2 minute read
Wednesday 7 June 2023
18.00 (in person event)
Legal Women is delighted to be working with The Law Society of Northern Ireland to hold this event. you can find out more and book for free here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/legalwomen-in-northern-ireland-tickets-634985256997
Many thanks also to Caldwell & Robinson and Donaghey & Chance Ltd for its support of the event.
Manchester/ online:
International Women’s Day
LW celebrated International Women’s Day with Hill Dickinson in Manchester by holding an online discussion on the UN theme #EmbraceEquity. The recording is on the website and can be accessed here - International Women's Day #EmbraceEquity | Hill Dickinson
The session was chaired by Coral Hill. All three speakers are outstanding champions of diversity and inclusion:
- Jane Eme-Power (FCIPD)
HR Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores University (26)
Jane Eme-Power (FCIPD) | LinkedIn
- Jonathan Andrews associate at Reed Smith. (26)
Jonathan Andrews MUniv | LinkedIn
- Lesley Wan General Counsel at FBN Bank (UK) Limited (26)
Lesley Wan | LinkedIn
The panel reflected on #EmbraceEquity, highlighting the difference between equality and equity, the importance of male allies and how to embed a culture that embraces equity in the workplace. ■
Jane Eme-Power
Coral Hill
Jonathan Andrews
Lesley Wan