2 minute read

[New] 5 minutes with 5 minutes with... Giselle Monbiot

Q1-Who are you?

I am Giselle Monbiot. I am an Integrative Therapist, Wellbeing Lecturer and Specialist

Q2-What’s your business all about?

My business is a combination of 1 to 1 therapy, wellbeing teaching within the community and running bespoke programmes for organisations who want to improve the health of their employees and the organisation as a whole. The therapy sessions are to guide and support my clients to overcome negative belief patterns and heal open trauma wounds that are causing emotional pain, dysfunction or stuckness somewhere in their life. The group courses and programmes are a way to empower the attendees to understand themselves and find ways to live happier and more fulfilling lives. The connection and safety the groups create together is always a delight to be a part of. When we are struggling we can believe that we are broken or have limited choice to create more fulfilled existence. My role is to show people they are not broken. And there is always a way through with the right support, awareness and tools.

Q3-Three words to describe yourself?

Enthusiastic, Intuitive and passionate

Q4-Ideal customer?

Whether I am working 1 to 1, or running groups, the ideal person is always those that fully engage and are not passive with the process. The more engaged my clients are the more they get out of the time spent with me. This means that they continue the work outside of the sessions, are honest to me about the reality of what they are experiencing, and they treat themselves with self-compassion. The recognition that the healing comes from within them creates a deeper sense of resilience, purpose and liberation from what is keeping hold of them. All of these traits might need some nurturing to become fully present, so patience and faith in the process is always beneficial.

Q5-Biggest achievement?

I don’t have one achievement that comes to mind. For me, whenever anyone reports that their lives have improved by working with me, that to me is the biggest achievement I could ever want. To be part of their journey of emotional healing and reconnecting to life with curiosity and engagement gives me the greatest personal satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

Q6-Biggest gripe?

Not enough hours in the day!

Q7-Your inspiration?

I have many inspirations, but the person currently having the biggest inspiration on myself and my work is Dr Gabor Mate. His insights to the origins of our emotional pain and disconnect and how we reconnect to ourselves can be life changing. He is so honest about his own struggles with life but remains present and engaged with everyone he works with.

Q8-Philosophy in business?

In my line of work, I need to be consistently present with everyone I work with to ensure they feel safe, seen and held. I give a full 100% to everyone I work with and everything I develop. Because along with supporting people with their emotional healing comes a huge responsibility to ensure everyone feels they matter, they’re worthy and they know I believe in their capacity to heal.

Q9-Sporting hero?

Alex Honnald - his pure determination to achieve his climbing goals is something else. He is constantly mastering his craft, focussed on what he needs to do but listens to his body’s signals about whether to push forward or to recognise he has reached his limit. For more information visit: www.gisellemonbiot.com

Q10-Biggest tip for success?

To be successful you must be consistent in what you are doing. The word success has so many different connotations, depending on who you are talking to and how they measure success. For me, achieving success is being consistent whilst focusing on internal motivations such as purpose, what is important to me and how I make a difference to everyone I work with. So become connected to what your internal motivations are to ensure this brings the greatest personal satisfaction as well as energy to navigate through the ups and downs. And selfcare is a priority - give yourself time, every day, to have presence with yourself. Whether through meditation, journaling or breath work, this enables your nervous system to reset, reduce stress and burnout.

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