OLIVER! - the show will go on As part of our focus this month on the beleaguered Arts and Entertainment world, Channel's Liz Cannon recently sat down with National Youth Theatre (NYT) CEO James Doy and a group of amazing young performers, who share their experiences of being part of the NYT tribe.
Channel Magazine: Why is being part of NYT special? Mitchell: We're really encouraged to do our best. Even if it goes wrong, you always have a second chance. Nathan: It's a completely different world in the theatre-room. None of us get judged - everyone's together and equal. Matilda: It's all about the bonds, friendships and connections with peers, tutors and the whole industry. It gives me motivation and enthusiasm - a reason to get up and actually do something! Lucy: NYT is a place where I can be me. It's incredible to be able to take off my public mask and just be myself. Joseph: NYT is actually a charity - it's all done for the joy of it by the whole team - creatives, costumes, tutors, lighting, sound, production. The support is incredible. Then when you bow and get the applause wow! What we do together as an ensemble is truly recognised. Charlie: I like how I can just be myself too, and not have to act all 'cool'. It's a safe space. Harry: I just love learning how to act - these are life skills I can apply to anything I do. Willow: I'm free to be whatever I want! I was super nervous but once I started, it all went away. CM: Has your experience of NYT helped your confidence in other areas of your life? Mitchell: Yes. I'm now able to stand up, do speeches, do assemblies. That's because of NYT. Nathan: I came into NYT with masses of confidence already! But NYT has helped me to develop my confidence into something really positive. Harry: I've experienced pressures of being in various other groups school, sports, activities. But at NYT you can just be yourself and hang out with whoever you want to. Joseph: I was scared of being judged, but friends actually said, 'Man, you were good!' It's incredible to be recognised for something that I absolutely love. CM: What do you love best about being in Oliver! ? Nathan: Show week is the most fun part of the whole experience.
Issue 128 - March 2022
Mitchell Ryan-Osler (14) Birkenhead/Rosmini College, Harry Brown (13) Devonport/TGS, Matilda Adams (14) Mairangi Bay/TGS, Charlie Brown (9) Devonport/Stanley Bay School, Nathan Davies (13) Belmont/Westlake Boys, Lucy Singleton (12) Unsworth Heights/Albany Junior High School, Willow Doy (8) Beach Haven/Beach Haven Primary, and Joseph Wolfkamp (14) Devonport/ Rosmini College.
After months of preparation, delays and uncertainty, it all clicks. Matilda: I love rehearsals best. After 4 months of rehearsing, the actual show comes along so fast! Lucy: The best part is the first dress rehearsal. You can see what it looks like when it all comes together - it's just beautiful. We're all in it together, we all love the same thing! Mitchell: I love the professional environment, the real experience of theatre. You can't get that anywhere else. Harry: I could've just been in the background and been totally happy with that. But the tutors built my confidence and I went for it, did an audition and actually got a main part - unbelievable! Joseph: I can escape from other aspects of my life and just sing and act - get back to what I love and enjoy. Charlie: I wasn't very good at singing, but now I'm so much better. My confidence has built up much stronger than it was before. Willow: I think it's great to be other people's entertainment, instead of getting entertained yourself.