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from Winter 2020
December 18, 2020 News 4 Donaldson reports district Covid cases
By Hannah Shoffitt Opinion and News Editor
As of Dec. 16, four students and zero staff members at LHS have Covid-19 or are quarantined due to the virus. According to the superintendent, Dr. Robert Donaldson, a total of 10 students and one staff member are infected in the Lewiston School District at this time. Since the beginning of the school year, 137 students have returned from quarantine, as well as 90 staff members. The district total for Covid cases since the school year began is 147 students and 91 staff. Donaldson holds the power to change the school’s to different phases based on Covid numbers. In a recent email, he said the superintendent is allowed to “rapidly exercise judgment and discretion to implement requirements and protocols based on current trends of the virus within the District.”
School district Covid counts
These numbers break down district-wide Covid-19 cases by school and staff, showing the new, active and returned cases. Source: Lewiston School District
Winter sports face a new challenge

By Braitton Beckstead Sports Editor
The winter sports season has already begun, but as expected in this novel year, what plays out is a little out of the ordinary. This year fans will not be allowed to attend games. Instead, a total of 10 spectators at varsity-level home contests are allowed. This includes varsity boys and girls basketball, as well as wrestling. Each varsity player will be allowed one spectator. A list of attendees will be provided to the coach and made available to the athletic director no later than noon on game days. There will be no gate fee for home game attendees. Mask-wearing is madatory while entering, exiting and while at these athletic events. Social distancing is encouraged as well as sportsmanship for those in the audience. After the games, spectators will exit the contest location immediately. For those who aren’t invited, streaming the games will be an option. If a fan would like to stream the boys’ and girls’ basketball games, they may purchase a subscription at NFHSnetwork.com. Viewers can look up Lewiston High School in Idaho to get started. Prices start at $69.99 for a year’s subscription and $10.99 per month. A pass grants access to live sporting events for the regular season and post-season. It also grants mmediate access to events when they are available on demand while provides support for participating school programs.