarming with

the wise and visionary leadership of His Majesty, the Sultan.

scorpions, foxes and dogs. “Real-estate pundits would have

He would always say that Omanis are very lucky to have His

termed the purchase of this land as a “bad business move”.

Majesty as their leader. ‘We should take care of the growth

Even to the layman it did not seem to be an ideal choice of

and progress of Oman and maintain it as a treasure. Omanis

purchase. But, my father proved everyone wrong. His vision

can today proudly say that our nation is one of the safest

extended beyond the usual. He knew Oman was not going

country in the world, not just for its citizens, but also for all

to remain undeveloped. He had complete belief and faith in

its residents,’ my father would say,” Samir recalled.

the leadership of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. He was sure that his leader would lead the country out of the

Education is vital

darkness and bring about rapid development and growth.

One of the most vital among the many advices that Abdul

Today looking at Ghubra, we know what he planned in 1975

Rasool passed on to his children was the one to educate

bore fruits and that his vision turned out to be true!” Samir

oneself. Whatever happened, one had to educate oneself –

Kassim noted.

the biggest poverty was to be uneducated, he would indicate.

Never give up

“In 1943, my father was one of the first batch of students who

As it is the case with real men, Abdul Rasool Kassim was

passed out of the elementary school. Of course, he did not get

not perturbed by the travesties of fate. He took the good

a chance to get a full, formal education. But, armed with little

with the bad and he knew both, good times and bad times

education, but loads of life experience, my father embarked

never lasted. And he also used to pass on these philosophies

on his business mission. During the process he took time to

to his children. “My father would tell us that a ‘life without a

get himself self educated. He always upgraded and updated

challenge is like food without taste’. So face your challenges,

himself through books. He never turned a page of a book

learn from it and become a better and successful person, he

without understanding its contents! When the schools

would exhort us. ‘The world of business was similar to real

and colleges started opening up in Oman, he was the most

life. It was a world that was replete with ups and downs; it

happiest man. Even when he was earlier employed, he would

was loaded with day-to-day hurdles and challenges.

ensure his siblings get support for educating themselves. Education is the most crucial element in all human

Unless you face them, you will not know what real business

development, he would say and ensured that all his children

is. If you want to be a good leader to your team, know your

were all well educated and self reliant. He would reiterate that

job thoroughly, work very hard, and set the right example to

every successful business could fail and a businessman could

them,’ he would tell us constantly,” both Samir and Samira

lose all his money, but education will remain with us until

Kassim noted. “’Be bold and face any circumstances that life

we die. “Reading remained a passion for him and it would

consume most of his time later on in life. He was known to

always remain humble and rooted’, he would say. Because,

cut out pieces of news from dailies and store it in files. Every

according to him, business does not make a man – it is the

bit of interesting news caught his attention. As was with his

other way around, it is the man who makes the business!”

reading, he was an avid traveller too, exploring and learning,

Samir Kassim said.

constantly learning and disseminating this knowledge to us and others,” Samir recalled.

Be hands on Being self educated, self dependent and a workaholic, Abdul

Be grounded, stay humble

Rasool Kassim drove himself like a man with blinders

Abdul Rasool Kassim was not only a good businessman,

on. And he also asked his children to take a leaf out the

but he was also a good family man. He was a kind, loving,

principles that made him a success story. “My father always

generous and a model father to his eight children. He lead

said: ‘Be fully involved in your business. Work for yourself.

with an example, so for the children of Abdul Rasool, he was

To be a successful businessman, you should be a hands-on

their role model as well as their biggest hero.

person in every part of your business, from operations to

“Our father was our friend, philosopher and guide. He was a

finance. Love your job, because then it becomes a passion, a

father who was always there for us. And if you look at it, he

blessing. My father loved his job, it was more like fun to him

has left us a business legacy that we have to take up and move

and he was also very calm and diplomatic in his decisions.

forward. “Of course, he used to get angry, but he never ever took a “One of his best lessons to me was about business ethics.

decision when he was angry. He would calm himself down

Establishing a successful business is not hard, when you

and only then make a decision. All of these are valuable tools

are focussed and meticulous, he would say. ‘What is more

to success! And we use them in our work and life every single

important is to nurture, maintain, safeguard and uphold the

day – after all, we are the blessed children of a great man!”

business, so that the future generations, staff and team, who

Samir Kassim concluded.

depend on this business house will be safe and taken care of too! It is very easy to take things for granted and then, to lose

(Abdul Rasool Kassim Issa passed away on September 17, 2012

it all. So the most crucial thing in business is retention.’

leaving behind not just a huge businesses but a legacy of strength,

‘No matter how successful you become or how big you grow,

passion and love for his eight children.)

39 3 9

40 0

“ “Little did I know that my career and life would m ttake a turning and making ssweets would be my main way of life. w I had my own small stints iin cooking and had taken a liking to making Indian sweets."

Pravin Chandra Ratilalkanji Rajyaguru The sweetmaker The ‘maharaja’ of sweets

Turning point

Many won’t blink an eye if you mention the name Pravin

It is often a mystery as to how life turns out for people. In

Chandra Ratilalkanji Rajyaguru.

Pravin Maharaj’s case, this aspect was quite true. Of course,

But, Pravin, or rather Pravin Maharaj (we will get to that

he had come to Oman with the hope of a better future and

later) was the genius who not only brought out the sweet

he was also equally hopeful that something would click in

tooth in some of the biggest names in Oman and their august

this land of peace and harmony. But the path to his success

visitors to this country, but also gave a sweet ending to many

was triggered by his own instinct for all things sweet and

lunches and dinner parties, conducted at the topmost levels


in Oman. For nearly 30 (29 to be precise) years, this wizard

Even at the early age when he was experimenting with sweets

of a sweetmaker created wonders in the kitchen of the Royal

and sweet making, he had a certain intimacy for this art; a

Court Affairs’ Royal Hospitality division where he worked as

certain touch that separated him from others in the field.

a sweetmaker.

But, when he began it was purely a voyage of discovery. He did not know when he came to Oman that he would be

As he speaks, we realise that he is a man who is filled with

Recently, People trooped to the retired sweetmaker’s home

embarking on a career of sweetmaking. Somewhere along the

appreciation and perhaps that could also be the reason of the

in Darsait with two missions. One, to learn more about this

way, he got into it, learnt the knack and then from then on,

positive changes he has had in his life.

man’s sweet career and how he rubbed shoulders with the

never looked back.

“No words are enough to record my heartfelt gratitude to our beloved leader His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

powers that be and two, with the devious motive to dip our teeth into his fabled laddoos (an Indian sweetmeat).

Life-altering changes with laddoos

His generosity has no limits. I have been very fortunate and

“Little did I know that my career and life would take a

blessed to serve his offices and I would thank God Almighty

The man was ready for us. A decent spread of sweets too

turning and making sweets would be my main way of life.

for the abundance in the opportunities I have had and the

awaited us as he hailed us into his home.

I had my own small stints in cooking and had taken a

many blessings that have been showered upon me. I never

liking to making Indian sweets. But, then I never imagined

even imagined I would have a life and a career like the one I

As we helped ourselves onto the delicacies laid before

that I would be getting an incredible break as this! I must

had for the last 29 years.

us, Maharaj began to unveil his story. We heard his tale

confess that the tiny little round sweet delight of laddoo

“Just like Oman has as a nation progressed over the last 49

punctuated of course with the loud smacks of our lips as we

gave me a life-changing opportunity. It entirely changed

years, my own life and destiny changed towards a positive

tickled out tastebuds with Maharaj’s special apricot burfi and

my line of career,” he says as he explained in detail how he

direction because of our beloved ruler. God bless His Majesty

churma laddoos.

got into the Royal Court Affairs and how a series of events

the Sultan with good health and happiness. If you ask me,

led him to become part of the hospitality division where he

the biggest inspirational influence I have had in my life is the

Early 70s

laboured with love on a self-fulfilling future where he had the

great leader of this country!”

Maharaj, tilted his head back slightly and recalled the day

opportunity to sweeten many a tongue.

he landed in Oman: “I came to Oman on April 15, 1979.”

His love affair with sweets went on for 29 years until his

Pandit and Maharaj

He was employed with the Dharamsey Nensey household

retirement. “I retired in June, 2016.”

Whilst he spoke, we also queried on his tag of ‘maharaj’ and he explained: “As a student, I actually studied Sanskrit and

initially, where he did odd jobs, mainly as a help and assistant to the family.

Gratitude and generosity

come from a family of maharajs (pundits)!”

“I did all sorts of odd jobs until 1987 when I got an

As they say, a life filled with gratitude is also one in which

Maharaj was actually well versed with astrology and religious

opportunity to work as a sweetmaker at the Royal Court

you can impart a feeling of positivity towards oneself and

studies. And while he was also into fulltime sweet making,

Affairs, Royal Hospitality division.”

others. Maharaj is one such person who is constantly aware

he also found some time for his those pursuits based on his

of his many blessings and he is totally grateful for them.

other skills.

4 41

42 2

A few glimpses of life moments and with his family

“My job as a sweetmaker took me to many places and

making them. He made us special apricot burfis and

“Sweets and desserts needs to be exotic, no matter what.

occasions that shaped my life and experiences, but I also

churma laddoos, his specialties. Maharaj can make upto

People wait for their dessert, so it is up to my hands and

managed to pursue my interests in astrology and religious

60 to 70 modified versions of Indian sweets adding various

mind to give them that lingering taste of the final dish,

studies. I still continue to pursue astrology and sanskrit now

condiments and flavours. “Churma laddoos actually changed

which they would take with them. And believe me, if you put

in my retired life.”

my career and life. My first choice of sweet made for the

your heart and soul into the making of something, not one

Royal Court Affairs were churma laddoos,” he happily notes.

single day becomes boring.”

Picture of contentment

Churma laddoos are a traditional Gujarati sweet item,

Today, after his long-sweet stint, Maharaj is a picture of

sweetened with jaggery and enhanced with coconut and

Besides laddoos, Maharaj is equally good at a variety of

contentment and enjoys a retired life in the company of

sesame seeds if required and is shaped into laddoos that are

sweets, including gulab jamuns and burfis. “I can churn out

his family. “Thankfully, I am able to be with my family,

easy to store and serve. “In order to get the best texture and

unique flavoured sweets to keep my guests forever guessing,”

comprising of my wife Mukta, son Kapil, daughter-in-law

flavour, we use coarsely ground wheat flour and when they

he says with a laugh.

Deepti, daughter Jahnawi and granddaughter Tanishka . By

are fully cooked from inside and golden brown in colour. It

the blessing of His Majesty Sultan Qaboos my family and I

takes a lot of time, but every sweet is an experience for the

Epitome of humility

have been granted the citizenship of Oman.

taste buds and time spend to create one is worth it, when you

From a lay hobby to an awe-inspiring career in sweets

see the sweet consumed with pleasure.”

making, Maharaj was still the epitome of humility. Although he had actually walked in the highest corridors of power, his

Also, I thank my parents, my guru, Late Labhshankar Gaurishankar Raval, principal of Shri Krishna Sanskrit

Sweet, this life

trademark humility is a unique trait that breaks through his

Pathshala Bet Dwarkaand late Dharamsey Nensey his sons,

The life of a sweetmaker is just that. Sweet. From making to

persona and humbles his listeners.

late Mulraj, Ashwin and Bipin for not only guiding me but

tasting to seasoning to serving finally, the guest. The process

also giving me the opportunities, which has taken me to

is very disciplined. Like every other career, this too needs a

* Churma is a popular delicacy in the regions of Gujarat,

where I am today,” he said.

lot of focus, discipline and creativity. “Most of the time, my

Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Awadh.

Of sweets and sweet makers

mind is busy trying to finding out new recipes and add-ons

Maharaj is equally generous with his sweets as he is in

to make the final product relishing and unique.

43 4 3

44 4

A Sultan Fadhil, Ali or ‘Haji Ali’ as he is o ffondly known, is no more, his memory m sstill pulsates in the heart of all of his h cchildren.

Late Ali Sultan Mohammed Fadhil A son’s tribute to his extraordinary father “Look at these people, the busy street, the harbour, the


mountains. Everything you see has been touched by Allah

Here below, Maqbool recounts the story of his beloved

since 1970. Trade brought us our former prosperity, and it can

father, Ali Sultan, from the earliest days to the day of the

again. The oil money we are getting permits us to build an

latter’s demise in 1996, when he was 73.

economic base that will sustain us, Allah willing, regardless of

“My father was born in Muttrah in 1923. He was one of five

the future of our natural resources.” © National Geographic

brothers and three sisters.


As there were no proper schools in Muscat, my father was coached by private teachers, who also taught him English.

-- This quote was part of an interview that Late Ali Sultan

When he was 16, he joined the family company which at

Mohammed Fadhil, father of Maqbool bin Ali Sultan,

that time was managed by his two elder brothers and their

former minister of commerce and industry, gave to National

cousin,” Maqbool said.

Geographic magazine in February 1973.

Business as usual As they say, a boy’s first hero is his dad. This is evident in

Ali Sultan joined the business at a rather difficult time as

this interview with Maqbool bin Ali Sultan, the former

many countries were at war with each other – in short, the

commerce and industry minister, whose endless love

Second World War had just begun and the economy was in

and adoration for his accomplished father, Ali Sultan

bad shape.

Mohammed Fadhil, seems to pour out.

But, right at that age itself, Ali Sultan displayed certain

Maqbool bin Ali Sultan, son of Ali Sultan Mohammed Fadhil

qualities that proved that he was going to be a leader of men They also say that it does not matter how tall a son grows, he

and that he would not be fazed by such problems or obstacles

will always look up to his dad.

in his path.

Maqbool, who, besides being the former minister of

Slowly, but diligently, and aided by his ever supportive elder

commerce and industry, was also the former chairman

brother, he learnt a lot about trade and since W.J. Towell

of the Sohar Industrial Port Co., former chairman of the

was an export-import company dealing with companies

Capital Market Authority and former president of the

mainly in India, England, the AGCC and the USA, he also

Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry. He was the

learnt how to write business letters in English, the language

former chairman of Omanoil Company and is currently the

which his teachers had taught him.

chairman of the Omani British Friendship Association, and

“In fact, I think, the real education that he got was the on-

the group advisor of W J Towell & Co. LLC.

the-job training in the family company,

But despite all these coveted positions, despite the respect he

W. J. Towell! I would also say that was my father’s high

has in the society and in the business circles and despite the

school as well as his university, which of course he passed

fact that he is a top business head in Oman, Maqbool still

with flying colours!” Maqbool enthused.

remains an ordinary son, who even today humbly looks up to his father.

Six months apart

Despite the fact that Ali Sultan Fadhil, or ‘Haji Ali’ as he is

In 1947, when Ali Sultan was 24 years old, the family

fondly known, is no more, his memory still pulsates in the

decided to open a branch in Kuwait. “My father was asked

heart of all of his children.

to go to there and start the business. He had to travel to Kuwait leaving my mother and I (I was just a year old) with

In 1914, Ali Sultan’s grandfather (Mohamed Fadhil) bought the British company, W. J. Towell, which was established in Muscat in 1866. “The company is still owned by our family,” Maqbool noted.

45 4 5

my grandparents in the family house in Soor Al Lawatiya in Muttrah. He was away for six months. This was a time when people did not have telephones and it took about a month for a letter to reach from one country to another,” Maqbool recalled and one could see several emotions playing on his face, especially that old pangs of separation.

Hard work begets success After Ali Sultan’s return to Muscat, his main focus was on the expansion and diversification of the business in Oman. He took upon the task of meeting many foreign businessmen who visited Muscat and used his conversation skills, powers of persuasion and acumen to convince them to collaborate with the family company. “And, I am proud to say that he succeeded with a good many of them. He had to work very hard. His office in Muttrah, at that time, was a mere walking distance from the house. He used to leave the house early morning, return for lunch at around 1 pm and go again to the office at 4pm and he would work till 6.30pm.”

Oman was reborn Although the hard work paid off and Ali Sultan steadily climbed the ladder of success, the truth was that he

46 6

catapulted into greater heights on all fronts when the leader of the nation took over. In the words of Maqbool: “Oman was reborn on July 23rd, 1970, when His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said took over the reigns of the Sultanate. “By 1970, my father was already a successful businessman and was well known to the business community and the government officials.

Dream come true “The change in 1970 was the dream comes true for my father. He always wanted to see the country prosper and grow and he always hoped that the many Omanis who worked abroad would come back to their country and join their families. He wanted to see schools all over Oman. To him education was of prime importance and he made sure that his children got properly educated.” Maqbool paused to add here that he himself left Oman when he was just seven. “I had to go abroad to get the necessary education because of the lack of proper schools in Muscat. But, it was very difficult to leave your parents at that age.”

Education is the key word “My father totally believed in good education. I left home to get a proper education when I was just a kid only because my father believed that education is the key word for an

4 47

individual to grow intellectually, expand emotionally and

dispute, they would reach out to him, knowing that he would

who was the right man to take our nation to great heights of

evolve as a complete human being. Basically, he was home

find the right solution,” Maqbool said.

progress and development.

schooled, never went to a formal school or college, and as I said, his business was his college and university!

“Though we all went overseas to pursue education, my father

Love for one’s own country

and family members ensured we returned back to our own

Ali Sultan travelled all over the world, specially the Gulf

country, because Oman is where our home is. If my father

A son learns from his father

region. But, the more he travelled, the more he seemed to

was alive today, he would be proud of Oman’s successful

I completed my education in 1974 and joined our family

love and admire his own country. The more closer he felt

march towards progress and development!” Maqbool said,

company in Kuwait, working there for a period of 11 years.

with Oman. “My father always loved Oman for its history,

proudly recollecting that the Oman ports were the busiest

Later in 1985, I returned to Oman, and was fortunate

its resources, for its unique topography, its rugged coastlines,

ports in those days…, and many international companies did

enough to work under my father’s able guidance too, learning

its vast deserts, its rich azure seas, its towering but stately

business and entered Oman in the 18th century itself”.

the lessons needed to take the right business decision that

mountains, all of which stood out and excelled in its own

will enable me to progress. He was a strong individual, but

way,” enthused Maqbool. “He believed in Oman, as a nation

Unforgettable deeds

easy to follow and learn, never difficult in decision making.

with opportunities galore and loved its people and had faith

On November 18, 1996, Ali Sultan, passed away peacefully

in them and believed they would excel,” he said.

in his house in Shatti Al Qurum.

Haji Ali alias Ali Sultan

“We will always remember what my father did for us and also

“Every employee looked up to him for guidance and

Oman, our final destination

what he did for his country and for the society,” Maqbool

resolutions. His employees loved him very much and they

“He believed in our benevolent ruler, His Majesty Sultan

said, a trifle sad as he spoke of the passing away of his

used to fondly address him as ‘Haji Ali’. In the event of any

Qaboos bin Said, and saw him as a truly visionary leader,

beloved father.

48 8

Late Haji Ali with his grandchildren and family members


formed and a number of them needed advice and assistance from the

Ali Sultan’s active role in the Omani society, the community and the

chamber of commerce. Ali Sultan therefore had to spend a lot of time in the

company would always be etched in the memory of everyone whom he

chamber and he indeed enjoyed helping the young and new businessmen.)


• Member of the board of governors of the Central Bank of Oman From

As a member of the Muttrah community, he attained quite a prominence.

1977 to 1982

He was appointed by His Majesty the Sultan in various prominent positions. These included:

• Chairman Agriculture, Fisheries and Industry Council 1979 to 1981 • Vice Chairman of the first State Consultative Council 1981 to 1983

• Member of the Commercial Arbitration Authority, 1972 to 1976.

(This was a big honour for him.)

(This was a time when the commercial courts were not still there and the

• Head of Lawatiya community 1980 to 1996

dispute settlements were the only way to resolve commercial disputes.)

He was also the Chairman of the National Bank of Oman from 1977 until

• Chairman of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 1975

1992; honorary Danish Council until 1992 and was on the board of several

(As a result of the economic growth, many new companies were being

companies representing Towell.

Family is the strength

who also reached the peak of success in his life.

taken, and rational only when taken after consultation.

“A valuable lesson of life that my father taught us was that

There were as an aura about him that attracted people to him

No man should be an island unto himself and he used to

family should come first, come what may. He also taught us

and despite the fact that he was very busy, he always found

emphasise that ‘no single individual knows it all’!”

to be in touch with the family members always. He created a

time to resolve issues of people from Muscat and Muttrah

tradition of weekly family meetings, which we continue even

who used to consult him.

Art of patience

today,” Maqbool said.

He was a good leader and all employees in the company, be it

Another great lesson that Ali Sultan taught his children was

Omanis or non Omanis, respected him and were very happy

the art of patience. “Quite often, things don’t go according

“He was a most loving father. He doted on us. When his

working under him.

to plans. Disappointments, challenges, hardships and even

children got married and moved to their houses, he wanted

“My father was a kind hearted and knowledgeable man, well

failures are all part of our lives. What we feel is wrong today,

to see them all with their husbands and wives nearly every

experienced not just in business, but also in life and also

a failure today could perhaps be a life changer tomorrow.

day and indeed those who were in Muscat used to go and

socially; he was good at resolving issues, dealing with people,

So the word ‘patience’ is my magic word, I picked up from

visit him on most of the week days and all gathered in his

maintaining relations and diplomacy in all ways,” Maqbool

my father, which I would like to pass it on to my younger

house for lunch at least once a week.


generation. Life is challenging and beyond our acceptances.

“We learnt this from him and this gathering has continued

No single individual knows it all

till today, so every Saturday, all of us (brothers and sisters)

Maqbool said that the most important lesson that he learned

with our families, would meet for lunch at his house, where

from his father was the act of kindness. “He taught us how to

(The quote attributed to Ali Sultan Mohammed Fadhil, was

my younger brother currently lives,” My father guided us to

be kind in all ways and in all situations.

provided to the People Magazine by his son, Maqbool bin Ali

keep the trade and business healthy and the family together.”

And in the world of business, what I learned from him is to

Sultan, former minister of commerce and industry. The quote was

But by being patient, we wait for changes, which could be the new path to progress and growth,” Maqbool concluded.

be patient: Not to take decisions in haste or act impulsively.

part of an interview that Ali Sultan Fadhil gave to National

An aura that drew people close

He taught me to wait, think over, discuss and then decide.

Geographic magazine in February 1973.)

Ali Sultan was the epitome of a true and honest businessman,

But before you decide, always consult. A decision is well

4 49

Another of Ali Sultan’s son, Anwar Ali Sultan, speaks about his illustrious father:

AN OPEN PERSON, SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE My father was a very approachable, ever smiling and a very kind-hearted person. Yes, if you ask me, the first thing that comes to my mind, when I speak of my father is to remember how kind he always was. He always handled people with genuine kindness. He was also very good with children. I would say that he was a natural. As a father, he taught me to be a social person, to be open and to give back to the society. Up to this moment, I continue the social work, and the community service. He would say, “Never be greedy, be patient and life will take you forward in its own path”.

50 0

I is a known fact that It Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi was S a learned man, a scholar, a writer, and a philosopher. w He was a natural magnet H ffor many who were eembroiled in various dilemmas. They would d approach him for consul on various issues – both trivial and complex.

Sheikh Khalfan bin Jumail Al Siyabi The Philosopher of Sumail Many years ago, just before Oman’s renaissance, there lived

One important point that Khalid Siyabi made was that

an Omani scholar, who literally, singlehandedly, lit the dark

although Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi was such a learned man, a

arenas of illiteracy, ignorance and doubt with his wise and

prolific writer and a philosopher all rolled into one, he never

learned approach.

lived in an ivory tower. “There are so many things one should

A man of immense wisdom, Sheikh Khalfan bin Jumail Al

know about my grandfather but the important factor was

Siyabi was not only ahead of his time, but also self taught in

that he treated each and every person with respect, love and

all arenas of education and even the realms of philosophy. He

care. And he also tackled big and small problems in the same

was literally a beacon of light to all around him in the little

manner. He was not a man who refused to attend to trivial

village of Sumail and its surrounding areas.

issues or dismiss them when they were brought to him. He

Here, People tries to piece together, from the information

always realised that many people, when confronted with

received, a tale about a man of extraordinary means -- a

problems, would often cave under the weight. So, he always

broker of peace among warring factions, a man of reason, a

listened, always advised and would never turn anyone away –

writer, a scholar, a philosopher, all rolled into one.

that was his greatness!”

It is a known fact that Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi was a learned

The mystique

man, a scholar, a writer, and a philosopher. He was a natural

Khalid, being a grandson, could not outline all the main

magnet for many who were embroiled in various dilemmas.

details of his grandfather. He could only pass on the bits and

They would approach him for consul on various issues – both

pieces that he knew about his grandfather. But the beauty

trivial and complex. And Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi who was

of what little information that he gave us helped add to the

known for his patience, humility and care, made sure that

mystique of the philosopher of Sumail.

everyone got a patient hearing; he would exert his full efforts to settle issues.

Far from being a paragon of learning, he made good use of whatever he learnt to impart it to those who had little or

When people brought problems to him, he would apply his

no education. More importantly, when he taught them, he

wisdom and help them them work on the grey areas. He

elucidated the points in such a simple manner that it was not

would give them clues and hints to tackle the issues they

just accepted but understood too.

raised and in the event of an emergency, he would handle it as if it was his own problem.

Islamic scholar

Although there was no reason for him to even entertain such

Khalid took us to those moments back in time and focused

requests, his nature was such that he would go all out to help

primarily on Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi’s role as an Islamic

the people in trouble.


Grandson’s version

“In the earlier days, reading or writing was the prerogative of

“My grandfather was sought after by many -- be it for advice,

the privileged! There were no books, libraries or even schools.

consultations, solutions,” explains Khalid Yahya Khalfan Al

People lived on the advices they obtained from the elders in

Siyabi, a grandson of Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi, who lived in

the family; from the wise men of the village. These were the

Sumail. The latter met us in Sumail to give us an idea about

only guidance they obtained.

this grand scholar and philosopher of yore.

“In those times, my grandfather was the one of the most

Khalid Yahya Khalfan Al Siyabi, grandson of Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi

5 51

52 2

One of the oldest mosque built by Sheikh Khalfan in Sumail sought after man. Villagers came in droves for advices and

activities of the society. It was surprising that he created

mud dwellings and there was scarcity of water and electricity.

discussions. He was considered and accepted as the learned

handwritten guides and books, encapsulating the thoughts

Here too the ingenuity of my grandfather should be

one, the scholar,” Khalid Siyabi explained to the People.

and norms of how to live in a society; all this in an era when

commended, for he made a make shift arrangement to light

even the bare essentials were unavailable. The question most

up the lives of the community.

Five unique books

of us would ask is, how did he know so much; where did

Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi used to compile various questions

he gain this unusual wisdom from; how did he know the

Literally giving light

and answers/solutions in book format. He wrote five unique

answers to so many questions, many of them which were

“He was instrumental then in creating a small handmade

books that were then the main reference point for many in

quite profound? Well, he had his own wisdom, plus the life

wick lamp with kerosene and oils. This was born out of sheer

Sumail and the nearby regions. Those were books on various

experiences and a knowhow of whatever happened around

necessity to extend the life and better the lives of people

subjects, including human values, general home remedies,

globally during that time. Those who travelled often bought

around him. The small lamp created interest in many, from

general information on daily living, amongst others.

back news and tidbits of information. But, this was all!”

near and far, who come to watch how a flicker of light bettered the lives of that village. It created awe and respect

“I used to be wonderstruck when my father and other elders in the family narrated various tales and the unusual abilities

Necessity - the mother of invention

of my grandfather. He was a man who was sought after

Khalid Siyabi noted how most of the solutions passed on

by many for advice, solutions, consultations, discussions,

to the community by his grandfather were raised out of

Quran schools and importance of education

theories and problems.

necessity. “Life was quite challenging then. The modernity

Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi strongly believed in the power of

Many looked upon him as a guide to many social and cultural

that you see around today was not existent. People lived in

education and knowledge transfer. “This was probably one

and the word spread around!”

53 5 3

A few glimpses of the mains reasons that made him document all facts and

to spread the word around. Reading was one of his main

books, with an intention to guide and enlighten the future

solutions in books. He started the first-ever Quran school in

passions. This ignited in him a will to teach and preach to

generation too. Probably, this was what made him stand

Sumail region and propagated the fact that the Holy Quran

the people living in his society. People from far and near

apart from those around him. Those books were one of the

was an unending fountain of knowledge. The Holy Quran,

started talking about him and as the word spread, so did the

earliest reference books and is quite popular and widely read

according to him, gave an abundance of knowledge to the

people who approached him for various consultations. He

even today!”

society. Though all schooling and education was limited to

taught many of them the nuances of life as he perceived and

the Quran schools, which was held under trees, it created an

comprehended it.”

awareness to know more. The younger generation was given

Renovated and preserved Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi was revered by the people around

Author of five books

him. His family adored him. They respected the towering

Khalid Siyabi reminded how at a time when neither reading

personality that he was and made sure that they proudly

A voracious reader

nor writing existed, his grandfather was meticulously

preserved whatever he wrote.

With limited resources, everything was deemed to be

documenting the facts of life, gleaned from his own wisdom

“My father and uncles were very proud of having such a

challenging. That did not limit Sheikh Khalfan Siyabi who

and life experience. “As you are aware, the reading habit was

great man in the family. They thought it as their duty to

was an avid, nay, a voracious reader. He just read anything

quite scarce and virtually no one was writing then. But, my

uphold the philosophy and teachings of my grandfather.

and everything that he could get his hands on. Words

grandfather documented whatever he learnt, life experiences,

They renovated the mosque in which he used to pray and

enlightened him and he passed it on to all of those around

solutions and advices, verses… He documented these in five

function. They also preserved the school and reprinted the

him. The economic status was a common factor to all. “There

handwritten books. One of the books actually feature 28,000

books so that the knowledge is passed on to the future. A

were very few who were rich and the resources were quite

questions and answers, which is quite a task, even today.

Majlis (room) is also built in the memory of our grandfather

minimal or in most cases, obsolete, but that did not deter

My grandfather was a self-taught man, but more

and is used today by the village elders and other community

the strong will of my grandfather, who took it upon himself

importantly, he encapsulated his earnings and teachings into


the hope of a new dawn!”

TRIBUTE to a legendary filmmaker, actor

54 4

Salim Bahwan, who was one Oman’s first and best-known actors, was also one of the few actors from the Sultanate who had the privilege of acting in films that were screened at international festivals. A respected television and filmmaker, Bahwan made some of Oman’s first movies that tackled various taboo subjects, including drug abuse and relationships.

Late Salim bin Mubarak bin Juma Bahwan Al Mukhaini Legendary filmmaker and actor In early 2017, Oman lost its legendary filmmaker and actor.


Salim Bahwan, who was considered to be one of Oman’s

Salim bin Mubarak bin Juma Bahwan Al Mukhaini has done

finest filmmaker, actor, director and producer, died of a heart

it all. On the silver screen that is. In reel, not real life.


The only thing that mirrored his reel life were the roles of a

It was a shock to many and the entire country, including the

son, brother and father.

film fraternity, mourned the death of this popular Omani filmmaker and actor, who is credited for being a pioneer of

Salim Bahwan’s is a name that is internationally known

Omani cinema. The common strain in the outpouring of

and while he has acted in international (Pirate’s Blood) and

grief was that it was a “huge loss”.

locally made movies (Al Boom; Oman’s first movie), and

Bahwan, who was one Oman’s first and best-known actors,

acted in many serials, he is also credited to have taken and

was also one of the few actors from the Sultanate who

acted in Oman’s second movie, Baath Al Mustahail (Search

had the privilege of acting in films that were screened at

for the Impossible).

55 5 5

international festivals. A respected television and filmmaker, Bahwan made some

One of the topmost authority of films in Oman, Salim

small commercials to television serials to films that I have

of Oman’s first movies that tackled various taboo subjects,

Bahwan, has always been marching to a different beat. “The

featured in.

including drug abuse and relationships.

acting blood runs in me. I cannot think of doing anything that would sully it,” he smilingly declares from the drawing

“I still remember my thoughts when I saw the first-ever

Struck by an Indian film he saw when he was just seven, he

room of his home, while adding that he was not holding

movie in my childhood. I realised the impact it had on me

vowed to be a film star. Since Oman did not have a film

the illustrious family name for nothing – he was also a full-

as a growing boy, the effect on my path of growth. Over the

industry then, Bahwan went abroad to study and pursue his

fledged businessman. He spoke to us as his favourite pet, a

years I have learnt and experienced the fact that cinema is a

dream. In 1992, he got his break when he obtained a role in

black German Shepherd, tries to get his undivided attention.

very powerful medium. It can move a whole society and it

Kuwaiti TV drama, The Last Grape. That was the turning

Salim seemed to have that natural talent to fit into any role

has become the most powerful form of mass media since the

point for this great Omani actor. He never looked back ever

or a natural setting. At home, he was homely, a family man,

day it was introduced to the world.

since. Soon after he landed several roles in some of Oman

a pet lover and an excellent conversationalist. He had a lot to

and the Gulf’s best-known television and film productions.

say and he has a lot to give to the acting scene in Oman; his

What is cinema? It is nothing but an attempt to showcase

He became an household name after that.

passion and love for cinema is abundant.

the reality and existence of a particular culture and society on the silver screen. Whatever the theme of a movie, it is the

Black & White and People had the opportunity to meet him

A matter of pride

social and cultural impact of a film that amounts and brings

and interview him a few years back. However, we never had

“What would I call myself? A businessman, actor and an

credit to its success.

the opportunity to publish the feature.

artist. Acting is not a career for me; it is my passion, my

Here below, we reproduce that unpublished feature as a

identity. I am basically a businessman. I chose business as

“I did a commercial for the Unicef in 1987; it was a

humble tribute to this legendary Omani actor and filmmaker:

my career and our family has been into business for years.

commercial on anti-smoking. I would say that was my first

I was just a seven-year old boy when I first saw a movie and

attempt at facing a camera. The commercial started my acting

Reel heroes need not be real heroes: Salim Bahwan

that was it! I knew instantly that I wanted to be an actor,

career path. Very soon I stepped into acting in small serial

He was once a very cruel drug dealer; a cold blooded villain

an artist. It is not easy to be an actor or an artist, as it is a

roles in Oman Television. One of the roles I did was that of

and even mentally deranged… Then one day he became old.

creative field. You either have it or don’t! Looking back, I

a mentally challenged person and it was indeed a challenging

But, don’t forget, before that he was also a son, a brother, a

feel proud of what I have achieved in the acting world, from


56 6

A friend of mine was the director of the serial and I got the

becomes memorable. I also did the role of an old man, as the

role. Very slowly I started acting in a variety of roles, though

lone survivor of a sunken ship. It was a beautiful experience.

at first most of the roles and characters were quite simple and monotonous. Later, as I matured and as the world of

I am basically a Bedouin from Sur and I could fit into the

television and cinema grew, I got opportunities to experiment

role perfectly. I am nicknamed the ‘Son of Wolf’, because my

and perform.

father used to be a sailor and had a pet name ‘Wolf’.

I acted in the roles of husband, father, old man, drug dealer,

Actor to director

villain, mentally challenged, son, brother… I travelled the

“Over the years, I have learnt of my limitations and strengths

world over, took training and studied courses in cinema

and wanted to step in to the shoes of a director, which I did

and acted in Arab and Indian cinemas, made friends in the

eventually. I write scripts too. I could not find a good director

cinema world, which taught me life experiences in this field.

and along with one of the seniors in the industry, Abdullah

My favourite hero is the Indian actor Dilip Kumar.

Haider, one of the oldest directors in Oman, I took up directing of a movie after 25 years of acting.

Son of Wolf “One of my favourite characters was in the serial I acted

I have acted in over 30 television serials (*) and acted in the

called ‘The Last Child’. It was a regional (Gulf-based) serial

first Omani movie Al Boom. I also acted in Pirates’ Blood

and I enacted the role of a rich drug dealer, who was not only

an English movie, which also had Indian actors. I am proud

villainous, but also uneducated. The role got me laurels and is

to say that I produced and directed the second Omani movie

one of my favourites to date.

(Baat Al Mustahail or ‘Search for the Impossible’). It is an

I have been fortunate enough to be appreciated and awarded

independent movie, launched and shot in the pristine and

many times, including a medal from Egypt, which is a rare

naturally beautiful locations of Salalah. The movie ran in City

honour for an Arab. I was the first actor in the Middle East

Cinema, Al Shatti (currently Vox Cinema), for quite some

to be honoured with the award. I love doing character roles.

time and also brought in good reviews. “I love and adore

Every character I play, I perform with passion.

cinema and as long as I am alive I will continue to act and

But, only when a little bit of spice is added, the character

produce movies.

57 5 7

58 8

Glimpses from the acting era

Good stuff stays good

sought after career today for the youth. Though technology

“A good movie is like a good book. There are no limitations

has progressed in leaps and bounds and the creative world of

of time, technology or generation. The good stuff always

multi media has thrown open its doors to the youth, Oman is

remains good to all communities and cultures.

still a step behind in the world of cinema. Cinema is a world of immense career opportunities and can change many things

No matter what the language is, the effect is positive and

positively. It takes lot of maturity, thought and talent to

inspiring. Every society evolves with time and the changes

shine well and create progressively.

are obvious and visible in the young generation. We all

To create a career in the world of cinema, you need

change with the generation, but as I said, the good (stuff)

education, expertise and knowhow. With proper

remains good.

qualifications, guidance and education, you can create a wonderful career in this field!”

Cinema is a choice No one can compel you to take up cinema. You need to be

(*) At the time of the interview done in 2012.

creative, expressive and have a live mind. It is very important that an actor is educated, because the youth is vulnerable and can be easily swayed by what they see on the screen and they can imitate their heroes on the screen. I would like to say to the youth not to believe everything they see on screen. Today in the society, everyone looks for a hero. But, a reel hero may not necessarily be a real hero.

Cinema, a career creator “Oman is a traditional society. People are still vary of the world of cinema and glamour. They are apprehensive of the impact of the glamorous world on the youth. It is still not a

59 5 9

60 0


Breath of fresh air

A couple of years back, a young Omani band quietly released

Watasimu came out as a breath of fresh air in a world

their first music video album, which created quite a stir. It

that generally thrived on glitz and glamour and sheer

became an instant hit recording over 100,000 views within

commercialism. Blitzing a path, the album on peace tore

24 hours when the album was uploaded on You Tube.

through the narrow-minded view that only glamour sells

The group was instantly catapulted into the musical limelight

and proved that the sound of music that delved on humanity

in Oman and all eyes and ears were on them… History was

soared above the clamour of war, violence and bloodshed.


The public lapped up Watasimu and its soulful peace chants as though they were starved of such music. The biggest hit

Now, we are not talking of a hot pop or rock and roll band

song in the album was the track ‘Oman the Glorious’, which

that had set hearts on fire and splitting ears of music lovers

was a musical tribute to His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said.

in Oman. Not exactly. And just to set the record straight, the band members in question were not hopping around in

100,000 views in 24 hours

wacky costumes and screeching out indecipherable lyrics, the

“The video & album launch of Watasimu was unique in its

kind that appeals to a section of the youngsters of today. No!

own way. The album had 100,000 views in 24 hours of its upload! And we had a successful launch at the grand hall of

Watasimu – United

the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) under the auspices of

In stark contrast, these band members, who were slowly

Sayyid Saud bin Hilal bin Hamad Al Busaidi, minister of

emerging on the local musical circuit with their gentle,

state and governor of Muscat and many other dignitaries,”

inspirational, poetic odes on peace, as was revealed in their

band leader, Hussain Al Lawati, tells People, adding that

first audio CD album that they released in 2009. That time

they were supported in their launch by many companies (*).

the group had only four performers.

The team also expressed their gratitude to Ali Najjar, a video director from Bahrain, who created the video for them.

Five years later, in 2014, they launched their second album.

“Our special thanks to Ali Najjar, who with his creativity

By this time, they were five members in the group. This was

and unique technology brought in international standards of

their first musical video album and it created a virtual storm

audio and visual to our album.”

with over 100,000 views.

The Watasimu album actually gave them a better perspective

Then, in the next year, in 2015, they launched their second

of their musical goals too, in the sense, they realised that the

musical album, which proved to be an even greater hit.

talent which was within them had the power to change the lives of people, especially their mindset, Hussain and the

These two albums were an eye opener for many in Oman’s

other team members added. The others include Abdullah

nascent music world, which quite often were reluctant to

Al Asmi, Taha Al Lawati, Bader Al Harthy and Majdy Al

show great interest in such music. But, with Watasimu, the


five-membered band, which also goes by the same title, were almost on the threshold of becoming a household name.

You are the best!

Yet, it was not something that they had bargained for. They

In March 2015, as a small tribute to His Majesty, the Sultan,

were not the type that were driven by the need for popularity

the group launched yet another song, wishing His Majesty

or sought to sensationalise their music. Their goal was much

good health and happiness and welcoming him back to

higher than that. These were a serious bunch of munshid

Oman after his treatment abroad. “We titled it ‘You are the

(chanting) singers, whose sole aim was to reach out to the

best’! The CD was a symbol of our love and affection for our

public with a message of great significance: peace.

leader. The song had 72,000 views and was well accepted by all in Oman.

6 61

62 2

The team with Al Najjar,the video director, Bahrain We used a unique freeze technology in this video clip and the visuals and video effect was one of a kind,” the members enthused.

The beginning Hussain also recalled how it all began. “Sometime back in 2009, I bumped into my friend Bader at a masjid. We had always shared an interest in music and that meeting was the beginning of our musical trek. We agreed to team up and bring out an album; soon, other friends also joined us. “we thought about the unique concept: United: Watasimu! Something that would be steeped in our culture and tradition and also become our identity.”

Our inspiration, our leader Oman as a nation stood united, as a symbol of unity, thanks to the wise and able leadership of its ruler His Majesty Sultan Qaboos bin Said. “Over the last 49 years, he was a true example for all of us, the young and the old, to unite and progress for the betterment of our nation. He is our inspiration!” the group noted.

United “Following his path, we took up our small project, out of our regular career schedules, bound by our passion of music. We created our first audio CD in 2009, along with Nasser

63 6 3

Al Amri and launched our first seven tracks.

on in their path and to take their message to bigger heights.

“We launched in Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain and received an

“Our intention is to pass on a message of peace and goodwill

overwhelming response. The Album was unique in content

to all. We have done it and have reached out to the youth

and technology. Whatever we did, we wanted it to be of good

and old alike. Oman has good talent, unfortunately, there

quality, not just because of market standards, but also because

are no means to grow and develop that talent. Consistency is

we would be representing our beloved nation. We gave a

very challenging today with the overload of social media and

mix of munshid with some soft and light music, conducive

online downloads.

to all the three sects in Oman, without hurting anyone’s

“We sold over 7000 CDs in our first attempt, but the online

sentiments, while keeping in mind to unite all of them,” the

downloads were more in our second Album.

group said.

“We look forward to yet another chapter of our Watasimu in the future. And we are working on it!”

Peace, Unity and Watasimu second edition But after the overwhelming success of their first video

(*)Sponsors: Sultan Qaboos University, Al Hilal Islamic

album, the group faced their first-ever dilemma which most

Banking, Al Roya Investment Services, Al Roya Insurance, Al

musicians face: the pull and thrust of popularity. However,

Balushi Group, Al Hassan, Al Habib, Kargeen, Sohar Steel

they had a bigger issue: what they faced was now the major

Group, Towell, United Securities

responsibility that they have to encounter – that of continuing

64 4

THE FIVE SINGERS: Abdullah Al Asmi, Taha Al Lawati, Hussain Al Lawati, Bader Al Harthy and Majdy Al Balushi

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Pharmaceutical Company (Exclusive Distribution Agreement):

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Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel with Minister of Health of Kuwait

Picture of Late Mohamed Habib Mohamed Fadhel and his Sons Mr. Ali, Mr. Hassan and Mr. Altaf with some Agency Officials:

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Certificate to Mazoon Pharmacy from LEO Pharma for being a distributor for 25+ years

:»à∏FÉY »a AÉHB’G π«L øe É¡àª∏©J »àdG ᪡ªdGh áq«dhC’G ¢ShQqódG óMCG øe ¿EG{ π«L øe øjôNBG AÉ°†YCGh »æHG ≈dEG …QhóH ÉfCG É¡à∏≤fh, IQÉéàdG »a áfÉeC’G áfÉeC’G ¿CÉH ¢SÉqædG ¢†©H ó≤à©j ób ,¬∏≤f q»∏Y ÉkÑLGh √QÉÑàYG ≈∏Y ,ÜÉÑ°ûdG ∂ª∏©J áfÉeC’G ¿CG Gƒaô©j ¿CG º¡«∏Y øμdh ,™jô q°ùdG ∫ɪdG Ö°ùc ≥«©J á«aÉØ q°ûdGh ∂fCG »g á«FÉ¡qædG áé«àædGh .ìÉéqædG ≈dEG ÉkàHÉK Ék≤jôW ∂∏°ùJ ¿CG - IQhô°†dÉH q – .zø«©dG ôjôb ¿ÉeCÉH ΩÉæà°S

Letter of Appreciation to Mazoon Pharmacy from Hoyu Co. Ltd. In 1992:

9 97

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Maimuna Al-Sulaimani, Editor-in-chief

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Since 1975

Al Ansari Group


ĚėĸĔŭũĖ ŽĖǜē ŽŬĔũőŤē ĘőĽťŤŴ

ĚĩŁŤē ijŵŘŵŨ ųĝŤǙĤ ŹťŐ ŪŻİŻ ūĉ ųĜijİŜ ĞťĤ ų ų ĚĩŁŤē ijŵŘŵŨ ųĝŤǙĤ ŹťŐ ŪŻİŻ ūĉ ųĜijİŜ ĞťĤ ųťŤē ŮżŐēį ƻƻēĴĬı ųũŻİƸƸŻ ūĉŴ ĚżŘĔƸƸƸőŤēŴ ůIJű İżőŻ ūĉŴ ĔŲťűĉŴ ūĔũƸőŤ ż ēĴĬı ųũŻİƸƸŻ ūĉŴ ĉŴ Ě ŮŨ İŻĶũƸƸĖ ŽŬĔƸƸƸũőŤē ĘőƸƸĽŤēŴ ųĝŤǙƸƸƸƸĤ Źť İŻĶũ Ķ ŹťŐ Ě ŮŨ İŻĶũƸƸĖ ŽŬĔƸƸƸũőŤē ĘőƸƸĽŤēŴ ųĝŤǙƸƸƸƸĤ ŹťŐ ĚėĸĔŭƸƸƸũŤē ijĔűįĵǘēŴ ŧİŝĝŤē ǁ

ĶżũĝŤĔĖ ūŵŨĶĝťŨ

٢٠١٩ - 1970 Ék eÉY ٤٩ ¿ÉªY áæ£∏°S

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