1 minute read

The River Thames Schemewhat it means for local businesses

Focused on an area between Egham and Teddington, the River Thames Scheme (RTS) will reduce the risk of flooding to thousands of homes, businesses and vital infrastructure

A collaboration between the Environment Agency and Surrey County Council, the scheme will create a new flood channel, built in two sections, plus green open spaces for recreation, wildlife habitats and sustainable travel routes.

By reducing flood risk the RTS aims to increase businesses' resilience and long-term viability; safeguarding physical assets, helping to ensure business continuity, and securing key infrastructure. Opportunities will also be available during construction.

There is more information for businesses and business groups on the RTSBusinessEngagement section of the RTS website.

NCIL is one of a number of funding streams available to community organisations. Information about other smaller grant programmes can be found on the Kingston Council website.

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