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The Big Interview

ask the expert What are the business benefits

of hosting a corporate awayday or staff teambuilding event?

By Donna Winning, founder of Donna Winning Events

The benefits of holding team events are huge! The last two years have been tough on everybody: working from home, juggling childcare and home schooling, sharing limited Wi-Fi whilst on a Zoom call when the doorbell rings. The only positives have been living in pyjamas and choosing a virtual background for conference calls! During this time, your employees are likely to have been stressed and tired after a long time of working hard under pressure. Teambuilding activities and awaydays are one way to get your staff working together and realise their potential.

Lots of businesses overlook team bonding exercises either because of the expense or the time it takes to organise and attend them. However, the most successful companies take full advantage of it and reap the long-term rewards. These events improve communication, morale and mental and physical health. They increase productivity, motivation and confidence levels. They encourage creativity and build trust and respect throughout the team.

By appreciating your staff and encouraging the development of skills and collaboration, any business is going to prosper. Events are also lots of fun!

As you can see, teambuilding activities are not just for a jolly day out of the office – they’re an essential part of the business and a brilliant way to get your staff motivated. Don’t let their efforts go unnoticed; instead, reward them with an incentive. It may not be a beach retreat but a day out locally to forget work for the day will do wonders for them and your organisation.

Donna Winning Events organises a variety of events including festivals, concerts, conferences, conventions, weddings, formal parties, intimate gatherings and celebrations. We plan bespoke events and focus on exceeding expectations. We take pride in providing excellent one-to-one customer service, doing the little things that go above and beyond.

I started Donna Winning Events after ten years of working in the events industry because I’m passionate about what I do. I get the opportunity to meet some wonderful people across the world and share their stories. I love the uniqueness of each client’s ideas and having the ability to make them come to life. All of our clients and events inspire me but the ones I appreciate most are the ones that test our abilities and allow us to grow.

Corporate events don’t always need to have cocktail tables and your name in lights. We can help you to leave a lasting impression on your guests. Whether it’s planning an incentive retreat, gala dinner, or Christmas party, we’ll think outside the box and suggest ideas that are personable yet professional and tailored to your brand’s image. When working with us, you’ll have the best venues and vendors. Our team will handle the event logistics, supplier sourcing and onsite management, leaving you to focus on engaging with your guests.

The pandemic has already massively changed the way we look and run events; there was no choice but to evolve with technology and run virtual events during the last couple of years. Already this year we’ve seen a huge increase in events and event budgets, where people just want to get together and have a good time with friends, family, employees and clients. This year is the busiest year for events in 40 years!

Our clients are celebrating occasions they wouldn’t have done usually, just because they now can. The last two years have taught us that we need to be on the ball more than ever and always have a plan B. It’s crucial to know your identity as a business and that it’s okay to say no. We specialise in live, in-person events because it’s what we enjoy most. As a business, you don’t need to be the best at everything; just specialise in what you’re good at.

‘Make Something Extraordinary’

07715 570967 | www.Donnawinningevents.com @donnawinningevents | contact@donnawinningevents.com

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