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Events 2020/21
Booking is essential for all events due to restrictions of space
TBC – September Enforcing judgments post-Brexit
Join us for what promises to be an engaging and topical panel discussion considering how English (and Welsh) judgments can be enforced in the EU and how EU judgments are set to be enforced in England & Wales following the end of the Brexit transition period in December 2020. This will be hosted via Zoom with more details to follow in due course.
TBC – October WHLS NQ Award – Rising Star 2020
The Society’s annual award for newly qualified solicitors celebrates the inspirational achievements and hard work of trainee solicitors who have qualified 2020. Details of how to apply can be found in this edition. We hope that you can join us for a virtual presentation in advance of our in-person ceremony which we hope to hold in early 2021.
Tuesday 13 October, 18.00 Annual General Meeting
Our AGM will be held at 6pm via Zoom. At the meeting the President will present her annual report and new Officers will be elected. Please watch this space for further details of how to attend virtually.
TBC – January 2021 The Gamlin Prize Award & President’s New Year’s Drinks
The Society’s Gamlin Prize is awarded each year and is coupled with our in-coming President’s New Year’s celebration. Details of this event will follow in due course.
TBC – March 2021 WHLS Annual Dinner
Continuing the tradition of our Annual Dinner, the Society looks forward to welcoming members and guests to what we hope will be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues after a long (and possibly socially distant!) winter. Details will follow in due course.
Additional events are under discussion. If you have suggestions or would like to host an event, please contact the committee at cwhlawsoc@gmail.com.
The website calendar also shows our events www.cwhls.org.uk.
All our events are run in line with current Government advice and we will notify our members of any updates.