bengĂź aras Industrial Design Portfolio
Hello! In my opinion in design, the simplicity and aesthetics is at the forefront. I think good design is the meeting point between the right materials,minimal aesthetics and soft colors. I am interested in natural and timeless lifestyle designs that offer simple solutions.
born in Turkey and graduated from product design. I predominantly work on kids furnishing and tableware design. I also experienced in concept development, teamwork and trend research.
Research, Analysis, Opportunities
Project Manager : Pınar Govsa
DESCRIPTION It’s about market overview; competitors, socioculturel trends, emergent digital/nomadic lifestyles, technological developments, design trends and special challenges.
Socio Cultural Trend
Raw Living It is the time to take a stand and choose what kind of future we want to live. Since we are surrounded by flawless, unnatural living within this fast growing technology pace, we want to be reminded by “natural“ approaches brands started to take in action. People want to be more “raw” in every way possible.
ChromaYoga™ is a new approach to yoga combining light and colour therapy techniques.
PepsiCo has designed Drinkfinity Vessel, accompanied by six flavour capsules. The low-calorie pods are designed to be mixed with cold water.
Proven, is using artificial intelligence to determine the best skincare routines for people based on their skin type and needs. ai-skincare-routine-beauty-proven-y-combinator
Habit App offers at-home blood tests to help individuals down the right path for their nutritional needs.
Nutrigene ships personalized based on cutomers health data.
Amid growing consumer demand for transparency in food, designers are approaching visual communication in new ways and challenging traditional notions of authenticity.
Bamboo is a tin can concept for cold beverage by Marcel Sheishenov Bamboo-juice
h t t p s : //w w w. l s n g l o b a l . c o m /d e s i g n - d i r e c t i o n s /a r t i c l e / 2 17 3 4 /f u t u r e foodscapes
iEatClean is an app to help planning weekly meals, shop to a budget and eat clean.
A new health buzzword to the masses: raw water, or water that hasn’t been treated, filtered or processed in any way. While the beverage isn’t widespread yet, a number of untreated water startups have cropped up in states ranging from California to Maine, according to the Times. They’re attracting those with misgivings about tap water treatment processes and additives, as well as people who want to preserve the natural substances found in virgin water. Fresh to frozen food With the rise of plant-based eating, new brands are rethinking frozen food to appeal to more health-conscious consumers.
THE FOOD FIELD The Food Field is a local organic market
Joseph Joseph has launched a tool for cutting, de-stoning and slicing avocados h t t p s : // w w w . d e z e e n . c o m / 2 0 1 8 / 0 1 / 0 5 / j o s e p h - j o s e p h goavocado-tool-help-prevent-avocado-hand-injuries/
Nourish Baby is a healthy baby food subscription service.
Socio Cultural Trend
Female Focus The future is Female. As a pillar of family, community and society, feminism has influenced all kinds of sectors. There has been an attention to women who have been particularly successful in business, academia and other traditionally male-dominated fields. Women marches as inspiration in fashion catwalks.
Tampliner is designed to overcome the “inadequacy of period products�
In response to online make-up shaming, beauty brands are redefining what it means to wear make-up. the-make-up-movement
Everlane created simple, natural underwear that women can feel confident and comfortable in. In line with Bare-It-All Branding, there is a shift away from the traditionally idealised approach to underwear advertising towards more honest campaign imagery.
Socio Cultural Trend
Insta Influenced Instagram is one of the core apps Gen Z is living upon thus influencing every thing in our lives from how we dress, to how we pose, how restaurants design their interiors to how we advertise.
The Egg House is New York’s latest pop-up, with installations that imagine the home of a fictional egg character called Ellis.
Computer-generated models are undergoing a transformation from niche branded avatars to relatable and inspiring influencers. Leading this movement is Lil Miquela ht tps: //w w w. jw 8/03/vir tual influencers/
“If I said I designed Supermoon Bakehouse without Instagram in mind, people would look around and say I’m a liar,” Aron Tzimas, designer and co-owner.
The silhouette for adidas’s new Deerupt style has been designed to mimic the pose favoured by sneakerclad Instagrammers.
Gentle Monster is a sunglasses store, setting a new benchmarks for retail experience.
Nordstrom Local, is a ‘service-focused concept store’ designed to bridge the gap between online shopping and in-person stylist advice. Source: article/22055/need-to-know-20-02-18
The most Instagrammed project of Salone del Mobile, designer Marc Ange’s ‘Le Refuge’ h t t p s : //w w w.w a l l p a p e r. c o m /d e s i g n /m a r c- a n g e s - l e - r e f u g e - a t- w a l l p a p e rhandmade-salone-del-mobile
The museum of ice cream, LA Media Noche Restaurant was an immediate social media magnet h t t p s : // w w w . t h e v e r g e . c o m / 2 0 1 7/ 7/ 2 0 / 1 6 0 0 0 5 5 2 / instagram - restaurant- interiord e s ig n - p h oto - f ri e n d ly- m e d i a noche
Socio Cultural Trend
Elastic Generation
The old 80 is the new 40s. Older generations are now live, shop, behave according to how they feel. It is time for brands to take the consumer age out of equation.
The new power consumer in Britain today is female and over 50. Alex Bruni for JD Williams, photographed by Wendy Carrig
Introducing Deshun Wang a 80-year-old model
86% BELIEVE STYLE IS NOT DEFINED BY AGE Lyn Slater aka campaign 2017
At the Versace Spring/Summer 2018 show in Milan, there were the “original supermodels,� Naomi, Christy, Cindy, Helena and Claudia, all in their late forties and early fifties, triumphantly closed the show and stole the runway
Nora Harper, photographed by Annie Lai
Socio Cultural Trend
Pink as a New Hue
It seems like in parallel of the boom of feminism, Pink and pinkish hues have been a dominating trend whether it’s in architecture, product design or packaging. More than a feminine color, it is more perceived as a nature inspired tone which fits perfectly in interior design studies.
Museum of Ice Cream, Miami. ht t ps ://w w w.wa llpa yle/t h e - best- ice - crea m parlous-around-the-world-for-design-lovers-2018
Sofisofi’s Bathroom
Over the past two years, pink has dramatically grown in importance as a key colour for homeware.
h t t p s : //s o f i s o f i . co/2 0 1 8/0 1 / 1 9/ penjelasan-atribut-toilet/
Bonnie & Clyde Gin h t t p : // w w w. t h e d i e l i n e . c o m / b l o g / 2 0 1 7/ 2 / 2 0/ bonnie-and-clyde-gin
London-based designer Phil Cuttance has expanded his range of handmade chevron-textured objects to include a tray, a vase, and a pen pot. h t t p s : //w w w. d eze e n . co m /2 017/ 1 2 / 1 2 /p h i l - c u t t a n ce - ex t e n d s - h i s collection-of-jesmonite-herringbone-objects/
Chengdu cafe features interiors inspired by Wes Anderson’s The Grand Budapest Hotel h t t p s : // w w w. d e z e e n . c o m / 2 0 1 7/ 1 2 / 1 6 /c h e n g d u - c a f e features-interiors-inspired-wes-anderson-grand-budapesthotel-biasol/
Design studio Pattern designed the first flagship of The Daily Edited located in Melbourne. Creating a place up to the principle of personalization: sophisticated and unique. Let yourself be invaded by its shades of pink...
CLINIQUE X CRAYOLA Designed to replicate the iconic crayon design of Crayola, these tinted lip balms will put anyone in back to school mood. ht t p://w w w.t h edielin blog/201 8/2 /2 6/ b ra n d collaborations-hit-overdrive
Vitrina Small Sideboard by Case Furniture h t t p s : // w w w. a r c h i t o n i c . c o m /e n /p r o d u c t /c a s e - f u r n i t u r e - v i t r i n a - s m a l l sideboard/1294939
Celine, Summer 2018
Fluffy Monochrome Textures
Misty Glass Lighting and glassware have frosted and misty colouration
Wood and Sophisticated Matte Finishes
Pinkish hues Terrazzo
Woman Accessories and Clothes Design
PHILOSOPHY Behind every collection is a story, a unique journey and a strong inspiration. Every collection shows up by supporting local talents and partnership. The brand has a contemporary style with ethnic wear and bohominimal influences. Flowing and organic fabrics eye-catching embroidery and tassels are the iconic details of this brand.
Organic forms are handmade and silver. Natural yarns are used. SOPH EARRINGS
The traditional embroideries are iconic details of souk collection. This collection is inspired by the Turkish souks.
Tableware Design
DESIGN DESCRIPTION A Turkish design collective More Mood Design team decided to change the rules about home products, using different and more innovative materials. And we collection.
Rendezvous , 2016
Milan Design Week , 2016
More Mood Launch , Milan 2016
Vanity Fair magazine, 2016
Archive Galata, İstanbul
Cırtlakpupem Coffe Design Shop, İzmir
More Mood Branding Design
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
Kids Accessories Design
LIL’TENT Your children love to play under a table or in small spaces. The tent was designed to make the house feel like children in their own little houses.
Luna Brand Bible 2018
Stand, Display, Showcase Design
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
Lil’Gaea, Showroom Window Design , İstanbul
Milan Design Week, Display Design 2018
MaisonetObjet, Stand Design, 2017
LilGea Ä°stanbul, Showroom Design, 2018
CiffKids Copenhag, Stand Design, 2017
FALL WINTER 18/19 CIFF KIDS As Northern Europe’s most progressive kids fashion and lifestyle fair, CIFF KIDS is forging the best universe for around 300 brands. CIFF KIDS takes place in it own inspirational universe at Forum Copenhagen in the centre of Copehagen.
MAISON&OBJET PARIS STAND DESIGN Maison&Objet is the international authority for home decor, interior design, architecture and lifestyle culture and trends through its shows, events and its digital platform.
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
Furniture Design
DESIGN DESCRIPTION ABC wardrobe has a happy set of letters on the front. This 2 door wardrobe has more than enough storage space for a baby and a perfect size for a kid to use while he gets older.
MATERIALS USED Plywood Eco MDF Water based paint
Furniture Design
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
DESIGN DESCRIPTION It makes it easy to deal with dirty cloths. Thanks to the magnet system that fixes the furniture, the baby will be safe. Dismantling will be arranged thanks to the retractable replacement pad and extra storage bag.
MATERIALS USED Plywood Eco MDF Water based paint
WALL MOUNTABLE changing unit part
Opening-closing mechanism designed by Lilgaea engineers
Kids Accessories Design
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
DESIGN DESCRIPTION The stylish, functional and soft color designed Baby gym that is made of wood is designed as a beautiful arc that encircles the child and makes playtime on the floor a real joy - both for the child and the parents.
The Baby gym creates a safe atmosphere around the baby and the enticing toys help developing the child’s grasping skills and hand-eye coordination. In the first year, babies learn to focus their vision and reach out. Playing at this stage is about exploring and learning about the things that surround them.
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
Interior Design
Furniture Assembly Instructions
Professional Projects - Lil’Gaea
DESCRIPTION I prepare production assembly drawings of furniture 3D models with SolidWorks program.
I created the installation catalog so that the customer’s product can be installed easily.
Graduation Projects - Lil’Gaea
Furniture Design
Swing Chair
DESIGN DESCRIPTION Swing Chair is a light and fun high chair that is portable and storable in case of a need and in coherence with dining tables for parents, who feed their babies/toddlers in more than one places. It enables babies/toddlers to sit at the table with other family members and helps them get used to the culture of dining together. It encourages them to eat by themselves and socialize. It is convenient for 6-36 month-olds. The foot parts and the bearing surface is made of birch plywood and the seating surface is made out of silk etamine. It helps the baby/toddler to sit safely and ensures having fun with comfort and a feeling of slight swinging. Due to its folding mechanism, the space that is needed for storage is minimized and parents, who want to maintain their babies’/toddlers’ comfort wherever they go, are given the opportunity to carry this high chair anywhere, even to their trips.
MATERIALS USED birch plywood flexible plywood metal
1. compression screw is loosened 2. leg scissors are pushed upward
3. coerciv folding down 4. foot tray folding upward
Folding system is provided with a secret scissors
onomic encircling design with a curved back support
Removable and washable fabric
Compression screws are designed according to ergonomic hand
Utility model is taken for this project.
Good Design Ä°zmir , 2016
Experimental Workshop
Third Year Project
MANIFEST The biggest environmental issue facing people is the huge garbage outbreaks . It determines that we are consuming our lives now. We produce waste continuously and our lives are turning into potential dumps! MATERIALS USED straw
DESIGN DESCRIPTION These are products designed for “Cop(m)adam” - a social entrepreneurship project in Ayvalık, which focuses on women empowerment and recycle issues. Straws are chosen for this project, which are plastic, because as we all know, it is a material that stays insoluble in nature for hundreds of years. Those straws are gathered by nearby coffee and fast-food chains who throw away immense numbers of trash everyday. Harman ve çekirdek (“Blend and core”) is a bag made from Starbucks straws, adapted to the urban lifestyle of Ayvalık, which is optimised for everyday practical use. Bags are manufactures by sewing the straws, which are meshed by creating small repetitive cells, using cutting and bending techniques.
MATERIALS USED straw pvc canvas sack
Lighting Design
Third Year Projects
S ızıntı is a lightning unit design for a concept fashion boutique, which possesses minimalist taste and contains of pastel coloured product groups , and whose customers are sophisticated women who are always modern , simple and chic , despite of the chaos of the ever yday cit y-life.
MATERIALS USED copper profile 5 mm plywood 15 mm
The aim of the lighting to be designed for this space is to create bright, clean and comfor table shopping and lighting environment for the customers , to make them stay longer, to feel comfor table and happy, to reveal the color effects of the clothes and to draw at tention to the product.
Urban Furniture Design
Third Year Projects
DESIGN DESCRIPTION Rejenere Park is a street furniture family consisted of products which completes each other. It serves to the usage and comfort of anyone in public places and parks. It is designed for users to feel themselves comfortable and relaxed in the very space and at the same time, fulfil the usage space efficient and active. This product family consists of 6 elements: Backless bench, an extra large lightning unit, a small lightning unit and separator, trash bin, big and small sized flowerpots, and a bicycle parking-seating element integrated to the electric trafo.
MATERIALS USED concrete composite wood
INSPIRATION The design was inspired by oval geometric forms and the diagonal cutting experiments and basic lines of these forms were determined.
wood and steel construction
Bike Parking and Bench used concrete material for weatherproof and shockproof
used warm material for contact surface (wood)
Road Seperator
hook for holding rubbish bag
t wo sided lighting gaps
Thank you for your time