22,750 copies distributed to homes and businesses in Devonport, Bayswater, Belmont, Takapuna, Milford, Forrest Hill, Westlake, Castor Bay, Campbells Bay, Mairangi Bay, Murrays Bay and to selected businesses outside these areas.
Proudly published by
issue 15
North Shore’s monthly Magazine for news, views, events and people.
During October there is only one colour
HEALTH & FITNESS: Pilates Unlimited
Tummy troubles as I see it The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes. - Marcel Proust
Each year tummy troubles send thousands of us to the doctor and little has changed in terms of treatment options since I set out 12 years ago to discover what was behind the major gastric problems that had plagued me for 30 years. Most of us have come to accept that the ‘quick fix’ comes in the form of an antacid a ‘proton pump inhibitor’ or some other form of medication. After all what else is out there that might ease the pain and discomfort? When it comes to many digestive tract issues, we can focus purely on treating symptoms or we can look more closely at causes and think in terms of healing. Medical thinking is that diet has little to do with the problem but my own experience suggests that it has everything to do with it. Whether it be excessive ‘wind’ constipation, bloating, indigestion, IBS or heartburn caused by ‘reflux’ there are a number of simple nutritional solutions that I found to be very helpful when it came to taming my tummy troubles. As a first step try going totally Gluten free – one doesn’t have to be a Celiac to be sensitive to gluten (latin - glue) and I suspect many New Zealanders are suffering without making the gluten connection. Removing gluten from my diet made a huge difference and I can’t believe I was never told about this by my doctors at the time. For more information on life without gluten - www.drrodneyford.com Dr Ford is a Christchurch Pediatrician who has become a specialist in issues relating to gluten. Depending on the severity of the symptoms and what you hope to achieve, try removing Dairy – Caffeine – Alcohol and Sugar from the diet. It’s not easy to do this but I was willing to do anything in the quest for a life without pain. I used to love my coffee and a beer or glass of wine after work and I had grown up drinking lots of milk. Nancy Appleton (no relation) in her very informative book ‘Lick the Sugar Habit’ lists 108 ways in which sugar can ‘ruin our health’. Surprisingly once I had made the ‘break’ and started feeling really good I have never had the urge to revert back to my old ways. I drink at least 3 litres of filtered water every day. Water has a significant positive impact on improving intestinal motility (dehydration and constipation go hand in hand). I drink two large glasses of ‘tepid’ water on waking in the morning (with the juice of a lemon squeezed into it). Additional ‘tummy tamers’ which are part of my programme include a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a small glass of warm water prior to main meals. This helps kick start the digestive process. A refreshing mug of ginger tea after meals is something I never miss. I make it with fresh ginger (chopped small). Some years ago when I read ‘Ginger Common Spice and Wonder Drug”, author Paul Schulick left me in no doubt that ginger has a huge role to play in digestive health. Having to deal with very painful peptic ulcers was perhaps my greatest challenge but the protocol I embraced was surprisingly simple. The key to it was 300 mls of freshly made Cabbage juice (organic) with Carrot juice to improve the taste (twice daily). A teaspoon of Slippery Elm powder stirred into a glass of warm water after meals and prior to bed was the other key plank. I also used a supplement ‘GastroMend-HP’ which is based on Deglycyrrhizinated Liquorice - Mastic Gum – Vitamin U (Methylmethioninesulfonium) which is the active ingredient in Cabbage Juice) and Zinc Carnosine. What I discovered may not be the total answer for everyone but it could well be a very good starting point for many. Contact: John Appleton, Email: appletonassoc@xtra.co.nz Telephone 489-9362, Online: www.johnappleton.co.nz
Harriette Blackman, Ray Medemblik, Carole Fraser, Laiza Lima and Lizzie Kumar are all certified Romana’s Pilates instructors.
Pilates Unlimited
Training Centre for New Zealand
Cynthia Lochard
Last month the team at Pilates Unlimited were not only busy teaching clients, but the studio also hosted the Basic Seminar for six new apprentices and Continuing Pilates Education for all Romana’s Pilates Certified Instructors in New Zealand. In 2008, Pilates Unlimited was made the Training Centre for New Zealand. This is the third intake of apprentices to start their training. Four of the new trainees are from Auckland and two from Christchurch. Cynthia Lochard from Sydney is a very experienced Teacher Trainer. She visits Pilates Unlimited several times a year to run seminars, workshops and continuing education, and tests the apprentices at each level as they go through their training. On this visit Harriette Blackman completed her final test which includes three case study written exams and a two-hour practical test. Congratulations Harriette. At Pilates Unlimited, the studio is dedicated to the preservation of the authentic teachings. Instruction is conducted with 80% of the clients taking one-on-one sessions and 20% partaking in duo and small classes. “The system we teach is a system of exercises designed to increase strength and flexibility without adding bulk,” says Pilates Unlimited owner says Carole Fraser. “The technique relies upon resistance rather than impact, focusing on the ‘Powerhouse’ which is the core of the body including abdominals, inner thigh, lower back, hips and buttock muscles.” Next month we will be featuring two clients who can tell you about what Authentic Pilates means to them. For more infomation contact:- Pilates Unlimited, 18 Northcroft Street, Takapuna. Phone 486-1018. www.pilatesunlimited.co.nz
ta k a p u n a b e a ch
www.pilatesunlimited.co.nz 18 northcroft street . takapuna beach . phone 486 1018
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Channel Community Calendar This CHANNEL Community Calendar is published monthly for Community Events. If you would like to include your event in one of our upcoming
Saturday Mairangi Bay Farmers Market, 8am-12.30pm Belmont Market, St. Margaret’s Presbyterian Church Hall, 8am-12pm Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Member’s Merit Award Exhibition 2011 Becroft & Café Galleries, Lake House Arts Centre 27th Sept-16th Oct New Dawn Becroft Gallery, Lake House Arts Centre Ends 16th Oct
Sunday Takapuna Market, 6am-Noon Car Boot Sale, Takapuna Primary School Carpark, 8am-11am Devonport Craft Market, Devonport Community House, 10am-3pm
Radiance Devonport Classic Fun Run & Walk, Fort Takapuna, Devonport, 8.15am-1pm
Monday 60’s Up Indoor Bowls Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna 1pm Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Tuesday Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse 10.30am & 1pm
Early Castor Bay-Memorabilia / Photograhic Display, The Battery Observation Post Kennedy Park, Castor Bay, 10am-4pm-FINAL
East Coast Bays Community Project-KiwiFest Browns Bay Village Green, Noon-4pm Early Castor Bay Memorabilia / Photograhic Display, The Battery Observation Post Kennedy Park, Castor Bay, 10am-4pm
Auckland Windsurfing Association Slalom Series, Takapuna Boating Club, 9am-5pm
Auckland Windsurfing Association Slalom Series Takapuna Boating Club, 9am-5pm
Mairangi Bay Farmers Market 8am-12.30pm Milford Craft Market Milford Senior Citizens Hall, 10am-2pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm NABBA/WFF NZ Nationals Bruce Mason Centre, 12pm Shore is Magic - Family Comedy Magic Show The Rose Centre, Belmont, 2.30-4.15pm
Takapuna Market, 6am-Noon The Kennedy Park WWII Tunnels Beach Rd, Castor Bay Open to Public 1-4pm
Shore is Magic Family Comedy Magic Show The Rose Centre, Belmont, 7.30-9.15pm
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm NZ Institure of Education & Avonmore I.T. Tertiary Institute Open Week 1-3, 62 Anzac St, Takapuna, 9am-3pm
King of Rangitoto Paddling event to Rangitoto Island Takapuna Beach, 9am-1pm
Mairangi Bay Farmers Market 8am-12.30pm
60’s Up Indoor Bowls Methodist Church Hall Takapuna, 1pm
North Shore Junior Rugby World Series, Onewa Domain Northcote, 9am-4pm
Birkenhead Artisan Market Highbury House, 110 Hinemoa St, 9am-1pm Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Takapuna Market, 6am-Noon Mind Body and Spirit Fair Belmont Intermediate, 10am-5pm New Dawn, Becroft Gallery Lake House Arts Centre-FINAL
Mind Body and Spirit Fair Belmont Intermediate, 10am-5pm
Member’s Merit Awards Becroft & Café Galleries Lake House Arts Centre-FINAL
West Side Story Bruce Mason Centre, 2pm & 6pm-FINAL
Techno Kendall Cup Youth Regatta - Winter Series, Murrays Bay Sailing Club, 9am-5pm
Auckland Studio Potters 2011 Mairangi Arts Centre-FINAL
Auckland Vintage Jazz Society Takapuna Boating Club, 7-9.30pm
60’s Up Indoor Bowls Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 1pm
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 17th-22nd Oct 10am & Noon
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
NZ Institure of Education & Avonmore I.T. Tertiary Institute Open Week 1-3, 62 Anzac St, Takapuna, 9am-3pm North Shore Junior Rugby World Series, Onewa Domain Northcote, 9am-4pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse 10.30am & 1pm
Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 10am & Noon Tania Parrot Café Gallery, Lake House Arts Centre 18th-30th October, Opening 5-7pm
Techno Kendall Cup Youth Regatta Winter Series Murrays Bay Sailing Club, 9am-5pm Mairangi Bay Farmers Market 8am-12.30pm
Milford Craft Market Milford Senior Citizens Hall, 10am-2pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm-FINAL
Takapuna Market, 6am-Noon Life’s a Breeze Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
Labour Day 60’s Up Indoor Bowls Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 1pm
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 10am & Noon-FINAL
Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach 22nd-30th October, 9am-7pm
Term 4 Starts
Excel School of Performing Arts Bruce Mason Centre, 7.30pm Life’s a Breeze Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
North Shore Community Craft Market & Bazaar, Milford School Hall, 10am-2pm
Mairangi Bay Farmers Market 8am-12.30pm
Auckland Windsurfing Association Slalom Series Takapuna Boating Club, 9am-5pm
Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
Takapuna Market, 6am-Noon
2011 Round North Head Classic Swim Windsor Reserve, Devonport, 10am
60’s Up Indoor Bowls Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 1pm
Auckland Windsurfing Association Slalom Series Takapuna Boating Club, 9am-5pm
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Life’s a Breeze Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm-FINAL
Morning Melodies - Lynn Walters & The Frank E Evans Band Bruce Mason Centre
State Beach Series Takapuna Beach 1st Nov 2011 20th Mar 2012, 5-7pm
ught Proudly brtoo you by
issues email details to… mary@benefitz.co.nz
North Shore Harmony Club Concert Milford Senior Citizens Club, 7.30pm Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Artist in Residence - Roger Zhuang Artists Den and Art Gallery 20 Kitchener Rd, Milford, 11am-1pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Artist in Residence-Roger Zhuang Artists Den and Art Gallery, Milford, 11am-1pm
Takapuna Beach Night Markets Hurstmere Green, 5-9pm
60’s Up Exercises Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 10am Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
North Shore Junior Rugby World Series Onewa Domain Northcote, Reserve Day
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Shore is Magic Family Comedy Magic Show The Rose Centre, Belmont, 7.30-9.15pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm Artist in Residence - Amanda Brett Artists Den and Art Gallery 20 Kitchener Rd, Milford, 1-3pm
Takapuna Beach Night Markets Hurstmere Green, 5-9pm 60’s Up Exercises Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 10am
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
NZ Institure of Education & Avonmore I.T. Tertiary Institute Open Week 1-3, 62 Anzac St, Takapuna, 9am-3pm
FRIDAY Term 3 Ends
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm West Side Story Bruce Mason Centre, 8pm
NZ Institure of Education & Avonmore I.T. Tertiary Institute Open Week 1-3, 62 Anzac St, Takapuna, 9am-3pm
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Techno Kendall Cup Youth Regatta Winter Series Murrays Bay Sailing Club 9am-5pm
West Side Story, Bruce Mason Centre 13th-15th October, 8pm Artist in Residence - Amanda Brett Artists Den and Art Gallery, Milford, 1-3pm NZ Institure of Education & Avonmore I.T. Tertiary Institute Open Week 1-3, 62 Anzac St, Takapuna, 9am-3pm
North Harbour Triathlon Club Swim Run Series 2011/12 - Race 1 Gould Reserve, Takapuna, 5.30pm Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 10am & Noon
60’s Up Exercises Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna 10am
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 10am & Noon
Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Artist in Residence - Roger Zhuang Artists Den and Art Gallery, Milford, 11am-1pm
Proudly playing a big part in our local community.
Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary The Pumphouse, 10.30am & 1pm
An Evening with Aboriginal Elder & Wisdom Keeper Uncle Max The Rose Centre, Belmont, 7-10pm
Imperial Russian Ballet Company Presents A Festival of Russian Ballet Bruce Mason Centre, 8pm
Takapuna Beach Night Markets Hurstmere Green, 5-9pm
The latest issue of Benefitz News, skiting about everything we do, is available now…
Hansel & Gretel Bruce Mason Centre, 10am & Noon
Artist in Residence-Roger Zhuang Artists Den and Art Gallery, Milford, 11am-1pm
Takapuna Beach Night Markets Hurstmere Green, 5-9pm
60’s Up Exercises Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 10am Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am
Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
John Rowles Now is the Hour Final Tour Bruce Mason Centre, 7.30pm
Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
A Festival of Russian Ballet Bruce Mason Centre, 8pm Devonsport Sun Run 3km & 5km Circuit Every Thursday Torpedo Bay Café, 6-7.30pm Life’s a Breeze - Windsurf into Summer Takapuna Beach, 9am-7pm
North Harbour Triathlon Club Swim Run Series 2011/12 - Race 2 Gould Reserve, Takapuna, 5.30pm An Audience with Pam Ayres Bruce Mason Centre, 7.30pm Artist in Residence - Roger Zhuang Artists Den and Art Gallery, Milford, 11am-1pm
Takapuna Beach Night Markets Hurstmere Green, 5-9pm
60’s Up Exercises Methodist Church Hall, Takapuna, 10am Shore Tenpin Seniors Fred Thomas Dr, Takapuna, 10am KFC Grilled NZPWG Anita Boon Pro-Am North Shore Golf Club, Albany, 11am-7.30pm
Devonsport Sun Run 3km & 5km Circuit Torpedo Bay Café, 6-7.30pm
KFC Grilled NZPWG Anita Boon Pro-Am North Shore Golf Club, Albany, 11am-7.30pm
ABBA Tribute Bruce Mason Centre, 8pm Beatles - A Real Night to Remember Takapuna Soccer Club Rooms Taharoto Rd, Takapuna from 6pm
Or visit - www.benefitz.co.nz
out & about on the shore
John Key at North Harbour Club Lexus of North Shore Charity Lunch
Prime Minister John Key was the guest speaker at this lunch held at the North Harbour Stadium in late August. The huge crowd of over 420 enjoyed Key’s entertaining speech and the direct way he answered the many questions put to him afterwards. Lexus driver Mike Hosking was MC.
Bob Jago, Fraser Cunningham, Alistair Davis, Pauline Jago, Chris Rippon, Peter Deedman, Dennis Millerchen.
Jim Huse, John Key.
Michelle Bennett, Penny Roberts, Ralph Roberts, Ashleigh Bennett.
Andrew Harris, Lisa Ford, Bob Quaid.
Sean Park, Hyunchul Park, Haeran Hu.
Felicity Anderson, Wayne Mapp, Cali-Michelle Gordon.
Nicolette Bodewes, Jo-Anne Thomas, Jane Straka.
Peter Wall, Michelle Wall, Wayne Mapp.
Warren Ladbrook, Gordon Johnstone, David Stedman, Hugh Stedman.
Nigel Perkins, Gary Chambers, Peter Carrucan, Alan Cato.
Derek Powell, Tim Brooks, Roger Middleton.
Nick Botica, Hayden Burr.
John Tidswell, Kurt Hardy, Karl Hardy.
Torpedo Bay Rugby Celebration Torpedo Bay celebrated the opening of the Rugby World Cup during September with guest appearence by Devonport Primary School Kapa Haka.
Devonport Primary School Kapa Haka group.
Torpedo Bay Cafe ‘Girls’ in the spirit of the RWC - Bianca, Jo, Lucy.
Isabel Fischer, Theo Robinson, Renate Tolks, Victoria Plummer, Michal Levi and dog Luca.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Lizzy Wangford, David Barton, Rebecca Barton.
Henare Waaka, Noel and Jean Kendick.
Vivienne Cliffe, Michelle Millington, Sam Harris, Natalie McKay, Karen McKenzie, Alice Browning, Ben Enoka.
out & about on the shore
Taste of Takapuna Takapuna Grammar Cookbook launch
Carol Wetzell, Robyn Wilkinson, Robert Johnston.
John Beck, Ken Gilmour, Karina Beck.
Sue Leslie, Rod Glengarry, Terry and Robin Holding.
Neil Murray, Ann Davis, Evan Andrew.
Brian Stewart, Simon Lamb.
Tom Beran, Ulla Bennett, Helen Drummond.
Christina Eaglen, Teri Shilton, Sue Clouston.
Carolyn and Grant Pomeroy, Jan McEwen, Linda McKay.
Briar Warin, Sarah Mason, Adrian Day, Shirlie and Laurie Mason, Kristina Dickens, Rex Browne.
Helen Parker, Desiree Mason, Wendy Duncraft, Nicky Pridham.
Jenny Newton, Jenny Flemmings, Mary Harris, Robyn Wilkinson.
Jacqui Kerslake, Susan Revell.
John Shafer, Jo Iremonger, Katrina Morgan, Angela Shafer, Di Scivier.
The launch of this fabulous cookbook was held in the Sir Peter Blake Building at Takapuna Grammar on Friday September 23rd. A highlight was the delicious samples from the cookbook being served. The book can be bought from the school or The Booklover in Takapuna.
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
out & about on the shore
North Harbour Club Lexus of North Shore Charity “Sky TV Rugby Centre” Lunch The four annual lunches hosted by the North Harbour Club are now popular fixtures on the local social calendar. This lunch, held during September, appropriately took on a Rugby theme as North Harbour Club Ambassador and former All Black Ian Jones filmed his Sky TV Rugby show – Rugby Centre – during the lunch held at the Bruce Mason Centre, Takapuna.
Nick Hern, Simon Templeton.
Bruce and Angela Spooner.
Scott Treadaway, Kris MacCauley, Dean McGahey, Wayne Eivers.
Tony Marsh, Ian Borthwick , Ian Jones, Peter Thorburn.
Callum Shaw, Darrel Kinghan, Lynda Mann.
Colin McGough, Craig Harrison, Albert Chang, Duncan Reid.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Andrew Hill, Robert Foster, Michael Biddick.
Craig Biddulph, Kevin Kelly.
out & about on the shore
A Taste of France in Kiwiland at the Spencer on Byron
Victor Verguin, Julie Harrison, Richard Guerra.
Richard Guerra, the Frog in the Barrel from the fabulous Milford wine store, organised a fundraising dinner he called “A Taste of France in Kiwiland” at the Spencer on Byron on Sunday September 25 – the night following the All Blacks versus France RWC fixture at Eden Park. It was a great night with fantastic entertainment, food, wine – the best of France and New Zealand – while raising money for the Child Cancer Foundation.
Tania Pease, Pip White.
Michael Hockly, Gilbert and Tina Edgell, Kim Hockly.
Yoann Bouchonier, Pierre Pradi, Gregory Coulon.
Jonathan and Lisajand Koeu.
Sarah and Julian Travaglia.
Ariane Arcidet, Claire Gripon.
Jo Christensen, Rod Enoka, Robyn and Gary Rohloff.
Stephenie Quinn, Mary Gordon, Sarah Travaglia.
Yoann Bouchonier, Ariane Arcidet.
Karen and Steve Comber.
Jo Brothers, Wendy Fowler, Francois Pugibet.
Juilie Harrison, Ange Phil, Michelle Harrison, Nicola Rouse.
Bruce Macdonald, Vicky Macdonald, Philip and Penny Rushmer.
Barbara and Adrian Aldridge.
Leonor Henon and Marc Himon.
Repertoire 2011 Summer Collection Launch
The fabulous Repertoire Takapuna store celebrated the launch of their 2011 summer season range for customers on Thursday September 8th. New colours include rasberry red, teal and khaki as well as corals and oranges.
Syva Milner, Julie Rees-Williams.
Norma Williams, Tascha Rosan.
Michelle Nicol, Christine Newenham.
Judith Barraclough, Kathryn Mentor.
Christine Nevenham, Anna Benton-Guy.
Leatha Cragg, Antoinette Leuthard.
Maree Cassidy, Clare Wylie.
Robbie, Lee, Meghan, Chrissy, Angela, Sarah.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
out & about on the shore
Gernhoefer Administration Centre opening at Westlake Girls High School Local MP Hon. Wayne Mapp was on hand in early September for the official opening of the new administration building at Westlake Girls High School. The new building is named the Gernhoefer Administration Centre, after long-serving Principal Alison Gernhoefer, who is retiring this year.
Dean Flyger, Tracey Botica.
Rowan Johnston, Grant Brown.
Alison Leadly, Peter Leadly, Jez Scull.
Jane Taylor-Clarke, Sandra Orr, Anil Rana, Matt Adams.
Mike Ette, Cindy Webster, Sirama Haslem, Alan Curtis.
Sandy, Callum Blackburn, Alison Gernhoefer, Mitchell, Simone Blackburn.
Dean Flyger, David Fergusson, Michele Larnder, Eddie Hudson.
Tony Klein, Matthew Cable.
Alison Gernhoefer, Wayne Mapp.
Charlotte Jobson, Chloe Archer, Polly Davison, Sumi Park, Simone Blackburn.
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Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
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out & about on the shore
Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market
What a great initiative this is by local Rotary and the Takapuna Beach Business Association. Every Thursday, from 5pm - 9pm, the Hurstmere Green reserve in the heart of Takapuna now comes alive as a bustling market place. You can buy produce, lots of tasty treats and goodies, and generally mix and mingle. Channel Magazine urges locals to get along and support the Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market which was started early this year to coincide with the Rugby World Cup but will align with daylight saving hours in future years.
Aidan and Michelle Bennett and David Martin
Paris Little.
Bernice Lidgard, Lynda Sullivan.
Anna, Emese and Jozsef Juhasz.
Gary and Elise Francis – the $5 Deli.
Maggie and Serena.
Ella McIntosh, Nicole Voovburg, Laura Douglas.
Jennifer Johnston, Calum Campbell, Chrystie Aston, Meg Balanoff.
Gilbert and Andrienne Hunt and Doggies.
Debbie David, Jane and Gary Whetton, Andrew David.
Margaret and Lance McKechnie.
Leigh, Brook, Tasha, Kate, Emily.
Kate and Leighton Walker.
Ella Bennett, Drew Adams.
Onewa Arena official opening at AMI Netball Centre
Julia Reynolds-Smith, Annie Sadlier, Debbie Tarres.
The new Netball North Harbour indoor sports complex, Onewa Arena, was officially opened by Minister of Sport and Recreation Hon. Murray McCully in front of 200 invited guests on Friday September 2nd. The guests were then entertained by some top primary and secondary school netball games. Netball North Harbour Community partners Mai FM MC’d the event and there was a fantastic group fitness display by Les Mills Takapuna.
Dean Flyger, Jane MacDonald, Grant Brown.
Helen Shutz, Raewyn Vile, Lisa Paterson.
Sandra Hawken, Sharon Fraser, Jo Coleman, Debra Barnett.
Tania Kent, Kelly Cameron, Stacey Morgan.
Jo Davis, Debbie Kirton, Karen Thompson, Tanya Hadfield, Alexis Siermans.
Eamonn Faunch, Cherry Webster, Christine Segal, Theresa Allen, Adele Faunch.
Elizabeth Wall, Ngaire, Cheryl Mellor, Trinda Jackson.
Barbara Phillis, John, Simon Poll.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
out & about on the shore the shore Takapuna welcomes
The Elephant Wrestler Andrew Dorreen, Ben Wiltshire, Dallas Bennett.
Tom Kane, Sarah Kane-Dorreen.
An exciting new bar, with an interesting name, opened on the Takapuna Strip in early September. The Elephant Wrestler was a nickname of a famous Takapuna resident and champion wrestler. As well as being a Heineken Bar, The Elephant Wrestler features a great garden bar which will be enjoyed all summer long. Host Paul Lomax planned the new bar to simply be a great local, and it is certainly that.
Lara, Kara. Steve Harbott, Aishling Cunningham, Lisa Clapperton.
William Pappsch, Luce Rive, Hons Erik Tuijt, Brian Blake.
SJ, Keppel Brown, Gareth Hookham, Nevielle Lambert, Karran Lambert.
Tricia Burridge, Tony Hudson, Gillian McKenzie.
Denys Talyancich, Ben Wiltshire, Jo Harrison.
Lizzie, Blake, Alex, Brooke, Chelsea, Reade, Wanga.
Kevin Schwass, Andrew Campbell.
Chris Scott, Sarah Kane-Dorreen.
Ian Jefferies, Grant Simpson, Julia Cree, Phil Wakelin.
Magazine Design Spring & Summer collection Magazine Design, of Byron Avenue in Takapuna, welcomed their Spring and Summer collection with a celebration including bubbles and chocolate in early September. Wendy Stokes, Lois Lawton, Wendy Rawlinson, Linda Savage.
Lois Lawton, Jenny Swan.
Susan Hall, Justine Todd.
Wendy Stokes, Susan Pendleton.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Mary Bulog, Linda Savage.
Alison Lindsay, Andrea Joy.
feature home: with Nadja Court, Barfoot & Thompson Mairangi Bay
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For Sale: By Negotiation
2/11 Sidmouth Street, Mairangi Bay View: Sunday 2.30 – 3.15pm or by appointment View property online: www.barfoot.co.nz/459598 For further information contact: Nadja Court, Barfoot & Thompson, Mairangi Bay M: 021 777 690 or 09 215 2243 E: n.court@barfoot.co.nz
In Mairangi Bay, it doesn’t get much better than Sidmouth Street. Located at the heart of the village, the coveted level road leads right down to the golden sands and glittering blue of the beach. Capturing the essence of a highly sought-after seaside lifestyle, number 2/11 is an easy amble to the shore and the network of coastal walks that link the picturesque East Coast Bays. There is a selection of excellent restaurants and cafes within walking distance, a Farmer’s market every Saturday, as well as shops, the tennis club, surf club and a host of outstanding schools. A dazzling renovation has transformed this property from one of the solid stalwarts of the street to a sensational spectacle of modern luxury and sophistication. Well screened from foot traffic en route to the beach - there is a smaller gate at the end of the section to allow easy access for those water toys. Inside at entry level, light polished wooden floors are offset by the ultra-contemporary interiors and fresh white colour palette. There are two bedrooms serviced by a tiled family bathroom with bath, both opening out through sliding doors to the elongated deck and lawn. The site borders a stream at the rear and is shrouded in native bush, so the rooms at the back of the house capture a lush green outlook, including the large lounge on this level. The wall of the staircase to the second level is glass, ensuring the spaces don’t feel closed in. Upstairs, the open-plan living area is filled with natural light and ocean breezes, where sliding glass doors open to the generous deck with glass railing that overlooks the beach and pristine blue waters on the horizon. The perfect northerly aspect captures the panorama from every point and a multitude of windows result in warmth and all day sun. While open in design, the area is defined into distinct zones - the lounge is carpeted while the dining space and kitchen have wooden floors. The kitchen is enormous, featuring ultra modern white cabinetry, gourmet appliances and a large central island. There is one more bedroom and a bathroom on this level, before the staircase leads up to the top floor which is dedicated to the master domain. There is a private glass-railed balcony that delivers glorious views of the panorama, an office space, large wardrobe and dressing area plus an ensuite that affords another peek of the Gulf. This is an inspired ocean-lover’s retreat – the refurbishment has been exquisitely orchestrated to offer the perfect lifestyle for your family, just steps from the beach.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
in the channel
001 THE HEALTHY CHANNEL: John Appleton HEALTH & FITNESS: Pilates Unlimited 002 Channel Community Calendar 004 Out & About on the Shore 011 FEATURE HOME: with Nadja Court, Barfoot & Thompson Mairangi Bay 012 In the Channel 013 Channel Online 014 Views from the Beach with Peter White 016 Takapuna Men’s Hairdressers 017 Men’s Fashion: with Life For Men 018 Feature: Jan Apps of Sweet Louise 020 FOR THE HOME with Harvey Norman, Wairau Park 023 Shore Matters with Maggie Barry 024 Fashion: with Bettie Monroe 025 Takapuna Strip: The Elephant Wrestler 026 Feature: Hurstmere Rugby Zone, Takapuna 028 CHANNEL INTERVIEW: David Abercrombie 030 Channel Feature: Sailing on the Shore 032 STAND UP PADDLING: with Mark Jackson 033 Fashion: with Aktivworx 034 Quantum Events: Upcoming Action 036 Retail Therapy at Takapuna Beach 038 Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market 040 Your home with Home Fabrics 041 BEN FOR SHORE Labour Party Candidate Ben Clark 042 Health & Fitness with Patrick Harris of Les Mills 044 Westfield Shore City: Laura Ashley 046 Book Reviews for Booklovers from The Booklover 049 Motoring with Jerry Clayton BMW 050 FASHION: with Tinged with Envy, Mairangi Bay 051 NORTH HARBOUR CLUB News 052 CHANNEL PROFILE: The PumpHouse Theatre 054 HEALTH & REHAB with KneeCare 056 Eating Out in Takapuna 058 The Channel Grill 059 This Month at Marvel Grill 060 Smales Farm News 065 Fishing with Hunts Sports of Milford 066 Hair and beauty with Oscar & Co 069 MASSEY UNIVERSITY News 070 Milford - Everyone’s place: News 074 Optometry & Eyewear with Melissa Hay 078 Get to know your BYO with Kellie Larson 079 Ecco Shoes, Milford Centre 080 Milford - Everyone’s Place: News 081 LOCAL GOVERNMENT with Schnauer & Co 082 Barrys Point Road Laundromat Gallery & Cafe 083 Barrys Point Road 085 Caring for Your Car with Car-Fe 086 Millennium Institute of Sport & Health News 088 Auckland Transport News: SADD Week 2011
The Benefitz Channel Magazine team: (from left) Jared Trice, Lee Darby, Helen Boswell, Aidan Bennett, Ulla Bennett & Michael Campbell, Absent: Dustin Bisschoff & Mary Bukovac.
089 Torpedo Bay Navy Museum News 089 Fashion with Wallis Clothing, Devonport 090 The Channel Cafe Guide 092 Shore People: Frano Botica 093 DELICIOUS TREATS with Devonport Chocolates 094 DEVONPORT - Our Charming Village by the Sea 099 UPCOMING EVENT: Preparing your Home for Sale 100 Eating out in Devonport 102 Wines & Cheeses with Liz Wheadon 105 CHANNEL PETS with DogHQ 106 Spotlight on the Takapuna Markets 107 The Smile Doctor: Dr Gilbert Stehbens 108 CHANNEL PROFILE: Golfer Jack Green 109 Auckland Council with George Wood 110 Netball News 111 5 Favourites on the Shore 111 The Arts & Entertainment 112 The Pumphouse Theatre: What’s On 113 Bruce Mason Centre: What’s On 114 Mairangi Arts Centre: News 115 Lake House Arts Centre 116 Education: Westlake Boys High School 118 Education: Westlake Girls High School 120 Education: Kristin School 122 Education: Takapuna Grammar School 124 Education: Pinehurst School 125 Education: Corelli Academic School of the Arts 126 Education: Carmel College 127 Business & Holiday Accommodation with Quest Albany 128 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT with David Forman 130 Building and Home Maintenance 130 CHEWING THE FAT: by James ‘JD’ Dominion 131 MONEY & INVESTING 131 Investing with PieFunds 132 Legally Speaking with Simpson Western Lawyers 133 Accountancy Beyond the Numbers with Hayes Knight 134 Trade/Services Directory 136 NORTH SHORE HOSPITAL News 137 Channel Community News 141 Retirement lifestyle at The Poynton 142 Gundry’s Grumbles with Simon Gundry 143 North Shore History with David Verran 145 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with Bayleys North Shore Commercial 146 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with Colliers North Shore 148 Linda De Vine of Bayleys North Shore 149 LOCAL REAL ESTATE: The Power of Two 150 FEATURE HOME: with Barfoot & Thompson 152 REAL ESTATE: with Aaron Reid
Go BLACK! At Channel Magazine and Benefitz we love black! It has been the colour of our brand for the two decades plus that we have been in business on the Shore. So it hasn’t been too hard for us to “get with the colour”. What a fantastic first month it has been hosting the Rugby World Cup in New Zealand. We can all be very proud of the show and hospitality we are putting on. I knew the event would be special, but not in my wildest dreams did I think the whole of New Zealand would get behind the event like they have. Full stadiums, lots of flags and colour and a general feeling of one big happy party. I was lucky enough to be in the UK and France for the last World Cup and it was nowhere near as good – and as I write this we haven’t even got to the semis or quarters! We chatted to an English couple in late September at the Macs Brewbar Hurstmere Road who have based themselves in Takapuna for the RWC. They are renting an apartment just off Takapuna Beach, and they were raving about the experience they were having. These lucky two have been to the last four World Cup’s and according to them this has been the best by a long way. So we must say a big congratulations to Martin Snedden and his team. They have done a fantastic job. Yes, there have been a few hick-ups, but you get those everywhere – they are not exclusive to New Zealand. Once again the size of Channel Magazine has grown, this month we crack the 150 pages mark! It has been a real success story with locals really loving it. They love the read and it is also proving to be a successful advertising medium for local businesses which is great. A key focus of the magazine is encouraging people to support local businesses through buying local. Enjoy reading this bumper issue – and go the mighty All Blacks! - Aidan and the team at Benefitz Email: aidan@benefitz.co.nz Twitter: @AidanLBennett / @channelmag
CHANNEL MAGAZINE is published monthly (on the first Friday of the month) by Benefitz, PO Box 33-1630, Takapuna. Telephone 09-477-4700, www.benefitz.co.nz. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of the publishers. For further details on the magazine visit www.channelmag.co.nz or contact one of our team detailed below. Aidan Bennett Publisher/Advertising DDI: 477 4701 Cell: 021 500 997 aidan@benefitz.co.nz
Ulla Bennett Advertising/ Photographer Cell: 021 411 667 ulla@benefitz.co.nz
Michael Campbell Journalist DDI: 477 4754 michael@benefitz.co.nz
Mary Bukovac Advertising/Content Coordinator DDI: 477 4706 mary@benefitz.co.nz
Jared Trice, Lead Designer, Email: jared@benefitz.co.nz Dustin Bisschoff, Web Design, Email: dustin@benefitz.co.nz Helen Boswell, Designer, Email: helen@benefitz.co.nz Lee Darby, Designer, Email: lee.darby@benefitz.co.nz
The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise – without the prior permission, in writing, of the copyright owner. Colour transparencies & manuscripts submitted are sent at the owner’s risk; neither the publisher nor its agents accept any responsibility for loss or damage. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, the publisher can accept no liability for any inaccuracies that may occur.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
We asked our Twitter followers: Where is your favourite place to watch #rwc2011 on the North Shore? Here is what fellow tweeters said on Twitter: Channel Magazine is also very active online. Check out our great website!
thepumphouse Elephant Wrestler!
BitchAboutDevo I love going to The Patriot for a cheap meal and good atmosphere. Also Masonic Tavern is pumping on a game night :)
You can also visit us on Facebook
www.facebook.com/ channelmag
Lizziewine Best Bar on the shore to watch the games has to be Didas Devonport!
And you can follow us on Twitter
kellie_larson Great atmosphere at Florrie McGreals during Aus vs Ireland game! Grab a stool outside next to the fireplace w/ a bowl of nachos!
We would love to receive any feedback, emails and letters:-
Ropata4 Masonic Tavern Devonport - beer is always cold and spectacular views (after the match of course!)
aidan@benefitz.co.nz Letters to: The Editor, Channel Magazine, PO Box 33-1630, Takapuna.
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
14/09/11 12:29 PM
views from the beach with Peter White An overview of what is happening in Takapuna Beach from Business Association General Manager Peter White. What an exciting time – the Rugby World Cup has brought vibrancy to town centres the length and breadth of New Zealand. I have taken annual leave to work with the Irish Rugby team as they travel throughout New Zealand participating in the world’s largest sporting event for 2011. It has been an absolute privilege to do so and in this months Views from the Beach I give an insight to life on tour with a team that is quickly establishing itself as New Zealand’s adopted second team At the same time Auckland Council has released its draft Auckland Plan, and Takapuna has been recognised as one of eight metropolitan centres that will receive prioritised spending to ensure that it will play a vital role in Auckland’s future; accommodating population and employment growth. $290 million has been budgeted to be spent over the next 10 years with a total of $440million over 20 years. This is indeed outstanding news and will provide Takapuna with more parkland, better services and infrastructure and streetscape improvements. I hope that you enjoy reading this edition of Channel and I look forward to seeing you in Takapuna Beach soon – from an Irish perspective, preferably after the 23rd October final! – Cheers, Pete White.
Selwyn Heights community engagement.
Ireland’s call In November 2009, I received a call from the Irish manager to see if I could meet both he and the Irish Coach at an Auckland Hotel. I had worked with the team on three previous tours to New Zealand (as well as with many of the players during the 2005 Lions Tour) and looked forward to catching up with two men with whom I had shared many good times but little success – never having won a test match against New Zealand. Ireland was to tour New Zealand in 2010 and I was asked if I would work with them, both for that tour and also during the Rugby World Cup. They didn’t have to ask twice. However, with my tongue firmly in my cheek I did agree, based on one condition – that they took me to the final. Well, we are now three weeks into the tournament (when I pen this article) and the dream is very much alive. A win against Italy next Sunday will see us advance to the quarter finals. A loss, and this time next week I will be back at my desk in Takapuna and the team winging their way to Ireland. Ireland arrived in Queenstown on September 1st, on the back of an unsuccessful Six Nations campaign (the only highlight being a win against England in the last match to deny them the championship) and then losing four out of four of their pre World Cup matches. The adventure capital of New Zealand proved an inspired destination, allowing the players to get over their jetlag, get in some quality training in perfect weather and marvelous facilities and to enjoy the many activities for which Queenstown is renowned (Jet Boating, Bungee Jumps, Helicopter and Luge rides, Golf, Hunting etc.). However the highlight of Queenstown for me was meeting Sir Tipene O’Reagan as he briefed me about the official welcome and Powhiri that the team would receive. Sir Tipene personifies “Mana” and his welcome to the team was memorable in his wisdom, eloquence
Impromptu airport sing alongs.
and humour. A week later we arrived in New Plymouth in preparation for our game versus USA on the 10th anniversary of 9/11, a match that we were expected to dominate. However we struggled to convert dominance into points against a passionate team coached by former Irish Coach Eddie O’Sullivan. Consequently we arrived in Auckland for our second game against Australia with few outside the team giving us much chance of winning. One of the features of the tour to date has been the outstanding support we have received. Large crowds of face-painted supporters dressed in green have gathered at airports, training venues, hotels and games. We thought the support at New Plymouth was strong, however the atmosphere at Eden Park was unbelievable. A sea of green, clapped, sang, chanted and cheered – becoming a 16th man to help a fired up Irish side bash the second-ranked team to an upset 15-6 win. The boys thought that they were playing a home game and seasoned rugby followers agreed that they had never experienced anything like it before at Eden Park. With an eight day break before its next game we headed to Taupo staying at the Hilton and once again enjoying a mix of whitewater rafting, bungee (the writer crossing another item of his bucket list) and golf, before travelling to Rotorua for our third game against Russia. Ireland has committed to a number of community engagements, visiting fan zones, schools, attending mix and mingles and providing open training sessions for the public. One such visit to Selwyn Heights Primary in Rotorua provided special memories. We arrived to find students, parents and teachers dressed in green, some with mokos welcoming us onto the grounds with a haka, performing a stirring cultural performance, singing Irelands Call (for which the team stood and
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Fans line up for autographs at the Auckland Fan Zone.
sang along) before showing us around the school decorated in Irish artwork. The joy in the childrens eyes – as well as a number of young Mums – as they collected autographs was a delight to see. In addition to the numerous community engagements, the team train twice a day three days a week – two hours each morning in team training, weights in the afternoons, a captain’s run the day before the match and a recovery pool or spin session after. If there is a seven day turnaround between games the boys get a down day. They spend a great deal of their own time reviewing videos of the opposition, at kicking practice and receiving medical or massage treatments. Diets are strictly controlled with vast selections of high protein, low fat meals served. The Irish Team consists of a head coach, two assistant coaches (one of whom was assistant South African coach of the successful winning side in 2007, the other an ex-assistant Australian coach) a defensive coach (ex-Kangaroo Les Kiss), a kicking coach, a scrum coach (ex-All Black Greg Feek), a manager, an operations manager, a strength and conditioning coach, two analysts, a doctor, two physiotherapists, two masseurs, a nutritionalist, a chef, a baggage master and media manager. The boys are professional in their approach, unpretentious, polite, friendly and a joy to work with. They are quick to help hotel staff, give their time to the endless fans that approach them at all times of the day and night for autographs and photos and start impromptu sing-a-longs at airports. They play the game to win, however realise that it is but a game. They are a credit to their families and country. A 62-12 win over Russia, sees us go into our final game against Italy unbeaten and leading our pool. A loss, however, will see us eliminated. This would be a tragedy for some of the most professional men I have had the pleasure to work with. Whether we shed tears of joy or sorrow next week, the experience I have enjoyed of touring your own country with an overseas
views from the beach with Peter White
Why should you shop in Takapuna?
The Takapuna Beach Business Association are working hard to attract destination retail and quality commercial tenants to Takapuna to complement our existing high quality members. Each month we highlight a Takapuna business which we believe deserves the support of you, our reader. This month we bring to you…
BNZ Takapuna Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market The Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market has quickly become the place to be on Thursday evenings. The market is ticking all the boxes in creating vibrancy, attracting quality stalls and large crowds, providing good entertainment, and, as the days get longer, an opportunity to connect the mainstreet to the beach. Retailers are opening late on a Thursday evening, leveraging off the crowds coming to the market. What: Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market When: Thursday evenings – 5-9pm Where: Hurstmere Green – Takapuna Beach For further details visit www.takapunabeach.co.nz
Down-day activities in Queenstown.
Sir Tipene O’Reagan, framed between Ireland’s Vice Captain Paul O’Connell and Coach Declan Kidney. Captain Brian O’Driscoll is to the left.
team are unforgettable. The most memorable is the camaraderie and shared emotions; the humour, the tragedy (two players were eliminated from the squad a week before departing and another after the first game due to a debilitating, and in one case a career ending, injury), the excitement, the joy, the passion and the pride. Not only shown by the squad in playing for a united Ireland – political biases are cast aside with the team playing for the four provinces under a united flag – but also the pride of hosting a team in our beautiful country. A country that has embraced the RWC with vibrant events, welcoming town centres, hospitable locals, 7000 volunteers and packed stadiums – a stadium of four million. It has been fantastic and there is still more to come!
Banking in Takapuna has changed in a big way following the six-week refurbishment of BNZ’s Takapuna store. The new look store opened last month with the re-design leading the way when it comes to innovation in retail banking. BNZ Store Manager Takapuna, Frank Cui says, “We are thrilled with our new look store and we are confident our customers are going to love the open, bright environment.” For those who are used to banks where staff are hidden behind counter glass, the new design will be quite a surprise. The open plan layout of the store allows the staff to better interact with customers, offering a much more personal experience. The bulky computers have been removed and replaced with the latest in slim line technology, such as flat screens and laptops, and traditional window displays have been replaced with digital signage. Other features include a free internet kiosk, a dedicated kids’ zone with a flat screen television, and video conferencing facilities to link small business customers with specialists in the small business hub. “What I really like is the fresh, bright and open feel. We used to be in pokey offices or stuck behind walls, now the whole team shares a spacious open plan area and we have great meeting spaces for both staff and customers,” says Frank. The meeting areas are indeed quite special, and offer a welcome break from the traditional banking meeting. These spaces allow customers to sit side by side with the BNZ bank team members, plug in a laptop and have a relaxed chat. “We are excited about the potential in Takapuna,” says Frank. “Takapuna is a rapidly growing and diverse retail and business community. We’re passionate about being here and are pleased to be offering something different.” BNZ Takapuna, 491-493 Lake Road, Takapuna. Visit www.bnz.co.nz
GOLD SPONSORS: The Takapuna Beach Business Association appreciates the support of our Gold sponsors…
Platinum SPONSORS: The Takapuna Beach Business Association appreciates the support of our Platinum sponsors…
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Takapuna men’s hairdressers
In the TMH Chair… This month we introduce a new feature to Channel Magazine – In the TMH (Takapuna Mens Hairdressers) Chair. A feature inspired by the intelligent conversation – some might say gossip – associated with the traditional barber shop. Takapuna Mens Hairdressers (TMH) has been part of the Takapuna scene for over 95 years. There’s certainly been a few yarns told in their chairs! We’ve made it our business to get some of this blarney straight into Channel Magazine... This month TMH owner Lesa Rua has a yarn with Ali Yildiz, owner of Massimo Cafe Takapuna.
Ali Yildiz
LESA: How long have you been coming to Takapuna Mens Hairdressers? ALI: Five years if not longer. LESA: AB’s going to win the World Cup? ALI: The All Blacks of course, they are looking really strong. I was really impressed with how they played against France last weekend. Richie McCaw is a legend! LESA: Super city working for you? ALI: Yes I like one set of rules. One standard for all makes life easier. It is also great that there is a big contingent of the council team still working on The Strand which means they keep coming in to Massimo Cafe – we love them! LESA: Voting in the general election in November? ALI: My wife will do the voting. LESA: Phil Goff or John Key? ALI: John Key because he is out there in the public. From what I can see he is very down to earth kind of guy and I like him. LESA: Takapuna Camp Ground. Stay or go? ALI: It should stay unless they are going to turn it into a great public space and not a carpark. LESA: Happy with your cut today? ALI: Yes always. Takapuna Mens Hairdressers always makes me look good!
for the kids: My Room, Takapuna
My Room – Rugby crazy and lots for kiddies One of New Zealand’s leading stores for kiddies things is located right in the heart of Takapuna, on the corner of Lake Road and Byron Avenue. My Room – is the home of unique and beautiful clothing, accessories and furniture for babies and children up to 8 years old. Over the past 12 months My Room has increased in size following the move across the road to the spacious new corner site. “When we looked at making the move we never dreamt that the store would turn out to be so good,” says owner Cushla Sulaiman. “The space has enabled us to really increase the range we have in store and our customers really appreciate the choice they now have.” With new stock arriving continuously throughout the year, you’ll always find what you desire at My Room. Cushla and the staff at My Room truly understand their customers needs. Relationships that have formed between customers and the My Room team, really making the atmosphere comforting and friendly.
Like most of the country My Room has gone Rugby crazy! Visit the shop to view a collection of baby and children accessories to support the All Blacks and to keep forever as a memory of the RWC in New Zealand. Until the end of the RWC when you spend $150 or more in store at My Room you will receive a free RWC hat! My Room, Corner Lake Road and Byron Avenue, Takapuna. Phone 488 7044 or visit www.myroom.co.nz
My Room
Takapuna Mens Hairdressers (no appointment necessary), 465 Lake Road, Takapuna.
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Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Visit My Room for exclusive baby and children’s linen, clothing, furniture & accessories. NEW SEASON CLOTHING ARRIVING DAILY
Men’s fashion: with Life For Men
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Ted Baker Swallow Shirt.
Come in to Life For Men and make a purchase through the month of October, pretend you’re Number 10 and kick for a goal to receive a free pair of rugby ball cufflinks valued at $59.
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Ted Baker Mainline Shirt.
Ted Baker Silk Ties.
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Ted Baker Cufflinks.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Feature: Jan Apps of Sweet Louise
Bitter-sweet stories
As October rolls around, the colour pink will again adorn the pages of women’s magazines with messages about breast cancer and all the numbers that go with it; One in nine lifetime risk, that 90-95 per cent diagnosed with breast cancer has no family history of the disease, six hundred and fifty women a year in New Zealand taken from friends and family. And while early detection is the best protection and some lifestyle factors can increase the risk of getting breast cancer, there is no known preventable cure against it. Women just get it, with no reason or explanation, breast cancer shows no mercy. A little less known number; that out of every hundred, 17 women will go on to have secondary breast cancer, where it spreads to other parts of the body with bone, liver and lung the most common metastatic sites. And it is these people that Jan Apps knows very well. As the North Shore support services coordinator for Sweet Louise it is her job, and her passion, to look after women who are living with a life-limiting illness. “The hardest part of what I do is probably when I have my first visit with a new member. They usually won’t have known about their diagnosis very long so they are often quite upset and scared. “So I just need to listen to their story, and every story is different. But these women are just like me and you, it could be your neighbour, the lady in front of you in the line at the supermarket. They don’t look any different, they are in almost every community but they are living with cancer.” Sweet Louise was set up in memory of Louise Perkins, who spent every day of her 11 years that she lived with breast cancer ensuring she did something special for herself. Louise was a very well known and equally well loved woman and when she died, her husband wanted to help others in the same position, live every possibility regardless of their financial status or walk of life. The Foundation is having its fifth birthday in October and although they
Because these women are all on the same journey, and it has stripped life down to what is absolutely essential, our meetings are fun and so joyful. It seems like a bit of a paradox, that it can be like that, but you never come away feeling down at all. are still a small organisation, they reach a large number of women, offering vouchers for a variety of services, meetings and just a place where everyone has the perfect understanding of how each other is feeling. “We don’t use a lot of money to run Sweet Louise, so any funds that gets gifted to us really goes directly to the women. We often work from home, have donated desk space at The New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation and use our own cars. Our costs are really low so that we can give everything we possibly can to our members,” says Jan. Jan is a registered nurse and says that you choose that profession because you just want to help people. And there is no question of the help Jan is able to
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Jan Apps with a Sweet Loui se service provider Marita Cairns, massage ther apist.
give, through Sweet Louise to her North Shore members. “They have told me, and you can see it, that it gives them a sense there is somebody out there who really cares. Often they have been given their diagnosis and they are told there is not a lot more that can be done, and because of this they often feel cast out from the medical profession. “So we give them a place to belong and an opportunity to meet with other women who are on the same journey. It can be very lonely sitting out there on your own, not knowing anybody else that it is sadly happening to.” In a world where there is so much that can strike anyone down at anytime, there is sometimes a murmur that breast cancer gets too much attention, that people are getting ‘pinked out’ by the bombardment of pink products and pink events. Jan’s response to that? “Being sick of breast cancer coverage would be a luxury, if you are someone who has never had to think about it or be affected by it. It would be really nice to forget about it, but we really can’t.” While Jan can remain relatively brave talking about her job, and what she deals with on a daily basis, Jan has had to go on her own journey over the two years she has been working for Sweet Louise. “My biggest learning curve has been the fact that although I can help people and support them, I can’t fix everything. I can’t fix the thing they want you to the most, to cure them. But you can be a companion, and listening, without giving advice, is a big help.” Jan says many women she talks to get so sick and tired of everyone offering
Feature: Jan Apps of Sweet Louise
My biggest learning curve has been the fact that although I can help people and support them, I can’t fix everything. I can’t fix the thing they want you to the most, to cure them. their opinions, that having someone that says nothing at all is actually the biggest relief. “People might say that they should have eaten more carrots, or thrust strange concoctions under their noise, or refer them to a naturopath. People are often well meaning, but ill-advised and while a woman has to come to terms with her prognosis, they need everyone else to accept it as well without question.” And while some days can be tough, the best part of Jan’s role is attending the member meetings. She says that there is such an amazing feeling of Aroha and love in the room that you can’t help but feel uplifted. “Because these women are all on the same journey, and it has stripped life down to what is absolutely essential, our meetings are fun and so joyful. It seems like a bit of a paradox, that it can be like that, but you never come away feeling down at all. “We have volunteers who drive members to meetings for us and they are so happy to come along because they get that buzz too.” At the end of the day, Sweet Louise is about not fighting a diagnosis, but living the best you can with what you have. Jan says it is about acceptance, and she hopes she is able to help every member feel they are able to continue living positively every day. And with an offering of unconditional support and care, there is little doubt that Jan, and all the Sweet Louise coordinators, depart from any home without leaving behind a little bit of Aroha. Sweet Louise is a completely self-funded charitable foundation. To make a donation, visit their online shop, find out how you can help or to get more information about their services go to: www.sweetlouise.co.nz
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
FOR THE HOME with Harvey Norman, Wairau Park
North Shore’s
Cooking Showroom The thing we really love about putting together the monthly Channel Magazine is dealing with passionate people. People who love what they are doing and are totally dedicated to being the best. We found such a team at the Harvey Norman cooking showroom at Wairau Park. Terry Gordon and Jan Galt
The team at Harvey Norman Wairau Park in their cooking showroom.
If you are in the market for kitchen appliances then this is the first place you should go. At Harvey Norman you will discover a massive showroom – the largest cooking showroom in New Zealand – that actually resembles the set out of one of those popular television Masterchef shows. Working kitchens that actually host cooking demonstrations, where you can actually have a play and try out the appliances before you buy. This is also the home of Harvey Norman’s very own cooking academy. While all this is impressive, the most pleasing aspect was discovering the two passionate people who run this part of Harvey Norman Wairau Park. Terry Gordon, the store manager for whiteware and cooking, and Jan Galt, the cooking specialist, who oversees the cooking showroom. This is their baby and they proudly live and breathe the place.
We don’t just sell whiteware and cooking appliances, we use our experience to advise our customers and ensure they receive the appliances that suit their requirements. Terry, who has worked in this sector for over a decade, comes from a background in the travel and hospitality industry and draws on this vast experience to provide Harvey Norman whiteware and cooking customers with the best advice and service. Terry had worked with Jan previously and went out of his way to employ her as part of his team, due to her in depth knowledge and people skills. “We don’t just sell whiteware and cooking appliances, we use our experience to advise our customers and ensure they receive the appliances that suit their requirements,” says Terry. “We encourage customers to come in with their plans and we sit down and provide advice and solutions that suit their particular needs. It is not unusual for plans to be altered as a result of our knowledge of where appliances are best situated in new or renovation kitchens.” “We understand that a new kitchen can be a long process which can extend up to 12 months from the time the customer first makes contact with us to the time that we deliver the appliances,”
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
adds Jan. “For that reason there is no “buying pressure”. We ask lots of questions along the way to make sure we provide the right solutions so the kitchen operates exactly as the customer desires. We are also spoilt by the cooking showroom we have. This is Harvey Norman’s flagship cooking showroom where we have lots of live cooking demonstrations and training for staff from all over the country. The added bonus is that our customers can have a hands on practical demonstration of many different products.” The day we called to interview Terry and Jan for this article there was a Harvey Norman staff cooking class being held in the impressive showroom. There are other advantages of buying your appliances at Harvey Norman Wairau Park. One of the biggest is the variety of brands. These include:- Fisher & Paykel, Miele, Bosch, Electrolux, Ilve, DeLonghi, Westinghouse, Ariston, Euromaid, Samsung, LG, Whirlpool and Belling. Harvey Norman also provides a complete one stop shop for all household needs including a fantastic range of Audio/Visual and small appliance products and they make your shopping experience stress free through their various flexible payment options and highly competitve pricing. Hot items right now are the new Fisher & Paykel kitchen display, the Whirlpool Crisp & Grill microwaves, Induction Hobs and the Silent Kitchen options featuring remote motor rangehoods. “We are certainly proud of what we have created here at Wairau Park,” explains Terry enthusiastically. “It is a thrill that we have repeat customers who come back three or four times, due to the all round value and service that we offer. We also had the President of Samsung – from Korea – here recently and he was very impressed, saying that it is one of the best cooking showrooms he has seen anywhere in the world. This was a great compliment.” Harvey Norman Wairau Park, 10 Croftfield Lane, North Shore. Phone 441 9750. Store Hours Monday to Wednesday 9am-5.30pm, Thursday and Friday 9am7.30pm, Saturday and Sunday 9am - 5.30pm. Visit: www.harveynorman.co.nz
WAIRAU PARK WAIRAU PARK GG DDEEAALLSS CCOOOOKKIN IN the classic package the classic package
2799 2799
$ $
• FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM MULTI-FUNCTION OVEN. 7 cooking functions, Fan forced and fan bake function, Catalytic side panels • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM MULTI-FUNCTION OVEN. • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM CERAMIC COOKTOP. 7 cooking functions, Fan forced and fan bake function, Catalytic side panels Individual Hot surface indicators, Duel Element for pan size flexibility, Fast • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM CERAMIC COOKTOP. easy to clean flat surface Individual Hot surface indicators, Duel Element for pan size flexibility, Fast • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM STAINLESS STILL RANGEHOOD easy to clean flat surface Washable Aluminium mesh filters, Easy access touch controls, Halogen lighting • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM STAINLESS STILL RANGEHOOD Washable Aluminium mesh filters, Easy access touch controls, Halogen lighting
the designer package the designer package
3997 3997
$ $
PACKAGE INCLUDES • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM MULTI-FUNCTION OVEN. PACKAGE INCLUDES 9 cooking functions, Brushed Stainless Steel, Illuminated halos,
• FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM MULTI-FUNCTION OVEN. Door & cavity cooling system,Telescopic side rails 9 cooking functions, Brushed Stainless Steel, Illuminated halos, • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM CERAMIC COOKTOP. Door & cavity cooling system,Telescopic side rails Touch and slide controls, 9 heat settings, Gentle heat function • FISHER & PAYKEL 60CM CERAMIC COOKTOP. • FISHER & PAYKEL 90CM RANGEHOOD. Touch and slide controls, 9 heat settings, Gentle heat function 800m³/hr air extraction capacity, Dishwasher safe filters, • FISHER & PAYKEL 90CM RANGEHOOD. Dimmable light control 800m³/hr air extraction capacity, Dishwasher safe filters, Upgrade to the pyrolytic oven for an additional $200 when you purchase this package. Dimmable light control Upgrade to the pyrolytic oven for an additional $200 when you purchase this package.
WAIRAU PARK 10 Croftfield Lane,PARK Auckland WAIRAU
(09) 441 9750 (09) 441 9750
10 Croftfield Lane, Auckland Product offer are valid until 04/11/11 Product offer are valid until 04/11/11
214924_WAI 214924_WAI
Bonus 449 $
Miele gourmet oven dish with selected Miele 60 cm & 90 cm wide ovens.* Offer must end 31 October 2011.
Bonus 384 $
Alessi 24-piece cutlery set with any Miele dishwasher.^ Offer must end 31 October 2011.
German engineered and tested to the equivalent of 20 years usage.
Harvey Norman Wairau Park 10 Croftfield Lane, Wairau Park, Glenfield
Phone: 441 9750
*Promotion effective 1 September to 31 October 2011. Purchase selected Miele ovens and receive a bonus 5000 XL with H 5000 (60 cm) ovens & H 4810 B (60 cm) oven. Bonus HUB 61-35 with H 4412 B (60 cm) oven. apply to 60 cm wide Microwave Combi ovens (H 5040 BM & H 5080 BM) or 70 cm wide ovens (H 5740 B & H while stocks last. This offer only applies to new customer orders placed during promotional period. Offer
Miele gourmet oven dish valued at $449.* Bonus HUB Bonus HUB 5000 XL with H 5900 (90 cm) ovens. Does not 5740 BP). Retractable oven runners not included. Strictly does not apply to damaged, display or run-out models.
^ Promotion effective 1 September to 31 October 2011. Purchase any Miele dishwasher and receive a bonus 24-piece Alessi ‘KnifeForkSpoon’ cutlery set, designed by Jasper Morrison, and valued at $384 rrp. Strictly while stocks last. This offer only applies to new customer orders placed during promotional period. Offer does not apply to damaged, display or run-out models.
Shore Matters with Maggie Barry
Maggie Barry is the new National Candidate for the Shore, replacing the Hon Wayne Mapp who is retiring after 15 years as our MP. Following her distinguished 30 year media career including an ONZM (OBE) for services to broadcasting, Maggie is now seeking election in November as the Member of Parliament for the North Shore. A familiar voice and face from her radio and television news programmes and as host of ‘Maggie’s garden show’ she’s now a regular columnist for Channel magazine.
Business and innovation powerhouse If anyone needing reminding that the North Shore/North Harbour area is a business and innovation powerhouse, the Westpac Business Awards night provided solid proof. This showcase and celebration of excellence and local success is in its 14th year and the line up of finalists and winners was impressive. The 2011 supreme business excellence award was won by AFT Pharmaceuticals, a locally owned company with an annual turnover of $36 million and big plans for a rapid international expansion. An impressive achievement from humble beginnings in the family garage and a post redundancy start up capital of $50,000. North Shore to the core, Hartley Atkinson still lives in the same Takapuna street where he was raised and his wife Maree and their four children love the lifestyle and have no intention of relocating. A few weeks ago I visited Bayswater School with the Environment Minister Nick Smith where he announced a grant to extend the Paper4Trees programme to another thousand Auckland schools and pre schools. The Bayswater pupils enthusiastically explained to us how they recycle paper and cardboard and then trade it for native plants for their school. They were fired up and knowledgeable about recycling and very proud of their expanding garden and we all got our hands dirty planting their new selection of bird attracting natives. These latest grants of almost two hundred thousand dollars come from levies charged under the Governments Waste minimisation fund set up in 2008 to reduce the amount of waste going into landfill. A genuine win win project that’s succeeding well for all the participants. This years’ Moon festival was celebrated in fine style and in very fine weather at the Northcote Town Centre. It was a pleasure to see the range of cultural performances from Chinese and Korean groups, martial arts and Pacific drumming and dance. The rich mix and ethnic variety adds a very dynamic and colourful dimension to North Shore life. The festivals symbolism of wholeness and togetherness of the full moon was an opportunity for all families to reflect on peace and prosperity.
I’ve been made to feel very welcome on the North Shore and Julie and Sayburn at Verde Cafe really rolled out the green of Maggie with Hartley Atkinson carpet for my first campaign AFT Pharmaceuticals. meeting. The ready-made grass lined their hallway, flanked with blossom covered fruit tree branches decorated with cancer society daffodils and spring flowers. We raised more than six hundred dollars for North Shore Hospice, an outstanding facility we are very fortunate to have in our community. Lighter issues are starting to weigh more heavily on me as the campaign trail hospitality takes an inevitable toll on the waistline. North Shore baking is second to none – Ginger crunch, multi coloured lamingtons and cup cakes oozing full milk cream, delectable sandwiches, tiny and tempting savouries... With cottage meetings, morning and afternoon teas and cocktail canapés all proving irresistible I was rapidly going to seed. While door knocking and roving around the markets and malls is good exercise it’s not quite enough to counter the effects of the endless eating. More drastic measures were needed, so as a kick start to summer my partner Grant, son Joe and I have registered for the Devonport Classic and the peddlers challenge over the Harbour Bridge in December. In between watching RWC games, we’re now in training, enrolled on a five week Boot camp and about to try stand up paddle boarding. Grant’s not convinced ‘babes on boards’ is for him but teenage son Joe is taking a very keen interest.
If you would like to meet Maggie or arrange for her to come and speak to you or your group contact her by email maggiebarry@national.org.nz
maggie barry FOr nOrth shOre
COntaCt maggie:
m: 021 866 997 e: maggie.barry@national.org.nz FOLLOW maggie:
Authorised by Maggie Barry, 3 Anzac St, Takapuna
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Fashion: with Bettie Monroe
Stunning Boutique just opened in takapuna 1-7 the strand
Locally designed & made opening special
10% off!
When you mention this ad. Valid until 30/10/2011. excludes sale items.
09 550 8088 www.bettiemonroe.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Takapuna strip: The Elephant Wrestler
The Elephant Wrestler makes a
n o i s s e r p m i big
If you haven’t been along to experience Takapuna’s newest bar on the Hurstmere Strip then we suggest you do. The Elephant Wrestler is very special. The aim of host Paul Lomax was to create a bar that is just a “great local” and judging by the feedback he has certainly achieved that. Paul and his team have come up with a great formula that North Shore locals are loving. The name is catchy, the logo and branding is very clever and the actual bar really does provide you with that feeling of being right at home. A place where you can meet, enjoy good company, have a drink and eat great food. A feature of The Elephant Wrestler is a sensational garden bar – such an important part of an establishment of this type on the sunny North Shore. This will be very popular over the summer. Paul Lomax describes the food as gastro-style. Google that term and you come up with... “Gastro food is quality food at a reasonable price served in a relaxed atmosphere”, and that’s exactly what you get at The Elephant Wrestler. The menu has been very well thought out as there is something for everyone. The Elephant Wrestler starters are called “Small Plates” and there are 12 options to choose from – including flame grilled meat balls, salt and pepper prawns or herb crusted artichokes. Their three bread options, including roast garlic and herb or caramelised onion and oregano pizza bread are sensational. For those who want to share, an Antipasto or Quattro Platter at just over $30 are very affordable and filling. Those looking for a smaller portion meal will really enjoy The Elephant Wrestler’s six “Lite” options (including soft shell crab) and there are four salad options as well – ceasar, chargrilled chicken breast, Italian and seared salmon. As well as all these there are countless choices of main meals. The Grill has six options including Angus steaks, eye fillet as well as a lamb rump and half a spring chicken. Fish, beef ribs, duck au vin and the mushroom and blue cheese rissotto are some of the gastronomic delights on the ‘mains’ list as well. An interesting alternative,
if you are in to sharing your main, are the four ‘carving boards for two’ priced from just $45. These are the Tamarind and chilli beef short ribs; twice cooked lamb shoulder; pork and crackling; drunken chicken. If you are in to burgers, pasta, pizza or old favourite classic dishes you will also be spoilt at The Elephant Wrestler. There are five burgers on offer including the ‘sliders’ which is a plate of mini burgers, ideal for sharing. Pasta and pizza lovers have five and eight choices respectively and the ‘classics’ list includes fish and chips, bangers and mash, steak sandwich or chicken blat. If all this doesn’t satisfy you then something from the dessert menu (maybe brulee, banana bread pudding or apple crumble) is bound to do the trick! With no less than six large screens – and Heineken on tap – The Elephant Wrestler is obviously proving to be a very popular place to watch all the rugby action. In addition there is a live DJ every Thursday and Saturday night, live music on every Friday night and an ‘accoustic session’ every Sunday. The Elephant Wrestler, 138 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, Phone 489 8030. Visit: www.elephantwrestler.co.nz. Open 7 days from 11am to late.
We are now taking bookings for Christmas Functions. Please contact us on 09 489 8030 or via Email admin@elephantwrestler.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Feature: Hurstmere Rugby Zone, Takapuna
! e g u h s it’ e n o Z y b g u R e r e m t s r u H e Th a
apun k a T – Zone y b g u ere R m t s r u The H
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Feature: Hurstmere Rugby Zone, Takapuna
The Hurstmere Rugby Zone is the perfect spot to start and finish your night of rugby…
Before, during or after the big game, the Hurstmere Rugby Zone in Takapuna, is proving to be hugely popular. And as we enter the ‘business end’ of the rugby tournament this popularity is only going to grow. The Elephant Wrestler, Blankenberge Belgian Bar and Florrie McGreal’s Irish Pub have joined together as a ‘host venue’ for the rugby, to ensure that locals and visitors have the perfect venue to take in all the action and enjoy local hospitality. Special permits have been acquired to create the Hurstmere Rugby Zone and put on a range of promotions and festivities that rugby followers, visitors and locals will love. The Hurstmere Rugby Zone is right by the bus stop for free buses going to matches at Eden Park and North Harbour Stadium. On match days free buses pick up and dropping off those who are going to – or returning from – matches at 15 minute intervals. So the Hurstmere Rugby Zone is the perfect spot to start and finish your night of rugby – with the bars
open until 1am in the morning. Pop in before the big match, then come back afterwards to celebrate. For those who haven’t got tickets to the big games the Hurstmere Rugby Zone will be the perfect spot to take in all the action. The Elephant Wrestler, Blankenberge Belgian Bar and Florrie McGreal’s Irish Pub have loads of big screens – inside and out – that make you feel like you are right in the thick of the action. Blankenberge Belgian Beer Café and Florries McGreal’s Irish Pub have a special licence to be open until 3am on the night of the final. At the Hurstmere Rugby Zone you have a wide choice of beers, wines and other refreshments. All three bars also offer great food so you will never be hungry, whether you stay for a full meal of just choose bar snacks. Throw in the entertainment and you will go home very satisfied. Hurstmere Rugby Zone, Blankenberge Belgian Bar, Florrie McGreal’s Irish Pub and The Elephant Wrestler – Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. Open 11am until 1am for the duration of the big rugby tournament.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
CHANNEL INTERVIEW: David Abercrombie
In Channel Magazine we love interviewing progressive North Shore people. Those people who play a significant part in the community and help to make the Shore such a great place to live. One such person is Takapuna resident David Abercrombie, the Chief Executive for Yachting New Zealand. The Abercrombie name is wellknown on the Shore, especially in sporting circles. David is the uncle of leading basketballer Thomas Abercrombie, and many others in the clan have also tasted success in sports and related fields. David Abercrombie grew up on the Shore, attending Westlake Boys High School. He graduated from ATI with a Diploma in Physiotherapy and this became his profession. David then completed a postgraduate year in Canada and, after travelling and working, returned to set up a private physio practise in Milford. Prior to moving into the yachting role, he was instrumental in setting up HealthZone (the health centre at the Millennium Institute of Sport and Health in Mairangi Bay), in conjunction with Doctor John Mayhew. He has been involved in the continued development and provision of health services to many of our high performance athletes. Abercrombie also spent many years as the physio for the All Blacks, and from 1995 to 2009 he joined America’s Cup yachting, working with both Team New Zealand (1995-2003) and BMW Oracle Racing (2004-2009). He attended two Olympic regattas as the physiotherapist to the New Zealand yachting team, at Sydney in 2000 and Athens in 2004 - appointments which prompted an interest in other areas of high performance sport. David is a keen surfer, paddle-boarder and boatie – a power boat occupies his garage and a Bavaria 46 is kept on Bayswater Marina. Channel Magazine’s Aidan Bennett had this chat with David Abercrombie during September:
David and Michelle Abercrombie.
tte and son James.
David Abercrombie with daughter Charlo
David Abercrombie
Yachting New Zealand’s CEO Loving Life on the Shore Although I have been involved in business and sport on the North Shore for over 20 years, I had never actually met David Abercrombie before. So, to tie in with the spotlight we have on our local yacht clubs (see following spread), I thought it was appropriate to interview ‘Abo’, as he is affectionately known by many. He obviously now plays a significant role in New Zealand Yachting and is also a “Shore” person through and through. David Abercrombie was actually born in Scotland. As the name suggests, he comes from Scottish stock. His parents emigrated to New Zealand when his dad joined the New Zealand Navy. Elder brother Colin (father of Thomas) was born in New Zealand, after which the Abercrombie’s returned to Scotland, and David was born. Younger brother Iain (the former Auckland rugby hooker) was born when they returned to New Zealand a few years later. The family lived in Campbells Bay with all three boys attending Westlake Boys. Apart from stints overseas, David Abercrombie has made his home in Milford or Takapuna ever since. He is passionate about the place. Home for David and his wife Michelle these days is just a short stroll away from his beloved Takapuna Beach. He admits to being on the beach most days and at least three days a week he can be found Stand Up Paddling with his brother, Colin and friend, Dean Revell. David has four children: Scott (24), Nigel (22), James (13) and Charlotte (9). “I have travelled extensively and I believe we are truly blessed with the natural environment we have in Takapuna,” says David. “It is as good as any place in the
world and it is a thrill to see some exciting plans taking shape for its future. It’s no secret that we haven’t made the most of it in the past, but the enhancements being introduced by people, such as Dave Donaldson and Peter Wall – driving the National Ocean Water Sports Centre, and Alan Wiltshire and John Copson with their own exciting plans for turning Takapuna towards the beach, means that the future for Takapuna is looking very bright. The potential is unbelievable. Having travelled to a number of waterfront cities around the world, we are way behind and this can be attributed to the fact that opponents see the change at a cost of losing reserves and beaches. But this is not the case. These great steps are being driven by people who understand the need to look after the natural environment.” Osteoarthritis in his hands led David Abercrombie to move from physiotherapy to yachting administration almost a year ago. While he still retains a majority shareholding in HealthZone, having a full time practice manager there means he has now turned his focus full time to sports management. In truth it has been a few years since David Abercrombie has spent most of his time at HealthZone. America’s Cup yachting has played a big part in his life over the past 15 years. He first joined Team New Zealand as physiotherapist in 1995 in San Diego for the America’s Cup and subsequent Cups through to 2004. This yachting association continued with a slightly more international flavour, with joining BMW Oracle Racing at the end of 2007 when Chris Dickson was CEO. In 2010 he returned from spending 18 months in Spain and the USA with his family, where he was involved with the build-up to the 33rd America’s Cup.
…the future for Takapuna is looking very bright. The potential is unbelievable.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
CHANNEL INTERVIEW: David Abercrombie
David Abercrombie.
“We had a great time in Valencia, the family loved it,” says David. “The kids came over and enjoyed their time at school in Spain. It was a great experience for them. We did lots of travelling. When the America’s Cup moved, I spent four months in San Diego and then we decided it was time to come home.” So how did the role with Yachting New Zealand come about? “I was looking to stay involved in some way in high performance sport, so when the CEO’s role at YNZ came across my email, I jumped at it,” explained Dave Abercrombie. “And I love it. It’s very different to what I have been involved in before, but is very interesting as it covers many aspects of the sport. I get a lot of support, which has made things more palatable, as there are a few areas I am not so strong in. The good thing is SPARC have excellent specialist personnel who can assist in areas where we need help. There are some great people in yachting which also makes it easier.” “We are working hard at getting good structures in place and I think I am now getting a real feel for the role. A great deal of work is being put into all areas, including high performance, talent identification etc. More than 50% of my time is spent working at the club level, which is actually an area I really enjoy and is at the heart of the sport. There is a big responsibility to grow club memberships and to assist with learn-to-sail programmes that help to bring new people to the sport.” Assisting David Abercrombie is a team of four regional support officers around the country – in Auckland (covering the northern region), New Plymouth (covering central region), Christchurch and Dunedin. These officers provide support for the clubs, help with race management and assist with the delivery of learn-to-sail programmes. Yachting New Zealand has a total staff of around 20. “The perception often is that Yachting New Zealand is all about high performance, but this is not the case,” adds Dave Abercrombie. “This is something that I am keen to change. The most important area is the club scene.
The grass roots. If we get that right, then that will have a positive bearing at the high performance level. It really is all about building fleets and membership at the clubs.” “We are thrilled that we are having some success with the clubs. It is important that we get them working together and they are doing that. We don’t want them all building the same fleets. An example was a club that had 2-3 Starlings sailing, which wasn’t enough. With the assistance of Yachting New Zealand, that club has been able to grow that fleet to 12-14 boats, which makes for much better racing.” “The moral fabric of yachting is very special, with a real family focus. The clubs that are strong are the clubs where the parents get as involved as the kids. The strength of our clubs is based around the people that run them and this is most often the parents. We need to encourage more parents to get involved. Their involvement is not only great for yachting but also great for their kids. “The schools play an important part as well. Locally, yachting is very strong in the schools - particularly at Westlake Boys, Takapuna Grammar and also Rangitoto. We can’t forget that many of our top sailors have come from the North Shore – Barker, Dickson, Ashley etc.” There is a busy period ahead for David Abercrombie and his Yachting New Zealand team. The World Championships for all classes (RSX, Women’s Laser Radial, 470, 49’er, Men’s Laser, Finn, Star, Women’s Match Racing) is held in Perth in December. The World Optimist Championships (over 300 boats) is being held at Napier in January. This massive event – one of New Zealand’s biggest ever dinghy regattas – is being organised by a group that includes people from the local Murrays Bay club. Sail Auckland is on in early February at the Royal Akarana Yacht Club and the Volvo Round-the-World fleet stops over here around mid-February. A feature of the Volvo event is a fleet of smaller boats that are being shipped to each stopover port and are being used for learn-to-sail events promoting sailing. The winners of the regatta at each stopover port are invited to race at a championship finale at the final port of the race in Cork, Ireland. David Abercrombie is looking forward to Yachting New Zealand moving, as planned, to their new base as part of the National Ocean Water Sports Centre. This is going to be built to the south of the Takapuna Boating Club, just off Takapuna Beach. He is playing an important role in the planning and development of this new facility in conjunction with the Harbour Access Trust, the organisation created to steer its development. “We are excited about the new facility as it will provide a great home for Yachting New Zealand and be a real asset to the Takapuna community. All going well, we are hoping to be in there by late next year or early 2013.” So given the fact that you have been involved in both rugby and yachting at fairly high levels, how do the two sports compare? “I have been involved in each slightly differently, but rugby has a better junior infrastructure and overall it has better funding. A numbers game probably. Financially, only a very few make a good living in yachting, whereas professional rugby now provides good incomes for most of our top-level rugby players and coaches. There is a perception that yachting is an elitist sport, but that’s far from the truth. Yachting people are just as down to earth as rugby people. Our leading yachtsmen also work very hard, and most people don’t understand how physically and logistically demanding it is now to be an America’s Cup sailor. It is comparable with the All Blacks but the environment is not a pampered one. Any thoughts on how we can turn Harbour rugby around? “It is a bit sad that the two unions in the Auckland province are near the bottom of our National rugby competitions. Harbour Rugby needs to work hard on building respect and connecting with the community. The Breakers have been very good at that. Under Liam Barry, I think it is starting to change, but they need to work harder at it. People need to want to be a part of it. The good work done at the North Shore Rugby Club is an example of what can be done.” Are the All Blacks going to win the Rugby World Cup? “We have to hope so. We’ve got the home advantage and the All Blacks have certainly been the best team in the world over the past 12 months. Let’s hope the three wise men can put it together – we have to back them. It has been great to see the emergence of some of the smaller nations in the early stages of the Rugby World Cup.”
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Channel Feature: Sailing on the Shore
World & & Legends Champions Champions Breeding Breeding Ground Ground of of
The North Shore has a long, proud tradition of producing some of the greatest sailors in the world. Sir Peter Blake, Simon Daubney, Chris Dickson and Dean Barker all learned the ropes here, hoisting sail, tying their first knots, tacking for their first windshift at schools and in the classes of our North Shore sailing clubs… and they’re just a few out of a long line of great North Shore bred sailors. Central to our sailing culture are four sailing clubs that offer a full calendar of events this summer, as well as classes catering to all skill and ability levels from beginners, just starting out, through to advanced racers. This is one of the great things about living here: we’re never more than a few minutes away from one of our fantastic beaches and activities and, with summer on its way, we’re coming up to the best time of the year to really enjoy the benefits. With our strong history, long tradition and natural environment, sailing is the perfect North Shore activity to get out and take part in this summer.
Takapuna Boating Club
“Where the City Meets the Sea.” The Takapuna Boating Club has a long history since it was started in 1914 on the shores of Shoal Bay, before it started racing off Takapuna Beach in the late 60s – where it has remained ever since. Over the years, the club has hosted a number of important yachting events with World Championships for the OK Dinghies, Finns, Lasers, Laser Radials, 470s, Europe Dinghies, International 14s, 420s, Tornadoes and RS:X Wind Surfers. The club is also a regular host of the National Championships for a variety of dinghy classes. This summer, the club is scheduled to host the ISAF 470 Youth World Championships, as well as a full summer calendar of racing and regattas for keen North Shore sailors and members. For information on how to join in the sailing fun, learn some new skills or to become a member, contact Aurelie Bonneau, Club Manager, Phone 489 6941 or email: manager@takapunaboating.org.nz.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Murrays Bay Sailing Club
Murrays Bay Sailing club aims to provide a sailing environment that caters for all levels of dinghy sailing within the family environment, with particular emphasis on developing young sailors to achieve excellence in the sport of centerboard sailing and into sailing as a sport for life. The club is located on the beach at Murrays Bay on Auckland’s North Shore and runs a progressive training program, ranging from Learn to Sail (LTS) through Learn to Race, and then onto several fleets of performance racing dinghies including Optimist, P class, Starling, Laser, 420s, 470s and Techno sail boards. There is also a strong fleet of Zephyr dinghies sailed by more mature sailors. In keeping with the North Shore tradition, Murrays Bay has a proud history and enviable track record of producing performance sailors. The club’s history is peppered with the names of sailors recognised through national championships, America’s Cup sailors and Olympic representatives. For more information on the Club and how to join in visit www.murraysbay.org.
Channel Feature: Sailing on the Shore Wakatere Boating Club
Wakatere Boating Club has a proud history, operating on Narrow Neck Beach for the last 85 years. Main classes include Optimists, P Classes, Starlings, Sunbursts, Frostbites, 3.7s, 420s, 470s, OKs, Techno boards and Lasers. The level of international success enjoyed by Wakatere sailors has increased in recent years with Chris Steele winning the Optimist Worlds and the Splash Worlds, Ben Morrison and Mark Perrow placing second in OK World Championships, Paul SnowHansen placing second in the Opti Worlds 2004, and second and fourth in ISAF Youth Worlds and selected with Jason Saunders to represent the men’s double handed 470 Class in the New Zealand 2011 Pre-Olympic Squad; Finn Drummond placing second in the 2009 420 Worlds and Kate Ellingham 11th in the women’s RSX boardsailing 2009 Worlds. For more information on the Club and how to join in visit www.wakatere.org.nz.
Torbay Sailing Club
Torbay Sailing Club offers a unique family based sailing environment, using the sheltered waters off Waiake Beach. With a club room situated directly opposite the popular beach and adjacent to Aicken Reserve, the Club is perfectly positioned for summer sailing at all tides. The focus of the Club is youth sailing and racing in centerboard dinghies, however there are a growing number of adult sailors, enjoying the two senior classes of Laser and Jolly Boats. Torbay Sailing Club offers popular Introduction to Sailing courses for children and youth; this are an eight-week sailing program with specialist coaches each Sunday. The Introduction to Sailing courses have the added advantage of using Club supplied training Optimists so youngsters can try the sport without having to commit to buying a boat. To accommodate the small groups required for safe learning, there are two intakes a year (before and after Christmas) and also two courses operating each Sunday. Adult sailing courses can also be arranged through the Club. Once more accomplished, most youth sailors continue into regular training with coaches in the morning and Club racing each Sunday afternoon in Optimist, Starling and Laser Radial fleets. Club members are also encouraged to be actively involved in local, national and international regattas in all classes. The Club’s youth sailors have recently represented New Zealand in the Laser Radial class in La Rochelle, France, and the South Pacific Games in New Caledonia, as well as one representing Samoa in the Laser class. The Club also has several senior members who act as mentors, including one who is part of the Volvo Ocean Race, aboard Camper - Emirates Team New Zealand. Torbay Sailing Club host a number of major regattas, with the annual flagship event being the Sir Peter Blake Regatta held each year over the first weekend in December. Attracting over 450 sailors, the event is New Zealand’s biggest centerboard regatta and commemorates the life, work, achievements and love of sailing of Sir Peter Blake. This year will be the tenth anniversary of the regatta and it is anticipated to be the biggest yet. For more information and contact details, visit the Club website www.torbaysailingclub.org.nz or the event website www.blakeregatta.co.nz
North Shore Summer
Sailing Calendar All four North Shore clubs host racing days each Sunday throughout Summer. Visitors are welcome. October 2 Torbay Sailing Club Opening day (TSC) October 6 Race Management Skills Workshop (WBC) October 9 Heritage Opening Day - Tower Start (WBC) October 11 - 12 Winter Champ coaching (MBSC)
January 22 Harbour Races 1 & 2 (WBC) January 26 - February 3 470 Youth World Championships (TBC) January 27 - January 29 Sunburst National Championships (WBC) January 30 Anniversary Day Regatta (WBC) February 4 - 7 Senior sail Auckland (MBSC) February 10 - 12 Club Camps (TSC)
October 14 - 16 Winter Champs (MBSC)
February 11 - 12 Junior sail Auckland (MBSC)
October 15, 10am - 2pm Club Open Day – Take a good look around the club and enjoy its facilities for free. (TBC)
February 12 Race Day, OK Laser SWAP (WBC)
October 18 - 19 Youth classes camp (MBSC)
February 26 Club Picnic with Devonport YC/ Weetbix Triathlon (WBC)
October 22 - October 23 OK Dinghy Rum Bucket (WBC)
March 1 - March 2 Auckland Secondary School Champs (WBC)
October 30 Heritage Larchmont Up to 4 Sprint Races (WBC)
March 11 Senior Classes Regatta/ Sunburst Auckland Champs (WBC)
November 19 - November 20 Regatta Weekend (TBC)
March 16 - March 18 Autumn Regatta (TBC)
November 19 North Harbour Starling Match racing trials (WBC)
March 18 Club Champs Day 1 (WBC)
November 20 Mark Foy 1 & 2 (WBC) November 20 Laser North Island (MBSC) November 27 Black Stick Race & Barbeque (WBC) November 27 P club champs (MBSC) December 3 - 4 Sir Peter Blake Memorial Regatta (TSC) December 10 Wakatere Junior Regatta (WBC) December 10 - December 11 Pre-Christmas Regatta (TBC) December 17 Masonic Cup (WBC) December 18 Club sail and buddy race (MBSC) December 18 Last Club Day for the year (TSC) January 11 - 16 P Nationals, Starling Match (MBSC)
March 24 - 25 Club Champs (MBSC) March 25 Club Champs (TSC) March 25 Club Champs Day 2 (WBC) April 1 Club Champs (TSC) April 1 Club Champs Day 3 (WBC) April 1 Club Picnic bbq and sail (MBSC) April 6 - April 8 OK Interdominions (WBC) April 11 - 14 Starling Nationals (MBSC) April 15 & 22 OK Club Champs (WBC) May 6 Closing Day Handicap. Barbeque and parent Child Relays. (WBC) Key: WBC = Wakatere Boating Club TSC = Torbay Sailing Club MBSC = Murrays Bay Sailing Club TBC = Takapuna Boating Club
January 15 First day back for 2012 (TSC)
All photos taken by James Munro.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
STAND UP PADDLING: with Mark Jackson
Our regular Stand Up Paddling (SUP) contributor is the energetic Mark Jackson, North Shore native and owner of Stand Up South Pacific Ltd. After 25 years competing and teaching in Hawaii, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean, Mark Jackson has brought Standup South Pacific to New Zealand. As a water sports instructor he has taught for many well known sports stars and celebrities. Some of his competitive results include: 1987 Wailea Speed Crossing 1st Place; 1988 Maui County Slalom Championships 1st Place; 2nd 3rd & 4th places in the Papa He’e Nalu Tandem Maui Surf; 2007 Maui Canoe & Kayak Club S.U.P. Division Champion; 2007 SUP Starbucks Maui to Molokai Challenge 1st Place.
Les Millsrebels A rebellious yell of “More More More” from the Les Mills Rebels hasn’t fallen upon Idol ears! Back by very popular demand is our Les Mills SUP Team Training Programme with Stand Up South Pacific Director Mark Jackson and Les Mills SUP Team Trainers Damon Overington and Scott Thompson. Our Les Mills Rebels are, at present, a 30 plus team of guys and girls with “give it a go attitudes”, who’s first step on a Stand Up board both opened and blew their minds. They are all back again for more and you’re invited to join us. You don’t need to be a Les Mills member. Book now while boards are available. Phone Mark on 0220 PADDLE, or Damon on 0211 672 585. It’s a two hour session at Takapuna Beach with all equipment provided for just $35.00. It’ll change your life so JUST DO IT! Another 30 plus VERY STRONG team of new SUP recruits are the French rugby players being hosted by Takapuna at The Spencer on Byron. Recently the Takapuna Boating Club’s Manager, Aurelle Bonneau, invited the team to try “walking on water”. Our gorgeous Waitemata provided the platform to launch about 2000 kilograms of paddling power – “palette du puissance” “puissants rameurs”. Their SUP Tour de Takapuna was tres triomphal and they all passed with flying tricolors... Cocorico!!
The French have produced not only champion Rugby players, but champion watermen as well. Pascal Maka is a French windsurfer, who broke the outright speed sailing record in 1986, and again in 1990 on our Jimmy Lewis Speed boards. Last year Pascal and his teenage daughter spent several months in Whangamata. They were astounded and delighted to find Jimmy Lewis SUP boards available for hire at Pete Murray’s SurfSup store and spent countless hours ripping up the waves on the Whanga Bar. A special mention must go to Jean-Luc Arnaud (AKA: Arnaud Surfzenegger) and Emile Ntamack (AKA: Spartacuz), who are both outstanding watermen. Jean-Luc, is an incredible longboarder and Emile is an equally incredible Kite boarder and Windsurfer. On behalf of the TBBA (Takapuna Beach Business Association), the TBC (Takapuna Boating Club) and Stand Up South Pacific Ltd, I would like to thank the French players and their staff for their wonderful attitude deenthousiaste, and for the “la joie de vivre” they have brought to Takapuna. Aloha and Mahalo, Mark Jackson. For more information contact Mark Jackson a call (0220 PADDLE = 0220 72 33 53) or get online: www.standupsouthpacific.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
www.standupsouthpacific.com tel: 0220 72 33 53 14/09/11 10:16 AM
Fashion: with Aktivworx
The ulTimATe Swim & lifeSTyle STOre, TAkAPunA BeAch!
Open 7 days. Phone: 489-7335. Aktivworx is on The Strand, just up from Takapuna Beach.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Quantum Events: Upcoming Action
The Annual State Beach Series kicks off on November 1st and continues every Tuesday evening throughout the summer. This is the seventh season of the huge summer series, that continues to grow every year and it attracts people of all skill levels to take part across a range of events. “The State Beach Series is recreational and social,” says organiser Scott Rice of Quantum Events. “We have everyone, from families to pro athletes who use these events for training, coming down to enjoy a summer evening on the beach while keeping fit. It is fantastic to be on the starting line and see world champions like Lisa Carrington or Steven Ferguson lining up next to you.” Events include: • 3km Paddle Board • 5km Run • 2.5km Junior Run • 5km Ski Paddle • 300m Junior Swim
• • • •
3km Stand Up Paddle 3km Novice Paddle 1-1.5km Swim 300m Novice Swim
Race schedule Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:
1 November 8 November 15 November 22 November 29 November 6 December 13 December 20 December
Event Event Event Event Event Event Event Event
9: 24 January 10: 31 January 11: 7 February 12: 14 February 13: 21 February 14: 28 February 15: 6 March 16: 13 March
1 2 1 1 20 20 Charity race: 20 March 2012
Be sure to come down and try it for the summer. It all kicks off at 6.20pm each Tuesday and costs as little as $6.50 for kids; $8 for adults. Find out more and buy your pass today at www.beachseries.co.nz
The Warehouse Petplan Wag ‘n’ Walk
The Warehouse Petplan Wag ‘n Walk has been a popular feature of the North Shore summer since 2007, and this year in honour of the newly united Auckland region, the Shore’s favourite Dog Day is expanding into an Auckland wide event. Now in its fourth year, after successful walks at Milford Beach and Devonport, this year’s event takes place on December 3 at the Auckland Domain. It includes a full day of fun events for the whole family to take part in, and enjoy, including the main event – a mass dog walk. “It’s a real celebration of a day,” says event organiser Scott Rice of Quantum Events. “And a great way to spend the morning, taking a leisurely walk around the Domain and museum with the family.” The event will support Paw Justice, with 25% of all registration fees being donated to the charity, which will also receive 100% of the proceeds from a charity auction. Paw Justice merchandise is also being sold through the registration form. $10 for Adults; Kids and Dogs free. Visit www.wagnwalk.co.nz to find out more and register.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
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Perfectly positioned for the sun & enjoying great sea views this 1980’s built home is absolutely immaculate throughout! • Sought after location seaward side in Westlake and Milford school zones • Great indoor-outdoor entertaining, spacious living & bedroom accommodation • Meticulously maintained & presented, all you need do is move in and enjoy. Make no mistake our sellers are very genuine and realistic which in turn presents to you a wonderful buying opportunity!
Perfectly positioned for the sun and enjoying great sea views this 1980’s built home is absolutely immaculate throughout! In a sought after location seaward side, in Westlake and Milford school zones the home has been perfectly designed for great indoor-outdoor entertaining and offers spacious living and bedroom accommodation. Having been meticulously maintained and presented, all you need do is move in and enjoy. Make no mistake our sellers are very genuine and realistic which in turn presents to you a wonderful buying opportunity!
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Position Perfect - Immaculate 1980’s Built Home Up For Grabs!
Position Perfect - Immaculate 1980’s Built Home Up For Grabs!
ADDRESS: 1/35 Prospect Terrace INSPECT: As advertised or by appointment AUCTION: Sunday 25th September 2011 at 2:00pm on site (unless sold prior) VIEW AT: www.harcourts.co.nz/MJ7827 David Drazek Cooper & Co. Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ Milford P: 486 8234 M: 021 444 824 E: david.drazek@harcourts.co.nz Licensed Agent, REAA 2008
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Position Perfect Immaculate 1980’s Built Home Up For Grabs!
1/35 Prospect Terrace, Milford INSPECT: As advertised or by appointment VIEW AT: www.harcourts.co.nz/MJ7827
b B lC 3
VIEW: As advertised or by appointment 1/35 Prospect Terrace www.harcourts.co.nz/MJ7827 AUCTION: Sunday 25th September 2011 at 2:00pm on site (unless sold prior) David Drazek P: 486 8234 M: 021 444 824 E: david.drazek@harcourts.co.nz Cooper and Co Real Estate Limited MREINZ Milford Licensed Agent, REAA 2008
Perfectly positioned for the sun and enjoying great sea views this 1980’s built home is absolutely immaculate throughout! In a sought after location seaward side, in Westlake and Milford school zones the home has been perfectly designed for great indoor-outdoor entertaining and offers spacious living and bedroom accommodation. Having been meticulously maintained and presented, all you need do is move in and enjoy. Make no mistake our sellers are very genuine and realistic which in turn presents to you a wonderful buying opportunity!
MILFORD 1/35 Prospect Terrace
Position Perfect - Immaculate 1980´S Built Home Up For Grabs! Perfectly positioned for the sun and enjoying great sea views this 1980´s built home is absolutely immaculate throughout! In a sought after location seaward side, in Westlake and Milford school zones the home has been perfectly designed for great indoor-outdoor entertaining and offers spacious living and bedroom accommodation. Having been meticulously maintained and presented, all you need do is move in and enjoy. Make no mistake our sellers are very genuine and realistic which in turn presents to you a wonderful buying opportunity!
VIEW: Saturday & Sunday 1.30pm - 2.00pm www.harcourts.co.nz/MJ7827 AUCTION: On site Sunday 25th September 2011 at 2.00pm (unless sold prior) David Drazek P: 09-486-8234 M: 021-444-824 E: david.drazek@harcourts.co.nz Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd MREINZ Milford - Licensed Agent REAA 2008
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Retail Therapy at Takapuna Beach
55 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna - 489 2209
Trade Aid, Takapuna
www.florienne.co.nz|60A Hurstmere Road|486 6438
8 Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna 488 0884 penny.lane@xtra.co.nz
Join the Paper Plus
club instore today! or visit paperplus.co.nz and receive great introductory offers! PAPER PLUS TAKAPUNA
20 Hurstmere Road. Ph: 09 486 7472
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
A coffee farmer in Ethiopia; a female artisan in Bangladesh; a child in India: these are the kind of people who profit from Trade Aid’s business. This New Zealand organisation was formed to combat inequality and empower the inhabitants of poverty with their own means of improving the lives of both their families and their communities- through fair trade. In 1972 a Christchurch couple, Richard and Vi Cottrell, returned from India after having spent two years supporting Tibetan refugees in the country. With a desire to continue their work in their homeland, they purchased $1000 worth of handmade Tibetan carpets and held an exhibition in the CSA Gallery in Christchurch. Within just 15 minutes of its opening, all the carpets had sold. This inspired the kiwi couple to instigate what would become the unique, fair trade, New Zealand organisation that is Trade Aid. Fair trade may be a new term for some. It is generally known as buyers paying a fair price to the producers they are buying from. Trade Aid’s work, however, goes further. Not only is a fair price paid for the products imported; support for the cooperatives and small communities is a key facet of the organization. Trade Aid has long term partnerships with its artisans and farmers and is committed to the development of their businesses.
One such producer group to recently benefit from a Trade Aid product development plan is Godavari, a women’s cooperative in India. In 2008 a baby range was developed for the group which, despite the recession much of the world was suffering from, saw an increase of 74% in sales in the 2010-11 year. Through these partnerships, Trade Aid also promotes equal rights for women. When Godavari first began, women’s husbands were not happy for them to go to work and controlled much of their earnings. Now the men are pleased their wives can work and it has given these women greater confidence and independence. Further more, Trade Aid is committed to educating individuals in New Zealand on the necessity of fair trade and sustainability for producers in developing countries and give regular talks to schools and societies throughout the country. Selling fair trade food products such as tea, coffee, rice, spices and chocolate and craft products from over 20 different countries, one is certain to be awed by the quality of Trade Aid’s products and inspired by the help their work is providing to many of the disadvantaged. In these stores, retail therapy has never felt better! For more information on Trade Aid and their producer partners visit the website www.tradeaid.org.nz or pop into your local shop.
Retail Therapy at Takapuna Beach
This month at
takapuna beach
We can accessorise your Summer
At Channel a big focus is encouraging our readers to shop locally, this feature is all about highlighting some of the many interesting stores we have at Takapuna Beach. BEACH HUT Beach Hut is a family owned shop dedicated to helping you find the perfect swimsuit and beachwear. We have something to suit every-BODY! Our swimsuits and beachwear are designed especially for New Zealand women. Our professional and friendly staff will gladly assist you to find the best style and fit. We have a wide selection of swimwear including ladies one and two-piece sizes 8-26, kids swimwear, men’s and boys’ swimwear. We also have a huge selection of beachwear and resortwear.
TAKAPUNA Crn Lake & Northcroft Rds NEWMARKET 25 Osborne Street
All your lighting and design needs right in the heart of Takapuna
PENNY LANE In Takapuna you will find one of the best gift and home decor shops on the Shore - Penny Lane, at 8 Hurstmere Road. If you’re in need of that special gift for just about any occasion, or you would like the perfect addition to decorate your home then Penny Lane is the place to come. And keep in mind, if you’re located further up the bays you can also visit Penny Lane at 63 Clyde Road, Browns Bay. See you there! PAPER PLUS Introducing the new VIP club from Paperplus! Come in and sign up to My Big Deal at any Paper Plus store or visit www.paperplus.co.nz/mybigdeal and receive the benefits of exclusive cardholder deals on books and stationery, pre sale ticket offers to Books and Bubbles events, invites to cardholder VIP Deal Days, Saver club and Cardholder-only competitions. Membership is free!
3-5 Auburn Street, Takapuna Phone 489 9099 • Email sales @bardsleyslighting.co.nz
REPERTOIRE Repertoire’s Spring/Summer collection is inspired by optimism and light. The vibrancy of Limon cello, coral and teal is diffused through layers, prints, drapes and pleats, all playing a role in the fun and joie de vivre of the coming season. Visit our online store at www.repertoire.co.nz; we offer free postage and a money back guarantee on all purchases. BARDSLEYS LIGHTING and DESIGN Loved by homeowners, architects and interior designers alike, Bardsleys Lighting & Design, located in the heart of Takapuna at 3-5 Auburn Street, specialise in matching the right light fittings to your needs. With a wide selection and different styles available, Bardsleys can cater to any house decor, from old villas to contemporary homes. All our staff are trained experts in home décor so there is a wealth of knowledge available to customers. WALLACE COTTON Create a little luxury lodge style at home with Wallace Cotton. Here you will find beautiful pure cotton bedlinen, homeware and everything you need this summer for your bungalow, boat or bach. Visit our Takapuna store to experience the Wallace Cotton difference and be in the draw to win a luxury retreat to Kauri Cliffs Lodge in Northland. FLORIENNE Les fleurs sont très jolies à Florienne! Florienne is the stylish and creative floral design studio of Takapuna. A gorgeous shop filled with the most heavenly scented and freshest blooms, stunning flowering plants and fabulous gifts.
New season online & instore now
6-10 Como Street, Takapuna (next to Pumpkin Patch) ph 551 7767
Swimwear - Beachwear Resortwear Exclusive stockist of Jennifer Dean Swimwear Come and visit us in Takapuna. P. (09) 489 2495 A. 13 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna W. www.beachhut.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market
Takapuna Beach BNZ
Night Market The Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market has captured the imagination of Auckland market goers. More than 2000 people shopped for gourmet food delights, fruit and vegetables, jewellery and leather goods and art and listened to international artist CaiiMichelle on the first night in early September. Stallholders sold out of goods ranging from take home packs of fine Indian curries to an Austrian speciality treat called Sweet Chimney. Pickles, pates and dips teamed up with specialty crackers and breads. Youngsters revelled in exotic flavoured liquorice. More than 800 people entered their names for the big $500 hamper draw. The Rotary Club of North Harbour drew the name of the winner at its meeting a few days later – Milford’s Norm Main and his wife were thrilled and happily took the All Black flag in the hamper for its first outing to a RWC 2011 game party. Now daylight saving has kicked in the market is building up to Christmas. Shops, cafes, bars and restaurants in Takapuna, have come out in support of the market and Hurstmere Rd is a hive of activity. Takapuna is blessed with a fantastic beach and lots of easy parking. As the days grow longer and warmer, the market will sit between the beach and main street, Hurstmere Rd. Rotary Club of Takapuna President Felicity Anderson says with more than 30 gazebos already booked up until after Christmas, enquiries coming from stallholders from throughout the region and great entertainment, the market will grow and evolve into a real alternative to the carboot and bric a brac markets that are available at the weekends in North Shore. “I know Barry Larsen, from the North Harbour Rotary Club, Peter White of the Takapuna Beach Business Association (TBBA) and me are thrilled with the support for the market and the opportunity it will give our
Stallholders sold out of goods ranging from take home packs of fine Indian curries to an Austrian speciality treat called Sweet Chimney.
organisations to help the North Shore community through the money we raise from stallholder fees,” she says. “We are also very grateful to the BNZ for its sponsorship, which really allowed us to get everything together for the big, first night and kick it off so well.” The Rotary clubs, together with TBBA and a representative of the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board have formed a trust that will be responsible for the dissemination of funds raised. The trustees include Fay Freeman, Peter White, Diane Hale, Barry Larsen, Marilyn Glover and Felicity Anderson. The markets will operate on Hurstmere Green every Thursday night from 5 – 9pm until the end of March next year and will become an annual daylight saving time fixture for Takapuna.
Angela’s Café
Blackwoods Bakeries
Clink Jewellery
Edelweiss Fine Foods
Koru Spirals
Apple Tree Market
Cake Concepts
Curry on Wheels
Etchings & Engravings
Lothlorien Winery Ltd
Bake with Taste
Charity Stall
Devon Olives
Exotic Filled Candy
Mels Gourmet Foods
Chef at home $5 deli
Didas Takapuna
Hauraki Fruit and Vege
Mullees Smoked Fish
Takapuna Beach is...
Hosting North Sh
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market
Every Thursda y 5.00-9.00pm kapuna a T , n e e r G Hurstmere
m st ur H
Hurstmere Green
The Strand
NZ Cheeseman
Rachael Foster
The Liquorice Den
Otello Italian Smallgoods
Trade Aid
PNP Foods
Sweet Chimney
Wendy Keane
Print Me Souvenirs
Takoyaki House
Zino Sisters Preserves
Ta k a p u n a Beach
Lake Rd
Anzac St
The Takapuna Beach BNZ Night Market is organised by the Takapuna & North Harbour Rotary Club’s. Rotary is an international service organisation that is non-political, non religious and works to help solve problems such as poverty, health, hunger, education and environmental needs. It has 1.2 million members in 30,000 clubs worldwide. Takapuna and North Harbour clubs have been helping people in their communities for more than 53 years.
hore’s Only Night Market www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Your home with Home Fabrics
New to Home Fabrics
Luxaflex Shutters What a great look shutters provide as a window treatment option. They fit so easily into both older and modern dĂŠcor and provide excellent insulation, light and glare control whilst giving a warm, summerhouse feel to the room. For a long time we have been looking for a reliable, less expensive manufacturer of window shutters and recently Luxaflex have come through with a fine range of product. Well, that is not quite true. They actually started about six months ago but as a result of our previous experiences with others, we were pretty keen for them to cut their teeth elsewhere first. Well it paid off and after our trial orders I can say what a great product it is. Made from Kiln dried Basswood, the finished product is more stable and far less likely to bow than the alternatives. Every panel
is doweled and glued in the old fashioned way, with no visible screw holes to detract from the beautiful finish. They use an electrostatic paint finish that uses state of the art equipment and ensures a smooth finish over the entire shutter. The final coats of each shutter are sprayed after being assembled, ensuring consistent colour. The finish resists cracking, chipping and peeling and is very stain resistant. Luxaflex do a range of standard paint colours and up to 22 different stain colours. Of course they can custom paint to your own colour at a small extra charge and in our experience, are very good at colour matching. The great thing about the range though is the variety of options and applications they have available. From sliding to Bi-fold, ranchslider to bay window they have a simple solution for just about every application possible. They make a variety of blades sizes and shapes that further increase the possibilities. Price wise they are a much better option, about $600 per square metre finished is a rough guide, plus installation of course. By ordering your new luxaflex shutters from us at Home Fabrics, the normal three-year warranty is extended to five years. A word of warning though: Do not leave it to the very last minute of your building or redecorating program to start thinking about some new shutters. They do take eight to nine weeks from order to installation and there is no way of improving on that.
Home Fabrics
28 Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna 486 1103, www.homefabrics.co.nz, sales@homefabrics.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
BEN FOR SHORE Labour Party Candidate Ben Clark
Ben Clark is the Labour Candidate for North Shore. He’s lived in the Devonport area since he returned to NZ in 2007 with his English wife to start their family. He’s always worked in Research and Development for cutting edge hitech companies in New Zealand and the UK, creating video games as well as software used in the Lord of the Rings.
North Shore
a model for the New zealand economy? It’s a pleasure being the Labour Party candidate for North Shore. I get to meet all sorts of lovely Shore people from Devonport to Mairangi Bay, Sunnynook to Ben Clark. Takapuna, whom I wouldn’t normally get to talk to. Lots of people who, whether in business or community and volunteer groups, want to achieve something – then go out and do it. In this role I was invited to the fabulous Auckland North Business Awards last month, where Takapuna company AFT Pharmaceuticals (as featured in last month’s Channel) scooped the top prize. Ship engineering firm Babcock Fitzroy of Devonport were also among the winners. The thought struck me that there are a number of top hi-tech companies on the North Shore and we’re a bit of a model for the rest of the New Zealand economy. I visited AFT shortly before the awards with David Cunliffe and Darien Fenton and we were very impressed. Dr Hartley Atkinson has been told that pharmaceutical research is impossible in New Zealand as we’re too small. But he’s gone out and done it anyway. He’s chosen his niche and he is already successful; he may soon be much more so. There are also the likes of Navman and BCS around here. New Zealand needs these hi-tech companies with high value jobs that can earn export dollars to really get the economy going. And while it’s great to see such innovation here on the Shore, there are simply not enough of these companies in the country. Our private industry Research and Development spend is 1/3 of the OECD average. We need to boost it massively to create the cutting edge products and services the world wants to buy. Only then will we grow our exports and economy enough to have wages that catch Australia. Labour’s R&D tax credit policy will greatly help innovative companies, growing the jobs New Zealanders need. And our Capital Gains Tax and Savings policies will help people move away from investment property into providing capital for these and other innovative Kiwi businesses. At the moment, too many Kiwi start-ups are sold overseas; resulting in Kiwi ideas making foreign countries richer. And it’s not sustainable for our country to keep being sold off. If you’d like to meet Ben or arrange for him to come and speak to your group, contact him by email: ben@benclark.co.nz
AT THE BRITISH ISLES 577 Beach Rd, Rothesay Bay, North Shore. Phone 478 5592 www.britishislesinn.co.nz
Keep Our Assets benforshore.co.nz | ownourfuture.co.nz facebook.com/BenForShore | twitter.com/BenForShore Authorised by Ben Clark, 54 Aramoana Ave, Devonport
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Health & fitness with Patrick Harris of Les Mills
Patrick Harris, Service Director at Les Mills Takapuna
The elements whether of the periodic table or of the Chinese, Greek or Indian tables have a great transposable quality into the exercise and performance world. Elements are essentially groups of things, in regards to the periodic table it is a group of 4 metals, the Chinese, Greek and Indian elements are characters - Air, Water, Metal, Fire, Wood and Earth. What these groups or members of these families exhibit is a relationship pattern that has a synergistic trend that results in a behavior outcome. When it all clicks the outcomes can be very predictable. The same can be said for the human body. Here are my 6 elements for fitness and performance that will result in making for an exhilarating exercise experience and you will do it all injury free.
Element 1. Movement assessment Movement competency is the ability to move free of dysfunction and pain. A basic movement pattern screen should be performed to identify which of the fundamental movement patterns are working well and those that are not and require attention. A good trainer will do this during the initial pre-screen.
Element 2. Stabilize your joints A major source of knee injury is lack of strength and control of the hip stabilizer muscles; this includes the glutes, hamstrings, adductors and abdominals. To strengthen the key hip stabilizers perform Adduction resisted Squats, Hip Thrusts and Step up exercises. To get the maximum benefit from these exercises perform with a very slow tempo of execution.
Element 3. Improve core control All movements of the extremities begins in and emanates outward from the core. Without going into the science and studies behind this simply picture and ask yourself – where is the body’s centre of gravity? Need I say more? Core activation is essential to stabilize the pelvis which in turn provides the working foundation for the legs and shoulder girdle. Pilates is excellent for this.
Element 4. Improve balance This doesn’t mean performing circus tricks on a Swiss Ball and god forbid exercising on a vibrating plate. Simply perform single leg proprioceptive strengthening exercises such as single leg stance, reaches and lunge variations.
Element 5. Overall strength development There is no need to rewrite the book on this one. Your go to exercises are Front Squats, Deadlifts and single leg exercises along with Pulling and rowing movements. Keep it simple as the basics still work the best.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Element 6. Develop specific strength qualities Such as Eccentric strength – this is the ability to resist muscle lengthening. For example, jump up to and hold the top position of a Pull Up now try to lower yourself down over a 10 – 30 second time period. Once you have achieved a good level of base conditioning (elements 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) you are ready for eccentric training. Do this on your Squats and Deadlifts to. After developing eccentric strength, you are ready for power training. Power training is performed at an explosive speed – an essential sports component. Often only body weight or low loading is required to develop power. Power development exercises examples are Squat Jumps and Hops, Jump Lunges and Medicine Ball throws. Next is endurance - to perform an activity or movement repeatedly for an extended period of time. To achieve endurance qualities perform your exercises back to back with little to no rest between them. Repetitions of each exercise will generally be high, around 15-20. Endurance training conditions you to handle stress not only the body (chemically) but also the mind (emotionally).Your threshold to exercise induced pain will be vastly improved. In summary start at element 1 and work your way through each element building and fortifying a solid foundation in each. No short cuts and work with FORM at all times. Your body can and will function optimally and injury free in what ever environment you choose to take it provided you respect the elements grasshopper! Oh, and yes I know I forgot flexibility but do I have to advise you to do everything!
kapuna: Les Mills Ta Distribution nce Fitness Winner, Adva ar, lub of the Ye – Supreme C ards Industry Aw 2010 Fitness hore City, , Westfield S el ev L op ft t, Takapuna Roo & Como Stree d oa R ke a L Cnr
westfield shore city: Laura Ashley
There’s an old saying that nobody ever regretted buying quality. It’s a saying that’s very applicable to Laura Ashley, the iconic international home and fashion brand, which has one of its three New Zealand stores right here on the Shore at Westfield Shore City in Takapuna.
Laura Ashley, first floor, Wes
tfield Shore City.
Celebrate Spring
with Laura Ashley, Westfield Shore City
The Laura Ashley heritage dates back to the UK in 1953 when Laura and Bernard Ashley started printing fabric on their kitchen table in London. Six decades on, there are almost 500 stores around the world including 33 stores in Australasia, and Laura Ashley still makes all of the products it sells. Tracey Holland is the energetic new Store Manager at Laura Ashley at Westfield Shore City. She joined Laura Ashley earlier this year, having a strong background in sales and marketing, and has been blown away by the resources on offer for their customers. “This is a great store that is big enough to show off a wide range of our home and fashion ranges, but what really does set us apart is the strength of our printed and online catalogues that extends the range even further,” says Tracey. “The 2011 Laura Ashley Home Magazine is over 200 pages full of products available in both New Zealand and Australia.” When you walk into the Takapuna store, you really do feel at home. Surrounded by women’s fashion and lovely homewares and furnishings. Tracey’s six-strong team also make you feel right at home. Three of the team were there the day we visited. Sue Johnson has been at the store since it opened six years ago. Also present were Lisa Carmichael and CarlyRose Garner. You can tell they really love working at Laura Ashley. There is an enthusiasm in the air and a smile on their faces. A key member of the team is design service consultant Liz Barker. Liz spends most of her days visiting Laura Ashley customers in the comfort of their own homes. During the visit, Liz will discuss ideas, provide samples and suggestions, and provide updates on the latest Laura Ashley styles. All aimed at providing a solution that suits the home perfectly. “Things really do look different in your own environment and Liz has years of interior design experience so can provide great advice on what is going to look best,” adds Tracey Holland. “Customers love the service and most become regulars who really appreciate her creative flair and skill.” Laura Ashley’s home range includes cushions, rugs, runners, lighting, gifts, bed linen and towels. There is also a range of lovely furniture, including dining room tables and chairs, coffee and console tables, display cabinets, home office furniture, sideboards, beds, bedroom cabinets, headboards and mirrors. There are also madeto-order/measure items such as bedheads, upholstery (sofas and chairs), curtains, blinds, tie backs, valances, pelmets, scatter cushions and lampshades. Laura Ashley is also well-known for an excellent range of wallpapers. The made-to-measure products are available immediately in New Zealand, while the made-to-order products come from the Laura Ashley Australasian head office in Melbourne. Laura Ashley also has a comprehensive women’s fashion range at Westfield Shore City. Included are dresses, jackets, coats, jumpers, pants, shirts, blouses, skirts, tees, sweats, cardigans and accessories. Spring is being celebrated during October at Laura Ashley with some special instore offers. See Tracey and the team today.
The Laura Ashley Takapuna team, Tracey Holland, Lisa Carmichael, Carly-Rose Garner and Sue Johnson.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Laura Ashley, 1st Floor, Westfield Shore City. Telephone 486 7659 or visit: www.laura-ashley.com.au
WHITE TIE AFFAIR Put away your little black number and make room for the second most important white dress you’ll ever wear. Every style goes from delicate antique lace to preppy tennis dresses and edgy cut-out leather. ‘50s influences have filtered down from winter. You can style your perfect match a million different ways. Throw on a pile of chunky chains. Try a sequinned waistcoat or cropped leather jacket for going out. Or, add a slick white tuxedo jacket and evoke the ‘70s style icons. The Summer Socialite collection is in stores now at Westfield Shore City. Come and find your ultimate little white dress, as well as other exciting new season trends.
westfield.co.nz/shorecity WES1738
Book Reviews for Booklovers from The Booklover THIS
THE PARIHAKA WOMAN Witi Ihimaera $39 Against the historical background of the turbulent and compelling events that occurred in the Taranaki village of Parihaka in the 1870s and 1880s, Witi Ihimaera tells the extraordinary fictional story of Erenora. Parihaka was a place synonymous with passive resistance, a place that Erenora called home, a place where Horitana came to find and marry her. It was also a place that the colonial settlers wanted to occupy, by fair means or foul. While most in Parihaka who passively resisted the encroachments were sent to gaol, Horitana was to meet a far worse fate. Having made an enemy of a particularly sinister settler, he is imprisoned and disappears. As her world is threatened, Erenora must find within herself the strength, courage and ingenuity to protect those whom she loves. And, like a Shakespearean heroine, she must change herself before she can take up her greatest challenge and save her exiled husband: Erenora dons the clothes of a young man and goes off through New Zealand in search of him. Richly imaginative and original, deeply moving and always surprising, The Parihaka Woman reveals a writer constantly extending his range and humanity, continuing his exploration into the history of New Zealand and working at its intersections with fiction. It confirms Witi Ihimaera as one of New Zealand’s finest and most memorable storytellers.
ED KING David Guterson $37
From the bestselling author of Snow Falling on Cedars comes a classic of contemporary American life: a daringly told story of a man and a myth, of blindness and narcissism, and of the precarious foundations on which carefully constructed lives are built – and timeless stories are created. In 1962, actuary Walter Cousins makes the biggest mistake of his life. When mild-mannered Walter – ‘a man who weighs risk for a living’ – sleeps with the sharp-tongued, not-quite-legal British au pair, Diane Burroughs, he can have no sense of the magnitude of his error. For this brief affair sets in motion a tragedy of epic proportions, upending Sophocles’s immortal tale of fate, free will, and forbidden desire. At the centre is Ed King, an infant given up for adoption who becomes one of the world’s richest and most powerful men. But beneath the sizzling story of Ed’s seemingly inexorable rise to fame and fortune is a dark and unsettling destiny, one that approaches with ever-increasing suspense as the book reaches its shattering and surprising conclusion. An assured, propulsively written novel, Ed King is dazzling and darkly funny, an extraordinary modern take on an ancient tragedy, quite unlike anything you may have read before.
STOKED Al Brown $70 A myriad of reading choices for all ages...
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Cnr Anzac St and Hurstmere Rd, Takapuna Beach Ph 09 489 8836 www.thebooklover.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Fishermen and good home cooks alike devoured Go Fish and its winning combination of excellent recipes, great yarns, gorgeous photography, devotion to the stunning New Zealand coastline and way of life – all with a touch of nostalgia. Now Al Brown applies this same formula to that icon of Kiwi life, the barbecue – but not just any old barbecue, as he explores a wide range of outdoor cooking styles: grills of all sorts, smoking, spits, outdoor ovens (tandoor, pizza). With more than 100 recipes, there’s an emphasis on fast and tasty, with recipes for bruschetta, burgers, pizza, fritters, chargrilled seafood, beef, lamb and chicken, ribs, plus slow roasted meats. There’s game – venison, duck and goat – plus excellent salads and classic cake tin slices and bikkies. Added to this treasure trove are sauces and relishes for the perfect finish. Stoked also features wonderful photography by Kieran Scott, taken amongst some of New Zealand’s most amazing scenery, including the high country above the Wakatipu Basin in Central Otago and the rugged south Wairarapa coastline; hunting and fly fishing at the 8000-acre Ngamatea Station in the Central North Island; wild porcini mushroom gathering in Canterbury; cooking around an outdoor tandoor oven with Indian friends in Wellington; and taking part in a hangi up the Whanganui River. This is the complete package, the essential New Zealand barbecue book and a must-have companion to Go Fish.
TY I I V A T R E C E R CENT MON 17 - FRI 21 OCTOBER 10am - 2pm Kids aged 4-10 can join us for a whole hour of activities.*
westfield.co.nz/shorecity *Maximum stay is one hour. See Customer Service for more details.
Jerry Clayton BMW
TOTAL FREEDOM IS NOW WITHIN REACH. the new BMW X1 lets you live life to the full. With the performance, economy and agility you would expect from an Ultimate driving Machine, the possibilities are endless. take advantage of this limited time offer and talk to us about a test drive at Jerry Clayton BMW today.
• USB and BlUetooth ConneCtivity • Fog lightS • 17” alloy WheelS • SportS leather Steering Wheel • rear park diStanCe Control
^ price excludes on-road costs. optional extras shown.*Finance offer is based on a BMW Select agreement consisting of a guaranteed Minimum Future value and a 36 month hire purchase agreement on the BMW X1 sdrive 18i Se manual rrp $58,400 (+orC), 35 monthly payments, interest rate of 10.99%, a 20% deposit and a final guaranteed Minimum Future value of $29,200. excess mileage charges and vehicle condition charges may be payable if you return the vehicle. offer expires 30/09/11 and is subject to BMW Financial Services lending criteria. optional extras shown.
Jerry Clayton BMW 445 lake road, takapuna. phone 09 488 2000. www.jcbmw.co.nz
Motoring with Jerry Clayton BMW
adding to taka’s Thursday nightlife We want to make purchasing a new vehicle as easy as possible but, above all else, an enjoyable experience. Therefore, from October 13, we will open on Thursday nights until 9pm. We hope you make us one of your locals. Jerry Clayton BMW Dealer Principal Steve Hilson has just returned from Germany having visited the M studio in Munich as well as taking in the release of the new BMW 1 Series in Frankfurt. Steve tells Channel Magazine what he is so excited about. In Munich I was able to get up close and personal with the latest in M product, including the yet to be released M5, as well as BMW individual – the ultimate in personalisation BMW has to offer. From Munich, I headed to Frankfurt where we experienced the all-new 1 Series in the amazing venue where the Frankfurt Motor Show was held. Prepare to be taken somewhere new on personalising your own aesthetic tastes. I think the colour coordination options will take the owner on a whole new journey of vehicle owner pride and individuality. BMW’s philosophy is one of creating the Ultimate Driving Machine, an objective which is certainly delivered by the 1 Series. Its size belies its accomplished ride and handling. It is dynamic to drive and yet, thanks to Efficient Dynamics technologies, is an
Steve Hilson.
amazing example of green motoring. The new BMW 1 Series has been lauded by motoring press around the globe and we’re eagerly anticipating its local launch later in October. I think the BMW 1 series is going to change the Auckland landscape of affordable luxury vehicles in a dramatic way. While I was in Frankfurt, I also had the opportunity to receive an update about future product from the BMW Group. We were treated to the world-premier of two new electrichybrids, the i3 ‘MegaCity Vehicle’ and i8, the world’s greenest supercar. These new models go into production in 2013 and are BMW’s answer to sustainable personal mobility solutions. After seeing these impressive new future models, it’s no small wonder the Dow Jones Index has recognised BMW as the world’s most sustainable manufacturer for seven consecutive years. In my opinion, BMW quite literally offers the perfect range of vehicles.
See us for a one-on-one with the new 1 series Get ready for something special – the all-new BMW 1 Series will be available in New Zealand from October 21. It’s already turning heads all over Europe, and now it’s set to redefine its class here. Not only is it a leader in performance, technology and comfort, it gives you the opportunity to personalise the vehicle to suit your style and the way you drive. The personalisation comes into its own with the Urban and Sport Lines. Complementing the standard models, the new style lines offer a choice of exclusive interiors and design details. They offer greater value for money and allow you to add your own personality to the vehicle – but regardless of which model you choose, you can be sure your all-new BMW 1 Series will always stand out from the crowd. Priced from only $46,600 drive away, the all-new BMW 1 Series is ready to make a big impression. Discover for yourself why it’s 1 of a kind. Jerry Clayton BMW, 445 Lake Road, Takapuna Beach. Telephone 488 2000. Visit: www.jcbmw.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
FASHION: with Tinged with Envy, Mairangi Bay
N O R T H P L A Z A , 4 0 8 B E A C H R OA D , M A I R A N G I B AY w w w . t i n g e d w i t h e n v y. c o . n z P H : 0 9 4 7 8 5 9 0 7 Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
ard recipients. 2010 AIMES Aw
AIMES Awards month October is the month that all the fundraising efforts of North Harbour Club and its members come to fruition with the presentation of the annual AIMES Awards. These annual awards reward excellence achieved by outstanding young people from the North Harbour region in the Arts, IT Innovation and Science, Music, Education, Sport and Service to the Community. The North Harbour Club has awarded over $1.2 million worth of AIMES Awards grants since 1995. The first 2011 presentations that will be made are the Hayes Knight sponsored North Harbour Club AIMES Emerging Talent Awards. This is a cocktail evening that is being held at the Spencer on Byron in Takapuna on Wednesday October 26th. This year six young people are receiving these awards. These are people who have not won any of the main AIMES Awards but the judges believe still deserve recognition for their achievements. Many previous Emerging Talent Award recipients have gone on to pick up AIMES Awards in subsequent years. The 2011 Hayes Knight AIMES Emerging Talent Award recipients will each get a cheque for $4000 as well as the framed award. The big event of the year is the North Harbour Club AIMES Awards Gala Dinner which is being held at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna on Saturday October 29th. This year this event is titled “A night with Our Stars” as many previous winners are returning to perform. The event is also being MC’d jointly by Shane Cortese and previous AIMES Service to the Community Award winner Cam Calkoen. This is one of the highlights on the North Shore social calendar and is attended by over 450 people. At this dinner AIMES Awards will be handed out to winners in the six categories detailed in the first paragraph. Each will receive their framed award and a cheque for $10,000. One of these six winners will also win the AIMES Supreme Award and receive a further $10,000. In addition, at these 2011 awards, a judges Special AIMES Award is being handed out in one of the categories. Previous North Harbour Club AIMES Awards Supreme winners have included:- Jacko Gill (2010 – Sport); Melissa Ingram (2009 – Sport); Tom Ashley (2008 – Sport); Matthew Flinn (2007 – Education); Juliette Haigh/Rebecca Spence (Joint Winners 2006 – Sport); Nodira Khoussainova (2005 – IT Innovation & Science); Heather Brown (2004 – IT Innovation & Science); Kristen Darragh (2003 – Music); Terenzo Bozzone (2002 – Sport); Mark Robinson (2001 – Education); Clarissa Dunn (2000 – Education). The North Harbour Club and Charitable Trust raises funds during the year through the generous sponsorship and contributions of many organisations – who’s logos are included on this page. In addition four Lexus of North Shore sponsored lunches, these AIMES Awards functions, and other functions are held to raise funds. The members of the North Harbour Club – and others – purchase tickets to these functions. The Trustees of the North Harbour Club wish to thank all of these organisations and people for their contributions during 2011. It has been a great year for the club. The current Trustees of the North Harbour Club are:- Peter Wall (President) Matthew Bellingham (Vice-President), Aidan Bennett, Phil Brosnan, Andrew Hiskens, Kris MacCauley, Gary Monk, Gary Simpson, Sue Stanaway, Peter White. There are 150 members of the club, all leaders from the areas of local affairs, business, education, sport and social development.
North Harbour Club AIMES Awards Sponsors Arts Award Sponsor
IT & Science Award Sponsor
Music Award Sponsor
Education Award Sponsor
Sport Award Sponsors
Service to the Community Award Sponsor
Hayes Knight North Harbour Club Emerging Talent Awards
We’re Building North Harbour Sponsors
civil & structural engineers
North Harbour Club Event & Support Sponsors
For more information visit: www.northharbourclub.co.nz There are still tickets available for the 2011 AIMES Awards Gala Dinner at the Bruce Mason Centre on Saturday October 29th. For more information contact:Catherine Lidgard – catherine@northharbourclub.co.nz or phone 419-0273.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
CHANNEL PROFILE: The PumpHouse Theatre
The PumpHouse Theatre’s Gill Saker and David Martin.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
CHANNEL PROFILE: The PumpHouse Theatre
The PumpHouse Theatre is an institution on the North Shore. Nestled on the picturesque Lake Pupuke, it has to be one of the most recognisable buildings in the area. Since 1977 it has operated as a boutique theatre for the arts. It has hosted thousands of shows and is still going as strong as ever. Channel Magazine’s Aidan Bennett decided it was time to find out just what makes it tick along so efficiently. It is probably fair to say that The PumpHouse is one of those entities that we take a little for granted. For almost four decades it has operated as a theatre providing a unique local venue for the arts. The team at Channel Magazine have always believed it is a venue we should celebrate. It is a facility unlike any other and the historic setting is very special. The PumpHouse Theatre seats 192 people and plays host to a show or event for more than 300 days every year. As well as the theatre venue, there is also the Amphitheatre and The Coal Bunker Studio, formerly The PumpHouse Gallery which is now a mini theatre upstairs. Both spaces are available for suitable shows and events. The PumpHouse attracts people from all over Auckland and Northland. With support from amateur dramatic groups and many North Shore residents, the North Shore Theatre and Arts Trust was formed and incorporated in 1971 and the task of raising money and planning the restoration work began on one of the two pump houses that were built to supply Lake Pupuke water to most of the North Shore. The PumpHouse Theatre was opened in 1977. It is still administered by the North Shore Theatre and Arts Trust. Current Trust board members are: Emma Poynter (chair), Michael Keating (vice chair), Amanda McGee (treasurer), Alan Reekie (secretary) John Antony, Margaret Hart and Jacqui Schubert. The day to day running of the theatre is very much in the hands of the dedicated duo, David Martin and Gill Saker. This is more than a job for both of them. Theatre Manager David Martin has been with The PumpHouse for over a decade. He started his working life in the hospitality industry as a chef, eventually deciding that it wasn’t a great lifestyle. A stint as a roof tiler was followed by a move into the management side of the hospitality business. Prior to joining The PumpHouse, he worked on the admin side at Revolver Studios in Royal Oak. David lives in Sunnynook and lives and breathes The PumpHouse. “I am proud of the fact that I started at the bottom and have grown to do a pretty handy job managing the place,” said David Martin, when reflecting on his 10 years at The PumpHouse. “The life is a bit like being a chef, with the unusual hours, but I really enjoy it.” David’s management role includes interfacing with the Trust board, administration of the theatre, staff, financial management, as well as the design and maintenance of the very important PumpHouse website. Gill Saker looks after the audience side of things which includes sales, marketing and advertising. It is clear that they really enjoy working together and complement one another. Gill has a very strong background in advertising and graphic design. She spent many years working in Sydney advertising agencies and design studios and has a degree in design. As a result she has skills that are hugely valuable to an organisation like The PumpHouse. As well as being a dab-hand at creating effective advertising and graphic design using InDesign, Photoshop and others, her capabilities also include copy writing and art direction. The Castor Bay resident is also an artist with a number of exhibitions of paintings under her belt and has recently written her first play. “David and I are very dedicated to this place,” explains Gill. “Our skills complement one another and this also means that we are very self-sufficient being able to cover most things that are required in-house. We work closely with those putting on the shows and are then able to assist them strongly in the administration and marketing areas to help them get bums on seats. It is hard work, with some long hours, but it is very rewarding. We ideally need three more staff, but at present we get by with two and a half of us.”
Well-known local theatre identity Michael Murphy is a member of The PumpHouse staff. His job is to look after the facility and he knows the buildings inside out. Michael is a member of the Shoreside Theatre Group who use The PumpHouse for many of their shows, including the annual Shakespeare in the Park production. Once or twice a year, Gill and David produce plays at The PumpHouse. This gives them a full understanding of the process that their customers – the theatre companies and groups who put on the shows – go through to take a show from start to finish. It also allows them to schedule professional theatre that they think may appeal to North Shore theatre audiences. “The shows we have produced have all been successful and have broken even which is a minor miracle for theatre in a tough economic environment” says David. “We have done four shows to date and they have really provided us with valuable experience that we can apply to The PumpHouse business.” “In 2012 we aim to create more partnership opportunities with the goal of bringing more professional shows to The PumpHouse in order to grow our audience. We believe that if we bring the quality shows, then the people of the North Shore will come. We are keen for The PumpHouse to connect with the community, which is why we have become involved with many of the excellent local initiatives aimed at revitalising Takapuna. The Takapuna Beach Business Association is doing some great work, we love Channel Magazine – which is a great vehicle to reach our audience – and we have enjoyed the Thursday Takapuna Night Market. The PumpHouse is keen to be part of this progress. We are enthusiastic about the future.” The PumpHouse is also supporting local theatre and the Arts by sponsoring the ‘Auckland Playwright Award’ at the annual Playmarket Adam NZ Play Awards which are presented each year. The winning script this year, Margot McRae’s ‘Fool’s Paradise’ gets a two-week development season from The PumpHouse, to workshop and develop the script to play reading stage. Regular groups who perform at The PumpHouse include Tim Bray Productions, Shoreside Theatre Group, North Shore Performing Arts Competitions Society, Massive Company and the North Shore Music Theatre. And in November, for the first time, Galatea Theatre Company will take to the PumpHouse stage. Coming up… For the October school holidays (October 10th-22nd) the show at The PumpHouse is Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary. There are 48 scheduled shows, but due to early ticket sales being brisk, there may well be more. The Santa Claus Show 2011 is a Tim Bray show that has been delighting children at Christmas for many years. The 2011 season of this show is at The PumpHouse from Monday December 5th through until Friday December 23rd. The PumpHouse annual outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performances (by Shoreside Theatre Group during January and February) are one of the North Shore ‘must-do’ events. There’s something quite magical about sitting under the stars at The PumpHouse Amphitheatre, watching Shakespeare performed true to text and era, just as it was 400 years ago. Other not-to-miss shows coming up over the next few months at The PumpHouse are Pianist Jan Preston (Saturday October 29th), The Secret Life of a Belly Dancer (by Galatea Theatre in late November), Barefoot on Queen (March next year) and coming up mid 2012 is ‘Fool’s Paradise’ by Margot McRae, who also wrote ‘Finding Murdoch’, currently playing at the Q-Theatre. So North Shore people – celebrate The PumpHouse. It is a local gem.
The Pumphouse Theatre, Killarney Park, Lake Pupuke, Manurere Ave, Takapuna. Visit: www.pumphouse.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Health &andREHAB RehabwithwithKneeCare KneeCare HEALTH
In this instalment Geoff Potts from KneeCare provides some insight into the theory of injury prevention and gives you some take home techniques to help with your Achilles pain.
Can you prevent injuries? Daylight savings started last month signifying the start of another excellent summer on the North Shore. The beginning of daylight savings means different things to many people, but for our busy clinic we’ll start seeing many more people complaining of running injuries. I looked through a running website and counted over 50 events in Auckland between October and December, no wonder we get busy. I thought I’d go through some common questions we are often asked, and highlight some really simple things that can help. Ultimately if you get stuck you can always contact us, or pop in to the clinics. Does stretching prevent injuries? Unfortunately there is conclusive evidence to show that stretching does not prevent injury incidence. What we would say is if you have a flexibility issue that is affecting your running or sport, stretching is the best way to improve this. Sounds like common sense I know. Is there anyway I can prevent injuries then? Actually it seems that you can with particular kinds of strength exercise. There are some really good ‘real world’ studies starting back in 2000 that showed if you completed a particular type of hamstring drop and you played soccer you could reduce your risk of hamstring injury dramatically.
What kind of injury do you see the most with running? Since having our research published about Achilles tendon rehab we are seeing more and more Achilles problems, which can be really debilitating and frustrating to recover from. If you have what is called mid portion Achilles tendon pain, then your potential to recover conservatively is high. As one part of our diagnosis you’ll need to look at the site of pain. What we look for is pain concentrated about 4cm above your heel, right in the juicy part of the tendon. There is often some associated swelling or enlargement at this tender site. Above is a commonly used sequence of exercise that you could try to reduce your Achilles pain. Its called eccentric calf training and it was designed to make the calf stronger and stimulate the tendon to heal and therefore hurt less. The sequence or rhythm of the exercise is really important and we’ll often recommend starting simply with using body weight on the floor like this example below. It’s really important to add load over time to ensure the muscle and tendon changes structure. Typically it is recommended that people complete this type of
If you’ve had a lower limb injury, or if you’re interested in preventing injuries get your knee warrant of fitness at KneeCare. It could save you a lot of pain.
exercise twice per day, completing 3 sets of 15 reps with both the knee straight and then bent. This adds up to 180 reps a day, which is often really hard to complete. There is some growing evidence that you can streamline this process and still get great results though. We will typically use other forms of treatment as many sufferers have other issues impacting on their Achilles, like calf tightness, biomechanical problems or training issues. I would always initially recommend getting a clear and accurate diagnosis from an appropriately qualified health professional to ensure you are doing the right things to optimise your recovery.
KneeCare providers are especially skilled in rehabilitating lower limb conditions like Achilles pain. If you or someone you know has Achilles pain, or a lower limb injury we can help. Call us today on 489 7573.
KNeeCARE W.O.F $150.00 · KneeCare clinical assessment · KneeCare physical assessment · KneeCare exercise plan · Complementary 1-week gym membership
Specialised Lower Limb Rehabilitation Your local KneeCare providers are: Shore Physio, 2 Byron Ave, Takapuna. Telephone 489 7573 All Sports Medicine, YMCA Akoranga Drive, Northcote. Telephone 489 7577 Info@kneecare.co.nz - www.kneecare.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Body hooded tank
Body tank
Model LS1006 Fabric Engineered knit Fit Semi fit Colourway Bright pink
Model LS1104 Fabric Engineered knit Fit Fitted Colourway Bright pink
Body tank Model LS1104 Fabric Engineered knit Fit Fitted Colourway Sicily
cElwee Anna M nager M ales a u NZ S
What is Leluu? Leluu is a fitness and loungewear brand designed exclusively for women. Leluu specialises in quality fabric and expert fits. We offer everything you need for a healthy, active lifestyle. From technical workout wear to high-quality, fashion-focused leisure pieces. All our garments are designed with a focus on flattering the female form.
Swing tank Model LS1122 Fabric Cotton jersey modal Fit Loose fit Colourway Buttercup/white
Love tee Model LS1127 Fabric Cotton jersey modal Fit Semi fit Colourway White
Where do I find it? Leluu is sold in a number of Stirling Sports stores around the country, including Stirling Sports Albany and Takapuna, as well as independent sports stores around NZ.
Who is it designed for? Leluu is designed by women, for women. Leluu caters for females looking for high-quality, flattering activewear. Our fashion-forward designs and subtle branding offer sophisticated style and comfort.
What are the strengths to the brand? This has to be our Essential Pant Collection. Every woman needs a basic black pant, and our design team has worked tirelessly to offer a range of essential pants to suit every body shape and activity. Whether you are running, cycling or doing yoga, Leluu has the perfect pant to flatter your figure and have you performing at your peak!
RB pant Model LW1111 Fabric Stretch french terry Fit Loose fit Colourway Black
What are your favorite pieces for this summer 11 season? For bottom of body it would have to be our Cardio Capri, teamed with our fluro body hooded tanks. From loungewear I am obsessed with the Swing Tanks in all colors – the perfect summer singlet over shorts or jeans.
Relax pant Model LW1106 Fabric Dry stretch french terry Fit Loose fit Colourway Silver marle
Pop in store now to check out the latest collection or join us at Stirling Sports Albany on Tuesday 18 October 2011 for our VIP ladies night - 5.30-7.00pm. A night not to be missed - discounts and giveaways galore!
Leluu innovative women’s active wear designed for the needs of the modern goddess.
Eating out in takapuna
Restaurant of the month: AL FORNO ITALIAN RESTAURANT & CAFE
Our Regular Little Italian Regular Channel readers will be familiar with Takapuna’s Al Forno, the cosy little Italian has featured often enough to be deemed one of our favourites for an evening of simple Italian flair and indulgence. This month Al Forno is back as our Eating Out Takapuna feature and with it comes all the tasty goodness that we’ve come to enjoy, as well as a few small improvements to the menu and wine selection. Central to the improvements are the signature Scaloppine dishes which were always a favourite, but are now even better after the long search for a suitable supplier has finally ended. “We’ve sourced the best veal we could find in New Zealand and it has really improved the dish,” says owner and chef Emilio. While the improvement is subtle, it’s definitely there in the texture and the quality - Scaloppine is a beautiful traditional Italian dish. Al Forno serves home made gnocchi, corn-fed chicken, steak aged 21 days (210–230g), with amazing sauces. The other big change Al Forno has made since we last visited is to the wine list. Emilio and his wife Marija have secured the best wines from throughout New Zealand and Italy for a comprehensive wine list that any wine lover or connoisseur will find pleasure in. There are also monthly specials featuring more quality wines and very competitive prices, such as this month’s special:
AL FORNO ITALIAN RESTAURANT & CAFE 34 Anzac Street, Takapuna. Phone 488 0179. Tuesday - Sunday noon til late. Closed Monday. Visit: www.alforno.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Escarpment Pinot Noir for just $74 a bottle. You won’t find that wine at a better price in any restaurant in Auckland. All-in-all, with a couple of minor improvements Al Forno is still that great little neighbourhood restaurant where you can take your date to impress, your family for a regular meal out, or your group of friends for good conversation, food and wine in a cosy atmosphere. We love it. And so will you.
Eating out in takapuna
macs brewbar Hurstmere road Thyme to dine! The Spencer on Byron’s new dining concept, Thyme Restaurant, uses in season, fresh local produce to bring you a variety of innovative dishes including Chargrilled Angus Opy Rib, Hawkes Bay Lamb Cutlet and Seared Northern Pacific Blue Fin Tuna. Thyme Restaurant provides an award winning dining experience blending fresh, innovative cuisine, an extensive menu and friendly staff, with elegant and welcoming surroundings. It is no wonder The Spencer on Byron’s team of renowned chefs and its restaurant and bar staff have won so many medals for their culinary delights and hospitality. Go ahead, indulge and allow us to transform your meal into an elegant and memorable dining experience.
Enjoy a free glass of house wine per person with each main meal ordered when you quote ‘Rugby Fever’ at time of booking. Valid for lunch or dinner during October 2011.
6.30am – 10.00pm Monday to Sunday Level 1, 9-17 Byron Ave, Takapuna PH: 916 4982 Email: thyme@spencerbyron.co.nz www.spencerhotel.co.nz
“When customers are as rare as rocking-horse droppings, doesn’t it make sense to treat each one as a treasure, to deliver terrific food and impeccable service and make sure that any diner at your place goes out into the world to sing your praises” Mon-sat 11.30am TIL LATE SUN 9AM TIL late 136 HURSTMERE ROAD, TAKAPUNA PH: 486 6331 www.belgianbeercafetakapuna.co.nz
Peter Calder Restaurant Reviewer Detours 6 June 2010 Hearld on Sunday
Take a break
No tv coverage here My locals wouldn’t want it! John Ingle
DINNER: TUES - Sun 5.30PM TILL LATE 168 HURSTMERE RD, TAKAPUNA PH: 489 9510 www.pinotplus.co.nz
otto woo Gourmet Noodle Bar BUY ONE MEAL & GET A SECOND MEAL HALF PRICE! Expires 31 October 2011.
Award-winning Gourmet Noodle Bar, the new Otto Woo Noodle Bar in Huron Street proves that healthy meals don’t have to be boring. Otto Woo provides western style, modern Asian cuisine, with strong Japanese and Thai influences. Otto Woo is also a popular choice for corporate lunches and client meetings. Take-out. Dine-in. Delivered to you. Also at Ponsonby, Newmarket & Mission Bay.
Open daily from 11am 136 Hurstmere Road, TAKAPUNA. PH: 486 4102 www.hurstmereroadbrewbar.co.nz
PInot Plus
BLANKENBERG Enjoy the traditions of Belgian Beer and food in a distinctive, authentic Belgian atmosphere in the heart of Takapuna. New Flemish-French Menu launched from May 1st. Featuring ‘Beer Matches’, so each dish has been created to go with a certain Belgian beer. The menu has been developed to provide a more all round appeal so that your experience at Blankenberge Belgian Beer Cafe is quite different than what you will get elsewhere on the Shore, or Auckland. All of the old favourites such as the legendary Blankenberge Mussels remain part of the menu. Monday Mussel Madness: 1kg Mussel Pot & Frites just $12 Tuesday Steak Night: ½ kg Angus Rump just $15 Conditions apply and booking is advisable…
Macs Brewbar Hurstmere Road has launched a brand new winter menu that takes a bit of a 'Game' flavour – including Venison, Rabbit and Wild Boar Sausages. The Venison (leg) is char-grilled and served with chestnut puree potatoes, mini steamed pudding of kidneys and a blackcurrant jus. The Rabbit is braised in white wine and juniper, then served with potato gnocchi and Portobello mushrooms with wild rocket and pecorino cheese. Also very popular on the menu is the 30 day aged Black Angus Ribeye Steak, served with crushed new potatoes and roasted garlic, creamed. Macs Brewbar Platters and pizzas also remain popular as does the 'pub fare' which includes fish and chips, a pie of the week and chicken ceasar salad. For those who want an affordable and quick lunch at Mac's Brewbar Hurstmere Road there's always a $12 lunch special, while allday every Monday you can buy two pizzas for the price of one.
Open 7 days From 11.30. Located in the Sentinel Building, 8 Huron STREEt, Takapuna. Ph 489 8001 www.ottowoo.com
Marvel Grill specialises in fresh quality meat cuts paired with lovely side dishes and an authentic kiwi menu, which still manages to borrow from exotic themes and cuisines. As well as serving the traditional 220gm scotch fillets through to the 450gm T-bones, eye fillet steaks as small as 80gm and 120gm are on the menu, which are proving exceptionally popular with women. Along with the grill offerings, a range of hot skillets brought steaming hot to your table are available, including pork ribs with tangy bbq sauce, prawns with garlic butter & sourdough toast, or a mixed grill of miso rubbed sirloin, chorizo, pork hunter & lamb cutlets with a red wine sauce and roasted onion. Marvel Grill offers an impressive wine list of reasonably priced wines which make the whole menu affordable.
OPEN 7 days NOON TILL LATE. 34 ANZAC AVENUE, TAKAPUNA. PH: 486 2249 www.marvelgrill.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
The Channel Grill
Ashley Smallfield The Shore’s Waterpolo Professional
As this issue of Channel Magazine was being put together leading North Shore Waterpolo player Ashley Smallfield was on her way to Europe to take up a contract playing professionally in Spain. A Rangitoto old girl, Ashley has played Waterpolo since her Ashley Smallfield secondary school days and in June she won the MVP award at the New Zealand Women’s Waterpolo National Championships, representing North Harbour. She has only recently returned from a month away representing New Zealand at the Waterpolo World Cup in Shanghai (China), playing the tough position of centre back that saw her defending against some of the world’s best players. Channel Magazine’s Aidan Bennett put some questions to her for ‘The Channel Grill’ in mid-September via email while she was just arriving in Seville, Spain. AIDAN BENNETT: How did you get in to Waterpolo (when, where, how)? ASHLEY SMALLFIELD: When we were 11 years old, my twin sister Lauren and I decided to play waterpolo at Takapuna Normal Intermediate School. We had never even heard of the game before but we were both good swimmers and a lot of our friends were playing. It sounded like it would be fun. Before the season started we were really lucky to have a family friend, Cal Chamberlain, who was an ex New Zealand player take us down to the Navy Pool and show us how to throw the ball. That was our very first time playing waterpolo and hard to believe it was just 10 years ago. AB: Tell us about your gig in Spain? $1 million salary? AS: The invite to play in Spain for the Dos Hermanas club came after playing for New Zealand in the World Cup in China in July. It was a big surprise and the opportunity to play professionally in the Spanish League is something I just couldn’t turn down. The contract is for eight months and includes airfares, accommodation and more than enough Euro for me to live on and see a bit of Europe. I am extremely grateful to Stu and Olivia at David Forman for supporting me in living my dream and making it as easy as it could be to make the decision to leave New Zealand and four weeks later be playing professionally in Spain. AB: How’s it going so far? AS: The League starts on the 1st October so at present
we are training and playing a few pre-season games. I was really pleased to discover I was one of the fastest in the team and feel I have fit in really well. The girls in the team have been most welcoming and the coaches very encouraging. There are quite a few differences in the style of waterpolo they play here and just as we drive on a different side of the road, they swim down the pool on the opposite side to what we do as well. AB: Can you speak Spanish? AS: When I arrived in Spain I only knew how to say my name, “hello” and “goodbye”. My Spanish has already improved considerably from just being around my team mates. It is quite hard at training as my coach doesn’t speak English so I have to concentrate extra hard and watch the movements so I can understand what I am meant to be doing. I learned how to say “help” very quickly and use that quite a bit. I will shortly have the opportunity to teach English in return for Spanish lessons so hopefully by the end of the season I will be able to hold a proper conversation in Spanish. AB: Been to Europe before? AS: Yes I have been to Rome and Germany as well as living in Hungary for three months. I think Seville is one of the most beautiful cities I have been to so far in Europe. AB: What non-Waterpolo things are you looking forward to doing while there? AS: The top thing on my list so far is to see a flamenco show. I am also looking forward to travelling throughout Spain and experiencing some of the other cities! AB: Looking for a Spanish Amante? AS: Lets just say I am under strict instructions from my mother that I can’t fall in love and move over here. However, should Rafael Nadal ask me out I would not be saying no! AB: You have an identical twin who is a good sportsperson as well. What is Lauren up to these days? AS: Lauren and I both played waterpolo and netball at Takapuna Normal Intermediate School and then Rangitoto College. Waterpolo was my focus and netball was hers. She was also a really good triathlete and is still very fit and active. At present she is living in Sydney with her partner and one year old daughter, Kiara, who is keeping her extremely busy. AB: Any other brothers or sisters? AS: I have a younger sister Caitlin who is really focused
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
on her football. She captains the Rangitoto College Girls First X1 and I try to watch her club side, Glenfield Rovers, as much as I can to pay her back for all the waterpolo games she has watched me play. They won the national women’s club competition the weekend before I left for Spain and I was disappointed not to be able to see her play that game. AB: Your stated ambition is to play for New Zealand at the Olympics. Will that be London or Rio or...? AS: I guess it is every sportspersons ambition to represent their country at the Olympic Games. It is a big dream for us Kiwi girls however, as to qualify we would have to beat Australia which is currently ranked in the top five in the world. We really need to improve our world ranking and get more funding to enable us to take on the Aussies but I am hoping my time in Spain will help to make me more competitive. AB: What does your weekly training consist of? AS: We train every day from 7.30pm – 11.30pm at night. It feels really odd to be training so late, but it is essential due to the heat and to accommodate the siesta. We start off by running and doing boot camp style land-based training for an hour. Then it’s into the pool for an hour’s swim training and then a two hour water polo session which usually involves a game between squad members. Every session is long and intense – you just couldn’t train this hard and work as well! AB: What are you going to miss most about New Zealand? AS: Family, friends, barbeques, the New Zealand summer and the Rugby World Cup!! AB: Missing Selva’s workouts? AS: I can honestly say I really am missing getting my ass kicked every Wednesday and Friday mornings. The feeling of getting up and achieving something before 7am and starting the day fresh is very rewarding! I don’t see myself getting up before 7am over here anytime soon! AB: Your Spanish contract finishes in June next year, what will you do after that? AS: I would like to travel around Europe for a month or so during the summer break and then hopefully end up at the Olympics to watch the waterpolo in London. I would like to have the opportunity to keep playing professionally and see some more of Europe but we will just have to see how this season goes.
this month at Marvel grill Maggie Barry Marvel Grill Women in Business Lunch
Marvel Grill popular with the Visitors (& the locals) The Marvel Grill team have been busy over the last month with all the visitors in town for the Rugby. These visitors obviously love sampling the great “Kiwi” food and hospitality available at Marvel Grill. With free range fresh meat being such a big part of what they do, Marvel Grill promotes the fact that they “celebrate all the food heroes of New Zealand”. And this has been popular with the visitors – both in Takapuna and the new Marvel Grill in the new North Wharf in the city.
Maggie Barry guest speaker.
Victoria Mahon, Joanna Burgess, Kim McKay, Hannah Prentice, Carolyne Gebbie, Fiona Pervan, Kristal Jamieson.
Sue Stanaway, Jo Lanigan.
Jo Still, Kathy West, Maggie Barry, Diana Bennetts.
Christy Stead, Olivia Blaylock.
Carole Thomas, Jelena Freeman, Ali Parker, Jane Guy.
Helen Armstrong, Ashley Furlong, Therese Russel, Christine Carran, Lee Tait.
Jill Capon, Valerie Littlejohn, Gabrielle Taylor, Pat Meiklejohn.
Judith McCorkindale, Michelle Bennett, Lesa Rua.
Next Veuve Clicquot Lunch The Marvel Grill Veuve Clicquot Women In Business Lunch series is proving to be popular. High quality speakers to date have included Rebecca Thomas (June) and National Party Candidate for North Shore and Media Personality Maggie Barry (August). This is a series of lunches, especially for the ladies, featuring a presentation by one of our leading business women. Those attending the lunches receive a glass of Veuve Clicquot on arrival, a two course lunch, and a great insight to business from the speakers for just $50.00. The next Marvel Grill Veuve Clicquot Women In Business Lunch will feature leading local businesswoman Felicity Anderson. This is being held on Thursday October 13th. Felicity has been a business journalist, university lecturer, retail business owner and is now founding partner of Trio Communications, a PR consultancy. She is also President of the Rotary Club of Takapuna. Felicity will talk about how to add a dash of PR to spice up your business, club or charity. To reserve your tickets (or for Takapuna dining bookings) telephone Marvel Grill on 486-2249 or visit their website: www.marvelgrill. co.nz - numbers Felicity Anderson. will be limited.
UPCOMING MARVEL GRILL TAKAPUNA EVENTS: Live Music with Chet O’Connell - Thursday Nights. During the month of October on Thursday nights (13th, 20th, 27th) from 6pm onwards. Melbourne Cup at Marvel Grill – Tuesday 1st November Always a big day at Marvel Grill, book your table today!
OPEN 7 days. NOON TILL LATE. 34 ANZAC AVENUE, TAKAPUNA. PHone 486 2249 34 Anzac Street, Takapuna. 486city. 2249 - marvelgrill@xtra.co.nz North Wharf, wynyard quarter, phone 377 8828
Marvel Grill specialises in fresh quality meat cuts paired with lovely side dishes and an authentic kiwi menu, which still manages to borrow from exotic themes and cuisines. As well as serving the traditional 220gm scotch fillets through to the 450gm T-bones, eye fillet steaks as small as 80gm and 120gm are on the menu, which are proving exceptionally popular with women. Along with the grill offerings, a range of hot skillets brought steaming hot to your table are available, including pork ribs with tangy bbq sauce, prawns with garlic butter & sourdough toast, or a mixed grill of miso rubbed sirloin, chorizo, pork hunter & lamb cutlets with a red wine sauce and roasted onion. Marvel Grill offers an impressive wine list of reasonably priced wines which make the whole menu affordable.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
The big reveal: automatic glass doors slide open to give a peek inside the new foyer
Air New Zealand building makes a grand entrance A $200,000 foyer refurbishment for the Air New Zealand building is now complete, giving it a glamorous new look designed to ‘invite and excite’. The iconic railway tunnel-like entrance to the building has been retained, but now leads visitors into a foyer that has undergone an extreme makeover. The redesign, conceptualised by leading Australasian design firm Jasmax, has given the Air New Zealand building a new, more glamorous look. The brief for the new design was to create a welcoming atmosphere. It uses elements such as glowing light and sculptural furniture elements to add life to the space, making it inviting and exciting to visit. Jasmax took inspiration from the natural environment of New Zealand, reflecting this through natural materials such as timber, stone and wool. Feature elements include a giant custom-made New Zealand wool rug, limestone tiles, glowing seating and a new electronic directory board. The design emphasises a feeling of warmth and gives a sense of a relaxed atmosphere. Lighting flows
from the entrance to the lift lobby wall, creating movement by scattering light and shadow. The top floor of the Air New Zealand building is now available for lease. The 1200 square metre space has glorious views, large outdoor decks and plenty of car parking. The building has emergency power generation, cycle parking, shower blocks and raised floors that enable the space to be divided and cabled in any configuration the tenant chooses. On the ground floor of the building are Medical Assurance, Beef + Lamb New Zealand and the Lion Foundation. Air New Zealand occupies levels one and two. All are long term tenants. Air New Zealand cited Smales Farm’s proximity to a large local workforce as one of the reasons it signed a fresh nineyear lease to house
From the inside looking out: Smales Farm General Manager says the top floor of the Air New Zealand building is now available for lease
its international award-winning Contact Centre team. The Contact Centre is open 24 hours a day and takes 6000 to 7000 calls each day from all around the world. “Staying close to a large pool of skilled labour broadens recruitment options, and offers fast, easy commuting for staff,” said Bruce Allison, Manager of the Leasing Team in Air New Zealand’s Property Group. To find out more about the space available for lease in the Air New Zealand building contact your local commercial real estate agent or call Smales Farm General Manager Daniel Henderson on (09) 488 2300.
Win a year’s supply of NZ beef and lamb This month you could win a year’s supply of New Zealand beef and lamb, courtesy of a tasty promotion being run by Beef + Lamb New Zealand. Beef + Lamb New Zealand is based at Smales Farm on the ground floor of the Air New Zealand building. The organisation is responsible for the domestic promotion of beef and lamb, and is running an October restaurant competition guaranteed to deliver some serious culinary pleasure. During the month of October, anyone who orders beef or lamb at a Beef and Lamb Excellence Award restaurant (there are more than 180 nationwide), will go in the draw to win a year’s supply of New Zealand beef and lamb, delivered to their home, anywhere in the world. Each Excellence Award restaurant has been anonymously assessed on its beef and lamb main course dishes. Only those that reach a sufficiently high standard hold the 2011 Beef and Lamb Excellence Award. Whenever you see
the Award you can expect tasty, skilfully composed and superbly presented beef and lamb dishes. This ensures a terrific eating experience for anyone who enters the competition. A record number of restaurants entered the 2011 Beef and Lamb Excellence Awards. Restaurants north of the Auckland Harbour bridge that achieved an Excellence Award include Verbena Bar and Bistro in Birkdale; Totara Restaurant in Albany; Long Bay Restaurant in Torbay; G.P.K in Takapuna and Albany; Chin Wags Restaurant and Bar in Clarks Beach; and Aubergine in Albany. You can find a nationwide list of restaurants that have achieved a 2011 Beef and Lamb Excellence Award here: http://www.beeflambnz.co.nz/index. pl?page=restaurant_directory&m=232 If you need inspiration for dinner tonight visit http://www.recipes.co.nz/ default.aspx for some great beef and lamb recipes.
Eat beef or lamb at a Beef and Lamb Excellence Award restaurant in October, and you could win a year’s supply of New Zealand beef and lamb, delivered to your home.
New face joins Smales Farm Management team Bridget Ryan is the bright and bubbly new addition to the Smales Farm Management team.
Bridget Ryan is the first point of contact for people contacting the management office at Smales Farm
Bridget recently joined the Smales Farm Management team in Q4, and is responsible for reception, accounts and administration. She is the first point of contact for people contacting the management office, and has a warm and approachable style that makes her a perfect fit for the role. Bridget married her childhood sweetheart in February of this year. She comes to Smales Farm from Bridgestone National Support Office, where she worked in logistics, shipping and freight for more than two years. “I love the variety of my new role at Smales Farm,” Bridget says. “Every day is different, and I’m enjoying
working with all of the different people who come into contact with the management office. I work with tenants, suppliers and everyone in between.” Bridget graduated with a Diploma of Hospitality Management, and says customer service is close to her heart. “I enjoy making people feel looked after and listened to,” she says. “In my previous role I learned to be very organised and meticulous. It was excellent training, but I only got to deal with fellow staff members and I missed having customer contact. My new position at Smales Farm lets me use my organisational skills to work with and solve problems for a huge range of people, across all walks of life. I try to leave everyone feeling like they are number one.”
SmalesCorner@SmalesFarm – New Zealand’s best place to work and do business Contact Directory
ASB Bank
Get one hour free parking for all Smales Farm retail destinations. Pay and display parking is available for longer stays. You will find us easily – we’re right next to the Northcote Road interchange on the Northern Motorway. Whether you need a smart meeting venue, a great haircut, a gym workout or just a glass of wine and some seriously delicious food, we’ll see you there!
“At child® our goal is simple: to make learning irresistible.” Lee Clark, Director
Branch Manager Lisa Siddins ph 448 4481
“We offer a fabulous environment for business meetings, or just relax with wine and some exceptional food.” Jayson Hayde, Owner
child® at Smales Farm is the highest quality pre-school available in New Zealand, setting the standard in both education and staffing. We offer five innovative and individual learning environments, catering for all pre-school children from birth to five years. Our holistic teaching programmes use leading technology, structured learning plans, lesson evaluations and child-initiated activities. Call us on 488 7766, or visit www.childpreschool.co.nz
“The Hamper is a corner dairy, fruit shop and dry cleaning agent rolled into one.” Peter and Jenny Zou, Owners
Seriously good food and coffee has seen Columbus Coffee Smales Farm build a great reputation, win industry awards and gain a loyal following of regulars. Whether you’re seated in the plush leather lounge chairs, or out in the courtyard with its piazza atmosphere, you can relax in comfort and style. From 6.00am weekdays and 8.00am weekends. Call us on 486 3200
“Servilles Barber is about fuss-free haircuts for the modern man who is short on time but still requires great style and a quality cut.” Jeremy Foster-Moan, Owner
Convenience store ‘The Hamper’ brings unique one-stop shopping to Smales Farm. You can get anything from a pie and a bottle of coke to frozen meals, sandwiches, cakes, muffins, magazines, chocolates, groceries and personal items. 7.30am to 6.00pm weekdays 9.00am to 3.00pm Saturday Call us on 488 7070
“Shorecare Pharmacy at Smales Farm is open from 8.30am until 11.00pm every day.”
Servilles Barber is an extension of the Servilles philosophy to deliver a personalised service, to meet the needs of today’s busy professional men. Servilles Barber is a man’s space, simple and masculine. No bookings required, come in and enjoy Sky Sport, men’s magazines and the latest range of professional hair products. Sun & Mon closed, Tue & Fri 8.00am – 6.00pm Wed, Thurs 8.00am – 7.00pm Sat 9.00am – 2.00pm
“We offer world-class facilities and care 24/7 in a tranquil, calming environment.”
Bryan Rowney, Director
Mary Gordon, CEO Shorecare
Shorecare Pharmacy at Smales Farm sells a full range of pharmacy retail products including cosmetics, vitamins and supplements, baby products, sunscreens and sun hats, toilet bags and gifts, in addition to prescriptions and medicines. It is the last pharmacy to close on the North Shore every night.
Shorecare’s new accident and medical clinic is open to everyone 24/7 on a casual, walk-in basis. It provides a comprehensive range of services, including physiotherapy, X-ray and ultrasound, for the entire North Shore population.
Shop 8, Q4 Building 8.30am – 11.00pm seven days 365 days of the year Call us on 488 0880
Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days of the year. Located on the ground floor of Sovereign House, Smales Farm. Call us on 486 7777
Hatsuhana Manager Lim ph 488 0210
Smales Farm Fitness
Bridget Ryan ph 488 2300
Store Manager Daniel Noble ph 920 6450
Manager Natasha Salt ph 489 8489
Quarry Bar at Smales Farm in thick of the action for RWC 2011 Quarry Bar at Smales Farm is smack in the middle of the action for Rugby World Cup 2011.
Quarry Bar provides a convenient pick up and drop off point for rugby fans before and after matches – with only a minute’s walk to the buses taking fans to match stadiums. Plan your journey wisely. Smales Farm offers free RWC 2011 parking after 5.00pm on each weekday, and any time over the weekend. Park your car at Smales Farm and enjoy a drink, lunch, dinner or bar snack at Quarry Bar before taking the free bus to
and from the game. Buses to and from matches come and go from Smales Farm Station on the Northern Busway, a short walk from Quarry Bar. Use your match ticket to ride for free. Prefer to miss the crowds? Quarry Bar has installed a 2.4 metre projector
Owner, Gordon Simpson, former NZ Colt & ‘Kilted Kiwi’, played in the 1999 RWC for Scotland. Simpson is passionate about rugby, loves the game and knows his Scotch whisky... Come and try one of the unique cocktails he’s created for each of the 20 teams!
screen that will show every game live in a purpose-built gazebo. This can also be booked for private functions. Alternatively, kick back and watch the game on one of the multiple large plasma screens in the main bar area.
Visit www.quarrybar.co.nz and check out what’s tonight. Monday to Friday 11.30am to Late Saturday & Sunday 12.00pm to Late Call us on 915 0101
An official Heineken RWC Bar on the North Shore showing all games LIVE on our big screens.
ANZ Business Centre, Corinthian Drive Albany In 2011, the Smales Farm brand became ‘virtual’ with the purchase of the ANZ Business Centre. For the first time, Smales Farm expanded beyond the geographical footprint of the Smales Farm Technology Office Park. The ANZ Business Centre is now managed by Smales Farm Management Services, in keeping with Smales Farm’s philosophy of high quality and excellent service. We’ll see you there!
“The beginner classes offer 26 poses that anyone can do.”
“We specialise in men’s haircutting and colouring in a male environment.”
Andy Edwards, Owner
Jackie Warren, Manager
Bikram yoga is practiced in a room heated to just above body temperature. Practitioners enjoy a wide range of health benefits including pain relief, weight loss, improved sleep and relief from tension, stress and anger. All this, plus a more flexible body.
Want to look sharp this weekend? Then come and get your hair cut at everyguy – the salon for guys. No appointment necessary, just come when it’s convenient for you and enjoy Sky TV, Xbox and Playstation.
Classes run 7 days a week at two Shore locations – Albany at ANZ Business Centre call 415 4902, and Glenfield at 75 Porana Rd call 444 4070. www.bikramyoganz.co.nz
“We bring a taste of home to Africans living in New Zealand.”
Call us on 414 4026. (No appointment necessary.) Open 7 days. Mon 10.00am to 5.00pm Tues & Thurs 10.00am to 7.00pm Wed 9.00am to 7.00pm. Fri 9.00am to 5.00pm. Sat 8.30am to 3.00pm. Sun 10.00am to 2.00pm.
“We think our flamegrilled peri peri chicken is the best in the world.”
Luke Joseph, Owner
Ashwini Kumar, Owner
Inside Africa sells African groceries, snacks, clothes and more. If you have ever lived in Africa, you’ll find all your favourite things here. If you have never been to Africa but would love to go, get the flavour by visiting us!
Nandos spicy, Portuguese-style chicken is trimmed of fat before being marinated for 24 hours and flame grilled. Have fun in your own kitchen cooking with a range of sauces, marinades and dressings that are exclusive to Nandos. Choose from East African, Thai, Moroccan and Mediterranean flavours.
Open 7 days 9.30am to 6.30pm Call us on 443 0548
“We are open 7 days for all your liquor needs.” Dennis Tiktonov, Owner
Call us on 442 2044 Open 7 days 10.00am to 10.00pm
“Treat yourself to an Osmosis Medi-Facial and get one FREE.” The Face Place Albany
Salute Liquor stocks a great range of wine, beer, cider, spirits, mixers and liqueurs. We specialise in vodka, and stock many different varieties of Russian vodka. Come to us for all your liquor needs and enjoy our friendly service. Call us on 414 6366 Open 7 days Mon & Tues 12.00pm to 9.00pm Wed – Sat 12.00pm to 11.00pm Sun 1.00pm to 8.00pm
The Face Place focuses on facial rejuvenation treatments including BOTOX®, dermal fillers and rolling, microdermabrasion and Medi-facials which provide natural looking results that help you look and feel great! Phone us now and mention this ad to give your skin a treat, leaving it refreshed and revitalised: you’ll be glad you did! Call us now on 415 0520 www.thefaceplace.co.nz
TIGHT LINES & NO LIES: Fishing with Hunts Sports of Milford
Our Channel Magazine fishing page is provided by Ian Hunt from Hunts Sports Store – that institution up the hill from Milford on East Coast Road. Hunts are big into fishing and also supply darts and accessories. ‘Hunty’ is a colourful character who has the answer for all your fishing requirements and he’s sure to have a story or two as well. Hunts have been part of the local community since 1963.
Daylight saving may get them biting Let’s hope with the onset of daylight saving it will bring the fish on the bite. Now is a really good time to dust the cobwebs off your reels and rods and get out amongst them as well as getting your gear up to speed. Check the guides on your rod and the tip (most important) by running a cotton wool bud round the internals of the guides. If there is a crack in them it will catch the wool and it will chaff your nylon. On the reel front slowly increase your drag. If it is jerky – or not running smoothly – get it in for a service. There is nothing worse than good gear not preforming correctly. On the fishing front it has been a real mixed bag – one day good, the next day not so good. The late afternoon fishing into the dark appears to be the time to get your share. If you are going to go on the anchor and berley, get set up early so you are ready, as the bite time can be very short. Half pilchards and smaller baits are the ticket. We have just got into a new berley that is made from a red fish and is extremely oily and lasts well. Getting a few live baits is not a waste of time as there seems to be quite a few nice John Dory around. Out wide the rules have not changed. The 40-50 metre mark and look for the birds. A good pair of binoculars can greatly enhance your chances of spotting them. The weather has not helped on the squid front but that will change. We seemed to get more squid from October on last year so time to get into the yummy blighters. One of our esteemed Korean customers Charlie gave us a different way to eat these tasty delicacies. He freezes them flat and from a frozen state he cuts them into strips about two to three centimetres wide and shaves them into paper thin strips about seven centimetres long and wraps it around glunky rice with a touch of wasabi for good measure To die for! – thanks Charlie. Keep those photo’s coming in as you just never know you could be the next Channel “fisho of the month”. Tight Lines & No Lies! – Hunty & Roger.
Hunts Sports Store – 52 East Coast Road, Milford, Phone 410 9415. www.hunts.co.nz Opening hours – Monday to Friday: 8am-5.30pm; Saturday: 8am - 4pm; Sunday: 8.30am - 2pm (Summer hours).
Hunts Sports founder Stu
We are running this photo of the month competition each month in Channel Magazine. Photo of the month is Nick Patrick (The Squid Kid) with a nice squid taken from the Devonport area. The photo can be anything to do with fishing even old ones (black and white). This is not all about the biggest fish. What we are looking for are interesting photos that we can publish in Channel Magazine and they will be of real interest to people. If you wish to be in to win a Hunts Fishing voucher just email your photo(s) to... photo@hunts.co.nz Entries must be in by the 15th of each month to be eligible to enter. The deadline for this month is September 15th.
HUNTY’S - Product’s of the Month Kaiselect 100 Fish Scaler Hunty says... “Believe me this is a fantastic little device. A real gem – one of the best Fish Scalers that I have seen. A single piece stainless steel Fish Scaler which is easy to clean and comes with a cover that prevents scales from scattering. It cleanly removes both large and small scales. With the jagged blade at the tip of the scaler, scales in small places such as around the gills can be cleanly removed.” Priced at only
$29.95 from Hunt Sports
Only $20.00
Usually $23.50 When you mention you saw the offer in Channel Magazine. The fabric heats up when it comes in contact with water giving the squid the impression that it’s alive. If you want to get into squid fishing off the shore, or out of a boat, I suggest you google Yamashita Live Squid Jigs, then click on video’s. There is heaps of information and techniques.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Hair and beauty with Oscar & Co
It’s faIr to say that men these days care about theIr haIr more than ever. and hey, why not? Discovering and maintaining a sharp hairstyle is really important - people tend to pay a lot more attention to your head than the rest of your body and it tends to say a lot about your personality. It’s an exciting time for men, with current hairstyle trends offering plenty of options. We’re seeing a lot of different looks out there: from short, athletic cuts to longer looks with a lot of texture, wave and curl, and everything in between. Modern adaptations of short styles that bring together the best looks of several eras are really big right now. One look I love currently is a lazy yet personalised version of the 1950s pompadour style (later brought to life by icons such as ‘80s musical poet Morrissey) with a modern edge. The great thing about this style is that the fringe can be worn down, swept to a side or parted depending on how you feel. An undercut can also add personality. Styles similar to Cory Jane’s do are sharp and easy to style. Jerome Rusk - Creative Stylist at OSCAR&CO. 78 HURSTMERE RD, TAKAPUNA, Ph 489 9259 www.oscarandco.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Morrissey - Just an other Sunday
Cory Jane...
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*The offer applies to new Lexus CT200h models purchased and delivered from an Authorised Lexus Dealer between 01 April 2011 to 31 December 2011 and is subject to stock availability. At the discretion of Lexus Financial Services this offer may be extended. Offer is based on a 36 month / 45,000 kilometre finance lease with a $29,200 residual value. Offer is based on purchase of vehicle at recommended retail price excluding accessories. A $350 documentation fee is included. An initial rental is payable in advance. Offer is subject to Lexus Financial Services normal lending criteria. Includes Lexus Full Maintenance Service Plan and free Lexus Vehicle Insurance is for 36 months (limited to regular drivers with a full New Zealand driver’s license). The Guaranteed Future Value of $29,200 is provided by a Lexus Financial Services Guaranteed Minimum Value Certificate subject to normal Lexus Financial services criteria. For full terms and conditions ask your Lexus dealer, or go to lexus.co.nz
2 Link Drive, Wairau Park • Phone: 09 442-3670 • www.lexusofnorthshore.co.nz
GIVE YOUR CAREER A MAKE OVER THIS SUMMER. Sarah Gibbs went from Massey student to the founder of the multimillion dollar cosmetics company Trilogy. You too can start defining your future with Massey’s Summer School. There are a wide range of business papers – from Economics and Finance to Management and Accountancy available at Massey Albany on campus and extramurally. Also check out our other offerings for Semester Three.
MASSEY UNIVERSITY News Massey engineering workshop technician Paul Thornton, Massey engineering student Maurice Tipene, Gustav Eiselen from Siemens, Massey workshop manager Eddie Rodgers and Associate Professor Johan Potgieter with the goal-kicking robotic leg.
Robotic accuracy tested in
kick-off with All Black great A robotic leg developed by Massey University engineers will try to out-kick former All Black Andrew Mehrtens as part of an innovation showcase during Rugby World Cup next month. The man-sized, muscular metallic leg might also upstage other players who have had less than consistent results in getting the oval ball over the goal posts in Rugby World Cup matches to date, says mechatronics lecturer Associate Professor Johan Potgieter. “We know ball design is not to blame when it comes to goal-kicking accuracy, so we reckon our robot will be able to show what consistent goal kicking really means,” he says, referring to Rugby World Cup goal misses, including by England player Jonny Wilkinson, which have made kicking accuracy a hot issue. The robotic leg, modelled on a man of 95 percentile optimal physical health, was designed and built at the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology in
Albany. It is one of two made by Massey engineers (the other is at the Manawatu campus), with a third made at Canterbury University. The trio of robots will be tested at Victoria Park, Auckland, on October 10 against legendary first five-eighths Andrew Mehrtens, as a precursor to the launch of the inaugural Robotics World Cup at The Cloud on Queen’s Wharf from October 11 to 13. Dr Potgieter says the challenges of making the solid aluminium life-sized leg, which is joined to a mannequin, centred on getting the anatomy and movement accurate through kinematic design and computerised modelling. He is confident the leg is a worthy match for Mr Mehrtens. “We’ll just have to be careful not to hit the Sky Tower!” he says. Challenge organizer Chris Hamling, national manager of Kiwibots New Zealand which runs VEX Robotics competitions in schools and the first ever Robotics World Cup next month, says the robots will take drop kicks at a goal from various angles and continue until a winner is declared. “We’ll start off as if a try has been scored directly between the posts and then the player and robot operator will go to the left and right of the post at certain intervals. Whoever converts the highest number will be the winner.” The robotic leg from the Albany campus is powered by pneumatic hoses, which are controlled by a Siemens XYZ programmable logic controller. It was made with the help of three visiting French engineering interns from Ensil, a state-owned advanced engineering school in Limoges, and local students. The project has enabled students to adapt knowledge and skills they learn through engineering and design to the specifics of a kicking robot, says Dr Potgieter. Robots like this one could be used in the testing of sports equipment such as rugby balls, he says. The robots will be on display during the Robotics World Cup as part of the Rutherford Innovation Showcase at The Cloud featuring New Zealand’s information technologies and high-tech industries. Using the American-based Vex Robotics game model launched by Massey University in New Zealand in 2008, the event will involve university and high school teams from around the world and New Zealand designing, building and maintaining robots that compete in a game of speed, strategy, skill and adrenalin.
Fiji captain finishes degree in nick of time Massey student and Fiji rugby captain Deacon Manu landed in Auckland this week to lead his team in final preparations for the Rugby World Cup. The 32-year-old has completed his Bachelor of Business Studies (Management) degree in the nick of time – handing in his last assignments a week before training commenced for the pinnacle of his sporting career. Mr Manu says it fitted nicely into the time frame for this year. “Within a week of handing in my two assignments I flew out to start preparation for the Rugby World Cup.” Mr Manu enjoyed a six-year career with the Chiefs, Blues and Waikato, before moving to Welsh side Llanelli Scarlets in 2006. He says he enrolled at Massey because of its reputation for distance learning. “The fact that I could be living overseas as a professional athlete in a fickle sports environment gave me the flexibility to change my location if I changed clubs, without compromising my education,” he says. “Whether or not you are a professional in sport, education and up-skilling is vitally important, as you
are always one injury away from not playing rugby again.” Mr Manu, who has now played more than 100 matches as prop for the Scarlets, expects Fiji to make it through to the quarter-finals, as they did in the last tournament. “But we are in the pool of death and it provides us with more challenges than the previous world cup,” he says “Grouped with South Africa, Wales, Samoa and Namibia is a formidable pool but we need to qualify to enable us to replicate past achievements. Once you make the play-offs anything can happen and usually does.” Mr Manu says it is tough for all island teams to prepare as players are dotted around the world – Fiji’s 30-man squad includes 21 overseas-based players. But he says the political situation is not a factor. “Fortunately as players we need to control everything on the field and don’t get caught up with the politics off it. We are here to make Fiji as a nation proud and the only way as players we can do that is though being successful on the field.” Mr Manu says the sports and psychology papers
Above left: Deacon Manu prepares with his Fiji team mates under the eye of scrum coach Michael Foley for the Rugby World Cup. (Photo courtesy of Fiji Rugby Union.) This photo: Deacon Manu and Michael Foley. (Photo courtesy of Fiji Rugby Union.)
he studied in particular have helped him to become a successful leader. “Having a captaincy role for my overseas club and for Fiji is important to me and, although leadership growth is gained by on field experiences, it is important for me to have the knowledge and insight that I have learning in my courses at Massey University.” Mr Manu says his long-term goal is to work in environmental management, specialising in marine stability. “A far cry from the rugby field but something I have always wanted to do growing up,” he says. Read a Q&A with Deacon Manu in the next edition of definingnz.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Milford - Everyone’s place: News
Your monthly update from Murray Hill, Manager of the Milford Business Association.
Rugby World Cup fever grips Milford
The Rugby World Cup is alive and well in Milford! The street is dressed in the flags of all the nations and many businesses have got into the spirit with some wonderful window displays. If you haven’t seen them already, come on over to Milford and you’ll be amazed.
Village Square taking shape The new Village Square layout is finished and people have been enjoying the openness of the space as well as all the new furniture and landscaping. At night, the lights bring a new focus to the area and create a bit of magic. Watch out for the new Jeff Thompson sculpture that will be installed later this month.
Bring your business to mighty Milford! We currently have a few premises available for entrepreneurs to join our unique community – a focused progressive business community. Both office and retail space is available – one a completely remodelled retail premise right in the heart of our town centre. Contact me for details (milfordba@gmail.com).
Looking good in Milford With our 200 businesses and 1200 FREE car parks Milford is a great place to do business. This month in Channel Magazine we focus on the wonderful array of Hairdressing businesses Milford has on offer. Treat yourself to a new look for summer at one of our caring professional salons. Jeff Thompson discussing his design at Milford Village Square.
Associate Membership of Milford Business Association The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the business association was held in September and associate membership status was added to our constitution. If you have a business in the area, that you run from outside our main town centre and would like to gain the benefits of belonging to a progressive and successful business association, contact me at milfordba@gmail.com for details.
Calling all Entertainers We want to make our new Milford Village Square a ‘living space’ and invite local musicians and entertainers to use this space to perform. If you are interested, please contact me and I will arrange a booking. Only performers who book the space will be able to use it.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Well, that’s another column done! Hope you enjoy reading about our great little community and have a safe month! Keep warm – and go the All Blacks!! Bye for now, see you in Milford!
Murray Hill, Manager – Milford Business Association Contact me by email milfordba@gmail.com or post, PO Box 31-825, Milford 0741. PS: Let us know about events in the community and we will discuss them in this column, space permitting. IMPORTANT CONTACTS: Milford Residents Association: Debbie Dunsford, Phone 410 3696 or email: debbie@cslnz.co.nz Castor Bay Ratepayer and Residents Association: Fiona Downes, Phone 410 5304 or email: bandf@xtra.co.nz
Milford - Everyone’s place: News A chat with... Diana
Milford has some lovely stores and one of the best is Arazzo, the homewares, gifts and accessories store on Kitchener Road, beside the Milford Butcher. If you are looking for that very special gift Diana Takle is likely to have it at Arazzo. Diana knows Milford like the back of her hand. She’s been part of the place for over 50 years. Channel’s Aidan Bennett put these probing questions to her in late September.
Like Christmas every day! AIDAN BENNETT: How long have you been in Milford? DIANA TAKLE: I have lived or worked in Milford for over 50 years and have had an Arazzo shop here for 13 years. AB: How long has Arazzo been around? Did you start it? DT: I was a teacher in a previous life and started Arazzo 13 years ago as a new challenge. I love beautiful things so decided to give the store a year trial and 13 years later I am still going – and I love it! AB: So you love what you do? DT: I certainly do. I love coming to work every day and working with all the lovely things around me. I still get a kick out of opening the parcels that come in with new bits and pieces – it’s like Christmas for me at Arazzo every day! AB: What’s the hottest item in store at the moment? DT: Everything is hot Aidan! Probably the hottest are our lovely ranges of jewellery and scarves. We also have a new range of summer tops, cotton caftans, that have become popular very quickly. AB: I hear you have a renovation job under way in Devonport? DT: Yes, after living in Milford for a long time my husband Rob and I have purchased a great old home in Devonport that we are renovating. We are really enjoying it and the change of environment has been good. But I still love coming to Milford daily for work.
Diana Takle.
AB: What do you love about husband Rob? What does he do? DT: He’s always smiling and never moody. He’s generous and kind and a hard worker. He imports textiles. I also have a gorgeous 20 year old cat called Stanley. He gets lots of attention – sometimes more than Rob! AB: What do you do on your days off? DT: I’m a gardener and I enjoy home renovation. I am a real homebody when not at work. AB: What do you love about Milford? DT: The customers – I have lots of loyal customers who have been buying off me for the 13 years I have been in business. The people in Milford are friendly and a pleasure to serve. There is also some real positive change happening in Milford. We have a great business association and some good new retailers are coming because of all the good things that are happening. AB: Enjoying the World Cup Rugby? DT: We haven’t been to any games but are glued to the TV. Rob, in particular, is addicted to the TV at the moment. We love it and are also big Warriors fans so are really enjoying all the action. AB: Do you really get “back in 5 minutes” as your sign says when you duck out for a cuppa? DT: Never. I must admit I get the cuppa and often get sidetracked. At the moment the interesting little antique shop in Milford – called Pure Provenance – is a bit of a distraction. It’s is a great little eclectic mix of stock and I love to pop in there for a chat and look around. Don’t go away though as I will get back to the shop as soon as I can – Promise!
Milford’s Lovely Gift Shop Homewares • Gifts • Accessories
Gorgeous French inspired Homeware BeautiFul GiFt WrappinG a Specialty 13 years in Milford
AB: Complete the following... If I were starting my working life again I would... DT: Do it all over again! Maybe even open a second shop if I had the money. At Arazzo it is like Christmas every day – I love it! PS: At the end of October, Diana is launching in store at Arazzo the Cote’ Noir range – a brand new Home Fragrance and Lifestyle collection that visually compliments interiors as well as capturing the essence of France with each quality fragrance. Gorgeous packaging will ensure these will be fabulous and impressive Christmas Gifts.
146 Kitchener Road, Milford, Phone 489 5553
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Milford - Everyone’s place: News NOW OPEN SUNDAYS
(From October 16th) Come and join us for Live Entertainment (10am-1pm) Great Coffee and Great Food! Lots of instore ‘Sunday Specials’ during October.
Swiss Cafe & Bakery 5 Milford Road, Milford, Phone: 09 489-9737.
Open Monday to Friday: 8am until 4.30pm. Saturdays 8am until 2.30 and (from Oct 16th) Sundays 8am until 2.30.
High quality fancy dress costume hire. You will be impressed at the amazing choice of costumes and fantastic creative service we offer! Something for the whole family plus masks, tights, gloves and Halloween accessories to buy. Group Hire given 10% discount. A treasure trove of costumes.
Carnival Costume Hire P. (09) 488 9415 E. info@carnivalcostumes.co.nz W. www.carnivalcostumes.co.nz A. 83 Kitchener Road, Milford
OPENING HOURS Monday-Wednesday 10am - 6pm Thursday 10am - 8pm Friday 10am - 7pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Closed Sunday & Public Holidays
FROG IN A BARREL Wine Shop • Wine Tasting • Wine Club*
172a Kitchener Road, Milford • Ph: 486 1977 • Mobile: 021 201 2026 • froginabarrel@yahoo.com Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 9am-10pm • Free delivery for our North Shore customers
* Join our Wine Club to receive our newsletter & monthly specials and be in to win exclusive prizes.
PASSPORT PHOTOS Quality passport photos, ready within minutes. Guaranteed to pass. 164 Kitchener Rd, Milford Phone 488-0303
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Swiss Cafe and Bakery opening on Sunday’s North Shore residents are going to have a whole new venue for Sunday Breakfast, Brunch or Lunch with the news that the popular Swiss Cafe and Bakery in Milford is to open every Sunday from October 16th. As well as their range of goodies, great Toasted Espresso coffee, cooked breakfasts and Eveline and Franz Muller. lunches being available on Sunday they are also going to have live entertainment between 10am and 1pm. Owners Eveline and Franz Muller set up the Swiss Cafe and Bakery 18 years ago. They had a successful cafe and bakery business in Switzerland (near Lucerne), so when they emigrated to New Zealand in 1991 their aim was to open a similar business. They believed that Kiwi’s would love authentic Swiss baking and dishes and the success and longevity of their business has proved this to be true. Interestingly all the machinery, furniture, and many of the fixtures and fittings were imported from Switzerland 18 years ago to ensure that the cafe was as authentic as possible. Franz is a baker and pastry chef so many of the goodies that are available at the Swiss Cafe and Bakery are made daily by him. He is assisted by a young baker Marco – also Swiss – and they make everything they sell and serve themselves on site, including puff pastry, breads, cakes, fillings etc. Eveline is in charge of running the cafe and is assisted by a super-friendly team who always greet their customers with a smile. They serve cooked breakfasts and lunches with some seasonal variety. You will also find a huge variety of sandwiches, quiche, pizza, pies and house confectionery. Swiss specialities include Urner Leckerli, Biberli, mini Gingerbread, Coconut Macaroon and Biscotti. “We also cater for special occasions, like business lunches, office shouts and VIP evenings,” says Eveline Muller. “If you are looking for a lovely cake, be it for a wedding, birthday or anniversary, we are very happy to meet with you and discuss your requirements.” The Swiss Cafe and Bakery team create a variety of cakes. Including:- Black Forest Torte, Chocolate Torte, Strawberry Torte, Greti’s Chocolate Cake (Mud Cake), Zuger Kirsch Torte Traditional Swiss Torte, Glutenfree Orange Almond Cake, Mozart Torte, Vacherin Torte, Baked Cheesecake, Teacake and Chocolate Log. ............................................................................................................................. So pop in and see what yummy treats are on offer at the Swiss Cafe and Bakery, 5 Milford Road, Milford, Phone: 09 489-9737. Open Monday to Friday: 8am until 4.30pm, Saturdays 8am until 2.30 and (from October 16th) Sundays 8am until 2.30.
Milford - Everyone’s place: News
Creative thinking for Spring & Summer projects As I write this it is hard to say it is spring as it is still quite chilly, but great to see the spring bulbs ignoring the cold and popping out all over the garden! And if you knit or crochet, you are either turning your creative thoughts to spring and summer projects or thinking about a larger project to complete before next winter or for a winter Christmas gift overseas. For those summer projects, working with cottons, silks and lighter cashmere is rather a treat! We have just finished some of our Dolce Amore children’s samples in cotton. They are simply gorgeous... so very soft with our colour range spanning 30 shades ranging through pastels to brights. Worth a look when you are next in Milford. These are great little projects that can be completed in a short time rewarding you with completion which sometimes challenges us all. We are now focussed on knitting up samples in Organic Cotton and Bamboo from the Twilleys of Stamford range. Beautiful and soft! A lot of people are put off knitting cotton by experiences of working with cotton years ago. I am pleased to say the quality and make-up of cotton has moved on and is very satisfying to work with producing a lovely result that is durable and soft to wear.
Tip of the Month
While it is always good to use the yarn that a pattern specifies, there is nothing wrong with being creative and using a different yarn and in fact sometimes it is necessary if you have sourced an overseas or old pattern where the yarn specified is not available. So how to do this without creating a costly disaster! Most yarns will have the meterage/yardage and weight specified on the label as well as the gauge or tension it knits up to. Most patterns specify these facts as well. So what to do... • Check the pattern yarn for tension/gauge, metereage/yardage and weight of ball/hank. If the yarn specified in the pattern does not have specifications google the yarn as you can usually find these specifications on line. • Look at the needle size used in the patterns as this can be helpful (although take care with this, it may be that the pattern is loosely or tightly knitted). • Check out the yarn that you would like to use against the above factors. If it seems okay, just get one ball and do a tension/gauge square to ensure it knits up to the specifications • The type of yarn is important, for instance if you want to use wool for a cotton pattern it will be okay. But wool will generally knit up a bit more springy and tighter than a cotton knitted up which will tend to knit a bit looser and and drape more. The reverse applies if you want to use cotton instead of wool. Types of wool can also produce a different looking result, for instance pure Alpaca will drape more, where a mix of Alpaca and Wool or Acrylic will produce a springier result. That is why it is so important to do a tension/gauge test before you start. • Sometimes patterns from overseas quote different types of yarn specification on weight than we are used to. You can google these terms and it will help. I have attached a chart that might be helpful.
Some really luxurious shawls and light scarf patterns are available that can be very rewarding to create. Great for projects that you can do on a long haul plane trip or when on holiday – and of course while you are watching the rugby or tennis. Some of the yarn such as as Filatura Di Crosa Baby Kid Extra and Superior Cashmere knit up into gorgeous light scarves, using only one ball. These fine yarns knitted on say 5mm needles simply in garter stitch result in a luxurious scarf with the yarn producing a wonderful keepsake or gift for a special friend. And oh dear, yes, we do need to think about Christmas! Our range of fabrics for Christmas projects is extensive and we are starting to build up some great Christmas gift ideas. Our Christmas Advent Calendar class is full. Our Wet Felted Christmas Stocking class has a couple of spaces left, so be quick for this one. We have had a lot of fun with the Cupcake patchwork sessions with Sheryl Sefton and now Sheryl has come up with another idea introducing Hooter The Owl. I just love this one. This class is being run over four sessions on the following Mondays, October 10th, 17th, (then week break), October 31, November 7. It is filling up fast so be in quick for this one! ........................................................................................................................... Crafty Knitwits Limited, 101 Kitchener Road, Milford, North Shore. Phone 486-2724. Visit: www.craftyknitwits.co.nz
Stocking Spring and Summer Yarns Now Beautiful Cotton.
DOLCE AMORE 100% COTTON Open 7 Days 10am to 5.30 pm Wednesday and Thursday late Nights until 9pm Stockists of beautiful yarns by
Craftyknitwits @gmail.com Phone 4862724
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Optometry & eyewear with Melissa Hay, Visique Milford Optometrists
Our monthly OPTOMETRY & EYEWEAR column is provided by Melissa Hay, the owner of Visique Milford Optometrists. Melissa studied optometry for five years at the Auckland University School of Medicine and completed a Bachelor of Optometry (with Honours). Her qualifications also allow her to test the eyesight of pilots (CCA Accred.) and to write prescriptions (Oc.Cert.Pharm.). Melissa Hay BOptom(Hons). CAA Accred. Oc.Cert.Pharm.
I thought I was stupid,
turns out I was just colour blind.
That’s what my husband said the other week. We were walking along Milford beach talking about our nieces and nephew and our childhood. He used to like the Crayola coloring in pencils as a child because they had the colours written down the side. If the teacher gave out paints or crayons the resulting picture would usually end up with purple sky and yellow trees. A quick trip to the optometrist confirmed he was color deficient which he said was a big relief as a kid to know you’re not “stupid”. It’s also good for kids to know as it can limit some career options. Children often don’t know what good and bad eyesight is so you won’t know there is a problem until their development starts to drop behind their peers. That is just one of the reasons why we recommend regular eye exams for children. My husband then asked what makes his eyes different from people with full colour vision. Just like an old fashioned colour cartridge printer that has 3 inks – our eye has 3 specialised cells for seeing colours. Colour deficient people either have less of these cells or lack one group of these cells altogether. A common colour deficiency is red-green confusion – which means that all along the rainbow of colours from red through brown to green a colour deficient person can’t distinguish them as different. (You don’t need to worry about traffic lights though – as everyone knows that the red light is at the top and the green at the bottom). I’m sure you’ve figured out, that if your eye hasn’t developed a particular cell – there is nothing that can be done to implant cells on the retina (yet!).
ASK ME A QUESTION & WIN! I often get asked all sorts of curly questions from my family about their eyes which got me thinking that Channel readers might also have a question to test my knowledge! The best question will be answered here in Channel Magazine and the person who asked it will get a free eye exam including retinal imaging and glaucoma checks done by yours truly! Questions can be emailed to melissa_hay@hotmail.com and you can choose not to have your name published.
Ask Melissa a question... & WIN! Channel readers are invited to test Melissa’s knowledge. The best question will be answered here in Channel Magazine and the person who asked it will get a free eye exam including retinal imaging and glaucoma checks done by Melissa. Email questions to... melissa_hay@hotmail.com Conditions apply.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Visique Milford Optometrists
155 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 489-4797.
Milford - Everyone’s place
Traditional & Gourmet Meats
Unbelievable 3 Course Meal from our full menu.
The Milford Butcher is the place to shop for a range of traditional and gourmet meats. Amongst your choices are organic and free-range meats, preservative and gluten-free suasages made on-site and dry-cured smoked ‘Daddy’s Bacon’.
(entree, main & dessert)
Authentic italian cuisine
148 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 488 6720 OPEN 6 DAYS
We lc omes Bac k Classic Urban Style
On presentation of this voucher. One voucher per table. Conditions apply. Offer ends on October 15 2011.
BYO & FullY licenced Family Owned • Great Value
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La madu specialises in resortwear for your cruise or holiday destination all year around... We will help you put together a travel pod to see you through all occasions. 79 Kitchener Road, Milford (Beside Challenge Service Station) Ponsonby 4 Brown St (next to lee Jeans) Phone 486-6685 • www.lamadu.co.nz
THE LAST THING YOU WANT TO DO WHEN YOU GET HOME IS THE BUSINESS ACCOUNTS ! Talk to us about our affordable accounting service. We will find ways to save you time and money for …… more important things. Visit us at 159 Kitchener Road, Milford or phone: 489 4801.
91 Kitchener Road, Milford. Telephone 486-4157. www.veniceitalianrestaurant.co.nz
Known for it’s great local feel.
Come in and choose from our extensive range of delicious coffees. We roast 10 unique blends and 8 single origins including Fairtrade, Organic and Swiss Water® Decaffeinated coffee. Whole beans or ground to order.
WE MAKE FANTASTIC TAKEAWAY COFFEE TOO! Come and see us or order online at www.venicoffee.co.nz 3 Milford Road, Milford, Auckland Ph (09) 4865650 www.venicoffee.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Milford - Everyone’s place The Trading Circle Manager Mrs Margaret Chiaroni (right) with Sister Teresa Donworth (centre) and Sister Sharon Fitzgerald.
Robyn Cameron Dental @ Milford Dental Centre
• • • •
Excellent Kind Caring Restorative Dentistry Crowns at a reasonable price Oral Health Professional Hygienist/Dental Therapist FREE dental treatment for all secondary school students (up to 18 years of age)
Hours: Mon-Wed: 8.30am - 5.00pm Thurs: 8.30am - 7.00pm. Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm
The Trading Circle Milford
2 Dodson Avenue, Milford. Ph: 489 8354 robyncamerondental@hotmail.com
molton brown H A I R
Specialists in Great Lengths Hair Extensions & Organic colour, Permanant Smoothing & Straightening Systems. Shop 2, 5 Milford Road, Milford. Tel: 09 4895074
Gifts and many other hidden treasures from the Sisters of the Good Sheppard Right in the heart of Milford’s main street is a store that we think North Shore people would like to know more about. It’s called The Trading Circle and inside there are many hidden treasures. If you are looking for gifts that are very special then there is a good chance you will find them there. The Trading Circle is a not-for-profit fair trade organisation that is an initiative of Sisters of the Good Shepherd. Their mission is to help empower women in developing countries to earn the money they and their families need to survive and live with dignity. So all the lovely products at The Trading Circle have been hand-crafted by women in Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Laos, Madagascar, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand. So when you buy a gift you can be sure that its follows the fair and ethical trade path and the women who have made them have been paid well for their work. The day Channel Magazine called to say hello we had a lovely chat with store manager Margaret Chiaroni and two Sisters of the Good Shepherd, Sister Teresa Donworth and Sister Sharon FitzGerald. They are hugely proud of their work and very keen for North Shore people to know about the lovely gifts they have in their shop that was established three and a half years ago. At The Trading Circle you will find lots of gifts for children. Lovely handmade toys, most of which are educational and development focused to assist learning. These include fabric books and a range of lovely dolls and animal settings. An example is Red Riding Hood. This is a 40cm three-in-one doll. Turn Red Riding Hood upside down and inside out to find grandmother and the wolf. This doll, like most of the other soft toys sold through The Trading Circle, is made by women in the Fatima Self Help Centre, Bangkok. You will also find many lovely handcrafted bags and scarves. Such as recycled bags made in the Phillipines from old telephone directories or fruit juice cartons. The Trading Circle also has jewellery, cards, Peruvian wall hangings, homewares and religious items. Very popular are the Religious Statues made from ash from the eruption of Mt Pinatabo and bookmarks supporting East Timor. The Trading Circle, 125 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 486 2518. Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am - 5pm; Saturday 10am - 3pm. Visit: www.thetradingcircle.org.nz
The Trading Circle Helping women trade out of poverty The ambience of the shop lends itself to creative displays of many and varied products. Included are beautiful giftwares jewellery, scarves, tablerunners and knitwear. Toys with the fun, myth and legend that surrounds them fascinate children. There is a large range of educational toys which have strong appeal to young families and early childhood learning centres. 125 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 486 2518 Open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10am - 5pm; Saturday 10am - 3pm. www.thetradingcircle.org.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Milford - Everyone’s place
Looking good in Milford With our 200 businesses and 1200 FREE car parks Milford is a great place to do business. This month in Channel Magazine we highlight the wonderful array of Hairdressers that Milford has to offer. We are certainly spoilt for choice. Treat yourself to look good for spring and summer at one of our caring professional salons.
Molton Brown Hair Design Shop 2, 5 Milford Road, Milford Phone 489 5074 www.moltonbrownsalon.co.nz
Boston Hair & Body 126 Kitchener Road, Milford Phone 486 2536
Art of Hair 113 Kitchener Road, Milford Phone 486 2007
Milford Hair Design 93 Kitchener Road, Milford Phone 489 6286
Hair & Beyond Corner Kitchener & Omana Roads, Milford Phone 486 7066
La Boutique 2/145 Kitchener Road, Milford Phone 489 7089
Grand Diamond Unisex Hair Salon Milford Shopping Centre, Milford Phone 489 6499
Rada Hairdressing Milford Shopping Centre, Milford Phone 486 4915
Sharing Shed (no-appointment necessary) Milford Shopping Centre, Milford www.sharingshed.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
get to know your BYO with Kellie Larson
With one year under my belt of North Shore BYO-ing, I am even more excited and determined to find the best BYO restaurants located in our backyard. I say this because I now know how important they are to our social life – or at least to my social life! These local restaurants are where we go each week to have a curry with our friends, where we go for a regular date night – and more than anything, where we go a majority of the time we dine out here on the Shore. And, if this is where we are eating – why not find the best of the best to ensure that each time we dine out, the experience is nothing but superb.
Highly Recommended With so many people recommending Musashi Japanese Cuisine in our very own Channel Magazine, it was time to head Milford way for a long anticipated culinary experience. Musashi is located on Milford’s main drag, at 212 Kitchener Road. With dark wood and a warm interior, the initial impression of this local BYO was inviting, yet modern. A refreshing atmosphere for a Japanese restaurant here on the Shore. The physical menu itself was quite beautiful filled with lush images for each and every dish. In fact, the images were so enticing that it was hard to stop ourselves from ordering everything on the menu. We started with a sashimi platter and a variety of sushi rolls including a dragon roll, spider roll and a prawn tempura roll. The sashimi platter arrived with salmon, tuna, scallop, prawn and white fish. While the seafood was very fresh, the amount of fish that arrived for the price was slightly disappointing. The dragon roll was quite a theatrical spectacle with the sushi formed to look like an actual dragon. And, while this brought a smile to our faces, the thin amount of salmon on top of the roll could not improve the poor rolling of the sushi, that led the roll to fall apart easily, nor the excessively large pieces of cucumber – which is all I tasted. The spider and prawn tempura rolls were quite similar – fried crab and prawn with bits of cream cheese and Japanese mayo. Very naughty.
With eyes bigger than our stomachs, we decided to share the Salmon Nabe and an order of Takoyaki. The Salmon Nabe was a paper pot of salmon, prawns, tofu and vegetables cooked at our table. As the dish arrived, a beautiful aroma surrounded our table. The dish was fresh, tender and very delicious. And the Takoyaki, octopus fritters, were incredible. Plus, they are a personal favourite. If you haven’t tried these savoury balls of goodness, you don’t know what you are missing out on! All in all, the sashimi was fresh, but the hero of this Japanese restaurant was their Musashi selection of mains, including Japanese Cuisine the paper hot pots of fresh 212 Kitchener Road, Milford. seafood and simply delicious broths. Unique and tasty. Ph: 489 5977 Next time you dine at a BYO on the Shore - be sure to Tweet @channelmag about your experience and recommendations.
Kellie's rating: Food: 7/10 Atmosphere: 8/10 Service: 8/10
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Milford - Everyone’s place: Ecco Shoes, Milford Centre 79
ECCO has done it again! New and revolutionary footwear has hit the streets. The Danish Shoe Manufacturer has launched a complete new series. BIOM – Natural Motion by ECCO.
“Natural Motion” is a concept based on the belief that the foot should be able to move as naturally as possible, the way nature intended it to. Over thousands of years, the foot has evolved to run and walk on soft ground, not pavement. Every bone, ligament and muscle work together to adapt to the ground and stabilize the body with each step. BIOM technology provides for the same level of support and protection as a soft surface, such as sand. It offers support and flexibility where it is needed and by using anatomical structures that mimic the barefoot, BIOM guides the foot to move in a more efficient and more pleasurable way. It just feels like an extension of your body!
The Range
Hit the streets this summer in a BIOM WALK. A shoe designed for serious fitness and recreational
use alike. It provides intensive support to the most vulnerable part of the foot whilst allowing the foot to use its own natural systems to move freely. The benefits are muscles and tendons that get stronger and stronger while being extremely comfortable to wear. BIOM TRAIN is a new training shoe fit for today’s lifestyle – from running to gym classes. The shoe is flexible and twistable, so your feet can move naturally. It is a minimalist shoe that allows your feet to feel free and work more. Because of the low-to-the ground position, they are ideal for any fitness motion. Golf enthusiasts, look no further - BIOM Golf showcases a unique, patented design that takes advantage of the foot’s natural system for absorbing impact while bringing players closer to the ground
- and it is lighter than any other performance golf shoe. The extremely low profile significantly increases swing stability, while its supple construction frees the foot for superb followthrough. For unmatched feel and traction the BIOM Golf is a must for all keen golfers determined to improve their game.
BIOM is available to Men and Women in various colour combinations. For more information on this product please come and visit us at any of our four ECCO stores: Auckland: Milford Shopping Centre - Ph 09 489 1691. 192 Broadway, Newmarket - Ph 09 529 0074. 43 High Street CBD - Ph 09 309 9349. Wellington: 100 Willis Street, Wellington - Ph 04 499 5580.
A natural motion fitness shoe, BIOM Train guides you to move the way your body was born to move. It makes you more efficient, more comfortable, and it helps your feet and legs get stronger. It’s a better way to train.
Channel SS11 BIOM.indd 1
MILFORD SHOPPING CENTRE Phone: 09 489 1691 email: milford@eccoshoes.co.nz
13-Sep-11 11:55:49 AM
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Milford - Everyone’s place: News
– The ‘Ladies Local’ in the Heart of Milford In the heart of Milford is one of the Shore’s most popular fitness centres that caters just for ladies – JustWorkout Ladies Club. For ladies who like the thought of working out in a super-relaxed environment, this is your sanctuary away from it all. Where you can release tension, regroup your thoughts, perfect for your mind, body and soul. Melanie Powell-Price is the manager of the gym which occupies the top two floors The JustWorkOut Milford Ladies Gym. of the building at 114 Kitchener Road. Melanie has been with JustWorkout (which has four other fitness centres – City, Devonport, Takapuna and Forrest Hill) for over three years and has managed Milford for two. She loves it. “There is a real family environment and a friendly atmosphere which makes this a great place to work out and work,” says Melanie. “We have lots of locals who come in regularly, with our group fitness classes proving very popular. Some of the ladies even bring their dogs along and tie them up out on our deck while they work out. It is a real local village atmosphere.” The first floor is the fully equipped gym. The top (second) floor is the large group fitness studio. The yoga class with Marcel at 9.30am on Mondays is very popular with up to 40 people. The Tuesday “Abs, Butts & Thighs” class at 5.30pm also attracts healthy numbers. There are up to three classes most days which include ABTS,Yoga,Zumba,FightDo,UBound,Pilates, Pump and Power. Melanie has three staff and three personal trainers (PT) at JustWorkout Milford – Kate, Stacey, Tara, Anna (PT), Bridget (PT) and Jackie (PT. “Our ladies really appreciate our personal trainers who have loads of experience and are particularly good in the relaxed environment we are able to offer,” explains Melanie. “Anna has actually worked at the gym for over 10 years – even before it was Platinum Ladies Gym, which was the name of the fitness centre prior to JustWorkout buying the centre five years ago.” For those who want to just do the Group Fitness Classes, JustWorkout offers very well-priced memberships just for that purpose. But we think JustWorkout Milford Ladies Club is a place where you’d want to have all the benefits. It’s fantastic! ......................................................................................................................................................... JustWorkout Milford Ladies Club, 114 Kitchener Road, Milford. Phone 489-7748 or visit: www.justworkout.co.nz.
Melanie Powell-Price in the group fitness studio.
Personal Trainer Bridget Emmitt with Joan Sim.
Melanie Powell-Price in the main gym area.
hello gorgeous!
Looking great is just one of the perks!
Great Gyms located at:
MILFORD (ladies only)
w w w. j u s t w o r k o u t . c o . n z Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
ph: 0508-587-896
LOCAL GOVERNMENT with Schnauer and Co
The Rugby World Cup... In our June article, we questioned some of the priorities of the Auckland Plan. In the discussion document that launched the plan “Auckland Unleashed”, we questioned whether focusing on reducing inequality; improved education, skills and learning and apprenticeship schemes were priorities of a Council, despite them being noble goals. Last month we asked whether Auckland declaring itself to be a Peace City was worth all the bother when there were greater priorities for the region. We said in those articles that the risk Auckland faces as a result of its council delving into hitherto unchartered waters is growth of government; a corresponding shrinkage of the private sector; and the Council taking its eye off the main prize. Very recently we have seen the debacle surrounding the planning of the opening night of the Rugby World Cup. The metaphors ran fast: “Auckland took its eye off the ball”; “Auckland Council issued with a red card”; “Auckland Council kicked for touch by government”. The blame game followed. There were two opponents. Playing from left to right, with the wind at its backs was the Government, captained by Murray McCully. Opposing them, playing into a strong
Event organisers advised there would be approximately 30,000 to 50,000 people on the Waterfront for the celebrations. We now know there was three to four times that number. The worrying thing out of all of this appears to be a breakdown in Auckland Council at many levels. Sure, Auckland had never hosted an opening night of a Rugby World Cup before, but this was in the planning for years and years. The Auckland Council is a behemoth of about 8,000 staff, and has assets of $29 billion. It pays its Chief Executive three times more than the Prime Minister receives. headwind, was the Auckland Council, led by Len It was recommended by the Royal Commission, Brown. and established by the Government, to give the The referee was Martin Snedden. Auckland region some “teeth”. The opening ceremony was absolutely world But the teeth plainly need a polish. And its class. But what occurred on the train network and at the priorities need sorting out. It is all very easy for politicians to scratch every itch, but the downside bottom of Queen Street, was simply a result of poor to that (not focusing on your knitting) is what was planning. witnessed on Friday, 9 September. Council officers say 240,000 people normally On a positive note, full credit (as Sean Fitzpatrick travel on public transport on any given weekday. On would say) to Mayor Len Brown for fronting on 9 September, this number was 370,000, and the television and in other media at a time that could system failed to cope. not have been easy. No Government minister was Veolia Transdev holds the contract to run the prepared to do this, when they should have. trains. It promised implementation measures It’s just a great shame Mayor Brown was fending following failures in its systems at the Bledisloe Cup off the large forwards attacking him, rather than test match at Eden Park in August. sprinting down the wing and scoring a try. It appears there were no such measures.
Think North Shore Lawyers Think Schnauer and Co is a boutique law firm dedicated to providing personal and specialist assistance. We aim to develop and promote quality professional legal advice on the Shore commensurate with this area’s growing status as a centre of business excellence. We live and work within the North Shore community. We understand the issues facing people and we can help to resolve them. 222 Kitchener Road, Milford Ph +64 9 486-0177 www.schnauer.com Relationship Property | Trusts, Asset Protection and Estate Planning | Property | Commercial
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
barrys point road Laundromat Gallery and Cafe
Laundromat Gallery and Café Federation’s new Laundromat Gallery and Café brings a wholly new concept, marrying urban fashion with art in one space, where you can shop and lunch. Showcasing a collection of street wear from Federation, Public Gallery, Minti, Insight, Sabre, Kid Robot, Supra, Krew and more, while serving punchy Supreme coffee, Harney & Son’s Tea, a selection of ‘Loaf’ baked treats, Food Room pies (the best in Auckland), and a small but delicious range of sandwiches. Located on Barrys Point Road, the café and concept store presents a sophisticated and effortless mix of pop art, vintage and industrial chic. “It’s a bit of a custom fit-out that’s all been put together by our designers, so there’s some cool, obscure things going on that are really unique to Federation,” says regional manager Ben. The store has been open for three months. The café only just opened in September, but Josh the café manager, makes a pretty decent coffee so there’s already a steady stream of regulars who come in every day for their fix or something to eat – particularly for those amazing Food Room pies! “It’s a real chilled, relaxing place with a great vibe so we’re pretty happy with it,” says Ben. Shop hours are: 7.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday. 9am to 5.30pm Saturday. 9am to 5pm Sunday.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
barrys point road
Sheepskin Factory Outlet 100% New ZealaNd OwNed aNd Operated • all prOducts Made IN New ZealaNd Based FactOry
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
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barrys point road - caring for your car: with Car-Fe
Rob Bonnici is the Car Guy. Rob lives, eats and breathes car cleaning products and services. Having a background in chemicals, car cleaning products and now owning a 7 day a week car cleaning and grooming centre, he is without a doubt the most passionate and the most knowledgeable car guy in New Zealand. Rob, along with his wife Siobhan, owns Car’fe facing the motorway in Barry’s Point Road, Takapuna and can be seen most days attending to the many unique car cleaning issues with his valued clients. Issues such as acid rain on windows, paintwork, odour in cars, stained seats, tired paintwork, faded trims and so on. Rob is going to provide an interesting monthly motor vehicle car care column for Channel Magazine. He is also very happy for you to contact him should you have a problem that you would like to address with your car. Email: Carfe.takapuna@xtra.co.nz or Phone 488-7000.
Have you ever seen white marks on your car that won’t wash off and wondered what they are? I see these daily at the carwash and people ask me, ”How did they get there?” and ”Is there any way to remove them?”. How did they get there? Attached you can see the obvious hand print. These marks come from hand body lotions, hand creams and sun screen. They are not always as obvious as the examples shown and can be from kids leaning on the car leaving smears or the rolling of an arm or leg brushing the car. This issue with these marks is that we tend to leave them or try to wash them off only to find that the mark won’t lift. Once left the sun plays its nasty roll in helping the lotions bake onto the car, etching into your clear coats or paint work. So for prevention, always try to wipe the excess lotion off the kids before they leave the beach so once they start touching the car minimal transfer occurs.
Is there any way to remove them? Good News. Yes, depending on the age of the mark, any good cutting compound applied by hand and then polished over will remove these marks. The older marks that have etched into your paintwork will need to be machine cut off to get a good result. The usual affected areas are around the boot, on the roof above the doors and on the doors themselves. My advice is, when you see these marks deal to them quickly, minimising the amount of direct sunlight that hits the car, as this is when issues start. If you are unable to do the job, we always are more than happy to help down at Car-Fe Takapuna to remove these for you. ............................................................................................................................ Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call 09 4887000 to discuss. Regards, Robert & Siobhan Bonnici.
Examples of jobs we have completed:
This month why not book in for your sunscreen removal. Allow up to 90 minutes for us to complete the job. Normally a full machine cut is $100. For this month we will remove your sunscreen for just $60 including GST. Let us care for your vehicle today with Sunscreen Removal or a Wash and Clean... 87 Barrys Point Road, Email: Carfe.takapuna@xtra.co.nz or Phone 488-7000.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Millennium institute of sport & health News
Liam Stone
A CHAMPION IN THE MAKING The proof is in the pudding so they say. 14 year-old Liam Stone is one of the stars of the Millennium’s Athlete Development Academy (ADA), has been diving since the age of seven, and has achieved some truly remarkable results along the way. Not only is he a New Zealand age-group champion, he also holds the New Zealand open men’s national title and has had considerable success at several recent international competitions.
Liam was identified by Millennium as an athlete who has already performed outstandingly and has the potential to go on to succeed at the highest level. Liam started in the ADA six months ago and credits the programme with seeing huge benefits from the strength and conditioning course he has been involved in. “Just the other day my coach said to me that my fitness levels were heaps better”, Liam mentions. In a sport where physical strength and control over your body are of the utmost importance, the ADA has provided Liam with the conditioning to be able to sustain a noticeably higher level of diving over a longer period of time. Due to his young age, intensive strength training wouldn’t have been appropriate; however the Academy offers safe strength and conditioning and teaches young athletes, such as Liam, correct technique which will hold them in good stead for the future. The Albany Junior High School student has enjoyed his time in the ADA so far, especially training with athletes from a mix of sporting codes, and is excited to see how the programme can continue to benefit his diving. Liam has a busy schedule coming up, with several international competitions on his agenda,
Liam Stone.
including the Camo International Invitational in Canada in December, along with the Australian Open Championships and Junior World Championships next year. His aim is to perform as well as he possibly can at these events, and hopefully pick up a couple of first-places while he’s at it. He’s also looking to retain his open national title next year. For a young man, Liam has his longterm goals mapped out with remarkable determination. Liam notes “I want to represent New Zealand at the 2014 Commonwealth Games and after that the 2016 Olympics. I know I have a long way to go but that is where I’m aiming”. With this resolute approach to his training and competition, he is on the right track to achieve these goals. Watch this space.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
LIAM’S RECENT RESULTS: Competition: Australian Junior Elites (Nationals) Result: 2nd, 4th, 7th. Competition: Australian School Games Result: 1st, 1st, 3rd. Competition: Asia Pacific Rim Junior Invitation Result: 1st, 1st, 1st, 3rd. Competition: DNZ Open & Junior Nationals Result: 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st, 1st.
The Millennium Institute’s Athlete Development Academy provides a world class training environment for New Zealand’s young athletes. The programme has been developing the sporting talents of young North Shore athletes for the past six years, with a number of them going on to represent their province and country in various sports. The Academy is based on the principles of long term athlete development and takes an athlete-centric, coachdriven and sports science supported approach to developing youth from all sporting codes to their full potential. Many young athletes get swept up into the realm of competitive sport without being prepared for the high demands placed upon them. The Millennium Athlete Development Academy exists as a positive environment for young athletes to learn and
improve. It focuses on the holistic development of the young athletes, where education “off the field” goes hand in hand with performance enabling participants to be the best all-around athletes and people they can be. Craig Harrison, assisted by a specialist team of coaches. Together they provide world-class development programmes for talented young athletes providing them with the foundations for future success. For enquiries contact Craig – phone (09) 477 2012 or email him at ada@mish.org.nz
Be the best you can be.
Athlete Development Academy
17 Antares Place | Mairangi Bay | 09 477 2000 www.mish.org.nz
Auckland Transport News: SADD Week 2011
Schools get involved IN SADD Week 2011 Westlake Boys create winning poster campaign SADD Week 2011 was held throughout New Zealand in mind August (8th-14th). This timing was very appropriate given the introduction of the Zero limit for drivers under 20 regulations during 2011. Local schools got very involved by organising SADD activities in their schools. Some of the activities were; Fatal Vision Demonstration, Dead day and Quiz day. Organisers of the initiative report that our very own Westlake Boys High School’s SADD leaders did very well by organising a poster competition for SADD week. The team from Auckland Transport’s Community Transport North division selected this ‘It’s In Your Hand’s’ poster as the winning poster for the region. “This poster speaks a thousand words. It’s a clear road safety message and this was done by SADD students for students,” said Angie Chong, Auckland Transport Community Road Safety Coordinator-North, who is based in Takapuna. “These posters created were placed in strategic places in their school to remind all students who are driving that IT’S IN YOUR HANDS are you SADD?” The team of Westlake Boys students behind this great work were John Hugo McGrath, Jack Kang, Jiyong Wi, Sam Wyborn, Abhishek Khelrapal and Mikal Sarrafzadeh. They received a certificate of appreciation from Angie Cheong, on behalf of Auckland Transport, for their contribution towards road safety. For more information visit: www.sadd.org.nz or www.aucklandtransport.govt.nz. ..................................................................................................... Auckland Transport is an Auckland Council organisation, visit: www.aucklandtransport.govt.nz.
Make it a good one Make it home
Make it a good one Make it home
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Make it a good one Make it home
Torpedo Bay Navy Museum News
fashion with Wallis Clothing, Devonport
A n n A’ S pi c k s Wallis inhouse designer Anna Mountford gives you her picks for the new season
Looking for a Christmas function venue? Surrounded by relics of New Zealand’s naval past, the Torpedo Bay Navy Museum is the perfect place to have your Christmas function. Set on the shores of the beautiful Waitemata Harbour with stunning views across to the city; where you can watch the activity on the water, there is always something happening. Enjoy the sun setting behind Mt Victoria, over the long and lazy Auckland summer nights. ........................................................................................................... For more information or bookings call (09) 446 1821 or email navymuseumenquiries@nzdf.mil.nz
About Torpedo Bay Navy Museum
The spring/summer arrivals always manage to cause a lot of excitement at Wallis. It heralds the move towards brighter and warmer times. It also tells us that the likelihood of having to find the perfect outfit for a wedding or other special event is increasing. Summer is of course the ideal time to celebrate such wonderful events and thankfully it is also the time when gorgeous party pieces can be found in store. We are excited to introduce three new labels to the Wallis stores as they all lend themselves to special occasion wear. Artisan, designed by Susie Walker, has beautiful pieces including great duster coats and gorgeous dresses. Ooby ryn is full of fun, fabulous dresses that would be perfect for the races or any special event. miranda Brown’s pieces are timeless works of art and her strength is in printing natural fabrics such as silk and cotton. When looking for a special occasion piece, think about how you can use it in other ways. Some of the coats look great teamed back with jeans and many of the dresses can be worn with a smart jandal for a more relaxed look. the accessories you team with an outfit will dress it up or down and can make or break an outfit. Don’t be afraid to spend money on the right jewellery as it can be a great investment.
Above: miranda Brown pacific Kaftan $398. Above right: Bronwen newport Waterfall necklace $174. Below left to right: Artisan Zig Zag Dress $218, Ooby ryn Cues Dress $378, Artisan Waterlily Duster Coat $258.
The Torpedo Bay site is of exceptional significance, developed as a torpedo station in the 19th Century as part of Auckland’s coastal defence network. Our Museum tells the story of the Navy’s contribution to the development of New Zealand identity through the lens of the Navy’s values: commitment, courage and comradeship. ........................................................................................................... Opening hours 10am to 5pm, 7 days. Admission is free. www.navymuseum.mil.nz
75 Victoria Road, DeVonpoRt phone 09-445 6803 Mon-Fri 10am-5.30pm Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 10am-4pm
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
The channel Cafe guide
Latin Larder is one of our fantastic cafes with outstanding service and fantastic food. All food is made fresh daily and we also offer an offsite catering service. New Spring menu coming soon! Check out our Facebook page.
latin larder
cafe of the month
Iconic Devonport landmark cafe the Devonport Stone Oven is completely self sufficient. Everything they offer is made on premise with nothing being brought in. They even have their own unique blend of coffee. There are lots
It’s always TEA - TIME
Nous sommes plus que juste des Salads. Toute la journée petite déjeuner et le meilleur Café, le gourmet a grillé le sandwich, enveloppes de salade, longs pains et
Altura CafÉ
of gluten free products available with more options being introduced all the time. Generous servings for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The indoor and outdoor seating is perfect for Devonport’s climate. Fully licensed.
OPEN 7 DAYS 6.30AM UNTIL 5.30pm. 5 CLARENCE STREET, DEVONPORT PH: 445 3185 Come in to view our selection of KIWI Blend Teas, which are the perfect gift for overseas visitors or to send overseas. Tea Total also have a Tea Wall to blend your very own selection of your favorite Teas. The benefit of Loose Tea is the wonderful flavor so come in to visit Tea Total & peruse our selection of the finest loose leaf tea. Gift baskets are also available.
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 4.00pm Sat & Sun 8.30am - 3.00pm 87 Kitchener Road, Milford. PH: 486 5291 Email: Teatotalcafe@yahoo.co.nz naturellement salads. Internet libre sur demande (Les conditions s’appliquent)
Lundi – vendredi 7.30 am – 7pm Week-end 8am – 7pm 67 HURSTMERE ROAD, TAKAPUNA PH: 489 7866 Email: takapuna@sumosalad.co.nz
The food and menu is typical of New Zealand café culture and ticks all the right boxes, catering to busy workday breakfasts and lunches during the week, while on weekends it turns into a popular, lazy brunch spot.
Mon - Fri 7am - 4.30pm Sat 8am - 4pm. 23 Douglas Alexandra Parade, Albany. PH: 448 1416 www.alturacoffee.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Manuka Café and Restaurant Monday to Friday: 9am to late Saturday/Sunday: 8.30am to late
PH: 445 7732. 49 Victoria road, devonport. www.manukarestaurant.co.nz
Manuka – Life is Cafe It’s no secret that Devonport has seen a huge increase in visitors these last few weeks during the world cup, and Manuka Cafe has done it’s best to accommodate, hosting fans and tourists in its enlarged premises and outdoor eating area. “The renovations have proven a great success with regulars, and it’s been great with all these extra visitors in town,” says owner Anthony. “People have been coming in every day to take advantage of all the extra space we have which has created a brilliant atmosphere for the café.” Three month’s on from its revamp and expansion, the café is proving itself to be a winner as one of the village’s favourite café’s for breakfast or a spot of lunch and afternoon drinks. Don’t forget takeaway pizzas for the world cup, which are becoming more and more popular every day. “The pizzas have been huge during the world cup – we have every one from locals ordering pizzas to take home and watch the game with, to tourists taking them across
The channel Cafe guide torpedo bay cafe
Torpedo Bay Cafe hosting weekly themed specials for our visiting sports fans. The cafe has the best views in Devonport of the City and is fully licensed.
TIGER COFFEE, TAKAPUNA Tiger Coffee; the great café – great coffee and service - the showroom for the amazing range of superautomatics - the workshop for the servicing of your home machines and now THE BEAN HUT and ASTRA PRO - get a blend
Swiss Bakery, Patisserie & Cafe
of coffee best suited to you, to use with the ultimate in home machines. Ask one of our great Tiger team to assist with your ultimate taste of coffee for home or the office at $10 per 250g! Look forward to seeing you at Tiger.
Mon-Fri 6.30AM-4PM. SATURDAY 8AM-2.30PM 18 BARRY’S POINT RD, TAKAPUNA PH: 489 3084. www.tigercoffee.com they will box it up to take away. Customers say ‘that the food you get at the Swiss Bakery is 100% authentic and 100% yum!’ The toasted coffee is great too.
ESPRESSO It’s hard to find something that is truly artisan. But Evelyn and her husband Franz simply do just that; serving all things - Swiss style. Baked on site daily, this European flavour extends to everything on offer. With little fuss,
Mon – Fri: 8am – 4.30pm Sat & Sun: 8am – 2.30pm 5 Milford Rd, Milford Ph: 489 9737 swisscafeandbakery@yahoo.co.nz
Buffalo bar & grill
Special Lunch
Voucher $15.00 includes
complimentary glass of House Wine, Juice, Soft Drink or Coffee. Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch & Dinner.
Mon-SUN 8.30AM-3PM. TUES-SAT 8.30AM-LATE 3 Northcroft street, takapuna Ph: 489 8615 www.buffalobarandgrill.co.nz
to the park or over to the water. It’s a great way to spend an afternoon.” Doubling as a café and restaurant, Manuka offers a broad selection from café style breakfasts and lunches, through to tasty dinners and evening options. Being a café, Manuka serves premium Allpress coffee that Devonport locals have been quick to make a daily ritual. And on the alcohol side there is a comprehensive wine list, as well as beers and a new draught that has recently been installed on tap by boutique brewery Mata, pouring the acclaimed ‘Artesian’ Lager. Head down and check out the specials board, grab a pizza, grab a beer and enjoy the cosy new expansions – Manuka is the perfect starting point to enjoying the Peninsula.
FREE coffee with
any breakfast purchase. Happy hour between 4pm-6pm MonFri $4 Heinekens & $5 House wines.
Fresh. Local. Gourmet. These are the words that we live by. Situated in the heart of Takapuna with a warm, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Whether its lunch on the run, a private function or anything in between.
Mon-Fri 7am-6pm Sat-Sun 8am-3pm
PH: 4894000 12 Huron Street, Takapuna www.verdict.net.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
shore people: Frano Botica
Why I Love the Shore
Frano Botica – A Shore Legend Along with Buck Shelford, Frano Botica is one of our true legends. He’s lived on the Shore since he was a toddler, except for periods overseas on his Rugby and Rugby League travels. He made his debut for the All Blacks in 1986 as one of the ‘Baby Blacks’ and was the back-up first five to Grant Fox when the All Blacks won the inaugural Rugby World Cup in 1987. After Frano Botica. several seasons as a founding Harbour player and All Black, Frano switched codes to play professional Rugby League for Wigan in the UK. He became a legend in the 13-man code at Wigan – setting many goalkicking records – and went on to play for the New Zealand League team (Kiwis) and also played for the Warriors. He switched back to Rugby Union in the late 90’s and played for both Harbour and professionally overseas before time and injury caught up with him. He had a stellar career. These days Frano lives at Devonport, close to his beloved North Shore Rugby Club (The Pride) and proudly follows the career of his two talented sons – Harbour first five Ben and younger son Jacob, who many say may just be the best of them all. He also has a daughter Chante, and is the proud grandfather of Hanaatia. We found out what he loves most about the Shore. Channel Mag How long have you lived on the Shore? Where were you before? What was it that brought you to the Shore? Frano Botica I came up in a beat up old Holden from Mangakino when I was one and have been here for 46 and a half years with a few years away to play international Rugby. CM What’s your favourite Shore restaurant and why? FB Marvel Grill for the atmosphere, wine, and sometimes the company. CM Saturday morning North Shore style? FB A paddle from Takapuna Beach – one of the best in the world, then coffee and brekky at one of the many fantastic cafes in Taka or Devo. CM What’s your favourite Shore beach and why? FB You can’t go past Takapuna Beach, but I also enjoy Narrow Neck beach for wine, cheese and cold meats on a Saturday afternoon with a bunch of hanger-ons like Robert Johnson, while watching people get stuck on the beach with their boats and trailers.
CM Where do you go to relax on the Shore? FB Paddle off Taka beach, drink wine at Marvel Grill or hang with my young fellas at The Pride – North Shore Rugby Club. CM What’s the Shore’s best kept secret? FB The beaches and the North Shore Rugby Club. CM H ave you ever found anywhere else in the world that reminds you of the Shore and if so, how? FB No. With the exception of always bumping into young North Shore Rugby Club members in every place I’ve played at and having to sing The Pride song – sometimes to my embarrassment. CM Finally, what do you love most about the city you call home? FB Don’t have to go over the bridge to see those poncy Auckland Blues!
Exceptional Achiever Barfoot & Thompson’s 2011 Rookie of the year.
opening more doors than most... Sue Evans Residential Sales M 021 448 977 B 09 489 5084 E s.evans@barfoot.co.nz 0800 783 38267 www.barfoot.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
DELICIOUS TREATS with Devonport Chocolates
of By Caroline Everitt tes ola oc Ch rt po von De
A call to all
to test your chocolate
You call yourself a chocolate lover, you think about it at least a few times a day and if there were chocolates next to you right now you couldn’t resist them, so take our chocolate IQ test below and prove to everyone what a great chocolate lover you really are! 1. 2. 3. 4.
What is praline? Is good quality dark chocolate dairy free? What is the name of the plant that the cocoa pod comes from? According to the latest research into chocolate and your health what type of chocolate should you be eating? 5. Was the cocoa bean really used as currency in Aztec times? 6. Should you keep chocolate in the fridge? 7. What is the white powder substance you sometimes find on chocolate called? 8. What is tempering chocolate? 9. Who first introduced conching chocolate and hence made the wonderful chocolate we eat today? 10. In what form did people first enjoy chocolate? 11. What is cocoa solids? 12. What is ganache? 13. Is chocolate derived from a fruit?
14. What does Theobroma mean? 15. What is the difference between white chocolate and milk and dark chocolate?
Find out what your chocolate IQ is: • 0-5 answers right: You love to eat it but don’t know a lot about it, but as long as you enjoy eating it that is all that matters. You are a chocolate novice. • 6-10 answers right: Not bad! Every now and then you impress your friends with your chocolate knowledge, we suggest a little more study, or just more tasting maybe? • 11-15 answers right: Wow! You are a chocolate expert, chocolate is your passion and your reason for living. (Well not really but man you love to eat it!) Answers on Page 98…
Keith the Kiwi loves rugby almost as much as he loves chocolate rugby balls! SMALL RUGBY BALL 200G $39.90 LARGE RUGBY BALL 500G $64.90
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
91 Vauxhall Road, Cheltenham. Ph 445 0504
Eddie de Heer.
Exquisite handcrafted linens from Bianca Lorenne now available on the shore only at The Haven.
News, Views, and Information from Eddie de Heer President – Devonport Business Association. Hello and welcome to this month’s account of what has been happening in the community of Devonport. It’s been a month where we are thoroughly enjoying the festive atmosphere of the Rugby World Cup. It seems like the whole community has got behind helping to make Devonport look its best as we celebrate hosting the Cup here. The Main Street is festooned with bunting, flags and banners. Most of the shops have been decorated in RWC themed displays and there is a huge range of fun activities to keep even the most discerning traveller entertained and enthralled for days. In this article we’ll highlight some of the main events and activities that make Devonport a must visit destination.
Open 7 days inside the Historic Devonport Post Office Building 10 Victoria Road Devonport. Ph 445 6095.
RWC – Shop Window Displays
53a Victoria Road, Devonport. Ph 445 2325
OCTOBER PROMOTIONS Full body Spray Tan $35 1/2 leg & Underarm wax $35
Amanda Care - Owner
95 Victoria Rd Devonport Phone: 445 0600, info@faceitbeauty.co.nz www.faceitbeauty.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
All ten local schools on the peninsula have been working away creating spectacular displays celebrating each country that has entered the competition. These displays have now been installed in 22 different locations along Devonport’s Main Street (we couldn’t help but add a couple more New Zealand displays!) Go and have a look at them and admire the wonderful effort that the children have put into these works of art. You’ll see the entire Scottish Team as little plaster miniatures, USA is represented by a giant stars and stripes flag made out of woolen pom poms. One entire window (and a large amount of area within the store) has been taken over by artistic interpretations of the All Blacks team. The winning display will receive a class trip including a tour of The Victoria Picture Palace and a private movie screening, courtesy of the generous support of
our charming village by the sea John and his team at The Vic. Here is a list of the Countries, schools and locations of the RWC Shop Window displays. Take time to pop into each location and have a look, they are wonderful. We invite you to vote for your favourite display by visiting www.speculator.co.nz and registering your top three preferences.
RWC - Window Display Schedule Team (Country) Samoa Russia Scotland Canada Fiji USA
School Bayswater School Belmont Intermediate Belmont Primary School Devonport Primary Sc. Hauraki School Vauxhall School
Display Location Yarntons for Men Paradox Books The Victoria Theatre Westpac Bank Old Post Office Building Wild & Woolly Yarns
St. Leo’s School
Cornelius Jewelers’
Stanley Bay School Takapuna Grammar Bayswater School Belmont Intermediate Belmont Primary School Devonport Primary Sc. Hauraki School Stanley Bay School Takapuna Grammar Vauxhall School Takapuna Grammar Belmont Intermediate St. Leo’s School Wilson School Belmont Intermediate
Rayma Fashion Pellacci Fashion Devonport Flowers Sierra Café Echo Designer Outlet ASB Bank Zest Health Devonport Library Evergreen Books Wallis Clothing isite - Information centre The Glass House Corelli’s Café Sugar Suite Hair Spa House of Travel
Japan France Ireland Tonga New Zealand Wales Argentina South Africa Romania England Australia Namibia Georgia Italy New Zealand New Zealand
Town Centre Tidy Up I’d like to give a huge THANK YOU to the 80 people who came along to help in the Town Centre Tidy Up. It was a wonderful success and we achieved everything on our “to do” list. People weeded and planted gardens, washed the front of buildings, swept paths, picked up rubbish, cleaned up power boxes, painted bench seats and put up bunting. Then we finished off with a barbeque at Windsor Reserve. We’d like to give a special note of thanks to Alex Coburn and his team of builders from QPC Builders. The entire team of 8 builders gave up their afternoon to come and install the bunting and flags. We couldn’t have done it without them, so thank you very much guys. I also know from personal experience that their workmanship is top rate and I highly recommend them for all construction work. It was suggested that we make the Tidy Up an annual event so if there is sufficient support then we’ll make it happen.
What’s happening in Devonport during the Rugby World Cup A large number of community events and activities have been planned in October while we host the RWC. Take a look at the enclosed guide for dates and locations. It’s going to be a busy and exciting couple of months and I encourage you to make the most of this time. One of the most fascinating will be the Navy performing the ceremonial Beat Retreat at Windsor Reserve, Devonport on Sunday 9 October at 4pm. The Navy Band performs a public concert prior to joining the armed Guard for the Beat Retreat. The historical ceremony of ‘Beat Retreat’ is a military custom, which dates back to at least the year 1557, and has been defined as “a beat of the drum, at the firing of the evening gun”. It is a gripping display of Naval Band music, guns and rifles firing and a Bugler playing Sunset over the evening hymn, during which time the New Zealand White Ensign is lowered. Date 9 Sept - 23 Oct
9 Sept - 23 Oct 9 Sept - 23 Oct 1 - 2 Oct
2pm - 4pm
1 - 2 Oct
2pm - 4pm
Sun 2 Oct Sun 2 Oct
10am - 2pm
8 - 9 Oct
2pm - 4pm
10 - 11 Oct 15-Oct 15 - 16 Oct
2pm - 4pm
Sun 16 Oct
10am - 2pm
Tue 18 Oct
1.30pm & 4pm
22 - 23 Oct
2pm - 4pm
Event Location Images of Old Devonport Devonport Library at Work and Play RWC Participating Countries - School Throughout Mainstreet Window Displays Woolly Walk along
Along the waterfront
Exhibition of Devonport’s sporting ‘firsts’ Petanque on the Promenade (to be confirmed) Devonport Classic - 5km, 10km and 15km Run / Walk
Devonport Museum 33A Vauxhall Rd
Devonport Craft Market Petanque on the Promenade (to be confirmed) Navy Beat Retreat North Shore RFC - Junior World Series Tournament Devo. Garden & Floral Arts Club - Spring Show Petanque on the Promenade (to be confirmed)
Queens Parade & King Edward Parade Fort Takapuna, Narrowneck Beach Community House, 32 Clarence Street Queens Parade & King Edward Parade Windsor Reserve Devonport Domain St Leos School Hall Queens Parade & King Edward Parade
Community House, 32 Clarence Street International Defense North Shore RFC Rugby Cup - Semi Finals Devonport Domain Petanque on the Queens Parade & King Promenade (to be Edward Parade confirmed)
Devonport Craft Market
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
96 NZ designed Pureborn Organic offers a beautiful range of 100% certified organic cotton, clothes and accessories for babies and toddlers. Opening special - bring in this ad and receive a free beanie with every purchase - while stocks last.
Devonport Community News by Maire Vieth - Devonport Community Coordinator, Devonport Peninsula Trust
40 Victoria Road, Devonport. Phone 445 3072
CHATEAUBRIANT - FRENCH DELICATESSEN & CAFE Freshly baked bread, pastries & much more. 87A Vauxhall Road, Cheltenham Beach, Devonport. Tel: 445 0021. Email: chateaubriant@vodafone.co.nz Closed Monday
New season in store. Receive a gift of CK Ballet slippers with your purchase (while stocks last).
For everyday, special occasion, sports or maternity we’ll get you fitted.
Specialist Fitting Service Now located at Shop 2, Queens Parade (opposite the ferry terminal) Phone: 09 445 8347. OPEN 7 DAYS.
New Zealand Pounamu Jade. Authentically Carved Toki. 87 Victoria Rd, Devonport Phone: 445 7404 info@greenplanet.co.nz • www.greenplanet.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
I am the Devonport Community Coordinator and am grateful to Channel Magazine and the Devonport Business Association for the opportunity to tell you every month a little bit about what is happening on the Devonport peninsula. October will no doubt be shaped by rugby and the tentative arrival of spring. Spring cleaning started last month with a peninsula-wide beach clean up on the cup’s opening day. This was organized by the Devonport Peninsula Trust and all local primary and intermediate schools participated. The day brought spectacular weather, around 1,500 young volunteers and 80 big bags of collected rubbish, plus a lot of loose rubbish on top of that. The children involved were truly amazed by the amount of inorganic matter they collected, even though the beaches looked clean at a first glance. Other signs of our welcoming of spring come with the arrival of weather-related community events. There is the Devonport Classic on October 2nd (a 5, 10 or 15 K run or walk around Devonport that is supporting Stanley Bay School) and the Round North Head Classic on October 30th (a 2.5 k ocean swim organized by the Devonport Swim Club). Also, the Devonport Garden and Floral Arts Club is holding its annual spring show on October 15th at St Leo’s School Hall, Albert Road, from 10 am – 2 pm. Talking about welcoming and new… On October 3rd and 7th November, the Devonport Peninsula Trust and the Devonport Community House host Welcome to Devonport forums for new residents to the area. If you are a fairly recent arrival in our community, please come along at 11:15 am or 7 pm. The forums are held at the Devonport Community House, 32 Clarence St. October is also the month to sign up for the Shore Talent Quest Live at The Victoria Theatre. The Rotary Club of Devonport, in conjunction with the Vic, are organising this opportunity for local talent to perform a wide variety of acts on stage in front of their community. Whatever your talent, this is your chance to strut your stuff live on stage at the Vic. $3,000 in cash prizes and the chance to perform at the 2012 Devonport Food and Wine Festival next February and at the Vic Unplugged concert on 16 November. For more info, see http://www.thevic.co.nz/talent. Submission deadline is October 16th. And if you’d rather be on the other side of a passionate performance, come to a concert by the Royal New Zealand Navy Band, plus a breathtaking beat retreat on October 9th, 4 – 6 pm, at Windsor Reserve. The Royal NZ Navy is celebrating the 70th Anniversary this year and this is part of the party. Meanwhile, enjoy October in your community! Maire. ......................................................................................................................... For more info or to sign up for the Devonport Peninsula eNEWS, please contact dportcomm@xtra.co.nz or call 445 9533
our charming village by the sea
Cosi fan Tutte
– a womans tempting delight
If you are looking for that special gift then we found a place you should explore – it’s interestingly called Cosi fan Tutte, and is located at 2 Calliope Road, Devonport. Upon entering Cosi fan Tutte you will be in sensory bliss! Scented candles wafting in the air mingling with a myriad of scented lotions, sublime music creating the mood to linger and explore. This is the kind of store you loose yourself in with exquisite vignettes you want to hold eternally in your minds eye. There are old french bobbins, laces and ribbons and odd bits of haberdashery. Lisa Hoskins new Bontanica range fits in beautifully with the old trowels, garden pots, birdcages and crates. Authentic french glasses are standard issue. For the kitchen cupboard you will find lemon squeezers, pestle and mortars as well as bazaaar spices. The preserving jars will make the perfect gift once filled with lemon curds or preserves. For your home, Cosi fan Tutte has durance candles and room sprays. For you, there are deluxe scarfs and designer clothing. For inspiration, you will discover books, journals, calendars and a wonderful array of cards also awaits you. For every occasion there is the answer to your quest for the perfect gift – one that you’ll love to give, and would love to keep! Cosi fan Tutte also provides exquisite gift wrapping to suit the gift and the occasion. As they say “It’s all in the detail” and at Cosi fan Tutte every detail has been beautifully executed. Treat yourself to the uniqueness, and french charm with an Italian twist, that is Cosi Fan Tutte. It will lift your spirits and touch your soul – a visual delight, effervescent and flighty! As Emily Bronte would say... “It went through me and through me, like wine through water and changed the colour of my mind”. .......................................................................................................................... Cosi fan Tutte – A comic opera... a womans tempting delight – 2 Calliope Road, Devonport. Phone 446-0750. Open 6 Days, Tuesday to Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday and Sunday 11am-3pm. (Closed Monday).
Open 7 days or shop online: www.nord.co.nz
Spring stock arriving in store. Stocking Kathryn Wilson, Nude, Briarwood, Minx and many more. HEAVENLY SOLES
73 Victoria Road, Devonport Tel: 09 4451446 Also see us at Ponsonby and Matakana Sarah Riley now exclusive to Heavenly Soles
www.lodejewellery.com 35 King Edward Parade, Devonport
T 09 446 6633
E info@lodejewellery.com
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
98 Devonport Chocolate – IQ Test Answers (From Page 93) 1. Praline has two meanings. In Belgium praline is often the name given to filled chocolates. In other parts of Europe a praline is a chocolate with a hazelnut centre. 2. Yes dark chocolate is dairy free. (people who have a life threatening reaction to dairy need to be aware that it isn’t always manufactured on separate lines and may contain traces of dairy) but for most people who suffer from a food intolerance to dairy dark chocolate is just fine. Don’t let the fact that on the ingredients label it says it contains cocoa butter put you off. Cocoa butter is not dairy it is straight from the cocoa pod. Always check the label to make sure it doesn’t have added milk powder. 3. Theobrama Cacao Tree. 4. According to recently revealed research (have a look at http://www.stuff.co.nz/sundaystar-times/5560730/Sweet-news-chocolate-is-healthy) eating white, milk and dark chocolate could help cut the risk of developing heart disease by a third. 5. Absolutely, the cocoa bean was so revered it was used as currency. 6. The short answer is no. Of course if you are in a climate with temperatures above body temperature you don’t have a choice as it will melt. Storing chocolate in the fridge can dull the flavours down, much like great cheese, it can also interrupt the temper of the chocolate and produce bloom. 7. Bloom, this is when the temper in the chocolate has been broken and the cocoa butter separates from the cocoa mass. 8. Tempering chocolate is the process of increasing then decreasing the temperature of chocolate before you make something with it. This process is what gives chocolate a lovely gloss and a great snap when you bite into it. 9. Conching is the process of grinding and rolling the cocoa mass, cocoa butter and other ingredients. The longer you conch it the smoother the texture of the chocolate. The inventor was Rodolphe Lindt. 10. As a chocolate drink – and not with added sugar but as a savoury drink. 11. Cocoa solids is the total percentage of cocoa butter and cocoa mass (the dark stuff) in chocolate. 12. Ganache is chocolate mixed with cream usually in a 50/50 ratio. Adjust the ratios and it can become a great topping for cakes, or a chocolate sauce, yum! 13. Yes, as the cacao plant has seeds it is officially a fruit. 14. Food of the Gods! 15. White chocolate only contains cocoa butter and no cocoa mass, milk chocolate and dark chocolate contain cocoa butter and cocoa mass.
Bold and Bright Colours for Summer
Retail GalleRy Open interior Design 64 Vauxhall Rd Devonport phone 09 4451098 www.designworxnz.co.nz
77 Rd 77Victoria Victoria Rd
DEVONPORT 4453479 3479 445 445 3479
18Mokoia Mokoia Rd 18 Rd 18 Mokoia Rd
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Rugby & the
Trubridge Seed System At Firefly Light & Design in October.
Isn’t it great how many local businesses have got in behind the rugby festival that’s in town by dressing up their premises. Businesses in Devonport have certainly got involved in a big way. Firefly Light & Design – that fabulous home store in Wynyard Street – is one business that has embraced the spirit of the event with a wonderful rugby themed window display. Fittingly, the display features a rugby light specially designed in collaboration with David Trubridge. The display has been created with the rugby light as the ball sailing between the specially built goal posts. A stunning portrait of rugby great Sir Colin Meads is also a focus of the window display. The portrait is by renowned Devonport photographer Alistair Guthrie. Firefly Light & Design have a great range of lighting options by David Trubridge. His distinctive style is hugely popular and makes a statement in virtually any home. During October Firefly Light & Design are highlighting the Trubridge ‘Seed’ system with a “Take One Home” promotion. “We are continually doing all we can to reduce our environmental footprint,” said designer David Trubridge when explaining his new system. “Reducing the volume of our freight has a massive effect and is one of the best things we can do, so we created the Seed System to send our lights as kitset. Many of our lights fall under the Seed System framework” Firefly Light & Design supply the full Trubridge ‘Seed’ system range. “You receive the seed of a lightshade and have fun and satisfaction making it grow yourself,” adds Chris Sharpe of Firefly Light & Design. “It is a fantastic solution from this very innovative designer. The many designs and colour options come in convenient and beautifully presented packs and we will even assemble the lights for you if that is your wish. But it is fun doing it yourself.” Take one home from Firefly Light & Design during October – 22 Wynyard Street, Devonport. Phone 446 0934 or visit www.fireflynz.com
UpCOMING EVENT: Preparing your home for sale
ourThinking charming village by the sea of selling your home?
You are invited to a FREE INFORMATION EVENING at Designworx Studio/ Gallery hosted by leading Auckland Interior Designer Amanda Neill from Designworx and Nigel Guyot of Harcourts - Wednesday October 26th, 7pm.
Amanda and Nigel will provide expert advice on how to enhance your property to achieve maximum value during the sale process. Nigel Guyot knows that potential buyers make their decision to purchase in the first 30 seconds. First impressions are the key to selling your home quickly and for the best possible price. He believes presenting your house in the right way can maximise the value of your property. Nigel works with leading interior designer Amanda, from Designworx, to help you create first impressions that WOW. Some of the basic hots tips to getting it right are: • Declutter, clean and organise all your rooms. • Address any repairs. • Organise your cupboards- don’t leave them untidy and overflowing. But there is a lot more that you can do to your property to create good first impressions than this. Your prospective buyers need to fall in love with your property, and there are ways to help them do this. • Focus on your entrance – make it warm and welcoming • Certain colours will be calming, and others can create anxiety and raise your heartbeat in a short space of time. Use colour to create a mood. • Proportion is important – choose what you will have in the room so that it does not feel overcrowded. • Understand flow between spaces – this needs to feel comfortable. • Furniture placement is important – it can make all the difference. Through Amanda’s free evening presentation learn some of the ways to make the most of your property. When you list your property with Nigel, Amanda will work exclusively with you to present your house for sale.
Amanda Neill.
Customer Feedback
We help clients get the desired result... “Having tried to sell the property and disappointed with the outcome, the vendor withdrew the property from the market and engaged the services of Interior Designer Amanda Neill from Designworx, for advice on how to improve the property. The vendor had followed the advice given and began to work toward completing things. Within the first 2 weeks of marketing we received an offer $120,000 more than any previous offers. It is without doubt that the input of Amanda completely changed this dated property into a warm modern welcoming home, the marketing drew plenty of buyer interest and a premium price was achieved.” – Helene.
FREE INFORMATION EVENING – Bookings essential Phone 445-1098.
Wednesday October 26th – 7pm until 8pm. At Designworx Studio/Gallery, 64 Vauxhall Road, Devonport.
Nigel Guyot.
I would love the opportunity to assist you in achieving your goals and dreams. Call me, NIGEL GUYOT, on 027 4464 368.
FREE CONSULTATION WITH AMANDA If you attend this information evening and take a 90 day exclusive listing of your property with Nigel Guyot of Harcourts, you will receive a FREE two hour consultation with Amanda Neill of Designworx valued at $333. Conditions apply.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
100 Eating out in DEVonport Restaurant of the month: Buona Sera
Always guaranteed a Good Evening at Buona Sera To write this feature restaurant article for Channel Magazine I started by googling Buona Sera Restaurant and just seeing what I could find. The next step was to go to Devonport and refresh my liking for this very special North Shore restaurant. I think the most appropriate comment I found was from Martin on a tourist blog (www.travelblog.org). Martin and friend Charlie had just arrived in New Zealand. They were on their 84 day world tour to Canada, Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Thailand. Martin’s comment was “Just arrived in Auckland from Fiji. Hopped on the ferry to Devonport and we found a really good Italian restaurant called Buona Sera and had a two course meal and wine (Fish Ravioli for myself and Chicken Risotto for Charlie) for $60 (£21)!” It got me thinking that us locals really do take the quality of some of our good local restaurants for granted. Martin and Charlie, presumably from the UK as they are comparing dollars to pounds, really appreciated getting great food and an enjoyable experience at an affordable price. Another little gem I found when I googled was an unsolicited BYO review on Buona Sera done by our very own Channel Magazine contributor Kellie Larson 12 months ago. Kellie’s summary was “All in all, my partner who doesn’t like Italian left raving about the meal, and I will definitely drive to Devonport to eat here again and again. Great value. A focus on quality food. And, a warm setting. I couldn’t ask for more from this local BYO.” I must come clean. I have been to Buona Sera at least four times and I have loved it every time. As our friend Martin and our BYO reviewer Kellie have pointed out this is simply a restaurant that offers great value. Superb Italian food, excellent service, a great atmosphere at a very
affordable price. My favourites dishes at Buona Sera are the Grigliata Calamar (marinated squid rings, grilled, with fresh wild greens) as an entree followed by the Vitello Alla Parmigiana (breaded veal, panfried and topped with ham, eggplant and mozzarella, baked). Served with oven roasted potatoes and house vegetables – yum. The good thing about eating at Buona Sera is that their menu is so extensive that there really is something for everybody. Four types of pizza bread, six starters or antipasti, two salads, a dozen pasta or risotto choices, 13 main options, seven pizza’s, some great desserts and they have an everchanging seasonal specials menu as well. The secret to their great food is apparently the fact that they make everything fresh, every day, and they make it themselves. Like fresh pasta and gnocchi daily. The night we visited my discerning wife certainly loved the Tortellini Al Quattro Formaggi (pasta stuffed with chicken, in a creamy four cheeses sauce), that she had as a main. So Channel readers my message is “don’t take our great range of local restaurants for granted”. Sure, there are a few that could perform better but there are many that are very very good, and Buona Sera in Devonport is one of those. Buona Sera means “Good Evening” in Italian, and that’s what you will enjoy. We have, every time we’ve been there. If you haven’t been there, Buona Sera is easy to find – on Victoria Road (the main street), opposite the Victoria Theatre in Devonport. Parking is very easy, they welcome children (with their very own menu), are fully Licensed – and BYO – and as we discovered they also have a great selection of local wines, as well as wines from Italy and Australia, at very good prices. Una buona alimentazione – enjoy good food!
Buona Sera Ristorante 99 Victoria Road, Devonport. Phone 445 8133. Open 7 days 5.30 – 10pm. ALSO BYO. www.buonasera.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Eating out in DEVonport 101
Bistro style dining & wine bar in cosy surroundings • Tasty tapas selection • Great Bistro style meals at affordable prices • Extensive wine list • Over 30 wines by the glass • A cosy interior with fireplace • Regular winemaker hosted dinners
Dinner; Tuesdays to Saturdays from 5:00PM Lunch; Saturdays & Sundays from 11:00AM 2A Rattray Street, Devonport. Ph: 445 1618 EMAIL: beromi@xtra.co.nz
Dida’s Wine Lounge & Tapas A perfect spot to enjoy your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Your favourite meals served on the waterfront while looking at Devonport’s majestic views of Auckland harbour with the city scenery in the background. A truly beautiful setting right on King Edward Parade. Stop in for a coffee or one of Platter’s favourite dishes. Platter now has a new branch open at 65 Davis Crescent, Newmarket.
open 7 days - Breakfast & Lunch 7.30am – 4pm. dinner Wed to Sun 5pm till late 33 King Edward PD, Devonport. PH: 446 6626. www.plattercafe.co.nz
Nicolino Restaurant & Cube Bar
Nicolino provides a “taste of Greece and the Mediterranean” in every sense of the word: the food, atmosphere, live entertainment and relaxed, but attentive service. It offers an authentic and fun taverna atmosphere, just as you would find in Greece itself. Every Thursday night is Greek night at Nicolino, featuring live Greek music, dancing, traditional Greek and Mediterranean dishes, ouzo and plate breaking. At Nicolino, they are serious about fun! Opa! Nicolino is BYO and also provides takeout pizzas and meals, including free delivery within the local area.
Dida’s Wine Lounge Devonport Located in the front of the old Victoria Theatre, Didas Devonport is an ideal location for a drink and tapas prior to a movie, a late afternoon drink or a night out to catch up with friends. Deliberately designed to encourage conviviality and relaxed imbibing, the food is tapas style, small plates of an everchanging nature created from our fantastic local and imported produce and crafted by the chefs at Dida’s. To accommodate the wondrous spread of textures and flavours, we have a monumental winelist with almost everything available by the glass. We think a glass of wine, a plate or two and a mate or two is a pretty comfortable way to spend your time, wouldn’t you say?
WINE LOUNGE OPEN 11.30am - LATE. 7 DAYS Sun 11.30am - 11.30pm 54 Victoria St, Devonport. PH: 445 1392
Manuka Cafe
Open 7 days 4.00pm till late. 103 Victoria Road, Devonport Ph: 446 6664 www.nicolinorestaurant.co.nz
Devonport’s iconic Manuka Café has undergone fantastic renovations and expanded to take over the next-door shop. Along with the new look and size they will be serving great draught beer - Gold Medal Winning Mata ‘Artesian’ Lager from the Bay of Plenty. Come and enjoy Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at Manuka, and don’t forget you can order their great Pizzas’ to TAKEAWAY.. Call 445 7732, and they’ll be waiting for you. 2 or more Pizzas get FREE Garlic Pizza bread or Fries, perfect if your watching the Rugby at home.
Open 7 days.- breakfast, lunch & dinner. 49 Victoria rd, Devonport. PH: 445 7732 www.manukarestaurant.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
102 Wines & cheeses with Liz Wheadon Our monthly Channel Wines and Cheeses columnist is Liz Wheadon, General Manager of Glengarry Wines. Liz is also a passionate foodie. Weekends are often spent first planning the event and then entertaining friends and family with magnificent food and wine experiences.
producing fine wines for many-a-year created by deposits over many thousands of years of silt and sand. Free draining with underlying gravel. Hopeless for farming and much else, but has found it’s calling as an outstanding grape growing area. It also gets extremely hot, again good for Red wine production, and the stones tend to retain more heat overnight. So look for wine grown in the Gimblett Gravels.I’m very keen to try the top Esk Valley wine again called ‘The Terraces’. A truly iconic NZ wine that really does deserve all of the hype. You will hear winemakers talking a lot about producing a wine in the Bordeaux style (this being a Cabernet Merlot blend). Our relative youth as a wine making nation (New Zealand – winemaking as we know it today started only about 1980, France – about 200 BC) has us to compare our wares with the French Merlot, Cabernet blends. This is good, but our wines have their own distinctive characters, flavours, quirks, delights, joy, that no one else can duplicate. Our winemakers have realised that they need to take advantage of the uniqueness of our climate, soil and technique in producing wine for our local and international market. Let’s revel in our uniqueness! So start by trying this little gem from Esk Valley!
Stolen Kiss Rosé 2011 WAS $23.90
486 1770
www.glengarry.co.nz 0800 733 505
PEREGRINE Pinot Gris 2011 WAS $29.00
By Malcolm Rees-Francis
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Distinctly Marlborough
TAKAPUNA Cnr Hurstmere Rd & Killarney St
Sauvignon Blanc 2011 WAS $25.90
445 2989 NOW
DEVONPORT Cnr Clarence St & Wynyard St
A potential blockbuster
I have been guilty of over-looking some of the fine reds produced here in little old New Zealand. We seem to have had an overwhelming passion lately for everything European and seem to have missed what’s on our back door. I have just finished a very satisfying glass of the 2009 Esk Valley Merlot Cabernet Sauvignon Malbec What have I been missing? What fine reds have I passed over for a little Rioja or St Estephe. I can confess to you that this Esk Valley red is superb. It has been a number of years that I ‘moved’ up to European Reds. How short-sighted and sad have I been! This wine offers everything in the glass. Rich, warm, flavoursome, no greenness, youthful but elegant. Fantastic on the palate, with great length. Inviting, charming... oh and great value. Now Esk Valley has been producing fine wines for many-a-year, under the guidance of Gordon Russell. Gordon was for a number of years under the tutelage of Grant Edmonds (or the Guru as we like to call him). They have established an exemplary reputation internationally for their wines over the last 20 years. They have more medals than the Waiouru War Museum. The wine has been tasted and blended from the Gimblett Gravels area of Hawkes Bay. This special parcel of land was
Wines & cheeses with Liz Wheadon 103
The perfect
Cheeseboard Fresh Cheeses: These are young cheeses that are essentially the curd, once it’s been separated from the whey. Cheeses like feta (a preserved fresh cheese) and buffalo mozzarella (a stretched curd fresh cheese) can both feature on a cheese board and should be in the 12’clock position, but are not a must have in this occasion as this group of cheeses tend to have better uses. Natural rind: This is a great section of cheeses, these are fresh young cheeses that have developed a natural rind, and my favourite is Chabichou - a goat’s cheese from the Loire Valley region in France. It has a wonderful texture when fully ripened and makes a great start to the cheese board. We also have a delicious range of Chevre in stock that would also be a good start. White rind: Think Camembert or Brie. Both are white rind cheeses,
when ripe, lovely and creamy in the centre. Either makes an ideal second cheese on your cheese board. A favourite at the moment is the Camembert du Bocage - the unpasteurized version is just superb. Washed rind: These are my favorite section of cheese, but I would leave them off your cheese board unless you have a true group of cheese lovers for dinner; the washing of the rind as they age, does produce cheeses that are pungent and strong smelling – some are often quite mild inside. Hard Cheeses: A must on any cheese board is a good quality hard cheese, one often overlooked is Grana Padano – a hard Italian Parmesan. Blue cheeses: These come in many guises, from strong to mild, hard to soft and everything in between. On a cheese board I like to use Gorgonzola Dulce, it has a distinctive blue character with a creamy sweet finish that will see it a favourite with the most adamant non blue cheese eater. So there you have it – how to put a cheese board together – don’t forget the accompaniments – I’d pop those in the centre of the plate – muscatels, quince paste and perhaps a little chutney. The team at Didas can assist you with selecting the perfect cheese for your next dinner party, you can also pre order a cheese board to be prepared. 454
(09) 445 1392
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
So how do you set about preparing the perfect cheese board? Ideally a cheese board should have three – four different cheeses on it. In saying that, there’s also nothing wrong with one very nicely aged piece of cheese on a beautiful plate with the right accompaniments. But given this article is about a cheeseboard, not a piece of cheese, let’s stick with three – four different cheeses. I find any more than this is too much choice for your guest. The different types of cheeses should get a look in on your cheese board, positioned in order, from fresh to blue – moving clock wise around your plate from 12 o’clock.
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CHANNEL PETS with DogHQ 105 This loveable Channel Magazine feature is presented by Louise O’Sullivan of DogHQ, the North Shore’s premium Dog Day Care facility. DogHQ provides the ultimate in social, physical and mental stimulation for dogs of all types in a safe and caring environment. DogHQ’s full range of services include obedience training, agility fun days, grooming and all natural nutrition. See all the fun for yourself at www.doghq.co.nz and www.facebook.com/doghq. Louise O’Sullivan (left) with her own dog Indie and members of her DogHQ team.
Indie’s Itchy Scratchy? Insights
Did you know that some humans have spent a lot of time and effort measuring the IQ of different breeds of dog? I rate myself as being pretty smart, but according to a Dr Stanley Coren we Ridgebacks are ranked 52 out of 80. And, no, the poodle is not the smartest dog according to Dr Coren, the Border Collie is. The top 10 according to him are Border Collie, Poodle, German Shepherd, Golden Retriever, Doberman Pinscher, Shetland Sheepdog, Labrador, Papillon, Rotweiler, Australian Cattle Dog. And number 80, the Afghan Hound. The tests are based on understanding new commands and frequency of obeying first command. The smartest kids understand new commands in less than 5 repetitions and obey on first command 95% of the time or better. My best friend Tenzing is a Border Collie and he’s pretty clever alright, but I’m not convinced that doing what you are told on first command is a fair measure of intelligence do you? Maybe the Afghan Hound is the smartest after all.
Match the Dog to the Owner Answers These are the answers to last month’s Match the Dog to the Owner quizz: Karma 1 owns Mary F; Lucca 2 owns Lissa D; Louie 3 owns Leanne A; Lola 4 owns Stephanie E; Rocco 5 owns Jonathan C; Barney 6 owns Jeanette B.
Constant ear infections, itchy feet, dry skin or a soft stool could be evidence your cat or dog is suffering from a food intolerance or allergy, which in turn will be affecting their overall health. So what’s the cause of these health issues? Many dry pet foods are made using meat by-products and high levels of “fillers” (for example wheat and corn glutens) as inexpensive forms of protein. Not only are these ingredients more difficult to digest and less nutritional for your pet, they are also often the source of all that itching and scratching. It’s time to say NO to: Animal by-products, Grain by-products, Wheat, Corn, Glutens, Soy, Artificial preservatives, Artificial flavourings, Artificial colourings. Now you can choose something better for your pet with the Go! and Now! range of dry Dog and Cat foods. Made with wholesome “human grade” meats, fruits and vegetables, these foods provide better nutrition to keep your pet healthier and happier! New Zealand pet owners are already seeing the benefit in this wonderful new product for themselves... “I just wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the Go! Salmon and Oatmeal food that you recommended for Neo, one of our search and rescue dogs. Neo had terrible stinky skin, continuous foot/grass allergies and has developed continuous ear infections. He also needs to put on weight. After only three days his coat no longer looked or felt greasy. My husband even said he thought Neo had about 50% more energy. After using the food for a week, Neo’s feet are no longer red and irritated. Normally he would have been back on his homeopathic remedy for his feet allergy but he hasn’t needed it and there is no sign of needing to use it in the near future.” – Tania Evans (Auckland). Once you see the results of using Go! Natural or Now! Fresh, you’ll never want to feed your pet anything else. AVAILABLE NOW FROM DOGHQ – YES, THE CAT FOOD TOO!
Tall Tails
What is your dog’s tail telling you? So a wagging tail means your dog is happy?
It is not just the movement of the tail that is important in understanding what the dog is communicating. If the dog is relaxed and the tail is wagging loosely then yes this is a happy, friendly sign. However, if the perceived wag is with a stiff tail held high then the dog may well be telling you to go away. A very low wag, usually accompanied by a low body position is a sign of submission a “let’s be friends” message. And a tail that is tucked right under the body between the legs signals fear. Keep in mind that a fearful dog is one that may react to defend itself so this is a good indicator to watch for. With so much being said with the tail, you can see that a dog without a tail is very much at a communication disadvantage!
Morris & Butter
I was three when I got them from the SPCA and now they are five. Morris is the big one but he is scared of everything. Butter is the small one but she is braver than Morris. Morris is always smacking our dog with his paws and Butter always follows me to school both of which are really irritating. Butter is cute because she loves to sleep with me. Morris is cute because of his laziness. I love my cats because of how they play, sleep and do stuff. – by Logan.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
106 spotlight on the takapuna markets
A Lemony Lift from the takapuna Markets
Do you visit the Takapuna Markets? Tweet @channelmag with your great finds and photos, so that we can share them with everyone else.
Looking for something to freshen your palate and get you ready for warmer weather? Head on down to the Takapuna markets on Sunday for an array of lemon featured products to put a bit of zest back into your life.
Freshly Squeezed Juice from 100% Fun Juice
Add a lemon tonic shot to your orange, apple or carrot juice for a refreshing beverage as you walk around the markets.
Tea Tree, Lemon and Bergamot Soap from Creative Soaps The lemon rejuvenates your mind and the tea tree works to give your skin a natural clean. This soap is nice not only to use – but can also work wonders for people with acne or oily skin.
Lemon infused Virgin Olive Oil from Devon Olives Use in salad dressings and pasta salads to give it a bit of a zing.
Takapuna Market Spotlight Lemon Honey
Stand: Nuttz. Products: Spiced and candied almonds, cashews and macadamia nuts. Location: Far back corner. Best Selling Product: Cinnamon Cashews and Vienna Almonds.
You’ve got to love a stand that gives away samples! And, for those of you who read this feature regularly, you will know that we love to highlight this gourmet stand. From Moroccan tagine cashews to dark chocolate covered macadamia nuts – each flavour is more moreish than the next. So whether you want to treat yourself or buy gifts for friends and family, if you haven’t tried Nuttz then you might just be nuts yourself! Plus, these treats are cholesterol free, gluten free and contain no trans fats. A great snack, a great treat to have while you walk around the markets and a must to visit every Sunday morning! Can’t make it to the markets for awhile? Check out www.nuttz.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Homemade lemon honey is perfect to spread on your morning toast.
Lemon Mustard From the Jolly Chef.
Lemon Meringue Tart A decadent wee morsel that may not make it back home!
the smile doctor: Dr Gilbert Stehbens
Amalgam Fillings – Yes or No Amalgam is the silver or black looking filling you may have in your mouth. It’s made by mixing a powder of mainly copper, silver and tin with liquid mercury. Mercury makes up approximately half the weight of an amalgam filling. Is the mercury a health risk? Most of the loss of mercury happens during the placement or removal of the filling. The research indicates that while some mercury is released it is such a miniscule amount that it isn’t a hazard. Some people can have hyper sensitivity to the metals in amalgam fillings. One report suggests it would take around 10,000 years to release all the mercury in a filling. Numerous surveys have been conducted (and still are being conducted) and based on quality evidencebased results it has been shown there is no health risk.
so many strong and good looking options, many people prefer to have the more natural looking alternatives. I’ll cover more about other options in upcoming issues. Dr Gilbert Stehbens (The Smile Doctor) has a passion for general and cosmetic dentistry. For any enquiries or a consultation he can be contacted on 09 488 9050, at Killarney Dental 62A Killarney Street, Takapuna. Gil is happy to answer your questions, please email these to info@killarneydental.co.nz.
Why is amalgam used? Largely because of its reliable performance over the last 150 years. It is used mainly on back teeth particularly where there are moderate to heavy chewing
With so many strong and good looking options, many people prefer to have the more natural looking alternatives. pressures. It is relatively cheaper than its alternatives and usually takes less time to place. As a material it tends to be user friendly so has fairly predictable results. What are its disadvantages? Mainly its colour, even one amalgam filling can sometimes spoil the appearance of an otherwise great looking smile. I remember one little girl looking at all the black amalgam fillings in her mothers mouth during a check up and saying “ Mummy, you’ve got squashed flies on your teeth!” Personally I haven’t used any amalgam for around a decade. I find amalgam fillings are packed in to teeth with a large amount of pressure (you might recall the squeaking sound) which teeth can handle initially but over time especially with heavy bites, the teeth can crack around them. I’ve seen many situations where the metal filling was still fine but it had cracked so much tooth around it that the people needed expensive treatment to save their teeth. With
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
108 CHANNEL PROFILE: 10 Year-Old Milford Golfer Jack Green
On the Right Course What golf is teaching Jack Green about life There aren’t many youngsters who can swing a golf club quite like Jack Green. The ten year old from Milford describes his first hole-in-one at the age of six as “very cool”, a slight understatement when your efforts challenge those of Tiger Woods at the same age. While golf would seem to be a fairly solitary sport, Jack’s approach has given the game a healthy blend of camaraderie, competition and community. Jack swung his first golf club at the tender age of two. He was introduced to the game by his beloved Poppa, who still wins out on the green - but only just. Jack’s talent and love for the sport takes him to tournaments in Australia and America and back home again to play on his favourite green, the North Shore Golf
The ten year old from Milford describes his first hole-in-one at the age of six as “very cool”, a slight understatement when your efforts challenge those of Tiger Woods at the same age. Club. In the 2011 U.S. Kids World Championship, held during August in Pinehurst, North Carolina, Jack competed against the best junior golfers from around the world. When Jack came 52nd out of 149 boys, his sister Jessica was there cheering him on. After several years of standing on the boundary watching her big brother have all the fun, Jessica now swings her own club. At eight years old she joins Jack in competing in international tournaments, and he’s quite happy for her to share in the limelight. In the U.S. Kids World Championship Jessica came 11th out of 56 girls. “It’s nice to have a younger sibling that’s into the same sport as you,” says Jack. “Now it’s her turn, and I’m quite proud of her.” With Mum Pamela Saville involved in all aspects of her children’s golf, the
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
game is truly an exercise in family fun. “She’s very special,” says Jack. “She does a lot for me. I don’t think I’d have got even close to where I am without her.” Golf also gets some due credit from Pamela, who says it’s more than just a sport as it teaches children attributes they can use throughout their life. “Golf teaches kids discipline, respect and control which a lot of us, even as adults, can’t demonstrate. Being able to handle achievement, being able to handle disappointment – it rubs off on to other life experiences not related to sport.” Jack’s love of golf has also paved the way for other youngsters keen to take a putt. He’s a role model for the younger generation of golfers, more than happy to share his knowledge and give coaching advice. “I like to help other people. They ask me for coaching and I give them tips.” This year saw Jack nominated for the international Peggy Kirk Bell Award, an accolade that recognises a young golfer making a difference in his or her community, off and on the green. In Jack’s case his nomination was for changing the perception that children and golf don’t mix, and providing opportunities for young golfers to improve their game. Together with his mother, Jack developed The Fairway Flyers NZ Junior Golf Tour to enable children aged 4-13 years to compete locally in a professionally organised event. For those youngsters keen to follow Jack down the fairway, the world of competitive golf is about to arrive on our doorstep. The U.S. Kids Golf Foundation, a non-profit organisation, holds over 500 events for junior golfers each year, both locally and internationally. New Zealand is now included as a destination, giving our young golfers the opportunity to compete in a fun environment without having the expense of travelling overseas. Jack already knows what he’ll be doing in five years’ time – aiming for the Olympics, where golf makes its comeback after a hiatus of 100 years. And if the golfing drive runs its natural course, Jack has a backup plan. “I’d like to be a doctor… I just like helping people,” he says.
If you have a child interested in competing in golf tournaments, please contact Pamela Saville on 0274 718 221.
auckland council with George Wood 109 GEORGE WOOD is a North Shore ward councillor on the new Auckland Council. The former three-term mayor of North Shore City lives in Forrest Hill with wife Myra.
Mayor, Councillors and Local Boards under the spotlight Mayor Len Brown, the 20 councillors who make up the Governing Body along with the 21 Local Boards will be under the proverbial microscope over the next six months. It is a massive job to get out the long-term council-community plan showing what we will be aiming to achieve over the next 10 years and also the Auckland Plan, the spatial plan that shows how the Auckland region will develop over the next 30 years. Everything has been put into a tight sequence of events and there will be two rounds of full-on consultation with the communities of the region. Please do submit and let us know your views. Full details are on the Auckland Council website: www.AucklandCouncil.govt.nz Revaluation of North Shore properties All 500,000 Auckland properties are in the final stages of revaluation. This is happening to get all of us on the same three-year cycle of revaluation and to enable Auckland Council to set rates using capital valuation. They will be posted out to arrive during the week of 24 October. These values will be used to calculate rates for three years from the 2012/13 year. The indication at this stage is that market trends show that residential property values are still, on average, below the peak of the market between late 2007 and early 2008. Indications are that value movements are likely to be in the +/- 10 per cent range for most residential properties. Consultation on the Auckland Unleashed Plan The Auckland Plan or Auckland Unleashed was released for consultation on 20 September and the submission period closes on 25 October.2011. I urge all North Shore residents to read the plan and make a submission through the many avenues for communication. This document will set in place a number of important factors that must be decided upon. These include transport projects like the additional Waitemata Harbour crossing and how and where a further one million people will be assimilated into the Auckland region over the next 30 to 40 years.
Preparation of the long-term council-community plan This document is being brought together with the main deadline being the setting of the rates required by 1st July 2012. It is a massive task combining the plans of the former Auckland regions eight councils. This document, under the new Auckland legislation, is initially prepared by Mayor Len Brown and presented to councillors on Monday 10 October. After a number of workshop meetings, to review the figures and programmes proposed, a draft is prepared at the end of November. Rugby World Cup 2011 Well the Auckland Council has been under the pump over the opening night debacle down at the Fan Zone on Queens Wharf and in the Downtown area. Apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced by the closing down of services like the Devonport ferry. We need to ensure that things only improve from here on. Notwithstanding the problems with the trains I thought that the buses have performed extremely well, especially here on the North Shore. Moving 11,000 patrons away from the North Harbour stadium on buses after the France v Japan game was a great achievement. Our three North Shore bus companies North Star, Ritchies and Birkenhead Transport, certainly do a great job. Place Shaping and Local Planning I have been very impressed with the way that the Devonport-Takapuna Local Board under chairman Chris Darby is getting down to business. Coming together as a new team in November last year they have achieved so much in the last ten months. The former North Shore City council prepared a comprehensive document known as the Takapuna Strategic Framework. It brought together a whole host of planning work that has been going on for a number of years. It is now a matter of ensuring that the plans are implemented. Councillor Ann Hartley and I will be working closely with Chris Darby and his local board to get improvements in place. Milford, Sunnynook and Devonport have also been getting attention from the local board and Auckland Council. Devonport has seen a long awaited makeover of the ferry terminal to get a good start for the Rugby World Cup. The futures of the two wharves at Devonport need to be worked through with the community.
Communication careers start here Love writing, public speaking and the media? Not sure how to turn your passion into a career? The Certificate in Communication and Media Arts can get you started. In just one semester you can try your hand at a variety of courses in communication, and performing and screen arts. It’s a great taster if you want to go on to higher-level study but aren’t sure exactly what area to focus on. Starts February at the Northern campus in Albany or the Mt Albert campus.
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
110 netball NEWS
Free. Local. Monthly. Proud. Busy.
Always published on the first Friday of every month 11 months of the year (excluding January)
Friday November 4th Advertising Booking Deadline is Monday October 10th. For more details contact:Aidan Bennett, aidan@benefitz.co.nz, 021-500-997 Ulla Bennett, ulla@benefitz.co.nz, 021-411-667
4 November
5 November 2011
Takapuna & Scousers Football Clubs present
Our annual fundraising evening in support of North Shore Hospice, Starship Hospital and other local charities TO Be Held aT: TakapuNa SOCCer CluBrOOmS, TaHarOTO rd, TakapuNa Why not make it a company event and socialise with customers or staff! Book a table for 12, only pay for 10 – table kept for you until 7pm!
IF you ARe keen To
Tend or hear more about this great Fundraise r while enjoying Bea tles music forward your details to b.giblin@xtra.co.nz or drop a line to 8a Wa itemata Road Takapuna Aucland City 0622 Phone 027 284 1674
• Cavern Doors Open 6pm • Happy Hour till 7.30pm • Show starts @ 7.45pm • Lucky Door Prize Draws
MUSIC BY “ABBEY ROAD” New Zealand’s finest Beatles Tribute Band Tickets available from Takapuna clubrooms or from Brian Giblin at b.giblin@xtra.co.nz or phone 489-4683 or mobile 027 284 1674 or Mark Green at mtgreenfamily@ihug.co.nz or mobile 021 577 580 or post a cheque made out to Scousers Football Club to Brian Giblin at 8a Waitemata Road, Takapuna, Auckland City 0622
Please support these worthy causes while having a great time! Artwork by
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
By Adele Lendich, CEO of Netball North Harbour. adele@netballnorthharbour.co.nz
Our Brand New Arena …and the End of Season Approaches Having spent the past nine months in construction mode with the new Onewa Arena, we recently held our official opening, which was a fantastic evening. It was also a celebration and tribute to those who have supported this project. The Hon Murray McCully officially opened the Arena in front of 200 invited guests. The Arena was then christened with two excellent games of netball, which was followed by a National Championship game (featuring our regional team Netball North NC1) two days later. The feedback has been great, with people calling it a terrific venue, with really good vibes and an excellent playing surface for both players and umpires. This feedback is exactly what we had hoped for. Lets hope the vibes are good because the Silver Ferns will be having their pre test match trainings in the arena in preparation for the October 3 match against Australia. With the score even (one test match each) we hope the Ferns will take out the remainder of the test series. A pity the final of this series has been scheduled on the same night as the Rugby World Cup final…in Perth. Thank goodness for ‘my sky’. The winter season is drawing to a close, which means we are at the business end of our competitions. Games become more important and there is far more focus. This also means that as things hot up so do tempers, sideline behaviour rears its ugly head again and decisions from coaches and umpires become more crucial. For many it may mean promotion or relegation, so there is plenty to play for. And so as summer is approaching don’t think that Netball is finished - grab your track shoes, some friends, and head down to our new Arena for some twilight or businesshouse netball where you can have a drink at the bar and enjoy a great evening with a bit of fitness thrown in. For further information contact:Adele Lendich, CEO, Netball North Harbour, Email: adele@netballnorthharbour.co.nz
5 Favourites on the shore
with Shane Cortese
on the Shore
David Schnauer David Schnauer, Director at Schnauer and Co Limited first moved to the North Shore in the 1970s from across the Bridge. His five favourite things on the Shore are: 1. People, people, people. I don’t think you could find people who are more friendly and welcoming anywhere else - whether it be personal friends or business friends. My wife, Tricia, and I just love meeting and mixing with people and enjoying the hospitality and friendship that provides. 2. I love living and working on the Shore. My office is a stone’s throw from my house and after 25 years of living and working nearby, I thank my lucky stars I don’t have to do battle with the Bridge traffic every morning. How many places in the world can you live and work five minutes apart? 3. There is a fabulous group of North Shore business people who are increasingly interacting as a North Shore business community. We are so lucky that North Shore is a prosperous and successful part of the New Zealand economy. The fact that so many overseas immigrants settle here evidences that. These are hardworking people who contribute and will continue to help the Shore to grow. 4. We have a wonderful choice of sporting facilities on the Shore, particularly golf clubs. Saturday mornings I enjoy playing at North Shore and taking Tricia out for lunch afterwards (an unspoken tradeoff for the early tee time). There are many great cafes to choose from and we usually end the afternoon with a walk along one of the many beautiful beaches. 5. I am fortunate to live close to Lake Pupuke. There is a Tui living in Sylvan Park that mimics a telephone ringing. Tricia calls it the “telephone bird” and it provides us with our own personal wake up call, without an alarm… How special is that! It’s amazing to have such a beautiful lake hidden away in the centre of the North Shore. Certainly coming home after a stressful day at the office to watch swans calmly swimming across the lake is great therapy!
Like ‘Nobody Else’
We all have a song that we remember striking a chord. In fact I have a few but I would like to talk about one in particular. I spent my last school year and first working years in Palmerston North. I loved my time in Palmy. I lived in a hotel, literally. My mum and Step dad ran the Majestic Hotel on Fitzherbert Avenue. I had my own suite on the 3rd floor and that’s where I learnt to party with my mates. My punishment for partying with my mates was climbing into the huge Beer tanks once a week to clean them out. Claustrophobic doesn’t do it justice and I have no doubt my cleaning would not have passed many OSH standards. Anyway I digress. I had a very close “Posse” of friends back them; Shane, Steff, Chris, Rick and Howard would all gather at my place and listen to good music from the Flying Nun stable et. al. One song that I loved when it came out was ‘Nobody Else” by an amazing singer ‘Rikki Morris” and Tex Pistol. We would belt out the chorus getting nowhere near the high notes that Ricky could manage. It meant comradeship and good times to me and my five mates, and it got a lot of play in my suite. Fast-forward 25 years and I’m doing Outrageous Fortune. One of the many strengths of that show was the programming of great New Zealand Music. We don’t get to see the edits of the show we are filming until it appears on television. I watched one day while Aaron Spiller serenaded Pascal below her window with a ghetto Blaster (Straight from the 80’s) with none other than Rikki Morris and Tex Pistols ‘Nobody Else” at full volume across West Auckland. I have had the absolute pleasure of telling Rikki face to face about the effect his song had on me. Rikki is one of the countries most in demand producers and sound technicians. He has been doing sound for my band, Class of 58, for a while now and his attention to detail ensures that every instrument is heard equally, the room rocks without being overpowering, and as a singer himself he knows how to make sure that I am comfortable and happy. He’s a champion from Devonport and one of the best singers I know, so you can imagine what its like to be singing on stage with him standing in the middle of the room with his head cocked to one side listening for imperfections! But Rikki isn’t like that he is one of the nicest blokes you will meet. So there you have it, Christmas is coming up in a hurry and if you need sound or technical advice for the office or home party get in touch with Rikki and have one of the finest look after things for you. rikki @xtra.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
112 The pumphouse theatre: What’s On
‘Beat Out The Boogie’
Jan Preston, Sydney based, ex-pat New Zealand pianist returns to The PumpHouse in October as part of her ‘Beat Out The Boogie’ tour. Jan’s rich resonant voice, captures audiences with her mastery of boogie woogie and honkytonk piano genre. From a background in classical music with a long held interest in composition and song writing, Jan Preston always knew her sound was somewhere in the boogie/ stride/jazz piano style. For seven consecutive years she traveled to Europe to play and learn in the music circles of ‘Boogieland’ in Germany, eventually gaining spots in festivals and concerts, playing side by side with some of the greatest contemporary rhythm and blues piano players in the world. The legendary Winifred Atwell, one of the twentieth century’s greatest female boogie woogie and ragtime pianists has had an enormous influence on Preston. Atwell, a music prodigy born in Trinidad early last century, was a trail-blazer for women in jazz. For a time during the 1950s, Atwell was the world’s biggest selling jazz pianist, became the first black person to have a number one hit in the UK and is still the only female instrumentalist to have done so. Popular worldwide, Atwell also had a huge fan base in Australia and spent the last years of her life living in Sydney, enjoying a retirement where she played the organ at her local church in Narrabeen.
‘Go Girls’ on location Over the past couple of months the team from South Pacific Pictures has been filming on location at The PumpHouse so keep an eye out for The PumpHouse and its lakeside surrounds in the next series of Go Girls. The resident birds have even had roles as extras although the geese were disappointed to find out that their roles were non-squawking parts. Planning for next year The PumpHouse calendar of events for 2012 is already filling up with an exciting variety of different shows ranging from professional theatre, Tim Bray Productions theatre for children, Shakespeare in the Amphitheatre and live classical music as well as various script development evenings where the public are welcome to attend play readings. Anyone wishing to hear about future PumpHouse events via email need only call The PumpHouse during office hours or email gill@ pumphouse.co.nz to be added to our list.
What’s on at The PumpHouse
Preston has honoured Atwell’s legacy by recording a CD entirely devoted to the music of the legend and her upcoming show at The PumpHouse will feature some of Atwell’s best known repertoire such as ‘Black and White Rag’ and ‘Bumble Boogie’. Jan Preston has won four Best Australian Female Blues Artist Awards and performed sell-out shows from the tip of Australia to the very South of New Zealand in main centres and tiny regional towns. She is a regular drawcard on the Jazz and Blues Festival circuit throughout Australia, NZ and Europe and is also an in-demand composer for television and film including the score for her sister Gaylene’s film ‘Home By Christmas’. Jan Preston is appearing at The PumpHouse for one performance only. Her 2010 show sold out hence The PumpHouse recommends early booking to get the best seats to appreciate Preston’s energetic honky tonk keyboard action. You’ll be dancing in your seats.
Hairy Maclary on stage in the holidays At the time of writing, bookings are coming in thick and fast for the school holidays season of Lynley Dodd’s Hairy Maclary. Earlybird special price tickets sold out very quickly and morning sessions are expected to do so also. Last year’s October season of Badjelly the Witch sold out well before the season started and it is expected that there will be the same level of demand for Hairy Maclary seats. Don’t miss out on this uniquely Kiwi show, be quick to book.
JAN PRESTON At the PumpHouse
by Lynley Dodd
adapted by Tim Bray, music by Christine White
Term time 26 Sept – 7 October School holidays 8 – 22 October THIS SHOW WILL SELL OUT! BOOK NOW! Bookings phone 489-8360 or www.pumphouse.co.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
September 26 – October 22nd Tim Bray Productions Presents Hairy Maclary by Lynley Dodd Adapted by Tim Bray Sept 26-Oct 7 (education season - for schools and early ed. centre groups) Oct 10-22 (school holidays) Daily – 10.30am & 1pm except Sundays Running time 1 hour All tickets $21 – no age concessions Family rate (4+ seats) $18.75pp All children who are walking must have an allocated seat and ticket. Babes in arms are free.
Bookings: Ph 489 8360 or www.pumphouse.co.nz The PumpHouse Theatre (off Manurere Ave) Killarney Park, Takapuna. info@pumphouse.co.nz
Imperial Russian Ballet Company presents “A Festival of Russian Ballet” Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th October 2011 @ 8pm - Tickets: $55 - $99
A Festival of Russian Ballet features a diverse and stunning programme in three awe-inspiring acts. Act One – Don Quixote. Don Quixote was first performed in Moscow’s Bolshoi Theatre in 1869. Since then it has been performed all over the world by Russian and International companies. Former Bolshoi soloist and head of the Imperial Russian Ballet Company, Gediminas Taranda, has taken the four acts of the original ballet with its gradual evolution and transformed it into one impetuous act. Act Two – Bolero. Bolero is a striking and dramatic ballet. Ravel was inspired to create this masterpiece after visiting a large industrial factory. There he noticed the slow regular movement of the assembly lines and the crash of machine and materials. Bolero is regarded as one of the world’s music masterpieces. Act Three – Highlights from the world’s great ballets including Giselle, Carmen, The Dying Swan and Le Corsaire. Also in Act Three, Gopak and Ne Me Quittes Pas, Can Can Surprise. The Imperial Russian Ballet Company have performed this three-hour ballet extravaganza all around the world, thrilling audiences and impressing critics. Richard Mays writing in The Evening Standard wrote: Ballet virtuosity stuns audience. AN ASTOUNDING and exhilarating three-hour programme brought most ballet fans to their feet last night. Perhaps the few who remained seated were simply stunned by excess, as this touring ballet treasure trove heaped pleasure upon delight, capping virtuosity with even more outstanding steps, leaps and turns.
Exhibition - Andrew Scott - Nature’s Untouched Beauty - 27th September 31st October Before he became involved with managing theatres, our CEO Andrew Scott had a very successful career as a professional photographer – winning many awards for portraits, weddings and landscapes. The images in this landscape exhibition feature some of the splendid regions of New Zealand that Andrew has visited over the last 2 years. Hansel and Gretel Monday 17th October - Saturday 22nd October 10am & 12pm daily Join our new Story Teller these school holidays as he tells his very first Fairytale, Hansel & Gretel. Phineas Phrog Productions return to the Bruce Mason Centre with yet another fun filled family outing - bring your loudest voices, clappiest hands and your giggliest giggles to this zany re-telling of an all time favourite - Hansel and Gretel! Tickets: $14 + booking fee (adults at kids prices). If you want to make this an extra special day out don’t forget the Gingerbread Feast Tea Parties. Poppyseed Presents The Gingerbread Feast at 11am every day! Includes: Ticket to the show, scrumptious morning tea, fun ‘n’ games in our fully themed playroom with Hansel & Gretel’s friends, plus a goodie bag to take home. Parents, you don’t need to purchase the morning tea, just a ticket to the show, but may join your kids in the playroom. Don’t forget we will have face painters, a bouncy castle, candy floss, balloon twisting, plus our Tip Top ice cream bar will be open and our famous sausage sizzle too! With so much to see and do there’s plenty of fun to be had at The Bruce Mason
Tickets available from Ticketmaster, or in person from the BMC Box Office. (09) 970 9700 www.ticketmaster.co.nz Ticketing fees may apply
Centre these school holidays! Booking essential as these always sell out well in advance! www.ticketmaster.co.nz or Ph: 970 9700 Price: Just $25 plus booking fee.
TANZ Art Exhibition - 01st - 30th November 2011 An eclectic collection of mixed media work. A silent auction will be run to raise funds for youth with diabetes.
Imperial Russian Ballet Company presents “A Festival of Russian Ballet” Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th October 2011 @ 8pm See Feature
Art Exhibition: Sarah C - Artworks for Summer Canon Gallery Foyer 01st 30th November Be sure to call by... there might just be a piece of artwork for your home or bach.
JOHN ROWLES – Now is the Hour, Final Tour! Friday 28th October @ 7.30pm DUE TO HIGH DEMAND John Rowles will do one last concert Friday 28TH October. For 45 years New Zealand has watched the ‘Kawerau Kid’ John Rowles scale the high’s and lows of the global music industry. Now in his 65th year Rowles has decided to go out on top in true show biz fashion with one final tour of New Zealand theatres in his farewell tour, entitled ‘Now is the Hour’. The farewell tour is intended to take in over 20 New Zealand cities and towns over the remainder of 2011. When the curtain falls on his illustrious performing career, Rowles wants to spend more time with his two boys Dane and Blake who are growing up fast and complete writing his Autobiography ‘If I only had time’ which will released in New Zealand through New Holland Publishing in 2012. “These stories have been with me for a long time and I’m looking forward to telling them in my own words”. “It’s a hell of a way to make a living, but looking back I wouldn’t change a thing.” Ticket Prices: A Reserve $65 / B Reserve $55
Pam Ayres - Wednesday 02nd November 2011 A fun filled evening with Pam Ayres! Pam Ayres returns to New Zealand with her latest show to coincide with the publication of her autobiography, The Necessary Aptitude. Her show will include a selection of new poems & stories, as well as some audience favourites. Tickets: $59 - $69
Morning Melodies - Lynn Walters Monday 31st October 2011 Tickets: $4
The Laughing Samoans Satuday 05th November 2011 @ 8pm The Greatest Hits is the funniest skits from their seven hit shows. All your favourite Laughing Samoans characters such as Aunty Tala, Uncle Sam, Jonathan and Bryan will be featured, as well as a Vegas style Elvis impersonation from Suavai himself. Greatest Hits has been playing to packed houses throughout New Zealand, the Pacific and Australia. Don’t miss the chance to see one of New Zealand’s most successful live comedy acts. Tickets: $15 - $35 How Great Thou Art Tribute to Sir Howard Morrison Concert Tour - Sunday 06th November @7pm The Howard Morrison Jnr Trio & Showband take you for a trip down Memory Lane in remembrance of our famous Kiwi icon - Sir
Howard Morrison Tickets $40 Lisa Lashes - Fairytale Fantasies Saturday 12th November @ 9pm LISA LASHES will play New Zealand one night only. Featuring 26 Auckland djs in support of this amazing lady over 3 areas of madness, music and fun. The stage set, dancers and performers will make this night the most incredible experience you will have the pleasure to witness in 2011. Tickets: $35 World Vision Kids for Kids – Christmas Show 14th - 17th November 2011 @ 7.30pm World Vision’s Kids for Kids concert series is an iconic event that has been held around New Zealand every year for the last 17 years, and involves thousands of Kiwi kids. Tickets: $10 - $20 Vortex Tribe & Special Guests Monday 21st November @ 8pm VORTEX TRIBE’s hard-charging fusion of world groove, acid jazz, funk, and rock, moves you. This band is global, elemental, and essential. It is music that moves you. Don’t miss this event get your tickets today. Tickets: $70 Morning Melodies - The Royal NZ Airforce Base Auckland Band Monday 28th November 2011 Bruce Mason Centre presents Morning Melodies - The Royal NZ Airforce base Auckland Band. Performances: 11am Tickets: $4
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
114 MAIRANGI ARTS CENTRE: News Mairangi Arts Centre is at the heart of the cultural hub on Auckland’s North Shore. Our community art education facility is one of the largest in New Zealand. We host an ongoing programme of exhibitions in our custom designed gallery spaces. Our education programme has something for everyone. Classes, including painting, drawing and sculpture are available for adults, teenagers and children and are tutored by professional, practising artists. Our Inhouse gallery store stocks handmade art pieces made by local artists and you can book a birthday party with us for those budding young artists.
OCTOBER EXHIBITIONS & Art Classes Exhibitions
Art classes
Term Four
September 29th until October 15th. (Open 11am-3pm Sundays in addition to centre’s normal hours). We are privileged to be hosting this annual exhibition of ceramics by potters from throughout the Auckland region. Work by most of Auckland’s well-known potters will feature alongside creations by up and coming ceramicists, including current Diploma of Ceramic Art (Otago Polytechnic Distance) graduates. Works are reasonably priced and would make an ideal, special gift. This year marks Auckland Studio Potters’ 50th Anniversary. To recognise this, there will be a rare opportunity to view a selection of pots from a retrospective collection normally held by the Auckland Museum. These thirty pots give a historical perspective and acknowledge and celebrate the contribution of Auckland’s potters over the past 50 years.
There is still time to join an art class for term four. To view the centre’s wide range of options view our website or telephone for more detail.
School Holiday Programme October 10th-21st. The centre offers an extensive selection of classes for young people with a choice of either two hour sessions or 10am-3pm classes. Online booking available for both term classes and school holiday programme. www.mairangiarts.co.nz Mairangi Arts Centre, 20 Hastings Road, Mairangi Bay. Phone 478-2237. Email: mairangiartscentre@xtra.co.nz. Open: 9.30am-4pm Monday – Saturday. Visit: www.mairangiarts.co.nz
7pm, Wednesday October 5th. Come to our free art lecture to hear potter Suzy Dunser talk about her work. Suzy was a co-winner of the Auckland Studio Potters Les & Sonia Andrews Cultural Award in 2010. There will be an exclusive opportunity to make purchases from the ‘Auckland Studio Potters’ exhibition which will open that evening especially for those attending the talk. Mairangi Arts Centre Art Lecture Series is made possible by kind sponsorship from Auckland City Council Creative Communities.
MATAKITE Matakite painting.
Brick teapot.
Opens 5pm, Wednesday October 19th. October 19th – November 5th. Extremely talented artist simply known as ‘DN’ will explore the Maori concept of ‘foreseeing’ through a range of skilfully executed, thought-provoking paintings. Jug and 4 mugs by Suzy Dunser.
Holiday programme penguin.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Lake House Arts CENTRE: News 115
Reflections of our great Aotearoa Lake House Arts Centre located on Barry’s Point Reserve, Fred Thomas Drive, is also getting into the Rugby spirit with a fun-filled October Holiday arts programme called “Rainbow Rugby Nations”. The two week programme running from 10 to 21 October is aimed at children aged 4 – 14 years of age and offers short two hour classes or day-long workshops. Some of the art classes include designing and making a sporty picture frame, painting the Auckland night sky in watercolours, painting a calico teddy mascot, or sewing a kiwiana garland or banner. There are also the tried and tested clay, printmaking and craft classes too and children can bring along their lunch and stay for the whole day. Lake House manager Kim Boyd says, “Our aim is to provide the community with accessible, high quality classes with small class numbers to ensure that each student gets the most out of their class.” View the current education programmes on the website: www. lakehousearts.org.nz. Coming up in the Becroft Gallery and adjacent Café space is the Annual Members’ Merit Awards Exhibition on display until Sunday 16 October. We always receive a good body of work of a high quality from our member-base predominantly in painting but you will also see prints, photography, ceramics and sculpture on display. We are grateful to our fabulous sponsors for the prizes on offer this year including a digital camera from Panasonic, art vouchers from Takapuna Art Supplies, Factory Frames and Gordon Harris as well as some pamper vouchers from Bliss Reflexology, Rodney Wayne Highbury and tickets to this year’s New Zealand Body Art Awards at Aotea Centre on 1 October. Following this varied show will be a group of invited artists whose work reflects and embodies so many of the elements and uniqueness of our land, flora and fauna. “Reflections of Aotearoa” runs from 17 October until 30 October. Giovannina Cantale’s exquisite silver brooches, earrings and pendants have intricate details of Pohutakawa flowers, Tui’s, fantails and Nikaus. Anna Korver’s sculptures in Oamaru stone and wood are sensuous and earthy. It is definitely a show not to be missed. ............................................................................................................................... The Galleries and Office are open daily Monday to Friday 9am – 4pm and on the weekends from 10am – 3pm. The Café is open Tuesday to Sunday from 8am, always closed Mondays. For more information visit www.lakehousearts.org.nz or contact the Centre on 486 4877 or email manager@lakehousearts.org.nz.
Christina Ungureanu
Lake House Members’ Merit Awards 27 September - 16 October
Ann O’Sullivan
Lib Steward
Opening Tues 27 Sept 5-7pm
Lake House Arts Centre 37 Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna, North Shore - www.lakehousearts.org.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
116 Education: Westlake Boys High School
Westlake Musos - Top in NZ Two of the Westlake Choirs were selected in the top 18 Secondary School Choirs to attend the New Zealand Choral Federation Big Sing in Wellington this year. Once again, it was the National Top Platinum Award for our combined choir CHORALATION (with Westlake Girls). This is the only choir to have ever won the top award for three years in a row. Our all-boys choir ‘Voicemale’ were once again given a National Silver which placed them as New Zealand’s highest ranking Secondary School’s Boys Choir. In addition, Westlake were also the winners of the Best Performance of a New Zealand work by Chamber Orchestra (a work by WBHS old boy Alex Taylor) and were the winners of the Best Performance of a New Zealand work by a Symphony Orchestra (a work by WGHS old girl Sarah McCallum) while the most outstanding Big Band of the Festival was the WESTLAKE BIG BAND – conducted by Alan James, another old boy! In Choral music 2012, our Barbershop Quartet ‘Three and a Half Men’ won the Boys Auckland Barbershop Competition with singers Prasad Ravi, Lane Ashby-King, Michael Shin and Dallin Niuelua and the WGHS Quartet won the Ladies Auckland Barbershop competition so it was a Westlake win all round at the Schools’ Barbershop this year. At New Zealand’s largest Band and Orchestra festival, Westlake was the only school to achieve the top honour of a Gold award in every category of the festival.
Singing at RWC Matches Out of over 300 applications (of all ages) six of our students have been selected to sing for the Rugby World Cup National Anthems. These boys have been learning the Anthems for other countries and have to know them from memory. Each anthem is sung by a chosen choir of 30 people. Mr David Squire (pictured above with Voicemale) had the honour of conducting at seven games and singing at three of them. Michael Lough is singing at one game; Michael Shin is singing at four games; Dallin Niuelua is singing at four games; Lane Ashby-King is singing at seven games; MinKyoo Shin is singing at four games; Arthur Close is singing at two games. In addition, the 12 minute sound and light show which took place before kick-off at the opening match from the Auckland waterfront was Auckland’s biggest and brightest fireworks and light show and was set to music composed specially for the occasion by Don McGlashan, WBHS Old Boy.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Westlake Boys
Auckland Schools Debating Champions The Westlake Boys 2 Junior Premier debating team (James Rankin, Jesse Medcalf, Jono King, Caleb Gemmell and Ryan Mulholland) are the 2011 Auckland Schools Debating champions after defeating St Cuthbert’s College in the Grand Final of the competition. The team successfully negotiated their way through seven rounds to advance to the Quarter-finals where they beat AIC. They then beat a strong Auckland Grammar team in the semi-final to book a place in the final. PHOTO: Left to right: Jono King; James RankinTai andWebster. Jesse Medcalf.
Education: Westlake Boys High School 117
Westlake Boys
Top 3 at nationals for 9 premier sports
In addition to winning premier national titles in Volleyball, Beach Volleyball and Water Polo this summer, our premier Winter Sports teams performed extremely well at their National tournaments recently. Our Premier Tennis team, who were runners up at Nationals this summer were joined by our 1st X1 Hockey team who just missed out on the Rankin Cup, while our Badminton Premier team achieved a second place at Nationals, ending their winning streak of seven years. In addition, our Premier Golf team achieved a creditable third place at Nationals, as did our Basketball Premier team. Our Premier Table Tennis team also achieved a commendable 4th placing at Nationals this year. All in all, a very successful Sports year for Westlake Boys High School.
Westlake Rugby claims four North Harbour titles 2011 has been another excellent year for Westlake rugby. This was confirmed when the 2nd XV defeated Massey High School 30-27 in a gripping final at the end of the season. The 3rd XV also won their final in dramatic fashion with a last minute try to defeat Rosmini 2nd XV. The final score 21-20. In the junior grades the 6A had a comfortable 20-7 win over Massey in their final. The 5A team continued on their winning way with a comprehensive victory in their final 30-3 over Massey. This is also the first time since 2001 that Westlake 1st XV have won the Quad Cup. In doing so, they beat Napier Boys 16-14; Tauranga Boys 39-23 and lost to Hastings 17-18.
WBHS New Zealand reps Ben Perham and Owen Chambers have been named in the New Zealand Water Polo schoolboy’s team to play in Sydney for the Trans-Tasman shield in December. Mitchell Goff has been named in the Born 94 silver squad who are playing in Perth from December 26th to January to compete in the Tom Hoad Junior International Cup. This squad is also preparing for the 2012 Junior World Championships. They have the opportunity to be named in the Black team. Owen Chambers has already been named in the Junior Men Born 94 Black team that will play at the Junior World champs next year.
Excellent season for WBHS Basketballers In Basketball this year, we have had another excellent season. Our boys have performed at the highest levels at every level. One of our very best performing teams this year has been our North Harbour Championship League 2 winning U17 team. Tai Webster has been over in Italy competing in the World Youth 3x3 Championships. There were 36 countries participating in the men’s section. Amazingly, the New Zealand boys finished the tournament as the World Champions, with Tai playing a large role in their close semi-final & final wins (winning both by a single point).
Toby and Jack Robinson at duathlon championships
Dylan Soedjasa at national badminton tournament
Congratulations to New Zealand champs Toby and Jack Robinson who entered the New Zealand Secondary Schools Duathlon Championships held in Taupo. Toby and Jack entered as a team and won the Under 19 schools category and the open sprint category.
Congratulations to Dylan Soedjasa who competed in the NZ National Badminton U17 singles tournament held in Palmerston North during the July school holidays. He won the NZ U17 Singles title and was runner up for mixed doubles.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
118 Education: Westlake Girls High School
More national success for Westlake Music Westlake Girls and Boys High Schools music ensembles are no strangers to achieving success at a national level, but their premier choir has recently created history. Choralation Choir directed by Westlake Girls Head of Music Rowan Johnston has won the top prize at the New Zealand Choral Federation Big Sing competition for the third year in a row. No choir has achieved this in the 22 year history of the competition. Choralation choir draws students from both Westlake Girls and Boys High Schools. The New Zealand Choral Federation Big Sing drew in excess of 250 choirs, over 8000 students participating from throughout New Zealand, singing in regional festivals with the aim of gaining a place in the National Finale as one of the top 18 secondary school choirs in the country. It is one of the largest youth festivals in the Southern Hemisphere. The National Finale was to have been held in Christchurch this year, but due to the February earthquake was moved to Wellington.
To win the top prize (the Platinum Award) a choir must be considered by the adjudicators to be a clear step above the other 17 choirs and also have an aggregate mark of over 90% for their two recitals. The prize will not be awarded in any year where both criteria are not achieved. This year the adjudicators were Dr Karen Grylls - Associate Professor of Music at the University of Auckland and Artistic Director for both the NZ Youth Choir and the Voices NZ Chamber Choir, Andrew Withington - Musical Director of the NZ Secondary Students Choir and Paul Holey - Musical Director for the Gondwana Chorale (Australian Youth Choir). National Co-ordinator of the New Zealand Choral Federation Big Sing Elizabeth Crayford says “Choralation is the first choir to win Platinum three years in a row and it can be noted that mixed voice choirs (male and female) tend to be less often represented in the Finale, so it’s quite an achievement for the Westlake High Schools.” Westlake Boys High School male choir, Voicemale, also made it into the finale and received a Silver Award.
YMCA Raise up n Represent, Walk the Line Fashion Show
Photo; Yeon Jae Choi and her model, Jenny Lee.
This event is now in its third year, and is popular with young designers from several North Shore schools. It is organised by YMCA’s North Shore Youth Committee, and run entirely by young people. This year the event was held on the final day of Fashion Week, September 3rd, at the new Viaduct Events Centre. There was a total of 38 entries in four categories, Cultural, Wearable Arts, High Fashion and Open Design.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
The overall winner was Year 10 Westlake Girls High School student Yeon Jae Choi, in the Wearable Arts section, with her entry titled Galaxy. This is a great achievement, and adds to Yeon Jae’s third place in the national Shakespeare Costume Design competition held earlier in the year. Yeon Jae made the entire outfit including the hat and adapting a pair of shoes to match.
Education: Westlake Girls High School 119
Equestrian Westlake Girls High School won the inaugural Auckland Secondary Schools Equestrian Cup held at Woodhill Sands. Over 100 hundred riders from 30 schools competed in a show-jumping and showhunter combo. The Westlake Girls team that won the event were; Breana Cooper Wilson, Stephanie Vervoort, Sophie Smith and Abby Linton-Price.
Delicious mini Christmas Cake Gourmet quality & beautifully presented. •
Ideal for Corporate gifts.
Perfect for family and friends.
Add a bottle of wine, some chocolates and make a lovely Christmas hamper.
Great to have in the pantry for the unexpected guest.
ORDER NOW: Only $13.00 each Email orders direct to: jmaddren@orcon.co.nz Photo; Anona Pak, Rebecca Goddard, Rayna Phillips, Chi Chi Freibel, Lily Lee, Deborah Yin.
Badminton The Westlake Girls High School Premier Badminton Team won the New Zealand Secondary Schools Badminton Championships in Hamilton during winter sports tournament week. They were the defending champions and now have won this event four times in five years. The team remained undefeated throughout the tournament winning all games up to the final 6-0 and then the final against Macleans College 4-2. The team were; Anona Pak Captain, Rayna Phillips, Rebecca Goddard, Deborah Yin, Chi Chi Freibel, Lily Lee, managers Beth Beever and Jackie O’Reilly.
Strength through experience The adolescent years are particularly important in education, in that students are formulating and stabilising the identity and the values that will underpin their behaviour in future years.
Photo L-R; Jemima Wasson, Nia Kenny, Emilie O’Shea, Alana Lythe and Danielle Augustin.
Cycling The Auckland Time Trial Cycling Series concluded on Sunday with the Westlake Girls Junior A Team winning the Junior Girls Title and with it the Merv Harland Shield for winning the final race. The team were; Emilie O’Shea, Nia Kenny, Jemima Wasson, Alana Lythe and Danielle Augustin, the team now turn their attention to the New Zealand nationals in Palmerston North early October.
A school needs to offer the support of a stable and secure environment and be sensitive to changes in society itself. More than ever before students must learn to be flexible and to develop the judgement and discernment needed to cope with change and the explosion of knowledge. Westlake Girls High School fulfils this dual role by encouraging girls to learn about themselves and their constantly changing environment, while at the same time
offering support and guidance as they practise decision making and social skills. As well as fostering high standards of academic, sporting and cultural achievements, the school promotes social responsibility and maturity through its corporate life and discipline. This calls for commitment and identity with the school’s activities, and fellowship and co-operation with its standards of conduct. Finally, we welcome an active, continuing interest and involvement of parents in the progress and activities of their daughters while at school. Indeed, this is essential if we are to achieve the best results for them.
WeStlake girlS high School 2 Wairau Road, Milford, North Shore City • Phone: (09) 489 4168 • www.westlakegirls.school.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
120 Education: Kristin School
Senior School Scholarships introduced at Kristin For 38 years Kristin School has been redefining independent schooling on Auckland’s North Shore. Now, thanks to a new package of financial assistance offered by Kristin’s Foundation and business partners, a limited number of Scholarships are available for students entering the Senior School in Term 1, 2012. Students at the school consistently produce impressive results, achieving success at local, national and international levels. With a culture of understated confidence and a strong foundation in the value of service, students of all year levels are involved in projects which support those within the school as well as the wider community. Providing a dual qualification pathway, Kristin offers both the national curriculum and the International Baccalaureate Programme throughout
CEO for a day Year 12 student, Sam Puri, had the opportunity of a lifetime recently when he was made CEO of Air New Zealand for a day. Sam was selected as one of ten finalists in a nationwide competition where students were asked to explain, in 250 words or less, “What would you do if you were CEO of Air New Zealand for a day?”. In his entry, Sam identified key members of the senior management team who he would work with to drive the business of Air New Zealand forward. With their support he would establish ‘experience’ focused open days throughout the country, incorporate new technologies for passengers, establish new marketing initiatives around crew
all year levels. Senior School students can choose between completing their NCEA levels in Year 12 and 13, or the International Baccalaureate Diploma. A co-educational school catering to approximately 1600 students from Kindergarten to Year 13, Kristin students come from all over the greater Auckland region, with school bus services covering Warkworth to Titirangi, Herne Bay and the wider North Shore. In a new and exciting initiative, Kristin has announced the introduction of its first Scholarship Programme. Generously funded by the school’s business partners, Kristin is inviting applications for assisted Scholarships, available to students entering the Senior School in Term 1, 2012. A Kristin education is recognised and respected amongst the world’s leading tertiary institutions. It opens doors and creates opportunities for students
as they embark on the next stage of their education or career. Kristin students are regularly accepted by Cambridge, Oxford and Harvard Universities, as well as leading Universities and institutions in New Zealand, Australia and the United States of America. Due to the limited number of places available, interested parents are encouraged to contact the school for further information. Applications for the Scholarship Programme close on Monday 14 October. Interviews will take place the following week and places will be confirmed by 24 October 2011. ............................................................................... For further information or to request an Application Form please contact the Registrar, Linda Teagle admissions@kristin.school.nz +649 415 9566 Ext 2324
apparel, merchandise and websites, and finally he would investigate services which could be offered to staff to improve morale and productivity. As a finalist, Sam spent the day behind the scenes with CEO, Rob Fyfe and Air New Zealand’s senior management team. He took part in a range of activities including a leadership session, an operations talk with the airline’s Chief Pilot, and a social media challenge at the airline’s design lab. Rob Fyfe was impressed by the calibre of the participants. “The students had some great suggestions about social media programmes, smartphone applications and ways to enhance the inflight experience for teenagers. It’s a real privilege for me to be able to spend time with these students.” For Sam the opportunity was inspiring. “It was an extraordinary day and I feel extremely privileged to have taken part.”
NEW SCHOLARSHIPS Kristin is proud to announce the new Senior School Scholarship Programme. A number of assisted places have been generously funded by our business partners who wish to share the value of a Kristin education with students entering our Senior School in Term 1 2012. Applications close on 28 October 2011. For further information please contact the Registrar, Linda Teagle admissions@kristin.school.nz 09 415 9566 Ext 2324
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Senior School
Education: Kristin School 121
Lights, Culture, Action!
International Peace Night After months of collaboration between the International Committee and UNESCO club, the Kristin community was treated once again to a dynamic representation of cultural diversity. This annual event is a wonderful opportunity to showcase not only the culture of the many nationalities at Kristin but also the exceptional talent and dedication of the students performing. The teamwork involved in this student led production underlines the basic tenants of peace and understanding promulgated by the UNESCO club, and the students involved demonstrate enormous pride in showcasing their skills. In many cases the students who perform revisit their heritage, whether they are international students or were born in New Zealand to families who have emigrated. This year the decision was made to donate the proceeds of the evening to the earthquake relief funds for Christchurch and Japan. Aptly timed, the evening was held three days prior to the one year anniversary of the first Christchurch quake. It was also fitting and special that the 2011 concert was opened by Ko Matsura from Japan, who has spent three years at Kristin as an international student from ‘04 - ‘06. Ko opened with a striking performance on the taiko drum and then returned in the second half to speak from a personal perspective about the impact of the tsunami in North Eastern Japan. Following Ko’s powerful opening the Kristin 1st XV rugby team responded with a haka of equal energy, neatly connecting the shared plight of New Zealand and Japan. The evenings performances went on to include Chinese ribbon dancers, a Korean drum dance, an Indian Bharatanatyam dance, Diablo juggling displays and vocal performances from an array of individuals and bands ending with Nanta -a Korean style stomp finale. This year’s concert was a resounding success, turning over more than $1700. Everyone who shared the experience was left feeling uplifted and delighted with the result.
John Marsden visits Kristin
On Monday 15 August, Kristin School proudly hosted John Marsden, internationally renowned author of the ‘Tomorrow When the War Began’ series, the Ellie Chronicles and many other popular titles. John captivated the audience of over 800 students from Year 7, 8 and 9, including over 300 guests from 13 local schools. He spoke of the importance of collecting ideas by reading from his own notebook which was jam-packed with quirky phrases, ridiculous statements and age-old wisdom. John explained his own desire to challenge convention, standing up for the value of words such as ‘um’ and ‘er’, and vouching for a flexible approach to grammatical accuracy when it supports a narrative. He also encouraged students to ask themselves one question when embarking on a writing experience; “What if?”. “What if something catastrophic happened and we were all locked inside this room? What if we couldn’t get out? Some of the greatest stories are built on the premise of ‘What if?’” John emphasised the importance of using interesting words. Through his own anecdotes and a simple writing lesson, John demonstrated the power of nouns and pronouns. He guaranteed students who adopted his simple technique would drastically improve their grades. His captivated audience laughed along with his witty anecdotes, and everyone was impressed by his relaxed honesty. The presentation concluded with John addressing a series of questions from Kristin Middle School students, Kirsty Sutherland and Christian Silver.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
122 Education: Takapuna Grammar School
TastE of TakapunA
Tasteof Takapuna
Cookbook Takapuna Grammar School community gathers together to produce a fabulous cookbook
The Taste of Takapuna cookbook was launched at a function at the school on Friday September 23rd (see this month’s Out & About pages). The book has been put together by the energetic Takapuna Grammar School PTA. Over a glass of wine, Desiree Mason (PTA Chairperson) and John Shafer from Spacific Yearbooks discussed the possibility of producing a cookbook to raise money for Takapuna Grammar School. Little did they know that it would take 18 months to complete and publish. The fabulous cookbook contains over 160 recipes. Some of the more well known ex-TGS pupils who have contributed are Pippa Wetzell and her two sisters (who were all head girls at TGS), netball coach Ruth Aicken, Pippa Blake, Murray Deaker, cricketer Danny Morrison and Trans-Tasman rower Shaun Quincey. Also included is a recipe from an ex-pupil with a lovely story about cricketer Bert Sutcliffe. “The cookbook has been a real community effort and we are really proud of the way our community has supported this project,” says Desiree Mason. “The Taste of Takapuna was made possible by the generous support and hard work of many people. The money raised from the sales of the cookbook will be used to enhance the central courtyard, which has become the heart of the school following the completion of the Ralph Roberts Building. We are very proud of Taste of Takapuna. It reflects the unique spirit of our community and this cookbook will be enjoyed by the community for many years to come.” The book project started when Desiree brought together a small team (Desiree Mason, Wendy Duncraft, Nicky Pridham and Helen Parker) and they began gathering recipes then set about testing and tasting them. They were assisted by friends and family in the huge task. Every week their families tried out at least two or three new recipes, and some have become regular items in their cooking repertoires. “I must pass on my very grateful appreciation to Desiree, Wendy, Nicky, Helen and John (Shafer) for bringing this project together,’ writes Takapuna Grammar School Principal Simon Lamb in the Foreword of the book. “Thanks also to all the families and friends of the school who have contributed their favourite recipes and to the supporters and sponsors. Without you all, we would not have been able to produce this very special book.”
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
PineaPPle Fruit Cake JEAN WARNER Jean Warner attended TGS from 1939-1942 and one of her most interesting stories from those days is of NZ cricket great Bert Sutcliffe, also a pupil at that time. Bert was a true ‘great’ even in those days. Bert’s father was a local bus driver, and often drove the route that took him past TGS on Lake Road. In those days the main cricket pitch was situated on what is now the main rugby field, right on Lake Road by the Main Gate. On days when the 1st XI had a match, Bert would find out exactly what time his father was due to drive the bus past the school. Such was Bert’s magnificence, he would ensure he was at the crease at the necessary time, and would aim an aerial stroke at his father’s bus as it passed the school. He successfully landed the ball on the bus on more than one occasion! 1 cup sugar 425g tin crushed pineapple 500g sultanas 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoon mixed spice 125g butter 2 eggs, well beaten 1 cup flour 1 cup self-raising flour Place sugar, pineapple, sultanas, baking soda, mixed spice and butter in a saucepan and boil for 3 minutes. Allow to cool completely, then add eggs, flour and selfraising flour. Mix well. Pour into a 20cm cake tin lined with baking paper. Bake in slow-moderate oven for about 90 minutes, and if necessary for a further 20 minutes in a very slow oven. This cake is wonderful, rich, and succulent!
| Taste of Takapuna
How to Order… Taste of Takapuna Cookbooks are $39.00 each. They can be collected from Takapuna Grammar School (by arrangement) or they can be ordered online using a credit card from... www.takapuna.school.nz They are also available from The Booklover on the corner of Anzac Street and Hurstmere Road, Takapuna Beach. Direct any email enquiries to: pta@takapuna.school.nz
Education: Takapuna Grammar School 123
A French
By Jerry Yelich - O’Connor and Sidonie Jago The show went off without a hitch. Every model looked stunning, the clothes were beautiful and the student work left a lasting impression on the packed house. Our very talented dancers and singers stunned the audience with polished, professional performances: Zac Fraser-Baxter, Dillon Feeney, Freyah Zwart, Ella Yelich – O’Connor and Petra Bullock may all be destined for great things. The drawing of the raffles, containing many generous prizes from supporting local and offshore companies, was a popular end to the evening. A huge thank you to the Designers, students, Seville’s Hair Academy, Sara Roberts Makeup Academy and raffle sponsors. Most importantly, thank you to Sidonie Jago and Ms. Woodward, who helped the Fashion Show Committee showcase an unforgettable night. The Year 13 students, who dedicated a huge portion of their year towards the show, are so proud of what they have accomplished and hope that the audience had an amazing time! The show raised over $7000 profit for The Starship Foundation, which is designated to the air ambulance and we hope to raise even more at next year’s show!
A hush settles over the crowd as the spotlight takes centre stage, the music starts and the first model walks out, poised, head held high, glamorous and elegant. So began ‘A French Affaire’ - three hours of fashion that suspended the audience in time and transported them back to 1950’s, Paris. The Soft Materials Technology Class took on the challenge of organising the 2011 Takapuna Grammar Fashion Show - an exciting, yet slightly intimidating task. The show, which featured over 20 student and teacher models, was hosted by the lovely Shannon Ryan from Channel Four. For the last six years this has been an annual school event held in the School Hall with all proceeds going to the Starship Foundation. However, for the first time, the Fashion Show committee decided that The Bruce Mason Centre was a perfect venue upgrade, as the show has become bigger and better. Many highly acclaimed local designers were featured: Trelise Cooper, Juliette Hogan, North Beach, Echo, Frank Casey, Ruby Boutique, Repertoire, Viva La Vintage and Black Box were all involved, helping our great cause. However, the highlight of the show was the student work from Year 10 Denim, Level 1 Culture Couture, Level 2 Wearable Arts, and Level 3 White on White.
Takapuna Grammar School, 210 Lake Rd, PO Box 33 1096 Takapuna, Auckland, New Zealand Tel: 09 489 4167 Fax: 09 486 7118 Email: office@takapuna.school.nz Website: www.takapunagrammar.school.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Education: Pinehurst School
Pinehurst is a premier independent school for students aged five to 18, based in Albany on Auckland’s North Shore. Small class sizes and a total school roll of only 850 students ensures your child will be exposed to a wide range of opportunities. With passionate teachers, a nurturing learning environment and a world-class Cambridge curriculum — your child is set to leave Pinehurst as a confident, well-equipped adult.
ACADEMIC CURRICULUM A global leader in Cambridge International Examinations, Pinehurst has an extensive curriculum, taught by teachers who are focused on achievement and results. We are proud to have achieved two Top in the World’s (A Level Geography and A Level Physical Education) in the recent 2010 Cambridge International Examinations with an outstanding 100% pass rate in our A level examinations. SPORTS We cater for more than 150 sports teams offering students of all sporting abilities the opportunity to play. THE ARTS A wide range of music, visual arts and cultural opportunities.
For further information, or to book a spot in our 9:30am Primary Tour contact our Enrolment Manager Heather Mills on 09 414 0960 ext.614
Phone 09 414 0960 www.pinehurst.school.nz NEW ENTRANT • PRIMARY JUNIOR COLLEGE • SENIOR COLLEGE
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Pinehurst Junior College students, Ella Rainthorpe and Lauren McGregor, present cheque to SPCA representative, Hayley Easterbrook.
Student Cupcakes Delight Village Residence & Raise Hundreds for SPCA
Pinehurst’s Junior College students Ella Rainthorpe and Lauren McGregor organised ‘Cupcake Day’ with students, donating around 500 decorated cupcakes and raising nearly $1000 for the SPCA. Remaining cupcakes were delivered by the students to local rest home Rosedale Village, whose residents were delighted to receive the cakes in perfect time for afternoon tea.
Jes Jones-Gardner.
Pinehurst Year 8 Junior College student, Jes Jones-Gardner recently gained a National title placing 3rd in the Alpine National Giant Slalom Championships and qualifying for international selection to represent New Zealand. Congratulations Jes!
Senior College Student Takes First Prize in Photography Competition
Year 13 student Paloma Harvey earned first place for her entry “Abstract Auckland” in the Chromajet Schools Photographic Competition, held by Apix Photographic Supplies. The competition titled “My Hometown” was open to all secondary schools and the top ten entries were exhibited for two weeks. Congratulations Paloma who won $250 worth of photographic paper for herself and $1000 for Pinehurst School.
Winning photo by Paloma Harvey
EDUCATION: CorelliEDUCATION: AcademicCorelli SchoolAcademic of the ArtsSchool of the Arts 125
Corelli School
Young arts students stage Glee-style flash mob at Britomart Auckland’s youngest flash mob has set its sights on our biggest city, and it is seeing a brighter future in it for the good cause of children’s arts education. More than 55 children as young as nine from the Corelli Academic School of the Arts formed and performed hit show Glee’s ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ in front of a surprised audience last week in Britomart Square. Facing the rush-hour traffic crowds, the students danced, played instruments and sang for the Corelli Foundation, a charity which aims to give all children access to the arts education needed to fulfill their dreams. The show-stopping number is only one of a series of events the Corelli School will be showcasing within the next year to support the Corelli Foundation. The Foundation is New Zealand’s only charity set up to support children’s arts education in four key areas: dance, music, visual art and drama. Supporting the only school for academic arts education in the country, the Corelli Academic School of the Arts, the Foundation’s focus is to provide the best resources as possible for arts education. The Corelli School arts principal David Selfe attests to the importance of a new profile for arts education in New Zealand. “Somehow arts education has managed to slip under the radar for many New
If you can walk, you can dance. If you can talk, you can sing.
Zealanders. Overseas, where many arts institutions flourish, successes like Josh Groban and Johnny Depp have been supporting rising schools through spot performances on location. These overseas celebrities know that a good arts education is vital to the culture of any society. This is a prime chance for New Zealand stars to show the world what we’re made of. We’re doing it with a world-class Rugby World Cup; why would we not do it with our children’s arts education?”. Public space performing is only one step towards the success the Corelli School knows its students will achieve. Having already helped stars such as Hayley Westenra (who recorded her first album at the Corelli School), Corelli has served as a springboard for a generation of past students who have gone on to achieve success overseas in several artistic fields. The Corelli flash mob provides a different angle on New Zealand’s culture, following the appearance of a crowd-pleasing haka flash mob during Rugby World Cup opening weekend. “We want visitors to our city to enjoy their rugby, but also to see that there’s more to Auckland and New Zealand,” Corelli School Principal David Selfe reiterates. “And what a lot more to see there is”. Visit: www.corelli.school.nz. – Article by Danielle Whitburn.
Have you found your Child’s talent? www.corelli.school.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
126 Education: Carmel College
DRIVING THE MESSAGE HOME OVER BREAKFAST PTFA 2011 Father and Daughter Breakfast The smell of bacon cooking greeted 190 fathers and their daughters as they arrived at the College very early on a September morning to share each others’ company over a delicious breakfast and to listen to guest speaker, Greg Murphy. Students were encouraged to take s Ellen Curran Greg Murphy with Head Girl advantage of the timing of . ton ring and Courtney Dor this breakfast to give their fathers an early Fathers’ Day gift. Greg Murphy shared the lessons he has learned in the high-speed world of competitive motor racing, along with the importance of Road Safety and the impact young drivers have on our roads, themselves and our communities. In its third year of running, this road safety programme was organised by the Motor Trade Association (MTA) and is aimed at bringing the road safety message to schools in an attempt to curb unnecessary road accidents in the age group most at risk — young drivers. Greg proved to be a very approachable, entertaining and authoritative speaker who gave his audience plenty to think about on Road Safety, not only as drivers but also as passengers and pedestrians. He answered many questions and gave away hats and T shirts.
Great Christmas Present
Carmelised Carmelised
Carmelised is an award winning cookbook devised and produced by ex-student Kate Marsh who not only created this stunning cookbook but also obtained a Gold CREST award, a Food Technology Scholarship and Level 3 NCEA with excellence. Kate is the first Carmel College student to have ever achieved this. This amazing cookbook focuses on sweet treat recipes contributed by students and families and friends of the school – with mouth-watering photography by Michelle Keller and beautifully designed by Spacific Yearbooks.
Carmelised not only is a stunning cookbook filled with delicious recipes that will ensure it becomes a family favourite but it is also a celebration of Carmel College.
If you would like to obtain a copy of this fabulous cookbook please contact Pru Armstrong on 4861132 ext:740 or at parmstrong@carmel.school.nz
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Greg on stage speaking to audience.
STUDENT SCIENTISTS SCOOP AWARDS The scientific investigations of Carmel College students entered into the recent North Harbour Science Fair were of a very high calibre with Science Fair Top Award Winners. a large number of awards being won. The top awards were: • 2011 Award for Living World went to Emma Doolin and Maeve Kelly. • 2011 Award for the Material World went to Jessica Harrison and Science Fair Medal Winners. Siobhan Lenehan. • Bill Wiggle Award went to Florence Layburn for her outstanding logbook. • Statistics New Zealand Awards went to Alina Rankin (distinction) and Alyssa Moore (Merit). • Stanley Jober Cup went to Gracia Nasrun. • NIWA Award went to Megan Harrison. Gold medals were received by: Catherine Layburn, Aimee Tagle, Elizabeth Matthews, Julia O’Grady, Alicia Glynn-Stevens, Olivia Brown and Alina Rankin. Silver medals went to: Joleen Ong, Krystal Owen, Gemma Morgan, and Alyssa Moore.
CLASSICAL MOSAICS Year 13 Classical Studies classes have been making their own mosaics. These practical lessons are designed to teach students the skill of mosaic making as well as help them gain understanding as to the level of skill that the Romans had when they made these pieces of Art.
Top left: Mosaic by Christina Dixon. Left: Mosaic by Caroline Wright.
business & HOLIDAY accommodation with Quest Albany 127
New Quest Albany
great for business people The new Quest Albany, which opened for business at Albany Village at the beginning of September, is a real boost for quality accommodation in the North Shore and North Harbour area. Quest Albany is situated in the heart of Albany Village and is within walking distance to Massey University, Westfield Albany the Albany Mega Centre, and North Harbour Stadium. As well as being ideal for business, it will also be very popular for leisure and families offering a range of modern spacious stylish apartments with quality furnishings as well k Jim Par as LCD TVs, DVD Players, Sky TV, broadband internet, and Wi-Fi. Quest Albany is owned and managed by Jim Park who has a strong background in the commercial hotel industry. After completing his training at the New Plymouth Hotel School he started on the ground floor at the Stamford Plaza in Auckland and over an eight year period climbed to the GM’s role. He then moved to be the GM at the Sir Stamford Circular Quay Hotel in Sydney before joining the Quest Group in Auckland.
We are working closely with local bars, cafes and restaurants so guests can dine locally and charge back their meals to their rooms… There are some great establishments close by who will benefit from our new facility. “I was thrilled to be offered this business opportunity with the Quest Group,” said Jim Park during August. “To open a brand new facility like this in time for the Rugby World Cup is a dream come true for me. There is huge potential to grow the business in this vibrant area.” There are 38 apartments at Quest Albany. These are 18 studio apartments, 16 one-bedroom apartments, two one-bedroom executive apartments and two two-bedroom apartments. “We are working closely with local bars, cafes and restaurants so guests can dine locally and charge back their meals to their rooms,” explained Jim Park. “There are some great establishments close by who will benefit from our new facility.” The Quest Group is expanding quite rapidly. They have more than 130 properties across New Zealand, Australia and Fiji. These are marketed as “your home and office away from home” and are complete with separate living, dining and sleeping areas, separate work station and fully equipped kitchens and laundry facilities. As well as the Albany property, new Quest’s are also opening at Highbrook (Auckland) and at Petone in Wellington. Quest is introducing their new Albany business to North Harbour business people by extending a special introductory offer of 10% discount off their best available rate until the end of September. Just mention this when you book. Quest Albany, Kell Drive, 229 Dairy Flat Highway, Albany Village. Phone 414 0024 or visit: www.questalbany.co.nz
The Property Quest Albany is situated in the heart of Albany Village and is within walking distance to Massey University, Westfield Albany, Centre, and North Quest Albany Albany Mega is situated in the heart Harbour Stadium. of Albany Village and is within walking distance to Massey University, Westfield Albany, Albany Megafor Centre, and North Quest Albany is ideal business, Harbour leisure andStadium. families offering a range of modern spacious stylish apartments Quest Albany is ideal for business, with quality furnishings. LCD TV, DVD leisureSky andTV, families offeringinternet, a rangeand of Player, broadband modern spacious stylish apartments Wi-Fi are some of the features which with quality furnishings. LCD TV, DVD makes this well situated apartment Player, Sky TV, broadband internet, and complex a must stay in Albany. Wi-Fi are some of the features which makes this well situated apartment complex a must stay in Albany.
The Property
Our Property Features • Onsite undercover car parking • Pantry shopping service Property Features •Our In-room internet (broadband & wi-fi) •• Breakfast options car parking Onsite undercover •• Local chargeback Pantryrestaurant shopping service •• 24 In-room (broadband & wi-fi) hour internet on-site management Breakfast options service •• Valet dry cleaning Local restaurant •• 2 Disable accesschargeback Studio apartments •& 241hour on-site management Disable access 2 Bedroom apartment • Valet dry cleaning service • Baby sitting booking service 2 Disable administration access Studio apartments •• Business services & 1 Disable access 2 Bedroom apartment • Daily room servicing (excluding • Baby sitting booking service Sundays & Public Holidays) • Business administration services • Daily room servicing (excluding Sundays & Public Holidays)Features Our Apartment
now Open
Apartment Types • • • •
18 x Studio Apartment Types 16 x One Bedroom Apartment 2• x18One Bedroom Executive x Studio 2• x16Two Bedrooms Bathrooms) x One Bedroom(2Apartment • 2 x One Bedroom Executive • 2 x Two Bedrooms (2 Bathrooms)
• Seperate living and dining areas (excluding Studios) Our Apartment Features •• DVD Player wtih iPod docking station Seperate living and dining areas • Sky TV Studios) (excluding •• Fully equipped in all rooms DVD Player wtihKitchen iPod docking station •• Laundry Sky TV facilities in all rooms •• Broadband internet & Wi-Fi Fully equipped Kitchen in all rooms •• Reverse cycle air-conditioning Laundry facilities in all rooms •• Direct dial telephones with voicemail Broadband internet & Wi-Fi • Reverse cycle air-conditioning • Direct dial telephones with voicemail
North Harbour Special. Book before October 31st, 2011 and receive 10% OFF the best available rate.
Location Map: Location Map:
Quest Albany 229 Kell DriveAlbany 299 Dairy Flat Highway Quest Albany Village Auckland New Zealand Kell Drive 299 Dairy0024 Flat Highway Tel: +64(0)9 414 Albany Village 414 Auckland Fax: +64(0)9 2156New Zealand Tel: +64(0)9 414 0024 host@questalbany.co.nz Fax: +64(0)9 414 2156 www.questalbany.co.nz host@questalbany.co.nz www.questalbany.co.nz
Your perfect travel companion. Your perfect travel companion.
Albany Serviced Apartments Albany Serviced Apartments
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
choices taking you? As we get closer to the kick off to the Rugby World Cup, and sideshows like jersey prices, abstaining from sex and a fake second cup make up the bulk of our headlines, it’s easy to lose focus on what’s really important for New Zealand.
128 TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT with David Forman Olivia
Sure, wining the Webb Ellis trophy is right up there, but according to the Department of Labour, workplace productivity is the key to lifting New Zealand’s living standards and wealth (they’ve even established a Productivity Commission to address it!). It’s about increasing the value of what Blaylock isworking the in more effective and efficient ways. we produce by
expert in nutrition and Managing Director of David TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT WITH DAVID In today’sFORMAN. world, there is more of most thingsa- more information, more best-selling author,
Forman technology and FranklinCovey, and certainly more choice. However, there’s also more is a strongand advocate economic uncertainty, more organisational restructuring more fear the leading independent, New of making the wrong decision. Often the morethat of these the things foodswe wehave, eat Zealand-owned provider of the more overwhelmed we become and we end up allowing the fear to have a strong bearing sales, leadership and personal paralyse us and we do less and perform poorly . So the pace of today’s world can sink you faster or make it posonthan the ever, brain. Eating effectiveness training.
Where are your choices taking you?
sible to achieve results that are truly extraordinary. well enhances our brain The key is in the choices you make. As we get closer to the kick off to the Rugby World function and increases our So where do weCup, start?and sideshows
like jersey prices, abstaining from sex and a fake second cup make up capacity to remember and the bulk of our headlines, it’s easy to lose focus on what’s really imporBeing productive isn’t about working longer hours in theinformation. office or even He process tant for New Zealand. about working harder – it’s about making the right choices and working
Getting More From Life!
reports some staggering
Sure, wining the Webb Ellis trophy is right up there, but according to the results in alzheimer Do that and you’llkey achieve moreNew of the things that matter at work and Department of Labour, workplace productivity is the to lifting patients have moreeven timeestablished to spend doing things you enjoy outsideregaining of work. And Zealand’s living standards and wealth (they’ve a Producwith a lot ofarugby to watch in the coming weeks, that’ll be handy! through cognitive function In the world we live in today, life seems to happen at million miles an tivity Commission to address it!). It’s about increasing the value of what eating the right sort of hour. And, we unfortunately, the extra paceeffective of lifeSooften doesn’t translate to produce by working in more and efficient ways. how am I going with that goal of mine I talked about in the last issue
to extraordinary productivity
ACT ON THE IMPORTANT don’t react to the urgent
GO FOR EXTRAORDINARY don’t settle for ordinary
SCHEDULE THE BIG ROCKS don’t sort gravel
RULE YOUR TECHNOLOGY don’t let it rule you
FUEL YOUR FIRE don’t burn out
‘brainWell, foods’. Hisinjury research achieving more as we get bogged down withofhandling ‘stuff’ andrunning try toado The Business Channel, half marathon? my hip times, we make choices that don’t get us to where we want to be. today’s world, there is more of mosthas things more information, morea half marathon kept -me off the road and finishing a long way providesfeels empirical more with In less. But, if we clearly establish our key priorities and consistently make the off but I’m still running. technology and certainly more choice. However, there’s also more THE thatfor enable us to work towards them, we can achieve extraorevidence on what many havechoices believed some time. Sound familiar? despair.more You’re certainly notrestructuring alone, as research shows economicDon’t uncertainty, organisational and more fear dinary results. At times, the 5 choices I’m considering as I push through another km are: to extraordinary productivity Exercise is also a crucial aspect. But not just in the manner some might that these are issues the faced by billions globally. It seems that as we’re of making wrong decision. Often the more of these thingsinundated we have, 1) a piece of that delicious ginger slice at Jam organic cafe in Takapuna or Ordinary happens in – extraordinary the morein overwhelmed we become and uppressures allowing the expect. Many people don’t feel comfortable a gym or pounding the streets but with advancements technology and communications, the on fear us toto ... we end is a choice. paralyse us and Smartphones we do less andmean perform poorly 2)a glass of. wine at Marvel or ... movement of any kind has to be beneficial for the brain. Foris the those in keep up grow continually. we’re contactable 24/7, Grill emails ACTbeen ONproven THE IMPORTANT Olivia Blaylock ManagSo the pace of today’s world can sink you faster than ever, or make itfresh pos-sushi from Umi Sushi or ... 3)which extra piece of beautifully ing Director of Davidbe Forman What will meeting you choose? don’t react to the urgent office based jobs, turning a standard into a walking meeting could a flood into our inboxes, we’re bombarded with tweets and alerts constantly and 4)shall I schedule an extra couple of workouts with Selva from getfitfast. sible to achieve results that are truly extraordinary. and FranklinCovey, the leading co.nz or... simple thing to do. Not only is there the opportunity to get outindependent, of a stuffy office or many people have devices enable (or force???) them to have New Zealand-owned The key numerous is in the choices youtomake. GO FOR EXTRAORDINARY 5)should I stop being a slacker and do an extra couple of kms on my run? provider of sales, leadership and So where do we start? data and information. meeting room but it has been proven that movement stimulates brain cells and instant access to up-to-the-minute personal effectiveness training. don’t settle for ordinary creativity, thus ofresulting in more productive outcomes. The irony is that all of this technology and theWelightening face choicesfast in allaccess aspects to of our lives, almost every minute every day. Sometimes we abdicate our choice and let life happen to us. Other But for those who want to go beyond the brain and are looking informationBeing is supposed to make our lives easier! Clearly, forinmany, the reality SCHEDULE THEstimulating BIG ROCKS productive isn’t about working longer hours the office or evenis about working harder – it’s about making the right choices and working gravel benefits to be had. Again, research for some physical gains,don’t there sort are additional quite the reverse. shows that losing weight and /or improving your strength and cardiovascular If this issmarter. you, what can you do, not to just get more done, but get more of RULE YOUR TECHNOLOGY health has demonstrable benefits in a range of areas. People report being more the right things done – the things that really make a difference in terms of what Do that and you’ll achieve more of the things that matter at work and don’t let it rule you positive, greater physical and mental alertness, improved relationships and an you’re tryinghave to achieve? more time to spend doing things you enjoy outside of work. And with a lot of rugby to watch in the coming weeks, that’ll be handy! to extraordinary productivity increased general feeling of wellbeing. There is help at hand. A new programme from the global leader in leadership FUEL YOUR FIRE Here in Takapuna, the Davidburn Forman team has made a real commitment this and personal effectiveness, FranklinCovey, addresses these challenges with don’t out So how am I going with that goal of mine I talked about in the last issue yearThe to difference improve between our health & wellbeing. As a team we’ve lost over 60 kilos since leading edge to these modern dayaproblems. The 5 Well, Choices to injury of solutions The Business Channel, running half marathon? my hip sinking and soaring lies in your ability to make wise choices. In Franklintimes, we make choices don’t get usour to physical where weactivity. want be. January and have significantly increased On the days Extraordinary people with attention management, Covey’s new solution, The 5 that Choices to Extraordinary Productivity, youto will learn how towe transform hasProductivity kept me off helps the road and finishing a half marathon feelsdistraction a long way But, iflifewe clearly establish our key priorities and consistently make the achieve the your by making five fundamental choices to dramatically increase your off information but I’m still running. attend those early morning GetFitFast bootcamps there’s no doubtability thattowe’re management, management, time management and energy choices that enable us to work towards them, we can achieve extraormost important outcomes. 175 more alert,results. more productive and just generally nicer to be around! management. dinary At times, the 5 choices I’m considering as I push through another km are: Register for of our 2 hour complimentary overviews of The Choices to Extraordinary ProducDespite theoneincreasing pressures we face to keep up5with today’s lightening These are all key issues in today’s world but let’sPre-Registration take a closer look at the 1) a piece of that delicious ginger slice at Jam organic cafe in Takapuna or tivity as part of the 175 city World Tour. Secure your place in either Auckland or Wellington now as Ordinary happens –are extraordinary fast pace of life, there steps we can take to not just cope, but to thrive and last one. There is a raft of research that looks at the impact that exercise and Register Online for this complimentary event places are filling fast. Go to the5choices.com and register now. ... on the 1st Nov 2011 and the chance to is a choice. flourish. A healthy body and a healthy mind provides a great platform to tackle nutrition has2)aonglass our of ability at a or highly winetoatfunction Marvel Grill ... productive level. Without going Olivia Blaylock is the ManagWin an iPad 3)whichdetails, extra piece of beautifully fresh sushiafter fromwhat Umi Sushi or into ... our life What head on all aspects your life. So what are into all the boring the guts of it is that looking we put ing in Director of DavidofForman willand youincrease choose? your productivity 4)shall I schedule an extra couple of workouts with Selva from getfitfast. and FranklinCovey, the leading you waiting for – get to it! bodies and ensuring we exercise regularly enhances our ability to manage all of co.nz or... independent, New Zealand-owned the other four areas Iabove. 5)should stop being a slacker and do an extra couple of kms on my run? provider of sales, leadership and There are a few different aspects to it. Dr Daniel Amen, a world leading www.davidforman.co.nz - Follow us on Facebook & Twitter!training. personal effectiveness
1 2 3
We face choices in all aspects of our lives, almost every minute of every day. Sometimes we abdicate our choice and let life happen to us. Other
Pre-Registration Register Online for this complimentary event on the 1st Nov 2011 and the chance to
CHOICES to extraordinary productivity
The difference between sinking and soaring lies in your ability to make wise choices. In FranklinCovey’s new solution, The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity, you will learn how to transform your life by making five fundamental choices to dramatically increase your ability to achieve the most important outcomes. Register for one of our 2 hour complimentary overviews of The 5 Choices to Extraordinary Productivity as part of the 175 city World Tour. Secure your place in either Auckland or Wellington now as places are filling fast. Go to the5choices.com and register now.
Win an iPad
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
GET READY FOR SUMMER Join acclaimed North Shore trainer Selva Thankamani and his team for a 6 week challenge to get in top shape for summer! Based in Takapuna, Get Fit Fast bootcamps cater for both men and women of all shapes, sizes and abilities. This group training will give you reduced body fat, increased muscle tone, speed and strength. Each session is run within a challenging and supportive team environment to ensure that you get serious results while having fun!
“Training with Selva has been awesome! His energy is contagious and he pushes me to go harder than I ever thought I could. It wasn’t too long ago that the thought of going to bootcamp made me feel sick – now I train so hard I feel sick, but it’s such a good pain! For someone starting out with exercise, I can’t recommend him enough.”
“I have had many trainers in my 10 year career but none were even close to Selva’s calibre. I started training with Selva six weeks after surgery and I’m up and running again in three months. He has a passion about training that I have never seen before. I live in the States but I will be training every off season in New Zealand from now on.”
Christy Stead
Kevin Braswell
Visit getfitfast.co.nz or contact Selva on 021 735 820 for details of our 6 week summer challenge. Personal and corporate training also available. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Proudly sponsored by David Forman
“44, married with 2 grown up children. 2 years ago I realised I needed a challenge, my training had been the same for over 12 months. A friend invited me to train with Selva’s Get Fit Fast bootcamp, everyone was really friendly and the training was great, the boxing was my favourite. Each week I feel a little fitter and now I am on my way to my goal weight.” Jacqui Metcalfe
130 building and home maintenance
Our CHANNEL Building and Home Maintenance column is contributed on a monthly basis by Luke Henley and Alex Coburn of QPC Builders. Luke and Alex are two young refreshingly energetic and passionate North Shore builders dedicated to delivering the highest quality work that sets them apart. In this column Alex Coburn highlights an interesting project they completed recently for a customer in Devonport.
Bed & breakfast renovation in the heart of Devonport
Recently QPC Builders undertook a renovation in the lovely old Post Office Building in the heart of Devonport. The owner and local business association president Eddie de Heer employed QPC Builders to make an un-used floor of the building into a modern and spacious bed and breakfast apartment. We faced a few difficulties with access and noise restrictions around the other working businesses in the building. The roof was taken off and re pitched to get a better ceiling height. To gain more light we also added new skylights. The end result is a very nice sound-proofed apartment with all the bells and whistles in the heart of Devonport. Eddie and his wife Sharon had the apartment all ready as a stunning bed and breakfast for Rugby World Cup visitors. More happy customers for QPC Builders as the job came in on budget and on time just before the Rugby World Cup! For more information contact Alex Coburn, 027 536 2494, alex@qpcbuilders.co.nz
Carters... helping North Shore builders source affordable high quality materials. Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
CHEWING THE FAT: by James ‘JD’ Dominion In the traditions of great magazine columnists James Dominion has joined the Channel team. James tells us that he is a Takapuna local – although nobody can actually verify this – or that this is actually his real name. But hey, he has put up his hand to be a monthly contributor at very little cost to the magazine. An offer that is very hard to refuse due to the tiny editorial budget we exist on. So here’s another installment from the man simply referred to by his mates as ‘JD’.
Well Done P.C.! or well done P.C.? by James ‘JD’ Dominion
Political Correctness – an idea created to end discrimination and promote equality. A concept that minimises social, sexist and religious slurs. But have we gone a little O.T.T. (over the top) on the P.C.? To me political correctness is like barbecuing a nice Kiwi rump steak – under cooked, and it can be a bit crude – done right, and everyone will appreciate its {e} quality – but too well done and you’ll have everyone spitting out a load of old (cows) backside. With the most sanguine expectations that this will not make me sound too archaic and god forbid un-politically correct, when I was growing up at school, the only thing P.C. was the flash new IBM (personal) computer that mum and dad got to help me and my big sis with our extremely important school assignments. We never had political correctness to help soften the blow of our insecurities, nor did we need it. We told it how it was. It was not considered coerce to have a go at the ‘fatty’ in front of you in the line at the tuck shop for buying the last chocolate doughnut. It was ok to voice your dubious point of view when the ‘teacher’s pet’ aced the science test, and it was all in good humour to laugh at the phallusly challenged ‘jocks’ for stuffing their speedo’s with socks before the school swim meet. The un-P.C. world of 80’s and 90’s schooling was the best! We dodged the wrath of corporal punishment and at the same time we were not brainwashed with politically correct hyperbole – and most of us turned out alright. To be honest, I sympathise a little with some of the ‘generationally challenged’ youth of today. Expressions like chubby, tubby or a little blubbery – which still flew during generation Y schooling – are a lot more forgiving than ‘more P.C.’ terms floating around today, like gravitationally challenged, morbidly obese, or even reverse – bulimic. I recently read of a pre-school in the UK who are teaching their pupils of the nursery rhyme “Baa Baa Rainbow Sheep”. They have “cleverly?” substituted rainbow (for black) to avoid colour or race discrimination. Perhaps these teachers have over-cooked the impressions on the sheep and overlooked the point of the nursery rhyme. Soon Snow White might have to ditch the dwarve’s Sneezy, Happy, Dopey and the likes and hang out with her seven vertically challenged friends – nasally spasmodic, cheerfully festive, sullenly irritable, socially deficient, consistently comatose, medical practitioner, and everyone’s favourite, intellectually impaired...? Somehow, I think Mr Disney wouldn’t approve. Apparently even the counting of the score in Junior Rugby (in Auckland) may be a social faux par. The relatively new ‘ban on big wins’ rule suggests that the maximum margin a dominant team can win by is 35 points, despite the actual score line. Surely this hinders valuable life lessons and also promotes mediocrity – Somehow I think Mr Pinetree Meads wouldn’t approve. The World Cup is in full swing which has brought an influx of numerous different people, cultures and religions. So I hope I am not being too un-P.C. in saying that I hope the All Blacks smash the Argies in the quarters, dominate the Aussies or Yarpies in the semis and crush one of the also rans (Northern Hemisphere teams) in the World Cup Final. One thing I am sure of is that barbecue season/daylight saving started on September 25th, and us Kiwis won’t serve up raw, or over cooked P.C. idioms to foreigners. Just perfectly grilled, generous, hearty, Kiwi rump steak. Follow me on Twitter: @JamesDominion – it’ll be fun!
investing with PieFunds
Mike Taylor is the Managing Director of Pie Funds, a boutique Fund Manager that specialises in Australasian small companies.
Mark Houghton is the founder of Takapuna based company Saxe-Coburg Ltd. 489 4890 or 021 878 887. mark@saxecoburg.com
09 486 1701 www.piefunds.co.nz
limit losses
Market Road Rage
Let’s say you had $100,000 and you invested it into an international share fund six months ago. Assuming your fund provided a return in line with the global share market, you would have lost 20% of your capital so you now have $80,000. To get back to your original $100,000, you need to make that 20% back right? Wrong. This is because 20% of $80,000 is only $16,000. You now need to gain 25% to recover your original investment. Successful investors understand this and place far more importance on limiting losses than trying to get extra gains. Warren Buffett says there are two rules. 1. Don’t lose your capital. 2. Don’t forget rule no 1. When you look at the wealth he has created it is very hard to argue with this concept. Had you invested twelve months ago, you would have been ahead 17.5% after six months. Your $100,000 would have been worth $117,500!! Not bad. But then, the market corrected and your $117,500 fell 20% to $94,000, down 6% over twelve months. Of course if you invest in an international share fund which roughly tracks the market, you are going to have to put up with this sort of volatility. But suppose your manager was more cautious, and decided to give up some of the gains in order to protect against losses. Instead of rising 17.5%, this manager rose just half that amount, so was up 8.75%, and then fell by half the amount of the market, so fell just 10%. Instead of ending up with $94,000, you would have $97,875. Your loss is less than half the loss of the market linked fund. And your ride is considerably more comfortable. Taking a local example, New Zealand Investors who have owned a NZ share fund which roughly tracks the market (remember, many of these funds do worse than the market) are currently 33% below where they were before the financial crisis (May 07), even after dividends. They will need to make 50% to just get back to zero. If they had been able to halve those losses, of course they would still be down, but would face just a 20% climb back. Even better would be to invest in a fund which did not follow the market index. Over this period there are a number of funds which have had excellent returns. It takes time and a lot of research to find some of these funds, some are based overseas and some of the best are wholesale only so a retail investor is limited to some extent. A good investment advisor should be able to find these for you. In summary always place more importance on limiting losses than you do on trying to get really high returns. Look for managers who have shown they can protect your capital when markets fall. Great managers know that you make money by not losing money. Compounding is very powerful, but it works both ways. When you suffer a sizeable drawdown, it can be a long way back, and can take many years.
A few weeks ago I was the victim of road rage. Takapuna, dark coloured Land Rover, middle of the day – one gentle toot leads to a cascade of events. First this guy stops his car, blocking me in, then he gets out and starts hurling verbal abuse – and finally approaches me and my little Mazda. What do you do in a situation like this? The guy might have been middle aged, but he was bigger and uglier than me and he sure was fuming. I’ve heard stories of people being pulled from their cars and beaten to a pulp – or worse still killed. Call me a coward, but I did the only sensible thing you can do in that situation. I quickly locked my doors and avoided eye contact. Sometimes in volatile situations like that, you don’t want to be the hero. Avoid conflict, let the guy vent his stress on someone else and live to fight or not fight another day. Anyway, one can draw great parallels to what happened in the market recently. When the market makes volatile, violent moves down, it’s best to stay in your car. Once you can be reasonably sure that the main threat is over, then wade in and scoop up what you desire. One thing I’ve learnt over the past four years of market upheaval is that there is no rush. It’s always tempting to run in and start buying. However, markets rarely bottom in a capitulation fashion, instead often drag lower over many months. At the extreme on the 9th of August, the ASX was down 25% from its highs a few months back. This has severely damaged investor confidence and market sentiment. The European situation continues to go from bad to worse and the ECB needs collective leadership to solve this escalating problem. If they do not find a resolution soon, Europe will face a banking crisis, recession and asset deflation. On top of the Euro worries, the debt ceiling debacle caused such upheaval in the US that it has actually led to a collapse in confidence and manufacturing orders. Many now believe that the US has a 50% chance of slipping back into recession. Okay, so how are you going to navigate this environment? Well, as you can see growth assets have been marked down considerably in the past three months. The question remains – have they been marked down enough for all the risk that exists out there right now? Maybe, maybe not. Depends a lot on what happens in Europe in the next couple of months. There is one glaringly positive factor right now and that is risk appetite measures which are at extreme panic levels. This usually coincides with a buying opportunity. The tricky job is to gauge when exactly that moment is, because nobody will ring a bell. However, if you can buy growth assets at a deep discount because the market has no risk appetite, then you should feel safe in the knowledge that equilibrium will be reached again at some point by which time you should be deep in profit. Cash might be a safe position for 3, 6 or even 12 months. But it is not a safe position for 3+ years. Interest rates are low and set to remain low. Inflation will remain stubbornly high. Therefore, earning 3% at the bank is not even keeping pace with inflation. Incidentally, cash has become such a poor place to park money that in the US, Bank of NY Melon are charging investors if they deposit cash. As a final note on this point, whilst the market will take its time to “bottom”, stocks with earnings certainty (aka quality) will float to the surface and typically turn well before the market overall.
Go big, go global! Naaa... Go big, go global! Naaa...
Invest locally. Invest locally.
Mark Houghton is the principal of investment manager Saxe-Coburg Limited and is an authorised financial adviser. His disclosure statement is available on request and free of charge from mark@saxe-coburg.com. This column is general in nature and should not be regarded as personalised financial or investment advice.
Pie Funds
Boutique Investment Manager
Pie Funds
Contact us on (09) 486 1701
Boutique Investment Manager
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Mike Taylor Managing Director Pie Funds
Contact us on (09) 486 1701
132 Legally Speaking with Simpson Western Lawyers
so give it all away???
From 1 October there will be no gift duty on gifts. This is likely to have a massive impact on the transfer of assets from person to person and from person to trust, and upon existing gifting programmes in which $27,000.00 per year of debt is forgiven. So ... after 1 October should you (for example) undertake large-scale gifting?? There is no straight answer to this, rather the answer(s) may be yes, no, or possibly, depending upon your particular circumstances. There are implications other than gift duty that need to be considered before determining to gift (or not). Ministry of Social Development Asset Testing Policies The Ministry administers various subsidies, including residential care subsidies for resthomes and hospitals. The Social Security Act and Regulations only permit gifting of $27,000.00 per application per year for gifts made more than five years before an application for a subsidy is made, and the gifting of $6,000.00 per annum during the five year period before the application. All amounts in excess of this are deemed by the Ministry to constitute the applicant’s or the applicant’s partners, own assets. If, for example, a gift of $500,000.00 was made
to a trust (whether by way of forgiveness of debt or the transfer of assets) and the person making the gift applied for a residential care subsidy six years later, then the Ministry would only accept gifting of $27,000.00, and would add the remaining $473,000.00 back into the applicant’s assets for the purpose of the subsidy. In the event that a trust was formed and assets were transferred to it in circumstances where the person transferring assets was likely to apply for a rest home subsidy at some stage in the future, then it is recommended that gifting of $27,000.00 per annum continue, and large scale gifting in excess of $27,000.00 not be undertaken. Separate Property Gifting large amounts, whether to a trust or to another person, can result in property that was defined as “separate property” pursuant to the Property (Relationships) Act 1976 being converted to “relationship property” - separate property is of course retained by its owner in the event that a relationship breaks down, whereas relationship property is divided equally between the couple. The making of large scale gifts from one person to another, or the forgiveness of debt to trusts in which one person is forgiving more debt than the other, should be carefully considered before it is undertaken if there is the possibility of separate property being converted into relationship or trust property. Income Tax Issues There are circumstances in which the forgiveness of debt to a trust may result in deemed taxable
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Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
income accruing. Similarly, the transfer of assets to a trust in certain circumstances may reduce the ability of a taxpayer to utilise tax losses. Insolvency Issues and Creditor’s Remedies The Official Assignee and unpaid creditors have the ability to undo gifts in certain circumstances well into the future. This does not mean that large scale gifting should not be undertaken, but in the event that there is the possibility (however unlikely) of a person being either bankrupted or facing claims against creditors in the future, then we recommend the completion of a Solvency Statement at the time of the gifting to prove that you were financially solvent at the time that the gifting was completed. Conclusion The abolition of gift duty will create opportunities for many people who wish to either transfer assets to trusts or to other persons, or to write-off existing loans owing to them by trusts. However, it is essential that specific expert advice on your circumstances be obtained before gifting is undertaken.
Gary Simpson is Managing Partner, specialising in Trusts, at Simpson Western, Lawyers of Takapuna and North Harbour. www.simpsonwestern.co.nz
16/8/11 10:30:29 AM
Accountancy Beyond the numbers with Hayes Knight 133
Matthew Bellingham
Possibly the biggest accounting change in a generation in NZ were announced on September 14 by the Minister of Commerce, Simon Power. The changes will see the legislative framework that drives the requirements under which your financial statements are prepared undergoing a significant overhaul, and theoretically saving $90 million a year in compliance costs. This sounds like a wonderful idea which I fully support, but will the proposed changes actually hit the mark and will you see anything different? Some of the key elements of the proposals are outlined below, but rest assured Hayes Knight will be submitting feedback on these proposals to help ensure that the solutions developed by the new External Reporting Board (XRB) and the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA) are both sensible and relevant to small and medium businesses in NZ. A key proposal is the removal of the requirement for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to prepare an annual general purpose financial report; hence the supposed $90 million cost savings a year. To qualify as a SME for this reporting purpose you will need to have annual revenue less than $30 million or total assets less than $60 million and not issue any securities to the public. As you can see, this means most of the companies and businesses in New Zealand. Brilliant! However we would envisage that the IRD, your bank and any other interested parties (such as shareholders) will still be interested in knowing
Red Tape Removed! that your accounts at least remotely resemble the actual picture. NZICA will be developing guidelines for this new simplified form of reporting (to be known as “Special Purpose Financial Reports”), and as a cure for insomnia I will personally be jumping into this head first and providing feedback to ensure that our clients’ future financial reports will deliver accurate financial information in a format that is easy to understand but most importantly that it will be cost effective. I see this as a great opportunity to reduce the burden of compliance on the engine room of the New Zealand economy, whilst allowing accountants, managers and owners to focus more on business. And let’s face it, quality, useful and timely information was always the intended purpose of financial statements right back in 1475 when Luca Pacioli first thought of the double entry system we call accounting today. How will the changes impact charities and notfor-profit entities? Actually, this has gone the other way with more formalisation of what this sector must do. All charities and not-for-profit entities will be required to prepare general purpose financial reports. A set of Public Benefit Entity Accounting Standards will be developed which will be based on the International Public Sector Accounting Standards. This sounds like more compliance (already I’m thinking the $90 million in savings are reducing) but I am heartened to see that the
proposals take into account the small entities as well by proposing a three tier system. Hopefully this will increase the robustness of the reporting, whilst not over-burdening the sector and hence still allow them to get on with doing the great things that they do in our communities. For example, it is great news for those with operating expenditures of less than $2 million (classified as “tier 3” entities), as a simple reporting framework will be developed with their needs in mind. A Bill encompassing these changes is intended to be introduced into Parliament in the first quarter of 2012, with a view to being enacted in 2013. My pick – this is a great concept and long overdue, but be a little bit wary of the obvious politicking going on in respect of the massive savings. All businesses still need to understand how they have gone, where they are heading and how much tax to pay. Let’s ensure that a great opportunity is not lost through replacing a complex set of standards with something equally complex and irrelevant. ............................................................................ For more information on Hayes Knight please visit our www.hayesknight.co.nz
Matthew Bellingham is CEO of innovative chartered accountancy practice Hayes Knight www.hayesknight.co.nz
To choose the right accountant, look beyond the numbers
Keeping your business future fit is about being better equipped to make bold and powerful financial decisions. At Hayes Knight, rather than just work the numbers, we interpret them. The result is a more empowered, knowledgeable client able to be proactive with the next steps of their business. To find out more, visit hayesknight.co.nz
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
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www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Waitamata DHB achieves
outstanding health target results Quarter four 2010/2011 national health target results, released at the end of August, show a dramatic improvement in performance for Waitakere and North Shore hospital emergency departments. Results also show equalled or improved performance in five of the six health targets. Waitemata DHB CEO Dr Dale Bramley says the results show a significant upwards trend, CEO DHB Waitemata “Our figures show that Waitemata DHB has Dr Dale Bramley. made the biggest gains of any DHB in the country over the last two years in emergency department performance. This is a fantastic result and excellent news for the Waitemata population.” “The continued improvements in performance across each of these areas reflects the commitment Waitemata DHB staff have made to strive for excellence in all the health services we provide to the people in our district.” Waitemata DHB results for each health target area for Q4 2010/11 are as follows (with national or district annual plan targets in parentheses): • Shorter Stays in Emergency Departments – 94 per cent (target: 95 per cent) • Improved Access to Elective Surgery – 103 per cent (target: 13,434 discharges) • Shorter Waits for Cancer Treatment – 100 per cent (target: 100 per cent < 4wks) • Increased Immunisation – 92 per cent (target: 90 per cent by July 2011) • Better Help for Smokers to Quit – 86 per cent (target: 90 per cent by July 2011) • Better Diabetes & Cardiovascular Services – 72 per cent (DAP target: 69%) For the month of July 2011, Waitemata DHB achieved the national health target of 95 per cent for Shorter Stays in EDs and reached 97 per cent in Better Help for Smokers to Quit which exceeded the national target of 90 per cent.
NEW TECHNIQUE FOR SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY Speech Language Therapist Mary McFarlane explains the FEES method. Learn about this and over 50 other life changing innovations at the Waitemata Health Excellence Awards.
“Swallowing is something we all take for granted. Yet 38 per cent of us will experience difficulty swallowing at some point in our lives. Luckily for Waitemata DHB patients, North Shore Hospital is the first hospital in New Zealand to have a Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) service. FEES enables the SLT to assess if a patient is safe to eat and drink and also helps develop rehabilitation programmes to improve swallowing. The consequences of having a swallowing difficulty can be very serious; they negatively impact quality of life and may result in dehydration and malnutrition. This method can dramatically change the quality of life for patients”
Join us for the Waitemata Health Excellence Awards ceremony, Thursday 10th November at Harbour Function Centre, Albany. Tickets available now.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Rugby World Cup Fever hits
Top Left: Nick Phipps holds newborn daughter Rubi Phipps who received a silver fern beanie from Noeline Fairchild who has been knitting beanies for babies at North Shore Hospital during the Rugby World Cup. Photo thanks to Ben Watson at North Shore Times. Top Right: North Harbour coach Liam Barry gives Amy Howell and baby Nathan Howell some all black booties. Nathan got a number 7 beanie as his parents are fans of Ritchie McCaw.
Above: The North Shore Hospital booking and scheduling team get into the Rugby World Cup spirit by dressing up themselves and their work cubicles in Rugby World Cup team colours.
North Shore Hospital knitting group If you would like to donate wool or join the North Shore Hospital knitting group, contact the director of the hospital association Jane Hunter on (09) 486 8954.
New Service to Improve ED/ADU Patient Workflow A new service introduced this month at North Shore Hospital – CT Coronary Angiography (CTCA) – will help speed up patient workflow for the Emergency Department and Assessment & Diagnostic Unit. Using our new Computed Tomography (CT) scanner, Radiology staff can take images of a patient’s beating heart and use the information to determine the cause of chest pains. The images impart vital information about the heart muscle, heart valves and coronary arteries. Patients who present with chest pain can undergo the CTCA test as an alternative to exercise test, exercise echocardiography or invasive coronary angiography. The scanner allows Cardiology staff to obtain a coronary angiogram non-invasively and at very low radiation. The service enables staff to generate a fast diagnosis and will help ensure that many patients with undifferentiated chest pain do not have to be admitted to hospital. After receiving their diagnosis, patients showing no signs of cardiac problems will go to ED/ADU for discharge. This procedure is the first of its kind to be offered from within the public sector in New Zealand. Our CT scanner and the CTCA service we provide place our hospital on par with other centres of excellence around the world.
Channel community news 137
Shore Support for Hospice Top Sculptors talk on We would like to thank the North Shore community for helping us help so many in our community who are living with a terminal illness. While we are partially funded by the Government, it is only with your continued generosity that over the last financial year we helped so many. Our team made: 504 Referrals: where a new patient is referred to the Hospice via their GP, Oncologist, District Nurse or Self Referral, plus other services including hospitals or rest homes. 5010 CPC & Drs Visits: Our community nurses visit our patients who are being cared for at home or private hospitals on a regular basis to ensure that they are in the best physical and mental shape possible and that their carers are also being supported and are looking after themselves 89% IPU Occupancy: While we have a 14 bed In Patient Unit (IPU), we are only licenced to have 9 of those beds occupied at any one time. The occupancy rate is based on the 9 beds. By having 14 beds, it gives us room to rotate our patient rooms, have space for families to stay and meet, run an out patient clinic as well as giving us room for future growth. 1376 Bereavement and counselling sessions: Demand for this part of our service has continued to increase over the past few years with many more patients and their families working with the Family Support team prior to death and after. 561 Social Work sessions: Our social worker helps patients and their families connect with external services to help them with non-medical issues i.e. budgeting, financial assistance, legal (including Wills, Power of Attorneys and funeral arrangements). 631 Chaplaincy sessions: Our chaplain spends time with patients, their families and staff offering spiritual and pastoral care, plus contacts religious leaders within the community on patient’s request. 1040 External training: Our education team provides specialised training to those caring for terminal patients in private hospitals and rest homes, which includes home care teams and district nurses. 78,500 Volunteer hours: We have over 600 volunteers who regularly support the work of our staff in all areas of Hospice, plus a further 500 who help us on a casual basis with fundraising campaigns. The hours our volunteers work are the equivalent of a further 40 full time staff members.
Giving Back on a Tuesday!
Looking for something to do on Tuesday? Why not give back to your community? Appleseed Volunteer Tuesdays are a fun way to help and give something back to our communities through a variety of different tasks, or projects and hard work. One of the main things Appleseed is able to pride itself on is the ability to provide the access to necessary networks for young people, networks that will enable them to achieve their goals in life, therefore furthering them in life, and giving them the ability to give back, both to themselves and to their community. For example, something that nearly everyone is passionate about, and loves, is the environment, and with an increasing awareness of global warming it is important that we do our best to protect and preserve it. One way we can do that is through the Appleseed Volunteer Tuesdays programme, which has a range of initiatives designed to keep New Zealand’s ‘clean green’ image true. Volunteer Tuesdays has been running since February this year and will continue on to November 28th, which is relatively close, so get in fast! There is a huge range of tasks and projects to take part in, it just depends on volunteer numbers, skills and weather, so you’re nearly always in for a big surprise with guaranteed fun! The best thing about this event is that it’s free and you get all that satisfaction from giving back after a hard day’s work! So check out www.appleseed.org.nz and have a look under their events to see when this event will be held near you. You know you want to!
art to enhance our city An explosion of public art all over Gill Gatfield’s sculpture the Shore, and Auckland, is the added drama to talking point for NZ Sculpture Smales Farm. OnShore’s ‘Art for a Public Wall’ at the Officer’s Mess, Fort Takapuna, Devonport in early November. Jeff Thomson, Miriam van Wezel and Shore sculptors Gill Gatfield and Lucy Bucknall will talk to Rob Garrett about their recent contributions to the Auckland artscape. Garrett is curator for NZ Sculpture OnShore’s 2012 exhibition and is involved in commissioning many of the recent sculptures now adding drama to our landscapes. You’re invited to learn how Jeff Thomson created the walls for the Albany highway project, Gill Gatfield added drama to Smales Farm, Mirian van Wezel brightened the underside of the Victoria Park overpass and Lucy Bucknall’s works comment on modern society. “Our first Art Affair in the year between exhibitions featuring sculptor Chris Booth was incredibly popular,” says NZ Sculpture OnShore chair Sue Harvey. “We’re sure Art for a Public Wall will interest art lovers who’ve noticed the increase in important sculptures creating extra visual dimensions to our landscapes.” Rob Garrett is currently leading Auckland City Council’s public art team, so has detailed knowledge of all public art activity in the city. He has curated NZ Sculpture OnShore exhibitions at Fort Takapuna in 2008 and 2010 and engaged for the next exhibition in November 2012. NZ Sculpture OnShore raises funds to support NZ Women’s Refuges. Jeff Thomson is a noted sculptor, whose use of corrugated iron as a material never ceases to amaze in its daring and diversity. His art degree was in painting and print making, but walking country roads inspired his first “letterbox” sculptures and led to his constantly evolving work with iron and steel. Recent public works have been Helensville toilets (iconically corrugated iron, playfully painted), sculpture screens at Birkenhead Library and highway panel screens. Lucy Bucknall is an English-born sculptor who has lived and worked here for over a decade. Her work is unusual in that phosphor bronze is her metal of choice; she has exhibited widely and her work Awaiting Transportation is currently displayed on the Brick Bay Sculpture Trail. Miriam van Wezel is primarily a painter whose work was profoundly changed by exposure to Colin McCahon’s works and our landscapes when she arrived in New Zealand. Her playful colour circles enliven the bleak underspace of the raised motorway over Victoria Park in the city. Gill Gatfield produces works in stone, glass and grass, electric currents and magnetic fields. A frequent exhibitor at NZ Sculpture OnShore, her most recent public project is Silhouette, a black glass frame erected at the Smales Farm bus station where it interfaces with the main development. Gatfield works to achieve sculptures that ‘appeal to the senses and reveal complex relationships between object, image, representation and abstraction’. ....................................................................................................................... Art for a Public Wall is at the Officer’s Mess, Fort Takapuna, Vauxhall Road Devonport on Thursday November 3 from 6 – 8pm. Wine and canapés will be served. Tickets are $25 and are available on Eventfinder, by emailing dmin@nzsculptureonshoreco.nz or by phoning Mel Sepping 09 360 6472.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
ng on i v i l g n i at r b e l C e the North Shore!
PlywOod Ply 400 x 800mm P001
Canvas 1m x 300mm C003/C004
Ply 400 x 800mm P002
Canvas 600mm x 600mm C002 also available as 800mm x 800mm C001
Channel Art is going to be hugely popular and is available right now from
In Breif
We are lucky to live on the North Shore of Auckland â&#x20AC;&#x201C; simply the best place in the world. This range of artworks, called Channel Art, designed and produced by the team at Benefitz and Channel Magazine celebrates many of the iconic landscapes of the North Shore. The range includes Canvas art, Wooden art and Acrylic art. Each piece will make a perfect gift or will enhance your North Shore home or office.
CustOmis ED Go t a sp ec ial ph ot og ra ph or pi ec e of dig ita l ar t th at yo u wo uld lik e wr ap pe d ar ou nd a fra me to ha ng on yo ur wa ll?
Acrylic 400 x 60mm A004
murrays bay
castor bay
Acrylic 200 x 200mm A002/A003
milford beach mairangi bay castor bay murrays bay
Acrylic 100 x 100mm set of 4 A001
Acrylic 400 x 200mm A005
oo! t t a h t o d n 0 We ca 09 477 470
nefitz ph Contact Be .co.nz e@benefitz k la b il a m or e
NOTE: Stock Channel Art is produced by Benefitz and sold through local North Shore retailers. Trade enquiries to sarah@benefitz.co.nz
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Browse www.thepoynton.co.nz
Retirement lifestyle at The Poynton 141
Charity Concert at The Poynton
– Lucy Zeng, November 12th Regular concerts featuring leading musicians at The Poynton have become popular events for both the residents and visitors. Recent concerts have featured leading pianists Jason Bae, JP Muir, Anya Maksymova and Andrew Faleatua. Tickets are $35.00 a head, incudes a glass of bubbles, hor sd’oeuvres and dessert at half time. All money raised goes to The Lewis Eady Trust which supports young emerging artists such as these that play for us at The Poynton. The Lewis Eady Charitable Trust was established to support up and coming musicians from primary school to tertiary level. Its main aims are to provide talented young musicians with quality performance opportunities in order for them to gain experience and further their careers. It is hoped that the trust will be able to offer education scholarships and tuition grants to exceptional musicians. The next concert is scheduled for Saturday November 12th and will feature Lucy Zeng. Lucy Zeng is 18 years old and currently a second year Bachelor of Music student at Auckland University’s School of Music, studying piano with Rae de Lisle. She started learning the piano at the age of seven. She has won first prizes in district piano competitions around Auckland such as the Epsom music competition, North Shore, South Auckland, Te Awamutu performing arts
Marie Holden Quilt Exhibition
During September and October there was a Quilt exhibition by Marie Holden a resident at The Poynton. This is the second exhibition Marie has held. The first one was cross stitch and embroidery. Marie started making quilts about 1993. She has made altogether six fullsize quilts and six half size quilts – her three daughters being lucky recipients. Hard to believe but they are all hand done. This exhibition is open to the public by appointment only. Call Gillian on 488-5700. In Mid October The Poynton will be hosting a photographic display by a number of residents.
competitions, and IRMT scholarships. At 15 she was awarded second place in the 2008 New Zealand Mazda Foundation National Young Performer Awards. In 2010, she came 3rd and also won the sonata prize at the Kerikeri National Piano Competition. Later in the year she also won the Janetta McStay Prize for the ‘Most Deserving Pianist’ at the University of Auckland. In 2011 she was a semi-finalist at the 1st Australian International Chopin Piano Competition and also a recipient of the University Blues Award which is the highest Cultural accolade that can be attained at University level. Pieces Lucy will be playing on The Poynton’s Kawai Shigeru, an elite handmade grand piano, are:- Mozart Sonata C major K330; Rachmaninov Etude tableaux op. 39 no. 5; Beethoven ‘Appassionata’ Sonata Op. 57; Chopin Polonaise A-flat major op. 53; Chopin Berceuse op. 57; Scriabin Sonata no. 4; Chopin Sonata b minor op. 58. Bookings must be made in advance, by calling Gillian phone 488-5700.
Residents get in to the Rugby World Cup The Poynton residents have joined with the rest of the country in really getting behind the Rugby World Cup. The Poynton supports The French team – except when they are playing the All Blacks. The Residents love watching the games in the lounge on the drop down screen enjoying a drink from the bar and food from Zest Café. Equally a number of them choose to watch in their spacious apartments either with friends or on their own. Many flags – including New Zealand, France, England and South Africa – can be seen hanging proudly from balconies around The Poynton.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
142 gundry's grumbles with Simon Gundry Simon Gundry is a Devonport and North Shore identity, and character, who is known for calling a spade a spade. He is a director of contracting company Gill & Gundry, is an enthusiastic and active sailor (past crew-member of Ceramco New Zealand and Lion New Zealand in Whitbread Round The World races and Shockwave in Admiral’s Cup) and is a life member of the North Shore Rugby Football Club. This is his regular and lively contribution to CHANNEL.
Farewell to a Mentor…
And we’re all sick of those wardens It’s amazing the people who come up to me in the street, wanting to talk to me about my column. It’s amazing how many people agree with me, some of them quite envious that I have an avenue to vent my frustrations through the Channel magazine. Many people have agreed with my comments regarding Maggie Barry becoming our next Member of Parliament for the North Shore virtually by default. So many people in this City would like to see a local person in Parliament, a person who understands the North Shore way, the North Shore values and the North Shore way of life. Other interesting comments have been in regards to these parking wardens who have suddenly started to spread their wings from the shopping precincts of Takapuna and Devonport. They have gone from checking cars parked over time on their meters, and are now spreading themselves far and wide over the community, nowhere near any parking meters or restricted zones, checking for overdue WOF’s; overdue registrations and Road User charges. Sometimes, as happened to a friend of mine recently, a ticket for a bald tyre. These parking Nazis have been spotted as far distant as the new café under North Head at the Navy Museum, checking vehicles there. Are these parking wardens just another
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
arm of the Police force? I’d like to find out their job description. The next thing we’ll see is them standing on the side of the road with a speed camera. I must say how impressed I was at the local cleanup prior to the World Cup last month. The Devonport Wharf was virtually rebuilt and cleaned up overnight, the public toilets on King Edward Parade adjacent to the Devonport Yacht Club were completely rebuilt and painted over the course of a week and the installation of wash basins happened overnight. It’s only taken 100 years or so to get this done. The people of Devonport over the course of the weekend before the Cup had a wonderful working bee cleaning up gardens, putting up bunting and generally tidying up in preparation for all the visitors. How nice our suburb looks, and what a shame it doesn’t look like that all the time. It takes an event like this to get things done. The Friday prior to the start of the opening celebrations, all the pupils from the peninsula schools - that is from Takapuna Grammar School south, took to the beaches and parks for a major cleanup. There must have been 1500 odd pupils spending three hours scouring the beaches. If each of those pupils had picked up at least twenty pieces of rubbish, and the group that I was with picked up a lot more than that, then approximately 30,000 pieces of rubbish were picked up. I’d love to see this become an annual event, towards the end of each spring, this could be organised to get the beaches cleaned up prior to summer. It wouldn’t cost that much. On a sad note, back in September, an old friend of mine died. He was very much a legend in my eyes as he was in the eyes of many old Devonport locals. His name was Frank Willis, he lived in lower Church Street for virtually his entire life. He was married to Anne, and he had three sons - Robert, Rusty and Ross. Frank outlived his wife and all his sons. He was a wonderful man of the sea, the first man to ever take me sailing on his 22ft Mullet boat “Cynara” (L9) which was moored in the outer waters off Torpedo Bay for many years. He owned “Cynara” from 1948 until he had to sell her in 1985. On board that yacht I had my first yachting adventures; Frank would take his wife and three sons and a couple of other young stragglers from Church St on adventures into the Hauraki Gulf. I can remember as a very young boy all these people sleeping on this 22ft boat, Frank cooking food over the small kerosene burners in the cockpit, setting nets to catch piper, swimming and rowing the dinghy round the bays, exploring the coves and inlets and hills of seemingly far away Browns Island, Motuihe and Motutapu Islands. Occasionally there’d be a seemingly never ending voyage across the ocean to the far away destinations of Coromandel, Te Kouma, Elephant Cove and sometimes way down the end of the Firth to the township of Thames. I think Frank Willis planted the seed in my brain to venture far and seek wider horizons. Frank died just a few days short of his 93rd birthday; his ashes will be spread over the waters he loved. He was indeed a wonderful teacher of sailing and the sea to an impressionable young man. I believe every man should have, in his youth, an older man as a mentor and Frank Willis was mine, I was indeed so fortunate to have known him. It’s a damn shame the grand old lady Masonic Hotel on the waterfront of Devonport looks so bare and dreary, lacking bunting and flags to celebrate the RWC. What a sad sight she is these days, waiting like a condemned criminal for Madame Guillotine. Although, where there’s life there’s hope, surely we as a community can rally and save her. I know in 10 or 20 years’ time, if we lose this hotel forever, people will ask “How the hell did they let this happen?” It would not happen in any other civilised country. That’s all for now. SG
North shore history with David Verran 143
Walking around Takapuna in
1911 & 1921 If you were to stand at the corner of Hurstmere and Lake Roads in 1911 and decide to walk in the direction of Milford, on the right hand side of the road, Takapuna Beach would be visible despite the odd tree. Eventually you would make it to Newson Sheppard’s ‘Lake House’ boarding-house (now of course the ‘Lake House’ building at Barrys Point), the ‘Mon Desir’ store managed by Mr Schollum, the ‘Mon Desir’ tea kiosk, the ‘Mon Desir Hotel’ and a little further along the ‘Lake Billiard Saloon and General Store’. This would take you to The Promenade, where you could look further down the road at the impressive residence of Ewen William Alison, former local Member of Parliament, soon to be Mayor of the new Borough of Takapuna and long time managing director of the Devonport Steam Ferry Company. If you then crossed over Hurstmere Road, watching out for the odd horse and cart, and decided to walk back towards Lake Road, you would reach George and Thomas Schollum’s store and Post Office agency, at what would later be Anzac Street. There would then be some private houses, a dressmaker, more houses and on the corner with Lake Road the bakery and tea rooms of William Henry Hall – hence Hall’s Corner. Looking back along Lake Road towards Devonport, you would see on the beach side corner Julius Arthur Bradstreet’s drapery. Just ten years later, all had changed. If you again started at the corner of Hurstmere and Lake Roads in 1921 and walked in the direction of Milford, you would immediately be walking past a branch of R. and W. Hellaby the butchers, a builder’s workshop and a bootmaker. Next was Roberts and Parker who were general blacksmiths, coachbuilders and painters, then an outlet for the Pupuke Dairy Company, a land agent, another blacksmith, a fishmonger and some private houses. Takapuna Beach was already becoming obscured. Then was the ‘Lake House Flats’ (formerly ‘Lake House’), a hairdresser and billiard saloon, a confectioner and fancy goods, some private houses, the ‘Mon Desir Hotel’, some more private houses and then The Promenade. Ewen William Alison still lived on the other side of The Promenade facing Rangitoto, but slightly further on was the new Post Office and Telephone Bureau. If you then crossed to the other side of the road, minding the steam tram and motor cars, and walked back towards Lake Road, there was just one house until you reached Anzac Street and the big macrocarpa tree. From then on there was a hairdresser, tobacconist and laundry, a chemist, a bootmaker, some private houses, a tea room and confectionery, a baker and a store on the corner – no longer Mr Hall. Having reached the corner and looking back along Lake Road to Devonport you would see the Takapuna Borough Council Chamber on the beach side. If
you turned 180 degrees and looked towards Anzac Street, you would see the depot for the Takapuna Tramway and Ferry Company. On the easterly side of Lake Road, you would see the office of the New Zealand Insurance Company, a land agent, some private houses, W.P. Cochran’s drapery, a confectioner, timber merchant and between Huron and Anzac Street was the Methodist Church. If you decided to proceed to the corner of Lake Road and Anzac Street, you would see on the right hand side looking back to Hurstmere Road the Forresters’ Hall and motion picture theatre and further on St Peter’s Anglican Church. On the left hand side, looking back to Hurstmere Road was the Police Station. Turning 180 degrees, on the left hand side was a few houses and in the distance was St Joseph’s Catholic Orphanage. On the right hand side was St George’s Presbyterian Church, some private houses, the Lake Primary school, and then further private houses.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
Unit 3, 11 Orbit Drive
187 Archers rOAD
Wairau valley
Approximately 180m2 quality office on one level. Approximately 375m2 high stud warehouse. Nine car parks - Four covered and five uncovered. Located within the exclusive interplex estate.
Within easy access of Albany City Developments, Westfield Mall and Mega Centre this property is situated in the prime industrial location on the north shore amongst a selection of neighbours including major national and international companies. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get a slice of the action and position your business in the highly sought after location. Call now to arrange a viewing! For Sale/Lease by Expressions of Interest closing at 4pm, Wednesday 28th September 2011 (unless sold prior).
• 590m2 high stud warehouse/meeting space/ performance area? • 520m2 air conditioned office/meeting room/ break out space? • 1,110m2 total floor area • 1,850m2 land area • All areas are approximate • 7 toilets • 1 shower • 3 kitchens • 2 roller doors • 4 pedestrian doors • 2 power meters • 1 temporary division wall through warehouse
Now it is ready for your use. Call now for an appointment to view.
Past uses were: Warehousing, Cheerleading, Pool Hall, Offices
For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty Closing 19th October 2011
www.bayleys.co.nz/374732 ALEx STREvER M +64 21 673 969
LAURIE BURT M +64 27 413 6174
11 evAn street
TREvOR DUFFIN M +64 21 245 9731
LAURIE BURT M +64 27 413 6174
Units 2 & 6, 28 the AvenUe
• Mixed use Commercial & Residential Investment • Established commercial tenant and two flats • Stand alone 2,053m2 (approximate) Freehold site, capable of subdivision
The property comprises two self contained apartments and the Steve Lindsay swim school, a well known and well established commercial tenant that has been teaching local children to swim on the Devonport peninsula for over 30 years. The property is located at the end of Evan Street and overlooks the mangroves towards Bayswater. The owners have partly refurbished the property including replacing the roof of the swim school in 2007/8 and there is scope to add further value.
2.5 kilometres from Albany Westfield. Less than 200 metres from student accommodation. Apartments on site. Nearby residential construction to be underway soon. 28 The Avenue shops are literally the last shops between the Dairy Flat Highway and Riverhead via Paremoremo. These units are ideal for owner occupiers. Think outside the square. Existing tenancies include Superette, Liquor, Hairdresser, Deli and Pizza Cafe.
• • • • •
With the income split between the commercial tenancy and the two residential tenancies this property offers investors an excellent spread of risk and we recommend inspection. For Sale by Deadline Private Treaty closing Thursday, 4pm, 3rd November 2011
www.bayleys.co.nz/374786 MIChAEL BLOCK M +64 21 888 233
To be sold individually. Busy Neighbourhood shopping precinct. Rear access, own amenities. Business One Zoning. Great opportunity to own and occupy.
ROSEMARY WAKEMAN M +64 21 225 4960
Unit e, 6 ArgUs PlAce
• Total area = 4,871m2. • High stud warehousing = 2,338m2 (7.1 - 9.6 metres stud height). • Offices available = 395m2. • Canopy = 132m2. • Warehouse/offices amenities = 33m2. • Sealed yard/container drop areas = 1,973m2 (all areas are approximate). • Dual access to the site. • This building ideally suits Importing and Distribution, with ample yard area for Container Drops and U-turns.
• Located in tidy landscaped six unit development in the heart of Wairau Valley. • Dual access, high stud roller doors and devanning areas. • Well maintained attractive property with optimal office to warehouse ratio. • Security alarm, electric roller door and three phase power. • Suited for wide variety of uses. • Close proximity to Tristam Avenue and Northcote Road interchanges with Northern Motorway. • Approximately 15 minute to Auckland CBD off peak.
For Lease by Negotiation
Property Details: Unit 2 Retail space approximately 83m2. Three car parks. Unit 6 Retail space approximately 176m2. Five car parks.
www.bayleys.co.nz/374641 SUE MAYhEW M +64 21 993 855
322-340 rOseDAle rOAD
LAURIE BURT M +64 27 413 6174
CLAIRE RAWKINS M +64 21 892 928
Wairau valley
Property Details Office and Warehouse approximately 470m2 Eight (8) car parks Zoning: Business 9 For sale by Auction (unless sold prior) 11.00am , Wednesday, 2nd November 2011 Maritime Square, Ground Floor 4 Viaduct Harbour Avenue
www.bayleys.co.nz/374817 MATT MIMMACK M +64 21 229 5878
ALEx STREvER M +64 21 673 969
Devereux Howe-Smith Realty Limited. Bayleys, Licensed under the REA Act 2008.
TREvOR DUFFIN M +64 21 245 9731
COMMERCIAL PROPERTY with Bayleys North Shore Commercial 145
Sir Bob Jones
expands Takapuna office portfolio High profile commercial property investor Sir Robert Jones has expanded his Auckland office portfolio with the purchase of a six storey office and retail block in the heart of a busy suburban business precinct. Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd - with offices in Wellington, Auckland and Sydney - has purchased 129 Hurstmere Road in Takapuna for $18.067million from listed property company DNZ Property Fund Ltd. The deal was brokered by Bayleys Real Estate. Tenants within the building include media research company AC Neilsen, AFT Pharmaceuticals, and real estate agency Colliers International. Ground floor retail tenants include two restaurants and convenience food outlet Pita Pit. With a total rentable area of 6456 square metres plus 800 square metres of decking, the building affords excellent Hauraki Gulf and Takapuna Beach views. The site is also serviced by 149 covered car parks. The purchase adds to Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd’s existing real estate presence in Takapuna. The company already owns the neighbouring Takapuna Finance Centre, a similarly-styled and constructed 5012 square metre five storey retail and commercial building. Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd purchased that building in 2004. Bayleys managing director Mike Bayley said the agency had been actively seeking out premises on behalf of Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd for most of this year, and while several sites were presented for purchase consideration, most did not meet the specific and stringent requirements of the company. Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd’s investment manager, David Rankin, said that securing the second Hurstmere Road building was a strategic purchase,
underpinning the company’s long-term faith in Takapuna as a retail business and commercial hub for the North Shore. Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd intends to substantially upgrade the courtyard which lies between the two Hurstmere Road buildings. Some $3million has been set aside for the refurbishment, which will include an upgrading of both the new building and the courtyard area. Sir Robert Jones believes that continually upgrading and investing in his buildings is essential in the modern day market “Our approach extends beyond commercial considerations. It is passionate, and regardless of expense we never cease seeking ways to further enhance our buildings,” said Sir Robert. Mr Rankin said that the acquisition now made Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd one of the largest private Takapuna office space owners, as it already is in the Auckland CBD. Building vendor DNZ Property Fund Ltd has reported that net proceeds from the sale will be used to repay bank debt ahead of a pending purchase of three Foodstuffs supermarkets in the Lower North Island recently for $40.73million. That portfolio sell-down was also brokered by Bayleys Wellington on behalf of Foodstuffs (Wellington) Co-operative Society Limited.
Daryl Devereux is Director, Sales & Leasing of Bayleys North Shore Commercial (Devereux Howe-Smith Realty Limited). T 09 489 0999. northshorecommercial@bayleys.co.nz www.bayleysnorthshore.co.nz, daryl.devereux@bayleys.co.nz
The latest addition to Robt. Jones Holdings Ltd’s property portfolio - 129 Hurstmere Road in Takapuna.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
commercial property with Andrew Hiskens, Colliers North Shore
Retail Regains Consciousness Colliers International monitors over 502,000m2 of retail space across the greater Auckland area and our latest NZ Retail Report shows that NZ consumer confidence has increased with improved labour market conditions allowing consumers to be less cautious about their income expectations in the near future. Good news for retailers. Bigger retailers are on the ens. Hisk Andrew expansion trail again allowing larger level developments to be pre-leased and financed. Current construction in the Silverdale Centre and along Hibiscus Coast Highway will see approximately 24,000m2 of retail space completed by spring 2012 with major anchor tenants including The Warehouse and Countdown already committed. Whilst Takapuna has in the past had difficulty retaining larger tenants in the main shopping strip, redevelopment projects continue to attract quality tenants to Takapuna and the establishment of destination stores. Initiatives like the Takapuna Night Market and continuing area upgrade projects are injecting
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
Good news for retailers. life and resurrecting Takapuna as a vibrant retail centre. Increases in retail spending are reflected in the property market with keen interest and strong returns on retail investments. Andrew Hiskens: andrew.hiskens@colliers.co.nz www.colliers.co.nz
Commercial Real Estate Colliers North Shore Penthouse Office 147
on the Beach Regular readers know how much we love Takapuna Beach here at Channel, so we’re really excited about this great opportunity we’ve found for a business looking to expand its offices or to relocate to new premises… in quite possibly the Shore’s finest office accommodation on the market in a very long time!
With views taking in the whole of Takapuna beach and out over the Hauraki to Rangitoto Island, this property is a rare find. The Jonmer Building, specifically levels four and five, feature a strata-titled penthouse office, situated in a prime beachfront location, that is being offered for sale at Auction. Located at 95 Hurstmere Road, the Jonmer Building offers the unique and highly desirable combination of street frontage to Takapuna’s busy commercial precinct, together with panoramic views over Takapuna Beach and the Hauraki Gulf. It is one of the few true beachfront office buildings in Takapuna, standing directly adjacent to the waterfront reserve. The basement contains eight car parks; shower and toilet facilities dedicated to levels four and five, and three storage units. On exiting the lift on Level four, you’re greeted by the main reception foyer which leads through to the partitioned offices on the eastern side of the building, enjoying unobstructed views over Takapuna Beach, Rangitoto Island and the inner Hauraki Gulf. Back through the reception area on the Western side of the building, there are additional offices and meeting rooms plus well-appointed amenities and a superior quality kitchen, including granite bench tops, dish-drawers, oven/hob
and lacquered cupboards. The office fit-out includes Temperzone air conditioning, security system, fire sprinkler system, high quality fixtures and fittings, with stylish walnut veneer doors and a mixture of carpet and tiled floor coverings. No office is complete without an executive boardroom featuring a custom bar, which is discreetly hidden behind a pneumatic foldaway wall, and an outdoor open deck area to enjoy the afternoon sun. The centrally located stairway leads to the “rooftop” penthouse, which is currently utilised as four separate partitioned offices. So there you have it – the Shore’s best offices and they’re on the market now! Level 4 & 5, 95 Hurstmere Road, Takapuna, North Shore City. For Sale by Auction on Thursday 3rd November 2011 at 11am. Contact: Andrew Hiskens - 09 488 4771, 021 985 563, andrew.hiskens@colliers.com or Euan Stratton - 09 488 4779, 027 580 7439, euan.stratton@colliers.com
c ongrat ul at i o ns g r e g ! ...on achieving in excess of $200 million worth of sales with Premium Real Estate Takapuna. Many of his listings and sales can be attributed to repeat business from satisfied vendors and purchasers alike. Greg’s 17 years experience with Premium plus his 31 years as a local Takapuna resident has provided his clients with consistent qualified expertise second to none. He is also actively involved in the local community as a member and past trustee of the North Harbour Club Charitable Trust. This club rewards excellence and has raised and distributed in excess of $1.2 million in cash grants to the outstanding and talented youth of the North Harbour Region via the annual AIMES Awards. Greg invites your call if you are considering selling or buying a premium property on the North Shore.
experience the difference of a “safe pair of hands” from a dedicated local professional.
greg ward 021 651 555 GregWard@premium.co.nz Takapuna: 916 6000 pREMIuM REaL ESTaTE LTD MREInZ LICEnSED REaa 2008
premium.co.nz - selling the finest homes www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
148 REAL ESTATE: Linda De Vine of Bayleys North Shore
Linda de Vine
Loving life back on the Shore At the end of last year Linda decided to return to live on the North Shore after living in Matakana for over 19 years and selling real estate very successfully at Omaha Beach, where she sold a phenomenal 500 plus properties with a combined value of around $200 million. Many North Shore residents know Linda well from her high profile at Omaha as the real estate agent in the red Mercedes – she is now driving her Linda de Vine. sixth Mercedes. Others will have bought or sold through her over the 18 years she was there. Both Linda’s children, who attended Kristin School, are well known lifeguards at the Omaha Beach Surf Club where Linda sponsored the new four wheel drive bikes when they were introduced. She also organised the popular Miss Omaha competition beach day for the Club and teenagers to enjoy. She was also on the Omaha Beach Residents Society and the Omaha Beach Community Inc. where she suggested a levy for all households to engage the security patrol for the peace of mind of all residents which has now been working very successfully for several years. Linda is looking forward to becoming involved in the Takapuna community using her skills and energy and has been involved in welcoming the French rugby team using her skills of five languages. Linda is loving living in Takapuna, where she can often be seen running from her home along the length of the beach, Stand Up Paddling on the water or working out at Les Mills gym to keep fit.
100% Success
12 Wilding Ave, Northcote
98 Stanley Pt. Rd, Stanley Pt.
10 Mayall Ave, Beach Haven
Joining Bayleys North Shore and working with Sue Stanaway and the team, Linda has continued her success in real estate. She has done six marketing campaigns and sold all six properties giving her a 100% success rate to date. The Bayleys recipe is working. She is looking forward to continuing this success using her experience, academic knowledge and skills being a fully licensed agent and a Member of the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand.
Linda is looking forward to becoming involved in the Takapuna community using her skills and energy and has been involved in welcoming the French rugby team using her skills of five languages. Linda is relishing re-establishing her relationships with the many North Shore people she has known from Omaha and working with those people to satisfy their needs for housing on the Shore. Linda’s interest in environmental sustainability will be developed to the benefit of her North Shore clients as she has trained as a Home Coach with New Zealand Green Building Council. This council has introduced a star point system to rate the energy efficiency of homes in New Zealand to make for healthier and more environmentally friendly houses for the population. Visit www.homestar.org.nz for more information. If you would like to make contact with Linda for a coffee or a chat she would love to hear from you. Linda de Vine, Phone 021 923 276 or 487 0725, linda.devine@bayleysnorthshore.co.nz or visit www.lindadevine.bayleys.co.nz.
YOU ARE INVITED TO… Learn how to make your home a more comfortable, efficient, healthier place to live Many New Zealand homes are cold and damp. Homestar (www.homestar.org.nz) is a comprehensive, national, residential rating tool that evaluates the environmental attributes of New Zealand’s stand-alone homes in terms of energy, health and comfort, water, waste and more. How will your home rate? Linda de Vine, a Homecoach for Homestar and Bayleys North Shore Residential invite you to come along and learn more about how having a healthier home can improve your family’s health and comfort, and save you money.
120 Park Hill Rd, Birkenhead
15 Holiday Rd, Stanmore Bay
117 Seaview Rd, Glenfield
All marketing campaigns undertaken by Linda de Vine at Bayleys North Shore Residential have SOLD. Call now to share in Linda’s success and have your property SOLD! Linda de Vine BA AREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008 D: 09 487 0725 M: 021 923 276 E: linda.devine@bayleysnorthshore.co.nz W: www.lindadevine.bayleys.co.nz
A Homestar Representative will discuss how the tool works and the benefits it can offer you. When: Wednesday 12th October Time: 5:30-7:30pm, Where: Bayleys North Shore Auction Room, 28 Northcroft Street, Takapuna Wine and hors d’oeuvres will be served. RSVP to 09 487 0725 or linda.devine@bayleysnorthshore.co.nz by 10 October for catering. Linda will be offering a FREE Homecoach assessment for your home to the first three people who contact her for an appraisal of their property.
Stanaway Real Estate Limited, Bayleys North Shore, Licensed under the REA Act 2008.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
LOCAL REAL ESTATE: The Power of Two 149 By Real Estate Duo Rose Arnott & Rosie Houghton of Prestige Real Estate – Both Local Identities in the Takapuna community.
How Much Is My House Worth Now? Deciding on how much my home is worth can be a challenging exercise given there is an emotional element in selling your home. Who’s to say how much my home is worth, what determines this? These are difficult questions a home owner has. There are certain factors that should be taken into consideration; as a seller you are selling your home which typically carry’s an emotional attachment as it’s become a home and no longer just a house and we know that this emotion can distort what you perceive the value of your property is. A buyer is buying a house and doesn’t have that attachment formed therefore is looking at the home in a more clinical way. Government valuations are only a guide, they are computerised statistical valuations and are a good indication of the land value; however when was the last time a valuer from the government knocked on your door to see what your home was like on the inside? We are about to get our new government valuations, and there may be a few surprises for some. Remember these valuations will soon be historic and not an indication to what is happening in the market right now! So don’t get too caught up on them. What is most important is to have a sales person who can compare physically what is available for sale and what has sold and compare this knowledge to your home. At the moment if a home has not sold within 40 days, you as a vendor and your agent may need to ask the question why? What are factors that are putting potential buyers off? A home will always sell if it is priced to meet the market. An inflated price will put buyers off as they will perceive you are not a genuine seller and will look at the next property.
Get a complimentary home value report for your neighbourhood from Rosie & Rose: • What do I get in my free report? • What is for sale in your area? • What homes sold for near you. • Trends showing if prices are rising. • How long it takes to sell in your area. • Data indicating if it’s a good time to buy or sell. The spring and summer months are traditionally the busiest times of year for the residential real estate market. Weather is more cooperative and many families like to move and be settled in their new home before Christmas. For a no-obligation home appraisal please call Rose and Rosie anytime. Contact Rosie Houghton 021 623 952, Email: rosie@prestigerealty.co.nz or Rose Arnott 021 876 333 Email: rose.arnott@prestigerealty.co.nz
a unique pieCe of nZ,
lot19/33 south paCifiC rd, rakino island
Mid Century design,
22 BloMfield spa, takapuna Uncompromising in every way, this home has space and design to suit growing families. 5 bedrooms, multiple living, entertaining areas, heated lap pool and spa, large double garage with off street parking, plenty of storage and workshop areas. This home has been specifically designed around the day to day living for a busy active family. Close sea views from the upper level and just a few paces to the white sands of Takapuna beach. Why wouldn’t you want to live here! This is an absolutely ideal home for a discerning growing family.
Viewing By appointment Visit www.prestigerealty.co.nz/5219
This sunny elevated site 11 acre lifestyle block offers spectacular, near 360 degree sea views and just a short stroll down to Sandy Bay, Home Bay and Community hall and wharf. This lifestyle block offers a nearly complete built shell bach fully Council consented just waiting for someone to add their personal flair and flavour. It overlooks Waiheke Island the Rakino channel and back to Motutapu Island. Riparian rights to Pohutekawa Bay. Current 2008 CV $880,000 Land only. The island is only 14 nautical miles from the Auckland CBD and is easily reached by ferry, water taxi, private boat you can even add your very own helicopter pad. Secluded Rakino offers an idyllic family environment in a stunning setting. Visitors and residents enjoy the strong community spirit and wide variety of outdoor pursuits - swimming, snorkeling or diving in the crystal clear waters, great fishing, walks along golden beaches or simply unwinding to the sounds of the native birdlife. A great affordable investment for the future.
Rosie Houghton Ph: 021 623 952 Rose Arnott Ph: 021 876 333
Visit www.prestigerealty.co.nz/5341
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
150 feature home: with Sue Evans, Barfoot & Thompson
A rare Takapuna gem Sue Evans and Evan Jones of Barfoot and Thompson Takapuna have a real gem for sale in Takapuna. It is a grand old 1910 villa that has been under the same ownership for the past 24 years. The property at 267 Lake Road, Takapuna was originally the gardener’s residence for a larger villa three doors up the road when market gardens ran all the way up to Belmont. At that time Takapuna Grammar School was also still a dairy farm for the Takapuna district. When this property was first built the only other residents at the time were the Wilson’s who lived over the road. In the late 1800’s there was a tram that ran from Bayswater all the way to Takapuna and onto Milford. The tram stop was right outside this home. For years until the 1960’s there was also a hairdresser and a grocer out the front. The property has many lovely features. These include leadlight windows that were brought from old homes in Wellington and installed by the present owner. There is also a huge water fountain salvaged from the old Wilson Home when it was demolished, along with two stone/marble bench seats and the large bird bath. A boy peeing statue in a fountain, like the famous ‘Mannekin Pis’ statue in Brussels, was brought from a grand old home
in Napier. Bricks used for paving the backyard were salvaged from Her Majesty’s Theatre in downtown Auckland when that was controversially demolished in the 1980’s. The wrought iron gates to the front verandah are from France brought from Yvonne Sanders while the stock gates and fencing in the front came from an old farm in Tokoroa. The stone walls in the garden are constructed from Blue Stone from Wellington and the dove pergoda is supported by piles from the old Devonport Wharf. There are also dozens upon dozens of varieties of Palms, Cycads and Bromeliads, the majority of which have grown from seedlings. Many have been donated to Takapuna Grammar School over the years by the present owner. There are also still live chooks and a chookhouse
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
on the property as well as pigeon and dove houses. “This will really suit people who love the character and charm of old homes and the bonus is that there are over 60 acres of gorgeous parkland between the neighbours, the Wilson Home and Takapuna Grammar School. A home with a unique garden setting very close to both Takapuna and St. Leonards Beaches”, adds Sue Evans. This property is being Auctioned on Saturday, 15th October, on-site at 1:00pm. Sue Evans and Evan Jones have open homes every Saturday and Sunday until that date. For further information contact Sue Evans 021-448-977 or Evan Jones 0272-837-460 or visit www.barfoot.co.nz/462076.
feature home: with Sue Evans, Barfoot & Thompson 151
Life really will be a beach! The advertising for this property is titled “life’s a beach” and this is very appropriate. If you own this property you are right on the beach. Not just any old beach. Cheltenham Beach, one of the most picturesque in New Zealand. The spacious one bedroom apartment, at the northern end of Cheltenham Beach, is part of a block built in 1925 by E.C. Quinton, a farmer who came to Auckland. Back then the building included a shop (kiosk) and bathing sheds at the bottom set behind a wide walkway with beautiful arches across the front. There were also flats across the top floor which were
accessible only from Vauxhall Road. “The myth is that somewhere between the 1920s and 1960s the bottom was converted to boathouses with lofts at the top,” says Sue Evans of Barfoot and Thompson, who is marketing the property. “So the property has often been referred to as ‘The Boathouse’ but there is actually no evidence that it was a boat house. What we do know is that the building was converted to flats in 1964 and then it was redeveloped again in the 1980’s into four strata title units. Since that time the apartment has had a number of famous tenants and owners – including a
writer, and actor and TV presenter.” Today the apartment is immaculately presented. It has been interior designed to a very high standard and is the ideal lock-up and leave pad. Life will certainly be a beach if you are lucky enough to buy this at Auction through Sue Evans at Barfoot and Thompson on Tuesday, 18th October, on-site at 6:00pm.
Phone Sue to view, or for Saturday and Sunday open home times, on 021-448-977 or visit www.barfoot.co.nz/462336.
www.channelmag.co.nz Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011
152 rEal estate: with Aaron Reid, Barfoot and Thompson, Takapuna
Hi all, have you been caught by the World Cup fever? It is hard not to be. From the airport welcomes (especially the 4000 strong Tongan supporters cheering on the arrival of their team), to the opening ceremony, the fireworks at the waterfront and the thousands of people that took over the city centre to celebrate the beginning of the 2011 Rugby World Cup. What a way to kick off the World Cup and showcase our country to the world. By and large the event has been a huge success. Many of the games have been sold out â&#x20AC;&#x201C; even the games between the lesser favoured teams have drawn larger than expected crowds. There have also been some very interesting results, the Japanese pushed the French close, Georgia were very competitive with England and 58,000 watched the Irish upset the Aussies at Eden Park. Most of us were pretty happy about that. By the time you read this, the competition will be into the Finals stage â&#x20AC;&#x201C; I am quietly confident our All Blacks can go all the way. This month I thought I would focus on some sales stats for Barfoot & Thompson for the month of August 2011 (the most recent available at time of printing). 758 properties were sold during the month worth a total value of $402,530,541. The average sale price was $531,042. There were 37 properties sold in excess of $1m and the number of available listings at month end were 4,762. In isolation these figures mean little, but when compared with other data certain trends emerge.
Issue 15 - OCTOBER 2011 www.channelmag.co.nz
For example, the average sale price of $531,042 has remained fairly consistent for the past 4 months and has not varied by more than $10,000. The difference between the average sale price for July and August was less than $1,000. Peter Thompson (Managing Director of Barfoot & Thompson) recently made the following comments: This is unusual in terms of price movements and shows just how stable property values are at present. Normally the market is weighted to either buyers or sellers. It is not common for it to be balanced like this for such a long time. There are eager buyers and in historical terms not that many homes for sale, but this is not affecting the prices on which buyers and sellers are reaching agreement. Buyers are not prepared to pay beyond what they believe a property is worth, while sellers are not accepting what they consider unrealistic offers. Sales volume for August 2011 was up 19% on sales for August last year and the average price is up approximately 4% for the same period. The figures suggest that sales are being made when both buyers and sellers are being realistic with their expectations. We anticipate this trend to continue in the near future albeit with increased activity as we head into the summer months. Hopefully by next month we will be celebrating All Black success and a World Cup victory! Aaron works for Barfoot & Thompson Takapuna. If you have any queries he can be contacted on a.reid@barfoot.co.nz or 021 1191926
Grand takapuna beachfront estate
View online at www.bayleys.co.nz/101845946 Renown to be Takapunaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most exclusive waterfront estate this property provides the opportunity to secure the ultimate in New Zealand Real Estate. Set amongst magnificent landscaped grounds of 4,273m² in two titles you will enjoy the lifestyle choices of your own tennis court, tropically landscaped pool, gym, summerhouse, staff flat and most importantly private access to a beautiful golden sand beach. The home spans close to 10,000sqft and offers international standards of luxury whilst still being a very live-able family home. Serious top end purchasers should inspect this once in a lifetime beachfront opportunity.
Victoria Bidwell 021 947 080 | 09 487 0735 victoriab@bayleysnorthshore.co.nz www.victoriabidwell.bayleys.co.nz
Stanaway Real Estate Limited Bayleys North Shore, Licensed under the REA Act 2008