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Buildings: Presentation Summaries


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Creating a Sustainable Peabody

Richard set out the strategic planks of the sustainability plan being deployed across Peabody’s entire portfolio. Their strategy includes improving Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), moving to electric vehicle fleets, trialling renewable energy options including creating energy from waste and increasing biodiversity amongst many other initiatives. Peabody’s aim is to establish a truly sustainable business by enhancing stakeholder engagement, raising awareness through training, and implementing policy changes within the organisation.

Richard Ellis Director of Sustainability, Peabody

Richard leads Peabody’s transition to net zero carbon by 2050 and published their refreshed Environmental Sustainability strategy in 2023. Richard is currently working on heat networks, renewable technology and reducing Peabody’s carbon impact in its operations and in new and existing homes. Richard is passionate about social housing, sustainable places, customer service and making sure that the homes that we live in are safe, secure, and fit for the future.


‘Get The Gas Out’ - Decarbonisation Projects

Adele and Noel shared progress to date with their strategic 10-year plan to create sustainable campuses on their journey to net zero, by improving the efficiency of heating and cooling systems, refurbishing existing buildings and reusing existing materials. Their presentation outlined in detail their approach to getting the gas out of the University estate, and the lessons they have learnt on their journey so far.

Adele Brooks Associate Director of Capital Projects, University of Greenwich

A specialist in Listed Buildings and World Heritage site projects, Adele works in the commercial and client sectors, leading and developing strategic options to tackle challenges faced in the built environment. From inception to completion in regeneration and new build projects, Adele has created and delivered organisational strategic masterplans, team structures, and processes and procedures with a focus on corporate culture and leadership.


Noel McSweeney Building Services Manager, University of Greenwich

Noel is a qualified Mechanical and Electrical engineer who supports the University of Greenwich on the strategy and development of its mechanical and electrical services, and the decarbonisation of its estate to meet net zero carbon emissions targets by 2030.The strategy outlines the need to reduce heating loads, and offset increases in utility spends with the installation of smart technology solutions.

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