OFFICIAL PUBLICATION of the north harbour business association INC
Inside Issue 16 JANUARY 2012 2 Organisational Structure From the Chair 3 Business Development Speechcraft course and financial outlook 4-5 Transport & Infrastructure Transpower’s cable project, busway expansion, Auckland Transport and more. 6 Crime Prevention Introducing Anna Crane 7 Celebrating Success Norcross Printing Group 8-11 Vote Yes Again 2012 Everything you need to know. 12-13 Events Transpower profile and Mayor Len Brown interview 14 Business Education The Bachelor of Business programme 15 Business and Pleasure New Associate Members, Wine club and News in brief 16 Celebrating success Pacrite and Gold Sponsors
Save Business the Luncheon date with Len Brown 10 February 2012 1pm-2.30pm at the North Shore Golf Club. See page 13 for details.
Auckland Council’s new BID Policy ratified
n December 13 the Auckland Council ratified a new policy for the establishment and running of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). While there are already 46 BIDs operating in the Auckland region, the new policy was designed to integrate the slightly different policies of the five former city councils so that they are all run under the same rules. Mayor Len Brown says the move signals the Council is serious about building the region’s local townships and industrial business improvement districts and ensuring they receive appropriate funding. “We rightly focus a lot on having a successful city centre, but we’ve got 187 villages and towns in the region and I’d like to see a BID programme operating in every one of them.” The area that the North Harbour Business Association currently manages is a BID and will therefore be run under the new policy. North Harbour was specifically mentioned in the policy document as an example of a well managed BID. The North Harbour BID status is about to commence it’s re-poll programme in February and March (see below and page 8). The new policy is based around a partnership approach for Council and the BID. Each business association must enter into a partnering agreement for a specified term. This document defines the relationships and roles of the two parties and sits alongside the Memorandum of Understanding that is signed
between the Local Board and the Business Association. Auckland Council role as a “governing body” levies the targeted rate for each BID Partnership Programme and ensures they are included the Annual Plan. It also monitors the effectiveness of the individual BID programme at a regional level. Local Boards (the Upper Harbour Local Board in the North Harbour BID’s case) are seen as joint partners in each BID Partnership Programme. They work with the Business Association charged with implementing and managing the BID programmes (the NHBA in North Harbour’s case), working with them to align the direction for the BID programme with local priorities. The NHBA reports regularly to the Upper Harbour Local Board on their programme’s progress. A local board member will
be appointed to represent the board in all matters relating to the Business Association, and it is up to that Association whether the board member is invited to be part of the Executive Committee and have voting rights. However, this is strongly recommended under the new policy. In the case of the NHBA the UHLB’s chairman Brian Neeson is the Board’s nominated representative and has an open invitation to attend NHBA Executive Committee meetings. Business Associations are accountable to all their eligible voters and the Auckland Council, which not only collects the targeted rate, but also ensures it is spent as it was intended. It is important to note that 100 per cent of the target rate collected goes to the Business Association. You can read the full BID policy by downloading it from
Vote in support of continuing the North Harbour Business Improvement District Soon you will be receiving information and voting papers for the North Harbour BID re-poll. This is your opportunity to ensure the programmes and initiatives currently benefiting businesses within the North Harbour Industrial Estate continue and develop. You’ll find everything you need to know about the process, the North Harbour Business Association’s operations and plans for the future on page 8 or on our website at VoteYESAgain. Vote Yes Again in 2012!
VISIT • PHONE (09) 968 2222
organisational structure
From the chair On behalf of your Executive Committee and our executive team it gives me great pleasure to welcome you back to the New Year in 2012. Thank you for your support in 2011 as well as that of our key stakeholders including Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, the Ministry of Justice, NZ Police and our Gold Sponsors. Going forward we have a number of significant milestones in 2012. The first of these being the re-poll of our members to confirm our ongoing funding under the North Harbour Business Improvement District (BID). Your proactive support in the coming year will enable us to continue to maintain and enhance the services we offer the wider membership including advocacy/ representation, economic development, transport and crime prevention initiatives.
community implications will take some time to work through. Our high exchange rate supported by strong commodity pricing and the strength of our major trading partner Australia has offset import costs but made us less competitive for some exporters. Overall, 2012 looks to be another year of consolidation and cautious development. Our best wishes go to all members for the year ahead.
Market Environment The marketplace still shows signs of volatility driven by uncertainty with the US and European markets. Technology developments in many sectors are creating challenges and opportunity, which are driving change and commercial development for many members. The Rugby World Cup drove revenue into the hospitality sector and strong promotion of New Zealand internationally as a tourist and business destination. On the local front it had a short term negative spin-off effect in some sectors with traditional demand being lowered by the consumer spend on Rugby World Cup events and higher travel and associated costs. Christchurch continues to be impacted by the ongoing earthquake activity and the medium/long-term commercial and
NHBA – 2011 in Review 2011 saw significant effort applied to the development of our Crime Prevention and Transport Programme in conjunction with the Ministry of Justice and Auckland Transport. These culminated in the release of Tool Kits for each programme, providing practical information and products designed to add real value to members. These Tool Kits continue to be distributed to members free of charge. We designed and released a new website to create an improved platform for information sharing and business development. We held a range of well-supported events including: Business Breakfasts: Graeme Avery (Sileni and Millenium Institute of Sport and Health), Dr Lester Levy (Auckland School of Business), Mark Hawthorne (McDonalds NZ), Rob Fyfe (Air New Zealand), Dr Don Brash (Act Party). After 5 Business Networking hosted by: Kea Campers and Unitec The new Auckland Council Business Improvement District Policy was approved by Council late last year (see page 1). The policy provides a framework under which rate-funded BIDs operate going forward and is substantially consistent with our preexisting operating arrangements under the NHBA BID. Full details of our activities and achievements in 2011 are contained in our Annual Report available at
Get in contact If you have comments on anything in this issue of FYI magazine, or would like to see your business profiled, give us a call. Contact NHBA’s General Manager Janine Brinsdon on 09 968 2222 or 021 212 4942. You can email © All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the North Harbour Business Association.
Team Update Later this month we look forward to welcoming Anna Crane to the role of Crime Prevention Specialist (see page 6). Anna comes from a career with the NZ Police and more recently with Auckland Council’s
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Warren Kitchin
community safety programme. We also expect to be appointing a new Transport Manager in the near term with Sue Kohn-Taylor moving to Hamilton over the next couple of months. 2012 – The Year Ahead We are looking to continue to maintain and improve our current key programmes of Transport and Crime Prevention while seeking to focus more strongly on Advocacy/Representation and Economic Development as we move ahead. We aim to continue adding value to your organisation by providing relevant and cost-effective services without the need to increase our service charges, collected through Auckland Council as a rate. Our guiding principles and plan for the financial years ending 30 June 2012 and 2013 are detailed in our Business Plan which is available at On behalf of our Executive Committee and Executive Team, my thanks for your ongoing support which is much appreciated. We welcome any feedback on current or future activities and ask that you take the opportunity to review the information on the BID re-poll process in this issue of FYI and keep an eye out for information on pages 8-11 regarding our Vote YES Again in 2012 campaign over the coming months. Yours sincerely
Warren Kitchin CA Dip NZIM Chairman NHBA
business development
Financial outlook for 2012 It’s no surprise to anyone that New Zealand is looking at a period of slow growth in 2012. But at least growth is still being predicted. In fact a recent business planning report from Business New Zealand said that we can continue to feel “relatively confident about the future, taking into account the very uncertain times”. While world commodity export prices have fallen lately, New Zealand’s terms of trade have remained sound, showing continued growth in most of the trading partners. There is strong demand from China, which is expected to grow more than 8 per cent in 2012, while the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation
NHBA subsidises Speechcraft course for members
Being able to speak effectively in public is not just an issue for CEOs, politicians and celebrities; it’s an important skill for anyone in business. Being able to speak clearly, succinctly, engagingly and confidently will help you grow your business, which is why the North Harbour Business Association has teamed up with Albany Toastmasters to offer members a special deal on a Speechcraft course. The course runs over six weekly two-hour sessions, with a break over Easter, and will introduce participants to the skills needed to write, practise and present a successful speech. It’s also appropriate for more experienced speakers, as it will extend their existing expertise. The course normally costs $100, but the NHBA will be subsidising this cost for its members, so it will only cost you $50.
and Development) forecasted average is down to just 1.6 per cent. The farming sector continues to show relatively strong growth on the back of good spring weather and high demand for protein, but manufacturing is still in the doldrums. At home, the global outlook and a slower than expected start to the Christchurch redbuild mean the NZIER is now predicting 2.2 per cent growth in the year to March 2012, and 3 per cent for the year to March 2013*. Households are already concentrating on paying off debt and this will continue, while businesses will be cautious with investment, and a rise in new jobs will only be modest. The developments overseas in the past three months have contributed to the likelihood that the government will post a $1 billion deficit in the year to June 2014, rather
Ken McInnes has been involved in Toastmasters for many years and is part of the Albany club. As Managing Director of Ivoclar Vivadent NZ, a subsidiary of a Lichtenstein-based company, he has to stand up and say something in front of people every day. It was when he had to make a five-minute presentation to a professional association that he decided he needed some help. “It was awful, I just wasn’t prepared. It still makes me cringe.” For Ken, attending Toastmasters was all about becoming more consistent and he says it has had benefits in a lot of areas – from running meetings to speaking at events. “What was really helpful within Toastmasters was that everything you do gets evaluated positively. You get feedback that you wouldn’t get otherwise – framed in a way that is meant to help you improve.” That feedback element is an important part of the Speechcraft course. Each week participants will be given a new topic and someone else is allocated to give positive and constructive feedback. “By the end of the six weeks they will be significantly more advanced at public speaking. It’s about having a purpose and structure, getting to the point, being more effective and making an impact. Getting your point across quickly and clearly is essential in the business environment.” The course starts on Thursday March 8 from 6.30pm to 8.30pm and will be held at Ivoclar Vivdent’s offices on Omega Street each week until April 19. The first 10 places are open to NHBA
than the $1 billion surplus economists had predicted just three months ago. Inflation is expected to slow, averaging just 2.4 per cent over the next three years (down from 2.7 per cent in the September forecast), and as a result the Reserve Bank is expected to keep official interest rates on hold for longer. The first review of the Official Cash Rate is on January 26. * The NZIER compiles these forecasts from a survey of banks and economic agencies. The economic outlook often differs to what businesses on the ground are feeling. What is the view from your business? North Harbour Business Association is always looking for comments and feedback that can help them shape their programmes and discussions with stakeholders. Contact the NHBA on (09) 968 2222 or at
Ken McInnes
members at a subsidized cost of $50 each. To register email Rob Wightman, President of Albany Toastmasters at Please include your name, company name, company address and contact telephone number. This is the first training programme NHBA will facilitate in 2012. We are committed to empowering better business and will support our members to acquire skills and increased competencies required to succeed and grow within today’s competitive market. Information will be detailed on our Events Calendar hosted on the www. - please check for updates. • FYI january 2012 • 3
Transport & Infrastructure
Securing North Harbour’s power supply
ranspower is undertaking a project that will increase the security of the electricity supply to Auckland and Northland, while also helping to meet increasing energy demands in these areas. The $415m North Auckland and Northland (NAaN) project involves laying a new 220kV underground transmission cable link from Pakuranga to Albany – that’s 37km in all – connecting through the substation at Penrose and two new substations being built at Hobson Street in Auckland Central and Wairau Road. The Albany section has been underway since October last year, and because most of the work is being done in existing transmission corridors, there is expected to be little disruption to businesses or traffic in the North Harbour area. There will be works on Bush Road, Albany Highway, Rosedale Road and Jack Hinton Drive, however full traffic management plans are in place, with clear on-road signage, plus the NHBA is liaising closely with Transpower to ensure local businesses are aware of any disruptions. You may already have noticed the road crossing work at Bush Road between Northwood and George Pannill reserves. The future benefits, on the other hand, are substantial. Project director Paul Duffy, says that currently the North Shore and Northland are heavily reliant on two circuits following a single route between Otahuhu and Henderson. “The new circuit will create a ring around Auckland providing two independent routes to get power to the North Shore, which
provides more security of supply,” he says. That’s especially important considering more than 70 per cent of Auckland and Northland’s peak demand for electricity is provided by generation south of Bombay and that Auckland currently uses 30 per cent of New Zealand’s power, a figure that is expected to rise to 38 per cent by 2040. Paul says it is the largest power infrastructure project in Auckland since the 1960s and it’s the first time an underground cable project of this scale has been undertaken in New Zealand. “The existing cables are very short stretches whereas this is 37km of extra high voltage cable circuit. It’s new technology for New Zealand.” Approximately 8.4km of that cable will be installed in the Northern Busway and the designated North Shore Transmission Corridor as part of the Albany section. The project received approval in May 2009 and is expected to be completed in June 2013. Find out more about the project at, twitter @ TranspowerAKL Facebook TranspowerNZ or calling 0800 655 463 You can read more about Transpower – who are sponsoring the NHBA’s Business Luncheon with Len Brown – on page 12.
Works update The wet start to the year forced some changes in the location of the work on the Transpower Infrastructure project. The teams that were working in George Pannill reserve were shifted to the North Harbour Hockey Stadium, and are expected to finish there by early February. Once this section is complete workers will return to the reserve and Kristin Lane, which is expected to be completed by the end of February or early March – weather permitting. NHBA will keep you updated on works and areas to avoid through the website –
Park and Ride to double in size The number of parking spaces within the Albany Park and Ride facility are set to double – from 550 to 1100 – as Auckland Transport begins a major extension. The $5.5 million project, due to begin in early February, is the second time the facility has been extended. It opened in November 2005 with 370 car parking spaces, and 181 were added in May 2007 to meet demand. The facility is part of the Northern Busway initiative, New Zealand’s first purpose-built road dedicated to bus passenger transport, and forms a key part of Auckland’s Rapid Transport Network. Auckland Transport says the 2012 extension is further evidence that the Northern Busway is changing the way people travel in the area. A sculpture designed by renowned Titirangi artist, Caroline Robinson, will also be built on site. The seven-metre high limestone tower represents the artist’s impression of the car park’s location near Lucas Creek. Work is expected to be completed by the end of July 2012.
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An aerial view of the Albany Park and Ride facility with the projected extension to the left.
transport management
Make an impact in North Harbour
The people behind the programmes
The NHBA is currently looking for a Transport Projects Manager to join their team on a part-time, contract basis.
Melanie Alexander
The main purpose of the role is to create an environment within the North Harbour business district that promotes diverse transport solutions and encourages the use of transport management planning among business owners and institutional organisations located within or who impact on the North Harbour Business Estate. There is a lot of variety to this position, so we are looking for someone dynamic and able to effectively change gears when required. You will also be a strategic thinker who is able to analyse situations effectively and ensure you are constantly looking at the “big picture” While an understanding of transport management planning would be an advantage it is not necessary if you can supply evidence of the above skills, are naturally influential and able to interact with all areas of society with confidence. The focus is on sustaining long-term relationships with all stakeholders. Hours of work vary depending on planned activities and we estimate an average workload of around 20 hours a week. A contract hourly rate will be negotiated with the successful candidate. Please email your CV and covering letter in the first instance to the General Manager at janine.brinsdon@, or call Janine on 021 212 4942 if you require additional information.
Get your Smart Transport Solutions Pack This useful resource kit is available free to all NHBA members. It includes products and information that North Harbour’s business owners, employees and students can use in their daily commute. To get your Smart Transport Solutions Pack, email
Albany Highway updates Work continues on the Albany Highway upgrade. Keep checking for updates on traffic flow and ideas for how you can make your own journey smoother.
Regional Programme Manager for Community Transport Auckland Transport The NHBA regularly liaises with Auckland Transport on behalf of its members and you get to reap the benefits of the resulting programmes and initiatives. But those programmes wouldn’t exist without the dedication of the people who make them happen. Melanie is a valued contact for the NHBA Transport Projects Manager, so at FYI we thought we’d find out a bit more about her. Why do you work for Auckland Transport? My role enables me to integrate the work we do with schools, businesses and communities to promote travel choices. Our role in Auckland Transport means that we can provide integration with Auckland Transport teams delivering road improvements, safety, public transport, cycling and walking and parking. This enables us to have more cohesion and input for working with our partners such as North Harbour Business Association. For me working with partners to promote and deliver travel choices and enabling ease of access around the city is the most exciting part of my role. What role Auckland Transport plays in keeping business running smoothly? Our role in travel planning at Auckland Transport is to work in partnership with business to make it easier for people to get to work, by providing choices in travel and information about those choices we can reduce congestion and make the journey to work less stressful. What do you enjoy most about the projects you get to work on? We have the opportunity to work on really interesting challenges. With North Harbour it’s been great to link the work we are doing in the TMA (Transport Management
Melanie Alexander
Area) with the schools and the future development of the Albany Highway. Working with NHBA enables tailoring our knowledge and tools to meet the challenges for the particular area. Definitely my favourite are is developing tools and working in partnerships. What do you find the most challenging? Finding solutions to the issues of congestion and developing opportunities for other travel modes to the private car that meet the needs of a wide a range of people as possible. How have things changed since the implementation of the Supercity structure? Definitely for the better. Having one integrated transport delivery agency means that we can work together to deliver solutions and connect with businesses, schools and communities. What message would you like to give to the businesses in the North Harbour area? Everyone can make a difference, not using your car just one day a week will impact on congestion to work. The NHBA has listened to your issues and working together we are providing choices to help your journeys. The CarpoolNow scheme has around 250 registered participants, and “Give it a go” public transport passes provide alternatives to sitting in your car alone. • FYI january 2012 • 5
crime prevention
Introducing Anna Crane In January, the NHBA welcomed a new Crime Prevention Specialist to their executive team.
fter seven years working as a legal executive, Anna Crane changed careers and entered the New Zealand Police force. It was a move prompted by a desire to get out of the office and to help people. That led to 13 years working as a constable in general duties and intelligence work; before an opportunity arose to become the Team Leader Community Safety for Rodney District Council, about 3 years ago. “It was a natural follow-on from my work as the Community Constable for Kumeu Huapai, but it was time to do something a bit different,” Anna says. “I have a young son so it was also a good move for the family. I really enjoy working with the community development principles, working constructively with people to solve problems and making the community a better place.” The transition into the Auckland Supercity adjusted her role in November 2010, as she took on the position Team Leader Community Safety for North Auckland. Her biggest challenge will be getting out “That role was more managemnt work and meeting as many people in the North and I wanted to focus on a project were I Harbour community as possible, learning coud see real positive results for people.” more about them, their businesses, and their she says. Which is what led her to the role crime prevention needs. of Crime Prevention Specialist with the “The area the NHBA covers is already North Harbour Business Association. fairly safe in comparision to other “I’m really excited about the potential communities, but it’s of working with the about making sure it businesses in the Police statistics only tell becomes even safer, area. Finding out what they would you part of the story, it’s taking it to the next strategic level. And like to work on and about finding out what businesses are already how we can make a doing great work, it’s strategic difference for businesses think the important they really our members.” biggest issues are. get to feel the benefits Anna praises the of their efforts.” Crime Prevention Tool While she is familiar with the statistics for Kit the NHBA launched last year, as well the North Harbour Business Improvement as the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through District, Anna says her understanding of Environmental Design) surveys available the context for her role and what needs to to members. “I’m looking to help grow the programme not only from an operations and be done, has to come from the businesses themselves. “I want to know what they knowledge perspective, but also by really think is important and what is on their high delivering great long term outcomes.”
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Anna Crane
priority list. Police statistics only tell you part of the story, it’s about finding out what businesses think the biggest issues are.” Anna is impressed with what the NHBA Crime Prevention Programme has already achieved and what it’s offering members. “We want to help create a really good strong community that is safe for everyone to work in. A real core part of being in a community is feeling safe. I’m looking forward to meeting business owners in the area in 2012.” Anna Crane started as the NHBA’s Crime Prevention Specialist on January 25 and will responsible for running and implementing the Association’s Crime Prevention Programme. Her role is partly funded by the Ministry of Justice as part of a 30-month pilot programme. If you would like a CPTED survey, have not received your free Crime Prevention Tool Kit, or have any questions, you can contact Anna on 968 2222 or 021 560 287, or email
celebrating success
Henry Norcross
A business with multiple talents Norcross Printing Group is a family business that has recently relocated to the North Harbour Business District.
n today’s business world, you have an advantage if your clients can come to you for a wider range of services – as long as you excel at each of those tasks. This is especially true in highly competitive industries that have experienced massive changes due to technology and buying habits. Industries such as printing. Norcross Printing Group is answering those calls, providing not only traditional print services, but also storage, distribution and online ordering functionality. Their print facility is one of the most efficient in the country, and they also have the expertise to outsource to specialists. As a result they have attracted a stable of large clients such as the University of Auckland, Genesis Energy, Farmers, Bunnings and Repco. However, director Henry Norcross says the company is also coming across plenty of small to mediumsized businesses who are looking to consolidate their printing costs. “People want to spend less money on printing and in many cases they can,” Henry says. “We spend a lot of time with our customers working out how they can
The company has recently moved its reduce their print spend. A lot of the time headquarters to the North Harbour Business their spend is fragmented and nine times District. Henry and his family already out of 10 we are able to save them 20 per live on the Shore and says many of the cent across their total spend.” company’s employees also Henry says live on the Shore, so the Norcross positions We believe we are move makes sense. He also themselves at the one of New Zealand’s points out that it’s an area top of the “second which doesn’t have as many tier” of printing leading printing competitors who can offer the companies, companies. wide range of services that pointing to a Norcross provides. company culture “We believe we’re one of New Zealand’s that is very different to the much larger leading printing companies and we’re very printing companies in the market at the moment. “We pride ourselves on the calibre proud to be relocated in the new building on the North Shore,” Henry says. “We’re and level of our account managers. They looking forward to being able to meet with understand what they do and why they do the businesses in the area and introduce it. They’re not just sales reps.” them to our company and what we are able Another area where superior account to achieve for them.” management pays dividends for clients is that they can ensure brand consistency over all marketing materials. Plus, clients get to take advantage of several innovations that Norcross have brought into their offering in order to meet changing needs. One of these innovations is the e-book application. “Some of our clients are producing a brochure but also providing an electronic version, and PDFs just aren’t enough any more.” Henry points out that Norcross Printing Group it allows their clients to be very specific 70 Paul Matthews Road in how they deliver their content – certain Albany parts can be done through an ordinary (09) 839 2000 catalogue, while other parts can be printed digitally instead. • FYI january 2012 • 7
vote yes again
In Support of the North Harbour Business Improvement District The NHBA focus is encouraging growth, efficiency and innovation in the North Harbour Business Improvement District. In the past three years we have developed, refined and implemented projects that are having have a real impact on local business, especially in the areas of crime prevention and transport management. We have forged valuable relationships and we are beginning to see good results. It is not job done, however, but job started.
2008-2011: What we have achieved so far Regular liaison with NZ Police delivers improved reporting process and response plus greater Police intelligence sharing. First BID in New Zealand to have an Memorandum of Understanding with NZ Police. BID area businesses can now enjoy lower insurance premiums. Crime Prevention
In excess of 200 free public transport trial cards given to business owners, employees, students and residents in the North Harbour BID area.
NHBA-sponsored security patrols in the North Harbour BID area seven nights a week. A full-time crime prevention specialist available to all BID area businesses as part of a 30-month programme partially funded by the Ministry of Justice. A Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) surveyhelps to make staff feel safe and protects the property owners investment through prevention and education. These free CPTED’s are made available to all within the BID area. Free crime prevention tools and advice are available in the new Crime Prevention Tool Kit to all businesses and residences in the BID area. More than 700 Crime Prevention Tool Kits have been delivered, with 800 due to be completed by June 2012. Security alerts disseminated quickly through the business community via website and email.
Initiated and developed a Transport Resource pack pack which has been delivered to60 businesses by the end of 2011, with a further 500 to be distributed before April 2012. Shares the knowledge of travel options available - to keep North Harbour mobile.
Traffic Management Traffic cameras at six intersections streaming live on the NHBA website during daylight hours in order to help ease congestion. Regular liaison with Auckland Council, Auckland Transport, MAXX, local education providers and large employers to improve traffic and transport management. Results: Improved bus services to and through the area – routes, frequency and timetabling The CarpoolNow scheme encourages more people to rideshare, putting fewer cars on the road. The scheme already has 220 registered users.
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Submissions to Council on hot issues such as street parking restrictions and temporary signage
vote yes again
Business and Commercial Property Owners are invited to one of two NHBA Vote Yes Again in 2012 Information Evenings. Dates: 9 Feb or 14 Feb 2012 Time: 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm Venue: Kristin School, 380 Albany Highway, Albany RSVP: See for further details.
Six issues of FYI magazine delivered to members each year. Redesigned the www.nhba. website to provide more opportunities to reach other BID businesses, their visitors, employees and local students through the new directory and voucher system. Business Opportunities Hosted an average of five Business Breakfast or Luncheon events a year with CEO speakers such as Rob Fyfe, Paul Reynolds, and Steve Maharey, and the Prime Minister and mayors. Hosted an average of six After Five events each year, free for members, providing local businesses with opportunities to learn about their neighbours and make new connections. Inaugurated the Empowering Better Business Expo in 2011, attracting 34 exhibitors to encourage local business to business opportunities.
Constant liaison with Auckland Council, the Upper Harbour Local Board, Auckland Transport, New Zealand Police, other government departments and other stakeholders to represent North Harbour BID needs and views. Operational activities Maintained operations within budgeted guidlines. Sourced external project funding that allows the proposed targeted rate for 2012-2013 to remain at the same level as 2008. Restructed activities and inducted a new executive team.
Collective Voice An active voice for North Harbour Businesses, Workers and Residents.
Attracted high calibre board members to ensure sound governance.
Submissions presented on the draft Auckland Council Plan and the Upper Harbour Local Board annual plan. • FYI january 2012 • 9
vote yes again
Your BID Ballot questions answered There is more detailed information about how the North Harbour Business Association works and the BID arrangement on www. but here are a few key points. What is a Business Improvement District? BIDs have been used internationally to promote local development since the first one started in Toronto in 1970. There are 46 currently within the Auckland supercity structure, providing partnerships between local government, the business community and other stakeholders. NHBA is an independent non-profit organisation funded by a targeted rate collected by the Auckland Council and from appropriate external sources such as the Ministry of Justice. These funds are used to implement the business plan for NHBA which is focused on developing your local business area. We are required by Auckland Council to renew our BID so please give us your vote of support for North Harbour. What is the BID area? The NHBA area is bounded by Rosedale Road to the north, State Highway 1 to the east, Upper Harbour Highway to the south and Albany Highway to the west. This area captures some 1500 businesses and commercial organisations that, together, employ more than 15,000 people. See map above. How does the ballot work? All property owners, business owners and tenants operating within the BID area are eligible to vote. You’ll receive a ballot paper by 17 February 2012, which should be posted by Tuesday 6 March 2012 to ensure it is received before midday Friday 9 March 2012. How much will I pay? The funding that comes from the targeted rate makes up about 60 per cent of NHBA’s total budget. This targeted rate is based on a minimum levy of $150 per annum, plus a percentage of your commercial property value. The average levy per ratepayer last ballot was less than $240 per annum. Refer to your rates bill and Auckland Council website for the detailed BID Policy. The strength and effectiveness of NHBA’s initiatives and activities have also attracted
significant funding from other sources such as the Ministry of Justice and Auckland Transport, which has enabled us to keep the targeted rate at 2008 levels. What is the North Harbour Business Association? NHBA is a non-profit organisation run by and for its members. All businesses and commercial organisations in the BID area are eligible for membership, which is funded by the targeted rate. Membership is not automatic but you simply register via The organisation is run by an Executive Committee consisting of a maximum of 12 elected local business people. The committee meets monthly and members are also involved in a number of sub committees for areas such as transport and marketing.
The delivery of member services and activities functions are the responsibility of the NHBA Executive Staff, comprising a General Manager, Crime Prevention Specialist, Transport Projects Manager and Administrator. As part of its operating mandate, the NHBA holds an Annual General Meeting, giving members the opportunity to be involved with setting the organisation’s future direction and focus. Members are invited to ask questions and stand for election to the Executive Committee. The NHBA demonstrates transparency and good governance in publishing and distributing its annual report. Businesses in neighbouring areas also have the opportunity to be involved with NHBA as associate members.
If you have questions about this process, you can contact: Janine Brinsdon or Warren Kitchin for general NHBA matters 09 968 2222 or Gill Plume for Auckland Council BID policy matters 09 484 7218 or The Electoral Office for official ballot process matters 09 973 5212 or
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vote yes again
Five Reasons why you should Vote Yes Again in 2012. North Harbour is an innovative, forward-thinking business community. It is attracting successful, ambitious businesses as well as quality industry training institutions. NHBA’s objective for the North Harbour BID area is to build on the success of the previous four years, to ensure North Harbour becomes Auckland’s location of choice for investment, business and lifestyle. We will deliver value to members through relevant, cost effective service with a focus on economic development and collective representation. These services will be achieved while maintaining the Targeted Rate at the 2008 level, $310,000 per annum. This will be achieved through our focus across the following five strategic areas.
1 Crime Prevention Members benefit from security patrols, lower insurance premiums, the free Tool Kit resource through our proactive Crime Prevention programme. We will continue to increase education and training for members, with the support of NZ Police, to deliver the clear message of ‘Crime is Not OK’ in North Harbour.
2 Transport Promote the use of diversified travel options through the CarpoolNow and Free Pubic Transport Trials. Improve awareness of the Look Before You Leave cameras to keep traffic flowing. Continue to represent the needs of business and commuters with Auckland Transport, NZTA and improve access for freight and staff. Ease congestion through advocacy and education to promote and expand transport options in the North Harbour area.
Collective Voice
Business Opportunities
North Harbour property owners’ and business voices are heard within the new complex Auckland Supercity structure. Through our extensive relationships, we will leverage and exert our influence to provide improved support services, funding and infrastructure to our members.
Effective connections with other local business owners through free networking events for members and the online business directory, will continue to create opportunities for business growth within challenging economic environment. We will provide increased access to business training and support, greater interaction between education providers and business.
5 Local Promotion Business relationships are enhanced and promoted across all media - including, FYI magazine, and other regional and national media. Local business growth reinforces North Harbour as a desirable place to invest, live, work, learn and play. • FYI january 2012 • 11
Event Sponsor
Power to the people Electricity has become an essential part of our everyday lives – whether it’s at home or at work. While we only have to flick the switch to enjoy its benefits, Transpower is charged with the responsibility of keeping the electricity flowing.
ut simply, Transpower is a connector. The state-owned enterprise takes the bulk electricity generated by companies such as Mighty River Power and Genesis Energy and transports it to New Zealand’s cities, towns and some major industrial users. It then connects with electricity distribution companies such as Vector who then package and deliver that electricity to the homes and businesses within those areas. It’s a role that affects almost everybody living and doing business in New Zealand, and it extends to ensuring the security of that power supply 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From the beginning New Zealand’s electricity has been generated largely from renewable sources – hydro and geothermal – as well as coal and gas.
The facts Transpower owns and operates the national power grid, which includes: • 11,812km of high voltage lines • 182 sub and switching stations • 41,450 towers and poles • Its assets are located in 77 regional, district and city council areas.
Transpower became a state-owned enterprise in 1994, but it has been the backbone for the National Grid for about 100 years – essentially since electricity became part of everyday life. Today, much of New Zealand’s hydro electricity supply is generated from lakes and rivers in the South Island, but most of the electricity demand is in the North Island, specifically the Auckland region. Consequently, large amounts of electricity need to be transmitted long distances between the two islands. To do this, Transpower operates an HDVC (high voltage direct current) link from Benmore hydro power station in the South Island to Haywards substation near Wellington. The link crosses Cook Strait using submarine cables, allowing large electricity transfers between the two islands. Part of ensuring the security of the nation’s electricity supply is planning ahead so that the national grid will meet the needs of future generations. Transpower calls on a range of computer programs that simulate how New Zealand’s power system behaves as electricity demand and generation grow. Once a future need is identified, the company must identify the options to resolve it and determine the preferred option, seek approval from the Commerce Commission to recover the cost if it concerns transmission, design the solution and get Resource Management Act approval to build. An example of this in action is the current North Auckland and Northland
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Grid Upgrade (see pages 4 and 5 for more details). The $415m North Auckland and Northland (NAaN) project involves laying a new 220kV underground transmission cable link from Pakuranga to Albany – that’s 37km in all – connecting through the substation at Penrose and two new substations being built at Hobson Street in Auckland Central and Wairau Road. The purpose is to provide two independent routes for electricity to be supplied to Auckland and Northland instead of the current single route. Transpower’s investments and transmission charges are regulated by the Commerce Commission. Alongside its commercial responsibilities, Transpower also has a strong commitment to give back to the communities that live in close proximity to their transmission assets. A number of educational, environmental and staff initiatives have been developed with this in mind including Transpower’s CommunityCare Fund. The CommunityCare Fund was established in 2006 and funds local projects that add value to communities affected by new Transpower works or upgrade plans. They have also developed a number of partnerships with community organisations such as the New Zealand Landcare Trust. Read more about the NAaN project and how it may affect you and your business on pages 4 and 5. Find out more about Transpower and its other projects at
The challenges of leading a supercity Auckland Mayor Len Brown will be speaking to North Harbour Business Association members at the next Business Luncheon event on February 10.
t has been just over a year since the four cities of the Auckland region combined into one “supercity” with one mayor presiding over it all. Former Manukau City mayor Len Brown won that election and has spent that first year grappling with the challenges of running a city that houses a third of the country’s population. Even Len himself didn’t full realise the scope of the job when he stood for election. “I always knew it was going to be huge,” he says, “but until your day is divided into 30-minute blocks of back-to-back meetings, and you’re attending events from Wellsford to Waiuku, Mairangi Bay to Huia and Howick you don’t realise just how big.” The mayor’s office gets hundreds of letters and invitations each week on top of his everyday commitments. Despite that, he has made time in his schedule to address NHBA members at the February Business Luncheon event.3 FYI magazine spoke to Len ahead of the event and he gave us a preview of some of the topics he’ll be addressing, as well as the importance of Business Improvement Districts in the success of Auckland’s and the national economy. What do you feel are the biggest achievements of the new council so far? Keeping rates low, around the rate of inflation, while maintaining the high levels of council services. Council staff worked incredibly hard to find more than $80 million worth of savings and efficiencies in our first year. At the same time we committed to the biggest ever programme of investment in Auckland’s communities. What do you see as the biggest issues facing the council over 2012 and the remainder of their first term? Maintaining fair rate increases while providing the infrastructure needed to unlock Auckland’s potential as the nation’s economic powerhouse. A strong Auckland means both strong local communities within the region and a strong New Zealand.
Len Brown
One of the biggest things holding us back is our congested and fragmented transport system. We must have an integrated, effective system that gives our people options for the way they travel; one that frees up our roads for commercial traffic to flow. It will be a significant investment for Auckland, and we need to have a robust discussion about how we fund that. With our population estimated to hit 2 million by 2030, it is something we cannot keep postponing. What major lessons can you take away from the first year and a bit? Auckland benefits most when we put the petty squabbling and partisan politicking of the old Auckland behind us and focus on a united way forward to make Auckland the best it can be. What part do you see Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) playing in Auckland - and the national - economy? BIDs [such as the one in North Harbour] are a vital tool to reinvigorate and support our local town centres, as well as supporting local economic development, recognising local conditions and economic drivers differ across Auckland. Great cities are built on strong, resilient local communities, and
that includes thriving local economies. The more successful Auckland’s economy is, the greater the contribution we can make to the rest of New Zealand. The North Harbour Business District is one of Auckland’s fastest growing commercial areas and important employment base, with around 1500 businesses and 15,000 employees. You have an active and involved business association with strong links to your Local Board, the council’s economic development arm and New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. It has innovative programmes in place and an excellent awareness of local needs and how that fits with the greater Auckland economy. It is organisations and relationships like this that will see local economies thrive and feed into the productive, high-value economy Auckland must build to be the economic powerhouse New Zealand needs us to be. Anything else you’d like to add? The Auckland Plan, which the council will finalise and adopt this year, our Local Board plans and Economic Development Strategy will work in unison for smarter, more strategic economic and urban growth locally and regionally. Infrastructure development is a major challenge facing Auckland, especially for transport. We need to invest significantly in Auckland’s future, and as a community, we need to discuss the best ways of funding it.
business luncheon
with Len Brown When: Wednesday February 10, 1pm-2.30pm Where: North Shore Golf Club, Appleby Road Cost: Free to NHBA members and associate members (one complimentary ticket per business additional guests $35 each). Email to register. This event is brought to you by: • FYI january 2012 • 13
Business Education
Building a good foundation
The North Harbour Business Association not only looks to develop its member businesses, but also its future business leaders. Former Rangitoto College student Matt Jillings got to experience that firsthand when he won the Bachelor of Business Studies Scholarship.
he programme started in partnership with Rangitoto College, giving six of their School of Business students the chance to be mentored by six NHBA member companies: Actionmail, Linkplas, ZeroDown (Rad9), Roofing Industries, Sealegs International and Speedy Signs. Once that part was completed, one of the six was selected to receive a $15,000 three-year scholarship – funded by the six companies – to study a Bachelor of Business Studies. Matt Jillings was the chosen scholarship recipient and has just completed his first year of study with excellent marks. FYI magazine caught up with him and he heads into year two with five A+ grades and two A- under his belt.
Prime Minister John Key presenting the Bachelor of Business Studies Scholarship to Matt Jillings.
Why did you get involved in the programme to begin with? The main reason I got involved was because I thought it was a great opportunity to gain some first-hand business experience and learn some really good practical skills that you otherwise wouldn’t in a classroom environment. The lure of a potential $15,000 scholarship was definitely another major reason. What have you found the most challenging of the first year? For sure the most challenging aspect of my
first year was just the workload. All of your assignments and tests seem to fall at the exact same time and trying to study for and stay up to date with four papers at once can be quite challenging. It is quite a jump from the workload you have at school and really requires some effort to stay on top of it.
Where do you see your future lying at this stage? I am majoring in both Economics and Finance. I really enjoy the financial side of business and am hoping to start a career in corporate finance. I would also like to get involved in management at some stage.
What has surprised you the most? I would have to say the ost surprising thing for me was how broad the Bachelor of Business Studies degree is. You take eight core papers in your first year before deciding on your majors for the remaining two years. We seem to cover so many different facets of business in your first year, which is great because it exposes you to a broad array of business.
What would your dream job be? That’s a tough question. I would have to say my dream job would be a CFO/CEO position in a really innovative company that is doing something a bit different from the crowd. I would like to be part of a company that has a significant impact and changes the way people use products or go about tasks.
Why do you think the scholarship is a good thing for personal and professional development? On a personal level I feel like having a scholarship has been a great motivator. I am in a position of privilege to receive this opportunity and don’t want to let down anyone who has invested in me both financially and with their time. I want to make sure I make the most of this opportunity and commit myself 100 per cent. I feel like the scholarship definitely helps me to grow on a personal level and apply myself further. It also eliminates some of the stress associated with course fees and student loans which make it easier to focus on your studies. In terms of professional development being the recipient of a scholarship definitely sets you apart from the crowd. It gives you a point of difference and distinguishes you from other university graduates. The fact the scholarship was awarded to me by Prime Minister John Key adds to the prestige and is a further motivator to strive for improvement on a professional level. What advice would you give to others who were interested in being part of a mentor programme? I would say just to go for it. It gives you a chance to get some first-hand business experience that you otherwise wouldn’t get. You really have nothing to lose.
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The Bachelor of Business Studies Scholarship was made possible by the support of these six businesses: Albany North Harbour Business Association would like to extend their vote of thanks to these business owners for their significant contribution. Matt Jillings’ academic excellence is proving a credit to their investment.
business & pleasure
Associate member profile While NHBA membership is open to all businesses in our catchment area, there is also the opportunity for businesses in the surrounding parts of Albany – such as Triton Drive, Constellation Drive and Apollo Drive – to join as Associate Members and take advantage of the benefits on offer. One of the recent additions to this list is ...
Nobody’s Ltd “Nobody’s better for design, branding, websites and online solutions.” It’s a tailor-made tagline and an example of what Stuart Lowbridge’s graphic design business Nobody’s Ltd offers its clients. It’s built on his knowledge that creating a brand involves having a detailed understanding of what that business offers its clients and how it operates. “We do a lot of research,” Stuart says. “We do a full SWOT [strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats] analysis, look at their competitors and really find their unique selling proposition. That’s how we build the story of their brand.” Nobody’s is a brand new business, but it’s built on owner Stuart Lowbridge’s 24 years in the industry, both here and in the UK. He offers a money-back guarantee* so that if you’re not satisfied with how things are going, you get a refund. Plus, at the moment, every fifth “somebody” will get $2000* towards the cost of a website. Find out more at
Here are the latest fantastic wine deals for NHBA members and staff, on offer at Wine and More. Pick & Shovel Central Otago Pinot Noir 2011 The Pick & Shovel Pinot Noir is grown by Dry Gully Vineyard, Alexandra, Central Otago. Vanilla and spicy black currant with wild herbs and red fruit aromatics the palate has a silky elegant flowing mouthfeel with soft intensity and a lifted lingering finish RRP $30 NHBA Wine Club Price $19.99 per bottle Vin Alto Clevedon Merlot Barbera 2006 Introduce the soft plum and current characters of Merlot to the classic Italian Barbera’s intense aromas of fresh red and black berries, then bless them with toasty oak, and you have a marriage made in heaven that will blossom with complex intensity and longevity. The nice balance between fruit and acid makes this a great wine to enjoy with meaty pasta dishes and grilled steak. RRP $25, NHBA Wine Club Price $15 per bottle The Idealist Waipara Valley Pinot Gris 2011 Delicate fruit flavours of fresh pears baked apple and quince. These flavours dominate on the palate, which has an oily texture so typical of quality Pinot Gris. Soft acidity, generous body and lingering hints of tropical fruits. RRP $20, NHBA Wine Club Price $11 per bottle
*Terms and conditions apply. See
Refurbishment of North Harbour Stadium The Function Centre at North Harbour Stadium is undergoing the first proper refurbishment since the Stadium opened in 1997. The North Shore Domain and North Harbour Stadium Trust is investing approximately $300,000 in the ASB Level One refurbishment in order to keep up to date with the required standard of our valued customers as the meetings and convention business continues to grow on the North Shore with the help of the North Harbour Business Association. The refurbishment will be complete by April 2012. For enquiries contact Shannon or Ashleigh on 09 414 0156 or
West Brook Marlborough Barrique Fermented Chardonnay 2010 A barrique fermented style Chardonnay made from fruit grown on the stony plains of Marlborough. Ripe summer nectarine, apple skin, and freshly baked brioche aromas appear on the nose. The palate, with its delicate entry, has fresh presence with stone, citrus blossom and hazelnut notes. Notes of lemon, almonds and vanilla linger over the fine mineral finish. RRP $22, NHBA Wine Club Price $16.90 per bottle Mixed cases are welcome. This offer is exclusive to the NHBA Members and Staff, it is not available online, if you wish to purchase in store you must mention FYI to get these prices or you can phone 4153568 or email with your order. FREE DELIVERY for all NHBA members and staff.
Degustation menu at Wine and More Experience Italian dining at Wine and More’s Degustation Dinner on Saturday March 1. You’ll enjoy a seven-course meal with a glass of wine matched to each course. The dinner will be held at Spuntino Café, Cnr Rosedale Rd & William Pickering Drive. There are only 30 seats at this event, so book your place early! Price: $130.00 pp, seven-course meal including wine Time: 7.15pm for 7.30pm start Book on line or by Ph 4153568 • FYI january 2012 • 15
celebrating success
The place to be Pacrite has been based in the North Harbour area for more than 20 years and has seen a lot of changes in the area. Pacrite was formed more than 25 years ago around a vision to provide high quality plastic packaging. It was a vision supported by expert knowledge and service to a variety of industries, so that businesses can focus on their core activities and strengths. Pacrite create outstanding, functional and completely managed packaging solutions for companies, both small and large. This involves working closely with clients from product development through to ongoing supply management, with expert assistance offered at every stage. You’d be surprised at the range of flexible plastic products and types of industries that Pacrite supplies, from the most technical barrier films, to a basic rubbish bag. Being 100 per cent owner-operated means Pacrite remains flexible and adapts easily to clients’ needs, placing great emphasis on building long-term supply relationships. In fact, many of Pacrite’s clients have been with the business for 10 years or more. General manager Victoria Dickinson says Pacrite aims to make the creation of packaging an exciting and stress-free process. “Our team often receives calls and emails from our clients thanking us for our dedicated service and support, which reassures me that we are still achieving what we set out to do.” Pacrite takes service seriously, offering all clients regardless of size an in-depth consultation with our sales and technical team, design assistance in structure and graphics, as well as complete logistics service when required for larger contracts, including inventory management and distribution. That quality and expertise has attracted the interest of large overseas companies, and Pacrite has also worked closely with them to provide packaging solutions that assist in improving product presentation and entering into new markets, ranging from Tahiti and Samoa to France and the United States. Pacrite works with a diverse range of clients and markets to bring their ideas
to life – from design and advertising agencies to product development managers and procurement managers. The manufacturing processes involved in producing the business’ products mean there often are minimum order quantities attached, however, Pacrite has worked hard to develop stock ranges of products such as vacuum pouches, pallet wrapping films and food wrap, that can be sold by the roll or carton. Having been based in the North Harbour Industrial Area for more than 20 years, a decision was made in 1994 to build within the area. As well as being a new and growing area, lifestyle also played a major part in the choice to build. That it was close to high quality schools, beaches, and open countryside, but also easily accessible and close to all major ports and distribution centres were all factors considered when deciding to build, and it’s a decision Pacrite have never looked back on. Over the years, Pacrite has seen North Harbour develop into a major business hub for Auckland. With roughly 250,000 residents, the North Shore area provides a high standard of employees, who prefer the local commute. Victoria says the calibre and scope of companies based in the North Harbour area leads to many business opportunities, whether they come through networks, local business functions and business associations. “It is an exciting place to be positioned. Looking back to when Pacrite’s new building was built in 1994, it really puts into perspective how the area has developed, and it is not over yet. When you compare the North Harbour Industrial Area with others, it is still to this day a very attractive estate and location.”
Thank you to our Gold Sponsors for 2012
Pacrite Industries Ltd 220 Bush Road, Albany (09) 415 6800
Contact us PO Box 303 126, North Harbour 0752 I Mobile: 021 212 4942 I Phone: (09) 968 2222 Email: I Web: