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Think Green

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The Royal Borough of Kingston

Chamber of Commerce

Businesses have gone through various challenges during the last three years and one thing that has become clear to them is that they need to change. They need to take advantage of new business opportunities and adapt to new circumstances, including increased costs and a shortage of resources. Therefore, saving resources, such as energy and raw materials, and reducing the running costs of their business, while at the same time benefitting society and/or the environment, has become paramount.

Kingston Council, in partnership with Kingston Chamber of Commerce, has invited all businesses in and around the borough, to join our new THINK GREEN webinars. These are bite size programmes to help businesses understand growth opportunities in the green economy, building on the feedback and success of the Green Transition Roundtable discussions back in May 2021.

Led by a panel of business owners and specialists, they will share their specialism and practical experience. THINK GREEN is open to SMEs, start-ups and students who want to learn or take the lead on green business growth and it is free to attend.

The webinars have looked at Green Groceries, Net Zero Hero and Decarbonising Transport and the May edition reviewed businesses who have achieved a Green Mark Certificate. Forbes Low, CEO of Kingston Chamber of Commerce, says “It has been my real pleasure to be the facilitator on these THINK GREEN webinars. I have learnt so much from the guests and they have opened my eyes to the ways I can change my own personal behaviour and start behaving in more sustainable ways. It isn’t about the big gestures, it is all the small steps that can make an economical and greener dfference. The guests really have been inspiring.”

Keep an eye out for these informative webinars on the Kingston Chamber and Kingston Council communications and website.

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