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Tiger King. A Netflix series featur
from Winter 2020
School gives to food bank
By Emily Gibson High School steps up and donates what we News Assistant can to those struggling this year. Lewiston High School’s annual food drive room and in the front of the school for stustarted Dec. 7, and ended right before Christ- dent donations of non-perishable items mas break on Thursday, Dec. 17. such as food, socks, and blankets. As teach Last year, the Lewiston School District’s ers competed against each other in the food students, teachers and families raised over drive, they each had assigned boxes for do1,500 pounds of food for the local branch of nations. Teacher competitions included Julie the Idaho Food Bank. William Autrey at LHS Burke and Jessica Shawley against Brendan said they hope to raise even more than last Burns and Shawn Nilsson for Dec. 7-11. Jeff year to support the community. Karlin and Kevin Driskill competed against As times become harder for many commu- John Schaper and Jolynn Hobson Dec. 14-17. nity members, it’s important that Lewiston Boxes were available near each LHS class-
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“Aunt Liz” works inside of the choice pantry, an added service of the Food Bank in 2017. Photo courtesy of idahofoodbank.org NHS hosts blanket drive

Gordon Bisso, Junior: “To become a better snowboarder.”
Kelly Ayres, Junior: “To take more classes that I’ve wanted to take.”
The LHS National Honors Society hosted a blanket drive Dec. 8. The members began work right after school in Jamie Bakker’s classroom and continued until 5 p.m. The NHS members donated fleece fabric, time and money to make this possible. After the students finished creating their blankets, they donated them to the maternity ward at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston. Photo by Annika Lifvenborg.
Robert Bayless, Junior: “To work out more and on a fixed schedule.”